2002 report to the community - Gwinnett Medical Center Home
2002 report to the community - Gwinnett Medical Center Home
2002 report to the community 2002002002002002002002002002002002002002 Letter to the Community Dear Neighbors, skill, energy, On a crystal clear day in the fall of 2001, our world was suddenly made unrecognizable by flames, smoke, flying debris and choking gray dust. Thousands of vibrant, innocent lives were suddenly, horribly lost, and a national epidemic of fear, profound sorrow and impotent rage took hold. Our new reality was cold and harsh, and it showed us that, in mere minutes, the rhythms and routines of our lives can change forever. We learned, once again, that in this life, people are what matter most. Along with our fellow caregivers across the country, we have felt great compassion for those so deeply affected by the attacks on September 11, 2001. The Gwinnett Health System family weathered this terrifying storm by leaning on each other as we focused even more intently on the work of caring for our patients, their families and the members of our community. We also ensured our readiness for the possibility of providing emergency services on a large scale by reviewing and updating our emergency response processes. Our new reality – cold and harsh as it is – has made us more determined than ever to be the guardians of our community’s good health. But we cannot do it without the skill, energy, dedication and compassion of what matters most – our people. Gwinnett Health System will always need to build and expand facilities and services to meet our community’s needs, but a new building full of state-of-the-art equipment doesn’t provide care. People do. Our people are our organization’s greatest strength and most valuable asset. They’ve never wavered in their commitment to giving you – their neighbors – the kind of care and service they would want for themselves and their families. 1 G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M 0020020020020020020020020020020020020020 2002 REPORT TO THE COMMUNIT Y dedication and compassion Yes, our buildings are important. They give us safe, clean places to provide the care our community needs. Our programs and services are important. They allow us to effectively channel resources and energy into the areas that serve the greatest numbers of patients and customers. Our technology is important. It helps us offer efficient services that give patients greater comfort, quicker recovery times and better outcomes. But none of these would matter if we didn’t have dedicated, caring people to staff the buildings, provide the services and use the technology to give you the care you need. This year’s Report to the Community shines the spotlight on our people – those who care for you and those who work behind the scenes – and the things we’re doing to build and support our team. We invite you to read on and to see, firsthand, the very heart of our hospital system. Sincerely, Franklin M. Rinker Wayne Sikes President and CEO, Gwinnett Health System Chairman, Gwinnett Hospital System Board of Directors and Gwinnett Health System Board of Directors G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M 2 2002002002002002002002002002002002002002 4 G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M 0020020020020020020020020020020020020020 2002 REPORT TO THE COMMUNIT Y TEAM M E E T o u r The widely diverse skills of Gwinnett Health System’s people would be those you’d need to run a small town. At GHS, we have it all: • Leaders and administrative staffs. • Doctors, nurses and a host of clinical specialists. • A security force. • Mail service. • Telecommunications specialists. • Computer, network and information technicians. • Pharmacists. • Chaplains. • Purchasing agents. • Chefs, caterers and food service specialists. • A housekeeping staff. • A full-service laundry. • Repair and maintenance engineers. • A construction services team. • A storage/warehouse service. • Teachers and trainers. • Delivery and transportation technicians. • Business managers and employment specialists. • Planners and analysts. • Marketers and public relations agents. • Volunteers. . . . And plenty of customers – our neighbors – who are always first and foremost. team G winnett Health System has roots that go back nearly 50 years with the opening of Joan Glancy Memorial Hospital in 1944. Today, our 479-bed system includes three hospitals, plus supporting facilities. With over 3,700 associates and 700 affiliated physicians representing nearly 60 specialties, we take great pride in our role as guardians of our community’s good health. In fiscal year 2002, we cared for 370,013 inpatients, outpatients, emergency patients and newborns. In Fiscal Year 2002, Gwinnett Health System’s team of associates numbered 3,712. Of those . . . • 83 percent are females. • 17 percent are males. • 2,057 are in clinical jobs. • 1,655 are in support jobs. • 29 are full- or part-time physicians. • 172 have served our system for over 20 years. • 41 is the median age. • 2,839 (or 77 percent) live in Gwinnett County. During Fiscal Year 2002, our team handled . . . • 22,976 admissions, up from 21,789 in 2001. • 5,607 deliveries, up from 5,354 in 2001. • 110,511 Emergency Department visits, up from 109,097 in 2001. (the second busiest Emergency Department in Georgia) • 230,919 outpatient visits, up from 228,028 in 2001. G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M 4 2002002002002002002002002002002002002002 6 G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M 0020020020020020020020020020020020020020 2002 REPORT TO THE COMMUNIT Y D R I Vu s ?E W H AT d r i v e s W hether they provide patient care or support those who do, GHS associates join our team because they are driven by a desire to help others. Our people know that the quality of their work has an impact on the care our patients and customers receive. That’s strong motivation, and it fits perfectly with our organization’s most fundamental purpose – to be there with quality services and programs when you and your family need them. Our mission, vision and corporate values keep us focused on our highest priorities. ➤ The Customer is First and Foremost ➤ Respect for the Individual ➤ The Pursuit of Excellence ➤ The Promotion of Positive Change ➤ Service to the Community ➤ Our Vision is to be the health system of choice in our community by enhancing the health of our patients and other customers. ➤ Our Mission is to provide quality health services to our community. ➤ Our Values, at left, guide us in living up to our mission and vision. Facilities Designed By and For People The more people you serve, the more space you need. At Gwinnett Health System, people – and ample space for their care – are highly prized commodities. In 2002, construction of the North Addition to Gwinnett Medical Center took shape, and with it, a widely held dream of caring for increasing numbers of patients in more spacious quarters. The dream is wrapped around 83,840 square feet of fresh, new space in three stories of new construction. The Medical Center’s North Addition houses an expanded Laboratory, a spacious 18-bed Center for Neuroscience, a greatly enlarged and enhanced Cafeteria, and select support services. It also provides space for expansion of our very busy Imaging Services on the first floor of the Medical Center. Space vacated by the Lab and Center for Neuroscience will be put to good use by other clinical departments whose staff members and growing patient populations will also flourish with a little extra elbow room. Completion is scheduled for December of 2002. North Addition to Gwinnett Medical Center G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M 6 2002002002002002002002002002002002002002 8 G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M Glancy Outpatient Center 0020020020020020020020020020020020020020 2002 REPORT TO THE COMMUNIT Y BUILD B U I L D I N G O U R team in a nursing shortage T hough patient volumes continue to increase at Gwinnett Health System, the nursing shortage – here and across the nation – grows worse every year. Industry experts estimate that the nation’s hospitals have about 126,000 nursing vacancies, or about 12 percent of capacity. Gwinnett Health System constantly builds and adjusts its recruitment and retention program to help fill openings and to keep staffing levels high. Attracting qualified nurses and other clinicians is a major challenge for hospital recruiters. Gwinnett Health System constantly builds and adjusts its recruitment and retention program to help fill openings and to keep staffing levels high. Team-building strategies include: • Partnering with nursing school programs at local colleges to provide hands-on clinical experience for students through nurse internship and externship programs. • A nurse re-entry program that gives nurses who have been out of the workforce the training they need to update their skills, in exchange for a two-year commitment to Gwinnett Health System. • Preceptor and peer mentor programs to support new or returning nurses as they