PLAN YEAR 2014-2015
PLAN YEAR 2014-2015
PLAN YEAR 2014-2015 PROVIDER ACCESS PROVIDER INFORMATION TOOL GUIDE IEBP Quality Improvement and Management Program IEBP Member Rights and Responsibilities Statement IEBP Information Website Services for Providers Provider Network Assistance: Primary, Secondary Networks, Centers of Excellence Identification of the Covered Individual: Sample Medical/Prescription ID Card Public/Private Alliance Provider Solution United Healthcare Choice Plus Provider Network Information Transplant and Obesity Designated Centers of Excellence and Choice Plus Network Providers IEBP Medication Therapy Management Program Provider Clinical Practice Guideline Resources Provider Coding Guidelines Prompt Pay Adjudication Sample Explanation of Benefits (EOB) Electronic Fund Transfer PayPlus Information Sample Explanation of Payment (EOP) How Benefits are Paid Non-Duplication of Benefits Healthy Initiatives Medical Intelligence After Hours and/or Weekend Medical and Mental Health Care Services Dedicated to Services Measuring the Patient Healthcare Experience by Managing the Integrity of the Healthcare Dollar Optimized by Efficient Performance Based Outcome Resource TML MultiState Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool (IEBP) Customer Care Helpline: Secured Customer Care E-mail: Contact Information 1821 Rutherford Lane, Suite 300 | Austin, Texas 78754 PO Box 149190 | Austin, Texas 78714-9190 (800) 282-5385 Visit | click on the “Login” button | click on “Online Customer Care” under the “My Tools” menu (800) 847-1213 (888) 818-2822 TML MultiState IEBP Internet Website: Medical Notifications: Professional Health Coaches: Professional Health Coaches will answer basic health and medication questions and assist Covered Individuals with the Healthy Initiatives Incentive Program. Covered Individuals may enroll in professional health coaching. Spanish Line: (800) 385-9952 Where to Mail Paper Medical Claims: TML MultiState IEBP | PO Box 149190 | Austin, Texas 78714-9190 After Hours and/or Weekend Medical and Mental Healthcare Call 911 or immediately go to the emergency department. Emergencies: Page 1 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP Accessible Hours 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Central 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Central Twenty-four (24) hours 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Central 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM Central or Scheduled Appointment (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 IEBP Quality Improvement and Management Program ................................................................................ 4 IEBP Member Rights and Responsibilities Statement .................................................................................... 5 IEBP Information ......................................................................................................................................... 6 Website Services for Providers..................................................................................................................... 6 IEBP Provider Portal ............................................................................................................................................................ 6 Phone/Fax/Web Services for Providers .............................................................................................................................. 6 Provider Network Assistance ....................................................................................................................... 6 Identification of the Covered Individual ....................................................................................................... 7 Sample Medical/Prescription ID Card ................................................................................................................................. 7 Public/Private Alliance Provider Solution ..................................................................................................... 8 United Healthcare Choice Plus Provider Network Information ...................................................................... 9 Secondary Network Services for United Options and Choice Plus PPO............................................................................ 10 Professional Negotiation Service ...................................................................................................................................... 10 Patient Advocacy Services................................................................................................................................................. 10 Prompt Pay Provider Claims Tracking and Handling ......................................................................................................... 10 Transplant Benefit ............................................................................................................................................................. 10 OptumHealth Care Solutions Centers of Excellence Transplant Centers (formerly URN) ................................................ 12 Transplant and Obesity Designated Centers of Excellence and Choice Plus Network Providers ..................................... 12 TML MultiState IEBP Medication Therapy Management Program ............................................................... 14 Medication Therapy Management Alliance Partners ....................................................................................................... 14 Retail and Mail Order Covered Individual Copayments .................................................................................................... 14 Biosimilar FDA Approval Standards .................................................................................................................................. 15 Step Therapy ..................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Clinical Prior Authorization ............................................................................................................................................... 17 Cost Share Copay Drugs .................................................................................................................................................... 18 Prescription Benefits ......................................................................................................................................................... 20 Mac A Rx Plan.................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Mac C Rx Plan .................................................................................................................................................................... 20 High Deductible Health Savings Account Plans................................................................................................................. 20 Authorized Generics.......................................................................................................................................................... 20 Covered and Non-Covered Drugs ..................................................................................................................................... 21 OptumRx Specialty/Biotech Prescriptions ........................................................................................................................ 22 High Deductible H.S.A. Wellness Drug List ........................................................................................................................ 24 OptumRx Mobile Friendly Website ................................................................................................................................... 28 Provider Clinical Practice Guideline Resources ........................................................................................... 29 Provider Coding Guidelines ........................................................................................................................ 32 Prompt Statute - Article 3.70.3, Texas Insurance Code .................................................................................................... 32 Additional Information Requests ...................................................................................................................................... 32 Page 2 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Prompt Pay Adjudication ........................................................................................................................... 35 Sample Explanation of Benefits (EOB) ........................................................................................................ 36 Electronic Fund Transfer Pay-Plus Information ........................................................................................... 38 Sample Explanation of Payment (EOP) ....................................................................................................... 39 How Benefits are Paid ............................................................................................................................... 40 Claims ................................................................................................................................................................................ 40 Right to Receive and Release Necessary Information ...................................................................................................... 41 No Replacement for Workers’ Compensation .................................................................................................................. 41 Assignments ...................................................................................................................................................................... 41 Legal Actions ..................................................................................................................................................................... 41 Appeals .............................................................................................................................................................................. 41 Privacy of Your Health Information................................................................................................................................... 43 Security of Your Health Information ................................................................................................................................. 44 Non-Duplication of Benefits ....................................................................................................................... 44 Integration of Benefits ...................................................................................................................................................... 44 Application ........................................................................................................................................................................ 44 Definitions for the purpose of Integration of Benefits ..................................................................................................... 44 Special Rules...................................................................................................................................................................... 45 Other Party Liability .......................................................................................................................................................... 47 Overpayment Provisions ................................................................................................................................................... 48 Integration with Medicare ................................................................................................................................................ 49 Healthy Initiatives ..................................................................................................................................... 50 Preventive/Routine Care Benefit (Calendar Year) ............................................................................................................ 50 Immunizations................................................................................................................................................................... 50 Medical Intelligence Care Management Features w/Disclaimer .................................................................. 51 How the Notification Process Works ................................................................................................................................ 51 Notification Requirements ................................................................................................................................................ 52 Continued Stay Review ..................................................................................................................................................... 54 Medical Intensive Care Management ............................................................................................................................... 54 Population Health Engagement ........................................................................................................................................ 54 After Hours and/or Weekend Medical and Mental Health Care .................................................................. 58 Primary Care...................................................................................................................................................................... 58 Telemedicine ..................................................................................................................................................................... 58 In-store Clinic .................................................................................................................................................................... 62 Urgent Care Center ........................................................................................................................................................... 62 Emergency Department .................................................................................................................................................... 62 Page 3 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide WELCOME The TML MultiState Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool’s (IEBP) objective is to provide employees, qualified dependents, qualified retirees, and qualified elected officials of political subdivisions, benefit plans and provider networks that are equal to or improved in comparison to those commonly provided in the private industry. By achieving this objective, the political subdivisions will be able to attract and retain competent, able employees and to recognize their faithful service and dedication to their employer. The Preferred Provider Plan provides incentive to the Members to utilize the Preferred Provider Network for their medical care. The covered individual has the responsibility to cooperate with the preferred network guidelines that have been designed to manage their health care cost. IEBP developed this guide to assist you in working with our member groups and to make your job as easy as possible. We continually strive to improve the health care services that are managed and offered to our Member groups. IEBP also strives to improve the services we offer to providers. Over the past year, we have made many enhancements to our website, including the addition of the “Providers Only” section. The “Providers Only” section of IEBP’s web site contains valuable information, which can be accessed from the convenience of your computer. Visit and click the “Providers Only” link on the navigation bar. After entering your tax identification number, you will gain access to an online version of our HealthX eligibility and claim status verification system. Also, you can submit address changes and browse the Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide online. We would like to thank you in advance for participating in our network and look forward to working with you in a cooperative spirit. IEBP QUALITY IMPROVEMENT AND MANAGEMENT PROGRAM The Quality Improvement and Management Program at IEBP is a comprehensive program under the leadership of the Executive Director and Medical Director. The Quality Improvement program consists of the following components: Quality of clinical care Quality of service Availability and accessibility of services Safety of clinical care and protected health information Objectives for serving a culturally and linguistically diverse membership Serving individuals with complex healthcare needs Improvement of behavioral healthcare The Quality Improvement and Management Program consist of a Quality Improvement (QI) Committee that meets on a quarterly basis and oversees the Quality Management Plan of the organization. The QI Committee is comprised of IEBP Functional Area Managers, the Medical Director, and a Behavioral Healthcare Practitioner, PhD. The role of the committee is to ensure quality service performance is based on medical initiatives and patient safety services are monitored. The roles of Medical Director and Behavioral Healthcare Practitioner are to evaluate and monitor guidelines within the Healthplan benefits. The subject matter experts will advise the committee members on subject matters pertaining to patient safety and education, complex health and behavioral healthcare program needs and access to benefit plan resources. Additional information on IEBP's Quality Improvement and Management Program is available upon request. IEBP does not use incentives to encourage barriers to care and service; and does not make decisions about hiring, promoting or terminating providers or other staff based on the likelihood, or on the perceived likelihood, that the provider or staff member supports, or tends to support, denial of benefits. Page 4 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide IEBP MEMBER RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES STATEMENT TML MultiState Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool's mission is: To provide excellent service offering competitive health benefits and administrative services to eligible municipalities and other governmental entities in Texas and other states by utilizing innovative, viable, affordable alternatives while maintaining financial integrity. TML MultiState Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool (IEBP) is committed to respecting the right of the covered individuals and ensuring the membership is aware of their rights and responsibilities. The Covered Individual has the Right to: Be treated with respect and dignity by IEBP personnel and healthcare professionals Privacy and confidentiality regarding the healthcare services received Voice concerns regarding any service you have received under the benefit plan File complaints and appeals concerning the healthcare benefit plan or the services you have received from the provider Receive a prompt response to your concerns and/or appeals Be provided with appropriate access to the provider community Be actively involved with the providers making decisions regarding your healthcare needs Be educated regarding the benefit plan and eligible and ineligible benefits Be educated about the covered individual's right to refuse treatment and access an Advance Directive to designate the kind of care you desire if you should become unable to express your wishes Participate in a conversation with your provider regarding your treatment plan regardless if the services are eligible or ineligible under your medical benefit plan Request information from IEBP regarding their healthcare information, the organization, its services, the provider network Be educated regarding medically necessary treatment options for the medical condition, regardless of cost or benefit coverage Receive affirmation regarding the distribution of incentive payments Provide IEBP information and/or recommendations to update the Member Rights and Responsibilities Statement The Covered Individual has the Responsibility to: Ensure their eligibility information was received and processed by IEBP Contact and access care from healthcare professionals when a medical need occurs Access emergent and immediate care services Maintain scheduled appointments Receive healthcare information regarding the care being received Participate in understanding your treatment plan and mutually agree upon treatment goals and maintain treatment compliance Timely notify your employer of demographic and family status changes and ensure the health plan has been updated with the correct information Visit the IEBP website or contact customer care with any questions or concerns Communicate with IEBP regarding the member’s rights and responsibility statement IEBP does not use incentives to encourage barriers to care and service; and does not make decisions about hiring, promoting or terminating providers or other staff based on the likelihood, or on the perceived likelihood, that the provider or staff member supports, or tends to support, denial of benefits. Page 5 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide IEBP INFORMATION Each Member group participating in the Pool selects the benefit plan that best suits his/her needs. Due to a wide variation in member group plans, specific benefit plan information cannot be provided in this manual. For eligibility, benefit verification or claim status, please contact the automated HealthX service at (800) 282-6186. Please note that when multiple providers bill with the same Federal ID number for the same patient on the same date of service, HealthX may not be able to identify the actual claim in question. For further information, please contact a Member Service Representative between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., Central Standard Time. Please call (800) 282-5385. Submission of bills Questions regarding claims payment WEBSITE SERVICES FOR PROVIDERS IEBP Provider Portal IEBP, through a partnership with HealthX, offers a Provider Web portal that allows providers to access Claim Status information, Eligibility information and Online Customer Care tools. To access the Provider Web portal, you will need a User ID and Password. Once you have registered, you will be able to access claims and eligibility information for IEBP covered individuals as well as individuals covered by other payors who have partnered with HealthX. Registration is simple. Go to and click the “Sign Up Now” link found in the Healthcare Providers login section. After registration, you will gain immediate access to Claim Status and Eligibility information. In addition to Claim Status and Eligibility providers can send questions to IEBP Member Service representatives through a secure messaging system. After logging in, click the “Online Customer Service” link found in the “Working With IEBP” menu. Phone/Fax/Web Services for Providers Providers may also access Claim Status and Eligibility information over the phone through IEBP’s automated Phone IT system. This system combines Interactive Voice Response features with a Fax back option. This automated phone system provides claim status and eligibility information over the phone and gives providers the option