contents - Alresford Golf Club
contents - Alresford Golf Club
eBulletin – July 2015 contents 2 3 4/5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I hope you all enjoyed the 125th celebra0ons, we had the pleasure of playing a round (or least 17 holes!) on the Saturday a!ernoon of the Gala Ball. I must say it is quite remarkable in places how the appearance of the course has changed in the four years since we moved. We had a good 0me and all the prepara0ons for the Ball certainly looked as though a good 0me was going to be had by all and judging from the following reports that proved to be true. If you have an anecdote you would like to share, an item of interest, photograph or a sugges0on for inclusion in the eBulle0n please submit by email at Club Captain Captain contd./Ace’s Ladies’ Captain Ladies’ results/Social Scene Vets’ Captain/Rule Mike Gould Greens Greens contd. Shorts/Skorts compulsory Match Secretary Secretary Secretary contd./100 Club A Golfing Ode Here's a Special Day wish for a golf nut like you, It's a wish that you'll split every fairway in two. And all of your shots will be perfectly struck, So you won't need to pray for incredible luck. May you never see bunkers or land in the drink, And may those long pu1s all be ones that you'll sink. With lots of birdies and eagles, the odd hole-in-one, So that you're on course for a great day of fun! Getting in touch: DISCLAIMER The Editorial Team takes no responsibility for incorrect informa6on received from Contributors. Editor As announced at the AGM, shorts or skorts are compulsory on the course from May to September 2015. £1 in the Captains’ Charity gives an individual exemption for the year. Happy golfing Alresford Golf Club Cheriton Road, Tichborne Down, Alresford, Hampshire SO24 0PN email: Secretary: David Maskery Professional: Malcolm Scott eBulletin editor: Mike Gould Tel: 01962 733746 Tel: 01962 733998 email: from the Club Captain 2 Terry Glynn Club Captain And I thought last month was busy! … The month started with the Captains’ Charity Day which was designed to be a fun day for everyone whilst raising money for Ian Voak and Headway. I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as Carol and I did watching the ou5its, the laughter and the strategies unfold. Les and Andrew looked very fetching in their skirts raising a good sum in sponsorship towards the day. I deliberately placed the black flag on the 18th immediately below the terrace to generate a finishing hole spectacle. It was also a nearly impossible hole posi6on. Bags of oooohs, aaaahs and laughter accompanied each a7empted pu7 at it. In the end it was purchasing strategy which won the day. A phone call from the 18th tee purchased 3 addi6onal jokers doubling that team’s score on the final hole. That was the deciding factor. Mandy Overton, Gill Freemantle, Josh Evans and Simon Freemantle took the winners’ prize with a score of 24 points on the last hole. A total of £1,455 was raised for the charity; thank you all for your contribu6ons. Par6cular thanks to Les and Andrew for agreeing to cross dress on the day to raise addi6onal money. There were one or two worrying comments later in the evening about how good they looked in their skirts! And there we were hurtling into the 125th Celebra6on week … what a superb week. The magnificent number of 132 played in the 125 Invita6on with 33 pairs from other clubs a7ending, 10 of which were from clubs also celebra6ng their 125th. I believe this to be the biggest single golf event held at the club, certainly since I have been a member. Everyone seemed to have a very enjoyable day. The social highlight of the week was the Summer Ball. A total of 150 ate, drank, danced, gambled, raced and shot the night away on an evening which seemed to fly by. The marquee and the clubhouse looked stunning, the food was good, the band was superb and everyone appeared to throw themselves into all the various entertainments as well as the dancing. I challenged Debbie Wills to “walk the wall” late in the evening; amazingly she managed it, with a li7le help! What a night. A very special thanks to Linda Glynn and Gill Freemantle who masterminded the event which, as Malcolm said to me on the evening, was the biggest event held at the club in the 6me he has been there. Most of all, thanks to everyone who helped, played and supported the events throughout the week making it such a memorable celebra6on of our 125th Anniversary. The Hampshire 7s team got a tough draw in their second round, away at Blackmoor. Despite figh6ng hard they were unable to beat them on their own course. 