settle into their new roles. • A tuition reimbursement program to make continuing education more affordable. • An associate referral award program that rewards associates who successfully recruit people to fill vacancies in shortage areas. • An incentive program for clinical associates who agree to transfer to understaffed units or departments. • Human Resources associates who are fluent in Spanish to remove language barriers in recruitment and retention of Hispanic prospects and associates. • A partnership between Gwinnett Health System and Gwinnett Technical College to provide an English for Speakers of Other Languages class, offered on-site at Gwinnett Medical Center. • A variety of professional development classes – clinical, management and computer skills – offered to associates on-site and free of charge. • A wide range of choices in the Gwinnett Health System benefits program. G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M 8 20020020020020020020020020020020020020020 10 G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M Joan Glancy Memorial Hospital 0020020020020020020020020020020020020020 2002 REPORT TO THE COMMUNIT Y TOOLS W I T H T H E right tools our people can do most anything G winnett Health System treats over 200,000 patients and administers approximately 2.5 million doses of medication every year. In the midst of all that activity, error prevention is critical. With the right tools, however, mistakes can be greatly reduced. Our custom-designed systems will enable our team members to combine proven safety practices with cutting edge technology... In fiscal year 2002, Gwinnett Health System joined the PROMINA QUEST (Quality, Uniformity, Efficiency and Safety through Technology) project to get the customized tools that will make errors far less likely. Our custom-designed systems will enable our team members to combine proven safety practices with cutting edge technology for improved patient safety, reduced operating costs, better access to information, and – best of all – far fewer opportunities for error. Our systems will include: • A clinical management system that features computerized clinician and physician order entry, results viewing and clinical documentation. • A pharmacy information system that handles everything from work queues and label printing to medication administration records for nursing. • A pharmacy robot automated drug-dispensing system, at left, nicknamed ART (accurate robotic technology), that includes a bar-coded administration function. • A fetal monitoring and surveillance system with an archiving feature. • A picture archival communication system for our Imaging Services department that transmits, stores and retrieves digital medical images. The implementation of these systems, which is expected to be complete in 2004, is the most complex and far-reaching endeavor that our organization has ever undertaken. Not only will it mean great advances in our quest to improve patient safety, but it will also revolutionize the way we do our work. Gwinnett Medical Center G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M 10 2002002002002002002002002002002002002002 12 G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M Glancy Rehabilitation Center 0020020020020020020020020020020020020020 2002 REPORT TO THE COMMUNIT Y R E A Ch e aH rt REACHING OUT with caring from the A t Gwinnett Health System, we view our fifth corporate value – Service to the Community – as an over-and-above commission that challenges us, corporately and individually, to give back to the community that supports our organization. And our opportunities are abundant: • GHS associates exceeded the 2002 United Way goal amount of $80,000 by $28,739, for a system record contribution of $108,739. People are our organization’s greatest source of strength, inspiration and • To address the community’s need for better access to screening and diagnostic mammography and expanded services for breast cancer patients, the Gwinnett Hospital System Foundation rolled out the new three-year TIME MATTERS in the fight against Breast Cancer campaign. The first phase of the campaign was completed in October 2001 with the opening of the Marion Allison Webb Center for Screening Mammography. The second phase began in 2002 with the development of The Breast Health Education and Resource Center, sponsored by the American Cancer Society, at the Gwinnett Women’s Pavilion. Plans are also underway for an expanded center for diagnostic mammography at the Women’s Pavilion. compassion. As your • Through our Parish Nurse program, 10 local congregations are blessed with outreach services including health education, support groups and referrals. neighbors, we want to give • Emergency Department RNs who volunteer for the ENCARE (Emergency Nurses Cancel Alcohol-Related Emergencies) made 54 presentations on the dangers of drinking and driving to 3,453 area teens at several local high schools and churches. you the same level of care that we would want for our own families. • Over 21,000 community children were cared for at our Kids’ Clinic and 3,905 adults received medical services at the Miles H. Mason, Jr. Community Clinic. And at our OB/GYN Clinic, 22,625 patient visits and 1,549 births were recorded in 2002. • The Gwinnett Health System Associate Leadership Committee, with the guidance of our Parish Nurses, spearheaded a new Holiday Outreach Program to help our associates reach out to needy families in our community during the holidays. • On January 1, 2002, Gwinnett Health System adopted a system-wide Smoke-Free Inside & Out policy to protect the health of everyone who comes to our campuses and facilities. G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M 12 2002002002002002002002002002002002002002 Gwinnett Health System Boards of Directors and Corporate Structure BOARD OF DIRECTORS Front Row (sitting left to right) Chung H. Lee, Richard Sikes, Kathryn Parsons Willis, Gregory Taylor, Clinton M. Day. Second Row (seated left to right) Marc Unterman, MD, Jay Desai, MD, Franklin M. Rinker, Willard C. Hearin, III, MD. Back Row (standing left to right) Virgil Sosebee, Wayne Sikes, Miles H. Mason, III, MD, Joseph C. Finley, MD, Charles Bannister, Edward W. Radford, Ph.D. 13 G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M 0020020020020020020020020020020020020020 2002 REPORT TO THE COMMUNIT Y Gwinnett Health System, Inc. Board of Directors Wayne Sikes Charles Bannister Clinton M. Day Jay Desai, MD Joseph C. Finley, MD Willard C. Hearin, III, MD Chung H. Lee Miles H. Mason, III, MD Edward W. Radford, Ph.D. Franklin M. Rinker Virgil Sosebee Richard Sikes Gregory Taylor Marc Unterman, MD Kathryn Parsons Willis Board of Trustees Board of Directors Board of Directors Board of Directors Board of Directors Carolyn Hill Michael J. McCoy, MD Franklin M. Rinker Wayne Sikes Bruce R. Still Kathryn Parsons Willis Wayne Sikes Charles Bannister Chung H. Lee Miles H. Mason, III, MD Franklin M. Rinker Marc Unterman, MD Jay Desai, MD Franklin M. Rinker Wayne Sikes Gregory Taylor Marc Unterman, MD Joseph C. Finley, MD Chung H. Lee Franklin M. Rinker Wayne Sikes Kathryn Parsons Willis Charles Bannister Clinton M. Day Franklin M. Rinker Richard Sikes Wayne Sikes Board of Directors Wayne Sikes S. Scott Batterton Roy Beaty A. Keith Carnes, MD Carolyn Collins J. Leonard Cyphers Edward W. Radford, Ph.D. Bruce R. Still Dennis T. Still, Esq. G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M 14 2002002002002002002002002002002002002002 Gwinnett Health System Leadership and Executive Councils Leadership Council, which includes directors, management advisors, the Chief Operating Officer and representatives from key support and administrative areas, manages hospital system operations. Front Row (sitting left to right) Lea Bay, Judy Keller, Steve Nadeau, Ron Corder, Mary Nash. Second Row (left to right) Laura Tucker, Scott Orem, Diana Potts, Georgia Brogdon, Susan Hunter, Ed Brown, Judy Lawing. Back Row (standing left to right) J. Thomas Karr, Jr., Polly Dorminey, Cathy Dougherty, Mike Hemphill, Bob Roe. Not pictured: Janet Schwalbe Executive Council, comprised of the senior executive staff, is responsible for strategic planning and management direction. Front Row (sitting left to right) Thomas Y. McBride, III, Georgia Brogdon, Franklin M. Rinker, Tom Mitchell, Susan Hunter. Back Row (left to right) Lea Bay, John Riddle, Steve Nadeau, Ed Brown, J. Thomas Shepherd, Reg Gilbreath, MD, J. Thomas Karr, Jr. 15 G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M 0020020020020020020020020020020020020020 2002 REPORT TO THE COMMUNIT Y Vital Statistics G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M 16 2002002002002002002002002002002002002002 Gwinnett Hospital System M e d i c a l Allergy and Immunology Robert M. Cohen, MD George R. Gottlieb, MD Mark D. Livezey, MD Kathleen A. Sheerin, MD Jon E. Stahlman, MD John A. Zora, MD Anatomic and Clinical Pathology Richard G. Delgado, MD Paul S. Fekete, MD Althea H. McPhail, MD Robert J. Siegel, MD Anesthesiology M. Daud Azizi, MD Jerome L. Bronikowski, MD A. Keith