Real Estate Experts Today 3


Real Estate Experts Today 3
3. What is your plan B if you are unable to sell
your home?
4. What is your “absolute must” date where you
will move to plan B?
5. What are you willing to invest into the
process to help position your home to sell for the
most money?
Ideally, you want to be asking yourself these
question long before you need to sell. Getting
clear on what your goals are and why you want
to sell will help give you more clarity and it will
help you to make the right decisions in hiring
the right agent.”
What is the most critical mistake most
homeowners make when hiring a real
estate agent?
“The most critical mistake I see many homeowners
make is hiring their real estate agent based on the
ou’ve been recognized as a
• The average amount of required hours to become price they suggest. Many agents will do what is
called a “CMA,” or comparative market analysis.
leader in the local real estate
a licensed real estate agent is only 90-500 hours
This is the standard pricing tool of the average
market for years. Now you have (by comparison a hairstylist has to go to 1,000
agent and the mention of it should be a reason for
a proven, repeatable system for hours of schooling. The good news is that if they
home sellers to sell for up to 18% moreTM make a mistake, at least your hair will grow back). concern. The traditional “CMA” primarily takes
money than the methods of traditional
• The average number of homes sold per year by a into consideration the historical
real estate agents. Tell us more.
real estate agent is only 8.
data within the market from over the last twelve
• The original list price to sales price average is
months. The agent will then narrow their personal
“Over the past several years, we have seen a
only 89%.
multitude of changes. And with more than half • The average amount invested in marketing and choices of which homes are the most comparable,
potentially out of hundreds of home sales. Then
of the homes that go on the market failing to sell, systems by agents is only $500-$750/yr.
they make adjustments on each homes differences.
we were in search of a better way of doing
• The success ratio among real estate agents from
This is used to determine what your homes value
business. That was when we came across the
listing a home to actually selling that home is
should be. Here are some examples of why this
National Association of Expert AdvisorsTshockingly less than 50% in many markets.
method may cause you to leave thousands of
M(NAEA). The Association’s founders are both
top real estate agents and we all shared the same
core values. Over the past several years, they
invested thousands into market research and
testing to determine which of the 115 variables
that affect your home sale were either in or out of
your control. What they uncovered was a proven,
repeatable system backed by market research that
can sell your home for up to 18% moreTM than
the methods of traditional real estate agents in
today’s marketplace.
I was amazed at how well this system was laid out
and immediately made the decision to get certified
as a Certified Home Selling AdvisorTM through
NAEA. This system is revolutionizing the real
estate industry and we are proud to be leading the
way here locally.”
Have real estate agents been ripping off
home owners for the last 100 years?
“That is a great question, and one that I’ve had to
debate in nearly every real estate transaction I’ve
been a part of since I was first licensed. I’ve always
wanted to believe that as a real estate agent, I’m a
professional among professionals. The reality is that
nearly 50% of agents don’t complete a single
transaction throughout the year. That means that
the person handling your largest asset could be an
inexperienced agent. Unfortunately, most
homeowners would never know until it was too
late. Here are some other troubling statistics that
should concern homeowners:
Let’s compare that to another professional
industry, such as dentistry. Imagine if your dentist
only went to school for six weeks. He only fills one
cavity every other month and only half of those
clients actually survived the procedure. That would
be pretty ridiculous, wouldn’t it? You obviously
wouldn’t use that dentist and thank goodness there
are regulations that these professionals must work
within to practice in this profession.
For the average homeowner, his/her home is the
largest asset they own and it generally requires the
largest portion of their monthly income to
maintain. As such, it should also be their highest
earning investment. Nonetheless, when it comes
time to sell it, they place it in the hands of an
“average” agent who only sells a handful of homes
per year. It makes no sense whatsoever. Does this
mean that homeowners are getting ripped off?
With the industry averages mentioned above, I
will let you be the judge.”
If you are a homeowner and you are
wanting to sell your home, how do you
make sure you are making the right
decisions before you put your home on the
“The first step in hiring a real estate agent to sell
your home is to clearly define your goals by asking
yourself these five key questions:
dollars on the table.”
CMAs don’t take into consideration the following
• What if the home had 20 different colors? •
What if the homeowners were slobs and never kept
the house in a showable condition?
• What if the yard was out of control and you
needed a machete to get to the front door?
What if there was a divorce involved and one
spouse was not being cooperative?
What if it was next to a mobile home park? What
if the inventory of homes like it was unusually high
at the time?
What if the seller was highly motivated and priced
well below market value?
What if it was not staged properly?
What if it was not marketed properly and there
were limited showings?
These are just a few scenarios that could result in
why a particular home would attract a low offer
and/or why a homeowner might be willing to
accept such an offer. Regardless, it is no indicator
of how you should position your home in today’s
Clearly, your approach to selling homes is
working. What’s the secret to selling in
today’s market?