to receive this status information by fax. Phone/Fax information call: (800) 282-6186 WebIT: - Login as a Provider PROVIDER NETWORK ASSISTANCE IEBP Provider Network Representatives assist the preferred provider network in delivering health care efficiently and effectively. You may contact a provider representative at the address below. TML MultiState IEBP P.O. Box 149190 Austin, TX 78714-9190 (800) 282-5385 The Provider Network Representative is available to help as necessary. Page 6 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide IDENTIFICATION OF THE COVERED INDIVIDUAL Provider recognition of a covered individual’s membership in the Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool is important for the efficient and effective operation of the Provider Network Program. The easiest method of identifying an IEBP member is by the IEBP Medical/Prescription Identification Card. A sample Medical/Prescription ID Card is included for your review. Sample Medical/Prescription ID Card Page 7 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide PUBLIC/PRIVATE ALLIANCE PROVIDER SOLUTION • Direct Interface with Political Subdivision • Risk and Non-Risk Benefit and Claim Adjudication Services • Plan Management Administrative Services • Customer Services: Phone, E-Mail, Patient Advocacy • Prompt Pay Proactive Correspondence • Benefit Plan Set-Up • NCQA Accreditation Quality Management • HealthX Relationship: Online Claim Look Up/Electronic EOB/ID Card, Electronic Fund Transfers Pay Plus: ACH/Virtual Card • OptumInsight Clinical Data Analytics • Medical Intelligence • Underwriting • Medication Therapy Management Program (MTMP) delegate to OptumRx, Restat/Catamaran and RxResults/Rx Reportal • Billing and Eligibility/Online System • ID Card/Electronic EOB Vendor Update • Internal Audits and Education Program • Network Hierarchy Audit Access • Legal/Legislative/Regulatory Support • Internet Services • Consumer Driven Debit Card Relationship; Tiered Card Access/Alegeus/WealthCare • Reinsurance Interface • Right of Recovery Services • Electronic Data Interchange Services: Mail, Scan, Pre/Post Duplicate Audit, OnBase/Electronic Workflow Management • Public Employees Benefit Alliance Services (PEBA)/Benefit Purchasing Cooperative • IEBP Business Continuity Plan • Cost Estimator/Price Transparency • MyBenefits on Demand • MyIEBP Mobile App • Delegate Telemedicine Service to Teladoc Page 8 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP • • • • • • • • • • • • • • TELA Data Entry Relationship QicLink 5.0 Alliance Validata audit of Eligibility Audit Repricing transmission to United Healthcare SAS 70 Audit Claim Adjudication Platform ClinicLogic Claim Audit Claim Adjudication Service Team Marketing Synergy Claim Adjudication Business Continuity Support Health Information Technology UMR Business Continuity Security Guidelines Provider/Member Appeals • • • • • • • • • • • • Options PPO Network Options PPO Primary Network Three Tiered Secondary Network IEBP Direct Contract Support Premium Network Identification Repricing Software System Audit/iCES Provider Network Disruption Review Provider Credentialing TransReview Designated Transplant Services Designated Bariatric Centers Provider Network Website Marketing Synergy Choice Plus Network • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Choice Plus Primary Network Three Tiered Secondary Network Premium Network Identification Repricing Software System Audit/iCES Provider Network Disruption Review Provider Credentialing TransReview Designated Transplant Services Designated Bariatric Centers Provider Network Website Marketing Synergy ICD-9 to ICD-10 mapping NCQA Delegated Network Distribution Model (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide UNITED HEALTHCARE CHOICE PLUS PROVIDER NETWORK INFORMATION The Alliance Makes the Difference! IEBP offers the Options PPO Network to their fully funded Pool members in East Texas that prefer an employer specific East Texas Medical Center Facility network in Tyler and in the rural East Texas market. OptumInsight, Inc. offers IEBP Designated Centers of Excellence for Transplant and Surgical Obesity treatment. TML MultiState IEBP United Healthcare Choice Plus Network Risk Membership Page 9 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Secondary Network Services for United Options and Choice Plus PPO First Health (logo required) - secondary network Multi-Plan - secondary network TC3 - secondary network Ingenix - professional negotiations Ethicare Out-of-Network claims are repriced if Out of Network Providers participate in the Multi-Plan Supplemental Network. The discount amount will not be balance billed to the covered individual and the claim will be adjudicated at the out of network benefit percentage. The secondary networks include: First Health (logo required), Multi-Plan - secondary network, TC3 - secondary network, Ingenix - professional negotiations, and Ethicare for Reasonable and Customary audits. Professional Negotiation Service Claims are reviewed against normative data ICD-9, CPT codes, and charges by revenue center to ensure that the ratios are appropriate and reasonable and are compared against a proprietary database. The cases are reviewed on an individual basis and the patient cannot be balance billed for the adjusted amount on the bill. If Professional Negotiations cannot be provided, the out of network claim will be paid per the usual, reasonable & customary fee schedule and the covered individual may need to contact the Patient Advocacy program for balance billing assistance. Patient Advocacy Services IEBP’s Member Service Representatives are educated to provide patient advocacy services for appropriate covered individuals' out of network or ineligible out of pocket expenses. The IEBP patient advocate determines whether the claim is eligible for patient advocacy services. The Covered Individual’s out of network or individual expenses need to be a minimum of $300.00 per charge. Prompt Pay Provider Claims Tracking and Handling A Prompt Pay Tracking report tracks claims and related documentation belonging to the Prompt Pay provider. This tracking report is programmed utilizing the Tax ID numbers associated with that provider and accounts for non-completed claims processing activity, as well as claims denied for additional information. Claims denied for additional information may require different tracking rules depending upon from whom the additional information is being requested. Management or designated staffs are responsible to review the report daily for claims or claim referrals. Customer Service staff will focus on claims denied for additional information and will pro-actively contact covered individuals and providers to expedite receipt of the requested additional information. Transplant Benefit Transplant benefits provided at an OptumHealth/Centers of Excellence/Designated Transplant Center differ from those provided at a Non-Designated Transplant Center. At least ten (10) working days prior to any pre-transplant evaluation, the Covered Individual or a family member must provide Notification to Medical Intelligence Care Management; failure to do so will result in a Late Notification Penalty of $400 or a reduction in benefits. If the Covered Individual’s treatment plan changes, the Healthcare Provider must provide Notification to Medical Intelligence Care Management at (800) 847-1213. Medical Intelligence Care Management will obtain an update on the treatment plan and will conduct a concurrent review regarding additional length of stay and any new treatments/procedures. Eligible Transplant expenses incurred in connection with any organ or tissue transplant will be covered subject to Medical Intelligence Care Management approval and Plan limitations. Under this provision, the term Transplant includes the pre-transplant evaluation, procurement, the transplant itself and one (1) year of post transplant follow-up care, excluding outpatient prescription drugs covered elsewhere under the Plan. Transplant benefits are paid at the benefit percentage on the Summary of Benefits and Coverage as long as services are provided at an OptumHealth/Centers of Excellence/Designated Transplant Center and approved by Medical Intelligence Care Management. Page 10 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Non-Designated Transplant Center If the organ transplant is performed at a Non-Designated OptumHealth/Centers of Excellence Transplant Center or Medical Intelligence Care Management is refused, the pre-transplant, transplant and post transplant care will not be covered. Benefits will not be paid if the procedure is an Unproven Medical Procedure or a Phase I and/or II clinical trial as defined in this booklet or if it involves an artificial (mechanical) organ or non-human tissue. A Cornea transplant is not covered as a transplant benefit, but will be covered as any other Major Medical Benefit. Transplant Center The transplant services must be performed at an OptumHealth Centers of Excellence Centers. A list of OptumHealth Transplant Centers of Excellence may be obtained from Medical Intelligence Care Management. This benefit will cover charges resulting from organ transplantation for: 1. travel (if more than two hundred (200) miles one way to hospital or facility from place of employment); a. Private vehicle use will be reimbursed at the maximum allowable amount determined by the Internal Revenue Service and reimbursement is limited to travel between home and the Transplant Center. Airfare will be reimbursed at cost. b. The Plan provides for ground or air transportation of the Covered Individual to and from the pre-transplant evaluation, organ transplantation and any other Eligible Benefit or follow-up appointment. c. The Plan provides for ground or air transportation of each eligible companion to and from the pre-transplant evaluation, organ transplantation and any other eligible provider services or follow-up appointment. d. Receipts will be required for reimbursement and submitted on an Expense Activity Report. 2. organ transportation; 3. donor medical benefits not covered under the donor’s plan of benefits; 4. locating and preserving the tissue for the transplant procedure; 5. fees for maintenance on an organ transplant waiting list; 6. food for the Covered Individual and eligible companion to a maximum of thirty-five dollars ($35) each per day (if more than two hundred (200) miles one way to the designated transplant facility from place of employment); and a. The Plan will pay for the Covered Individual and eligible companion’s (age eighteen years of age or older) food during transplant-related outpatient treatment that is an Eligible Benefit and the eligible companion’s food during transplantrelated inpatient. b. Maximum food reimbursement rate of thirty-five dollars ($35) each per day. c. Receipts will be required for reimbursement and submitted on an Expense Activity Report. 7. lodging (if more than two hundred (200) miles one way to the designated transplant facility from place of employment). a. The Plan will pay for the covered individual’s and the eligible companion’s eligible lodging when the patient is not confined to eligible facility. b. The Plan will pay for the eligible companion’s lodging when the patient is confined to an eligible facility. c. Receipts will be required for reimbursement. The maximum travel, food and lodging benefit for the Covered Individual is $10,000 and $5,000 for an eligible companion (per the medical network Summary of Benefits and Coverage percentage). Eligible companion is a person of the Covered Individual's choice. Page 11 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide OptumHealth Care Solutions Centers of Excellence Transplant Centers (formerly URN) The Transplant and Designated Facility Network is updated frequently. Please call Medical Care Management for Center of Excellence Network Information. Texas OptumHealth Adult Transplant Centers of Excellence Network Texas Baylor All Saints Fort Worth [Kidney, Kidney/Liver, Liver] Baylor University Medical Center Dallas [Blood/Marrow, Heart, Kidney, Kidney/Liver, Liver] CHI St. Luke's Health Baylor College of Medicine Medical Center Houston [Heart, Kidney, Kidney/Liver, Liver] Houston Methodist Hospital Houston [Blood/Marrow, Heart, Heart/Lung, Kidney, Kidney/Liver, Kidney/Pancreas, Liver, Lung, Pancreas] Medical City Dallas Hospital Dallas [Blood/Marrow, Heart] Memorial Hermann Texas Medical Center Houston [Liver] Methodist Hospital of Dallas Dallas [Kidney, Kidney/Liver, Liver] Methodist Specialty & Transplant Hospital San Antonio [Blood/Marrow, Heart, Kidney, Kidney/Liver, Liver] University Health System-San Antonio San Antonio [Kidney, Kidney/Liver, Liver, Lung] University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Houston [Blood/Marrow] UT Southwestern St. Paul Hospital Dallas [Blood/Marrow, Heart, Heart/Lung, Lung] Oklahoma Integris Baptist Medical Center Oklahoma City [Heart, Kidney, Kidney/Liver, Liver] Pediatric Transplant Centers of Excellence Network Texas Children's Medical Center of Dallas Dallas [Blood/Marrow, Heart, Kidney, Kidney/Liver, Liver] Cook Children's Medical Center Fort Worth [Blood/Marrow] Medical City Dallas Hospital Dallas [Blood/Marrow] Methodist Specialty & Transplant Hospital San Antonio [Blood/Marrow] Texas Children's Hospital Houston [Blood/Marrow, Heart, Heart/Lung, Kidney, Liver, Lung] University Health System-San Antonio San Antonio [Kidney] University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Houston [Blood/Marrow] Transplant and Obesity Designated Centers of Excellence and Choice Plus Network Providers Texas City Austin Amarillo Beaumont Bryan Carrollton Cedar park Cypress Dallas Decatur Provider Name Seton Medical Center St David's Medical Center Baptist St Anthony's Health System Northwest Texas Healthcare System Christus (Dubuis) St. Elizabeth Hospital The Physician Centre Hospital Baylor Medical Center at Carrollton Cedar Park Regional Medical Center North Cypress Medical Center Doctors Hospital at White Rock Lake Forest Park Medical Center Methodist Health Systems Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas UT Southwestern Medical Center Baylor University Medical Center Weight Loss Surgery Program Columbia Hospital at Medical City Dallas (Medical City Dallas in network) Wise Regional Health System Page 12 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP Provider Address 1201 West 38th Street Austin TX 78705 919 East 32nd Street Austin TX 78705 1600 Wallace Blvd Amarillo TX 79106 1501 S Coulter Amarillo TX 79106 2830 Calder St Beaumont, TX 77702 3131 University Dr East Bryan TX 77802 4343 N Josey Lane Carrollton, TX 75010 1401 Medical Parkway Cedar Park, TX 78613 21214 Northwest Fwy Cypress, TX 77429 9440 Poppy Drive Dallas TX 75218 11990 N Central Expy Dallas TX 75243 1441 N Beckley Ave Dallas TX 75203 8200 Walnut Hill Ln Dallas TX 75231 5909 Harry Hines Blvd Dallas TX 75235 3500 Gaston Ave Dallas TX 75246 Phone Number (512) 324-3404 (512) 544-5433 (806) 212-2000 (806) 354-1000 (409) 892-7171 (979) 731-3100 n/a (512) 528-7000 (832) 912-3500 (214) 324-6127 (972) 234-1900 (214) 947-1761 (214) 345-6789 (214) 645-5555 (214) 820-7528 UHC Options Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y UHC Choice Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y TML Direct N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 7777 Forest Lane, Suite 240A Dallas TX 75230 (972) 566-6349 Y Y N 609 Medical Center Dr Decatur TX 76234 (940) 627-5921 Y Y N (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide City Denton Denison Provider Name Texas Health Presbyterian Hosp Denton Texoma Medical Center Edinburg DBA Day Surgery at Renaissance (also known as Doctors Hospital) Providence Memorial Hospital Plaza Medical Center at Fort Worth Baylor Medical Center at Frisco UTMB at Galveston - TIN 746000949 Baylor Regional Medical Center At Grapevine Cypress Fairbanks Medical Center Hosp Houston Northwest Medical Center The Methodist Hospital Memorial Hermann Memorial City Hosp Memorial Hermann Southeast Memorial Hermann Hospital Park Plaza Hospital West Houston Medical Center University General Hospital Laredo Medical Center Doctors Hospital of Laredo High Plains Surgery Center McAllen Heart Hospital, DBA South Texas Health Sys Rio Grande Regional Hospital Medical Center Hospital Bayshore Medical Center Baylor Medical Center at Plano Texas Health Presbyterian Hosp of Plano Texas Health Presbyterian Rockwall Methodist Spec Trans Hospital Methodist Texsan Hospital Nix Hospital Northeast Baptist Hospital Southwest General Hosp Metropolitan Methodist Hospital Wadley Regional Medical Center Scott and White (Memorial) Hospital Baylor Medical Center at Trophy Club / Trophy Medical Center Mother Frances Hospital Citizens Bariatric Center / Citizens Medical Center Providence Health Center United Regional Health Care Systems El Paso Fort worth Frisco Galveston Grapevine Houston Laredo Lubbock McAllen Odessa Pasadena Plano Rockwall San Antonio Texarkana Temple Trophy Club Tyler Victoria Waco Wichita Falls Provider Address 3000 I-35 North Denton TX 76201 619 W Main St Denison TX 75020 5016 S US Highway 75 Denison TX 75020 5501 S McColl Rd Edinburg, TX 78539 Phone Number (940) 898-7000 (903) 416-5555 (903) 416-4000 (956) 362-5610 UHC Options Y Y Y Y UHC Choice Y Y Y Y TML Direct N N N N 2001 N Oregon ST 900 8th Ave 5601 Warren Parkway 301 University Blvd 1650 W College St El Paso, TX 79902 Fort Worth TX 76104 Frisco TX 75034 Galveston TX 77555 Grapevine, TX 76051 (915) 577-7939 (817) 87PLAZA (214) 407-5006 (409) 772-1011 (817) 488-7546 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N 10655 Steepletop Dr 710 FM RD W 6565 Fannin St 921 Gessner Road 11800 Astroia Blvd 6400-6411 Fannin 1313 Hermann Drive 12141 Richmond Ave 7501 Fannin St 1700 E Saunders St 10700 McPherson Rd 3610 22nd St 1900 South D St Houston, TX 77065 Houston, TX 77090 Houston TX 77030 Houston TX 77024 Houston TX 77089 Houston TX, 77030 Houston TX 77004 Houston, TX 77082 Houston, TX 77054 Laredo, TX 78041 Laredo, TX 78045 Lubbock, TX 79410 McAllen TX 78503 (281) 890-4285 (281) 440-1000 (713) 790-3311 (713) 242-4290 (281) 929-4389 (713) 704-4000 (713) 527-5127 (281) 558-344 (713) 375-7000 (956) 796-2662 (956) 388-2000 (806) 776-4772 (956) 664-1616 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N 101 E Ridge Road 500 W 4th St 4000 Spencer Highway 3901 W 15th St. 6200 W Parker Rd, 7C Tower 3150 Horizon Rd 8026 Floyd Curl DR 6700 IH 10 West 414 Navarro Street 8811 Village Dr 7400 Bartlite Blvd 1310 McCullough Avenue 1000 Pine Street 2401 S 31st 2850 E Hwy 114 McAllen TX 78503 Odessa, TX 79761 Pasadena TX 77504 Plano TX 75075 Plano TX 75093 Rockwall TX 75032 San Antonio, TX San Antonio TX 78201 San Antonio TX 78205 San Antonio TX 78217 San Antonio TX 78224 San Antonio TX 78212 Texarkana TX 75501 Temple TX 76508 Trophy Club, TX 76262 (956) 661-3560 (432) 640 3551 (713) 359-1664 (972) 596-6800 (972) 981-3861 (469) 698-1000 (210) 575-8110 (210) 736-8460 (210) 846-2935 (210) 297-2034 (210) 921-2000 (210) 365 7561 (903) 798-8872 (254) 724-2111 (817) 837 3046 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 800 East Dawson 2701 Hospital Dr Tyler TX 75701 Victoria TX 77901 (903) 593-8441 (361) 574-1738 Y Y Y Y N N 6901 Medical Pkwy 1600 11th Street Waco, TX 76712 Wichita Falls TX 76301 (254) 751-4000 (940) 764-7000 Y Y Y Y N N Oklahoma City Norman Oklahoma City Owasso Provider Name Norman Regional Health System Integris Baptist Medical Center Bailey Medical Center, LLC Page 13 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP Provider Address 901 N Porter Ave Norman OK 73071 3300 NW Expressway Oklahoma City OK 73112 10502 N 110th East Ave Owasso OK 74055 Phone Number 405-307-1000 405-949-3011 918-376-8000 UHC Options N N N UHC Choice Y Y Y TML Direct N N N (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide TML MULTISTATE IEBP MEDICATION THERAPY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM How to get the most out of your IEBP Medication Therapy Management Program Medication Therapy Management Alliance Partners Pharmacy Benefit Manager Network: OptumRx Membership: (888) 543-1369 | | 24 hours a day/7 days a week » OptumRx Online Pharmacy Locator Tool: Members can locate a Value Network pharmacy near them by using the OptumRx Online Pharmacy Locator Tool at OptumRx Pharmacy Help Desk: (800) 788-7871 OptumRx Mail Service Program: (800) 797-9791 (TTY 711) | OptumRx Specialty Pharmacy: (866) 218-5445 | Fax: (800) 491-7997 Submit OptumRx Paper Prescription Claims to: OptumRx | PO Box 29044 | Hot Springs, AR 71903 Evidence-Based Medication Review: RxResults | Toll Free: (855) 892-0936 | Local: (501) 686-7463 | Fax: (877) 540-9036 Retail and Mail Order Covered Individual Copayments MAC A Plan: If a brand name drug is dispensed and a generic alternate drug exists, the Covered Individual pays the difference between the brand name and generic price in addition to the appropriate copayment for the brand name. The cost difference between the brand name and generic price does not apply to any individual deductibles or out of pocket amounts. The MAC differential applies to all prescriptions purchased through this program when a generic alternate is available. MAC C Plan: If a brand name drug is dispensed and a generic alternate drug exists, the Covered Individual pays the appropriate brand copay. Covered Individual Out of Pocket (OOP) Retail: Prescribed (Doctor Ordered) (up to 34 day supply max Over the Counter Alternates and Prescription Networks unless noted otherwise) Smoking Cessation (Nicorette Gum), Quantity Limit - 3 months per plan year Aspirin, Folic Acid, Fluoride Chemoprevention Supplements, Iron Deficiency $0.00 Supplements, and Vitamin D supplementation to prevent falls in community-dwelling adults age 65 years and older who are at an increased risk for falls; per prescription Network Retail: 34 day Non-Cost Share most Generic Dispensement $0.00 (up to 34 day supply) Network Retail: 90 day Non-Cost Share most Generic Dispensement $9.00 (35 up to 90 day supply) OptumRx Network Non-Cost Share Best Brand/Formulary List $38.00 OptumRx Network Non-Cost Share Non-Best Brand/Non-Formulary List $60.00 OptumRx Network Cost Share $120.00 OptumRx Specialty/Biotech Prescriptions N/A OptumRx Biosimilar Generic Prescriptions N/A Prescription Refill Control Standards 75% Mail/Maintenance: (up to 90 day dispensement) SpecialtyRx/Biotech/Biosimilar: (up to 34 day dispensement) N/A N/A N/A $25.00 $95.00 $150.00 $300.00 N/A N/A 70% N/A Women's Preventive Health Services Covered Individual Out of Pocket (OOP) Benefit Retail Rx Medical Plan Oral Contraceptives Generic (no cost share) IUD Device (no cost share) X Implant Device (no cost share) X Permanent Implantable Contraceptive Coil (subject to the appropriate deductible and benefit percentages) X Insertion and/or Removal of Devices (no cost share) X Sonogram to Detect Placement of Device (no cost share) X Injectable Contraceptives (no cost share) X Injectable Administration Fee (no cost share) X Diaphragm (cervical), Hormone Vaginal Ring, Hormone Patch, Cervical Cap, Spermicides, Sponges (no cost share) Diaphragm Instruction and Fitting Fee (no cost share) X Emergency Birth Control Over-The-Counter (OTC) Birth Control Contraceptive Management (no cost share) X Female Condoms (no cost share) Medications for risk reduction of breast cancer in women who are at increased risk for breast cancer and at low risk for adverse