Carnes, MD Deborah L. Carter, MD G. Scott Crowell, MD Mai-Li Dong, MD Joel S. Dunn, MD Andrew H. Frazer, MD James A. Froehlich, MD Gaston G. Garcia, MD Jeffrey N. Gladstein, MD Lawrence H. Goldstein, MD Stephanie Harrison, MD Christopher S. Hosfeld, MD David A. Josephson, MD Rogerio M. Parreira, MD Richard M. Reisman, MD Maurice E. Sanders, MD Stephanie J. Smith, MD Walter C. Stevens, MD Kathy C. Trawick, MD Cardiology James E. Barnhill, III, MD Demir Baykal, MD Sandeep Chandra, MD Sean Delaney, MD Mary Ellen Donoghue, MD Lance B. Friedland, MD Sreeni Gangasani, MD David A. Lantz, MD Christopher J. Leggett, MD Laurence M. Lesser, MD Michael A. Lipsitt, MD Naresh K. Parikh, MD E. Edward Proctor, MD Corinne F. Quinn, MD Philip A. Romm, MD 17 Manfred A. Sandler, MD David W. Shonkoff, MD David H. Song, MD Marc I. Unterman, MD Searle W. Videlefsky, MD David A. Wilson, MD Mark W. Wolozin, MD Sheila H. Woodhouse, MD Colon and Rectal Surgery Wayne L. Ambroze, Jr., MD David N. Armstrong, MD Dennis E. Choat, MD Martha A. Ferguson, MD Joseph J. Nichols, Jr., MD Guy R. Orangio, MD E. Earl Pennington, MD Marion E. Schertzer, MD Timothy Simon, MD Dentistry George D. Coletti, DMD C. Samuel Graham, DDS Dermatology Cynthia A. Dolan, MD Charles J. Douchy, MD Steven A. Freedman, MD Abdul Hafeez, MD Richard A. Krakow, MD Robert McClure, III, MD Paula M. Nelson, MD Gabrielle M. Sabini, MD Joel S. Shavin, MD Margaret M. Stone, MD Jonathan S. Weiss, MD Keith D. Wright, MD Libbyette Wright, MD Diagnostic Radiology Nam K. Do, MD Robert A. Eisenberg, MD Joseph C. Finley, MD Neal A. Frenkel, MD Kimberly C. Hutcherson, MD Stuart M. Jacobson, MD Stephen F. Legum, MD Val M. Phillips, MD Harry F. Rinker, MD Cynthia R. Robinson, MD Douglas H. Seeb, MD Jon L. Siegel, MD Douglas Silver, MD Andrew L. Weisberg, MD G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M Jani Widjaja, MD James A. York, MD Richard A. Zellmer, MD Emergency Medicine Richard P. Adams, MD Joel G. Bailey, MD Grant R. Bakin, MD Nicholas J. Beaulieu, MD Michel W. Blain, MD K. Carlton Buchanan, Jr., MD Philip J. Cannon, MD Yvette Y. Carlisle-Brooks, MD Kent I. Cohen, MD Louis D. Cole, MD Annabelle P. Cortes, MD Robert S. Culvern, MD Wanda I. Diaz, MD Gene R. Ferri, Jr., MD Thomas P. Giberson, DO Deborah R. Griffiths, MD Darryl R. Harris, MD Thomas L. Jones, MD Imtiaz Khan, MD Amanarh A. Kisseih, MD Steven C. Leuallen, MD Okiki Louis, MD William L. McMahon, MD Gerilyn Metoyer-Thompson, MD Claud E. Morgan, MD Joyce Norman, MD James A. Panter, MD Ronald C. Reagan, MD J. Ernest Reed, MD Irene Ristic, MD Donald A. Ruf, MD Candice E. Wallace, MD William W. Watson, MD J. Rymon Wilborn, MD Endocrinology David B. Arkin, MD Olivia F. Mulligan, MD Adeniyi O. Odugbesan, MD Sabrina Rene, MD David A. Shore, MD Family Practice Mark S. Banov, MD William K. Bostock, DO Matthew J. Britton, MD Linda L. Casteel, MD Louis G. Chelton, III, MD Cheryl A. Copas, MD S t a f f Randy B. Cronic, MD A. Patrice Daisley, MD Davina H. Dansby, MD Hugh M. DeJarnette, Jr., MD William R. Dunn, MD Leslie S. Gaskill, MD Robert J. Guerreso, DO Padmini Gunadeva, MD Rekha Gupta, MD Philip N. Henderson, MD Ronald S. Ito, MD Robert O. Kelly, MD David W. Kunz, MD Rene Latoni, MD J. David Lentz, III, MD Janice C. Lim, MD Richard J. Liotta, DO Lan T. Mahon, DO Mark Majoch, MD Elizabeth Mikrut, MD Shannon Mize, MD Henry S. Moon, MD David J. Najjar, MD Norvin I. Ona, DO George M. Page, DO Beena S. Patel, MD Raja Ram, MD Judith T. Rausch, MD Linda J. Rayner, MDCM Deanna L. Roy, MD Richard M. Schlossberg, MD Steven L. Schuster, DO Meena J. Shah, MD John Y. Shih, DO Sanjay K. Shukla, MD Tracey P. Sills, MD Inder Paul Singh, MD Ashok K. Sinha, DO J. Westley Tanner, MD Susan L. Tanner, MD James M. Toth, MD Patrick J. Voswinkel, MD John E. West, MD Inchol Yun, MD Gastroenterology David A. Atefi, MD Bennett H. Bruckner, MD Richard E. Chernecky, MD Jay A. Cherner, MD Brian K. Hudes, MD Alice O. Johnson, MD Kerry H. King, MD Mark B. Kukler, DO D. Bradley Lord, MD Zack Z. Martin, MD Marcelle M. Owens, MD Sanjay R. Parikh, MD Scott W. Schorr, MD Andrew L. Seibert, MD W. Gordon Tanner, Jr., MD General Practice Donald V. Dove, MD George P. Ezzard, MD Thomas E. Hamilton, MD Albert A. Myers, MD W. Charles Parrish, MD General Surgery Om P. Arora, MD Hoyt W. Gazaway, Jr., MD Samuel H. Gray, MD Kevin Jensen, MD Ronald I. Kaplan, MD Paul Macik, MD James D. Majors, MD Wallace F. Martin, MD Miles H. Mason, III, MD Thomas J. Nicholson, MD E. Victor Pavamani, MD Stephen G. Quill, MD David R. Schmidt, MD Jeffrey E. Sootin, MD Jerry C. Tootle, MD Gordon B. Werbel, MD Hisa Yamaguchi, MD General and Thoracic Surgery Robert C. Fritz, MD General and Vascular Surgery Charles B. Moomey, Jr., MD Gynecologic Oncology Benedict B. Benigno, MD Joseph F. Boveri, MD Matthew O. Burrell, MD Jacqueline Castagno, MD Nahed N. ElGammal, MD Gerald A. Feuer, MD Jeffrey F. Hines, MD Ira R. Horowitz, MD Laverne G. Mensah, MD Stephen S. Salmieri, DO Edward B. Weiser, MD 0020020020020020020020020020020020020020 2002 REPORT TO THE COMMUNIT Y There are over 700 physicians on the GHS Medical Staff. Gynecology David H. Bryan, MD Norman D. Freid, MD John T. Hydrick, MD Peter C. Mann, MD Yvonne L. Scott, MD Ralph A. Tillman, MD Hand Surgery Alain A. Czaykowsky, MD Alvin I. Rosenthal, MD Hematology/Oncology Wail Alnas, MD Anil J. Desai, MD Allan Freedman, MD Anup K. Lahiry, MD Anthony M. Landis, DO Richard S. Leff, MD Richard O. Loyd, DO Celia C. Mamby, MD Melvin R. Moore, MD Padma Nadella, MD Alexander Saker, Jr., MD P. Ravi Sarma, MD Jayanthi Srinivasiah, MD Stephen M. Szabo, MD Hospitalist Martin L. Austin, MD Gregory V. Miller, MD Okoronkwo U. Ogan, MD Jeffrey P. Polekoff, MD Quinn A. Simien, MD Herschel W. Smith, III, MD Infectious Disease Paul D. Martin, MD Elliot G. Raizes, MD Tzvetan V. Vassilev, MD Internal Medicine John H. Ahrendt, MD Julius O. Ajayi, MD LuAnn Aquino, MD Dianne J. Bennett-Johnson, MD Anju Bhushan, MD Robert J. Bonhomme, MD Courtney C. Brooks, Jr., MD John S. Carr, MD Donovan W. Christie, MD Ernest E. Coker, MD Christopher S. Crooker, MD Robert T. Dambach, Jr., DO Cristina M. Dasoveanu, MD George E. Dasoveanu, MD Jay R. Desai, MD Rekha J. Desai, MD Samuel Deutsch, MD Ramanjaneyul V. Dronavalli, MD Amit K. Dua, MD Agbor N. Egbewatt, MD Syamala D. Erramilli, MD Joel L. Fine, MD Rama Gangaiah, MD Sarah K. Ghayouri, MD Roy E. Gilbreath, MD Sadasivareddy Goli, MD Faith M. Gray, MD Frenesa K. Hall, MD Tint Htwe, MD Ralph A. Jackson, MD Cliff L. King, MD Mohammad A. Kukaswadia, MD Mailupillai Kumareswaran, MD Nolan M. Lassiter, MD Lenus S. Louis, MD Matthew J. Markey, MD William B. Martin, MD Richard R. Maxa, MD Gary A. McMorris, MD Song H. Na, MD Sanjay A. Nariani, MD Mourad A. Nessim, MD Gabriel Nguena, MD Michael J. O’Neill, MD Amita S. Parikh, MD Asha N. Parikh, MD Dhiraj A. Patel, MD Kartikeya P. Patel, MD Dharmaraj H. Patil, MD Jacqueline T. Pearson, MD Satish Poddar, MD Shahid Rafique, MD Spencer I. Rozin, MD Suresh H. Shah, MD Savitha Shama, MD Rajender Singh, MD Kenneth J. Sobel, MD Robert E. Springer, MD Raymond L. Stovall, MD Riaz A. Syed, MD Min-Jie Tan, MD Sinnathurai Vasanthakumar, MD Xiaowen Wu, MD Jane H. Zhong, MD Maternal-Fetal Medicine Brad S. Bootstaylor, MD Paul C. Browne, MD Daniel P. Eller, MD Terry I. Feng, MD Kevin J. Gomez, MD Nawar Hatoum, MD Richard D. Molina, MD Dexter M. Page, MD C. Ann Patterson-Barnett, MD Gilbert W. Webb, MD Catherine Yeagley, MD Neonatology Leslie D. Leigh, MD Dan Suskin, MD Nephrology Mazen Ali Abdalla, MD Dinesh K. Chatoth, MD Franklin D. Diaz, MD Hesun Han, MD Stuart Handelsman, MD Conjeevaram R. Kesavan, MD Shazia Khan, MD Karen Muro, MD Juan L. Pimentel, MD Kirti K. Shah, MD Mark S. Travis, MD Clara Wade Truesdell, MD Neurological Surgery Steven P. Disch, MD Princewill U. Ehirim, MD Don W. Penney, MD Robert J. Schiess, III, MD Charles O. Wood, MD Neurology Scott D. Cooper, MD Miroslav Cuturic, MD Yazan Houssami, MD Philip R. Kennedy, MD David A. Krendel, MD Arun Lakhanpal, MD James E. McDaniel, MD Saeed S. Salles, MD Arthur D. Schiff, MD Ayse T. Turan, MD M. Todd Williamson, MD Obstetrics and Gynecology Michael C. Aaronoff, MD Betty L. Anthony, MD Phillip N. Bannister, MD Suiza C. Chua, MD William W. Crone, MD Julie L. Davis, MD Byron C. Dickerson, MD Andrew T. Doris, MD Edward E. Evans, MD Sabrina O. Falkner, MD Gregory T. Fountain, MD James R. Freeman, MD Casimiro S. Garcia, MD Veronica E. Garrett, MD Khalad S. Goheer, MD Thomas A. Grillo, MD William D. Haberstroh, DO A. Neil Harrison, MD Stuart R. Hart, MD Willard C. Hearin, III, MD Renwick C. Hood, MD Mary H. Horder, MD Sharon S. Joyce-Bailey, MD Edmund S. Kim, MD Tammie G. Lee, MD Enoch M. Lowe, MD Audrey J. Ludwig-Arona, MD Tina M. Mason, MD Michael J. McCoy, MD Jennifer C. McKenna, MD James R. Moulton, II, MD Chukwudi C. Nwawka, MD Lisa M. Peacock, MD Denise B. Pecht, MD Joseph F. Pohl, MD John A. Rock, MD Michael G. Schaffer, MD Paul J. Swanson, MD Lemuel G. Villanueva, MD Lance J. Wiist, MD Alfred A. Williams, MD Lynn R. Zahner, MD Ophthalmology Farooq Ashraf, MD Richard Carlin, MD Jeffrey