IJG 2016 Event Day Program
IJG 2016 Event Day Program
S SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2016 An Irvine Children’s Fund Event Presenting Sponsor Official Sponsor Major Sponsors The Irvine Junior Games support the Irvine Child Care Project Welcome to the 2016 Irvine Junior Games! he Irvine Children’s Fund (ICF) is proud to present the 29th annual Irvine Junior Games. Over 1,600 athletes from all 30 IUSD elementary and middle schools are running and jumping to raise money for before and after school child care. “Children helping Children” T Our mission is to raise funds to help families meet the before and after school child care needs on all 24 IUSD elementary schools and to provide before and after school child care scholarships for low income, working families. Let the Games Begin! Sharon Wellikson and Theresa Collins Irvine Junior Games Directors The Irvine Children’s Fund brings you Past Irvine Junior Games Leadership Linda Hayden Kevin Trussell Dennis Gibbs Linda Hayden Mary Curren Linda Miller Nancy Wilson Tanja Fournier Mike Marquand Mary Curren Sharon Wellikson Marcie Lemmon Susan Stahl 2014 2010 - 2013 2009 2004 - 2009 2003 2001 - 2002 1999 - 2000 1998 1996 - 1997 1993 - 1995 1991 - 1992 1990 - 1991 1987 - 1989 MEET DIRECTOR Mike Marquand Bob Oehlman Larry Wellikson Jim Cook Guy Lemmon 1999 - Present 1994 - 1998 1992 - 1993 1991 1987 - 1990 CLERK OF COURSE Anne Marquand Barbara Kaprielian 1993 - Present 1990 - 1992 Irvine Chilren’s Fund • Irvine Junior Games 14301 Yale Avenue, Irvine, California 92604 (949) 786-6454 • icfijg@sbcglobal.net IrvineChildrensFund.com • IrvineJuniorGames.com Tax ID# 33-0177921 @IrvineJrGames #IrvineGames 1 Presenting Sponsor Message elcome to the Irvine Junior Games! All of us at Hoag are committed to supporting Irvine families with their health and wellness goals and are proud to return as the Presenting Sponsor of the 2016 Irvine Junior Games. W Hoag has a long legacy as Orange County’s community hospital. Since we opened our doors in 1952, we have provided world-class, specialized medical services and wellness programs. For the past six years, Hoag Hospital Irvine has served your local community with a wide range of inpatient, outpatient and emergency room services. We are proud to serve the residents of Irvine, and as this great community grows we will grow with you. This summer, we will open Hoag Health Center Irvine – Sand Canyon. It will be a unique “health care village” that expands specialized services and complements the medical services offered across the street at the Hoag Hospital Irvine campus. In a testament to our commitment to Irvine, Hoag offers two other health centers conveniently located in the villages of Woodbridge and Woodbury. The centers provide an array of outpatient services, from urgent care, imaging and mammography screening to diagnostics, 2 primary and pediatric care, physical therapy and more. Additionally, for non-emergency care after hours and on weekends, Hoag Urgent Care centers are located in the villages of Los Olivos, Woodbury, Woodbridge, and soon at the Hoag Health Center Irvine – Sand Canyon. During this year’s Junior Games, we invite you to meet our Hoag Medical Group physicians who will be on hand Saturday at the Athlete Checkin and Expo. Hoag Medical Group is a multispecialty group with seven offices throughout Orange County, including three offices right here in Irvine. We congratulate all of this year’s Irvine Junior Games participants and extend our heartfelt wishes for a fun-filled day of healthy competition. Be safe and be well! Marcy Brown Vice President, Hoag Hospital Irvine And Hoag Health Center Operations Irvine Junior Games Sponsors Presenting Sponsors official sponsor Major Sponsors Program printing by Foster Printing Program and T-Shirt design by SPLATT Design, Sheri Reynolds Photography by Miki Bunnell, Alyssa Cadavona, Sue Lim, Kailie Michalak, Tony Nhu, Michele Ogden, Travis Ogden, Stephanie Overbaugh, Victoria Vo 3 Irvine Junior Games Sponsors Gold Sponsors and Foundation Grants $5,000 Edwards Lifesciences Foundation FivePoint Mariners Church Silver Sponsors $2,500 CARE Ambuance Services City of Irvine Foster Printing HOAG Emergency Department Robert Nigh, Database Architecture & Implementation Scholarshare 529 College Savings Plan Social Smarts Media, Suzanne Moshenko SPLATT Design, Sheri Reynolds Bronze Sponsors $1,000 Community Bank, Mary D. Miller Irvine Pony Baseball Irvine Self Storage Irvine Teachers Association Leap Squad Track Club, Keinan Briggs Pepsi Sterling America Investments, Bryan Ohira White Nelson Diehl Evans Event Sponsors $500 Alliance Land Planning Architects Orange Aquafina Dan & Heidi Borland Greg & Lauren Brooks Betty Carroll Chapman University The Colao Family Theresa Collins and Noah Wellikson Bill & Mary Curren Beckie Desmet Fuscoe Engineering Mark & Laurie Henigan Dave & Cynthia Illingworth i.Initial Mike & Cris Le Blanc The Rinks - Anaheim Ice Linda & Scott Roberts Robertson’s Ready Mix The Jim Rome Family Frank & Debbie Rugani Signature Party Rentals TV Ears, Inc. UMPQUA Bank Mark & Patty Vidovich Visions Dance Company Waste Management of Orange County Web Casa Design Larry & Sharon Wellikson 4 Irvine Junior Games Sponsors Spirit Team $250 Bob & Ali Bartholomew Irvine Chargers Football & Cheer Steve & Diana Pearon Prudential Overall Supply California Pizza Kitchen, Alton Square Corner Bakery, Irvine Marketplace The DeRusso Family Dennis & Debby Gibbs Patrons $125 Bob & Betsy Gavin Hardesty, Tim & Cathy DeCou Passamano Orthodontics Outwater and Pinckes Andrew Rawlings, D.C. Nick & Zena Reichert Harry & Susan Stahl Trillium Insurance, Jeff Barlow Joyce Wegner-Gwidt Bob & Leslie Woodings Student Sponsors & Boosters $30-$100 Cadavona Family Janet, Matt & Brenden Cook Meigan Everts, MD S. Khanna Denis & Robin LaBonge Christina Lee The Solow Family Terestial Solutions, Inc. Alexandra Vollucci Larry & Sharon Wellikson Expo Sponsors AYSO, North Irvine, Region 213 Camp James Child Development Centers Dave & Busters Grace City Church HOAG Hospital, Irvine Irvine Chargers Football & Cheer Irvine Pony Baseball iSMILES Orthodontics, Dr. Brandon Hoang Jamba Juice Misty May-Treanor Sports Center Mathobotix Rainbow Rising Andrew Rawlings, D.C. SoCal Elite Sports USATF Southern CA Association Woodbridge Community Church 5 6 7 Irvine Junior Games 8 Irvine Junior Games 9 Irvine Children’s Fund President n behalf of the Irvine Children’s Fund Board of Directors, I would like to express our sincere appreciation and thanks to the City of Irvine, the Irvine Unified School District (IUSD), the Irvine Child Care Project (ICCP), the more than 300 volunteers and most importantly to the 1,600+ student athletes that make the Irvine Junior Games so unique and special. Congratulations Irvine, for the 29 years of support to ICF which sponsors today’s Irvine Junior Games. O In addition, we also want to give special thanks to our generous sponsors, community members, parents, distinguished guests who not only allow us to make this event possible but also who give back to our community in so many ways. ICF is a nonprofit, community based volunteer organization that was