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african-american studies
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Presents Picasso’s complete lithographic oeuvre (855 items), mostly from the Huizinga collection, assembled over more than 3 decades. 303pgs. • 2000 ◆ • Hatje Cantz • C • $85.00 / $24.98 Prices: List Price / Sale Price ■ New from the publisher ◆ Remainder - like new ▲ Publisher returns Book Binding C = clothbound P = paperback C NDJ = clothbound, no dust jacket Note: remainders and publisher returns may be marked with a small line or dot. Please Visit our Online Sale Book Annex The only online site devoted exclusively to scholarly books. With 80,000 titles in stock. Ready to ship. New titles added weekly. All books are 20-90% off bookstore prices, all the time! “Books are born free and are not everywhere in chains.” Publisher Contact Us For questions or problems with a catalog order, please contact us via: Mail: New Address! Labyrinth Books Sale Catalog 27 Route 31 South Pennington, NJ 08534 Fax: (609) 737 4174 Email: Visit Our Store • Open 7 days PLEASE NOTE: Labyrinth Books@Princeton 116-122 Nassau Street Princeton, NJ 08540 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 80,000 more books online We do not confirm receipt of orders. Please allow 2-4 weeks delivery in the U.S. Book quantities may be limited, so order early. Sale prices are subject to change without notice. Libraries, please send a purchase order with shipping, billing, and contact info. AFRICAN-AM ERICAN STU DI ES ✪ 157800 DEATH OR LIBERTY: African Americans and Revolutionary America Egerton, Douglas R. A sweeping chronicle of AfricanAmerican history, stretching from Britain's 1763 victory in the Seven Years' War to the election of the slaveholder Thomas Jefferson as president in 1800. The narrative brims with compelling portraits of forgotten African-American activists and rebels, who battled huge odds and succeeded in finding liberty -- if never equality -- only in the northern states. 352pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $21.95 / $7.98 ✪ 125258 FLASH OF THE SPIRIT: African and AfroAmerican Art and Philosophy Thompson, Robert Farris This landmark book reveals how five African civilizations -Yoruba, Kongo, Ejagham, Mande and Cross River -- are reflected in the aesthetic, social and metaphysical traditions (music, sculpture, textiles, architecture, religion, ideogrammatic writing) of black people in the US, Cuba, Haiti, Trinidad, Mexico, Brazil and elsewhere in the New World. 336pgs. • 1984 ◆ • Vintage • P • $15.95 / $6.98 156306 MALCOLM X Marable, Manning Constantly rewriting his own story, Malcolm X became a criminal, a minister, a leader, and an icon, all before being felled by assassins' bullets at the age of 39. Marable's biography will stand as the definitive work on one of the most singular forces for social change, capturing with revelatory clarity a man who constantly strove to reinvent himself anew. 608pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Viking • C • $30.00 / $9.98 114594 PROMISED LAND: The Great Black Migration and How It Changed America Lemann, Nicholas Between 1940 and 1970 five million African-Americans left the rural South in the great mass migration in our country's history. With the passion and human observation of a great novelist, Lemann tells the stories of the men and women who escaped sharecroppers' shacks for the dubious shelter of ghetto housing projects. Rich in insight and indignation, this is a major work of social history. 416pgs. • 1992 ◆ • Vintage • P • $16.95 / $6.98 113356 FREE AT LAST: A Documentary History of Slavery, Freedom, and the Civil War Berlin, Ira, et al., eds. These letters, personal testimonies, official transcripts, and other records convey the struggle of black men and women to overthrow the slave system, to aid the Union cause as laborers and soldiers, and to give meaning to their newly won freedom in a war-torn nation. 608pgs. • 1995 ▲ • New Press • P • $25.00 / $9.98 113368 REMEMBERING JIM CROW: African Americans Tell about Life in the Segregated South Chafe, William H., et al. The sequel to the award-winning Remembering Slavery, this groundbreaking book-and-CD set of interviews about the segregation-era South provides an extraordinary opportunity to read and hear the voices of black southerners who were firsthand witnesses to some of the most heartbreaking and troubling chapters in America's history. 384pgs. • 2008 ▲ • New Press • P • $29.95 / $11.98 125940 GOD'S LONG SUMMER: Stories of Faith and Civil Rights Marsh, Charles In the summer of 1964, as the turmoil of the civil rights movement reached its peak in Mississippi, activists across the political spectrum claimed that God was on their side in the struggle. Through the emotionally charged stories of a wide range of activists, Marsh invites us to consider the movement anew, as a powerful yet protean religious force driving social action. 312pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Princeton • P • $27.95 / $15.98 ✪ 157728 SANCTUARY: African Americans and Empire Waligora-Davis, Nicole In tracing the language and politics that have informed debates about AfricanAmerican citizenship, the author illustrates the historical paradox of African-American subjecthood: while frequently the target of legislation (slave law, the Black Codes, Jim Crow), blacks seldom benefited from the actions of the state. 272pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $70.00 / $44.98 155291 LIFT EVERY VOICE: The NAACP and the Making of the Civil Rights Movement Sullivan, Patricia The first major history of America's oldest civil rights organization. Sullivan unearths the little-known early decades of the NAACP's activism, telling stories of personal bravery, legal brilliance, and political maneuvering, then moves into the critical postwar era, when the NAACP knocked out the legal underpinnings of the segregation system and set the stage for the final assault on Jim Crow. 544pgs. • 2009 ▲ • New Press • C • $29.95 / $7.98 113008 SLAVES WITHOUT MASTERS: The Free Negro in the Antebellum South Berlin, Ira First published 1974, this volume tells the moving story of the quarter of a million free black men and women who lived in the South before the Civil War, portraying "with careful scholarship, acute analysis, and admirable historical imagination" (The New Republic) their struggle for community, economic independence, and education within an oppressive society. 428pgs. • 2007 ▲ • New Press • P • $18.95 / $7.98 AFRICAN STU DIES 049096 AFRICA AND AFRICANS IN THE MAKING OF THE ATLANTIC WORLD, 1400-1800 SECOND EDITION Thornton, John Focusing on the causes and consequences of the slave trade in Africa, Europe, and the New World, Thornton examines the dynamics that made slaves so invaluable to the European colonizers. 340pgs. • 1998 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $37.00 / $16.98 157198 HOW GOD BECAME AFRICAN Haar, Gerrie ter While Africans have wholeheartedly adopted Christian symbols, scriptures, and traditions, they have also drawn from the rich history of the continent's indigenous spiritual beliefs. In this volume, Gerrie ter Haar focuses in particular on the importance of African beliefs about the spirit world and spiritual power and their relationship with Christianity. 136pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $34.95 / $12.98 Some books are in limited supply. Order today! w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m 3 A F R I C A N A M E R I C A N S T U D I E S 4 A M E R I C A N S T U D I E S & P O L I T I C S 138653 HOW I FOUND LIVINGSTONE IN CENTRAL AFRICA Stanley, Henry M. In 1870, the New York Herald dispatched journalist Henry Stanley to track down missionary-explorer David Livingstone, who had been missing without a trace for several years. In these pages, Stanley describes the trek through Africa that not only led him to Livingstone, but also led to extraordinary discoveries in a previously unknown land. 640pgs. • 2002 ◆ • Dover • P • $29.95 / $6.98 ✪ 157776 SHARPEVILLE: A Massacre and Its Consequences Lodge, Tom On March 21, 1960, a line of 150 white policemen fired 1,344 rounds into a crowd of several thousand people assembled to protest against the South African regime's racist "pass" laws. Tom Lodge explains how and why the Massacre occurred, examining both the social and political background and the long-term consequences of the shootings. 512pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $35.00 / $9.98 AM ERICAN STU DI ES & POLITICS ✪ 151871 AGE OF GREED: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present Madrick, Jeff A vividly told history of how, over the course of 40 years, greed has come to dominate American political and economic life. As Madrick makes clear, the single-minded pursuit of concentrated wealth has been led driven by a few individuals who have argued that self-interest guides society more effectively than community concerns. 480pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Knopf • C • $30.00 / $7.98 116653 THE AGE OF HOMESPUN: Objects and Stories in the Creation of an American Myth Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher In an age when even meals are rarely made from scratch, homespun easily acquires the glow of nostalgia. The objects Ulrich investigates -- fourteen domestic items from preindustrial America -- dispel those simplified illusions, revealing important clues to the culture and people who made them. 512pgs. • 2002 ◆ • Vintage • P • $18.00 / $6.98 ✪ 157469 AMERICA WALKS INTO A BAR: A Spirited History of Taverns and Saloons, Speakeasies and Grog Shops Sismondo, Christine The rich and fascinating history of an often reviled, yet central institution in American life. Showing how even the Puritans valued "a good Beere," Sismondo carries the story through the 20th century and beyond, from the Whiskey Rebellion to the temperance movement, Prohibition, and repeal, and down to the present day. 336pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $24.95 / $7.98 JILL LEPORE 146365 THE STORY OF AMERICA: Essays on Origins Lepore, Jill This investigation of American origin stories -- from John Smith's account of the founding of Jamestown to Barack Obama's 2009 inaugural address -shows how American democracy has been bound up with the history of print. Part civics primer, part cultural history, it excavates the origins of everything from the paper ballot and the Constitution to the I.O.U. and the dictionary. 420pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Princeton • C • $27.95 / $12.98 127197 THE WHITES OF THEIR EYES: The Tea Party's Revolution and the Battle over American History Lepore, Jill A distinguished historian's wry and bemused look at American history as seen by the far right, from the "rant heard round the world" that launched the Tea Party to the Texas School Board's adoption of a social-studies curriculum that teaches that the United States was established as a Christian nation. 224pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • C • $19.95 / $7.98 80,000 more books online 148580 AMERICAN COLOSSUS: The Triumph of Capitalism, 1865-1900 Brands, H. W. In a grand-scale narrative history, Brand captures the decades when capitalism was at its most unbridled, and when a handful of wealthy businessmen led the transformation of America from an agrarian economy to a world power. The result is an unforgettable portrait of the epochal contest between democracy and capitalism, one in which the latter ultimately triumphed. 624pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Doubleday • C • $35.00 / $8.98 135604 AMERICAN CREATION: Triumphs and Tragedies in the Founding of the Republic Ellis, Joseph J. An acclaimed historian brings his unparalleled talents to this riveting account of the early years of the Republic. Ellis casts an incisive eye on the contributions of such luminaries as Washington, Jefferson, and Madison and brilliantly analyzes the failures of the founders to adequately solve the problems of slavery and the treatment of Native Americans. 304pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Vintage • P • $15.00 / $5.98 050556 AMERICAN CRUCIBLE: Race and Nation in the Twentieth Century Gerstle, Gary Is the United States a social melting pot, as our civic creed warrants, or is full citizenship somehow reserved for those who are white and of the "right" ancestry? In this sweeping look at 20th-century America, Gary Gerstle traces the forces of civic and racial nationalism, arguing that both have profoundly shaped our society. 454pgs. • 2001 ◆ • Princeton • P • $37.50 / $21.98 116670 THE AMERICAN POLITICAL TRADITION: And the Men Who Made It Hofstadter, Richard Hofstadter's landmark study of American politics from the Founding Fathers to FDR, with a Foreword by Christopher Lasch. 560pgs. • 1989 ◆ • Vintage • P • $17.00 / $6.98 125445 AMERICAN SCRIPTURE: Making the Declaration of Independence Maier, Pauline An examination of the Declaration as both the defining statement of our national identity and the moral standard by which we live as a nation. Maier explains how the Declaration came to be -- from its birth in the hard and tortuous struggle by which Americans arrived at independence to the ways in which, during the 19th century, the document itself became sanctified. 336pgs. • 1998 ◆ • Vintage • P • $16.95 / $6.98 117028 THE AMERICANS: THE NATIONAL EXPERIENCE Boorstin, Daniel J. Winner of the Francis Parkman Prize 528pgs. • 1967 ▲ • Vintage • P • $17.95 / $6.98 5 SLAVERY 091594 AMERICAN SLAVERY, AMERICAN FREEDOM Morgan, Edmund S. Through a meticulous history of Virginia, from its earliest settlement and the 17th century boom in tobacco, through the gradual replacement of servitude with chattel slavery, and the rise of republican ideology, Morgan illuminates the interlocking relationship between bondage and freedom. 454pgs. • 2005 ▲ • Overlook Press • P • $52.00 / $9.98 121045 JOHN BROWN'S WAR AGAINST SLAVERY McGlone, Robert E. Drawing on both new and neglected evidence, this book reconstructs John Brown's aborted campaign to free the slaves in the American South before the Civil War. It critiques misleading sources that either exalt Brown as a noble hero or condemn him as a lawless monomaniac. 464pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Cambridge • C • $42.00 / $7.98 112304 SLAVERY IN WHITE AND BLACK: Class and Race in the Southern Slaveholders' New World Order Genovese, Eugene D. & Elizabeth FoxGenovese Not only did Southern slaveholders and their defenders proclaim that their slaves enjoyed a better and more secure life than any laboring class in the world, some argued that the lives of laborers of all races would be improved by enslavement. In this book, two acclaimed scholars examine the extent to which the various social classes of the South were led to accept so extreme a doctrine. 332pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $26.99 / $12.98 111814 LINCOLN ON RACE AND SLAVERY Gates, Henry Louis Jr. & Donald Yacovone, eds. The man who would be immortalized as "the Great Emancipator" enjoyed racist humor, harbored grave doubts about the intellectual capacity of African-Americans, and for many years advocated the voluntary "colonization" of freed slaves in Africa and elsewhere. This book -- the first complete collection of his important writings on both race and slavery - explores these contradictions through Lincoln's own words. 408pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Princeton • C • $25.95 / $12.98 107492 SLAVERY, CAPITALISM, AND POLITICS IN THE ANTEBELLUM REPUBLIC, VOLUME 2: The Coming of the Civil War, 1850-1861 Ashworth, John The second volume of a two-volume work looking at why the US experienced a civil war in 1861 and analyzing the descent into war in the final decade of peace. This volume examines the disintegration of democratic hegemony and the political realignment caused by the collapse of the Whigs and neo-Whigs from 1848 to 1861. 683pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $40.00 / $20.98 087203 THE MIND OF THE MASTER CLASS: History and Faith in the Southern Slaveholders' Worldview Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth & Eugene D. Genovese Presenting many slaveholders as intelligent, honorable and pious, the text asks how they presided over a social system inflicting gross abuses. Blending classical and Christian traditions, Southern proslavery intellectuals forged a philosophy of sustaining conservative principles in history, political economy, social theory, and theology, translating them into political action. 824pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $35.99 / $19.98 038524 SUBURBAN WARRIORS: The Origins of the New American Right McGirr, Lisa Broadens our understanding of the roots of popular conservatism by introducing us to women hosting coffee klatches for Barry Goldwater; members of anticommunist reading groups organizing against sex education; new arrivals drawn to Orange County's mushrooming evangelical churches; and other elements of the conservative "base." 395pgs. • 2001 ◆ • Princeton • P • $35.00 / $20.98 122263 SLAVERY AND THE COMMERCE POWER: How the Struggle Against the Interstate Slave Trade Led to the Civil War Lightner, David L. The great cotton boom required human labor to bring new lands under cultivation, and many thousands of slaves were torn from their families and sold across state lines. Shocked by the cruelty of this practice, abolitionists called upon the federal government to outlaw interstate commerce in slaves. This groundbreaking book unravels the complex story of the decades-long debate and legal battle over federal regulation of the slave trade. 240pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Yale • C • $65.00 / $9.98 126241 TEN HILLS FARM: The Forgotten History of Slavery in the North Manegold, C. S. The saga of five generations of slave owners in colonial New England. Settled in 1630 by John Winthrop, governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Ten Hills Farm, a 600-acre estate just north of Boston, passed from the Winthrops to the Ushers, to the Royalls -- all prominent dynasties tied to the Native American and Atlantic slave trades. 344pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Princeton • C • $29.95 / $12.98 ✪ 136829 AMERICA'S THREE REGIMES: A New Political History Keller, Morton An entirely new way to look at our past, our present, and our future, packed with provocative and original observations about American public life. Keller groups America's past into three long regimes: Deferential and Republican, from the colonial period to the 1820s; Party and Democratic, from the 1830s to the 1930s; and Populist and Bureaucratic, from the 1930s to the present. 384pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $21.95 / $4.98 140721 ANOTHER CITY: Urban Life and Urban Spaces in the New American Republic Upton, Dell In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, growing populations placed new demands on every aspect of the urban landscape - streets, parks, schools, asylums, cemeteries, markets, waterfronts, and more. In this exploration of the early history of urban architecture and design, an architectural historian reveals the fascinating confluence of sociological, cultural, and psychological factors that shaped American cities in the antebellum years. 416pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Yale • C • $45.00 / $15.98 ✪ 157496 THE BATTLE OF MIDWAY Symonds, Craig L. At dawn of June 4, 1942, the Japanese navy ruled the Pacific. By sunset, their vaunted carrier force (the Kido Butai) had been sunk and their grip on the Pacific had been loosened forever. In this riveting account of a key moment in the history of World War II, one of America's leading naval historians paints an unforgettable portrait of ingenuity, courage, and sacrifice. 464pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $27.95 / $9.98 ✪ 135352 BOHEMIAN LOS ANGELES: And the Making of Modern Politics Hurewitz, Daniel Portraying life over a period of more than 40 years in the hilly enclave of Edendale, near downtown LA, Hurewitz considers the work of painters and printmakers, looks inside the Communist Party's intimate cultural scene, and examines the social world of gay men. In his vividly written narrative, he reveals how these communities transformed American notions of political identity. 367pgs. • 2007 ◆ • California • C • $47.95 / $9.98 w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m A M E R I C A N S T U D I E S & P O L I T I C S 6 A M E R I C A N S T U D I E S & P O L I T I C S 132866 THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO BASEBALL Cassuto, Leonard & Stephen Partridge, eds. A unique volume for fans and scholars alike, this Companion explores the enduring importance of baseball in America and beyond. It examines baseball in culture, baseball as culture, and the game's global identity, as well as its evolution against the backdrop of American and world history. 280pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $26.99 / $11.98 ✪ 157775 THE CATONSVILLE NINE: A Story of Faith and Resistance in the Vietnam Era Peters, Shawn Francis On May 17th, 1968, a group of Catholic antiwar activists burst into a draft board in suburban Baltimore, stole hundreds of Selective Service records, and burned them in a fire fueled by homemade napalm. In this volume a Catonsville native offers the first comprehensive account of this key event in the history of 1960's protest. 432pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $34.95 / $7.98 126013 CHEROKEE RENASCENCE 1789-1833 McLoughlin, William G. The most important tribe in the formative years of the American Republic, the Cherokee became the test case for the Founding Fathers' determination to Christianize and "civilize" Indians and to incorporate them into the republic as full citizens. Working from the perspective of the Cherokee, rather than that of the white policymakers, McLoughlin tells the dramatic success story of the "renascence" of the tribe. 496pgs. • 1992 ◆ • Princeton • P • $49.95 / $27.98 101110 THE CHINATOWN TRUNK MYSTERY: Murder, Miscegenation and Other Dangerous Encounters in Turn-of-the-Century New York City Lui, Mary Ting Yi In the summer of 1909, the gruesome murder of 19-year-old Elsie Sigel sent shock waves through New York City and the nation at large. Through the lens of this unsolved murder, Mary Ting Yi Lui offers a fascinating snapshot of social and sexual relations between Chinese and non-Chinese populations in turn-of-the-century New York City. 320pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Princeton • P • $30.95 / $17.98 155090 THE CHINATOWN WAR: Chinese Los Angeles and the Massacre of 1871 Zesch, Scott A compelling account of a little-known event which ranks among the worst hate crimes in American history, in which a small-scale turf war involving three Chinese gangs exploded into a riot that engulfed the small but growing town of Los Angeles, and a mob of white Angelenos, spurred by racial resentment, lynched some 18 people before order was restored. 272pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $29.95 / $6.98 ✪ 157873 A CITY SO GRAND: The Rise of an American Metropolis, Boston, 1850-1900 Puleo, Stephen Between 1850 and 1900, Boston underwent a stunning metamorphosis, achieving national and international prominence in politics, medicine, education, science, social activism, literature, commerce, and transportation. Stephen Puleo here provides an extraordinary portrait of a half century of progress, leadership, and influence that turned a New England town into a world-class city. 320pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Beacon • C • $26.95 / $9.98 127620 COLONIZING HAWAI'I: The Cultural Power of Law Merry, Sally Engle Reveals how indigenous Hawaiian law was displaced by a transplanted Anglo-American law as global movements of capitalism, Christianity, and imperialism swept across the islands. The new law brought novel systems of courts, prisons, and conceptions of discipline and dramatically changed the marriage patterns, work lives, and sexual conduct of the indigenous people of Hawai'i. 364pgs. • 1999 ◆ • Princeton • P • $37.50 / $20.98 80,000 more books online 133717 CONCISE PRINCETON ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN POLITICAL HISTORY Kazin, Michael, et al. This essential reference provides authoritative introductions to some of the most important topics in American history and politics. It provides comprehensive coverage of both the traditional topics of US political history and the broader forces that shape American politics, including economics, religion, social movements, race, class, and gender. 672pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $35.00 / $18.98 127442 A CONSTITUTION OF MANY MINDS: Why the Founding Document Doesn't Mean What It Meant Before Sunstein, Cass R. Will conservatives or liberals succeed in remaking the court in their own image? In this volume, an acclaimed legal scholar proposes a bold new way of interpreting the Constitution, one that respects its text and history but also refuses to view the document as frozen in time. 240pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Princeton • C • $27.95 / $9.98 ✪ 157798 CROSSROADS OF FREEDOM: Antietam: The Battle That Changed the Course of the Civil War McPherson, James M. A masterful account of the bloodiest single day in American history, the events that led up to it, and its aftermath. McPherson brilliantly weaves strands of diplomatic, political, and military history into a compact, swift-moving narrative that shows why Antietam was a turning point in our history. 220pgs. • 2002 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $35.00 / $7.98 157211 DOOMSAYERS: Anglo-American Prophecy in the Age of Revolution Juster, Susan The age of revolution, in which kings were dethroned, radical ideals of human equality embraced, and new constitutions written, was also the age of prophecy. Juster here examines the culture of prophecy in Great Britain and the US from 1765 to 1815 side-by-side with the intellectual and political transformations of the era. 288pgs. • 2003 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $65.00 / $14.98 ✪ 157876 ENEMIES: A History of the FBI Weiner, Tim In the first definitive history of the FBI's secret intelligence operations, Weiner reveals how the bureau's secret intelligence and surveillance techniques have created a tug-of-war between protecting national security and infringing upon civil liberties, in the process straining the very fabric of a free republic. 560pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Random House • C • $30.00 / $7.98 114578 FIELDS OF BATTLE: The Wars for North America Keegan, John At once a grand tour of the battlefields of North America and an unabashedly personal tribute to the military prowess of an essentially unwarlike people, this volume spans more than two centuries and demonstrates how the immense spaces of North America shaped the wars that were fought on its soil. 348pgs. • 1997 ◆ • Vintage • P • $16.95 / $7.98 ✪ 133231 THE FIRST OF MEN: A Life of George Washington Ferling, John E. A riveting account that captures Washington in all his complexity, recounting not only his familiar sterling qualities - courage, industry, ability to make difficult decisions, ceaseless striving for selfimprovement, love of his family and loyalty to friends -- but also his less familiar character flaws. 616pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $22.95 / $7.98 138468 THE FISHERMAN'S CAUSE: Atlantic Commerce and Maritime Dimensions of the American Revolution Magra, Christopher P. In the first book-length examination of the connections between the commercial fishing industry in colonial America and the American Revolution, Christopher Magra considers why colonial fishermen and fish merchants resisted British authority during the imperial crisis and describes how the fishing industry became mobilized for the war effort. 254pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Cambridge • C • $90.00 / $12.98 157226 FRIES'S REBELLION: The Enduring Struggle for the American Revolution Newman, Paul Douglas Following the Shays and Whiskey rebellions, Fries's Rebellion was the last in a trilogy of popular uprisings against federal authority in the early republic. The first book-length treatment of this significant 18th-century uprising shows how the participants of the rebellion reengaged Revolutionary ideals in an enduring struggle to further democratize their country. 272pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $49.95 / $16.98 157225 FROM PRIVILEGES TO RIGHTS: Work and Politics in Colonial New York City Middleton, Simon When economic and constitutional crises prompted the importation of radical English republican ideas, artisans were recast as virtuous male property owners whose consent was essential for legitimate government. In this way, Middleton shows, an artisanal subject emerged that provided a constituency for the development of a populist and egalitarian republican political culture in New York City. 320pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $49.95 / $14.98 090848 GAY L. A.: A History of Sexual Outlaws, Power Politics, and Lipstick Lesbians Faderman, Lillian & Stuart Timmons Faderman and Timmons chart the city's gay history, from missionary encounters with cross-gendered Native Americans to transvestite frontier women in search of fortune; from the bohemia of early Hollywood to the gay liberation movement of the 1960s and the rise of gay marketing in the 1990s. 464pgs. • 2006 ▲ • Basic Books • C • $27.50 / $7.98 143460 THE IDEA OF AMERICA: Reflections on the Birth of the United States Wood, Gordon S. In a series of elegant and illuminating essays, a renowned historian explores the ideological origins of the revolution and the founders' attempts to forge an American democracy. As Wood reveals, while the founders hoped to create a virtuous republic of yeoman farmers and disinterested leaders, they instead gave birth to a sprawling, licentious, and materialistic popular democracy. 400pgs. • 2011 ▲ • Penguin • C • $29.95 / $6.98 055539 INVENTING THE "GREAT AWAKENING" Lambert, Frank Beginning in the mid-1730s, supporters and opponents of the evangelical revival known as the First Great Awakening commented on the extraordinary nature of what one observer called the "great ado," with its extemporaneous outdoor preaching, newspaper publicity, and rallies of up to 20,000 participants. Frank Lambert offers an overview of this important episode and proposes a new explanation of its origins. 320pgs. • 2000 ◆ • Princeton • P • $37.50 / $19.98 141922 MAKE NO LAW: The Sullivan Case and the First Amendment Lewis, Anthony In 1960 a city official in Montgomery, Alabama, sued the New York Times for libel -- and was awarded $500,000 by a local jury -- because the paper had published an ad critical of Montgomery's brutal response to civil rights protests. The centuries of legal precedent behind the Sullivan case and the US Supreme Court's historic reversal of the verdict are expertly chronicled in this gripping book. 368pgs. • 1992 ▲ • Vintage • P • $16.95 / $6.98 STAUGHTON LYND 7 123018 CLASS CONFLICT, SLAVERY, AND THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION Lynd, Staughton First published in 1967, this volume was among the first studies to identify the importance of slavery to the founding of the American Republic. This new edition includes a new essay by Robin Einhorn that examines Lynd's arguments in the context of subsequent scholarship. 310pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $28.99 / $7.98 A M E R I C A N 122635 INTELLECTUAL ORIGINS OF AMERICAN RADICALISM Lynd, Staughton As far back as the English Revolution, many openly questioned private property, the sovereignty of the nation-state, and slavery, and affirmed the common man's ability to govern. This volume, the first book to explore this alternative current of American political thought, is here accompanied by a historiographical essay by David Waldstreicher that discusses its lasting importance and contrasts its ideas with the work of Bernard Bailyn and Gordon Wood. 222pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $26.99 / $9.98 S T U D I E S 157242 MISCEGENATION: Making Race in America Lemire, Elise In the years between the Revolution and the Civil War, novelists, short-story writers, poets, journalists, and cartoonists imagined that political equality would be followed by widespread interracial sex and marriage. Elise Lemire reads these literary and visual depictions for what they can tell us about the connection between the racialization of desire and the social construction of race. 216pgs. • 2002 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $59.95 / $16.98 093491 A NEW FACE ON THE COUNTRYSIDE: Indians, Colonists, and Slaves in South Atlantic Forests, 1500-1800 Silver, Timothy H. Traces the effects of English settlement on South Atlantic ecology, showing how three cultures - Indian, European, and African - interacted with their changing environment. Silver pays particular attention to regional variations, explaining how local geography and settlement patterns influenced ecological change. 216pgs. • 1990 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $33.99 / $8.98 026095 NEW YORK JEWS AND THE GREAT DEPRESSION: Uncertain Promise Wenger, Beth S. Wenger shows that Jews of the Depression era not only worried about financial stability and their security as a minority group but also questioned the usefulness of their educational endeavors and the ability of their communal institutions to survive. 269pgs. • 1996 ◆ • Yale • C • $50.00 / $12.98 F E AT U R E D TITLE ✪ 157808 THE OXFORD ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LATINOS AND LATINAS IN THE UNITED STATES Oboler, Suzanne & Deena J. González, eds. A landmark scholarly work, this four-volume set offers comprehensive, reliable, and accessible information about the fastest growing minority population in the nation. It includes more than 900 articles, written by academics, scholars, writers, artists, and journalists, addressing such broad topics as identity, art, politics, religion, education, health, and history. 2344pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $625.00 / $99.98 w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m & P O L I T I C S 8 A M E R I C A N S T U D I E S & P O L I T I C S ✪ 157809 PEACEABLE KINGDOM LOST: The Paxton Boys and the Destruction of William Penn's Holy Experiment Kenny, Kevin In 1763, a group of frontier settlers known as the Paxton Boys exterminated the last twenty Conestogas, descendants of Indians who had lived peacefully since the 1690s on land donated by William Penn near Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Based on extensive research, this engaging history offers an eye-opening look at how colonists - and later the US government -- crushed the dream of settlers and Indians living together in peace. 336pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $29.95 / $9.98 133713 PEDLAR IN DIVINITY: George Whitefield and the Transatlantic Revivals, 1737-1770 Lambert, Frank An itinerant British preacher who became a key figure in the Great Awakening, George Whitefield drew audiences numbering in the tens of thousands to public gatherings in London, Boston, and Philadelphia. In this fresh interpretation of Whitefield and his age, Lambert focuses on the marketing techniques the evangelist borrowed from his contemporaries in the commercial world. 264pgs. • 2002 ◆ • Princeton • P • $30.95 / $12.98 114573 THE PEOPLING OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA: An Introduction Bailyn, Bernard In this volume, Bailyn lays out the central themes in a formative passage of our history: the transatlantic transfer of people from the Old World to the North American continent, a transfer that established the foundations of the American society that was to develop. 192pgs. • 1988 ◆ • Vintage • P • $14.95 / $6.98 157183 POPULAR IDEOLOGIES: Mass Culture at MidCentury Smulyan, Susan From minstrel skits performed by middle-class families, to women rioting to experience the wonder of nylons, mid-century individuals used popular culture to reinforce their status while claiming their place in a newly commodified and increasingly mass-produced world. Through an eclectic range of subjects, this volume examines issues in modern cultural history, including the relationships between producers and consumers and how both groups use popular culture. 208pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $22.50 / $6.98 106813 PROVIDENCE AND THE INVENTION OF THE UNITED STATES, 1607-1876 Guyatt, Nicholas Making sense of previously diffuse debates on manifest destiny, millenarianism, and American mission, this volume surveys the origins and historical development of the idea that God has a special plan for America. 352pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $29.99 / $9.98 ✪ 157883 A QUEER HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Bronski, Michael Drawing upon primary documents, literature, and cultural histories, a noted scholar and activist charts the breadth of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender history from 1492 to the 1990s, revealing how the LGBT experience has profoundly shaped our country, culture, and history. 312pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Beacon • C • $27.95 / $8.98 104380 THE QUOTABLE JEFFERSON Kaminski, John P. More than any other Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson made his reputation on the brilliance of his writing. Drawing primarily on The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, this volume collects Jefferson's pronouncements on almost 500 subjects, ranging from the profound and public -- the Constitution -- to the personal and peculiar -- cold water bathing. 557pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Princeton • C • $19.95 / $9.98 ✪ 043026 THE REAL WAR WILL NEVER GET IN THE BOOKS: Selections from Writers During the Civil War Masur, Louis P., ed. Brings together diaries, letters, and essays from 14 of the most eloquent and articulate writers of the Civil War period, including such major literary figures as Nathaniel Hawthorne, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Frederick Douglass, Herman Melville, Walt Whitman, and Louisa May Alcott. 301pgs. • 1995 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $34.99 / $6.98 157224 RELIGION AND PROFIT: Moravians in Early America Engel, Katherine Carte In 1741, after planting communities on the frontiers of empires throughout the Atlantic world, Moravians settled the communitarian enclave of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, in order to spread the Gospel to thousands of nearby colonists and Native Americans. This volume traces the Moravians' evolving mission projects, their strategies for supporting those missions, and their gradual integration into the society of 18th-century North America. 328pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $55.00 / $8.98 125974 THE RISE AND FALL OF MODERN AMERICAN CONSERVATISM: A Short History Farber, David This concise and accessible history provides rare insight into how conservatives captured the American political imagination by claiming moral superiority, downplaying economic inequality, and embracing nationalism. It traces the history of modern conservatism from its revolt against New Deal liberalism, to its breathtaking resurgence under Ronald Reagan, to the debacle of the election of Barack Obama. 308pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • C • $29.95 / $13.98 112633 THE SENATOR AND THE SHARECROPPER: The Freedom Struggles of James O. Eastland and Fannie Lou Hamer Asch, Christopher Myers The epic struggle for black equality in the 20th century, told through the deeply intertwined life histories of a wealthy white cotton planter who was one of the most powerful segregationists in the US Senate, and a sharecropper who rose to become the spiritual leader of the Mississippi freedom struggle. 368pgs. • 2008 ▲ • New Press • C • $27.95 / $5.98 125286 THEODORE REX Morris, Edmund The story of Theodore Roosevelt's two world-changing terms as president of the US. As president, TR addressed the problems of race and labor relations and won the Nobel Peace Prize, but his most historic achievement remains his creation of a national conservation policy and the preservation of millions of acres of protected parks and forest. 792pgs. • 2002 ◆ • Modern Library • P • $18.00 / $6.98 visit for 80,000 more titles. 80,000 more books online 038500 TO END ALL WARS: Woodrow Wilson and the Quest for a New World Order Knock, Thomas J. Narrates Wilson's epic quest for a new world order. The account follows Wilson's thought and diplomacy from his policy toward revolutionary Mexico, through his dramatic call for "Peace without Victory" in World War I, to the Senate's rejection of the League of Nations. 381pgs. • 1992 ◆ • Princeton • P • $37.50 / $21.98 157184 VISIONS OF PROGRESS: The Left-Liberal Tradition in America Rossinow, Doug Examines how the cooperation and the creative tension between left-wing radicals and liberal reformers advanced many of the most important political values of the 20th century, including free speech, freedom of conscience, and racial equality. Rossinow takes the story up to the present, showing how the progressive connection was lost and explaining the consequences that followed. 336pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $24.95 / $11.98 100979 VOICES OF PROTEST: Huey Long, Father Coughlin, and the Great Depression Brinkley, Alan In the early years of the Great Depression, a first-term US senator from Louisiana and a Catholic priest from an industrial suburb near Detroit became the most successful leaders of national political dissidence of their era. Brinkley's highly praised study of these two fascinating, disturbing political figures illuminates the political contours of Depression-era America. 384pgs. • 1983 ▲ • Vintage • P • $16.95 / $7.98 140620 THE WAR OF 1812: Conflict for a Continent Stagg, J. C. A. The events of 1812-1815 were shaped by the larger crisis of the Napoleonic Wars in Europe. In synthesizing and reinterpreting scholarship on the conflict, Professor Stagg focuses on the war as a continental event, and highlights its centrality to Canadian nationalism and state development. 240pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $25.99 / $12.98 9 A N T H R O P O L O G Y & ANTH ROPOLOGY & ARCHAEOLOGY 049130 THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF ANCIENT GREECE Whitley, James An up-to-date synthesis of current research on the material culture of Archaic and Classical Greece, eras whose rich and diverse material has provoked admiration and wonder, but seldom analyzed as a key to understanding Greek civilization. Whitley uses material evidence to address central historical questions for which literary evidence is often insufficient. 484pgs. • 2001 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $61.00 / $38.98 084832 THE CRADLE OF HUMANITY: Prehistoric Art and Culture Bataille, Georges A collection of essays and lectures spanning 30 years of research in anthropology, comparative religion, aesthetics, and philosophy. For Bataille, prehistory is universal history; it is the history of a human community before its fall into separation, into nations and races. 224pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Zone Books • C • $36.95 / $12.98 157255 FROM PARIS TO POMPEII: French Romanticism and the Cultural Politics of Archaeology Blix, Goran In postrevolutionary France, the desire to claim that no being, city, culture, or language was ever definitively erased ran deeper than mere nostalgic and reactionary impulses. Blix here reveals how the nascent science of archaeology lay at the core of the romantic experience of history and shaped the way historians, novelists, artists, and the public sought to cope with relentless change. 320pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $59.95 / $22.98 126033 LIFE AMONG THE ANTHROS AND OTHER ESSAYS EDITED BY FRED INGLIS Geertz, Clifford Clifford Geertz was perhaps the most influential anthropologist of our time, but his influence extended far beyond his field to encompass many facets of contemporary life. In this collection of pieces from the New York Review of Books, he writes eloquently and arrestingly about such figures as Gandhi, Foucault, and Genet, and on topics as varied as Islam, globalization, feminism, and the failings of nationalism. 304pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • C • $46.95 / $16.98 105229 LOWLY ORIGIN: Where, When, and Why Our Ancestors First Stood Up Kingdon, Jonathan Once our ancestors could walk on two legs, they began to do many of the things that apes cannot: cross wide open spaces, manipulate complex tools, communicate with new signal systems, and light fires. This volume uses the latest findings from ecology, biogeography, and paleontology to lay out a comprehensive account of how four-legged apes became two-legged hominids. 416pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Princeton • P • $37.50 / $16.98 125651 PRIMATES AND PHILOSOPHERS: How Morality Evolved De Waal, Frans In this provocative book, a primatologist argues that modernday evolutionary biology takes far too dim a view of the natural world, emphasizing our "selfish" genes. Science has thus exacerbated our reciprocal habits of blaming nature when we act badly and labeling the good things we do as "humane." 232pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Princeton • P • $17.95 / $8.98 080333 STONEHENGE COMPLETE THIRD EDITION Chippindale, Christopher New studies in recent years have revolutionized our knowledge of the complex sequence of structures that make up this most famous of ancient places. For this edition, Christopher Chippindale has revised and updated his classic account to include the latest theories and discoveries. 312pgs. • 2004 ▲ • Thames & Hudson • P • $24.95 / $9.98 157202 WOMEN IN PREHISTORY: North America and Mesoamerica Claassen, Cheryl & Rosemary A. Joyce, eds. In the 1960s, scholars constructed a model of cultural evolution in which men were characterized as cooperative hunters of big game and women as gatherers of plant food. Challenging this model, the contributors to this volume undertake an examination of the archaeological record informed by insights into the cultural construction of gender that have emerged from scholarship in history, anthropology, biology, and related disciplines. 289pgs. • 1997 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $29.95 / $7.98 w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m A R C H A E O L O G Y 10 ARCH ITECTU RE & HOM E DESIGN A R C H I T E C T U R E 154391 THE AESTHETICS OF ARCHITECTURE SECOND EDITION Scruton, Roger A call for a return to first principles in contemporary architectural theory, contending that the aesthetic of architecture is, in its very essence, an aesthetic of everyday life. In a new introduction, Scruton discusses how his ideas have developed since the book's original publication, and assesses the continuing relevance of his argument for the 21st century. 320pgs. • 2013 ◆ • Princeton • P • $35.00 / $14.98 & 123275 THE ANTIQUITIES OF ATHENS Stuart, James & Nicholas Revett Stuart and Revett's monumental undertaking, based on measured drawings done on site between 1751 and 1754, set a new standard for archaeological investigation. By fundamentally challenging prevailing notions about a universal classical ideal, their work fueled the Greek Revival movement that dominated British, European, and American architecture and design for over a century. Originally published in four volumes between 1762 and 1816, this masterwork is presented here in its entirety with a new introduction by Frank Salmon. With its many images of buildings, plans, sculpture, friezes, and decorative objects, it remains the logical starting point for anyone interested in Athens and its influence on the history of Western architecture. 560pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Princeton Architectural • C • $125.00 / $88.98 H O M E D E S I G N 139732 AIA GUIDE TO NEW YORK CITY White, Norval & Elliot Willensky The ultimate guide to the buildings of all five boroughs, from 19th-century brownstones and tenements to modern high-rise apartments and museums. It presents structures that range from the magnificent to the obscure in more than 3,000 new photographs, more than 130 new maps, and hundreds of revised entries. 1088pgs. • 2000 ◆ • Three Rivers Press • P • $37.50 / $12.98 123303 ARCHITECTURAL REGIONALISM: Collected Writings on Place, Identity, Modernity, and Tradition Canizaro, Vincent B., ed. Architectural regionalism remains a fluid concept, its historical development and current influence largely undocumented. This comprehensive reader brings together more than 40 key essays by critics, historians, and architects such as Kenneth Frampton, Lewis Mumford, Sigfried Giedion, and Alan Colquhoun. 496pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Princeton Architectural • P • $39.95 / $20.98 123382 ART DECO SAN FRANCISCO: The Architecture of Timothy Pflueger Poletti, Therese An immigrant's son with only a grade-school education, Timothy Pflueger began practicing architecture after San Francisco's 1906 earthquake. While his contemporaries looked to Beaux-Arts traditions to rebuild the city, he brought exotic Mayan, Asian, and Egyptian forms to buildings ranging from simple cocktail lounges to the city's first skyscrapers. 256pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Princeton Architectural • C • $55.00 / $25.98 157227 BRICKWORKS Heeney, Gwen Current attention to architectural ceramics, the interest in installations, and the advance of public art have transformed brick into an increasingly popular medium. This volume, which showcases the amazing creations of an international group of artists who work with brick, also provides practical information on getting commissions, working with factories, and designing with brick. 208pgs. • 2003 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $59.95 / $14.98 80,000 more books online 157260 BUILDING THE NATION: Americans Write About Their Architecture, Their Cities, and Their Landscape Conn, Steven & Max Page, eds. Drawing on a vast range of voices across more than two centuries, this anthology shows that the struggle to imagine what kinds of buildings and land use would best suit the nation pervaded all classes of Americans, not just architects and designers. The writers represented include Mark Twain, W. E. B. Du Bois, Henry James, Edith Wharton, Lewis Mumford, E. B. White, and John McPhee, as well as littleknown or long-forgotten figures. 424pgs. • 2003 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $75.00 / $16.98 138647 A CHRONOLOGY OF WESTERN ARCHITECTURE Yarwood, Doreen Accessible to casual and serious readers alike, this comprehensive survey ranges from 2000 BC to the 1980s and features more than 1,000 chronologically arranged photographs and drawings. Each of the 105 two-page spreads represents a specific era and includes information on architectural details and historical events of the period. 224pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Dover • P • $19.95 / $6.98 ✪ 048668 DWELLING HOUSE CONSTRUCTION FIFTH EDITION Dietz, Albert G. A homebuilding classic that covers site inspection, foundations, framing, windows, roofing and flashing, coatings, fireplaces, insulation, hardware, plastics, mobile homes, and manufactured housing. New, substantially revised edition. 431pgs. • 1991 ◆ • MIT • P • $38.00 / $19.98 153452 ECO-YARDS: Simple Steps to Earth-Friendly Landscapes Rama, Laureen Through sustainable, organic landscaping, both small and large plots of land can become part of the solution to today's environmental challenges. This practical, well-illustrated manual provides clear, easy-to-follow instructions on how to plan and maintain a beautiful, environmentally friendly, low-maintenance yard. 240pgs. • 2011 ◆ • New Society Publishers • P • $19.95 / $5.98 145626 FIT: An Architect's Manifesto Geddes, Robert A distinguished architect and urbanist argues that buildings, landscapes, and cities should be designed to fit: fit the purpose, fit the place, fit future possibilities. Here he examines brilliant examples of fit, from Jefferson's University of Virginia and Louis Kahn's Exeter Library to the Apple Store on Fifth Avenue, Chicago's Millennium Park, and Seattle's Pike Place. 144pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Princeton • P • $19.95 / $8.98 065857 FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT'S FALLINGWATER THE BUILDING BLOCK SERIES Stoller, Ezra Ezra Stoller's photographs of Fallingwater, largely commissioned by New York's Museum of Modern Art in 1963, have become icons in their own right, illustrating the building's integral connection to the landscape and its striking modern form. 89pgs. • 1999 ▲ • Princeton Architectural • C • $19.95 / $8.98 140729 GOD'S ARCHITECT: Pugin and the Building of Romantic Britain Hill, Rosemary Born in 1812, Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin was one of Britain's greatest architects, and his short career one of the most dramatic in architectural history. In the first modern biography of this extraordinary figure, Rosemary Hill draws upon unpublished letters and drawings to recreate Pugin's life and work as architect, propagandist, and Gothic designer, as well as the turbulent story of his three marriages and his sudden death at 40. 656pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Yale • C • $45.00 / $12.98 ✪ 157864 A HISTORY OF THE FUTURE Goodman, Donna In the early decades of the 20th century, as conceptual design became the vehicle for exploring ideas and presenting new movements, a dialogue between technology and design began to emerge. This profusely illustrated volume explores the impact of modern technology on design and planning, beginning with Renaissance concepts and concluding with emerging projects in sustainable design. 280pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Monacelli • C • $45.00 / $9.98 132182 INTERPRETING THE RENAISSANCE: Princes, Cities, Architects Tafuri, Manfredo Manfredo Tafuri (1935-1994) was acknowledged as one of Italy's most influential architectural historians. In his final work, published here in English for the first time, he analyzes Renaissance architecture from a variety of perspectives, exploring questions that occupied him for more than 30 years. 568pgs. • 1959 ◆ • Yale • C • $60.00 / $19.98 138639 LOST AMERICA VOL. 2: From the Mississippi to the Pacific Greiff, Constance M. Since this country's westward expansion began, countless civic buildings, hotels, and other historic structures have been lost to the wrecking ball. This handsome volume of more than 300 images chronicles the disappearance of some of these properties and makes a persuasive case for the preservation of America's remaining architectural heritage. 256pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Dover • P • $24.95 / $7.98 157290 MEDICI GARDENS: From Making to Design Giannetto, Raffaella Fabiani Drawing from Medici tax returns, inventories, and correspondence, Giannetto examines the transformation of such gardens as Trebbio, Cafaggiolo, and Fiesole from functional kitchen gardens to symbols of political power and family prestige. She shows how the Medici gardens were both an aspect of everyday life and a poetic activity influenced by cultural expectations and societal demands. 328pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $59.95 / $21.98 157262 MORAVIAN ARCHITECTURE AND TOWN PLANNING: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and Other Eighteenth-Century American Settlements Murtagh, William J. The industrial city of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania was originally settled in colonial times by Moravians from southeastern Germany. These religious utopians were noted for urban planning. This large-format, richly illustrated volume compares more than 20 Bethlehem landmarks with other Moravian communities for a fascinating glimpse into America's past. 160pgs. • 1998 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $37.50 / $9.98 152621 NORMAN FOSTER WORKS 3 Jenkins, David Focuses on projects realized from the mid-1980s to the early 1990s, including Stansted Airport outside London, Bilbao's subway system, and the Millennium Tower in Tokyo. The volume examines each project in depth by means of numerous photographs, original sketches, and computer-generated drawings. 566pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Prestel • C • $150.00 / $36.98 041942 SOAK WASH RINSE SPIN: Tolleson Design Tolleson, Steven Tolleson's approach to design might best be described as scientific: involving relentless research in which every element of a project is subject to rigorous study through almost imperceptible permutations. The end results are designs that are meticulously executed, sometimes cerebral, but never without emotion and wit. 288pgs. • 1999 ▲ • Princeton Architectural • P • $45.00 / $21.98 ✪ 157867 THE SWEDISH COUNTRY HOUSE Scherman, Susanna Little known outside Sweden, these country houses survive in surprisingly large numbers, often with their original furniture and decoration intact. This volume captures 20 of these remarkable and timeless houses, ranging from royal palaces to farmhouses and dating from the 15th century to the end of the 19th. 224pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Monacelli • C • $60.00 / $19.98 041502 THEORIZING A NEW AGENDA FOR ARCHITECTURE: An Anthology of Architectural Theory 1965-1995 Nesbitt, Kate, ed. Gathers together influential articles on architectural theory from the past 30 years, presenting a dynamic reexamination of the discipline, and examining architectural postmodernism, phenomenology, semiotics, poststructuralism, deconstruction, and feminism. 606pgs. • 1996 ◆ • Princeton Architectural • P • $45.00 / $20.98 021427 THEORY AND DESIGN IN THE FIRST MACHINE AGE SECOND EDITION Banham, Reyner Traces the formation of attitudes, themes, and forms characteristic of artists and architects working primarily in Europe between 1900 and 1930 as they utilized the new technology of the first machine age in their works. 338pgs. • 1999 ◆ • MIT • P • $38.00 / $21.98 142964 THE UNIVERSE IN THE LANDSCAPE Jencks, Charles Landforms are a fast-developing art form that enjoy a wide following today, because of their multiple uses and their enveloping beauty. In this collection of his recent work, Charles Jencks explains his particular approach to the landform, one which stresses the common patterns that underlie all parts of the cosmos. 256pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Frances Lincoln • C • $65.00 / $16.98 100322 VISIONS OF HEAVEN: The Dome in European Architecture Stephenson, David Showcases more than 120 images of domes from the 2nd to the 20th century, including the Roman Pantheon, the Byzantine churches of Turkey, the great domes of the Renaissance, the decorative cupolas of the Baroque and the Rococo ages, and a 19th-century synagogue in Hungary. Stephenson's brilliantly calibrated exposures present the complex geometrical structures as they have never been seen before. 192pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Princeton Architectural • C • $60.00 / $32.98 ✪ ■ ◆ ▲ New to Catalog New from the publisher Remainder - like new Publisher returns Note: remainders and publisher returns may be marked with a small line or dot. w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m 11 A R C H I T E C T U R E & H O M E D E S I G N 12 C E R A M I C S & G L A S S CERAM ICS & GLASS 157238 ALTERNATIVE KILNS CERAMICS HANDBOOKS Gregory, Ian This fresh look at the process of kiln building suggests unconventional materials and new styles of kilns, many of which are art forms in their own right. Designed for the experienced kiln-builder, the book provides some basic instructions as well. 128pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $27.50 / $12.98 157201 A HISTORY OF GLASSFORMING Cummings, Keith A fascinating study of the nature of glass and the skills, techniques, and machines that have been developed to exploit its remarkable and mutable properties. As Cummings demonstrates, glass has evolved from a rare and precious commodity, to a familiar tool of everyday use, to an art form prized once again. 192pgs. • 2002 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $65.00 / $19.98 157228 THE CERAMIC SURFACE Ostermann, Matthias This exploration of the ceramic surface covers a wide variety of techniques for making, decorating, and firing, as well as the full spectrum of clays and firing temperatures. Each image is accompanied by technical information, as well as a statement of the artist's inspiration and motivation. 208pgs. • 2002 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $49.95 / $14.98 157245 ORIENTAL GLAZES CERAMICS HANDBOOKS Bailey, Michael This clear and practical volume offers a starting point for beginners and a rich source of recipes and approaches to the established potter. With his logical, organized format and encouraging tone, Bailey's handbook is a clear and comprehensive guide on how to produce these striking glazes today. 128pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $29.95 / $12.98 157272 CHINESE GLAZES: Their Origins, Chemistry, and Recreation Wood, Nigel Reveals how the potters of ancient China were able to work their ceramic miracles from the simplest recipes, and how modern potters can use and adapt these principles for their own work. The book contains hundreds of recipes for formulating Chinese glazes with Western materials, simple and advanced calculation techniques, as well as efficient blending procedures with local materials. 272pgs. • 1999 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $59.95 / $14.98 157222 PORCELAIN REPAIR AND RESTORATION: A Handbook SECOND EDITION Williams, Nigel A practical handbook for repairing or restoring prized pieces of porcelain. Each stage in the process is illustrated with photographs and explanatory line drawings and diagrams that show the functions and uses of specialist tools. This edition concludes with a glossary and a comprehensive guide to materials, manufacturers, and suppliers, as well as information on setting up a workshop. 160pgs. • 2002 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $39.95 / $9.98 157209 CLAY, LIGHT & WATER CERAMICS HANDBOOKS O'Rorke, Margaret Working with light and water presents numerous aesthetic, technical, and safety challenges to ceramicists who want to combine these fascinating elements with the translucent quality of porcelain. Over the past three decades, Margaret O'Rorke has met these challenges and produced a body of installations, sculptures, lighting fixtures, and fountains. In this volume she shares her expertise in working with these fluid media. 128pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $28.95 / $12.98 157219 CONFRONTATIONAL CERAMICS Schwartz, Judith S. Clay may start out soft, but in the right hands it can deliver a hard blow. This volume surveys the work of contemporary sculptors, potters, and mixed media artists who have turned the ancient medium of clay into an articulate vehicle for political and social commentary. 256pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $55.00 / $14.98 157257 FIVE THOUSAND YEARS OF GLASS REVISED EDITION Tait, Hugh Traces the history of glass from its origins some 5,000 years ago, though the invention of glass blowing around the first century BC, to the introduction of mechanized processes and new styles in the 19th and 20th centuries. Profusely illustrated, it highlights the flourishing industries of ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt, the elegant vessels of the Islamic Near East, the mastery of Renaissance Venice, and the experiments of modern Europe and America. 256pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $49.95 / $14.98 157199 SALT GLAZING Rogers, Phil Salt glazing, with its distinctive "orange peel" surface, has long attracted ceramicists and collectors alike. In this volume, a well-known potter Phil Rogers examines the history of this very special glazing technique, as well as the technical considerations -- particularly kilns -- that set this form of glazing apart from all other studio ceramics. 244pgs. • 2002 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $55.00 / $16.98 157214 STONEWARE CERAMICS HANDBOOKS Dewar, Richard Stoneware is a hard, strong, and vitrified ware, usually fired above 1200 Celsius, allowing the body and glaze to mature at the same time and form an integrated body-glaze layer. In this volume, Richard Dewar discusses the various considerations that need to be taken into account when working at higher temperatures and shows the myriad techniques and glazes that can be used to achieve excellent results. 128pgs. • 2002 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $28.95 / $11.98 157288 TEN THOUSAND YEARS OF POTTERY Cooper, Emmanuel This lavishly illustrated comprehensive account begins with the earliest civilizations of the Near East and Middle East and follows the production of pottery chronologically around the globe. The final chapters analyze the development of ceramics as a medium of personal expression by artists and studio potters during the 20th century. 360pgs. • 2000 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $69.95 / $18.98 visit for 80,000 more titles. 80,000 more books online ART & ART H ISTORY 157215 AMERICAN TRADITION IN PAINTING McCoubrey, John What is distinctively American about American painting? In this volume, John McCoubrey addresses this question by focusing on essential American qualities that appear not only among the abstract expressionists but also among the earliest colonial portrait painters, who relied on vision rather than technique. 168pgs. • 2000 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $24.95 / $6.98 143375 AMERICA'S OTHER AUDUBON Kiser, Joy M. The story of Genevieve Jones, her family, and the making of an extraordinary 19th-century book, Illustrations of the Nests and Eggs of Birds of Ohio. Includes archival photographs of the family and original advertisements and ephemera from the publication and sale of the book, the 68 original color plates of nests and eggs, plus selected field notes, a key to the eggs, and a key to the birds' scientific and current common names. 144pgs. • 2012 ▲ • Princeton Architectural • C • $45.00 / $17.98 038543 ART AND ILLUSION: A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation Gombrich, E. H. A classic that explores the meeting ground between science and the humanities, Art and Illusion examines the history and psychology of pictorial representation in light of present-day theories of visual perception information and learning. 466pgs. • 2000 ◆ • Princeton • P • $42.00 / $20.98 050466 THE ART OF MESOAMERICA: From Olmec to Aztec WORLD OF ART Miller, Mary Ellen Succinctly surveys the artistic achievements of the high Precolumbian civilizations -- Olmec, Maya, Teotihuacan, Toltec, Aztec -- as well as those of their less well-known contemporaries. Their pyramids and palaces, jades and brightly colored paintings emerge from these pages as vividly as when they first astonished Cortes's men. 193 illustrations, 44 in color. 240pgs. • 2001 ▲ • Thames & Hudson • P • $16.95 / $6.98 ✪ 157860 THE ART PROPHETS: The Artists, Dealers, and Tastemakers Who Shook the Art World Polsky, Richard An insightful examination of the relationships between contemporary artists and the influential dealers and tastemakers who opened doors, identified new movements, and resurrected art forms that had fallen into obscurity. 272pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Other Press • C • $24.95 / $7.98 ANCIENT GREECE 137994 ART, MYTH, AND RITUAL IN CLASSICAL GREECE Barringer, Judith What do Greek myths mean and how was meaning created for the ancient viewer? In this volume, Judith Barringer considers the use of myth on monuments at several key sites -Olympia, Athens, Delphi, Bassai, and Trysa -- and shows that mythological motifs were neither randomly selected nor purely decorative. 320pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $31.99 / $9.98 035632 THE ARTS IN PREHISTORIC GREECE PELICAN HISTORY OF ART Hood, Sinclair Surveys the artistic expressions of the Aegean peoples during the 5,000 years that preceded the rise of Classical Greek art. Work produced in the environs of the palaces of Mycenae and Crete (including the palace of Minos at Knossos) is fully described and illustrated. 311pgs. • 1994 ◆ • Yale • P • $38.00 / $9.98 112798 CLASSICAL GREECE AND THE BIRTH OF WESTERN ART Stewart, Andrew What was the "Classical Revolution" in Greek art? What were its contexts, aims, achievements, and impact? Andrew Stewart examines Greek architecture, painting, and sculpture of the fifth and fourth centuries BC in relation to the great political, social, cultural, and intellectual issues of the period. 376pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $31.99 / $12.98 151005 CHRIS OFILI Adjaye, David, et al. Ofili's intricately constructed works, combining beadlike dots of paint, collaged images from popular media, and elephant dung, create a unique iconography that marries African artistic and ritual practices with Western art historical traditions and hip-hop culture. This beautifully designed book, the first to examine Ofili's artistic development in depth, surveys his work in watercolor, drawing, and sculpture. 272pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Rizzoli • C • $85.00 / $29.98 156456 THE COMPLETE POSTCARD ART OF GILBERT AND GEORGE Bracewell, Michael Nearly four decades of original, subversive, and beautiful postcard art is collected in this ingeniously packaged two-volume set designed by the artists themselves. It illustrates in color all 1,004 new and vintage Postcard Pictures, most of which have not been previously catalogued or exhibited. 1081pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Prestel • C • $65.00 / $26.98 052748 ART SINCE 1960 WORLD OF ART Archer, Michael Archer's acclaimed book is brought up to date with coverage of the comprehensive globalization of art since the mid-90s. With over thirty additional illustrations and new timeline and bibliography, this is an indispensable source of information on the evolution of art over the past four decades. 256pgs. • 2002 ▲ • Thames & Hudson • P • $19.95 / $7.98 155091 DR. SEUSS AND CO. GO TO WAR: The World War II Editorial Cartoons of America's Leading Comic Artists Schiffrin, Andre A collection of more than 300 cartoons from the World War II era, including more than 100 by Dr. Seuss, 50 cartoons by the New Yorker's Saul Steinberg, and works by Al Hirschfeld, Carl Rose, and Mischa Richter. 280pgs. • 2009 ▲ • New Press • C • $29.95 / $7.98 ✪ 157582 BENEZIT DICTIONARY OF BRITISH GRAPHIC ARTISTS AND ILLUSTRATORS Benezit, Emmanuel This two-volume set offers more than 3,000 entries covering a range of British graphic artists, from medieval manuscript illuminators to contemporary cartoonists. The entries provide straightforward, concise narratives of the artists' lives and careers, and many include bibliographies, auction sale records, exhibition histories, and museum collection holdings. 1000pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $395.00 / $149.98 043219 DRAWING IN EARLY RENAISSANCE ITALY: Revised Edition Ames-Lewis, Francis In the course of the 15th century, drawing developed from a subsidiary role in the production of finished paintings to an art form in its own right. In this beautiful book, Ames-Lewis examines the works of the major draftsmen of the century -Pisanello, Jacopo Bellini, Pollaiuolo, Ghirlandaio, Carpaccio, and Leonardo -- in order to illuminate the new types of drawing that evolved. 196pgs. • 2000 ◆ • Yale • P • $40.00 / $14.98 w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m 13 A R T & A R T H I S T O R Y 14 A R T & A R T H I S T O R Y 135814 THE FIRST POP AGE: Painting and Subjectivity in the Art of Hamilton, Lichtenstein, Warhol, Richter, and Ruscha Foster, Hal A new interpretation of Pop art through the work of five groundbreaking artists. Beautifully illustrated in color throughout, the book reveals how the pioneers of Pop held on to old forms of art while drawing on new subjects matter, and how they struck an ambiguous attitude toward both high art and mass culture. 352pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • C • $29.95 / $12.98 157220 FOR THE MILLIONS: American Art and Culture Between the Wars Saab, A. Joan Looking behind the scenes at the personalities and policies of such venerable institutions as the Federal Arts Project and the Museum of Modern Art, A. Joan Saab discerns a broad-based democratic modernism inspired by and engaged with the social life of the period. 240pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $24.95 / $12.98 067742 GRAPHIC DESIGN 20TH CENTURY Purvis, Alston W. A pictorial history of the last hundred years in graphic design. It represents all the significant designers of the 20th century and the many styles that characterized this rich and tumultuous period: Art Nouveau, Arts and Craft, the Viennese Secession, the Russian Avant-Garde, Punk, New Wave, computer graphics and more. 480pgs. • 2003 ◆ • Princeton Architectural • P • $35.00 / $22.98 080523 GRID SYSTEMS: Principles of Organizing Type Elam, Kimberly Elam brings a keen eye and clear explanations to the most prevalent system of visual organization: the grid. Filled with extensive research and more than 100 informative examples from the Bauhaus to Nike ads, the book provides an easy-tounderstand step-by-step approach to typographic composition. 120pgs. • 2004 ▲ • Princeton Architectural • P • $24.95 / $11.98 155663 KORETSKY: The Soviet Photo Poster, 1930-1984 Wolf, Erika The first comprehensive catalogue of the work of Viktor Koretsky (1909-1998), the acknowledged master of the Soviet photographic poster. This richly illustrated album provides an essential introduction to the major examples of Koretsky's artistic output, including posters, original designs, and other political graphics. 448pgs. • 2012 ▲ • New Press • C • $60.00 / $24.98 123703 THE MAP AS ART: Contemporary Artists Explore Cartography Harmon, Katharine A. & Gayle Clemans Collects 360 colorful, maprelated artistic visions by such artists as Ed Ruscha, Julian Schnabel, Olafur Eliasson, Maira Kalman, William Kentridge, and Vik Muniz. Together, the beautiful reproductions and telling commentary make this an essential volume for anyone open to exploring new artistic paths. 256pgs. • 2009 ▲ • Princeton Architectural • C • $45.00 / $22.98 ✪ 157559 MEL RAMOS: I Love Women Gardner, Belinda Whether painting a gorgeous Monica Vitti-esque bombshell leaning on a Del Monte ketchup bottle, a Matisseinspired redhead reclining on an abstracted chair, or an UmaThurmanish blonde laying on a giant pack of Life Savers, the rebel figurative painter Mel Ramos is widely viewed as one of the most significant representatives of the California Pop movement. 96pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Kerber Verlag • C • $29.95 / $7.98 80,000 more books online 129423 MICHELANGELO: A Life on Paper Barkan, Leonard Throughout his career, Michelangelo not only filled hundreds of sheets of paper with exquisite drawings, sketches, and doodles, but also, on fully a third of these sheets, composed his own words. This sumptuous volume brings together more than 200 stunning, reproductions of these private papers. The text by Leonard Barkan explains the crucial role the written word played in the artist's work. 352pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • C • $49.50 / $20.98 157190 MODERN MOVES WEST: California Artists and Democratic Culture in the Twentieth Century Smith, Richard Candida Tracing the development of abstract painting, assemblage art, and arts institutions, this volume lays bare the tensions between the democratic and professional sides of modern and contemporary art as California developed a distinct regional cultural life. It dramatically illustrates the paths that California artists took towards the development of a more diverse and inclusive culture. 264pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $39.95 / $9.98 126107 THE MOMENT OF CARAVAGGIO Fried, Michael Focusing on the emergence of the fullblown "gallery picture" in Rome during the last decade of the 16th century and the first decades of the 17th, Fried sets forth a radically revisionist account of Caravaggio's relation to the self-portrait; of the role of extreme violence in his art; and of the deep structure of his epoch-defining realism. Extensively illustrated with nearly 200 color images. 328pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • C • $49.50 / $25.98 152620 NANCY SPERO: The Work Lyon, Christopher Among the most prominent women artists of the past half century, Spero created a body of work of astonishing emotional range, from fierce anger directed against war and sexism to joyful sexual release. Sumptuously illustrated, this book showcases Spero's most magnificent works and includes gate-fold presentations of the artist's signature scrolls and a mosaic mural. 340pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Prestel • C • $85.00 / $22.98 156397 ODD NERDRUM: Self Portraits Tornvall, Bengt, ed. Nerdrum's difficult childhood and the isolation he has endured as a painter have greatly intensified the relevance of the self-portrait, a genre at which he has excelled, and for which he has become particularly well-known. With more than 100 color reproductions, this volume collects Nerdrum's self-portraits for the first time. 160pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Atlantis • C • $49.95 / $24.98 ✪ 105102 OLD MASTERS AND YOUNG GENIUSES: The Two Life Cycles of Artistic Creativity Galenson, David W. This examination of the careers not only of great painters but also of sculptors, poets, novelists, and movie directors offers a profound new understanding of artistic creativity. Using a wide range of evidence, Galenson demonstrates that there are two fundamentally different approaches to innovation, and that each is associated with a distinct pattern of discovery. 233pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Princeton • P • $25.95 / $11.98 114270 ORNAMENT AND THE GROTESQUE: Fantastical Decoration from Antiquity to Art Nouveau Zamperini, Alessandra This magnificently illustrated book, with 250 color illustrations, covers the entire history of the grotesque in European art, from its Roman origins through the Renaissance to the late 19th century. It illuminates how grotesque decoration was transformed in the 17th and 18th centuries into arabesque, chinoiserie, and singeries, and how it led eventually to Art Nouveau. 320pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Thames & Hudson • C • $95.00 / $58.98 023113 PASSAGES IN MODERN SCULPTURE Krauss, Rosalind E. A well-illustrated analysis of major 20th century pieces that led sculpture from the traditional and figurative to the conceptual pieces of the 1970s, examining futurism, constructivism, and sculptural realism in works by Rodin, Brancusi, and Blochner. 308pgs. • 1996 ◆ • MIT • P • $35.95 / $17.98 106172 PICTURES AND WORDS: New Comic Art and Narrative Illustration Bell, Roanne & Mark Sinclair Exploring the range of descriptive possibilities within narrative illustration, this volume showcases outstanding works from sixteen different countries, presenting the best and most original recent work in this increasingly popular genre. The artists represented include Joe Sacco, Marjane Satrapi, and Andrejz Kilmowski. 144pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Yale • P • $30.00 / $12.98 104540 PICTURES OF NOTHING: Abstract Art since Pollock Varnedoe, Kirk In a series of lectures delivered just months before his death, Varnedoe addresses the skeptical attitudes and misunderstandings that we often bring to our experience of abstract art. Resisting grand generalizations, he makes a deliberate and scholarly case for abstraction, showing us that more than just pure looking is necessary to understand the self-made symbolic language of abstract art. 297pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Princeton • C • $49.95 / $21.98 131387 QUR'AN MANUSCRIPTS: Calligraphy, Illumination, Design Baker, Colin F. A concise and readable survey of manuscripts produced throughout the Islamic world -- from the eighth century to the end of the 19th and from Spain to Southeast Asia -- and now in the possession of the British Library. Numerous fullcolor images display the breadth of illumination styles and production materials that were employed. 112pgs. • 2007 ◆ • British Library • C • $35.00 / $12.98 031084 REALISM IN 20TH CENTURY PAINTING WORLD OF ART Prendeville, Brendan This comprehensive survey of the history of realist painting argues that realism has had a continuous yet restlessly changing place in American and European painting throughout the 20th century. Artists discussed include Eakins, Bellows, and Homer, Vuillard, Bonnard, Schiele, Morandi, Hopper, and Giacometti, and Balthus, Lucian Freud, and David Hockney. 224pgs. • 2000 ◆ • Thames & Hudson • P • $14.95 / $6.98 136950 THE RE-ENCHANTMENT OF THE WORLD: Art versus Religion Graham, Gordon A philosophical exploration of the role of art and religion as sources of meaning in a world dominated by science. Relating themes in Hegel, Nietzsche, Schleiermacher, Schopenhauer, and Gadamer to topics in contemporary philosophy of the arts, Graham examines -- and ultimately rejects -- the idea that art, freed from its service to religion, has the potential to reenchant the world. 224pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $29.95 / $12.98 ✪ 157866 SAUL STEINBERG: A Biography Bair, Deirdre The definitive biography of one of the New Yorker's most iconic artists. Steinberg's curious talent for creating myths about himself did not make Bair's job an easy one, but the result is a stunning portrait of one of the most fascinating figures of the 20th century. 752pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Doubleday • C • $40.00 / $9.98 SPAI N 154098 FROM EL GRECO TO GOYA: Painting in Spain, 1561-1828 Tomlinson, Janis Covers 250 years of painting in Spain, ranging from the works created at the court of Philip II to those produced at the Hapsburg and Bourbon courts of Madrid, and in Seville, Valencia, and Toledo, and culminating in the unique accomplishments of Francisco Goya. Includes 116 illustrations, most of them in color. 176pgs. • 2012 ▲ • Laurence King • P • $19.95 / $9.98 115486 VELÁZQUEZ Alcolea I Gil, Santiago From Goya's time until our own, Velázquez's work has been recognized not only as an essential precursor of Modern painting, but also as the pinnacle of 17th-century Spanish art. This volume offers a richly illustrated overview of the career of the man whom Manet called "the painter of painters." 125pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Polígrafa • C • $34.00 / $12.98 114376 ZURBARÁN Gil, Santiago Alcolea Starker than Velazquez and more ascetic than El Greco, Francisco Zurbarán is easily among the finest of 17th-century Spanish painters. In this monograph, illustrated with 114 color plates, Santiago Alcolea provides an overview of Zurbarán's artistic career, dividing it into four stylistic phases and revindicating his relevance for our times. 128pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Polígrafa • C • $34.00 / $12.98 156399 SURREALISM IN PARIS Büttner, Philippe, ed. Featuring key paintings, sculptures and works on paper by Arp, Hans Bellmer, Salvador Dalí, Giorgio di Chirico, Marcel Duchamp, Max Ernst, Alberto Giacometti, René Magritte, Man Ray, André Masson, Joan Miró, Meret Oppenheim, Francis Picabia, Pablo Picasso and Yves Tanguy, and essays by a host of renowned scholars, this substantial catalogue revisits a crucial moment in French cultural history. 290pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Hatje Cantz • C • $75.00 / $36.98 ✪ 157550 THREE RAINBOWS Clemente, Francesco & Derek Walcott For years Francesco Clemente had wanted to use watercolor and to paint rainbows, but only recently did the moment ripen. His affinity for watercolor derives in part from the medium's immediacy, and these works -- probably the largest watercolors ever made -- betray his spontaneity and joy in making them. 32pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Charta • C • $29.95 / $12.98 ✪ 157884 VAN GOGH: The Life Naifeh, Steven & Gregory White Smith Working with the full cooperation of the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, the authors delineate Van Gogh's life with an astounding vividness and psychological acuity that bring a new and sympathetic understanding to this unique artistic genius. They shed new light on Van Gogh's deep immersion in literature and art, his erratic and tumultuous romantic life, and his bouts of depression and mental illness. 976pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Random House • C • $40.00 / $9.98 039574 THE VOICES OF SILENCE Malraux, André A comprehensive psychological history of art from a variety of cultures by one of the eminent thinkers of the 20th century. Dismissing orthodox classifications, Malraux illuminates all great periods of art, individual artists, and particular works, as he explores the haunting metaphysical problems inherent in the nature of creation. 661pgs. • 1978 ◆ • Princeton • P • $55.00 / $30.98 157205 THE YARN BOOK TEXTILES HANDBOOKS Walsh, Penny This complete guide to understanding, designing, and using yarn closely examines the composition and construction of different kinds of yarn and explores their many uses. Color illustrations, accompanying the text, demonstrate the appearances of different yarns. 128pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $26.50 / $8.98 w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m 15 A R T & A R T H I S T O R Y 16 A S I A N & P A C I F I C S T U D I E S ASIAN & PACI FIC STU DI ES 144004 APHRODITE'S ISLAND: The European Discovery of Tahiti Salmond, Anne A bold new account of the European discovery of Tahiti, the Pacific island that has figured so powerfully in European imaginings about sexuality, the exotic, and the nobility or bestiality of "savages." Salmond surveys this shared history, furnishing rich insights into Tahitian perceptions of the visitors while illuminating the full extent of European fascination with Tahiti. 544pgs. • 2010 ◆ • California • C • $47.95 / $9.98 ✪ 157772 ASOKA AND THE DECLINE OF THE MAURYAS THIRD EDITION Thapar, Romila The Mauryan period witnessed the rise of the first subcontinental empire which required administration appropriate to a changing political economy, communication adequate to its territory, and new ideological attempts to draw support from a multicultural population. This book provides a fresh interpretation of the history of early India and its linkages with later developments. 392pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $27.95 / $9.98 ✪ 157773 AUSTRALIA: A Very Short Introduction Morgan, Kenneth A wide-ranging examination of the main features of the country's history, geography and culture since the beginning of European settlement in New South Wales in 1788. It highlights the distinctive features of Australian life by placing contemporary developments in historical perspective, by paying attention to Australia's indigenous culture, and by making connections between Australia and the wider world. 152pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $11.95 / $4.98 ✪ 157872 AUTUMN IN THE HEAVENLY KINGDOM: China, the West, and the Epic Story of the Taiping Civil War Platt, Stephen R. A gripping account of the Taiping Rebellion of the 19th century, one of the largest civil wars in history. Brimming with unforgettable characters and vivid re-creations of massive and often gruesome battles, it provides a sweeping yet intimate portrait of the conflict that shaped the fate of modern China. 512pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Knopf • C • $30.00 / $7.98 MATT K. MASUDA ✪ 100190 EMPIRE OF LOVE: Histories of France and the Pacific Matsuda, Matt K. In a series of studies of the creation of an "Empire of Love" in the Pacific and the interconnections between culture and imperial power in the 19th and 20th centuries, Matsuda examines the European presence in such territories as Tahiti, New Caledonia, Panama, Indochina, and Japan. 240pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $40.00 / $9.98 143690 PACIFIC WORLDS: A History of Seas, Peoples, and Cultures Matsuda, Matt K. This essential single-volume history of the Pacific traces the global interactions and remarkable peoples that have connected these regions with each other and with Europe and the Indian Ocean for millennia. Drawing on Asian, Oceanian, European, American, ancient, and modern narratives, Matsuda assembles a fascinating Pacific region from a truly global perspective. 452pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $26.99 / $16.98 80,000 more books online ✪ 127619 CHINA'S NEW CONFUCIANISM: Politics and Everyday Life in a Changing Society Bell, Daniel A. One of the few Westerners to teach at a Chinese university draws on his personal experiences to paint an unexpected portrait of a society undergoing faster and more sweeping changes than anywhere else on earth. With a storyteller's eye for detail, Bell observes the rituals, routines, and tensions of daily life in China. 280pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • P • $19.95 / $11.98 092748 A CONCISE HISTORY OF MODERN INDIA Metcalf, Barbara D. & Thomas R. Metcalf From the days of the Mughals, India has been transformed by its institutional structures. It is these institutions which have helped bring about the social, cultural and economic changes of the last half century and paved the way for the modern success story. Despite these advances, poverty, social inequality and religious division still remain. This short history grapples with questions of caste and religious identity, and of the nature of the Indian nation. 372pgs. • 2006 ▲ • Cambridge • P • $29.99 / $12.98 129862 DIARY OF DARKNESS: The Wartime Diary of Kiyosawa Kiyoshi Kiyoshi, Kiyosawa Between 1942 and 1945, the liberal journalist Kiyosawa Kiyoshi maintained, at great personal risk, a diary of his often subversive social and political observations and his personal struggles. Published in English for the first time, it stands as a perceptive and courageous account of wartime Japan and the devastation wrought by total war. 416pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Princeton • P • $30.95 / $17.98 ✪ 157646 FROM SOVEREIGN TO SYMBOL: An Age of Ritual Determinism in Fourteenth-Century Japan Conlan, Thomas Donald Rather than understanding the collapse of Japan's first warrior government and the onset of a chaotic period of civil war as the manipulation of rival courts by powerful warrior factions, this study argues that the crucial ideological and intellectual conflict of the 14th century was between the conservative forces of ritual precedent and the ritual determinists steeped in Shingon Buddhism. 256pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $74.00 / $42.98 152526 MOUNTAIN OF FAME: Portraits in Chinese History Wills, John E., Jr. This unique introduction to Chinese history and culture examines more than 20 exemplary lives, including those of statesmen, philosophers, poets, and rulers who have resonated in the historical imagination as examples of villainy, heroism, wisdom, spiritual vision, and guile. This new edition highlights important figures who have emerged in China since the book's initial publication. 440pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Princeton • P • $24.95 / $10.98 085495 THE MYTH OF THE HOLY COW Jha, Dwijendra Narayan In a book the government of India demands be ritually burned because it challenges obscurantist views on the sanctity of the cow in Hindu tradition and culture, Jha, a leading Indian historian, argues that beef played an important part in the cuisine of ancient India, and the evidence he produces from a variety of religious and secular texts is compelling. 120pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Verso • C • $22.00 / $6.98 ✪ 129511 ON UNDERSTANDING JAPANESE RELIGION Kitagawa, Joseph M. Asserting that the study of Japanese religion is more than an umbrella term covering investigations of separate traditions, Kitagawa approaches the subject from an interdisciplinary standpoint. Skillfully combining political, cultural, and social history, he depicts a Japan that seems a microcosm of the religious experience of humankind. 367pgs. • 1987 ◆ • Princeton • P • $45.00 / $24.98 110128 RECORDS OF THE HISTORIAN: Chapters from the Shih Chi of Ssu-Ma Ch'ien Watson, Burton, trans. Excerpts from one of the great Chinese historical works, compiled by a court historian who lived from approximately 145 to 90 BC. Thirteen of the 18 chapters cover the Han period, which was at its peak during his lifetime, while five additional chapters chronicle the preceding Chou and Ch'in periods. 356pgs. • 1969 ◆ • Columbia • P • $50.00 / $12.98 125842 SHINTO AND THE STATE, 1868-1988 Hardacre, Helen An examination of the Japanese state's involvement in and manipulation of Shinto from the Meiji Restoration to the present. Hardacre shows why State shinto symbols, such as the Yasukuni Shrine and its prefectural branches, are still the focus for bitter struggles over who will have the right to articulate their significance. 224pgs. • 1991 ◆ • Princeton • P • $35.00 / $20.98 ✪ 157796 TIBET: Writings on History and Politics Mehra, Parshotam Drawing from a wide range of scholarship from mid-19th to early 20th century, this book looks at the history and politics of Tibet from a fresh perspective. In doing so, it boldly takes up the question of Tibetan sovereignty and the possible direction of conflict resolution in this disputed land. 400pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $50.00 / $14.98 117431 UNEASY WARRIORS: Gender, Memory, and Popular Culture in the Japanese Army Frühstück, Sabine In the 1950s, Japan established the SelfDefense Forces as a way to bolster Western defenses against the tide of communism. Although the SDF's role is supposedly limited to self-defense, it is equipped with advanced weapons technology and the world's third-largest military budget. Sabine Frühstück draws on interviews, historical research, and analysis to describe the unusual case of a non-war-making military. 270pgs. • 2007 ◆ • California • P • $29.95 / $11.98 125540 ZEN AND JAPANESE CULTURE Suzuki, Daisetz T. A valuable source for those wishing to understand Zen concepts in the context of Japanese life and art. Suzuki describes what Zen is, how it evolved, and how its emphasis on primitive simplicity and selfeffacement has helped to shape an aesthetic found throughout Japanese culture. 608pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • P • $26.95 / $13.98 CLASSICAL STU DI ES 133680 428 AD: An Ordinary Year at the End of the Roman Empire Traina, Giusto By focusing on a single year not overshadowed by an epochal event, Giusto Traina provides a truly fresh look at a civilization in the midst of enormous change -- as Christianity takes hold in rural areas across the empire, as western Roman provinces fall away from those in the Byzantine east, and as power shifts from Rome to Constantinople. 232pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $17.95 / $9.98 114250 ANCIENT ATHENS ON 5 DRACHMAS A DAY Matyszak, Philip Welcome to Athens in 431 BC! This entertaining guide provides all the information a tourist needs for a journey back in time to ancient Athens at its pinnacle of greatness. 40 illustrations, 12 in color. 144pgs. • 2008 ▲ • Thames & Hudson • P • $18.95 / $7.98 028803 ATHENIAN ECONOMY & SOCIETY: A Banking Perspective Cohen, Edward E. Demonstrates the existence and functioning of a market economy in ancient Athens, challenging the view that bankers were merely pawnbrokers and money-changers, revealing that 4thcentury Athenian bankers pursued sophisticated transactions. 288pgs. • 1997 ◆ • Princeton • P • $45.00 / $24.98 050823 THE CAMBRIDGE ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF ANCIENT GREECE Cartledge, Paul, ed. Analyzes how ordinary citizens took part in "the glory that was Greece," examining environment and economy; experiences of workers, soldiers, slaves, peasants, and women; and roles of myth, religion, art, culture, science, and education. Presents the far-reaching legacy of ancient Greece, seeking to justify Shelley's claim that "we are all Greeks." 400pgs. • 2002 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $50.00 / $22.98 114200 CHRONICLE OF THE ROMAN REPUBLIC: The Rulers of Ancient Rome from Romulus to Augustus Matyszak, Philip Supported by a wealth of pictorial and archaeological detail, these personal histories of the luminaries of Rome during its republican heyday provide an overview of its development and expansion. The biographies are supplemented by time lines, data files, and special features that highlight various aspects of Roman culture and society. Includes 320 illustrations, 110 in color. 240pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Thames & Hudson • P • $26.95 / $13.98 027821 CLAUDIAN: Poetry and Propaganda at the Court of Honorius Cameron, Alan Studies Claudian's poetical and propagandist techniques, his accounts of Stilicho's campaigns and rivals, his debt to Greek theory and contemporary poetry, his attitude to Rome and its problems, and his position as a pagan at a Christian court. 508pgs. • 2002 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $75.00 / $19.98 149398 THE DEVIL KNOWS LATIN: Why America Needs the Classical Tradition Kopff, E. Christian A provocative and illuminating examination of contemporary American culture. Whether discussing the importance of Greek and Latin syntax to our society, examining current trends in literary theory, education, and politics, or applying a classical perspective to contemporary films, Christian Kopff is at home and on the mark. 344pgs. • 1998 ◆ • ISI Books • C • $24.95 / $6.98 157256 EPINICIAN ODES AND DITHYRAMBS OF BACCHYLIDES Slavitt, David R., trans. With the discovery in 1896 of a papyrus containing the poems of Bacchylides finally began to take shape for the modern reader. Slavitt argues in the Introduction to this collection that, although Bacchylides is often considered a "lesser Pindar," he is a poet who warrants consideration on his own. 104pgs. • 1998 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $29.95 / $8.98 Some books are in limited supply. Order today! w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m 17 C L A S S I C A L S T U D I E S 18 ANCIENT EGYPT C L A S S I C A L 080806 AKHENATEN: Egypt's False Prophet Reeves, Nicholas Presents an entirely new perspective on the turbulent events of Akhenaten's seventeen-year reign. Reeves argues that Akhenaten cynically used religion for purely political ends in a calculated attempt to reassert the authority of the king, thus concentrating power in his own hands. Ultimately his revolution failed as political, financial, and moral corruption overwhelmed the regime. 208pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Thames & Hudson • P • $19.95 / $8.98 S T U D I E S 114231 CHRONICLE OF THE PHARAOHS: The Reign-by-Reign Record of the Rulers and Dynasties of Ancient Egypt Clayton, Peter A. Covers all the rulers and dynasties of Egypt in chronological order, from Narmer, who first united the lands along the Nile, to Cleopatra some 3,000 years later. The rich illustrative material includes timelines and specially drawn cartouches of each pharaoh with translations of their names. 224pgs. • 2006 ▲ • Thames & Hudson • P • $24.95 / $9.98 028828 EGYPT IN LATE ANTIQUITY Bagnall, Roger S. Brings together a vast amount of information pertaining to the society, economy, and culture of a province important to understanding the entire eastern part of the later Roman Empire. Focusing on Egypt from the accession of Diocletian in 284 to the middle of the fifth century, Bagnall draws his evidence mainly from documentary and archaeological sources, including the papyri that have been published over the last thirty years. 370pgs. • 1996 ◆ • Princeton • P • $45.00 / $22.98 117489 HELLENISTIC EGYPT: Monarchy, Society, Economy, Culture Bingen, Jean & Roger S. Bagnall Brings together for the first time the writings of the preeminent historian, papyrologist, and epigraphist Jean Bingen. In particular, his work on the Ptolemaic monarchy and economy, which illustrates how the Greeks and Egyptians interacted, has transformed the field and influenced all subsequent work. 305pgs. • 2007 ◆ • California • P • $30.95 / $18.98 145675 THE LAST PHARAOHS: Egypt under the Ptolemies, 305-30 BC Manning, J. G. The first detailed history of Ptolemaic Egypt as a state. By analyzing Ptolemaic reforms of Egyptian economic and legal structures, Manning gauges the impact of Ptolemaic rule on Egypt and the relationships that the Ptolemaic kings formed with Egyptian society. 280pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Princeton • P • $27.95 / $18.98 140850 MEMPHIS UNDER THE PTOLEMIES SECOND EDITION Thompson, Dorothy J. Drawing on archaeological findings and an unusual combination of Greek and Egyptian evidence, Thompson examines the economic life and multicultural society of the ancient Egyptian city of Memphis in the era between Alexander and Augustus. Now thoroughly revised and updated, this masterful account is essential reading for anyone interested in ancient Egypt or the Hellenistic world. 360pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Princeton • P • $35.00 / $22.98 133689 THE FIRST FOSSIL HUNTERS: Dinosaurs, Mammoths, and Myth in Greek and Roman Times Mayor, Adrienne Contending that many of the fabulous creatures of classical mythology may have had a basis in fact, Mayor argues that stories of griffins, titans, and giants were based on ancient discoveries of the enormous bones of long-extinct species such as mammoths and mastodons. 400pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $18.95 / $9.98 80,000 more books online ✪ 157877 GHOST ON THE THRONE: The Death of Alexander the Great and the War for Crown and Empire Romm, James The galvanizing saga of the men who followed Alexander -- and found themselves incapable of preserving his empire. The result, as Romm shows, was the undoing of a world formerly united in a single empire into a nightmare of warring nation-states that struggled for domination, and in doing so creating the template for our own times. 368pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Knopf • C • $28.95 / $7.98 135606 HADRIAN AND THE TRIUMPH OF ROME Everitt, Anthony Born in AD 76, Hadrian lived through and ruled during a tempestuous era, a time when the Colosseum was opened to the public and Pompeii was buried under a mountain of lava and ash. Acclaimed author Anthony Everitt vividly recounts how the emperor brought a century of disorder and costly warfare to a peaceful conclusion while demonstrating how a monarchy could be compatible with good governance. 448pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Modern Library • P • $18.00 / $7.98 ✪ 131632 IN THE SHADOW OF OLYMPUS: The Emergence of Macedon Borza, Eugene N. In tracing the emergence of the Macedonian kingdom, Borza offers a revealing account of a relatively unexplored segment of ancient history. Examining the dynamics of Macedonian relations with the Greek city-states, he suggests that the Macedonians, although they incorporated aspects of Greek culture, continued to maintain a distinct ethnic identity. 352pgs. • 1992 ◆ • Princeton • P • $39.95 / $21.98 THE NEAR EAST 129473 THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST: An Anthology of Texts and Pictures Pritchard, J. B. James Pritchard's anthologies of the ancient Near East have introduced generations of readers to texts essential for understanding the peoples and cultures of this important region. With more than 130 reading selections and 300 photographs of ancient art, architecture, and artifacts, this book combines both of the earlier volumes. 664pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • P • $46.95 / $28.98 133728 CIVILIZATIONS OF ANCIENT IRAQ Foster, Benjamin & Karen Polinger Foster The story of ancient Mesopotamia from the earliest settlements to the Arab conquest. With illustrations of important works of art and architecture in every chapter, the narrative traces the rise and fall of successive civilizations and peoples in Iraq over the course of millennia, from the Sumerians, Babylonians, and Assyrians to the Persians, Seleucids, Parthians, and Sassanians. 312pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $18.95 / $8.98 157248 DICTIONARY OF THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST Bienkowski, Piotr & Alan Millard, eds. In 500 concise and comprehensively indexed entries, this dictionary describes and explains the major ideas, institutions, places, peoples, and personalities of a region that shaped the earliest development of Western civilization. Architecture, literature, economics, labor, religion, and society are all extensively treated, as are such subjects as crime, dreams, drunkenness, shipwrecks, and sexual behavior (and misbehavior). 352pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $34.95 / $12.98 Classical Studies continues on page 26 LI BRARY OF AM ERICA 140894 REVOLUTIONARY WRITINGS 1755-1775 Adams, John Propelled by the power of his pen and the clarity of his judgment, John Adams became a major figure in the American Revolution. This first of two volumes devoted to his writings to 1783 includes the complete newspaper exchange between "Novanglus" (Adams) and "Massachusettensis" (Loyalist Daniel Leonard), as well as extensive diary excerpts and characteristically frank personal letters, many to his "dearest friend" Abigail. 750pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $17.98 092590 LITTLE WOMEN, LITTLE MEN, JO'S BOYS Alcott, Louisa May At once heartwarming and true to life, Louisa May Alcott's novels continue to win over readers both young and old, as they have for generations. This authoritative single-volume edition contains all three Little Women books as Alcott wrote them. This volume also includes the original illustrations that accompanied the books' first printings. 1045pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $17.98 ✪ 153373 COLLECTED STORIES: Winesburg, Ohio / The Triumph of the Egg / Horses and Men / Death in the Woods / Uncollected Stories Anderson, Sherwood Here, for the first time in a single volume, are all the collections Anderson published during his lifetime, along with a generous selection of stories left uncollected or unpublished at his death. 928pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $17.98 116807 COLLECTED POEMS, 19561987 Ashbery, John Beginning with Some Trees in 1956, John Ashbery has charted a profoundly original and individual course that has opened up pathways for subsequent generations of poets. This volume includes the complete texts of his first twelve books, including such groundbreaking collections as Rivers and Mountains, Three Poems, Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror, and Houseboat Days. 950pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $21.98 035797 TRAVELS AND OTHER WRITINGS Bartram, William The most significant American nature writer before Thoreau, Bartram was also a pioneering ethnographer whose works are a crucial source for the study of the Indian cultures of southeastern America. 701pgs. • 1996 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 107233 NOVELS 1956-1964: Seize the Day; Henderson the Rain King; Herzog Bellow, Saul Passionate, insightful, often funny, and exhibiting a linguistic richness few writers have equaled, the novels of Saul Bellow are among the defining achievements of postwar American literature. 793pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $16.98 140896 THE DEVIL'S DICTIONARY, TALES, AND MEMOIRS Bierce, Ambrose A veteran of some of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War, Ambrose Bierce went on to become one of the darkest and most death haunted of American writers, the blackest of black humorists. This volume gathers the most celebrated and significant of his writings. 896pgs. • 2011 ▲ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $16.98 ✪ ■ ◆ ▲ New to Catalog New from the publisher Remainder - like new Publisher returns THE CIVIL WAR 136675 THE CIVIL WAR (FIRST YEAR): The First Year of the Conflict Told by Those Who Lived It Simpson, Brooks D., et al., eds. Drawn from letters, diaries, speeches, articles, poems, songs, military reports, legal opinions, and memoirs, this volume gathers more than 120 pieces by more than 60 participants to create a unique firsthand narrative of this great historical crisis. Together, the selections provide a powerful sense of the immediacy, uncertainty, and urgency of events as the nation was torn asunder. 720pgs. • 2011 ▲ • Library of America • C • $37.50 / $16.98 148189 THE CIVIL WAR (SECOND YEAR): The Second Year Told by Those Who Lived It Sears, Stephen, ed. More than 140 messages, proclamations, newspaper stories, letters, diary entries, memoir excerpts, and poems by more than 80 participants and observers, among them Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Ulysses S. Grant, George B. McClellan, Robert E. Lee, Frederick Douglass, Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Clara Barton, Harriet Jacobs, and George Templeton Strong. 936pgs. • 2012 ▲ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $16.98 ✪ 157765 THE CIVIL WAR (THIRD YEAR): The Third Year Told by Those Who Lived It Simpson, Brooks D., ed. Spanning the crucial months from January 1863 to March 1864, this third volume of the Library of America's highly acclaimed four volume series presents an incomparable portrait of a nation at war with itself while illuminating the military and political events that brought the Union closer to victory and slavery closer to destruction. 936pgs. • 2013 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 035766 MEMOIRS AND SELECTED LETTERS Grant, Ulysses S. Grant wrote his Personal Memoirs -"perhaps the most revelatory autobiography of high command to exist in any language," in the words of John Keegan -- to secure his family's future. In doing so, the Civil War's greatest general won himself a unique place in American letters. His character, sense of purpose, and simple compassion are evident throughout this deeply moving account, as well as in the letters to his wife, Julia, also included here. 1199pgs. • 1990 ◆ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $17.98 035772 MEMOIRS OF GENERAL W. T. SHERMAN Sherman, William T. Written with the energetic confidence that marked his later campaigns, Sherman's memoirs provide both a vivid firsthand account of crucial events of the Civil War and a unique record of the emergence of its most innovative strategist. 1136pgs. • 1990 ▲ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 116787 POEMS, PROSE AND LETTERS Bishop, Elizabeth Long before a wider public was aware of Bishop's work, her fellow poets expressed astonished admiration of her formal rigor, fiercely observant eye, emotional intimacy, and sometimes eccentric flights of imagination. This collection offers a full-scale presentation of a writer of startling originality, at once passionate and reticent, adventurous and perfectionist. 900pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 Note: remainders and publisher returns may be marked with a small line or dot. w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m 19 L I B R A R Y O F A M E R I C A 20 L I B R A R Y O F A M E R I C A 148180 THE COLLECTED WRITINGS OF JOE BRAINARD EDITED BY RON PADGETT Brainard, Joe An artist and writer associated with the New York School, Joe Brainard (19421994) has had a wide and growing influence. This volume presents the full range of Brainard's writing in all its deadpan wit, madcap inventiveness, self-revealing frankness, and generosity of spirit. 576pgs. • 2012 ▲ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $14.98 149691 A PRINCESS OF MARS Burroughs, Edgar Rice John Carter, a former Confederate captain prospecting for gold in the Arizona hills, slips into a cave and is overcome by mysterious vapors. He awakes to find himself naked, alone, and forty-eight million miles from Earth -- a castaway on the planet Mars. This centennial edition invites readers to rediscover the adventure-pulp classic that gave the world its first great interplanetary romance. 384pgs. • 2012 ▲ • Library of America • C • $20.00 / $11.98 148181 TARZAN OF THE APES Burroughs, Edgar Rice When Tarzan first appeared in 1912 in the pages of The AllStory magazine, he captured the imaginations of American readers young and old. His later triumphs in Hollywood, in comic strips, and on radio and television made him an international pop culture icon. This centennial edition invites readers to rediscover the pulp classic that gave the world the once and forever Lord of the Jungle. 432pgs. • 2012 ▲ • Library of America • C • $20.00 / $7.98 035752 EARLY NOVELS AND STORIES: The Troll Garden; O Pioneers!; The Song of the Lark; My Antonia; One of Ours Cather, Willa Includes the story collection "The Troll Garden," Cather's first work of fiction, along with the beloved novels "O Pioneers!," "The Song of the Lark," "My Antonia," and "One of Ours," which earned a Pulitzer Prize. 1336pgs. • 1987 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $16.98 ✪ 035858 NOVELS AND STORIES 1905-1918 Cather, Willa "Let your fiction grow out of the land beneath your feet." Willa Cather's remark describes her own powerfully imaginative recreation of the Nebraska frontier of her youth. This volume includes Cather's essential masterpieces: the story collection The Troll Garden, along with the beloved novels O Pioneers!, The Song of the Lark, and My Antonia. 975pgs. • 1999 ▲ • Library of America • P • $13.95 / $6.98 035776 STORIES, POEMS, AND OTHER WRITINGS Cather, Willa Featuring her often anthologized short stories, the third and final volume of the most comprehensive and authoritative Cather edition available. Includes the collections Youth and the Bright Medusa, Obscure Destinies, and The Old Beauty and Others, the novellas Alexander's Bridge and My Mortal Enemy, critical essays, and her only book of poetry. 1039pgs. • 1992 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 ✪ 035794 LATER NOVELS AND OTHER WRITINGS: The Lady in the Lake; The Little Sister; The Long Goodbye; Playback; Double Indemnity; Essays & Letters Chandler, Raymond In Chandler's hands, the pulp crime story became a haunting mystery of power and corruption, set against a lyrical and violent modern cityscape. The volume presents The Lady in the Lake, The Little Sister, The Long Goodbye, and Playback, the last Marlowe novel. Also included is the screenplay for Double Indemnity, along with a selection of essays and letters. 1076pgs. • 1995 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 80,000 more books online ✪ 149369 THE COLLECTED WORKS Cheever, John The definitive two-volume slipcased edition of Cheever's stories and novels. 1973pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Library of America • C • $70.00 / $42.98 122181 COMPLETE NOVELS Cheever, John In these works Cheever laid bare the failings and foibles of the ascendant postwar elite as well as the fallen Yankee aristocrats who stubbornly clung to their shabby gentility as the last vestige of former glory. Includes The Wapshot Chronicle (winner of the National Book Award) and its sequel The Wapshot Scandal (winner of the William Dean Howells Medal); the dark suburban drama Bullet Park; the prison novel Falconer; and the lyrical ecological fable Oh What a Paradise It Seems. 960pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $17.98 140898 THE LEATHERSTOCKING TALES Cooper, James Fenimore A boxed set of the definitive edition of Cooper's great epic of the American frontier. Presented in their order of composition and in the most authoritative texts available, the set includes The Pioneers, The Last of the Mohicans, The Prairie, The Pathfinder, and The Deerslayer. 2126pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Library of America • C • $80.00 / $39.98 035734 THE LEATHERSTOCKING TALES, VOLUME 1: The Pioneers; The Last of the Mohicans; The Prairie Cooper, James Fenimore The five novels in Cooper's great saga of the American wilderness form a pageant of the American frontier, set against the dense woods, desolate prairies, and transcendent landscapes of the New World. Cooper's hero, Natty Bumppo, is forced ever farther into the heart of the continent by the advance of civilization that he inadvertently serves as advance scout, missionary, and critic. 1347pgs. • 1985 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 101671 TWO YEARS BEFORE THE MAST AND OTHER VOYAGES: Two Years Before the Mast / To Cuba and Back / Journal of a Voyage Round the World, 1859-1860 Dana, Richard Henry Written with an unprecedented realism, Two Years Before the Mast vividly portrays the daily routines and hardships of life at sea, the capriciousness and brutality of ship captains and officers, and the beauty and danger of the southern oceans. In To Cuba and Back, Dana investigates the impact on Cuban society of slavery and autocratic Spanish rule; while Journal of a Voyage Round the World records a 14-month circumnavigation that took Dana to California, Hawaii, China, Japan, Malaya, Ceylon, India, Egypt, and Europe. 992pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $17.98 116783 FIVE NOVELS OF THE 1960S AND 70S Dick, Philip K. Philip K. Dick (1928-82) was a writer of incandescent imagination who made and unmade world-systems with ferocious rapidity and unbridled speculative daring. This volume includes Martian Time-Slip (1964); Dr. Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb (1965); Now Wait for Last Year (1966); Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said (1974); and A Scanner Darkly (1977). 1100pgs. • 2008 ▲ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $17.98 129888 VALIS AND LATER NOVELS Dick, Philip K. Four books from the later phase of Dick's career, when he moved beyond the constraints of generic science fiction, producing the works responsible for his growing reputation as an American visionary. Includes A Maze of Death, VALIS, The Divine Invasion, and The Transmigration of Timothy Archer. 850pgs. • 2009 ▲ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $16.98 085542 TRAVEL BOOKS AND OTHER WRITINGS 1916 TO 1941 Dos Passos, John While emerging as a major American novelist, Dos Passos traveled widely in Europe, the Middle East, Mexico, and the US, witnessing many of the political, social, and cultural events of the early 20th century. This volume collects the travel books and essays which he wrote at the same time he was publishing his fictional masterpieces. 860pgs. • 2003 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $16.98 130396 SELECTED JOURNALS, 18411877 Emerson, Ralph Waldo Begun when he was a precocious Harvard junior and continued without significant lapse for nearly 60 years, Emerson's journals were the starting point for virtually everything in his celebrated essays, lectures, and poems. This volume and its companion, which covers the years from 1820-1842, present the most comprehensive nonspecialist edition of Emerson's great undertaking ever published. 992pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $17.98 053383 AUTOBIOGRAPHY AND WRITINGS, 1757-1790 Franklin, Benjamin The classic Autobiography, Franklin's last word on his greatest literary creation -- his own invented personality -- is presented here in a new edition, completely faithful to the original manuscript. Also included are political satires, bagatelles, pamphlets, letters, speeches to the Continental Congress, and prefaces to Poor Richard's Almanack. 816pgs. • 1997 ◆ • Library of America • C • $45.00 / $19.98 035792 COLLECTED POEMS, PROSE AND PLAYS Frost, Robert The first authoritative and comprehensive collection of Frost's writings, bringing together all the major poetry, all of Frost's dramatic writing, and the most extensive gathering of his prose writings ever published. The core of this collection is the 1949 "Complete Poems," the last edition supervised by the poet himself - free of the unauthorized editorial changes introduced into subsequent editions. 1036pgs. • 1995 ▲ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $16.98 148188 FIVE NOIR NOVELS OF THE 1940S AND 50S Goodis, David Goodis (1917-1967) was a Philadelphia-born pulp expressionist who brought a jazzy style to his spare, passionate novels of mean streets and doomed protagonists. This volume includes Dark Passage, Nightfall, The Moon in the Gutter, The Burglar, and Street of No Return. 848pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $18.98 035717 TALES AND SKETCHES: Twice-Told Tales; Mosses from an Old Manse; The Snow Image, & Other Twice-Told Tales; A Wonder Book for Girls & Boys; Tanglewood Tales Hawthorne, Nathaniel An authoritative edition of all Hawthorne's tales and sketches in a single comprehensive volume. The stories are arranged in the order of their periodical publication. 1493pgs. • 1982 ◆ • Library of America • C • $45.00 / $19.98 131838 NOVELS AND STORIES: The Lottery / The Haunting of Hill House / We Have Always Lived in the Castle Jackson, Shirley Presents the essential works of a writer whose novels and stories that, from the early 1940s through the mid-1960s, wittily remade the genre of psychological horror for an alienated, postwar America. Rounding out the volume is the essay "Biography of a Story," Jackson's acidly funny account of the public reception of "The Lottery." 832pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $17.98 ✪ 035736 LITERARY CRITICISM VOLUME I: Essays, American & English Writers James, Henry The first volume of an unprecedented collection of the literary criticism of Henry James. More than a third of these pieces have never been previously collected in book form. 1484pgs. • 1984 ◆ • Library of America • C • $50.00 / $21.98 035859 MAJOR STORIES AND ESSAYS James, Henry Includes "Daisy Miller," "The Aspern Papers," "The Beast in the Jungle," "The Figure in the Carpet," and "The Great Good Place," along with "The Art of Fiction," James's declaration of the novelist's freedom, his celebrated preface to The Portrait of a Lady, and discussions of Hawthorne, Emerson, Whitman, Shakespeare, and Balzac. 705pgs. • 1999 ▲ • Library of America • P • $12.95 / $6.98 136677 NOVELS 1903-1911: The Ambassadors; The Golden Bowl; The Outcry James, Henry This authoritative volume collecting the last three works James saw to completion before his death. Included as an appendix is "The Married Son," the chapter James contributed to The Whole Family, a multi-author novel portraying a dysfunctional family whose struggles mirror the frustrated collaborative efforts of the book's contributors. 1197pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 035730 WRITINGS: Autobiography; A Summary View of the Rights of British America; Notes on the State of Virginia; Addresses, Letters Jefferson, Thomas The most comprehensive one-volume selection of Jefferson's writings ever published. 1600pgs. • 1984 ▲ • Library of America • C • $45.00 / $19.98 085419 KAUFMAN AND CO: Broadway Comedies Kaufman, George S. Bursting with vernacular wit, farcical ingenuity, and theatrical panache, George S. Kaufman's plays have remained beloved favorites and exuberant reminders of Broadway in its glory days. Includes The Royal Family; Animal Crackers; June Moon; Once in a Lifetime; Of Thee I Sing; You Can't Take It with You; Dinner at Eight; Stage Door; The Man Who Came to Dinner 950pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $16.98 ✪ 153363 COLLECTED POEMS Kerouac, Jack This landmark edition brings together for the first time all Kerouac's major poetic works -- Mexico City Blues, The Scripture of the Golden Eternity, Book of Blues, Pomes All Sizes, Old Angel Midnight, Book of Haikus -- along with a rich assortment of his uncollected poems, six published here for the first time. 816pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $21.98 035756 SPEECHES AND WRITINGS 1832-1858 Lincoln, Abraham This volume, along with Speeches and Writings 1859-1865, comprises the most comprehensive selection ever published. Over 240 speeches, letters, and drafts take Lincoln from rural lawyer to U.S. senatorial candidate, charting his emergence as an antislavery advocate and defender of the Constitution. Includes the complete Lincoln-Douglas debates. 898pgs. • 1989 ▲ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $16.98 035770 SPEECHES AND WRITINGS 1859-1865 Lincoln, Abraham A collection of writings from 1859 to 1865, including speeches, messages, proclamations, letters, memoranda, and fragments. These documents record the words and deeds -- the order to resupply Fort Sumter, the emancipation of the slaves held in the Confederacy, and proposals to offer the South generous terms of reconstruction -- through which Lincoln hoped to defend and preserve the Union. 788pgs. • 1989 ◆ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $16.98 w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m 21 L I B R A R Y O F A M E R I C A 22 L I B R A R Y O F A M E R I C A C O M P I L AT I O N S ✪ 153372 AMERICAN ANTISLAVERY WRITINGS: Colonial Beginnings to Emancipation Basker, James G., ed. To advance their cause, the opponents of slavery employed every available literary form: fiction and poetry, essay and autobiography, sermons, pamphlets, speeches, hymns, plays, even children's literature. This is the first anthology to take the full measure of a body of writing that spans nearly two centuries and, exceptionally for its time, embraced writers black and white, male and female. 848pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $21.98 116780 AMERICAN EARTH: Environmental Writing since Thoreau McKibben, Bill, ed. Classics of the environmental imagination -the essays of Henry David Thoreau, John Muir, and John Burroughs; Aldo Leopold's A Sand County Almanac; Rachel Carson's Silent Spring -- are set against the inspiring story of an emerging activist movement, as revealed by newly uncovered reports of pioneering campaigns for conservation, passages from landmark legal opinions and legislation, and searing protest speeches. 900pgs. • 2008 ▲ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $19.98 148182 AMERICAN NOIR: 11 Classic Crime Novels of the 1930s, 40s, & 50s Cain, James M., et al. Evolving out of the terse and violent hardboiled style of the pulp magazines, noir fiction expanded over the decades into a varied and innovative body of writing. This two-volume boxed set mines a vein of modern American writing often neglected in mainstream literary histories, including novels by Cornell Woolrich, Patricia Highsmith, David Goodis, Chester Himes, and James M. Cain. 1882pgs. • 2012 ▲ • Library of America • C • $70.00 / $37.98 106834 AMERICAN POETRY: THE SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES Shields, David, ed. The poetry of early America is seen afresh in this groundbreaking new volume, which spans from the first years of English settlement in the New World to the death of George Washington. Gathering the work of more than 100 poets -- including many poems never previously anthologized and some published here for the first time -- it is the most comprehensive collection of its kind ever assembled. 900pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 ✪ 035854 AMERICAN POETRY: THE NINETEENTH CENTURY Hollander, John, ed. Gathers nearly 600 poems by more than 140 poets to reveal the beauty and diversity of the American tradition of poetry that arose in the 19th century. Generous selections by Poe, Whitman, Emerson, Dickinson, Melville, Bryant, and Longfellow join poems only now achieving recognition, like Jones Very's mystical sonnets and the exquisite fin de siècle verse of Trumbull Stickney. Contains newly researched biographical sketches of each poet and extensive notes. 1010pgs. • 1996 ◆ • Library of America • P • $14.95 / $6.98 035828 AMERICAN POETRY: THE TWENTIETH CENTURY VOLUME 1: Henry Adams to Dorothy Parker Library of America Staff The first half of the largest anthology of 20th-century American poetry ever attempted, including enormous selections of Robert Frost, Gertrude Stein, Wallace Stevens, Ezra Pound, William Carlos Williams, H.D., Marianne Moore and T.S. Eliot. 986pgs. • 2000 ◆ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $16.98 101885 AMERICAN RELIGIOUS POEMS: An Anthology Bloom, Harold & Jesse Zuba, eds. From Anne Bradstreet to the Beats, from Native American chant and Shaker hymnody to Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson, religion and spirituality have always been central to American poetry. This elegant slipcased anthology, spanning four centuries and more than 200 poets, offers countless moments of inspiration, solace, meditation, and transcendence. 900pgs. • 2006 ▲ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $14.98 80,000 more books online 035835 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION: Writings from the War of Independence Rhodehamel, John, ed. Drawn from letters, diaries, newspaper articles, public declarations, contemporary narratives, and private memoranda, brings together over 120 pieces by more than 70 participants to create a unique literary panorama of the War of Independence. 878pgs. • 2001 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 ✪ 153364 AMERICAN SCIENCE FICTION: Five Classic Novels 1956-58 Wolfe, Gary K., ed. Five novels from the golden age of modern science fiction. Includes Robert Heinlein's Double Star, Alfred Bester's The Stars My Destination, James Blish's A Case of Conscience, Algis Budrys's Who?, and Fritz Leiber's The Big Time 950pgs. • 2012 ▲ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $16.98 ✪ 153374 AMERICAN SCIENCE FICTION: Four Classic Novels 1953-56 Wolfe, Gary K., ed. Long unnoticed or dismissed by the literary establishment, these visionary novels opened new imaginative territory in American writing. Includes Frederik Pohl & C. M. Kornbluth's The Space Merchants, Theodore Sturgeon's More Than Human, Leigh Brackett's The Long Tomorrow, and Richard Matheson's The Shrinking Man. 800pgs. • 2012 ▲ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $17.98 153361 AMERICAN SCIENCE FICTION: Nine Classic Novels of the 1950s Wolfe, Gary K., ed. A boxed set of the two volumes listed above. 1750pgs. • 2012 ▲ • Library of America • C • $70.00 / $34.98 106833 AMERICAN SPEECHES I: Political Oratory from the Revolution to the Civil War Widmer, Ted, ed. This volume, the first of an unprecedented two-volume collection, gathers the unabridged texts of 45 eloquent and dramatic speeches delivered by American public figures between 1761 and 1865, beginning with James Otis's denunciation of unrestrained searches by British customs officials -- hailed by John Adams as the beginning of the American Revolution -- and ending with Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address. 810pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $17.98 085401 AMERICANS IN PARIS: A Literary Anthology Gopnik, Adam, ed. Paris has been many things to many Americans: a traditionbound bastion of old world Europe, a hotbed of revolutionary ideologies, and a space in which to cultivate an openness to life thought impossible at home. Including stories, letters, memoirs, and reporting, the text distills 3 centuries of writing about what Henry James called "the most brilliant city in the world." 650pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 056058 THE DEBATE ON THE CONSTITUTION PART 1: Federalist and Antifederalist Speeches, Articles, and Letters During the Struggle Over Ratification Bailyn, Bernard, ed. This unique collection captures firsthand the energy and eloquence of the stormy ratification struggle. Franklin, Madison, Jefferson, Washington, Patrick Henry, and many less well known voices speak with passion and articulateness about issues of personal liberty and public order that continue to resonate today. Along with a detailed chronology and notes, each volume also includes the full texts of the Declaration in Independence, Articles of Confederation, and Constitution. 1214pgs. • 1993 ◆ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $16.98 035771 THE DEBATE ON THE CONSTITUTION PART 2: Federalist and Antifederalist Speeches, Articles, and Letters During the Struggle over Ratification Bailyn, Bernard, ed. This unique collection captures firsthand the energy and eloquence of the stormy ratification struggle. Franklin, Madison, Jefferson, Washington, Patrick Henry, and many less well known voices speak with passion and articulateness about issues of personal liberty and public order that continue to resonate today. Along with a detailed chronology and notes, each volume also includes the full texts of the Declaration in Independence, Articles of Confederation, and Constitution. 1175pgs. • 1993 ◆ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $16.98 140888 HARLEM RENAISSANCE NOVELS: The Library of America Collection Zafar, Rafia, ed. This two-volume set includes Cane by Jean Toomer, Home to Harlem by Claude McKay, Quicksand by Nella Larsen, Plum Bun by Jessie Redmon Fauset, The Blacker the Berry by Wallace Thurman, Not Without Laughter by Langston Hughes, Black No More by George Schuyler, The Conjure-Man Dies by Rudolph Fisher, and Black Thunder by Arna Bontemps. 1600pgs. • 2011 ▲ • Library of America • C • $70.00 / $34.98 ✪ 122183 POEMS FROM THE WOMEN'S MOVEMENT THE AMERICAN POETS PROJECT Moore, Honor, ed. "What would happen if one woman told the truth about her life? / The world would split open." These lines by Muriel Rukeyser epitomize the spirit that animated a generation of women poets, from the 1960s to the 1980s. This anthology represents 58 poets, among them Sylvia Plath, Adrienne Rich, Anne Sexton, Sonia Sanchez, May Swenson, Alice Walker, Audre Lorde, Ann Waldman, Sharon Olds, Diane Di Prima, Lucille Clifton, Alice Notley, and Eileen Myles. 200pgs. • 2009 ▲ • Library of America • C • $20.00 / $7.98 085608 REPORTING CIVIL RIGHTS, VOL. 1: American Journalism 1941 to 1963 Library of America Staff Beginning with A. Philip Randolph's defiant call in 1941 for African-Americans to march on Washington and ending with a retrospective article written by Alice Walker in 1973, Reporting Civil Rights covers the revolutionary events that overthrew segregation by law in the United States. This two-volume anthology brings together nearly 200 newspaper and magazine reports, book excerpts, and features by 151 writers. 996pgs. • 2003 ▲ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 092592 TALES Lovecraft, H. P. A 20th-century successor to Edgar Allan Poe as the master of "weird fiction," H. P. Lovecraft adapted the conventions of horror stories and science fiction to express an intensely personal vision, cosmic in its ramifications and fearsome in its shuddering view of human destiny. This volume brings together the very best of Lovecraft's fiction in a treasury guaranteed to bring fright and delight both to longtime fans and to readers new to his work. 850pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 116801 EARLY NOVELS AND STORIES Maxwell, William With his second book, They Came Like Swallows (1937), Maxwell found his signature subject matter -- the fragility of human happiness -- as well as his voice, a quiet, cadenced Midwestern voice that John Updike has called one of the wisest and kindest in American fiction. This volume also includes Bright Center of Heaven; The Folded Leaf; Time Will Darken It, and nine short stories. 800pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $16.98 035862 REPORTING VIETNAM: American Journalism, 1959-1975 Library of America Staff Collects the best writing and reportage from the war covering 1959 to 1975 - from the first American deaths to the fall of Saigon. Along the way, reporters uncover the military blunders, the political minefields, and the cultural changes spreading from America to Vietnam, capturing war at its most chaotic, its most lawless, and its most tragic. 853pgs. • 2000 ◆ • Library of America • P • $17.95 / $7.98 035863 REPORTING WORLD WAR II: American Journalism, 1938-1946 Library of America Staff Drawn from the Library of America's two-volume hardcover anthology, this volume captures the unfolding drama through the work of more than 50 remarkable reporters, whose writings cover Nazi Germany, the fall of France and the Tunisian campaign, the London Blitz, the Italian front, the horrors in the Pacific, and life on the home front. 874pgs. • 2001 ◆ • Library of America • P • $18.95 / $7.98 116786 TRUE CRIME: An American Anthology Schechter, Harold, ed. From the beginning crime and punishment has been one the most characteristic themes in American literature. This volume includes such writers as Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ambrose Bierce, Mark Twain, Theodore Dreiser, James Thurber, Joseph Mitchell, Truman Capote, and James Ellroy, as well as execution sermons, murder ballads, early broadsides, trial reports, and tabloid journalism from many eras. 900pgs. • 2008 ▲ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 ✪ 157817 THE WAR OF 1812: Writings from America's Second War of Independence Hickey, Donald R., ed. A collection of 140 letters, memoirs, poems, songs, editorials, journal entries, and proclamations by more than 100 participants, both famous -- Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Tecumseh, Dolley Madison, and the Duke of Wellington -- and little-known. 928pgs. • 2013 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $20.98 043548 WRITING LOS ANGELES: A Literary Anthology Ulin, David L., ed. Presents a panorama of the city, encompassing fiction, poetry, essays, journalism, and diaries by over 70 writers, bringing to life entrancing surfaces and unsettling contradictions, from Chandler's evocation of the murderous moods fed by the Santa Ana winds to Dunne's affectionate tribute to "the deceptive perspectives of the pale subtropical light." 880pgs. • 2002 ▲ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $15.98 116817 LATER NOVELS AND STORIES Maxwell, William The second installment of a two-volume edition of Maxwell. The Château (1961) describes the most subtle and bittersweet encounter of American naiveté and Old World mystery since Henry James. Also included: So Long, See You Tomorrow; stories; 40 brief "improvisations"; and the essay "Nearing Ninety," a moving valediction to a lifetime of reading and storytelling. 990pgs. • 2008 ▲ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $16.98 035738 PIERRE, ISRAEL POTTER, THE CONFIDENCE-MAN, TALES, AND BILLY BUDD Melville, Herman This third volume rounds out Melville's complete fiction with his dark and brilliant late works. The novels Pierre, Israel Potter, and The Confidence-Man forgo the buoyant high seas for a keen, bleak vision of life at home in America. The Piazza Tales and a number of other uncollected stories show Melville's dazzling mastery of many styles. 1478pgs. • 1985 ◆ • Library of America • C • $45.00 / $21.98 Some books are in limited supply. Order today! w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m 23 L I B R A R Y O F A M E R I C A 24 L I B R A R Y O F A M E R I C A 035723 REDBURN, WHITE-JACKET, MOBY-DICK Melville, Herman Moby-Dick, Melville's masterpiece, is one of the great epics in all of literature. Ahab's idolatrous hunt for the white whale drives the narrative at a relentless pace, while Ishmael's meditations on whales and whaling, the sublime indifference of nature, and the grimy physical details of whale-oil extraction provide a reflective counterpoint. This volume also includes Redburn, which relates a young man's initiation into the sailor's life, and White-Jacket, a semi-autobiographical account of experiences in the US Navy. 1436pgs. • 1983 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 035714 TYPEE, OMOO, MARDI Melville, Herman Typee and Omoo, based on the young Melville's experiences on a whaling ship, are exuberant accounts of idyllic life in Polynesia. They remained his most popular works well into the 20th century. Mardi is a mixture of love story, adventure, and political allegory, set on a mythical Pacific island, that looks forward to the complexities of Moby-Dick. 1333pgs. • 1982 ◆ • Library of America • C • $45.00 / $19.98 136581 PREJUDICES: The First, Second, and Third Series Mencken, H. L. In the six volumes of Prejudices (19191927), Mencken attacked what he felt to be American provincialism and hypocrisy, and championed writers and thinkers he saw as harbingers of a new candor and maturity. Laced with savage humor and delighting in verbal play, Mencken's prose remains a one-of-a-kind roller coaster ride over a staggering range of thematic territory. 624pgs. • 2010 ▲ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $16.98 136580 PREJUDICES: The Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Series Mencken, H. L. 656pgs. • 2010 ▲ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $16.98 ✪ 157757 COLLECTED POEMS 19521993 Merwin, W. S. The first volume in a definitive two-volume edition of the poems of the former US Poet Laureate. Oracular and elegant, Merwin's poetry reveals a heightened sense of what is essential to human consciousness: the fragile framing of nature, the mysteries of memory and perception, the inescapable fact of our mortality. 750pgs. • 2013 ▲ • Library of America • C • $37.50 / $19.98 ✪ 157816 COLLECTED POEMS 1996-2011 Merwin, W. S. The second volume in a definitive, career-spanning two-volume edition of the poems of the former US poet laureate. 750pgs. • 2013 ◆ • Library of America • C • $37.50 / $20.98 035802 NOVELS 1969-1974: Ada, or Ardor; Transparent Things; Look at the Harlequins! Nabokov, Vladimir This volume contains Ada, or Ardor, a witty and parodic account of a man's lifelong love for his sister; Transparent Things, a haunting novella of a young American's marriage, the murder of his wife, and a lone journey to uncover the truth; and Look at the Harlequins!, Nabokov's final novel about a novelist very much like himself. The texts in this volume have been corrected based on the author's own copies. 824pgs. • 1996 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 80,000 more books online 035789 COLLECTED WRITINGS Paine, Thomas Paine was the impassioned democratic voice of the Age of Revolution. This volume brings together his best-known works -- Common Sense, The American Crisis, Rights of Man, The Age of Reason -- along with a selection of letters, articles and pamphlets. 906pgs. • 1995 ▲ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $18.98 035732 POETRY AND TALES Poe, Edgar Allan This volume displays Poe's range and accomplished technique, as well as his gift for revealing the dark possibilities of human experience. Includes famous stories such as "The Fall of the House of Usher" and "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," along with popular poems such as "Annabel Lee" and lesser-known works, and his unusual prose-poem "Eureka." 1408pgs. • 1984 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 116785 COLLECTED STORIES AND OTHER WRITINGS Porter, Katherine Anne Set in her native Texas and her beloved Mexico, prewar Nazi Germany and the gothic Old South, Porter's stories of love, outrage, betrayal, and spiritual reckoning are severe but never cruel, and always exquisitely precise. They number fewer than 30, but as Robert Penn Warren commented, "many are unsurpassed in modern fiction." Rounding out this volume is a selection of Porter's journalism and other short prose. 1068pgs. • 2008 ▲ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 085418 LETTERS AND SPEECHES Roosevelt, Theodore Teddy Roosevelt's letters demonstrate the astonishing range of his interests and deeds and reveal the personal dimensions of one of our greatest statesmen. In addition to four of his most famous speeches, this volume collects 367 letters written between 1881 and 1919 to correspondents as various as Jacob Riis, Rudyard Kipling, Upton Sinclair, Oliver Wendell Holmes, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. 960pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $16.98 140895 THE AMERICAN TRILOGY Roth, Philip Gathered together for the first time in this seventh volume of The Library of America's definitive edition of Philip Roth's collected works are the three volumes of this acclaimed triptych, a major milestone in contemporary American literature. It includes American Pastoral (1997), I Married a Communist (1998), and The Human Stain (2000). 1088pgs. • 2011 ▲ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 ✪ 157760 NEMESES: Everyman; Indignation; The Humbling; Nemesis Roth, Philip What kind of choices fatally shape a life? How does the individual withstand the onslaught of circumstance? These are the dark questions that animate this quartet of thematically related short novels, published here together for the first time. 468pgs. • 2013 ◆ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $17.98 ✪ 157830 NOVELS 2001-2007: The Dying Animal / The Plot Against America / Exit Ghost Roth, Philip Philip Roth is the only living American novelist to have his work published in a comprehensive edition by The Library of America. The definitive Philip Roth edition continues with three novels written in his late sixties and early seventies. 740pgs. • 2013 ◆ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $17.98 106836 WRITINGS: with Other Narratives of Roanoke, Jamestown, and the First English Settlement of America Smith, Captain John et al. One of the most colorful figures in American history, the soldier, explorer, and colonist John Smith was a vivid and prolific chronicler of the beginnings of English settlement in the New World. This volume brings together seven of his works, along with 16 additional narratives by 13 other writers, that recount firsthand the tragic, harrowing, and dramatic events of the settlement of Roanoke and Jamestown. 1200pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Library of America • C • $45.00 / $21.98 035788 NOVELS AND STORIES 1932-1937: The Pastures of Heaven, To a God Unknown, Tortilla Flat, In Dubious Battle, Of Mice and Men Steinbeck, John Here for the first time in one volume are Steinbeck's early California writings. In prose that blends the vernacular and the incantatory, the local and the mythic, these five works chart Steinbeck's evolution into one of the greatest and most enduringly popular of American novelists. 909pgs. • 1994 ◆ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $17.98 043546 NOVELS 1942-1952 Steinbeck, John The third volume in this authoritative edition of Steinbeck's writings shows him continuing to explore new subject matter and new approaches to storytelling. The Moon Is Down, Cannery Row, The Pearl, and East of Eden display the versatility and emotional directness that have made Steinbeck one of America's most enduringly popular writers. 983pgs. • 2001 ▲ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $17.98 106837 TRAVELS WITH CHARLEY AND LATER NOVELS, 1947-1962 Steinbeck, John Travels with Charley was Steinbeck's last published book. A record of his experiences and observations as he drove around America in a pickup truck, it is filled with engaging, often humorous description and comes to a powerful climax in an encounter with racist demonstrators in New Orleans. Also includes The Wayward Bus, Burning Bright, Sweet Thursday, and The Winter of Our Discontent. 990pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 035809 COLLECTED POETRY AND PROSE Stevens, Wallace Includes all of Stevens' published books of poetry, along with the haunting lyrics of his later years and early work that traces the development of his art. The volume also presents over ninety poems uncollected by Stevens, including early versions of often-discussed works such as "The Comedian as the Letter C" and "Owl's Clover." 1035pgs. • 1997 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 035715 THREE NOVELS: Uncle Tom's Cabin; The Minister's Wooing; Oldtown Folks Stowe, Harriet Beecher Described by Henry James as "much less a book than a state of vision," Uncle Tom's Cabin is one of the most influential works of fiction in American history. Stowe's moving Christian epic turned millions of Americans against slavery, bringing the "peculiar institution" immeasurably closer to its fiery destruction. 1468pgs. • 1982 ▲ • Library of America • C • $47.50 / $21.98 035741 A WEEK ON THE CONCORD AND MERRIMACK RIVERS; WALDEN; THE MAINE WOODS; CAPE COD Thoreau, Henry David Thoreau's longer works in one volume, all demonstrating his subtle interweaving of natural observation, personal experience, and historical lore. The Maine Woods and Cape Cod are especially valuable portraits of the natural landscapes of Thoreau's youth that were changing irreversibly even as he wrote these classic essays. 1114pgs. • 1989 ▲ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 SPORTS ✪ 157761 AMERICAN PASTIMES: The Very Best of Red Smith Smith, Red From the 1940s to the 1980s, Red Smith's nationally syndicated columns traversed the world of sports with literary panache and wry humor. This collection includes unforgettable accounts of Bobby Thompson's "Shot Heard 'Round the World," Don Larsen's perfect game, the first Ali-Frazier fight, as well as more offbeat stories that display Smith's wit, intelligence, and breadth of feeling. 480pgs. • 2013 ◆ • Library of America • C • $29.95 / $14.98 ✪ 153362 AT THE FIGHTS: American Writers on Boxing Kimball, George, et al., eds. A century of the best writing and reportage about boxing. Among the selections are Jack London on the immortal Jack Johnson; H. L. Mencken and Irvin S. Cobb on Jack Dempsey vs. Georges Carpentier; Richard Wright on Joe Louis vs. Max Schmeling; James Baldwin and Gay Talese on the haunted Floyd Patterson; and George Plimpton on Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X. 540pgs. • 2012 ▲ • Library of America • P • $19.95 / $8.98 043709 BASEBALL: A Literary Anthology Dawidoff, Nicholas, ed. A lively mix of stories, memoirs, poems, news reports, and insider accounts about all aspects of the great American game, from its pastoral 19th-century beginnings to its apotheosis as the undisputed national pastime. 721pgs. • 2002 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $14.98 122182 THE SWEET SCIENCE AND OTHER WRITINGS Liebling, A. J. One of the most gifted American journalists of the 20th century, Liebling learned his craft as a newspaper reporter before joining The New Yorker in 1935. This volume collects five books that demonstrate his extraordinary vitality and versatility as a writer. The title work, a lively and idiosyncratic portrait of boxing in the early 1950s, was named the best sports book of all time by Sports Illustrated. 1050pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 035803 WRITINGS AND DRAWINGS Thurber, James The best and most extensive Thurber collection ever assembled, including acknowledged masterpieces: "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" and "The Catbird Seat," the anti-war parable The Last Flower, the satirical Fables for Our Time, the best pieces from The Owl in the Attic, Let Your Mind Alone, and My World and Welcome To It, and others. 1004pgs. • 1996 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 148190 NOVELS AND STORIES 1950-1962 Vonnegut, Kurt Before winning international fame with Cat's Cradle and Slaughterhouse-Five, Vonnegut was a master of the drugstore paperback and the popular short story. This authoritative collection of his brilliant early work includes Player Piano, The Sirens of Titan, Mother Night, and several shorter pieces. 864pgs. • 2012 ▲ • Library of America • C • $35.00 / $17.98 136585 SIX NOVELS IN WOODCUTS EDITED BY ART SPIEGELMAN Ward, Lynd From the eve of the Great Depression to the start of World War II, Lynd Ward observed the troubled American scene through the double lens of a politically committed storyteller and a visionary graphic artist. His medium -- the wordless "novel in woodcuts" -- was his alone, and he quickly brought it from bold iconographic infancy to subtle and still unrivalled mastery. In these volumes, Ward's novels are presented, for the first time since the 1930s, in the format that the artist intended. 1408pgs. • 2010 ▲ • Library of America • C • $70.00 / $36.98 w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m 25 L I B R A R Y O F A M E R I C A 26 L I B R A R Y O F A M E R I C A 035804 WRITINGS Washington, George This one-volume collection -- the most extensive and authoritative ever published -- covers five decades of Washington's astonishingly active life. Bringing together over 440 letters, orders, addresses, and other documents -- both public and personal -- it reveals him to have been an energetic, forceful, and at times eloquent writer. 1149pgs. • 1997 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 035815 STORIES, ESSAYS AND MEMOIR: A Curtain of Green; The Wide Net; The Golden Apples; The Bride of the Innisfallen; Selected Essays One Writer's Beginnings Welty, Eudora Presents all of Welty's collected short stories, with full texts of A Curtain of Green and Other Stories, The Wide Net and Other Stories, The Golden Apples, and The Bride of the Innisfallen. Two stories from the 1960s, a selection of occasional pieces and One Writer's Beginnings, Welty's sensitive memoir of her Jackson childhood round out the collection. 976pgs. • 1998 ▲ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 035762 NOVELLAS AND OTHER WRITINGS: Madame de Treymes; Ethan Frome; Summer; Old New York; The Mother's Recompense; A Backward Glance Wharton, Edith Collected here in one volume are six works in which one of the most accomplished and admired of American writers explores the private worlds of America's Gilded Age. Includes "Life and I," a fascinating autobiographical fragment published here for the first time. 1137pgs. • 1990 ◆ • Library of America • C • $45.00 / $19.98 035853 POETRY AND PROSE Whitman, Walt Contains the first and "deathbed" editions of Leaves of Grass, and virtually all of Whitman's prose, with reminiscences of 19th-century New York City, notes on the Civil War, especially his service in Washington hospitals and glimpses of President Lincoln, and attacks on the misuses of national wealth after the war. 1407pgs. • 1996 ▲ • Library of America • P • $19.95 / $8.98 149367 THE LITTLE HOUSE BOOKS: The Library of America Collection Wilder, Laura Ingalls Originally published from 1932 to 1943, Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House books are classics of children's literature, beloved by millions. This definitive boxed set of eight novels, plus the posthumous novella The First Four Years, affirms Wilder's place in the American canon, and reintroduces these enduring works to readers young and old. 1750pgs. • 2012 ▲ • Library of America • C • $75.00 / $37.98 140897 COLLECTED PLAYS Williams, Tennessee Gathering 32 works written from the 1930s to the 1980s, this boxed set is the most complete collection ever published of the playwright who transformed the American stage. 2053pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Library of America • C • $80.00 / $45.98 107238 LITERARY ESSAYS AND REVIEWS OF THE 1930S AND 1940S Wilson, Edmund The second installment in the Library of America's collection of Wilson presents him at the height of his powers as critic and scholar. Included are three of his most significant books: The Triple Thinkers; The Wound and the Bow; and Classics and Commercials. 1000pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 Classical Studies continued from page 18 ✪ 104585 THE INVENTION OF RACISM IN CLASSICAL ANTIQUITY Isaac, Benjamin H. Isaac's systematic analysis of ancient social prejudices and stereotypes reveals that some of those attitudes amounted to racism or proto-racism. He shows how an understanding of ancient attitudes toward other peoples can shed light not only on Greco-Roman imperialism but on more recent imperialism as well. 592pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Princeton • C • $77.00 / $24.98 157287 LANGUAGE AND HISTORY IN ANCIENT GREEK CULTURE Ostwald, Martin Spanning 40 years, this collection of essays represents the work, both philological and historical, of a renowned teacher and scholar of the ancient Greek world. The thread that runs throughout is Ostwald's precise explanation, for a modern audience, of some of the crucial concepts through which the ancient Greeks saw and lived their lives -- and influenced our own. 336pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $69.95 / $24.98 ✪ 142459 LUCK, FATE AND FORTUNE: Antiquity and Its Legacy Eidinow, Esther Exploring some of the key ideas of ancient Greek culture that resonate with modern conceptions of destiny, Eidinow examines ancient notions of luck as a means of explaining daily experiences. Focusing on writers such as Homer, Herodotus, Thucydides and Demosthenes, she shows how concepts of fate in antiquity changed over time in response to social and political currents. 224pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $24.95 / $5.98 80,000 more books online HORACE ✪ 157824 THE ODES OF HORACE TRANSLATED BY JEFFREY H. KAIMOWITZ Horace A translation of Horace's most widely read collection of poetry is rendered in modern, metrical English verse. Kaimowitz has adapted the Roman poet's rich and metrically varied poetry in a way that maintains fidelity to the tone, timbre, and style of the originals while conforming to the rules of English prosody. 208pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Johns Hopkins • P • $25.00 / $7.98 157258 THE SATIRES OF HORACE Juster, A. M., trans. Written in the troubled decade ending with the establishment of Augustus's regime, Horace's Satires provide trenchant social commentary on men's perennial enslavement to money, power, fame, and sex. This striking translation relies on the tools and spirit of the English light verse tradition while taking care to render the original text as accurately as possible. 160pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $34.95 / $14.98 104391 A NEW HISTORY OF CLASSICAL RHETORIC Kennedy, George A. This extensive revision and abridgment of Kennedy's The Art of Persuasion in Greece, The Art of Rhetoric in the Roman World, and Greek Rhetoric under Christian Emperors provides a comprehensive history of the subject, one that is destined to be the standard work in the field. 336pgs. • 1994 ◆ • Princeton • P • $45.00 / $21.98 ✪ 157825 ODES FOR VICTORIOUS ATHLETES TRANSLATED WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY ANNE PIPPIN BURNETT Pindar The typical Pindaric ode reflects three separate moments: the instant of success in contest, the victory night with its disorderly revels, and the actual banquet of family and friends where the commissioned poem is being offered as entertainment. In this volume, an esteemed classicist presents a fresh and exuberant translation of Pindar's victory songs. 200pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Johns Hopkins • P • $20.00 / $5.98 140859 ROMAN REPUBLICS Flower, Harriet I. While classicists have long recognized that the Roman Republic changed and evolved over time, Flower is the first to mount a serious argument against the idea of republican continuity. She argues that there were in fact multiple republics, each with its own clearly distinguishable strengths and weaknesses. 224pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $22.95 / $13.98 144188 THE SILVAE OF STATIUS Nagle, Betty Rose, trans. This collection of witty and engaging occasional poems, written by Publius Papinius Statius, is noteworthy both for its verbal artistry as well as its importance as social documents of the Roman world during the reign of Domitian. Betty Rose Nagle's graceful translation brings the world of Statius alive and making this important literary gem accessible to the modern reader. 256pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Indiana • P • $14.95 / $6.98 153431 THE WAR OF THE PELOPONNESIANS AND THE ATHENIANS Thucydides A foundational text in the history of Western political thought. This new translation is particularly sensitive to the risks of anachronism, and its notes and extensive reference material provide the historical, cultural, and linguistic background needed to engage with the text on its own terms. 754pgs. • 2013 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $27.99 / $18.98 GREEK DRAMA 27 The Penn Greek Drama Series presents original literary translations of the entire corpus of classical Greek drama: tragedies, comedies, and satyr plays. It is the only contemporary series of all the surviving work of Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, and Menander. Available volumes: C U L T U R A L 157231 AESCHYLUS 2: The Persians, Seven Against Thebes, The Suppliants, Prometheus Bound PENN GREEK DRAMA SERIES Slavitt, David & Palmer Bovie, eds. The Penn Greek Drama Series presents original literary translations of the entire corpus of classical Greek drama: tragedies, comedies, and satyr plays. It is the only contemporary series of all the surviving work of Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, and Menander. 232pgs. • 1998 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $21.95 / $6.98 157221 EURIPIDES 2: Hippolytus, Suppliant Women, Helen, Electra, Cyclops PENN GREEK DRAMA SERIES Slavitt, David & Palmer Bovie, eds. The Penn Greek Drama Series presents original literary translations of the entire corpus of classical Greek drama: tragedies, comedies, and satyr plays. It is the only contemporary series of all the surviving work of Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, and Menander. 374pgs. • 1997 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $19.95 / $5.98 157237 EURIPIDES 4: Ion, Children of Heracles, The Madness of Heracles, Iphigenia in Tauris, Orestes PENN GREEK DRAMA SERIES Slavitt, David & Palmer Bovie, eds. The Penn Greek Drama Series presents original literary translations of the entire corpus of classical Greek drama: tragedies, comedies, and satyr plays. It is the only contemporary series of all the surviving work of Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, and Menander. 424pgs. • 1999 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $24.95 / $9.98 CU LTU RAL STU DI ES 048744 ARTFUL SCIENCE: Enlightenment Entertainment and the Eclipse of Visual Education Stafford, Barbara Maria In this cross-disciplinary guide to intellectual high and low life of the 18th century, Stafford makes the case for the pedagogical opportunities inherent in an oral-visual culture. She draws on an extraordinary range of historical sources and popular imagery, exploring from a new perspective the perceptual cognition that she analyzed in her book Body Criticism. 350pgs. • 1994 ◆ • MIT • P • $27.95 / $9.98 092752 THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO MODERN AMERICAN CULTURE Bigsby, Christopher, ed. A comprehensive and accessible overview exploring the social, political, religious, and economic forces that have shaped 20th-century America and its inhabitants. These challenging and varied essays discuss religious, racial, sexual, and ethnic minorities, popular culture, the arts, urban and suburban communities, sports, politics, immigration, regionalism, and war. 516pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $32.99 / $15.98 ✪ ■ ◆ ▲ New to Catalog New from the publisher Remainder - like new Publisher returns Note: remainders and publisher returns may be marked with a small line or dot. 156094 CULTURE AND MATERIALISM Williams, Raymond Collects Williams's most significant work from a twenty-year period in which he wrestled with the concepts of materialism and culture and with their interrelationship. Aside from his more directly theoretical texts, the volume includes case-studies of theatrical naturalism, the Bloomsbury group, advertising, science fiction, and the Welsh novel. 320pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Verso • C • $24.95 / $11.98 147477 THE EMPIRE'S OLD CLOTHES: What the Lone Ranger, Babar, and Other Innocent Heroes Do to Our Minds Dorfman, Ariel In this powerful cultural critique, Ariel Dorfman explores the political and social implications of works such as the Donald Duck comics, the Babar children's books, and Reader's Digest magazine. This edition includes a new Preface by the author. 224pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Duke • P • $22.95 / $5.98 ✪ 076989 INSULT AND THE MAKING OF THE GAY SELF Eribon, Didier & Michael Lucey Describes the emergence of homosexual literature in Britain and France at the turn of the last century. Following this new gay discourse from Wilde and the literary circles of late-Victorian Oxford to Gide and Proust, Eribon traces a long line of authors who from the 19th century onward have tried to create spaces in which to resist subjection and reformulate themselves. 480pgs. • 2004 ▲ • Duke • P • $27.95 / $5.98 w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m S T U D I E S 28 E A S T E R N R E L I G I O N & P H I L O S O P H Y 157194 LOOKING WEST Dorst, John D. In a series of ethnographic case studies -- two folk art displays, a Western heritage theme park, and Devils Tower National Monument -- Dorst offers an account of visual practices that, though dressed in the images and narratives of the American West, are in fact characteristic of our modern consumer culture in general. 248pgs. • 1999 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $27.50 / $6.98 ✪ 083135 MAPPING SUBALTERN STUDIES AND THE POSTCOLONIAL Chaturvedi, Vinayak Inspired initially by Gramsci's writings on the history of subaltern classes, the Subaltern Studies project adopted a "history from below" paradigm to contest "elite" history writing by Indian nationalists. This volume is the first comprehensive balance-sheet of the project, presenting a collection of the most important writing from the last two decades and focusing on the key debates between the main scholars in the field. 320pgs. • 2000 ◆ • Verso • C NDJ • $60.00 / $17.98 085524 SCUM MANIFESTO Solanas, Valerie Solanas, the woman who shot Andy Warhol, self-published this book shortly before her confinement to a mental institution. Impossible to dismiss as just the rantings of a lunatic, the work has indisputable prescience, not only as a radical feminist analysis well ahead of its time, but also as a stunning testament to the rage of an abused and destitute woman. 96pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Verso • C • $15.00 / $5.98 116457 SEXUAL PERSONAE: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson Paglia, Camille Ranging from ancient Egypt through the 20th century, Paglia explores the provocative connections between art and pagan ritual; between Emily Dickinson and the Marquis de Sade; between Lord Byron and Elvis Presley. She ultimately challenges the cultural assumptions of both conservatives and traditional liberals. 47 photographs. 