medication effects: Tamoxifen or Raloxifene Page 14 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP $100.00 (up to 34 day supply) $75.00 (up to 34 day supply) Prescription Plan X X X Plan Ineligible X X X X X X (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Biosimilar FDA Approval Standards The FDA typically approves small molecule generics on the basis of pharmaceutical equivalence. Pharmaceutical equivalence suggests that the generic contains the same active ingredient at the same strength as the brand (including the particular salt if relevant). We do not believe that the FDA will insist that a biosimilar be exactly the same as the innovator product (brand); rather it will employ a more flexible standard of sameness. Such a standard would partly depend on some structure-function understanding of the innovator product. For relatively small proteins, we expect that these will be required to exhibit an identical amino acid sequence. This standard may be more flexible for larger molecules, such as antibodies. The agency will also likely consider the impact of posttranslational protein modifications, such as glycosylation. Given that structural identity is unlikely for biosimilars, the FDA is also likely to require demonstration that the biological activity of the biosimilar is very close to the reference (innovator) molecule. In the case of Lovenox, this could be demonstrated with a straight forward predictive in vitro bioassay. While such a standard could be employed in a few instances, for example in agents used to treat clotting disorders, such as hemophilia, we believe that some clinical data will be necessary for most applications. Although clinical data will be needed for most applications, the data requirements are likely to be different from the registrational studies for the reference product. A key element, in our view, is the ability to demonstrate that the biosimilar is reliably producing a biological effect that is the same as the reference product. We believe that a combination of data utilizing reliable clinical measures, and data showing clear biological response would be sufficient. For example, extensive characterization of in vitro biological activity of an oncology drug, such as receptor activity, combined with demonstration of equivalent response rates in patients, could be viewed as sufficient, without the need to undergo a lengthy clinical trial with “hard” endpoints, such as survival. Page 15 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Save on Generics at OptumRx Pharmacies! Step 1: Check the Cost Go to and Log In to check the cost of your prescription. Please keep in mind that drug prices may change frequently, and can vary by pharmacy. Most generics are $0 at OptumRx Network Pharmacies. Find a Network Pharmacy near you by going to: Save on Over the Counter Equivalents! The following over the counter (OTC) equivalents are $0 with a prescription: Doctor Ordered: Smoking Cessation (Nicorette Gum), Quantity Limit - 3 months per plan year Aspirin, Folic Acid, Fluoride Chemoprevention Supplements, Iron Deficiency Supplements, and Vitamin D supplementation to prevent falls in community-dwelling adults age 65 years and older who are at an increased risk for falls; per prescription Step 2: Step Therapy, Prior Authorization & Cost Share You should check the attached Step Therapy, Prior Authorization and Cost Share prescription sheets to find out if your prescription must be pre-authorized. Important Information IEBP Billing & Eligibility: (800) 282-5385 IEBP Website: If your prescription is on a step therapy or prior authorization list, please have your doctor/prescription prescribing provider contact RxResults toll free: (855) 892-0936 or local: (501) 686-7463. Step Therapy Prior Authorization Cost Share Note: RxResults is the IEBP contracted Evidence-Based Prescription Pharmacy Review Organization. RxResults should be contacted for the Prior Authorization Services identified below. The RxResults (Doctor/Prescription Prescribers Only) number is toll free: (855) 892-0936 or local: (501) 6867463. All clinical programs (Clinical Prior Authorization, Step Therapy, Cost Share Drugs, etc.) are subject to change without notice to accommodate new drug entries to the marketplace and adjustments in established medical and pharmacy practice guidelines. Step Therapy For Clinical Authorization, doctor/prescription prescribers should call RxResults toll free: (855) 892-0936 or local: (501) 686-7463. Your doctor/prescription prescriber will be asked a series of questions and RxResults will then approve or deny the authorization request. Sample of what will occur at pharmacy: Claim is processing for Advair® & the following message will alert the pharmacist: Step Therapy after inhaled steroid 1st or Prior Authorization call toll free: (855) 892-0936 or local: (501) 686-7463. Asthma Required for members <40 years of age who have not demonstrated adherence to an inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) (90 days of therapy in the past 120 days). Category A Inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) - Member must demonstrate adherence to an inhaled steroid and/or satisfy specific clinical criteria as determined by RxResults prior to obtaining a Category B medication. Page 16 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Category B (Only after failure with a Category A medication) Advair® Brovana® Dulera® Foradil® Perforomist® Serevent® Symbicort® Treatment Plan Adherence is required for authorization to be approved. Note: All clinical programs (Clinical Prior Authorization, Step Therapy, Cost Share Drugs, etc.) are subject to change without notice to accommodate new drug entries to the marketplace and adjustments in established medical and pharmacy practice guidelines. Important Information » IEBP Billing & Eligibility: (800) 282-5385 » RxResults (Doctor/Prescription Prescribers Only): Toll Free: (855) 892-0936 | Local: (501) 686-7463 » IEBP Website: Clinical Prior Authorization The list of conditions below may change as appropriate for the plan. For prior authorization requests, please have your doctor/prescription prescriber call RxResults toll free: (855) 892-0936 or local: (501) 686-7463. Your doctor/prescription prescriber will be asked a series of questions and RxResults will then approve or deny the authorization request. A Prior Authorization is active for one year. If the covered individual has consistently taken the medication, (no lapse in medication greater than 100 days) the prescribing provider will be required to resubmit clinical information to maintain the ongoing Prior Authorization Approval. Antibiotics Zyvox® General These medications may be reimbursed following satisfaction of clinical criteria as determined by prior authorization review. Attention Deficit Disorder ADHD (For individuals 17 years of age or older) Narcolepsy Medications including Xyrem® (For individuals 17 years of age or older) Major Biotech Prescription Categories Blood Cell Deficiency Crohn’s Disease Cystic Fibrosis Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Rheumatoid Arthritis Multiple Sclerosis Oncology Oral Psoriasis Osteoarthritis Hemophilia Renal Disease HIV/Immune Deficiency Medications Hepatitis C Others Testosterone - All Products Two separate morning lab results defining the testosterone level will be required. The lab report will indicate whether the level is low or within normal ranges. Injectable Only (topical and buccal testosterone products are not covered) Diabetes These medications may be reimbursed following satisfaction of clinical criteria as determined by prior authorization review. Bydureon® Byetta® Januvia®/Janumet®, Janumet XR® (covered for diabetes only) Jentadueto® Juvisync® Kazano® Kombiglyze® Nesina® Onglyza® Oseni® Symlin® Tradjenta® Victoza® Page 17 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Lipid-Lowering Agents (Statins) Crestor® (Prior authorization required for 40mg strength only. Other strengths considered Cost Share Copay drugs.) Note: All clinical programs (Clinical Prior Authorization, Step Therapy, Cost Share Drugs, etc.) are subject to change without notice to accommodate new drug entries to the marketplace and adjustments in established medical and pharmacy practice guidelines. Cost Share Copay Drugs IEBP has implemented a clinical evidence-based approach to its prescription plan for groups adopting 2014-2015 Plan Year benefits. As such, IEBP will impose a higher patient copayment for drugs for which there is no clinical evidence to show that non-preferred “Cost Share Drugs” perform any better than therapeutic doses of less costly preferred “Alternative Drugs”. ADHD/CNS Stimulants Impacts utilization on: Immediate Release Amphetamine Products: Adderall®, Dexedrine®; Immediate Release Methylphenidate Products: Ritalin® (brand only), Focalin®; Extended Release Amphetamine Products: Adderall XR®, Amphetamine ER, Dexedrine CR®, dextroamphetamine ER; Extended Release Methylphenidate Products: Concerta®, Daytrana®, Focalin XR®, Metadate CD®, methylphenidate ER, Ritalin LA®, Intuniv®, Kapvay®, Nuvigil®, Provigil® (brand only); Alternate Drugs: Generic: methylphenidate®, amphetamine, guanfacine immediate release (for Intuniv®), clonidine (for Kapvay®), modafinil (for Provigil®, Nuvigil®); Brand: Strattera®, Vyvanse® Analgesics/Anti-Inflammatory/Pain Agents Impacts utilization on: Lazanda®, Subsys®; Alternative Drugs: Generic: fentanyl patch, fentanyl lozenge Impacts utilization on: Celebrex®, Naprelan®, Flector patch®, Solaraze®, Pennsaid®, Zipsor®; Alternative Drugs: Generic: naproxen, diclofenac Impacts utilization on: Conzip®, Rybix®, Ryzolt®, tramadol ER, Ultracet®, Ultram®, Ultram ER®; Alternative Drug: Generic: tramadol Antibiotics: Anti-Infective Agents Impacts utilization on: Adoxa®, Doryx®, Dynacin®, minocycline ER, Monodox®, Moxatag®, Periostat®, Solodyn®, Oraxyl®, Oracea®; Alternative Drugs: Generic: amoxicillin (for Moxatag), capsule minocycline (for Dynacin®, Solodyn®), doxycycline (for Adoxa®, Doryx®, Monodox®, Periostat®, Oracea®, Oraxyl®) Anticonvulsants Impacts utilization on: Gralise®, Lamictal XR®, lamotrigine ER, Lyrica®, Neurontin®; Alternative Drugs: Generic: gabapentin (for Gralise®, Lyrica®, Neurontin®), lamotrigine (for Lamictal XR®, lamotrigine ER) Antidepressants/Fibromyalgia Impacts utilization on: Cymbalta®, duloxetine, Effexor XR, Pristiq, Savella®, Viibryd®; Alternate Drugs: Generic: bupropion, citalopram, escitalopram, fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline, venlafaxine, venlafaxine ER (capsules only) Antihypertensive Agents Impacts utilization on: Amturnide®, Atacand®/Atacand HCT®, Avapro®/Avalide®, Azor®, Benicar®/Benicar HCT®, Cozaar®/Hyzaar® (brand only), Diovan®/Diovan HCT® (brand only), Edarbi®/Edarbyclor®, Exforge®/Exforge HCT® (brand only), Micardis®/Micardis HCT®, Tekamlo®, Tekturna®/Tekturna HCT®, Teveten®/Teveten HCT®, Tribenzor®, Twynsta®, Valturna®; Alternate Drugs: Generic: metroprololhydrochlorothiazide (for Dutoprol®), any generic ACE Inhibitor, losartan/losartan HCTZ (for Cozaar®/Hyzaar®), irbesartan/irbesartan HCTZ (for Avapro®/Avalide®), eprosartan/eprosartan HCTZ (for Teveten®/Teveten HCT®), valsartan/valsartan HCTZ (for Diovan®/Diovan HCT®) Central Nervous System: Sedative Hypnotics Impacts utilization on: Ambien®, Ambien CR®, Edluar®, Lunesta®, Rozerem®, Sonata®, zolpidem ER®, Intermezzo®, Silenor®, Zolpimist®; Alternate Drugs: Generic: zolpidem immediate release (generic for Ambien®), zaleplon (generic for Sonata®), doxepin (for Silenor®), zolpidem (for Intermezzo®, Zolpimist®) Lipid-Lowering Agents (Statins) Impacts utilization on: Advicor®, Altoprev®, amlodipine/atorvastatin combination, Caduet®, Crestor® (except 40mg strength), Lescol®, Lescol XL®, Lipitor®, Livalo®, Mevacor®, Pravachol®, Simcor®, Vytorin®, Zocor®, Zetia®; Alternate Drugs: atorvastatin (generic for Lipitor®), lovastatin (generic for Mevacor®), pravastatin (generic for Pravachol®), simvastatin (generic for Zocor®) Page 18 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Lipid-Lowering Agents (Fibric Acid Derivatives) Impacts utilization on: Antara®, fenofibric acid, Fenoglide®, Fibricor®, Lipofen®, Lofibra®, Lopid®, Tricor®, Triglide®, Trilipix®, fenofibrate 43, 130 and 145mg; Alternate Drugs: fenofibrate (generic for Tricor® and various other brands), gemfibrozil (generic for Lopid®) Migraine Headaches Impacts utilization on: Amerge®, Axert®, Frova®, Imitrex® (brand), Maxalt®, Relpax®, Treximet®, zolmitriptan, Zomig®, Zomig ZMT®; Alternate Drugs: Generic: sumatriptan (for Imitrex®), naratriptan (for Amerge®), rizatriptan (for Maxalt®) Nasal Steroids Impacts utilization on: Beconase AQ®, Dymista®, Flonase® (brand), Nasacort AQ®, Nasonex®, Omnaris®, Rhinocort AQ®, Veramyst®, QNASL®, triamcinolone, Zetonna®; Alternate Drugs: Generic: fluticasone (for Flonase®) and flunisolide Osteoporosis Drugs Impacts utilization on: Actonel®, Actonel® w/Calcium, Alendronate® (brand), Atelvia®, Binosto®, Boniva®, Fosamax®, Fosamax-D®, ibandronate (generic for Boniva®); Alternate Drug: Generic: alendronate Otic Products Impacts utilization on: Auralgan®; Alternate Drug: Generic: benzocaine-antipyrine Overactive Bladder Drugs Impacts utilization on: Detrol®, Detrol LA®, Ditropan XL®, Gelnique®, Myrbetriq®, Enablex®, oxybutynin ER®, Oxytrol® patches, Sanctura®, Sanctura XR®, tolterodine, Toviaz®, trospium CL, trospium CL ER, Vesicare®; Alternate Drugs: Generic: oxybutynin immediate release Respiratory/Allergy/Asthma: Antihistamines Impacts utilization on: Clarinex®, levocetirizine, Xyzal®; Alternate Drugs: Over-the-Counter (OTC) versions of Allegra (fexofenadine), Claritin (loratadine), and Zyrtec (cetirizine) are available at member’s out of pocket cost. Respiratory/Allergy/Asthma: Antihistamines – Decongestant Impacts utilization on: Clarinex-D®; Alternate Drugs: Over-the-Counter (OTC) versions of Allegra-D (fexofenadine-D), Claritin-D (loratadine-D), and Zyrtec-D (cetirizine-D) are available at member’s out of pocket cost. Skeletal Muscle Relaxants Impacts utilization on: Amrix®, Carisoprodol® 250mg (brand), cyclobenzaprine ER, Fexmid®, Flexeril®, Lorzone®, metaxalone (generic for Skelaxin®), Norflex® (including its generic orphenadrine injection), Parafon Forte®, Robaxin®, Skelaxin®, Soma®, Soma® Compound, Soma® Compound w/Codeine, Zanaflex®; Alternate Drug: Generic: carisoprodol, chlorzoxazone, cyclobenzaprine, methocarbamol, tizanidine Stomach Ulcer/Reflux Drugs/Gastrointestinal/Stomach: Proton Pump Inhibitors Impacts utilization on: Aciphex®, Dexilant®, Duexis®, lansoprazole, Nexium® (prescription strength), Prevacid® (prescription strength), Prilosec® (prescription strength), Protonix®, Vimovo®, Zegerid capsules (prescription strength – including generic omeprazole/bicarbonate); Alternate Drugs: Generic: omeprazole, pantoprazole, ibuprofen, and famotidine separately (for Duexis®); Over-the Counter (OTC) versions of Nexium 24 HR (esomeprazole), Priolosec® (omeprazole), Prevacid® (lansoprazole), and Zegerid® (omeprazole/sodium bicarbonate) are available at member’s out of pocket cost. Topical Antifungal Agents Impacts utilization on: Pedipirox-4®; Alternate Drug: Generic: ciclopirox Cost Share Copays Network Retail Copay – up to 34 day supply - $120 or cost of drug (whichever is less) Mail Order Copay – 35 up to 90 days supply - $300 or cost of drug (whichever is less) Page 19 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Prescription Benefits Coverage for eligible biotech and biosimilar prescriptions that are available through the Pharmacy Benefit Manager or from Network Providers will be paid per the Medication Therapy Management Guide. For eligible prescriptions purchased outside of the Pharmacy Benefit Manager or the Network Providers, the plan will pay at the out of network benefit percentage and will not, at any time, pay at 100%. Mac A Rx Plan If a brand name drug is dispensed and a generic alternate drug exists, the Covered Individual pays the difference between the brand name and generic price in addition to the appropriate copayment for the brand name. The cost difference between the brand name and generic price does not apply to any individual deductibles or out of pocket amounts. The MAC differential applies to all prescriptions purchased through this program when a generic alternate is available. Mac C Rx Plan Covered individual will pay the appropriate copayment amount of the prescription. High Deductible Health Savings Account Plans The wellness/preventive medication list may be accessed at the copay out of pocket cost. The high deductible will have to be met prior to non-wellness/preventive medications being accessed at the copay out of pocket cost. Authorized Generics The use of authorized generics undermines the Hatch-Waxman Act by devaluing the 180 day exclusive patent period incentive. Ultimately, consumers pay the prices as brand companies keep drug prices high and access to affordable alternative medicine is delayed. Once a generic (single or multi source) medication alternative is allowed on the market the generic copay will be applied. The generic company that is first to successfully challenge a questionable brand patent, file an abbreviated new drug application with the FDA and receive approval to market that drug is awarded 180 days exclusivity. During the 180 day period, that generic company alone is permitted to compete with the brand company, allowing the generic company to bring affordable medicines to consumers faster. Patents are generally good for 20 years from the date of filing. The abbreviated new drug application approval allows manufacturers to bring generic competitors to market which allows the generic to challenge the current patent on the brand medication. Authorized generics are generally coded as brand drugs by Medispan and First Databank due to single source classification and manufactured by the brand name manufacturer. This brand coding is what causes the higher dollar out of pocket cost. Page 20 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Covered and Non-Covered Drugs Drugs Covered Under This Benefit Drugs Not Covered Under This Benefit 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Legend Drugs; Insulin or oral diabetic prescription; Disposable insulin needles/syringes and physician prescribed needles/syringes; Disposable blood/urine/glucose/acetone testing agents (e.g. Acetest Tablets, Clinitest Tablets, Glucometer (one per calendar year), Lancets, Diastix Strips, Tes-Tape and Chemstrips; Diabetic supplies will be purchased with order for oral diabetic prescription. The plan will allow needles, syringes, lancets and testing strips at no charge if ordered within 30 days of a prescription at the same pharmacy; Tretinoin all dosage forms (e.g. Retin-A, Differin, Tazorac) for Individuals through the age of 25 years; Compound medication of which at least one ingredient is a legend drug to maximum $200.00 per prescription payment; Any other drug which under the applicable State Law may only be dispensed upon the written prescription of a physician or other lawful prescriber; Contraceptives: Oral, Brand Extended cycle (mail order only), Generic Extended cycle (Network at 90 days copay), Transdermal patches, Contraceptive devices, Levonorgestrel (Norplant), Prescription Strength Only; Depo Provera; Central Nervous System Stimulants (e.g. Adderall, Adderall XR, Focalin, Focalin XR, Ritalin, Dexedrine, etc) will be covered for individuals through age 16. (Individuals 17 years and older will require prior authorization through RxResults.) Prescribed smoking deterrent medications containing nicotine or any other smoking cessation aids, all dosage forms; Growth hormones through age 15; Extended Release anti-depressive agents: Wellbutrin XL, Effexor XR; Extended Release migraine prophylactic agents: Depakote ER; Single entity legend vitamins. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Page 21 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP Dietary supplements, vitamins or formulas; Growth hormones after age 15; Immunization agents, biological sera blood or blood plasma; Male pattern baldness medications; hair growth stimulants; Tretinoin, all dosage forms (e.g. Retin-A, Differin, Tazorac) for individuals 26 years of age or older; cosmetic agents including anti-wrinkle, Botox and skin depigmenting agents; Vitamins individually or in combination; Therapeutic devices or appliances, including support garments and other non-medicinal substances, regardless of intended use; Charges for the administration or injection of any drug; Drugs labeled “Caution - limited by Federal Law to investigational use” or experimental drugs even though a charge is made to the individual; Medications which are to be taken by or administered to an individual, in whole or in part, while he or she is a patient in a licensed hospital, rest home, sanitarium, extended care facility, convalescent hospital, nursing home or similar premises which operates on its premises or allows to be operated on its premises, a facility for dispensing pharmaceuticals; Emergency contraceptives; Fertility medications; Any prescription refilled in excess of the number specified by the physician or any refill dispensed after one year from the physician’s original order; Prescription which an eligible individual is entitled to receive without charges from any Workers’ Compensation Laws or which is prescribed for an injury or illness which is excluded from any medical coverage which is provided in conjunction with this prescription benefit; Anti-obesity medications; Prescribed prenatal vitamins are not covered under the prescription card. Claims for prescribed prenatal vitamins with a pregnancy diagnosis may be submitted to IEBP for payment consideration; Cholesterol/Triglyceride-Lowering Agents: Lovaza, Niaspan and niacin ER Non-legend drugs other than those listed above; Lifestyle convenience prescriptions (ie: erectile dysfunction prescriptions and topical and buccal testosterone products); Nutritional Supplements (i.e. Deplin, Metanx); SGLT2 Antidiabetics: Invokana, Farxiga, and Jardiance. (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide OptumRx Specialty/Biotech Prescriptions You can order directly from OptumRx Specialty Pharmacy by calling (866) 218-5445. For Prior Authorization: Prescriber Call RxResults Toll Free: (855) 892-0936 | Local: (501) 686-7463 Alpha-1 Glassia Ammonia Detoxi ants c Ravicti Androgens Testopel Anti Seizure Sabril Antiemedic Aloxi Emend Granisetron Antilipemic Agents Juxtapid Kynamro Antiviral Actimmune Adefov Dipiv * Alferon N Baraclude * Copegus Hepsera Incivek Infergen Intron-A (Onc Inj) Olysio * Pegasys * Peg-Intron Rebetol Ribapak Ribasphere * Ribatab * Ribavirin * Sovaldi * Synagis Tyzeka Victrelis Asthma Xolair Birth Control Implanon Mirena Nexplanon Cancer Abraxane Adcetris (Onc Inj) Adriamyc Adriamycin Adrucil Afinitor Afinitor Dis Alimta Alkeran Amifostine Arranon Arzerra Avastin Azacitidine (Onc Inj) Bexxar Bexxar 131 I Bicnu Bleomycin Bosulif Busulfex Camptosar Capecitabine Caprelsa Carboplatin Cerubidine Cisplatin Cladribine Clolar Cometriq Cosmegen Cyclophosph Cyclophospha Cytarabine Dacarbazine Dacogen (Onc Inj) Dactinomycin Daunorubicin Daunoxome Decitabine (Onc Inj) Dexrazoxane Docefrez Docetaxel Doxil Doxorubicin Eligard Ellence Eloxatin Elspar Epirubicin Erbitux Erivedge Erwinaze (Onc Inj) Ethyol Etopophos Etoposide Faslodex Firmagon Floxuridine Fludara Fludarabine Fluorouracil Folotyn Fusilev Gablofen