03-08-15 NL Wedding Banquet Little Bit of Heaven Music (Read


03-08-15 NL Wedding Banquet Little Bit of Heaven Music (Read
Welcome to Worship
March 8, 2015
8:15 a.m. & 10:45 a.m.
Devotion: Use this resource at home to guide your household’s daily devotions. You
can do this alone, as a couple, as a family; in the morning,
during the day, or at night. Find a routine that works best for you.
Pray: Light a candle and open your devotion time with a prayer.
Inviting God, you welcome all people into your kingdom. Teach us to honor you
with respect and love, for the glory of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Reflect: Reflect on the key verses from Sunday’s reading.
[Jesus said,] “[Then the king said,] ‘Go therefore into the main streets, and invite everyone you find to
the wedding banquet.’ Those slaves went out into the streets and gathered all whom they found, both
good and bad; so the wedding hall was filled with guests.” Matthew 22:9-10
Study: Study the reading and consider the background.
The king in the parable of the wedding banquet was a generous king, but also one who refused to be
taken advantage of. Initially he invited family and friends to the banquet, but they would not come.
This may have been a parallel to the Jewish leaders who refused to walk in God’s ways, even as they
were claiming to do just that. The king then invited everyone to come, perhaps an open invitation
from God to come into God’s kingdom. A twist near the end shows one man, improperly dressed for
the banquet, thrown out of the party. This may have been to indicate that God’s people were expected
to behave in a manner fitting of guests of the king; to treat one another with kindness and respect.
Read: Read the following daily readings to deepen your understanding of Sunday’s text. After the reading, ask
the follow-up questions.
Follow the teachings and actions of Jesus. See how his actions angered and frightened those in power.
Sunday, Matthew 22:1-14, Wedding Banquet
Monday, Psalm 45:6-7, Psalm
Tuesday, Matthew 20:17-34, Works of Jesus
Wednesday, Matthew 21:12-22, Jesus Cleanses the Temple
Thursday, Matthew 21:23-27, The Authority of Jesus Questioned
Friday, Matthew 21:28-32, Parables of Jesus
Saturday, Matthew 21:33-46, Parables of Jesus
How did Jesus’ actions and teachings point toward the cross and resurrection?
Connect: Connect in conversation with others in your household. Discuss the following questions, or simply
check in with “Highs” and “Lows.”
What was a high point of your day? What was a low point?
Who are the insiders and who are the outsiders in your community? What happens when the lines get
blurred? Who benefits when insiders and outsiders begin to work together? Who is hurt?
How is Jesus’ parable of the wedding banquet good news for you? How is it bad news? Which do you
prefer to see: the good or the bad?
Do: By acting on what we learn, we make God’s word come alive. Do the following activity this week.
Invite someone to coffee that you normally would not invite (a co-worker, a neighbor, a parishioner).
Come with no expectations. Enjoy the company of someone new.
Bless: Close your devotion with a blessing.
God who keeps inviting, help us hear your invitation to live as the word suggests. Amen.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
The Parables of Jesus—Lenten Sermon Series
Music by: A Little Bit of Heaven Band
8:15 & 10:45 a.m.
Call to Worship
Confession & Forgiveness
Opening Song
Prayer of the Day
Gospel Song
Gospel Reading
Children’s Message
Song of the Day
Apostles’ Creed
The Prayers
Sharing the Peace
A Little Bit of Heaven
“Come, Now Is The Time”
“The Wedding Banquet”
Matthew 22:1-14
“Shout to the Lord”
Bible NT pp. 21-22
Pastor James Holmberg
Lutheran Social Services
Please keep in mind the concerns of your fellow congregants who may prefer to wish you peace verbally rather
than shaking hands. Thank you for your understanding.
Offering Music
Offering Prayer
Words of Institution
The Lord’s Prayer (Traditional)
“God on the Mountain”
Post Communion Blessing
Ministry Moments
Sending Song
“I’ll Fly Away”
Sending Leader: Go in peace and serve the Lord!
Thanks be to God!