3 The Kindred Trophy team managed to get a home draw against Salisbury & South Wilts. Some very 6ght games saw AGC win through to the quarter finals with a 4–1 victory. I was invited to play in the Past Captains’ Salver. Seventeen Past Captains took part with Brian Young winning the salver for the 4th 6me. The last weekend in June is always Championship weekend. No calami6es with the weather this year, the Ladies got through their 36 holes on Saturday in hot, fast condi6ons, Kelly Travers retaining the trophy. On the Sunday, overnight rain and another hour of rain during the morning round slowed the greens down a li7le. A 6ght finish in the last two groups ended with two players 6ed on a gross score of 151. So Robin Irving was set for a play off for the second year running, this 6me against Jack Aus6n. The first two play off holes were halved in par but on the 18th green the second 6me Jack sunk a 20 foot pu7 for birdie to clinch the trophy. Well played to both of them and congratula6ons to Jack. Chris6an Bo7omley won the John Holmes trophy with a net 136. The other, possibly unique, event that weekend was that Gill Pra7 holed her tee shot on the 2nd for a holein-one and Chris White did the same the next day on the 10th. Well played to both of them. I have been trying to confirm whether any other club has seen a hole-in-one in both the ladies and the men’s championships in the same year. So far, on the Golf Monthly forum, no-one has claimed to have matched it. We have played two men’s matches this month, losing to both Weybrook Park and Hampshire Police, and a mixed match at Basingstoke which we halved. Lastly, on July 16th four golfers will be playing a sponsored 72 holes in aid of Headway. They will be wearing conspicuous shirts so that they are easily iden6fiable. Please call them through as soon as they appear behind you so they can complete the challenge. All sponsorship for this challenge is being raised from outside the club and Barclaycard will be suppor6ng them, match funding everything they raise. There is no pressure for members to contribute but, if you would like to, a collec6on bucket will be situated around the entrance to the clubhouse. Remember, any contribu6on will be doubled by Barclaycard and all funds raised will go towards the Captains’ Charity. I am looking forward to a quieter month in July, only playing five days a week and ge8ng the odd lie in un6l 7am! FACEBOOK – check out our new Facebook page h1ps:// alresfordgolfclub Make sure you “like” our Facebook page and you will link to it and get the regular pictures and updates on what’s happening! Ace’s Corner The following Club members have achieved an “Ace” during the last month: Gill Pla1 in the Ladies’ Championship on the 2nd Chris White in the Men’s Championship on the 10th If you or one of your playing partners emulate this achievement, please send me the details for inclusion in “Ace’s Corner” - email as on front cover. ladies’ section 4 The first big event of the month was the Captains' Charity Day on Sunday, 7th June. I assisted the Club Captain by mainly selling Passports which were "get out free" passports for a price - if you know what I Carol Roe mean? Although very windy, the sun shone and the Ladies’ Captain par6cipants in both the morning and a&ernoon rounds enjoyed the format and the event. A total of £1400 was raised for the charity fund through the generosity of the entrants and their determina6on to get high scores through the purchase of the Passport. For £5, they bought various benefits like mulligans, free drops out of bunker and rough and even a joker which enabled them to double their score on a nominated hole. Addi6onal passports were available whilst playing on the course. Players just had to phone in. Gosh, some people paid a fortune!!! On the golf front, the ladies have had a good month. On 8th June, the Stoneham team played the 6th match of the round robin at home against Sandford Springs. It was an excellent win of 6-1. They then played two matches in one week. On 17th June, they played Blackmoor at home and had a resounding victory of 7-0. Two days later, on the Friday, 19th June, they played Blacknest away and lost 4-3. Their first match of July was against Sherfield Oaks at home which they won 4-3. They now have won seven matches and lost two. Good luck, ladies, with your remaining matches. The North Hants team consis6ng Becky Sco7, Jane Sco7 and Kelly Travers played a home match against Hartley Witney. They won 2-1. Congratula6ons to the team. They next play away against Basingstoke. Our friendly match season is also going well. On June 19th, the ladies played a friendly match away at Basingstoke and won 3-1. A good match, good