TML MultiState Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool
TML MultiState Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool
TML MultiState Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool Innovative | MemberCentric | Competitive | Dedicated to Service | NCQA Accredited MultiState TML Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool Champion the Integrity of the Healthcare Dollar by Optimized Efficient Performance Based Outcome CON TE N TS From the Chairman 1 What is the TML MultiState Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool? 4 Member Equity Management 5 Available Benefits 7 Retiree Benefits 9 A Wellness Plan that Works! 10 Medical Intelligence 11 Medical Intelligence Sample Reports 14 Public/Private Network Alliance 16 External Clinical Specialty Independent Review Organization (IRO) | Evidence Based Medicine 17 Provider Network Transparency Sophistication Options 18 Telehealth | Healthiest You 19 Managed Care | Cost Efficiency 20 Health Information Technology (HITECH) 22 Regulatory Compliance and Reporting 26 Customer Care & Communication Tools 27 TML MultiState IEBP Milestones 28 From the Chairman TML MultiState Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool will champion the management of the integrity of the healthcare dollar by performance based outcome provider network service opportunities during the 2015-2016 Plan Year. The Texas and Oklahoma Political Subdivision Synergistic teamwork continues to be the most effective step in achieving the mission statement of the IEBP membership: “To provide excellent service offering competitive health benefits and administrative services to eligible municipalities and other governmental entities in Texas and other states by utilizing innovative, viable, affordable alternatives while maintaining financial integrity.” Claim Dollar Per Employee Per Year PY03-04 PY04-05 PY05-06 PY06-07 PY07-08 PY08-09 PY09-10 10,475 6,517 PY11-12 PY12-13 6,956 9,064 9,064 PY10-11 6,460 9,821 5,995 9,028 6,070 8,449 5,837 7,970 5,421 7,516 5,048 7,140 5,026 6,616 5,126 4,843 6,059 PPRPY 12,716 Industry Standard 12,118 11,786 11,961 Pool 12,829 Per Employee Per Year Claim Dollar PY13-14 Rolling 12 The Board of Trustees continues to be sensitive to the management of member equity within the benefit expansion of the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act (PPACA). 1 Dedicated to Service for Over 30 Years Investment Earnings, Rate Increase, and Equity Offset Membership Equity Return Reserve booked adjustment Investment Income Net Income from prior Plan Year Average Rate Increase Projected Claim Utilization Administrative Cost Administrative Cost with fees Medical Trend Prescription Trend Stop Loss Trend PPACA Administrative Fee 2015-2016 $0 $2,495,194 $2,123,457 ($6,564,952) 5.6% $165,630,978 10.02% 15.45% 6% 12% 8% 2014-2015 $806,891 $2,000,000 $2,235,939* $806,891 6.8% $146,241,900 10.65% 16.74% 6% 8% 30% 2013-2014 $5,288,203 $2,066,042 $3,183,804 $7,347,292 4.5% $134,028,025 10.41% 16.89% 7% 9% 30% 4.7% $120,872,471 10.52% 17.28% 7% 10% 30% Federal Liaison: $60,000 1.4% plus Federal Liaison: $175,000 1.88% plus Federal Liaison: $175,000 n/a *Budgeted 1 2012-2013 $3,055,684 $2,247,466 $2,974,554 $3,055,684 From the Chairman (continued) Pool Membership Rate Overview TML MultiState IEBP understands the impact of today’s economy and the challenges confronting our Membership. The IEBP Board strives to maintain the stability of healthcare rates as a primary deliverable to the Pool membership. With a 7.52% PPACA administrative cost increase, the Board was able to maintain healthcare increase in the single digits. Without the PPACA increase, rates would have decreased by 0.72% or remained flat. The Board appreciates the engagement of the Pool membership in maintaining the integrity of healthcare costs. 2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013 Average Rate Increase 5.6% 4% of Members did NOT get a rate increase 15% of Members received a decrease in rates 39% of Members had an increase under 5% 18% of Members had an increase between 5-10% 8% of Members had an increase between 11-15% 16% of Members had an increase over 15% IEBP Equity Return $806,891 Average Rate Increase 6.8% 2% of Members did NOT get a rate increase 7% of Members received a decrease in rates 38% of Members had an increase under 5% 28% of Members had an increase between 5-10% 5% of Members had an increase between 11-15% 20% of Members had an increase over 15% IEBP Equity Return $5,288,203 Average Rate Increase 4.5% 48% of Members did NOT get a rate increase 6% of Members received a decrease in rates 19% of Members had an increase under 5% 9% of Members had an increase between 5-10% 4% of Members had an increase between 11-15% 14% of Members had an increase over 15% 3.4 million IEBP investment income offset the cost YOUR healthcare Average Rate Increase 4.7% 26% of Members did NOT get a rate increase 7% of Members received a decrease in rates 16% of Members had an increase under 5% 29% of Members had an increase between 5-10% 9% of Members had an increase between 11-15% 13% of Members had an increase over 15% During the 2014-2015 plan year, TML MultiState IEBP obtained Interim NCQA Accreditation has been extended. NCQA consistently raises the bar of health plans today by a rigorous set of more than sixty (60) standards in more than forty (40) areas in order to earn a NCQA seal of approval. The IEBP will continue to deliver and promote services in the following qualitative NCQA categories. Access and Services Access to care and services needed Qualified Health Providers Access to performance based providers with covered individual satisfaction survey interface Staying Healthy Focus on detection of illness early and promotion of good health Getting Better Health plan services to provide resources for Membership to recover from illness Living with Illness Health Plan resources to assist covered individual in the management of a chronic disease state 2 From the Chairman (continued) Solution to Managing the Integrity of the Healthcare Dollar EcoSystem Interoperability is an ongoing focus for IEBP to ensure the electronic interchange between the delivery participants is updated and improved within the Health Information Technology endeavors. In addition, due to the regulatory administrative fees and regulatory reporting requirements, IEBP has recalibrated the organization to support the ongoing Affordable Care Act revisions. Administrative Strengths Public Employee Benefits Alliance (PEBA) The Standard: Life, LTD, STD, ADD Pre/Post Sixty-five Retiree Benefits Healthy Initiatives: Telehealth Deer Oaks: Employee Assistant Program Medical Home Model of Care Regulatory Compliance Standard Benefit Language Benefit Expansion Administrative Fees and Penalties Regulatory Reporting HIPAA Bill State Waiver HITECH/Ease of Access MyBenefits on Demand MyIEBP Mobile App Online Enrollment (OES) Online Enrollment Custom (OES Custom) Explanation of Benefits Customer Care Provider Network Look Up ICD-10 Compliant Protected Health Information External Security Administrative Audit Security Officer Reprint Requirements Covered Individual Authorization Approval Eligible Covered Individual Definition of eligible employee and dependent Supporting Documentation: Birth Certificate(s), Marriage certificates(s), Divorce Decrees(s), Adoption Placement, Foster Care Document(s), Legal Conservatorship/Guardianship, Incapacitated Child, Tax Records for Grandchild coverage, Death Certificate (s), Common Law Certificate(s), Loss of Coverage, Spouse Changes: Termination of Spouse’s, Spouse changes from full-time to part-time employment, Spouse takes an unpaid leave of absence, Significant Change (10% or more) in benefit coverage of Spouse’s plan MemberCentric/Engagement Medication Therapy Management Program Retail/Mail Generic Formulary Non-Formulary Cost Share Biosimilar Biotech/SpecialtyRx Step Therapy Prior Authorization Healthy Initiative Healthy Living Calendar Year Biometric Screenings Health Power Assessment Increase Awareness of Healthy Living Resources Data Analytic Gap in Care Reminder Correspondence Consumer Centered Pool Plan Section 125: Premium Only Plan, Grace Period 2 months and 15 days, $500 maximum unreimbursed medical carry over, annual unreimbursed amount 2015 $2,550.00 Health Reimbursement Arrangement Retiree Reimbursement Arrangement Health Savings Account GAP Benefit Plans Pre/Post Tax Employee Awareness Performance-Based Outcome Evidence Based Medicine Clinical Protocol Requirements NCI, NCCN Guidelines Premium Network/Tier 1 Experimental/Unproven Medically Justified Performance-Based Provider Network Premium Network/Tier 1 Preferred Provider Network Out of Network Secondary Network Professional Negotiation Reference-Based Pricing Patient Advocacy No Cost Share Benefits Preferred Lab Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) Medical Intelligence Data Analytics Provider Pricing Transparency Intake Notification Utilization Review Utilization Management Intensive Care Management HEDIS Category of Disease State Gaps in Care Management Professional Health Coaching IEBP will be working with the Political Subdivision Risk and Non Risk Membership in ongoing PPACA and Regulatory Reporting Compliance. The Board of Trustees continues to support the Political Subdivision pooling concept and now the synergy is more important due to the PPACA mandates and Regulatory Reporting requirements. Your trustees work diligently to ensure employees, dependents and retirees have access to affordable, minimum essential compliant benefits. Respectfully, James Stokes, Board Chairman 3 What is the TML MultiState Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool? Member Dedication Premium Only Plan, Standard Plan, Two month fifteen day Grace Period Plan, Maximum Unreimbursed Carry Over Plan, Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA), and Health Savings Account (HSA); and pre and post sixty-five retiree benefit plan options. The Pool consists of political subdivisions that join together through an Interlocal Agreement to provide health benefits to eligible employees, officials, retirees, and dependents. The longterm commitment of IEBP’s Members makes the organization successful. In 2014, the Pool serviced over 890 Member Employers. IEBP continues to focus on performance based medicine, membership growth, and the management of healthcare cost integrity. IEBP promotes active benefit plan engagement from the covered individual to achieve successful healthy lifestyles and health managed outcomes and a cost affordable rate. In the Summer of 2013, IEBP participated and received interim accreditation from the National Committee Of Quality Assurance (NCQA), a non-profit organization dedicated to improving health care quality by certifying healthcare organizations. NCQA is a nationally recognized evaluation that purchasers, regulators and consumers can use to assess health plans. The accreditation process evaluates how well a health plan manages all parts of the delivery system: physicians, hospitals, other providers and administrative services in order to improve and consistently provide the quality of benefit and services to their membership. From inception, the Pool’s purpose was to provide Texas political subdivisions with an alternative to the commercial insurance marketplace. Availability of healthcare benefits at a competitive price, coupled with excellent service is the main component of the Pool’s mission. As a result, the Board of Trustees closely reviews administrative costs and takes a very aggressive position towards cost management, Healthy Initiatives services, and effective managed care strategies. Healthcare is changing and IEBP continues to expand the focus on qualitative performance based healthcare benefits and outcomes to the membership. Board of Trustees History The Board is composed of up to twenty-four Trustees. Fifteen voting Trustees are elected to designated places corresponding to the separate Texas Municipal League Regions 2-16. Up to six additional voting Trustees at Large shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, with the approval of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees also includes three non-voting Ex-officio Trustees. The Pool operates under the authority of the Interlocal Cooperation Act and Chapter 172 of the Local Government Code, which established the Texas Political Subdivision Uniform Group Benefits Program. The Pool, through Interlocal Agreements, is able to provide health; dental; vision; life; long term and short term disability; Consumer Centered Benefit Plan Options: Section 125 (Flexible Spending Account) Options: Board Boardof of Trustees Trustees Trustees at Large Appointed by Chair Bill Storey Dr. Lew White Mike Slye Glen Metcalf Richard Browning Larry Fields Eddie Edwards City of Borger Michael Smith City of Jacksboro Leah Gore City of Gainesville David Riley City of Idalou Gayle Sims City of Waxahachie Brenda Samford City of Carthage Connie Standridge City of Corsicana Dru Gravens City of Crane Vice Chairman Stephen Haynes City of Brownwood Glenn Johnson City of Port Neches Vic Barnett City of Caldwell Chairman James Stokes City of Deer Park Joe Cardenas City of Uvalde Joe Hermes City of Edna Jorge Arcaute City of Alton 1 Dedicated to Service for Over 30 Years 4 Ex-officio Trustees Bennett Sandlin Terry Henley Andres Garza Member Equity Management Rate Stability Due to IEBP’s Integrity of Healthcare Dollar Management Plan Year Equity at Plan Year End 2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013 2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 2008-2009 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 $51,370 $51,340 $59,390,300 $58,144,870 $57,337,979 $54,559,496 $51,645,531 $55,634,126 $55,672,248 $62,523,386 $57,937,730 $51,573,649 $45,719,571 Cost Projection Average Rate Increase 5.6% 6.8% 4.5% 4.7% 3.4% 8.7% 1.6% 4.7% 4.7% 3.6% 16.1% 1.6% 8.5% Total over last 13 Plan Years: Annual Average: Equity Offset $0 $806,891 $5,288,202 $3,055,684 $1,469,346 $4,167,860 $3,988,595 $3,562,346 $3,613,745 $2,907,344 $0 $7,154,307 $6,879,523 $42,893,843 $3,299,526 Investment Revenue Earned FY IEBP Fund Stability Fund Total Annual Net Income 2012-2013 2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 2008-2009 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 $1,686,225 $5,061,169 $2,393,314 $3,589,147 $4,750,958 ($630,745) $4,321,698 $2,517,803 $2,188,777 $2,305,243 $1,288,329 $2,286,123 $662,370 $953,559 $794,322 ($1,163,091) $1,245,089 $718,310 $751,395 $752,439 $2,974,554 $7,347,292 $3,055,684 $4,542,706 $5,545,280 ($1,793,836) $5,566,787 $3,236,113 $2,940,172 $3,057,682 $806,891 $2,778,483 $2,913,965 ($3,988,595) ($38,122) ($6,851,138) $4,585,656 $6,364,081 $5,854,078 $3,174,180 Integrity Integrity of the Healthcare Dollar of and Healthcare Member Equity (inDollar millions) and Member Equity 62.50 58.00 55.70 55.60 51.60 42.50 51.60 54.60 57.50 58.10 51.34 45.70 45.23 37.40 33.50 10/0009/01 10/0109/02 10/0209/03 10/0309/04 10/0409/05 10/0509/06 10/0609/07 10/0709/08 5 Competitive | MemberCentric | Affordable | Innovative 1 10/0809/09 10/0909/10 10/1009/11 10/119/12 10/129/13 10/139/14 10/148/15 Member Equity Management (continued) High Dollar Claim Review $10,200,000 (10.2%) in Expanded Benefit Risk with discounts of about 6.12%. Total Patient Protection Affordable Care Act administrative and benefit costs increase healthcare contribution costs by an additional 7.52%. Plan Year 2014-15 Oct-Nov Number of Potential Covered Individuals Oct-Feb Number of Potential Covered Individuals Oct-March Number of Potential Covered Individuals Oct-Apr Number of Potential Covered Individuals Oct-July Number of Potential Covered Individuals $2.0 