December 2012 - American Civil War Society
December 2012 - American Civil War Society
AMERICAN CIVIL WAR SOCIETY Company Dispatch Official Newsletter of the American Civil War Society American Civil War Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of our history for future generations. Signed editorials and letters are the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the American Civil War Society. Nov-Dec 2012 ACWS BOARD OF DIRECTORS President – Dave Grimsrud Vice President – Ken Serfass Secretary – Sgt. Dave Grimsrud Treasurer – K e n S e r f a s s Membership – Michele Akkerman Confederate Division – Lt. Col. James R. Tebbetts U n i on D i vi s i on – L t . C o l . K e n D a c e y Civilian Corps – Karen Norquist & Laurie Norton Pu b l i c R e l a t i o n s – V A C A N T N e w s l e t t e r E d i t o r – M i c h a e l J. A k k e r ma n q a ma n 2 4 9 @ v e r i z on . n e t The ACWS is a non-profit organization with the purposes of charitable and educational activities for the general public that demonstrate the language, conduct and manner of daily living of the civilian population and military forces during the American Civil War period (1861–1865) and the issues they faced during that conflict. COMPANY DISPATCH 20170 Ross Road Wildomar, CA 92595 Next Board Meeting December 8th or 9th, 2012 FOR ALL OPEN BOARD POSITIONS PLEASE CONTACT ANY CURRENT BOARD MEMBER Federal/Union Division: Division Commander: Lt. Col. Ken Dacey Adjutant: VACANT Infantry Brigade Cdr.: VACANT Infantry Sgt Maj: Michael Quinlan (Degregorio) Artillery Brigade Cdr.: Maj. David Bolin Artillery Adjutant: VACANT Division Chaplain: Rich Holt and Anthony Delgadillo Cavalry: VACANT Confederate Division: Division Commander: Col James R Tebbetts Division Adjutant General: Capt Dave Grimsrud Division Sgt Maj/Provost: Vacant Division Clerk: Sgt Jay Stilson Confederate Brigade Staff: Infantry Brigade Commander: Major James M. Stytle Brigade Adjutant: VACANT Brigade Sgt. Major: Sgt. Major Ray Daniel Cavalry Brigade Commander: Major Scott Peca Brigade Adjutant: Capt John Riddler Brigade Sgt. Major: VACANT Artillery Brigade Commander: Major Mike Collins Brigade Adjutant: 1st Lt. Jose Justiniano Jr Brigade Sgt. Major: Sgt. Major Sam Frankl Editor’s Note: If you have an interesting story to share please send it to me. My email is . I hope to hear from you at the upcoming events. Have fun, be safe, and love one another. Remember, ACWS is people and pet friendly (yes, your dogs are welcome). I want to thank everyone who has come out to our events. I want to thank all of our new members who have joined ACWS so far this year. I will also be sending out in the next week a new section of our newsletter, advertising space for Civil War reenacting items, wanted or for sale. For those of you who have a business you can also buy space for one to twelve issues. Remember this will reach every single ACWS member as well as be on our website for people to download. WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS Michelle Caroline Yul Jay Linda Scott Carissa Anthony R. Sergio F. Deborah L Sue M. Bryner Eliades Haasmann Stilson Stilson Stilson Stilson Thomas Valdovinos Valdovinos Woods I want to mention those folks in our group who have or will be celebrating a birthday in the months of November and December. Please join me and the ACWS Board in wishing them all a Happy Birthday. November December Michele Jonathan Donald Anita Collette Marjorie Joseph R. Jamie Kenneth Sherrie Anne Nicole Raymond William Susan Kelly Akkerman Liaos Black Brock Busic Codding Cronin Cronin Dacey Eggert Tebbetts-Frankl Foster Darlene Terry Ronald Connie Hipsher-Griffin Milkoff Jacques Jacques Rachel Barry Ryan Shelley Jacob Christopher Donna J. Ken Tom Deborah L Sean-Michael KawfmanChisnall Kivi Poff Peters Reising Russell Stytle Smith Talbott Valdovinos Zoch Hill Hikida Holt David Michelle Marti Mackenzie Melissa David Elroy Clay W. Sharon Robert David Renee Baker Bryner Barth Blansett Blansett Crichton Codding Cowgill Coleman Slagle Cotton DeeDe Harold D. Edward Susan Kaitlin Rodger Carly Kirk Richard Belen Alexander Michael Debra L. Vander Jennie Ralph Thomas Davis Finisterre Ronald Rory Everett Tony Steven D. Travis Scott Fernandes Fukiage Gonzales Hetrick James R Paul Julie Harroun, Jr. Hopper Hopper Harriott Hurley Harvey Illian Magwood Shields Mussenden Maxfield Quessenberry Silveira Strippel Tomlinson Tebbetts Valencia Wear A Word or Two From the PRESIDENT One of the keys to success in any organization is