company, handsome course and excellent food. On 29th June we played away at Sandford Springs which we lost. However, our playing record looks healthy with 4 wins, 3 halves and 4 losses. We s6ll have another ten matches to play. On Tuesday, June 9th, I joined Terry Glynn, John Dillon and Linda Glynn playing in the Salisbury and South Wiltshire Invita6onal Bowl. An unexpectedly rather cold blustery day for June. However, the team played well and we came third. A very enjoyable format of match play against two other players. In my group were two men who were both 5 handicappers. One was from South Winchester and the other from Bramshaw. I am delighted to report that I came first in my group. Last year, there were only two ladies playing. This year there were six. We are growing! Whilst we were in Salisbury, the marquee was erected on the pa6o at Alresford ready for the first big event of the week, the 125 Invita6on. June 10th was the beginning of our week long celebra6on of the club's 125th anniversary. Along with John Dillon, Vice-Captain, I assisted Club Captain Terry Glynn in the organisa6on and running of the 125 Invita6on. There were teams of two from 33 clubs taking part and they were hosted by pairs from Alresford. In total 132 players. Although slightly warmer than the day before, players were challenged by both the wind and the very fast greens. The sum of £621 was raised to swell the charity fund through the efforts of Tonny Maxwell and Pat Wallis who sold raffle 6ckets. A very successful event. Sunday, 14th June saw the Junior 125 event and later a very amusing Trick Shot Show by Paul Barrington. This proved to be very popular with visitors. I finished 125 week on a high with Ladies' Captain's Day. The theme was Tiaras and Tee. Most of the ladies wore fabulous head gear and the assembled glamorous company sparkled as they sat down for tea. There were some special 6aras on display. Pat Palmer wore her wedding 6ara which was appropriate since June 16th was the 53rd anniversary of her wedding. Ruth Webb's 6ara twinkled with lights. However, one of our ladies, Joan Stopp, had to explain that her real 6ara was in the pawnbrokers. Aww! It was even suggested we might put the hat around to get her jewels out of hock . There were 69 players and a further 10 people for tea. Members volunteered the use of china tea se8ngs for high tea. Gill Freemantle and Gill Male co-ordinated this element. The dining room looked superb and fit for the 6ara'd ladies of Alresford. The halfway house was organised by Marlene Coburn, her fourth in a week. Eddie Lane and Mike Roe were the official photographers and Johnny Macaulay, the Ladies' Captain's son, entertained with close table 5 magic while the ladies were at tea. The winner of the day was Raye Ward, the runner-up on count-back was Pat Voak and Lynne Cowser was a close third. A&er a very busy week, I was persuaded to take part in the Dawn Patrol. I think my agreement was due in great part to having my arm twisted up my back by the immediate past Captain, Les Thorne. My tee 6me was 5.08am. Now, I am not very good about early rises so I thought that the only thing I could do to get an extra hour in bed was to camp on the club car park. I brought my camper van and although the ground was at rather an angle, (a flat pla5orm would be an idea), it proved very sa6sfactory. Mind you when I was asked how it went, all I could answer was that it was very early. Needless to say, I was not among the prize winners. Linda Glynn took the best lady's prize with 37 points and Julia Parker was the overall winner with 45 points. June 26th was a sad day for the Ladies' sec6on when many a7ended Brenda Hedges funeral. Brenda had been a member of the club for over 60 years and was known for her determina6on and strong spirit. Unfortunately, neither the Club Captain nor myself were able to a7end due to a prior commitment to play in the 125 Invita6on at Lamberhurst Golf Club in East Sussex. This was another very early start for a Ladies' Captain who likes her bed. I le& the house at 5.30 to collect Captain, Terry, for a shotgun start at 9.00am. Together with the Vets' Captain, Stuart Slater, and a Lamberhurst member we formed a team that came in a creditable third. We brought lovely crystal trophies home. On Saturday, 27th June, we held our Ladies Championship. A day of wonderful golf when Kelly Travers claimed her fi&h championship win. Congratula6ons on a splendid record, Kelly. Gill Pra7 had a hole-in-one on the second which was celebrated by us all with Pimms, courtesy of Gill. Well done, Gill, and thank you for your generosity. The following day was the men's Championship