2 $2.0 2 $2.0 2 $2.0 2 $2.0 2 $2.05 1 $2.05 1 $2.05 1 $2.05 1 $2.05 1 $2.25 1 $2.25 1 $2.25 1 $2.25 1 $2.25 1 $2.5 1 $2.5 2 $2.5 2 $2.5 2 $2.5 3 $ Amount (in Millions) $2.55 $2.75 $3.0 $3.5 1 0 0 $2.55 $2.75 $3.0 $3.5 1 1 0 1 2.55 $2.75 $4.5 $5.0 1 1 3 1 2.55 $2.75 $4.5 $5.0 1 1 3 1 2.55 $2.75 $4.5 $4.75 1 1 3 1 $4.5 1 $4.5 2 $5.5 1 $5.5 1 $5.0 1 $5.0 1 $5.0 1 $5.5 1 $5.5 1 $7.50 1 $5.5 1 Satisfaction Survey Annually, IEBP respectfully requests the Membership to provide feedback regarding the services accessed. Membership feedback is extremely important to ensure IEBP staff maintains the focus of the Members they serve. Receptionist Billing & Eligibility Benefit Service Specialist 04-05 97.34% 97.51% 96.75% 05-06 99.28% 98.75% 97.77% 06-07 07-08 08-09 97.83% 98.62% 99.47% 97.12% 98.22% 98.98% 97.55% 97.34% 97.81% 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 98.38% 99.25% 99.55% 99.88% 97.96% 98.55% 97.59% 98.96% 97.14% 96.82% 97.77% 97.71% 13-14 14-15 99.57% 98.22% 98.84% 97.77% 98.25% 96.84% Phones 86.28% 92.86% 89.11% 91.24% 93.88% 93.14% 93.27% 94.29% 94.11% 92.05% 90.73% Website General 97.87% 86.32% 93.26% 92.93% 90.70% 90.26% 90.45% 88.17% 90.56% 92.12% 91.05% 90.40% 89.33% 88.36% 90.06% 92.18% 91.17% 93.00% 84.87% 75.42% 87.68% 90.80% Service Improvement Overall 95.88% 92.45% 97.61% 98.45% 95.67% 96.62% 96.65% 95.01% 97.79% 95.21% 96.10% 93.11% 96.52% 98.46% 97.93% 95.88% 96.85% 97.63% 95.13% 96.25% 97.67% 96.45% Overall Satisfaction Survey Results 98.45% 97.93% 96.52% 95.88% 96.85% 97.67% 12-13 13-14 96.45% 93.11% 92.45% 04-05 98.46% 97.63% 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 6 10-11 11-12 14-15 Available Benefits Comprehensive Major Medical Plans Telehealth Services Comprehensive Major Medical and Consumer Centered Preferred Provider Network (PPN) Plans with a number of deductible, copayment, benefit percentage, and out of pocket options. Telehealth medical consultation services is expanding in the United States, servicing approximately 3 million consumers. Access to care 24/7/365 on consumer demand via phone and online video consultations is delivered to the Pool membership by the value added addition of the telehealth benefit. Reduce Health Plan Claims Consumer Driven Healthcare Plans Defined benefit plans versus traditional plans focus on the development of a healthier employee population, which creates a healthier and more productive workforce. This program incorporates the following: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Section 125 Flexible Spending Arrangement (FSA) • Grace Period - 2 month and fifteen day extension • $500 Unreimbursed Healthcare Maximum Carry Over • Premium Only Plan • Prohibition of FSA Stand Alone Plans • Qualifying Event $500 Unreimbursed Healthcare Maximum Carry Over Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) • Prohibition of HRA Stand Alone Plans Retiree Reimbursement Arrangement (RRA) Health Savings Account (HSA)/High Deductible Plans • Prohibition of HRA Stand Alone Plans Consumer Centered Pool Plan Options Improve Ease of Access to Healthcare! 866-703-1259 The telehealth doctors are U.S. board certified providers in the field of Internal Medicine, Family Practice, Emergency Medicine, and Pediatrics. They average 15 years practice experience and are licensed in the state they provide services. Dedicated to Service for Over 30 Years 1 Telehealth services do not replace your primary care physician, but can be used when you need immediate physician care for nonemergent medical issues. The telehealth level of care is an affordable, more convenient alternative to urgent care and ER visits. Section 125 (Flexible Spending Arrangement) IEBP offers HIPAA Title II compliant paper and/or debit Section 125 administration services for premium only plans, dependent childcare and unreimbursed healthcare expenses. Effective Plan Years January 1, 2015 and thereafter, a cap on unreimbursed healthcare expenses of $2,550 was implemented per the regulatory mandate. The Employer Member has the option of a, the Section 125 Premium Only Plan; a two month, fifteen day Section 125 Grace Period Plan; or the $500 maximum unreimbursed medical only Section 125 Carry Over Plan. Discrimination Testing is also available. The covered individual will be responsible for completing a health history overview prior to receiving medical telehealth services. The doctors do not write orders for laboratory services, but will prescribe appropriate medications except for mental illness and narcotic medications. Consultations can be conducted in English or Spanish and are available to children and adults who are covered individuals under IEBP’s benefit plan. Alternate Medical Plans IEBP requires 100% employee participation for healthcare benefits except for employees who have health coverage through a spouse, the military, or through a retirement plan. This plan is for the employees only and not for their dependents. IEBP offers four Alternate Plan options. The Alternate Plan must coordinate with the employee’s core benefit plan. Council is required to meet the 100% participation requirement. Medication Therapy Management Program IEBP, Pharmacy Benefit Manager, Attending Physician, IEBP Medical Management Team, community Pharmacist, and the covered individual will work together to provide a progressive Medication Therapy Management Program for political subdivisions. IEBP’s Medication Therapy Management Program will enhance the covered individual’s ability as an educated consumer regarding evidence based prescription utilization. IEBP works closely with evidence based medicine subject matter experts to ensure the Medication Therapy Management Program is clinically supported by pharmaceutical alternatives based on the covered individual’s choice. 7 Available Benefits (continued) Three Dental Plans with Voluntary Options Coverage for prescriptions and biotech/biosimilar prescriptions that are available through the Pharmacy Benefit Manager will be paid per the prescription Summary of Benefits and Coverage. Eligible biotech/biosimilar prescriptions may be purchased from network providers per the prescription Summary of Benefits and Coverage. For eligible prescriptions purchased outside of the Pharmacy Benefit Manager or the network providers, the plan will pay at the out of network benefit percentage and will not, at any time, pay at 100% for any prescription services under the out of pocket provision of the Plan. The plan includes several copay options to allow the educated consumer to manage their out of pocket expense. The Dental 2 Plan is a scheduled benefit plan with no deductible for preventive services and a $50 accumulated calendar year deductible for basic and major services. The maximum benefit is $1,200 per covered individual per calendar year. Mandatory and voluntary benefit options are available. The Dental 3 Plan includes coverage for preventive services at 100% with no deductible. Basic services are paid at 80% and major services at 50%, subject to a $50 calendar year deductible and a $2,000 per year maximum. Orthodontic coverage is included for dependents under the age of 19 with a $3,000 lifetime maximum. Pharmacy Benefit Manager Administrative Services ¾ The Dental 4 Plan includes coverage for preventive services at 100% with no deductible. Basic services are paid at 80% and major services at 50%, subject to a $50 calendar year deductible and a $1,500 per year maximum. Mandatory and voluntary benefit options are available. Effective Cost Management Pricing • Maximum Allowable Cost (MAC) • Average Wholesale Pricing (AWP) • Average Sales Pricing (ASP) • Reference Pricing Two Vision Plans with Voluntary Options Involves designs where plans pay a fixed price for a particular procedure which certain providers will accept as payment in full. The goal is to negotiate cost effective arrangements with high quality providers. Plans may have a reference based pricing program where they do not count amounts above the reference price paid by participants toward the out-of-pocket limit. Plans would treat providers who accept the reference amount as the plans’ only in network providers and would have to use a reasonable method to ensure that it provides adequate access to high quality providers. ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Vision Plan A provides up to $65 for an annual eye examination and a scheduled amount for frames, lenses or contact lenses. Vision Plan B provides up to $85 for an annual eye examination and a scheduled amount for frames, lenses or contact lenses. Mandatory and voluntary benefit options are available for both Vision plans. Group Term Life, AD&D and Voluntary AD&D Group Term Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage for employees and their dependents is available to IEBP Members. Basic Life includes an Accelerated Death Benefit. Optional Life Benefits include additional life, dependent life, and retiree life benefits. MAC A Plan If a brand name drug is dispensed and a generic alternate drug exists, the covered individual pays the difference between the brand name and generic price in addition to the appropriate copayment for the brand name. The cost difference between the brand name and generic price does not apply to any individual deductibles or out of pocket amounts. The MAC differential applies to all prescriptions purchased through this program when a generic alternate is available. Long Term and Short Term Disability IEBP offers long term and short term disability benefits that provide protection from loss of income when an employee can no longer work. Voluntary and Supplemental Benefit Options ¾ MAC C Plan Covered individual will pay the appropriate copayment amount of the prescription. Voluntary benefit options: • Cancer Supplemental Policy • Accidental Supplemental Benefits • Critical Care Supplemental Policy ¾ Prior Authorization, Step Therapy, and Cost Share Evidence Based Management Services are provided. Supplemental benefit option: • Employee Assistance Program COBRA Continuation of Coverage Administration IEBP offers COBRA Continuation of Coverage administration and will mail notification letters, provide participant direct billing services, maintain records, and monitor and implement regulatory changes. COBRA Continuation of Coverage is a temporary extension of coverage under the Plan, as well as other health coverage alternatives that may be available to you through the Health Insurance Marketplace. Tiered Copay Options enhance the management of the covered individual’s out of pocket expenses. • Over the Counter (OTC) • Retail Network Options • Generic - Retail and Mail • Best Brand Price Drug List (Formulary) - Retail and Mail • Non Best Brand Price List (Non Formulary) - Retail and Mail • Cost Share Copay - Retail and Mail • Biotech/Biosimilar - Mail 34 day dispensement 8 Retiree Benefits Pre Sixty-five Retiree Benefit Program Post Sixty-five Retiree Plans The IEBP Pre Sixty-five Retiree Pool and the IEBP active employee Pool that services some pre sixty-five retirees are considered an “employment-based health plan” that is certified for participation in the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program. The Early Pre Sixty-five retiree must meet the definition of a retiree from the prior political subdivision employer. IEBP offers two plan options for post sixty-five retirees who are Medicare A and B eligible. ¾ ¾ Medicare Advantage Plan Medicare Supplemental Plan that may be expanded to include a Medicare Part D prescription plan Retiree Benefit Plan Options Personal Profile: Pre and Post 65 Retiree Pre 65 Retirees Needs Assessment: Post 65 Retiree Plan Type Education Post 65 Retirees Employer Plan Extend Health Plan Presentation Wrap-up & Expectation Setting Enrollment Insuraprise Employer Plan Pre 65 Pool: Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Medicare A: Hospital Insurance Medicare B: Medical Insurance HMO Advantage Plans Medicare C: Choice Plus/Medicare Advantage Plan Medicare Supplemental Plans Medicare D: Prescription Benefit Medicare Exchange Plans Medicare Advantage with Part D Plan 2016 HMO Service Areas and Monthly Rates Rates Include HMO Advantage and Part D Plans Medicare Supplemental 2016 HMO Option 1: Full Gap Coverage - Formulary H Austin, TX: $391.12 Counties: Bell, Travis, Williamson Houston, TX: $351.33 Counties: Austin, Brazoria, Fort Bend, Hardin, Harris, Jefferson, Liberty, Montgomery Other (TX): $295.82 Counties: Corpus Christi: Nueces, San Patricio; Dallas/Fort Worth: Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Rockwall, Tarrant counties; San Antonio: Atascosa, Bexar, Comal, Guadalupe, Kendall, Wilson Oklahoma (OK): Census Required for Underwriting Counties: Canadian, Cleveland, Oklahoma, Pottawatomie HMO Option 2: Tier 1 Generic Gap Coverage Formulary G Austin, TX: $279.66 Counties: Bell, Travis, Williamson Houston, TX: $232.58 Counties: Austin, Brazoria, Fort Bend, Hardin, Harris, Jefferson, Liberty, Montgomery Other (TX): HMO Option 2 Not Available Oklahoma (OK): Census Required for Underwriting Counties: Canadian, Cleveland, Oklahoma, Pottawatomie Part D Options 2016 Deductible Copay Retail Mail Service Initial Coverage Limit TrOOP Threshold Catastrophic Coverage over TrOOP Benefits "Plan Pays" Part A and Part B Calendar Year Plan Deductible Part A and Part B MOOP Annual Limit (Medicare copayments, coinsurance and deductibles) Lifetime Policy Maximum Part A - Hospital (Part A Deductible) - Days 1 - 60 Part B - Durable Medical Equipment Part B - Medicare Part B Deductible (Applicable to Part B DME) Part B - DME Remainder of Medicare Approved Amounts (After Part B Deductible Has Been Met) Part B - Medicare Part B Deductible (Applicable to Part B Medical Services) Part B - Medical Services Remainder of Medicare Approved Amounts (After Part B Deductible Has Been Met) Part B Excess Charges - (the difference between Medicare allowable amount and up to 115% of Medicare allowable amount) Foreign Travel Supplement Plan: Plan F Monthly Rate* $225.68 Prescription Plan: Not included in price Service Area: National Rate: Composite Employer Funding Requirement: None Supplement Plan: Plan K Monthly Rate* $128.95 Prescription Plan: Not included in price Service Area: National Rate: Composite Employer Funding Requirement: None Plan F Plan K N/A N/A N/A N/A $4620 per year (2010 amount shown) N/A Covered 100% by Plan Covered 50% by Plan Covered 100% by Plan Not Covered Remainder After Medicare Payment Covered 100% by Plan. Remainder After Medicare Payment Covered 50% by Plan. Covered 100% by Plan Not Covered Remainder After Medicare Payment Covered 100% by Plan. Remainder After Medicare Payment Covered 50% by Plan. Covered 100% by Plan Not Covered Medically Necessary Emergency Care Services, applicable only during the first six months of each trip outside of the United States. The monthly rate is per Retiree. The Retiree needs to be entitled to Medicare Parts A & B, and continue to pay the Part B premium. Option 1 | Formulary H Monthly Rate: $206.34 $0 Full Gap Coverage: Member pays same copays for all Rx through the coverage gap. 31 day supply: $5/$25/$60/33% 90 day supply: $10/$50/$120/33% $3,310 $4,850 Generics $2.95 or 5% / all other drugs $7.40 or 5% (greater amount of) 9 Option 2 | Formulary G Monthly Rate: $78.02 $0 Tier 1 Gap Coverage: Member pays same copays for Tier 1 Generic Rx through the coverage gap. Member pays discounted cost for Rx. 31 day supply: $5/$25/$60/33% 90 day supply: $10/$50/$120/33% $3,310 $4,850 Generics $2.95 or 5% / all other drugs $7.40 or 5% (greater amount of) A Wellness Plan that Works! Healthy Initiatives HealthPlan The Healthy Initiatives HealthPlan encompasses wellness, medical management, chronic care management, and professional health coaching services to provide resources for the covered individual who is personally health engaged. Many of the leading causes of death and illness can be effectively managed through early detection, proper medical treatment, pharmacological management, and behavioral intervention and support. Year Healthy IniƟaƟves HealthPlan • Calendar 2016 Access your Health Power Assessment by signing in at and selecting Healthy Initiatives and then Health Power Assessment. Personal Health Record For Covered Individual’s Personal File NAME Male Female Date of Birth Access your Personal Health Record and Health Power Assessment by logging in at 1. When did you have your blood work done? mm/dd/yy Normal Heart Rate 60-80 beats/min 2. What is your height? feet inches 3. What is your weight? pounds Normal Body Mass Index (BMI) 19-24% 4. What is your waist measurement? inches 5. What is your blood glucose? Less than 100 mg/dL 100-125 mg/dL 126 mg/dL or higher Normal Impaired/Pre-diabetes Diabetes 6. What is your blood pressure? Less than 120/80 120-139 140 or higher Optimal Pre-hypertension High Blood Pressure 7. What is your total cholesterol? Less than 200 mg/dL 200-239 mg/dL 240 mg/dL or higher Optimal Borderline High High Cholesterol 8. What is your LDL (bad) cholesterol? Less than 115 mg/dL 115-159 mg/dL 160 mg/dL or higher Optimal Borderline High High What is your HDL (good) cholesterol? Less than 40 mg/dL for men and 50 mg/dL for women increases the risk of heart disease. 