October 2012 Newsletter


October 2012 Newsletter
October 2012
Ball Highlight
The annual charity Ball provided many
highlights but none better than the guest
appearance of prominent actress Zoe Ventura.
Zoe who was a Penrhos College student at the
same time as Amanda interrupted her busy
schedule to attend and she will become an
ambassador for the AYF.
The former Packed to the Rafters Star said “ I get
approached to support many really worthwhile
causes but in the last couple of years I’ve been
waiting for something that is more personal
to me and when this opportunity came up
unexpectedly I was happy to do so. Amanda
Dr David Stephens
Wendy Henderson
Dr Paul Effler
Mr Graham Rixon
was a gorgeous sunny girl and I don’t know
anyone who didn’t love her”.
She said that she hoped her involvement would
raise awareness of meningococcal disease.
Our thanks to Ron Smales of Smales Jewellers
for his assistance in bringing Zoe to Perth for
the occasion and the donation of a beautiful
pearl pendent which started the auction off
in sensational style. Many thanks to Roma and
Doug Brooks for their generous support.
Zoe is currently working in Los Angeles and is
expected back in Australia at the end of the year.
Dr Charlene Kahler
Dr Steve Webb
Dr Clay Golledge
Dr Peter Richmond
Meningococcal Conference
The 4th AYF biennial conference held at
crown Perth botanicals on Friday 3 august
was most rewarding as it was attended by 150
health professionals, survivors and interested
members of the community.
An expert panel of speakers provided up
to date information on a variety of related
topics including reports on the all important
development of an effective vaccine for
Meningoccal serotype B.
AYF chairman Graham Rixon opened the
conference with a reference to a very recent
newspaper article regarding the sudden death
of toddler Hayley Rowe from meningococcal
disease as a stark reminder that the conference
was about people.
Wendy Henderson emotionally related her
experience and that of son Alex in august
2011 when he became ill . The fact that she
monitored the situation after he returned
home from a visit to the G.P. And followed her
instinct which was telling her that something
was seriously wrong and followed up by
seeking a second opinion was crucial in finally
Proudly supporting the
Amanda Young Foundation
achieving a successful outcome. Wendy is
now a very committed supporter of the AYF
awareness campaign.
amputations. Our thanks to professor’s Robert
Booy and Russell Viner for allowing the use of
their research findings.
The early diagnosis and critical care segment
was delivered by Dr Clay Golledge who
emphasised the swift and lethal nature of the
disease by his quote ‘I have seen patients who
have been well at breakfast and dead by dinner’
. He also eloquently explained the difference
between meningococcal meningitis and
septicaemia and the problems caused by the
Cytokine storm after penicillin kills the bug.
David Stephens MD distinguished professor
of medicine and director of the division of
infectious disesases in the department of
medicine at the prestigious Emory university
in Atlanta Georgia U.S.A. Travelled to Perth
especially for the event. He presented an
overview of the vaccines that are in use or
being designed for Meningoccal disease which
indicates that we can look forward to the future
with a fair degree of optimism.
Dr Paul Effler co-ordinator, communicable
diseases, WA public health provided an
interesting overview of the disease from a WA
perspective. He presented a series of graphs
showing rates of infection over a number of
years, the time of the year when these occurred
and age groups. The effectiveness of the C
vaccine when introduced in 2003 was clearly
Dr Steven Webb talked about the health
risks and rehabilitation of survivors which is
formidable particularly in cases necessitating
Dr Peter Richmond outlined the spectacular
success of the C vaccine and gave an overview
of his work with vaccine trials. He also
explained the procedure for obtaining a license
for a vaccine and having it approved to be
made freely available in the community.
Our grateful thanks to our chairman
Mr Graham Rixon for opening and closing
the conference and to Dr Charlene Kahler
for arranging such a high quality group of
presenters and for again being our M.C.
National Meningococcal Day
The education program’s annual event for
National Meningococcal Day, Kiddy Canter,
was a huge success. On Friday 7th September,
281 child care centres and kindergartens
in the metro area and another 20 country
centres enjoyed free activities, lesson plans
and merchandise designed to raise awareness
about hygiene and meningococcal disease.