A. Carlisle, MD John T. Cobb, MD Jing Dong, MD Nicholas E. Engelbrecht, MD Ray M. Freeman, MD Stephen A. Godlewski, MD Mark G. Haywood, MD Bruce E. January, MD Henry A. Magnant, MD Donald E. Poland, MD Angela M. Rowden, MD Brian D. Sippy, MD, Ph.D. Robert P. Tucker, MD Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery George R. Biederman, DDS Tracy E. Dillon, DDS Robert E. Ellis, DDS Jess A. Gardner, III, DMD, MD Paul M. Korb, DMD Glen C. McIntosh, DDS W. Jones Phillips, DDS Harvey Silverman, DDS Asif Taufiq, DDS Alan C. Tucker, DDS William H. Wall, Jr., DDS Orthopedic Surgery Mary Jo Albert, MD Ned B. Armstrong, MD Bennett J. Axelrod, MD James L. Beskin, MD Lawrence A. Bircoll, MD Thomas R. Cadier, MD Mark C. Cullen, MD Hartley L. Falbaum, MD John I. Foster, III, MD William H. Greenwood, MD William B. Haynes, Jr., MD Michael G. Hogan, MD Raymond C. Hui, MD Linda C. Jackson, MD Richard B. Johnston, III, MD Michael J. Kalson, MD Sean K. Keem, MD Gary A. Levengood, MD Joseph A. Martino, MD T. Scott Maughon, MD Stephen M. McCollam, MD E. Scott Middlebrooks, MD C. Michael Morris, MD R. Howard Pike, MD Scott G. Quisling, MD Robert D. Rockfeld, MD Robert M. Royster, MD Yvonne E. Satterwhite, MD E. William Schmitt, Jr., MD Jesse E. Seidman, MD Jayendrakumar J. Shah, MD Rick K. St. Pierre, MD Jeff A. Traub, MD Todd E. Zeigler, MD G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M 18 2002002002002002002002002002002002002002 Medical Staff Otolaryngology Peter J. Abramson, MD D. Morton Boyette, MD Donald G. Browning, MD Albert A. Clairmont, Jr., MD Robert A. Gadlage, MD Terry L. Good, MD Nancy R. Griner, MD Robert B. Hoddeson, MD Samad Honarvar, MD Scott M. Karlin, MD Michael J. Koriwchak, MD Fred M.S. McConnel, MD Christian L. Merz, MD Michael J. Pickford, MD Mukund C. Raja, MD Burke P. Robinson, MD Jeffrey Roth, MD Jose P. Stolovitzky, MD Julie L. Zweig, MD Pain Management Judith M. Laube, MD Gurudatt K. Setty, MD Pediatric Allergy Kevin L. Schaffer, MD Pediatric Cardiology Robert M. Campbell, MD David W. Jones, MD Michael E. McConnell, MD Eduardo Montana, Jr., MD Dara A. Rastegar, MD Nicholas Sliz, Jr., MD Nanci Ann Stauffer, MD John K. Stevens, Jr., MD Margaret J. Strieper, DO James L. Sutherland, MD Jane L. Todd, MD Neill Videlefsky, MD Pediatric Dentistry Karl E. Lugus, DDS Shannon M. Parris, DDS Pediatric Emergency Medicine David A. Bakken, MD James L. Beiter, Jr., MD Katherine H. Deaton, MD David H. Fagin, MD Linda M. Fountain, MD Steven H. Freilich, MD 19 Shalini P. Gilotra, MD Amy E. Johnson, MD Phillip B. Kelley, MD Gregory B. Melnikoff, MD Janice L. Rea, MD Jeffrey S. Rosenblatt, MD Linda L. Settle, MD Sujit Sharma, MD Nancy A. Wick, MD Pediatric Gastroenterology Walter C. Ifeadike, MD Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery Stephanie S. Martin, MD Pediatric Surgery John C. Bleacher, MD Theodore Brand, MD George R. Raschbaum, MD Mark C. Stovroff, MD Pediatric Urology Bruce H. Broecker, MD Pediatrics Caroline O. Agbetunsin, MD Muhammad Ali, MD Vijay L. Arora, MD Maria A. Batlle, MD Marie L. Baudean, MD Kathryn M. Benson, MD Lalitha F. Chikkala, MD Jeffrey D. Cooper, MD Javad Deganian, MD Effie S. Dolores, MD H. Josephine Dunagan, MD Howard R. Ellis, MD Jiong Fan, MD Sheila C. Goel, MD Akber H. Hashim, MD Hal M. Herd, MD Joanne V. Jackson, MD Charlotte L. W. Khan, MD Anita S. Khichi, MD Anna M. Lawson, MD James H. Lin, MD Joyce W. Lovett, MD Susamma G. Mathew, MD Suzanne A. Molock, MD William Moneit, MD Vicki C. W. Morgan, MD Mabel I. Njoku, MD Bolaji T. Odusina, MD G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M John E. Pitts, MD Laura F. Putnam, MD Yvette C. Quisling, MD Savita S. Rajgiri, MD Noelle E. Ruddock-Solomon, MD Tarunbala N. Shah, MD Anuradha N. Sheth, MD Susan M. Smiley, MD Sharon Steele, MD Richard M. Szabo, MD Anna M. Tanner, MD Mark H. Thomas, MD R. David Thomson, MD Michael W. Tim, MD Swayamprabha S. Tyagi, MD Athanasios Verras, MD Periodontology Barry Kennedy, DDS Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Jay B. Bender, MD Sunil Bhole, MD Tamara Chachashvili MD Daniel A. Danyo, MD Daryl Figa, MD D. Terrence Foster, MD Jeffrey S. Grossman, MD David G. Hollifield, MD Amy M. Lang, MD Brian S. Vanderhoof, DO Arnold J. Weil, MD Diana M. Whiteman, MD Plastic Surgery J. Kurt Bivens, MD Susan E. Kolb, MD Sheldon M. Lincenberg, MD Phillip H. Nakano, MD Randal H. Rudderman, MD David M. Whiteman, MD Jeffrey D. Zwiren, MD Podiatry Steven T. Arminio, DPM Alan S. Banks, DPM Thomas A. Brosky, DPM Anthony M. Cutsuries, DPM Colleen M. DeBarr, DPM David N. Helfman, DPM A. Louis Jimenez, DPM Richard P. Mistretta, DPM Mostafa Niknafs, DPM Felicia D. Pierre, DPM John A. Ruch, DPM Robert I. Schwartz, DPM Michael J. Solomon, DPM Andrew D. Warner, DPM Scott E. Whitman, DPM Psychiatry Ralph Alexander, MD R. Michael Allen, MD Susan K. Blank, MD Jose L. Cangiano, MD Flora D. Cox, MD Phyllis O. Eason, MD Gary S. Figiel, MD J. David Hubbard, MD Mark E. James, MD J. Mark Joyce, MD Neil A. Kahn, MD Steven R. Lee, MD Shripal K. Makim, MD Carol B. Morgan, MD Derek J. O’Brien, MD Mahendra R. Shah, MD J. Patrick Ware, MD Psychiatry, Child and Adolescent Arun A. Pol, MD Pulmonary Medicine Gerald P. Adler, MD Frank J. DeMarco, Jr., MD Susan W. Grey, MD Douglas A. Isenstein, MD Rajesh Jasani, MD Lawrence D. Kaplan, MD Gregory L. Mauldin, MD William F. McGann, Jr., MD Michael J. Sineway, MD Paul B. Weinberg, MD Radiation Oncology James B. Benton, MD Frank A. Critz, IV, MD Tonya R. Echols, MD John N. Gargus, MD David A. Holladay, MD Clinton T. Holladay, MD Lois Mastrofrancesco, MD Leela S. Maxa, MD Mark W. McCord, MD Dale L. McCord, MD Mark S. Quinn, MD Erich G. Randolph, MD Frederick J. Schnell, Jr., MD Philip D. Shrake, MD Suzanne P. Smith, MD W. Hamilton Williams, III, MD Reproductive Endocrinology Andre L. C. Denis, MD Lisa A. Hasty, MD Anne B. Namnoum, MD Mark Perloe, MD Paula A. Rothman, MD Scott M. Slayden, MD Andrew A. Toledo, MD James P. Toner, MD Rheumatology Cynthia Lawrence Elliott, MD Theresa A. Lawrence, MD Glenn R. Parris, MD Roel N. Querubin, MD Nicholas A. Tiliakos, MD Trauma Surgery Romeo P. Massoud, MD Barry M. Renz, MD Urology Roosevelt Allen, Jr., MD Bruce H. Branitz, MD Howard C. Goldberg, MD Robert Q. Hoang, MD Glenn G. Kasow, DO Douglas A. Nyhoff, MD Mukesh R. Patel, MD Steven L. Perlow, MD Howard A. Rottenberg, MD Paul L. Rubin, MD A. Paul Sherlag, MD Edward Stark, MD John R. Stripling, III, MD Harvey B. Tauber, MD Jerry J. Yuan, MD Vascular Surgery Sudhindra K. Anegundi, MD James K. Elsey, MD Keith A. Levine, MD Gregory P. Schlegel, MD 0020020020020020020020020020020020020020 2002 REPORT TO THE COMMUNIT Y Gwinnett Hospital System A u x i l i a r y a n d Vo l u n t e e r s In the past year, the 328 members of the Gwinnett Hospital System Auxiliary donated 45,500 hours of skill, energy and service to our organization. The Joan Glancy Memorial Hospital Volunteers donated $25,579 to their hospital for needed equipment. The Auxiliary contributed $127,000 for equipment and supplies at Gwinnett Medical Center, as well as making a three-year pledge of $150,000 to the Foundation’s TIME MATTERS campaign. Gwinnett Hospital System Auxiliary, Inc. Executive Board 2002 - 2003 Bernice Johnson, President Maureen O’Rourke, President-elect Ruth Ann Chapin, Vice President Evelyn Shepherd, Recording Secretary Marty Henck, Treasurer Peggy Britt, Corresponding Secretary Cheryl Gifford, Parliamentarian Ann Bracey, Director of Volunteer Services Susan Ackerman Kay Batterman Peggy Britt Rev. William Corley Margaret Feitt Marc Adams Diane Bayless Rose Marie Bruno Helen Cox Anacleto Fernandes Nicole Alam Carolyn Beaty Carol Bulloch Jennifer Craig Eliza Fernandes Jackie Aldridge Roy Beaty Mae Burge Ralph Crumbliss Cindy Forbes Kabir Alshon Ali Dick Berry Lucy Burke Megan Dean Eleanor Frazier Charlotte Allen Janice Berry Betty Burns Carolyn H. Deaton Rebekah French Imogene Allen Joyce Best Leslie Campbell Nichole Dennis Gloria Frew Ann Antoci Muriel Blackwell Becky Cantrell Erica Dimarco Jerrica Gadsden Martha Armstrong Chris Bolton Amanda Cepero Jean Dreisbach Helena Gellespie Dawn Ashby Jackie Bowlin Ruth Ann Chapin Terri Duncan Ethel Gentry Carolyn Bagheri Skip Bradford Sandii Christofield Jean Edwards Arjun Ghodasara Katie Bailey Vivek Brahmbhatt Khyati Chudasama Toodie Emerson Kathleen Gibson Jessica Baker Vicki Brandt Marcela Chyczy Reneá Emmanual Cheryl Gifford Amrita Barot Jessica Braswell Joanne Clark Harold Englander James Gordon Joselyn Bass Janfra Bray Diana Corigliano Hazel Ethridge Frances Greer G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M 20 2002002002002002002002002002002002002002 A u x i l i a r y & Vo l u n t e e r s 21 Tanaya Greer Dolly Lewis Biraj Patel Mary Jo Smith H.D. Gu Sara Lovell Kathy Phan Ruth Smith Rahul Gunturi Elizabeth Lovin Ellen R. Philips Shana Smith Ratika Gunturi Marina Lyons Edith Phillips Doris J. Stahl Faye Hales Barbara Magnuson Kim Phillips Gwen Starr Dave Haley Linda Marlin Del Podsiadlo Carolyn Stone Janet Hammock Amber Martin Gloria Pursell Doris Stone Robbie Hamrick Carol Martin Dorothy Rainey