9. Less than 150 mg/dL 150-199 mg/dL 200 mg/dL or higher 10. What is your triglyceride level? The interface of medical, prescription, lab and health risk assessment information is critical to IEBP’s ability to provide the Membership with appropriate professional healthcare support. The Healthy Initiatives HealthPlan works with the covered individual to identify solutions to healthcare concerns. IEBP’s Healthy Initiatives HealthPlan should assist in patient care compliance and the promotion of healthy living guidelines for the employee and dependent population. IEBP will implement integrated data and reporting along with customized supportive services that help covered individuals achieve behavior changes and long-term healthy lifestyles. If you are 18 years of age or older, upon completion of your calendar year biometrics and Health Power Assessment, you will receive a $150.00 Healthy Initiatives incentive check, a Healthy Initiatives confirmation letter, and a personal health profile. Normal Borderline High High Calendar Year Benets Effec�ve January 1, 2016 for Plan Year 2015-16 AGE & GENDER BIOMETRIC SCREENINGS Health Power Assessment Questionnaire Preventive Office Visit | CPT 99385-99397 Lipid Panel | CPT 80061 Comprehensive Metabolic Blood Panel CPT 80053 TSH | CPT 84443 PSA | CPT 84152-84154 Fecal Occult (including colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy as a qualifer) | CPT 82270 Mammogram (*one (1) per calendar year for Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Male Male Male Male 18-29 30-35 36-39 40-49 50 51-73 74+ 18-39 40-50 51-70 71+ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X females ages 40-49; **one every two (2) calendar years for females ages 50-73) | CPT 77052, 77057 PAP (every three (3) calendar years for females ages 30-50) | CPT 88141; 88155, 88142-88154; 88164-88167, 88174-88175 X X X X X X X X X X X* X** X** X X X X The TML MultiState Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Plan is a non-Federal governmental health plan that has elected to be exempted from the HIPAA Title I prohibitions against discriminating against individual participants and beneficiaries based on health status. Therefore, the rules regarding Nondiscrimination and Wellness Programs in Health Coverage in the Group Market do not apply to this plan. The program includes age and gender based biometric screenings, a Health Power Assessment, a Personal Health Record, and an incentive program for Healthy Initiatives calendar year compliance. The biometric screenings will be paid at 100% of the network fee or at the usual and reasonable rate for non network providers. Upon completion of your calendar year biometric screenings and Health Power Assessment, a personal health profile will be provided to the covered individual to assist them in their ongoing engagement to a healthy lifestyle. 10 Medical Intelligence Intake Personnel Non-licensed personnel who receive all medical management incoming calls regarding notifications, pre-determination, concurrent review, and retrospective review inquiries. The event is assigned to a Nurse and entered into the medical management operating system. The Intake staff retrieve and mail all outgoing letters. They also are responsible for sending declination letters on new inpatient/outpatient requests, within established NCQA guidelines, that do not have the clinical information for review. Utilization Review LVN Responsible for accurate and timely processing requests for Imaging, Durable Medical Equipment, and Ancillary Services (Home Health, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, etc.). This position also provides back-up for the Intake Staff. They utilize Interqual (National Evidence Based Medicine Guidelines) for evidence based medicine review of requested services. They interact with the Medical Director and IROs as necessary to process requested services; when Interqual’s evidence based medicine criteria is not met. Their main point of contact is Practitioners and Facilities. Refers covered individuals to Case Management or Healthcare Coaching for assistance with personal management of health and wellbeing. Utilization Review RN Responsible for accurate and timely processing requests, to include pre-service, retrospective review, and concurrent review, for Inpatient and Outpatient events. They utilize Interqual (National Evidence Based Medicine Guidelines) for evidence based medicine review of requested services. They interact with the Medical Director and IROs as necessary to process requested services; when Interqual’s evidence based medicine criteria is not met. Their main point of contact is Practitioners and Facilities. Refers covered individuals to Case Management or Healthcare Coaching for assistance with personal management of health and wellbeing. Utilization Management RN – Catastrophic Care Responsible for managing catastrophic cases (Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, Transplants, NICU Babies, Brain Injuries, Multiple Trauma, etc.) that require intensive management. Responsible for accurate and timely processing of requests for all events/services. They utilize National Evidence Based Medicine Guidelines, i.e., Interqual, NCI (National Cancer Institute), NCCN (National Comprehensive Cancer Network), etc. for evidence based medicine review of requested events/services. They interact with the Medical Director and IROs as necessary to process requested services; when evidence based medicine criteria from national criteria guidelines is not met. They are responsible for educating the Practitioners regarding the oncology review process. These Nurses work with Patients, Families, Practitioners, Facilities, Employers, Stop Loss, Partners, and Vendors to facilitate patient care. Refers covered individuals to Case Management or Healthcare Coaching for assistance with personal management of health and wellbeing. Medical Review/Appeals Nurse Responsible for reviewing all Pre-Determinations and Retrospective Reviews (that have never been assigned to a UR LVN/RN). Investigates Genetic Testing and questionable requests for evidence based medicine status i.e., experimental/ investigational. A letter will be sent to the individual requesting the review; if the inquiry is related to a medical necessity issue. Provides support for coding (ICD-9, ICD-10, CPT, HCPCs) questions, upgrades, changes, etc. Refers covered individuals to Case Management or Healthcare Coaching for assistance with personal management of health and wellbeing. Definitions Notification Telephone call to Medical Management Intake Personnel to request review of a pre-admission/pre-service event. The request is entered into the Medical Management operating system and assigned to a Nurse for evidence based medicine review. The determination will be communicated via telephone/fax to the requesting practitioner or facility. A letter will be sent to the Practitioner, Facility, and Covered Individual. Retrospective Review Review of an admission/outpatient/service/durable medical equipment/ancillary event, when notification was not obtained prior to the event. The review is assigned to a Nurse for evidence based medicine review. The determination will be communicated via a letter to Practitioner, Facility, and Covered Individual. Concurrent Review On-going review of services provided during an inpatient admission, after the initial admission has been approved, for medical necessity and level of care determinations. Services may be provided in an inpatient healthcare facility, i.e., hospital, skilled nursing facility, long term acute care, rehabilitation facility, etc. The determination will be communicated via telephone/fax to the facility and via a letter to Practitioner, Facility, and Covered Individual. Case Management IEBP offers our covered individuals and their family access to a case manager. Case Management is designed to coordinate care and services for those who have experienced a critical event or diagnosis. The goal of case management is to help covered individuals regain their optimum health or improve their functional ability. Case Management is an Opt In program. Covered individuals, their family, a practitioner, and/or a facility may refer by calling a case manager at 1-888-818-2821 Option #10. Enrollment can also be done online. A case manager may reach out to individuals who have been identified by our utilization review nurses, claims, practitioners, etc. A nurse case manager will assess, plan, implement, coordinate, monitor and evaluate options and services required to meet individual needs. Assistance will be provided with obtaining resources and facilitating communication between providers. Support is also provided to the patient and family. 11 Medical Intelligence (continued) The Intensive Care Management staff consists of Licensed Professional Nurses. The nurses have years of experience in healthcare and know the importance of not intruding in the doctor/patient relationship. By promoting healthcare alternatives that are acceptable to the covered individual, their doctors and employer, Intensive Care Management helps to control healthcare costs and use benefits wisely. ¾ Heart Rate/Pulse: The number of heart beats per minute. A lower heart rate suggests better cardiovascular fitness and more efficient heart function. ¾ Blood Pressure: The force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood. If this pressure rises and stays high over time, it can damage the body in many ways. High blood pressure is a serious condition that can lead to coronary heart disease, heart failure, stroke, kidney failure and other health problems. ¾ Total Cholesterol: A waxy substance that is produced in the liver or may be consumed in food. The body produces the necessary amount of cholesterol to make hormones, vitamin D, and digestive substances. When excess amounts of cholesterol are present in the blood stream, it begins to be deposited on the artery walls resulting in the narrowing of the arteries and decreasing blood supply to the heart. Often, an individual with high cholesterol does not have any signs or symptoms; it may result in raising your blood pressure. ¾ LDL Cholesterol: Referred to as “bad or lousy” cholesterol as excess amounts leads to plaque growth and atherosclerosis. Higher levels of LDL cholesterol increase your chance of a heart attack. Eating a diet lower in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fiber and plant based (vegetables/fruits/ beans/legumes) can lower help lower LDL level. Aerobic physical activity also lowers LDL and increases HDL. ¾ HDL Cholesterol: Referred to as “healthy or good” cholesterol. HDL cholesterol acts to remove bad cholesterol from the blood stream. A high HDL level reduces your risk of heart disease; low levels of HDL increases your risk of heart disease. HDL levels can be raised by aerobic physical activity, becoming tobacco free and maintaining a healthy weight. Telephonic Outreach Program Based on clinical stratification, covered individuals will be identified as potential high risk per the predictive risk scores per the HEDIS categories of disease states. Educational Mailings IEBP’s cover letter includes the name and number of their Professional Health Coach and the invitation for members to call if they would like additional information. Population Health Coaching Engagement Population Health Engagement supports members in all stages of health. This program provides information to the covered individual regarding healthy lifestyle choices and management of chronic disease states. The program offers personalized professional coaching to support the healthy lifestyle of change and plan of action. Online tools and educational materials are available to covered individuals. The population health engagement team consists of a multidisciplinary team of licensed professional nurses, counselors, registered dietitians and certified diabetes educators. Heart Health Biometrics Heart disease remains the number one cause of death in the United States for both men and women. Living a healthy life may reduce your risk of heart disease (which includes coronary artery disease, hyperlipidemia, and high blood pressure). Commonly ordered provider services monitor the health of your heart include: 12 Medical Intelligence (continued) ¾ Triglycerides: Another type of fat in your blood. High levels can raise your risk of heart disease and maybe a sign of metabolic syndrome. Triglycerides are usually caused by: obesity, poorly controlled diabetes, hypothyroidism, kidney disease, and alcohol. Certain medications may also raise triglycerides. agement Service Team can effectively identify the covered individuals that could benefit from a personal health coach. The program provides resources that support the covered individual’s healthy lifestyle choices in areas of nutritional, emotional, social, intellectual, financial and spiritual wellbeing. Comprehensive Metabolic Profile Biometrics ¾ This blood test measures: glucose, electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, carbon dioxide), kidney function (BUN, creatinine, eGFR) and liver function [albumin, total protein, AST (SGOT), ALT (SGPT)]. ¾ Kidney Health: The kidneys filter water and waste products from the blood to form urine. Commonly ordered labs that monitor kidney function are part of the comprehensive metabolic profile, specifically sodium, potassium, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum creatinine, and calcium. It is important to talk to your attending physician about your results. ¾ Endocrine Health: The endocrine system is made up of eight major glands in the body. The glands produce hormones which help regulate body functions such as digestion, breathing, body temperature, reproduction, elimination, blood circulation, sexual function, mood and growth and development. Diabetes is one of the most common diseases of the endocrine system. Commonly ordered labs that monitor endocrine health are glucose, hemoglobin A1C, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and prostate specific antigen (PSA). It is important to talk to your attending physician about your results. ¾ Glucose, serum (blood): This measures the amount of sugar or glucose in your blood. It is a test that can diagnose diabetes or determine how well diabetes is controlled. ¾ Liver Health: