July 10 - First Baptist Church
July 10 - First Baptist Church
PRAYER REQUEST SUNDAY MORNING SCHEDULE Communication with church staff Schedule 1: 8:15-9:15 am 9:45-10:45 am ______________________________________ Worship – Traditional Sunday School (B) Take the Next Step and try out a Small Group Sunday School Class! Schedule 2: 8:30-9:30 am 9:45-10:45 am 11:00-12:00 pm Sunday School (A) Worship – Contemporary Sunday School (C) Schedule 3: 9:45-10:45 am 11:15-12:15 pm Sunday School (B) Worship - Blended Children’s Church Schedule: 9:45-10:45 am WACKY WEDNESDAY Wacky Wednesday is on Wednesday nights for children 1st-5th grades. Join us this summer 6:30–7:30 pm for a time of fun and fellowship! ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ NAME___________________________________ Wee Worship - 4s & 5s (Room T-100) First Kids Worship - 1st & 2nd gr. (Room G-211) Spanish Schedule: 9:45-10:45 am 11:00-12:00 pm PRESCHOOL MINISTRY Mission Friends is a program that teaches young children about missions and missionaries. Join us Wednesday evenings for Mission Friends from 6:30-7:30 pm in the Nursery for preschool children, ages 3-5. Sunday School (Hope 115) Worship (Peace Auditorium) Adult Discipleship Celebration Schedule DATE____________________________________ MIDDLE SCHOOL MINISTRY Plan to join us as we jump into our 2nd session of our Summer Bible Study, “Glow.” We’ll meet in the MS Youth Room on Wednesday July 6, 6:30-7:30 pm. Wednesday Night Discipleship Study, I Thessalonians, Session 5, with Pastor David Lindow at 6:30 p.m. in the Peace Auditorium Quarterly Business Meeting is July 17 at 5:00 pm in the Peace Auditorium. Basket Ball Camp is July 11-14. For those who have already registered, camp is Monday, July 11-14 in the REC Center. HIGH SCHOOL MINISTRY Our High School Ministry is going to Laser Quest for an exciting night of Laser Tag and Tacos on Wednesday, July 6, 6:30-10:00 pm Cost is $10 and transportation from FBCUC to Laser Quest and back is provided. I came to FBCUC because of… (Please check all that apply) A friend (name) _________________________ A relative (name)________________________ Mail Received Sunday www.vertical220.com www.vertical220.com WORSHIP SERVICE CHOIRS Classic Praise Choir and Praise Choir are on vacation until August 3. We will start back that Wednesday night with “TEST FLIGHT” at 6:30 pm in the Main Sanctuary. Watch for more info in the weeks to come. Orchestra WILL rehearse this Wednesday. SINGLES BIBLE STUDY The SALT Singles (age 40+) Bible Study is on July 23 at Ron’s house at 6:00 pm. Please bring snacks to share. For more information Ron can be reached at 838-1074. July 10 Bring your RACAP & World Hunger donations (place on the right side of the stage) RACAP Needs canned fruits, cereal (hot/cold), chili, canned meats, detergent, toilet paper Church Sign FBA Special Event __________________________ Other ________________________________ I would like more information about: How to become a Christian How to join FBCUC Prayer Ministry Missions Ministry Discipleship Training Classes Sunday School Classes Financial goal: $120,000.00 Amount received: $67,454.45 Amount needed to reach goal: $52,545.55 (as of 6/26/16) September 15-17, 2016 Packing 544,320 meals at FBCUC Registration begins early August INGATHERING FUNDS On July 10, as we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, the monies received for missions will be identified for our support to the Feed My Starving Children event scheduled for September 15-17. Please remember to bring your non perishable food items for the RACAP food pantry. MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS CONFERENCE The conference is Saturday, July 23, from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon in the Peace Auditorium. The conference is free. To register, call or text (210)241-1384. The altar flowers are placed today in memory of Barbara Acosta. She was a loving wife, a dedicated mother, a thoughtful Mimi and a wonderful Christian friend. Singles Ministry (30-up) Senior Adult (Evergreen) Ministry (55+) College & 20s Ministry (18-29) Student (Vertical 220) Ministry Children’s Ministry Preschool Ministry Music Ministry First Baptist Academy Other_________________________________ Weekly Scripture Readings Financial/Attendance Reports JULY 4-8, 2016 FINANCIAL YEAR TO DATE: GET CONNECTED Monday: Colossians 3:5-11 Budget Needs: Adult Ministry follow us on Facebook: search firstbaptist.uc $1,285,045.40 Twitter: @fbcuc Tuesday: Colossians 3:12-14 Budget Receipts: $1,267,013.43 Student Ministry follow us on Budget Expenses: $1,155,576.03 Facebook: search FBC UC Student Ministry Wednesday: Colossians 3:15-17 Thursday: Colossians 3:18-4:1 Loan Balance: Friday: Colossians 4:2-6 Instagram or Twitter: @fbcucStudentMin Preschool and Children’s Ministry $3,900,827.64 follow us on Facebook: search FBCUC Kid’s (as of 6/28/2016) Ministry ATTENDANCE June 26, 2016 FIRST15 DAILY DEVOTIONALS: To receive these daily on