communication. The ACWS used this newsletter, our website, Facebook, emails, and the phone. But somehow we don’t think the members are getting the messages. The newsletter had been around, and Michael does a great job. I do know he is planning on some changes for next year, and I am looking forward to seeing what he does. The question remains. How can we improve communication in the ACWS? We announced the dance held October 13, and those that came had a great time. I do not want to dwell on past events. I want to look to the future. Vail Lake, December 8-9 is going to be a Christmas themed reenactment. I think it will be a great event to close out the year. January has the Live Fire in Seely California, and February starts our reenacting year at Calico. So we go almost all year long. The Board is all-volunteer, and I think it does a great job in planning events. They give what they can of their time and talents. We are working to make 2013 the best year ever. And as always I invite your feedback Regards, David Grimsrud MILITARY DISPATCHES Confederate Command From: James R Tebbetts, Col, ACWS Confederate Command To: Readers of the Newsletter and Members of the Confederate Command Subject: Confederate Command Report Event Scheduling and Time Set Asides - As part of each event sponsored by the ACWS a schedule of events is prepared. I always will include time for Company/Battalion Drill on the Confederate side. With a good number of us planning on attending the 150th Gettysburg next year, along with other ‘mega-events’ in the future (both North and South), we need to ensure we put on our best face (err, foot?) forward. To that end, I will be setting aside time for drill for those planning on attending the Gettysburg event next year to work on learning movements/maneuvers that might be experience there. The first of these scheduled times will be at SMR, with another at Vail Lake. Not sure of amount of time, but figure a minimum of 30 minutes per day per event. Based on past participation at these back east events we will be exposed to movements/maneuvers that we don’t normally do out west. In the infantry, how many know how to replace one regiment that is on the firing line with another one? You may if you have internet connection, here is a how to web site presentations of various movements/maneuvers at all levels. I have not found anything similar for mounted or dismounted Cavalry or Artillery. Please note that these maneuvers are based on Hardee’s and Light Infantry Tactics. I’ll be working with Keith Harriott to determine which movements/maneuvers to accomplish during this Drill time. Most of this drill time will be for Company/Soldier level drill movements. As numbers permit we will do some for Battalion. I’ll defer to Scott Peca and Bob Hays as it relates to drill for the Cavalry and Artillery that are attending back east events. Key thing we want to remember is we want to look good, no matter the arm we are in. Event Attendance – The ACWS has an Annual Raffle that is held at the Calico Event. To be eligible for a raffle ticket you must be an ACWS member AND attend an ACWS event. A person earns one ticket per day per event for their attendance. On last page of my article is a listing of those that have attended ACWS events so far this year, how many tickets they have earned, and if they are an ACWS member. ACWS members do not have an ‘X’ next to their name. Non-members are noted with an ‘X’. Only Confederate ‘soldiers’ are on this listing. If you took the field as a Confederate, please check the listing for correct number of tickets earned and spelling of your name. IF you have too few or even too many tickets, please let your Unit Commander/1st Sergeant know so a consolidated corrected morning report can be put together for your unit and sent to David Grimsrud, Division Adjutant, for inclusion in the final listing of attendees and tickets earned. Prior to the Calico (2013) event another listing will be provided, this to include corrections and those attending SMR and Vail Lake. Historic Preservation – A section dealing with activities of Confederate units in South California as it relates to the preservation of historic sites and materials. 