The liver is an organ that has many functions including: metabolizing the food, beverages, medications, over the counter medications and supplements that we ingest, makes proteins, excretes bile and stores glycogen/ Vitamins D, A, B12 and trace elements. Commonly ordered labs that monitor liver function are part of the comprehensive metabolic profile, specifically albumin, total protein, ALT (SGPT), and AST (SGOT). It is important to talk to your attending physician about your results. ¾ Opt In: Enrollment method by which members call the professional health coaching line and request a professional healthcare coach or agree to coaching upon receiving an outreach call or letter. Healthcare providers may refer their patient to a professional health coach or they can call in a referral to (888) 818-2822. ¾ Case Findings: Case Findings are currently done monthly for each program. A Case Finding identifies members for each disease management program based on medical, prescription and/or lab value claim data information. The information is stratified into risk index. Once the information is stratified, the Multidisciplinary Medical Care Man- Modules of Care: Modules provide an organized collection of information needed by members to help them achieve a desired health goal. Modules ensure that material is presented completely and in a coherent fashion to help members understand their disease(s) process(es). Modules provide evidence based guidance for coaching sessions thus aiding coaches in focusing on the member’s educational needs and stated goal. Modules/practice guidelines arose from frequently stated health goals such as quitting smoking, losing weight, or managing diabetes as well as the medical conditions reflected in the IEBP demographics. At present time, modules include: Asthma, COPD, Depression, Diabetes, High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Risk of Alcohol Use, Tobacco Cessation, and Weight Loss. 13 TARGET OF HEALTH Medical Intelligence Sample Reports HEALTHCARE TARGET OF SUCCESS MEASUREMENT - HEDIS REPORTS HEDIS | Sample Pool HEDIS: June Report 2012-July 2013 Group Name POOL Asthma Mbr Count 664 Asthma % of Total Mbrs 3.2% Breast Cancer Member Count 62 Breast Cancer % of Total Mbrs 0.3% CV Mbr Count 4,108 CV % of Total Mbrs 19.9% Colorectal Cancer Member Count 41 Colorectal Cancer % of Total Members 0.2% COPD % of Total Mbrs 1.1% COPD Mbr Count 218 Depression Member Count 644 Depression % of Total Mbrs 3.1% Diabetes Member Count 1,592 Diabetes % of Total Members 7.7% Female Female Organ Cancer Organ Cancer Mbrs in Member % of Total Eligibility Count Members Period 27 0.1% 20,632 BODY MASSHEDIS: INDEX Mini-Pool June(BMI) 2012-July 2013 BIOMETRICS SUMMARY REPORTS Breast Breast Colorectal Biometrics Summary | Sample Report Number of Members and % of Total Members tested Colorectal broken downCOPD by Body Mass Index (BMI) and GroupFemale Pool: June 2012-July 2013 Asthma Asthma Cancer Cancer % CV CV % Cancer Cancer % COPD % of Depression Depression Diabetes Diabetes Organ Cancer Group Name. Name MINI Group Mbr % of Total CountScreening Mbrs 552 Result 3.7% Member BMI of Total Count % ofMbrs Total 0.4% # of66 Mbrs Mbr of Total Member of Total sugar Mbr CHOLESTEROL Glucose/Blood Count Mbrs Count Members Count % of Total % of Total 2,358 # of 15.8%Mbrs 25 # of 0.2% Mbrs117 Total Mbrs 0.8% # of Female Organ Cancer Mbrs in Member % of Total HgbA1c Member % of Total Member % of Total Eligibility HDL LDL TRIGLYCERIDES Count Count Members Count % of Total Mbrs % of Total % of Total Members % ofPeriod Total 493 3.3% 937 16 14,944 Mbrs # of Mbrs 6.3%# of Mbrs #0.1% of Mbrs The filter keeps the Subscriber Status keepsTested Active, COC, Retired NameLab Result NormalStatusMbrs Tested Current Mbrs andTested Mbrs Tested Filter Mbrs Mbrs andTested Mbrs Tested Mbrs Tested Pre65E HEDIS: 2013 POOL Normal June 2012-July 270 17.72% 1,716 66.64% 1,876 64.89% 1,562 60.97% 128 17.80% 1,084 42.48% 1,671 65.22% Colorectal Colorectal COPD Female Female Body MassOutside Indexof(BMI)Breast Breast Asthma Asthma 1,254 Cancer 82.28% Cancer % CV Cancer % COPD % of Depression Cancer Organ Mbrs in Normal 859 CV % 33.36%Cancer 1,015 35.11% 1,000 39.03% Depression 591 Diabetes 82.20%Diabetes 1,469Organ57.56% 891Cancer 34.78% Below Group 18.5: MbrLimits % of Underweight Total Member of Total Mbr of Total Member of Total Mbr Total Member % of Total Member % of Total Member % of Total Eligibility Name Total Count Mbrs Count 100.00% Mbrs Count Count 2,891 Members Count Mbrs Count Period Grand 1,524 2,575 Mbrs 100.00% 100.00% 2,562 Count 100.00% Mbrs 719 100.00%Members 2,552 Count 100.00% Members 2,562 100.00% 18.5 - 24.9: Normal P65E 1 1.1% 1 1.1% 0 Normal 0.0% 3370 0.0% 19.96% 36 40.4% 1 1.1% 66.7% 66.27% 0 2,060 4 4.5% 3 3.4% 14 15.7% 0 0.0% 89.00 0.0% 68.60% 0 0.0% 1,699 063.44% 0.0% 116 0 20.49% 0.0% 1,119 0 41.85% 0.0% 1,828 3.00 68.13% 50.00% 12 50.00% 1 9.09% 11 45.83% 14 58.33% 50.00% 12 50.00% 10 90.91% 13 54.17% 10 41.67% 100.00% 24 100.00% 11 100.00% 24 100.00% 24 100.00% 25.0 - 29.9: Overweight Mini-Pool: June 2012-July 2013 30.0 - 39.9: Obese Pre65I HEDIS: June 2012-July 2013 BMI CHOLESTEROL Glucose/Blood sugar HDL HgbA1c LDL TRIGLYCERIDES Body Mass Index (BMI) | Sample Report Colorectal Breast Breast Colorectal COPD Female Female 40.0 - above: Morbid Obesity Screening % of Total %CVof%Total Cancer % of Total % of Total % of Total % of Total % of Total Asthma Asthma Cancer Cancer % CV Cancer % COPD % of Depression Depression Diabetes Diabetes Organ Cancer Organ Cancer Mbrs in of Mbrs #Mbr ofMembers Mbrs Member # of broken Mbrs down #by of Body Mbrs # of (BMI). Mbrs The #Lab of Result Mbrs Status # of Mbrs Number ofResult Members and % Total Tested Mass Index filter Eligibility keeps Group Mbr % of Total # Member ofof Total of Total of Total Mbr Total Member % of Total Member % of Total Member % of Total Group Name Normal Mbrs Tested Mbrs Tested Count Mbrs Members TestedCount Mbrs Mbrs Tested Mbrs Mbrs Count Tested Members Mbrs Tested Mbrs Tested Name Count Mbrs Count Mbrs Count Mbrs Count Count Members Period Pool: JuneThe 2012-July 2013Status filter keeps Active, COC, and Retired. Current. Subscriber P65I MINI 2 1,780 BMI Drill-down for POOL Body Mass Index (BMI) 2013 June 2012--July July 201333.73% 1,351 June 80.04% 9062014 943 31.40% 979 36.56% 450 18.5 79.51% Underweight 1,557 58.23% 855 31.87% Below Body Mass Index Number of % of Total 18.5 - 24.9 Normal 1,688 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 566 100.00% 2,674 100.00% 2,683 100.00% (BMI)2,686 100.00% Members3,003 Members Tested 2,678 25.0 - 29.9 Overweight POOL Underweight 14 0.9% 30.0 - 39.9 Obese Pre 65: June 2012-July 2013 Normal 270 17.7% 40.0 & Over Morbid Obesity BMI sugar HDL HgbA1c LDL TRIGLYCERIDES Overweight CHOLESTEROL497 Glucose/Blood 32.6% TML Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool Page 3 of 57 Screening % Board of Total %under of Total of Total % ofother Total % of Total % or ofConsultant, Total or TML IEBP staff%without of Total The information provided to you as a TML IEBP Member is confidential federal Divulging this information to any person than another Board Member, the Board’s General Counsel Obese 584 law and regulations.%38.3% proper written authorization from the covered person is a violation of those regulations. You should also consult with either the General Counsel or the TML IEBP Executive Director before releasing this information to anyone. Group Result # of Morbid Mbrs Obesity # of Mbrs159 # of Mbrs # of Mbrs # of Mbrs # of Mbrs # of Mbrs 10.4% Name Normal Mbrs Tested Mbrs Tested Mbrs Tested Mbrs Tested Mbrs Tested Mbrs Tested Mbrs Tested Grand Total 1,524 100.0% Outside of Normal Group Name Limits Grand Total P65E Normal 2 14.29% 13 54.17% 14 Outside of Normal 12 85.71% 11 45.83% 14 Mini-Pool: June 2012-July 2013 Limits Gaps in Care Letter Campaign | Sample Report Plan Year 2011-2012 BMI Drill-down for MINI Grand Total 14 100.00% 24 100.00% 28 June 2012 - July CV 2013 Preventive Care Asthma Group Name Body Mass Index of 2012 Mar 2012 Number June Nov 2013 2012 2014 2014 % of Total (BMI) 304 Members729 Members Tested Pool 11 MINI Underweight158 12 369 0.7% Mini-Pool 12 Normal 337 20.0% Pre 65 1 2 Overweight 576 34.1% ASOs Obese 617 36.6% HEALTH Brenham COACHING SURVEY 4 1 Morbid Obesity 146 13 8.6% Health Coach | Sample Report Brownsville 65 1 Grand Total 1,688 121 100.0% Annual Survey:Survey June 2012-July 2013 COPD Nov 2013 2012 15 3 Diabetes Dec 2013 2012 708 392 6 21 185 TML Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool 4 of 57 Carrollton 15 58 43the Board’s General Counsel or Consultant, or TML Page The information provided to you as a TML IEBP Board Member is confidential under federal law and regulations. Divulging this information to any person other than another Board Member, IEBP staff without Surveys Returned Outcome Survey Annual Survey proper written authorization from the covered person is a violation of those regulations. You should also consult with either the General Counsel or the TML IEBP Executive Director before releasing this information to anyone. Cuerro Community Hosp 0 18 Sent 232 435 Pre 65: June 2012-July 2013 Del Rio 7 21 41 Returned 96 179 BMI Drill-down for P65E Fredericksburg 6 2013 15 8 June 2012 - July Huntsville 2 6 6 Group Name Body Index Number of Identified % of Total Lifestyle Choices made as a Result ofMass Coaching Activities to Incorporate into Lifestyle Health Coaching has Helped Subscribers to: Liberty 3 7 9 (BMI)9 Members Members Updated Vaccines Change eating habitsTested 209 Prepare for MD Visit 31 Lufkin 0 31 MINI Underweight 2 14.3% Made MD Appointment 20 Increase physical activity 225 Obtain proper health/meds 27 Normal 2 14.3% Mesquite 58 Lower B/P 206 Lose Weight 193 Manage Stress better 36 Overweight 15 3 Midland 65 as Rx21.4% 2 3 Lower Blood Sugar 13 Take Meds 121 Set82 & meet health goals 69 Obese 7 50.0% Port Lavaca 6 10 health (b/p, blood sugar) Manage Stress Better 331 Better stress management 124 Monitor 36 Grand Total 14 100.0% Totals 587 1,519 24 1,511 Change Smoking/Alcohol 19 Lower b/p or blood sugar27 128 Be health engaged3,668 63 Lost Weight Found an MD Taking Meds as Rx Began Regular Exercise Managed Pain Eating Habit Changes 43 8 35 48 5 74 TML Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool Improve overall health Reduce/stop tobacco/alcohol Keep health care appts 14 3 165 57 91 Mindful of lifestyle choices Page 5 of 57 The information provided to you as a TML IEBP Board Member is confidential under federal law and regulations. Divulging this information to any person other than another Board Member, the Board’s General Counsel or Consultant, or TML IEBP staff without proper written authorization from the covered person is a violation of those regulations. You should also consult with either the General Counsel or the TML IEBP Executive Director before releasing this information to anyone. 90 Medical Intelligence Sample Reports (continued) POPULATION MANAGEMENT REPORT and GAPS IN CARE Gaps in Care | Sample Report Pool Gaps in Care: June 2012-July 2013 (Established Treatment Standards) Report Case Description - Short Asthma (NS) Report Rule Description Patient(s) with presumed persistent asthma using an inhaled corticosteroid or acceptable alternative. Breast CA Scrn (NS) Patient(s) 42 - 69 years of age that had a screening mammogram in last 24 reported months. CAD Patient(s) currently taking an ACE-inhibitor or angiotensin II receptor antagonist. Pre 65 Gaps in Care: Patient(s) June 2012-July 2013 (Established Treatment Standards) currently taking a statin. Patient(s) compliant with prescribed ACE-inhibitor-containing medication Report Case (minimum compliance 80%). Description Report Rule Description CAD (NS) - Short Patient(s) prescribed lipid-lowering therapy during the measurement year. Breast Patient(s) of agecancer that had a screening mammogram in last 24 CervicalCACAScrn Scrn(NS) (NS) Patient(s) 42 that- 69 hadyears a cervical screening test in last 36 reported months. Colorectal CA Scrn (NS) reported Patient(s)months. 50 - 75 years of age that had appropriate screening for colorectal CAD Patient(s) cancer. currently taking an ACE-inhibitor or angiotensin II receptor antagonist. COPD (NS) Patient(s) that had appropriate spirometry testing to confirm COPD diagnosis. Patient(s) taking a statin. Depression Patient(s) currently 18 years of age or older taking a medication for depression CAD (NS) Patient(s) therapy treatmentprescribed that had anlipid-lowering annual provider visit. during the measurement year. Colorectal CA Scrn (NS) Patient(s) - 75 yearsfor of age that hadthat appropriate screening colorectal Patient(s) 50 hospitalized depression had a mental healthfor evaluation cancer. within 7 days after discharge. Depression Patient(s) years of age or taking a medication for depression Diabetes Patient(s) 18 with a diagnosis ofolder diabetic nephropathy, proteinuria, or chronic treatment that had antaking annualan provider visit. or angiotensin II receptor renal failure currently ACE-inhibitor Diabetes Patient(s) antagonist.with a diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy, proteinuria, or chronic renal failure taking an ACE-inhibitor angiotensin II receptor Adult(s) that currently had a serum creatinine in last 12 or reported months. antagonist. Diabetes Care (NS) Patient(s) 18 - 75 years of age that had a HbA1c test in last 12 reported Adult(s) months. that had a serum creatinine in last 12 reported months. Diabetes Care (NS) Patient(s) of age age with that had a HbA1c test in Patient(s) 18 18 -- 75 75 years years of a LDL cholesterol in last last 12 12 reported months. months. Patient(s) 18 - 75 years of age that had an annual screening test for diabetic Patient(s) 18 - 75 years of age with a LDL cholesterol in last 12 months. retinopathy. Patient(s) of age age that that had had annual an annual screening for diabetic Patient(s) 18 18 -- 75 75 years years of screening for test nephropathy or retinopathy. evidence of nephropathy. Patient(s) of agephysician that had annual HTN Patient(s) 18 that- 75 hadyears an annual visit. screening for nephropathy or evidence nephropathy. Hyperlipidemia Patient(s)of with a LDL cholesterol test in last 12 reported months. HTN Patient(s) an profile annualtest physician IVD (NS) Patient(s) that with had a lipid duringvisit. the report period. Hyperlipidemia Patient(s) with a LDL cholesterol test in last 12 reported months. IVD (NS) Patient(s) with a lipid profile test during the report period. Eligible Eligible & Eligible but Members Compliant Non-Compliant Number of Eligible Compliance and Compliant Rate Members in Coaching 142 123 19 86.6% 27 2,868 1,837 1,031 64.1% 287 297 191 106 64.3% 36 303 219 84 72.3% 38 Number of Eligible 148 135 13 91.2% 24 Eligible Eligible & Eligible but Compliance and Compliant Members Compliant Non-Compliant Rate Members 29 in Coaching 434 113 321 26.0% 3,185 2,062 1,123 64.7% 245 15 10 5 66.7% 2 4,305 1 53 1 127 3 1,661 0 20 1 126 2 2,644 1 33 0 11 38.6% 0.0% 37.7% 100.0% 99.2% 66.7% 329 37 5 11 2 26 3 29.7% 40.0% 2 2 51 2 43 0 8 100.0% 84.3% 2 13 1 1,181 1 929 0 252 100.0% 78.7% 212 1,192 10 872 9 320 1 73.2% 90.0% 197 2 1,192 10 863 9 329 1 72.4% 90.0% 199 2 1,192 10 279 9 913 1 23.4% 90.0% 66 2 10 1,192 1 964 9 228 10.0% 80.9% 1 216 2,924 10 921 23 210 6 1 2,157 10 798 17 154 6 0 767 0 123 6 56 0 1 73.8% 100.0% 86.6% 73.9% 73.3% 100.0% 0.0% 334 3 153 3 30 2 7 20 2 PROCHASKA SUMMARY REPORTS Prochaska Summary Sample Report POOL - ALL: June 2012-July| 2013 TML Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool Page 8 of 57 Grand Total Active POOL The information provided to you as a TML IEBP Board Member is confidential under federal law and regulations. Divulging this information to any person other than another Board Member, the Board’s General Counsel or Consultant, or TML IEBP staff without Pre-Contemplative Contemplative Preparation Maintenance Termination Members proper written authorization from the covered person is a violation of those regulations. You should also consult with either the General Counsel or theAction TML IEBP Executive Director before releasing this information to anyone. % of Total Mbrs along Prochaska Stage % of Total Mbrs along Prochaska Stage % of Total % of Total % of Total % of Total % of Total Mbrs along Mbrs along Mbrs along Mbrs along Mbrs along # of # of # of # of # of # of # of Prochaska Prochaska Prochaska Prochaska Prochaska Condition Description Mbrs Mbrs Mbrs Stage Mbrs Stage Mbrs Stage Mbrs Stage Mbrs Stage POOL Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, Grand Active 36 6.1% 49 8.4% 162 27.6% 329 56.1% 8 1.4% 3 0.5% 586 Total 100.0% Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Pre-Contemplative Contemplative Preparation Action Maintenance Termination Members Diabetes 23 7.4% 14 4.5% 91 179 1 0.3% 1 0.3% 309 % of Total % of Total % 29.4% of Total % 57.9% of Total % of Total % of Total %100.0% of Total Asthma 1 7.1% 9 64.3% 4 28.6% 14 100.0% Mbrs along Mbrs along Mbrs along Mbrs along Mbrs along Mbrs along Mbrs along Obesity 28.6% 35.7% 35.7% 100.0% # of Prochaska #4of Prochaska #5of Prochaska #5of Prochaska # of Prochaska # of Prochaska #14 of Prochaska Depression 1 9.1% 1 9.1% 4 36.4% 5 45.5% 11 100.0% Condition Description Mbrs Stage Mbrs Stage Mbrs Stage Mbrs Stage Mbrs Stage Mbrs Stage Mbrs Stage Unknown 2 28.6% 5 71.4% 7 Page100.0% TML Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool 10 of 57 The information provided to you as a TML IEBP is confidential1under federal law and regulations. Divulging this information to other than another Board Member, the Board’s General Counsel or Consultant, or 4TML IEBP staff without Osteoarthritis 1 Board Member 25.0% 25.0% 2 any person50.0% 100.0% proper written authorization from the covered person is a violation of those regulations. You should also consult with either the General Counsel or the TML IEBP Executive Director before releasing this information to anyone. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 1 50.0% 1 50.0% 2 100.0% Rheumatoid Arthritis 1 50.0% 1 50.0% 2 100.0% Chronic Hepatitis 1 100.0% 1 100.0% Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary 1 100.0% 1 100.0% Disease (COPD) Graves Disease 1 100.0% 1 100.0% Guillain-Barre Syndrome 1 100.0% 1 100.0% Leukemia 1 100.0% 1 100.0% Multiple Sclerosis 1 100.0% 1 100.0% Osteoporosis 1 100.0% 1 100.0% Prostate Cancer 1 100.0% 1 100.0% Skin Cancer 1 100.0% 1 100.0% Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 1 100.0% 1 100.0% Pre-Contemplative % of Total Mbrs along # of Prochaska Mbrs Stage Contemplative % of Total Mbrs along # of Prochaska Mbrs Stage MINI - ALL: June 2012-July 2013 MINI Condition Description Preparation % of Total Mbrs along # of Prochaska Mbrs Stage 15 Action % of Total Mbrs along # of Prochaska Mbrs Stage Maintenance % of Total Mbrs along # of Prochaska Mbrs Stage Termination % of Total Mbrs along # of Prochaska Mbrs Stage Grand Total Active Members % of Total Mbrs along # of Prochaska Mbrs Stage Public/Private Network Alliance MultiState TML Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool • Direct Interface with Political Subdivision • Risk and Non-Risk Benefit and Claim Adjudication Services • Plan Management Administrative Services • Customer Services: Phone, E-Mail, Patient Advocacy • Prompt Pay Proactive Correspondence • Benefit Plan Set-Up • NCQA Accreditation Quality Management • HealthX Relationship: Online Claim Look Up/Electronic EOB/ID Card, Electronic Fund Transfers Pay Plus: ACH/Virtual Card • OptumInsight Clinical Data Analytics/Provider Cost Transparency possibly UMR Cost Estimator • OptumRx Pharmacy Benefit Manager • Medical Intelligence • Underwriting • Medication Therapy Management Program (MTMP) delegate to OptumRx, Restat/ Catamaran and RxResults/ Rx Reportal • ID Card/Electronic EOB/ EOP Vendor Interface • Internal Audits and Education Program • Legal/Legislative/ Regulatory Support • Internet Services • Consumer Driven Debit Card Relationship; Tiered Card Access/Alegeus/ WealthCare • Reinsurance Interface • Right of Recovery Services • Electronic Data Interface (EDI) Services: Mail, Scan, Pre/Post Duplicate Audit, OnBase/Electronic Workflow Management • Public Employees Benefit Alliance Services (PEBA)/ Benefit Purchasing Cooperative • IEBP Business Continuity Plan • MyBenefits on Demand • MyIEBP Mobile App • Delegate Telehealth Service to Healthiest You • Implement Reference Based Pricing for Out of Network Services • TELA/HOV Data Entry Relationship • AS400 and CPS Eligibility and Claim Processing System • Audit of Eligibility Audit • Repricing transmission to United Healthcare • SAS 70/SOC Service Organization Control Audit • Medical and Dental Claim Adjudication Platforms • iCES Contract Audits • Claim Check’s claim audit • Marketing Synergy • Claim Adjudication Business Continuity Support • Health Information Technology • UMR Business Continuity • Security Guidelines • Provider/Member Appeals • Call Trak • Network Hierarchy • Billing Duplication Audit • Organizational Plan Indicator (OPI) Network Hierarchy Options PPO Network • Options PPO Primary Network • Centers of Excellence Designated Provider Transplant and Obesity Treatment Centers • Three Tiered Secondary Network/ Professional Negotiations • IEBP Provider Network Wrap • IEBP Patient Advocacy Services • Premium Network Identification • Repricing Software • System Audit/iCES • Provider Network Disruption Review • Provider Credentialing • Provider Network Website • Public/Private Sector Marketing Synergy Choice Plus Network • Choice Plus Primary Network • Centers of Excellence Designated Provider Transplant and Obesity Treatment Centers • Three Tiered Secondary Network • Premium Network Identification • IEBP Direct Covered Individual Provider Case Rate • Repricing Software • System Audit/iCES • Provider Network Disruption Review • Provider Credentialing • Provider Network Website • Public and Private Sector Marketing Synergy • ICD-9 to ICD-10 mapping • • • • • • • • • • • • • Choice Plus Network IEBP Pool Option October 2015 Choice Plus Primary Provider Network Centers of Excellence Designated Provider Transplant and Obesity Treatment Centers Premium Network Identification IEBP Direct Covered Individual Provider Case Rate Patient Advocacy Out of Network Reference Based Pricing Repricing Software System Audit/iCES Provider Network Disruption Review Provider Credentialing Provider Network Website Marketing Synergy ICD-9 to ICD-10 mapping 16 Tier 1 Premium Choice Plus Network • Tier 1 (Premium Practitioner Performance Based) Network • Choice Plus Provider Network • Centers of Excellence Designated Provider Transplant and Obesity Treatment Centers • Three Tiered Secondary Network and Professional Negotiations • IEBP Direct Covered Individual Provider Case Rate • Patient Advocacy • Out of Network Reference Based Pricing • Repricing Software • System Audit/iCES • Provider Network Disruption Review • Provider Credentialing • Provider Network Website • Provider Benefit Information Portal • Marketing Synergy • ICD-9 to ICD-10 mapping Accountable Care Network • Accountable Care Organization Network • Centers of Excellence Designated Provider Transplant and Obesity Treatment Centers • Three Tiered Secondary Network and Professional Negotiations • IEBP Direct Covered Individual Provider Case Rate • Patient Advocacy Services • Out of Network Reference Based Pricing • Repricing Software • System Audit/iCES • Provider Network Disruption Review • Provider Credentialing • Provider Network Website • Provider Benefit Information Portal • Public/Private Sector Marketing Synergy • ICD-9 to ICD-10 mapping External Clinical Specialty Independent Review Organization (IRO) Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) aims to apply the best available evidence gained from the scientific method to medical decision making. It seeks to assess the quality of evidence of the risks and benefits of treatments (including lack of treatment). EBM recognizes that many aspects of medical care depend on individual factors such as quality and value of life judgments, which are only partially subject to scientific methods. EBM, however, seeks to clarify those parts of medical practice that are in principle subject to scientific methods and to apply these methods to ensure the best prediction of outcomes in medical treatment, even as debate continues about which outcomes are desirable. Medically Justified External Specialty Review Medically Justified Non-Evidence Based Medicine treatment plans are also reviewed. Due to the challenge of evidence based medicine with rare diagnosis, the External Medical Specialist and the attending physician may agree that the most effective treatment plan is a medically justified non-evidence based medical approach. Samples of Medically Justified approvals include: ¾ Rare Diagnosis ¾ No other treatment available due to co-morbidities ¾ Concern for Complications due to treatment area ¾ Co-morbid Disease State Risk ¾ Treatment Consistencies for Continuum of Care ¾ Repeat of prior successful treatment intervention and disease state; disease state put in remission ¾ Treatment dose should be in compliance for best outcome ¾ Severity of illness defined as ongoing intensity and complication of disease state with lab value concerns ¾ Atypical progression of disease state IEBP will review the medically justified non-evidenced based medical treatment plan to verify benefit plan coverage eligibility. To manage this process effectively, IEBP contracts with a multitude of Specialty Review Medical Consultants to achieve the most effective treatment outcome using evidence based medicine approaches for benefit plan coverage. Unproven Medical Procedures/Treatment Experimental/Investigational/Unproven Services: medical, surgical, diagnostic, mental health, substance use disorder, or other healthcare services, technologies, supplies, treatments, procedures, drug therapies, medications or devices that, at the time IEBP makes a determination regarding coverage in a particular case, are determined to be any of the following: ¾ Any drug not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for marketing; any drug that is classified as IND (Investigational new drug) by the FDA; ¾ Determined not to be effective for treatment of the medical condition and/or not to have a beneficial effect on health outcomes due to insufficient and inadequate clinical evidence from well conducted randomized controlled trials; ¾ Not consistent with the standards of good medical practice in the United States as evidenced by endorsement by national guidelines; ¾ Exceeds (in scope, duration, or intensity) that level of care which is needed - Given primarily for the personal comfort or convenience of the patient, family member(s) or the provider; ¾ Subject to review and approval by any institutional review board for the proposed use. (Devices which are FDA approved under the Humanitarian Use Device exemption are not considered Experimental or Investigational.); or ¾ The subject of an ongoing clinical trial that meets the definition of a Phase 1 or 2 clinical trial, or is the experimental arm of a Phase 3 or 4 clinical trial as set forth in the FDA regulations, regardless of whether the trial is actually subject to FDA oversight. Expert External Specialty Review IEBP Medical Benefit Plan’s Interface Expert External Specialty Review organizations supporting the benefit plan document to enhance the qualitative accurate Claim Adjudication process. Evidence-based medicine is a process of external expert medical evaluation to ensure clinical protocol compliance in the delivery of healthcare services. Comprehensive current clinical protocols and the latest medical standards, advancements and pharmaceutical interventions available to effectively treat the patient are utilized. The process of Evidence Based Medicine includes: ¾ Establishing a clear knowledge of the patient’s history, medical condition, and treatment plan. ¾ Comprehension of current clinical protocols and the latest medical standards, advancements and pharmaceutical interventions available to effectively treat the patient. ¾ Review of recommended treatment plans to ensure that it is the precise care that is needed to ensure a positive outcome ¾ Peer to Peer review with the attending physician. ¾ Consideration of whether treatment options are FDA approved, medically justified, experimental and/or unproven. 17 Provider Network Transparency Sophistication Options Provider Care Path Pricing Transparency Provider Care Path Pricing Transparency identifies a list of providers and facilities that offer the most cost effective services with an estimate of the cost for a clinical care path procedure, using historical claims data from a large database. The program accesses 396 care paths within the UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus network repricing engine. IEBP accesses 21 care paths and 52 procedures. Care Path Geographic Area Texas is regionalized into fifteen distinct markets. Each market represents a geographic area and is relatively homogenous in terms of pricing. Market ID Market Name 42576 Victoria (Beeville, Cuero, Port Lavaca) 42577 Dallas (Ft Worth, Plano, Arlington, Irving) 42578 Amarillo (Canyon, Childress, Borger) 42579 El Paso (Alpine, Fort Stockton) 42580 East TX (Tyler, Longview, Texarkana, Nacogdoches, Palestine) 42581 West Central (San Angelo, Abilene, Brownwood) 42582 Waco (Groesbeck, Gatesville) 42583 San Antonio (New Braunfels, Kerrville Schertz, Sequin) 42584 Austin (Temple, Georgetown, San Marcos, Bastrop) 42585 North Central (Wichita Falls, Graham, Vernon, Bowie) 42586 Houston (Sugarland, Conroe, Galveston, Baytown) 42587 Beaumont (Port Arthur, Orange, Nederland) 42589 Corpus Christi (Alice, Portland, Rockport, Kingsville) 42628 West TX (Lubbock, Midland/Odessa) 42629 Rio Grande Valley (McAllen, Laredo, Brownsville, Harlingen) Care Paths and Procedures Care Paths may have up to fifteen distinct services (initial office visit, x-rays, surgeon costs, hospital cost, anesthesia, etc.). Care Paths identified are non-emergent by design. Variation may occur within the provider’s care path due to a provider changing billing and treatment behaviors. Sample Average Network Pricing by Geographic Area Market Care Path Name Austin Total Hip Replacement Dallas Total Hip Replacement Houston Total Hip Replacement San Antonio Total Hip Replacement West Texas Total Hip Replacement East Texas Total Hip Replacement Service Name Major Joint Replacement Total HIp Replacement (THR) Physical Therapy Visit Charge Major Joint Replacement Total HIp Replacement (THR) Physical Therapy Visit Charge Major Joint Replacement Total HIp Replacement (THR) Physical Therapy Major Joint Replacement Total HIp Replacement (THR) Physical Therapy Visit Charge Major Joint Replacement Total HIp Replacement (THR) Physical Therapy Visit Charge Major Joint Replacement Total HIp Replacement (THR) Physical Therapy Visit Charge 18 No. of Providers/ Facilities 14 50 30 61 110 79 42 82 55 20 35 23 8 12 14 11 29 24 Min $10,792 $1,127 $280 $7,466 $1,446 $260 $9,796 $1,169 $138 $9,740 $1,123 $310 $16,580 $1,955 $600 $6,400 $1,333 $290 Median $15,850 $2,327 $1,720 $25,576 $1,735 $1,640 $20,654 $1,408 $630 $19,931 $1,504 $1,280 $21,864 $2,000 $1,040 $15,582 $2,408 $1,140 90th Percentile $22,819 $2,779 $2,220 $40,099 $2,331 $2,250 $27,868 $2,042 $1,698 $21,799 $2,821 $2,050 $23,131 $2,140 $2,060 $30,612 $3,171 $2,220 Max $22,819 $2,779 $3,700 $42,319 $3,634 $3,650 $49,878 $3,263 $1,890 $25,280 $3,750 $2,230 $23,131 $2,666 $2,550 $98,319 $3,171 $3,990 Telehealth | Healthiest You What is Healthiest You? als specializing in telehealth. These organizations have established a rigorous screening and credential verification process for each and every physician applicant, ensuring they meet the highest standards of qualification. All network doctors are U.S.based and fully licensed. Healthiest You is an affordable option to the challenge of healthcare access. Healthiest You provides users with 24/7 access to licensed physicians. Regardless of your location, this service enables you to connect with a doctor in real time for the treatment or diagnosis of common conditions. Can I get a prescription? Who is it for? It is for you! Whether you are single, married, military, working, retired, have medical coverage, cobra, Medicare, Healthiest You is for everyone, regardless of age or pre-existing conditions. However, a parent or legal guardian must consult with a network doctor on behalf of a child under the age of 18. What do you treat? In some cases, a visit to the doctor’s office can be avoided, saving time and money. As a complement to primary care, the goal is to make sure you’re equipped with all the tools and resources you need to reduce the cost and frequency of in-person consultations. Part of that effort involves the delivery of care for a comprehensive list of common conditions by qualified physicians over the phone. Is this Insurance? No. Healthiest You is a cutting edge technology platform that connects you with expert telehealth physicians who can diagnose, treat, and prescribe on a wide variety of common medical and health conditions. Return to Work MD Statements When should I use it? Doctors can be hard to reach, illnesses can occur in the middle of the night, and sometimes you just have a question that doesn’t require an in-person consultation. In all of those circumstances, Healthiest You is a convenient solution. This telehealth service is an always-accessible complement to primary care. Studies have shown that more than 70% of in-person consultations could have been effectively diagnosed over the phone. Use of this service is designed to reduce unnecessary face-to-face consultations, saving you time and money. Network physicians are standing by to consult with you day or night, 24/7. The goal is to make sure you never go without care when you need it. How do I pay for Healthiest You? You may pay with a credit card, debit card or an ACH transfer from your checking account. The IEBP plan will pay $30.00 and the covered individual will be responsible for a $10.00 copay unless you are accessing a high deductible plan. Covered individuals on a high deductible plan will be required to pay $40.00. Once the high deductible is met, the covered individual will receive a reimbursement of $30.00 from the IEBP plan. Member Engagement and Responsibilities A Health History is required prior to telehealth services. On line access is available via or a covered individual may complete their health history over the phone with a customer service representative. All you need to do to access the service is call 866-703-1259. The goal is to make sure all your health needs are met. If you consult with a network doctor who determines that a prescription medication will be a necessary part of your treatment, they’ll promptly call in your prescription to the pharmacy of your choice. All you have to do is stop by and pick it up. There are, of course, some restrictions. All prescription medication will be limited in accordance with your state’s regulations. Network physicians will not issue prescriptions for drugs on the DEA controlled substances list. Return to Work documents may be available dependent on the telehealth service provided. How does Healthiest You work with my medical coverage? Healthiest You is not insurance and insurance coverage is not required to participate or access the system. However, if you are insured, prescriptions ordered as a result of your telehealth consultation may be covered depending on your specific coverage. Once the member receives their card and welcome letter, their account is already active and there is no need to register or activate anything. Remember to put the Healthiest You number in your phone. The card serves as a reminder to the service but is not required to use it. All you need to do to access the service is call 866-703-1259. Members will be required to provide their name, date of birth and zip code to access the physicians network. Be sure to visit the website and download the Healthiest You app to make sure you are getting the most out of the service. Their team will work relentlessly to make sure they are constantly educating and enlightening both members and administrators of this benefit. Who are the doctors? Healthiest You is committed to providing you with quality care. This commitment applies to all aspects of your member experience, but it begins with whom they select as caregivers. They utilize cutting edge organizations of medical profession- 19 Managed Care | Cost Efficiency Self-Audit Reimbursement measurements is conducted. The multi-page objective clinical review form has been designed to document inconsistencies in records and treatment protocols. Each physician and hospital bill is subjected to our Claims Edit System for unbundling and upcoding determination during the claim process. Any covered individual who reviews eligible medical expenses and discovers an overcharge made by the medical facility or practitioner may provide IEBP/Group Benefits Administrator with a copy of the original billing, corrected billing, and an explanation. The covered individual will be reimbursed 30% of the amount of savings generated. The reimbursement may not exceed the covered individual’s calendar year deductible and out of pocket amount. To assist the covered individual with claim cost management, a Claim Audit Tool may be found in the Member Rights & Responsibilities Guide. Internal High Dollar Claim Audit IEBP audits all claims in excess of $30,000. External Claim Audit An external claim audit is conducted on non network per diem hospital claims in excess of $20,000 paid and all network noncase rate outpatient surgery claims in excess of $15,000 paid. Secondary Network claims in excess of $15,000 paid will be referred for external audit. Patient Advocacy Program IEBP’s Patient Advocacy Program is available to assist covered individuals in managing their out of pocket expenses. Pre/Post Duplicate Claim Audit Electronic Audit IEBP has a software program that identifies duplicate billings at the line level of a claim. This automated process occurs before an analyst receives the claim. Therefore, a provider-billing duplicate is identified electronically and the error rate is decreased. Manual post duplicate audits are conducted to ensure duplicate payments are minimized. Claim Liaison Audit Claim audits are conducted when claim costs are considered to be in excess of usual and customary for the same services, in the same locality, under similar conditions. The Claim Liaison Audit is designed to verify the legitimacy of charges, treatments, procedures, and confinements on any and all claims. The audit identifies documentation discrepancies and provides an extensive analysis and documentation of the quantity, nature and intensity of services billed, severity of illness, and unidentified and experimental therapies. An extensive clinical review using Interqual criteria to document quantity and quality of service IEBP maintains software programs that pre-screen network claims and pre/post screen out of network claims. The electronic screening audit assists in identifying provider billing procedures. Claims that pass the audits are sent for adjudication; claims that are identified as problematic are sent for review and adjudication. Usual, Reasonable & Customary A usual, reasonable and customary charge is deemed to be 110% of the amount prescribed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), RBRVS, other specialty CMS fee schedules, and the Ingenix Essential RBRVS Fee Schedule. Reference Based Pricing Employee Benefit Research Institute: A New Twist on the Defined Contribution Concept in Employment-Based Health Benefits. This analysis examines reference pricing, a form of defined contribution health benefits, where plan sponsors pay a fixed amount or limit their contributions toward the cost of a specific healthcare 20 Managed Care | Cost Efficiency (continued) service, and health plan Members must pay the difference in price if a more costly healthcare provider or service is selected. ¾ Prompt Pay Provider Claims Tracking and Handling The PPN plan has physicians and facilities outside of Texas through the UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus Network. If a covered individual requires immediate care at a non network provider, the Plan will pay eligible benefits at the benefit percentage referenced on the Medical Summary of Benefits and Coverage subject to the network deductible and network out of pocket. Treatment or services provided outside the United States or its territories, unless required for immediate care, are excluded. A Prompt Pay Tracking report tracks claims and related documentation belonging to the Prompt Pay provider. This tracking report is programmed utilizing the Tax ID numbers associated with that provider and accounts for non-completed claims processing activity, as well as claims denied for additional information. Claims denied for additional information may require different tracking rules depending upon from whom the additional information is being requested. Management or designated staff are responsible to review the report daily for claims or claim referrals. Customer Care staff will focus on claims denied for additional information and will pro-actively contact covered individuals and providers to expedite receipt of the requested additional information. ¾ On October 1, 2006, IEBP changed the provider network to UnitedHealthcare Options PPO. The purpose of this change was to achieve more cost-effective healthcare treatment. IEBP’s Board of Trustees made the decision to enter into a long-term agreement with United Medical Resources (UMR), a wholly owned subsidiary of UnitedHealthcare. Designated Centers of Excellence The Morbid Obesity treatment must be performed at a PlanDesignated Morbid Obesity Treatment Center. The transplant must be performed at a hospital or facility designated by the Plan as a Transplant Center. A list of designated Centers of Excellence may be obtained from Multidisciplinary Medical Care Management. Center of Excellence providers must be network providers with UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus network. On September 1, 2011, IEBP transitioned from the UnitedHealthcare Options PPO network to the UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus Network, except for select Employer Members in East Texas. In January 2013, IEBP transitioned all Pool Members to the Choice Plus Network. Effective January 1, 2016, IEBP will upgrade the Choice Plus Network with Premium Tier 1 performance based outcome providers with appropriate network steerage plan design. Provider Billing Cost Management Services The Alliance will promote comprehensive and cost-efficient health benefit programs for political subdivisions in the state of Texas and other states. The management support and systems flexibility provided by UMR will allow for UnitedHealthcare owned systems to manage the network and claims adjudication process efficiently. Out of Network Providers Services provided by a non network provider are paid at the lower benefit percentage level and are subject to a separate calendar year deductible. Reasonable and customary limits are utilized in determining maximum allowable charges. If the provider is billing in excess of the designated reasonable and customary limit, the covered employee or dependent will be responsible to pay the amount over the usual and customary amount. The covered individual will always be responsible for a portion of the bill. The network and non network deductibles do not accumulate toward each other. Emergency Care What if I need emergency care and the nearest hospital or doctor is out of network? The IEBP medical plan provides for emergency and immediate care situations. Eligible charges that are medically considered emergent or immediate care will be subject to the network deductible and reimbursed at the network benefit percentage up to the usual, reasonable and customary amount for the emergent or immediate eligible services. TML MultiState IEBP Provider Network In addition, the UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus premium doctor identification provides monetized value driver performance based outcome information. Out of Area What if I am on vacation and out of state? Out of network claims are repriced if out of network providers participate in the Multi-Plan Supplemental Network. The discount amount will not be balance billed to the covered individual and the claim will be adjudicated at the out of network benefit percentage. The secondary network option has increased to the provision of two secondary networks, professional negotiations and patient advocacy services, and a billing audit function. Stop Loss/Reinsurance Interface IEBP is an experienced administrator managing stop loss and is pre-approved with most major stop loss carriers. Monthly tracking reports are generated from the integrated billing, eligibility, and claims administration system. Public Employee Benefits Alliance (PEBA) IEBP provides administrative support services to PEBA. Due to this administrative extension, IEBP’s Membership is not required to pay the PEBA participation or proposal fees, but maintains access to PEBA benefits. 21 TML MultiState IEBP droid™ andHealth iPhone™ Information Technology (HITECH) P Mobile MyBenefits on Demand MyBenefits on Demand is a quick and simple way to get to your benefit books, enrollment and other forms, reference material, documents, and guides on the IEBP website. There is a concise list of categories, each with its own sub-categories, that makes navigation to retrieve specific documents very easy. Specifically, there are categories and subcategories for the following: ¾ Benefits – Medical, Dental, Vision, Prescription, Consumer Driven, Retiree ¾ Eligibility and Enrollment – Requirements, Forms, Open Enrollment ¾ Fund Contact – Agreements and Guides ¾ Health and Wellness Healthy Living Guides and Fact Introducing the –New TML MultiState IEBP Sheets ¾ Helpful Guides – Various Employee, Fund Contact and Provider Guides Mobile App for Android™ and iPhone™ ICD-10 Compliance IEBP is ICD-10 compliant ready. The current systems have been upgraded to be prepared for the three to seven character expanded field requirement, and the increased number of injury and AMA professional procedure codes, which total over 70,000 codes. IEBP has also confirmed that their third-party vendors, with whom claim and diagnosis data is exchanged, are ready and compliant with the ICD-10 coding structure. MyIEBP Mobile JAMES SMITH 1234567890 Cutting Edge Technology 1234567890 As an industry leader, IEBP provides its Membership with the sophistication of cutting edge technology to maximize accuracy in claims adjudication and claim cost management services. IEBP and the United Medical Resource Alliance (UMR) currently use the Trizetto QicLink claim adjudication system. The QicLink software includes the full range of claims administration functions consisting of enrollment and eligibility, group and individual billing, plan setup, provider demographic and network information, claims adjudication, reinsurance, utilization management and reporting. The adjudication component includes the ability to auto adjudicate claims by submitted batches. and your family’s health information anytime, anywhere. he status of a claim or email a copy of your ID card to a ything related to your health. 