Gemcitabine Gemzar Gilotrif Gleevec * Halaven Herceptin Hycamtin (oral) (Onc Inj) Iclusig Idamycin PFS Idarubicin Page 22 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP Ifex Ifosfamide Inlyta Irinotecan Istodax Ixempra Kit Jakafi Jevtana Kadcyla Kepivance Kyprolis Leuprolide (Onc Inj) Lipodox Lipodox 50 Lupaneta Kit Lupr Dep-Ped * Lupron Depot * Marqibo (Onc Inj) Matulane * Mekinist Melphalan Mercaptopuri Mesna Mesnex Mitomycin Mitomycin C Mitoxantron (Onc Inj) Mustargen Navelbine Nexavar * Nipent Oncaspar Oxaliplatin Paclitaxel Pamidronate Pentostatin Perjeta (Onc Inj) Photofrin Pomalyst Proleukin (Onc Inj) Provenge Revlimid Rituxan (Onc Inj) Sprycel Stivarga Supprelin LA Sutent Sylatron (Onc Inj) Synribo (Onc Inj) Tafinlar Tarceva Targretin * Tasigna * Taxotere Temodar (Onc Inj) Temozolomide *(Onc Inj) Teniposide Thalomid Theracys Thiotepa Tice Bcg Toposar Topotecan Torisel (Onc Inj) Totect Treanda (Onc Inj) Trelstar Dep (Onc Inj) Trelstar LA (Onc Inj) Trelstar Mix Tretinoin * Trisenox Tykerb * Vantas (Onc Inj) Vectibix Velcade (Onc Inj) Vidaza (Onc Inj) Vinblastine Vincasar PFS Vincristine Vinorelbine Voraxaze Votrient Xalkori Xeloda * Xgeva (Onc Inj) Xofigo * (Onc Inj) Xtandi Yervoy Zaltrap (Onc Inj) Zanosar Zelboraf Zevalin Zinecard Zoladex * (Onc Inj) Zolinza Zytiga Coagulation Therapy Arixtra Enoxaparin Fondaparinux Fragmin Lovenox Enzyme Therapy Adagen Aldurazyme Aralast NP Cerezyme Elaprase Elelyso Fabrazyme Kuvan Kuvan Powder Lumizyme Myozyme Naglazyme Procysbi Prolastin-C Vimizim Inj Vpriv Zavesca Zemaira Gastrointestinal Agents Gattex Relistor Solesta * Sucraid Gonadotropins Chorionic Growth Hormone Genotropin Humatrope Increlex Norditropin Nutropin * Nutropin AQ * Omnitrope Saizen * Serostim Tev-Tropin * Zorbtive Hematological Agents Activase Advate Alphanate Alphanine SD Aranesp * (Blood Mod) Bebulin Bebulin VH Benefix Berinert Cathflo Acti Cinryze Corifact Cyklokapron Epogen (Blood Mod) Feiba NF Feiba VH Firazyr Helixate FS Hemofil M Humate-P Kalbitor Koate-DVI Kogenate FS Leukine Monoclate-P Mononine Mozobil Neulasta * (Blood Mod) Neumega Neupogen * (Blood Mod) Novoseven RT Nplate Omontys Procrit * (Blood Mod) Profilnine Promacta Recombinate Riastap Rixubis Tranex Acid Tretten Inj Wilate (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Xyntha Xyntha Solof HIV/AIDS Abacavir * Aptivus * Atripla * Combivir Complera * Crixivan * Didanosine * Edurant * Egrifta Emtriva * Epivir * Epivir HBV * Epzicom * Fuzeon Intelence * Invirase * Isentress * Kaletra * Lamivud/Zido * Lamivudine * Lexiva * Nevirapine * Norvir * Prezista * Rescriptor * Retrovir Reyataz * Selzentry * Stavudine * Stribild * Sustiva * Tivicay * Trizivir * Truvada * Videx * Videx EC Viracept * Viramune Viramune XR * Viread * Zerit Ziagen * Zidovudine * Hormones and Hormone Modifiers Acthar HP Acthrel Krystexxa Octreotide Samsca Sandostatin Sensipar Signifor Somatuline Somavert Thyrogen Zemplar Huntington’s Disease Xenazine Immune Globulin Atgam Bivigam Carimune NF Cytogam Flebogamma Gamastan S/D Gammagard Gammagard SD Gammaked Gammaplex Gamunex-C Hizentra Hyperrab S/D Hyperrho S/D Hypertet S/D Imogam Rabie Micrhogam PL Octagam Privigen Rhogam Plus Rhophylac Soliris Winrho SDF Immunomodulator Benlysta Infertility Bravelle Cetrotide Chor Gonadot Follistim AQ * Ganirelix AC Gonal-f * Gonal-f RFF * Makena * Menopur Novarel Ovidrel Pregnyl * Repronex Inflammatory Conditions Actemra Arcalyst Cimzia Cimzia Prefl Enbrel * Enbrel Srclk * Humira * Humira Pen * Ilaris Kineret Orencia Otrexup Injection Remicade Simponi Simponi Aria Stelara Xeljanz Iron Overload Exjade Ferriprox Miscellaneous Amyvid Carbaglu * Onfi Orfadin Vivitrol Multiple Sclerosis Ampyra * Aubagio Avonex * Avonex Pen * Avonex Prefl * Betaseron * Copaxone * Extavia Gilenya *(Tier 3) Rebif Rebif Rebido Rebif Titrtn Tecfidera * Tysabri Musculoskeletal Agents Botox Botox Cosmet Dysport Myobloc Xeomin Xiaflex Zoledronic (Onc Inj) Zometa (Onc Inj) Narcolepsy Xyrem Ophthalmic Agents Cystaran Eylea Jetrea Lucentis Macugen Ozurdex Retisert Visudyne Osteoarthritis Euflexxa * Gel-One Hyalgan Orthovisc Supartz Synvisc * Synvisc One * Osteoporosis Boniva Forteo Miacalcin Prolia Reclast Pain Management Lioresal Int Prialt Qutenza Parkinson’s Disease Apokyn Pregnancy Makena Pulmonary Hypertension Adcirca * Epoprostenol Flolan Letairis * Opsumit Remodulin Revatio Sildenafil Tracleer * Tyvaso Tyvaso Refil Tyvaso Start Veletri Ventavis Respiratory Agents Bethkis Neb Cayston Kalydeco Pulmozyme Tobi ST Tobi Podhalr ST Tobramycin Neb Transplant Astagraf XL Cellcept * Cellcept IV Cyclosporine * Gengraf * Hecoria Mycophenolate * Myfortic Neoral Nulojix Prograf Rapamune Sandimmune * Sirolimus Tabs Tacrolimus Zortress ST - Step Therapy • * - Preferred This Specialty/Biotech Pharmacy Drug List may not be a complete representation of all available specialty/biotech drugs; this list is subject to change at any time without prior notice. Non-specialty alternatives may be a recommended first-line therapy to treat your condition. Please consult your physician. Page 23 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide High Deductible H.S.A. Wellness Drug List OTC, PPACA No Cost Share Mandates In addition to a healthy lifestyle, preventive medications can help people avoid many illnesses and conditions. Preventive medications are defined as those prescribed to prevent the occurrence of a chronic disease or condition for those individuals with risk factors, or to prevent the recurrence of a disease or condition. Some examples of the medications listed are for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, asthma, osteoporosis, and heart disease. This list provides examples of your preventive medications by drug category/therapeutic classification. Medications may be added to or removed from the list, depending on different factors, including the intended purpose of the medication and new medications. ANTIHYPERTENSIVES (Blood Pressure) Adrenergic Antagonists Cardura Catapres Catapres-TTS clonidine Demser doxazosin guanfacine Hemangeol methyldopa Minipress Nexiclon XR prazosin prazosin HCL reserpine Tenex terazosin Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors Accupril Aceon Altace benazepril captopril enalapril Epaned fosinopril lisinopril Lotensin Mavik moexipril perindopril Prinivil quinapril ramipril trandolapril Univasc Vasotec Zestril Renin Inhibitor Avapro Benicar candesartan Cozaar Diovan Edarbi eprosartan irbesartan losartan Micardis Teveten Vasodilators BiDil hydralazine minoxidil tablet Diuretics Aldactazide Aldactone amiloride bumetanide chlorothiazide chlorthalidone Demadex Diuril Dyazide Dyrenium Edecrin eplerenone ezide furosemide hydrochlorothiazide indapamide Inspra Lasix Maxzide methyclothiazide metolazone Microzide Spironolactone Spironolactone/HCTZ torsemide triamterene/hctz Zaroxolyn Tekturna Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers Atacand Page 24 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP Calcium Channel Blockers Adalat CC afeditab CR amlodipine Calan Calan SR Cardene SR Cardizem CD Cardizem LA Cardizem cartia XT Covera-HS Dilacor XR dilt-CD dilt-XR diltiazem diltiazem CD diltiazem ER diltzac felodipine ER Isoptin SR isradipine matzim LA nicardipine nifediac CC nifedical XL nifedipine nifedipine ER nimodipine nisoldipine nisoldipine ER Norvasc Nymalize Procardia Procardia XL Sular taztia XT Tiazac verapamil verapamil ER verapamil SR Verelan Verelan PM Beta Blockers acebutolol atenolol Betapace Betapace AF betaxolol bisoprolol (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Bystolic carvedilol Coreg Coreg CR Corgard Inderal XL Inderal LA InnoPran XL Kerlone labetalol Levatol Lopressor metoprolol metoprolol ER nadolol pindolol propranolol propranolol ER Sectral sotalol sotalol AF Tenormin timolol Toprol XL Trandate Zebeta Combination Antihypertensives Accuretic amiloride / hctz amlodipine / atorvastatin B amlodipine / benazepril Amturnide Atacand HCT atenolol/chlorthalidone Avalide Azor benazepril / hctz Benicar HCT bisoprolol / hctz Caduet candesartan / hctz captopril / hctz Clorpres Corzide Diovan HCT Dutoprol Edarbyclor enalapril / hctz Exforge Exforge HCT fosinopril / hctz Hyzaar irbesartan / hctz lisinopril / hctz Lopressor HCT losartan / hctz Lotensin HCT Lotrel methyldopa / hctz metoprolol / hctz Micardis HCT Page 25 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP Moexipril / hctz nadolol / bendroflumethiazide propranolol / hctz quinapril / hctz telmisartan telmisartan / hctz Tarka Tekamlo Tekturna HCT Tenoretic Teveten HCT Tribenzor Twynsta Uniretic valsartan valsartan / hctz Valturna Vaseretic Zestoretic Ziac Misc. Antihypertensives Agents Vecamyl Advair Diskus & HFA Atrovent HFA Breo Ellipta Combivent Respimat cromolyn nebulizer solution Daliresp Dulera Duoneb ipratropium / albuterol montelukast Singulair Spiriva Symbicort Tudorza Pressair zafirlukast Zyflo Zyflo CR Oral Beta-Agonists albuterol metaproterenol terbutaline Vospire ER ASTHMA AND COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) Inhaled Beta-Agonists AccuNeb Aerospan albuterol albuterol ER Anoro Ellipta Asmanex Brovana Foradil ipratropium inhalation solution isoproterenol levalbuterol neb Perforomist Neb Pro-Air HFA Proventil HFA Serevent Diskus Striverdi Respimat Theo-24 CR / ER terbutaline sulfate theochron CR theophylline CR theophylline ER Ventolin HFA Xopenex HFA Xopenex Solution zafirlukast Inhaled Corticosteriods Alvesco budesonide suspension Flovent Diskus & HFA Pulmicort QVAR Misc. Pulmonary Agents Accolate Xanthines Elixophyllin Lufyllin Theo-24 theophylline LIPID/CHOLESTEROL LOWERING AGENTS (Heart Attack and Heart Disease Prevention) Bile Acid Sequestrants cholestyramine cholestyramine lite Colestid colestipol prevalite Questran Questran Lite WelChol Niacin Products niacin ER (Rx) niacor Niaspan ER Simcor Combination Products Advicor Liptruzet Vytorin Fibric Acid Derivatives Antara fenofibrate fenofibric acid fenofibric acid DR Fenoglide Fibricor (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide gemfibrozil Lipofen Lofibra Lopid Tricor Triglide TriLipix Statins Altoprev atorvastatin Crestor fluvastatin Lescol Lescol XL Lipitor Livalo lovastatin Mevacor Pravachol pravastatin simvastatin Zocor Other Juxtapid SP Kynamro SP Lovaza omega-3-acid (Rx) Vascepa Zetia DIABETES THERAPY Non-Insulin Hypoglycemic Agents acarbose Actoplus Met Actoplusmet XR Actos Amaryl Avandamet Avandaryl Avandia Bydureon Byetta chlorpropamide Cycloset Diabeta Duetact Fortamet glimepiride glipizide glipizide ER glipizide XL glipizide/metformin Glucophage Glucophage XR Glucotrol Glucotrol XL Glucovance Glumetza glyburide glyburide micronized glyburide/metformin Page 26 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP Glynase Glyset Invokana Janumet Janumet XR Januvia Jardiance Jentadueto Kazano Kombiglyze Kombiglyze XR metformin metformin ER nateglinide Nesina Onglyza Oseni pioglitazone pioglitazone / glimepiride pioglitazone /metformin Prandin Prandimet Precose repaglinide Riomet Starlix Symlin Tanzeum tolazamide tolbutamide Tradjenta Victoza Combination Products Juvisync Testing Supplies Control Solution — for Diabetic Meters Diabetic Test Strips Diabetic Testing — Lancets Insulin Pen Needles and Needles / Syringes Insulins Apidra Farxiga Humalog Humalog Mix Humulin Lantus Lantus Solostar Levemir Novolin Novolin Relion Novolog (all) Antipsychotic Drugs Abilify Adasuve chlorpromazine clozapine Clozaril Compazine Equetro Fanapt Fazaclo fluphenazine Geodon haloperidol Invega Latuda loxapine Loxitane olanzapine olanzapine-fluoxetine perphenazine prochlorperazine quetiapine Risperdal risperidone Saphris Seroquel Seroquel XR Symbyax thioridazine thiothixene trifluoperazine Versacloz ziprasidone Zyprexa OSTEOPOROSIS THERAPY (Healthy Bones) Bisphosphonates Actonel alendronate Atelvia Binosto Boniva didronel etidronate Fosamax Fosamax + D ibandronate risedronate Skelid Other calcitonin spray Forteo SP Fortical Miacalcin spray ANTI-ESTROGEN (Breast Cancer Prevention) anastrozole Arimidex Aromasin SP Evista exemestane SP Fareston Femara SP letrozole SP raloxifene Soltamox (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide tamoxifen ANTICOAGULANTS (Heart Attack, Blood Clot and Stroke Prevention) Aggrenox Arixtra Brilinta cilostazol clopidogrel Coumadin dipyridamole Effient Eliquis enoxaparin fondaparinux Fragmin heparin Jantoven Lovenox Persantine Plavix Pletal Pradaxa ticlopidine warfarin Xarelto Zontivity IMMUNOSUPPRESSANTS (Prevention of Organ Rejection) Astagraf XL SP Azasan azathioprine Cellcept SP Cyclosporine SP cyclosporine modified SP gengraf SP hecoria SP Imuran mycophenolate SP mycophenolate SP mycophenolic DR SP Myfortic SP Neoral SP Prograf SP Rapamune SP Sandimmune SP sirolimus SP tacrolimus cap SP Zortress SP MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SP* Ampyra SP Aubagio SP Avonex SP Betaseron SP Copaxone SP Extavia SP Gilenya SP Rebif SP Tecfidera SP HIV/AIDS SP* (Antietroviral Therapy) abacavir SP SP abacavir / lamivudine / zidovudine SP Aptivus Atripla SP Combivir SP Complera SP Crixivan SP didanosine SP Edurant SP Emtriva SP Epivir SP Epzicom SP Fuzeon SP Intelence SP Invirase SP Isentress SP Kaletra SP lamivudine SP lamivudine / zidovudine SP Lexiva SP nevirapine SP SP nevirapine ER Norvir SP Prezista SP Rescriptor SP Retrovir SP Reyataz SP Selzentry SP stavudine SP Stribild SP Sustiva SP Tivicay SP Trizivir SP Truvada SP Videx SP Videx EC SP Viracept SP Viramune SP Viramune XR SP Viread SP Zerit SP Ziagen SP zidovudine SP VITAMINS & HEMATINICS Pediatric Vitamins with Fluoride (for example; Poly-Vi-Flor, Tri-Vi-Flor) Generic Products Brand Name Products Prenatal Multivitamins with Iron and Folic Acid (for example; OB Complete, prenatabs FA) Generic Products Brand Name Products To help you tell generic and brand drugs apart, all generics start with a lowercase letter. Oral and self-injectable Specialty medications are denoted by “SP” superscript and may be subject to limitations based on plan benefit design. This list is intended as a reference and may not be all-inclusive. Brand or generic availability may not be current due to changes in the market. Use of generics may be required depending upon plan design. Page 27 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide OptumRx Mobile Friendly Website Access your account anytime, anywhere Manage your prescription drug benefits on your smartphone, iPad or other handheld device. OptumRx Mobile makes it easy to: Refill mail service pharmacy prescriptions Check the status of and track orders Locate a pharmacy by ZIP code View your prescription history Set up text message medication reminders Search your formulary by generic or brand-name drug, status, or class How do I find the Mobile Site? Open your smart phone browser and type in You also can type in our full address,, and you will automatically be directed to the mobile version of our site. Once the site is loaded on your phone, you can bookmark it. Can I use the Mobile Site on any Smart Phone? Yes. Just enter into the web browser of your smartphone. Can I use both the Full Site and the Mobile Site? Yes. If you make a change to your account or manage your prescriptions on one site, that information will be updated on the other site as well. How to Refill Prescriptions 1. On the home page, click MY PRESCRIPTIONS. Click REFILL PRESCRIPTIONS. (If you are not logged in, you will be prompted to log in first.) 2. Select the prescription(s) you would like refilled by checking the box(es). 3. Click ADD TO CART to proceed to the Shopping Cart page. 4. Review your selections. You can remove items from your cart, keep shopping or check out. When you are finished, click CHECK OUT. 5. Review your shipping information and your order summary. You may change your shipping address or add a new one. 6. Review your order summary. To make changes to your order, click BACK. If your order is complete, click SUBMIT. How to Set Up Text Message Medication Reminders 1. On the home page, click MY PRESCRIPTIONS. Click MEDICATION REMINDERS. (If you are not logged in, you will be prompted to log in first.) 2. Enter the mobile phone number where you want the text message reminder(s) to be sent. 3. Select your time zone. 4. Select your mobile carrier. 5. Choose the type of reminder you would like to receive. You can get reminders when mail order prescriptions are ready for refill and renewal, when prescriptions are eligible for transfer to mail service and when orders have been shipped. You can also set reminders for specific times of day and for specific medications. 6. When you are done, click SAVE. Page 28 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide PROVIDER CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE RESOURCES Clinical practice guidelines for the provision of preventive, acute or chronic medical services and behavioral health services to both providers and members Topic Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Practice Guidelines ADHD: clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents Asthma Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma (EPR-3) National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Asthma Guidelines- National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Bipolar Disorder: Adults Breast Cancer Screening Centers for Disease Control and Prevention- Asthma Treatment of Patients with Bipolar Disorder- American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines Screening Mammography for Women 40 to 49 years of Age: A Clinical Practice Guideline from the American College of Physicians Breast Cancer Screening Clinical Practice Guideline Screening for Breast Cancer- U. S. Preventive Services Task Force Cervical Cancer Screening Breast Cancer Screening Cervical Cancer Screening- CDC Screening for Cervical Cancer- U. S. Preventive Services Task Force Child and Adolescent Psychiatry New Cervical Cancer Screening Recommendations from the US Preventive Services Task Force and the American Cancer Society/American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology/ American Society for Clinical Pathology American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Colon Cancer Screening Colorectal Cancer Screening Guidelines- CDC Colorectal Cancer Screening Guidelines-NCBI Congestive Heart Failure COPD Degenerative Joint Depression Colorectal Cancer Screening Management of Chronic Heart Failure. A National Guideline ACCF/AHA Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Heart Failure in Adults Annals of Internal Medicine- Clinical Guidelines- Diagnosis and Management of Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Clinical Practice Guideline Update from the American College of Physicians , American College of Chest Physicians, American Thoracic Society, and European Respiratory Society Diagnosis and Management of Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Clinical Practice Guideline Update from the American College of Physicians , American College of Chest Physicians, American Thoracic Society, and European Respiratory Society American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Practice Guideline for the treatment of patients with major depressive disorder, third edition. Page 29 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Topic Practice Guidelines APA Releases Guideline on Treatment of Patients with Major Depressive Disorder Treatment of Patients with Major Depressive Disorder- American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines Diabetes Using Second- Generation of Antidepressants to Treat Depressive Disorders : A Clinical Practice Guideline from the American College of Physicians Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2014- American Diabetes Association Nutrition Therapy Recommendations for the Management of Adults with Diabetes- American Diabetes Association Hypertension Clinical Practice Guideline for Type 2 diabetes The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC 7)- National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH Hyperlipidemia Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Hypertension in the Community- Journal of Clinical Hypertension Third Report of the Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III)- National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH Screening and Management of Hypercholesterolemia Ischemic Heart Disease Management of Stable Ischemic Heart Disease: summary of clinical practice guidelines from the American College of Physicians/American College of Cardiology Foundation, American Heart Association/ American Association for Thoracic Surgery/ Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association/ Society of Thoracic Surgeons Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis of the Knee Management of Stable Ischemic Heart Disease: summary of clinical practice guidelines from the American College of Physicians/American College of Cardiology Foundation, American Heart Association/ American Association for Thoracic Surgery/ Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association/ Society of Thoracic Surgeons Practice Guidelines in the management of Osteoarthritis Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the knee American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Clinical Practice Guideline on the Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Knee, 2nd edition Psychological Disorders American Psychological Association Schizophrenia Clinical Psychologist- Wiley Online Library American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines- Treatment of Patients with Schizophrenia Preventive Health Practice Guidelines Perinatal care Prevention of perinatal group b streptococcal disease-revised guidelines from CDC 2010 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Illness Among Pregnant Women in the United States Maternal and Infant Health Pediatric Preventive Health Child up to 24 months Child from 2 to 19 years Routine prenatal care Routine preventive services for infants and children (birth – 24 months) Children, The Flu and the Flu Vaccine Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended immunization schedule for persons aged 0 through 18 years — United States, 2013. Page 30 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Topic Adults 20-64 years Adults 65 and older Practice Guidelines Preventive activities in children and young people. In: Guidelines for preventive activities in general practice, 8th edition. Routine preventive services for children and adolescents (ages 2-21). Recommendations for Adults Adult clinical preventive care Ann Arbor (MI): University of Michigan Health System; 2011 Dec 20 p. [15 references],&103=522, Prevention Guidelines Preventive services for adults. 1995 June (revised 2013 Sep). NGC: 010043 Adult preventive services (ages 50-65+). Michigan Quality Improvement Consortium. Adult preventive services (ages 50 - 65+). Southfield (MI): Michigan Quality Improvement Consortium; 2013 Mar. 1 p. Page 31 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide PROVIDER CODING GUIDELINES The Provider Coding Guidelines manual is located on your employer custom website under “Provider Network Information.” Prompt Statute - Article 3.70.3, Texas Insurance Code IEBP voluntary complies with most provisions of the Prompt Pay Statute. Provisions with which IEBP will not comply are listed below: 1. Provider must submit claim to insurer not later than 95th day from incurred date. The provider forfeits the right to payment if the provider bills later than the 95th day from incurred date unless there is a documented TDI catastrophic incident. 