8th Louisiana - For the past few years has been purchasing ‘bricks’ that are included in the Courtyard of the Museum at Camp Moore, Louisiana. These funds are used to support Camp Moore through the purchase of items for the museum. A key purchase was a period correct Surgeon’s Kit, to include all devices, bottles of medicine that would be found in the kit. In January 2012 the 8th also donated funds to the Civil War Trust for the purchase of land near the battlefield at Cedar Creek, VA where the 8th fought. Additionally many individuals have donated to a wide variety of organizations that pursue Historic Preservation – this though monetary donations, donations of historic equipment, writing articles for inclusion in magazines/books dealing with historic preservation. Moody’s Battery - At the end of this submittal is an article on the flag of Moody’s Battery. Our own local Moody’s Battery aided in the preservation/restoration and transfer of the Battery flag from Illinois to Louisiana, with the donation of money to the effort of restoring the flag. If you would like your Company or an individual in your Company recognized for their work in Historic Preservation, send an article in and it will re-posted here. Past Events Huntington Beach - Annual event to support the good work of the Huntington Beach Historical Society. A good event with a fairly good turnout of soldiers both north and south. Seemed the north had a few more men on the field this year as compared to past years. Weather was fairly nice for the weekend. Good battles on both days. ACWS/NJROTC Dance - The ACWS, along with the Reseda High School Naval Junior ROTC held a Family Fall Dance in mid-October. This was more of a informal mixer dance. We kept it as low cost as possible. Special thanks to Laurie Norcross and Karen Norton, Civilian Corps Directors for the good work on getting raffle items (about 27 items available) and to Rhonda Grimsrud for putting the finger foods together. Also a special thanks to those Organizations, Businesses, and People that donated to the raffle. If you know of a site in your area where a similar dance might be held, please let Dave Grimsrud or myself know. We are working on putting together a spring dance, of a similar nature, i.e., low cost, fun, and lots of dancing. BTW, if you go to a dance don’t wear thick socks with your brogans, especially if you have a broken toe, your foot will get so swollen. Spring Mountain Ranch - Held west of Las Vegas. A bit of a drive, but well worth it. One fights on land that looks much like a small farm in the Shenandoah Valley, if you discount the wild, baying donkeys and coyotes and sandstone (I think) mountains in the background. Gas prices skyrocketed a few weeks before the event, so had a good turnout otherwise to include the following units: 4th Texas (Nevada), 5th Texas (Arizona), 1st Texas Cavalry (Utah), Washington Artillery (South California), and Cos E and F, 8th Louisiana (South California, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah). Kudos to Sgt. Major Ray Daniel who/whom brought a tub, water, and a couple of dozen apples and then had the public try to bob for apples. Good fun by all. Also thanks to Mrs. Sgt. Major Ray Daniel who brought a pumpkin and Pvt. Matt Miller (8th La) who carved it so we had a ‘jack-o-lantern’ in the Confederate Camp. 28th Annual West Coast Civil War Conference - Hosted by the Orange County Civil War Round Table. Main subject - 1862 - The War Defined, in scale, in purpose and in its principal commanders. Among the speakers, William C Davis and Dr. Craig L Symonds. Did not make it, but any opportunity to get a bit more educated about the War is always a good thing. This conference switches between Nor Cal and SoCal every year. Future Events - A wide variety of activities are coming up in the local area for the next three or four months. Besides reenactments, there will be living histories, period holiday celebration, and live fire opportunities. A good variety of events one can take advantage of in the next few months. Civil War in Photos and Such - The Huntington Library (Arcadia, Ca) has an exhibit dealing with photos from the US Civil War. Some of the top photographers and their photographs of the time are exhibited. The exhibit runs through from October 13, 2012 through January, 2013. Here is a link to an article on the exhibit: . civilwar/about.htm. November 12 - Simi Valley - Veteran’s day event at the Reagan Library. For those that have a bit of time off on Mon- day. Mostly living history and chatting with the public. Some simple firing demonstrations and such. Get to see a retired Air Force 1 aircraft. Location - 167 Presidential Dr, Simi Valley, Ca. November 17 - Drum Barracks - Remembrance Day, 2012. This is to remember the dedication of the Gettysburg National Cemetery and Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. Mostly a Union thing. Perhaps we could go down and heckle Father Abraham? Location - 1052 Banning Blvd, Wilmington, Ca. December 1-2 - Drum Barracks - ‘A Civil War Christmas’ celebration. This is a Victorian Type celebration. In the past there have been carriage rides on local streets. Address above. December 8-9 - Vail Lake (East of Temecula) - New Event and Location. The ACWS is working on a Christmas Theme with Santa (not me), Carolers, Band Concert, Carols, perhaps a period holiday exchange (lump of coal for that soldier? A piece of wood for that one?), etc. More as it becomes available. This is a ‘winter-like campaign’ event with cooler weather. So, more blankets, more wood, etc. For those that are also ACWS members, last chance to ‘earn’ a raffle ticket for ACWS Annual Raffle. Location: Vail Lake, Ca. January 19-20, 2013 - Live Fire - Sponsored by the IVLHA and ACWS. Come out and fire a few rounds. This is for infantry, cavalry, and artillery. Held at a firing range near Seeley, Ca (El Centro, Ca area). This is three-day weekend, with the King Holiday on Monday. So it may be a bit hectic to get there on Friday/Saturday, at least on Monday you can take a leisurely drive back home. January 26-27, 2013 - Living History/Reenactment - Sponsored by the IVLHA at Yuma Arizona. 150th Gettysburg Event – The member organizations associated with the Blue Gray Alliance (BGA) have made the decision to present a 150th Anniversary Battle of Gettysburg the last weekend in June 2013, the 27th through 30th. There is a second event sponsored by the Gettysburg Anniversary Committee (GAC) the next weekend (July 4-7). So there is now a choice of two events to attend. As it relates to participation for those going it looks like most all from South California will be attending the BGA event at the end of June. Infantry will be under the command of Keith Harriot and will fall in with the 1st Arkansas Battalion of the Trans-Mississippi Brigade. Scott Peca will be taking back both mounted and dismounts. I believe they will be part of Longstreet’s Corps. Artillery, Bob Hayes is putting together a group to go back. Not sure which command they will be in. They hope to attend both events. They are committed to the BGA event for sure and are working with the GAC group to see if they can slip in there. IF they can’t get into the GAC event, they hope to fall in with the Norfolk Light Artillery from Northern California. They are looking for gunners for both events. If you attend the GAC event, chances are there will not be a unit from South California, other that possibly the artillery. You may have to fall in with another unit at the event or as happens at some events a Provisional Company/Battalion that is sometimes formed. I will be researching to determine which organizations will be attending the GAC event to see if they might be willing to take in a few strays. More on this in a future column. Here are a couple of You Tube videos of the 135th Gettysburg Reenactment, which took place on the Bushey Farm, where BGA’s 150th Gettysburg Reenactment will take place: Here are three sites with stills dealing with the 135th Gettysburg Reenactment. The last one (3gvi) is from the 3rd Georgia here at Fort Tejon. Should give a good idea as to the lay of the land and the size of the event, reenactor wise. I believe at the 135th total participants were near about 27,000 total. When we did Pickett’s Charge, the Confederate side was at or near the original as it relates to numbers participating (15,000). http://www. Below is a picture of the group from South California, from the 3rd Georgia Album. This picture was taken just before the Pickett’s Charge scenario at the 135th. The command we were in portrayed during the charge Armistead’s Brigade. So we got to see most all of the battle. I believe we had over fifty members of in our company there from South California. Notice how many of us are in a campaign mode with either bedrolls or knapsacks. We wore this to give the impress of being a ‘campaign group.’ Got kudos’ for that back there. Basically we had already taken out most our gear (i.e., cooking gear, items purchased at the sutlers, etc) out to our cars. Basically once recall was called after Pickett’s charge, we just walked to our cars and headed back to your hotels and an after event victory dinner. Helps beat the traffic away from the site (participants and spectators). We’ll probably do the same thing next year. For those going Confederate and want more information please contact: Going Infantry - Keith Harriott –; or James R Tebbetts - Going Cavalry (Mounted/Dismounted) - Scott Pica - Going Artillery - Bob Hays - 760-353-7777 For those wanting to go to the BGA event Web Site: Registration Page: For those wanting to go to the GAC event – Web Site: Registration Page: Web Site Update - I am working to update the Confederate Portion of the ACWS web site. We now have the command structure taken care of. Next I will be working on the unit’s portion of the web site. I be seeking/asking for current information on the member units of the ACWS and guest units that participate in ACWS events. I will be looking to get each of unit names, commander name, contact points, their emails/ phone numbers, an address to the unit web site, short history, and the like. For units that do not have an independent web site, we will include a page or two on the ACWS web site with information on the unit. Unit Background Information - Madison Light Artillery (Moody’s Battery): From a tag attached to this flag it reads: "Confederate Artillery Flag. This flag was captured by Newton McCan, a private soldier, Co. M, 2nd Regiment U.S. Regulars, on the evening of July 3rd 1963 at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Presented to the State of Illinois on 14 July 1885." The 2nd Regiment of U.S. Cavalry was part of the Cavalry Corps of the Army of the Potomac. According to Confederate records, Moody's Battery or Moody's Artillery was in the battalion of Reserve Artillery on the Confederate right on 2 July, 1863 and may have accidently left their flag on night movement. O.R. Series I, Vol. 27, Pt. 1, pp387-388 and 429-431. The Madison Light Artillery, and was from Madison, Louisiana area, its nickname was the Madison Tipperarys (Per Arthur Bergeron’s book, Guide to Louisiana Confederate Military Units 1861-65, he identifies them as the Madison Tips, which could be short for Tipperarys.). It was commanded by Capt. George V. Moody and it is assumed that the inscription on this flag stood for Moody's Artillery. This article was written when the flag was the ‘property of the Adjutant General of the State of Illinois, where the flag eventually ended up after the war. Though there are those that are just not sure this is the flag of this unit, this per conversation I had with someone on one of the forums I frequent. Subsequently, the Illinois museum that housed the flag began work with the people in Louisiana— which includes some of those most vocal about returning flags—to send them the flag of the Madison Artillery (Moody’s Battery) back to Louisiana. The flag was originally intended to be displayed in New Orleans (Jackson Bar- racks), but fortunately wasn’t there when Hurricane Katrina hit in late August 2005. The Moody’s Battery flag was in- stead sent to Camp Beauregard in Pineville, La. Is there as late as 2009, per a contact I have on a Louisiana oriented CW Forum. I found am now tracking down where it is now, still at Camp Beauregard, Jefferson Barracks, or elsewhere. There were a number of people involved in this transfer, to include our own Moody’s Battery. During the process to get the transfer of the flag, money was sent from California’s Moody’s Battery to support their counterparts in Louisiana to raise the funds required by Illinois to send the flag to a nonprofit flag conservator and then on to Louisiana. Sources: Raffle Ticket Notes: 1 - If a ‘x’ in front of your name, you ARE NOT a member of the ACWS, as of October 1, 2012. IF you think/ know you are, contact Michele Akkerman, ACWS Membership Chair to confirm. If you want to become a member, contact Michele. 2 - Best guess at spelling, some 1st Sergeants have the worst chicken scratching ever. If there are changes, let your 1st Sergeant’s know and have them submit an amended morning report to Dave Grimsrud. 3 - Tickets earned as of October 1, 2012. ACWC events so far, Calico (3), St Cats (2), and Costa Mesa (2). There is one more event coming up in case you want to earn tickets Vail Lake. SMR not included due to time constraint between event and mail out of newsletter. A person ‘earns’ one ticket per day they attend an event. 4 - Dave Grimsrud (ACWS President) and James R Tebbetts (Confederate Commander) are not eligible to be awarded tickets. 5 - Tickets awarded only after one is a member. 