which went to the 21st hole before the winner could be declared. Congratula6ons to Jack Aus6n. There was also another hole-in-one by Chris White. Is this a record?!? Tuesday, 30th June, saw the annual Grannies' compe66on. This year, we not only had grannies but three great-grannies. We also welcomed into our ranks a new granny, Jennifer Clelland. Our Granny Champion was Charlo7e Marsh, who saw her handicap cut from 34 to 31. Congratula6ons! Immediately a&er the prize-giving, Madame Vice Linda and myself drove to an overnight stop (Linda's son's home) near Bristol where we met up with the Club Captain, Terry. This was in prepara6on to take part in the 125 Invita6on at Burnham and Berrow Golf Club on Wednesday 1st July. Our hosts were excellent. The course was a combina6on of links and sand dunes and proved very challenging. It was an excep6onally hot day. We did our best with the two ladies holding up their end but we did not bring any trophies home. To date, in each of my bulle6ns I have given an update on the progress of our friendly matches, the North Hants Trophy and the Stoneham campaign. For many of us, the la7er two events are only things we have glimpsed from afar and about which we know li7le or nothing. I have asked Mandy Overton if she would tell us about her team and about the structure of the match. All of our teams appreciate support and I have been told how much the sight of Alresford pink li&s the spirits and helps to renew determina6on. I have found the matches exci6ng and I would encourage everyone to join the loyal supporters to watch quality ladies' golf. A Word from the Stoneham Captain, Mandy Overton The Stoneham Cup is a county run compe66on. In October, up to 48 clubs are drawn into 8 groups and between April and July each club plays matches home/away against the other clubs in their group. The winner from each group goes through to the quarter finals and the winners go on to finals day which this year is on 24th September at Rowlands Castle GC. The team consists of 7 players who go out in handicap order and play individual matchplay. It is played off full handicap with a maximum of 24. Finally, I would like to share a sequence of photographs of one on the junior compe6tors on June 14th. Ladies and gentlemen - this is how it is done!! 6 Ladies’ section competition results Coronaon Foursomes Winners: Annie Beal and Julia Parker 42pts Lady Captain’s Day NQ Stableford – won by Raye Ward with 40pts Druids Cup Winner: Julia Parker June Medal Div 1: Sandra Hooke Div 2: Amanda Caldwell Div 3: Julia Parker LADIES CHAMPIONSHIP 45pts 70 71 61 [playing handicap cut from 36 to 31] Champion: Kelly Travers 78+70=148 Runner-up: Mandy Overton 86+79=165 c/b Championship Round 1 Medal Div 1: Claire Gould 69 Div 2: Di Peisley 69 Div 3: Julia Parke 70 social scene 125th Anniversary I think all will agree that the club looked stunning for the 125th Anniversary Ball. Social Commi7ee funds paid for the banquet chair covers and decora6ons, which can now be re-used for other Club func6ons or par6es. I have received many comments that this was a good use of Commi7ee funds. Forthcoming Events Dorothy Coombs Trophy (Bronze div ne1): Di Peisley Runner-up: Julia Parke Brenda Hedges Trophy (Silver div ne1): Mandy Overton Runner-up: Kelly Travers Best pm ne1 [not in other prizes]: Linda Glynn Grannies’ Stableford Winner: Charlo7e Marsh 2nd: Maureen Brooking 3rd: Patricia McCowen 144 145 143 146 c/b 72 c/b 40pts 37 36 Mandy Caldwell Ladies’ Handicap Secretary Dawn Patrol A total of 52 members turned out (many in their pyjamas) for the Dawn Patrol on 20th June. The weather stayed dry and all players were rewarded on the first tee with a carton of orange juice and a Danish pastry, courtesy of the Social Commi7ee. Julia Parker won The Druids Cup with a fantas6c 45 stableford points! Gill Freemantle Chair, Social Commi*ee The next Social Golf event [] is to be held on Sunday 12th July. A sign-up sheet is on the no6ce board. Don’t forget to look out for details of the next social event to take place in October. vets’ section 7 July has now arrived and has brought with it some very hot and sunny weather! What a month we have had. The 125 Event Week was incredible. Everything went extremely well from the Club Invita6on through to our own 125 ‘extravaganza”. The Seniors' Open Tournament saw Phil Huddart coming in a close second in the home players sec6on - on count back (sorry Phil!! - I needed the glasses to make up a set!!) Stuart Slater Vets’ Captain Our Vets Event was an excep6onal day. The format was quite unusual and ambi6ous but that added to the enjoyment on the day. My thanks go to