formed in 1986 to raise funds to support scholarships for eligible working families that need before and after school child care at all 10 24 Irvine Unified School District (IUSD) elementary campuses. Over the past 28 years, ICF has provided over $2.3MM to the Irvine Child Care Project thanks to our generous corporate sponsors, foundations, grants and individuals. On behalf of the ICF Board of Directors, we wish you a pleasant and enjoyable day cheering your children in taking part in a fun and athletic event. Your generous donations help our community to grow in so many ways! Kind Regards, Marcy Brown Vice President, Hoag Hospital Irvine And Hoag Health Center Operation 11 Irvine Children’s Fund Scholarship Fund n1988, ICF established a program to provide funding for before and after school child care scholarships for low-income, working families. The ICF Before and After School Child Care Scholarship Program provides partial scholarships for children enrolled in Irvine Child Care Project (ICCP) sites located on all 24 IUSD elementary schools. ICF has provided child care scholarships totaling $1,741,556. Over 1,564 child care scholarships have been provided to low-income working families. I For 2015-2016, ICF committed to raise $130,000 for child care scholarships. Funds raised through the Irvine Junior Games, foundations, grants, sponsors, businesses and individuals help ICF achieve our before and after school child care mission. To help 12 ICF reach our goal and fulfill our child care mission, ICF was awarded grants from the Edwards Lifesciences Foundation, the Hoag Foundation and the Wells Fargo Foundation totaling $50,000. The money raised by over 1,600 athletes from 30 IUSD schools running and jumping at the Irvine Junior Games is important to help us meet our child care commitment. Everyone’s generosity has made it possible to provide over 13,490 child care days in 2013-2015. Child care scholarships are available on a first come, first served basis using an income eligibility level established by the County of Orange HUD standards. The Irvine Child Care Project oversees the scholarship program. Money to Schools, Teachers and Child Care Sites n 1991, the Board of Directors of the Irvine Children’s Fund established a policy to thank Irvine elementary and middle schools for their assistance with and participation in its annual fundraising event, the Irvine Junior Games. A stipend was established for the teachers who take on the extra responsibility of seeing that their students are prepared to participate in the Irvine Junior Games. ICF has contributed over $199,464 to the schools and teachers since 1991. I to each child care site for supplies, equipment, activities or other needs to enhance their programs for over 2,000 children. ICF has donated $172,675 to the child care sites since 1998. Photos Below: Left: Irvine Child Care Directors receiving their grant checks to purchase desired items for thier site. Right: Thank you letters. ICF has also made donations directly to the child care sites. ICF provides a $1,000 grant 13 Irvine Children’s Fund Board of Directors ICF BOARD OFFICERS MARCY BROWN ICF President Hoag Hospital Irvine HAITHAM AL-SAYED ICF Vice President TIAA RICH KNOWLAND ICF Vice President Brooks-Street SUSAN WHITTAKER ICF Secretary Whittaker Planning Services DOV LAZARUS ICF Treasurer HBLA, CPAs MICHAEL MEANS KLAA-AM 830 LAUREN BROOKS IUSD Board of Trustees MARY D. MILLER Past ICF President Community Bank BECKIE DESMET Community Leader SUZANNE MOSHENKO Social Smarts Media ROB POETSCH Taco Bell Corporation SHERI REYNOLDS SPLATT Design SHARON WELLIKSON Past ICF President Community Leader ICF BOARD MEMBERS EMERITUS DAN BORLAND Wells Fargo MICHAEL J. Le BLANC Past ICF President Irvine Company CAROLINE CALLOWAY Bolt Public Relations SCOTT CARMAN Velocity Productions DALE CHEEMA Keller Williams Realty MARY CURREN Community Leader GREG S. GOODRICH Wells Fargo EX-OFFICIO MAYOR STEVEN CHOI City of Irvine TERRY WALKER IUSD Superintendent HONORARY GREG BROOKS Allergan, Retired 14 DENNIS GIBBS Past IJG Chairman CYNTHIA ILLINGWORTH Community Leader ANTHONY KUO Irvine Planning Commissioner STAN MACHESKY Irvine Unified School District JOYCE WEGNER-GWIDT Past ICF President JWG Consultants THERESA COLLINS Director Irvine Junior Games Irvine Children’s Fund Irvine Junior Games SILENT AUCTION and 50/50 OPPORTUNITY Stop by the Opportunity Drawing and Silent Auction Area Bid on some exciting items and buy some Opportunity Tickets Signed Anaheim DUCKS Jersey wine country home • • GOLF Foursome at Coyote Hills Tickets • • 2 Night Stay at a Paso Robles 4 DISNEYLAND & CALIFORNIA ADVENTURE Park Hopper Tickets Signature Orange Bike from FivePoint Camp • • HOAG Executive Health Physical UCI Junior Anteater All-Star Camp • • Camp James Summer Pirate Coast Paddle Company JAMBOO Bluetooth Speaker & Tangle Free Headphones Breakfast Wine Tasting for 12 by PRP Wine Int’l. • • • • Angels Baseball Napa Wine Train • Bed and Fletcher Jones Mercedes Child’s Electric Car AND MANY MORE…Horse Play Rentals • Santa Anita Park • Del Mar Race Track • Movie tickets • Doggie Walk Gift Basket • Rainbow Kids Hairstyling • Team OC • OC Fair • Irvine Lanes • Boomers! • Aquarium of the Pacific • Improv • Pacific Symphony • Racquet Club of Irvine • Target gift cards • Trader Joe’s Gift Cards • Waterford Crystal Digital Frame • Rowley Portraiture • Bradford Portraits • The Winery Restaurant • Taco Bell • In-N-Out Burger • Starbucks • Lamppost Pizza, Woodbridge • Stricklands Ice Cream • Cheesecake Factory • Lamppost Pizza, Culver & Walnut • LePort Schools Summer Camp • Classic Kids Photography Look for the Auction Baskets donated by each school to help ICF raise funds for child care on all of our IUSD elementary school sites. 50/50 CASH Opportunity Drawing Drawing Centerfield at 1:00 P.M. Winner must be present $1 = 1 Ticket $10 = 12 Tickets $20 = 25 Tickets The past Silent Auctions & Opportunity Drawings have raised $94,000 for the Irvine Children’s Fund & the Irvine Child Care Project Before & After School Child Care Programs provided on 24 IUSD elementary schools. CASH, CHECKS 15 Irvine Junior Games Committee In addition to the dedicated Irvine Junior Games Committee working throughout the year, Irvine Children’s Fund is proud to have 400 Community Volunteers throughout the year and at the Irvine Junior Games annual fundraising track and field event. 