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 The MyIEBP Mobile app provides instant access to you and your family’s health information anytime, anywhere. Whether you want to find| physicians check the status of a claim or email a copy of your ID card to a MyIEBPMobile Ease near ofyou, Access online services: provider, MyIEBP Mobile is the go-to resource for everything related to your health. IEBP has a mobile phone application available for its Members REGISTER Provider Search Register first at to access these mobile and online services: to satisfy a variety of requests: My Eligibility Provider Search Find network providers Access your eligibility information and deductible Find network providers ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ and out of pocket met year-to-date Eligibility and benefit accumulator status My Claims View your claims My My IDClaims Card Claims claims View andstatus Email your IDon Card paid and pending My Messages View your claims View Customer Care messages My Debit Card balances for Flex, HRA Debit card and HSA accounts Check balances and account activity on Flex, HRA, Customer Care and HSA accounts Contact Customer Care 24/7 My Messages Viewing and emailing the benefits ID Card DOWNLOAD NOWCustomer View Careproviders messages Searching for network The MyIEBP Mobile app is available from the Apple App Store as a free download for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. It is also 24/7 available asusing a secure email portal Accessing Customer Care a freeCustomer download in the Android marketplace for Android devices. Care Accessing full IEBP website Contactthe Customer Care 24/7 The application is available for both Apple iPhone and Android MultiState TML Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool devices. 1821 Rutherford Ln, Ste 300, Austin Texas 78754 800-348-7879 Store as a ailable as vices. Austin Texas 78754 The Qiclink system interfaces to claim screening software for out of network claims. Interfacing for screening of in network claims is done via the repricing process with UnitedHealthcare. The system was upgraded in March 2014 for acceptance of the diagnosis code conversion from ICD-9 to ICD-10. Additionally, the system was converted from legacy character-based screens to Windows GUI screen technology and the database infrastructure was converted to Microsoft SQL. IEBP is currently in the process of migrating to UMR’s CPS claim adjudication system. This system offers additional benefits and features and will allow for increased efficiencies in claim administration functions. The migration will be completed for a 10/1/2015 cutover. 800-348-7879 IEBP continues to face the pressures of mounting health costs, lingering economic uncertainties and increasingly complex reimbursement rules. IEBP will continue to stay focused on managing the administrative costs of the plan. The Health Information Technology Act assists IEBP in managing adminis- 22 Health Information Technology (HITECH) (continued) with a CCD+ addenda record containing the re-association number to the Explanation of Payment. In addition to delivering a fast and secure payment, VRA also provides features that streamline data processing and payment reconciliation to help Providers work more efficiently. trative costs by beginning the conversion from a paper process to electronic communication. IEBP has developed and made available to all its groups an on-line enrollment system with the value added benefit calculator. Per membership request, IEBP upgraded their Internet, mobile devices, on-line access to prescription and medical pricing transparency, electronic claim look-up and explanation of benefits and the production of Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT) with the Electronic Payment Option. Claim Processing Electronic Payment IEBP utilizes two forms of electronic payment to its providers – ACH and virtual debit cards. ACH is the traditional fund transfer mechanism between the payer’s bank and the provider’s bank. The virtual debit card solution to the provider network optimizes the adoption of electronic claim reimbursement. ACH and virtual card transactions are a convenient way for payers to leverage a trusted technology infrastructure into a healthcare payment system. The provider one-time-use payment card number will allow the payment transaction via the provider’s point-of-service terminal. Payment is then electronically routed to the provider’s existing bank account per their merchant acquirer agreement. Virtual payments also incorporate fraud prevention mechanisms common to traditional credit cards, making them safer than the traditional paper check. In addition, providers may also receive the electronic HIPAA 835 Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA). Recently, IEBP’s ePayment vendor released its Virtual Reimbursement Account (VRA) process, which delivers hands-free ACA-compliant payments. VRA is specifically designed for healthcare providers as it solves many of the problems of traditional electronic payments. The VRA process not only automates payments from issuance to final settlement, but it also allows for a flexible credit card fee schedule for the Providers to accommodate small and large payments. Payments are delivered directly to the Provider’s desired account as an ACH Besides the Trizetto QicLink software, IEBP utilizes a front-end “claim scrubbing” system called QicLink Front End Preprocessing System (QLFEPPS) that verifies eligibility, providers, and networks. It also checks for non network claims and automatically sends them via electronic data interchange (EDI) to our national network for potential discounts. QLFEPPS also screens up front for potential accident diagnoses. UMR has the ability to build specific business rules and modifications into this system down to the client level. The result is extremely clean claim data going into our claim paying system for faster, more accurate processing. QLFEPPS performs routing of the claims for repricing for networks allowing access to their fee schedules, and the repriced claims are then routed for loading into QicLink. With the migration to the CPS claims adjudication platform planned for October 2015, a different but functionally equivalent front-end claims preprocessing and “scrubbing” system will be implemented. In addition, out of network claims will be routed for repricing to a Medicare-based Reference Based Pricing system to help reduce the cost of health claims for the subscribers and payers. IEBP utilizes the on-site OnBase document imaging system to scan claims and all related correspondence for storing of the electronic images in the OnBase system. The OnBase system interfaces the scanned pended claim letters, Explanation of Benefits, appeals, and other claim-specific correspondence with the incurred claim. The combination of claim document scanning and a sophisticated frontend claim scrubbing system reduces the average time required to adjudicate claims. 23 Health Information Technology (HITECH) (continued) Data Warehouse and Reporting Your Membership Information is Protected IEBP maintains a complete SQL data warehouse of all claims and related information for the purpose of reporting and generating statistical information. Extensive claims reporting is run monthly and on request. A comprehensive package of month-end reports is posted to our secured website for retrieval by each ASO, including claims paid and utilization summaries, plan analysis, Rx utilization summaries, claims paid detail, claims pended or suspended, eligibility reports, medical management detail and summary reports, refund requests, and a number of other reports. Special custom reports are available for a fee. IEBP maintains a full seven years plus the current year of all claims and related data in the data warehouse. Protecting the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information is a priority for IEBP. We are committed to maintaining the highest level of security for your personal information, including any information received from the IEBP MyHealth web portal. To achieve this, IEBP has adopted and adheres to security standards designed to protect your information against accidental or unauthorized access or disclosure. IEBP has implemented appropriate security measures to protect your information against loss, misuse or alteration. Among the safeguards that IEBP developed for this website are administrative, physical and technical barriers that, together, protect any information stored on the IEBP MyHealth web portal. Electronic Communication with IEBP IEBP also has a data warehouse for reporting on a wide array of data analytics related to disease state, disease management, claims analyses by a variety of criteria, and gaps in care reporting and notification. IEBP maintains a comprehensive website which provides access to a wide variety of information and services to covered individuals and employer groups. Available reference information includes claim status, eligibility, dynamic provider searches, online customer service, and numerous documents such as plan benefit books, Summaries of Benefits and Coverage, and forms and publications. In addition, the website provides for online completion and submission of other coverage information, appeals, and right of recovery documentation. The website is constantly updated with the latest information by an in-house webmaster and support staff. ¾ Accident/Injury Questionnaire • Fax: 512-719-6539 (OnBase Right Fax for Claims) • Online: ¾ Pre-Existing Prohibited Jan 2014 (some run-out) • Fax: 512-719-6539 • Call: 800-282-5385 • E-mail: > Login > My Tools > Online Customer Care > Send a Secure Email • Español: 800-385-9952 ¾ New Hire • Fax: 512-719-6565 (OnBase Right Fax for B&E) • Call: 800-282-5385 • Español: 800-385-9952 ¾ Terminations • Fax: 512-719-6565 • Call: 800-282-5385 • Español: 800-385-9952 ¾ Qualifying Event Additions or Terminations • Fax: 512-719-6565 • Call: 800-282-5385 • Español: 800-385-9952 Business Continuity and Disaster Protection/Recovery IEBP performs daily backups and data replication to a disaster recovery site as part of a comprehensive Business Continuity Plan for continued operations in the event of a disaster. A hot site is maintained at SunGard Availability Services which includes a series of application and database servers as well as a Storage Area Network (SAN) for continual replication of all production data. The Business Continuity Plan is subjected to a comprehensive test of all data and voice communication systems twice per year. The SunGard facility is located in Scottsdale, AZ with additional arrangements with the SunGard facility in Austin, TX for staff workspace. Data Backup IEBP does daily backups of all systems to tape. The usual best practices for IT data backups are followed, which includes doing daily incremental backups and periodic, typically weekly, full backups. The latest technology backup software is utilized to ensure complete and accurate backups with comprehensive tracking in the associated backup database. The backup tapes are stored internally in a fireproof safe until the next day’s pick up by Iron Mountain off-site storage. 24 Health Information Technology (HITECH) (continued) EcoSystem Interoperability Your IEBP Board is extremely proud of providing services to the Political Subdivision membership and hope together we can continue to have a strong voice for cost effective performance based healthcare benefits for our employees, dependents, and retiree population. Together we will continue to make a positive impact in each of your communities. CPS System Interoperability HOV vs. TELA India/China Claim Network Hierarchy Duplicate Billing Audit CPS Claim Adjudication System Billing and Eligibility AS400 CallTrak: Medical and Dental Separate Platform Policy and Procedure Management (PPM) Treasury Data Warehouse CallTrak OPI Network Hierarchy: Primary, Tier 1 Network, Reduction Savings (CRS), Professional Negotiations, OON: RBRVS, MDR InfoPort Stop Loss Reporting Ease of Access Remote/Partial Remote/Onsite Workforce MyBenefits on Demand MyIEBP Mobile App IEBP’s Member Database Member Identification Number Member Identification Numbers plus two person codes IEBP System Interoperability EcoSystem Interoperability 24/7/365 MultiState NCQA Accreditation IEBP’s OnBase Optum’s Right of Recovery Diagnosis List IEBP’s ODS Data Warehouse Custom Online Enrollment System and Online Enrollment System OptumMedical ROR Diagnosis Strategic Engagement Distribution Model Medical Intelligence: Intake, Utilization Review, Utilization Management: Catastrophic Care, Case Management, Professional Health Coaching, Appeal Review Nurse, Succession Planning Security/Business Continuity Plan Stop Loss Clinical/Cost Management External Vendor Interoperability HealthX TML vs. Paychex Payroll System RedCard Explanation of Benefit CMS/Interqual/Truven/OptumInsight/ Provider Transparency, Cost Estimator vs. HealthEdge/Interqual/Truven/OptumInsight/ Provider Transparency/Cost Estimator RedCard PayPlus Explanation of Payment Out of Network Reference Based Pricing 25 Regulatory Compliance and Reporting PPACA Administrative Fees | Register in Ten Year Document Retention Plan Patient Centered Outcome Research Institute (PCORI) ¾ 2012 - $1.00 per participant ¾ 2013 - $2.00 per participant ¾ 2014 - $2.08 per participant ¾ Fee is based on increases in the projected per capita amount of National Health Expenditures, lasting through 2019 ¾ Form of Payment is 720 ¾ Collection of Overpayment Form 720X ¾ Payment Date is July Enter payment information (electronic only) ¾ Ensure bank does not have ACH transaction blocked ¾ U.S. Government IDs are referred to as the Agency Location Code or ALC +2 value • For the reinsurance contribution submission process the ALC +2 is 7505008015 Census Calculation ¾ Actual count • Census Per Month/Days in month ¾ Snapshot Factor Method • March 5, 2014 • June 5, 2014 • September 5, 2014 ¾ 5500 • Census will reflect the census on most recent 5500 Reinsurance Trust Fund Overview ¾ 2014 January-September Per Participant Per Year Census Calculation • $63.00 two installments • 1st-$52.50; 2nd-$10.50 ¾ Eligibility Enrollment 11/15/2014 delayed to 12/5/2014 ¾ Remit 1st contribution amount no later than 1/15/2015; remit 2nd contribution amount no later than 11/15/2015 ¾ 2015 • $44.00 two installments • 1st-$33.00; 2nd-$11.00 nine months later • Risk Adjustment Allowance $70,000 attachment point $45,000, a $250,000 reinsurance cap and a 50% coinsurance rate ¾ 2016 • $27.00 two installments • 1st-$21.60; 2nd-$5.40 nine months later • Risk Adjustment Allowance $90,000 attachment point, a $250,000 reinsurance cap and a 50% coinsurance rate Administrative Penalty Fees 40% Excise Tax Taxable Years beginning after December 2017 [40% x (coverage divided by threshold)] = amount of applicable tax liability • Individual $10,200 • Family $27,500 • High Risk Professions and older population (attained age 55) additional $1,650 = $11,850 and $3,450 = $30,950; discussion of age and gender adjustments Comment in regards to EAP >10 visit inclusion, Onsite Clinic, Dental and Vision benefits included within Medical Plan: awaiting comments—discussing benefits that COBRA participants. ¾ Minimum Essential Coverage Reporting, Calendar Year 2015 Calendar Year 2015: <250 Paper File by February 28, 2016 or Electronic File March 31, 2016. Excess of 250 must file electronically. 