6 - Number of tickets ’earned’ do not reflect changes made after October 1. Mbr (1) x Last Name (2) Armstrong Atkins x x x x x McGowen’s th 8 La th Tkts (3) 2 8 La 1 Balandran Wolf Terry's 2 th Mbr (1) x 5 Wendy Last Name (2) Harrow Herbeck x First Name Unit B 2nd KY Tkts (3) 4 Ray Terry's 2 nd Hill S 2 Ky 4 Hopper Edward 8th La 3 th Berseorer Dave 8 Ala 1 Hopper Luke 8 La 3 Black Donald 8th La 5 Hurley Rodger Div Staff 3 Collins x Tom Unit Atkins Carroll x First Name James Doug Michael WA WA th 7 7 x x Hurt Inman K D nd 4 nd 2 Ky 2 Ky 4 th Couchman Sam 8 Ala 1 x Jensen Jett 4 Texas 1 Cronin Joseph R. WA 2 x Johns Henry 8th La 1 Daniel Ray 8th Ala 4 Justiniano Jose WA 7 Dean William B. 8th La 2 x Keesler Jason McGowen’s 1 DeDee Don Terry's 2 x Knapp Joey WA 3 DeNubilo Paul WA 2 x McGill Bill WA 5 th Diaz Anthony 8th La 2 Medrano Kyle 8 La 4 Diaz Eric 8th La 1 Mercado, Jr. Alfredo 2nd KY 4 th 2 Midgley Gary Terry's 2 th 1 Miller Matthew T. 8th La 1 Diaz Dudley Wayne Brian 8 La 8 Ala th x x Fernand Jerry 8 Ala 1 x Miller Ross McGowen’s 1 x Fillmore A 2nd Ky 4 x Mussenden Alexander 8th La 3 Fleshner Bruce WA 3 x Nagy Dave McGowen’s 1 Geraroi x th Zechariah 4 Texas 1 Grimsrud Dave Div Staff Gulledge Rodger 2nd Ky Hammerness Mark 8th Ala 2 th Nelson Andrew 8 La 4 Nielsen Conner 8th Ala 1 4 Nielson Bart 8th Ala 2 x Nobles Don McGowen’s 2 x Nobles Garrett McGowen’s 2 Peca Scott 2nd Ky 6 Harriott Duncan 8 Ala 1 Harriott Keith 8th Ala 2 Harriott Konner th 2 x Polson nd 1 x 8 Ala Quessenberry John 2 Ky Richarson Bradley D. 8th La 2 x Ruffer R 2nd Ky 4 x Sanchez Jacob McGowen’s 2 x Seigel Brian x th 8 LA th th 1 x Seigel David 8 La 1 x Sharker Steve WA 5 th x x x 1 Ken th 8 Ala 1 Tinsley Todd WA 3 Ulatowski Joseph 8th Ala 1 Ulrick James 8th Ala 1 Urouidez Tom 8th La 1 Walters Andy th 2 th 8 La Walters Mike 8 La 4 Wanhoff Howard 8th La 2 nd x Sinnermann Chris 8 Ala 1 x Webb Andy 2 Ky 5 x Smith Jacob McGowen’s 1 x Weisfeld Robert McGowen’s 2 x th Smith Ken 8th Ala 2 x Wiswell Brian 8 La 2 Snow Jacob 10th Va 3 x Wiswell Darren 8th LA 2 Wright Monique 8th La 4 Stanford Stilson Pete Jay th 8 La Div Staff 1 2 Zoch Jane th 1 th 1 8 La Stytle James M. 8th La 5 Zoch Robert 8 La Tebbetts James R Div Staff 6 --- --- --- UNION DIVISION Ladies and Gentlemen of the Union Brigade-To the Men and women of the Union Brigade. I wish to thank all from our Battalion that showed for the event everyone did a fine job and the event ran rather smoothly. My thanks to Jason and Lisa Coffey, and all the others that helped with the planning and set up weather for this past event at Spring Mountain ranch was great best weather I think in the past few years. Attention all units, Our next ACWS engagement event near Temecula, at Vail Lake on Dec 8-9 details to follow. God speed, and All for the Union. Your Obedient Servant, Col. Kenneth Dacey ACWS Brigade Commander Civilian Directors Report A great time was had by all at the Fall Barn Dance. Tom Atkins did a fantastic job, as always , calling as the fabulous Occasional Strings played the night away. The ROTC students and their dates embraced the 1860s’ with enthusiasm. Just seeing how much fun they were having made it all worth the while. Many thanks to the ladies who provided assistance to the young women with their wardrobe malfunctions. A special thank you to Dave’s wife, Rhonda for doing such a fine job making sure we didn’t go hungry. There was enough food to feed everyone three times over including a mini Sweet Shoppe of period correct candy. Kudos, Rhonda! The Penny Auction was a big hit earning $174.00. Thank you to all of you that donated. We couldn’t have done this without your generous support. Our next event will be a Christmas themed event in Dec. at Vail Lake in Temecula. The Town Hall will be set up with a small reading library for re-enactors use only. We are still accepting donations of new or used civil war related books to increase the size of the library. We plan on holding a tea that weekend. Please watch for more information in the coming weeks. Civilians, if you are planning to attend this new event please let Laurie or Karen know so that we can get a count and plan the town layout. For those of you attending the Spring Mountain event have a safe and enjoyable trip. We hope you all enjoy you Thanksgiving and hope to see you at Vail Lake. Regards, A Facebook page has been created at the following address to stay connected: Laurie and Karen can also be reached by email. Membership Director’s Report Membership Report As 2012 draws to a close, I’d like to thank those of you who supported the ACWS with your membership and participation. Our events are successful as long as you contribute your