A Little Bit of Heaven
A Little Bit of Heaven
A Little Bit of Heaven
Remembering in our Prayers
Prayer Requests and Concerns: Gene Krueger; Tracy Hagen; Kay Tynefield; Larry
Schroeder; Richard Wegner; Jim Mars; Matt Feyen; Carol & Dick Bahr; Carolyn Hadfield;
Mary Minich; Jeanne Fruit; Don Molter; Jim Masterson; Barb & Tom Luckiesh; Deb Nollen;
All those who are seeking employment.
Prayer Requests and Concerns for family & friends of our members: Virginia Johnson
(friend of Joann Hayek; Ann Goyer (niece of Sid and Joann Hayek); Neil Hadfield (father of
Ray Hadfield); Steve Brinkleman (friend of Roberta Thomas); Doug Bird (friend of Deb and
Ron Nollen); David Kleinschmidt (friend of Wendy Reimer); Kim Vaughn, (Tom Carroll’s
sister); Tom & Suzzanne (friends of Carie Bronson and Dewey Hemba); Matt, Nye and baby
Zoe Peterson (friends of Carolyn Masterson); Brad & Jessie Cheff, Ashley Cheff (friends of
Elizabeth Weiss); Jane Babich’s father; Vicki (friend of Liza Klokow); Anola Kreklow 98,
Angels Grace Hospice (mother-in-law of Dawn Kreklow); Nicki; All those serving in our
Military and their families.
Prayer Celebrations: 25 women of Our Savior’s on retreat March 6-8; Teri and the 7th & 8th
Confirmation students on retreat at Lutherdale March 6-8; Congratulations to our Stephen
Ministers and Leaders: Chris Price, Bill Schumell, John Weiss, Luann Weber and Carolyn
Taylor; Deb’s recovery progress from her serious accident; Frank Tallon; Jeanne Fruit; Brian
Lund; Maxine Benrud; Carolyn & Jim Taylor; Lila Goll; Jeff Lytle.
Those who mourn: Carie Bronson & Dewey Hemba on the loss of their friends Jeff Haig on
1.16 and Mike Nolan on 2.2.
Homebound: Ruby Bedore; Kay Tynefield (Hospitalized); Alice Palmer; Kermit and Shirley
Pietz; Pauline Schultz 103 (Masonic Home, Dousman); Hazel Leque (Masonic Home, Dousman); Herb Jensen; Richard Wegner; Fran Shupe (Congregational Home).
March Prayer Families: Lori & Bret Wagner, Sara & Erin; Mary Wagner; Jon, Janine, Noah, Charley Wallgren; Hugh and Kathleen Walrath; Mike & Mari Jo Ward; James & Dawn
Weber; Katherine Weber; Luann & Jeff Weber; Richard Wegner; John, Susan, Elizabeth and
Nicholas Weiss
We invite you to complete a prayer request form for anyone that is in need of our prayers.
Forms are located by the prayer box on the wall by the coffee area. Also, please feel free to
contact Carolyn Taylor directly either by phone at 262-367-7124 or email
indyrag@wi.rr.com, or you may contact the office at 262-367-6000.
Your prayers will be lifted up in confidence weekly by our prayer team.
Pastor Tom can be reached at 262-490-4057.
Calendar Events • March 8-15
Day of the Week
Sunday, March 8
A Little Bit of Heaven
Guest: Pastor James
Holmberg Lutheran
Social Services
Monday, March 9
Tuesday, March 10
8:15 a.m. Worship-Music by: A Little Bit of Heaven
Fellowship Hour and Sunday School
First Communion Class for 2nd grade students
10:45 a.m. Worship—Music by: A Little Bit of Heaven
6-8:00 p.m. Mentor Workshop
7-8:00 p.m. Girl Scout Leader Meeting
7-8:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study
9:30 - 10:30
1-3:00 p.m. Home School Group
7 -9:00 p.m. Troop 24
7-8:00 a.m. Co-Ed Bible Study
9:30-11:00 Women’s Bible Study—New Study “Exodus”
11:30 a.m. Staff Meeting
March 11
Lenten Worship
5:15-5:45 Youth Bells
5:30 p.m.
Light Supper in the Fellowship Hall Hosted by the
Liturgical Arts Team
5:45 p.m. Praise Ringers
6:30 p.m. Lenten Worship Service - Taizé
7:00 p.m. Chancel Choir
Thursday, March 12
Friday, March 13
Saturday, March 14
10:30 a.m.