2016 Irvine Junior Games Directors THERESA COLLINS and SHARON WELLIKSON MEMBER POSITION YEAR JOINED Dan Borland Aimee Boschen Brent Boznanski Kerry Boznanski Keinan Briggs Opportunity Drawing Event Day Treasurer Field Soccer Kick Field Basketball IJG Training Clinic Field Long Jump Sponsor Tent Check-In Sponsor Tent Event Day Treasurer Gates & Admissions Gates & Admisions ICF & IJG Director Front Track Staging Back Track Finish Line Track Coordinator Security & Athlete Parade Opening Ceremony 1993-1995 & 2003 IJG Chairman Announcer Announcer Field Basketball Concessions 2010 2015 2012 2012 2013 Shilpa Patel Karen Bunnell Diana Camaur Greg Council LaWanda Crawley Theresa Collins Larry Cope Beth Courtiss Aaron Craver Stuart Crust Mary Curren Cheryl Evans Pat Evans John Firth Myra Firth 16 2016 2013 2015 2016 2016 2006 2004 2013 2013 2005 1990 2006 2012 2012 2014 Irvine Junior Games Committee MEMBER POSITION YEAR JOINED Dave Gibbons Dennis Gibbs Security & Athlete Parade Back Track Staging 2009 IJG Chairman Opportunity Drawing Facilities 2004-2009 & 2014 IJG Chairman Field Long Jump Silent Auction Saturday EXPO Data Data Clerk of Course Meet Director 1996 - 1997 IJG Chairman Sponsor Tent Volunteers IT Athlete Check-In Photographer Photographer Announcer Sponsor Tent Awards Awards Front Track Finish Line Security Field Director 2010 - 2013 IJG Chairman Field Bag Shot IJG Sponsors 1991 - 1992 Chairman 2006 1991 Ira Glasky Linda Hayden Dan Hebert Chris Knowland Anthony Kuo Lisa Lanphere Michael Lanphere Anne Marquand Mike Marquand Cindi Morales Michelle Nguyen Bob Nigh Patti O’Brien Council Michele Ogden Stephanie Overbaugh Steve Pearson Sue Pozil Linda Pretzel-Roberts Scott Roberts Jamie Rogerson Todd Taylor Don Terres Kevin Trussell Noah Wellikson Sharon Wellikson 17 2014 1994 2011 2007 2016 2001 2004 1993 1993 2015 2014 2008 2013 2014 2014 1999 2013 2005 2008 2010 2015 2009 2009 2008 1988 18 19 Track and Field Rules NO EVENT WILL BEGIN EARLIER THAN SCHEDULED. At check-in, each athlete receives individual event numbers for each event in which he/she is entered. Athletes should report to the Clerk of Course area 15 minutes prior to event time. The scheduled starting times for each event will be posted in the staging area as well as at the ticket booth area and in the athlete seating area. SHOES: Any rubber-soled shoes are acceptable with the exception of metal cleats or spikes. Shoes that accept metal cleats or spikes are acceptable so long as the metal elements have been removed. Soccer-style cleated shoes will be allowed, but not required for the “soccer kick” field event. FINALIST SELECTION: Sprint entrants will participate in preliminary heats. The top finishers in each heat will advance to the semi-final heats. Finalists will consist of the top finishers from each semi-final heat. TIMING: Finish line winners will be determined by computerized timing. Meet record times are from final races only. No official times are kept in preliminary or semi-final races. NOTES: No starting blocks will be used. Standard track and field rules will apply as to false starts, lane violations, relay baton pass areas, etc. There will be no ties in any event. 20 Relay Assignments HEAT ONE 4th - 6th HEAT TWO 4th - 6th HEAT THREE 4th - 6th HEAT ONE 7th - 8th 1. Oak Creek 2. Northwood 3. Brywood 4. Plaza Vista 5. Stonegate 6. Meadow Park 7. Canyon View 8. Portola Springs 1. Cypress Village 2. Westpark 3. College Park 4. Woodbury 5. University Park 6. Turtle Rock 7. Santiago Hills 8. Culverdale 1. Greentree 2. Vista Verde 3. Bonita Canyon 4. Deerfield 5. Alderwood 6. Springbrook 7. Eastshore 8. Stone Creek 1. Jeffrey Trail 2. Venado 3. Lakeside 4. Rancho 5. South Lake 6. Sierra Vista 7. Plaza Vista 8. Vista Verde T-SHIRT COLORS 4th Grade YELLOW 5th Grade 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade RED GREEN PURPLE BLUE 21 (Lane assignments subject to change based on teams participating) 22 Opening Ceremony Invited Guests and Participants ATHLETES!! IJG Committee Members Please report to Theresa Collins and Sharon Wellikson, IJG Directors Mike Marquand, Meet Director staging area Don Terres, Field Director, Anne Marquand, Clerk of Course 15 MINUTES Linda Hayden, Facilities Steve Pearson, Cheryl Evans and Pat Evans - Announcers prior to your ICCP Members Darin Loughrey, President Ruth Anderson, Alan Battenfield, Ira Glasky, Lynn Schott scheduled Junior Games events. ICF Board Members Marcy Brown, President Haitham Al-Sayed and Rich Knowland, Vice Presidents Susan Whittaker, Secretary Dov Lazarus, Treasurer Dan Borland, Caroline Callaway, Scott Carman, Dale Cheema, Mary Curren, Greg Goodrich, Anthony Kuo, Michael Means, Mary D. Miller, Suzanne Moshenko, Rob Poetsch, Sheri Reynolds, and Sharon Wellikson IUSD Representatives Terry Walker, IUSD Superintendent Stan Machesky, Director of Elementary Education, Paul Bokota, President Lauren Brooks, Ira Glasky, Michael Parham and Sharon Wallin, IUSD Board of Trustees. Irvine City Council Mayor Steven Choi, Beth Krom, Jeff Lalloway, Lynn Schott and Christina Shea Sponsors Hoag Hospital Irvine - Marcy Brown, Camp James - Theresa Collins, Taco Bell - Rob Poetsch, Wells Fargo - Dan Borland and Greg S. Goodrich Color Guard Flag Ceremony Boy Scouts of America, Troop 695, Irvine Scoutmaster Jason Perkins National Anthem Saveena Patel, 9th Grade, Woodbridge High School Official Olympic Torch Courtesy of Jeff and Linda Pierson Flag, Medal & Torch Bearers (IJG Flag) Bella Terres 8th Grade, Sierra Vista (City of Irvine Flag) Joshua Wong 6th Grade, Stone Creek (Medals) Jacob Abshier 7th Grade, Lakeside and Lucia Friedberg 5th Grade, Woodbury Alyssa Nguyen 6th Grade, Woodbury (Torch) Kyler Collver 6th Grade, Stonegate and Carlene Nhu 6th Grade, Brywood 23 Schedule of Events FRONT TRACK Event # Event 1500 Meter Finals 400 Meter Prelim 800 Meter Finals 100 Meter Prelim 100 Meter Semi-Finals 100 Meter Finals 50 Meter Finals 400 Meter Finals 400 Meter Finals 4 x 100 Relays Approx. Time 9:45 - 9:55 9:55 - 11:30 11:35 - 12:15 12:20 - 2:15 2:15 - 2:55 3:00 - 3:20 3:30 - 3:44 3:58 - 4:16 3:45 - 3:58 4:20 - 5:15 Events by Grade 4th GRADE BOYS ID # 105 401 301 601 501 151 201 207 161 171 181 187 701 Event 400 Meter Prelim Soccer Kick Bag Shot Basketball Long Jump 100 Meter Prelim 50 Meter Prelim 50 Meter Semi 100 Meter Semi 100 Meter Final 50 Meter Final 400 Meter Final Relay Start 9:55 AM 10:35 AM 10:40 AM 10:45 AM 11:05 AM 12:20 PM 12:30 PM 2:05 PM 2:15 PM 3:00 PM 3:30 PM 3:58 PM 4:20 PM End 11:35 AM 11:20 AM 12:00 PM 12:00 PM 5th Grade Boys ID # 503 107 115 153 203 403 603 303 209 163 173 183 189 703 Event Long Jump 400 Meter Prelim 800 Meter Final 100 Meter Prelim 50 Meter Prelim Soccer Kick Basketball Bag Shot 50 Meter Semi 100 Meter Semi 100 Meter Final 50 Meter Final 400 Meter Final Relay Start End 9:40 AM 10:15 AM 10:40 AM 11:35 AM 12:55 PM 1:00 PM 1:15 PM 2:00 PM 1:15 PM 2:00 PM 1:25 PM 1:55 PM 2:15 PM 2:25 PM 3:04 PM 3:34 PM 4:04 PM 4:40 PM Event # 201 - 206 207 - 212 ATHLETES!! Please report to staging area 15 MINUTES prior to your scheduled Junior Games events. 