2. Provider may not submit a duplicate billing less than 45 days after the original bill. A duplicate claim does not include corrected claims or additional information provided to satisfy a carrier’s request. Providers are required to indicate on the claim form whether the claim is a duplicate claim or corrected claim. 3. Receipt date is: Five (5) calendar days after claim mailed Overnight - date signature on receipt Electronic - date of electronic verification 4. Within the 45 days for paper claims/30 days for electronic claims/18 for prescription claims payment day guideline for clean claims one of the following must occur: Pay the entire contracted amount of a clean claim. Deny the entire claim and notify the physician or provider why the claim will not be paid. Pay part of the claim and deny or audit the remainder and pay 100% of the applicable contracted rate for the audited portion and notify the physician or provider. Notify the physician or provider that the claim is being audited and pay 100% of the applicable contracted rate. A claim is considered “clean” if it contains all the required data elements set forth in the rules and, if applicable, the amount paid by the primary plan or other valid coverages. Claims submitted electronically are considered clean if they are submitted using the standards for electronic transactions and codes set forth by the appropriate regulatory body. If audit is to be conducted, the audit must be complete within 180th day after claim received. Insurers who opt to audit a claim must pay 100% of the applicable contracted rate and notify provider of the audit in writing within the statutory deadline. The insurer may make one request to the treating provider for additional information to process a claim. The request must be made within thirty (30) days of the date the claim was received. If insurer is requesting information, the insurer must receive information within forty-five (45) days after the request or the provider forfeits amount of claim. Once the insurer has received the requested information, the insurer must act within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the information or by the statutory deadline, whichever is later. IEBP will comply except in the following circumstances: Investigations of Right of Recovery conditions. Investigation of order of benefits for multiple coverages when conflicting information is submitted. Delay in payment of claims due to non-payment of contributions by either a group, COC or retired individual. Delay due to actively at work investigation. Due to lack of benefit information delaying plan set-up for self-funded plans. Where claim does not meet the definition of a Clean Claim based on the definition per the Plan Document Additional Information Requests 1. Against Medical Advice Discharge – When an individual discharges themselves against medical advice, all services relating to that confinement must be denied as not covered. If the covered individual is readmitted for the same or similar condition, services related to the readmission are eligible for consideration Page 32 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide 2. Alternative Medicine Treatment or Therapy – Procedures or treatments that have not been scientifically tested, or were tested and found to be ineffective or are not FDA approved will be denied as unproven according to plan language. The following are examples of alternative treatments: Metabolic therapy, Live Cell therapy, Shark Cartilage therapy, Laetrile (B-17 compound-high cyanide content), Electromagnetic therapy, Aromatherapy, Unspecified “vaccinations”, Cabbage poultices, Rife therapy, Snake venom or coffee enemas. 3. Ambulatory surgical facility anesthesia services – If a facility is billing for professional anesthesia charges, revenue codes 963 or 964, and the time is indicated that is 6 hours or over, corresponding anesthesia notes may be required. 4. Billing for more than one piece of equipment on same day – Identical charges of a piece of equipment on the same day will be reviewed for appropriateness. 5. Handwritten Claims Provider License Verification – Non Network Medical and Vision Providers and all Dental Providers Any handwritten medical, dental or vision claims will require provider license verification. Please submit a copy with your bill. A Handwritten claim is a claim that includes one or all of the following items in writing: » Provider Information » Charges » Patient or EE information Vision cash register receipts, such as those provided at Wal-Mart Eye Care centers and Flu Vaccine or other immunization receipts from retail based pharmacies are not considered handwritten. 6. Mammograms Mammograms billed with 76499 are not billed with appropriate code and will be denied. Computer Aided Detection (CAD) This process enhances the interpretation process. Interpretive Mammogram charges billed with these codes are acceptable as add on codes: 77051 - Computer aided detection with further physician review for interpretation, with or without digitization of film radiographic images; diagnostic mammography 77052 - Computer aided detection with further physician review for interpretation, with or without digitization of film radiographic images; screening mammography (See below grid). Mammograms that can be billed with CAD add on codes 77051 & 77052 77055 77056 77057 Standard X-ray Mammography; unilateral ) Mammography; bilateral Screening mammography, bilateral G0202 G0204 G0206 Digital Screening Mammography producing direct digital image, bilateral, all views Diagnostic Mammography, direct digital image, bilateral, all views Diagnostic mammography, direct digital image, unilateral, all views ** Only one Mammography service, whether it is standard or digital, is eligible in the same encounter. 7. Multiple family members receiving same treatment from same provider – If a provider is rendering the same treatment to multiple family members, proof of service and benefit eligibility should be established. Medical notes/records and pathology reports (if applicable) must be submitted. This would exclude preventive dental or vision treatment and well child checkups and immunizations. 8. Pathology Modifier 59 – Under iCES rules, UHN provider claims for multiple specimen charges must be billed with modifier - 59 appended. Rebundling of Panel Labs – Appropriate claim screening edits for rebundling to a panel lab will occur if all the components have been billed. 9. 10. Potential Other Coverage Investigation – The following criteria would prompt extra consideration for potential other coverage and it is important that the clinic, facility, physicians office or claimant be contacted directly to verify if other coverage may exist: Large payment on assigned or non-assigned claim No assignment on large dollar claim Dependent with different address to covered individual Covered individual over age 65 with a retiree status Active enrollee status with dependents over age 65 Page 33 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Diagnosis of End Stage Renal Disease Indication of Social Security Insurance (SSI) disability participant 11. Questionable provider billings – The claim will be referred for further review in any of the following: Providers billing on a HCFA with a billing address in Box 33 shown as a PO Box only. If the PO Box # is followed by alpha letters such as, “SJO”. Providers billing with PO Box address only and using Social Security Numbers instead of a Tax ID number. Provider credentials shown as “Md” instead of “MD”. If the employee receiving treatment is from a different state (non-emergent care). The bill is for consultation and/or diagnostic testing. The bill does not provide the name of the referring physician. Provider will always be out of network and bill may indicate “non-participating provider”. 12. Rebilled Services – If services are rebilled for a change in place of service, diagnosis code or procedure code and reprocessing the claim will create a change in benefit (e.g., deductible, benefit percentage, covered vs. not covered), medical records or notes will be required. If the rebilled service is for a change in servicing provider from an ineligible provider, such as a scrub nurse, to an eligible credentialed provider, medical records will be required. 13. Rebilled Facility Services – If the Level of Care billed on the claim is higher than what was approved through notification, the charges will be denied for a corrected claim that accurately reflects the approved level of care for these dates. If the billed level of care was provided, the provider must submit an itemized bill and medical notes substantiating the need for the level of care. 14. Robotic Arm – Robotic Arms used during surgery are not covered unless they are being utilized for an FDA approved procedure. Some of the more commonly seen itemization descriptions include: Retractor Medcab Aesop Hermes Zeus 15. Serial surgeries – Bills received for the same surgical procedures performed on the same site on a different day will require review of medical records to establish medical appropriateness. 16. Services possibly rendered by a relative – Investigation will be made when a patient and provider share same last name (excluding the more popular last names). If claim is returned with proof of relationship that is excluded by the plan, services will be denied. 17. SIU Provider Holds – If a provider is on Provider Hold, medical records may be requested to substantiate the service(s) being rendered. 18. Unassigned claims – The provider will be contacted for verification of services and charge amounts in any of the following situations: Bill altered in anyway (scratched out, white outs) Different Handwriting Change in ink style (i.e., fine v medium point) If charges appear excessive based on the MDR or fee schedule allowable amounts If paid benefits exceed $500 19. Unidentified Providers – Credentials or name of individual performing service will be required on all claims. 20. Use of a canned operative report – Additional review will be conducted for operative reports received that do not contain the name of the patient, specific information on the surgery or appears to be the same paragraph used on all procedures operative reports that appear to be a copy of a report where and only the name of the patient and surgeon were added. 21. Video camera and equipment charges – Will only be reimbursed if billed in conjunction with a diagnostic procedure. Page 34 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide PROMPT PAY ADJUDICATION Collection of overpayment must be requested no later than 180 days after date upon receipt. Provider must receive request of overpayment in writing. Provider must pay overpayment within forty-five (45) days of notice unless appealed. Appeal must be done within forty-five (45) days of notice. A carrier may recover an overpayment in the case of fraud or material misrepresentation by a physician or provider. Coordination of Benefits does not extend payment timelines. In instances where multiple coverages apply, the provider must file a claim with the secondary payer within ninety-five (95) days of receipt of the determination of the primary payer. If a carrier that is secondary payer overpays a claim, the carrier must recover the overpayment from the carrier that is a primary payer and/or provider. If the primary payer has already paid the claim, the secondary payer may recover overpayment directly from the provider. Providers must receive medical management manual and coding guidelines. The coding guidelines must be provided to the provider. Coding guidelines should include bundling, recoding or other payment process and fee schedules. Coding guidelines must be received within thirty (30) days of request. Changes to coding guidelines must be received within ninety (90) days of change. Identification Card must display eligibility date the individual became insured under the plan and must provide a toll free number a provider may call. Pre-authorizations may be used to abide by turnaround time requirements not later than the third (3) calendar day after the date of the request. Once pre-authorization is conducted cannot deny medical necessity unless misrepresentation. Verification must be good for thirty (30) days. Verifications should include: deductible, copays, benefit percentage, and be guaranteed for at least thirty (30) days unless the providers makes a misrepresentation. Late Payment and Underpayment Penalties IEBP is not subject to the penalties of the Prompt Pay Statute directly but access to the United Healthcare network requires prompt pay contact compliance. If the carrier pays a clean claim between one (1) and forty-five (45) days late, the carrier must pay the full contracted rate of the services provided plus either 50% of the difference between the billed charges and the applicable contracted rate or $100,000, whichever is less. If the carrier pays a clean claim between forty-six (46) and ninety (90) days late, the carrier must pay the full contracted rate of the services provided plus either 100% of the difference between the billed charges and the applicable contracted rate or $200,000, whichever is less. If the carrier pays a clean claim ninety-one (91) or more days late, it must pay the full contracted rate of the services provided plus either 100% of the difference between the billed charges and the applicable contracted rate or $200,000, whichever is less, plus 18% annual interest on the penalty amount, accruing from the date payment was originally due and through the date of actual payment. Page 35 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide SAMPLE EXPLANATION OF BENEFITS (EOB) Page 36 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Page 37 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide ELECTRONIC FUND TRANSFER PAY-PLUS INFORMATION IEBP contracts with Pay-Plus Solutions to provide the latest secure electronic payment technology which should significantly accelerate and improve efficiency to the payment process. Pay-Plus delivers a dramatic savings of time and money by replacing traditional paper checks with its secure electronic payment services, including Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA). Easy to Use. Easy to get Started. There are three different ways the provider pay take advantage of Pay-Plus Solutions: 1. Pay-Plus Select Select payments utilize a MasterCard branded, reloadable, virtual credit card which is faxed to the Provider. The Provider inputs the virtual credit card information in their credit card terminal to receive immediate payment for that claim. Each Select fax represents one payment. 2. Pay-Plus Select Plus SelectPlus payments utilize a unique terminal emulation process, allowing a MasterCard branded, reloadable, virtual credit card to be automatically pushed each day to the Provider’s Merchant Account. Payments, when possible, are aggregated to simplify the balancing of payments EOP. 3. Pay-Plus Direct Direct payments utilize Automated Clearing House (ACH) payment rails, directly depositing a consolidated payment into the Provider’s Bank Account via UMB Bank, our FDIC insured depository partner. Each Pay-Plus product gives the Provider multiple options to access their data and customize notifications, as well as utilize a number of other features via the Pay-Plus secure web portal. Electronic Fund Transfer Enrollment Instructions: 1. Providers who have received a Pay-Plus Payment Register online at www.ppsonline.cvom by choosing “Join Now” and following the steps as a Verified User. Contact a PayPlus Member Services Representative at (877) 828-8834 and selection option 1. Be sure to have your registration code handy, which is found on the cover page of you fax payment. 2. Provider who have not received a Pay-Plus Payment: Submit a registration request online at by choosing “Join Now” and follow the steps to “request User Registration”. Submit a registration request by calling the Pay-Plus Member Services Team at (877) 828-8834 and selection Option 1. Helpful Hints for a seamless Electronic Fund Transfer Enrollment: 1. Be sure to have the TIN (Tax I.D. Number) associated with the account your are registering 2. Ensure that you are an authorized representative of the designated Provider. 3. Have your contact, organization, and financial account information available. 4. Review all terms, pricing and authorization forms prior to submitting them to Pay-Plus Solutions. 5. Review the EFT Frequently Asked Questions (FA) at Pay-Plus Solutions, Inc 18167 US Highway 19 North, Suite 515 Clearwater, Fl 33764 Hours of Operation: Monday – Thursday 9:00 am-7:00 pm EST and Friday 9:00 am-5:30 pm EST Member Services: (877) 828-8834 Page 38 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide SAMPLE EXPLANATION OF PAYMENT (EOP) Page 39 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide HOW BENEFITS ARE PAID The Pool relies mainly on information provided when a claim is submitted. If IEBP finds that additional information is needed to determine if benefits are payable or for Right of Recovery under the Plan, a written request for such information will be made to the Covered Individual, or if necessary, the healthcare provider. If the information is submitted and IEBP submits the claim for audit the network provider will be reimbursed for eighty-five percent (85%) of the eligible charges. The audit will be conducted within one-hundred and eighty (180) days of the receipt of the clean claim and any additional payment due to the network provider or any refund due to IEBP will be made no later than the thirtieth (30 th) day after the completion of the audit. If the information is not provided, the claim will be denied. If the claim is denied because requested information is not provided, the information may be filed as long as the required information is filed within the twelve (12) months from the date the expense was incurred, unless it was not reasonably possible to furnish the information within the filing deadline as determined by IEBP. Additional information may also be submitted within ninety (90) days after a decision is made by the employer’s workers’ compensation carrier or by the Workers’ Compensation Division of the Texas Department of Insurance, that the medical expense sought to be claimed is due to an injury that is non-compensable, whichever is later. To avoid a prompt pay penalty, required information must be received by IEBP not later than the prompt pay contract deadline. Claims Requests for Reimbursement No benefits are payable for claims submitted by the employee or a provider unless the requirements of this paragraph are met. Requests for reimbursement for a covered benefit should be received by IEBP within ninety (90) days of date of service but not later than twelve (12) months from the date the expense was incurred, unless it was not reasonably possible to furnish the information within the filing deadline as determined by IEBP, or within ninety (90) days after a decision is made by the employer’s workers’ compensation carrier or by the Workers’ Compensation Division of the Texas Department of Insurance, that the medical expense sought to be claimed is due to an injury that is non-compensable, whichever is later. Determination of “reasonably possible” is at the sole discretion of IEBP. Requests for reimbursement must include: 1. the employee's name, address, unique subscriber identification number and group name; 2. the covered individual's name and relationship to the employee; 3. the healthcare provider's name, tax ID/national provider identifier (NPI), or unique identification number and address; and 4. a description of the service rendered including charge(s), diagnosis code(s), applicable procedure code(s), and the date(s) of service. Requests for reimbursement must be legible. If a request is not legible, it may be returned with a request to submit a legible copy. Electronic claim submissions must meet the standards for electronic transactions and codes set forth by the appropriate regulatory body. Claims will be considered for payment in the order received. Claims may be mailed to: TML MultiState IEBP PO Box 149190 Austin, Texas 78714-9190 If you have any questions regarding your claim, please call IEBP’s Customer Care Team at (800) 282-5385 or contact Customer Care via e-mail at Benefits will not be recalculated to allow a better benefit for charges incurred at a later date. Claim forms are not required for benefits to be payable under the Plan. The Pool may request specific information from the Covered Individual or employer in order to complete processing of the claim or to verify eligibility in the Plan. The information requested may include but is not limited to: 1. verification of employment status; 2. information related to accidental injuries; 3. information related to work related accidents or illness; and/or 4. information regarding any other source of benefits. Page 40 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Covered Individuals must keep the Pool informed in writing of any change in address, phone number or dependents. IEBP may rely on United States Postal Service and/or the employer demographic information for a covered individual’s last known address. As a Covered Individual under the Plan, you must supply IEBP with the information necessary to determine whether the charges incurred are for an Eligible Benefit or to otherwise administer benefits. Decisions with respect to the type of information necessary to determine coverage shall be made at the sole discretion of IEBP. IEBP reserves the right to withhold or deny payment until the requested information has been furnished. Right to Receive and Release Necessary Information All personnel involved in the processing of claims are advised of the need to treat all personal and medical information as confidential. However, IEBP has the right to disclose information to or obtain information regarding a Covered Individual from any organization or person if necessary to determine benefits payable under the Plan or if allowed by state or federal statute or regulation. No Replacement for Workers’ Compensation The Plan does not replace Workers’ Compensation or provide any benefits if any Workers’ Compensation benefit was paid or could have been paid, whether or not the employer is a subscriber or non-subscriber in a Workers’ Compensation Program, including those individuals who could have been lawfully covered by workers’ compensation as volunteers. For purposes of this booklet, work on the Covered Individual’s family farm or ranch is not considered an employment arrangement requiring Workers’ Compensation. Assignments The benefits provided under the Plan are payable only to the Covered Individual. IEBP may pay benefits directly to the healthcare provider if they are assigned by the Covered Individual. Benefits may not be assigned to a pharmacy. In addition, benefits will not be paid to providers who negotiate benefit settlements with patients, e.g., providers who agree to accept whatever payment the Plan makes or providers who waive deductibles or copayments. Legal Actions No legal action (including arbitration) may be brought against IEBP prior to the expiration of sixty (60) days after a written request for reimbursement has been furnished to IEBP in accordance with the requirements of the Plan, and all