736pgs. • 1991 ▲ • Vintage • P • $20.00 / $7.98 EASTERN RELIGION & PH I LOSOPHY 127035 ASIAN RELIGIONS IN PRACTICE: An Introduction Lopez, Donald S., ed. Accessible, clear, and concise overviews of the religions of Asia, providing both historical context and insightful analysis of Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, and Bon, as well as many local traditions. 240pgs. • 1999 ◆ • Princeton • P • $31.95 / $16.98 156042 THE BUDDHA FROM DOLPO, REVISED AND EXPANDED: A Study of the Life and Thought of the Tibetan Master Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen Stearns, Cyrus The most controversial Buddhist master in the history of Tibet, Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen became perhaps the greatest Tibetan expert of the Kalacakra or Wheel of Time, a vast system of tantric teachings. Based largely on esoteric Buddhist knowledge from the legendary land of Shambhala, Dolpopa's insights have profoundly influenced the development of Tibetan Buddhism for more than 650 years. 496pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Snow Lion Publications • C • $39.95 / $12.98 111376 THE CAMPHOR FLAME: Popular Hinduism and Society in India Fuller, C. J. Popular Hinduism is shaped by the worship of a multitude of powerful divine beings -- a proverbial total of 330 million gods and goddesses. The fluid relationship between these beings and humans is a central theme of this rich and accessible study of popular Hinduism in the context of contemporary Indian society. 360pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Princeton • P • $42.00 / $24.98 ✪ 080189 CLASSICS OF BUDDHISM AND ZEN, VOL. 4: Transmission of Light - Unlocking the Zen Koan Original Face - Timeless Spring - Zen Antics - Record of Things Heard Sleepless Nights THE COLLECTED TRANSLATIONS OF THOMAS CLEARY Cleary, Thomas Thomas Cleary holds a PhD in East Asian Languages and Civilizations from Harvard University. He is the translator of more than 50 volumes of Buddhist, Taoist, Confucian, and Islamic texts from Sanskrit, Chinese, Japanese, Pali, and Arabic. 912pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Shambhala • P • $26.95 / $9.98 Some books are in limited supply. Order today! 80,000 more books online 156045 COMPASSIONATE ACTION Chatral Rinpoche The first English-language book by the "hidden yogi," a renowned figure described by Thomas Merton as "the greatest man I ever met." It includes his biography and autobiography, six of his essays, five prayers he composed, an exclusive interview, and 16 pages of photos. 112pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Snow Lion Publications • P • $16.95 / $6.98 150868 A CONCISE DICTIONARY OF BUDDHISM AND ZEN Erhard, Franz-Karl, et al. With more than 1,500 entries and 46 illustrations, this is the most complete compact reference work of its kind available in English. It is designed not only for students and meditators but also as a tool to help familiarize all readers with Buddhist terms and concepts -- such as chakra, karma, koan, nirvana, and tantra -- that are encountered with increasing regularity in a wide range of fields. 296pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Shambhala • P • $24.95 / $9.98 156046 DEBATE IN TIBETAN BUDDHISM Perdue, Daniel Debate is the investigative technique used in Tibetan education to sharpen analytical capacities and convey philosophical concepts. Using a debate manual by Pur-bujok Jam-ba-gya-tso (1825-1901) as his basis, Daniel Perdue covers elementary debate and demonstrates its application to a variety of secular and religious educational contexts. 984pgs. • 1992 ◆ • Snow Lion Publications • P • $75.00 / $24.98 048990 AN INTRODUCTION TO HINDUISM Flood, Gavin A thematic and historical introduction to Hinduism. Traces the development of Hindu traditions from ancient origins and the major deities to the modern world, discussing Hinduism as both a global religion and a form of nationalism. Emphasis is given to the tantric traditions, Hindu ritual, and Dravidian influences. 341pgs. • 1996 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $31.99 / $18.98 125677 YOGA: Immortality and Freedom Eliade, Mircea In this landmark book, first published in English in 1958, Eliade provides a comprehensive survey of Yoga in theory and practice from its earliest antecedents in the Vedas through the 20th century. A new Introduction by David Gordon White provides invaluable insight into Eliade's life and work. 568pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Princeton • P • $30.95 / $17.98 118661 THE ZEN ART BOOK: The Art of Enlightenment Loori, John Daido & Stephen Addiss When a Zen master puts brush to paper, the resulting image is a teaching, intended to stop us in our tracks and to compel us to consider ultimate truth. Here, 40 works by renowned masters such as Hakuin Ekaku and Gibon Sengai are reproduced along with commentary that illuminates both the art and its teaching. 128pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Shambhala • P • $21.95 / $7.98 157015 ZEN QUESTIONS: Zazen, Dogen, and the Spirit of Creative Inquiry Leighton, Taigen Dan Explores Zazen, the foundational practice of the Zen school, presenting it as an attitude of sustained inquiry that offers an entryway into true repose and joy. Leighton draws on his experience as a Zen scholar and teacher as well as the poetry of Rumi, Mary Oliver, Gary Snyder, and others in order to introduce the creativity of Zen awareness and practice. 312pgs. • 2002 ◆ • Wisdom Publications • P • $17.95 / $7.98 ECONOM ICS 136579 THE AFFLUENT SOCIETY AND OTHER WRITINGS, 1952-1967: American Capitalism; The Great Crash 1929; The Affluent Society; The New Industrial State Galbraith, John Kenneth Incisive and original, John Kenneth Galbraith wrote with an eloquence that burst the conventions of his discipline and won a readership none of his fellow economists could match. This Library of America volume, the first devoted to an economist, gathers four of his key early works, the books that established him as one of the leading public intellectuals of the last century. 1056pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $18.98 125784 ANIMAL SPIRITS: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism Akerlof, George A. & Robert J. Shiller From blind faith in ever-rising housing prices to plummeting confidence in capital markets, "animal spirits" are driving financial events worldwide. In this book, two acclaimed economists challenge the economic wisdom that got us into this mess, and put forward a bold new vision that will transform economics and restore prosperity. 264pgs. • 2009 ▲ • Princeton • C • $24.95 / $9.98 126043 THE BIG PROBLEM OF SMALL CHANGE Sargent, Thomas J. & François R. Velde Two leading economists examine the evolution of Western European economies through the lens of one of the classic problems of monetary history -- the recurring scarcity and depreciation of small change. Through penetrating analysis, they tell the story of how monetary technologies, doctrines, and practices evolved from 1300 to 1850, and of how the "standard formula" was devised to address an ageold dilemma without causing inflation. 432pgs. • 2003 ◆ • Princeton • P • $46.95 / $22.98 104368 THE BOX: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger Levinson, Marc In April 1956, a refitted tanker carried 58 shipping containers from Newark to Houston. From that modest beginning, container shipping developed into a huge industry that made the boom in global trade possible. In this fascinating volume, Levinson shows how the container transformed economic geography and brought consumers a previously unimaginable variety of low-cost products from around the globe. 376pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Princeton • P • $18.95 / $8.98 140854 CHASING STARS: The Myth of Talent and the Portability of Performance Groysberg, Boris After examining the careers of more than a thousand star analysts at Wall Street investment banks, and conducting more than two hundred frank interviews, Groysberg comes to a striking conclusion: star analysts who change firms suffer an immediate and lasting decline in performance. 464pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Princeton • P • $24.95 / $9.98 125773 THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS: A Natural History of Economic Life Seabright, Paul An original account of the emergence of the economic institutions that manage not only markets but also the world's myriad other affairs. Drawing on insights from biology, anthropology, history, psychology, and literature, Seabright explores how our evolved ability of abstract reasoning has allowed institutions like money, markets, and cities to provide the foundation of social trust. 368pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • P • $24.95 / $8.98 131949 THE ECONOMICS OF ENOUGH: How to Run the Economy as if the Future Matters Coyle, Diane The world's leading economies are facing not just one but many crises, as climate change threatens major disruptions, economic inequality has soared to extremes not seen for a century, and the ongoing global financial meltdown still looms. In this volume, Coyle examines how we can achieve the financial growth we need today without sacrificing a decent future for our children, our societies, and our planet. 336pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • C • $24.95 / $9.98 087909 THE ECONOMICS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: An Introduction Varian, Hal R., et al. An accessible review of economic factors affecting information technology industries. These industries are characterized by high fixed costs and low marginal costs of production, large switching costs for users, and strong network effects. Varian outlines the basic economics of these industries while Joseph Farrell and Carl Shapiro describe the impact of these factors on competition policy. 112pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $24.99 / $14.98 ✪ 157478 END THIS DEPRESSION NOW! Krugman, Paul "Nations rich in resources, talent, and knowledge -- all the ingredients for prosperity and a decent standard of living for all -- remain in a state of intense pain." How bad have things gotten? How did we get stuck in what can only be called a depression? Above all, how do we free ourselves? In this volume, Krugman pursues these questions with characteristic lucidity and insight. 272pgs. • 2012 ◆ • W. W. Norton • C • $24.95 / $7.98 148124 THE ENIGMA OF CAPITAL: And the Crises of Capitalism Harvey, David An impassioned account of how unchecked neoliberalism produced the system-wide crisis that now engulfs the world. Moving deftly between the historical development of global capitalism from the industrial era onward and the unfolding of the current situation, Harvey concentrates on how the crisis both devastates workers and creates openings for challenging the system's legitimacy. 304pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $24.95 / $9.98 111357 ESSAYS ON THE GREAT DEPRESSION Bernanke, Ben S. While the Great Depression was an unparalleled disaster, some economies recovered faster than others. By comparing and contrasting the economic strategies and statistics of the world's nations as they struggled to survive economically, the essays in this volume present a uniquely coherent view of the economic causes and worldwide propagation of the depression. 320pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Princeton • P • $37.50 / $16.98 w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m 29 E C O N O M I C S 30 E C O N O M I C S 125769 A FAREWELL TO ALMS: A Brief Economic History of the World Clark, Gregory Why are some parts of the world so rich and others so poor? Why didn't industrialization make the whole world rich -- and why did it make large parts of the world poorer? In this provocative book, Clark tackles these questions and argues that culture -- not exploitation, geography, or resources -- explains the wealth and poverty of nations. 432pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Princeton • P • $24.95 / $9.98 136991 LIFE OF ADAM SMITH Ross, Ian Simpson A revised edition of the only book to give a full account of Smith's life while also placing his work into the context of his life and times. Updated to include new scholarship which has recently come to light, this full-scale biography examines the personality, career, and social and intellectual circumstances of the Scottish moral philosopher who is regarded as the founder of scientific economics. 500pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $55.00 / $12.98 135560 FAULT LINES: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy Rajan, Raghuram G. One of the few economists to warn of the global financial crisis before it hit warns that a potentially more devastating crisis awaits us. He shows how the individual choices that collectively brought about the economic meltdown were rational responses to a flawed global financial order in which the incentives to take on risk are out of step with the dangers those risks pose. 272pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $17.95 / $6.98 ✪ 099824 LIVING STANDARDS AND THE WEALTH OF NATIONS: Successes and Failures in Real Convergence Balcerowicz, Leszek & Stanley Fischer, eds. The question of convergence, or under what conditions the per capita income levels of developing countries can catch up to those found in advanced economies, is critical for understanding economic growth and development. The contributors to this volume offer detailed theoretical and empirical examinations of what factors make for successful convergence. 432pgs. • 2006 ◆ • MIT • C • $50.00 / $10.98 ✪ 157729 FINANCIAL CENTRES AND INTERNATIONAL CAPITAL FLOWS IN THE NINETEENTH AND TWENTIETH CENTURIES Cassis, Youssef & Laure Quennouëlle-Corre, eds. Brings together leading authorities in the field to examine the direction of international capital flows in light of the nature of the banking system, market organization, the regulatory framework, and contextual political and diplomatic factors. The contributors discuss competition, collaboration, withdrawal, and re-emergence of financial centers in Europe, America, and Asia over the past two centuries. 336pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $110.00 / $24.98 ✪ 157788 MANAGED BY THE MARKETS: How Finance ReShaped America Davis, Gerald F. Since the early 1980s, finance and financial considerations have increasingly taken center stage, dramatically reshaping American society. This illuminating account of how finance has replaced manufacturing at the center of the American economy explains how the new financecentered system works, how we got here, and what challenges lie ahead. 336pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $21.95 / $5.98 054955 FINANCING THE AMERICAN DREAM: A Cultural History of Consumer Credit Calder, Lendol G. The first book-length social and cultural history of the rise of consumer credit in America. Focusing on the years between 1890 and 1940, when the legal and institutional bases of today's credit practices were established, Calder traces how credit was transformed from a widespread but morally dubious practice into an almost universally accepted institution. 400pgs. • 2001 ◆ • Princeton • P • $42.00 / $20.98 125831 FREE TRADE REIMAGINED: The World Division of Labor and the Method of Economics Unger, Roberto Mangabeira Argues that the movement of people and ideas is more important than the movement of things and money, and that freedom to change the institutions defining a market economy is as important as freedom to exchange goods. The book's sustained criticism of the theory and practice of free trade serves as a point of departure for a proposal to rethink the basic ideas with which we explain economic activity. 240pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • P • $22.95 / $12.98 111349 THE GREAT CONTRACTION 1929-1933 Friedman, Milton & Anna Jacobson Schwartz One of the most influential books of 20th century economics. It marshals massive historical data and sharp analytics to support the authors' claim that steady control of the money supply is profoundly important to the management of the nation's economy, especially in navigating serious economic fluctuations. 320pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Princeton • P • $28.95 / $12.98 ✪ 111378 ONE ECONOMICS, MANY RECIPES: Globalization, Institutions, and Economic Growth Rodrik, Dani A leading economist argues that neither globalizers nor antiglobalizers have got it right. While economic globalization can be a boon for countries that are trying to dig out of poverty, success usually requires following policies that are tailored to local economic and political realities rather than obeying the dictates of the international globalization establishment. 280pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Princeton • P • $25.95 / $11.98 133791 THIS TIME IS DIFFERENT: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly Reinhart, Carmen M. & Kenneth S. Rogoff A comprehensive catalog of government defaults, banking panics, and inflationary spikes, from medieval currency debasements to today's subprime catastrophe. The authors show that while countries do weather their financial storms, short memories make it all too easy for crises to recur. 512pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $19.95 / $8.98 127229 ZOMBIE ECONOMICS: How Dead Ideas Still Walk among Us Quiggin, John The global financial crisis has laid bare many of the assumptions behind market liberalism -- the theory that market-based solutions are always best, regardless of the problem. John Quiggin explains how these dead ideas still walk among us, and why we must find a way to kill them once and for all if we are to avoid an even bigger financial crisis in the future. 216pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • C • $24.95 / $9.98 visit for 80,000 more titles. 80,000 more books online EU ROPEAN H ISTORY & POLITICS 121540 THE BATTLE FOR CHRISTENDOM: The Council of Constance and the Dawn of Modern Europe Welsh, Frank At the dawn of the 15th century, with Christendom under threat, the Emperor Sigismund summoned the nations of Europe to a conference, attracting the greatest minds in the western world as well as innumerable princes, lawyers, and prostitutes. The event would be one of the major turning points in European history, heralding the dawn of the Renaissance and the rise of humanism. 320pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Overlook Press • C • $27.95 / $9.98 104342 BUDWEISERS INTO CZECHS AND GERMANS: A Local History of Bohemian Politics King, Jeremy German and Czech-speaking Budweis/Budæjovice belonged to the Habsburg Monarchy until 1918, and then to Czechoslovakia, to Hitler's Third Reich, and to Czechoslovakia again. This history of a single town in Bohemia casts new light on nationalism in Central Europe between the Springtime of Nations in 1848 and the Cold War. 304pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Princeton • P • $35.00 / $21.98 043561 THE BUSINESS OF ALCHEMY: Science and Culture in the Holy Roman Empire Smith, Pamela H. Explores the relationships among alchemy, the court, and commerce in order to illuminate the cultural history of the Holy Roman Empire in the 16th and 17th centuries, showing how religious salvation was transformed into material increase. 308pgs. • 1994 ◆ • Princeton • P • $52.50 / $27.98 ✪ 133198 CATHOLICISM AND THE ROOTS OF NAZISM: Religious Identity and National Socialism Hastings, Derek Although an antagonistic relationship between the Catholic Church and Hitler's regime developed later during the Third Reich, the early Nazi movement was born in Munich, a city whose population was overwhelmingly Catholic. Focusing on Munich and the surrounding area, Hastings shows how Catholics played a central and hitherto overlooked role in the Nazi movement before the 1923 Beerhall Putsch. 312pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $29.95 / $12.98 087175 A CONCISE HISTORY OF GERMANY SECOND EDITION Fulbrook, Mary The multi-faceted, problematic history of the German lands has supplied material for a wide range of debates and differences of interpretation. The text spans the early Middle Ages to the present day, synthesizing a vast array of historical material, as Fulbrook explores interrelationships between social, political and cultural factors in the light of recent scholarly controversies. 296pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $30.99 / $17.98 053755 A CONCISE HISTORY OF ITALY: Updated Edition Duggan, Christopher From the fall of the Roman Empire to the late 20th century, this volume focuses on the difficulties Italy has faced in forging a nation state. It considers the geographical and cultural obstacles to unity, and surveys the centuries of political fragmentation that Italy's new rulers had to overcome when the country became unified, more by accident than design, in 1859-61. 324pgs. • 1994 ▲ • Cambridge • P • $31.99 / $16.98 157273 EARLY MODERN SPAIN: A Documentary History Cowans, Jon Encompassing political, cultural, social, and economic history, this volume provides a valuable opportunity to explore the history of Spain through primary sources. It explores the problems and experiences of Spain's empire, regional and ethnic tensions, the place of women and minorities in society, and the roles played by Spanish artists. 288pgs. • 2003 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $69.95 / $29.98 123408 EICHMANN'S MEN Safrian, Hans Examines the central group of Nazi perpetrators who expelled massive numbers of Eastern European Jews from their homelands and deported them to ghettos, concentration camps, and killing centers. Safrian reconstructs the "careers" of these men in connection with the escalation of racial policies from stigmatization, divestment, and segregation to deportation, forced labor, and mass murder. 336pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $28.99 / $12.98 ✪ 157803 THE END OF HIDDEN IRELAND: Rebellion, Famine, and Emigration Scally, Robert Focusing on the townland of Ballykilcline in Roscommon, Scally offers a richly detailed portrait of Irish rural life on the eve of the Great Famine. From their internal lives and values, to their violent conflict with the English Crown, from rent strikes to the potato blight, he takes the emigrants on each stage of their journey from Ireland to New York. 288pgs. • 1996 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $50.00 / $16.98 134829 EVENING'S EMPIRE: A History of the Night in Early Modern Europe Koslofsky, Craig A fascinating study of the myriad ways in which early modern people understood, experienced, and transformed the night. Using diaries, letters, and legal records together with representations of the night in early modern religion, literature and art, Koslofsky opens up an entirely new perspective on early modern Europe. 448pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $29.99 / $19.98 152107 THE FAILURE OF ILLIBERALISM: Essays on the Political Culture of Modern Germany Stern, Fritz R. Fritz Stern argues that from Bismarck to the end of World War II, German society embraced the impulse toward totalitarianism fostered by the country's fundamentally illiberal stance. He also examines the efforts of German scholars to explain the phenomenon of Nazism, the attempt of the German people to come to terms with their past, and the failure of illiberalism in the 1950s. 244pgs. • 1992 ◆ • Columbia • P • $34.00 / $12.98 BOOK HISTORY 142986 HOW TO DO THINGS WITH BOOKS IN VICTORIAN BRITAIN Price, Leah From knickknacks to wastepaper, books mattered to the Victorians in ways that cannot be explained by their printed content alone. Supplementing close readings of novels by Thackeray, Dickens, and other writers with a sensitive reconstruction of how Victorians thought and felt about books, Price offers a new model for integrating literary theory with cultural history. 360pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Princeton • C • $29.95 / $16.98 157285 THE INCARNATE TEXT: Imagining the Book in Reformation England Kearney, James An investigation of the crisis of the book occasioned by the Reformation's simultaneous faith in text and distrust of material forms. Examining a wide range of topics -- from humanism and hermeneutics to secularization and enlightenment, from iconoclasm and anti-Semitism to barbarism and fetishism -- Kearney reveals how this crisis helped change the way the modern world apprehends both texts and things. 328pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $69.95 / $24.98 w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m 31 E U R O P E A N H I S T O R Y & P O L I T I C S 32 FRANCE E U R O P E A N 157195 EXOTIC WOMEN: Literary Heroines and Cultural Strategies in Ancient Regime France Douthwaite, Julia V. Describes the interrelated representations of cultural and sexual difference in key French works of the late 17th and 18th centuries. The heroines of the book are foreign women, brought to France through no will of their own and forced into the margins of a new society. 224pgs. • 1992 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $26.50 / $5.98 H I S T O R Y & P O L I T I C S 028839 FRANCE UNDER NAPOLEON PALMER, R. R., TRANS. Bergeron, Louis An analysis of French society and the nature of the Napoleonic system, covering the political, administrative, social, economic, and cultural facets of the First Empire, opposition to his systems, and the reasons his dreams were not realized. 230pgs. • 1990 ◆ • Princeton • P • $35.00 / $17.98 ✪ 157485 HAMMER OF THE GODS: The Thule Society and the Birth of Nazism Luhrssen, David The Thule Society, which attempted to establish an anti-Semitic, working-class front for disseminating its esoteric ideas, gave rise to the German Workers' Party, which Hitler would later transform into the Nazi Party. This volume is the first comprehensive study of the society's activities, its cultural roots, and its postwar ramifications. 316pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Potomac Books • C • $35.00 / $12.98 111451 THE HANDLESS MAIDEN: Moriscos and the Politics of Religion in Early Modern Spain Perry, Mary Elizabeth In 1502, a decade of increasing tension between Muslims and Christians in Spain culminated in a royal decree that Muslims in Castile wanting to remain had to convert to Christianity. Mary Elizabeth Perry uses this event as the starting point for a remarkable exploration of how converted Muslims and their descendants responded to their increasing disempowerment. 202pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Princeton • P • $27.95 / $16.98 ✪ 157784 IN THE SHADOW OF THE GENERAL: Modern France and the Myth of de Gaulle Hazareesingh, Sudhir Why do the French identify with, celebrate, and even revere an austere and devout Catholic who remained closely wedded to military values throughout his life? Hazareesingh's revealing examination of how an individual's life was transformed into national myth explores how de Gaulle has come to occupy such a privileged position in the French imagination. 288pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $29.95 / $9.98 157244 HERESY AND AUTHORITY IN EUROPE Peters, Edward, ed. Throughout the Middle Ages and early modern Europe, to maintain a belief in opposition to orthodoxy was to set oneself in opposition not merely to church and state but to a whole culture in all of its manifestations. In this volume, Edward Peters makes available the most compact and wide-ranging collection of source materials in translation on medieval orthodoxy and heterodoxy in social context. 312pgs. • 1980 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $28.95 / $11.98 132170 NAPOLEON: The Path to Power, 1769-1799 Dwyer, Philip One of the first truly modern politicians, Napoleon was a master of "spin," who used the media to project an idealized image of himself. Dwyer sheds new light on Napoleon's inner life -- especially his darker side and his passions -- to reveal a ruthless, manipulative, driven man whose character has been disguised by the public image he carefully fashioned to suit the purposes of his ambition. 672pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Yale • C • $35.00 / $9.98 039510 THE HISTORY OF ITALY Guicciardini, Francesco In 1537, Francesco Guicciardini, adviser and confidant to three popes, governor of several central Italian states, ambassador, administrator, and military captain, retired to his villa to write a history of his times. His Storia d'Italia became the classic history of Italy -- both a brilliant portrayal of the Renaissance and a penetrating vision into the tragedy and comedy of human history in general. 457pgs. • 1984 ◆ • Princeton • P • $37.50 / $19.98 028886 THE SANS-CULOTTES: The Popular Movement & Revolutionary Government 1793-1794 Soboul, Albert A study of the ideology of the artisans, master craftsmen, shopkeepers, small merchants, and domestic servants of Paris, the revolutionary process during the period of the Jacobin dictatorship of Public Safety, and the French Revolution. 279pgs. • 1980 ◆ • Princeton • P • $39.95 / $21.98 157233 HITLER'S FACE: The Biography of an Image Schmölders, Claudia Schmölders demonstrates how the adulation of Hitler's face stands at the conjunction of ideologies in which nationalism was joined to a belief in the determinative power of physiognomy. The veneration of the idealized German face, and the fanatical devotion to Hitler's in particular, was but one component of a project that also encouraged the identification of supposedly degenerate "Jewish" physical traits. 240pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $24.95 / $8.98 111628 TWELVE WHO RULED: The Year of the Terror in the French Revolution Palmer, R. R. Facing a multifaceted crisis that threatened to overwhelm the Republic, the French revolutionary government instituted a revolutionary dictatorship and a "reign of terror," with a Committee of Public Safety at its head. Palmer's narrative follows the Committee's deputies individually and collectively, recounting and assessing their tumultuous struggles in Paris and their repressive missions in the provinces. 440pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Princeton • P • $35.00 / $14.98 157247 VAUX AND VERSAILLES: The Appropriations, Erasures, and Accidents That Made Modern France Goldstein, Claire Before Louis XV began work on Versailles, Vaux-le-Vicomte, the chateau of his finance minister Nicolas Fouquet, was, for a few short years, the country's artistic capital. Claire Goldstein shows how the connection between Vaux and Versailles -- a connection made by means of political repression, theft, and erasure -- lies at the heart of classical style. 288pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $59.95 / $18.98 80,000 more books online 111421 THE HUNGARIANS: A Thousand Years of Victory in Defeat Lendvai, Paul The fascinating story of how the Hungarians, despite a string of catastrophes and their linguistic and cultural isolation, have survived as a nation-state for more than 1,000 years. Lendvai explains how and why this isolated corner of Europe produced such a galaxy of great scientists, artists, and entrepreneurs. 608pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Princeton • P • $37.50 / $22.98 152475 THE INNER LIFE OF EMPIRES: An EighteenthCentury History Rothschild, Emma The intimate history of the Johnstone family -- four sisters and seven brothers who lived in Scotland and around the globe in the fast-changing 18th century. Piecing together their voyages, marriages, debts, and lawsuits, and examining their ideas, sentiments, and values, Rothschild illuminates a tumultuous period that created the modern economy, the British Empire, and the philosophical Enlightenment. 496pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Princeton • P • $22.95 / $9.98 058371 THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE: Culture and Society in Italy Burke, Peter This social and cultural history of the Italian Renaissance discusses the social and political institutions that existed in Italy during the 15th and 16th centuries, and analyzes the ways of thinking and seeing that characterized this period of extraordinary artistic creativity. 305pgs. • 1999 ◆ • Princeton • P • $35.00 / $14.98 141668 KRUPP: A History of the Legendary German Firm James, Harold No company symbolized the best and worst of modern German history more than the famous steel and arms maker. In this book, Harold James tells the story of the Krupp family and its industrial empire between the early 19th century and the present, and analyzes its transition from a family business to one owned by a nonprofit foundation. 360pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Princeton • C • $35.00 / $13.98 038638 THE NAZI WAR ON CANCER Proctor, Robert N. Nazi Germany was also decades ahead of other countries in promoting health reforms that we today regard as progressive and socially responsible. Proctor concludes that the Nazis' forward-looking health activism ultimately came from the same twisted root as their medical atrocities: the ideal of a sanitary racial utopia reserved exclusively for pure and healthy Germans. 380pgs. • 2000 ◆ • Princeton • P • $37.50 / $19.98 150713 THE POLITICS OF AUTHENTICITY: Radical Individualism and the Emergence of Modern Society Berman, Marshall Focusing on 18th-century Paris, where a distinctively modern form of society was just coming into its own, Berman shows how the ideal of authenticity -- of a self that could organize the individual's energy and direct it toward his own happiness -- articulated 18th-century man's deepest responses to this brave new world, and his most ardent hope for a new life in it. 352pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Verso • P • $24.95 / $8.98 154690 PRAGUE, CAPITAL OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY: A Surrealist History Sayer, Derek Ranging across 20th-century Prague's astonishingly vibrant and surprising human landscape, this richly illustrated cultural history describes how the city has experienced (and suffered) more ways of being modern than perhaps any other metropolis. 624pgs. • 2013 ◆ • Princeton • C • $35.00 / $17.98 ✪ 157792 THE PURSUIT OF THE NAZI MIND: Hitler, Hess, and the Analysts Pick, Daniel The story of how psychoanalysis was used by the Allies in the crucial quest to understand the Nazi mind. Drawing on archives from both sides of the Atlantic, Pick shows how Freud's famous "talking cure" was harnessed to the particular needs of military intelligence during the war and the task of post-war reconstruction that followed. 374pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $35.00 / $9.98 157218 READING EARLY MODERN PASSIONS: Essays in the Cultural History of Emotion Paster, Gail Kern, et al., eds. Assessing the changing discourses of feeling and their relevance to the cultural history of affect, the contributors to this volume offer interdisciplinary essays on the meanings and representations of the emotional universe of Renaissance Europe in literature, music, and art. 392pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C NDJ • $75.00 / $19.98 RUSSIA 33 131727 DEATH AND REDEMPTION: The Gulag and the Shaping of Soviet Society Barnes, Steven A fundamental reinterpretation of the role of the Soviet Union's vast system of forced-labor camps, internal exile, and prisons in the structuring of Soviet society. Drawing on newly opened archives in Russia and Kazakhstan as well as memoirs by actual prisoners, Barnes shows how the Gulag was integral to the Soviet goal of building socialism. 368pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $39.95 / $22.98 E U R O P E A N 111702 HOW RUSSIA SHAPED THE MODERN WORLD: From Art to Anti-Semitism, Ballet to Bolshevism Marks, Steven G. Moving from Moscow and St. Petersburg to Beijing and Berlin, London and Luanda, Mexico and Mississippi, Marks conducts an intellectual tour of the Russian exports that shaped the 20th century. The result is a richly textured and stunningly original account of the extent to which Russia -- as an idea and a producer of ideas -- has contributed to the world we live in. 408pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Princeton • P • $31.95 / $17.98 111555 MAPPING ST. PETERSBURG: Imperial Text and Cityshape Buckler, Julie A. Traces the evolution of Russia's onetime capital from a "conceptual hierarchy" to a living cultural system -- a topography expressed not only by the city's physical structures but also by the literary texts that have helped create it. She views the grand city, the product of Peter the Great's ambitious vision, not only as a geographical entity but also as a network of genres bearing historical and cultural meaning. 364pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Princeton • P • $30.95 / $16.98 048885 RUSSIA'S ECONOMY OF FAVOURS: Blat, Networking and Informal Exchange Ledeneva, Alena V. Examines blat--the use of informal contacts and personal networks to obtain goods and services in Soviet Russia--analyzing its historical, socioeconomic, and cultural aspects and its implications for post-Soviet Russia. 235pgs. • 1998 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $47.00 / $23.98 123043 SERFDOM, SOCIETY, AND THE ARTS IN IMPERIAL RUSSIA: The Pleasure and the Power Stites, Richard A groundbreaking history of visual and performing arts in the last decades of serfdom. Stites shows how the provinces interacted with the cosmopolitan cultures of Moscow and St. Petersburg, as thousands of serfs and ex-serfs created or performed and painters explored town and country in order to create genre scenes of everyday life. 640pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Yale • P • $32.50 / $12.98 135484 THE RELIGIOUS ENLIGHTENMENT: Protestants, Jews, and Catholics from London to Vienna Sorkin, David Reveals how the major religions of Europe gave rise to movements of renewal and reform that championed such Enlightenment ideas as reasonableness and natural religion, toleration and natural law. Sorkin shows how Calvinist enlightened orthodoxy, Jewish Haskalah, and reform Catholicism were influential participants in the 18th century's public sphere and promoted a new ideal of church-state relations. 360pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $30.95 / $18.98 Some books are in limited supply. Order today! w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m H I S T O R Y & P O L I T I C S 34 F I L M & M E D I A S T U D I E S 028880 RESTORATION, REVOLUTION, REACTION: Economics & Politics in Germany, 1815-1871 Hamerow, Theodore S. Examines the dissatisfactions caused by the transition from agrarianism to industrialism, and shows the severe impact on German politics of the social adjustments required to meet the new economic conditions. 347pgs. • 1990 ◆ • Princeton • P • $55.00 / $29.98 127801 THE RISING: Ireland: Easter 1916 McGarry, Fearghal Drawn from a recently released archive of more than 1,700 eyewitness accounts, this gripping volume tells the story of the Easter Rising as seen through the eyes of the rebels themselves, capturing in crisp, unflinching detail what the nascent Irish revolution actually felt like. Fearghal McGarry deftly interweaves the oral history of these rank-and-file revolutionaries into a comprehensive, yet powerfully affecting narrative. 304pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $35.00 / $12.98 152901 SCOTLAND: A Concise History FOURTH EDITION MacLean, Fitzroy Continuously in print for more than 40 years and renowned for the authority and wit with which it disentangles the complex threads of Scotland's rich history, this classic work has been brought up to date with recent events along the path to Scottish independence. More than 240 illustrations provide a rich visual record of Scotland's art, craftsmanship, and intellectual life. 260pgs. • 2012 ▲ • Thames & Hudson • P • $19.95 / $7.98 127008 SEX AFTER FASCISM: Memory and Morality in Twentieth-Century Germany Herzog, Dagmar This history of sexual attitudes and practices in 20th-century Germany investigates such issues as contraception, pornography, and theories of sexual orientation. It also demonstrates how Germans made sexuality a key site for managing the memory and legacies of Nazism and the Holocaust. 368pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Princeton • P • $30.95 / $19.98 132171 SPAIN, EUROPE AND THE WIDER WORLD 1500-1800 Elliott, J. H. Organized around three themes -- early modern Europe; European overseas expansion; and the works and historical context of El Greco, Velázquez, Rubens, and Van Dyck -- this volume offers a rich survey of the themes at the heart of Elliott's interests throughout a career distinguished by excellence and innovation. 352pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Yale • C • $38.00 / $7.98 049261 STATES AND SOCIAL REVOLUTIONS: A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia, and China Skocpol, Theda Why have social revolutions occurred in some countries but not in others? How and why have pre-revolutionary regimes come into crisis? Skocpol's study offers important new theoretical strategies within a comparative historical analysis of the causes and outcomes of three major instances of social revolution. 448pgs. • 1979 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $43.00 / $25.98 ✪ 157501 THIRD REICH DATABOOK: 1939-45 McNab, Chris An essential reference guide for anyone interested in the history or demographics of the Third Reich. Broken down by key subject areas such as the economy, geography, military, religion, politics, law and crime, culture, and racial and social policy, the book includes comprehensive reference tables, diagrams, maps and charts, presenting all the core subject information in easy-to-follow formats. 192pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Amber Books • C • $34.95 / $12.98 157267 VOICES OF THE ENGLISH REFORMATION: A Sourcebook King, John N. Spanning the different phases of the Reformation from Tyndale's 1525 translation of the Bible to the death of Elizabeth I, this magisterial anthology brings together a range of texts that are otherwise largely inaccessible. Demonstrating how Reformation ideas pervade the writings of Spenser, Shakespeare, Sidney, and Marlowe, the readings help foreground such issues as the relationship between church and state, the status of women, and resistance to unjust authority. 416pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $29.95 / $12.98 WITCHCRAFT AND MAGIC IN EUROPE Each volume of this ambitious series contains the work of distinguished scholars chosen for their expertise in a particular era or region. Together, the series provides a modern, scholarly survey of the supernatural beliefs of Europeans from ancient times to the present day. ✪ 157271 WITCHCRAFT AND MAGIC IN EUROPE, VOLUME 1: Biblical & Pagan Societies Ankarloo, Begnt & Stuart Clark, eds. 152pgs. • 2001 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C NDJ • $59.95 / $21.98 ✪ 157270 WITCHCRAFT AND MAGIC IN EUROPE, VOLUME 3: The Middle Ages Ankarloo, Begnt & Stuart Clark, eds. 288pgs. • 2002 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C NDJ • $69.95 / $24.98 ✪ 157234 WITCHCRAFT AND MAGIC IN EUROPE, VOLUME 4: The Period of the Witch Trials Ankarloo, Begnt & Stuart Clark, eds. 224pgs. • 2002 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $27.50 / $12.98 FI LM & M EDIA STU DI ES ✪ 087787 THE "I" OF THE CAMERA: Essays in Film Criticism, History, and Aesthetics Rothman, William An illuminating book that challenges readers to think about film in new ways that are more responsive to the ways we experience movies. In eloquent essays examining specific films, filmmakers, genres and movements, Rothman argues that movies have inherited the philosophical perspective of American transcendentalism. 424pgs. • 2003 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $39.99 / $9.98 104372 AN ACCENTED CINEMA: Exilic and Diasporic Filmmaking Naficy, Hamid An engaging overview of an important trend, the work of postcolonial, Third World, and other displaced filmmakers living in the West. Treating creativity as a social practice, Naficy demonstrates that these films are in dialogue not only with the home and host societies but also with audiences, many of whom are also situated astride cultural fault lines. 368pgs. • 2001 ◆ • Princeton • P • $46.95 / $23.98 visit for 80,000 more titles. 80,000 more books online 140891 THE AGE OF MOVIES: Selected Writings Kael, Pauline Pauline Kael called movies "the most total and encompassing art form we have," and she made her reviews a platform for considering both film and the worlds it engages, crafting in the process a prose style of extraordinary wit, precision, and improvisatory grace. This volume includes her appraisals of the films that defined an era, including Breathless, Bonnie and Clyde, The Leopard, The Godfather, Last Tango in Paris, Nashville, and many others. 750pgs. • 2011 ▲ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $16.98 101662 AMERICAN MOVIE CRITICS: From the Silents until Now Lopate, Phillip, ed. A dynamic force in American culture since the early 20th century, movies have presented several generations of American writers and reviewers with a fascinating and challenging subject. This volume reveals how those critics rose to the challenge, and in the process created an extraordinary body of work. Joining the full-time film critics are many distinguished American authors, including Ralph Ellison, Susan Sontag, James Baldwin, Brendan Gill, and John Ashbery. 825pgs. • 2006 ▲ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $16.98 133686 HISTORY OF ITALIAN CINEMA 1905-2003 Brunetta, Gian Piero The most comprehensive guide to Italian film ever published. Written by the foremost scholar of Italian cinema and presented for the first time in English, this landmark book traces the complete history of filmmaking in Italy from its origins in the silent era through its golden age in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s, its subsequent decline, and its resurgence today. 368pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $27.95 / $17.98 SIEGFRIED KRACAUER 35 127078 FROM CALIGARI TO HITLER: A Psychological History of the German Film Kracauer, Siegfried Kracauer's pioneering book, which examines German history from 1921 to 1933 in light of such movies as The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, M, Metropolis, and The Blue Angel, broke new ground in exploring the connections between film aesthetics, the prevailing psychological state of Germans in the Weimar era, and the evolving social and political reality of the time. 432pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Princeton • P • $37.50 / $21.98 F O O D 125871 THEORY OF FILM: The Redemption of Physical Reality Kracauer, Siegfried Kracauer's classic study, originally published in 1960, explores the distinctive qualities of the cinematic medium. In this new edition, editor Miriam Bratu Hansen provides a framework for appreciating the book's significance for contemporary film theory. 488pgs. • 1997 ◆ • Princeton • P • $39.95 / $21.98 127739 THE HITCHCOCK ROMANCE: Love and Irony in Hitchcock's Films Brill, Lesley Was Hitchcock a cynical trifler with his audience's emotions, as he liked to pretend? Or was he a profoundly humane artist? Most commentators leave Hitchcock's self-assessment unquestioned, but this book shows that his movies convey an affectionate, hopeful understanding of human nature and the redemptive possibilities of love. 312pgs. • 1991 ◆ • Princeton • P • $42.00 / $16.98 125371 LIFE: THE MOVIE: How Entertainment Conquered Reality Gabler, Neal A leading cultural critic reveals how our bottomless appetite for novelty, gossip, glamour, and melodrama has turned everything of importance -- from news and politics to religion and high culture -- into one vast public spectacle. "A thoughtful, in places chilling, account of the way entertainment values have hollowed out American life" -- The New York Times Book Review. 320pgs. • 2000 ◆ • Random House • P • $16.95 / $6.98 FOOD & COOKI NG 106887 AMERICAN FOOD WRITING: An Anthology with Classic Recipes O'Neill, Molly, ed. A harvest of more than 250 years of American culinary history. This literary feast includes classic accounts of iconic American foods: Henry David Thoreau on the delights of watermelon; Herman Melville on clam chowder; H. L. Mencken on the hot dog; M. F. K. Fisher in praise of the oyster; Ralph Ellison on the irresistible appeal of baked yam; and William Styron on Southern fried chicken. 753pgs. • 2007 ▲ • Library of America • C • $40.00 / $16.98 156403 MUSINGS ON WINE AND OTHER LIBATIONS Fisher, M. F. K. The first collection to gather Fisher's finest writings on wine. In sparkling prose, Fisher reminisces about marvelous meals enjoyed and drinks savored; describes the memorable restaurants that welcomed and educated her; discusses rosés, sherry, chilled whites, and cocktails; and escorts readers from Dijon to Sonoma. 304pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Sterling • C • $18.95 / $7.98 ✪ ■ ◆ ▲ New to Catalog New from the publisher Remainder - like new Publisher returns 128025 SECRET INGREDIENTS: The New Yorker Book of Food and Drink Remnick, David, ed. In this indispensable collection, The New Yorker dishes up a feast of delicious writing: food and drink memoirs, short stories, tell-alls, and poems, seasoned with a generous dash of cartoons. The contributors include Roger Angell on the art of the martini, Don DeLillo on Jell-O, Malcolm Gladwell on building a better ketchup, and Calvin Trillin on New York's best bagel. 608pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Modern Library • P • $18.00 / $6.98 ✪ 157828 THE VEGETARIAN IMPERATIVE Saxena, Anand M. Our insatiable appetite for animal-based foods contributes directly to high rates of chronic diseases, and dangerously depletes the food available for human consumption. In this volume, a scientist explains why we need to make better choices: for better health, to eliminate world hunger, and, ultimately, to save the planet. 280pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Johns Hopkins • C • $24.95 / $5.98 Note: remainders and publisher returns may be marked with a small line or dot. Some books are in limited supply. Order today! w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m & C O O K I N G 36 H I S T O R Y H ISTORY 111506 THE CRAFT OF INTERNATIONAL HISTORY: A Guide to Method Trachtenberg, Marc A practical guide to the historical study of international politics, grounded in the author's more than forty years' experience as a working historian. The focus is on the nuts and bolts of historical research -- that is, on how to use original sources, analyze and interpret historical works, and actually write a work of history. 266pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Princeton • P • $30.95 / $19.98 148172 CRITICAL ENTHUSIASM: Capital Accumulation and the Transformation of Religious Passion Rosenberg, Jordana The Atlantic world of the long 18th century was characterized by two major, interrelated phenomena: the onset of capital accumulation and the infusion of traditions of radical religious rapture into Enlightenment discourses. In exploring these cross-pollinations, Rosenberg shows that debates around religious radicalism are linked to the advent of capitalism at its very root: as legal precedent, as financial rhetoric, and as aesthetic form. 288pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $70.00 / $9.98 087656 ECOLOGICAL IMPERIALISM: The Biological Expansion of Europe, 900-1900 NEW EDITION Crosby, Alfred W. Revisiting his classic work and again evaluating the ecological reasons for European expansion, Crosby explains that the Europeans' displacement and replacement of the native peoples in the temperate zones of North America, Australia, and New Zealand was more a matter of biology than of imperialistic military conquest. 390pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $31.99 / $18.98 ✪ 116139 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE MODERN WORLD: 1750 to the Present Stearns, Peter N. Enriched with more than 800 halftones and 50 maps, this eight-volume reference work provides articles on countries, regions, and ethnic groups; themes involving social history, demography, family life, politics, economics, religion, thought, education, science and technology, and culture; events such as major wars; and extensive coverage of the US. 4672pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $1,255.00 / $199.98 ✪ 157805 HEAVEN ON EARTH: The Varieties of the Millennial Experience Landes, Richard Allen Reveals how movements generally regarded as secular -- including the French Revolution, Bolshevism, and Nazism -- not only contain key millennialist elements but follow an apocalyptic curve of enthusiastic launch, disappointment and (often catastrophic) re-entry into "normal time." Examining the millennialism behind such recent events as the emergence of global jihad, Landes challenges the notion that modern history is largely driven by secular interests. 520pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $35.00 / $9.98 055293 IMPLICIT UNDERSTANDINGS: Observing, Reporting, and Reflecting on the Encounters Between Europeans and Other Peoples in the Early Modern Era Schwartz, Stuart B., ed. Brings together the work of 20 scholars who examine the nature of the encounter between Europeans and other peoples from roughly 1450 to 1800. The volume is global in scope but is unified by the underlying theme that implicit understandings influence every culture's ideas about itself and others. 655pgs. • 1994 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $57.00 / $33.98 80,000 more books online ✪ 157748 IN GOD'S EMPIRE: French Missionaries and the Modern World White, Owen & J. P. Daughton, eds. Original essays examining how French missionaries shaped local communities, French national prowess, and global politics in the two centuries following the French Revolution. It offers both an overview of the major historical dimensions of the French evangelical enterprise and an introduction to the theoretical and methodological challenges of placing this missionary work in its historical context. 336pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $74.00 / $39.98 040493 THE INVENTION OF PORNOGRAPHY: Obscenity and the Origins of Modernity, 1500-1800 Hunt, Lynn, ed. Examines how pornography emerged as a literary practice and as a category of knowledge intimately linked to the formative moments of Western modernity and the democratization of culture. 411pgs. • 1993 ◆ • Zone Books • C • $44.95 / $9.98 ✪ 157505 THE ORIGINS OF SEX: A History of the First Sexual Revolution Dabhoiwala, Faramerz This groundbreaking book shows that the creation of the modern culture of sex -- broadcast and debated in a rapidly expanding universe of public media -- was a central part of the Enlightenment, and helped create a new model of western civilization whose principles of equality, privacy, and individual freedom have endured to this day. 496pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $34.95 / $9.98 140838 POWER OVER PEOPLES: Technology, Environments and Western Imperialism, 1400 to the Present Headrick, Daniel R. An examination of Western imperialism's complex relationship with technology, from the first Portuguese ships that ventured down the coast of Africa to America's conflicts in the Middle East today. Headrick traces the evolution of Western technologies from muskets and galleons to jet planes and smart bombs, and sheds light on the factors that have led to victory in some cases and defeat in others. 416pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Princeton • P • $24.95 / $13.98 118896 THE RED FLAG: A History of Communism Priestland, David The epic story of a movement that took root in dozens of countries across 200 years, from its birth after the French Revolution to its ideological maturity in 19th-century Germany to its rise (and subsequent fall) in the 20th century. Priestland examines the motives of thinkers and leaders including Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Che Guevara, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Gorbachev, and many others. 