Joan Strong Caroline Hardt Ruth Martin Shreya Raja Dorothy Sturdevant Norman Hardt Amanda Mayfield Jain Ramesh-Kuma Julia Suarez Helen Harrington Eileen McCollough Karin Rawlins Kathryn Sugimoto Helen Harris Mary McCulloch Pratap Raya Ruth Sylthe Imran Hasni Laura McDaniel Christine Reece Kako Takeda Martha Henck Hatha McDonald Jennifer Reuter Charlotte Tancre Melna Henderson Maybell McDowell Fran Reznicek Pat Taylor Caroline Herbig Linda McKee Caryl D. Rinker Gloria Teal Susan Hess Betty McKibben Ashley Robinson Donna Theus Angeline Holmes Patty Meadows I.V. Roebuck Karen Thomas Phyllis Hood Charlotte Meeks Bernardo Rogel Peggy Thomas Marilyn Hopkins Sehar Mehmood Hellen Rogel Tony Thomas Percia Hudson Bhavi Mehta Jan Roof Jack Thomason Judy Huebner Nicole Melanson Evelyn Saben Hazel Underwood Alma Huff Rebecca Metts Monique Samuels Isha Vasavada Joan Hutchinson Gladys Micklas Joe Sappington Harriet Vasilakis Diane Irizarrys Sarah Miller George Sargent Neha Verma Wanda Jack Theresa Mitchell Joanne Sargent Susan Vertucci Brandi James Pascale Mobers Montine Satterfield Curtis Waites Yvonne James Ethelle Montgomery Shirley Satterfield Louise Waites Jina Jang Pat Moore Jeannine Savoie Betty Walls Evelyn Jeffers Amanda Mullenhour Gladys Scott Kathleen Webber Helen Jenkins Elizabeth Muzio Helen Scott Pamela Westafer Bernice Johnson Janet Myers Audrey Scruggs Tequilla Williams Janet Johnson Debbie Nam Nancy Segars Monselee Williamson Judy Johnson Govindan Nambar Patricia Seling Anna Wilson Russell Johnson Donald Nelson Amit Shah Ashley Wilson Chris Kesler Katie Nettles Deep Jay Shah Julie Winter Jacqueline Kiernan Bonnie C. Norman Shivani Shah Michele Winters Isabel Kirchner Maxine Norton Evelyn D. Shepherd Kelsey Woll Jane Klinger Richard O. Norton Linda Shepherd Dorothy Workman James Knight Lacole Ofosu Janine Sheram Laura Wright Hazel Koch Maureen O’Rourke Jo Sherwood Hazel Young Belinda Kramer Carolyn Osborne Jennifer Shields Zena Yusuf Ben Kramer Dená Osborne Margari Shuford Brenda Kukla Frank Osborne Liese Sigler Jo Ann Kushner Frankie Page Leonard Smith Helen Kwon Linda D. Parham Mark Smith G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M 0020020020020020020020020020020020020020 2002 REPORT TO THE COMMUNIT Y Gwinnett Hospital System Foundation The Gwinnett Hospital System Foundation is a private, not-for-profit corporation that supports Gwinnett Hospital System in fulfilling its mission — providing quality health services to our community. Specifically, the GHS Foundation supports one of Gwinnett Hospital System’s core values — Service to the Community. We do this by funding programs that meet community needs for awareness, preventive medicine, health education and indigent care. Our Board of Trustees manages the business affairs of the Foundation, and the Development Board develops and coordinates all fundraising strategies. The Development Council, made up of all active volunteers, implements our fundraising activities. TIME MATTERS in the fight against Breast Cancer Phase I of the TIME MATTERS campaign, the Marion Allison Webb Center for Screening Mammography, was complete in October, 2001. The center has reduced the wait time for a screening mammogram from more than two months to less than one week. With three additional mammography machines dedicated to screening procedures, the new center has increased the number of patients served per month from 650 to 1,028. Thanks to the donors and volunteers of the GHS Foundation for recognizing that TIME does MATTER when lives are at stake! GHS Foundation Board of Trustees Carolyn Hill, President Michael J. McCoy, MD, Vice President Kathryn Parsons Willis, Secretary-Treasurer Wayne Sikes, Chair, Gwinnett Health System Bruce R. Still, Chair, Development Board Franklin M. Rinker, President & CEO, Gwinnett Health System GHS Foundation Development Board Laura Bamford Vangie Dennis Alan Golden Paige Havens J. Thomas Karr Ron Kersey Keith Lawder Jack Moore Denise Pecht, MD Del Podsiadlo Gay Shook Bruce R. Still Terra Winter G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M 22 2002002002002002002002002002002002002002 Foundation Annual Support Committee Paige Havens, Chair Terra Winter, Vice Chair Joslyn Bacalis Ken Davis Pamela Ewing Jamie Jones Timothy Krajec Lois Martin Frances Rolader Mike Royal Linda A. Strange Schelly Tennant Lisa Tully Patty Voelz Mark Williamson Patricia L. Williamson Corporate & Business Committee Keith Lawder, Chair Alan Golden, Vice Chair Pat Carver Henry Mann Mike Miller Leo Pieri Patrick Putman Neil Stevens Planned Gifts Committee Ron Kersey, Chair Jack Moore, Vice Chair Ethel Anderson Douglas Bridges Troy Florence Al Hombroek Andy McClung Edgar J. Perkerson R. Jeffrey Peyton Robert Rozar Jack Sawyer Sharon Wieckens Special Gifts Committee Gay Shook, Chair Denise Pecht, MD, Vice Chair Carolyn Hill Nona Patterson Bill Russell Ball Committee Laura Bamford, Chair Gay Brulé, Vice Chair Brenda McBride, Sponsorship Ann Still, Silent Auction Decorating Wendy Wellborn, Ball Decorating Kathryn Parsons Willis, Silent Auction Mary Ackerman Madelyn Baker Lea Bay Whitney Capps Melanie Dalton Katie Garces Barbara Garrett Veronica Gasaway Frances Greer Margo Grbinich-Hunt Carolyn Hill Lois Martin Paula Martin Kay Montgomery Debra Nichols Monica Pappas Judy Paul Flo Perry Diana Potts Carole Price Caryl D. Rinker Anthony Rodriguez Rhonda Schulte Janet Schwalbe Deborah Scott Joe Shafer Steve Shannon Vicki Shannon Katrina Stone Cindy Sutt Liz Vanover Golf Committee Randy Cronic, MD, Chair Sonny Ackerman Lea Bay Ginger Geiger Johnny Griffith Henry Howard Anthony Landis, DO Mona Lippitt David Martin Paula Martin Claude Mason Douglas Nyhoff, MD Diana Potts Janet Schwalbe Steve Shannon Vicki Shannon Becky Thompson The GHS Foundation Donors The Gwinnett Hospital System Foundation exists today because of the generosity and philanthropy of our community. As our donors help us build a solid framework to assure that the healthcare needs of our community are met, the Gwinnett Hospital System Foundation annually acknowledges and thanks those donors who make contributions at various giving levels. 2002 Ball Sponsors Presenting Sponsor SIEMENS Benefactor Gwinnett Hospital System Auxiliary Gwinnett Hospital System Medical Staff Scientific Atlanta Dinner Underwriter SunTrust Bank 23 Platinum Patron R.J. Griffin & Company Gwinnett Neonatology, P.C. Perkins & Will, Inc. Bob & Del Podsiadlo Gold Patron Black Box Networking Services DC Investments Discover Mills Gwinnett Anesthesia Services, P.C. Gwinnett Emergency Specialists Clint Harkins, P.C. Hibble, Peters & Dawson, Inc. HomeBanc Mortgage G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M Morgan Keegan, Mike Malloy King & Spalding, Inc. McKesson North Metropolitan Radiology Associates Powell, Goldstein, Frazer & Murphy Harry Varnadoe Grading & Piping, Inc. Wachovia Bank Wine Underwriter Vanderbilt Capital Advisors Silver Patron Andersen, Tate & MaHaffey Atlantic States Bank Beckman Coulter Jack & Peggy Britt Buford Community Thrift Shop Cardiovascular Group, P.C. Causey & Associates Diagnostic Imaging, Inc. Eclipsys Dr. & Mrs. Paul Fekete Dr. Joseph & Nancy Finley W. Howard & Charlyne Fowler Georgia Perimeter College at Gwinnett University Georgia Power Company James & Jeanine Gullett Gwinnett Community Bank Gwinnett Surgical Associates, Inc. Wayne & Carolyn Hill Jerry R. & Margo Hunt Joan Glancy Memorial Hospital Volunteers J. Thomas & Sandy Karr Dr. Anthony & Lori Landis Kay Martin Associates Dr. Miles & Sandy Mason James & Shelby Maughon Dr. Gregory L. Mauldin Dr. Michael J. & Nancy McCoy Meadows & Ohly, Inc. Michael & Dr. Vicki Morgan Thomas & Dr. Denise Pecht 0020020020020020020020020020020020020020 2002 REPORT TO THE COMMUNIT Y Preferred Women’s Healthcare, LLC Franklin M. & Caryl D. Rinker RMS Capital Financing Service Master of Gwinnett Steve & Vicki Shannon Ron & Gay Shook Wayne & Beth Sikes Suzanna’s Kitchen Kathryn Parsons Willis Dinner Entertainment Underwriter Crown Park Homes Keystone Leadership Scott and Jacqueline Hudgens Marion Allison Webb Keystone Society Margaret Parsons Andrews Madelyn C. Baker Charles & Glenda Bannister Georgia & Casey Brogdon Ed & Annette Brown Manuel & Dale Cadrecha Dr. Philip J. Cannon Ronald & Millicent Corder Vangie & Richard Dennis Matthew & Stacey Essix Dr. Paul & Vicki Fekete Dr. Joseph & Nancy Finley W. Howard & Charlyne Fowler Frances Greer R. J. & Delaine Griffin James & Jeanine Gullett Dr. Willard C. Hearin, III Wayne & Carolyn Hill James E. & Faye Hinshaw, Sr. Henry & Barbara Howard James & Susan Hunter J. Thomas & Sandy Karr Judy & Steve Keller Dr. Anthony & Lori Landis Don & Becky Loggins Dave & Kathy Martin Dr. Miles & Sandy Mason Dr. Tina Mason John & Jane Monk Jack & Lisa Moore Michael & Dr. Vicki Morgan Clayton & Nancy Moss Thomas Y. & Brenda E. McBride Dr. Michael J. & Nancy McCoy Wally & Ann Odum Nona Patterson Thomas & Dr. Denise Pecht Robert & Del Podsiadlo Raymond & Beverly Previto John & Connie Riddle Franklin M. & Caryl D. Rinker Bill & Sherry Russell J. Thomas & Linda Shepherd Ron & Gay Shook Wayne & Beth Sikes Bruce R. & Ann Still Clyde & Sandra Strickland Marion Allison Webb & Gertrude S. Allison Kathryn Parsons Willis Voussoir Russell & Dr. Susan Pearson Blank Stephen & Margaret Freedman Reagan & Paige Havens Keith & Mary Lawder Dr. David Lentz & Dr. Hisa Yamaguchi Charlotte Meeks Thomas Mitchell Dr. Claud & Elaine Morgan Raymond Nash Rich Panyik Dr. Stephen Quill & Carole Hickman Gail G. Stroud Ernest Whitfield Cornerstone Caregivers Platinum Level Michael & Carol Benator Dr. Jon & Lori Siegel Gold Level Colonel John & Martha Adams Dr. Robert C. Fritz Hayes Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep Norcross Women’s Club Silver Level AllSouth Sprinkler Company Mathew & Joslyn Bacalis Woody & Beth Bell Dr. Sunil & Dr. Adriana Bhole Robert & Grace Cain Kenneth & Dr. Linda Casteel Representative Brooks Coleman Emily Daniel DC Investments Marlyn Dochenetz Mike & Betty Dominy Joe Estafen Gary & Gay Ewing Jef & Kathy Fincher Kathy Gestar Ronald & Cheryl Gifford Dave & Judith Haley Susan V. Hess Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta Dave & Tara Josephson Ronald Kersey Mr. & Mrs. Phil Krajec Mail Sort, Inc. Felix & Carole Martin Norcross Lions Club Roger & Karen Ozaki Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Primrose School of Suwanee H.F. & Dorothy Rainey James & Leslie Riley Howard & Vicki Rosendale Terry & Doris Slaughter The Myers Group - Outsource Transafe Dr. Paul & Harriet Weinberg Donald & Carolyn Williams Bronze Level Thomas & Ethel D. Andersen Samuel & Glenda Arthur Bill & Betty Atkinson Dr. James & Debra Barnhill Roy & Carolyn Beaty Bernard & Janice Berry Ron & Tracey Mason Blasi Jack & Peggy Britt Timothy & Renee Byrd-Lewis Mike & Mary Lou Comer Robert Cowan Pamela Ewing Charles Field Guy Ben & Murlene Findley Barbara Garrett Alan & Dale Golden Terry & Jane Gordon Michael & Jennifer Guynn Gwinnett Pulmonary Group Jay Hitt Philip & Janet Hoskins Russell & Janet Johnson Scott & Rhonda Kennedy Timothy & Beverly Krajec David & Eleanor Lawson Lilburn Insurance Agency, Inc. James & Shelby Maughon Lindalee McCullough Tom & Annette McIntosh George M. Meeks Mark & Karoline Orvick Dr. Paul & Pamela Pafford Jimmy & Sherry Patton R&S Floor Covering, Inc. Elizabeth Rees Jeffrey Reichel Richardson Housing Group, Inc. Greg & Frances Rolader Jay & Sarah Roper Linda Sims Don & Shirley Smith Wayne & Judy Smith Southeastern Mortgage & Financial Ralph Taylor Dr. Michael & Margaret Tim Lisa Tully Mark & Judy Waters Curtis & Carolyn Watson Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Webb Julianna Williams Nonie H. Williams B.W. & Shelia Woodruff Barbara Zimmerman Memorial and Honorary Gifts Gifts From the Heart In memory of Gertrude S. Allison Walter & Phyllis Cohen Judith L. Fowler Bruce R. & Ann Still In memory of Howard P. Best Dave & Judith Haley In memory of O. Blackwelder Gwen Gustavson In memory of Sara K. Bullock Terra Winter In memory of Vernie Lee Bullock Terra Winter In memory of Hilda Campbell Georgia Brogdon In memory of Edith M. Carter M.E. Allen & Martha T. Allen E. Imogene Ballentine Melvin J. Carter City of Suwanee Larry T. Williams In memory of Madeline Estafen Paige Havens Terra Winter In memory of Jamie Evans Steven B. Lucas In memory of Dr. Emeka Kyrian Ezenwa Maternal Infant Staff — Gwinnett Women’s Pavilion Tom & Merrill Paige In memory of George M. Gluck Jeremy & Laura Allbright Una L. Byrd Ray & Pat Corcoran Karen Henderson In memory of Veronica B. Greiner, infant daughter of Marcus & Amy Greiner Gabriele Broadie Thomas T. Cardoza Erma L. Clupper Jerry L. Clupper Deborah L. Duncan Cheryl Franceschini Vicky Gordon Sherie S. Holmes Eric F. Husted Mark B. Husted Ronald Husted Robert M. Klein Jim Laine Patricia Marschall Christina B. Mootz Christopher Moran Loretta Mutchler Suzanne Ogden Alex Oliveri Dennis Paschke Lawrence B. Promisel Christine B. Scaffidi R.V. Turriziani Janet Wilson Harry P. Yergey In memory of Michael Gullett Harvey L. Bethea Margie R. Burns Carl Edwards & Sons Stables, Inc. Jan B. Davis Murlene T. Findley W. Howard Fowler Donald A. & Mary Jackson Gregory L. King Amos H. & Marian Postell D.J. & Marge Sawyer Doris Slaughter Winton & Joan R. Strickland Jennings E. Watkins Kathryn Parsons Willis In memory of Seymour Henck Georgia Brogdon In memory of Linda Haswell Jones Phyllis Haswell In memory of Aaron Fidelibus Terra Winter G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M 24 2002002002002002002002002002002002002002 Foundation In memory of Ben Keener Walter & Maria Fiebelkorn Alene K. Goodson Darrell & Amelia Keener Millard & Joyce Vickers In memory of Carlee Lord Terra Winter In memory of Homer Lord Anthony & Terra Winter In memory of Joseph V. McGeady Virginia C. Carswell Chattahoochee Post 251, Inc. Donald & Norma Huff Charles & Dorothy McElroy Mr. & Mrs. Frank McElroy Charles and Gloria Seagle Brooke Solis Tuesday Ladies’ Dinner Group In memory of Gladys Murray Bob & Martha Armstrong Mary Frances Greer In memory of Tade Odugbesan Dr. Paul & Harriett Weinberg In memory of Jewell Owens Doris B. Slaughter In memory of Joe Roberts Mary Frances Greer Ron & Gay Shook In memory of Blanche Sikes Charles & Irene Sikes In memory of Jeannette Winter Terra Winter In honor of the Gary Bivins Family Myron E. & Janice Bullock In honor of Georgia Brogdon Walter & Patricia Key In honor of the Louise Chernecky Family Myron E. Bullock In honor of Michael Comer Wayne Hill In honor of Jock Connell Wayne Hill In honor of Lucille Cox Wayne Hill In honor of Sharyl Dawes Paige Havens In honor of Bill Dean Wayne Hill In honor of Gayle Delucia Georgia Brogdon In honor of Commissioner John Dunn Wayne Hill In honor of Phil & Pam Eastman Gay Shook In honor of Karen Eggers Paige Havens In honor of Connie Eshenour Paige Havens In honor of Kim Everett Wayne Hill In memory of Joseph Lloyd Winter Terra Winter In honor of Judith Fowler Myron E. Bullock In honor of Brian Allen Wayne Hill In honor of Tina Foxworthy Barbara Garrett In honor of Helen Atwood Julian C. Clark In honor of Tommy Furlow Wayne Hill In honor of Carolyn Garrett John Riddle 25 G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M In honor of Virginia Gordon John Riddle In honor of NICU Staff Bobby A. Keener Thomas P. Giberson Gwinnett Magazine In honor of Frances Greer Georgia Brogdon John Riddle Doris Slaughter In honor of Sue Person Wayne Hill Joan Glancy Memorial Hospital Fund Vicky Brown Raymond & Patricia Corcoran Karen Henderson Corporate Builders’ Club American Cancer Society Atlantic States Bank BB&T Buford Community Thrift Shop Causey & Associates David, Helen & Marian Woodward Fund Florence & Harry English Fund Frances Wood Wilson Foundation Georgia Power R.J. Griffin & Company Gwinnett Anesthesia Services, P.C. Gwinnett Community Foundation Gwinnett Daily Post Gwinnett Emergency Specialists Gwinnett Hospital System Auxiliary Gwinnett Neonatology, P.C. Kroger Joan Glancy Memorial Hospital Volunteers Lou Sobh Pontiac, Buick, GMC Harriet McDaniel Marshall Trust Meadows & Ohly, Inc. Merck & Company, Inc. North Metropolitan Radiology Associates Perkins & Will, Inc. Powell, Goldstein, Frazer & Murphy Primerica Financial Services Publix Charities Ida A. Ryan Charitable Trust Walter & Marjory Rich Fund Scientific Atlanta SIEMENS Staffing Options, Inc. SunTrust Bank Atlanta Foundation Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Fund Suzanna’s Kitchen Tara Materials, Inc. Harry Varnadoe Grading & Piping Wachovia Bank & Mary Allen Lindsay Branan Foundation Woodward Foundation Other “Gifts from the Heart” Contributors Charles & Trellis Arnold Bernard R. & Janice Berry Duluth Fall Festival Road Race Sponsors Publix – Duluth Station VALIC In honor of Sheila Pittman Wayne Hill In honor of Charles & Rosemary Hall Jim & Julia Hall In honor of Rod Powell Wayne Hill In honor of Paige Havens James & Teresa Osborn In honor of Franklin M. Rinker Georgia Brogdon In honor of Frances Hearn Wayne Hill In honor of Chief Steve Rolader Wayne Hill In honor of Carolyn Hill Association County Commissioners of Georgia In honor of Wayne Hill CH2M Hill / Pat Corleto In honor of Connie Hinson Wayne Hill In honor of Linda Holbrook Wayne Hill In honor of Charles & Irene Sikes Marvin & Jo Brownlee In honor of Clyde & Sandra Strickland Myron E. Bullock In honor of Karen Thomas Wayne Hill In honor of Phil Hoskins Wayne Hill In honor of R.H. & Doris Thomas Myron E. Bullock In honor of Diane Kemp Wayne Hill In honor of Gina Titus Wayne Hill In honor of Commissioner Kevin Kenerly Wayne Hill In honor of Laura Tucker Georgia Brogdon In honor of Jim Kraus Wayne Hill In honor of Brenda Maddox Wayne Hill In honor of Commissioner Patti Muise Wayne Hill In honor of Charlotte Nash Wayne Hill In honor of Commissioner Marcia Neaton-Griggs Wayne Hill In honor of Mike Williams Wayne Hill In honor of Kathryn Parsons Willis Mae K. Burge 0020020020020020020020020020020020020020 2002 REPORT TO THE COMMUNIT Y Gwinnett Health System Stars Associate Giving Program The Foundation’s STARS (Standing Together Associates Reach Success) associate giving program reached its three-year goal