appeal rights available to the Plan have been exhausted. No such action may be brought after the expiration of two (2) years from the date service was incurred. This paragraph shall be applicable where a medical provider makes a complaint that a prompt payment contract was not followed. Venue for any dispute arising under the terms of this plan, including but not limited to claims and subrogation disputes or declaratory judgment actions, shall be in Austin, Travis County, Texas. IEBP reserves the right to take any legal action available against a Covered Individual to recover expenses incurred by IEBP to defend frivolous lawsuits or actions brought before all appeal rights have been exhausted. Appeals IEBP will conduct a full and fair review of your appeal. The appeal will be reviewed by appropriate individual(s) on the IEBP staff for internal review; or a health care professional with appropriate expertise during the initial benefit determination process. The appellant may request an independent review from an independent state licensed external review organization that is credentialed under URAC (Utilization Review Accreditation Commission). The external review will be conducted by a random URAC selected reviewer who was not consulted initially during the external clinical excellence review. Once the review is complete, if the denial is maintained, the appellant will receive a written explanation of the reasons and facts relating to the denial. Page 41 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Appeal of Emergent Care Request for Benefits (Adverse Notification Determination Prior to Claim Submission) Type of Request for Benefits or Appeal If the appellant appeals the adverse notification determination or declination of notification, the appellant must appeal within: If the appellant’s request for emergent benefits is incomplete IEBP will send the urgent/emergent incomplete pre-determination/notification information declination letter within: The appellant must provide a completed information request within: Appeal of Urgent/Emergent Request for Benefits (Adverse Pre-Determination/Notification Request) Internal/External Appeal Process Business Hours/Days Internal one hundred eighty (180) days after receiving the denial based on a completed review process Internal twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of appellant’s information Internal If the request for urgent/emergent benefits is complete and not approved, IEBP will send an urgent/emergent pre-determination/notification denial letter within: If the appellant requests an Independent Review Organization, (IRO), the external review appeal request must be submitted for the review within: Internal The IRO will complete the review and IEBP will submit the response of an expedited urgent/emergent pre-determination/notification of a benefit appeal within: External External forty-eight (48) hours after receiving the IEBP declination due to incomplete information seventy-two (72) hours one hundred twenty (120) days of receipt of the original denial or response to your appeal seventy-two (72) hours Appeal of Non-Emergent Care Request for Benefits for Pre Determination/Notification Prior to Claim Submission Type of Request for Benefits or Appeal The appellant must appeal the denial no later than: If the request for a pre- determination/notification is benefit information incomplete, IEBP will notify the appellant within: If the request for pre-determination/notification is clinical information incomplete, IEBP will notify you within: The appellant must then provide completed information within: Appeal of Non-Emergent Request for Benefits (Adverse Pre-Determination/Notification Request) Internal/External Appeal Process Business Hours/Days Internal one hundred eighty (180) days after receiving the denial Internal five (5) days Internal fifteen (15) days Internal forty-five (45) days after receiving an extension notice* fifteen (15) days after receiving the first level appeal sixty (60) days after receiving the first level appeal decision fifteen (15) days after receiving the second level appeal* one hundred twenty (120) days of receipt of the original denial or response to your appeal thirty (30) days IEBP will notify you of the first level appeal decision within: Internal The appellant must appeal the first level appeal (file a second level appeal) within: Internal IEBP will notify you of the second level appeal decision within: Internal The appellant may request the appeal be submitted to an Independent Review Organization, (IRO). The External Review Request must be submitted within: External The IRO must complete the review of a non-emergent claim or benefit appeal within: External * A one-time extension of no more than 15 days only if more time is needed due to circumstances beyond the appellant’s control. Post Service Claims Appeal Post-Service Claims Type of Claim or Appeal The appellant must appeal the claim denial no later than: Internal/External Appeal Process Internal If the appellant’s claim is incomplete, IEBP will notify the appellant within: Internal The appellant must then provide completed claim information within: Internal IEBP will notify the appellant of the first level appeal decision within: Internal The appellant must file the second level appeal within: Internal Page 42 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP Business Hours/Days one hundred eighty (180) days after receiving the denial thirty (30) days forty-five (45) days after receiving an extension notice thirty (30) days after receiving the first level appeal sixty (60) days after receiving the first level appeal decision (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Post-Service Claims Type of Claim or Appeal The appellant will be notified of the second level appeal decision generally within: Internal/External Appeal Process Internal The appellant may request an appeal be submitted to an Independent Review Organization, (IRO). This request must be submitted for the review within: External The IRO must complete the review of a non-emergent claim or benefit appeal within: External Business Hours/Days thirty (30) days after receiving the second level appeal one hundred twenty (120) days of receipt of the original denial or response to your appeal thirty (30) days The IRO must complete a requested expedited review of an emergent claim or benefit appeal within: External seventy-two (72) hours Covered Individuals have access to all documents and records used in making the decision. Medical consultants used in making the decision must be disclosed. If a claim for benefits is wholly or partially denied, an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) will be furnished to the Covered Individual and the provider of services. This EOB will give the reason(s) the claim was denied. If the Covered Individual or provider of services does not agree with the claim decision or alleges that a contractual prompt payment requirement was not followed in the administration of a claim, he or she may submit an appeal. Relevant information supplied by the Covered Individual or healthcare provider should be included with the appeal. For claims denied or partially denied for not being notified, the appeal must include: the admission history and physical; the discharge summary; and the operative and pathology reports (if applicable). An appeal requested without proper documentation may not be considered. All written appeals should be sent to IEBP’s address printed on the Medical/Prescription ID cards or complete the appeal form online at Your request must contain the employee’s name, social security or subscriber ID number and the exact reason(s) for requesting the appeal and include any supporting documentation. IEBP will notify you of the results of the review within thirty (30) days, unless IEBP informs you that special circumstances require an extended review process. These appeal provisions shall be applicable where a provider makes a complaint that a prompt payment contract was not followed. The appealing party will be notified in writing of the results of an appeal for failure to provide Notification, and/or a denial or reduction in benefits after receipt of all necessary information to make a determination. All available medical information must be provided at no cost to the Plan. IEBP shall be under no obligation to respond to an appeal of a claim based upon complaints that have previously been addressed by a prior appeal. If the appealing party does not agree with the results of any appeal, the appeal may be elevated to the Plan’s Board of Trustees. To appeal a decision to the Board of Trustees, the appealing party must send their appeal in writing to: TML MultiState IEBP Board of Trustees, 1821 Rutherford Lane, Suite 300, Austin, TX 78754-5151. Unless the appeal specifically requests a Board Appeal, IEBP shall have the discretion to consider the appeal on an internal staff basis. A committee of Trustees will schedule a meeting and hear the appeal. The appealing party may submit additional information and/or appear before the committee. The appealing party will be notified of the date, time and place the committee will meet at least five (5) days prior to the meeting date. A final decision will be made by the Board of Trustees Appeals Committee and sent to the appealing party. The Appeals Committee's final decision will be in writing and include specific references to the Plan provisions on which the decision was based. Privacy of Your Health Information A Federal regulation, called the “Privacy Rule,” requires IEBP to protect the privacy of each Covered Individual’s identifiable health information. Under the Privacy Rule, IEBP may use and disclose a Covered Individual’s identifiable health information only for certain permitted purposes, such as the payment of claims under the health plan. If IEBP needs to use or disclose a Covered Individual’s health information for a purpose not permitted under the Privacy Rule, IEBP must first obtain a written authorization signed by the Covered Individual. IEBP has administrative, physical and technical safeguards in place to protect the privacy of health information. IEBP will notify you regarding privacy breaches per Health and Human Services requirements. Page 43 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide In addition to restrictions on how IEBP may use and disclose a Covered Individual’s identifiable health information, the Privacy Rule gives each Covered Individual certain rights. These include the right of a Covered Individual to access his or her health information, to amend his or her health information and to receive an accounting of certain disclosures of his or her health information. IEBP’s Notice of Privacy Practices explains fully how IEBP may use and disclose a Covered Individual’s identifiable health information and a Covered Individual’s rights under the Privacy Rule. IEBP’s Notice of Privacy Practices is available on IEBP’s website at, or an individual may request a paper copy of the notice by calling IEBP’s Customer Care number at (800) 282-5385. Security of Your Health Information A Federal regulation, called the “Security Rule”, requires IEBP to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of a Covered Individual’s identifiable health information that IEBP receives, creates, maintains or transmits electronically. IEBP has implemented administrative, physical and technical safeguards that meet both Federal requirements and industry standards for the security of electronic health information. NON-DUPLICATION OF BENEFITS Once a claim or potential claim for benefits has been submitted and there are indications that another source of payment may exist, IEBP will request further information to confirm or deny the existence of other coverage. A claim is not considered to be complete until all the information needed by IEBP to make this determination has been received. IEBP has the authority to determine the form, content and timing of the submission of such information and to resolve any questions with regard to those requirements. This provision is designed to prevent the double payment of medical benefits for the same illness or injury and to manage the high cost of medical coverage by seeking reimbursement from other sources. Integration of Benefits The Integration of Benefits (IOB) provision applies when a Covered Individual may receive medical benefits from more than one source. The benefits payable under this Plan will not exceed 100% of this Plan’s allowable Eligible Benefit when combined with all other plans. For Medicare information, please refer to the Integration of Medicare section. The Covered Individual may receive benefits under the Plan that will not exceed 100% of this Plan’s allowable Eligible Benefit when combined with all other plans. Example: Charge - $100 Our allowable - $100 Our normal liability - $80 Primary payer paid - $75 Our liability as the secondary integrated payer would be $5 (the balance between what we would have paid, if we were primary and what the primary carrier paid). Application IEBP will determine which plan is primary and which plan is secondary. The other plan will always be primary if that plan has no coordination or integration provision. When this Plan is primary, it will pay benefits as if it were the only plan. When this Plan is secondary or the Covered Individual accesses benefits through active employee status elsewhere, it will pay a reduced benefit, which when added to the benefits paid by all other plans, will not exceed 100% of the total allowable benefit covered by this plan. An itemized bill and an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from the primary plan must be provided to the secondary plan to review for payment. Definitions for the purpose of Integration of Benefits Closed Panel Plan A plan that provides benefits primarily in the form of services through a panel of providers that have contracts with, or are employed by the Plan, and excludes coverage for services provided by other providers, except in the case of an emergency or referral by a panel member. Page 44 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Custodial Parent The parent awarded custody by a court decree or, in the absence of a court decree, is the parent with whom the child resides more than one half of the calendar year excluding any temporary visitation. This Plan The medical benefits provided by your employer through IEBP. Other Plan means any of the following arrangements that provide medical benefits or services: 1. insurance or any arrangement of benefits for groups; 2. prepayment coverage or any coverage toward the cost of which any employer makes contributions; 3. a labor-management plan, union welfare plan, employer organization plan or employee organization plan; 4. any governmental program or coverage required by statute; 5. dependent ineligible employer sponsored healthcare benefit information; or 6. coverage for expenses due to accidental bodily injury or disease to the extent to which payment as a settlement, judgment or otherwise is made by any person or their insurers without regard to whether or not liability is admitted. Primary Plan A plan that pays Eligible Benefits without regard to the existence of any other Plans. Secondary Plan A plan that integrates payments so that the total payments from all plans shall not exceed 100% of the Plan’s allowable benefit with the exception of an HMO plan or closed panel plan. Special Rules If both plans have a coordination or integration provision, the primary plan will be determined according to the following rules: Rule 1 - Non-Dependent/Dependent: The benefits of the plan that covers the Covered Individual as an active employee is primary to benefits accessed as a dependent. Rule 2a - Dependent Child/Parents, (natural or adoptive), are married or are living together, whether or not they have ever been married: The benefits of the plan of the parent whose birthday falls earlier in a Calendar Year are determined before those of the plan of the parent whose birthday falls later in that Calendar Year If both parents have the same birthday, the plan which has covered one parent for the longer period of time will be primary 2b - Dependent Child/Parents, (natural or adoptive), are divorced or separated or not living together, whether or not they have ever been married: Dependent child covered under both parents group health plans. If a court decree states both parents have responsibility for the health care expenses or health care coverage: The benefits of the plan of the parent whose birthday falls earlier in a Calendar Year are determined before those of the plan of the parent whose birthday falls later in that Calendar Year; If both parents have the same birthday, the plan which has covered one parent for the longer period of time will be primary 2b - Dependent Child/Parents, (natural or adoptive), are divorced or separated or not living together, whether or not they have ever been married: If a court decree states that the parents have joint custody without specifying that one parent has responsibility for the health care expenses or health care coverage of the dependent child, rule 2a will determine the order of benefits 2b - Dependent Child/Parents, (natural or adoptive), are divorced or separated or not living together, whether or not they have ever been married: Page 45 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP IEBP Pays Primary when… Active, pre sixty-five retiree or former employee on COBRA Continuation of Coverage of IEBP plan 1. Natural or adoptive parent is an employee of IEBP plan and birthday falls earlier in the year; and 2. If parents share the same birthday, IEBP plan has covered the dependent child for the longest period of time 1. Natural or adoptive parent is an employee of IEBP plan and birthday falls earlier in the year; and 2. If parents share the same birthday, IEBP plan has covered the dependent child for the longest period of time IEBP Pays Secondary when… IEBP will pay secondary to a spouse’s or dependent child’s employer’s plan 1. Natural or adoptive parent is an employee of IEBP plan and birthday falls earlier in the year; and 2. If parents share the same birthday, IEBP plan has covered the dependent child for the longest period of time IEBP plan has covered the dependent child for the longest period of time 1. Natural or adoptive parent is an employee of IEBP plan and birthday falls later in the year; and 2. If parents share the same birthday IEBP plan has covered the dependent child for the shortest period of time IEBP plan has covered the dependent child for the shortest period of time 1. Natural or adoptive parent is an employee of IEBP plan and birthday falls later in the year; and 2. If parents share the same birthday IEBP plan has covered the dependent child for the shortest period of time 1. Natural or adoptive parent is an employee of IEBP plan and birthday falls later in the year; and 2. If parents share the same birthday IEBP plan has covered the dependent child for the shortest period of time (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide IEBP Pays Primary when… IEBP Pays Secondary when… 1. Employee of IEBP plan is the custodial parent; or 2. Employee of IEBP plan is the custodial step parent, (where custodial parent does not cover the dependent child); or 3. Employee of IEBP plan is the non-custodial parent, (where custodial parent or step parent do not cover the dependent child) IEBP plan has covered the dependent child for the longest period of time 1. Employee of non-IEBP plan is either the custodial step parent, non-custodial parent or non-custodial step parent; or 2. Employee of non-IEBP plan is either the non-custodial parent or non-custodial step parent; or 3. Employee of non-IEBP plan is the non- custodial step parent IEBP plan has covered the dependent child for the shortest period of time 2b - Individual covered as a dependent child under a natural, adoptive or step parent plan and also covered as a dependent under a spouse’s plan. The order of benefits will be determined by the following: The plan that has covered the dependent child for the longest period of time is primary IEBP plan has been in effect the longest period of time IEBP plan has been in effect for the shortest period of time Rule 3 - Active/Inactive Employee: The benefits of the plan that covers the Covered Individual as an active employee who is neither laid off nor retired are determined before those of a plan which covers that same person as laid off or retired employee. The same would hold true if the Covered Individual is a dependent of an active employee and that same person is a dependent of a retiree or laid off employee. If the other plan does not have this rule, and if, as a result, the plans do not agree on the order of the benefits, this paragraph does not apply. IEBP plan is the active employee plan IEBP plan is the Retiree plan (for the same person who is an active employee under another plan) Rule 4 - COBRA Continuation of Coverage: If a person has coverage provided under COBRA Continuation of Coverage pursuant to federal or state law and is also covered under another plan, the following shall be the order of benefit determination: i. First, the benefits of a plan that covers the covered individual as an employee, a Member or a subscriber (or as a dependent of an employee, member or subscriber). ii. Second, the benefits under the COBRA Continuation of Coverage. This rule does not apply if rule 1 determines the order of benefits. If the other plan does not have this rule, and if, as a result, the plans do not agree on the order of benefits, this paragraph does not apply IEBP plan is the active employee plan IEBP plan is the COBRA Continuation of Coverage plan (for the same person who is an active employee under another plan) Rule 5: If none of the above rules determine the order of benefits, then the plan that has covered the Covered Individual for the longest period of time is primary IEBP plan has covered the Covered Individual for the longest period of time IEBP plan has covered the Covered Individual for the shortest period of time Dependent child covered under both parents group health plans and if the court decree expires due to dependent child’s age, the order of benefits for the child are as follows: i. the plan that has covered the Covered Individual for the longest period of time is primary 2b - Dependent Child/Parents, (natural or adoptive), are divorced or separated or not living together, whether or not they have ever been married: If there is no court decree allocating responsibility for the dependent child’s health care expenses or health care coverage, and the child is under the age of 19 years, the order of benefits for the child are as follows: i. The Plan covering the Custodial parent; ii. The Plan covering the spouse of the Custodial parent; iii. The Plan covering the non-custodial parent; and then iv. The Plan covering the spouse of the non-custodial parent 2b - If there is no court decree allocating responsibility for the dependent child’s health care expenses or health care coverage, and the dependent child attains the age of 19 years, the order of benefits for the child are as follows: The plan that has covered the dependent child for the longest period of time is primary When a primary plan is a High Deductible Health Plan attached to a Health Savings Account, integration of benefits as the secondary