Our mascot, Melrose Mare, taught children
how to “stamp out” bad bugs with a variety
of fun horse-themed activities. In total,
over 13,500 children aged 2-5 were directly
involved in the event, with approximately
21,866 families receiving resources and
merchandise to encourage awareness in the
community. An amazing result!
Maddington Kindergarten
Thornlie Goodstart
A copy of the award winning DVD Fighting
Meningococcal was issued to each centre
to be used for information sessions or as a
lending library for parents.
Howard Sattler interviewed Melissa Fokkema
on 6 PR Drive Program on 7 September as
part of the Awareness Day program. Mel told
her inspiring story so very eloquently and it
can be heard on the 6PR website.
If you are interested in free Meningococcal
Disease Awareness presentation for your
workplace, sporting group, parenting
group or child’s school, please contact
Education Program Coordinator, Georgia
Radinger, on 0425 159 598 or education@
Penrhos College
Sanctuary Childcare
Mulberry Tree Doubleview
The Support Program is a community of those who have
recovered from meningococcal disease who participate in
regular social events, and receive regular newsletters, one
to one meetings, phone or email contact.
The Amanda Young Foundation welcomes Lisa Burnette
as our new Support Program Case Manager she
can be contacted on 0433 309 425 or email at
The program aims to:
Lisa has all of the credentials for the position being a
survivor of the disease and having an impressive nursing
background and we are delighted that she has taken
on the task. Our thanks to Tracey Parker for her work in
setting up the data base and assistance in getting the
program launched.
•Listen – to experiences
•Connect – with services and other survivors
•Assist – with the provision of resources and equipment
•Provide – support with counselling and one-to-one contact
•Advocate – on behalf of survivors, their carers and families
The program is free and confidential. To find out about
AYF’s Privacy Policy, please contact the Case Manager.
Lisa Burnette
Amanda Young Foundation Director John Hassen
resigned in July after 4 ½ years of outstanding service.
to expand our services and it has made the awareness
program so much more effective.
John achieved a great deal during his time with AYF. He
set up our Support System for survivors and carer’s and
assisted in the expansion of our education program in
the metropolitan area and also country WA.
John’s energetic input was a huge bonus in the
preparation of our accounts for Audit and the
submission of the multitude of regulatory returns
required of a non-profit organisation.
His efforts in seeking financial grants to assist in
the funding of our projects was outstanding and his
establishment of a link with Telethon has enabled us
He also addressed the need for a revision of our
Constitution and an update of our Business Plan and his
outstanding contribution to AYF is greatly appreciated.
A Mother’s Instinct:
Surviving Meningococcal Disease
By Georgia Radinger, Education Program Coordinator, The Amanda Young Foundation
Meningococcal disease is terrifying because
of the speed with which it can kill and the
difficulty of early diagnosis. Whilst the disease
can strike anyone, babies and children up to
the age of five are most at risk due to their
immature immune systems.
Three and a half year old Tay has a wide smile
and bright blue eyes. If not for the extensive
scarring on his right leg and a slight language
delay, nobody would ever suspect that Tay still
battles with the effects of a devastating fight
for life as a baby.
At 11 months old, Tay contracted
meningococcal disease – a deadly bacterial
infection that can kill within hours. His
parents, Kate and Craig, were faced with the
terrifying possibility of losing their only child,
despite the fact that he had appeared healthy
less than 24 hours earlier.
“The night before he was lethargic and he
vomited,” says Kate.“In the morning he slept
in and I had to wake him up. He seemed
much worse and was drowsy, floppy and
unfocussed. He threw up his milk straight
Worried, Kate took Tay to hospital where she
noticed his hands and feet felt cold while the
rest of his body was feverish. Despite this and
other symptoms of meningococcal disease,
hospital staff diagnosed Tay with a viral
infection and they were sent home.
Tay had an unusually long afternoon nap
and Kate struggled to wake him up. His
symptoms had worsened with his hands and
feet now freezing cold. Kate knew something
wasn’t right but worried she would be
overreacting if she took him back to the
She then saw something that confirmed her
fears.“There was a tiny red dot on his tummy.