“The most effective way to position your home
1. Why are you selling?
in the market to attract the highest offer is to
2. What is your “target date” to get your home sold? have a Certified Home Selling AdvisorTM
complete a Market Absorption Analysis.TM
There are over 115 variables involved in the
home selling process that must be identified and
pro-actively managed to attract the highest
possible offer in the market. Your homes’ value
is elastic to the management of these variables.
Your home could sell at the top of the market,
or the bottom of the market, or worse: not at
all. As a Certified Home Selling AdvisorTM my
team has been trained on the Expert Advisor
Home Selling System.TM This system is the
only proven, repeatable process that identifies
these variables so they can be pro-actively
offer. That means we have to look at where we
can potentially invest your budget to get the
greatest return on investment. Certain repairs
and upgrades can yield 10-1 returns in price.
For example, a professionally staged home can
sell for up to 6-10% more than a home that is
not professionally staged. Market research also
shows that having your home pre-inspected can
drive down your out of pocket expenses and save
you 2-4% in the negotiation process.
Law of Exposure
When it comes to marketing your home, being
average just isn’t good enough. We allocate a
significant portion of our commission to proven
Market research has proven that as a
marketing systems that get the largest number of
homeowner you could sell your home for up qualified buyers to stop and look at your home.
to 18% moreTM than the traditional home There are many ways to spend these marketing
selling methods. How is that possible?
dollars and we have researched the places where
the most qualified home buyers shop. We invest in
“This was an alarming statistic to me and also
proven marketing, emotion- driven copy writing,
the primary reason for becoming certified in the professional photography and detailed tracking
Expert Advisor Home Selling System.TMThe
and reporting to keep you up to date with our
115 variables I mentioned earlier are spread
efforts. This approach will get you the most reach
across seven key principles. They are as follows:
and exposure to the qualified buyers, and assist us
in attracting quality showings.
Expert Consultation
When you need to sell your home, expert advice
is critical. Your initial consultation with your
real estate advisor is the foundation for your
entire real estate experience. The wrong advice,
in most cases, doesn’t just cost you money, but it
means your home is failing to sell. Our goals
become your goals and we determine together
the best strategy to get your home sold at the top
of the market. We are opposed to the traditional CMA and offer a detailed analysis of the
national, regional and local real estate trends
that could impact the home sale. It’s also
important to know what you are willing to
invest into the process of getting your home sold.
This will allow us to make the right suggestions
that will have the highest impact on your
bottom line.
Law of Differentiation
Law of Cooperation
This is an often-overlooked area in the process
of marketing your home. A recent study showed
that nearly 71% of homes that are sold are sold
by a cooperating agent and not the listing
agent. That represents the largest portion of the
potential buyers in the market. We have a
detailed marketing plan that includes marketing to top buyer specialists in the marketplace
to make sure that your home is in front of every
buyer, even the ones who are not working with
us. Many agents will offer to lower their
commission to get you to list your home and this
can be a deadly mistake because it also lowers
the commission that is offered to cooperating
brokers and agents. This will likely result in
fewer showings. Our strategy employs these top
buyer agents and gives them more of an
incentive to sell your home.
When your home is on the market with
hundreds of similar homes, differentiation that
drives consumer preference can drastically drive Law of Buyer Attraction
Since we know a large majority of the potential
up the perceived value of your home to buyers.
You want to position your home to attract a high buyers are already working with an agent we
must have great systems for attracting and
retaining potential buyers for your home. We
utilize a multitude of cutting edge technologies
to attract and continually communicate with
potential buyers for your home. These systems
allow us to respond to inquires about your home
in real time, as opposed to the average industry
response time of 16 hours. The home buying
process can take months and our systems allow
us to efficiently keep up with these buyers so we
have the best chances of working with them and
ultimately showing your home.
Law of Negotiation
The negotiation process can be one of the largest
leverage points across the entire transaction. By
now you can see the value in a preemptive
approach to the home sale and attracting high
offers vs. low offers. Done properly, you should
have an offer quickly on your home and you
should be negotiating from a position of strength.
Negotiation takes finesse and skill. Since the
average agent only sells eight homes per year, there
is much to be done toposition yourself to win
during this process.
Law of Execution
It takes a team of experts to effectively execute such
a robust home selling plan. With over 115
variables involved and up to 18% more moneyTM
for you as a seller, it is critical that none of these
variables are left to chance. Together we work as a
team to ensure your home sale goes through
without the typical setbacks and delays of the
traditional home selling methods. We make your
goals our goals and throughout the entire process
we strive to make you feel as if you are our only
client. Communication is the key to a successful
transaction and with our resources and team we
cannot only execute the Expert Advisor Home
Selling SystemTM, we can keep you well informed
along the way.”
What is the next step if I were a home- owner
who wants to get my home sold for up to
18% more moneyTM?
You can visit our website below for more information about our team and how we do business or
just give us a call at the number below. We are
looking forward to working with you.
When you are looking to sell your largest
investment and you want Expert Advice
and Guarenteed Results, all you have to
do is contact Zabrocki Group.
Contact Jonathan Zabrocki at:
Direct: 858.212.1245
Zabrocki Group
15311 Ridgeview Place
Poway, CA 92064