Leader-Herald PDF - The Leader Herald
Leader-Herald PDF - The Leader Herald
2 – Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD Park Marine Base, Inc. SService ervice • D Dockage ockage • P Parts arts • SStorage torage IInjector njector C Cleaning leaning & FFlow low TTesting esting Large Part Supplies in Stock Certified Service Technicians Ship’s Store Gas Dock Shore Power Water Parking Winter Storage Engine Winterization Premier Service Dealer Parts & Service for Most Makes of Marine Engines Fuel Injector Cleaning & Flow Testing Service 518-863-8112 199 Co. Hwy. 152 Sacandaga Park Northville, NY 12134 info@parkmarinebase.com www.parkmarinebase.com Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD – 3 4 – Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD Awning Sale! Dozens of beautiful colors Motorized and manually operated models Enjoy Instant Shade & Comfort All Summer and SAVE $250! Call Now - Sale Ends 6/30/2015 - 842-7370 Keeping cool and comfortable this summer just got even more affordable! Right now you can get a $250 discount, good toward any SunSetter Retractable Lateral Arm Awning - Americaʼs #1 best-selling awning - the smart choice for your deck or patio. A SunSetter makes your life out-doors more enjoyable by keeping your deck up to 20 degrees cooler. It opens and closes easily in under 60 seconds, providing instant protection against hot sun, light showers, and 99% of harmful UV rays. Keeps your home cooler by blocking the sun from windows and sliders. With a SunSetter, youʼll never have to worry about the weather ruining your outdoor plans again. Turn your deck or patio into your own vacation spot - help cut your air conditioning bills and save $250, too. Call today and take advantage of this special awning sale now. Free In-home consultation. 403 West Main St., Amsterdam 518-842-7370 - Professional Installation Available - SHOULDN’T YOU BE ON THE WATER? ONLY $150/month ONLY $160/month ONLY $231/month 2015 Pro Team 175 TXW Now Only $15,995 2015 Signature Bass Buggy 16 Now Only $17,285 2015 Signature Party Barge 22RF Now Only $29,115 60 HP *Includes freight and prep. Electric motor and Trailer *Includes freight and prep. 115 HP Mercury Motor & Dual Axle Trailer With Brakes 144 mos. at 5.99% | payment based on 10% down plus tax and reg. 144 mos. at 4.99% | payment based on 10% down plus tax and reg. *Includes freight and prep. 180 mos. at 4.99% | payment based on 10% down plus tax and reg. OVER 30 BOATS IN OUR INDOOR SHOWROOM! Route 30N Amsterdam 518.843.4400 alpinhausboats.com ® festivals Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD – 5 AREA GEARING UP FOR SEASON’S By GREG HITCHCOCK For The Leader-Herald F The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan People gather to view the official ribbon-cutting under the new trailhead archway for the Northville-Lake Placid Trail at the Waterfront Park in Northville on June 7, 2014. estivals celebrating arts, history and the outdoors are coming to Fulton and Montgomery counties in June and July. The Buck Moon Arts Festival, the Woodworking and Fine Arts Weekend, the Market Fair, and the National Trail Day Festival are among the events. Northville's second annual National Trail Day Festival on June 6 celebrates the beauty of the Adirondacks as the community honors the 91st anniversary of the 133mile Northville/Placid Trail. "Last year, our festival was the largest celebration Northville had ever seen. It was a commemorative event with an arch unveiled at the trailhead," festival committee chairwoman Maria Spaeth said. "Going forward, the event will celebrate nature, the community, and the trail with less emphasis of a carnivaltype atmosphere," Spaeth said. The event will be located at Northville's Waterfront Park and will feature live animals native to the Adirondacks, including owls and a wolf. The event is sponsored by CMK Real Estate and Associates. The Adirondack Mountain Club will feature speakers such as Marty Podskoch, author of the book "The Adirondack 102 Club," and local author and historian Gail Cramer, who will debut a self-guided walking tour of the village's houses and businesses. — FESTIVA LS c on tin u ed on pag e 13 — Broadalbin Manufacturing corp. 8 Pine St. • Broadalbin ~ Mike Deuel, Owner Phone: (518) 