Roger Corkhill who managed all the correspondence and organised all the prizes, Wynne Tufnell for sor6ng out the draw and wri6ng out all the score cards, Ken Coburn for his work on the computer which made our over-ambi6ous scoring system possible and to all three for giving up their opportunity to play to ensure everything ran smoothly on the day. The winning fourball was the pair from Alton with Alan Hansford and John Claughton, The winning home pair was Geoff Jenkins and Pete Dowse and the best individual from Alresford was Les Widdecombe. Congratula6ons to John Claughton who, had he been able to win more than one "glass prize", would have featured in all three of the above! The best score on holes 1, 2 and 5 went to Terry Glynn and Henk Ribbink and the longest drive and nearest the pin prizes went to Robin Ashford and Pete Dowse respec6vely. The Vets' Championship was completed over two days with a good turnout. The "Gross" winner was Bill Ragan with George Skayman second and Ian Foden third. The "Net" winner was Pete Dowse with David Cripps second and Peter Kinlochan third. The W. Fields Trophy was won by Geoff Jenkins with Graham Lumb second and George Skayman third and the Over 60s Medal was won by Les Widdecombe with Ian Swann second and John Dillon third. Congratula6ons to all! We have played six matches since the last report with varying degrees of success. We halved against Corhampton and Test Valley but lost away to RWGC 3-5, home to Basingstoke 2-6, home to Hockley 3.5-2.5 and away to Avington Park 1.5-4.5. We have two tournaments coming soon. The first will be with/against the Juniors. This will be played on Monday 27th July. The format will be match play off 3/4 handicap and should be great day sharing the enthusiasm of youth with the common sense of age!! - did I really just write that!! The numbers will be limited by the number of juniors available but please sign-up on the no6ce board. Then on Thursday 13th August we have our Vets' Invita6on Tournament. This will be a 4BBB format with extra prizes for Nearest the Pin, Longest Drive and Best Front Nine and Best Back Nine. There will be a raffle and, hopefully a halfway house. It will be a great day of golf. Watch out for the no6ce which will be posted soon. Start contac6ng your friends and get the date into their diaries. Last year we had 72 players. Let’s see if we can make it 100 this year! Keep cool and well hydrated. Happy Golfing! a look at rules 8-1/2 Exchanging Distance Information Informa6on regarding the distance between two objects is public informa6on and not advice. It is therefore permissible for players to exchange informa6on rela6ng to the distance between two objects. For example, a player may ask anyone, including his opponent, fellow compe6tor or either of their caddies, the distance between his ball and the hole. news from the greens 8 It is strange to look at my last e-Bulle6n and see that I was bemoaning the lack of rain and the con6nued cold weather. The last frost was on the 20th May and the general north-easterly weather pa7ern had severely hampered recovery from spring maintenance. How different it all looks now in the midst of a heat wave, with almost perfect greens but rapidly desicca6ng fairways –we need rain, or the fairways will completely burn up! The main feature of June from a green-keeping point of view, was prepara6on for the men’s and ladies’ championships. The condi6on of the course received widespread praise and we hope to maintain this condi6on throughout the summer, subject to scheduled light maintenance at the end of August as previously reported. Please remember that up to 8.30am, the greens staff have priority on the course and players should yield to them. At this 6me the guys will clear the 1st and 10th and con6nue to work their way round the course. Hence members teeing off earlier may encounter them – please give them leeway if you have teed off before then, even if it is a&er 8.30. As always, a li7le mutual understanding goes a long way. Key points to note this month are as follows: Especially as the greens are now so true, please remember to repair pitch-marks to preserve their integrity as long as possible. The old adage about mending your own and one other, should be applied consistently. The wild flower areas are about to reach their peak and the beau6ful yellow flower heads of ladies’ bedstraw can now be seen in abundance. Do sniff a handful when you are next in the rough and appreciate the sweet scent, which is why of course it was formerly used to stuff ma7resses. Watch out also for the yellow spears of agrimony, the fruits of which are the s6cky balls, which