560pgs. • 2009 ▲ • Grove Press • C • $30.00 / $9.98 ✪ 133318 SLAVERY: Antiquity and Its Legacy DuBois, Page Juxtaposing modern experiences of bondage (economic or sexual) with slavery in antiquity, the author explores the writings on the subject of Aristotle, Plautus, Terence and Aristophanes. She also examines the case of Spartacus, and relates ancient notions of liberation to the all-too-common immigrant experience of enslavement to rampant corporatism and exploitative capitalism. 224pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $24.95 / $5.98 125548 SOVEREIGNTY AND REVOLUTION IN THE IBERIAN ATLANTIC Adelman, Jeremy This bold new look at the New World empires of Spain and Portugal argues that modern notions of sovereignty in the Atlantic world have been unstable, contested, and equivocal from the start. It offers a new understanding of Latin American and Atlantic history, one that blurs traditional distinctions between the "imperial" and the "colonial." 408pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Princeton • P • $31.95 / $20.98 J EWISH STU DI ES 157207 THE ART OF BEING JEWISH IN MODERN TIMES Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara & Jonathan Karp, eds. This richly illustrated volume illuminates how the arts have helped Jews confront the various challenges of modernity, including cultural adaptation and selfpreservation, economic diversification, and ritual transformation. The wide-ranging portrayal of modern Jewishness in artistic terms invites scrutiny into the relationship between creativity and Jewish identity and into the complex issue of what makes a work of art uniquely Jewish. 464pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $59.95 / $12.98 157284 THE CENSOR, THE EDITOR, AND THE TEXT: The Catholic Church and the Shaping of the Jewish Canon in the Sixteenth Century Raz-Krakotzkin, Amnon By bringing together two seemingly unrelated issues -- the role of censorship in the creation of print culture and the place of Jewish culture in the context of Christian society -- RazKrakotzkin advances a new outlook on both, allowing each to be examined through the conceptual framework usually reserved for the other. 328pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $69.95 / $19.98 157229 CONNECTING THE COVENANTS: Judaism and the Search for Christian Identity in Eighteenth-Century England Ruderman, David B. In the first few decades of the 18th century, influential Christian scholars increasingly looked to Jewish texts to reveal the truths of their own faith. This volume focuses on two separate but entwined stories of prominent Jewish converts who were promoted as cultural mediators between Judaism and Christianity. 152pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $59.95 / $19.98 143997 COSMOPOLITANS: A Social and Cultural History of the Jews of the San Francisco Bay Area Rosenbaum, Fred An illuminating chronicle of Jewish life in the Bay area, told through an astonishing range of characters and events. Focusing in rich detail on the first hundred years after the Gold Rush, the book also takes the story up to the present day, demonstrating how unusually strong affinities for the arts and for the struggle for social justice have characterized this community even as it has changed over time. 462pgs. • 2009 ◆ • California • C • $52.95 / $9.98 ✪ 157779 DIASPORIC MODERNISMS: Hebrew and Yiddish Literature in the Twentieth Century Schachter, Allison Offering the first comparative literary history of Hebrew and Yiddish modernist prose, this volume argues that these two literary histories can no longer be separated by nationalist and monolingual histories. Instead, the book illuminates how these literary languages continue to animate each other, even after the creation of a Jewish state. 208pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $35.00 / $9.98 118639 EVERYTHING IS GOD: The Radical Path of Nondual Judaism Michaelson, Jay Once considered a radical, mystical idea, the concept and spiritual practice of nondual Judaism is increasingly influencing mainstream Judaism. This volume explains what nondual Judaism is and explores its historical roots and philosophical significance, how it compares to nondualism in other religions, and its impact on the practice of contemporary Judaism. 304pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Shambhala • P • $18.95 / $6.98 043530 GERMANS, JEWS AND THE CLAIMS OF MODERNITY Hess, Jonathan M. Reconstructs a crucial chapter in the history of secular antiSemitism, Hess reveals the connections between anti-Semitism and visions of modernity, and explores the Jewish responses to the threat posed by those connections. 258pgs. • 2002 ◆ • Yale • C • $50.00 / $12.98 125911 GREECE: A Jewish History Fleming, K. E. For centuries, until more than 80 percent were killed in the Holocaust, Jewish communities flourished in areas that are now part of Greece. This volume, the first comprehensive English-language history of Greek Jews, is the only study to include material on their diaspora in Israel and the US. 288pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • P • $27.95 / $17.98 157278 HEBRAICA VERITAS?: Christian Hebraists and the Study of Judaism in Early Modern Europe Coudert, Allison P. & Jeffrey S. Shoulson, eds. The essays assembled here address the important but often neglected subject of the early modern encounter between Christians and Jews. They illustrate how this involvement shaped each group's self-perception and sense of otherness and contributed to the emergence of the modern study of cultural anthropology, comparative religion, and Jewish studies. 328pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $69.95 / $24.98 LEON POLIAKOV 157265 THE HISTORY OF ANTI-SEMITISM, VOLUME 1: From the Time of Christ to the Court Jews Poliakov, Leon Systematically traces the twists and turns of hatred against Jews as it developed from Roman times to the end of the 18th century. Chiefly devoted to the history of prejudice against the Ashkenazim, this volume demonstrates that organized anti-Semitism was unknown until the First Crusade, an event that marked the beginning of systematic genocide and mass expulsions in Europe. 352pgs. • 2003 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C NDJ • $65.00 / $19.98 157266 THE HISTORY OF ANTI-SEMITISM, VOLUME 2: From Mohammed to the Marranos Poliakov, Leon Focusing on the Sephardim of North Africa and Iberia, this volume relates the great achievements of Spanish Jewry under the Muslim Caliphs, followed by their painful decline during and after the Christian reconquest. The author explains the emergence of the Marrano culture, Jews who converted to Christianity, and the dispersion of Jews who refused to convert in the face of expulsion and death. 416pgs. • 2003 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C NDJ • $65.00 / $19.98 157264 THE HISTORY OF ANTI-SEMITISM, VOLUME 3: From Voltaire to Wagner Poliakov, Leon Highlighting the emancipation of Jews as it spread throughout Europe, Poliakov shows how anti-Semitic beliefs remained a major roadblock to equality and justice. The volume ends with the development of racial anti-Semitic theories within the emerging modern sciences. 592pgs. • 2003 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C NDJ • $75.00 / $24.98 157263 THE HISTORY OF ANTI-SEMITISM, VOLUME 4: Suicidal Europe, 1870-1933 Poliakov, Leon Revealing the embedded myths about Jewish bankers and Jewish Bolsheviks in European rhetoric and histories, Poliakov demonstrates that the steady rise in anti-Semitism and suspicion of Jews in the late 19th century, and its eventual eruption into the rise of the Nazi party in the 1920s, are part of a thread of fear and hatred that reaches back to the beginning of the first millennium. 440pgs. • 2003 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C NDJ • $65.00 / $24.98 w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m 37 J E W I S H S T U D I E S 38 MAIMONIDES J E W I S H 140819 MAIMONIDES IN HIS WORLD: Portrait of a Mediterranean Thinker Stroumsa, Sarah While the great medieval philosopher, theologian, and physician Maimonides is acknowledged as a leading Jewish thinker, his intellectual contacts with his surrounding world are often described as related primarily to Islamic philosophy. Stroumsa challenges this view by revealing him to have wholeheartedly lived, breathed, and espoused the rich Mediterranean culture of his time. 248pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $24.95 / $14.98 S T U D I E S 116224 THE WISDOM OF MAIMONIDES: The Life and Writings of the Jewish Sage Hoffman, Edward An accessible introduction to the life and wisdom of the famous 12th-century philosopher-physician Moses Maimonides, whose prolific writings on medical and religious issues, commentaries on Jewish texts, and writings on Jewish ethics and law profoundly influenced Judaism. 224pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Shambhala • P • $15.95 / $6.98 150675 THE INVENTION OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE Sand, Shlomo Should we regard the Jewish people, throughout two millennia, as both a distinct ethnic group and a putative nation? In this historical tour de force that examines the myths and taboos that have surrounded Jewish and Israeli history, Shlomo Sand argues that most Jews actually descend from converts, whose native lands were scattered far across the Middle East and Eastern Europe. 400pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Verso • C • $34.95 / $9.98 157259 JEWISH BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION AND CULTURAL EXCHANGE: Comparative Exegesis in Context Dohrmann, Natalie B. & David Stern, eds. Focusing on moments of signal interest in the history of Jewish, Christian, and Islamic scriptural interpretation from the ancient, medieval, and early modern periods, this volume offers a unique comparative perspective. Each of the essays treats its subject in relation to the larger cultural context and to other contemporary interpretative traditions. 352pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $69.95 / $24.98 149377 KASZTNER'S TRAIN: The True Story of an Unknown Hero of the Holocaust Porter, Anna The story of the "Hungarian Oscar Schindler," who saved thousands of Hungarian Jews from certain death at the hands of the Nazis, only to be accused of collaboration and assassinated in Israel twelve years after WWII ended. Drawing on interviews and previously unpublished documents and correspondence, Porter tells the dramatic full story of one of the unsung heroes of the 20th century. 464pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Walker & Company • C • $27.95 / $6.98 157279 A KINGDOM OF PRIESTS: Ancestry and Merit in Ancient Judaism Himmelfarb, Martha Considering a range of texts, including the Dead Sea Scrolls, the writings of Philo of Alexandria, and the Book of Revelation, Himmelfarb explores rabbinic Judaism's emphasis on descent as the primary criterion for inclusion among the chosen people of Israel -- a position, she contends, that gained force in reaction to Christian disparagement of the idea that mere descent from Abraham was sufficient for salvation. 280pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $65.00 / $21.98 105183 MOTHERS AND CHILDREN: Jewish Family Life in Medieval Europe Baumgarten, Elisheva Presents a synthetic history of the family -- the most basic building block of medieval Jewish communities -- in Germany and northern France during the High Middle Ages. Concentrating on the special roles of mothers and children, it also advances recent efforts to write a comparative JewishChristian social history. 275pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Princeton • P • $30.95 / $19.98 80,000 more books online 129419 A MURDER IN LEMBERG: Politics, Religion and Violence in Modern Jewish History Stanislawski, Michael On September 6, 1848, Abraham Ber Pilpel entered the kitchen of Rabbi Abraham Kohn and his family and poured arsenic in the soup that was being prepared for their dinner. Vividly recreating the dramatic story of the murder, the trial that followed, and the political and religious fallout, Stanislawski reveals the surprising diversity of Jewish life in mid-19th-century eastern Europe. 160pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Princeton • C • $28.95 / $12.98 157280 NO PLACE OF REST: Jewish Literature, Expulsion, and the Memory of Medieval France Einbinder, Susan L. When King Philip VI of France expelled the Jews in 1306, some 100,000 men, women, and children were driven from the country. Einbinder's careful readings of writings ranging from the lyrics of the supposed "Jewish troubadour" Isaac HaGorni to medical texts and astronomical charts uncover the ways in which Jewish communities asserted their identity in exile and helped to preserve or efface their history. 280pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $59.95 / $19.98 157252 PUNISHMENT AND FREEDOM: The Rabbinic Construction of Criminal Law Steinmetz, Devora A fresh look at classical rabbinic texts about criminal law from the perspective of legal and moral philosophy. Steinmetz holds that the criminal and judicial procedures they describe were never designed to be applied in a real state, but instead deal with broader philosophical, theological, and ethical conceptions of the law. 224pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $59.95 / $9.98 145531 THE REBBE: The Life and Afterlife of Menachem Mendel Schneerson Heilman, Samuel & Menachem Friedman From the 1950s until his death in 1994, Menachem Mendel Schneerson built the Lubavitcher movement from a small Hasidic sect into a powerful force in Jewish life. The authors paint a vivid portrait of the Rebbe, showing how he reinvented himself from an aspiring electrical engineer into a charismatic leader who believed that he and his Lubavitcher Hasidic emissaries could transform the world. 384pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Princeton • P • $19.95 / $11.98 157236 THE REVOLUTION OF 1905 AND RUSSIA'S JEWS Hoffman, Stefani & Ezra Mendelsohn, eds. The 1905 Revolution in Russia ushered in a brief period of social and political freedom, making possible the emergence of mass Jewish politics and the flourishing of a new, modern Jewish culture, but also unleashing a tide of popular antiSemitism. The essays in this volume shed new light on this period in the larger context of the historical, social, and cultural developments within the Russian Empire. 336pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $65.00 / $8.98 125781 A SHORT HISTORY OF THE JEWS Brenner, Michael The most learned yet broadly accessible book available on the subject. Brenner takes readers from the mythic wanderings of Moses to the unspeakable atrocities of the Holocaust; from the Babylonian exile to the founding of the modern state of Israel; and from the Sephardic communities under medieval Islam to the shtetls of eastern Europe and the Hasidic enclaves of modern-day Brooklyn. 472pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • C • $29.95 / $13.98 157235 TRANSFORMATION: Jews and Modernity Silver, Larry Published to accompany an exhibition of graphic works at the Arthur Ross Gallery of the University of Pennsylvania, this volume examines the vicissitudes of Jewish art activity over the span of the 20th century. It focuses on a variety of key issues, including emigration and immigration, dilemmas of women artists, Zionism and the land of Israel, the trauma of the Holocaust, and the importance of New York as an artistic center. 80pgs. • 2001 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $27.50 / $9.98 LATI N AM ERICAN & CARI BBEAN STU DI ES 105005 BLACK ATLANTIC RELIGION: Tradition, Transnationalism, and Matriarchy in the Afro-Brazilian Candomblé Matory, James Lorand With counterparts in Nigeria, the Benin Republic, Haiti, Cuba, Trinidad, and the US, Candomblé is a religion of spirit possession, dance, healing, and blood sacrifice. Vividly combining history and ethnography, Matory spotlights a so-called "folk" religion defined not by its closure or internal homogeneity but by the diversity of its connections to classes and places often far away. 376pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Princeton • P • $35.00 / $20.98 ✪ 157660 BONDS OF EMPIRE: West Indians and Britishness from Victoria to Decolonization Rush, Anne Spry Argues that middle-class West Indians used their understanding of Britishness to establish a place for themselves in the British imperial world, and then to negotiate the challenges of decolonization. Through a focus on education, voluntary organization, the challenges of war, radio broadcasting, and British royalty, the author explores how this process worked in the daily lives of West Indians in both the Caribbean and the British Isles. 320pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $99.00 / $49.98 112305 CHICA DA SILVA: A Brazilian Slave of the Eighteenth Century Furtado, Júnia Ferreira The child of an African slave and a Brazilian military nobleman of Portuguese descent, Chica da Silva won her freedom by employing both social and matrimonial strategies. This fascinating study illuminates a world where itinerant merchants, former slaves, Portuguese administrators, and concubines interacted across complex social and cultural lines. 360pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $26.99 / $15.98 055934 COLONIAL BRAZIL Bethell, Leslie, ed. A continuous history of the Portuguese Empire in Brazil from the beginning of the 16th to the beginning of the 19th centuries. Covers early Portuguese settlement, political and economic structures, plantations and slavery, the gold rushes, Indian societies, and more. 408pgs. • 1987 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $49.00 / $19.98 134299 A CONCISE HISTORY OF THE CARIBBEAN Higman, B. W. A general history of the Caribbean islands from the beginning of human settlement to the present. It covers early human migrations, European colonization, the development of slavery and the slave trade, the plantation economy, the revolution in Haiti, independence movements, the Cuban Revolution, and the diaspora of Caribbean people. 372pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $26.99 / $15.98 127325 SHATTERED HOPE: The Guatemalan Revolution and the United States, 1944-1954 Gleijeses, Piero The most thorough account yet available of a revolution that saw the first true agrarian reform in Central America, this book is also a penetrating analysis of the tragic destruction of that revolution engineered by US intervention. 464pgs. • 1992 ◆ • Princeton • P • $52.50 / $25.98 LI NGU ISTICS & LANGUAGES 109407 THE ANCIENT LANGUAGES OF ASIA AND THE AMERICAS Woodard, Roger D., ed. Each chapter in this survey focuses on an individual language or, in some instances, a set of closely related varieties. Providing a full descriptive presentation, each one examines the writing system or systems, phonology, morphology, syntax, and lexicon of that language, and places the language within its proper linguistic and historical context. 263pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $54.00 / $22.98 128124 THE CAMBRIDGE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LANGUAGE THIRD EDITION Crystal, David This thoroughly revised edition incorporates the major developments in language study which have taken place since the mid 1990s. Two main new areas have been added: the rise of electronic communication, and the crisis affecting the world's languages, of which half are thought to be so seriously endangered that they will die out this century. 524pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $51.00 / $24.98 ✪ 157878 LANGUAGE: The Cultural Tool Everett, Daniel L. A provocative study that presents language not as an innate component of the brain -as most linguists have it -- but as an essential tool unique to each culture. Combining anthropology, primatology, computer science, philosophy, linguistics, and psychology, Everett gives us an unprecedented elucidation of the socially defined nature of language. 368pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Pantheon • C • $27.95 / $6.98 NOAM CHOMSKY 030685 ASPECTS OF THE THEORY OF SYNTAX Chomsky, Noam In this work, Chomsky reviews the linguistic theory known as transformational generative grammar and offers a reformulation that takes into account various deficiencies that have been uncovered since its original formulation. The emphasis is on syntax and on the semantic and phonological aspects of language structure. 251pgs. • 1965 ◆ • MIT • P • $29.00 / $11.98 024374 LANGUAGE AND PROBLEMS OF KNOWLEDGE: The Managua Lectures Chomsky, Noam Chomsky's most accessible statement on the nature, origins, and concerns of linguistics. The lectures explore four fundamental questions: What do we know when we are able to speak and understand a language? How is this knowledge acquired? How do we use this knowledge? What are the physical mechanisms involved in the representation, acquisition, and use of this knowledge? 205pgs. • 1988 ◆ • MIT • P • $27.00 / $12.98 045516 NEW HORIZONS IN THE STUDY OF LANGUAGE AND MIND Chomsky, Noam An outstanding contribution to the philosophical study of language and mind, by one of the most influential thinkers of our time. Argues that there is no coherent notion of "language" external to the human mind, and that the study of language should take as its focus the mental construct which constitutes our knowledge of language. 230pgs. • 2000 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $37.99 / $14.98 w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m 39 L I N G U I S T I C S & L A N G U A G E S 40 L I T E R A R Y T H E O R Y & C R I T I C I S M 140772 LANGUAGES OF THE WORLD: An Introduction Pereltsvaig, Asya What do all human languages have in common and in what ways are they different? How can language be used to trace different peoples and their past? Assuming no prior knowledge of linguistics, this book, which features 18 language maps and numerous charts that place languages geographically or genealogically, provides an introduction to the variety and typology of languages around the world. 296pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $33.99 / $14.98 149725 WORDS OF THE WORLD: A Global History of the Oxford English Dictionary Ogilvie, Sarah Begun in England more than 150 years ago, the OED took more than 60 years to complete and, when it was finally finished in 1928, it was hailed as a "national treasure." The dictionary is, however, not as exclusively "British" as we think; here Ogilvie examines the policies and practices of the various editors and finds new archival materials that demonstrate that the OED is, in fact, a global text. 256pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $29.99 / $18.98 LITERARY TH EORY & CRITICISM 148602 ALL THINGS SHINING: Reading the Western Classics to Find Meaning in a Secular Age Dreyfus, Hubert & Sean Dorrance Kelly Re-envisioning modern spiritual life through their examination of literature, philosophy, and religious testimony, Dreyfus and Kelly illuminate some of the greatest works of the Western tradition. Their journey leads from the wonder and openness of Homer's polytheism to the monotheism of Dante; from the autonomy of Kant to the multiple worlds of Melville; and, finally, to the spiritual difficulties evoked by modern authors such as David Foster Wallace and Elizabeth Gilbert. 272pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Free Press • C • $26.00 / $6.98 039701 ANATOMY OF CRITICISM Frye, Northrop In four brilliant essays on historical, ethical, archetypical, and rhetorical criticism, employing examples of world literature from ancient times to the present, Frye reconceived literary criticism as a total history rather than a linear progression through time. 383pgs. • 2000 ◆ • Princeton • P • $35.00 / $14.98 JOHN MILTON 157204 ENGENDERING THE FALL: John Milton and Seventeenth-Century Women Writers Miller, Shannon Engaging the relationship between gendered interpersonal and governmental organization, Miller sets a series of writings by women into conversation with the period's most important poetic rendering of the Fall, Milton's Paradise Lost, to illustrate how significant gender was to accounts of social and political organization, and to demonstrate how the Garden narrative plots the role of gender. 288pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $65.00 / $19.98 155347 MILTON'S MESSIAH: The Son of God in the Works of John Milton Hillier, Russell M. The first comprehensive book-length analysis of the nature and significance of the Son of God in Milton's poetry and theology. It engages with Biblical and Patristic theology, Reformation and post-Reformation thought, and the original Latin of the treatise De Doctrina Christiana, to argue for a radical reassessment of Milton's doctrine of the atonement. 296pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $110.00 / $23.98 144756 VERSIONS OF ANTI-HUMANISM: Milton and Others Fish, Stanley Fish's finest published work is presented here along with new material on Milton and on other authors and topics in early modern literature. Lucid, provocative, direct and inimitable, the book is required reading for anyone teaching or studying Milton or early modern literary studies. 300pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $25.99 / $9.98 80,000 more books online 152012 THE ANATOMY OF INFLUENCE: Literature as a Way of Life Bloom, Harold Featuring extended analyses of Bloom's most cherished poets -- Shakespeare, Whitman, and Crane -- as well as inspired appreciations of Emerson, Tennyson, Browning, Yeats, Ashbery, and others, this volume revisits Bloom's classic work The Anxiety of Influence to show us what great literature is, how it comes to be, and why it matters. 368pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Yale • C • $32.50 / $9.98 116453 THE ART OF FICTION: Notes on Craft for Young Writers Gardner, John John Gardner was almost as famous as a teacher of creative writing as he was for his own works. In this practical, instructive handbook, based on the courses and seminars that he gave, he explains, simply and cogently, the principles and techniques of good writing. 240pgs. • 1991 ◆ • Vintage • P • $14.95 / $6.98 119440 BECKETT AT 100: Revolving It All Moorjani, Angela & Linda Ben-Zvi To commemorate the centenary of the birth of Samuel Beckett, this collection brings together leading international scholars who rethink traditional readings and theories, provide new contexts and associations, and reassess Beckett's impact on the modern imaginations. 352pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $29.95 / $9.98 087111 THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO OLD ENGLISH LITERATURE Godden, Malcolm R. & Michael Lapidge, eds. This collection of 15 specially commissioned essays introduces students to the literature of the period from 600-1066. The chapters are written by experts, but designed to be accessible to students who may be unfamiliar with Old English. The emphasis throughout is on placing texts in their contemporary context and suggesting ways in which they relate to each other and to the important events and issues of the time. 314pgs. • 1991 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $38.99 / $24.98 ✪ 104325 THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO WILKIE COLLINS Taylor, Jenny Bourne, ed. One of the most popular writers of the 19th century, Collins is best known for The Woman in White and The Moonstone, but he wrote more than 20 novels, plays, and many short stories during a career that spanned four decades. This Companion offers a fascinating overview of Collins's writing. 207pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $31.99 / $10.98 ✪ 103239 COLONIAL AND POSTCOLONIAL LITERATURE Boehmer, Elleke An expanded edition of the leading critical overview of colonial and postcolonial literary studies. The author provides a broad contextualizing narrative of the evolution of colonial and postcolonial writing in English, illuminates close readings of texts by a wide variety of writers, and explicates such key theoretical terms as "subaltern," "colonial resistance," "writing back," and "hybridity." 368pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $48.00 / $9.98 105155 DICKINSON'S MISERY: A Theory of Lyric Reading Jackson, Virginia Walker How do we recognize a poem when we see one? Jackson argues that the century and a half spanning the circulation of Dickinson's work tells the story of a shift in the publication, consumption, and interpretation of lyric poetry. This shift took the form of what she calls the "lyricization of poetry," a process that collapsed the variety of poetic genres into lyric as a synonym for poetry. 312pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Princeton • P • $30.95 / $20.98 140289 THE DISCARDED IMAGE: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature Lewis, C. S. Lewis's last book paints a lucid picture of the medieval world view, the historical and cultural background to the literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. It describes this world view, rejected by later ages, as "the medieval synthesis itself, the whole organization of their theology, science and history into a single, complex, harmonious mental model of the universe." 242pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $19.99 / $11.98 ✪ 157874 THE ECSTASY OF INFLUENCE: Nonfictions, Etc. Lethem, Jonathan A collection of previously published pieces and new essays as provocative and idiosyncratic as any Lethem has written, this volume sheds light on an array of topics, from sex in cinema to drugs, graffiti, Bob Dylan, cyberculture, 9/11, book touring, and Marlon Brando, as well as on a shelf's worth of his literary models and contemporaries, including Norman Mailer, Paula Fox, Bret Easton Ellis, and James Wood. 464pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Doubleday • C • $27.95 / $7.98 154579 KAFKA: The Decisive Years Stach, Reiner The acclaimed central volume of the definitive biography of Franz Kafka. Reiner Stach spent more than a decade working with more than 4,000 pages of journals, letters, and literary fragments, many never before available, in order to re-create the atmosphere in which Kafka lived and worked from 1910 to 1915, the most important and best-documented years of his life. 584pgs. • 2013 ◆ • Princeton • P • $24.95 / $12.98 154697 KAFKA: The Years of Insight Stach, Reiner This volume of the acclaimed and definitive biography of Franz Kafka tells the story of the writer's final years. Stach's riveting narrative, which reflects the latest findings about Kafka's life and works, draws readers in with a nearly cinematic power, zooming in for extreme close-ups of Kafka's personal life, then pulling back for panoramic shots of a wider world scarred by World War I, disease, and inflation. 816pgs. • 2013 ◆ • Princeton • C • $35.00 / $15.98 108741 LITERARY RUSSIA: A Guide Benn, Anna & Rosamund Bartlett Russian writers have long played a special role in the spiritual, intellectual, and political lives of their readers. In this volume, the authors take the reader on a tour of sites of the most important scenes of Russian literature, allowing readers to trace the steps of Raskolnikov through St. Petersburg or follow Esenin's bohemian life in Moscow. 494pgs. • 2007 ▲ • Overlook Press • C • $37.50 / $6.98 ✪ 157702 MOCK-EPIC POETRY FROM POPE TO HEINE Robertson, Ritchie This study of mock-epic poetry in English, French, and German from the 1720s to the 1840s places these texts in the literary context of the decline of serious epic, and relates these works to contemporary debates about questions of religion and gender. 448pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $110.00 / $59.98 SHAKESPEARE 41 105141 LECTURES ON SHAKESPEARE Auden, W. H. In these lectures, we hear Auden alluding to authors from Homer, Dante, and St. Augustine to Kierkegaard, Ibsen, and T. S. Eliot, drawing upon the full range of European literature and opera, and referring to the day's newspapers and magazines, movies and cartoons. The result is an extended instance of the "live conversation" that Auden believed criticism ought to be. 488pgs. • 2002 ◆ • Princeton • P • $28.95 / $15.98 L I T E R A R Y 128187 THE NEW CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO SHAKESPEARE De Grazia, Margreta & Stanley Wells, eds. In addition to chapters on traditional topics such as Shakespeare's biography and the transmission of his texts, this volume provides readings of the plays in the context of genre as well as through the cultural and historical perspectives of race, sexuality and gender, and politics and religion. Essays on performance survey the latest digital media as well as stage and film. 380pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $31.99 / $15.98 T H E O R Y 153033 SHAKESPEARE AND THE CULTURE OF CHRISTIANITY IN EARLY MODERN ENGLAND Taylor, Dennis & David N. Beauregard, eds. The question of Shakespeare's Catholic contexts has occupied many scholars in recent years, and their growing body of work has been enriched by revisionist accounts of the Reformation society and culture in which he lived and worked. This innovative book brings together original essays by leading scholars who examine Shakespeare's works in light of this new scholarship. 477pgs. • 2003 ◆ • Fordham • P • $35.00 / $9.98 ✪ 157794 SHAKESPEARE AND THE DRAMA OF HIS TIME Wiggins, Martin Shakespeare lived and worked during an extraordinary period in the history of English drama, which saw the development of new kinds of tragedy and comedy. Beginning with the institutional foundations that were laid with the emergence of the commercial theater business in 1570s London, this volume describes the principal audience fashions, artistic conventions, and professional circumstances which defined, and enabled, his remarkable plays and those of his colleagues. 158pgs. • 2000 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $29.95 / $9.98 157191 THE TEMPEST AND ITS TRAVELS Hulme, Peter & William H. Sherman, eds. A collection of original essays and visual materials that situate Shakespeare's play in both its original contexts and our own cultural moment. By means of its innovative collection of historical, critical, and creative materials, it offers a new map of the vast and varied worlds -- scholarly, artistic, and political -- from which the play arose and in which it has been received. 304pgs. • 2000 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $34.95 / $5.98 038520 THE NEW PRINCETON ENCYCLOPEDIA OF POETRY AND POETICS Preminger, Alex & T. V. Brogan, eds. A comprehensive reference work dealing with all aspects of its subject: history, types, movements, prosody, and critical terminology. This completely revised edition includes new entries by Camille Paglia, Barbara Herrnstein Smith, Elaine Showalter, Houston Baker, and Andrew Ross, and new coverage of cultural criticism, discourse, feminist poetics, and Chicano poetry. 1383pgs. • 1993 ◆ • Princeton • P • $49.95 / $24.98 w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m & C R I T I C I S M 42 L I T E R A T U R E P O E T R Y & D R A M A 040455 ON BEAUTY AND BEING JUST Scarry, Elaine Taking inspiration from writers and thinkers as diverse as Homer, Plato, Proust, and Iris Murdoch, Scarry writes an elegant, passionate manifesto for the revival of beauty in our intellectual work. She not only defends beauty from recent political arguments against it but also argues that beauty continually renews our search for truth and presses us toward a greater concern for justice. 144pgs. • 2001 ◆ • Princeton • P • $16.95 / $7.98 101961 READINGS IN RUSSIAN POETICS: Formalist and Structuralist Views Matejka, Ladislav & Krystyna Pomorska, eds. Investigating the conceptualization of structure and form within literature, the Russian Formalists of the 1920s and '30s affected both the creation of art during that period and the development of literary theory as a scientific discipline. Included in this volume are essays by Boris M. Eichenbaum, Viktor Shklvosky, Roman Jakobson, Mikhail Bakhtin, and Osip M. Brik, among others. 306pgs. • 2002 ◆ • Dalkey Archive Press • P • $17.95 / $6.98 141741 ON CONAN DOYLE: Or, the Whole Art of Storytelling Dirda, Michael A lifelong fan of the Sherlock Holmes adventures, Pulitzer Prize-winning critic Michael Dirda is a member of the Baker Street Irregulars -- the most famous of all Sherlockian groups. Combining memoir and appreciation, this highly engaging personal introduction to Holmes's creator is also a rare insider's account of the activities and playful scholarship of the Baker Street group. 224pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • C • $19.95 / $7.98 155374 STRANDENTWINING CABLE: Joyce, Flaubert, and Intertextuality Baron, Scarlett A detailed analysis of Joyce's engagement with Flaubert. Examining letters, notebooks, drafts, and published texts, it shows that in all his creative endeavors Joyce uses Flaubert's writing to think through the dynamics and implications of any text's inevitable relations to other texts, and argues that these reflections helped crystallize his own sense of literature as a dense intertextual web. 328pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $110.00 / $21.98 155359 THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE Burwick, Frederick, ed. The best single-volume source of original scholarship on all aspects of Coleridge's diverse writings. Its thirty-seven chapters, written by experts from around the world, present an authoritative, in-depth, and up-to-date assessment of this major figure of British Romanticism. 784pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $50.00 / $24.98 ✪ 125797 POETS IN THE PUBLIC SPHERE: The Emancipatory Project of American Women's Poetry, 1800-1900 Bennett, Paula Bernat Traces the emergence of the "New Woman" by examining poetry published by American women in newspapers and magazines between 1800 and 1900. Bennett shows how women from every race, class, caste, region, and religion exploited the freedom offered by the nation's periodical press to engage in heated debate with each other and with men over matters of mutual concern. 264pgs. • 2003 ◆ • Princeton • P • $37.50 / $17.98 153036 THEATRICALITY AS MEDIUM Weber, Samuel Traces the uneasy relationships among theater, ethics, and philosophy from Plato, Aristotle, and the major Greek tragedians, to Shakespeare, Kierkegaard, Kafka, Freud, Benjamin, Artaud, and many others who developed alternatives to the dominant narrative-aesthetic assumptions about the theatrical medium. 414pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Fordham • P • $35.00 / $9.98 157223 TRANSATLANTIC INSURRECTIONS: British Culture and the Formation of American Literature, 1730-1860 Giles, Paul Traces the paradoxical relations between English and American literature from 1730 through 1860, suggesting how the formation of a literary tradition in each national culture was deeply dependent upon negotiation with its transatlantic counterpart. Using the American Revolution as the fulcrum of his argument, Giles describes how the impulse to go beyond conventions of British culture was crucial in the establishment of a distinct identity for American literature. 272pgs. • 2001 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $28.95 / $9.98 LITERATU RE, POETRY & DRAMA 025197 AND THE RISEN BREAD: Selected Poems, 1957-1997 Berrigan, Daniel The culmination of 40 years of poetry by the Jesuit and activist. Beginning with poems written on bucolic themes, the book moves to those dealing with the struggle against war, and includes poems written from courtrooms and jail cells as well as religious poems. 417pgs. • 1998 ◆ • Fordham • C • $85.00 / $9.98 104334 CAMUS AT COMBAT: Writing 1944-1947 Camus, Albert, et al. Presents the writings published in the resistance newspaper where Camus served as editor-in-chief and editorial writer between 1944 and 1947. These 165 articles and editorials show how his thinking evolved from support of a revolutionary transformation of postwar society to a wariness of the radical left alongside his longstanding opposition to the reactionary right. 334pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Princeton • P • $26.95 / $11.98 125713 COLLECTED POEMS BILINGUAL EDITION Cavafy, C. P. This revised bilingual edition offers the reader the original Greek texts facing what are now recognized as the standard English translations of Cavafy's poetry by Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard. Features the notes of editor George Savidis and a new foreword by Robert Pinsky. 480pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Princeton • P • $25.95 / $13.98 80,000 more books online ✪ 105527 EARLY 20TH CENTURY GERMAN FICTION: Alfred Döblin, Lion Feuchtwanger, Anna Seghers, and Arnold Zweig THE GERMAN LIBRARY, VOLUME 67 Stephan, Alexander, ed. This collection of High Modernism among Austrian and German writers includes: Pogrom and a selection from The Case of Sergeant Grischa by Arnold Zweig; "The Murder of a Buttercup" and a selection from Berlin Alexanderplatz by Alfred Doblin; selections from Jew Suss and The Oppermans by Lion Feuchtwanger; and a selection from The Seventh Cross and "Excursion of the Dead Girls" by Anna Seghers. 320pgs. • 2003 ◆ • Continuum • C • $114.00 / $19.98 150306 EL GENERAL EN SU LABERINTO García Márquez, Gabriel The complete Spanish-language text of García Márquez's extraordinary novel, which captures the mythic image of the Latin American dictator in all its Baroque splendor and cruelty. 288pgs. • 2003 ◆ • Vintage • P • $15.95 / $6.98 104341 FAUST I AND II: Collected Works Volume 2 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's most complex and profound work, Faust was the effort of the poet's entire lifetime, and can be read as a document of his moral and artistic development. This volume makes available to the English reader a completely new translation that communicates both the work's poetic variety and its many levels of tone. 344pgs. • 1994 ◆ • Princeton • P • $27.95 / $14.98 044140 FERNANDO PESSOA & CO.: Selected Poems ZENITH, RICHARD, ED. & TRANS. Pessoa, Fernando From spare minimalism to a revolutionary exuberance that recalls Leaves of Grass, Pessoa's writings represented a radical break with the past and anticipated contemporary literary concerns to an uncanny degree. The first comprehensive edition of Pessoa's poetry in the English language, this volume is a tribute to a body of work of extraordinary depth and poetic precision. 290pgs. • 1998 ◆ • Grove Press • P • $15.95 / $6.98 157196 FOLKTALES FROM IRAQ Campbell, C. G., ed. A stunning collection of traditional stories from the Shia tribes of southern Iraq. Gathered in the late 1940s and deftly translated in order to capture the elegance of the originals, these tales are sure to delight anyone who has ever fallen under the spell of the Scheherezade. 256pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $18.95 / $5.98 151402 THE GREAT AMERICAN NOVEL Roth, Philip In this ribald, richly imagined, and wickedly satiric novel, Roth turns baseball's status as national pastime and myth into an occasion for unfettered picaresque farce, replete with heroism and perfidy, ebullient wordplay and a cast of characters that includes the House Un-American Activities Committee. 416pgs. • 1995 ◆ • Vintage • P • $16.00 / $7.98 133837 THE H. D. BOOK Duncan, Robert This magisterial work, long the subject of passionate speculation, is an unprecedented exploration of modern poetry and poetics by one of America's most influential postwar poets. A meditation on both the roots of modernism and its manifestation in the work of H. D., Ezra Pound, D. H. Lawrence, William Carlos Williams, Edith Sitwell, and others, Duncan's wideranging book is notable for its illumination of the role women played in the creation of literary modernism. 704pgs. • 2011 ◆ • California • C • $68.95 / $29.98 157282 JOACHIM DU BELLAY: "The Regrets," with "The Antiquities of Rome," Three Latin Elegies, and "The Defense and Enrichment of the French Language" Helgerson, Richard, trans. One of the most important poets of the Renaissance, Joachim du Bellay remains a cornerstone of the French literary tradition. This monumental bilingual edition collects two sonnet sequences du Bellay wrote during the years he spent in Rome, along with three Latin elegies and his manifesto The Defense and Enrichment of the French Language. 464pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $75.00 / $24.98 089682 JUVENILIA THE CAMBRIDGE EDITION OF THE WORKS OF JANE AUSTEN Austen, Jane Jane Austen's remarkable juvenilia date from 1787, when she was eleven, to 1793, when she was seventeen. This edition provides a fresh transcription of Austen's manuscripts, with comprehensive explanatory notes, an extensive critical introduction, covering the context and publication history of the juvenilia, a chronology of Austen's life, and an authoritative textual apparatus. 574pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Cambridge • C • $172.00 / $26.98 038608 THE LIVES OF ANIMALS Coetzee, J. M. A renowned novelist employs fiction to present a powerfully moving discussion of animal rights in all their complexity. In his fable, presented as a Tanner Lecture at Princeton University, Coetzee immerses us in a drama reflecting the real-life situation at hand: a writer delivering a lecture on an emotionally charged issue at a prestigious university. 127pgs. • 2001 ◆ • Princeton • P • $26.95 / $11.98 ✪ 157880 THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN: Sports Writing from the New Yorker Remnick, David, ed. Since its inception, the New Yorker has been home to some of the toughest, wisest, funniest, and most moving sports writing around. Featuring brilliant reportage and analysis, profound profiles of pros, and tributes to the amateur in all of us, this volume features contributions by A. J. Liebling, Roger Angell, John Updike, John McPhee, Don DeLillo, Ring Lardner, and many more. 512pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Random House • C • $30.00 / $9.98 148578 THE ORIGINAL OF LAURA Nabokov, Vladimir When Vladimir Nabokov died in 1977, he left instructions for his heirs to burn the 138 handwritten index cards that made up the rough draft of his final and unfinished novel, The Original of Laura. Dmitri Nabokov's decision finally to allow publication of the fragmentary narrative -- dark yet playful, preoccupied with mortality -affords us one last experience of Nabokov's magnificent creativity. 304pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Knopf • C • $35.00 / $9.98 119131 PORNOGRAFIA: A Novel Gombrowicz, Witold This richly imagined tale of violence and carnality set in wartime Poland is one of Gombrowicz's most highly regarded works. In the midst of the German occupation, two aging intellectuals seek respite on a farm in the countryside, but quickly grow bored with their bucolic surroundings -- until they become mesmerized by a pair of country youths who have grown up alongside each other at the farm. 176pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Grove Press • C • $23.00 / $6.98 157217 SANCTUARY Wharton, Edith Kate Orme is a young woman whose illusions of marital bliss are shattered when she comes face-to-face with the dark secret harbored by her fiancé, the wealthy and deceptively ebullient Denis. With the precision, beauty, and sharp awareness of the cracks in upper-class society that made Wharton one of the great writers of the 20th century, this novel offers a subtle critique of the nature-versus-nurture debate that raged in the early 1900s. 184pgs. • 2001 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $19.95 / $5.98 128990 THE VINTAGE BOOK OF LATIN AMERICAN STORIES Fuentes, Carlos & Julio Ortega, eds. A collection of the most compelling short fiction from Mexico to Chile, including such major authors as Jorge Luis Borges, Juan Rulfo, Clarice Lispector, Gabriel García Márquez, Julio Cortázar, and Juan Carlos Onetti. 400pgs. • 2000 ◆ • Vintage • P • $15.95 / $6.98 M EDI EVAL & RENAISSANCE STU DI ES 038897 COMMUNITIES OF VIOLENCE: Persecution of Minorities in the Middle Ages Nirenberg, David Focusing on attacks against minorities in 14th-century France and the Crown of Aragon, Nirenberg argues that these attacks -ranging from massacres to verbal assaults against Jews, Muslims, lepers, and prostitutes -- were often perpetrated not by irrational masses laboring under inherited ideologies and prejudices, but by groups that deliberately manipulated and reshaped the available discourses on minorities. 301pgs. • 1998 ◆ • Princeton • P • $35.00 / $19.98 104764 THE CORRUPTION OF ANGELS: The Great Inquisition of 1245-1246 Pegg, Mark Gregory Between May 1, 1245 and August 1, 1246 more than 5,000 people from the Lauragais region of France were questioned about the heresy known as Catharism. Mark Gregory Pegg examines the sole surviving manuscript of this great inquisition with unprecedented care, in order to build a richly textured understanding of social life in southern France in the early 13th century. 238pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Princeton • P • $30.95 / $17.98 w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m 43 M E D I E V A L & R E N A I S S A N C E S T U D I E S 44 M E D I E V A L & R E N A I S S A N C E S T U D I E S 157249 THE CRUSADES AND THE CHRISTIAN WORLD OF THE EAST: Rough Tolerance MacEvitt, Christopher While historians of the Crusades have often focused on Christian-Muslim encounters, MacEvitt examines the intersection of Franks with Middle Eastern Christians during the century of the First Crusade. He marshals an impressive array of evidence to demonstrate how crusader ideology and religious difference gave rise to a mode of coexistence he calls "rough tolerance." 280pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $22.50 / $9.98 111444 FURTA SACRA: Thefts of Relics in the Central Middle Ages Geary, Patrick J. To obtain sacred relics, medieval monks plundered tombs, avaricious merchants raided churches, and relic-mongers scoured the Roman catacombs. In this revised edition, Geary considers the social and cultural context of these acts, asking how the relics were perceived and why the thefts met with the approval of medieval Christians. 248pgs. • 1991 ◆ • Princeton • P • $27.95 / $12.98 157269 THE KING'S OTHER BODY: María of Castile and the Crown of Aragon Earenfight, Theresa Queen María of Castile, wife of Alfonso V, the king of Aragon, governed Catalunya in the mid-15th century while her husband conquered and governed the kingdom of Naples. In this volume, which is both a biography of María and an analysis of her partnership with Alfonso, María's long tenure prompts a reconsideration of long-held notions of power, statecraft, personalities, and institutions. 440pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $49.95 / $19.98 038481 THE KING'S TWO BODIES: A Study of Medieval Political Theology Kantorowicz, Ernst H. An examination of the historical problem posed by the "King's two bodies" -the body politic and the body natural. By placing the concept in its proper setting of medieval thought and political theory, Kantorowicz demonstrates how earlymodern Western monarchies gradually developed a "political theology." 568pgs. • 1997 ◆ • Princeton • P • $46.95 / $28.98 157243 LAW AND THE ILLICIT IN MEDIEVAL EUROPE Karras, Ruth Mazo, et al., eds. The contributors to this volume make the case that the development of law is deeply implicated in the growth of medieval theology and Christian doctrine; the construction of discourses on sin, human nature, honor, and virtue; the multiplying forms governing chivalry, demeanor, and social interaction, including gender relations; and the evolution of scholasticism, from its institutional context within the university to its forms of presentation, argumentation, and proof. 336pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $24.95 / $12.98 038630 THE MAKING OF EUROPE: Conquest, Colonization, and Cultural Change, 950-1350 Bartlett, Robert From our modern perspective, we tend to think of the Europe of the past as a colonizer, a series of empires that conquered lands beyond their borders and forced European cultural values on other peoples. This provocative book shows that Europe in the Middle Ages was as much a product of a process of conquest and colonization as it was later a colonizer. 432pgs. • 1994 ◆ • Princeton • P • $37.50 / $17.98 ✪ ■ ◆ ▲ New to Catalog New from the publisher Remainder - like new Publisher returns Note: remainders and publisher returns may be marked with a small line or dot. 80,000 more books online ✪ 039713 THE MIDDLE AGES FRASER, ANTONIA, ED. Gillingham, John & Peter Earle As British monarchical power began in Norman times, this volume opens with the Norman conquest, William I's bold incursion in 1066 that propelled a new dynasty to the throne of England, and covers three centuries of drama, intrigue, loyalty, betrayal, courage, cowardice, and crime, beginning Fraser's series on one of the most powerful monarchies in the world. 120pgs. • 2000 ◆ • California • P • $23.95 / $9.98 157289 PRINTING THE MIDDLE AGES Echard, Sian This examination of the postmedieval, postmanuscript lives of medieval texts seeks to understand the lasting impact on both the popular and the scholarly imaginations of the physical objects that transmitted the Middle Ages to the English-speaking world. Each chapter focuses on a central textual object and tells its story in order to reveal the history of its reception and transmission. 336pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $69.95 / $29.98 111564 THE RISE OF MAGIC IN EARLY MEDIEVAL EUROPE Flint, Valerie I. In this powerful work, Flint shows how leaders of the early medieval Church decided to promote non-Christian practices originally condemned as magical -- rather than repressing them or leaving them to waste away. 472pgs. • 1994 ◆ • Princeton • P • $42.00 / $21.98 157276 TABULA PICTA: Painting and Writing in Medieval Law Madero, Marta To whom does a painted tablet belong? To the owner of the physical piece of wood on which an image is painted? Or to the person who made the painting? Marta Madero here examines the extensive glosses and commentaries that medieval jurists dedicated to the above questions, to which they applied notions of intellectual and artistic property radically different from our own. 160pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $45.00 / $16.98 157274 THE VISUAL OBJECT OF DESIRE IN LATE MEDIEVAL ENGLAND Stanbury, Sarah In this insightful book, Sarah Stanbury explores the lost traffic in images in late medieval England and its impact on contemporary authors and artists. For Chaucer, Nicholas Love, and Margery Kempe, the image debate provides an urgent language for exploring the demands of a material devotional culture -- though the writers by no means agreed on the ethics of those demands. 304pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $65.00 / $19.98 ✪ 157583 THE WINCHESTER MINT AND COINS AND RELATED FINDS FROM THE EXCAVATIONS OF 1961-71 Biddle, Martin, ed. A detailed account of the varying fortunes of the Winchester mint from the 880s to 1250. Their results are critical for the economic history of England and provide the richest available source for the history of the name of the city and the personal names of its citizens in the later Anglo-Saxon period. 768pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $450.00 / $110.98 132400 WRITING THE MAP OF ANGLO-SAXON ENGLAND: Essays in Cultural Geography Howe, Nicholas Explores how the English, in the centuries before the Norman Conquest, located themselves both literally and imaginatively in the world. Howe's elegantly written study focuses on Anglo-Saxon representations of place as revealed in a wide variety of texts in Latin and Old English, as well as in diagrams of holy sites. 296pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Yale • C • $45.00 / $16.98 M I DDLE EASTERN & ISLAM IC STU DI ES 038393 AL-QUR'AN: A Contemporary Translation Ali, Ahmed A bilingual edition, forming an elegant and poetic translation of the Holy Book of Islam in a contemporary and living voice. It includes notes where necessary, providing the full meaning of each word and phrase. 572pgs. • 1993 ◆ • Princeton • P • $22.95 / $11.98 135767 ATATÜRK: An Intellectual Biography Hanioglu, M. Sukru When Mustafa Kemal Atatürk became the first president of Turkey in 1923, he set about transforming his country into a secular republic where nationalism sanctified by science -- and by the personality cult he created around himself -- would reign supreme. This book places Atatürk within the historical context of the uneasy transition from the late Ottoman imperial order to the modern Turkish state. 280pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • C • $27.95 / $13.98 146121 THE BORDERS OF ISLAM: Exploring Samuel Huntington's Faultlines from Al-Andalus to the Virtual Ummah Kardas, Tuncay, et al., eds. In The Clash of Civilizations, Samuel Huntington argued that the borders between Western and Islamic civilizations would become the loci of cultural conflict. Examining the virtual and actual borders of Islamic civilization, the contributors to this volume argue that mechanisms far more complex than those described by Huntington influence many of these regions. 352pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Columbia • C • $40.00 / $9.98 128126 THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO MUHAMMAD Brockopp, Jonathan E., ed. As the Messenger of God, Muhammad stands at the heart of the Islamic religion, revered by Muslims throughout the world. This Cambridge Companion offers a collection of essays by some of the most accomplished scholars in the field exploring the life and legacy of the Prophet. 344pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $28.99 / $17.98 128106 CONTENDING VISIONS OF THE MIDDLE EAST: The History and Politics of Orientalism Lockman, Zachary A broad survey of Western visions of Islam and the Middle East. Lockman begins with ancient Greek and Roman conceptions of the world, surveys European prejudices about Islam from the 7th century through the age of European imperialism, and examines current attitudes in the wake of 9/11 and the deepening American involvement in the region. 342pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $33.99 / $21.98 157185 EXILE AND RETURN: Predicaments of Palestinians and Jews PREDICAMENTS OF PALESTINIANS AND JEWS Lesch, Ann M. & Ian S. Lustick, eds. A bold attempt to understand constructively and build upon the terrible irony of two peoples, each with a searing memory of displacement and exile, struggling for a return to a land each remembers, each claims, and from which each has sought to exclude the other. The contributors take full advantage of the flood of scholarship that has been made possible by the opening of various archives. 368pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $26.50 / $5.98 106334 A HISTORY OF IRAQ THIRD EDITION Tripp, Charles Since its first appearance in 2000, this volume has become a classic in the field of Middle East studies, read and admired by students, soldiers, policymakers and journalists. It has now been updated to cover the recent American invasion, the fall and capture of Saddam Hussein, and the subsequent descent into civil strife. 357pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $29.99 / $14.98 041162 A HISTORY OF ISLAMIC SOCIETIES: Second Edition Lapidus, Ira M. Incorporates the origins and evolution of Islamic societies and brings into focus the historical processes that gave shape to the manifold varieties of contemporary Islam, and surveys the growing influence of the Islamist movements within national states. 1000pgs. • 2002 ▲ • Cambridge • P • $62.00 / $32.98 125282 IN AN ANTIQUE LAND: History in the Guise of a Traveler's Tale Ghosh, Amitav Piqued by the discovery of a slave narrative in the margins of an ancient text, the author set out on a decade-long search across 800 hundred years of colonial history. Bursting with anecdote and exuberant detail, this volume offers an intimate biography of the private life of one country -- Egypt -- from the Crusades to Operation Desert Storm. 400pgs. • 1994 ◆ • Vintage • P • $16.00 / $6.98 101102 INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC THEOLOGY AND LAW Goldziher, Ignaz Ignaz Goldziher (1850-1921) was recognized as one of the outstanding European Islamicists of his time. Presented here for the first time in a scholarly and accurate English translation are six lectures written for delivery in America in 1906. Though the lectures were never given, they were published in German in 1910 and since then have served as an essential guide for serious students and scholars of Islam. 320pgs. • 1981 ◆ • Princeton • P • $39.95 / $21.98 128377 ISLAM: A Guide for Jews and Christians Peters, F. E. Approaching Islam through the same biblical door that Muhammad did, this book introduces readers with Christian or Jewish backgrounds to one of the world's largest, most active, and -- in the West -- least understood religions. Peters cogently explains Islam's defining features -- including the significance of Mecca, the nature of Muhammad's revelations, and the creation of the Muslim community -- all in relation to Judeo-Christian tradition. 304pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Princeton • P • $30.95 / $10.98 ✪ 116454 ISLAM: A Short History Armstrong, Karen Armstrong begins with the stirring of revelation in a businessman named Muhammad. Examining the SunniShi'ite schism, the rise of Persian influence, clashes with crusaders and Mongolian conquerors, and the spiritual explorations that traced the route to God, Armstrong brings us to the present day, putting Islamic fundamentalism into context as part of a worldwide phenomenon. 272pgs. • 2002 ▲ • Modern Library • P • $15.95 / $6.98 150681 ISRAEL AND PALESTINE: Reflections, Revisions, Refutations Shlaim, Avi From the 1917 Balfour Declaration to the failure of the Oslo peace process, from the 1948 War to the 2008 invasion of Gaza, this volume places current events in historical perspective. It assesses the impact of key political and intellectual figures, including Yasir Arafat and Ariel Sharon, Edward Said and Benny Morris, and explores the many missed opportunities for peace and progress in the region. 392pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Verso • C • $34.95 / $7.98 111414 JIHAD IN ISLAMIC HISTORY Bonner, Michael What is jihad? Does it mean violence, as many non-Muslims assume? Or does it mean peace, as some Muslims insist? In this volume, Michael Bonner provides the first study in English to focus on the early history of jihad, and sheds much-needed light on the most recent controversies over the concept. 224pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Princeton • P • $23.95 / $14.98 w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m 45 M I D D L E E A S T E R N & I S L A M I C S T U D I E S 46 M I L I T A R Y H I S T O R Y 129708 THE LONG DIVERGENCE: How Islamic Law Held Back the Middle East Kuran, Timur Why does the Middle East remain drastically underdeveloped compared to the West? Kuran argues that Islamic legal institutions acted as a drag on development by slowing or blocking the emergence of central features of modern economic life, including private capital accumulation, corporations, largescale production, and impersonal exchange. 424pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • C • $29.95 / $14.98 087375 MEDIEVAL ISLAMIC PHILOSOPHICAL WRITINGS Khalidi, Muhammad Ali, ed. Offers new translations of philosophical writings by Farabi, Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Ghazali, Ibn Tufayl, and Ibn Rushd (Averroes). A historical and philosophical introduction sets the writings in context and traces their preoccupations and their achievements. 236pgs. • 2005 ▲ • Cambridge • P • $39.99 / $22.98 157277 MUHAMMAD IS NOT THE FATHER OF ANY OF YOUR MEN: The Making of the Last Prophet Powers, David S. The Islamic claim to supersede Judaism and Christianity is embodied in the theological assertion that the office of prophecy is hereditary, but that the line of descent came to an end with the coming of Muhammad. In this volume, Powers contends that a series of radical moves were made in the first two centuries of Islamic history in order to ensure that Muhammad's position as the Last Prophet would be preserved. 376pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $65.00 / $22.98 105236 THE MUQADDIMAH: An Introduction to History Khaldun, Ibn The most important Islamic history of the premodern world, this monumental work laid down the foundations of several fields of knowledge, including philosophy of history, sociology, ethnography, and economics. 504pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Princeton • P • $29.95 / $13.98 131570 NO GOD BUT GOD: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam Aslan, Reza Though it is the fastest-growing religion in the world, Islam remains shrouded in ignorance and fear for much of the West. In this elegantly written account of a magnificent yet misunderstood faith, Reza Aslan traces its origins and history and explores its potential for the future. 352pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Modern Library • P • $16.00 / $6.98 125542 PRINCETON READINGS IN ISLAMIST THOUGHT: Texts and Contexts from Al-Banna to Bin Laden Euben, Roxanne Leslie & Muhammad Qasim Zaman This anthology of key primary texts provides an unmatched introduction to Islamist political thought from the early 20th century to the present. It brings into relief the commonalities in Islamist arguments about gender, democracy, and violence, but also reveals political and theological disagreements among thinkers who are often grouped together and dismissed as extremists. 536pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Princeton • P • $37.50 / $24.98 ✪ 133688 QUESTIONING THE VEIL: Open Letters to Muslim Women Lazreg, Marnia In this volume, Lazreg combines her own experiences growing up in a Muslim family in Algeria with interviews and the real-life stories of other Muslim women in order to produce a nuanced argument for doing away with the veil. Written in the form of a series of letters, it examines the reasons given for wearing the veil and points to the dangers and limitations of this cultural practice. 168pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $17.95 / $10.98 157216 SPIRITUAL DISCOURSE: Learning with an Islamic Master Trix, Frances A study of the process by which Baba Rexheb, an Albanian leader of the Bektashi order, and the author, an American student who studied with him for more than 20 years, come to share a common universe of experience and attunement, in which what is passed on is not a set of facts but a relationship, as the relationship of "seeker" and "master" mirrors that of the human and God. 208pgs. • 1993 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $27.50 / $7.98 144003 TALES OF GOD'S FRIENDS: Islamic Hagiography in Translation Renard, John This remarkable collection gathers a breathtakingly diverse selection of primary texts from the vast repertoire of Islamic stories about holy men and women, exemplary for their piety, intimacy with God, and service to their fellow human beings. Translated from seventeen languages, these texts come from the Middle East, North and sub-Saharan Africa, Central and South Asia, and China and Southeast Asia. 432pgs. • 2009 ◆ • California • P • $31.95 / $18.98 105869 UNMODERN MEN IN THE MODERN WORLD: Radical Islam, Terrorism, and the War on Modernity Mazarr, Michael J. Most recent accounts of radical Islam provide little help in understanding the motivations and mindsets of people who frequently continue to be characterized simply as "evildoers who hate freedom." Using a comparative method, this book offers a new way of understanding the challenge. It concludes with specific policy suggestions for a new approach to replace the failing strategies that are currently being employed. 290pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $24.99 / $11.98 ✪ 157871 WALLED: Israeli Society at an Impasse Cypel, Sylvain An award-winning journalist explores the culture of denial in Israeli and Palestinian societies -- and its lethal consequences. Cypel offers a lucid analysis of the IsraeliPalestinian situation and powerfully demonstrates that the wall of protection erected in the West Bank by Israel is the most visible symptom of a society in peril. 534pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Other Press • P • $17.95 / $5.98 M I LITARY H ISTORY 112185 THE CAMBRIDGE ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF WARFARE: The Triumph of the West REVISED EDITION Parker, Geoffrey A unique account of Western warfare from antiquity to the present day. Treats all aspects of the subject: the development of warfare on land, sea and air; weapons and technology; strategy and defense; discipline and intelligence; mercenaries and standing armies; cavalry and infantry; chivalry and Blitzkrieg; guerilla assault and nuclear arsenals. It ranges in scope from the Greek victory at Marathon to the jungle warfare of Vietnam and the strategic air attacks of the Gulf War. 432pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $39.99 / $22.98 80,000 more books online 138017 THE COMPLETE ROMAN ARMY Goldsworthy, Adrian Drawing on archaeology, ancient art, and original documentary sources, this book presents the most convincing history ever published of the Roman army, examining in detail not just the early imperial army but also the citizens' militia of the Republic and the army of the later Empire. Includes 107 full-color and 147 black-and-white illustrations. 224pgs. • 2011 ▲ • Thames & Hudson • P • $26.95 / $9.98 ✪ 157531 FIGHTING TECHNIQUES OF NAVAL WARFARE: Strategy, Weapons, Commanders, and Ships 1190 BC-1942 AD Dickie, Iain, et al. Beginning with Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses III's victory over the piratical Sea Peoples, and continuing to the use of aircraft carriers and the latest computerized weapons technology, the book covers every significant development in naval warfare over the last 3,000 years. 256pgs. • 2009 ◆ • St. Martin's • C • $29.95 / $12.98 ✪ 157532 FIGHTING TECHNIQUES OF THE IMPERIAL AGE: Equipment, Combat Skills and Tactics Bruce, Robert B. Using specially commissioned artworks to illustrate battles, equipment, and tactics ranging from the beginning of the American War of Independence through the imperial clashes that preceded World War I, this volume shows in detail the methods by which armies gained and lost ascendancy on the battlefield. 256pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Amber Books • C • IMPORT / $12.98 149692 THE GUNS OF AUGUST & THE PROUD TOWER Tuchman, Barbara W. Tuchman's Pulitzer Prize-winning bestseller The Guns of August offered a majestic orchestration of the diplomatic and military history of the crucial first weeks of World War I. It is presented in this edition with The Proud Tower, a fascinating kaleidoscope of essays on subjects ranging from the Dreyfus Affair in France to the birth of American imperialism. 1264pgs. • 2012 ▲ • Library of America • C • $45.00 / $21.98 150694 THE MEANING OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR Mandel, Ernest In this readable and richly detailed history of the conflict, Mandel outlines his view that the war was a combination of several distinct struggles and a battle between rival imperialisms for world hegemony. Examining the role played by technology, science, logistics, weapons, and propaganda, he weaves a consideration of the military strategy of the opposing states into his analytical narrative of the war and its results. 212pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Verso • P • $24.95 / $8.98 119644 ROMAN WARFARE Roth, Jonathan P. This lively examination of the evolution of Roman ways of war surveys the history of Rome's fighting forces from their inception in the 7th century BCE to the fall of the Western Empire in the 5th century CE. Includes 39 halftones and 27 color plates. 328pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $22.99 / $12.98 087204 A WORLD AT ARMS: A Global History of World War II NEW EDITION Weinberg, Gerhard L. Widely hailed as a masterpiece, this volume remains the first history of WWII to provide a truly global account of a war that encompassed six continents. Starting with the changes that restructured Europe and its colonies following the WWI, Weinberg sheds new light on every aspect of WWII, as actions of the Axis, the Allies, and the Neutrals are covered in every theater of the war. 1208pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $34.99 / $20.98 IMAGES OF WAR 47 ✪ 157473 BLITZKRIEG IN THE WEST IMAGES OF WAR Baxter, Ian This superbly illustrated book captures the dramatic action of May and June 1940, when the speed and ferocity of the German onslaught took the Allies by surprise, as Hitler's land and air forces forced the French to surrender and left Britain to fight on virtually alone. 144pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Pen & Sword • P • $24.95 / $7.98 M I L I T A R Y ✪ 157474 BLITZKRIEG RUSSIA IMAGES OF WAR Sutherland, Jonathan A collection of rare photographs taken from five unpublished albums focusing on Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion of Russia in 1941. 144pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Pen & Sword • P • $24.95 / $7.98 157480 FALLSCHIRMJAGER: Elite German Paratroops in World War II IMAGES OF WAR Sutherland, Jon The photos in this book have been taken from an unpublished album that belonged to a member of the elite German Paratroopers who saw action during the invasion of Crete, the Russian Front, and Monte Casino. 139pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Pen & Sword • P • $24.95 / $8.98 ✪ 157497 THE GERMANS IN FLANDERS 1914-1915 IMAGES OF WAR Bilton, David The book documents the German Army's presence in Flanders from its arrival in September 1914 until the summer of 1916. The illustrations -- most previously unpublished -- provide an illustrative background in both a specific and general form, highlighting life in the front-line as well as rear areas. 176pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Pen & Sword • P • $24.95 / $9.98 ✪ 157486 HITLER'S MOUNTAIN TROOPS 1939-1945: The Gebirgsjager IMAGES OF WAR Baxter, Ian Hitler's Gebirgsjager were a group of elite soldiers ready for battle, whatever the conditions. This superb book shows these mountain troops in training and action from Poland, Norway, and France through Yugoslavia, the Eastern Front, and the closing stages of the war. 144pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Pen & Sword • P • $24.95 / $9.98 ✪ 157499 RED ARMY AT WAR: Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives IMAGES OF WAR Drabkin, Artem The 160 photographs from the Russian archives that have been selected for this book give a striking insight into all sides of wartime service for the Soviet soldier. The whole range of military experience is portrayed here, from recruitment and the rigors of training to transport, marching and the ordeal of combat. 128pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Pen & Sword • P • $24.95 / $8.98 ✪ ■ ◆ ▲ Some books are in limited supply. Order today! New to Catalog New from the publisher Remainder - like new Publisher returns Note: remainders and publisher returns may be marked with a small line or dot. w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m H I S T O R Y 48 M U S I C M USIC 127094 DEBUSSY AND HIS WORLD Fulcher, Jane F., ed. It was against the background of ferment and change that characterized French society and music from the Franco-Prussian War to World War I that Debussy re-imagined music. This book captures the complexity of the composer's restless personal and artistic identity within the musical, social, and political world of fin-de-siècle Paris. 350pgs. • 2001 ◆ • Princeton • P • $35.00 / $15.98 157208 ELECTRIC LADYLAND: Women and Rock Culture Rhodes, Lisa L. With the explosion of rock music in the mid-1960s, female musicians, journalists, and groupies rewrote women's roles both on and off the stage. Drawing on diverse and rich sources, Rhodes's social and cultural history of this formative era examines how women's changing roles were intertwined with the evolution of the music itself. 310pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $26.50 / $7.98 152017 FRENCH OPERA: A Short History Giroud, Vincent In this comprehensive account of opera in France from its origins to the present, Vincent Giroud looks at the leading composers, from Lully to Messiaen and beyond; at the development of French operatic form and style; at performance, performers, and audience; and at the impact of French opera beyond France's borders. 352pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Yale • C • $65.00 / $14.98 ✪ 157806 HOW THE BEATLES DESTROYED ROCK 'N' ROLL: An Alternative History of American Popular Music Wald, Elijah Traces the evolution of popular music through developing tastes, trends and technologies in order to give a fuller, more balanced account of the broad variety of musics that captivated listeners over the course of the 20th century. Wald revisits original sources -- recordings, period articles, memoirs, and interviews -- to highlight how music was actually heard and experienced over the years. 336pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $16.95 / $5.98 135625 JEAN SIBELIUS AND HIS WORLD Grimley, Daniel M. Providing wide cultural contexts, contesting received ideas about modernism, and interrogating notions of landscape and nature, this volume sheds new light on the critical position occupied by Sibelius in the Western musical tradition. 352pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $35.00 / $22.98 153022 MUSICAL MEANING AND HUMAN VALUES Kramer, Lawrence & Keith Chapin, eds. Examines the relationship between the valuations placed on music by both individuals and societies, and the discovery, through music, of what and how to value. With a combination of cultural criticism and close readings of musical works, the contributors demonstrate repeatedly that to make music is also, in every sense, to make value. 208pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Fordham • P • $30.00 / $11.98 SONDHEIM ✪ 157863 FINISHING THE HAT: Collected Lyrics (1954-1981) with Attendant Comments, Principles, Heresies, Grudges, Whines and Anecdotes Sondheim, Stephen Along with the lyrics for all of Sondheim's musicals from 1954 to 1981, this volume includes never-before-published songs from each show. He discusses his relationship with his mentor, Oscar Hammerstein II, and his collaborations with such extraordinary talents as Leonard Bernstein, Arthur Laurents, Ethel Merman, Richard Rodgers, Angela Lansbury, and Harold Prince. 480pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Knopf • C • $45.00 / $12.98 ✪ 157865 LOOK, I MADE A HAT: Collected Lyrics (19812011) with Attendant Comments, Amplifications, Dogmas, Harangues, Digressions, Anecdotes and Miscellany Sondheim, Stephen The second volume of Sondheim's collected lyrics. Once again, he richly annotates his lyrics with invaluable advice on songwriting, discussions of theater history and the state of the industry today, and exacting dissections of his work -- both successes and failures. 480pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Knopf • C • $45.00 / $12.98 ✪ 157879 A NATURAL HISTORY OF THE PIANO: The Instrument, the Music, the Musicians - From Mozart to Modern Jazz and Everything in Between Isacoff, Stuart In this beautifully illustrated celebration of the piano, Isacoff reveals how the piano's sound provides the basis for emotional expression and individual style; he illuminates the groundbreaking music of Mozart, Beethoven, Liszt, Schumann, and Debussy; and he delineates how classical music and jazz influenced each other as the uniquely American art form progressed from ragtime, novelty, stride, boogie, bebop, and beyond. 384pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Knopf • C • $30.00 / $9.98 142492 ORPHEUS IN MANHATTAN: William Schuman and the Shaping of America's Musical Life Swayne, Steve The winner of the first Pulitzer Prize in Music, William Schuman composed music that is rhythmically febrile, harmonically pungent, melodically long-breathed, and timbrally brilliant. This volume offers an astute analysis of his work, including many unpublished music scores, and describes Schuman's role at the helm of the Juilliard School of Music and Lincoln Center. 752pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $39.95 / $9.98 NATU RAL H ISTORY & ENVI RON M ENTAL STU DIES 105220 ATLANTIC SHORELINES: Natural History and Ecology Bertness, Mark D. An introduction to the natural history and ecology of shoreline communities on the East Coast of North America. Bertness examines how distinctive communities of plants and animals are generated on rocky shores and in salt marshes, mangroves, and soft sediment beaches. 431pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Princeton • P • $62.95 / $39.98 80,000 more books online ✪ 157861 THE BEDSIDE BOOK OF BEASTS: A Wildlife Miscellany Gibson, Graeme In this stunning companion to the internationally bestselling Bedside Book of Birds, Graeme Gibson gathers works of art and literature from all eras and cultures that capture the power, grace, and inventiveness of both predators and their natural prey. 384pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Doubleday • C • $35.00 / $9.98 49 BIRDS 133430 THE BEAK OF THE FINCH: A Story of Evolution in Our Time Weiner, Jonathan On a desert island in the heart of the Galapagos archipelago, where Darwin received his first inklings of the theory of evolution, two scientists have spent decades proving that Darwin did not know the strength of his own theory. In this dramatic story of groundbreaking scientific research, Jonathan Weiner follows these scientists as they watch Darwin's finches and come up with a new understanding of life itself. 352pgs. • 1995 ◆ • Vintage • P • $16.00 / $7.98 125578 BIRDS OF EAST ASIA: China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and Russia Brazil, Mark A handy single-volume guide to all the bird species of the region. Features 234 beautiful color plates and more than 950 color maps covering seasonal habitats and migration routes. 528pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Princeton • P • $39.95 / $22.98 140916 BIRDS OF INDIA: Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives SECOND EDITION Grimmett, Richard The leading field guide to the birds of the Indian subcontinent -- now thoroughly revised -- covers 1,375 species, including all residents, migrants, and vagrants. The 226 color plates -73 of which are new to this edition -- depict every species and many distinct plumages and races. 528pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Princeton • P • $39.50 / $21.98 104863 BIRDS OF MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA Van Perlo, Ber The only field guide to illustrate and describe every species of bird in Central America from Mexico to Panama, including Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. Enhanced by 98 color plates, the guide provides illustrations of all plumages for the adult males and females as well as the juveniles of each species. 336pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Princeton • P • $29.95 / $15.98 024523 THE BOOK OF NATURALISTS: An Anthology of the Best Natural History Beebe, William, ed. Deals with the development and growth of natural history, with works by Aristotle, Antony van Leeuwenhoek, Charles Darwin, and Julian S. Huxley, among others, reflecting on the love of animals and plants, evolution, classification, and anatomy. 499pgs. • 1988 ◆ • Princeton • P • $49.95 / $22.98 157240 COLONIAL BOTANY: Science, Commerce, and Politics in the Early Modern World Schiebinger, Londa & Claudia Swan, eds. In the early modern world, botany was big science and big business, critical to Europe's national and trade ambitions. Tracing the dynamic relationships among plants, peoples, states, and economies over the course of three centuries, this collection of essays offers a lively challenge to a historiography that has previously depicted the rise of modern botany as a story of taxonomies and "pure" systems of classification. 352pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $24.95 / $9.98 ✪ 157799 THE DANCE OF AIR AND SEA: How Oceans, Weather, and Life Link Together Taylor, Arnold H. How can plankton in the sea just off of Western Europe be affected by changes in the Gulf Stream 4,000 miles away? How can the temperature of the Pacific Ocean help predict the yields of maize in Zimbabwe? In this volume, an oceanographer illuminates the powerful forces driving the world's ecosphere, and reveals how ecosystems in water and on land respond to changes in weather. 288pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $29.95 / $6.98 125714 BIRDS OF PERU REVISED & UPDATED EDITION Schulenberg, Thomas S., et al. The most complete and authoritative field guide to the diverse, neotropical landscape of Peru. It features every one of the country's 1,817 bird species in 307 superb, high-quality color plates. 664pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • P • $45.00 / $23.98 104833 HAWKS FROM EVERY ANGLE: How to Identify Raptors in Flight Liguori, Jerry Featuring 339 striking color photos on 68 color plates and 32 black & white photos, this volume presents a host of meticulously crafted pictures for each of the 19 species it covers in detail -the species most common to migration sites throughout the US and Canada. All aspects of raptor identification are discussed, including plumage, shape, and flight style. 129pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Princeton • P • $19.95 / $9.98 111734 ONE MAN'S OWL Heinrich, Bernd The engaging chronicle of how the author and a great horned owl nicknamed "Bubo" came to know one another over three summers spent in the Maine woods, and of how Bubo eventually grew into an independent hunter. 240pgs. • 1993 ◆ • Princeton • P • $28.95 / $11.98 127041 PARROTS OF THE WORLD Forshaw, Joseph Michael Covers all 356 species and well-differentiated subspecies of parrots. It features 146 superb color plates, as well as detailed, facing-page species accounts that describe key identification features, distribution, subspeciation, habitat, and status. 336pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • P • $29.95 / $17.98 104865 RAPTORS OF THE WORLD Ferguson-Lees, James & David Christie A unique identification guide to all the world's raptors, with 118 color plates showing 338 species both in flight and perched. Color distribution maps are included for every species. 320pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Princeton • P • $35.00 / $20.98 133215 DARWIN'S LOST WORLD: The Hidden History of Animal Life Brasier, Martin Hidden in the depths of the early history of life is a great mystery: something happened around the beginning of the Cambrian period that produced many of the precursors of animals we know today -- yet scientists don't really know what provided that spark. In this vibrantly written book, a leading paleontologist takes us into the deep, dark ages of the Precambrian to explore the enigma. 288pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $19.95 / $6.98 112315 DINOSAURS: A Concise Natural History Fastovsky, David E. & David B. Weishampel This introduction to the study of dinosaurs for non-specialists is designed to excite readers about science by using dinosaurs to illustrate and discuss geology, natural history, and evolution. It introduces a range of aspects of the natural sciences, including fundamental concepts in evolutionary biology, physiology, life history, and systematics. 394pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $82.00 / $37.98 157232 THE EMPEROR OF NATURE: Charles-Lucien Bonaparte and His World Stroud, Patricia Tyson Called the father of American descriptive ornithology, CharlesLucien Bonaparte -- a nephew of Napoleon -- compiled the monumental American Ornithology: or, The Natural History of Birds Inhabiting the United States. Based extensively on archival sources, including many unpublished letters still in the possession of the Bonaparte family, this is the first biography ever written of this fascinating figure. 400pgs. • 2000 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $49.95 / $7.98 w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m N A T U R A L H I S T O R Y & E N V I R O N M E N T A L S T U D I E S 50 CHARLES DARWIN N A T U R A L 109570 THE BEAGLE LETTERS BURKHARDT, FREDERICK, ED. Darwin, Charles Charles Darwin's voyage on the HMS Beagle is both a gripping adventure story and a turning point in the making of the modern world. Brought together here in chronological order, the letters he wrote and received during his trip provide a first-hand account of a voyage of discovery that was as much personal as intellectual. 544pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Cambridge • C • $40.00 / $14.98 H I S T O R Y 140908 THE ORIGIN THEN AND NOW: An Interpretive Guide to The Origin of Species Reznick, David N. An indispensable primer for anyone seeking to understand Darwin's Origin of Species and the ways it has shaped the modern study of evolution. Reznick shows how many of the work's apparent peculiarities can be explained by the state of science in 1859, and demonstrates why Darwin's theory unifies the biological sciences under a single conceptual framework much as Newton did for physics. 448pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $22.95 / $11.98 & E N V I R O N M E N T A L S T U D I E S 111381 EXTINCTION: How Life on Earth Nearly Ended 250 Million Years Ago Erwin, Douglas H. Some 250 million years ago, in the greatest biological crisis in the history of our planet, around 95 percent of all living species died out. Here, the world's foremost authority on the subject provides a fascinating overview of the evidence for and against a whole host of hypotheses concerning this cataclysmic event that unfolded at the end of the Permian. 320pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Princeton • P • $25.95 / $9.98 ✪ 157481 FIFTY ANIMALS THAT CHANGED THE COURSE OF HISTORY Chaline, Eric In this beautifully presented guide to the animals that have had the greatest impact on human civilization, more than 150 elegant drawings, photographs, and paintings, as well as excerpts from literature, accompany the stories of the horse, dog, rat, whale, reindeer, beaver, flea, leech, dodo, falcon, oyster, shark, and more. 224pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Firefly • C • $29.95 / $7.98 133899 FROGS AND TOADS OF THE WORLD Mattison, Chris Stunningly illustrated throughout with 200 color photographs, this one-of-a-kind book traces the evolution and classification of frogs and toads, providing detailed information about each of the 49 unique families and highlighting distinctive and notable species. 192pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • C • $29.95 / $15.98 088601 IGUANAS: Biology and Conservation Alberts, Allison, et al., eds. Leading experts offer a clear and accessible account of the latest research on the evolution, behavioral ecology, and conservation of these increasingly endangered creatures. Illustrated with photographs, maps, tables, and figures, this volume will be the definitive resource for anyone interested in iguanas. 373pgs. • 2004 ◆ • California • C • $68.95 / $24.98 111732 INFECTIOUS DISEASE ECOLOGY: Effects of Ecosystems on Disease and of Disease on Ecosystems Ostfeld, Richard S., et al. Gathering thirteen essays by forty leading experts, this book develops an integrated framework for understanding where infectious diseases come from, what ecological factors influence their impact, and how they in turn influence ecosystem dynamics. 506pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Princeton • P • $65.00 / $31.98 80,000 more books online 154712 THE KINGDOM OF FUNGI Petersen, Jens H. An intimate look at the world's astonishing variety of fungi species, from cup fungi and lichens to truffles and tooth fungi, clubs and corals, and jelly fungi and puffballs. This beautifully illustrated book features more than 800 stunning color photographs as well as a concise text that describes the biology and ecology of fungi, fungal morphology, where fungi grow, and human interactions with and uses of fungi. 272pgs. • 2013 ◆ • Princeton • C • $29.95 / $14.98 127683 THE LONG THAW: How Humans Are Changing the Next 100,000 Years of Earth's Climate Archer, David Shows how just a few centuries of fossil-fuel use will cause not only a climate storm that will last a few hundred years, but dramatic climate changes that will endure for thousands. By comparing the global warming projection for the next century to natural climate changes of the distant past, and then looking into the future far beyond the usual scientific and political horizon of the year 2100, Archer reveals the hard truths of the long-term climate forecast. 192pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • P • $16.95 / $7.98 133044 LOST LAND OF THE DODO: The Ecological History of Mauritius, Reunion, and Rodrigues Cheke, Anthony & Julian P. Hume The Mascarene Islands of the Indian Ocean were once home to an extraordinary range of birds and reptiles: giant tortoises, parrots, skinks, geckos, burrowing boas, flightless rails and herons, and, most famously, dodos. This fascinating book, featuring Julian Hume's superb color illustrations, provides the first full ecological history of the islands and its bygone fauna. 480pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Yale • C • $55.00 / $12.98 127718 THE MINER'S CANARY: Unraveling the Mysteries of Extinction Eldredge, Niles How is our fate linked to that of the earth's other creatures? Does human activity accelerate extinction? In an elegantly written account of the widespread reduction of the world's wildlife, Niles Eldredge examines humankind's role in the larger life cycles of the earth and sets forth a provocative general theory of extinction. 272pgs. • 1994 ◆ • Princeton • P • $42.00 / $14.98 154679 ODD COUPLES: Extraordinary Differences Between the Sexes in the Animal Kingdom Fairbairn, Daphne J. While we joke that men are from Mars and women are from Venus, our gender differences can't compare to those of other animals. From the fields of Spain to the deep oceans, evolutionary biologist Daphne Fairbairn uncovers the unique and bizarre characteristics -- in size, behavior, ecology, and life history -- that exist in these remarkable species and the special strategies they use to maximize reproductive success. 328pgs. • 2013 ◆ • Princeton • C • $27.95 / $11.98 PARASITES ✪ 157491 PARASITE REX: Inside the Bizarre World of Nature's Most Dangerous Creatures Zimmer, Carl Traveling from the steamy jungles of Costa Rica to the parasite-riddled war zone of southern Sudan, Zimmer introduces an array of amazing creatures that invade their hosts, prey on them from within, and control their behavior. He also vividly describes parasites that can change DNA, rewire the brain, make men more distrustful and women more outgoing, and turn hosts into the living dead. 320pgs. • 2001 ◆ • Atria • P • $15.99 / $6.98 126185 WHAT'S EATING YOU?: People and Parasites Kaplan, Eugene H. Informative, frequently lurid, and hugely entertaining, this beautifully illustrated book narrates the author's rue and harrowing tales of adventures with parasites, and provides a parasitologist's insights into the intimately interwoven lives of human and animal hosts and their uninvited guests. 320pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • C • $26.95 / $15.98 ✪ 154911 ON GAIA: A Critical Investigation of the Relationship Between Life and Earth Tyrrell, Toby First proposed in the 1970s, James Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis posits that life itself has intervened in the regulation of the planetary environment in order to keep it stable and favorable for life. Examining the scientific evidence, Toby Tyrrell concludes that feedback systems on Earth do not provide robust protection against the environment becoming uninhabitable -- or against poor stewardship by us. 320pgs. • 2013 ◆ • Princeton • C • $35.00 / $17.98 154548 PTEROSAURS: Natural History, Evolution, Anatomy Witton, Mark P. This one-of-a-kind book covers the discovery history, paleobiogeography, anatomy, and behaviors of more than 130 species of pterosaur, and also discusses their demise at the end of the Mesozoic. It features some 200 stunning illustrations, including original paintings and photos of rarely seen fossils. 304pgs. • 2013 ◆ • Princeton • C • $35.00 / $15.98 ✪ 041183 THE SKEPTICAL ENVIRONMENTALIST: Measuring the Real State of the World Lomborg, Bjorn Lomborg offers a fresh perspective to the debate and challenges the view that we are destroying our planet irrevocably by exploding the widely propagated myth that the state of the environment continues to spiral downwards beyond our control. He supports his arguments with over 2500 footnotes, allowing readers to check his sources. 540pgs. • 2001 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $32.99 / $9.98 157203 TREES OF PENNSYLVANIA: A Complete Reference Guide Rhoads, Ann Fowler, et al. Written by botanists from the official arboretum of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, this is the most comprehensive, authoritative, and accessible field and natural history guide to the state's tree life. It covers all of Pennsylvania's 195 trees, both native and naturalized; each species is described in a concise, tabular format that includes the characteristics of leaves, branches, bark, flowers, and fruits. 416pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $59.95 / $18.98 080315 WHEN LIFE NEARLY DIED: The Greatest Mass Extinction of All Time Benton, Michael At the end of the Permian period, 251 million years ago, 90 percent of life was destroyed, including saber-toothed reptiles and vast numbers of fish and other marine species. Was the end-Permian event caused by the impact of a huge meteorite or comet, or by prolonged volcanic eruption? This volume surveys the evidence and provides a tentative verdict. 336pgs. • 2005 ▲ • Thames & Hudson • P • $24.95 / $10.98 105044 WHY SEX MATTERS: A Darwinian Look at Human Behavior Low, Bobbi S. Why are primate males usually the aggressors and risk takers? Why do women typically have fewer sexual partners? Why is incest taboo? Bobbi Low ranges from ancient Rome to modern America, and from single-celled organisms to international politics, to show that these and many other questions about human behavior reflect the basic principle that all organisms have evolved to maximize their reproductive success. 432pgs. • 2001 ◆ • Princeton • P • $45.00 / $19.98 Some books are in limited supply. Order today! INSECTS 51 125751 ANT ENCOUNTERS: Interaction Networks and Colony Behavior Gordon, Deborah Ant colonies operate without a central control or hierarchy, and no ant directs another. Instead, ants decide what to do based on the rate, rhythm, and pattern of individual encounters and interactions, resulting in a dynamic network that coordinates the functions of the colony. In this volume, Gordon provides a revealing and accessible look into ant behavior from this complex systems perspective. 184pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • P • $24.95 / $11.98 N A T U R A L 105091 CATERPILLARS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA: A Guide to Identification and Natural History Wagner, David L. A compact guide to nearly 700 caterpillars east of the Mississippi, from forest pests to garden guests and economically important species. The guide provides full-page species accounts -- with images of the adult insects -- for nearly 400 species, plus succinct coverage of distribution and other vital information. Includes 1,200 color photos and 24 line drawings. 496pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Princeton • P • $29.95 / $17.98 140922 DRAGONFLIES AND DAMSELFLIES OF THE EAST Paulson, Dennis The first fully illustrated guide to all 336 dragonfly and damselfly species of eastern North America, from the rivers of Manitoba to the Florida cypress swamps. Species accounts describe key identification features, distribution, flight season, similar species, habitat, and natural history. 576pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $29.95 / $14.98 104331 GARDEN INSECTS OF NORTH AMERICA: The Ultimate Guide to Backyard Bugs Cranshaw, Whitney The most comprehensive and userfriendly guide to the common insects and mites affecting yard and garden. With full-color photos and concise, clear, scientifically accurate text, it describes 1,420 species, including crickets, katydids, fruit flies, mealybugs, moths, maggots, borers, aphids, ants, bees, and many other pests. 672pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Princeton • P • $29.95 / $17.98 140978 WHY SIZE MATTERS: From Bacteria to Blue Whales Bonner, John Tyler Because tiny creatures are subject primarily to forces of cohesion and larger beasts to gravity, a fly can easily walk up a wall, something we humans cannot even begin to imagine doing. Examining the giants and dwarfs of the human, animal, and plant worlds, Bonner examines how the physics of size affects biology, how size has evolved over geological time, and the role of size in the function and longevity of living things. 176pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $12.95 / $6.98 051930 WILD CHINA PHOTOS BY NIGEL HICKS MacKinnon, John A survey of the natural treasures of China, from the peaks of Mount Everest to the world's second lowest point in the Turpan Basin, from rain forests to the arid deserts. Includes chapters on each of the country's major ecological regions illustrated with 400 color photos. 208pgs. • 1996 ◆ • MIT • C • $39.95 / $9.98 w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m H I S T O R Y & E N V I R O N M E N T A L S T U D I E S 52 P H I L O S O P H Y PH I LOSOPHY ✪ 157725 THE AESTHETIC MIND: Philosophy and Psychology Schellekens, Elisabeth & Peter Goldie, eds. Why do we engage with things aesthetically and why do we create art? Does art or aesthetic experience have a function or functions? The contributors to this volume break new ground in bringing together empirical sciences and philosophy to enhance our understanding of aesthetics and the experience of art. 420pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $99.00 / $49.98 128464 ANCIENT SCEPTICISM Thorsrud, Harald An engaging, rigorous introduction to the central themes, arguments, and general concerns of ancient Scepticism, from its beginnings with Pyrrho of Elis (ca. 360 BC -ca. 270 BC) to the writings of Sextus Empiricus in the second century AD. 264pgs. • 2009 ◆ • California • P • $30.95 / $9.98 104364 AUTHORITY AND ESTRANGEMENT: An Essay on Self-Knowledge Moran, Richard Since Socrates, the problem of self-knowledge has been central to philosophy, but today the idea of "first-person authority" is under challenge from a number of directions. In this strikingly original and psychologically nuanced exploration of the contrasting ideals of relations to oneself and relations to others, Moran argues for a reconception of the first-person and its claims. 256pgs. • 2001 ◆ • Princeton • P • $35.00 / $21.98 152466 BLIND SPOTS: Why We Fail to Do What's Right and What to Do about It Bazerman, Max H. & Ann E. Tenbrunsel A pair of leading business ethicists examine the ways we overestimate our ability to do what is right and how we act unethically without meaning to. From the collapse of Enron and corruption in the tobacco industry and the downfall of Bernard Madoff, the authors investigate the nature of ethical failures in the business world and beyond, and illustrate how we can bridge the gap between who we are and who we want to be. 208pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Princeton • P • $16.95 / $6.98 JACQUES DERRIDA 152999 APPARITIONS - OF DERRIDA'S OTHER Saghafi, Kas Addressing Derrida's readings of Husserl, Levinas, Barthes, Blanchot, and Nancy, among other thinkers, and ranging across art, literature, philosophy, and religion, this book explores the apparitions of the other by attending to the mode of appearing or coming on the scene, the phenomenality and visibility of the other. 200pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Fordham • P • $30.00 / $12.98 152022 WHO WAS JACQUES DERRIDA?: An Intellectual Biography Mikics, David In the first full-scale appraisal of Derrida's career, his influence, and his philosophical roots, David Mikics succinctly defines Derrida's vision of philosophy. While pointing out the flaws of that vision and Derrida's betrayal of his most adamantly expounded beliefs, Mikics ultimately concludes that "Derrida was neither so brilliantly right nor so badly wrong as his enthusiasts and critics, respectively, claimed." 296pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Yale • P • $24.00 / $7.98 80,000 more books online 021352 COLLECTED DIALOGUES OF PLATO Plato This edition of Plato's dialogues and letters includes editorial notes prefacing each dialogue as well as an introductory essay on Plato's philosophy and writing. 1743pgs. • 1989 ◆ • Princeton • C • $55.00 / $28.98 ✪ 157713 COLLECTIVE RATIONALITY: Equilibrium in Cooperative Games Weirich, Paul By extending the theory of rationality to groups, this book reveals the characteristics that make an act evaluable for rationality and the way rationality's evaluation of an act responds to the type of control its agent exercises over the act. 288pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $29.95 / $12.98 039498 THE COMPLETE WORKS OF ARISTOTLE, VOLUME 1: The Revised Oxford Translation Barnes, Jonathan, ed. The Oxford Translation, originally published between 1912 and 1954, is universally recognized as the standard English version of Aristotle. This revised edition contains the substance of the original, slightly emended in light of recent scholarship. 1250pgs. • 1984 ◆ • Princeton • C • $52.50 / $26.98 153002 CORPUS Nancy, Jean-Luc & Richard A. Rand How have we thought the body? How can we think it anew? The body of mortal creatures, the body politic, the body of letters and of laws, the mystical body of Christ -- all these and more are incorporated in the word "corpus," the title and topic of Jean-Luc Nancy's masterwork. This edition includes five closely related recent pieces dedicated in large part to the legacy of the mind-body problem formulated by Descartes. 208pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Fordham • P • $25.00 / $6.98 ✪ 111466 CUNNING Herzog, Don Ever wish you were cleverer, more able to cut corners without getting caught? With pointedly mischievous prose, Herzog explores what it means to be cunning by drawing on a colorful range of sources: tales of Odysseus; texts from Machiavelli; pamphlets from early modern England; salesmen's newsletters; Christian apologetics; philosophical treatises; detective novels; and more. 197pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Princeton • P • $26.95 / $9.98 ✪ 157801 THE DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN LOGIC Haaparanta, Leila, ed. A comprehensive history of modern logic from the Middle Ages through the end of the 20th century. In addition to providing a history of symbolic logic, the contributors also examine developments in the philosophy of logic and philosophical logic in modern times. 1008pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $150.00 / $59.98 152591 DRAWING MORALS: Essays in Ethical Theory Hurka, Thomas These essays in moral and political philosophy address a wide variety of topics, from the well-rounded life and the value of playing games to proportionality in war and the ethics of nationalism. They aim to illuminate the surprising richness and subtlety of our everyday moral thought by revealing its underlying structure. In limited supply. 288pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $99.00 / $12.98 135912 ERNST CASSIRER: The Last Philosopher of Culture Skidelsky, Edward The first English-language intellectual biography of a leading figure on the Weimar intellectual scene. Skidelsky presents Cassirer, the author of The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, as a defender of the liberal ideal of culture in an increasingly fragmented world, and as someone who grappled with the opposing forces of scientific positivism and romantic vitalism. 304pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $24.95 / $15.98 IMMANUEL KANT 53 041079 ELEMENTS OF THE PHILOSOPHY OF RIGHT Hegel, G. W. F. Hegel's last major published work attempts to systematize ethical theory, natural right, the philosophy of law, political theory, and the sociology of the modern state into the framework of his philosophy of history. 514pgs. • 1991 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $27.99 / $15.98 049280 THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO KANT Guyer, Paul, ed. The most systematic and comprehensive account of the full range of Kant's writings, and the first major overview of his work to be published in more than a dozen years. An international team of Kant scholars explore Kant's conceptual revolution in epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of science, moral and political philosophy, aesthetics, and the philosophy of religion. 496pgs. • 1992 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $45.00 / $22.98 023878 HEGEL'S INTRODUCTION TO THE LECTURES ON THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY T. M. KNOX & A. V. MILLER, TRANS. Hegel, G. W. F. A translation based on Hoffmeister's text of 1940 and Michelet's first edition. 193pgs. • 1987 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $70.00 / $27.98 041085 CRITIQUE OF PURE REASON THE CAMBRIDGE EDITION OF THE WORKS OF IMMANUEL KANT Kant, Immanuel The most accurate and informative English translation of Kant's most important work in both the 1781 and 1787 editions. All Kant's handwritten emendations and marginal notes from his own personal copy reproduced for the first time in any edition, German or English. 785pgs. • 1999 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $42.00 / $21.98 P H I L O S O P H Y HEGEL 132893 ETHICS AND ANIMALS: An Introduction Gruen, Lori In this comprehensive introduction to animal ethics, Lori Gruen provides a survey of the issues central to human-animal relations and a reasoned new perspective on current key debates in the field. She explores a range of theoretical positions and poses challenging questions that directly encourage readers to develop a defensible position regarding their own practices. 250pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $28.99 / $17.98 148129 THE EVIDENT CONNEXION: Hume on Personal Identity Strawson, Galen A new reading of Hume's "bundle theory" of the self or mind, and of his later rejection of it. Galen Strawson argues that the bundle theory does not claim that there are no subjects of experience, but simply that we have no empirically respectable reason to believe in the existence of a persisting subject, or a mind that is more than a series of experiences. 192pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $35.00 / $16.98 105201 EVIL IN MODERN THOUGHT: An Alternative History of Philosophy Neiman, Susan Whether expressed in theological or secular terms, evil confronts philosophy with fundamental questions. Neiman argues that these questions impelled modern philosophy, concluding that two basic stances run through modern thought. One, from Rousseau to Arendt, insists that morality demands we make evil intelligible. The other, from Voltaire to Adorno, insists that morality demands that we do not. 376pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Princeton • P • $35.00 / $12.98 ✪ 157783 HAVING IN MIND: The Philosophy of Keith Donnellan Almog, Joseph & Paolo Leonardi, eds. One of the founding fathers of contemporary philosophy of language, Keith Donnellan was and is an extremely creative thinker whose insights have reached into metaphysics, action theory, the history of philosophy, and the philosophy of mind and language. This volume collects the best critical essays on Donnellan's forty-year body of work. 256pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $85.00 / $39.98 152112 INSURMOUNTABLE SIMPLICITIES: Thirty-Nine Philosophical Conundrums Casati, Roberto & Achille Varzi Why do mirrors seem to invert left and right but not up and down? How do we know whether strawberries taste the same for everyone? This volume of stories, dialogues, and epistolary exchanges explores a variety of philosophical themes -- including personal identity, causality and responsibility, the paradoxes of time and space, the interface between logic and language -- in captivating and inventive ways. 144pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Columbia • C • $65.00 / $7.98 047691 GROUNDWORK OF THE METAPHYSICS OF MORALS GREGOR, MARY J., ET AL., EDS. Kant, Immanuel Ranks alongside Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics as one of the most profound and influential works in moral philosophy. In Kant's words, its aim is to search for and establish the supreme principle of morality, the categorical imperative. This edition uses Gregor's translation of the text, with an introduction by Korsgaard examining and explaining Kant's argument. 120pgs. • 1998 ▲ • Cambridge • P • $19.00 / $8.98 051647 THE METAPHYSICS OF MORALS GREGOR, MARY, ET AL., EDS. Kant, Immanuel Kant's major work in applied moral philosophy, in which he deals with the basic principles of rights and of virtues. It comprises two parts: the "Doctrine of Right," which deals with the rights that people have or can acquire, and the "Doctrine of Virtue," which deals with the virtues they ought to acquire. 278pgs. • 1996 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $24.99 / $11.98 041139 POLITICAL WRITINGS Kant, Immanuel Revised edition with three newly translated texts, extended bibliography, and postscript. General introduction shows Kant's aim to have been to establish the philosophical principles on which a just and lasting world peace could be based. 311pgs. • 1991 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $27.99 / $16.98 031024 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY THE CAMBRIDGE EDITION OF THE WORKS OF IMMANUEL KANT Kant, Immanuel The first comprehensive English translation of all of Kant's moral and political philosophy writings. As well as the Groundwork to the Metaphysics of Morals, the Critique of Practical Reason, the Metaphysics of Morals, and Toward Perpetual Peace, the volume includes shorter essays and reviews, some of which have never been translated before. 668pgs. • 1996 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $49.00 / $30.98 ✪ 157785 THE LAW-GOVERNED UNIVERSE Roberts, John T. Presents and defends a radically new theory of laws of nature, the Measurability Account. Though consistent with a Humean ontology, Roberts's theory differs sharply from the most influential Humean theory of laws, David Lewis's Best-System Analysis. 420pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $40.00 / $12.98 w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m 54 P H I L O S O P H Y 087149 THE LOGIC OF REAL ARGUMENTS Fisher, Alec This expanded edition explains a distinctive method for analyzing and evaluating arguments. Utilizing a wide variety of examples, it aims to help students to think critically about the kind of sustained, theoretical arguments that they commonly encounter in their studies, including arguments about the natural world, society, policy, and philosophy. 236pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $31.99 / $14.98 ✪ 157790 THE MEANING OF DISGUST McGinn, Colin Disgust has a strong claim to be a distinctively human emotion. But what is it to be disgusting? What unifies the class of disgusting things? In this volume, Colin McGinn sets out to analyze the content of disgust, arguing that life and death are implicit in its meaning. 264pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $35.00 / $12.98 049179 MORAL AND POLITICAL ESSAYS COOPER, JOHN M. & J. F. PROCOPE, EDS. & TRANS. Seneca, Lucius Annaeus Clear, contemporary translations of Seneca's most important essays on ethics - "On Anger," "On Mercy," "On the Private Life," and the first four books of "On Favours" - illuminate the working mind of this classical Stoic thinker. Includes a useful Introduction describing Seneca's life and career and explaining important aspects of Stoic moral, political, and social philosophy. 324pgs. • 1995 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $36.99 / $21.98 125765 MORAL CLARITY: A Guide for Grown-up Idealists Neiman, Susan In this profound and powerful book, Susan Neiman reclaims the vocabulary of morality -- good and evil, heroism and nobility -- as a lingua franca for the 21st century. In constructing a framework for taking responsible action, she reaches back to the 18th century to retrieve values that were esteemed by the thinkers of the Enlightenment. 480pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Princeton • P • $30.95 / $13.98 SØREN KIERKEGAARD 038472 CONCLUDING UNSCIENTIFIC POSTSCRIPTS TO PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS, VOLUME 1 HONG, HOWARD V. & EDNA H. HONG, EDS. & TRANS. Kierkegaard, Soren Intended by Kierkegaard to be his concluding work as an author, these essays deal with what it takes to be a real Christian and examine the truth of Christianity as an objective issue. 630pgs. • 1992 ◆ • Princeton • P • $39.95 / $21.98 038657 CONCLUDING UNSCIENTIFIC POSTSCRIPTS TO PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS, VOLUME 2 HONG, HOWARD V. & EDNA H. HONG, EDS. & TRANS. Kierkegaard, Soren 345pgs. • 1992 ◆ • Princeton • P • $39.95 / $22.98 104772 THE ESSENTIAL KIERKEGAARD Hong, Howard V. & Edna H. Hong, eds. The most comprehensive anthology of Kierkegaard's works ever assembled in English. The selections represent every major aspect of Kierkegaard's extraordinary career and reveal the powerful mix of philosophy, psychology, theology, and literary criticism that made him one of the most compelling writers of the 19th century. 544pgs. • 2000 ◆ • Princeton • P • $35.00 / $17.98 038394 FEAR AND TREMBLING / REPETITION: Kierkegaard's Writings, VI Kierkegaard, Soren Kierkegaard discusses the profound implications of the unity of personhood and of identity within change -- the repetition that creates the rebirth of God in the heart of man, brings the eternal into the present, and allows the past to retain its meaning. 420pgs. • 1983 ▲ • Princeton • P • $35.00 / $17.98 154368 FEAR AND TREMBLING AND THE SICKNESS UNTO DEATH Kierkegaard, Søren Walter Lowrie's acclaimed translation of two of Kierkegaard's most crucial works. Fear and Trembling addresses the story of Abraham and Isaac to explore a faith that transcends the ethical, persists in the face of the absurd, and meets its reward in the return of all that the faithful one is willing to sacrifice, while The Sickness Unto Death examines the spiritual anxiety of despair. 504pgs. • 2013 ◆ • Princeton • P • $14.95 / $7.98 104956 THE HUMOR OF KIERKEGAARD: An Anthology EDITED BY THOMAS C. ODEN Kierkegaard, Søren Kierkegaard not only explored comic perception to its depths but also practiced the art of comedy as astutely as any writer of his time. This collection shows how his theory of comedy is integrated into his practice of comic perception, and how both are integral to his entire authorship. 304pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Princeton • P • $28.95 / $12.98 80,000 more books online 087393 KIERKEGAARD: FEAR AND TREMBLING Evans, C. Stephen & Sylvia Walsh, eds. A new translation of Kierkegaard's challenge to the German universalists and idealists, argued through an exploration of the story of Abraham and Isaac. Pondering the many questions the story raises about belief, moral obligation, and sin, Kierkegaard concludes that faith is both paradoxical and irrational, and cannot be understood by reason or in conventional moral terms. 190pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $22.99 / $12.98 038480 PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS / JOHANNES CLIMACUS Kierkegaard, Soren Written under the pseudonym Johannes Climacus, Kierkegaard contrasts the paradoxes of Christianity with Greek and modern philosophical thinking, exploring the implications of venturing beyond the Socratic understanding of truth. 371pgs. • 1985 ◆ • Princeton • P • $37.50 / $17.98 154550 THE SEDUCER'S DIARY Kierkegaard, Søren This work, a chapter from Kierkegaard's first major volume, Either/Or, springs from his relationship with his fiancée, Regine Olsen. "In the vast literature of love," observes John Updike in his Foreword, "The Seducer's Diary is an intricate curiosity -- a feverishly intellectual attempt to reconstruct an erotic failure as a pedagogic success, a wound masked as a boast." 232pgs. • 2013 ◆ • Princeton • P • $12.95 / $6.98 154361 A SHORT LIFE OF KIERKEGAARD Lowrie, Walter In this classic biography, Walter Lowrie presents a charming and warmly appreciative introduction to the life and work of the great Danish writer. Lowrie relates the story of Kierkegaard's emotionally turbulent life with a keen sense of drama and an acute understanding of how his life shaped his thought. 320pgs. • 2013 ◆ • Princeton • P • $16.95 / $8.98 038892 WORKS OF LOVE Kierkegaard, Soren An illuminating analysis of the forms and sources of love. Love as feeling and mood is distinguished from works of love, love of the lovable from love of the unlovely, preferential love from love as the royal law, love as mutual egotism from triangular love, and erotic love from self-giving love. 561pgs. • 1998 ◆ • Princeton • P • $39.95 / $22.98 F R I E D R I C H N I ET Z S C H E 032017 THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO NIETZSCHE Magnus, Bernd, & Kathleen M. Higgins, eds. Provides a chronologically organized introduction to and summary of Nietzsche's published works, essays on the appropriation and misappropriation of his writings, and a group of essays exploring the nature of Nietzsche's philosophy and its relation to the modern and postmodern world. 403pgs. • 1996 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $44.00 / $22.98 087186 NIETZSCHE: THE ANTICHRIST, ECCE HOMO, TWILIGHT OF THE IDOLS: And Other Writings Ridley, Aaron, ed. Combines five of Nietzsche's late works: The Antichrist, Ecce Homo, Twilight of the Idols, Nietzsche contra Wagner, and The Case of Wagner, wherein he takes on some of his greatest adversaries: traditional religion, contemporary culture, and his one-time hero, Richard Wagner, with writing simultaneously critical and creative, revealing his alternative philosophical vision. 338pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $28.99 / $15.98 098751 ON THE GENEALOGY OF MORALITY AND OTHER WRITINGS ANSELL-PEARSON, KEITH, ED. Nietzsche, Friedrich A revised and updated edition of Nietzsche's most important polemic on ethics and politics, presenting a critique of moral values and tracing the historical evolution of concepts such as guilt, conscience, responsibility, law, and justice. 242pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $22.99 / $12.98 144559 MORTAL QUESTIONS Nagel, Thomas Beginning by asking questions about humanity's attitudes towards death, sexual behavior, social inequality, war, and political power, Nagel pursues a selection of philosophical problems regarding such topics as personal identity, consciousness, freedom, and value. 232pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $20.99 / $11.98 036791 THE NATURE OF RATIONALITY Nozick, Robert In an exploration of rationality of decision and belief, shows how principles function in daily thinking and in efforts to live peacefully and productively with one another, explaining how misconceptions have resulted in philosophical problems. 226pgs. • 1995 ◆ • Princeton • P • $32.95 / $14.98 155354 OF MEN AND MANNERS: Essays Historical and Philosophical Quinton, Anthony The first part of this collection of writings by one of the wittiest and most versatile philosophers of his generation ranges over the last four hundred years of intellectual history, discussing such thinkers as Francis Bacon, Spinoza, Coleridge, Kant, Hegel, Quine, and Ayer. In the second part, Quinton discusses freedom, morality, politics, language, culture, and the relation between humans and animals. 288pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $55.00 / $18.98 153025 ON THE ANARCHY OF POETRY AND PHILOSOPHY: A Guide for the Unruly Bruns, Gerald L. In this provocative study, Bruns argues that the culture of modernism is a kind of anarchist community, where the work of art is apt to be as much an event or experience -- or, indeed, an alternative form of life -- as a formal object. In modern writing, he finds, philosophy and poetry fold into one another. 240pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Fordham • P • $30.00 / $9.98 128341 OUT OF EDEN: Adam and Eve and the Problem of Evil Kahn, Paul W. Focusing on the existential roots of evil rather than on the occasions for its appearance, Kahn argues that evil originates in man's flight from death. As his interpretations of Genesis lead him to inquiries into a variety of modern forms of evil -including slavery, torture, and genocide -- he urges us to see that the opposite of evil is not good, but love: while evil would master death, love would transcend it. 248pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • P • $24.95 / $11.98 049458 OUTLINES OF SCEPTICISM Sextus Empiricus The fullest extant account of ancient scepticism, this work is also one of our most copious sources of information about other Hellenistic philosophies. The first part contains an elaborate exposition of the Pyrrhonian variety of scepticism; the second and third parts argue against "dogmatism" in logic, epistemology, science, and ethics. 248pgs. • 2000 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $33.99 / $20.98 ✪ 157778 PERCEPTION, CAUSATION, AND OBJECTIVITY Roessler, Johannes, et al., eds. To be a "commonsense realist" is to hold that perceptual experience is in general an immediate awareness of mindindependent objects, and a source of direct knowledge of what such objects are like. The essays in this volume address such issues as the status of causal requirements on perception, the causal role of perceptual experience, and the relation between objective perception and causal thinking. 384pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $45.00 / $9.98 125799 PHILOSOPHY AND THE MIRROR OF NATURE Rorty, Richard In this volume, which hit the philosophical world like a bombshell when it was first published, Rorty argued that the questions about truth posed by Descartes, Kant, Hegel, and modern epistemologists and philosophers of language were unanswerable and, moreover, were irrelevant to serious social and cultural inquiry. The book remains a must-read for its insight into what philosophers can and cannot do to help us understand and improve the world. 472pgs. • 2008 ▲ • Princeton • P • $37.50 / $21.98 PRAGMATISM ✪ 133287 NEW PRAGMATISTS Misak, Cheryl, ed. Pragmatism is the view that our philosophical concepts must be connected to our practices, that philosophy must stay connected to first order inquiry, real examples, and real-life expertise. In this volume, David Bakhurst, Arthur Fine, Ian Hacking and other contemporary practitioners explore what the tradition has to offer in today's world. 204pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $35.00 / $9.98 117041 PRAGMATISM: A Reader Menand, Louis Since its birth was announced in 1898 by William James, pragmatism has played a vital role in almost every area of American intellectual and cultural life, inspiring judges, educators, politicians, poets, and social prophets. This volume collects the major texts of the school, from William James and John Dewey to Richard Rorty and Cornel West. 560pgs. • 1997 ◆ • Vintage • P • $18.00 / $7.98 131862 THE PRAGMATISM READER: From Peirce through the Present Talisse, Robert & Scott Aikin This anthology includes works by the founders of pragmatism, including Charles Peirce, William James, and John Dewey, as well as seminal writings by mid-20th-century pragmatists such as Sidney Hook, C. I. Lewis, Nelson Goodman, Rudolf Carnap, Wilfrid Sellars, and W. V. O. Quine. Each selection is a stand-alone piece -- not an excerpt or book chapter -- and each is presented fully unabridged. 496pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $39.95 / $19.98 w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m 55 P H I L O S O P H Y 56 JOHN R. SEARLE P H I L O S O P H Y 152109 FREEDOM AND NEUROBIOLOGY: Reflections on Free Will, Language, and Political Power Searle, John Argues that consciousness and rationality are both crucial to our existence and the result of the biological evolution of our species. Searle examines the problem of free will within the context of a neurobiological conception of consciousness and rationality, and addresses the problem of political power within this analytical context. 128pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Columbia • C • $60.00 / $7.98 148149 MAKING THE SOCIAL WORLD: The Structure of Human Civilization Searle, John R. Continuing a line of investigation begun in his earlier book The Construction of Social Reality, Searle identifies the precise role of language in the creation of all "institutional facts." He explains how a single linguistic operation, repeated over and over, is used to create and maintain the elaborate structures of human social institutions. 224pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $17.95 / $6.98 033311 THE REDISCOVERY OF THE MIND Searle, John R. Launching a formidable attack on current orthodoxies in the philosophy of mind, Searle argues that it is the neglect of consciousness that has resulted in so much barrenness and sterility in the disciplines of psychology, philosophy of mind, and cognitive science. 270pgs. • 1994 ▲ • MIT • P • $32.00 / $14.98 041127 THE POLITICS AND THE CONSTITUTION OF ATHENS REVISED STUDENT EDITION Aristotle Provides the necessary materials for a full understanding of his work as a political scientist, and places it in the context of his ethical theory and science of nature. 279pgs. • 1996 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $20.99 / $10.98 ✪ 157777 PROMISES AND AGREEMENTS: Philosophical Essays Sheinman, Hanoch The first collection of philosophical papers on promises and agreements. The contributors highlight some of the more interesting aspects of the ubiquitous social phenomena of promises and agreements from different philosophical perspectives. 432pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $70.00 / $9.98 ✪ 157793 REFLECTIONS ON HOW WE LIVE Baier, Annette A pioneering moral philosopher here presents a series of new and recent essays in ethics. In the public sphere, she enquires into patriotism, what we owe future people, and what toleration we should have for killing. In the private sphere, she discusses honesty, self-knowledge, hope, sympathy, and self-trust, and offers personal reflections on faces, friendship, and alienating affection. 144pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $34.95 / $12.98 152127 THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PHILOSOPHER Vattimo, Gianni In this volume, Vattimo confronts questions of science, religion, logic, literature, and truth, and passionately defends the power of hermeneutics to engage with life's conundrums. He conjures a clear vision of philosophy as something distinct from the sciences and the humanities but also intimately connected to their processes. 168pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Columbia • C • $60.00 / $9.98 029910 THE SOCIETY OF THE SPECTACLE Debord, Guy From its publication in the midst of the social upheavals of the 1960s to the present, these volatile theses have decisively transformed debates on the shape of modernity, capitalism, and everyday life in the late 20th century. 154pgs. • 1994 ◆ • Zone Books • P • $19.95 / $10.98 80,000 more books online 153040 SPINOZA ON REASON AND THE FREE MAN Yovel, Yirmiyahu & Gideon Segal, eds. In this volume, Spinoza's understanding of the relation between reason and passion and the nature of human perfectibility are explored in depth, as is Spinoza's place within the history of philosophy and his relation to other components of early modern thought. 256pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Fordham • P • $28.00 / $9.98 058134 A SPINOZA READER: The Ethics and Other Works Spinoza, Benedictus de This collection of Spinoza's works presents the text of his masterwork, the Ethics, in what is now the standard translation by Edwin Curley. Also included are selections from other works chosen by Curley to make the Ethics easier to understand, and a substantial Introduction that gives an overview of Spinoza's life and the main themes of his philosophy. 352pgs. • 1994 ▲ • Princeton • P • $37.50 / $19.98 125695 THERAPY OF DESIRE: Theory and Practice in Hellenistic Ethics Nussbaum, Martha C. The Epicureans, Skeptics, and Stoics practiced philosophy not as a detached intellectual discipline, but as a worldly art of grappling with issues of daily and urgent human significance. In this engaging book, Nussbaum examines texts of philosophers who were committed to a therapeutic paradigm, including Epicurus, Lucretius, Sextus Empiricus, Chrysippus, and Seneca. 600pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Princeton • P • $37.50 / $23.98 145535 THINKING OF OTHERS: On the Talent for Metaphor Cohen, Ted This original meditation on the necessity of imagination to moral and aesthetic life argues that the ability to imagine oneself as another person is an indispensable human capacity -- as essential to moral awareness as it is to literary appreciation -- and that this talent for identification is the same as the talent for metaphor. 104pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Princeton • P • $19.95 / $11.98 PETER SINGER 140353 THE LIFE YOU CAN SAVE: How to Do Your Part to End World Poverty Singer, Peter For the first time in history, eradicating world poverty is within our reach. Yet around the world, a billion people struggle to live each day on less than many of us pay for bottled water. In this volume, a noted philosopher uses ethical arguments, illuminating examples, and case studies of charitable giving to show that our current response to world poverty is not only insufficient but morally indefensible. 240pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Modern Library • P • $15.00 / $6.98 145039 PETER SINGER AND CHRISTIAN ETHICS: Beyond Polarization Camosy, Charles C. Philosopher Peter Singer sees himself as leading a "Copernican Revolution" against a sanctity of life ethic, while many Christians associate his work with a "culture of death." Camosy shows that this polarized understanding of the two positions is a mistake, and that while their views on abortion and euthanasia may differ, there is surprising overlap between Christian and Singerite arguments. 286pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $30.99 / $12.98 152131 THIS INCREDIBLE NEED TO BELIEVE Kristeva, Julia "Unlike Freud, I do not claim that religion is just an illusion and a source of neurosis. The time has come to recognize, without being afraid of 'frightening' either the faithful or the agnostics, that the history of Christianity prepared the world for humanism." So writes Julia Kristeva in this provocative work, which skillfully upends entrenched ideas about religion and belief. 136pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Columbia • C • $40.00 / $7.98 107462 TIME AND REALISM: Metaphysical and Antimetaphysical Perspectives Dolev, Yuval Does time itself move, or is time's passage merely an illusion? Yuval Dolev argues that neither position is conclusive, and that the debate over the reality of time's passage should be seen as only the first stage in the philosophical investigation of time. 237pgs. • 2007 ◆ • MIT • P • $32.00 / $9.98 081384 TIME-FETISHES: The Secret History of Eternal Recurrence Lukacher, Ned Recounts a tradition that runs counter to the dominant tradition in Western metaphysics, which seeks to purify eternity of its temporal character. From the pre-Socratics to Ovid and Plotinus, from Shakespeare to Hegel, Schelling, Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Derrida, Lukacher traces the tradition of eternal recurrence and situates it as the grounding thought of Western philosophy and literature. 192pgs. • 1999 ◆ • Duke • C NDJ • $79.95 / $7.98 EDITH WYSCHOGROD 57 153005 CROSSOVER QUERIES: Dwelling with Negatives, Embodying Philosophy's Others Wyschogrod, Edith Ranging over the thought of Heidegger, Foucault, Derrida, Levinas, Janicaud, and others, as well as novels and artworks, music and dance, traditional Jewish thought and Jain and Buddhist metaphysics, Wyschogrod's work opens radically new vistas while remaining mindful that the philosopher stands within and is responsible to a philosophical legacy conditioned by the negative. 592pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Fordham • P • $40.00 / $9.98 P H O T O G R A P H Y 156453 SPIRIT IN ASHES: Hegel, Heidegger, and Man-Made Mass Death Wyschogrod, Edith Contemporary phenomena of mass death such as Hiroshima and Auschwitz have brought with them the threat of annihilation of human life. In this provocative and disturbing book, Edith Wyschogrod shows that the various manifestations of man-made mass death form a single structure, a "death-event," which radically alters our understanding of language, time, and self. 263pgs. • 1990 ◆ • Yale • P • $24.00 / $7.98 155378 UNDERSTANDING COUNTERFACTUALS, UNDERSTANDING CAUSATION: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology Hoerl, Christoph, et al., eds. How are causal judgments such as "The ice on the road caused the traffic accident" connected with counterfactual judgments such as "If there had not been any ice on the road, the traffic accident would not have happened"? This volume throws new light on this question by uniting, for the first time, psychological and philosophical approaches to causation and counterfactuals. 304pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $45.00 / $15.98 111568 WHY?: What Happens When People Give Reasons -- and Why Tilly, Charles A distinguished social historian offers a fascinating look at the way the reasons we offer every day are dictated by, and help constitute, social relationships. Written in an easy-to-read style, the book explores the manner in which people claim, establish, negotiate, repair, rework, or terminate relations with others through the reasons they give. 202pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Princeton • P • $23.95 / $11.98 155380 THE UNITY OF LINGUISTIC MEANING Collins, John The problem of the unity of the proposition was one of the central themes of early analytical philosophy, greatly exercising the minds of Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein, and Ramsey. The overarching ambition of this examination of the problem is to strengthen the ties between current linguistics and contemporary philosophy of language in a way that is sensitive to the history of both fields. 216pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $60.00 / $16.98 ✪ 157691 WORLD WITHOUT WEIGHT: Perspectives on an Alien Mind Povinelli, Daniel J. Are human beings alone in trying to make sense of the world by postulating theoretical entities to explain how the world works? Povinelli and his colleagues approach this highly controversial territory by investigating whether chimpanzees wield roughly the same commonsense ideas about weight that human do. 384pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $69.95 / $34.98 PHOTOGRAPHY 156434 BLACK PANTHERS 1968 Bingham, Howard L. Working on a story for Life magazine, photographer Howard Bingham and writer Gilbert Moore followed the Black Panthers for months, only to have the story pulled due to a disagreement between Moore and the magazine. This volume, which includes interviews with Bingham and Moore, presents the historic results of their assignment for the first time. 192pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Ammo Books • C • $44.95 / $9.98 ✪ 113964 BOB RICHARDSON Richardson, Terry, ed. Richardson first began to publish his powerful, transgressive and emotionally charged black-and-white images in the high-fashion press of the 1960s, highlighting the new freedoms and attendant disillusions of the era in a distinctive, maverick style. This volume, put together by his son, collects what remains of his original work, much of which was destroyed over the course of Richardson's unpredictable career. 352pgs. • 2007 ▲ • Damiani • C • $75.00 / $24.98 153099 CARVED BY TIME: Landscapes of the Southwest Rajs, Jake Jake Rajs's portrait of the Southwest captures the natural beauty of Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah. It features such well-known and heavily visited national parks as Mesa Verde and Black Canyon in Colorado, Zion and Arches in Utah, the Vermilion Cliffs in Arizona, and Fort Union National Monument in New Mexico. 256pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Monacelli • C • $75.00 / $16.98 ✪ 157560 CHINA WESTERN Spottorno, Carlos The Xinjiang region in northwest China is one of the country's least populated zones, but is currently undergoing increasing environmental stress as a result of intensive development projects and a massive population explosion. Today, as this volume testifies, Xinjiang has become an unfortunate emblem of the world's present troubles. 256pgs. • 2010 ◆ • La Fabrica • C • $55.00 / $16.98 w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m 58 P O L I T I C A L P H I L O S O P H Y 153100 A COMMON DESTINY: A Photographic Journey Through a Changing World Delsaux, Cedric Documenting the impact of modern industry and consumerism on our planet, this volume presents a hauntingly beautiful vision of a world perched on the edge of an abyss. Juxtaposing images of pristine wilderness with photos of mines, abandoned nuclear reactors, large industrial farms, and spaces that exemplify our increasing distance from nature, the 135 full-color plates urge us to take a more active role in preserving the natural world. 216pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Monacelli • C • $75.00 / $12.98 140723 FRAMING THE WEST: The Survey Photographs of Timothy H. O'Sullivan Jurovics, Toby, et al. Trained under Mathew Brady, O'Sullivan accompanied several government expeditions to the West and produced a body of beautiful photographs that exhibited a forthright and rigorous style formed in response to the landscapes he encountered. This volume, which features previously unpublished and rarely seen images, offers a new interpretation of O'Sullivan's work and assesses his influence on the larger photographic canon. 272pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Yale • C • $60.00 / $19.98 ✪ 157561 GRACIELA ITURBIDE: No Hay Nadie, There is No-One Pujol, Oscar Born in 1942, Graciela Iturbide is Latin America's most internationally admired photographer. This volume of black-and-white images presents the Mexican photographer's extended explorations in the north of India over a period of 13 years. 2011pgs. • 72 ◆ • La Fabrica • C • $55.00 / $18.98 142972 KASHGAR: Oasis City on China's Old Silk Road Michell, George In the 19th century, the Silk Road city of Kashgar played a central role in the strategic rivalry between Britain and Russia. Today it remains one of the most complete historical urban centers in China, and its celebrated Sunday market is one of the most vibrant in central Asia. This book captures Kashgar's extraordinary history and character in stunning color photographs that are accompanied by informative text. 160pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Frances Lincoln • C • $50.00 / $16.98 143570 A KIND OF INFATUATION Schuh, Gotthard In the 1930s, Gotthard Schuh was one of Switzerland's leading photojournalists, an influence on Robert Frank and many others. Today, he remains among the great unknowns of European photography. This volume is the first major overview of his work. 312pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Steidl • C • $78.00 / $19.98 060892 NOVAS TRAVESSIAS: CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHY IN BRAZIL Carvalho, Maria Luiza Melo Presents the work of 30 photographers who reflect the dynamism and rich variety of the country's culture and society. Many of the photographers explore alternatives to traditional photography through technical experimentation and innovative materials. 191pgs. • 1996 ◆ • Verso • P • $25.00 / $7.98 ✪ 121254 ROBERT CAPA THAMES & HUDSON PHOTOFILE Grenier, Roger & Robert Capa Handsome and collectable, each volume in the Photofile series contains some 60 full-page reproductions printed in superb duotone, together with a critical introduction, a chronology and a bibliography. 144pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Thames & Hudson • P • $15.95 / $6.98 156401 ROBERT CAPA Whelan, Richard A comprehensive selection of Capa's work as a war photographer, beginning with his documentation of the horrors of the Spanish Civil War, continuing through World War II and the first Arab-Israel conflict, and concluding with the First Indochina War, in which Capa joined a French regiment and lost his life. 144pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Silvana Editoriale • C • $49.95 / $24.98 POLITICAL PH I LOSOPHY 150635 CITIZENS TO LORDS: A Social History of Western Political Thought from Antiquity to the Middle Ages Wood, Ellen Meiksins In this groundbreaking work, Wood traces the development of the Western tradition from classical antiquity through to the Middle Ages in the perspective of social history. Treating canonical thinkers as passionately engaged human beings, she examines their ideas not simply in the context of political languages but as creative responses to the social relations and conflicts of their time and place. 245pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Verso • C • $29.95 / $9.98 049117 THE DISCOURSES AND OTHER EARLY POLITICAL WRITINGS Rousseau, Jean-Jacques Rousseau's earlier writings, the publication of which signaled the power and challenge of Rousseau's thinking. Also includes Rousseau's replies to critics of his texts. Supplemented by extensive editorial material. 437pgs. • 1997 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $24.99 / $14.98 150660 FRAGILE ABSOLUTE Žižek, Slavoj How is a Marxist to counter today's onslaught of religious obscurantism? Declaring that the subversive core of the Christian legacy is much too precious to be left to the fundamentalists, the author argues that Christianity and Marxism should fight together against the onslaught of the new spiritualism. 184pgs. • 2001 ◆ • Verso • P • $18.95 / $7.98 80,000 more books online ✪ 127112 JUSTICE IS CONFLICT Hampshire, Stuart Using as a starting point Plato's analogy in the Republic between conflict in the soul and conflict in the city, Hampshire develops a distinction between justice in procedures, which demands that both sides in a conflict should be heard, and justice in matters of substance, which will always be disputed. 120pgs. • 2001 ◆ • Princeton • P • $23.95 / $11.98 ✪ 157786 A LIBERAL THEORY OF INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE Altman, Andrew & Christopher Heath Wellman Advances a novel theory of international justice that combines the orthodox liberal notion with the putatively antiliberal idea of an irreducibly collective right of self-governance. The individual and her rights are placed at center stage insofar as political states are judged legitimate if they adequately protect the human rights of their constituents and respect the rights of all others. 256pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $35.00 / $9.98 051325 THE OPEN SOCIETY AND ITS ENEMIES: Vol. 1: The Spell of Plato Popper, Karl R. Hailed by Bertrand Russell as a "vigorous and profound defence of democracy," Popper's attack on the philosophies of Plato, Hegel, and Marx prophesied the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and exposed the fatal flaws of socially engineered political systems. 368pgs. • 1971 ▲ • Princeton • P • $35.00 / $12.98 ISAIAH 154357 AGAINST THE CURRENT: Essays in the History of Ideas Berlin, Isaiah In this collection of essays, one of the great thinkers of the 20th century discusses the importance in the history of thought of dissenters whose ideas still challenge conventional wisdom -- among them Machiavelli, Vico, Montesquieu, Herzen, and Sorel. This new edition includes a Foreword by Mark Lilla and an appendix of letters in which Berlin discusses and further illuminates some of the topics. 584pgs. • 2013 ◆ • Princeton • P • $24.95 / $11.98 154639 THE CROOKED TIMBER OF HUMANITY: Chapters in the History of Ideas SECOND EDITION Berlin, Isaiah In this volume, Berlin reveals the links between the ideas of the past and the social and political cataclysms of the 20th century: between the Platonic belief in absolute Truth and the lure of authoritarianism; between the reactionary ideologue Joseph de Maistre and 20th-century fascism; between the romanticism of Schiller and Byron and the militant nationalism that convulses the modern world. 472pgs. • 2013 ◆ • Princeton • P • $24.95 / $10.98 154398 ISAIAH BERLIN: An Interpretation of His Thought SECOND EDITION Gray, John This study of the British political philosopher shows how his contributions to moral and political philosophy and liberal theory are animated by value-pluralism, which affirms the existence of a deep conflict between ultimate human values that cannot be resolved by reason. 240pgs. • 2013 ◆ • Princeton • P • $22.95 / $10.98 039660 PRINCETON READINGS IN POLITICAL THOUGHT: Essential Texts since Plato Cohen, Mitchell & Nicole Fermon, eds. Presents 44 selections -- key articles, book excerpts, essays, and speeches -- that have shaped our understanding of Western society and politics. The selections range from classical times (Thucydides, Plato, Aristotle, and Cicero), to the ideas of such 20th-century political philosophers and ideologists as Lenin, Freud, Malcolm X, Leo Strauss, Nozick, Habermas, and Foucault. 740pgs. • 1996 ◆ • Princeton • P • $52.50 / $28.98 ✪ 146577 REPUBLICANISM: A Theory of Freedom and Government Pettit, Philip The first full-length presentation of a republican alternative to the liberal and communitarian theories that have dominated political philosophy in recent years. Pettit's insightful work offers not only a unified, theoretical overview of the many strands of republican ideas, but also a new and sophisticated perspective on related fields, including the history of ideas, jurisprudence, and criminology. 352pgs. • 2000 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $39.95 / $21.98 BERLIN 067097 LETTERS 1928-1946 EDITED BY HENRY HARDY Berlin, Isaiah "Cerebral gifts apart, Isaiah Berlin had a genius for friendship and a huge personal appeal that communicates itself in print; and Letters, 1928-1946 is compulsive reading merely as a document of English social and literary history." -- The New York Times 755pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Cambridge • C • $102.00 / $12.98 032631 PERSONAL IMPRESSIONS: Expanded Edition Berlin, Isaiah This remarkable collection contains Isaiah Berlin's appreciations of 17 people of unusual distinction in the intellectual or political world, including Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Chaim Weizmann, Albert Einstein, Virginia Woolf, and Edmund Wilson. This edition also contains a vivid and moving account of Berlin's meetings in Russia with Boris Pasternak and Anna Akhmatova in 1945 and 1956. 277pgs. • 1998 ◆ • Princeton • P • $30.95 / $12.98 111354 POLITICAL IDEAS IN THE ROMANTIC AGE: Their Rise and Influence on Modern Thought Berlin, Isaiah In this volume, based on a series of lectures delivered at Bryn Mawr College in 1952, Berlin argues that the political ideas of the Romantic age are still largely our own -- down to the language and metaphors they are expressed in. He vividly expounds the central political ideas of leading European thinkers in the period 1760-1830, including Helvetius, Condorcet, Rousseau, Saint-Simon, Hegel, Schelling, and Fichte. 292pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Princeton • P • $26.95 / $12.98 156099 SPECTRUM: From Right to Left in the World of Ideas Anderson, Perry An eminent historian of the New Left assesses the competing claims of rival intellectual groupings from the far right, the liberal center, and the Marxist left. The volume examines figures from Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss, and Friedrich von Hayek to John Rawls, Jurgen Habermas, Norberto Bobbio, and Eric Hobsbawm. 300pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Verso • C • $35.00 / $9.98 049825 THE SPIRIT OF THE LAWS de Montesquieu, Charles A fully annotated edition of a central text in the history of 18thcentury political thought focuses on Montesquieu's use of sources. 757pgs. • 1989 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $35.99 / $19.98 156155 TOWARDS A NEW MANIFESTO Adorno, Theodor & Max Horkheimer A record of the discussions of the two philosophers over three weeks in the spring of 1956, this volume recreates a philosophical jam-session in which the two thinkers improvise freely, often wildly, on central themes of their work, including theory and practice, labor and leisure, and domination and freedom. 128pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Verso • C • $14.95 / $6.98 POLITICAL SCIENCE 141919 THE AGE OF AMERICAN UNREASON Jacoby, Susan Surveying an anti-rationalist landscape extending from pop culture to a pseudo-intellectual universe of "junk thought," Jacoby shows how disdain for logic and evidence defines a pervasive malaise fostered by the mass media, triumphalist religious fundamentalism, mediocre public education, a dearth of fair-minded public intellectuals, and, above all, a lazy and credulous public. 384pgs. • 2009 ▲ • Vintage • P • $16.95 / $6.98 127155 THE CASE FOR BIG GOVERNMENT Madrick, Jeff In this eye-opening book, Madrick explains why America benefits when the government actively nourishes economic growth, and why we should reject free market orthodoxy and embrace ambitious government-centered programs. He shows that the big governments of past eras fostered greatness and prosperity, while weak laissez-faire governments marked periods of corruption and exploitation. 224pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • P • $16.95 / $6.98 w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m 59 P O L I T I C A L S C I E N C E 60 P O L I T I C A L S C I E N C E 135869 A CONSTITUTION OF MANY MINDS: Why the Founding Document Doesn't Mean What It Meant Before Sunstein, Cass R. Will conservatives or liberals succeed in remaking the court in their own image? In this volume, an acclaimed legal scholar proposes a bold new way of interpreting the Constitution, one that respects its text and history but also refuses to view the document as frozen in time. 240pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $17.95 / $8.98 092896 INSIDE REBELLION: The Politics of Insurgent Violence Weinstein, Jeremy By examining the membership, structure, and behavior of insurgent movements in Uganda, Mozambique, and Peru, Weinstein presents a theory to account for the different strategies pursued by rebel groups in civil war and to explain why patterns of insurgent violence vary so much across conflicts. 428pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $29.99 / $19.98 104853 DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS: The Fight over Taxing Inherited Wealth Graetz, Michael J. & Ian Shapiro How is it that the estate tax, paid by only the wealthiest two percent of Americans, was repealed in 2001 with broad bipartisan support? Graetz and Shapiro conducted wide-ranging interviews with the relevant players. The result is a unique portrait of American politics as viewed through the lens of the death tax repeal saga. 378pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Princeton • P • $29.95 / $14.98 155173 KARL MARX AND WORLD LITERATURE Prawer, S. S. "Very few men," said Bakunin, "have read as much, and, it may be added, have read as intelligently, as M. Marx." S. S. Prawer explores how the world of imaginative literature -- poems, novels, plays -- infused and shaped Marx's writings, from his unpublished correspondence, to his pamphlets and major works. 464pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Verso • P • $29.95 / $12.98 111321 THE DECLINE OF AMERICAN POWER: The U.S. in a Chaotic World Wallerstein, Immanuel In this provocative volume, the originator of world-systems analysis turns his eye to the turbulent beginnings of the 21st century. Wallerstein upends conventional wisdom to produce a clear-eyed -- and troubling -- assessment of the crumbling international order and America's precarious footing at its pinnacle. 160pgs. • 2003 ◆ • New Press • P • $17.95 / $6.98 ✪ 157802 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HUMAN RIGHTS Forsythe, David P. This five-volume reference offers comprehensive coverage of all aspects of human rights theory, practice, law, and history. It provides full coverage of the development of the movement, historical cases of abuse, the key figures, major organizations, and a range of other issues in economics, government, religion, and journalism that touch on human rights theory and practice. 2672pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $625.00 / $249.98 157197 ETHNOGRAPHIES OF NEOLIBERALISM Greenhouse, Carol J. The first volume to address the effects of neoliberal reform on people's self-understandings as social and political actors. The contributors consider both the positive and negative unintended results of neoliberal reform, and the theoretical contradictions within neoliberalism, as illuminated by circumstances on the ground in Africa, Europe, South America, Japan, Russia, and the US. 376pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $55.00 / $13.98 157186 FORMATIVE ACTS: American Politics in the Making Skowronek, Stephen & Matthew Glassman, eds. The 17 essays in this volume illuminate critical junctures in American political development, from the social movements for women's suffrage, civil rights, and workers' rights, to Reconstruction, to the regulation of prescription drugs, as vantage points from which to examine how change is enacted. 456pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $29.95 / $12.98 ✪ 136368 GODDESS OF THE MARKET: Ayn Rand and the American Right Burns, Jennifer Worshipped by her fans and denounced by her enemies, the novelist and philosopher Ayn Rand shaped the modern conservative movement from its earliest days. Drawing on unprecedented access to Rand's private papers and the original, unedited versions of Rand's journals, Jennifer Burns offers a groundbreaking reassessment of this key cultural figure, examining her life, her ideas, and her impact on conservative political thought. 384pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $27.95 / $7.98 085478 IMAGINED COMMUNITIES: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism Anderson, Benedict R. O'G. Anderson's seminal work shows how the European processes of inventing nationalism were transported to the Third World through colonialism and adapted by subject races in Latin America and Asia. 240pgs. • 1991 ◆ • Verso • P • $18.00 / $7.98 80,000 more books online 113574 MOYERS ON AMERICA: A Journalist and His Times Moyers, Bill In these pages, the veteran journalist presents, for the first time, a powerful statement of his own personal beliefs -- political and moral. Combining illuminating forays into American history with candid comments on today's politics, he delivers perceptive and trenchant insights into the American experience. 224pgs. • 2004 ▲ • New Press • C • $24.95 / $7.98 104842 RESTORING THE LOST CONSTITUTION: The Presumption of Liberty Barnett, Randy E. Argues that since the nation's founding, but especially since the 1930s, the courts have cut holes in the Constitution to eliminate the parts that protect liberty from the power of government. Barnett offers a way to restore these parts to their central role, by adopting a "presumption of liberty" to give the benefit of the doubt to citizens when laws restrict their rightful exercise of liberty. 384pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Princeton • P • $35.00 / $19.98 ✪ 147017 THE TEA PARTY AND THE REMAKING OF REPUBLICAN CONSERVATISM Skocpol, Theda & Vanessa Williamson Drawing on grassroots interviews and visits to local meetings in several regions, the authors go beyond images of protesters in Colonial costumes to provide a nuanced portrait of the Tea Party. It combines fine-grained portraits of local Tea Party members and chapters with an overarching analysis of the movement's rise, impact, and likely fate. 224pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $24.95 / $7.98 025584 THEORIES OF WAR AND PEACE Brown, Michael E., et al., eds. A collection of essays by leading scholars on contemporary approaches to understanding war and peace. Includes expositions, analyses, and critiques of some of the more prominent and enduring explanations of war. 566pgs. • 1998 ◆ • MIT • P • $44.00 / $14.98 125527 UNEQUAL DEMOCRACY: The Political Economy of the New Gilded Age Bartels, Larry M. A searching analysis of the political causes and consequences of America's growing income gap. The disparity in income, Bartels shows, is not simply the result of economic forces, but is the product of broad-reaching policy choices in a political system increasingly dominated by partisan ideologies and the interests of the wealthy. 344pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • P • $22.95 / $11.98 157212 THE VARIETIES OF POLITICAL EXPERIENCE IN EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY AMERICA Beeman, Richard R. An ambitious overview of political life in pre-Revolutionary America. Ranging from Virginia, Massachusetts, New York, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania to the backcountry regions of the South, the Mid-Atlantic, and northern New England, Beeman uncovers an extraordinary diversity of political belief and practice, and in so doing closes the gap between 18thcentury political rhetoric and reality. 376pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $26.50 / $6.98 PSYCHOLOGY & COGN ITIVE SCI ENCE 127605 BIPOLAR EXPEDITIONS: Mania and Depression in American Culture Martin, Emily An exploration of the American fascination with mania, as seen in the fascinating and sometimes disturbing worlds of support groups, psychiatric rounds, and psychotropic drugs. Martin reveals how people living under the description of bipolar disorder are often denied the status of being fully human, even while contemporary America exhibits a powerful affinity for manic behavior. 384pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Princeton • P • $28.95 / $17.98 ✪ 142454 BLINDSPOTS: The Many Ways We Cannot See Breitmeyer, Bruno In this fascinating account of the many ways that our eyes and minds both see and fail to see, Breitmeyer moves from cataracts and color blindness through blindsight, acquired dyslexia, and visual agnosias, including such fascinating cases as a woman who did not know what she was seeing was a dog until it barked. 288pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $39.95 / $7.98 C. G. 140865 THE BRAIN AND THE MEANING OF LIFE Thagard, Paul What is reality and how do we know it? Defending the superiority of evidence-based reasoning over religious faith and philosophical thought experiments, Thagard argues that our cognitive and emotional abilities allow us to understand reality, decide effectively, act morally, and pursue the vital needs of love, work, and play. 296pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Princeton • P • $19.95 / $9.98 ✪ 142514 THE DYNAMIC BRAIN: An Exploration of Neuronal Variability and Its Functional Significance Glanzman, Dennis L., et al. To understand how neurons work in concert, neuroscientists record hundreds of different neurons from different brain areas simultaneously, and then attempt to evaluate the network activities by computing various interdependence measures, including cross-correlation, phase synchronization and spectral coherence. This book examines neuronal variability from theoretical, experimental and clinical perspectives. 400pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $99.95 / $9.98 JUNG 039682 AION: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self Jung, C. G. The central theme of the volume is the symbolic representation of the psychic totality through the concept of the Self, whose traditional historical equivalent is the figure of Christ. Jung demonstrates his thesis by an investigation of the Allegoria Christi, especially the fish symbol, but also of Gnostic and alchemical symbolism, which he treats as phenomena of cultural assimilation. 333pgs. • 1978 ◆ • Princeton • P • $27.95 / $13.98 038898 THE ESSENTIAL JUNG: Selected Writings Jung, C. G. Presents the essentials of Jung's thought in his own words. To familiarize readers with the ideas for which Jung is best known, the psychiatrist and writer Anthony Storr has selected extracts from Jung's writings that pinpoint his original contributions and relate the development of his thought to his biography. 447pgs. • 1983 ◆ • Princeton • P • $25.95 / $12.98 038421 THE ARCHETYPES AND THE COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS Jung, C. G. Collects Jung's writings on two interrelated concepts that were fundamental to his psychological system. 451pgs. • 1980 ◆ • Princeton • P • $35.00 / $18.98 ✪ 125648 JUNG ON EVIL Stein, Murray, ed. Well-known for his articulation of the "shadow side" of human individuality and culture, Jung wrote extensively about the question of evil during all phases of his working life. This book gathers his writings on the theme in order to provide a thorough understanding of its place in his thinking. 219pgs. • 1996 ◆ • Princeton • P • $24.95 / $9.98 ✪ 125702 ASPECTS OF THE MASCULINE Jung, C. G. A collection of Jung's most important contributions to the depth psychology of masculinity, covering not only the psychology of men but the essence of masculinity in both sexes as well. 200pgs. • 1989 ◆ • Princeton • P • $20.95 / $9.98 105075 THE BASIC WRITINGS OF C. G. JUNG Jung, C. G. In exploring the manifestations of human spiritual experience, Jung laid the groundwork for a psychology of the spirit. The excerpts here illuminate the concept of the unconscious, the central pillar of his work, and display ample evidence of the spontaneous spiritual and religious activities of the human mind. 598pgs. • 1991 ◆ • Princeton • P • $27.95 / $12.98 127096 CHILDREN'S DREAMS: Notes from the Seminar Given in 1936-1940 Jung, C. G. In the 1930s, Jung embarked upon a bold investigation into childhood dreams as remembered by adults to better understand their significance to the lives of the dreamers. This volume marks the first publication in English of these investigations, and fills a critical gap in Jung's collected works. 