
‘From small seeds mighty trees grow’
STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 – 2017
VISION: From small seeds mighty trees grow
MISSION: Creating a positive, safe and inspiring learning environment that promotes a sense of community and ensures child-focused
decisionmaking to develop confident, motivated students who love to learn and contribute
At Oratia District School we value:
Respect – for myself, for others and for the environment
Responsibility – for myself, for my possessions, for my learning and for aiming high
Risk-taking – to give new things a try
Resilience – to keep trying, even when things are difficult
Reflection – to ask questions about my learning and how I can aim for excellence
NAG 1: To foster student achievement across the curriculum, giving priority to literacy, numeracy and physical activity
NAG 2 & 2a: To plan for the school’s future, review continually and report (in relation to National Standards) regularly and effectively
NAG 3: To be an employer of choice by fostering a culture that attracts, retains and develops high-quality staff
NAG 4: To manage the school’s finances and assets conservatively and efficiently
NAG 5: To provide a safe physical and emotional environment for students and staff and promote healthy nutrition
NAG 6, 7 & 8: To comply with all legislation and Ministry of Education requirements
Strategic goal:
Strategic goal:
Strategic goal:
To provide a quality education that inspires
curious, creative and critical thinkers who
achieve to their potential
To create a 21st century learning
environment that reflects our heritage and
location and facilitates learning
To foster an active and open partnership with our
community so all members of our school family
feel welcome and informed
Priorities for 2015:
Priorities for 2015:
Priorities for 2015:
A. To raise student achievement in reading,
writing and maths and provide quality
learning and teaching across the
curriculum (including the arts, languages,
sciences, physical education and health)
A. To upgrade our classrooms, property and
grounds to provide modern learning
A. To strengthen home-school partnerships
through improved communication
B. To use inquiry-based learning to equip
students with the key competencies
required for success in the 21st century in an
individualised and culturally responsive way
that encourages student voice
B. To strengthen our commitment to
sustainability and foster pride in and care
for our environment
B. To foster a sense of belonging by connecting
with and contributing to our community and
using our community as a resource for learning
and inspiring students to aim high
C. To reflect cultural diversity in our curriculum
and offer all students the opportunity to
learn Maori tikanga and te reo
C. To celebrate and safeguard the school’s
semi-rural atmosphere and manage
future school size
C. To encourage positive relationships and
behaviour by embedding our new values and
reviewing our behaviour management plan
D. To support and extend students with special
needs and abilities
E. To equip students for a digital world by
implementing our elearning strategic plan
How will we know we’ve got there by the end of 2015?
NAG 1: To foster student achievement across the
curriculum, giving priority to literacy, maths and
physical activity
• Across-school reading, writing and maths OTJs in relation to the National Standards are
higher than 2014
• PMP is embedded in the junior school
NAG 2 & 2a: To plan for the school’s future, review
continually and report (in relation to National
Standards) regularly and effectively
NAG 3: To be an employer of choice through
fostering a culture that attracts, retains and
develops high-quality staff
• Increased satisfaction and engagement evident in the annual Staff Survey, including
fewer staff reporting workload stress in 2015
NAG 4: To manage the school’s finances and assets
conservatively and efficiently
• The school’s financial performance is in line with the 2015 budget
NAG 5: To provide a safe physical and emotional
environment for students and staff and promote
healthy nutrition
• We see a reduction in bullying incident reports
• The 2015 parent survey shows a reduction in parent survey concerns regarding bullying
NAG 6, 7 & 8: To comply with all legislation and
Ministry of Education requirements
• We receive a positive ERO report (if ERO visits during 2015)
The Strategic Priorities for 2015 have been achieved
The Strategic Plan has been reviewed
Ongoing policy review has been achieved
Our Annual Plan is compiled and delivered as per Ministry requirements
We receive a positive ERO report (if ERO visits during 2015)
A. To raise student achievement in reading, writing
and maths and provide quality learning and
teaching across the curriculum (including the
arts, languages, sciences, physical education
and health)
• Across-school reading, writing and maths OTJs in relation to the National Standards are
higher than 2014
• Target students identified in the Annual Plan show accelerated progress.
• The review of the Oratia District School curriculumn iscomplete
• Inter-school and cross-syndicate moderation is embedded
• All teachers have had professional learning in written language and maths during 2015
B. To use inquiry-based learning to equip students
with the key competencies required for success
in the 21st century in an individualised and
culturally responsive way that encourages
student voice
• We see an increased level of student engagement across the curriculum in the annual Me
and My Schools Survey and internal student engagement survey results
C. To reflect cultural diversity in our curriculum and
offer all students the opportunity to learn Maori
tikanga and te reo
• An ethnic week / celebration event has been held
• We see an increase in the number of te reo and kapa haka participants
• The school has its own haka and waiata and all the kids know them, as well as the words
of the national anthem in te reo
• The middle school kapa haka has new uniforms
D. To support and extend students with special
needs and abilities
• The Special Needs Review is complete and its procedures embedded
• Parent survey results show increased satisfaction with special needs provision
• Two information events have been held
E. To equip students for a digital world by
implementing our elearning strategic plan
• The goals set out for 2015 in the elearning strategic plan are achieved, including
introduction of one-to-one digital devices in Year 6 and review of learnings from this
• All teaching staff have received professional learning in elearning during 2015
A. To upgrade our classrooms, property and
grounds to provide modern learning
• The Sunshine Block upgrade is complete on time and within budget
• Middle school classes have new furniture as identified by teachers
• Modern Learning Environments trials demonstrate increased engagement and
achievement and help inform future plans
B. To strengthen our commitment to sustainability
and foster pride in and care for our environment
• The school is a Gold Enviro School
C. To celebrate and safeguard the school’s semirural atmosphere and manage future school size
• A review of school zone and priority enrollment criteria has been conducted
A. To strengthen home-school partnerships through
improved communication
• ETAP is in place
• The school website and Facebook page are updated daily and the online calendar
functions well
• Parents receive a weekly email from teachers outlining the week’s events
• Parent liaison helpers are active in every class
B. To foster a sense of belonging by connecting
with and contributing to our community and
using our community as a resource for learning
and inspiring students to aim high
• Students are involved in volunteer community activities such as Keep Waitakere Beautiful
• Community members are invited to become involved in school activities in person as
appropriate and in at least two community newsletters
• We have held a successful Country Fair with the involvement of the local community
C. To encourage positive relationships and
behaviour by embedding our new school values
and reviewing our behaviour management plan
• We see a reduction in the number of bullying incident reports
• The 2015 parent survey shows a reduction in parent survey concerns regarding bullying
• Positive Behaviour for Learning research shows improvement over time (if applicable)