6:30 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
Women’s Bible Study
Men’s Bible Study
Wedding Rehearsal
Wedding -Stephanie Giencke & Daryl Schrader
8:15 a.m. Worship
Sunday, March 15
Kingdom Expansion
9:30 - 10:30 Sunday School, Fellowship Hour
10:45 a.m. Worship
2-5:00 p.m. Eagle Scout Ceremony Pastor Tom’s Troop
5:30 p.m. Family Promise families arrive
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Sunday School News - Leanna Manser
Sunday School Ministry Coordinator
262-367-6000 lmanser@oursaviorshartland.org
SS Team Members:
Scott Gosse - scottgosse@ymail.com & Lori Zeller -dmlzeller@att.net
Classrooms are located down the East hallway on your left.
“Living the Word”
Teaching Kids God’s Story
2014-2015 Pre-K—6th Grade
Sunday School 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
All children are always welcome.
Visiting today? Come and join us!
Today’s Lesson:
The Wedding Banquet
Mark your calendars:
March 29: Children sing on Palm/Passion Sunday 10:45 a.m.
April 5 & April 12: No Sunday School Enjoy your Easter break
April 26: Special Volunteer Service Sunday—No lesson just service.
Faith Milestone Celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Communion
Who? Second grade students or new students (Gr. 3-6) who wish to receive First
Communion. Parents who would like their son or daughter to receive the sacrament of
communion are welcome to join us as well (you are the primary “inkubators” of your child’s
March 8, 15, 22—Bread of Life, Cup of Blessing and Seder Meal Workshops. 9:30-10:30am.
during your child’s Sunday School class time.
Saturday, March 14—Chalice-making at the Lake Country Fine Arts Gallery, Hartland.
9:30-10:45am. Parents will join Teri for coffee & conversation at a location TBD.
Parents—It is very important for your child to attend Sunday School on these dates! If you are
unable to commit, we can discuss another time for your child to begin receiving communion.
Contact Teri @ tbergendahl@oursaviorshartland.org for further information or Kris Nebel,
First Communion Assistant at 262-565-8209
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Youth & Family News
Teri Bergendahl, Youth and Family Minister
Chris Tomlin, LOVE RAN RED tour with Tenth Avenue North
and Rend Collective. 7:00 p.m. Saturday, March 14
UW Milwaukee Panther Arena
Thanks to all who responded for tickets. Teri will contact you about meeting
for dinner before the concert and carpooling possibilities. Mark the date!.
“Confirmation to Confirmation classes completing an online unit during Lent. Please invite your
7th & 8th
parents to Worship on Wednesday evenings; 3.4, 3.11, 3.18, 3.25. Light supper at
5:30 p.m. with Worship 6:30-7:00 p.m.
9th graders and mentors will deliver dinner to 13+ college students at our
9th Grade
partner church, Redeemer Lutheran (located at 631 N 19th Street, MilwauMentor
kee) We will meet at church at 4:50 p.m. and leave by 5. Dinner and converTONIGHT 3.8
sation 6-6:15, depart at 7, back to Our Savior’s by 7:30 p.m.
Free Luther’s Small
Catechism App available
There is a free Small Catechism app for
your Smartphones available on iTunes.
Reference the official 1986 version of
Luther’s Small Catechism wherever you
are. You can also access this on your
Android or home computer at
catechism.cph.org. This beautifully
designed app makes reading and
navigating the Small Catechism easy
and convenient.
Get it today!
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9th Grade Mentor Workshop Information
Living out the promise to “PROCLAIM THE WORD OF
Bring backpacks, bibles, folders and prayer journals.
Next workshop: TONIGHT Sunday, March 8—6 to 8 p.m.
We will deliver and stay for dinner with students from
Boston College at our partner congregation, Redeemer
Lutheran in Milwaukee. Questions, contact Teri.
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Volunteers needed for Palm/Passion Sunday
Tracy Renner, our Business Manager, is very appreciative of those who have
volunteered to serve in Worship on a consistent basis and have stepped in to
cover even when you were not scheduled. Tracy has been filling in for Deb
Nollen, our Service Coordinator while she is on medical leave.
