Nahanni National Park Adventure
Nahanni National Park Adventure
Nahanni National Park Adventure Der Nahanni Nationalpark liegt im Südwesten der Northwest Territories und bietet Besuchern die seltene Gelegenheit, die Kraft und das Wunder einer unberührten Naturlandschaft zu erleben. Der reissende Fluss South Nahanni donnert durch die Canyons des Parks in Richtung Virginia Falls. Diese gigantischen Wasserfälle sind doppelt so hoch wie die Niagarafälle. Der Park, der sowohl unter der Obhut von Parks Canada als auch der Deh Cho First Nations steht, kann sich ausserdem der beeindruckenden Schönheit der hoch aufragenden Mackenzie Mountains und des tosenden Flat River rühmen. Tierfreunde dürfen auf keinen Fall Fernglas und Kamera vergessen. Eine erstaunliche Vielfalt an Fischen, Vögeln und Säugetieren ist in diesem unberührten Land zu Hause. Aufgrund seiner unendlichen Wildnis wurde der Nahanni sowohl zu einem "Canadian Heritage River" als auch zu einem Weltkulturerbe der UNESCO ernannt. Bei einem Besuch des Parks können Sie selbst sehen, dass diese Ehren wohl verdient sind. Die zweiwöchige Tour von Rabbitkettle Lake bis zum Zusammenfluss des Nahanni und des Liard Flusses ist eine klassische Reise für den erfahrenen Kanuten. Sie deckt die ganze Länge des Parks über eine Distanz von 370 Kilometer ab. Mit dem Luxus einer zweiwöchigen Expedition können Sie an Wanderungen teilnehmen oder die Gegend ausgiebig auf eigene Faust entdecken. Internetcode: NCA043804 Day 1 (D) Mountain Flight This is the first day listed for your trip. Your journey north from your home will be a refreshing departure. You will fly over the largest expanse of wilderness in the world with stunning views on cloudless days, pass through quieter and friendlier airports, meet friendlier and less harried service personnel and generally begin to immerse yourself in the wilderness experience that is about to unfold. Your trip leader will meet you at the airport (if you arrive prior, please make your way to your accommodation). Once everyone has arrived there will be a chance for last minute questions concerning clothing, gear, packing and other details. Those requiring our river bags will have time to transfer gear from their own bags. You can leave unrequired items in our trailer. After loading our supplies and gear into the aircraft we begin one of the major highlights of the adventure – the upriver flight. Flying over the majestic Nahanni Range and Ram Plateau, a visually stunning panorama unfolds in front of our eyes. You want to be sure to have your camera on your lap with lots of film! Past participants have stepped off the plane declaring that “if the trip finished now, I would have my money’s worth!” Day 2 (B/L/D) RABBITKETTLE HOTSPRINGS At Rabbitkettle Lake we’ll prepare for the downriver trip. Conditions permitting, we’ll hike the 7 kilometres (4 miles) to the tufa mounds. Days 3 & 4 (B/L/D) MOUNTAIN PEAKS We begin the downriver trip. This portion of the river above Virginia Falls is a flat, meandering section that allows opportunity to learn the necessary canoeing skills from the guides or brush up on techniques. The mountains and U-shaped valley created by the glaciers will dominate the scenery. Camping will be in the choicest spots between Rabbitkettle Lake and Virginia Falls. Day 5 (B/L/D) VIRGINIA FALLS Virginia Falls (twice the height of Niagara) will be the destination. We’ll camp there for two nights. This is the other spot within Nahanni National Park where planes may land and we might see other campers here. Day 6 (B/L/D) HIKING This is a day for exploring the area around Virginia Falls. The vast expanse of the Falls captivates photographers and hikers with a tireless display of powerful drama. Keen and fit hikers may undertake an all-day expedition to the top of Sunblood Mountain for an excel- lent view of the surrounding area. Others can enjoy exploring the expansive area overlooking the brink of the falls. Day 7 (B/L/D) PAINTED CANYON We’ll make the final portage around the falls. The trail is downhill and well defined. You need carry only what is comfortable for you. Everyone pitches in to carry what they can, and we take as long as we need to complete the task. It’s impossible to spend too much time at Virginia Falls! We’ll assemble the boats and, after a late shore lunch and briefing, embark in the late afternoon on an exhilarating run through Painted Canyon (also known as Fourth Canyon). Day 8 (B/L/D) THE GATE We enter Third Canyon, the walls of which rise 1200 metres (3937 feet) over the river. Keen eyes may spot woodland caribou, moose and Dall sheep. Stopping at the Gate and Pulpit Rock for lunch, we’ll hike to the top of the canyon for a bird’s eye view of the narrow gorge below and the expanse of the canyon walls. Camp will be downstream of Pulpit Rock and the Gate. Day 9 (B/L/D) DEADMEN VALLEY Paddling through the Big Bend and Second Canyon and past Headless Creek, we’ll find ourselves camped in the vicinity of Deadmen Valley. The view includes the Tlogotsho Plateau and Prairie Creek Canyon. It was here, on the shores of Headless Creek, that the bodies of the Mcleod brothers were found in 1905 and the legend of the Headless Valley was born. Downriver at Sheaf Creek, R. M. Patterson and his partner, Gordon Mathews, wintered in 1928. Patterson later wrote Dangerous River, one of the most eloquent accounts of the early days on the river. Around the campfire, we’ll read from his book. village (population 80). We’ll be hosted by a member of the community who will show us through the village, sharing the history and culture of the people who have made this area home for thousands of years. They will treat us to tea and bannock and answer any questions we may have about life in this remote part of the world. Day 13 (B/L/D) LIARD RIVER A powerboat ride down the voluminous Liard River will take us to Lindberg’s Landing where we’ll be the guests of Edwin and Sue Lindberg for showers, a BBQ and an overnight stay at their cabins. Day 14 (B) HOMEWARD BOUND We’ll be picked up by vehicle and driven to Fort Simpson to meet our plane home. There may be time to explore around town. Reisedaten 23. Juni bis 06. Juli 2017 08. Juli bis 21. Juli 2017 25. Juli bis 07. August 2017 09. August bis 22. August 2017 Dauer: 14 Tage ab / bis Fort Simpson Im Preis inbegriffen: • • • • • • • • Englischsprachiger erfahrener Reiseleiter Geführte Kanutour auf dem Nahanni River Alle notwendigen Transporte Miete und Transporte der Kanus Benutzung von Zelten Komplette Koch- und Campingausrüstung Komplette Verpflegung während der Kanutour Parkgebühren und Taxen Preis pro Person (inkl. Park Fee) CHF 7355.- Day 10 (B/L/D) PRAIRIE CREEK Camp will be in Deadmen Valley or First Canyon. Day 11 (B/L/D) FIRST CANYON The highlights include First Canyon, Canada’s deepest river canyon at a depth of 1300 metres (4265 feet), George’s and Lafferty’s Riffles and White Spray Springs. After stopping at Kraus’ Hot Springs for a soak, we leave the canyons and carry on to camp in the area known as The Splits. Here the river braids and twists into many channels. Day 12 (B/L/D) NAHANNI BUTTE While negotiating the huge meanders prior to the native village of Nahanni Butte, we’ll experience the river valley opening up to meet the forested flatlands. Camp will be in or near the PARA TOURS GmbH Seftigenstrasse 201 · Postfach 220 · CH - 3084 WaBern Telefon +41 31 960 11 60 · Fax +41 31 960 11 61 ·
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