101 - 104 105 - 110 115 - 122 151 - 160 161 - 170 171 - 180 181 - 186 187 - 192 193 - 196 701 - 710 BACK TRACK 24 Event 50 Meter Prelim 50 Meter Semi-Finals Approx. Time 12:30 - 1:50 2:05 - 2:30 INVITATIONAL EVENTS (Adapted PE Students) Event # 100 600 500 300 Event 100 Meter Basketball Shoot Long Jump Bag Shot Approx. Time 9:40 AM 9:45 AM 10:15 AM 10:30 AM 4th GRADE GIRLS ID # 106 502 602 302 402 152 202 208 162 172 182 188 702 Event 400 Meter Prelim Long Jump Basketball Bag Shot Soccer Kick 100 Meter Prelim 50 Meter Prelim 50 Meter Semi 100 Meter Semi 100 Meter Final 50 Meter Final 400 Meter Final Relay Start 10:20 AM 11:15 AM 11:20 AM 11:30 AM 11:35 AM 12:40 PM 12:45 PM 2:10 PM 2:20 PM 3:02 PM 3:32 PM 4:01 PM 4:30 PM End 12:15 PM 11:50 AM 12:30 PM 12:20 PM 5th GRADE GIRLS ID # 304 504 108 116 604 404 154 204 210 164 174 184 190 704 Event Bag Shot Long Jump 400 Meter Prelim 800 Meter Final Basketball Soccer Kick 100 Meter Prelim 50 Meter Prelim 50 Meter Semi 100 Meter Semi 100 Meter Final 50 Meter Final 400 Meter Final Relay Start 9:40 AM 9:40 AM 10:55 AM 11:40 AM 12:00 PM 12:20 PM 1:10 PM 1:20 PM 2:20 PM 2:30 PM 3:06 PM 3:36 PM 4:07 PM 4:50 PM End 10:30 AM 10:25 AM 12:30 PM 12:45 PM Schedule of Events 6th GRADE BOYS ID # 405 605 109 117 505 305 155 205 211 165 175 185 191 705 Start End 9:40 AM 10:10 AM 9:40 AM 10:45 AM 11:10 AM 11:45 AM 12:10 PM 12:40 PM 12:30 PM 1:00 PM 1:20 PM 1:35 PM 2:25 PM 2:35 PM 3:08 PM 3:38 PM 4:10 PM 5:00 PM 7th GRADE BOYS ID # 101 507 119 607 157 407 167 177 193 707 Event 1500 Meter Final Long Jump 800 Meter Final Basketball 100 Meter Prelim Soccer Kick 100 Meter Semi 100 Meter Final 400 Meter Final Relay Start End 9:45 AM 10:25 AM 11:05 AM 12:00 PM 12:30 PM 1:00 PM 1:45 PM 2:00 PM 2:15 PM 2:45 PM 3:12 PM 3:45 PM 5:15 PM 8th GRADE BOYS ID # 103 409 609 121 509 159 169 179 195 709 Event 1500 Meter Final Soccer Kick Basketball 800 Meter Final Long Jump 100 Meter Prelim 100 Meter Semi 100 Meter Final 400 Meter Final Relay Start End 9:45 AM 10:10 AM 10:25 AM 10:45 AM 11:10 AM 12:10 PM 12:40 PM 1:20 PM 2:05 PM 2:53 PM 3:16 PM 3:52 PM 5:15 PM ID # ATHLETES!! Please report to staging area 15 MINUTES prior to your scheduled Junior Games events. Event Soccer Kick Basketball 400 Meter Prelim 800 Meter Final Long Jump Bag Shot 100 Meter Prelim 50 Meter Prelim 50 Meter Semi 100 Meter Semi 100 Meter Final 50 Meter Final 400 Meter Final Relay 6th GRADE GIRLS 25 606 110 118 506 406 306 156 206 212 166 176 186 192 706 Event Basketball 400 Meter Prelim 800 Meter Final Long Jump Soccer Kick Bag Shot 100 Meter Prelim 50 Meter Prelim 50 Meter Semi 100 Meter Semi 100 Meter Final 50 Meter Final 400 Meter Final Relay Start End Start End Start End 9:55 AM 10:15 AM 11:25 AM 11:55 AM 12:15 PM 1:00 PM 12:45 PM 1:15 PM 1:00 PM 1:25 PM 1:35 PM 1:50 PM 2:30 PM 2:40 PM 3:10 PM 3:44 PM 4:13 PM 5:10 PM 7th GRADE GIRLS ID # 102 608 508 120 158 408 168 178 194 708 Event 1500 Meter Final Basketball Long Jump 800 Meter Final 100 Meter Prelim Soccer Kick 100 Meter Semi 100 Meter Final 400 Meter Final Relay 9:45 AM 10:20 AM 10:40 AM 10:25 AM 11:15 AM 12:05 PM 1:55 PM 2:15 PM 2:40 PM 2:50 PM 3:14 PM 3:48 PM 5:15 PM 8th GRADE GIRLS ID # 104 410 122 610 510 160 170 180 196 710 Event 1500 Meter Final Soccer Kick 800 Meter Final Basketball Long Jump 100 Meter Prelim 100 Meter Semi 100 Meter Final 400 Meter Final Relay 9:45 AM 10:25 AM 10:35 AM 12:05 PM 12:30 PM 1:00 PM 1:05 PM 1:30 PM 2:10 PM 2:55 PM 3:18 PM 3:55 PM 5:15 PM 26 27 28 29 30 Principal: Kara Rydman Teacher Rep: Daniel Larson 4th Grade Agahi, Ayden Anand, Nemai Dastur, Kashmira De Villiers, Milla DeVilliers, Gilii Iribarren, Ava Samula, Brinda ALDERWOOD 5th Grade Crist, Elle De Villiers, Francois Dougherty, Michael Fukuda, Thomas Gu, Jenny Lalonde, Alexandra Lalonde, Philippe Nori, Abhay Redjaian, Aaron Principal: Bob Curley Teacher Reps: Terence Ngo & Kristi Reeser 4th Grade Biddulph, Lily Breen, Maya Carpenter, Isaac Choi, Marie Edwards, Luke Emtiaz, Sina Fleischer, Eli Gharadaghian, Arpi Giolas, Elana Goren, Noa Habibi, Shaheen Hertstein, Riley Hilgeman, Gavin Hinkle, Hannah Jahanbin, Iman Joshi, Daniel Joshi, Noah Kim, Irene Kim, Nathaniel Klauke, Ella Kreter, Sorelle Lee, Hoyoun Maruyama, Mary McMullens, Brandon Meriki, Arya Noyes, Grace Park, Irene Park, Mathew Schulman, Leah Shafiee, Shayan Sadjadi, Sohrab Wang, Nicole 6th Grade Ashtiahi, Kassius Jue, Hunter Kim, Dillon Shah, Ayushi Tauber, Ethan BONITA CANYON Sih, Dylan Sognefest, Megan Suttner, Alexandra Tortarolo, George Tsukada, Christopher Uy, Maria Vaca, Julian Vargas, Ava Wei, Yishen Wellman, Jack Yeh, Brooke Malek, Joshua Mavrikis, Ioannis (Ian) Namdar, Keyon Namdar, Ryan Novell, Lauren Rodriguez, Anneliese Rome, Logan Sarinana, Noah Sawhney, Manisha Schmidt, Maximilian Shneyderman, Aaron Soliman, Annasimone Stenta, Kate Uehara, Hannah Virgil, Koda Wang, Samuel Watson, Ryan Williams, Madeline Zhang, James Zhu, Cindy 5th Grade Astarabadi, Ali Bacino, William Boschen, William Brody, Clayton Cheng, Amory Crager, Kwyncee Curtis, Juliet de la Paz, Lucas Dorman, Matthew Du, Helen Eng, Kelsey Jun, Joshua Kershaw, Grace Khalpari, Rachel Kim, Jeannie Kwak, Joseph Lee, Chaejun(David) Li, Jasmine 6th Grade Ahdout, Ethan Bello, Allison Cho, Ben Cohen, Ryan Curtis, Ben Do, Asher Do, Bryce Do, Haley Fang, Isaiah 31 Fleischer, Max Habibi, Sohrob Haney, Ty Hodgins, Pippa Huang, David Ihara, Charles Jahanbin, Nadia Keeling, Anna Khazravi, Rustin Kosuru, Mohit Lee, Christy Lee, Isaac LeVine, Mirabella Liang, Solomon Malhabour, Jared Mendivil, Elan Merchant, Ziyad Mirsafian, Cyrus Nguyen, Luc Pan, Ray Peracha, Jacob Saito, Zoe Sognefest, Lauren Tobin, Quinlan Tolan, Ellie Tsukada, Raymond Wifler, Tanner Wu, Michael Zambo, Jackson Principal: Astrid Ramirez Teacher Rep: Kathryn Scholl & Emily Lasala BRYWOOD 4th Grade Abshier, Michael Allen, Sean An, Jaesang Chen, Moses Coble, Natalie Delong, Zach Du, Luotong(Eva) Flores, Darian Francisco, Emma Ghosh, Aisheek Ha, Jaden Harjanto, Edlyn Hunnicutt, Dwight Ibasitas, Logan Johnson, Faith Laygo, Sharice Le, Cai Lee, Gavin Lin, Kassidy McDargh-Mitchell, Tammy Moore, Tyler Olea, Mia Pak, Cassidy Pashikanti, Adarsh Pham, John Zhao, Helaine Ho, RJ How, Rachel Khanna, Ronak Kumar, Siddhanth Malave, Aiden Michelsen, Neela Paulson, Justin Ramakrishnan, Sanjana Ringhofer, Tyler Salamoff, Sydnee Sanson, Emma Wirthele, Tret Zhou, Joshua 5th Grade Esfahani, Arya Estrella, Kenneth 6th Grade Chackerreza, Mauni Principal: Christina Giguiere Teacher Reps: Jon Nakano CANYON VIEW 4th Grade Amin, Sophia Arena, Matt Chan, Jayden Chang, Nicholas Chau, Tararyn Choy, Joshua DeRusso, Ella Hirst, Adam Hirst, Adam Khubbar, Milan Krasnow, Isabella Lu, Anneliese Odom, Elizabeth Ouchi, Owen Sakata, Yuwa Sanan, Aanya Sexton, Chloe Shu, Sarah Yihan Silva, Lauren Venezia, Ally White, Mitch Yuwen, Kalvin Anan, Nadia Anand, Sahana Choi, Ian Clodfelter, Alexei Doiphode, Nikki Dufault, Olivia Gu, Vivian Inouye, Taylor Kang, Seoyun Kazi, Ahmad Kung, Lindsey Lamon-Paredes, Molly Lee, Shannon 5th Grade Akiva, Danielle Lothringer, Kenneth Luo, Ingrid Mehta, Riyaz Schaus, Meghan White, Kathryn 6th Grade Akiva, Yonatan Compton, Hannah Gee, Dylan Gee, Justin Wong, Audrey Principal: Meg Gwyn Teacher Rep: Chris Lewis COLLEGE PARK 4th Grade Azoulay, Jeremy Banasiak, Luke Baxter, Gwen De Los Santos, Hyli Ganju, Rayna Katayama, Ray DeLong, Alex Flores, Diego Gopaul, Morgan Hernandez, Ava Ide, Alan Kumar, Ritwik Muniz, Julia Nguyen, Ian Nhu, Carlene Pak, Bradley Sanson, Isabel Sarkhosh, Skyler Stivers, Ashley Xia, Nicole Yi, Lindsey Yu, Lauren Kau, Kalia Kendig, Jack Kim, Cameron Kumar, Maitri Nitturkar, Ishaan Porter, Sienna Ramirez, Rodrigo Ravi Chakaravarthi, Aakarshan Rodriguez, Zach Schwarzbart, Annie Sellards, Ryan Shepherd, Waverly Spivey, Sullivan 32 Suzukawa, Isabelle Terry, Luke Walker, Maili Wesche, Kate Yohn, Alex Principal: Meg Gwyn Teacher Rep: Chris Lewis 5th Grade Arce, Gabriela Boga, Tanvi Bunnell, Yoji De Los Santos, Jade Deleon, Jocelyn Grubert, Ashley Hasegawa, Evan Pandolfi, Robbie Rajput, Siona Soltes, Harry Taylor, Katie COLLEGE PARK (con’t.) Taylor, Michael Taylor, Sarah Wellikson, Hope 6th Grade Akkus, Ceyda Baxter, Josh Bazzani, Marco Blanchet, Adrian Boukour, Adel Chavez-Brandeis, Marieta Chong, Rion Cohen, Yoni Echeverria, Jaden Estevez, Mauricio Fairchild, Jack Ganju, Diyya Hall, Jameson Jiang, Elizabeth Kita, Carson Lee, Grace Mirza, Zain Nitturkar, Sanjana Norbeck, Elliana Principal: Aaron Jetzer Teacher Reps: Mason Parker 4th Grade Esfehani, Rozina Garcia, Bella Kalfus, Guy Miller, Shay Nacady, Alexander Nann, Leslie Ramirez, Natalie 5th Grade Gross, Adi CULVERDALE Hattori, Yui Hoggatt, Summer Klinck, Sophia Noda, Hibiki 6th Grade Aquino, Yair (Jake) Bernik, Maxim Fine, Izzy Ghalambor, Arman Gross, Amit Principal: Susan Kemp Teacher Rep: Natalie Hanenkrat 4th Grade Garibi, Noam Grillas, Hailey Navarro, Tjark Saravanan, Viveka Williams, Asa Pinkerton, Brandon Rea, Leslie Reddy, Aashish Sharma, Abhijay Shimono, Karla Spivey, Sawyer Tom, Evan Vasin, Alex Wilcox, Ryan Wilson, Logen Yu, Menglin Khijniak, Daniel Ma, Edwin Miller, Brennan Nacady, John Smith, Jake Tanaka, Rin Taylor, Jackson Wendt-Carter, Cashmere CYPRESS VILLAGE 5th Grade Cabrera, Kirsten Cole, Nevaeh Durvasula, Anishka Fisher, Jacob Guzman, Tizoc Lee, Janie Lee, Jason Parang, Klara 33 6th Grade Aiyer, Dhruv Kim, Alvin Samiullah, Hassan Vellamena, Shuban Wang, Renee Xing, Tracy Principals: Julie Hatchell Teacher Reps: Christine Uribe & Jill Kormos DEERFIELD 4th Grade Abbaraju, Eshika Agnihotri, Devanshi Ahmed, Sulaiman Alam, Haaris Ayyaswamy, Megha Baron, Reed Cinco, Abigail DeNichilo, Mia Garg, Shlok Geng, Julia Hajj, Amari Hermosilla, Renata Hicks, Austin Holmgren, Trevor Judd, Benjamin Khan, Mahad Lo, Ezekiel Miller, Brandon Pandekar, NirajI EASTSHORE 4th Grade Anderson, Jakeb Burrus, Teagan Davis, Sienna Estacio, Evander Gumbayan, Diego Gumbayan, Liam Iribarren, Nicholas Kammerer, Logan Land, Maciana Lucero, Angelina McKay Garnica, Ayden Miller, Natalie Nishizaka, Ava Panczuk, Gabriel Patel, Sienna Rea, Adam Rea, Ella Putta, Rishika Ramos, Joshua Randuthengullathil, Tamish Sayin, Nurullah Sridhar, Sidddhartha Stricker, Caleb Varanasi, Sai Abhiram Velivela, Pujitha Vu, Keira Zimmerman, Cozy 5th Grade Baron, Reagan Chang, Ryan Frederick, Nicolas Kanitkar, Anika Kim, Josie Mohankumar, Medha Peng, Max Saenz, Japouria Sanden, Carmine Shirekar, Shreesh Tanikawa, Lucas 6th Grade Alam, Sabreen Bulalacao, Emmanuel Chinnimeni, Trisha Cinco, Nathan Guddeti, Shailey Haidary, Madinna Kollipara, Ishan Labowe, Cecelia Panuganti, Maanasa Patel, Srishti Qureshi, Umer Riddle, Marie Sanden, Nathan Velidandla, Kaushik Zimmerman, Tate Principal: Lisa Kadam Teacher Reps: Reid Harrell & Guillermo Licona Santana, Ruby Saunders, Emily Silber, Tanner Smith, Andrew Taylor, Jane Vardi, Maya Waqfi, Yaman 5th Grade Chan, Ellie Doberstein, David Goldstone, Ryan Hoshina, Rin Kim, Hyeonkeun (Roy) Larson, Kellen Pandit, Jayanth Peng, Amber Subedi, Nina 34 Taylor, Audrey Vardi, Amit Wloczysiak, Mathieu 6th Grade Burrus, Kelsey Cheng, Ashley Glass, Jordan Henshaw, Cade Lyon, Kaitlyn Meredith, Jeffrey Panczuk, Emilein Ramos, Matteo Santana, Dara Sharma, Jai Suh, Lauren Viola, Lauren Principal: Tamara Brown Teacher Reps: Alex Abshier & Doug Larson 4th Grade Amanullah, Zain Boutonnet, Marie Curran, Kathleen Flanagan, John “Jack” Gordon, Cymarah Hoffman, Scarlet Jetwani, Ishan Minasian, Leovaughn Morris, Tommy Morton, Bryant Nguyen, Quinston GREENTREE Pang, Nathan Rollins, Gjali Song, Andrew Stewart, Ella Villamar, Nicholas Ricci, Joey Schweitzer, Maya Subrize, Robert Tawara, Arya 6th Grade Bryant, Ginger Caldwell, Kristal Clark, Landon Couillard, Leah Gibson, Sofia Hepinger, Lukas 5th Grade Corcoran, Daniel Ding, Andrew Kaino, Derek Najjar, Sarah Oliver, M’Kai Principal: Scott Bowman Teacher Rep: David Hough 7th Grade Abousalama, Malak Amlen, Jordan Bayegan, Behrad Betancourt, Isaac Chung, Brandon Fralin, Curtis Ghafuri, Ali Imbo, Samantha Karra, Ananya Kelley, Caroline Kramer, Allison Paredes, Hope JEFFREY TRAIL Shattuck, Ryan Shin, Owen Shulman, Hayden Steinberg, Josh Wei, Emily Weidner, Peyton Williams, Josiah 8th Grade Barlow, Ryan Chaudhary, Anirudh Clarke, Autumn Hassan, Mustafa Principal: Gina Cuneo Teacher Reps: Daryl Singhi & Rich Glasgow 7th Grade Abdelkhalek, Seif Abshier, Jacob Berkowitz, Ryan Bernstein, Jackson Bullock, Ellen Bushyakanist, Dustin Cadavona, Cory Castanha, Carter Lagerlof, Mandy Lee, Kacy Lee, Madison Morrison, Christian Morton, Samantha Najjar, Steven Rowshan, Amirhossein Tanikawa, Baden Vo, Katie Wilhelm, Bryan Womack, Bethany Imbo, Janet Kennedy, William Kim, Jed Le, Tristan Omar, Joey Parang, Kevan Quiggle, Megan Redington, Jack Vredenburgh, Victoria Wojtowich, Kaveh Zhang, Paul LAKESIDE Chang, Irene Chen, Calvin Choi, Serena Davis, Nia Duzman, Ethan Epstein, Matthew Goldberg, Kerren Guddeti, Shreya Heckel, Julia Jackson, Benjamin Kawaguchi, Kaiya Ladd, Phoebe Lao, Krista Lavi, Itai Leitman, Madelaine Leyerle, Ava Llaguno, Alex Lyon, Lexi 35 Madsen, Tate Mcinerny, Peyton McInerny, Rylie Miyagi, Shanon Moon, Joseph Noh, Elaine Pacheco, Alejandro Pannier, Max Perez, Julianna Principal: Gina Cuneo Teacher Reps: Daryl Singhi & Rich Glasgow LAKESIDE (con’t.) Ramirez, Paola Robinson, Key’Maya Rogerson, Taylor Saeger, Kendall Seong, Allyson Silverstein, Corina Stottlemyer, Russell Subedi, Neil Tang, Julia Tornell, Diego Tran, Alexis Tran, Connor Vivanco, Ben Wang, YuLun Welton, Ryan Wloczysiak, Marine Wong, Mackenzie Zavala, Madeleine Karpynec, Logan Kim, Ashley Kim, Robert King, Chandlar Lan, Austin Land, Jayla Lindstrom, Isabelle Lougee, Joshua Lyon, Madison Martine, Grant McDevitt, Sean Anthony McIntosh, Dylan Olin, Gabe Ortega, Madison Pantigoso, James Pantigoso, John Pena, Luis 8th Grade Alarcon, Gabriel Beza, Jesse Cadavona, Kyle Carrier, Michael Castillo, Andrew Cheng, Daniel Chok, Everett Clift, Caitlin Cooke, Chloe Creamer, Minami Dahl, Madeline Done, Brandon Glezos, Malaya Hashimoto, Kai Principal: Thomas Potwora Teacher Rep: Kristen Jackson MEADOW PARK 4th Grade Bauhofer, Elaina Blakey, Mitchell Brody, Kyle Brooks, Tyler Chan, Nicolas Cohen, Gal Estrada, Sinead Fang, Yuval George, Casey Hassanpour Mashhady, Raya Lamp, Stephen LoBianco, Jameson Lucas, Anjali Manikandan, Namrata Mojtahedi, Kamin Molnar, Emily Nolan, Alexandria Rodriguez, Ian Sakai, Austin Sambhwani, Meera Pompay, Ava Raghunath, Ankit Reed, Nathan Rosa, Melody Sandoval, Sarah Sanson, Jasmine Sloniger, Spencer Talbert, William Vardi, Idan Vasenko, Daniel Vera, Julio Yim, Emma Yoo, Julie Yoon, Luke Seojoon Scaglione, Jacob Schindler, JC Verrando, Ulysse Watanabe, Hana Werner, Timothy Yoshida, Kylie Youmans, Gavyn Zhou, Kevin Morris, Macarhy Nolan, Alyvia Novosel, Cooper Sakurikar, Aadi Sires, Dennis Sun, Deena Ulwelling, Lauren Wilder, Austin Yamakawa, Nanami Youmans, Carter 5th Grade Brindis, Julio Chadha, Jaanya Corfield, Kathryn Delo, Kyle Ganje, Nika Hoffpauer, Audrey Jackson, Elijah Kordovi, Josh Kublay, Ilayda Lankford, Naomi Lucas, Taylor McEwen, Sean 6th Grade Allday, Emma Arragon, Elyse Blakey, Dylan Brody, Brooke Caudill, Kyle Chen, Jim Choi, Kaden Estrada, Maeve Hampton, Olivia Hirani, Sania 36 Jaisel, Marly Kanani, Sara Lee, Amber Leimback, Noah Maggio, Gavin McCance, Sean