We are in need of volunteers for Palm/Passion Sunday, and Holy Week
Worship services. Please contact Tracy Renner if you are able to help in any
of the “Serving in Worship” areas. Most needed will be readers for our
Palm/Passion Sunday Service. No need to stand up and speak, parts can be
read right from your seat in the Sanctuary.
If you can help out in any way, please contact Tracy at 262-367-6000
She is in the office Monday—Wednesday 9:00—4:00
Are you visiting us here today?
Would you like more information on one of the
many wonderful programs at Our Savior’s?
Please let us know by talking to any of our ushers or
greeters, or by filling out a Visitor / Member sheet at
the Welcome Board in the foyer or use this form.
If you provide us with your email we will keep you up to
date on our programs and activities.
Name & Address:______________________________________________________
Cell Phone Numbers:__________________________________________________
Just tear this sheet off and give to an usher or drop in the top mailbox by the office door.
Thank you for coming to Worship with us!
We hope you feel at home and among friends.
Welcome to our “Church Family”.
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Lenten Wednesday Fellowship Meals & Worship
3.11, 3.18,
Thank you to our Music Ministry Team and Hospitality Team for the
great Lenten dinners on 2.25 and 3.4
March 11—Liturgical Arts Team
March 18—Wednesday Morning Co-Ed Bible Study Team
March 25—Leadership Team
Menu: Pulled pork sandwiches, cole slaw, chips and dessert
Music Practices will be as follows: 5:15—5:45 Youth Bells;
5:45 – 6:25 Praise Ringers; Taizé Worship 6:30-7:00 p.m.
7:00—8:00 Chancel Choir
Our Wednesday evening Lenten Taizé service contains times of
quiet meditation, silence, prayer and quiet singing.
Here is a little history of Taizé
Taizé (“t-Zay), a tiny village in the hills of Burgundy in eastern France, is home to an
ecumenical community of brothers whose prayer, three times a day, remains at the center of
their lives. Taizé is a place where visitors of all ages and backgrounds can gather to
participate in international meetings of prayer and reflection. Brother Roger first came to
Taize in 1940 at age 25 and formed a community of hope in the midst of human distress.
During World War II, his house became a place of welcome for refugees fleeing from Nazi
occupation. Originally, the community was comprised of brothers from Protestant
denominations but this community now includes Roman Catholics as well. Its eighty brothers
reflect a diversity involving nearly twenty different countries that works for reconciliation
among Christians separated by denominational loyalties.
Join Us. Come and be fed both physically and spiritually.
Wednesday Evenings during Lent: 5:30 Meal, 6:30 Taizé Worship
Missionary Team Update/Pastors Wayne & Christa
Pastors Wayne Nieminen and Christa von Zychlin, our missionaries in Hong
Kong, will be visiting us this summer on June 28th. They will be staying in
Sister Bay, Wisconsin and visiting all of their supporting congregations.
For lots of pictures and posts about their lives in Hong Kong and Southeast
Asia, please check out their blog at www.marathonangel.blogpost.com and
make sure to “like” them on Facebook at :
All of this information is available on our website under Outreach tab,
with a direct link to their blogpost and their facebook page. Check it out!
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Maundy Thursday
April 2
7:00 p.m. Worship
Celebration of First Communion
Friday, April 3 7:00 p.m. Tenebrae Service
Palm/Passion Sunday
March 29
8:15 and 10:45 a.m.
SS Children sing at
10:45 a.m.
Easter Sunday Celebration
April 5, 2015
Worship Services
6:00 a.m. Sunrise Service
8:15 a.m. Worship
9:30 a.m. Easter Breakfast
Prepared and served by our youth
going on the ELCA Gathering in Detroit
10:45 a.m. Worship
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2015 Easter Flowers
Hyacinths, Tulips, Daffodils or Lilies
Please order by
Monday, March 23
Easter flowers will be used to decorate the Sanctuary for Easter Sunday. You
may have your plants designated in memory of or in honor of a loved one.
Plants may also be designated for a homebound person.
Please place your completed order form and payment for your flowers in the
church office no later than Monday, March 23rd. Thank you!