I remembered that a rash was bad and just
knew Tay was in serious trouble.”
Kate trusted her instincts and headed straight
to hospital with Craig and Tay.“During the 13
minute drive the rash literally spread up his
chest and neck. I was horrified. What if I had
waited longer to go to hospital?”
Hospital staff immediately treated Tay for
meningococcal septicaemia. His parents were
warned to expect the worst.“I was numb,”
says Kate.“The previous day he was perfectly
healthy. How did my son go from smiling
and happy, to fighting for his life in less than
a day?”
The disease is caused by bacteria that live
naturally in the throat, with 10-20% of
people carrying the bacteria at any time
without becoming ill. Bacteria are spread
by respiratory droplets through sneezing,
coughing, intimate kissing, and perhaps
sharing food and drinks.
Recognising the disease in the early stages
is critical yet can be difficult because
early symptoms resemble more common
illnesses such as gastro or ‘flu. Even medical
professionals can make a mistake in diagnosis
so it’s vital that family members closely
monitor patients when they are unwell.
Parents and carers must trust their instincts
and be advocates for their child in a medical
situation if they feel “something isn’t right”.
There are two types of meningococcal
disease: meningitis which attacks the lining
of the spinal cord and brain, and the more
deadly septicaemia which causes blood
Meningococcal septicaemia patients often
complain of pain in their stomach, limbs,
joints or buttocks, and may have cold hands
and feet despite a fever. Patients can feel
fatigued or drowsy, struggling to perform
simple tasks and movements. The septicaemic
rash signifies that the disease is at the critical
stage so it’s crucial not to wait for a rash
before seeking medical attention. The rash
can start off looking like a pimple or faint
pinpricks, and develop into purple blotches
over time.
Symptoms for meningococcal meningitis can
include a severe headache and sensitivity to
light. The neck may feel very stiff and painful,
and patients may vomit, feel nauseous and
have extreme fatigue. There is not always a
rash for meningococcal meningitis.
For both types, symptoms differ from person
to person and not all symptoms may appear.
Sufferers will often get ill quickly and
deteriorate fast.
Tay survived, but with a long road to recovery
ahead of him.“He had to relearn everything,”
says Kate.“Eating, making sounds, crawling.
He was as helpless as a newborn.”
Thanks to his parents and support from
family and friends, Tay is now thriving. He
is an active boy who adores his little sister
Charley and enjoys his numerous specialist
appointments. However, the disease wrought
some serious damage.
Tay suffered a brain injury which resulted
in mild cerebral palsy, causing language
difficulties. The septicaemic blood attacked
the growth plates in his right leg meaning it
is now unable to grow. Every 2-3 years until
adulthood, Tay will need surgery to have
his tibia and femur broken, realigned and
This year, Tay had the surgery for the first
time and has recently escaped the wheelchair
to which he was confined for 6 weeks while
his leg was fixed in a frame. Whilst his family
worried about the physical and emotional
effect of such major surgery and lengthy
recovery, Tay displayed his characteristic
positive attitude.
“It’s a lot for a little boy to go through but
we were blown away by how cheerful and
accepting of the situation he was,” says Kate,
as she watches
Tay run around
the backyard,
enjoying the
freedom from
the leg frame.
“Tay’s a
Every day we
feel thankful
that he is still
here with
For more information on
meningococcal disease, please visit
To organise a free meningococcal
disease awareness presentation for
your playgroup please email education@
amandayoungfoundation.org.au or call
0425 159 598.
Prof Robert Booy, Lorraine and Barry Young
Meningococcal Australia Morning Tea 2012
On 22nd August 2012 Meningococcal
Australia (MA) hosted a morning tea at
Mural Hall, Parliament House Canberra to
inform Members and their staff of activities
being undertaken, including pipeline
vaccines, to increase awareness and reduce
incidence of meningococcal disease. Speakers
included Senator John Faulkner, Dr Andrew
Southcott MHR, Professor Robert Booy and
Liselle Thorburn of MA. The opportunity
was also taken to launch a new vaccination
awareness DVD.