carrier will occur after the IRS Guidance deductible has been satisfied. Facility of Payment A payment made under another Plan may include an amount that should have been paid under this plan. If it does, this plan will pay its full liability for services, and any overpayments received from another plan must be reimbursed directly back to the plan. Page 46 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Recovery of Integration of Benefits (IOB) Overpayments If the amount of the payments made by this plan for IOB administration is more than it should have paid under this IOB provision, it will recover the excess from one or more of the persons it has paid or for whom it has paid; or any other person or organization that may be responsible for the benefits or services provided for the Covered Individual. The “amount of the payments made” includes the reasonable cash value of any benefits provided in the form of services. Other Party Liability This section applies if you: 1. are injured in an accident, regardless of who is at fault; 2. become ill, through the act or omission of another person, company or business and recover money from any source, you must reimburse IEBP for the benefits provided by the Plan whether or not the third party has admitted liability; or 3. For injuries from accidents on or after January 1, 2014, IEBP shall be subject to Chapter 140 of the Texas Civil Practices & Remedies Code. Contractual Right of Reimbursement If a Covered Individual: 1. is injured in an accident, regardless of who is at fault; or 2. becomes ill through the act or omission of another person, the Plan shall provide benefits on the condition that the Covered Individual cooperates with IEBP, its agents, subcontractors and attorneys by: a. providing notification of any accidental injury or illness which may involve another individual, business or insurance company; b. providing any information requested that is associated with the injury or illness; and c. filing any claim documentation with an insurance carrier or third party as requested by IEBP. In addition, the Covered Individual specifically delegates to IEBP the right to make a claim or assert a cause of action on the Covered Individual’s behalf against any source of recoveries, and assigns to IEBP the right to any proceeds from the claim or cause of action. “Source of recovery” shall include, but not be limited to: 1. any third party; 2. any liability or other insurance covering the third party; 3. uninsured motorist, underinsured motorist, no-fault, or medical payments which are paid or payable of a non-immediate family member; or 4. any other responsible party. IEBP may seek direct reimbursement for benefit coverage from any source of recovery. By enrolling in this Plan, the Covered Individual agrees to abide by the provisions in one (1) through eleven (11) following this paragraph. IEBP may suspend payment of claims for the injury or illness based on the amount of the claim, indication of other insurance, indication there may be another source to pay for the medical services required as a result of the injury or illness, or evidence that the claim may not be covered because it is work-related. As an additional assurance, payment of the claim(s), and future claims relating to the injury or illness will only resume if the Covered Individual: 1. provides any and all information requested by IEBP; and 2. agrees in writing not to settle damages whether by legal action, settlement or otherwise and only after consulting with IEBP to determine the full and potential medical charges; and 3. agrees that should the Covered Individual settle for damages as a result of an injury/illness with a third party or insurer, prior to securing such written permission, IEBP and the employer’s health benefits plan is relieved of any liability for medical benefits resulting from the injury/illness; and 4. agrees that IEBP may provide any medical bills or payment information related to the injury/illness to the Covered Individual’s attorney, any insurer or any other person who will be reimbursing IEBP for medical benefits; and 5. agrees in writing to reimburse IEBP immediately upon collection of damages whether by legal action, settlement or otherwise including, but not limited to, first party and third party motor vehicle insurance; and 6. agrees in writing to provide IEBP with a first lien on all proceeds recovered for this injury to the extent of benefits provided by the Plan; and Page 47 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. agrees in writing that the first lien in 6. above represents the pro rata share of IEBP pursuant to Section 172.015(e), Texas Local Government Code; and agrees in writing that venue for all subrogation disputes shall be in Travis County, Texas; and agrees in writing to provide IEBP with a copy of any settlement agreement relating to this injury/illness if requested; and agrees to cooperate fully with IEBP in asserting its right to subrogate. This means the Covered Individual must supply IEBP with all information and sign and return all documents reasonably necessary to carry out IEBP’s right to recover from the third party any benefits paid under the Plan which are subject to this provision; and agrees to all provisions of the benefit plan. If the Covered Individual accepts reimbursement or assigns benefits for an injury or illness for which money or benefits were received or paid by another source, and payment has also been made by IEBP, the Covered Individual must reimburse IEBP the amount paid to the Covered Individual or any provider for services or treatment for the injury or illness. If the Covered Individual does not reimburse IEBP, the amount not reimbursed may be withheld from future benefits. Automobile/Homeowners Liability and/or Medical Payments Insurance Benefits Benefits payable under this Plan may be adjusted by IEBP for any first party or third party insurance benefits available for medical benefits, including no-fault medical payments uninsured motorist coverage which are paid or payable by a non-immediate family member whether or not any party has admitted liability. Right of Recovery IEBP has the right to seek reimbursement on any overpayment from one or more of the following: 1. the Covered Individual; 2. the person to whom such payments were made; 3. any other insurance company; 4. any other benefit plan; or 5. any other organization providing benefits. In addition, the Covered Individual specifically delegates to IEBP the right to make a claim or assert a cause of action on the Covered Individual’s behalf against any source of recovery, and assigns to IEBP the right to any proceeds from the claim or cause of action. A third party may be liable or legally responsible for expenses incurred by a Covered Individual for an illness, sickness or bodily injury. Subrogation rights may take precedence over a Covered Individual’s right to receive payment of the benefits from the third party. The Covered Individual must supply IEBP with all information and sign and return all documents reasonably necessary to carry out IEBP’s right to recover from the third party any benefits paid under the Plan which are subject to this provision. Overpayment Provisions Right of Offset If IEBP makes any payment on behalf of a Covered Individual exceeding the amount needed to satisfy its obligation under the terms of this Plan, then IEBP reserves the right to offset the overpayment against future benefits otherwise payable to a Covered Individual or provider. Facility of Payment When another plan makes a payment which should have been made under the Plan, IEBP reserves the right to decide: 1. whether or not to reimburse the organization making the payment; and 2. the amount to be paid in order to satisfy the intent of this provision. Any such payment made by IEBP will fulfill IEBP's responsibility in the amount paid. Fraudulent or Erroneous Billing IEBP reserves the right to conduct its own investigation of any person or organization suspected of filing fraudulent claims and to turn over its findings to an authorized governmental agency or department for further investigation and/or prosecution. Page 48 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Integration with Medicare Medicare is a federal health insurance program for people age sixty-five (65) or older and certain disabled individuals provided by Title XVIII of the Social Security Act, as amended. Full Medicare Coverage is coverage under both Part "A" (Hospital Insurance), Part "B" (Medical Insurance) and/or Part “C” (HMO/Advantage Insurance). If a person is eligible for premium free Part "A", that person will be deemed to have full Medicare coverage, even if they have not enrolled in Part “B” and/or Part “C”. For actively at work Covered Individuals who are enrolled in and receive benefits under Medicare Part A, B, C and/or D, IEBP benefits will be accessed as the primary benefit coverage. Who will pay first or primary usually depends on work status of the employee regardless of how many persons the employer may employ. Status Retired Spouse of Retiree Spouse of Retiree Age 65+ 65+ <65 Primary Plan Medicare Medicare Employer Status Active Spouse of Active EE Spouse of Active EE Age 65+ 65+ <65 Primary Plan Employer Employer Employer There are special rules for people with permanent kidney failure and persons under sixty-five (65) who have Medicare because of a disability. If the Plan is primary, the normal benefits payable under the Plan will be paid without regard to Medicare. If Medicare is primary, the combined total payable by full Medicare coverage and the Plan will not exceed the normal benefit payable by the Plan. If Medicare coverage is due to End Stage Renal Disease, the order of payment shall be determined by applicable federal regulations. IEBP will determine which plan is primary. The determination is based on the status of the Covered Individual on the date expenses are incurred. Even if a person does not enroll for full Medicare coverage or make due claim for Medicare benefits, IEBP will calculate the benefits which would have been paid by full Medicare coverage (see chart above) and adjust the Plan benefits payable accordingly to the Medicare allowed amount. In cases where a provider has opted out of Medicare where neither the provider nor the beneficiary receives any reimbursement from Medicare, IEBP will calculate the benefits which would have been paid by Medicare coverage (see chart above), according to the Medicare allowed amount. IEBP submits electronic eligibility information to Medicare as required by law and secondary payor regulations. Page 49 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide HEALTHY INITIATIVES Preventive/Routine Care Benefit (Calendar Year) The following will be processed for network reimbursement at 100% of network allowable. Non-network provider eligible billings will be subject to usual and reasonable charges and are subject to the non-network deductible and benefit percentage. To be considered as an eligible preventive/routine care benefit, the provider’s bill must designate or outline a routine diagnosis code. These measures represent important areas for quality improvement by assessing the use of services that are recommendations from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) and other national organizations. Access your Personal Health Record and Health Power Assessment by signing in at Age & Gender Biometric Screenings Female 18 thru 29 X X X X Female 30 thru 35 X X X X Female 36 thru 39 X X X X X Health Power Assessment Questionnaire Preventive Office Visit Lipid Panel Comprehensive Metabolic Blood Panel TSH PSA Fecal Occult (including colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy as a qualifier) Mammogram * 1 per CY for females age 40 thru 49 ** 1 every 2 CY for females age 50 thru 73 PAP X X every 3 CY for females age 30 thru 50 Female 40 thru 49 X X X X X Female 50 X X X X X Female 51 thru 73 X X X X X X X X X* X** X** X X Female Male 18 Male 40 Male 51 Male 7 74+ thru 39 thru 50 thru 70 1+ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Colon-Rectal Exam Benefit The following will be processed for network reimbursement at 100% of network allowable. Non-network provider eligible billings will be subject to usual and reasonable charges and are subject to the non-network deductible and benefit percentage. To be considered as an eligible preventive/routine care benefit, the provider’s bill must designate or outline a routine diagnosis code. This benefit will include routine and diagnostic colon-rectal examinations. Colon-Rectal examination - coverage for medically-recognized screening examination for the detection of colorectal cancer. This includes: colonoscopy (performed every ten (10) years); or » biopsy/polyp removal during preventive colonoscopy plans will be included in the 100% of network allowable cost flexible sigmoidoscopy (examination of the large intestine) performed every five (5) years. This Benefit excludes coverage for virtual colonoscopies. Preventive/routine care benefits also includes: General Health Panel Rubella Screening Screening for Visual Acuity Well Baby Care/Well Child Care TB test Hearing Screening PAP Smear Mammograms Women's Reproductive Health Urinalysis Annual Examination Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Autism Screening – eighteen (18) and twenty-four (24) months of age TSH Bone Density Screening Basic Metabolic Test Venipuncture Skin Cancer Counseling Immunizations The following network eligible immunizations and administrative fees are reimbursable at 100% of the allowable. Non-network eligible billings will be subject to usual and reasonable charges and are subject to the non-network deductible and benefit percentage. Allergy injections and expenses related to routine newborn care are not considered as part of this benefit. To be considered under this benefit, the provider’s bill must designate a routine diagnosis code. This list is a guideline. Immunizations/Inoculations Page 50 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide DT (Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids) Hepatitis A & Hepatitis B Td (Tetanus) booster MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) MMR booster Poliomyelitis Vaccine Oral Polio Varicella Vaccine (Chicken Pox) Influenza Pneumococcal (Pneumonia) Rotovirus Any other immunization required by federal or HPV (Genital Human Papillomavirus) HIB (Hemophilus Influenza B) state law or regulation DtaP Diphtheria, Tetanus Toxoids and Pertussis Zosatavax (Shingles Vaccine) Pediarix (Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis Absorbed, Hepatitis B (Recombinant) and Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine Combined) MEDICAL INTELLIGENCE CARE MANAGEMENT FEATURES W/DISCLAIMER1 This program is included to assist you in making informed healthcare decisions. Occasionally, proposed healthcare or the scheduled length of stay or setting is not an Eligible Benefit. Please read this provision so that you understand the admission, continued stay and notification process and are not faced with an out of pocket cost, penalty or denial for failure to provide Notification. Even when Notification is provided, reimbursement is subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan including, but not limited to, all plan exclusions and limitations. Notification does not constitute verification of eligibility for benefits. Notification is required for Integration of Benefits when this Plan is secondary to other coverage. If Medical Intelligence Care Management does not receive Notification prior to a scheduled service requiring Notification, claims for benefits for that service will not be considered eligible unless a retrospective review request is filed. If the medical services are eligible under the Plan, they will be reviewed for eligible payment. How the Notification Process Works The Twenty Three (23) Hour Rule For the purpose of Notification, inpatient means treatment or confinement in a hospital or other medical facility for more than twenty-three (23) hours. Outpatient means treatment or confinement in a hospital or other medical facility for twenty-three (23) hours or less. What is an admission? When the hospital or facility submits a claim, the length of time the Covered Individual was in their facility and a designation of inpatient, outpatient or observation is included. The number of hours, not the classification, determines if the stay is twentythree (23) hours observation or inpatient. If it appears that the Covered Individual will stay more than twenty-three (23) hours, Notification of the stay must be provided to Medical Intelligence Care Management. Medical Intelligence Care Management must be called for any inpatient expectant mother admission. If a newborn requires more than routine nursery care, Medical Intelligence Care Management must be provided Notification so that a separate determination can be issued for the baby. Newborns must be added to the Plan within sixty (60) days of birth in order to be a Covered Individual. Responsibilities of the Covered Individual Between the hours of 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Central time, call the Medical Intelligence Care Management number on the Medical/Prescription ID card to provide Notification to Medical Intelligence Care Management prior to any healthcare service that requires Notification. After hours, Voice Mail records your Notification twenty-four (24) hours-a-day and the Medical Intelligence Care Management Intake Staff will return your call the next business day. 1 Disclaimer: Affirmative Statement. Utilization Management (UM) decision making is based only on appropriateness of care and service and existence of coverage, IEBP does not specifically reward practitioners or other individuals for issuing denials of coverage, and financial incentives for UM decision makers are not encouraged to make decisions that result in underutilization. Page 51 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Notification Requirements Notification enables clinical support and educations, such as: Perform pre-op education for the patient and ensure adherence to nationally recognized guidelines in order to maximize quality and cost efficiency; Facilitate post-op discharge planning to optimize clinical outcomes; and Refer patients to Centers of Excellence. IEBP notification is required for the following admissions and/or procedures regardless if the IEBP plan is primary or secondary: SERVICE NOTIFICATION LATE NOTIFICATION PENALTY Inpatient Admissions Scheduled Specialty Admissions Orthopedic/Spine Surgeries (spinal surgeries, total knee replacements, and total hip replacements) Facility: twenty-four (24) hours after actual admission or by 5 pm the next business day for weekend/holiday admissions $400 Three (3) working days prior to services $400 Transplants: At least ten (10) working days prior to any pretransplant evaluation, the Covered Individual or a family member must provide Notification to Medical Intelligence Care Management; failure to do so will result in a Late Notification Penalty of $400 or a reduction in benefits. Reconstructive/Potentially Cosmetic procedures Bariatric Surgery: after the approved six (6) consecutive months (within the most recent twelve (12) months) physician supervised weight management treatment plan Congenital Heart Disease Other Inpatient Admissions Skilled Nursing Facility Mental Health/Substance Use Disorder Inpatient Mental Health/Substance Use Disorder Residential Treatment Acute Care Hospital/Facility Long Term Acute Care Facility Acute Rehabilitation Facility Scheduled Cesarean Section Delivery Inpatient Pregnancy/Maternity (Delivery Admission) Vaginal Delivery admission in excess of forty-eight (48) hours Cesarean delivery admission in excess of ninety-six (96) hours Inpatient antepartum care or other undelivered admissions Newborns who remain in the hospital after mother is discharged Pregnancy/Maternity Sonogram/Ultrasound in excess of three (3) Amniocentesis Home Health (uterine monitoring) All High Risk obstetrical services Multiple birth diagnosis Scheduled Outpatient/Office Surgical Procedures Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) Breast Surgery (excludes Breast Biopsies) Carpal Tunnel Release (nerve decompression) Jaw Surgery (including mandibular joint) Joint Surgery (excluding fingers & toes) Laparoscopy (except sterilization) Myringotomy or Myringoplasty (tympanic/ear drum surgery) Nasal Surgery Tonsillectomy and/or Adenoidectomy Uvulopalatoplasty (roof of mouth surgery) Reconstructive Surgery Page 52 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP Facility: twenty-four (24) hours after emergency admission or by 5 pm the next business day for weekend/holiday admissions Facility: twenty-four (24) hours after actual admission or by 5 pm the next business day for weekend/holiday admissions $400 Three (3) working days prior to commencement for office, outpatient and Home Health procedures, within forty-eight (48) hours of multiple birth diagnosis or high risk pregnancy $200 Three (3) working days prior to procedures $200 (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide SERVICE Spinal Surgery Cochlear Device and/or Implantation Stereotactic Radiosurgery Bariatric Surgery: after the approved six (6) consecutive months (within the most recent twelve (12) months) physician supervised weight management treatment plan Outpatient/Office Infusion Therapy For Pain Management NOTIFICATION LATE NOTIFICATION PENALTY Prior to commencement $200 Three (3) working days prior to procedures $200 Three (3) working days prior to dispensing/delivery of durable medical equipment for charges in excess of $1,000 per base piece of durable medical equipment prior to purchase, lease, or rental $200 Oncological Chemotherapy Miscellaneous Mental Health/Substance Use Disorder Day Treatment Hospice Home Health Care Physician Home Visit Cardiac Rehabilitation Pulmonary Rehabilitation Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT) scans Computerized Tomographic Angiography (CTA) scans Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) scans Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) Dental Injury (inpatient and outpatient) Dialysis for Kidney/Renal Failure Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Radiation Therapy Medically Necessary Evidence-Based Genetic Testing to direct treatment (after diagnosis has been established) Durable Medical Equipment Responsibilities of Medical Intelligence Care Management Medical Intelligence Care Management does not confirm eligibility or benefits for any treatment or service. Upon Notification, Medical Intelligence Care Management will provide the Covered Individual or Provider with contact information to enable the person to confirm eligibility and benefits with a Customer Care Representative. What Happens on Treatment in Excess of Twenty-Three (23) Hours? The Covered Individual must provide Notification to Medical Intelligence Care Management, (800) 847-1213, of a scheduled admission per Notification Requirements. If the Notification is made after the above-referenced time frames, a Late Notification Penalty or reduction of benefits will apply. Concurrent stay review requirements apply to all inpatient confinements. Failure to provide Notification to Medical Intelligence Care Management will result in no paid benefits for facility or related charges. What Happens if Outpatient Services