Your Name
In Honor Of
In Memory Of
Type of
Number of
Price per
x $9.50 =
x $9.50 =
x $9.50 =
x $9.50 =
Total Amount
Keep or Donate
Plants may be taken home following our 10:45 a.m. Easter Worship Service on Sunday, April 5.
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Prayer Vigil - Saturday, April 4 - 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Prayer Vigil
April 4, 2014 - Chapel
8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Our Savior's will be offering its Spring Prayer Vigil as a means for this congregation to draw
closer to God. Prayer taps into God's incredible power that has no limits. It is what sets the
Holy Spirit in motion and uplifts our congregation, our communities and our world. Connecting with God in prayer has a way of calming our hearts, allowing us to breathe in the love and
grace of our heavenly Father in order to share the overflow with others. One of the main
goals of this vigil is to uplift each member of our congregation as a vital part of God's mission
on this earth.
As children of God we have the privilege and opportunity of coming before Him with all of
our requests with the assurance that He hears and understands us implicitly.
We invite everyone to set aside one or more hours on April 4th for prayer in the serene
setting of our Chapel. Aside from any distractions of life. Guidelines and suggestions will be
provided for all participants at the church, so there will not be a shortage of ideas for those
who are uncertain about what to pray for. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned prayer
warrior, God hears the yearnings of your heart and longs to answer you!
If you have a prayer request,
please complete a prayer request
form and place it in the prayer
box located by the coffee
fellowship area. All prayers will
be uplifted at our
Prayer Vigil on April 4th.
Please come and pray with us.
Anytime on April 4th from
8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Any questions or to volunteer to
help, please contact
Mary Kay Carroll
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Liturgical Arts—Ministry Team Meeting 3.17
On Tuesday, March 17th, there will be a Ministry Teams meeting for all ministries of Our
Savior’s. The Liturgical Arts Ministry team will be discussing and planning out
new banners for our Sanctuary. If you are a creative person and would like to join the
Liturgical Arts Ministry Team, we would love to have you be a part of our team. This
first meeting is for planning the seasonal banners, and future meetings will be to work on
making them. If you have questions or need more information, please contact Carie Bronson at 262-370-4497 or cardew@wi.rr.com
Our Savior’s at Community Fest at AHS on 3.21
Come and visit all the booths at Community Fest at Arrowhead High School from 10-3:00
p.m. on Saturday, March 21st.
Our Savior’s will have a booth there and we are looking for volunteers to spend an hour or so
handing out brochures, talking up our wonderful church, and just enjoying the experience.
Diane Gratz is the coordinator of this event. A sign up sheet is located on the kiosk in the
narthex. If you could spare an hour or so to help out, it would be great! All materials will be
provided. Questions? Contact Diane at 262-719-2735.
More information can be found at www.lakcountrycommunityfest.com
Or visit our website under Events and click on the link directly.
A Little Bit of Heaven will be playing in the front entry lobby from 11-11:30 a.m.
The Famous Racing Sausages TM will be there from 1-1:30 p.m.
There will be kite building and flying demonstrations from Arrowhead Student Entertainment,
coloring tables, face painting, an inflatable jump house, rock wall, and representatives from
many companies in the Lake Country area. Mark your calendars for this fun event and sign
up to help out at the Our Savior’s booth #41.
Facebook page of Our Savior’s
Have pictures or ideas you would like to see posted on the Our Savior’s Facebook page??
Contact Diane Gratz at gratzdiane@gmail.com or 262-719-2735
Even if you do not have Facebook, you can access it through the link on the front page of our
website at www.oursaviorshartland.org. Check it out!!
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Family Promise of Western Waukesha County
We are a week away from our next host week for Family Promise!
(3/15-3/22) How can YOU help? Here’s how:
Provide food for meals or other items as needed:
Sign up sheets are now posted in the narthex. The meal ideas that are posted are
flexible! If you have a favorite meal that you would like to make just let me know.
Typically we need food for about 6-8 people per evening. All food for meals should
be delivered to the church by 5 pm the evening that it is to be served. (If you need to
bring it earlier, pleas use the refrigerator labeled Family Promise). If you are bringing
other items please have those to the church by noon on Sunday, 3/15.