95% accuracy delayed 70% covered - Excess of 13/26 week break in employment new hire. Small Employers (<50 EEs, 30 hour a week a 130 hours a month, Applicable Large Employers ALE (>50 2015 reporting 1560 hours a year for the census ALE/NON-ALE FTE count) 6055 must file/individual mandate IRS form B=Issuer/Carrier Group Health, Self Insured, Association, Multi-Employer Plans, GovernmentSponsored Programs: Medicare Part A, Medicaid, CHIP, TRICARE, CHAMPVA 1094-B Aggregate Transmittal 1095-B Taxpayer Return by insurers/benefit plans Each EE Certificate of Coverage by 2.1.16 Last four digits of SS# Waiting period Initial Measurement Period COBRA Retirees Non/Active EE’s Board/Council compliance > 100 employees compliance with FTE (30 hour a week a 130 hours a month, 1560 hours a year ) access to benefit compliance 6056 do not file/eligibility for tax credit 6055 must file/individual mandate IRS form C=Combined SF Plan = Sponsor/Carrier 1094-C Aggregate Transmittal For Section 6055: Reporting required by anyone that provides minimum essential coverage. This report is used to determine months in which an individual is covered by minimum essential coverage. (Section 5000A) 1095-C Each EE Certificate of Coverage by 2.1.16 Last four digits of SS# IRS form B=Issuer/Carrier: Plans 1094-B Aggregate Transmittal 6056 must file/elig. for tax credit (Pay or Play) Affordable not more than 9.5% of Box 1 W-2 form & minimum essential cvrg 60% ntwk benefit IRS form C = Combined SF Plan = Sponsor/Carrier 1095-B Each EE Certificate of Coverage by 2.1.16 Last four digits of SS# Coverage for NonEmployees: COBRA, Shareholders, NonEmployee Directors, and Retirees 1094-C Aggregate Transmittal 1095-C Each EE Certificate of Coverage by 2.1.16 Last four digits of SS# Part I, II, and III ALE Self-Insured Part I, II Insured Plans For Section 6056: Information about the employer offering coverage (including contact information and the number of fulltime employees). For each full-time EE, information about the coverage (if any) offered to the EE, by month, including the lowest EE cost of self-only coverage offered. This report is used to determine an employee’s eligibility for premium tax credit. (Section 4980H) File: Department of Treasury, IRS Center, Austin, TX 73301 - Penalties Reported on IRS Form 8928. Reporting penalties under sections 6721 and 6722. Penalty Relieve 2015 if good faith effort is documented. File Deadline 2.28.16 <250 paper forms or Electronic filing March 31, 2016, Covered Participants February 1, 2016 26 1 Customer Care & Communication Tools Healthy Living Guides Customer Care Team The Customer Care team strives to assist the covered individual in understanding their healthcare plan. Customer Care provides friendly, bilingual benefit information and educates covered individuals regarding medical and prescription benefit plans, benefit plan exclusions, limitations, notification requirements, out of pocket expenses, notification penalties, the appeal process, network variations, and Explanation of Benefits (EOB) information or Explanation of Payment (EOP) to support electronic fund transfer payments. Customer Care communication options include phone, e-mail, fax and patient advocacy services. IEBP utilizes a server-based call center phone system that offers the latest in call, email, fax, and data integration, ACD call routing and distribution, call recording, and reporting. Benefit Books COBRA Continuation of Coverage Billing IEBP may direct bill COBRA Continuation of Coverage participants. Employee On Site Education Meetings On site Benefit Education Meetings are provided to Membership. 100% employee participation in the Education meeting is requested. Meetings for spouse education are recommended. ID Card Development IEBP will provide a standard ID card. Member Rights and Responsibilities Guide IEBP is committed to respecting the right of the covered individuals and ensuring the Membership is aware of their rights and responsibilities. Political Subdivision MemberCentric Guide IEBP provides a guide to review the differences in Section 125, Health Reimbursement and Health Saving Accounts. Provider Coding Guidelines Provider Network Directory Provider information is available online or in a directory format. Provider directories are distributed to the Membership annually, but access to daily updated provider information is available at Retiree Billing Gaps in Care Campaign Letters IEBP can direct bill retirees and will notify all participants of rate and plan changes. Cardiovascular (February), Preventive Care (June), Asthma (September), Diabetes (November). Asthma Breast Cancer Colon Cancer COPD Dental Health Diabetes Eat Right & Exercise Healthy Eyes Irritable Bowel Syndrome Ischemic Heart Disease Men’s Health Mental Health Migraine Headaches Multiple Sclerosis Neuropathy Osteoarthritis Osteoporosis Physical Activity Rheumatoid Arthritis Skin Cancer Prevention Sleep Sleep Apnea Smoking Cessation Stress Management Suicide Prevention Type 2 Diabetes Weight Management The Provider Coding Guidelines booklet is provided, upon request, to providers requesting information about IEBP’s claims adjudication process. The Provider Coding Guidelines booklet is also located at Benefit Books are written annually and mailed to the Member Employer prior to the beginning of the Plan Year. Healthy Living Fact Sheets Alcoholism Asthma Back Pain Bariatric Surgery Celiac Disease Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Chronic Pain Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Depression Financial Health Gout Grief and Grieving Healthy Eating Healthy Eyes Healthy Pregnancy Hyperlipidemia Hypertension Summary of Benefits and Coverage Heart Disease Hypertension Immunizations Managing Holiday Stress Men’s Health Skin Cancer Prevention Smoking & Tobacco Cessation Mailed to the Member Employer prior to the beginning of the Plan Year. English and Spanish versions are available. Supplemental Benefits Option Guide An overview of The Standard Insurance Life products will assist the Member Employer and covered individual in understanding the eligibility benefits and treatment criteria of the benefit. Transparency to Healthcare Benefits Guide The Transparency to Healthcare Benefits Guide assists employees in understanding their healthcare benefits. 27 TML MultiState IEBP Milestones In 1979, when it became clear that Texas cities found it increasingly difficult to find health insurance at competitive prices, TML created a health insurance trust fund. In the intervening thirty-three years, that trust fund has undergone numerous changes (including two name changes), but the goal has remained the same — to constantly improve the provision of employee benefits to Texas cities. The key milestones in that continuous progress are illustrated below. 2016 Political Subdivisions and UnitedHealthcare continues to evolve in developing custom Transparent Provider Network access with customization to the Political Subdivision arena and the management of the taxpayer dollar. The Provider Network Options include (1) Options PPO Primary Network, Secondary Network, Professional Negotiations, IEBP Provider Wrap Network, Out of Network Reference Based Pricing Options and Patient Advocacy Services (2) Choice Plus Primary Network, Secondary Network, Professional Negotiation Service, IEBP Direct Covered Individual Case Rate, Out of Network Reference Based Pricing options and Patient Advocacy Services (3) Choice Plus Primary Network, IEBP Direct Covered Individual Provider Case Rate Network, Out of Network Reference Based pricing options and Patient Advocacy Services (4) Tier 1 (performance based outcome providers), Choice Plus Primary Network, Secondary Network, Professional Negotiations, IEBP Direct Covered Individual Provider Case Rate, Out of Network Reference Based Pricing options and Patient Advocacy Services (5) Tier 1 (performance based outcome providers), Choice Plus Primary Network, IEBP Direct Covered Individual Provider Case Rate Network, Out of Network Reference Based Pricing options and Patient Advocacy Services, (6) Accountable Care Organization (ACO), Secondary Network, Professional Negotiations, IEBP Direct Covered Individual Provider Case Rate Network, Out of Network Reference Based Pricing options and Patient Advocacy Services, (7) Accountable Care Organization (ACO), IEBP Direct Covered Individual Provider Case Rate, Out of Network Reference Based Pricing options and Patient Advocacy Services. 2015 Regulatory Reporting and PPACA benefit expansion and services compliance, UnitedHealthcare and Political subdivision network development to include Options PPO, Choice PPO, Premium Network/Tier I performance based network, out of network reference based pricing initiative, interface with providers regarding gaps in care data analytics, generic prescription fixed fee schedule. Infomart development for political subdivision reporting dashboard. Sophistication in telehealth opportunities with Healthiest You. 2014 ICD-9 conversion to ICD-10 computer conversion, Section 1332 of ACA state waiver in support of the HR 1076. Section 1332 current law is effective 2017 but a bill is present to move it to 2014. Carry over not in excess of $500 for Section 125. Development of Provider transparency and promotion of performance based outcome. February 1, 2014 TML IEBP Trust Document Merge into MultiState TML IEBP assumed name certificate February 10, 2014 to TML MultiState IEBP. Approval from Department of Insurance in Oklahoma that TML MultiState IEBP would fall within the Oklahoma Interlocal Statute. 2013 TML IEBP moves forward with Health Information Technology (Online Enrollment), implements Summary of Benefits and Coverage, offers Biosimilar prescriptions as an alternative to Biotech/Specialty prescriptions, NCQA Accreditation, Telemedicine services, Integrated MemberCentric Medical Home Model of Care, Comprehensive Eligibility Management and Personal Health Profile, include Interstate Trust, UnitedHealthcare Distribution Model, Texas Essential Benefits Benchmark. IRS Tax Exempt Correspondence stating expansion of Pools. 2012 Added Data Analytics for Medical Intelligence Program, converted East Texas members to the Choice Plus Network (Public/Private Sector), prohibition of HIPAA Title II: Discrimination, Pre-existing look back period and Special Enrollment. 2011 Healthcare Reform in action/National Legislative Liaison Representative, implemented Choice Plus Network (Public/Private Sector), received recognition as a qualified health plan by national HHS (if compliant with essential benefits) and tax credit for tax exempt employers who have <50 lives salaries averaging less than designated amount and employer subsidy for premium/contributions, electronic option for member EOB, electronic provider payment. 2010 Implemented compliance with the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Added Defined Contribution, Consumer Centered Pool plans, with HRA and/or HSA support progressive Medication Therapy Management Program (MTMP), developed Pre Sixty five Retiree Pool, Healthcare Reform Review, converted ODS ASP to TML IEBP Host, and converted Member Database from COBAL to SQL, HealthX expansion and Online Enrollment report improvement. 28 TML MultiState IEBP Milestones (continued) 2009 During Texas Legislative Session, Senate Bill 654 amended Chapter 172 of the Local Government Code by expanding the definition of “political subdivision” to include a political subdivision of another state. Developed Business Continuity Plan, Value Tiered Prescription Access, Medically Justified, Non-Evidence Based Medicine and accessed external Online Enrollment System. 2008 Member Equity Stabilization Fund formula, Evidence Based Medicine (EBM), Milliman Datawarehouse, Creditable Coverage recognized to offset pre-existing limitation. Service improvements included: clinical stratification/ adjusted risk index, Healthy Initiatives HealthPlan: Community Based Biometric Screenings/Health Risk Appraisals/Incentive plan, Multidisciplinary Professional Coaches, Navigating GASB Liability Risk transition, OON RBRVS U&C and 100% participation requirement updated. 2007 Service improvements included: addition of Section 125 Debit Card, HealthX, BeWellatTMLIEBP, Exante relationship, D2 claim stratification and Ernst & Young as Underwriting Consultant. PEBA benefits include Disease Management, EAP, Cancer, Critical Care and Accidental Supplemental, Life/LTD/STD, Wellness and Health Power Assessment. 2006 Developed an alliance with UMR accessing the UnitedHealthcare Options PPO Network (Private/Public Sector) 2005 Developed an alliance with and assumed administrative services for Public Employee Benefits Alliance (PEBA). Service improvements included: Online Claims look-up, Onsite Wellness with external vendor, secondary repricing network and addition of the Patient Advocacy Program. 2004 Service improvements included: Onsite Wellness with local providers, expansion of Consumer Driven Plans and both contributory & non-contributory Medicare supplements. 2003 Service improvements included: In-house Professional Negotiations, automated pre/post duplicate identifier, implementation of a Wellness Program, HIPAA Title II compliance, Out of Network Hospital U&C fee schedules, and Chapter 172 Trustee training for self-funded members. 2002 Service improvements included: addition of Claim Cost Management, Disease Management, three-tier prescription drug copay plan and PHCS out of state network access. 2001 Service improvements included: addition of a Collection Specialist, Part-time Medical Director, increased electronic claim adjudication process, Online Enrollment services and updated website with benefits online. 2000 TML GBRP assigned and transferred all of its rights and obligations under contract to TML Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool (TML IEBP). 1999 Service improvements included: In House Right of Recovery, website enhancements and continued relationship development with Reinsurance carriers. 1998 Expansion of TML IEBP’s Provider Network, Out of State Network, expanded administrative services to self-funded Independent School Districts. 1993-95 Trust terms were incorporated into the Interlocal Agreement. Service improvements included: purchasing the Texas Municipal Center building, improved technology with imaging/OCR and electronic claims, the addition of URN/TML Transplant Centers and transitioned the leased Preferred Provider (PPN) Network into the TML IEBP Statewide PPN. The Pool became partially self-funded which allowed more political subdivision flexibility. In house services 1989-91 included: Marketing, Underwriting, Claims Adjudication, Utilization Management and Large Case Management. Service improvements included adding two Vision plans. 1989 The Pool (TML GBRP) became a partially self-funded pool under Texas Political Subdivision Employees Uniform Group Benefits Act, Texas Local Government Code Chapter 172. The Act called for the Pool to be governed by a Board of Trustees (§172.006) and gave them investment authority under the Public Funds Investment Act and Texas Trust Code (§172.009). The Pool purchased both individual and aggregate stop loss and all claims processing and administration was done utilizing Pool staff. Service improvements included hiring Billing & Eligibility staff and purchasing computers. Operational Guidelines: 1984-86 separated Risk Pool Boards between TML, TML GBRP and TML IRP. 1979 Health Benefits Trust (TML Group Benefits Risk Pool), under Texas Municipal League (TML) Insurance Trust was created and accepted by the Board of Trustees. 29 TML MultiState IEBP 1821 Rutherford Lane, Suite 300 Austin, TX 78754 Toll-Free: 800-348-7879 Phone: 512-719-6500 Fax: 512-719-6509 Revised September 2015
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