Merlo, Hannah Mironov, Sergey Molnar, Benjamin Ramirez, Jessica Rao, Ram Rodriguez, Kaelani Thibault, Leah Watanabe, Kai Widerman, Danielle Yoon, Joseph Zhou, Kaelyn Principal: Michael Saravia Teacher Reps: Liz Kovacic & Melissa Halsell 4th Grade Aggarwal, Aditya Ahmed, Syed Arroyo, Genesis Bajorek, Riley Batla, Zaara Boothroyd, Matthew Boppana, Ani Chacon, Marisa Chan, Devin Fu, Evan Gaddam, Keshav Gao, Andrew Giglio, Ava Haddad, Syrene Kommalapati, Tanmay Maurice, Mason Mazzeo, Francesca McDermott, William Olsen, Ava NORTHWOOD Qiu, Sophie Saraswat, Anish Schultz, Brooke Shankman, Sophia Solomita, Gwendolyn Stradling, Shane Trausch, Lucas Wahby, Muhammad Warren, Grace 5th Grade Al-Chabaoun, Amir Allison, Jasmine Bice, Hunter Chang, Brendan Christopher Dehkordi, Nikki Outwater, Noah Ragano, Elena Ramirez, Jacob Sakamoto, Braden Principal: Carlo Grasso Teacher Reps: Jeanette Klem 4th Grade Garrido, Emma Haruki, Jake Kim, Colin Kim, Madelyn Lee, Lindsay Lopez, Natalia McDaniel, Ella Ostrander, Pierson Ramos, Sabine Rashti, Adrina Rubino, Michael Said, Jinan Tupper, Sienna Uenishi, Alexander Uhlman, Logan Valtier, Ethan Wilbur, Sarah Witkin, Jonathan Sheth, Aditya Sinha, Shefali Wang, Sunny Wu, Alyssa 6th Grade Blancarte, Anaka Calkins, Krista Collins, Joshua Mason, Madison Miller, Dane Okuda, Claudia Qiu, Claire Schultz, Bobby Smith, Jenna Solomita, Quinlan Tang, Irene Wahby, Ahmad Yoon, Ji Sang Zhao, Hannah OAK CREEK 5th Grade Alrai, Somer Azhar, Shahzaib Banyan, Layla Castanha, Tanner Clarke, Sarah Dahiya, Aryan Dahl, Ashley Giat, Rebecca Goodrich, Daniel Ledina, Gabriel Murray, Kathryn Ostrander, Gannon Pannier, Cora Sarwono, Zahra Shin, Hana Valle, Isaac 37 6th Grade Alrai, Ammar Atias, Dotan Cho, Claire Dahiya, Arjun Flannigan, Joseph Jiang, Leo Khorashadi, Ellie Lindstrom, Francesca McDaniel, Emily Murray, Kieli Santiano, Matthew Washida, Mia Principal: James Parker Teacher Rep: Gregg Hammer PLAZA VISTA 4th Grade Ali, Ahmed Billings, McKenna Bork, Bianca Choi, Karen Inha Crane, Anderson Croteau, Arete Enomoto, Sean Gagne, Alexis Gomes, Chayse Greenberg, Joshua Hachiya, Jacob Hanson, Gunnar Hasan, Palwasha Hashim, Sara La Scala, Josh Labbate, Adam Leung, Jett Ma, Sharon Mathew, Jaden Mehraein, Ava Mittal, Yash Nishad, Aidah Rajesh, Riya Satuloori, Vishruth Sriram, Shrinidhi Wadsworth, Sofia Wang, Cayden Yang, Zizhao Yao, Raymond Yeh, Sean 5th Grade Boston, Yarden-Tal Go, Sabrina Isabel Hernandez, Marcus Knofler, Zachary LeBlanc, Luke Lee, Annaka Lee, Sungmin Martinez, Alexis Miranda, Peter Panda, Celina Pena, Rebekah S Rashidi, Mathew Ruggeri, Alexander Shih, Josh Singh, Tanisha Soutehkashan, Sepand Srinivasan, Adithya Srinivasan, Surya Steele, Emma Tingley, Finn Varatharaj, Manasvini Vera, Jennyliz Wendt, Caitlyn Yeh, Cyndi Pourshirazi, Manda Richmond, Owen Rivera, Ryan Sinha, Utkarsh Toft-Turrell, Teddy Yuan, Annette 6th Grade Braun, Marc Datar, Mrunal Enomoto, Sarah Enomoto, Shelley Ito-Bagshaw, Sara Kilar, Christopher Li, Az 8th Grade Fong, Vivian Hasan, Zain Kato, Ryu Knofler, Jessica Lee, Austin Pena, Elijah Tran, Tam Principal: Heather Phillips Teacher Rep: Philip Campos PORTOLA SPRINGS 4th Grade Coronado, Emily Dulay, Raef Hawwar, Qays Lin, Katherine Lo, Emmett Olague, Josue Palakonda, Andrew Pantoja, Luis Patel, Dheer Tonkovich, Ryder 5th Grade Bogosian, Nile Chu, Ryan Ghafuri, Abudi Oh, Joshua Phipps, Alexander Phipps, Andrew Wongso, Winston Yun, Jacob 6th Grade Feig, Ari Principal: Mike Modeer Teacher Reps: Marc Goldstone RANCHO 7th Grade Bumbesti, Mircea Courtiss, Katherine Cui, Lia Curtis, Luke Dugan, Kyra 7th Grade Blakley, Jayme Nishad, Ameen Prakash, Aditya Tao, Kenny Varatharaj, Harish Kershaw, Brandon Lalonde, Madeleine Merchant, Zaman Payan, Stevie Saracho, Calvin Roy Snetsinger, Isabella 38 Sun, Eric Tankha, Vani Welsh, Ella Wu, Feitong Yue, Trevor Zhou, Elaine Principal: Mike Modeer Teacher Reps: Marc Goldstone 8th Grade Arabzadeh, Sara Bahalul, Ido Chiang, Emily Davidson, Anthony Du, Leon Edwards, Olivia RANCHO (con’t.) Han, Grace Huang, Debao Jun, Clare Le, Daniel Li, ZiMo Redjaian, Ryan Snetsinger, Joseph Stenta, Will Wang, Ethan Yamamuro, Keisuke Yasuda, Momoka Yue, Brandon Principal: Corey Pace Teacher Rep: Gregg Colbert 4th Grade Abaye, Ryan Blam, Matthew Chaudhary, Siddhant Choun, Connor Choun, Ethan Giesemann, Eli Groysman, Samuel Haskell, Gabriel Jiang, Ramon Kim, Sara Lee, Soovin Ma, Alexander Parikh, Jay SANTIAGO HILLS Patel, Keira Stojanovic, Ema Uzun, Emir Williams, Natalie Yoo, Jae 5th Grade Boiarsky, Maya Kagatimath, Dhruv Klein, Vincent Lin, Tyler Mahesh, Sumukh Schaffer, Luna Principal: Lynn Matassarin Teacher Rep: Neal Caldwell 7th Grade Amin, Nadia Bice, Emma Cammarata, Melody Carter, Myles Chu, Kara Clodfelter, Vlady Cruz, Christian Darren, Shorter Dehkordi, Cameron Fry, Christopher Hirst, Sarah Katz, Andrew Kawanami, Sean Parikh, Jeet Stubbler, Roman Wilson, Carly 6th Grade Chen, Ethan Condy, Liam Dattagupta, Ayushi Lin, Sydney Patel, Simran Tajimaroa, Aleksia Wojtowich, Kian SIERRA VISTA Lu, Alison Martin, Dalen Mould, Mcaine Muniz, Katelyn Odom, Emily Paulson, Derek Pellazar, Makena Radvar, Neda Scott, Kamryn Sinchai, Jasmine Skelley, Allison Stivers, Samantha Trausch, Jacob Trausch, Tyler 39 Venezia, Jillian Williams, Erin-Nicole Xu, Angeline Zhao, Lilly Zitong 8th Grade Blam, Kaitlin Bowers, Markie Chen, Angelina Frey, Jennifer Moeljadi, Marco Pimentel, Jaxsen Terres, Bella Principal: Belinda Averill Teacher Reps: Peter Abe SOUTH LAKE 7th Grade Ayyala, Adithi Baker, Tom Blinstrub, Michael D. Chawla, Rohit Chen, Edison Chiang, Alice Cole, Mackenzie Dallas, Alexa Duarte, Noah Garcia, Vincent Gilbert, Helen Hamedani, Borna Issak, Ayub Jiang, Christina Johnson, Aidan Khan, Mahum Knutson, Kade Kumar, Rohan Lawal, Malik Lee, Derek Lucas, Owen McEwen, Patrick Melcher, John Memarian, Rambod Nguyen, Thomas Novosel, Ian On, Ethan Pisal, Siddhi Ramanathan, Lucky Ramirez, Nicholas Sarkar, Medha Shalaby, Mariam Shavitz, Trent Takiguchi, Justin Takiguchi, Ryan Uraizee, Hana Woll, Rachael Wu, Jessica 8th Grade Arora, Hardik Baky, Regis Blonshine, Tiara Butcher, Tommy Clay, Nicolas Denlinger, Christina Halterlein, Zach Principal: Sunny Shen Teacher Rep: Kelly Baker SPRINGBROOK 4th Grade Chaudhury, Anirban Christival, Ellington Fatima, Hadia Gagnier, Sarah Johnson, Naasir Kerr, Jayden Keylon, Parker Lutkemeyer, Christoph Maala, Jayden Mokkapati, Shriya Ruhunage, Rivin Siva, Nimal Zhang, Faith Hampton, Naomi Kakutani, Ken Karim, Tia Lloyd, Mason Lucas, Branton Maun, Alaina McWherter, Patrick Montplaisir, Benjamin Montplaisir, Maxwell Niu, Ethan Omiya, Alex Park, Daniel Ruhunage, Rovinya Schindler, Madilyn Sekiguchi, Toshikatsu Singh, Rajit Smith, Tate Strusinska Thayer, Maja Tran, Audrey Weiss, Galen Yoshida, Kyoichi 5th Grade Cardenas, Ariel Chen, Jordan Curioso, Stefan McDermid, Ashley Miller, Kendall Paul, Emma Pozil, Claire Quezada, Chase Wiederkehr, Will Wu, Nathan Yasui, Madeline 40 6th Grade Craig, Quincy Crosby, Andrew Curioso, Sophie Cwik, Anne Fajardo, Carlos Jamal, Yousuf Miller, Christian Shaver, Bryce Principal: Jenna Berumen Teacher Reps: Mike Clarke & John Hernandez 4th Grade Ahmad, Faraz Albin, Kerri Alcantara, Joao Pedro