520pgs. • 2010 ▲ • Princeton • P • $27.95 / $12.98 039580 PSYCHOLOGICAL TYPES Jung, C. G. One of the most important of Jung's works, rich in material drawn from literature, aesthetics, religion, and philosophy. The chapters that give general descriptions of the types and definitions of Jung's principal psychological concepts are key documents in analytical psychology. 608pgs. • 1976 ◆ • Princeton • P • $32.50 / $16.98 039509 PSYCHOLOGY AND ALCHEMY SECOND EDITION Jung, C. G. A study of the analogies between alchemy, Christian dogma, and psychological symbolism. This revised translation includes a new bibliography and index. 571pgs. • 1980 ◆ • Princeton • P • $37.50 / $19.98 039570 PSYCHOLOGY AND THE OCCULT HULL, R. F. C., TRANS. Jung, C. G. Includes "On the Psychology and Pathology of So-called Occult Phenomena"; "The Psychological Foundations of Belief in Spirits"; "The Soul and Death"; "Psychology and Spiritualism"; and other key writings. 167pgs. • 1977 ◆ • Princeton • P • $24.95 / $11.98 w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m 61 P S Y C H O L O G Y & C O G N I T I V E S C I E N C E 62 R E L I G I O N 059246 ESSENTIAL SOURCES IN THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF CONSCIOUSNESS Baars, Bernard J. & James B. Newman, eds. The nearly 70 articles in this book reflect the breadth and depth of this burgeoning field. The topics covered include consciousness in vision and inner speech, immediate memory and attention, waking, dreaming, coma, the effects of brain damage, fringe consciousness, hypnosis, and dissociation. 1185pgs. • 2003 ◆ • MIT • P • $65.00 / $40.98 139197 THE FREUD FILES: An Inquiry into the History of Psychoanalysis Shamdasani, Sonu & Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen How did psychoanalysis attain its prominent cultural position? How did it eclipse rival psychologies and psychotherapies? Reconstructing the early controversies around psychoanalysis, the authors reveal the extraordinary apparatus by which this would-be science gained a foothold in contemporary societies. 450pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $24.99 / $11.98 125583 FREUD, THE RELUCTANT PHILOSOPHER Tauber, Alfred I. Recasting Freud as an inspired humanist and reconceiving psychoanalysis as a form of moral inquiry, Alfred Tauber argues that Freudianism still offers a rich approach to selfinquiry, one that reaffirms the enduring task of philosophy and many of the abiding ethical values of Western civilization. 336pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • P • $27.95 / $14.98 104898 MEMORY: The Key to Consciousness Thompson, Richard F. & Stephen A. Madigan Over the past two decades, memory research has accelerated, leading to an explosion of new knowledge about the brain. Focusing on cutting-edge research in behavioral science and neuroscience, this volume is a primer of our current scientific understanding of the mechanics of memory and learning. 280pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Princeton • P • $28.95 / $12.98 ✪ 157637 THE MORAL PSYCHOLOGY HANDBOOK Doris, John M., et al., eds. A survey of contemporary moral psychology, integrating evidence and argument from philosophy and the human sciences. The chapters cover major issues in moral psychology, including moral reasoning, character, moral emotion, positive psychology, moral rules, the neural correlates of ethical judgment, and the attribution of moral responsibility. 506pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $80.00 / $39.98 150702 MY TEACHING Lacan, Jacques Lacan's invaluable guide to his own thought, available in English for the first time. Bringing together three previously unpublished lectures presented at the height of his career, this is a clear, concise introduction to the thought of the influential psychoanalyst after Freud. 116pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Verso • P • $16.95 / $5.98 ✪ 157690 THE NATURE OF EARLY MEMORY: An Adaptive Theory of the Genesis and Development of Memory Howe, Mark L. The most complete book-length exegesis of the research and theory concerning the emergence and development of declarative, long-term memory from birth through early adolescence. It includes the first presentation of Howe's theory that memory is an adaptive mechanism used to guide the development and survival of the organism in an initially novel, yet changing environment. 272pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $59.95 / $40.98 ✪ 136518 NEOCONSTRUCTIVISM: The New Science of Cognitive Development Johnson, Scott P. Brings together theoretical views that embrace computational models and developmental neurobiology, and emphasize the interplay of time, experience, and cortical architecture to explain emergent knowledge, with an empirical line of research identifying a set of general-purpose sensory, perceptual, and learning mechanisms that guide knowledge acquisition across different domains and through development. 384pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $99.95 / $12.98 111633 THE ORIGINS AND HISTORY OF CONSCIOUSNESS Neumann, Erich This eloquent book draws on a full range of world mythology to show that individual consciousness undergoes the same archetypal stages of development as has human consciousness as a whole. Neumann, one of Jung's most creative students and a renowned practitioner of analytical psychology in his own right, shows how the stages begin and end with the symbol of the Uroboros, or tail-eating serpent. 520pgs. • 1995 ◆ • Princeton • P • $39.95 / $21.98 148153 THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF IMPULSE CONTROL DISORDERS Grant, Jon E. & Marc N. Potenza, eds. The term "impulse control disorders" comprises a range of psychopathological disorders, including kleptomania, pyromania, trichotillomania, intermittent explosive disorder, and pathological gambling. This volume provides researchers and clinicians with a clear understanding of the developmental, biological, and phenomenological features of a range of ICDs, as well as detailed approaches to their assessment and treatment. 600pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $150.00 / $32.98 133733 WHAT MAKES US THINK?: A Neuroscientist and a Philosopher Argue about Ethics, Human Nature, and the Brain Changeux, Jean-Pierre & Paul Ricouer Will understanding our brains help us to know our minds? Or is there an unbridgeable distance between the work of neuroscience and the workings of human consciousness? This remarkable exchange explores the vexed territory between these divergent approaches and arrives at a deeper, more complex perspective on human nature. 352pgs. • 2002 ◆ • Princeton • P • $32.95 / $17.98 RELIGION 151876 ABSOLUTE MONARCHS: A History of the Papacy Norwich, John Julius From Innocent I, who in the 5th century successfully negotiated with Alaric the Goth, to the infamous libertines of the 10th and 11th centuries, to Benedict XVI in the 21st, Norwich recounts in riveting detail the stories of the most significant popes and what they meant politically, culturally, and socially, both to Rome and to the world. 528pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Random House • C • $30.00 / $9.98 80,000 more books online 125763 AFTER THE BABY BOOMERS: How TwentyAnd Thirty-Somethings Are Shaping the Future of American Religion Wuthnow, Robert Interpreting new evidence from scores of in-depth interviews and surveys, Wuthnow reveals how the recent growth in evangelicalism is tapering off, and traces how biblical literalism, while still popular, is becoming less dogmatic and more preoccupied with practical guidance. 320pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • P • $28.95 / $13.98 135854 AMERICAN RELIGION: Contemporary Trends Chaves, Mark Studies show that people do not really go to church as often as they claim, and it is not always clear what they mean when they tell pollsters that they pray or believe in God. Drawing on major surveys undertaken in recent decades, this volume presents the best and most up-to-date information about key developments in American religion. 160pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • C • $22.95 / $9.98 039809 ANCIENT CHRISTIAN MAGIC: Coptic Texts of Ritual Power Meyer, Marvin W. & Richard Smith, ed. This collection of magical texts from ancient Egypt surveys the exotic rituals, esoteric healing practices, and incantatory and supernatural dimensions that flowered in early Christianity. These Christian magical texts include curses, spells of protection from "headless powers" and evil spirits, spells invoking thunderous powers, descriptions of fire baptism, and even recipes from a magical "cookbook." 409pgs. • 1999 ◆ • Princeton • P • $52.50 / $25.98 125297 APOCRYPHA Goodspeed, Edgar Johnson, trans. The Apocrypha consists of the books that are found in the Greek version of the Jewish Bible -- the Septuagint, the earliest complete version of the Bible we possess -- but that were not included in the final, canonical version of the Hebrew Bible. This translation into contemporary English presents such important works as The First Book of Maccabees, the Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus, and the stories of Susanna, Tobit, and Judith. 528pgs. • 1989 ◆ • Vintage • P • $18.95 / $7.98 156109 ATHEISM IN CHRISTIANITY: The Religion of the Exodus and the Kingdom Bloch, Ernst Through a lyrical yet close and nuanced analysis, Bloch explores the tensions within the Bible that promote atheism as a counterweight to the authoritarian metaphysical theism imposed by clerical exegesis. At the Bible's heart he finds a heretical core and the concealed message that, paradoxically, a good Christian must necessarily be a good atheist. 258pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Verso • C NDJ • $100.00 / $29.98 157281 AUGUSTINE'S MANICHAEAN DILEMMA, VOLUME 1: Conversion and Apostasy, 373-388 C.E. Beduhn, Jason David Reconstructs Augustine's decade-long adherence to Manichaeism, apostasy from it, and subsequent conversion to Nicene Christianity. Based on Augustine's own testimony and contemporaneous sources, the book situates many features of Augustine's young adulthood within his commitment to the sect, while pointing out ways he failed to understand or put into practice key parts of the Manichaean system. 408pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $69.95 / $24.98 141572 THE BOOK OF MORMON: A Biography Gutjahr, Paul C. Examines how a book that has long been the subject of ridicule -- Mark Twain called it "chloroform in print" -- has more than 150 million copies in print in more than a hundred languages. Paul Gutjahr traces the life of the book as it has formed and fractured different strains of Mormonism and transformed religious expression around the world. 280pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Princeton • C • $24.95 / $11.98 128157 THE CAMBRIDGE DICTIONARY OF CHRISTIANITY Patte, Daniel, ed. An authoritative reference guide to all aspects of Christianity from its origins to the present day. Written by a team of 800 scholars and practitioners from around the world, the volume reflects the tremendous diversity of Christianity throughout its long history. 1500pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $42.00 / $19.98 148107 CANON LAW: A Comparative Study with AngloAmerican Legal Theory Coughlin, John J. Explores the canon law of the Roman Catholic Church from a comparative perspective. Coughlin considers antinomian and legalistic approaches to the rule of law in light of three specific issues: the sexual abuse crisis; ownership of church property; and the denial of communion to Catholic public officials. 252pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $75.00 / $24.98 ✪ 091692 CHRISTIANITY IN THE WEST, 1400-1700 Bossy, John Exploring the beliefs and practices of Christians at the time of the Reformation, Bossy provides a systematic exposition of pre-Reformation Christianity, the forces that undermined it, the characteristics of the Protestant and Catholic regimes that superseded it, and the results of its disintegration. 200pgs. • 1985 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $48.00 / $14.98 133853 THE CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY: A History of a New Religion Urban, Hugh Few religious movements have been subject to as much public scrutiny as Scientology, yet much of what is written about it is sensationalist and inaccurate. In this volume, Hugh Urban examines Scientology's protracted and turbulent struggle to be recognized as a religion in the postwar American landscape. 296pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • C • $27.95 / $12.98 128461 THE DISENCHANTMENT OF THE WORLD: A Political History of Religion Gauchet, Marcel This new interpretation of Western society and its relation to religion interprets Western history as a movement away from religious society, one that began with prophetic Judaism, gained momentum in Christianity, and eventually led to the rise of the modern political state. 272pgs. • 1999 ◆ • Princeton • P • $35.00 / $19.98 155325 ENLIGHTENED MONKS: The German Benedictines, 1740-1803 Lehner, Ulrich L. Investigates the social, cultural, philosophical, and theological challenges that German Benedictines had to face as the Enlightenment process influenced the self-understanding and lifestyle of these religious communities. 288pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $99.00 / $24.98 157286 FAMILIES AND FRIENDS IN LATE ROMAN CAPPADOCIA Van Dam, Raymond The extensive writings of the Cappadocian Fathers offer a rare opportunity for a close investigation of two provincial families side by side. By examining their relationships as sons, brothers, uncles, and mutual friends, Van Dam combines patristic studies and ecclesiastical history with cultural studies and the history of the family. 272pgs. • 2003 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $65.00 / $24.98 104973 THE FORMATION OF CHRISTENDOM Herrin, Judith In this lucid history of what used to be termed "the Dark Ages," Herrin outlines the origins of Europe from the end of late antiquity to the coronation of Charlemagne. Placing the rise of the West in its true Mediterranean context, she shows how the clash between nascent Islam and stubborn Byzantium was pivotal to the development of Christian Europe. 544pgs. • 1989 ◆ • Princeton • P • $45.00 / $22.98 Some books are in limited supply. Order today! w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m 63 R E L I G I O N 64 R E L I G I O N 150869 GENIUS OF THE TRANSCENDENT: Mystical Writings of Jakob Boehme Bach, Jeff, et al. Jakob Boehme (1575-1624) was a humble shoemaker in eastern Germany who, in response to his visionary experiences, wrote a series of theosophical treatises exploring the nature of God and humanity. Five of Boehme's most essential works are presented here in fresh translations, providing an accessible introduction to one of the most important Christian mystical writers. 240pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Shambhala • P • $17.95 / $6.98 155088 HERETICS: The Creation of Christianity from the Gnostics to the Modern Church Wright, Jonathan As he traces the Church's attempts at enforcing orthodoxy, from the days of Constantine to the modern Catholic Church's lingering conflicts, Wright argues that heresy, by forcing the Church to continually refine and impose its beliefs, has actually helped Christianity develop into one of the world's most formidable and successful religions. 352pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Harcourt Brace • C • $28.00 / $6.98 039782 JUDAISM, CHRISTIANITY, AND ISLAM, VOLUME 1: From Covenant to Community Peters, F. E. The first volume of a three-volume comparison of the great Abrahamic religions as seen in their founding texts. Includes texts and comments on the covenant and early history of the Chosen People and their post-Exilic reconstruction; the career and message of the Messiah Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad; the concept of holiness and of a "kingdom of priests"; and, finally, the notions of church and state and the state as a church. 408pgs. • 1990 ◆ • Princeton • P • $42.00 / $24.98 142607 KARLSTADT AND THE ORIGINS OF THE EUCHARISTIC CONTROVERSY: A Study in the Circulation of Ideas Burnett, Amy Nelson The debate over the Lord's Supper had momentous consequences for the Reformation, causing the division of the evangelical movement, influencing the formation of political alliances, and contributing to cultural differences among the Protestant territories of Germany and Switzerland. This volume is the first fulllength study of the beginning of that debate. 252pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $80.00 / $24.98 132561 THE MYSTERY OF THE LAST SUPPER: Reconstructing the Final Days of Jesus Humphreys, Colin J. Apparent inconsistencies in the gospel accounts of Jesus' final week have puzzled Bible scholars for centuries. Reconciling conflicting Gospel accounts and scientific evidence, Humphreys reveals the exact date of the Last Supper in a definitive new timeline of Holy Week. 258pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $24.99 / $14.98 ✪ 157736 NATURAL SAINTS: How People of Faith Are Working to Save God's Earth McDuff, Mallory D. Shows how people of faith are forming a new environmental movement with a moral mandate to care for God's earth. McDuff shares the stories and strategies of contemporary church leaders, parishioners, and religious environmentalists who are working to define a new environmental movement, where justice as a priority for the church means a clean and safe environment for all. 240pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $30.00 / $12.98 135744 THE PARTING OF THE SEA: How Volcanoes, Earthquakes, and Plagues Shaped the Story of Exodus Sivertsen, Barbara An examination of how natural phenomena shaped the stories of Exodus, the Sojourn in the Wilderness, and the Israelite conquest of Canaan. Sivertsen demonstrates that the Exodus was in fact two separate exoduses, both triggered by volcanic eruptions, and provides scientific explanations for the ten plagues and the parting of the Red Sea. 264pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $22.95 / $13.98 80,000 more books online 157014 PAUL THE APOSTLE: His Life and Legacy in Their Roman Context Harrill, J. Albert This new biography of the apostle argues for his inclusion in the pantheon of key figures of classical antiquity, along with Socrates, Alexander the Great, Cleopatra, and Augustus. It focuses on Paul's discourse of authority, which was both representative of its Roman context and provocative to his rivals within Roman society. 220pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $25.99 / $16.98 155365 THE POETICS OF EVIL: Toward an Aesthetic Theodicy Tallon, Philip What role does art play in unravelling the theological problem of evil? What can aesthetics show us about God's goodness in a world of iniquity? Philip Tallon constructs an aesthetic theodicy through a fascinating examination of Christian aesthetics, ranging from the writings of Augustine to contemporary philosophy. 288pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $80.00 / $19.98 148159 PREDESTINATION: The American Career of a Contentious Doctrine Thuesen, Peter J. Argues that far from being only about the age-old riddle of divine sovereignty versus human free will, the debate over predestination is inseparable from other central Christian beliefs and practices -- the efficacy of the sacraments, the existence of purgatory and hell, the extent of God's involvement in human affairs -- and that it has fueled theological conflicts across denominations for centuries. 336pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $19.95 / $7.98 138499 READING JESUS: A Writer's Encounter with the Gospels Gordon, Mary In an effort to understand whether or not she had "invented a Jesus to fulfill my own wishes," Mary Gordon determined to read the Gospels as literature and to study Jesus as a character. What results is a vibrantly fresh and personal journey through the Gospels, as Gordon plumbs the central mysteries of the Christian faith. 240pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Pantheon • C • $24.95 / $6.98 038639 RELIGIONS OF THE UNITED STATES IN PRACTICE, VOL. 1 McDannell, Colleen, ed. This rich anthology of primary sources explores faith in action from Colonial times through the 19th century, from prayer in an early American synagogue to Mormon healing rituals to debates about cremation. 512pgs. • 2001 ◆ • Princeton • P • $52.50 / $28.98 039858 RELIGIONS OF THE UNITED STATES IN PRACTICE, VOL. 2 McDannell, Colleen, ed. This anthology of primary sources examining religious behavior in America from the 19th and 20th centuries ranges from prayer in Pentecostal churches to Hanukkah songs to debates on the ordination of women. 472pgs. • 2001 ◆ • Princeton • P • $52.50 / $24.98 126989 RETHINKING GNOSTICISM: An Argument for Dismantling a Dubious Category Williams, Michael A. Challenges the validity of the widely invoked category of ancient "gnosticism" and the ways it has been described. Exploring the surviving "gnostic" teachings, Williams refutes generalizations concerning asceticism and libertinism, attitudes toward the body and the created world, and alleged features of protest, parasitism, and elitism. 360pgs. • 1999 ◆ • Princeton • P • $45.00 / $23.98 157283 RIGHTEOUS PERSECUTION: Inquisition, Dominicans, and Christianity in the Middle Ages Ames, Christine Caldwell An examination of the involvement of the Order of Preachers, or Dominicans, with inquisitions into heresy in medieval Europe. Drawing on an extraordinarily wide base of ecclesiastical documents, Ames recounts how Dominican inquisitors and their supporters crafted and promoted explicitly Christian meanings for their inquisitorial persecution. 320pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Pennsylvania • C • $59.95 / $24.98 140815 SAVING GOD: Religion after Idolatry Johnston, Mark Argues that God needs to be saved not only from the assaults of atheists but from the idolatrous tendencies of religion itself. Johnston rehabilitates the ideas of the Fall and of salvation within a naturalistic framework; he then presents a conception of God that both resists idolatry and is wholly consistent with the deliverances of the natural sciences. 216pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $19.95 / $10.98 152014 SEX AND RELIGION IN THE BIBLE Carmichael, Calum M. An original and incisive reading of some of the most famous narratives of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. Ranging from Jacob's encounter with Leah to the marriage at Cana to Jesus' encounter with the woman at the well, these readings demonstrate the remarkable subtlety and sophistication of biblical views on marriage, sexuality, fertility, impurity, creation, and love. 224pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Yale • C • $65.00 / $12.98 104329 SHAMANISM: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy Eliade, Mircea The standard work on the subject. Eliade illuminates the magico-religious life of societies that give primacy of place to the shaman, a figure who is at once magician and medicine man, healer and miracle-doer, priest, mystic, and poet. He follows the practice of shamanism from its inception in Siberia and Central Asia to North and South America, Indonesia, Tibet, China, and beyond. 648pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Princeton • P • $37.50 / $22.98 145855 SIN: The Early History of an Idea Fredriksen, Paula Ancient Christians invoked sin to account for an astonishing range of things, from the death of God's son to the politics of the Roman Empire that worshipped him. In this book, a historian of religion tells the surprising story of early Christian concepts of sin, exploring the ways that sin came to shape ideas about God no less than about humanity. 208pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Princeton • C • $24.95 / $11.98 ✪ 157774 STEALING FIRE FROM HEAVEN: The Rise of Modern Western Magic Drury, Nevill The Western magical traditions are currently undergoing an international resurgence. Tracing the rise of various forms of belief and practice, from the influential Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn to the emergence of Wicca and Goddess worship, Drury offers a lucid overview of the modern occult revival of ancient magical belief systems. 400pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $29.95 / $12.98 147457 THEOLOGY AND THE POLITICAL: The New Debate Davis, Creston, et al., eds. The contributors to this volume -- including Terry Eagleton, Rowan Williams, and Antonio Negri -- consider the relationship between ontology and the political in light of the thought of figures ranging from Plato to Marx, Levinas to Derrida, and Augustine to Lacan. Together, the contributors challenge the belief that meaningful action is simply the successful assertion of will, that politics is ultimately reducible to "might makes right." 496pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Duke • C NDJ • $99.95 / $14.98 153037 TOWARD A THEOLOGY OF EROS: Transfiguring Passion at the Limits of Discipline Burrus, Virginia & Catherine Keller, eds. Inviting and performing a mutual seduction of disciplines, this volume brings philosophers, historians, biblical scholars, and theologians into a spirited conversation that traverses the limits of conventional orthodoxies, whether doctrinal or disciplinary. It seeks new openings for the emergence of desire, love, and pleasure, while challenging common understandings of these terms. 408pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Fordham • P • $35.00 / $7.98 ✪ 135572 A VERY BRIEF HISTORY OF ETERNITY Eire, Carlos Tracing the idea of eternity from ancient times to the present, Eire examines the rise and fall of five different conceptions, exploring how they developed and how they have helped shape individual and collective self-understanding. 288pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $17.95 / $9.98 SCI ENCE, TECH NOLOGY & MATH EMATICS 145057 ACROSS THE BOARD: The Mathematics of Chessboard Problems Watkins, John The definitive work on chessboard problems and the fascinating mathematics behind them. Showing that chess puzzles are the starting point for important mathematical ideas that have resonated for centuries, it will captivate students and instructors, mathematicians, chess enthusiasts, and puzzle devotees alike. 272pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Princeton • P • $18.95 / $9.98 145958 ALAN TURING'S SYSTEMS OF LOGIC: The Princeton Thesis Appel, Andrew W., ed. Though less well known than his other work, Turing's 1938 Princeton PhD thesis, "Systems of Logic Based on Ordinals," which includes his notion of an oracle machine, has had a lasting influence on computer science and mathematics. This book presents a facsimile of the original typescript of the thesis along with essays that explain its still-unfolding significance. 160pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Princeton • C • $24.95 / $12.98 ELI MAOR 125853 PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM: A 4,000 Year History Maor, Eli By any measure, the Pythagorean Theorem is the most famous statement in all of mathematics. Although attributed to Pythagoras, it was known to the Babylonians more than 1,000 years earlier. In this book, Maor brings to life many of the characters who have played a role in the development of the theorem, providing a fascinating backdrop to perhaps our oldest enduring mathematical legacy. 288pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • P • $17.95 / $9.98 105171 TRIGONOMETRIC DELIGHTS Maor, Eli Trigonometry has always had a reputation as a dry and difficult subject, a glorified form of geometry complicated by tedious computation. In this book, Eli Maor draws on his remarkable talents as a guide to the world of numbers to dispel that view, bringing the subject to life in a compelling blend of history, biography, and mathematics. 256pgs. • 2002 ◆ • Princeton • P • $30.95 / $12.98 w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m 65 S C I E N C E T E C H N O L O G Y & M A T H E M A T I C S 66 PAUL J. NAHIN S C I E N C E 133808 DR. EULER'S FABULOUS FORMULA: Cures Many Mathematical Ills Nahin, Paul J. In the 18th century, mathematician Leonhard Euler developed a formula so innovative and complex that it continues to inspire research, discussion, and even the occasional limerick. Paul Nahin shares the fascinating story of this groundbreaking formula and shows why it still lies at the heart of complex number theory. 432pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $19.95 / $9.98 T E C H N O L O G Y & M A T H E M A T I C S ✪ 135779 NUMBER-CRUNCHING: Taming Unruly Computational Problems from Mathematical Physics to Science Fiction Nahin, Paul J. Through brilliant math ideas and entertaining stories, Nahin demonstrates how odd and unusual math problems can be solved by bringing together basic physics ideas and today's powerful computers. Some of the outcomes discussed are so counterintuitive they will leave readers astonished. 400pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • C • $29.95 / $9.98 ✪ 157502 TIME TRAVEL: A Writer's Guide to the Real Science of Plausible Time Travel Nahin, Paul J. Discussing the common and not-so-common time-travel devices science fiction writers have used over the years, Nahin assesses which would theoretically work and which would not, and provides scientific insight inventive authors can use to find their own way forward or backward in time. 221pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Johns Hopkins • P • $24.95 / $7.98 105245 WHEN LEAST IS BEST: How Mathematicians Discovered Many Clever Ways to Make Things as Small (or as Large) as Possible Nahin, Paul J. What's the best way to photograph a speeding bullet? How can lost hikers find their way out of a forest? This engaging and witty volume answers these intriguing questions and more. It shows how life often works at the extremes -- with values becoming as small (or as large) as possible -- and how mathematicians over the centuries have struggled to calculate these problems of minima and maxima. 372pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Princeton • P • $26.95 / $12.98 ✪ 157797 THE ARTFUL UNIVERSE EXPANDED Barrow, John Exploring ties between our aesthetic appreciation and the nature of the universe, Barrow explains how the landscape of the universe has influenced the development of philosophy and mythology, and how history has fashioned our attraction to certain patterns of sound and color. 336pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $24.95 / $6.98 130386 THE BEST WRITING ON MATHEMATICS 2010 Pitici, Mircea, ed. This annual anthology brings together the year's finest mathematics writing from around the world. Featuring promising new voices alongside some of the foremost names in mathematics, it makes available a wide range of articles not easily found anywhere else -- and you don't need to be a mathematician to enjoy them. 440pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • P • $19.95 / $7.98 140952 THE BEST WRITING ON MATHEMATICS 2011 Pitici, Mircea, ed. 414pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $19.95 / $9.98 152532 THE BEST WRITING ON MATHEMATICS 2012 Pitici, Mircea, ed. 328pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Princeton • P • $19.95 / $9.98 80,000 more books online 040658 BIOETHICS: Ancient Themes in Contemporary Issues Kuczewski, Mark G. & Ronald M. Polansky, eds. In a systematic and sustained exploration of the relationship between classical and biomedical ethics, contemporary bioethicists and scholars of Greek philosophy bring the profound weight of Plato, Aristotle, Hippocrates, and the Sophists to bear on contemporary issues such as managed care, euthanasia, suicide, and abortion. 304pgs. • 2002 ◆ • MIT • P • $27.00 / $13.98 103097 THE BIRTH OF STARS AND PLANETS Bally, John & Bo Reipurth Scientists are beginning to understand the beauty and complexity of star and planet formation and its role in cosmic evolution. This fascinating book combines the latest astronomical images and data with descriptions of exciting recent developments. 295pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Cambridge • C • $63.00 / $21.98 131637 THE CALCULUS OF FRIENDSHIP: What a Teacher and a Student Learned about Life while Corresponding about Math Strogatz, Steven The story of an extraordinary connection between a teacher and a student, as chronicled through more than 30 years of letters. Compiled by one of the participants, the volume reveals a unique relationship based almost entirely on a shared love of calculus. 184pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $15.95 / $6.98 ✪ 087768 CAN A DARWINIAN BE A CHRISTIAN?: The Relationship between Science and Religion Ruse, Michael With a balanced perspective that covers a wide range of topics, Ruse argues that although it is at times difficult for a Darwinian to embrace Christian belief, it is by no means inconceivable. At the same time he suggests ways in which a Christian believer should have no difficulty accepting evolution in general, and Darwinism in particular. 254pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $24.99 / $9.98 155323 DECODING REALITY: The Universe as Quantum Information Vedral, Vlatko An examination of the deepest questions about the universe: where everything comes from, why things are as they are, what everything is. The most fundamental definition of reality, Vedral argues, is not matter or energy, but information, and it is the processing of information that lies at the root of all physical, biological, economic, and social phenomena. 240pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $18.95 / $5.98 MEDICINE 111422 HEPATITIS B: The Hunt for a Killer Virus Blumberg, Baruch S. The discovery of hepatitis B virus and the development of a vaccine against it, were among one the greatest triumphs of 20th-century medicine. In this volume, Baruch Blumberg tells how and a team of researchers found a virus they were not looking for and created a vaccine for a disease they previously knew little about, work that took the author around the world and won him the Nobel Prize. 264pgs. • 2003 ◆ • Princeton • P • $27.95 / $9.98 157188 SAY LITTLE DO MUCH: Nursing, Nuns, and Hospitals in the Nineteenth Century Nelson, Sioban In the 19th century, more than a third of American hospitals were established and run by women with religious vocations. In this volume, Nelson demonstrates how modern nursing developed from the interplay of the Catholic emancipation in Britain and Ireland, the Irish diaspora, and the mass migrations of German, Italian, and Polish Catholic communities to previously Protestant strongholds. 240pgs. • 2003 ◆ • Pennsylvania • P • $24.95 / $7.98 105228 EIGHT PREPOSTEROUS PROPOSITIONS: From the Genetics of Homosexuality to the Benefits of Global Warming Ehrlich, Robert Is intelligent design a scientific alternative to evolution? Are people getting smarter or dumber? In this follow-up to Nine Crazy Ideas in Science, Ehrlich shows readers how to use the tools of science to judge the accuracy of strange ideas and the trustworthiness of ubiquitous "experts." 360pgs. • 2005 ◆ • Princeton • P • $28.95 / $10.98 ✪ 142837 THE END OF DISCOVERY: Are We Approaching the Boundaries of the Knowable? Stannard, Russell Highlighting the boundaries of scientific understanding, an eminent high-energy physicist offers an engaging tour of some of the deepest questions facing science today. He concludes that eventually -- perhaps in a few decades, perhaps in a few centuries -- fundamental science will reach the limit of what it can explain. 232pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $24.95 / $7.98 104874 FEARFUL SYMMETRY: The Search for Beauty in Modern Physics Zee, A. A distinguished physicist reveals how today's theoretical physicists are following Einstein in their search for the beauty and simplicity of nature. Animated by a sense of reverence and whimsy, the book brings the incredible discoveries of contemporary physics within everyone's grasp. 356pgs. • 2007 ◆ • Princeton • P • $27.95 / $14.98 111450 FEARLESS SYMMETRY: Exposing the Hidden Patterns of Numbers Ash, Avner & Robert Gross Mathematicians solve equations, or try to, but sometimes the solutions are not as interesting as the beautiful symmetric patterns that lead to their discovery. Written for a general audience, this is the first popular book to discuss these elegant and mysterious patterns and the ingenious techniques that mathematicians use to uncover them. 312pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Princeton • P • $26.95 / $11.98 105056 FOUR COLORS SUFFICE: How the Map Problem Was Solved Wilson, Robin What is the least possible number of colors needed to fill in any map so that neighboring counties are always colored differently? Providing a clear and elegant explanation of the problem and the proof, Robin Wilson tells how a seemingly innocuous question baffled great minds and stimulated exciting mathematics with far-flung applications. 280pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Princeton • P • $27.95 / $14.98 038574 GALACTIC ASTRONOMY Binney, James & Michael Merrifield An illustrated introduction to all astronomical concepts necessary to understand the properties of galaxies, including magnitudes and colors, the theory of stellar and chemical evolution, and the measurement of astronomical distances. 796pgs. • 1998 ◆ • Princeton • P • $90.00 / $30.98 154686 THE GOLDEN TICKET: P, NP, and the Search for the Impossible Fortnow, Lance The P-NP problem is the most important open problem in computer science, if not in all of mathematics. Fortnow provides a nontechnical introduction to the problem, its rich history, and its algorithmic implications for everything we do with computers and beyond. 192pgs. • 2013 ◆ • Princeton • C • $26.95 / $12.98 140901 GOOGLE'S PAGERANK AND BEYOND: The Science of Search Engine Rankings Langville, Amy N. & Carl D. Meyer Why doesn't your home page appear on the first page of search results, even when you query your own name? How do other web pages always appear at the top? What creates these powerful rankings? The first book ever about the science of web page rankings, this volume supplies the answers to these and many other questions. 240pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Princeton • P • $24.95 / $14.98 130988 GRAVITY'S FATAL ATTRACTION: Black Holes in the Universe Begelman, Mitchell C. & Martin Rees Richly illustrated with the images from observatories on the ground and in space, this book shows how black holes were discovered and discusses our current understanding of their role in cosmic evolution. This second edition covers new discoveries made in the past decade, including definitive proof of a black hole at the center of the Milky Way. 312pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Cambridge • P • $48.00 / $27.98 111607 GUESSTIMATION: Solving the World's Problems on the Back of a Cocktail Napkin Weinstein, Lawrence & John A. Adam Enables anyone with basic math and science skills to estimate virtually anything, using plausible assumptions and elementary arithmetic. The authors show how easy it is to derive useful ballpark estimates by breaking complex problems into simpler, more manageable ones -- and how there can be many paths to the right answer. 301pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Princeton • P • $19.95 / $7.98 152774 HEART OF DARKNESS: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Invisible Universe Ostriker, Jeremiah P. & Simon Mitton In the past 30 years, scientists have learned that two poorly understood components -- dark matter and dark energy -make up most of the known cosmos and hold the key to the universe's fate. The story of how evidence for the so-called "Lambda-Cold Dark Matter" model of cosmology has been gathered by generations of scientists throughout the world is told here by one of the pioneers of the field, Jeremiah Ostriker, and his co-author Simon Mitton. 288pgs. • 2013 ◆ • Princeton • C • $27.95 / $13.98 128356 HOW DID THE FIRST STARS AND GALAXIES FORM? Loeb, Abraham Cosmology seeks to solve the fundamental mystery of our cosmic origins. At a time when breathtaking technological advances promise a wealth of new observational data on the first stars and galaxies, this book offers a succinct and accessible overview of the field. 216pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • P • $28.95 / $13.98 125573 HOW MATHEMATICIANS THINK: Using Ambiguity, Contradiction, and Paradox to Create Mathematics Byers, William Mathematicians often describe their most important breakthroughs as creative, intuitive responses to ambiguity, contradiction, and paradox. In this unique examination of this less-familiar aspect of mathematics, Byers reveals that mathematics is a profoundly creative activity and not just a body of formalized rules and results. 424pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • P • $24.95 / $12.98 128622 HOW OLD IS THE UNIVERSE? Weintraub, David A. Astronomers have determined that our universe is 13.7 billion years old. How exactly did they come to this precise conclusion? This volume, which explains how astronomers solved one of the most compelling mysteries in science, also explores such phenomena as red giants and white dwarfs, gravitational lenses, dark matter, dark energy, and the accelerating universe. 380pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • C • $29.95 / $14.98 w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m 67 S C I E N C E T E C H N O L O G Y & M A T H E M A T I C S 68 S C I E N C E T E C H N O L O G Y & M A T H E M A T I C S 131646 HOW ROUND IS YOUR CIRCLE?: Where Engineering and Mathematics Meet Bryant, John & Chris Sangwin How do you draw a straight line? How do you determine if a circle is really round? These may sound like simple or even trivial mathematical problems, but to an engineer the answers can mean the difference between success and failure. This volume invites readers to explore many of the fundamental questions that working engineers deal with every day. 352pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $19.95 / $10.98 ✪ 140937 A MATHEMATICAL NATURE WALK Adam, John A. How heavy is that cloud? Why can you see farther in rain than in fog? Why are the droplets on that spider web spaced apart so evenly? John Adam presents 96 questions about many common natural phenomena --and a few uncommon ones -- and shows how to answer them using mostly basic mathematics. 288pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • P • $18.95 / $9.98 126207 HOW TO FIND A HABITABLE PLANET Kasting, James F. Ever since Carl Sagan predicted that extraterrestrial civilizations must number in the millions, the question has been inescapable: is Earth so rare that advanced life forms like us - or even the simplest biological organisms -- are unique to the universe? Kasting describes how scientists are testing Sagan's prediction, and demonstrates why Earth may not be so rare after all. 360pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Princeton • C • $29.95 / $12.98 104839 MATHEMATICS IN NATURE: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World Adam, John A. From rainbows, river meanders, and shadows to spider webs, honeycombs, and the markings on animal coats, the visible world is full of patterns that can be described mathematically. Examining such readily observable phenomena, this book introduces readers to the beauty of nature as revealed by mathematics and the beauty of mathematics as revealed in nature. 360pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Princeton • P • $35.00 / $17.98 ✪ 157822 HOW TO GUARD AN ART GALLERY AND OTHER DISCRETE MATHEMATICAL ADVENTURES Michael, T. S. What's the maximum number of pizza slices one can get by making four straight cuts through a circular pizza? How many people does it take to guard an art gallery? Using examples from real life and popular culture, T. S. Michael introduces discrete mathematics, the key to these and many other questions of picking, choosing, and shuffling . 288pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Johns Hopkins • C • $25.00 / $7.98 141679 NINE ALGORITHMS THAT CHANGED THE FUTURE: The Ingenious Ideas That Drive Today's Computers MacCormick, John Unlocking the secrets of the revolutionary algorithms that have changed our world, MacCormick explains the fundamental "tricks" behind nine types of computer operations, including artificial intelligence, Google's vaunted PageRank algorithm, data compression, error correction, and much more. 248pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • C • $27.95 / $11.98 141702 IN PURSUIT OF THE TRAVELING SALESMAN: Mathematics at the Limit of Computation Cook, William J. It's one of the classic conundrums of mathematics: What is the shortest possible route for a traveling salesman seeking to visit each city on a list exactly once and return to his city of origin? This volume leads readers on a mathematical excursion, picking up the salesman's trail in the 1800s when an Irish mathematician first defined the problem, and venturing to the furthest limits of today's state-of-the-art attempts to solve it. 272pgs. • 2011 ◆ • Princeton • C • $27.95 / $10.98 127690 NONPLUSSED!: Mathematical Proof of Implausible Ideas Havil, Julian Sometimes math generates astonishing paradoxes, telling us that, for example, a losing sports team can become a winning one by adding worse players than its opponents, or that the 13th of the month is more likely to be a Friday than any other day. In this delightfully eclectic collection of paradoxes from many different areas of math, Julian Havil reveals the math behind these and many other unbelievable revelations. 216pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • P • $16.95 / $7.98 156402 THE LOOM OF GOD: Tapestries of Mathematics and Mysticism Pickover, Clifford A. In a lively, intelligent synthesis of math, mysticism, and science fiction, Pickover explains the eternal magic of numbers. He appoints the reader "Chief Historian" of an intergalactic museum, hurtling through the ages to explore how individuals have used numbers for such varied purposes as predicting the end of the world, finding love, and winning wars. 288pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Sterling • P • $17.95 / $6.98 ✪ 157823 NUCLEUS: A Trip into the Heart of Matter SECOND EDITION Mackintosh, Ray, et al. The story of the nucleus from the early experimental work of Lord Rutherford to the huge atom-smashing machines of today. Thoroughly revised and updated, the book includes the most current information on the radio dating of Earth and other planets in the Solar System, heavy-ion therapies, quark-gluon plasma and its relevance to black holes, and clarification of ab initio calculations of atomic nuclei. 144pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Johns Hopkins • C • $35.00 / $14.98 125937 THE MATHEMATICAL MECHANIC: Using Physical Reasoning to Solve Problems Levi, Mark Everybody knows that mathematics is indispensable to physics. But how many people realize that physics can in turn be used to produce strikingly elegant solutions in mathematics? This delightful book shows how, treating readers to a host of entertaining problems and mind-bending puzzlers that will amuse and inspire their inner physicist. 196pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Princeton • C • $19.95 / $9.98 visit for 80,000 more titles. ✪ 157489 ONCE BEFORE TIME: A Whole Story of the Universe Bojowald, Martin In 2000, Martin Bojowald, then a twentyseven-year-old post-doc, used a relatively new theory called loop quantum gravity -a cunning combination of Einstein's theory of gravity with quantum mechanics -- to create a simple model of the universe. Loop quantum cosmology was born, and with it, a theory that managed to illuminate the very birth of the universe. 320pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Knopf • C • $27.95 / $5.98 Some books are in limited supply. Order today! 80,000 more books online 150718 THE PURE SOCIETY: From Darwin to Hitler Pichot, Andre & David Fernbach In this timely and trenchant history of eugenics, one of France's foremost historians of science excavates the underside of the Darwinian legacy, where notions of "race" and heredity became powerful tools of malign political agendas and instruments of social oppression. 336pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Verso • C • $34.95 / $9.98 104992 QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter Feynman, Richard Phillips Celebrated for his brilliantly quirky insights into the physical world, Richard Feynman also possessed an extraordinary talent for explaining difficult concepts to the general public. Here Feynman provides a classic and definitive introduction to QED (quantum electrodynamics), the part of quantum field theory that describes the interactions of light with charged particles. 158pgs. • 2006 ◆ • Princeton • P • $17.95 / $9.98 ✪ 157696 SHAPES: Nature's Patterns: A Tapestry in Three Parts Ball, Philip From soap bubbles to honeycombs, delicate shell patterns, and even the developing body parts of a complex animal like ourselves, this volume uncovers patterns in growth and form in all corners of the natural world, explaining how these patterns are self-made, and why similar shapes and structures may be found in very different settings. 224pgs. • 2009 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $29.95 / $7.98 ✪ 157795 STANDING ON PRINCIPLES: Collected Essays Beauchamp, Tom L. Collects Beauchamp's most important published articles in bioethics, most of which have a strong connection to the principlist approach. Among the topics discussed are the historical origins of modern research ethics, moral principles, and methodological concerns. 320pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Oxford University • C • $55.00 / $14.98 105192 THE STORY OF MATHEMATICS Mankiewicz, Richard This visually stunning volume takes the reader on an illustrated tour of mathematics across cultures and civilizations, from the austere beauty of Babylonian clay tablets to the delicate complexity of computer-generated pictures. The lavishly reproduced images accompany a text that ranges from the dawn of Chinese and Indian civilizations to the scientific and digital revolutions of our day. 192pgs. • 2004 ◆ • Princeton • P • $29.95 / $12.98 STEPHEN HAWKING 125644 THE NATURE OF SPACE AND TIME Hawking, Stephen W. & Roger Penrose Roger Penrose, like Einstein, refuses to believe that quantum mechanics is a final theory. Stephen Hawking thinks otherwise, and argues that general relativity simply cannot account for how the universe began. Here they explain their positions in a work based on six lectures and a final debate presented at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences at the University of Cambridge. 160pgs. • 2010 ◆ • Princeton • P • $15.95 / $6.98 ✪ 157507 STEPHEN HAWKING: An Unfettered Mind Ferguson, Kitty With rare access to Hawking, including childhood photos and in-depth research, Ferguson has created a rich and comprehensive picture of Hawking's life: his childhood; the heartbreaking ALS diagnosis when he was a first-year graduate student; his long personal battle for survival in pursuit of a scientific understanding of the universe; and his rise to international fame. 310pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Macmillan • P • IMPORT / $7.98 125787 THE SUN KINGS: The Unexpected Tragedy of Richard Carrington and the Tale of How Modern Astronomy Began Clark, Stuart In this riveting account, Stuart Clark tells the full story of a mysterious explosion on the surface of the Sun in September 1859, and how one scientist's brilliant insight -- that the Sun's magnetism directly influences the Earth -- helped to usher in the modern era of astronomy. ◆ • Princeton • P • $20.95 / $9.98 ✪ 111763 SUPERSTITION: Belief in the Age of Science Park, Robert L. 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Drawing on original documents, Carlson shows how Tesla was an "idealist" inventor who sought the perfect experimental realization of a great idea or principle, and who skillfully sold his inventions to the public through mythmaking and illusion. 520pgs. • 2013 ◆ • Princeton • C • $29.95 / $14.98 152706 TOWING ICEBERGS, FALLING DOMINOES, AND OTHER ADVENTURES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS Banks, Robert B. How tall can a person grow? Why do we get stuck in traffic? In this volume, Banks shows how math and simple reasoning together may produce elegant models that explain everything from the federal debt to the proper technique for ski-jumping. 344pgs. • 2013 ◆ • Princeton • P • $16.95 / $7.98 ✪ 157503 TURING'S CATHEDRAL: The Origins of the Digital Universe Dyson, George In the 1940s and '50s, a small group of men and women gathered in Princeton, New Jersey, to begin building one of the first computers to realize Alan Turing's vision of a Universal Machine. In this revealing account of how the digital universe exploded in the aftermath of World War II, George Dyson illuminates the nature of digital computers, the lives of those who brought them into existence, and how code took over the world. 432pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Random House • C • $29.95 / $9.98 ✪ ■ ◆ ▲ New to Catalog New from the publisher Remainder - like new Publisher returns Note: remainders and publisher returns may be marked with a small line or dot. w w w. l a b y r i n t h b o o k s . c o m 69 S C I E N C E T E C H N O L O G Y & M A T H E M A T I C S 70 S O C I O L O G Y & E D U C A T I O N 141585 THE UNIVERSE IN ZERO WORDS: The Story of Mathematics as Told Through Equations Mackenzie, Dana The history of 24 great and beautiful equations that have shaped mathematics, science, and society -- from the elementary (1+1=2) to the sophisticated (the Black-Scholes formula for financial derivatives), and from the famous (E=mc2) to the arcane (Hamilton's quaternion equations). 224pgs. • 2012 ◆ • Princeton • C • $27.95 / $12.98 145853 A WEALTH OF NUMBERS: An Anthology of 500 Years of Popular Mathematics Writing Wardhaugh, Benjamin This entertaining and enlightening anthology -- the first of its kind -- gathers nearly 100 fascinating selections by Lewis Carroll, Leonhard Euler, and other mathematicians, both noted and forgotten. 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Instead, Weber relates the rise of a capitalist economy to the Puritan determination to work out anxiety over salvation or damnation by performing good deeds, an effort that ultimately discouraged belief in predestination and encouraged capitalism. 416pgs. • 2008 ◆ • Oxford University • P • $44.95 / $12.98 80,000 more books online 140804 SOCIOLOGY IS A MARTIAL ART: A Bourdieu Reader EDITED BY GISÈLE SAPIRO Bourdieu, Pierre This accessible survey of Pierre Bourdieu's most influential writings includes the full text of his short books Acts of Resistance, Firing Back, and On Television, in addition to key articles, interviews, and speeches, all of which introduce the reader to Bourdieu's innovative approach to sociology as a mode of political intervention. 336pgs. • 2010 ◆ • New Press • P • $18.95 / $7.98 064504 A SPACE ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD: Cultural Poetics in an "Other" America Stewart, Kathleen Vividly evokes an "other" America that survives precariously among the ruins of the West Virginia coal camps and "hollers." 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