Saint Malachy Parish School
Saint Malachy Parish School
S a i n t M a l a c h y Pa r i s h S c h o o l NEWS God Makes All Things New O c t o b e r 6 , 2 014 October 6, 2014 Bostrom’s Blog September 2014 Dear Friends and Families of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, The Archdiocese of Indianapolis and its Catholic schools are engaged in an ongoing continuous improvement process, of which all stakeholders – including you – are a part. This survey is one method of reaching all invested partners in education. This survey will provide school leaders and teachers a view into the thinking and perceptions of our staff, parents, students, and community members. Careful analysis of the results enriches understanding of areas of strength and effectiveness as well as those areas that possibly need improvement. The survey results will enable our school leaders to measure stakeholders’ attitudes and help target improvement strategies focused on student achievement as well as school and system effectiveness. Taking the surveys also will help stakeholders understand the AdvancED Standards for Quality Schools and School Systems and provide a means for learning about what a parent, student or staff member should be looking for in a high quality Catholic school or diocese. Over the next several months, all will hear more from the diocese about the ways in which our Catholic standards and benchmarks can be used for strategic planning. Your cooperation and support in completing the survey will be greatly appreciated. Below is the link that takes you to the “Catholic Identity Defining Characteristics Survey.” PARENTS Catholic ID: Sincerely, Got cans? The Leo Club will take your aluminum cans and recycle them for you. There are big, black trash cans specifically for cans behind the school on the east side of the building near the loading dock. Now Hiring! We are hiring substitute teachers. If you are interested please contact Mrs. Bostrom at There is an open position for Extended Day Monday -Friday from 2:45-6:00. If you are interested please contact Shannon Wiggins at Gina Kuntz Fleming Scripture: I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you. —Psalm 32:8 Page 2 October 6, 2014 School News Living Rosary Click here to RSVP! Please join us Tuesday, October 7th The Feast of the Rosary at 2:20 for the Living Rosary presented by Middle School students and staff. Don’t forget to bring your copies of Ben’s books for him to sign! St. Malachy School Annual 8th Grade Garage Sale Friday, October 10 - Donations welcomed! The 8th grade class of St. Malachy School will be holding their annual garage sale to help defray the costs of their class trips this year. This is a great time to donate items that you haven’t used in a while. Donations will be accepted at the school gym on Friday, October 10, from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. If you have larger items, arrangements can be made for pick up at your home. Thank you in advance for your generosity! Saturday, October 11 – Shop! Join us on Saturday, October 11, 8:00 am to 2:00 pm, to shop for many treasures at our garage sale to be held in the new school gym. Bring a friend! We hope to have furniture, tools, clothing, holiday items, electronics, and much, much more. There will be lots of bargains and a special “power hour” scheduled from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm where you can fill a bag for $1.00! If you have any questions or would like to arrange for pickup of a larger item, please contact: Kris Leous 317-431-8964 Diana Jacob 317-727-5247 Page 3 St. Malachy School happenings in... Sunday 28 Monday 29 Tuesday 30 Wednesday Oct 1 Thursday Oct 2 2:45 Early Release Friday Oct 3 12 PM GRANDPARENTS Saturday Oct 4 6:30 PM FALL FAMILY HARVEST DAY 5 6 7 8 9 2:20 Living Rosary 2:45 Early Release Blue Shirts for Stomp Out Bullying Day 8AM: 8TH GRADE RUMMAGE SALE 7 pm Cardinal Ritter Info night (SMS café) 3-5 MOVIE NIGHT Parent/ Teacher Conferences 6pm PTO mtg. 12 13 14 15 16 10 11 17 18 REPORT 2:45 Early Release Parent/ CARDS HOME Teacher Conferences SC CASUAL DAY (ORANGE & BLACK) $1 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 25 LAST FRIDAY CASUAL DAY Landscape Ministry Come join our landscape ministry as they beautify our campus on October 25, 2014 at 8 a.m. This is a wonderful service opportunity for students and families. Page 4 October 6, 2014 Big “ ” Awards Congratulations to our students who were chosen by staff because they displayed one of the 3 “R” traits: Respect, Responsibility Resembling God. Every Friday morning, Mrs. Bostrom sets aside time to visit with and recognize these winners. They receive an award, ribbon and recognition in the newsletter. Here are the winners for September 26, 2014: Matthew Baldini Anna Voglewede Isabella Fenzel Simon Koester Johnathan Tune Nate Mulligan Jordan Hinkle Nik Donald Gracie Carr Daniel Eck Emily Lanie Maddie Anderson Hannah Keers Dayna Cram Kelsey Beres Alex Lynn Sam Kratochvil Maddox Wynk Jenna Ettenberger Will Gehring Sara Wheeler Jaret Moody Bradley Gutzwiller Morgan Ettenberger Tim Kokosa Zachary Willis Nathan Reynolds Brooke Veach Fisher Thomas Emmett King Robert Cross Molly O’Connor Daria Prittie Alexi s Lathrop Amelia Voglewede Lizzie Adolay Josie Rogers Sam Hood Scarlet Stader Maddie Leisher Tyler Beres Emilie Minch Brayden Galloway Jake Kratochvil Elliott Martin LaTrail Ramsey Luke Cherry Elijah Wright Dominic Sicuso Ella Katsaros Todd Reynolds Marina Villarias Lacy Adams Sophia Griffin Marlee Meunier Patrick Mark Noah Stornetta Becca Rogers Stephen Bell Julia Sheringer Blake Konger Missed a Meeting? Below are the sites to access SMS Committee minutes and information: School Improvement Board: School Commission: PTO: Marketing: Page 5 October 6, 2014 Around Our School cont’d Stomp Out Bullying with St. Malachy on October 9 This Thursday, students can wear blue shirts with uniform bottoms. We will have special activities as a school on this day, as we Stomp Out Bullying at SMS ! Alumni alert Anna Flood named freshman class officer at Cathedral Cathedral High School recently named its freshman class officers. Congratulations to St. Malachy graduate Anna Flood, who was named as one of these class officers! Congratulations Page 6 October 6, 2014 Around Our School Mrs. Adler Shares a Student’s Poem St. Malachy Parish Church All the students wrote a response to "The Seven Chairs" from Chris Van Allsburg's The Mysteries of Harris Burdick. One submission: Spoken words murmured aloud Those religious stood back proud The risen chair was a glorious sight A nun was now praising the Lord's might This chosen woman closed her eyes Escaping for a moment this world of known lies All that were with her stood back To witness the given holiness they now lack Slowly the chair came back down The holy nun was now back on the ground. -Emma Sanders 7th Grader As of September 30, 64 school families out of approximately 570 have had a picture taken for the Pictorial Directory. If you have not signed up, this is your invitation for a chance to win $1000, receive a free Directory and a free 8 x 10 photo of your family. Go to the WEB site and click on the blue icon to schedule a picture today. Also, Life Touch has opened more days since people are signing up. If you know anyone who has not signed up, please let them know and encourage them. New dates are October 7-11; 16-18. Click here to schedule your appointment. Thank you, Southside Catholic Business Professionals A donation from the Southside Catholic Business Professionals was made to St. Malachy. The student council excepted on the school's behalf. Page 7 October 6, 2014 Around Our School cont’d Science! Miss Smiley's 6th grade class is taking advantage of the beautiful weather for an outdoor classroom. Miss Smiley's 7th graders are on a Natural Resources Scavenger Hunt. Dr. Tune shared his expertise about the scientific method with Miss Smiley's 6th grade science class. Page 8 October 6, 2014 Spirit wear Order Form Page 9 Community News October 6, 2014 Page 10 October 6, 2014 Around Our School cont’d Page 11 October 6, 2014 Community News Brownsburg Lacrosse -- 4th FREE Intro to Lax Clinic for BOYS and GIRLS -- Registration OPEN After a successful inaugural season of Boys lacrosse for both youth and high school level teams, Brownsburg Lacrosse is excited to continue developing the fastest growing sport in the country right here in Hendricks County. Our 4th FREE Introduction to Lacrosse Clinic will be held on Sunday, October 26th. This clinic will be open to any school-age children, BOYS and GIRLS, living in Hendricks County or nearby areas. We will introduce new players to the game of lacrosse by discussing how the game is played and teaching some basic skills. All necessary equipment will be provided so new players just need to show up with a great attitude and a willingness to have fun. Sunday, October 26th, 2014 from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm LOCATION: TBD (we are close to finalizing a location - it will be in Brownsburg or Avon - we will send information once we confirm) REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN: 1. Create an account (or login to existing account) 2. Add your child(ren) 3. Available programs will be listed - select "FREE Clinic - Sunday, OCT 26th - 2:00-4:00 pm" and answer all of the questions We will have a tent set up for participants to check in and receive a stick if they need one, so please try to arrive a little early so we can begin close to 2:00. Brownsburg Lacrosse President and Founder, Jason Koles, will cover some information about the organization and answer any questions you may have while the kids are on the field, but if you have questions beforehand, feel free to or call 317-417-9518. Thank You! @BrownsburgLax - Twitter Page 12 October 6, 2014 Community News cont’d Shadowing at Cathedral: 8th graders spend a day on campus shadowing a Cathedral freshman. Parents can see a list of dates and/or can register online at or call (317) 968-7323. Placement Test Dates at Cathedral: Cathedral High School Placement Test for 8th graders offered three Saturdays this fall—November 8, November 22, and December 6. The test begins at 8:30 a.m. on each date. Pre-registration (not required) is available at Or call (317) 968-7370. Open House at Cathedral: Cathedral High School invites students and families to attend the fall Open House from 5:30-8:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 13. Tour the 40-acre campus, meet with teachers in all departments, interact with coaches and club moderators, and learn more about Cathedral from students, parents, and alumni also. For more information and/or to pre-register online, visit *************** Cathedral Information Night Home of Emmett & Jennifer King Sunday, November 9 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Cathedral High School invites St. Malachy 6th, 7th and 8th grade students and families to attend an information night. Emmett & Jennifer King will host this event in their home at 20 Hollaway Boulevard in Brownsburg. Come learn about faith life, academics, service, social life and more! Please RSVP by November 6 to the Cathedral Enrollment Management Office at (317) 968-7370 or email Learn more about Cathedral at Cardinal Ritter Information Night St. Malachy School Cafeteria Thursday, October 9, 2014 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Cardinal Ritter Principal, Mrs. Jo Hoy and Director of Admissions, Will McClain will be present to answer questions and provide information to parents of St. Malachy 6th through 8th grade students. Our own Mrs. Caputo will be a guest speaker. Light refreshments will be provided. Students welcome. Please RSVP to Theresa Wynne at Page 13 October 6, 2014 Community News cont’d Page 14 October 6, 2014 Early Years Page 15 October 6, 2014 Early Years cont’d Page 16 October 6, 2014 Middle Years Page 17 October 6, 2014 Middle Years cont’d Page 18
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