883-5313 • Fax: (518) 883-5320 Email: mdeuel@bmanuf.com or info@bmanuf.com REPAIRS ON: BOAT DOCKS, SCAGS, PROPELLERS 6 – Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD Above, the band Max Violet performs on the inside stage to a packed house during the Eddie 2 Music Festival at Pine Lake Park in Caroga Lake on August 16, 2014. On right, from left, Phil Schuyler of Northville, Doug Moncrief and Todd Hobin perform together on stage during the Festival. Moncrief and Hobin are members of the Todd Hobin Band. Hobin and Moncrief volunteered their time to perform at The Eddie 2 since they had performed with Edward Lakata and Phil Schuyler of Skyler's Dream Team in the past. Hobin donated all the profits from his CD and t-shirt sales at this event to the Edward Lakata Memorial Scholarship Fund as well. Photos by Bill Trojan The Leader-Herald Drive-Thru Free Delivery Dine In OPEN 4 P.M. CLOSED MONDAYS $15.00 BUCKET OF CORONAS ALL SUMMER facebook.com/GiannasPizza 253 N. Main St., Gloversville, NY 12078 (518) 773-3710 www.GiannasBarAndBistro.com WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEXICAN NIGHT - $3.00 MARGARITAS Don’t Forget About TRIVIA THURSDAYS Grizzly’s & Side-by-Sides w/Power Steering EVERY THURSDAY AT 7 P.M. $ 3 Drafts Join us for LIVE MUSIC Every SATURDAY 7-11PM 5/22 5/29 5/30 6/5 6/6 6/12 6/13 6/19 6/20 D’Raeled J&J Acoustic Doc Orloff’s Blues Elixir D’Raeled Saving Atlantis Pat Decker Third Rael Doc Orloff Duo Pot Belly 6pm 6pm 8pm 6pm 9pm 6pm 9pm 8pm 9pm Calendar of Events Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD – 7 May 21 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM Johnstown Public Library, 38 So. Market Street, Johnstown, NY 12095 FOREIGN FILM Each month, on the third Tuesday, the library shows a foreign film here in the library on a 50” television. The majority of the films are award winners. Cost: Free. For more information please contact: Deb Callery | 518-762-8317 x21 | dcallery@sals.edu May 23 1:00 PM – 04:00 PM Van Alstyne Homestead, 42 Moyer Street, Canajoharie 13317 VAN ALSTYNE HOMESTEAD OPENING DAY Join the Van Alstyne Homestead for opening day on Saturday, May 23rd from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. The museum will be open every Saturday from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. from Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day Weekend. Cost: Donations are always appreciated. For more information please contact Sue Beaver at (518) 673-2468 or beaversue19@gmail.com. May 30 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM SVAN Arts Center, Northville 12134 PUBLISH WITH YOUR COMPUTER A fast-moving, one day presentation for those of us who need to communicate with text and images in print and presentations. Your software can improve your ads, publications, or slide shows with effective design in this participant-driven workshop. Start with a simple one-page newsletter using Microsoft Word, then sample page layout software such as Apple Pages and Scribus, Adobe InDesign or Quark to set up business cards, ads, and long documents (brochures and books). Place art and photos, prepare your work for press by converting to PDF, and back up your files. Assemble and edit a PDF slide presentation using type and images. Join in building this workshop’s content: If you’re working on a current project, bring it. You’ll use your Mac or Windows laptop with Microsoft Office, plus Adobe software if you have it. You will need basic computer and MS Word skills. Bring a lunch or buy it nearby. Cost: $90, SVAN member $85. Please contact Harry Wirtz at 518:863-8636 prior to registering. Other dates may be available. s ’ i M e D Wines & Liquors 52 East Main St., Johnstown 518-762-7572 Service • Selection • Savings with these specials CARPET, VINYL, TILE, WOOD AND LAMINATES Financing Available to Qualified Applicants 15% OFF On Mix & Match Cases of Same Size Bottles of Wine Largest Selection of Wines, Champagnes & Gift Sets Open: Monday-Saturday 9am - 9pm; Sunday Noon - 5pm PEDAL POWER! Save MONEY on GAS Plus get some healthy exercise! RALEIGH • CANNONDALE REDLINE • FUJI • FELT Servicing All Makes and Models Fiber Floor • Sheet Vinyl • Luxury Tile FREE Pad w/ Installation of Dixie Home by Stainmaster 0% Financing* for 24 months *for credit qualified Residential & Commercial We Always Have Warehouse Deals Gift Certificates FULL LINE OF ACCESSORIES AND CLOTHING: Helmets • Gloves • Bags • Etc. HOURS: Monday to Friday 10-6 • Saturday 10-3 • Closed Sunday 50 CHESTNUT ST., JOHNSTOWN • 762-1342 161 East State St., Johnstown (Corner of Route 30A and 67) www.galleriafloorcovering.com 518-762-7908 Open Daily 9-5 • Sat. 9-1 & by Appt. • Closed Sun. 8 – Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD Left, Johnstown's Adryan Pelosi (826) cuts to the inside of Fort Plain's Zack Kollar (122) to challenge for the early lead in the 122-Open Am division during Monster Energy Drink Supercross action July 9, 2014 at Royal Mountain. Below left, Fonda's Tyler Blowers (7Y) grabs the early lead in a Mini 80cc division moto. Below right, Mason Wheelock of Saratoga Springs (278) and Jacob Danyew of Stratford (917) fly off the tabletop jump during a 122-250 Am division moto. Photos by James A. Ellis The Leader-Herald THE INSURANCE SHULTS AGENCY It’s Our Policy To Serve You Better Toll Free: (800) 836-2885 FORT PLAIN 3 Canal St. • 518-993-2387 M, Tu, Th, F 8-5 • W 830-7 • Sa 9-noon JOHNSTOWN Briggs St. Plaza • 518-762-8200 M-F 830-5 • Sa 9-noon Insuring Your Boats, Camps, Recreational Vehicles & More! mail@shultsagency.com • www.shultsagency.com Johnstown • Gloversville 518.762.4686 Casual Dining Flexible Meeting & Banquet Space Come Experience Your Locally Owned & Operated FULL SERVICE HOTEL • Indoor Corridors • Elevator • 32” Flat Panel TV’s with HD Programming • 100% Non-Smoking Property • Restaurant & Lounge (Casual Dining) • High Speed Internet (Wireless & Hard Wired) • Coffee Makers • Hair Dryers/Ironing Boards • Pet Friendly • Microwave/Refrigerators • Heated Outdoor Pool • Outdoor Patio • Fitness Room • Flexible Meeting Space Calendar of Events Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD – 9 May 30 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Van Alstyne Homestead, 42 Moyer Street, Canajoharie 13317 CARDIO HOOP AND YOGA Join the Van Alstyne Homestead on Saturday, May 30th for cardio hoop and yoga class presented by Carolyn (Solar Vibe Yoga) from Utica, NY ($15.00 for one class or $25.00 for both classes – hoops and yoga mats provided). For more information please contact Sue Beaver at (518) 673-2468. May 30 or 31 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM 120 Lisa Dr, Northville 12134 BASIC JEWELRY WORKSHOP Beginners or experienced participants will make either an earring/bracelet set or an earring/necklace set to wear or give as a gift. Sign up for either day or both days. Light refreshments and good fellowship will be provided as you create your own personal jewelry. Maximum 6 students. Cost: $24, SVAN member $20 each day; materials fee $10 each day. For more information please contact Carolyn Learch at 518:863-4067 June 6 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Lexington, 465 N. Perry St, Johnstown 12095 5K TRIPLE CROWN – LEXINGTON Three Races – Three Causes – ONE CHAMPION! Lexington’s 5K is the last of three 5K’s for the Triple Crown. Registration will start at 8AM day of race. All Triple Crown entries are automatically entered to win great PRIZES, including: Gift Certificates, Runner’s Gear, Day Trips, Activities, and more! For more information please contact Jessica Smrtic at 518-770-7584 or smrticj@smha.org June 6 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Van Alstyne Homestead, 42 Moyer Street, Canajoharie 13317 NATIONAL DAIRY MONTH CELEBRATION AT THE HOMESTEAD Join the Van Alstyne Homestead in celebrating National Dairy Month every Saturday in June!!! We will be visited by the Montgomery County Dairy Princess Stephanie Arndt with her friend, Pandora The Painted Cow!!! We will also have a local organic dairy visiting us (Shannon Dygert) and providing samples of organic milk (whole, low-fat, chocolate, strawberry, etc.) and milk for purchase. Come out and support our local farmers and dairy farms in the Mohawk Valley!!! Cost: Donations are always appreciated (suggested donation: $5.00) For more information please contact Sue Beaver at (518) 673-2468 or beaversue19@gmail.com We’re worth the trip! www.gloversvillesewingcenter.com 385 S. Main Street, Gloversville, NY 518/725-4919 Summer Hours: 2nd Location SPECIALIZING IN SALES & SERVICE OF Bernina And Janome Sewing Machines OVER 5,000 BROADCLOTHS IN STOCK Including Hoffman Robert Kaufman • Westminster AREA’S LARGEST QUILT SHOP Quilting Books & Patterns Machine Embroidery Designs & Supplies Decorative Threads Silk Ribbons Specialty Needles Sewing Machine Attachments Mon., Tues., Wed., & Fri. 9am to 5:30pm Thurs. 