for the Kids Care Campaign six months early. The additional $70,000 raised was earmarked for the TIME MATTERS campaign. The new three-year STARS program, which will also benefit TIME MATTERS, began in 2002 with $729,000 in pledges from 1,500 associates, a system record. STARS Steering Committee Vangie Dennis, Chair Cynthia Chandler Janet Duncan Debbie Froehlich Frances Greer Gwen Gustavson Debbie Husband Mona Lippitt Dave Martin Alice Newell Jan Pierce Ginger Powell Cindie Lou Roger Jeannie Schweck Cindy Snyder Sue Woodall Sandra Yates Keystone Society Judy Addy Keller Madelyn Baker Georgia Brogdon Ed Brown Ron Corder Vangie Dennis Matthew Essex Frances Greer Susan Hunter J. Thomas Karr, Jr. Dave Martin Thomas Y. McBride, III Paul Milholland Clayton Moss John Riddle Franklin M. Rinker J. Thomas Shepherd Voussoir Society Anthea Rebecca Andrade Reg Gilbreath, MD Thomas Mitchell Gail Stroud Cornerstone Caregivers Gold Level Pamela Bear Martha Beaver Dixie Bennett Nancy Charron Polly Dorminey Cathy Dougherty Deborah Ellison Martha Fortner Jody Hudson Nancy McAlexander Norma McDonald Donna McMullen Johanna P. Moore Linda Reynolds Linda Robert Robert Roe Angel Roussie Donna Samford Andrick Terrell Yvonne Wallace Mary Wilson Joan Wood Silver Level Audrey Adams Kathy Adams Marsha Adams Susan Adkins Jovita Aguilar Catherine Aldrich Alice Alston Tamara Anderson Sharon Aprile LuAnn Aquino, MD Mildred Armstead Sherri Armstong Ashley Arnold Michelle Arouri Doretha Arrington Juliana Atsegbua Carol Avery John Avery Tamatha Baggett Jeff Bailey Elnora Banks Godfrey P. Barker Marie Bath Patricia Bell JoAnn Benevelli Brandy Bennett Susan Bird Michael Birkholz Marjorie Bisbis Kerry Bishop Bari Blake Amy Bledsoe Manuel Bledsoe Saundra Bolick Linda Bond Nancy Bonnett Jacqueline Boreland Rhonda Bowman Ann Bracey Philip Bradford Jane Bradshaw Elizabeth Bragg Monique Bray Deborah Briese Amy Briggs Gertie Brock Florence Brooks David Brown Judy Brown Lena Brown Pamela Broyles Leslie Bryant Kenneth Burg Kathryn Butler Deidra Cargile Rebecca Carter Cynthia Chandler Victoria Chapman Jody Chappell Charles Christie Sheila Churchill Gregory Clark Elizabeth Clarke Connie Claybrook Melissa Clements Christine Cobb Kathy Cochran Malissa Cockman Linda Collins Cecilia Conneely Thomas Cornell Connie Coupal Geoffrey Cox Barbara Craig Rita Craven Stacey Crisp Toni Cronan Patrice Daisley, MD Pamela Danzis Clara Suzanne David Annelle Davidson Leza Davis Kim Deal Rita Dean Kathryn Denney William D’Entremont Robin Depaoli Abraham Derrick Kimberly Dixon Tonya Dover Jocelyn DuBose Veronique Dumeny Diane Dunaway Bob Duvall Lisa Dyar Stephanie Ellis Shannon Elzey James Eyler Ernestine Faulkner Carol Field Maurleen Fincher Judi Fisher William B. Flood Anica Fofiu Jeffrey Fouche Patricia Fraley Deborah Frazier Larissa Frederick Patricia Frederick Sally Frick James Friedlander Sandra Gandee Evita Garner Bonnie Garnett Sheila Garnica June Geiger Laura German David Gibson Lauren Gilmore Rosemarie Girardeau Henry Gobah Stacy Godfrey Tracy Goodman Sherlyn Gray Leslie Green Marie Griffin Beth Grimes Gwen Gustavson Betsy Hamilton Libbie Hamilton Patricia Hammond Beverly Hamrick Marcia Hancock Candace Hardy Mary Harris Parkerson Harris Eugenie Hartman G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M 26 2002002002002002002002002002002002002002 S t a r s A s s o c i a t e G i v i n g P ro g r a m Brandi Hartman-Slater Jerald Hatchett Mike Hemphill Latunya Henderson Barbara Henry Emily Henson Stephanie Herbold Joan Hereford Laura Hinke Debra Hinson Tammy Hitchcock Margaret Hogan Penny Hogan Linda Holcomb Elaine Honeycutt James Hooks Gloria Hopkins Dionne Horton Denise Howard Lee Hughes Linda Hughes Tracy Iannuzzi John Iodice Kristi Iwan Brandy Jardin Georgia Johnson Levon Johnson Sharon Johnson Kathryne Johnston Cynthia Jones Debbie Jones Karen Jones Linda Jordan Sharon Jordon Gigi Joseph Sharon Joyce-Bailey Florence Kamradt Pam Kauffman Linda Kernahan Renee Kester Tammy Lynn Kidd Jan Kirkland Laura Konkel Lynette Kowlessar Margaret Kulinski Asma Lakhani Jalaluddin Lakhani Janie Lamont Debra Lartigue Kathryn Lawler Valerie Lerch Dolores Lim Deborah Little Jing Liu Michelle Lockwood Teresita Lomeli-Cormier Lyn Lovstrom Allen Lukens Ann Marie Lynn Laura Madden Lisa Majors Amy Manley Tami Marciano 27 Mary Mathew Bonnie Matthews Rebecca Maynard Lynde McClung Carla McCullough Chad McDaniel David McDaniel, Jr. John McDaniel Kathleen McGee Mary Jo McGee Susan McGraw Demeetris McIntyre Margaret McLincha DeeDee Melendez James F. Meunier Shannon Mikel Jennifer Millinger Joy Mitchell Michelle Mitchell Myrtle Monroe Sherri Moody Cori Moore Erica Moore Lisa Moore Kelly Mowrey Sonya Mueller Dijana Muftic Ken Mullins Janis Murray Irma Najera Mary Nash Michael Naughton Sunday Nayoone Sharon Nee Alice Newell Billie Nichols Kathy Nicholson Charles Nix Cheryl Odell Peggy Oiler Karman Okarma Gail Oktavec DeVere Olmstead Jacqueline Osborn Jodi O’Sullivan Mamie Outler Merrill Paige Soomee Pak Kristy Palmer Shauna Palmer Marie Parker Niru Patel Phillip Patrick David Patterson Karen Patterson Patricia Pennington Roberta Peters Donna Phillips Lynda Phillips Judy C. Pittman Jeffrey Polekoff, MD Mamie Ponneys April Porter G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M Martha Porter Yolanda Portis Karen Posea Diana Potts Ginger Powell Julie Powers Beverly Previto Debra Profitt Denise Proto Lamar Pugh Diane Quattlebaum Lenora Quinn Karen Ramsey Tammy Randazzo Kathleen Rast Joy Reese Amanda Reid Bonny Richardson Tiffany Richey Mildred Rivera Rosalia Rivera Mark Robertson Roosevelt Robinson Frances Rorvig Dovanda Rose Lynn Scherrer Jean Scogin Kimberly Scott Teri Scott Devora Scruggs Denise Scuderi Cami Searles Nancy Segal Mary Sells Laura Shafer Marilyn Shaw Sherman Shelby Eppie Shields Susan Shields Jennifer Shoemaker Quinn Simien, MD Jennifer Simon Charlotte Sims Jill Singer Kym Skaggs Judith Skinner Susan Slaback Angela Sloan Deborah Slough Godfrey Smith Lisa N. Smith Rayla D. Smith Shawn Smith Cynthia Snyder Wendy Solberg Mark Soriano Diane Sparks Doria Stewart Inez Stewart Janice S. Stewart Cynthia Still Sandra Stinchcomb Nancy Stockwell Katrina Stone Virginia Storbeck Melanie Strange Joann Struck Nancy Stryker Susan Stubbs Tara Suarez Pamela Swarthout Monica Swecker Judith Szekely Mary Taylor Paul Taylor Pamela Thompson Loretta Thornton Melanie Tignor Edward Tong Cindy Toups Karen Townsend Denise Tracy Loretta Traylor Judy Tucker Danita Turner Sallie Turner Trudy Turner Marrah Vassell Norma Vela Linda Wagner Pauline Wagner James Wallace Malisha Warbington Cathy Webb Melanie Wentworth CaBarris West Wanda Wiggins Lisa Wiley Tracy Wilkinson Sally Willard Jenny Williams Jodi Williams Tabatha L. Williams Debbie Wilson Wendi Wilson Kathy Winton Sue Woodall Alvin Wright Gary Wright Teresa Yarbrough Sandra Yates Juanita Young Selena Youngblood YoungMi Yun Bronze Level Janet Adams Comfort Ademisoye Fozia Ahmed Kandy Aiken Adebimpe Akinla Masebonang Albert Kim Albertson Sandy Al-Khalil Valerie Amatriain Carolynn Anderson Erwin Ansley Betty Anthony Sandra Arcand Dannielle Arnold Kevin Aurelio Cynthia Austin Kim Bachtel Linda Bader MaDonna L. Badura Dana L. Baggett Kendra Bailey Pamela Bailor Gail Baldwin Lisa Baldwin Samantha Barber Cassandra Barnes Lea Bay Diane Bayless Melissa Benoit Callie Benton Joseph Berch Kathryn Berry Laura Bertrand Ruth Betts Marianne Bieder Patricia Bird John Bishop Joycelin Black Sabrina M. Bland Jenny Bloomfield Rosemary Blum Keira Boddie Adela Bogar Verolyn Bolander Christopher Bontempo Eliza Bowden Cherie Bowen Rosebud Boxley Cynthia Boyd Harriette Bracewell Bryan Brake Melinda Branam Linda Bridges Kimberly Britt Martha Britt Alla Brooks Patricia Brooks Drema Brown Mildred Bullington Donna Burden Martha Burnett Antonia Burney Joan Bush Robert Butler Gay Byrd Cathie Calhoun Catherine Campbell Karen Carlan Katrina Carr Shareka Carr Betty Cash Harvey Caskey James Casteel 0020020020020020020020020020020020020020 2002 REPORT TO THE COMMUNIT Y Amy Caudy Lisa Cauthen Maile Cavender Naty Cayanan Frank Chen Yin Kwan Cheung Janette Chevere Kim Childres Katrina Clark Connie Clay Linda Cleveland Kristie Cohron Quanda Coley Leroy Collins Rosalinda Contreras Vickie Cook Leslie Cox Donna Crane Nancy Crane Vicky Crawford Rachael Cromer Jason Crowe Nicole Croy Faye Cummings Gretchen Cunningham Simona Dajleo-Vanderport Martha Daley Michele Dalley-Timmings Kevin Danburg Deborah Daneault Gloria Daniel Patricia Darin Cheryl Davis Dannette Davis Lillian Davis Nancy Davis Jeraletta Day Deborah Dean Joyce Dean Dale Dearman Mary Debarbieris Bytha Decker Renee Deen Yong Sum DeGraff Seya Delastic Mary Denning Nicole Dennis Alice Deraney Rachel Dey Tameana Diggs Hawa Dillon Edna Dixon Julie Dixon Mary Dixon Barbara Dolly Effie Dolores Mary Doran Theresa Dorfling Hillary Dormer-Caine Cathleen Dowd Inna Dowe Linda G. Downie Jo Driscoll Catherine Duda Romona H. Duffey Francis Dunay Melanie Dunn Brenda Dutton Vicki Eady Patricia Eager Charles Eggers Mimi Eggers Howard Ellis, MD Maryann Ellis Virginia Ellison Geraldine Elton Cecilia Espinosa Meri