"The cost of this illness in terms of hospital
stays, lifelong disability costs, quality of life
impact, carer costs, lost productivity and
potentially more can be a great burden on the
victim as well as families and the community"
said Prof Robert Booy from the University
of Sydney.
The introduction of Meningococcal C vaccine
in 2003 has been outstandingly successful and
now the Serotype B strain makes up 80-90%
of all cases. A Meningococcal B vaccine has
been developed and hopefully will soon be
available. It is imperative that this vaccine is
included on the immunisation schedule so
it can be made accessible to the Australian
its devastating effects, ideally vaccination is
the best prevention,”
MA is engaging Members of Parliament to
encourage their support towards the inclusion
of Meningococcal B vaccine in the National
Immunisation Schedule after it is licensed in
Australia. The Australian Government could
soon have the opportunity to dramatically
reduce, if not eliminate meningococcal
disease in our country.
• Sudden, severe pain in arms, legs, joints or
President of the Caleb Thorburn Foundation
Liselle Thorburn, lost her 18month old son
Caleb to meningococcal disease, only 17
hours after the emergence of symptoms
which were initially mistaken as the
symptoms of a viral infection. She stated that
“In-spite of a recent spike in media reports
about meningococcal, still too few Australians
are aware of the symptoms of the disease and
the imperativeness for quick action to combat
Meningococcal Meningitis
The most common symptoms of
meningococcal disease are:
Meningococcal Septicaemia
• Shivering, chills, cold hands or feet, skin
colour change
• Fever, thirst, nausea/vomiting, diarrhoea
• Drowsiness, loss of consciousness, rapid
• Spots or pinprick rash (develops into purple
• Severe headache
• Stiff or painful neck
• Sensitivity to light
• Drowsiness, loss of consciousness, fits
• A rash may develop in the later stages
Babies suffering from meningococcal may
also experience symptoms such as refusing
to feed, fretfulness, shrill or moaning cry,
blank, staring expression, being floppy or
lethargic, arching of the body or neck, or a
tense or bulging fontanelle (the soft spot on
baby’s head).
A big thank you to the Caleb Thorburn
Foundation Team for organising the Event.
Senator John Faulkner, Liselle Thorburn and Dr Andrew Southcott
Meningococcal Foundation Members
Fighting Meningococcal
Disease – Geraldton Visit
Deanna Howell, Regional Education Coordinator for the Amanda Young
Foundation said,“Meningococcal Disease is a rare but serious bacterial
disease that can kill within hours if not treated.
The bacteria are found in the mucus in the back of the throat and nose.
Good hygiene practices such as containing your sneezes and coughs
so that particles do not spread to others help reduce your chance of
exposure greatly”.
Deanna recently presented to nurses at the Telehealth Centre in Shenton Street and visited schools, child
care centres and ambulance workers to promote awareness about Meningococcal Disease.“Urgent medical
treatment is vital to survival,” she said.
The foundation is a not for profit organisation that has been in operation since 1998 – one year after the
death of Amanda Young from this deadly disease. Through fund raising and the help of a Telethon grant, the
foundation has been able to take their free education programme to the regions. For more information visit
www.amandayoungfoundation.org.au or ring Deanna Howell on 0433 615 656.
Picture published in Geraldton Guardian newspaper 11 June – Year 6 St Francis Xavier
UWA Link Week
Meningococcal Disease Awareness
2012 has been a very busy year so far for the
Foundation’s Perth Metropolitan Education and
Awareness Program!
From February to August, we have run 107
presentations to 8,699 people about meningococcal
disease awareness. Our attendees have included
the students and teachers of 32 primary schools and
20 high schools, the carers/parents at 21 child care
centres/parenting groups, new mothers at six child
health centres and we have even visited several
women’s prisons for their annual Health Day. Our
awareness message also reaches thousands of
members of the community indirectly, with students
participating in the program receiving material
to give to carers/parents to ensure the education
continues at home.