your phone or computer, go online to First15.org and subscribe. Sunday School: 1089 Worship Services: 1368 REC Ministry follow us on Instagram or Twitter: @fbcucrec Facebook: search FBCUC Recreation Ministry First Baptist Academy follow us on Facebook: search First Baptist Academy of Universal City Pastor David’s Insights & Updates: Email a request to Cherlyn Varnes at cvarnes@fbcuc.org. REC VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We would love for you to join our REC Team! This is a great opportunity to serve our community, as well as welcome them on to our campus. If you can commit to one evening a month in the control center, we would love to have you on our team. For more information, or to schedule a training time, contact JP at jpowers@fbcuc.org FIRST BAPTIST ACADEMY Summer Office hours are 8:30 am-3:00 pm. Please call today (210-658-5331) for a tour! We thank God for our Veterans and wish you a Happy July 4! FBA/Sounds of Summer offices are closed July 4. PART TIME CUSTODIAL POSITION AVAILABLE To apply for this position, please apply online at www.fbcuc.org or through the church office. STUDENT LIFE CAMP PARENT MEETING If your student is registered to attend Student Life Camp, please come to the mandatory Camper/Parent meeting on Wednesday, July 13, 7:30 pm in the Middle School Youth Room on the 3rd Floor. Camp is at the University of Texas-Arlington, July 18-22. www.fbauc.com HAITI MISSION TRIP Our church sent our second team to Haiti, June 23-29, in partnership with Baptist General Convention of Texas missionaries. This team of 7 went with a focus of determining our future strategy for mission work in Haiti. Key areas of making the Gospel visible included dental and medical support, orphanage support, construction, schools, church planting and evangelism, and the assembling of bunk beds for the orphanages. This is just the beginning of what we believe God wants us to do in Haiti. We are grateful to the Lord for his direction, empowering, and protection for the team. Thank you for your giving and praying for our Haiti mission ministry now and in the future as the Lord leads. Steve Miller Associate of Local & Global Missions ______________________________________ Name ____________________________________ Phone Number _____________________________ Address ___________________________________ City & Zip Code _____________________________ Email Address ______________________________ CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Church Office Prayer Room Church Fax : Church Website Academy Academy Website (210) 658-6394/6395 (210) 658-8212 (210) 566-7847 www.fbcuc.org (210) 658-5331 www.fbauc.com OPPORTUNITIES OF THE WEEK: July 3-9 WELCOME TO FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF UNIVERSAL CITY! We appreciate your presence and extend a warm welcome for you to worship with us as often as possible. Please let us know how we might serve you further. If you have questions about child care, Sunday School, or any of our other ministries, please visit the Welcome Center in the Main Sanctuary foyer. Please fill out the information below, tear off this panel and place it in the offering plate, turn in to the Welcome Center, or place in the receptacles as you exit the Main Sanctuary. Date ________________ Mr./Mrs./Miss ______________________ __________________________________ Spouse ____________________________ __________________________________ WELCOME / INFORMATION CENTERS We have a special gift for our guests at the Welcome / Information Centers, located in the foyer behind the Sanctuary and in the Atrium. Come, let us share about our church and show you where our weekly small group Bible Studies are located! INFORMATION BOARDS Guests and church family are invited to visit our Information Boards located in the Sanctuary foyer and Atrium. You will find informational brochures about the ministries at First Baptist. CHURCH MEMBERSHIP ADULT/YOUTH CHURCH MEMBERSHIP CLASS - The next class will meet Sunday, July 17, at 3:30 p.m. in Grace 313. Sign-up is available online at www.fbcuc.org. The purpose of this class is to help youth and adults learn the purpose, beliefs and structure of our church. CHILDREN’S NEW CHRISTIAN CLASS - The next class is Sunday, July 10, at 9:45 a.m. in Hope 209. Call the Children’s Ministry at 658-6394 to register. SUNDAY NO PM ACTIVITIES SCHEDULED MONDAY CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED FOR INDEPENDENCE DAY TUESDAY 10:30 am Evergreen’s Council Meeting/PA-101 5:30 pm GO Ministry/Off Campus 7:30 pm Men’s Pillars of Purity/PA-101 WEDNESDAY 8:00 am Praise Moves/REC Center 10:00 am Adult Crafter’s/Hope 110/111 11:15 am Ladies Prayer Meeting/PA-101 5:00 pm Open Gym/REC Center 6:00 pm Pastor’s Prayer Meeting/PA-101 6:30 pm Mission Friends/Nursery Wacky Wednesdays/G-211/213/214 MS Bible Study/MS Youth Room HS trip to Laser Quest/Off Campus College Bible Study/F-103 Adult Discipleship Study, “Thessalonians” with Pastor David/Peace