Avsaroglu, Hafsa B’far, Zara Bueche, Madison Byun, Leo Chan, Claire Chang, Kevin Chava, Siya Chen, Danica Chen, Marvin Crowe, Shelby De Marco, Anthony Ducroux, Antonin Fukushima, Erik Goren, Lianna Greenberg, Liron Haffar, Avery Jones, Caden Kim, Ally Le, Justin Lin, Joseph Liphardt, Sofia Louie, Lauren Malhotra, Kunal Mandolph, Jaeden McCreadie, Makoa McNally, Candice Morgan, Casey Nguyen, Addison Reichert, Danny Rodriguez, Ella Rommelfanger, Cole Sandoval, Jonathan Schinhofen, Cassie Shahbazi, Faraz Shipman, Caroline Shishlyaev, Ted Stewart, Isaac Suh, Ella Sun, Audrey Ta, Joshua Tazerouni, Ava Tran, Ashlyn Tsentsiper, Anthony Venegas, Isabella Vu, Chloe Wallace, Kate Wang, Danielle Wei, Aiden West, Harley Wong Nakata, Sarah Grace Yi, Christina Yusuf, Arshain Zandpour, Isabella 5th Grade Abate, Benjamin Albright, Ryan Ayvazian, Silva Balbuena, Leanna Bhima Reddy, Dheeksha Bixler, Miyoko Chen, Charlize Cheng, Katrina Cheung, Lindsay Culciar, David Das, Ishana David, Kyle Davis, Mailyn Doyle, Connor Gerard, Caitlin Gionis, Izzabella Goeres-Hill, Stephen Goodemote, Ella Gordon, Isabella Gramlich, Brandon Gregory, Gracie Gutierrez, Gabriel Guyette, Samantha Harvie, Jordan 41 STONE CREEK Hernandez, Victoria Isaacman, Sasha Khanna, Aditya Kuromoto, Matthew Lack, Garrett Llaguno, Emma Mandolph, Makayla Mashhadi, Kian Mazaheri, Sam Mehrazarin, Arya Memarian, Romina Moore, Dereck Noh, Abigail Pena, Christian Perez, Jake Pham, Caely Puertas, Finn Robinson, Jack Rossi, Christian Sabeh, Cristian Singer, Avlyn Star, Trevor Stottlemyer, Madison Thakur, Tej Traylor, Isa Wdharmaraj, Seth Weiss, Madison Wu, Isabella Yi, Karis Yost, Stella 6th Grade Albin, Jason Anecki, Lena Bailey-Waltz, Luke Bailey-Waltz, Miles Beard, Reese Brown, Zachary Burns, Jordan Cruz, Colin Das, Pranav Fukushima, Yasmin Galmarini, Kai Gavin, Andrew Goldstein, Cortland Goodemote, Liam Goren, Mia Klem, Sarah Kuromoto, Brandon Liphardt, Tyler McNally, Vivian Newton, Kristina Nguyen, Averi Nguyen, Natasha Pishdadian, Rojina Rudy, Megan Sarker, Samia Schinhofen, Carly Serron, Deann Shipman, Cordelia Suttle, Sierra Trimmer, Samantha Tsai, Lauren Valentine, Ryan Venegas, Sophia Vu, Tyler Watson, Bella West, Gibson Wong Nakata, Hannah Wong, Joshua Xue, Caroline Yoon, Joel STONEGATE 4th Grade Beckett, Austin Berger, Elyse Hsueh, Ellie Ledgard, Madison Schultz, Felicia Shirwany, Yenaal Tan, Nicholas Wu, Hailie Yang, Hanmo 5th Grade Berger, Dean Clarke, Collin Dhurjati, Sreenidh Kim, Simon Luo, Karen TURTLE ROCK 4th Grade Beckman, Michaela Beddome, Jacob Bogard, Andrew Bryce, Chanair Dreben, Max Dugan, Jeffrey (J.T.) Forde, Gareth Guan, Sophie Guan, Sydney Gupta, Arjun Ju, Vivian Kopylova, Maia Mittal, Ishaan Payan, Joey Rho, Jonathan Ross, Asger Saengsouvanna, Beckhem Safadjou, Ryan Saito, Koa Shivapur, Namir Vijay Kumar, Vandana Principal: Harmony Briscoe Teacher Rep: Kristen Keegan & Megan Johnson Mei, Lauren Nagar, Aryav Nguyen, Tommy Poyuzina, Aaden Su, Christopher Tran, Nathan Vemuri, Aditya Wang, Caroline Zhang, Paula DeTorres, Sloane Fares, Abdallah Gupta, Lavanya Hong, Kevin Howard, Garrett Li, Xingyao Li, Xuchao Mateo, Zion Ng, Titus Nguyen, Emily Quant, Dylan Tashman, Michael Tirla, Jaclin Ukeshkumar, Sibi Wang, Brendan 6th Grade Alarcon, Camille Alarcon, Sophia Amlen, Madison Brown, Kalea Chang, Christine Collver, Kyler Principal: Karen Catabijan Teacher Reps: Erin Lezak, Michael Giambone & Robert Finley Wilkens-Huff, Mateo Zhao, Angela Zhao, Arthur 5th Grade Ghodsi, Darian Gupta, Anirudh Khan, Firas Kwatra, Arnav Martinez, Nicholas Men, Ryan Pink, Theodore Qi, Ming Rignot, Luca Vogelman, Hayden 6th Grade Aispuro, Julian Bastani, Justin Bhatt, Raam-Richmond Diyakonov, Catherine Forde, Ashlyn 42 Kitagawa, Lisa Kopylova, Alissa Kwatra, Aditya Martinez, Serafina Nambimadom, Rohan Ross, Asbjorn Salehzadeh, Arian Scherson, Noah Stromberg, Jonatan Swanson, Julia Vogelman, Andrew Wahedi, Ali Wilkens-Huff, Henry Principal: Christine Amoroso Teacher Reps: Nancy Swanson & Kelly Montplaisir 4th Grade Bocek, Ava Carmichael, Kaitlyn Changsek, Kaylee Dizon, Anika Mae Gaussier, Ethan Ghasemi, Daniel Ghiassi, Nazanin Hasan, Salik Hasan, Yahya Himura, Fumihiko Ibrahimn, John Jerkovich, Tindra Kendall, Ava Kurani, Sophia Lane El, Tunis Lee, Mackenzie Leocadio, Keoni Liu, Isaac Mehaignerie, Katell Nobuhara, Risa Pan, Phoebe Qiu, Wenbo Rappas, Anna Sheldon, Mason Shen, Zijun Wheaton, Sierra Yang, Benjamin UNIVERSITY PARK Choi, Seohyun Dong, Yan Fukuhara, Keita Jiang, Jerry Kurani, Eli Lee, Brian Montano, Natalia Reyes, Isabella Treece, Alexa Wang, Jack Zichuan 6th Grade Ashtiani, Baran Carrion, Emilia Gavia, Fabian Guo, Jack 5th Grade Barajas-Kua, Mia Boualam, Halima Principal: Luis Torres Teacher Rep: Kevin Bui 7th Grade Ahmed, Zoha Bailey, David Baron, Reily Burgett, Hailey Fox, Dylan Holmgren, Alex Johnson, Nicolas Magda, Kyra VENADO Palakian, Alex Palakian, Ashley Savard, Ryan Shimono, Aston Sivasubramanian, Srinithi 8th Grade Arce, Alberto Blanchet, Sebastian Principal: Jerry Vlasic Teacher Rep: David Cavero 4th Grade Anderson, Blaine Billiter, Jame Brewer, Charis Cha, Nehemiah Connors, Brody Dishon, Nathan Flick-Kaiser, Niko Hornback, Jacob Kfir, Jordan Lynch, Claire Jerkovich, Linnea Kashyap, Neha Kashyap, Nehal Mehaignerie, Talia Nair, Kamya Shah, Deeti Sharma, Saloni Sherrill, Elena Turkkan, Nilufer Valadkhani, Ghazall Warady, Tanner Yamamuro, Shunsuke Boznaski, Brady Boznaski, Bryn Dillon, Andrew Dillon, Evan Dillon, Kristine Hong, Isaac Kim, Kyle King, Alexander Miller, Lucas Nguyen, Linhlan Patel, Varij Peterson, Taylor Savard, Chloe Wesche, Megan VISTA VERDE Martino, Claire Mills, Alexa Morris, Meredith Moss, Wylan Troccoli, Caprie Weston, Luke Whitney, Theodore Wiedemann, Ben Wu, Tyler 6th Grade Ataya, Malik Dizechi, Kayla Hertel, Gabriel Hurd, Ryan Johnson, Christian Lee, Elijah 5th Grade Babaeian, Kayla Mahallati, Chloe Purser, Scarlett 43 McEligot, Rohan McNamara, Keirynn Purser, Joseph Rabold, Lexi Wu, Ryan 7th Grade Hanssler, Katherine 8th Grade Miller, Sidney Principal: Deanna Rutter Teacher Reps: Ingrid Green & Joshua Berman WESTPARK 4th Grade Bhatnagar, Anisha Cheng, Nolan Chowdhary, Simar Garg, Naya Hiraoka, Daichi Hoffman, Finn Hua, Katherine Kalhor, Ali Khajanchi, Sasha Kuan, Madeline Ma, Edward McKenzie, Jamie Robinson, Hayli Russom, Chase Santos, Daphne Shi, James Shunmugasundaram, Sukanya WOODBURY 4th Grade Alexander, Emma Bashandy, Adam Cheng, Yasmine Choi, Kate Chuang, Jeslyn Chung, Dylan Cook, Brenden Ellis, Max Gordon, Landon Hiraki, Aoi Ho, Aivy Ibanez, Tomas Kahf, Ennes King, Gisella Kull, Maddox Lee, Isabella Lee, TzuHsien Magyar, Jazmin Mo, Claire Mohr, Zoe Narenthiran, Aarani Narenthiran, Nilan Moghavemi Tehrani, Armin Narayan, Ankita Nguyen, Collin Nguyen, Lauren Pacheco, Andre Pandurangadu, Karina Parashar, Ansh Pirzadeh, Tara Rege, Arnav Romito, Sarah Romito, Silvi Stanley-Jones, Ascha Stephens, Landen Tsujino, Misaki Vemmerath Kulangara, Naazneen Shafeer Walach, Darius Tsai, Charlton Walker, Carson Wattamwar, Arnav Zeng, Wesley 5th Grade Barber, Gavin Barber, Sullivan Bhatnagar, Arjun Blinstrub, Joshua A. Chawla, Maanik Christie, Aidan Cruz, Conner Gonuguntla, Sai Pranay Havildar, Misha Hoang, Meghan