Ethridge Ruth Evans Michelle Evrett Caroline Fanelli Mary Farrington Wilma Favors Joyce Fellows Larho Felton Laura Fielden Carolyn Finch-Fountain Cindy Finck Sandra Fisher Lottie Fleck Dannie Fleming Elaine Flin Michael Foote Myron Ford Debra Fortier Laura Fowler Tina Foxworth Minnie Frazier Wanda F. Freeman Misty Frelo Laura Fuchs Kimberly Fuller Nicole Gamble Judy Garner Susan Gaunt Joan Gauthier Sheena Geran Nancy Gilbert Angie Gilleland Daniela Giurici Cory T. Glass Elaine Goddard Sylvia Goddard Patricia Goins Mildred Golson Marie Gould Mary Ann Gouveia Michelle M. Gray Gloria Green Mark Green Connie Gregory Howard Grey Theresa Grier Vicki Griffin Susan Groen Anna Grove Briggs Grove Linda Guabelly Paula Guerrero Lesma Gunn Betty Guthrie Amy Gutierrez Glen Hagerstrom Bettina Hamilton Susan Hancock Laura Hand Nancy J. Hansen Vanessa Harbin Elton Harden James Harp Sue Harp Diana Harper Emily Harris Sheila Harris Tommy Harris Marilyn Harrison Carrie Hart Wilma Harvey Peggy Hatcher Louise Hatlevig Susan Hatton Janice Hawkins Amber Hayes Gayle Hayes Samantha Hayman Dolly Haynes Lillian Healy Amanda Heard Susan Helmuth Kimberly Henderson Pamela Henderson Aimee Hendrickson Kamal Hendy Jessica Henson Lizzette Hernaiz Donna Herron Sybil Hickes Gloria Hickok Cynthia Hicks Angela Hix Lajulia Hodge Crystal Hodges Yolanda Hoke Peggy Holbrook Stacy Holcomb Angela Holley Lisa Hollingsworth Sallie Holman Kelly Honeysucker Nancy Hoose Melanie Hoover Joleen Horine Kathy Houston Elizabeth Howard Jessie Howard Lisa Howard Trellis Howard Gwendolyn Hudson Betty Huff Tina M. Huff Diane Huggins Linda Hughes Mary Hunt Ida Huston Julie Hyatt Catherine Ivory Andrea Jackson Cheryl James Norma Jarmusch Barbara Jenkins Emily Jenkins Brian Jennings Julie Jesse Beatrice Johnson Jerry Johnson Mary Johnson Jeri Jones John Jones Karen J. Jones Nancy Jones Tanika Jones Marilyn Jordan Nina Jordan Lori Jungklaus Lori Kalyta-Lowe Martha Kelley Melissa Kent Julie Kerr Anna Key Charles Key Barbara Kiddy Lori Kimball Sarah King Barbara Kinser Lynn Kline Theresa Koontz Catherine Kornman Bette Krause Rita Lacavera Phyllis Landers Judy Langley Julia Lanning Kimberly Lansford Katy Larson Laura Lashley Mary Lawder Dietrua Lealand Paula LeCates Rene Leo Joanne Lewis Sharyn Lewis Charlotte Lillard Mona Lippitt Sallie Lisle Nancy Little Kellee Lively Kristin Lloyd Lakeshia Lockett Angela Long Karen Lopez Tracy Lovett Danielle Low Colleen Lumpkin Jennifer Lundgren Josy Lyncee Judy Macanilao Renee F. Mack Jaunita Maddox Kimberly Mainer Michelle Maner Mercy Manga Paula Martin Kristi Martire Catharine Matthew Shanna Mayes Catherine McCallum Russell McConkey James McConnell Joan McCullough Amy McEachin Gail McGee Beverly McKee Renee McKeen Tammy McLauglin Crystal McLendon Mary McNeil Jenet Meeks Catherine Melton Maria Josefa Mercurio Mei Meredith David Miles Stephanie Miles Barbara Miller Joyce Miller Sarah Miller Micheline Milord Janice Milton Marion Minardi Janice Mobley Nancy Montgomery Jamie Moore Janet Moore Stephanie Moore Karen Morgan Trudy Morgan Sandra Morrow Patricia Morton Rebecca Moudry Shaqunna Muhammad Lillian Muller Mark Mullin Pamela Mullinax Karen Mullins Judy Munson Stephen Nadeau Gay Nash Tahira Naviwala Helen Neff Nancy Newell Sarah Newsome Rhythm Neyens Robert Niebeling Pamela Norman Angela R. Nottingham Donna O’Brien G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M 28 2002002002002002002002002002002002002002 Deborah Oros Laura Outler Joyce Parker Stephanie Parker Aarti Patel Nancy Pattillo Lorraine Pawelko Heather Peak Joy Peevy Tiffany N. Pence Linda Peppers Racheal Perron Carla Persaud Kathleen Pessolano Carolie Pickering Beverly Pillow Dorothy Pinckney Joy Pinnock Linda Piotrowski Lori Pittard Saly Pius Juanita Poole Marcia Postal-Ranney Angelia Pounds Penny Powell Kristina Prae Jammie Prator Susan Prescott Sherri Pugh Judith Pyle Gloria K. Quarshie Kelly Quimby Tracy Radford Tammie Ragland Catherine Randall David Rankin Joyce Redfern Angela Rees Victoria Reger Raymond Reid Tracy Reid Peggy Reuschle Jeanette Rice Kathryn Rice Ruby Richards Iris Richardson Susan Richie Robin Richins Sharon Rivera Bethany Robertson Linda Rogan Cindie Lou Roger Melissa D. Rohrer Birdie Roller Kathryne Rose Marianna Rosen Donna Royster Clara Ruiz Willie Russell Kelly Russo Elizabeth Rutledge Dolly Ryan Renise Saint-Amour Lucinda Sanders Hagop Sarian Ruxanda Sarian Gina Sauls Kim Saunders 29 Sheryl Savage Hubertus Schmitz Hannelore Schnell Linda Scott Virginia Scott Donna Seddon Cynthia Seibert Mary Shaffer Debra Shannon Joyce Shannon Katherine Shannon Sheila Sharp Kimberly Shea Donnie Shelton Anna Shepherd Joel Shiver Shamine Sidhilall Norayma Silva Dawn Silver Jocelyn Simmons Lucica Simonca Sheila Simonton Ann Smith Jeff Smith Kimberly Smith Michael Smith Nancy Smith Raymond Smith Stephanie Smith Zelda Smith Marjorie Snider Cynthia Sorel Adebisi Soyele Donna Spence Robin Steele Carol Stegmayer Tammy Stephens Tamey Stith Priscilla Stockwell Kathleen Stolz Brittany Stoops Amy Stromberg Robyn Sullivan Scott Susten Farrah Tate Linda Taylor Naomi Tennent Atiya Thomas Christine Thomason Kathryn Thompson Rebecca Thompson Vanessa Thompson Virginia Tinkey Lisa Trubia-Shapiro Phyllis Trudell Amanda Tsangarides Kimberly Turner Stephanie Twineham Melissa Udell Sharon Umbarger Cynthia Underwood Nerissa Upadhyay Debra Van Beek Anita Vance Lloyd Van Pamelen Javier Vargas Brett Vaughn Cassandra Vecellio G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M Linda Vick Angelina Vincent Tillery Vu Barbara Wagner Carolyn Walker Chelese Walker Margaret Wallace Susan Walling Elizabeth Walls Darryl Ward Dolores Ware Katie Wells Vicki Welty Patricia West Peggy West Angela Wheeler Yvonne Wheeless Kathrin White Paula White Shirley White Diane Whiteaker Clarence Whitfield Yolanda Whittaker Lynn Wickham Cherie Williams Lecia Williams Melanie Williams Sharyon Williams Laura Willig Anne Wilson Gwendolyn Wilson Vicki Winkles Pat Wisham Marsha Wood William Woodruff Sherell Woods Sherry Wright Felicia Wynter Christin Wyrick Chung Ja Yang Linda Yeager Rita Zagorski Contributors Sandra Albrecht Shanda Anderson Sharon Anderson Linda Avery Bobby Bagwell Jennifer Barden Joy Barnes Martina Barnes Amber Bates Lisa Belli Maria Benitez Sameera Bhamani Carlene Black Mary Bloodsaw Mary Bowen Diane Brajta-Clark Elizabeth Brown Antonia Burney Charlene Byars Holly Cagle Angela Carbone Douglas Carr Mary Carter Deborah Chadwick Anuradha Chakraborty Edrica Chaplin Nancy Charron Carly Corbridge Amy Cox Linda Cox Charlain Craciun Myrna Crayton Lisa Cummins Carole Davis Judy Dawley Gaspard Desroches Kelly Dozier Chiaki Duncan Anita Egan Altagrace Elysee Shirley Fayomi Mary Ferguson Tiffany Ferrero Christina Figueroa Brenda Fraser Linda Furneaux Liberty Gaboardi Prudence Garbutt Elizabeth Garcia Donna Gerasimek Dale Giddens Genise Godfrey Mary Gordon Gloria Gray Jearldeen Greeson Susan Groccia Evelyn Gusek Catherine Hafner Karen Hamilton Michelle Hammond Jennifer Hardeman Stephanie Harness Sherry Hart Samina Hashambhai Cheryl Hassell Deborah Hensley Stella Herrington Kimberly Hopper Victoria Howard June Huckaby Myrlene Hunte-Reece Jennifer Jacobs Clyde Johnson Edith Johnson Lisa Joiner Karri Kiss Lori Knight Maria Kransnokutsky Nanci Langer-Warren Teresa Lanning Mary Larsen Myrtle Latulas Patricia Lealand Patricia LeBron Patricia Lenz Delta Leonard June Lewis Lynn Lindsey Amy Lloyd Jannette Lopez Lisa Lovelace Marie Lumpkin Dianna M. Marshall Jeffrey Martinez Janel McGinnis Chantel Moody Jo Mooney Dorothy Moore Reagan Moore Rita Morales Cassandra Mosley April Murphy Patricia Needs Julius Oladosu Ann Owens Carolyn Parker Patricia Perez Charnessa Perkins Addie Pierantozzi Rani Rajeevan Cathy Rasmussen Christine Reich Kathy Richter Tara Robinette Amy Rogers Marcie Romero Andrea Rucker Angella Samuels Phyllis Seeley-McCarthy Andrea Smith Gayle Smith Gloria Smith-Grimes Nancy Spence Alison Starcher Victoria Stauffer Richard Stephens Brenda Strickland Deborah Sullivan Linett M. Sutton Nongnuch Taragittigul Peggy Tatum Lisa Thomas Lola Thomason Deanna Thomasson Wede Thompson Martina Tracy Tanela Trotman Lori Ulseth Lynne Vanburen Andrea Varriano Devin Vicknair Varsha Virani Janet Waldt Summer Walker Patricia Wallace Janice Watson Nanci Wells Joan Wernecke Annette Whaley Heather Whitley Melissa Whitt Rosalind Wilson Misty Wright Gloria Yon Dianne Yue Mary Zeon Beth Zoellick 0020020020020020020020020020020020020020 2002 REPORT TO THE COMMUNIT Y photo Gwinnett Extended Care Center 31 Gwinnett Medical Center Gwinnett DaySurgery Gwinnett Women’s Pavilion Joan Glancy Memorial Hospital Glancy Rehabilitation Center Glancy Outpatient Center Nutrition & Lifestyle Center Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation Center SummitRidge Center for Behavioral Health Gwinnett Extended Care Center Gwinnett Physicians Group 32 G W I N N E T T H E A LT H S YS T E M 1 0 0 0 M e d i c a l C e n t e r B o u l e v a r d • L a w r e n c e v i l l e , G e o r g i a 3 0 0 4 5 • w w w. g w i n n e t t h e a l t h . o r g
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