participation. I want to acknowledge two units who had the highest number of recruits—the 8th Louisiana and the 71st Pennsylvania. Special thanks go to Tom Atkins and Jason Coffey whose units have a friendly appeal to persons wanting to be reenactors and no doubt make these ‘newbies’ feel welcome. This is how our organization grows—with friendliness, warmth, encouragement, and sincerity. It is nearly 2013 and now is the time to renew your ACWS membership. From now until December 31, there is a $5.00 discount on single and basic family fees. Here are the regular rates for 2013: *Single membership $20 *Family membership $30 for the first two adults, and $5 per additional child); maximum total $50. All family members age 18 and older must submit their own “single” application. The 2013 application is included along with this newsletter for you to print out. When completing the application, please PRINT all information clearly, and sign on both the front and back sides. Single minor members (under age 18) must have a parent signature on both the front and back. Any incomplete applications will be returned and membership cards will be held. The December 8-9 event at Vail Lake in Temecula is the last of the year and if any of you have friends and family living in the area please tell them about our event. A Christmas theme is planned, so come join us at a beautiful venue and celebrate the season with good friends and family. Regards, Michele Akkerman Membership Director Civil War History This past July 12 was the 150th anniversary of the creation of the Army’s Medal of Honor. Our country’s highest military award for bravery is so revered that it commands the ultimate prestige above any other honor bestowed on an American. Of the more than 40 million veterans who have served since the beginning of the Civil War, only 3.456 have been awarded the Medal of Honor. When the Medal of Honor was suggested shortly after the beginning of the Civil War, it was met with serious objections. Many felt it imitated European military traditions, which many Americans thought were too aristocratic. Dissenters were in the minority, however, and a bill introduced by Sen. James W. Grimes of Iowa passed in Congress on December 21, 1861. It allowed President Lincoln to authorize 200 Navy Medals of Honor. The award would be presented for both combat and non-combat bravery. Though the wording specified valor, it was also vague: “ . . . by their gallantry in action, and other seaman-like qualities . . .” A second congressional act followed on July 12, 1862, allowing Lincoln to authorize an Army Medal of Honor. Its intention was to recognize heroism in combat only. The wording was similar to the Navy’s award, but for “soldier-like qualities.” It took nearly a year before the first Medal of Honor ceremony occurred on March 25, 1863. The first action of the Civil War for which a Medal of Honor was awarded was by 21-year-old Pvt. Francis Edwin Brownell of the 11th NY Infantry. On May 24, 1861, Brownell shot dead a hotel proprietor who had killed a Union colonel over the display of a Confederate flag in Alexandria, VA. The first Navy Medal of Honor was earned during the Battle of Vicksburg by Signal Quartermaster Robert Williams for heroism on the Yazoo River Expedition, December 23-27, 1862. Williams displayed heroism when Confederates initiated close-shore battery fire on the ship during a nearly twohour engagement. Ultimately 1,522 MOH were earned by Civil War vets. Second Lt. Thomas Custer, brother of George A. Custer, was the first recipient of two MOH. He was also the only soldier in the Civil War to receive it twice. Here are other fascinating facts about the Medal of Honor: *The youngest recipient ever was 12-year-old Willie Johnson, a musician in D Co., 3rd Vermont Infantry, for displaying fortitude following the Seven Days battle in 1862 in Virginia. *125 MOH were awarded for the Battle of Vicksburg, the highest of any battle in the Civil War. *The largest group of awards for a single action went to 59 Union soldiers who were part of the “volunteer storming party,” which assaulted the fortress of Vicksburg on May 22, 1863. *The MOH has been awarded to five sets of brothers. The first set was Col. John C. Black and Capt. William Black, both earned during the Civil War. *Although the CSA had no medal of honor for bravery during the war, the Sons of Confederate Veterans created a Confederate MOH in 1968. (Article from the June/July 2012 edition of VFW Magazine. Robert Widener is the