Complete the volunteer training:
The training runs only about 1 ½ - 2 hours and allows you to then come and spend time
with our guests while they are here with us! You can have dinner with them, play
games, be a listening ear…they are wonderful folks who need love and support just
like we all do!
Training Date: See sign-up sheet on the kiosk
3/10 Oakwood Church in Hartland from 6:30-8pm
3041 Oakwood Road
Hartland, WI 53029
Please note at this time we do not have a support congregation to help us out so we will need
everyone to step up and help out! (Our previous support congregation is now a HOST
Please prayerfully consider volunteering for this amazing ministry! If you have any questions
please contact Jackie Jones (602) 418-2208.
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Feel free to contact any of the Bible Study ministry leaders
if you are interested in joining in or just stop by.
All are welcome
Men’s Study
7:00 a,m.
Pastor Tom leads a men’s study at church on Tuesday mornings beginning at
7:00 a.m. Coffee is provided, just bring your own donut and be prepared for
some lively discussion and fellowship. Come and join us before work.
Contact pastortom@oursaviorshartland.org or 262-490-4057 for more
Bible Study
7:00 a.m.
Co-Ed Bible study on Wednesday mornings meets 7:00 -8:00 a.m.
Currently they have 6-10 co-ed members who come weekly. Topics and
material change every 6-12 weeks. Video teaching series by Christian
authors, bible studies, and Daily Text readings. “Our goal is to engage in
the study of God’s Word, apply it to our daily faith walk and help each other
grow in our faith.” Tim Culhane. Everyone is welcome to join anytime. For
more information contact Tim Culhane at 262-993-1128.
Bible Study
Join Trent Spear and Tim Pietz for bible study, devotion and fellowship on
Sundays from 9:30-10:30 a.m. in the fellowship hall. “Living Out God’s
Word” will be the focus of our gathering conversation and study.
Bible Study
9:30 a.m.
Women’s Bible Study on Wednesday mornings at church in the youth room
from 9:30—11:00 a.m.. Visit our website to see more details. New study.
Exodus begins 3.11.15 Books are $8.50 each and available in the office.
Contact: Jen Lundberg 650-492-0033
Bible Study
10:30 a.m.
Women’s Thursday Morning Bible Study meets at 10:30 in the chapel at
Our Savior’s. All are welcome to join anytime. Most go out to lunch afterwards. Great food for the body and soul!! Contact: Becki Culhane 262-3676279
Bible Study
6:30 p.m.
Men’s Thursday Evening Bible Study meets at Our Savior’s at 6:30 - 7:45
p.m. in the Chapel. All men are welcome to join. Stop by after work sometime and see if this is right for you. For more information, contact Bill
Schumell at 262-966-9713 or 262-894-5586
7th—9th grade
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What is God’s vision for Our Savior’s Evangelical Lutheran Church?
Our Core Values, which shape everything we do, continue to be:
“Bible Based, Saved by Grace, Serving with Jesus Everyplace”
Our primary focus for future direction:
1. Life-Giving Weekly Worship—The weekly worship gathering is the core reason we exist as a
2. Service Adventures with the Poor and the Poor in Spirit—We believe that God transforms us
through personal relationships with the poor, the wounded and the weak, who so often reveal God’s
richness, health, and strength.
3. Enriching and Renewing Christian Households and Marriages—God created human beings with
a deep longing for intimate bonds. Research has shown that stable, loving families are the optimal
environment for children's health and the development of society. Therefore, we believe that our
church should do everything possible to strengthen families & enrich marriages in our community.
Leadership Team
President: Dawn Manthei
President Elect: Dan Sagal
Treasurer: Eric Grimstad
Secretary: Jennifer Lundberg
Members At Large:
Tracy Gingrass, Eric Holland & Heidi Miller
Holy Communion
We welcome all believing Christians to receive
Christ's body and blood at the altar, regardless of
age or denominational background. Infants and
children whose families consider them too young
for communion or those who do not wish to commune because of conscience or questions are invited forward to receive a blessing. Please take an
Nursery—Amy Holland
It is a blessing to see babies and children together at
Worship with their families on Sunday mornings!
Our supervised nursery is provided on Sunday mornings for parents who feel their children may need a
little extra attention during the service. Parents are
especially encouraged to bring their children forward
with them for communion. Children not yet receiving
communion will receive a blessing.