Go Over the Twenty-Three (23) Hour Limit? Outpatient Surgery not on the Outpatient Surgery List If Notification is provided to Medical Intelligence Care Management within Notification Requirements of an outpatient surgery that exceeds the twenty-three (23) hour limit, it will be considered an admission, and a late review will be performed. If the services and the length of stay are Eligible Benefits, there is no penalty. If the services are determined to be non-Eligible Benefits, charges are not covered. If you do not provide Notification to Medical Intelligence Care Management within the Notification Requirement of the admission, the outpatient Late Notification Penalty will apply. Failure to provide Notification to Medical Intelligence Care Management will result in no paid benefits for related charges. Outpatient Surgery on the Outpatient Surgery List Page 53 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide If Notification was provided on a scheduled surgery requiring Notification and unforeseen circumstances require more than a twenty-three (23) hour stay, the continued stay review process is required. If the length of continued stay is determined to be inappropriate, charges related to the time for which Notification was not provided will not be a paid benefit. A Late Notification Penalty will not be applied if prior Notification was provided and the services and length of stay are determined to be appropriate. Emergent or Immediate Care (Unscheduled) Medical Admission/Services If Notification is provided to Medical Intelligence Care Management for emergent or immediate care, no Late Notification Penalty will apply. Maternity Care Maternity care means services rendered to treat and maintain a pregnancy that is covered under this plan. Maternity care includes prenatal visits and testing, delivery of the child, post-partum care, and routine care of the newborn child while the mother is Hospital confined. Continued Stay Review If the Covered Individual’s treatment plan changes, the Healthcare Provider must provide Notification to Medical Intelligence Care Management. Medical Intelligence Care Management will obtain an update on the treatment plan and will conduct a concurrent review regarding the additional length of stay. Medical Intensive Care Management Medical Intensive Care Management services help you use your benefits wisely during periods of treatment due to serious sickness or injury. This is done through early identification of the need for Medical Intensive Care Management, followed by ongoing work with you and your provider to plan health care alternatives to meet your needs. The Medical Intensive Care Manager will try to conserve your benefits by making sure that your care is handled as efficiently as possible. The Medical Intensive Care Management staff consists of licensed, professional nurses. The nurses have years of experience in health care and know the importance of not intruding in the doctor/patient relationship. By promoting health care alternatives that are acceptable to you, your doctors and your employer, Medical Intensive Care Management helps to control health care costs and use your benefits wisely. Medical Intensive Care Management is an option. However, should Medical Intensive Care Management be refused by the Covered Individual or physician, benefits will pay at the Non-Network benefit percentage and will not, at any time, pay at 100% for any medical services under the out of pocket provision of the Plan. The individual deductible and out of pocket amount must be met each calendar year. Population Health Engagement Population Health Engagement supports members 18> in all stages of health. This program provides information to the Covered Individual regarding healthy lifestyle choices and management of chronic disease states. The program offers personalized professional coaching to support the healthy lifestyle of change and plan of action. Online tools and educational material(s) are available to the Covered Individual. The population health engagement team consists of an interdisciplinary team of licensed professional nurses, licensed professional counselors, and registered dietitians. The Personal Health Engagement Program includes: Opt In Enrollment method by which members call the professional health coaching line and request a professional healthcare coach or agree to coaching upon receiving an outreach call or letter. Healthcare providers may refer their patient to a professional health coach or they can call in a referral to (888) 818-2822. Case Findings Case Findings are currently done monthly for each program. A Case Finding identifies members for each disease management program based on medical, prescription, Health Power Assessment, and/or lab value claim data information. The information is stratified into risk index. Once the information is stratified, the Multidisciplinary Medical Care Management Service Team can effectively identify the covered individuals that could benefit from a personal health coach. The program provides resources that Page 54 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide support the covered individual’s healthy lifestyle choices in areas of nutritional, emotional, social, intellectual, financial and spiritual well-being. Case Finding Summary Report The information obtained on a Case Finding data run is analyzed. A case finding report is generated with a breakdown of risk index. The information may be sorted by age and gender stratification, co-morbidities, adherence to practice standards and medication usage. TML IEBP will implement the integrated data and reporting along with customized supportive programs that help plan members achieve behavior change and long term improve health. The Multidisciplinary Medical Care Management Team works with the covered individuals and educates them on healthy lifestyle behavior, cost effective medication options, physician visit preparation, patient’s rights, understanding provider network options and consumer healthcare education. Telephonic Outreach Program Based on the clinical stratification, the covered individuals will be identified as potential high risk personal healthcare coaching. The telephonic criteria identifies from 75% of the members for telephonic intervention. Educational Mailings TML IEBP’s cover letter includes the name and number of their Multidisciplinary Medical Care Management Health Coach and the invitation for members to call if they would like additional information. Modules of Care Modules provide an organized collection of information needed by members to help them achieve a desired health goal. Modules ensure that material is presented completely and in a coherent fashion to help members understand their disease(s) process (es). Modules provide evidence based guidance for coaching sessions thus aiding coaches in focusing on the member’s educational needs and stated goal. Modules/practice guidelines arose from frequently stated health goals such as quitting smoking, losing weight, or managing diabetes as well as the medical conditions reflected in the IEBP demographics. At present time, modules include: Asthma, COPD, Diabetes, High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Risk of Alcohol Use, Tobacco Cessation, and Weight Loss. Self-Assessment Tools Health Power Assessment Overview Summary of Your Responses Healthy Lifestyle Habits Exercise and Fitness _____ days per week for aerobic exercise Be physically active for at least 30 minutes per day _____ days per week for strength building exercise Do strength building exercises as recommended Nutrition _____ of fruits per day Eat 6 or more servings of fruits & vegetables / day _____ of vegetables per day Drink 6 – 8 glasses of water/day _____ glasses of water per day Eat 6 or more servings of nuts, beans, whole grain or other high fiber foods/day _____ servings of high fiber foods per day Eat less foods with unhealthy fats such as foods that are fried or deep fried _____ servings of “unhealthy” fats per day Maintain a healthy weight If overweight, reduce weight gradually by: Increasing intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, fish, nuts, and seeds Decrease intake of high fat and processed meats and dairy products Decrease intake of trans fat, hydrogenated oils, and sodium (salt) Decrease sweets and beverages that are high in sugar Choose water instead of sweetened beverages Alcohol and Tobacco Use _____ average number of alcohol servings per day Limit alcohol intake; recommendations for men is two drinks per day and one _____ description of use to tobacco products drink per day for women Be tobacco free Safety _____ practices safe lifting techniques Practice proper lifting techniques to keep your back safe, healthy, and pain free _____ frequency of seat belt use Wear your seat belt when riding in a motor vehicle _____ get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per day Use sun block or wear protective clothing when in the sun for more than 20 _____ take precautions when in the sun more than 20 minutes minutes _____ per week that I floss my teeth Protect your skin from toxic chemicals by using gloves, wearing a mask and _____ wash my hands well throughout the day wearing long sleeves and long pants, wearing a hat with a wide brim and _____ do the recommended self exams on a daily and monthly sunglasses Page 55 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Summary of Your Responses basis _____ Tetanus (Td/Tdap) shot within the last 10 years _____ get a flu shot yearly Healthy Lifestyle Habits Floss your teeth daily to prevent infections that affect your gums, teeth, heart and social life Wash your hands many times throughout the day particularly before eating or preparing food and after using the bathroom Perform monthly self exams such looking at your skin for any changes, perform a breast self exam and a testicular self exam for men ages 20 – 40. Speak to your healthcare provider regarding adult immunizations Perceptions / Stress & Resilience / Quality of Life _____ I have a supportive network of family and friends Build and sustain a network of supportive family and friends _____ stress or pressure is out of control Manage stress and practice relaxation _____ I feel tense or anxious Getting the right exercise, sleep, make healthy food choices and taking quiet _____ I feel depressed, down or blue time each day _____ I have experienced a personal loss or misfortune in past year If you struggle with feeling down or blue speak to your health care professional _____ effect of stress on my health Stress can affect your health, take steps to manage it Disclaimer: This material is for informational purposes only, and should not be used to replace professional medical advice. Always consult your physician before beginning a new treatment, diet, or fitness program. This information should not be considered complete, nor should it be relied on in diagnosing or treating a medical condition. Wheel of Life (WOL) Wheel of Life is a tool that is used for the member to rate 12 areas of life that may be affecting healthy lifestyle choices. The areas rated include: physical health, mental health, spirit health, relationship with significant other, relationship with children, relationship with extended family, home/physical environment, job/career satisfaction, financial health, recreation/ leisure time fun, and continued learning/ personal growth. Preventive Care In 2012, we started sending letters to our members identifying possible gaps in care associated with preventive care, heart disease, diabetes and asthma/COPD. Attached to the letters are fact sheets, which explain why preventive care is important for their health and an invitation to participate in health coaching. The professional health coaches routinely discuss “gaps in care” with their members. We have seen some change in preventive screening compliance rates as a result of both initiatives. Colorectal Screening Cervical Screening Breast Screening Hyperlipidemia- Lipid profile within 12 mos. Diabetes- A1C within 12 mos. Page 56 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP Compliance April 2014 Pool Mini 39.2% 46.0% 65.2% 72.4% 68.2% 71.1% 82.5% 89.0% 74.2% 84.1% Trend Desired Direction ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Diabetes- Lipid profile within 12 mos. Diabetes- annual screening for nephropathy Diabetes- screening for retinopathy IVD-Without lipid profile within 12 mos. CAD-Without lipid lowering drugs COPD-Without Spirometry Testing Asthma-Without inhaled corticosteroids Asthma-Adults-With inhaled corticosteroids Asthma-Peds-With inhaled corticosteroids Positive Fecal Occult Results Colorectal Screening Cervical Screening Breast Screening Hyperlipidemia- Lipid profile within 12 mos. Diabetes- A1C within 12 mos. Diabetes- Lipid profile within 12 mos. Diabetes- annual screening for nephropathy Diabetes- screening for retinopathy IVD-Without lipid profile within 12 mos. CAD-Without lipid lowering drugs COPD-Without Spirometry Testing Asthma-Without inhaled corticosteroids Asthma-Adults-With inhaled corticosteroids Asthma-Peds-With inhaled corticosteroids Positive Fecal Occult Results Compliance April 2014 Pool Mini 70.8% 83.1% 81.0% 81.9% 25.1% 26.7% 29.5% 17.6% 25.2% 41.5% 57.9% 77.3% Trend Desired Direction ↓↑ ↑ ↑ ↑↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ 91.1% 93.3% 91.1% 95.7% 0.038% (3 out of 77) ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ Compliance in July 2012 Compliance in July 2013 Pool Mini Pool Mini 39.3% 44.7% 38.6% 42.6% 55.1% 58.7% 64.7% 71.6% 51.9% 57.9% 64.1% 67.7% 70.1% 72.8% 86.6% 90.5% 70.3% 74.1% 73.2% 83.6% 70.32% 78.9% 72.4% 82.4% 51.9% 57.3% 80.9% 79.4% 20.1% 23.2% 23.4% 25.1% 29.8% 27.1% 26.7% 20.2% 25.8% 28.5% 26.0% 36.3% 63.2% 79.2% 62.2% 76.1% 33.9% 36.5% 13.4% 16% 66.1% 63.5% 86.6% 84.0% New Indicator 0.05% (16 out of 279) 0.05% (20 out of 374) Healthy Living Resources Healthy Living Guides Located on our website at Click the "Health Resources" link found in the Health & Wellness menu at the top. List of Health Guides Alcoholism Asthma Back Pain Bariatric Surgery Celiac Disease Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Chronic Pain Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Depression Financial Health Gout Grieving and Your Health Healthy Eating Healthy Eyes Healthy Pregnancy Hyperlipidemia Hypertension Irritable Bowel Syndrome Ischemic Heart Disease Men’s Health Mental Health Migraine Headaches Multiple Sclerosis Neuropathy Osteoarthritis Osteoporosis Physical Activity Rheumatoid Arthritis Skin Cancer Prevention Sleep Sleep Apnea Smoking Cessation Stress Management Suicide Prevention Type 2 Diabetes Weight Management Healthy Living Fact Sheets Located on our website at Click on the "Health and Wellness Tip of the Month" link on the first page. Month October November December January February March April May June July August Health Topic Breast Cancer Diabetes Managing the Season in Emotional and Physical Health Eye Health (glaucoma/cataract/retinopathy) Heart Disease Colorectal Cancer Skin Cancer Prevention Hypertension Men’s Health Dental Health Childhood Immunizations (flu/pneumonia/tetanus/shingles) Page 57 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP Tobacco Cessation Smoking Cessation Asthma Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Women’s Health Depression (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Month September Health Topic Eat Right and Exercise Other Resources Community Resources: List of helpful websites for community resources Practice Guidelines: List of websites for practice guidelines for health topics AFTER HOURS AND/OR WEEKEND MEDICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH CARE When we get sick we go to our doctor for treatment. What happens when the office is closed or we cannot get an appointment right away? When is the condition a medical emergency to be addressed by the emergency room? What happens if there is a mental health crisis? Primary Care Primary care physicians are typically the first point of care unless you are experiencing a life-threatening event. Overtime, they track your medical history; therefore, can provide care based on a more thorough knowledge of your condition. They can provide treatment of illnesses, minor injuries, and pains. They can also conduct physical exams, follow-up care, and specialist referrals. Some primary care physicians work in a multi-specialty clinic that provide after hours clinic. Some physician's offices offer limited hours on Saturday. Telemedicine Teladoc is the first and largest provider of telehealth medical consultation service in the United States, allowing over 3M members 24/7/365 on-demand access to affordable medical care via phone and online video consultations. How do I request a consultation to talk to a doctor? Log into your account at and click 'Request a Consult'. Or you can call 1-800-Teladoc anytime day or night. By phone or online video » Talk to a doctor anytime through the convenience of phone or online video consultations. Teladoc doctors can diagnose, prescribe medications, if necessary, for many conditions including allergies, cold and flu symptoms, ear infections and more. How quickly can I talk to the doctor? A doctor will call you back within 30 minutes, average is 22 minutes. If you miss the doctor’s call (whether you are away from the phone or you have anonymous call blocker on) you will be returned to the bottom of the waiting list. The consultation request is cancelled if you miss three calls. Can I provide the consultation information to my doctor? Yes, you have access to your portable electronic medical record at anytime. Download a copy from your online Teladoc account or call 1-800-Teladoc and ask to have you medical record mailed or faxed to you. How do I pay for Teladoc? You may pay with a credit card, debit card or ACH transfer from you checking account. The plan will pay $28.00 and the covered individual will be responsible for a $10.00 copay. All credit cards will be accepted. If you are accessing a high deductible benefit plan, the covered individual will be required to pay the $38.00 in full until the high deductible has been met. Remember copays do not accumulate to your deductible or out of pocket expenses. Page 58 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide How do I pay for a prescription called in by Teladoc? When you go to your pharmacy, of choice, to pick up the prescription your payment will be per your IEBP Medication Therapy Management Program. Medical History Disclosure Form Options Account Set-Up is required prior to electronic completion of Medical History Form: Medical Disclosures are active for twelve months from completion date. Online/Electronic Transmission: Open enrollment and submitted in bulk (Paper has 14-day turnaround time from receipt date) Faxed to (972) 661-2312 (Paper has 14-day turnaround time from receipt date) Completed over the phone ($12.00 covered individual out of pocket charge this is a personal preference and is not an eligible medical expense) Go to » Click ‘Set up account’ » Were you given a Teladoc username? Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ If the member selected ‘Yes’: Enter first name, last name, date of birth, username and hit ‘Continue’. The Teladoc system will then be able to uniquely identify the member based upon the provided information. If the member selected ‘No’: Enter first name, last name, date of birth, and hit ‘Continue’. The Teladoc system will then attempt to uniquely identify the member and provide access to the account. If the system is unable to uniquely identify the member, they may call 1-800-Teladoc and a customer service representative will be able to assist the member. Covered Individual Out of Pocket Cost - 9.1.14 Plan Years thereafter Group 1: IEBP Risk Business ($30 member/$10 plan) Group 2: IEBP Risk Business High Deductible Health Plan ($40 member) Group 3: IEBP Non-Risk Business ($30 member/$10 plan) Group 4: IEBP Non-Risk Business High Deductible Health Plan ($40 member) Telemedicine Access Simply log into your account or call the toll-free number to request a consult with a Teladoc doctor. A medical history form updated within the last twelve months will be required prior to a Teladoc consult. Services include: Primary Care Services, pharmacological services, mental health support provided by a primary care physician or dermatological consults with image of skin condition uploaded to Teladoc (rash, poison ivy, eczema, skin infections, ringworm, athlete’s foot, lice, shingles, mouth sores, fungal infection and/or acne. Your image will be saved and permanently be included in your medical history. Medication Prescriptions not prescribed by telemedicine consults: » DEA Controlled - (ex. narcotics) » Behavioral - (ex. mental health) » Lifestyle - (ex. erectile dysfunction) Page 59 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Medical information that is communicated in real-time with the use of interactive audio and video communications equipment, and is between the treating physician and/or a distant physician or health care specialist with the patient present during the communication. IEBP’s contracted telemedicine services via the convenience of phone or online, video consultation, diagnostic and/or medication management services for many conditions including allergies, cold and flu symptoms, ear infection and other minor medical conditions. Teladoc Overview Flyer Page 60 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide Teladoc Member FAQ Flyer Page 61 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15) Provider Access Provider Information Tool Guide In-store Clinic Some pharmacies and/or stores have an in-house clinics staffed with nurse practitioners and physician assistants. They can diagnose, treat and write prescriptions for common illnesses; administer common vaccinations; treat minor wounds, cuts, sprains, and some skin conditions; conduct physicals and wellness screenings. They are walk-in clinics which are typically open seven days a week 8 am to 8 pm. To minimize you’re out of pocket expenses, check the provider network for in network providers. Urgent Care Center Urgent care centers are after hour walk-in clinics. They are staffed with physicians that can provide non-emergency care when primary care physicians are not available. They provide immediate treatment for conditions such as minor sprains, strains, minor broken bones, infections, small cuts, sore throats, and rashes. To minimize you’re out of pocket expenses, check the provider network for in network providers. Emergency Department Emergency Departments offer inpatient care, emergency services, trauma services for life threatening conditions and late-night traumas. They treat severe conditions such as severe pain, heavy bleeding, large open wounds, sudden loss or blurred vision, chest pain, sudden numbness or paralysis, sudden weakness, trouble talking, major burns, loss of consciousness, head trauma, spinal injury, difficulty breathing, major broken bones, seizures, poisoning, or drug overdoses. If these conditions occur call 911 or immediately go to the emergency department. Emergency treatment that results in an inpatient or observation stay of 23 hours or more must be notified. Call the Medical Intelligence Care Management number on the Medical/Prescription ID card. Page 62 of 62 | TML MultiState IEBP (Rev 5.6.15)
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