Monona Grove High School - Monona Grove School District
Monona Grove High School - Monona Grove School District
Monona Grove High School 4400 Monona Drive, Monona, Wisconsin 53716 Paul Brost, Principal Dave O’Connell, Assistant Principal Jeff Schreiner, Assistant Principal DIRECTORY Main Office: 221-7666 Athletics: 316-1392 Attendance: 316-1393 Student Services: 316-1373 Check out our web page at: CALENDAR OF EVENTS SEPTEMBER 4-5 Picture Day 18 Back to School Night 24 Early Dismissal at 11:24 27 Senior pictures and Ads for Grads due OCTOBER 11 Homecoming Football Game 21 Choir Concert 30 No School Graduation for the Class of 2014 Graduation for the Class of 2014 will be held in the MGHS gymnasium on Sunday, June 8, at 1:00 p.m, Back-to-School Night is September 18 6:30 p.m. Parents/guardians are invited to Monona Grove High School on Wednesday, September 18, to meet the faculty. You will have an opportunity to follow the daily schedule of your son/daughter. Please bring a copy of their schedule with you. September 2013 Dear Parents and Friends: Welcome to the 2013 – 2014 school year! Students are getting back in their academic routines and fall sports are underway. As always, students have gotten off to a great start. We have a number of new teachers at the high school this year: Joey Jonas, Math teacher Dan Roberts, Math teacher Brian Krey, Business Education teacher Tresondra DeGroot, Social Worker Paul Marx, Excel teacher Jan Hagedorn (Spanish), long term sub Erin Flesch who is on maternity leave Caitlin Hussey (Spanish), long term sub for Kiley Ramirez who is on maternity leave Sue Guzinski (Support Teacher), long term sub for Pat Onsager who is on paternity leave Mr. O’Connell will be introducing students to the new staff every week on the announcements. The high school will continue to focus on improving our capacity in the areas of Differentiated Instruction, Culturally Responsive Instruction, Career and College Readiness Skills, and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. These are all targeted on our goals of increasing academic growth for all students, reducing opportunity gaps, and minimizing distracting behavior. We want our students to S.O.A.R. again this year; to be Scholarly, Organized, Accountable, and Respectful. This includes being on time to class, coming prepared, completing all homework on time, and treating everyone with respect. The main entrance to the high school has been remodeled to route all visitors through the main office. When you are visiting the high school, you will be asked to identify yourself and who you wish to meet with. An office assistant will “buzz” you into the main office. We will then assist you with directions to your meeting. We appreciate your cooperation with this security measure. The construction on Monona Drive is scheduled to continue through the fall. Please give yourself a little extra travel time when coming to school or school events. The expansion of the parking lot on the south side of the building is complete. Please do not drop off, or pick up, students in this lot. Staff and delivery vehicles will be using that lot and we cannot have traffic backed up onto Monona Drive. With the new construction, the south lot can only be entered by traffic coming from the south on Monona Drive and anyone leaving the lot must exit north. There will be several weeks, towards the end of September, when the Coldsprings entrance will be completely closed and all traffic will have to enter the school lots from the side streets by the athletic stadium. I will send an e-mail with this information when the time arrives. We know that all students need to feel safe, engaged, and welcome at school in order to perform at a high academic level. However, we also know that more than 75% of harassment and bullying takes place out of view of an adult. We encourage students to report any incidents of harassment immediately to an adult in the building so it can be addressed. Social media continues to be a vehicle for harassment outside of school. Parents, educators, and students need to work together to address this problem. Homecoming will be the week of October 7 with the pep assembly taking place on October 11 and the dance on October 12. The Class Officers have been working hard since the beginning of August to plan all of the details that go into this week. Encourage your student to listen to announcements and get involved. Seniors should be filling out their college applications and scheduling appointments with their guidance counselors for postsecondary planning. Some colleges begin taking applications on September 15 and there can be an advantage to applying early depending on the school. Counselors can assist families with accessing resources and making informed decisions. Graduation is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 8. Back-to-School night is at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 18. This is a chance for you to run through your student’s schedule and meet teachers. All parents are invited to attend the Parent/Educator Forums with me at 6:30 p.m. on the third Monday of each month in the IMC. The first meeting is on September 23. We are looking forward to a great school year. Thank you for supporting your student’s education. Sincerely, Paul Brost, Ph.D. Principal Attention Parents of 2012-2013 Seniors Senior pictures and Ads for Grads must be turned into the high school office by Friday, September 27, 2013, in order to make the deadline for the 2014 yearbook. Additional information and order forms are available on pages 9-11 in this newsletter. The digital format can be on a CD or emailed to: Write your child’s name in permanent marker on the disk. A printed senior picture will not be accepted. Please do not be late for either of these dates. If you do not make the deadline, you will not be able to have your child’s senior picture or Ad for Grad in the yearbook. If you