Auditorium REACH Ministry/L-103 6:45 pm Orchestra Rehearsal/Main Sanctuary THURSDAY 6:00 am Men’s Bible Study/Jim’s @ O’Connor/I-35 11:00 am T-WOW Multi Church Luncheon/Peace Aud. 6:30 pm Building and Grounds Committee Mtg./PA-101 Address ___________________________ __________________________________ City/State/Zip ______________________ __________________________________ Home Phone _______________________ Cell Phone _________________________ E-Mail _____________________________ Children living at home: Name _____________________________ DOB: ___/___/___ Grade: ____ M F Name _____________________________ DOB: ___/___/___ Grade: ____ M F Name _____________________________ DOB: ___/___/___ Grade: ____ M F Out of Town Guest Worship Service Attended: 8:15 9:45 By Transfer of Membership - For those individuals who are members of another Baptist church of like faith and belief. We are all reeling again over the senseless tragedy in Istanbul. Forty-nine more lives taken by a deceived terrorist. What power is there to stop this travesty? Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is “…the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes…” The continued rise of terrorism and other senseless acts of violence and hate should embolden us to share the gospel of God “unashamed.” It is man’s only hope. Today is part two of our Romans Series, “From Guilt to Grace to Glory.” We exist to glorify Jesus Christ by cultivating a loving family that leads its members to a life of heartfelt worship, deepening discipleship, caring ministry By Statement of Faith in Christ - For those individuals who have invited Jesus into their lives and have been “Biblically” baptized by immersion, but are not presently members of a Baptist church or are unable to secure a letter of church membership. Individuals desiring church membership as indicated above, are asked to attend a one-time membership class. During this class you will have the opportunity to hear Pastor David Lindow share his heart about our church. To start the process, you may respond to the invitation at the end of a worship service, request a meeting with one of the ministerial staff or simply sign up and attend a membership class which are offered once a month. See the Church Membership section above for the date and time of the next available class and for information on how to register. By Pastor David and personal evangelism. FIRST BAPTIST David Lindow, Jr. Bryan Cash Charles Colvin Gideon Roberts Rodney Payton Scott Blevins Charles Fannin Anthony Owens Jim Lokey Johnathon Powers Connor Palmer Darla Fletcher LuVon Wood Steve Miller Jim Cagle Teri Flynn Barry Beard Robert Hicks Juan Graciamaria Message Series SATURDAY 4:00 pm Wiffle Ball/REC Center First Baptist Church Purpose Statement By Salvation and Baptism - For those who are inviting Jesus into their lives and are beginning an eternal relationship with Him, and wish to be baptized as a symbol of their acceptance of Jesus. By Baptism - For those individuals who have previously invited Jesus into their lives, but have not yet been baptized by immersion and wish to be baptized as a symbol of their acceptance of Jesus. Sunday, July 3, 2016 Welcome to worship, HOW TO JOIN THE CHURCH Single Married Widowed Love up... Love in... Love out... FRIDAY 8:00 am Praise Moves/REC Center DOB _____/_____/_____ Spouse DOB _____/_____/_____ Welcome to Worship STAFF Senior Pastor Executive Pastor Minister of Worship Associate Contemporary Worship Leader Orchestra Director Minister to Young and Median Adults/Assimilation Associate of Senior Adult Ministry Associate of College and 20s Ministry Minister to Students Associate of Recreation and Student Ministry Associate of Student Ministry Associate of Children’s Ministries Associate of Preschool Ministries Associate of Local and Global Missions Associate of Pastoral Care First Baptist Academy Administrator Business Manager Media Technology Coordinator Pastor, Spanish Ministry cherish@fbcuc.org bcash@fbcuc.org ccolvin@fbcuc.org gideon_music@yahoo.com rodneypayton@att.net sblevins@fbcuc.org cfannin@fbcuc.org aowens@fbcuc.org jlokey@fbcuc.org jpowers@fbcuc.org cpalmer@fbcuc.org dfletcher@fbcuc.org lwood@fbcuc.org smiller@fbcuc.org jcagle@fbcuc.org tflynn@fbauc.org bbeard@fbcuc.org rhicks@fbcuc.org graciamaria@gmail.com We are taking a long journey through the letter that changed the world, the book that explains the Book, the Letter of Paul to the Romans. If you can grasp the message of Romans, you can comprehend the Bible. But if you miss the message of Romans, you miss the message of the Bible. Romans encapsulates the theology that undergirds every historical story and event found in the pages to Scripture. 1401 Pat Booker Road Universal City, TX 78148 Telephone: 210-658-6394 www.fbcuc.org Guest, we are so glad you have joined us today. Please stop by the Welcome Center for more information about the life and ministry of First Baptist. Pastor David ...One Nation Under God...