Holman, Jackson Jiang, Jacqueline Kondury, Anagha 6th Grade Barboza, Pablo Blinstrub, Jade N. Blonshine, Brietta DeLuca, Nicholas Garrett, Jonathan Garrett, Zachary Hong, Hannah Joshi, Mihir Khajanchi, Anoushka Kim, Tyler Lee, Angela Liu, Bryan Mathison, Anastasia McKenzie, Jack Mullik, Rehaan Roy, Giulia Tang, York Whyte, Allyson Principal: Alan Battenfield Teacher Reps: Jessica Liberty, Cassidy Rollins & Anne Sahyoun Gonzales, Isabella Hawley-Browder, Sam Hiraki, Ayaka Hutchinson, Eden Khalifa, Omar Kramer, Grant Lee, Rocky Li, Christopher Magyar, Benedek Makevich, Alexandra Manzi, Marco McNealy, Maelyn Medvitz, Isabella Meyers, Braden Nicholson, Nolan Omer, Fiza Rhee, Jennifer Ruminson, Ella Saiki, Moka Sanchez, Nick Sullivan, Elise Tucker, Collin Wheeler, Howard Ni, Iris Nuth, Katherine Path, Leo Patragnoni, Kai Rotunda, Tia Sasaki, Kaylie Shuai, Shining Sowlati, Kasra Sundaram, Evan Wei, Penelope Williams, Sarah Wu, Ruth 5th Grade Amakasu, Emma Bajaj, Rishabh Banai, Nima Bilgrammi, Umar Del Pilar, Michael Ellis, Jackson Friedberg, Lucia Ganes, Donovan Garcia Montero, Citlali 44 White, Meghan Zdanavage, Jadyn 6th Grade Bennett, Selin Brown, Pierce Calimquim, Brian Choi, Justin Grinnell, Jensen Guntrip, Chloe Hsu, Lauren Lam, Adam Maurer, Colin Mohr, Jake Moore, AJ Nguyen, Alyssa Nuth, Alexander Oliva, Louie Path, Jaden Patragnoni, Mei Ling Sandoval, Samuel Tanasescu, Semiramis Yu, Caleb Irvine Junior Games Records 50-METER SPRINT 4th Grade Boys 4th Grade Girls 5th Grade Boys 5th Grade Girls 6th Grade Boys 6th Grade Girls (Initiated 1988) Devan Mimms (Northwood) Heather Simon (Deerfield) Matthew Taylor (El Camino) Quinn Saito (Bonita Canyon) Patrick Green (Northwood) Julie Parry (Deerfield) 100-METER SPRINT 4th Grade Boys 4th Grade Girls 5th Grade Boys 5th Grade Girls 6th Grade Boys 6th Grade Girls 7th Grade Boys 7th Grade Girls 8th Grade Boys 8th Grade Girls 4th Grade Boys 4th Grade Girls 5th Grade Boys 5th Grade Girls 6th Grade Boys 6th Grade Girls 7th Grade Boys 7th Grade Girls 8th Grade Boys 8th Grade Girls 4th Grade Boys 4th Grade Girls 5th Grade Boys 5th Grade Girls 6th Grade Boys 6th Grade Girls 14.30 Sec. 14.40 13.85 14.03 12.81 13.75 12.32 13.75 11.59 13.19 1989 1989 1990 1990 1998 1997 1997 2008 2015 1999 1:07.42 Min. 1:10.86 1:01.31 1:06.50 58.99 1:06.88 58.09 1:01.97 55.71 1:01.00 1994 2014 1995 2011 1994 2014 2011 2014 2012 1998 2:36.01 Min. 2:49.15 2:24.40 2:32.99 2:17.77 2:33.90 1990 1989 1997 2015 2010 2014 (Initiated 1988) Kelly Smith (Eastshore) Sophia Gibson (Greentree) Kelly Smith (Eastshore) Madison Johnson (Stone Creek) Kelly Smith (Eastshore) Hannah Cooper (Meadow Park) Jacob Ogden (Vista Verde Milana Malec (Lakeside) Alexander Young (Lakeside) Ashley Lazarus (South Lake) 800-METER RUN 1993 1993 1993 2008 1993 1993 (Initiated 1988) William Stovall (Meadow Park) Erin Stovall (Meadow Park) William Stovall (Meadow Park) Carly Moss (Eastshore) Brian Masaki (Westpark) Michelle Sanford (Culverdale) John Cornelio (Rancho San Joaquin ) Alexia Williams (Venado) Jacob Haley (South Lake) Michelle Sanford (South Lake) 400-METER RUN 7.54 Sec. 7.81 7.32 7.93 6.92 7.21 (Initiated 1989) Martin Brix (University Park) Stacey McMulin (Westwood) Michael Haddan (Bonita Canyon) Sophia Gibson (Greentree) Jacob Ogden (Vista Verde) Aleksandra Crampton (Stonegate) 45 Irvine Junior Games Records 800-METER RUN con’t. 7th Grade Boys 7th Grade Girls 8th Grade Boys 8th Grade Girls Jacob Ogden (Vista Verde) Aleksandra Crampton (Jeffrey Trail) Jacob Ogden (Vista Verde) Milana Malec (Lakeside) 1500-METER RUN 7th Grade Boys 7th Grade Girls 8th Grade Boys 8th Grade Girls Jacob Ogden (Vista Verde) Aleksandra Crampton (Jeffrey Trail) Jacob Ogden (Vista Verde) Allyson Marquand (Rancho San Joaquin) College Park Culverdale College Park El Camino Stone Creek Meadow Park Sierra Vista Lakeside Lakeside Sierra Vista 4:27.69 Min. 5:00.87 4:15.96 5:07.99 2011 2015 2012 1995 1:01.58 Min. 1:04.02 58.15 59.88 55.65 58.77 52.28 54.92 49.78 55.38 2011 1995 2012 2003 1990 1994 2012 2014 2014 2006 (Initiated 1988) Cameron Miles (Sierra Vista) Gabriel Warner (Lakeside) Maddie Lyon (Lakeside) John Pate (Venado) Dominique Ruotolo (Lakeside) STANDING LONG JUMP 4th Grade Boys 4th Grade Girls 4th Grade Girls 5th Grade Boys 5th Grade Girls 6th Grade Boys 6th Grade Girls 6th Grade Girls 2011 2015 2012 2015 (Initiated 1988) RUNNING LONG JUMP 7th Grade Boys 7th Grade Boys 7th Grade Girls 8th Grade Boys 8th Grade Girls 2:14.35 2:27.17 2:10.23 2:21.77 (Initiated 1992) 4 X 100-METER RELAY 4th Grade Boys 4th Grade Girls 5th Grade Boys 5th Grade Girls 6th Grade Boys 6th Grade Girls 7th Grade Boys 7th Grade Girls 8th Grade Boys 8th Grade Girls (Initiated 1989) 17’11.00” 17’11.00” 16’05.00” 18’06.00” 16’10.50” 2010 2010 2015 1994 2014 7’00.00” 6’08.00” 6’08.00” 7’03.50” 7’00.00” 8’00.50” 7’04.00” 7’04.00” 2006 2009 1989 2003 1989 2001 2004 2012 (Initiated 1988) Philip Wright (Vista Verde) Michelle Chuang (Plaza Vista) Megan McQuaid (Springbrook) Blake Robinson (Bonita Canyon) Franny Simmons (El Camino Real) Christopher Li (Deerfield) Melissa Kan (Santiago Hills) Daria Shkel (Bonita Canyon) 46 Irvine Junior Games Records SOCCER KICK 4th Grade Boys 4th Grade Girls 5th Grade Boys 5th Grade Girls 6th Grade Boys 6th Grade Girls 7th Grade Boys 7th Grade Girls 8th Grade Boys 8th Grade Girls BAG SHOT (Initiated 1988) Trevor Hyman (Santiago Hills) Tracy Matthews (Alderwood) Trevor Hyman (Santiago Hills) Brittany Kelley (Stone Creek) Ryan Dong (Santiago Hills) Erin Lezak (El Camino) Trevor Hyman (Sierra Vista) Kathleen Overbaugh (Sierra Vista) Patrick Ingram (South Lake) Michelle Riddle (Venado) 118’03.00” 105’04.00” 141’05.00” 124’10.00” 153’01.00” 132’09.00” 185’06.00” 145’08.00” 195’00.00” 149’09.00” 2005 1992 2006 1993 2013 1993 2008 2015 2008 2012 189’ 04” 140’10” 199’00” 153’05” 237’10” 163’09” 2012 2001 2012 2014 2009 1997 20 points 20 points 17 points 17 points 20 points 20 points 20 Points 18 points 17 points 17 points 20 points 17 points 18 points 16 points 2010 2010 1997 2015 2001 2015 2013 2006 2007 2004 2011 2009 1998 2009 (Initiated 1991) 4th Grade Boys 4th Grade Girls 5th Grade Boys 5th Grade Girls 6th Grade Boys 6th Grade Girls Grant Martine (Westpark) Crista Goldbaum (Culverdale) Matthew Telles (Woodbury) Makena Pellazar (Brywood) Cameron Miles (Westwood) Ashley Voisinet (Bonita Canyon) BASKETBALL SHOOT 4th Grade Boys 4th Grade Boys 4th Grade Girls 4th Grade Girls 5th Grade Boys 5th Grade Boys 5th Grade Girls 6th Grade Boys 6th Grade Girls 6th Grade Girls 7th Grade Boys 7th Grade Girls 8th Grade Boys 8th Grade Girls (Initiated 1993) Carson Albin (College Park) Adam Kemp (Culverdale) Brenna Freisleben (Culverdale) Madeline Yasui (Springbrook) Taylor Miller (Springbrook) Samuel Sandoval (Woodbury) Trinity Cha (Turtle Rock) Dalton Clarke (Canyon View) Ashley Corredor (Greentree) Bar Lazar (Santiago Hills) Armin Sirossian (Plaza Vista) Kelli Robinson (South Lake) Matt Susson (Sierra Vista) Ashley Corredor (Venado) 47 Irvine Children’s Fund wishes to thank all of the athletes, parents, teachers, volunteers and community leaders who make this day possible. See you next year! 48
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