readily a7ach to clothing. In answer to an increasing number of queries, we are s6ll wai6ng for the final report from Hawtree Ltd. They revisited AGC on June 17th to take some final measurements and confirm eleva6ons and we are promised the final report by the middle of July. I have seen an early incomplete dra& and it is interes6ng to note that they are focussed strongly on safety issues rela6ng to the footpaths crossing the course – par6cularly on the 16th and 17th holes where they make sugges6ons for a fundamental redesign. Other key themes include the loca6ons and design of bunkers, the proposed removal of a significant number of what they class as ‘low value’ trees and the small size of our tees rela6ve to the foo5all. Furthermore, they advocate the use of increased contouring to produce humps and swales to emphasise the nature of the course as a chalk downland. As soon as I receive it, I will have the report loaded on the intranet so that members can digest their sugges6ons/proposals. I then plan to have some informal sessions in order to gauge opinion and invite comments, before my commi7ee and I a7empt to priori6se and incorporate those ideas into a 10 year Course Plan, which will include some rough 3rd party cos6ngs. Proposed dates for these mee6ngs will follow in due course. Subject to endorsement from the Management Commi7ee, this plan will be presented to members. Interes6ngly, this exercise with Hawtree is not the first 6me the club has used the services of an external design consultant. As can be seen from the le7er below, Tom Simpson clearly had some involvement in the loca6ons of some of the bunkers back in 1948. Simpson was a colourful and well respected architect of his day, having been involved in the design of many pres6gious courses such as Rye, Ballybunion, Hardelot, Royal Porthcawl, Cruden Bay, Royal Lytham St.Annes and, closer to home, Liphook. 9 Dear Mr Simpson I must give you my most sincere apologies for not wri)ng to you before. The Commi*ee wish me to thank you for all that you have done for us; it is so rare in these days to find kindly thoughts that one is rather overwhelmed when a good Samaritan comes forward. But from all of us THANK YOU. We are carrying out all your sugges)ons as to removal of bunkers and new ones, but we are not going to tackle the 4th and 5th un)l next year- then if I may, I will call upon your help and advice. I hope you will find )me in the spring to come over and see the prac)cal results of your advice. We shall be doing some adver)sing in the Hampshire papers next year. Have you any objec)on to us using “as reconstructed by Mr Simpson, the well-known golf architect” or some such phrase? Yours truly M Rotherham Plus ça change. Harry Dhand Chairman of Greens match committee report 10 Although it came at the end of last month, the main event was the Club Championship. For the last two years the ini6al 36 holes resulted in a 6e for the Championship, this year between last year’s champion, Robin Irving, and Jack Aus6n. Therefore as is laid down in the rules there was a suddendeath play-off with the 18th and 1st holes. This year Jack won the trophy on the third play-off hole. Full results are included at the end of the report. The other notable thing about the weekend was that in the Ladies Championship on Saturday, Gill Pra7 had a hole-in-one on the 2nd and then on Sunday Chris White repeated this on the 10th With the change in caterers I have had to sort out the cost of food for the men's invita6on which is why I did not ini6ally include a cost for the event. However, following nego6a6ons with Steve (our new caterer) we have managed to keep it to the same cost as last year, i.e. £65. There s6ll seems to be confusion about submi8ng cards for ini6al handicap and Supplementary scores. Once you have been allocated a handicap then you do not lose it unless you leave a club. If you re-join or join anther club within six months then your handicap will be reinstated, if between six and twelve months then your handicap will be reinstated but it will be a non-compe66on one. When you are allocated an ini6al handicap, it will be classed as a “compe66on” handicap. To maintain a “compe66on” handicap you need to submit 3 qualifying scores per year. If you submit less than this then you s6ll have a handicap but it is classed as “non-compe66on”. New members wishing to gain an ini6al handicap should submit 3 cards into the box below the screen in the lobby. You should NOT sign the supplementary sheet in the Pro-Shop and the card should be headed “Card for Ini6al Handicap”. To maintain a compe66on handicap you may either compete in qualifying compe66ons