have any questions, you can call Ms. Dames at 316-1858 or e-mail her at Lunch Students may leave the school campus for lunch, but each student is expected to be back to school in time for their next class. If students stay at school for lunch, they may bring their own lunch or purchase lunch in the cafeteria. Students are expected to eat only in the designated lunch area unless permission is granted for a specific reason. Backpacks Students are not allowed to bring backpacks or bags large enough to carry a standard textbook, notebook, or binder to class. Students may bring their textbooks or binders to class as well as a small bag to carry their pencils, pens, calculators, and other small items. Backpacks, purses, gym bags, and other large bags are to be kept in the student’s locker during the school day. Picture Retake Day September 26 Picture retake day will be Thursday, September 26, for students who missed picture day or would like retakes of their pictures. Any student who does not have an ID for the current school year must have his/her picture taken on that day. Students should have their picture taken before school, during lunch, or during a period 1-4 study hall. REMINDERS FROM THE ATTENDANCE OFFICE... Please note the new phone number for the Attendance Line: 608-316-1393. The office is open from 7:15-3:45. Parents may call before or after school and leave a message regarding their child’s attendance. Parents are required to call the Attendance Line prior to 10:00 A.M. on the day of the absence. Please be sure to indicate the student’s name, grade, date of absence and reason for absence when calling. Students must have absences excused within 24 hours after they return or the absences will be considered unexcused. The MGSD recognizes a positive relationship between good school attendance and success in school and employment. A student’s attendance in school becomes part of his/her permanent school record and is often the subject of inquiry by employers. Most importantly, however, is the need for students to be in school to interact with the teacher and with other students as they gain the knowledge that is necessary for successful completion of the course of studies Monona Grove High School provides. Excused Absences Parents may excuse, in writing, a student for any reason PRIOR to the day of the absence. (Wis. Stats. 118.15(3)(c). If an excuse is not given prior to an absence, the school, not a student’s parent, excuses an absence. Monona Grove High School will excuse a student from school for the following reasons: personal illness; illness in the family for which the student is required at home; funerals and weddings; religious holidays; legal obligations; dental, medical, and orthodontic appointments; family vacations that cannot be scheduled during non-school times or other family approved vacations or school visits with prior approval; and an emergency situation which must be reviewed by the assistant principal. Unexcused Absences The school will not excuse an absence for any reason other than those listed above. Specifically: single period absences for illness when the student fails to report to the Nurse’s Office absences related to vehicle problems during the school day oversleeping absences due to working on other school work will not be excused unless it’s a school-sponsored field trip. Parents will be notified of unexcused absences by phone or mail. Students with unexcused absences from classes or study halls will be assigned one, two-hour after school detention per period missed. Leaving School Early Monona Grove High School is a closed campus except for the following occasions: lunch, cooperative education programs, medical/dental appointments, sudden illness, or open campus students. During passing times, students must remain on school grounds. All students wishing to leave school must obtain permission from their parent, the assistant principal, or the school nurse in case of illness. Students will not be allowed out of class for illness unless they are going home. At that time, the student must sign out in the Attendance Office and receive an out pass. If he/she plans to return to school, he/she must sign in upon returning. Students are not allowed to have other students drive them anywhere during the school day. Planned Absences and Vacations Occasionally a student will know in advance that he/she will be absent from school. This can be excused if, and only if, a planned absence form is completed prior to the absence. This requires that the student notify his/her teachers of the planned absence so that school work missed during the absence can be given to the student. This must be done at least three days prior to the planned absence. Planned absence forms are available in the Attendance Office and are required for absences of 2 or more days. If forms are not completed and returned before the student leaves, the absences will be unexcused. WELCOME NEW STAFF TO MGHS... Brian Krey Business Education Dan Roberts Math Joey Jonas Math Tresondra DeGroot Social Worker Parent Educator Forum Meetings All parents/guardians of MGHS students are welcome to attend the Parent Educator Forum meeting on Monday, September 23, at 6:30 p.m. This is an informal group meeting to encourage communication between home and school. There are no membership dues, fundraising, or required volunteer work. The Forum will meet monthly during the school year. Honor Roll and Academic Awards Students who participate in and successfully achieve the learning objectives of the core academic areas of the regular curriculum required by the State of Wisconsin and Monona Grove Board of Education are eligible for the Honor Roll and Academic Awards. These “academic areas” include english, social studies, math, and science. Grade Point Averages (GPA’s) for first and third quarter and each semester determine eligibility for Honor Roll. A minimum GPA of 3.3 is required to be on the