If you are interested in free Meningococcal Disease
Awareness presentation for your workplace,
sporting group, parenting group or child’s school,
please contact Education Program Coordinator,
Georgia Radinger, on 0425 159 598 or education@
As part of the AYF’s commitment to regional
education and awareness, Deanna Howell visited
Busselton to train Julie Bower our new South West
Health Promotion Officer. Julie, a local nurse is also a
meningococcal disease survivor of ten years. Deanna
presented to the Year 6/7s at Busselton Primary and
the Year 10s at Busselton SHS.
Julie is an ideal presenter for the region given her
personal experience with the disease and her nursing
background. Please contact Deanna at regional@
amandayoungfoundation.org.au to arrange for Julie
to deliver a presentation at your school, child care
centre, play group, community centre or workplace.
The AYF is pleased to be able to provide resources to assist with Fair Game’s Healthy Hands Feet and Smile Program. Fair Game travels to remote
parts of the State to deliver the message, FAIRGAMEWA.ORG
On 8 August we arrived in Broome for two nights at the very comfortable and centrally located
Broome Time Lodge. A visit to Willie Creek Pearls was a worthwhile experience as the well trained
guides’ demonstrated the fascinating process of pearl growing which was followed by a most
pleasant cruise around the tidal creek with its resident crocodiles and abundant birdlife.
On 10 August we were driven to Broome Airport for our small aircraft flight along the coast, across
King Sound and over the rugged terrain to Mitchell Plateau. A helicopter was waiting to ferry us
down the Mitchell River to Naturalist Island where we landed on a pristine beach and transfer via
the tender Homer to the catamaran ODYSSEY our home and for 8 nights.
The spectacular cruise down the Kimberley coast through the islands of the Buccaneer Archipelago
and inlets with their pristine waterways and amazing geological formations and colours was an
amazing experience. The Prince Regent River and waterfalls at Kings Cascade, the 400 Sq Kilometre
Montgomery Reef with its tidal surge, the amazing squeaky sand and soothing waters of Silica
Beach, the unique Horizontal Falls, the sanctuary of Cyclone Creek surrounded by rock formations
that only nature could create so many million years ago are sights not to be missed.
The crew were fantastic and very safety conscious, the accommodation was comfortable, Jamie the
chef provided a never ending supply of wholesome food and the weather was perfect. Relaxation was
compulsory and other tourists’ a rare commodity in one of the world’s great treasures. No one was ill
during the cruise and the flight home took a little more than 2 hours. The perfect end to a perfect holiday.
Barry & Lorraine were the successful bidders for this Trip of a Life Time at the AYF Ball on 28 April
and our grateful thanks to Ronni and Eddie of Odyssey Expeditions for their generous sponsorship.
We are fortunate in having the assistance of Robyn Maher the enthusiastic marketing co-ordinator
of ANWT in Broome who has been a great supporter of AYF in recent years by organising attractive
holiday packages in Broome and Kununurra which we have been able to successfully auction at the
Annual Ball.
The Kununurra Package this year included top class accommodation at Pinctada Kimberly Grande and
Home Valley Station, a wonderful cruise on the Ord River courtesy of Triple J Tours, a Slingair flight over
the amazing Bungle Bungles, a 4WD provided by Thrifty rentals and Skywest Return Flights for the
lucky couple who have recently reported in glowing terms on their memorable experience.
Many thanks to Robyn and all of the generous tourist operators in the Kimberley who have
responded to our request for support. The region has so much to offer and another package which
was snapped up at the Ball was a Barramundi Bonanza sponsored by the Great Escape which will
be enjoyed by the lucky bidder in October.
Our annual Charity Ball held on 28 April at Crown Perth Grand
Ballroom was again a huge success as the 700 guests embraced the
theme and enjoyed a great night of fun, dining, wining, dancing,
entertainment and contributing to the cause.
Highlight entertainment was provided by Lady Gaga Tribute and
The ALL Star Showstoppers Band sponsored by Galaxy Resources
was very popular. Our MCs Louise Momber and Matt Tinney kept
the action packed program moving. Auctioneer Peter Lawrance
encouraged some generous bids for an array of attractive items
which assisted greatly in a very pleasing $170,000 profit from the
This result could not have been achieved without the generous
support of our sponsors and donors. Special mention must be made
of our major sponsors Corporate Theatre who themed the event
in spectacular fashion, Crown Perth, Wine Shack’s Rosabrook and
Bunkers Wines and Westrac Equipment. Ron Smales and his guests
of Smales Jewellers enjoyed their first experience of an AYF Ball
and we trust that they will become regular patrons and we were
delighted to receive great support again from Sandfire Resources,
Macquarie Capital, Azure Capital, Beadell Resources, Effective Legal,
Sanchurro Chocolateria, Penhros College and Galaxy Resources.