or submit Supplementary Scores. When submi8ng supplementary scores you MUST sign the sheet in the Pro-Shop before play and then return in to the box. If you have not signed the sheet in the ProShop then any card you put in to box will not be considered for a Supplementary Score. There is a no6ce governing the rules about Supplementary Scores in the locker room. Winter Leagues Mixed Foursomes K.O. 28th June CHAMPIONSHIP Competition results 1 Debbie Wills & Mervin Fullbrook 2 Jane Sco7 & Ashley Wright Peter Spreadbury Match Secretary Winter Lombard 4BBB K.O. 6th June 1 Ma7 Blake & Ben Unsworth 2 Kevin Peel & Paul Wager Laming Cup 1 Peter Harwood 2 Simon Freemantle 3 Kevin Peel 21st June Pailthorpe Pla1er 90–24=66 83–17=66 71– 5=66 1 Ben Unsworth 41pts 2 Chris6an Bo7omley 39 3 Ma7 Blake 39 24th June >60’s Medal 1 Les Widdicombe 2 Ian Swann 3 John Dillon 78 +11=67 83–13=70 91–21=70 29th June 1st July 1 Jack Auis6n 2 Robin Irving 3 Ashley Wilmo7 John Holmes Trophy 1 Chris6an Bo7omley 2 Ashley Wilmo7 3 Jack Aus6n W. Fields Trophy 1 Geoff Jenkins 2 Graham Lumb 3 George Skayman 76+75=151 74+77=151 75+79=154 68+68=136 66+70=136 71+70=141 83–17=66 91–25=66 80– 9=71 Mid Week Stableford Div 1 1 William Briggs 2 Kevin Lane 3 Dave Seager Div 2 1 Brian Underwood 2 David Bashford 3 Ron Markwick 38pts 37 37 40pts 40 39 from the Secretary New Members Welcome to the following new members who have all joined the club star6ng in June and July so far: Noely Worthington (7-day); Michael Clarkson and John Swinney (5-day); Colin Ca7o, Neil Gars6n, Tim de Glanville, Ma7hew Goodchild and Jocelyn Kerr (Social Extra); Robert Kirk and Jack Penn (Student) and Sarah Gibbs (Academy). We hope that your 6me at the club will be a long and enjoyable one. May I remind all members that we are welcoming new membership enquiries for all categories? If you know any friends or acquaintances who are thinking of joining a club or changing clubs, please do your best to sell them the benefits of Alresford. Membership packs are available from the office which details the benefits and prices (including new payment op6ons). We would be delighted to show any prospec6ve members around the club and arrange a round of golf for them. Members’ Guest Green Fees Special Offer Due to the con6nued success of this scheme, we are offering the GUEST GREEN FEE DISCOUNT again in 2015. Over the course of the season bring either 6 guests for £120 or 10 guests for £200. These will be available ONLY from the Secretary in advance (not the pro shop). Please be aware that all "visits" must be used by 31st December 2015. No refund or extension will be given on unused "visits". Normal restric6ons apply. Club Roll Ups Fancy a game in the week? All members are welcome to come along to the “club roll-up” on Wednesday mornings. The usual start 6me is 11am during the summer and 10.30am during the winter months all 6mings subject to any advanced tee reserva6ons. JULY Wednesday 1st – 10.45am Wednesday 8th – No “roll-up” (Course closed due to Hampshire PGA Open) Wednesday 15th – 11.00am Wednesday 22nd – 11.00am Wednesday 29th – 11.00am AUGUST Wednesday 5th – 11.00am(Greens maintenance week) Wednesday 12th – 11.00am(Mid-week stableford) Wednesday 19th – 11.00am Wednesday 26th – (No “roll-up”, Ladies 125 event) 11 Are you getting the most out of your membership COURTESIES & RECIPROCALS "COURTESIES" are where a local club offers us a tee 6me when we have a course closure due to a county or open compe66on here at Alresford. These are posted on the Main No6ce board and are booked on a "first come first served" basis via the Secretary’s Office. Members should request these slots directly with the Secretary (at Alresford). Members are reminded that individuals are limited to 3 rounds only. The 2015 schedule has now been posted. "RECIPROCALS" are agreements between clubs whereby members can play at another club, usually FOC or with a nominal green fee charge, Monday to Friday (subject to availability). We have several clubs that we have reciprocal arrangements with namely: BRAMLEY, nr Guildford, Surrey LEE-ON-THE-SOLENT, Hants WATERLOOVILLE, Hants TIDWORTH GARRISON, Wiltshire YEOVIL, Somerset SALISBURY & SOUTH WILTS, Wiltshire RUSHMORE, Wiltshire Requests for tee 6mes must be made through the Secretary’s Office (Alresford) and can be made a maximum of 2 weeks in advance. We are restricted to 1x4 ball from Alresford per week at each club. This provides an excellent opportunity for members to play other courses during the year and have a "day out". 