IF STAKEHOLDERS RULED THE WORLD – STAKEHOLDER RELATIONS IN THE 21ST CENTURY The London School of Economics and Political Science Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building (NAB) Wednesday, 28th May 2014 9:30 am – 1:30 pm IF STAKEHOLDERS RULED THE WORLD – STAKEHOLDER RELATIONS IN THE 21ST CENTURY :response and Global Policy conference at the LSE The power of stakeholders has increased dramatically in the last decade. However, the stakeholder management structures of corporations have not kept pace with this development. Thus, organizations in the 21st century have to find strategies to build effective relationships with their stakeholders and thereby to contribute to sustainable development. Not doing so runs the risk of losing their societal legitimacy, their “licence to operate”. At this conference, representatives from corporate business, politics, academia, and civil society discuss the latest developments in stakeholder relations practice. HOSTS :response is a leading consultancy for sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Arved Lüth is founder and CEO of :response. We support our clients from business, civil society, politics, and the public sector in their process of “great transformation” as well as their small steps towards sustainability. We identify strongly with the task at hand. Our clients profit from the creative solutions, strategic knowledge and outstanding performance we offer. We create value for the individual, organization, and society. To find out more please visit us at Global Policy is an interdisciplinary peer reviewed journal and online hub bringing together world class academics and leading practitioners to analyse both public and private solutions to global problems and issues. It focuses on understanding globally relevant risks and collective action problems; policy challenges that have global impact; and competing and converging discourses about global risks and policy responses. To find out more please visit us at AGENDA 09:30 am Welcome and Registration 10:00 am Opening Session Dr. Eva-Maria Nag, Executive Editor, Global Policy Arved Lüth, Founder and CEO, :response 10:15 am OPENING KEY NOTE udge Professor Mervyn E. King, Chairman, J International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) “Stakeholder Relationships in Integrated Thinking” 11:00 am Panel 1 STAKEHOLDER RELATIONS: INFRASTRUCTURE AND GOVERNANCE oao Duarte, Head of Iberia Communication J Agency, Endesa, Enel Group Spain Emilio Galli Zugaro, Head of Group Communications, Allianz SE Toni Muzi Falconi, Senior Counsel, Methodos, Adjunct Professor, New York University Dr. Jon White, FCIPR, Chartered Institute of Public Relations 11:50 am Coffee Break 12:10 pm Panel 2 EMPOWERING AND ENGAGING STAKEHOLDERS Richard Ellis, Director of Corporate Social Responsibility, Alliance Boots Group Leontien Hasselman-Plugge, Director Network Relations, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Adrie Heinsbroek, Senior Sustainability Advisor, ING Thorsten Pinkepank, Head of Corporate Sustainability Relations, BASF SE 01:00 pm Closing Q&A haired by Dr. Eva-Maria Nag, Global Policy C and Arved Lüth, :response Photos: Juergen Stumpe, Ryan Prince flickr, Erik Daniel Drost flickr 01:30 pm End of Conference DIRECTIONS The London School of Economics and Political Science, Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building (NAB), 54 Lincolns Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LJ CONTACT Julia Okatz T +49 69 970 975 07-21 M +49 176 6290 0195 Arved Lüth, CEO Moselstraße 4 60329 Frankfurt am Main Germany Find us on #StakeholderPower Dr. Eva-Maria Nag, Executive Editor The Al-Qasimi Bldg, Elvet Hill Rd Durham DH1 3TU, UK