We were
privileged to have
Governor Malcolm
McCusker and Mrs
Tonya McCusker
as our guests
and we thank
the McCusker
Foundation for their
generous donation
and very kind words
of encouragement.
The delightful Zoe
Ventura was also a
most welcome guest.
Thank you to our
corporate sponsors for
Your support in 2012
We are indebted to our corporate sponsors for their wonderful
assistance during the year.
– Cheryl Tizon and her team.
– Graeme Gibson and the team for our
office accommodation and resources
and accounting support. They also
donated a Surfboard signed by
Kelly Slater and many other world
class surfers which we were able to
successful auction at the Ball.
– Craig Readhead generously provides
legal advice if and when required.
– many thanks to Kosol and the team
for being our auditors.
Photos from the Ball collage can be obtained from Fiona at 3P on
0416 296 411.
– arranges all of our insurance at a
discount rate.
Our enthusiastic Ball Committee have plans are well advanced for
11 May 2013 when the Crown Perth Grand Ballroom will be
transformed for patrons to be IN THE MOOD for a great party.
– Special thanks to David Fowler who
maintains our website pro bono.
A nice vote of thanks
Good Morning
I am writing to thank all the organizers
of the Young Leaders Conference last
week. My son had a very stimulating
time and has come back inspired
and very positive and motivated. He
made lots of nice new friends and his
eyes were opened to how everyone
ticks and how this influences their
actions, decisions and emotions. He
was full of praise for the fun and
thought provoking activities and the
high standard of presenters and group
leaders. The health presentations and
modeling of life balance techniques were
also memorable.
The Amanda Young Foundation
Eco-Health Young Leaders’ Summit
Many thanks again and good luck with
the program in the future.
The annual residential Young Leaders Summit held at Penrhos
College in April was again very well received. Our thanks to
Mike Borman and the JoJara Team of presenters for running
a stimulating program, Veronique for her Myers Briggs
personality profiling exercise and to Penrhos for the use of their
wonderful all weather facilities and excellent catering.
We were pleased to again have the assistance of a select group
of guest speakers who related their experiences in a variety
of fields and we were highly delighted to receive some very
positive feedback both from parents and the participants.
The 2012 Amanda Young leaders summit we will never forget,
We would like to thank Mike, Mundi, Sally and Brett.
When we came we thought we had a lot of gratitude,
but it turned our first, we needed a change in attitude.
There was many things to learn about ourselves and others,
We also found out how much we appreciate our fathers and mothers.
We learned to work within a team,
without tearing our hair out and wanting to scream.
We were thrown in at once with people we didn't know,
but after a short time, conversation started to flow.
Suddenly there was all these great new people we were meeting,
and then there was Adam in the corner sleeping.
In our free time, we enjoyed playing in the sports hall,
Sam the typical soccer player got injured playing netball.
All the people here have all touched our lives for the best, now we will
concentrate on helping the rest.
I feel privileged to have come and to have this opportunity and I can’t wait
to get back and help my community.
By Kalarra, Alex, Tom and Georgette
Water Bottles are an ideal method of creating awareness about meningococcal
disease and over 10,000 are distributed each year.
We provide participants at many events with water bottles and these include
the Senior High School and District High Schools Country Week and
Triathalons, the St John Ambulance National Cadet Camp held a Hillarys Boat
Harbour and the Schools Equestrian Competition held at SEC Brigadoon.
Notre Dame
La Salle College Schools Equestrian
Wirra Birra Primary School also took part in a Walk to School Safely exercise
which included the use of our water bottles.