1 year only opportunity! The normal reciprocal list is also extended this year due to the 125th anniversary. Details are available on the website or via the Office of all the 125 clubs you can visit and play this year. They include: Lamberhurst (Sussex), Conwy (Caernavonshire), North Wiltshire (Wilts),The Glamorganshire (South Wales), Wildernesse (Kent). Please note that terms and condi6ons do apply to some of these clubs. New Caterers Welcome to Steve & Asia who have now joined us from 1st July. The old menu has now been simplified and there have been a few new addi6ons to try. I am sure they will be pleased to say hello and try to get to know everyone as quickly as possible. 12 Forthcoming events for your diary Thursday 16th July ~ 72 hole Charity Golf A group of 4 players from The Logic Group (Barclaycard) based in Fleet, will be par6cipa6ng in a 72 hole challenge on behalf of HEADWAY and our Captains Charity. For every pound they raise for charity Barclaycard will match the dona6on up to £1000. They will begin the challenge at 5.30am and aim to finish approx.9.30pm. PLEASE LET THEM PLAY THROUGH ON THE DAY else it will be dark before they finish! Friday 17th July ~ PRO’s CLUBHOUSE KNOCKOUT Enter in the Pro-Shop and play your 9 holes at any6me during the day. This can be part of the Over 60’s Stableford compe66on on the same day. Entry fee is £6 and all compe6tors receive a sleeve of 3 SRIXON balls. Then join other club members in the clubhouse. All players should be back in the clubhouse with their scorecards by 9.00pm. Food available from 7.00pm Sunday 26th July ~ HUSBANDS & WIVES Tee 6mes from 12.30pm. Look out for signing up details on the Mixed Golf No6ceboard. Sunday 23rd August ~ MIXED INVITATION Invite friends from other clubs to enjoy our course and hospitality for the day. Entry fee ~ £42 per pair. Open to 7-day members only. Format – American Greensomes. Sign up on Mixed No6ceboard. David Maskery, Club Secretary The winners of the 100 Club prize draw in July were: £100 - Chris Greva7e-Ball £50 - Fiona Corkhill £32 - Chris Chapman £32 - Chris Brandon-Trye £32 - David Nigh6ngale £32 - Richard Tallon Congratula6ons to all the winners. The next draw will take place in the week beginning 3rd August. 100 Club Stableford and Evening Meal – Friday 7th August This mixed Stableford compe66on is open to all members of the 100 Club. There is no entry fee, and since this is primarily a social event, the compe66on is not a qualifying round for handicap purposes. Please arrange your own playing groups and tee-6mes, but remember that the evening meal will be served at 7:30pm so make sure you’ll be finished by then. On the day, you must sign-in at the Pro’s Shop before you play to register your entry to the compe66on and to receive your free ball for par6cipa6ng. Men will play off the Yellow tees; and Ladies from the Red tees. To equalise the scoring, ladies will add 2 strokes to their handicaps and play from their own card. Completed cards should be put into the box in the Entrance Hall. All members whether they have played or not are invited to a7end the evening meal during which the prize winners will be announced. The cost of the 2 course meal with coffee is £15.00, and we will start at 7:30pm. Please add your name to the sign-up sheet which will be on the Social no6ce board by the end of July. Payments in advance to the office would be appreciated. If you need a playing partner and aren't sure of who is in the 100 Club, contact George Clelland by email: or telephone: 01962735008. Not a member of the 100 Club? The objec6ve of the Alresford Golf Club 100 Club is to raise funds for projects and items requiring capital expenditure that will enhance the Golf Course and/or the Clubhouse. Such projects would generally be considered as ‘extras’ and not necessarily be within the Club budget. The 100 Club was launched in 1987 to raise funds to augment the Centenary celebra6ons of the Golf Club in 1990, but at the request of the members, the 100 Club has con6nued to raise funds for items such as the provision of pa6o furniture, the pneuma6c shoe and trolley cleaner, and the Starter’s Hut on the 1st tee. If you're not a member of the 100 Club, you can become one for as li7le as £1 per month. Shares in the 100 Club are purchased for £1 per month and there is no limit on the number of shares which can be held. In general, most members have between 1 and 5 shares and pay by monthly direct debit, though it’s also possible to pay quarterly or annually. Each share is allocated a number which is entered in the monthly draw. The top prize is £100, with a second prize of £50 and four other prizes of £32. For more informa6on contact George Clelland on 01962735008 or or call in to the Secretary’s office. George Clelland