author.) THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR SOCIETY Expresses Many Thanks To The Following Donors: Kansas Mercantile (Shelly Peters) G&M Mercantile PartyLite Candles (Donna DeRuyter) Sew Period(Shelly Peters) Winstontown Michelle & Michael Akkerman Laurie Norton Abraham’s Lady, (Donna Abraham) Braids for Maids Fall Creek Suttlery Pics & Flicks for all Reasons & Seasons Brodiaea’s Fashions (Ginger Alberti) Oak MountainWinery The Lady Bugs(custom bracelet watches) Camp C Sutlery (Clay & Cathy Gorbet) Stone Pony (Wendy Atkins) Daughters of Eve (Ruth Clinnick) The Hornsmythe Possible Acting and Film Opportunity for Reenactors— KPI Talent Management, a company dedicated to representing costumed/themed performers (including reenactors) to the entertainment, special event, and hospitality industries, is looking for people to represent, people who are highly-sought themed entertainers. Keep Productions Inc. Talent Management is officially licensed, bonded, and ready to represent you. With credits that include TV, film, major league sports and local events, it is looking for talent in all eras, genres, and themes, from Renaissance to Early American, Civil War, and later times, and also fantasy/fictional characters. Talent of all types is welcome—actors, musicians, and film extras. If you are looking to make some extra money portraying the persons you love, KPI will represent you with pride and professionalism. KPI can be contacted at or by calling Andrew Elkins at (818) 384-8770. MEMBERS—The ACWS is a non-profit corporation, and as a volunteer your expenses are tax deductible. Expenses include food, equipment, clothing, and mileage when traveling to events. So, remember to save your receipts and document your travel mileage in order to claim them as a tax deduction when filing your income tax returns. ACWS 2012 Calendar of Events DATE EVENT June 1Oct. 31 Dues reduction for new members $10 single, $15 family Aug. 18-19 Ft. Tejon Invitational ACWS supported Aug. 26 ACWS Board Meeting Oct. 13 ACWS Barn Dance, Reseda (tentative) Supports DAV and Navy ROTC Oct. 27-28 Spring Mountain Ranch, Las Vegas ACWS sponsored Nov. 1 Membership renewal for 2013 begins See Membership article for details. Dec. 8-9 Vail Lake ACWS sponsored 2013 Event schedule coming soon! Additional organizations and links of interest: PACWR: Fort Tejon: NCWA SWCWA We Are History: The History Channel Club: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Ad Space For Sale $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ If you are a vendor and want to reach every ACWS member 6 times a year and not just at an event, then this could be a cost effective place for you. You provide the copy and pictures you wish to display. We will be selling space based on the size of your ad and the number of times you run it. You may buy a 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 or even a full page and change the copy each cycle of the newsletter. All art and copy must be sent to the Editor 45 days before the edition in which you want it to be published. Your check for the run of your ad must be received 30 days before the first cycle of the newsletter in which you want it to be published. The editor reserves the right to refuse all or part of an ad, and you will be notified of changes to or if your ad is rejected for publishing. Advertising fees as of 10/1/2012 Frequency 1 Issue 2 - 5 Issues Year - 6 Issues Full Page Cost/Issue $ 40.00 $ 30.00 $ 25.00 Half Page Cost/Issue $ 30.00 $ 25.00 $ 20.00 Quarter Page Cost/Issue $ 25.00 $ 20.00 $ 15.00 Eighth Page Cost/Issue $ 20.00 $ 15.00 $ 10.00 For Members wanting to place non-commercial “Want Ads” or “For Sale” ads, there is no charge. Be sure to include a description of the item, sale price, and contact information. So if you have any equipment or clothing that is not being used and is taking up space for new items, take this opportunity to let members know that you have something to sell. FOR SALE ITEMS Used Panther Primitives Mini-wall Tent Dimensions: 10 ft X 8 ft., 7 foot peak, 30 inch wall. Accessories: Comes with over-sized canvas fly, full size canvas ground cover, Poles, cross bars, stakes of various sizes and ropes. Misc. Facts: The Tent canvas is flame retardant. The tent is 17 years old. Tent and all accouterments are in good condition. Tent ridge pole needs a little work. Tent is currently in Camarillo (Ventura County). Asking price = $150 Call = Dale Jacobs 818-207-4965
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