Wirra Birra Primary School
St John Ambulance National Cadet Camp
Senior High Schools Country Week
2012 Gold Medal
Loadstar Trailers
Rob, Lidia & Sue
Petty of Loadstar
Trailers, Charles
Street, Bentley
have been loyal,
generous donors
and enthusiastic
supporters of the
AYF for 9 years. Each
year they willingly donate a new garden trailer which is a much
sought after 1st prize in the monster raffle at amanda’s garden fete.
Loadstar co sponsor with Linneys a handsome raffle prize and Bob is
a keen bidder at the main auction every year.
They always bring a table of fun loving party goers with them and
Bob is always thinking of practical ways to support the foundation.
The Amanda Young Leadership
Prize awarded to the graduating
student who has exhibited the
best combination of leadership,
academic performance and
potential for contribution to
the environment was shared
The Amanda Young Study
Award for the greatest academic
improvement from ENV 102
Introduction to Environmental
Science to ENV268 ECOLOGY
was shared by KARIS TINGEY
Their award has been well and truly earned.
My career
Craig Readhead
by Siobhan Jennings
Craig Readhead of Allion Legal
was the winner of the individual
award for his generosity in
providing legal advice to the
foundation regarding corporate
matters pro bono since 2003.
Our transition from a trust to a
company limited by guarantee
in 2003 required redrafting
of a constitution and a host
of associated legal matters to
enable us to conform to asic
In more recent times he has been instrumental in recommending
the bona fides of the foundation to many of his contacts which has
enabled this event to expand and flourish.
His contribution to our well being is greatly appreciated.
Congratulations to Abbey
Griffen who was awarded
the AYF Trophy for the Best
Team member for 2012
Central Tafe Business Students
We are delighted to be selected once again by a group of Central Tafe
Business Students as part of their practical learning experience. Each
group is required to set up a model business and simultaneously raise
funds for a chosen charity. AYF has been the beneficiary of the students
enthusiasm and kind efforts and they have also played an important role
in learning and spreading the message about meningococcal disease in
the community.
Liam Harte with Lorraine
I aspire to make a positive impact
on the water industry in Western
Australia. Water security and
management is crucial in our
Siobhan Jennings, Murdoch
environment and traditional methods University 2011 Amanda
Young Foundation Leadership
will not meet our needs with our
Prize Recipient
changing climate. My aspiration is
to work in stormwater management. While it might not sound
exciting, there are many water challenges to overcome and smart and
innovative design is one way.
Water sensitive urban design is an alternative approach to storm
water management and can incorporate dynamic features such
as wetlands into urban settings. While stormwater is only one
component of the water cycle, it’s role is largely overlooked. I am
passionate about this area as it can enable the integration of social,
environmental and economic facets to provide a sustainable way
to use and recycle our stormwater. My aspiration is to be involved
in water sensitive urban design and other sustainable water
engineering practices in WA.
Thank you to our great
friends at the Rotary Club
of Gosnells for bestowing
the honour of a Paul Harris
Fellow on Lorraine and
Barry in recognition of their
14 years of community
service. The Club has been
an outstanding supporters
of both Amanda who they
sponsored to attend the
National Youth Science
Forum in Canberra in
1995-96 and subsequently
the AYF through their work
at Amanda’s Garden Fete
and various fund raising
It is pleasing to report
that Mighty Helpful has
currently won 10 races and
a recent September win at
Cannington means that she
has earned over $14,000
in stakemoney for sharing
between Gosnells Rotary
and AYF. Hopefully she can continue to
remain free from injury and her recent good patch of form
can be maintained.
Our continued grateful thanks to the generosity of Barry
and Val McPherson who not only have donated her to our
charities but they are also feeding and training her pro
bono. Special thanks again to Rotarian Dr Brian Vale for
organising the venture and for his ongoing assistance.
The Rotary Club of Gosnells will be holding a fundraiser
at Cannington Greyhounds on Saturday 10th November
and it would welcome support. Come along and enjoy a
delightful buffet meal and watch the action.