Prayer Shawls—Margaret Madsen
Our Happy Stitchers Ministry group meets on the
third Thursday of each month at 1:00 p.m. During
that time, we work on shawls and other items, to be
given to those who may be experiencing a difficult
time in their lives. All items are blessed by our group
empty cup from the drawer and proceed to the serv- before being placed in the basket in the Narthex.
er. Prefilled cups of white grape juice are available Please choose any item and attach a prayer card to
as an alternative to wine. During an Intinction ser- give to someone need. We are thrilled to be spreadvice, the communion assistant will also have a clear ing so much of God’s love through this ministry!
wine chalice with white grape juice.
Please take one if you need it.
Staff at Our Savior’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
Pastor ................ ……………….Pastor Tom Pietz ………………...pastortom@oursaviorshartland.org
Youth & Family Minister……...Teri Bergendahl………………..tbergendahl@oursaviorshartland.org
Music Ministries……………….Carolyn Masterson………carolynmasterson@oursaviorshartland.org
Service Coordinator . ………….Deb Nollen………………………….dnollen@oursaviorshartland.org
Business Manager ..…………...Tracy Renner………………………...trenner@oursaviorshartland.org
Office Coordinator…………….Dawn Kreklow……………...…….dkreklow@oursaviorshartland.org
Facility Management/Custodian Tom Mauer ……………………......……………tmauer@wi.rr.com
Nursery Supervisor …………...Amy Holland……………………….…....hackyholland@hotmail.com
Organist ................... …………..Polly Mauer
StoneRollers Director …………Irene Koenigs………………………. …………..ikoenigs@wi.rr.com
A/V Tech Support Supervisor….Jim Masterson…………………………………jfmaster@yahoo.com
We welcome Pastor James Holmberg from Lutheran Social Services.
Pastor James Holmberg is the Senior Advancement Coordinator for Lutheran Social Services
of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan. Pastor Holmberg has served parishes in the Upper
Peninsula of Michigan and Southern Wisconsin before accepting a call with LSS in 2011.
Jim and his wife Marion live in Waukesha with three of their seven children.
Serving in Worship • Sunday, March 8—A Little Bit of Heaven
Guest Speaker: Rev. James Holmberg from Lutheran Social Services
8:15 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
Tech Team
Communion Assistants
Communion Assistants
Will Kroeger
Meg Feyen
Brian Lund
Amy Holland & Maddie Zeller
Carol Emmel & Margaret Madsen
Assisting Minister: Lori Zeller
Mark & Liza Klokow
A.J. Hevrdejs
Linda Westlie
Trent Spear
Amy Holland & Shelby Strandberg
Greg Nebel & Eric Grimstad
Assisting Minister: Lori Zeller
Lila Goll
Frank & Margaret Madsen
Linda Arshem
Ushers/Communion Prep/Counters for March 2015
Communion Prep
Becky Erickson
Tom Luckiesh
Josh Kleifgen
Amy Holland & Ellie Taubner
Kylie Burgess & Dave Christman
Assisting Minister: James Holmberg
Jane Babich
Tom & Mary Carroll
Serving in Worship • Sunday, March 15, 2015
8:15 a.m.
10:45 a.m
Tech Team
Shelby Strandberg
Lynn Tallon
Ally Kellerman
Amy Holland & Kelly Krause
Eric Holland & Dave McGrath
Assisting Minister: James Holmberg
Jim & Jeanne Fruit
Shelliann Javorek
8:15 a.m. Team #1: Jim Fruit, Jim Tremaine, Mike Ward,
James Wipperman & Peter Jensen
10:45 a.m. Team #4: Eric Grimstad, Brad & Zach Dettman,
Scott, Ryan & Eric Gosse
8:15 a.m. Carol Emmel & Dave and Mary McGrath
10:45 a.m. Jane Babich & Mary Kay Carroll
Bob Mikulec & Trent Spear
Bible Based, Saved by Grace, Serving with Jesus Every Place!
Our Savior’s Evangelical Lutheran Church • W299N5782 County Road E • Hartland, WI 53029
(262) 367-6000 Visit our website: www.oursaviorshartland.org