Honor Roll and a minimum GPA of 3.6 is required for the High Honor Roll. Any student receiving an “F” in any quarter or semester is ineligible for either Honor Roll. In addition to participating in the core academic areas of the regular curriculum, a student must be enrolled at Monona Grove High School at least two full semesters to qualify for class-rank determined awards such as Badger Conference Top Ten or Academic Excellence Scholarships. Class rank for all academic awards is determined at the end of the first semester senior year. Recruitment – Armed Forces and Post Secondary With the approval of the Principal, representatives of the Armed Forces may present information about the various branches to pupils at Monona Grove High School. Military recruiters will have the same access to students on school grounds as prospective employers and post-secondary educational institutions. Military recruiters, prospective employers, and post-secondary educational institutions shall each be allowed access to students on school grounds on three days during a school year. The Principal may designate the three days. Counselors may provide information related to the military as career information for students. Counselors may provide information related to alternatives to military service. It is the right of the parent and student not to have the student’s name, address, and telephone number released to the military. NEWS FROM THE STUDENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT... Students are encouraged to establish a relationship with their school counselor during their high school years. Passes for appointments during school hours may be obtained by stopping in Student Services. Each student has been assigned a counselor based on the student’s last name. Ms.Linda Alexander has A-G, Mr. Scott Groff has H-O and Mr. Kevin Grahn has P-Z. Although students are assigned to a certain counselor, a student may seek assistance from the counselor of their choice. In addition, Student Services includes Ms. Sheila Hibner, School to Work Coordinator, (co-op and apprenticeship information), Ms. Tresondra DeGroot , School Social Worker, and Ms. Shannon Dentice, School Psychologist. All are available to meet with students and parents to help with academic, career, social and emotional needs. Attention Seniors!! Attention Sophomores and Juniors!! UW System Schools begin accepting applications after September 15! If you want letters of recommendation from a counselor or teacher or employer, please request them in a timely manner. Quality recommendations take some time to write, so make sure you give the writer the time they need! The PSAT (preliminary scholastic aptitude test) is scheduled for Saturday, October 19, from 7:30 A.M. - 11:00 a.m. at MGHS. Students may sign up in the main office September 18 through September 25. The cost is $16.00. Schedule Changes In general, COURSES MAY NOT BE DROPPED; however, courses may be dropped with extenuating circumstances from the FIRST DAY of the semester through the SIXTH day of the semester. Starting on the SEVENTH day of the semester, the student must request a drop form from his/her counselor and receive written permission to drop the class from his/ her parent, teacher (signatures are needed from both the teacher whose class is being dropped and the class that is being added if not a study hall) and building principal. Once the student gets the four signatures, the course may be dropped. Courses that are dropped after the seventh day until the end of the first quarter (or third quarter for second semester classes) will be RECORDED AS A WP (withdrew from the course earning a passing grade) OR a WF (withdrew from the course earning a failing grade) and the date of withdrawal. These marks on the transcript do not count towards the student’s GPA. Please keep in mind, a post-secondary institution may request an explanation of a WP or WF on the transcript. Courses dropped AFTER THE END OF THE FIRST OR THIRD QUARTER (as noted on the school calendar) will be noted on the transcript with an “F” and WILL COUNT toward the student’s GPA. The only exceptions to this policy will be made for documented medical conditions or extenuating circumstances approved by student services and administration. Youth Options Program When a 12th grade student has exhausted the curriculum opportunities available in a particular department at the high school level, he/she may enroll in a university course, transferring the credit toward high school graduation. Students must request this in writing to the principal for approval prior to enrollment in the university course. Deadlines for requests are March 1 for the fall semester and October 1 for the spring semester. Additional information, including deadlines, forms, answers to questions, and timelines, is available at Fall 2013 Dear Parent: As the Monona Grove School District nurse I am writing to inform you about the dangers of meningococcal disease, commonly known as meningitis, a potentially fatal bacterial infection that can strike teenagers and college students. The disease can come on quickly and may cause death or permanent disability within hours of the first symptoms. Although rare the disease may be prevented through vaccination. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now recommends routine meningococcal disease immunization at the preadolescent doctor’s visit (11 to 12 years old). For those teenagers who have not been previously vaccinated, immunization also is recommended at high school entry and for all incoming college freshmen who will live in a dormitory (only one shot required). Teenagers and college students have an increased rate of meningococcal infection compared to the general population, accounting for nearly 30 percent of all U.S. cases annually. Of those who survive, up to 20 percent suffer long-term disabilities, including brain damage, loss of hearing, organ failure and limb amputations. Meningococcal disease can be misdiagnosed as something less serious, because early symptoms are similar to those of influenza or other common viral illnesses, including high fever, headache, nausea and stiff neck. That is why immunization is so important. A conjugate meningococcal vaccine is now available that public health officials anticipate will provide longer protection against four of the five strains of bacteria that cause meningococcal disease. Although teenagers and college students are at increased risk for contracting the disease, up to 83 percent of cases in this population may be prevented through immunization. I encourage you to speak to your child’s physician about meningococcal disease and to consider immunization. For more information about meningococcal disease and immunization, please feel free to contact me directly at 316-1375 or visit the CDC Web site at Sincerely, Lynn Hanson, RN, Monona Grove School District Nurse Medicine at School A student in the high school may carry and self-administer prescription and non-prescription medication a small amount of medication for his/her use only. Sharing medication with other students is not permitted. This is endangering the health and safety of others. The parent/guardian shall complete a medication consent form to notify the office of the student’s use of medication. Medication Consent Forms can be accessed from the district’s website under “Resources for Parents”. Click on “Health Services” then “Medication and Health Concerns” or from the nurse/attendance office. Exception: Controlled medications such as Ritalin, Dexadrine and Adderall are required to be stored and administered by school personnel at all grade levels. The Monona Grove School District does not discriminate against pupils on the basis of sex, race, national origin, religion, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability or handicap in its education programs or activities. Federal law prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of age, race, color, national origin, sex, or handicap. Those with complaints should contact, Director of Instruction, 5301 Monona Drive, Monona, Wisconsin, 53716 NEWS FROM THE FOOD SERVICE DEPARTMENT... PLEASE NOTE THE NEW FOOD SERICE DEPARTMENT PHONE NUMBER: 316-1376 Lunch Accounting System The Silver Eagle Eatery uses a computerized pre-payment meal management and online payment system called Infinite Campus Food Service and Online Payments. To make payments to your student’s account or check the account balance, log on to Infinite Campus and click on “Payments”. The first time you use the payment option you will need to register your credit card and bank information. Funds are available immediately when deposits are made through IC. Deposits can be made in the Main Office at the High School or in the lunch line. Cash can also be used to purchase food. Charging in the lunch line is prohibited. Students must have their ID scanned or have cash to purchase food items. The cost of a student school lunch is $2.70 per meal. Student’s eligible for reduced price meals pay $.40 per meal. A la carte food and extra portions are available at the ala carte food prices. Students cannot borrow another student’s ID debit card to purchase food. A new card may be purchased for $5.00. Student Dress It is the responsibility of the school to prohibit students from attending school when their personal appearance or attire is of a nature that interferes with the instructional purpose of the school or attracts undue attention that is detrimental to the normal operation of the school. Any student wearing apparel displaying any type of profanity or offensive language or otherwise deemed inappropriate will be asked to either change his/her clothing, wear something over the article of clothing that is offensive or inappropriate, or go home. Tops need to have a strap on each shoulder no less than one inch in width. The administration has the right to deem any top “too revealing” and/or inappropriate. Examples of inappropriate attire are “co-ed naked” tee shirts, sexually explicit or provocative tee shirts or clothing, tops that expose the bare midriff or back, low-cut spaghetti strap tops, halter tops, and clothing with holes that indecently expose the body. To be consistent in the Monona Grove School District’s commitment to maintain a drug-free environment, any attire that includes any reference to drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products is prohibited. Clothing that is gang-related is also disruptive to a safe and orderly environment. Students are not permitted to display any article of clothing or item that may be interpreted as identification with a gang. These may include, but are not limited to the following: caps, coats, jackets, vest-jackets, tattoos, hand signals, chains, dog collars, graffiti, jewelry, haircuts, belt buckles, bandannas, head scarves, handkerchiefs, gloves, pant legs, and straps. A school official and the police liaison officer will determine whether something is a gang identifier. Final interpretation of inappropriate attire will be made by administration. NEWS FROM THE ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT... Sandwiches and Drinks for Athletic Events Parents and students/athletes are reminded that all sandwiches and drinks for athletic events should be brought to the bus or event. The main office does not have a refrigerator to store these items during the school day. Thank you for your assistance. Winter Sports Parent Meeting Spring Sports Parent Meeting Winter Sports Start Dates Spring Sports Start Dates November 4 6:30 P.M. MGHS Boys’ Basketball Girls’ Basketball Boys’ Hockey Girls’ Hockey Boys’ Swim Wrestling November 11 November 18 November 11 November 11 November 18 November 18 March 3 6:30 P.M. MGHS Baseball Boys’ Golf Girls’ Soccer Softball Boys’ Tennis Track March 24 March 31 March 24 March 17 March 31 March 10