Thank you • Thank you • Thank you • Thank you • Thank you • Thank you •
Thank you • Thank you • Thank you • Thank you • Thank you • Thank you •
Thank you
ABC Medispa • Adultshop.com • Andrew Hawes • Annie’s Florist • Auto Classic BMW • Bag Republic •
Balthazar • Barbecue’s Galore • Beacon Lighting Myaree • Beau Waters • Bell House Cafe • Benara Nurseries
• Bowler, Peter & Robyn • Bokay • Greg Brindle • Bunnings Belmont • Brett Lambert • Burswood Park Golf •
Bush Tucker Tours • Cafe Corporate • Caravelle Gifts & Homewares • Captain Cook Cruises • Chantarelle at
Jessicas • Chase Gallery • Clayton’s Quality Meats • Clarence’s • Coco’s • Cygnet Cinemas • Collier Park Golf
• Curves • Dale James • Dawsons Garden Weld • Diageo Australia • D'Orsogna Meats • Rob & Pauline Dunn •
Events for a Cause • Fandry, Norbert & Kerry • Fernwood Gym • Jeff & Julia Foster-Gilaud • Fremantle Dockers
• Friends Restaurant • Gosnells Hardware • Grand Cinemas • Hidden Valley Day spa • Iris Simpson • Jacksons
Restaurant • Jonteys Maddington • Jordan, A & C • Kailis Seafood • Kambos Canningvale • Karalee Tavern on
Preston • Landsdale Plants • Laura Franco • Lee Wallis Hairdresser • Leeuwin Concert 2013 • Liquor Barons
Mt Lawley • Lords Subiaco • Lowry Robyn • Luna Palace Cinemas • Macquarie Group Foundation • Masters
• McGrath, John • Melville Nursery • Mia Flora • Maher, Robyn • MillPoint Caffe Bookshop • Miss Mauds
• Mondo • Di Carne • Mondo Travel • Museo • Nick Bruining • Novatsis Imports • Parkwood Hardware •
Pauline Dunn • Perth Glory • Perth Mint • Philomena Yong Too • Pioneer Garden Nursery • Point Walter GC
• Priceline Pharmacy • Raktacino • Red Bull • Red Pepper • Gloucester Park • Regal Theatre • Retravision
• Richgro • Rottnest Lodge • Rottnest Express Ferries • Rottnest General Store • Santina Stransky • Scoop
Magazine • SMS RENTAL • Quality Resort Sorrento Beach • Spicer Nigel & Penny • 6 PR • Swiss Valley Rose
Farm • Sunnyvale Plants • The Cut Dawesville • The Front Door • The Manse Restaurant • The Finishing
Touch • This Above All Hair • Vasse Felix Wines • Vista Ridge Estate • TFS Corporation • TRP Sports • West
Australian Newspapers • West Coast Eagles • Windsor Cinemas • Woods Cottage Nursery
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Recent Events Recent Events Recent Events Recent Events Recent Events Recent Events Recent Events Recent Even
Recent Events Recent Events Recent Events Recent Events Recent Events Recent Events Recent Events Recent Even
Recent Events Recent Events Recent Events Recent Events Recent Events Recent Events Recent Events Recent Even
coming Events
6 – 7 Oct
Cnr Hawtin & Lilian Rds Maida Vale
Tom 9454 4298
27 – 28 Oct AMANDA’S GARDEN as featured on
ABC Gardening Australia
Junction Matison & Margaret Sts Southern River
Turn into Leslie st off Southern River rd
Barry or Lorraine 9398 7275
Gardening Australia
The team from ABC Gardening
Australia visited Amanda’s Garden in
November 2011 to shoot a segment for
the popular Saturday night program.
The story was shown on 30 June and
attracted a great deal of interest around
the country. Normally the AYF website
has 50 visits per day and immediately
following the screening 800 visits
occurred and increased activity
occurred for several days. We again
thank David De Vos, Josh Byrne, the
producers and crew for their promotion
of the Garden and the activities of
AYF. Anyone who did not see the
program can pick it up by visiting www.
11 May 2013
Book online:
This newsletter was written and compiled by Barry & Lorraine Young and our thanks to our photographers Paul & Christine Jones, Deanna Howell, Georgia Radinger, The Examiner, Comment News, Fiona at 3P and Taj Kilpin.