9am to 8pm Sat. 9am to 4pm Closed Sunday Gloversville Sewing in Saratoga 424 Maple Ave., Saratoga Springs 518/584-2695 10 – Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD Eagle Mills offers many exciting activities The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan An overview of the Eagle Mills covered bridge and vendors during a craft fair. BROADALBIN — Step back in time. The 100-year-old waterwheel still powers the cider mill as well as the old-fashioned ice cream maker at Eagle Mills Family Fun Center at 383 County Highway 138, off Route 29. The array of belts, pulleys and line shafts moves apples A CONVENIENT STORE WITH A LITTLE MORE! FUEL & FOOD 3006 ST. HWY. 30 MAYFIELD • 661-6917 Selling NEW Propane Tanks from 20 Lbs. up to & including 100 Lbs. In Stock (All Summer) 50 Count $2000 Little Neck Clams • Eagle Mills Express Train • Gemstone mining • Dino Dig • Kidsville • Bakery and fudge shop • Petting Goat Junction Check the calendar at the website www.eaglemillsfun.com for more information about upcoming festivals, craft shows, antiques and sports car shows at Eagle Mills. ~ FULL SERVICE DELI ~ Subs • Salads • Sandwiches BEER SOLD BY THE KEG The center also features: • Ice cream mill OPEN Mon.-Sat. 6am-10pm • Sun. 7am-10pm Hot Coffee • Snacks Beer • Soda • Milk • Gas Low Priced Cigarettes Grocery Items Newspapers • Lottery ATM located in store through the mill, up the apple elevator, through the grinder and finally to the antique, knuckle-joint cider press, where they are squeezed and blended to produce Eagle Mills cider. The same waters of the Kennyetto Creek that dance in an endless cascade through the water wheel also flow under the double-walkway and drive-through covered bridge. PROPANE TANKS REFILLED 136 N. COMRIE AVENUE JOHNSTOWN, NEW YORK 12095 5¢ Off Gallon JD POWER AND ASSOCIATES Reg. Gas & Diesel when Paying Cash Highest in Guest Satisfaction 12 Years in a row FREE: Wi-Fi, Continental Breakfast, Local and Long Distance within the Continental USA, 24 Hour Fitness Room Calendar of Events Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 June 6 10:00 AM Waterfront Park (off Main St.), Northville 12134 NORTHVILLE’S NATIONAL TRAIL DAY FESTIVAL The Historic Village of Northville will be hosting its 2nd Annual National Trail Day Festival, a full day of community activities, with something for the whole family. This year is the 91st anniversary of the 133 mile Northville/Placid Trail. The Festival will take place at the Waterfront Park in the Village of Northville on Saturday, June 6th starting at 10AM with activities through the evening. Cost: Free For more information please contact Maria Spaeth at 518-863-7063 or thespaeths@ymail.com. To stay updated on this event, visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/northvillemerchants association. June 6 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Village-Wide, BROADALBIN 12025 ANNUAL VILLAGE-WIDE GARAGE SALE Annual Village-Wide Garage Sale. Participant List available at Village Clerk’s Office and at various merchant locations throughout the Village. To be placed on the list contact the Village Clerk’s Office at 518-883-8265 No later than May 29. To have a list e-mailed to you or for more information, send a request to broadalbinvillage@frontiernet.net. June 10 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM Gloversville Public Library, 58 E. Fulton St., Gloversville 12078 BOOK SALE AND BAKE SALE Annual Book and Bake Sale at Gloversville Public Library sponsored by Friends of the Gloversville Public Library. For more information please contact Eileen Wrightsman at 725-2431 or e3wrights@gmail.com June 10 Piseco Community Center 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM GREAT CAMPS PRESENTATION Piseco Lake Historical Society: Great Camps Presentation by architect Bill Higgerson regarding Great Camps. • THE LEADER-HERALD – 11 12 – Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD Don Miles, left, of Lassellsville purchases a 50/50 raffle ticket from Austin Lakata with his uncle John Lakata at left and his mom Cindy Lakata at right. Proceeds from this 50/50 went to the Edward Lakata Memorial Scholarship Fund during the S. William Street Block Party in Johnstown on August 1, 2014. Photos by Bill Trojan The Leader-Herald Siblings Evangelinah Wilson, left, and Elijah Wilson, enjoy soft-serve ice cream cones outside at Udderly Delicious in Johnstown on July 23, 2014. Dante Ivery, of Gloversville, dribbles a basketball during a drill outside during the Little Buddies Basketball Camp at the Fulton County YMCA in Johnstown on August 5, 2014. HOURS: MON-FRI 9-5, SAT. 9-12 OR BY APPT. BONNY PERA OWNER MOUNTAINVIEW CUSTOM FRAMING Large Selection of Wood & Metal Frames, Needlework Stretched & Framed, Prints & Photography, Original Artwork, Conservation Framing, Shadow Boxes, Creative Design Gift Certificates Available 18 N. Main St., Broadalbin, NY 12025 • 883-8942 All Major Credit Cards Accepted Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 — FESTIVALS c on tin u ed f rom pag e 5 — The Northville Rotary Club will sponsor an art show from local elementary and senior high school students with nature themes. The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan Artist Mary Beth Vought of Central Bridge paints during the Buck Moon event at FMCC on July 12, 2014. • THE LEADER-HERALD – 13 Horse and wagon rides will round out the day. Later that summer, Northville will be the scene for another weekend-long summer event, the seventh annual Northville Rotary Woodworking and Fine Arts Weekend from July 17-19. The event will feature 60 artists, some woodcarvers, others painters, potters and photographers. "We have thousands of people coming in to the village (that weekend)," Rotarian Janet Meuwissen said. "SVAN (Sacandaga Valley Arts Network) is having a concert in the park and the senior task force is sponsoring a chicken barbecue, with the Adirondack store having a woodcarving event." Meuwissen said the first summer weekend woodworking festival was literally a washout. "We started small with only 11 artists and it rained that weekend. But that did not daunt us. We wanted to continue it," she said. This year, the event has grown to 60 artists. The festival raises an estimated $10,000 for the Rotary Foundation, according to Meuwissen. "It is great to see the whole community come out and the artists always say it is nice to be there that weekend," she said. On July 11 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., FultonMontgomery Community College will host the second annual Buck Moon Arts Festival with public art projects — F E S TI VA LS c on tin u ed on pag e 15 — A dirondack H earth & H om e Hours: Mon-Fri 10-5 Sat 9-2 “Your Hometown Hearth Shops” 2 GREAT LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER! 2808 St. Hwy 29, Johnstown 518-762-FIRE (3473) 4748 St. Hwy 30N, Amsterdam 518-843-WARM (9276) Make your backyard the talk of friends and family with the sturdy, yet easy-to-install outdoor barbeques from Link-Log. It’s Link-Log Fireplace Time... Stop In Today and Save! WE NOW CARRY: Saffire Grills! Emily Rose Fire Tables! Locally Owned & Operated by Josh and Amanda Mormile 14 – Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 events • THE LEADER-HERALD AREA SUMMER SEASON The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan Brad Jarvis, impersonating Paul McCartney in the Beatles tribute Band "Hey Jude" performs at the Buck Moon event at FMCC on July 12, 2014. THE ROOFING & SIDING SPECIALISTS Correll Contracting Corp GREAT PRICES! GREAT VALUE! “New” Now Offering Seamless Gutters • Vinyl Siding • Windows • Over 39 Years Experience Financing Available THE PINK PANTHER™ & © 1964 - 2014 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved. (518) 725-7310 www.correllroofing.com • National Trail Day Festival: Northville Waterfront Park June 6, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. • Buck Moon Arts Festival: Fulton-Montgomery Community College July 11, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Market Fair: Johnson Hall State Historic Site July 11 - 12. • Woodworking & Fine Arts Weekend: Northampton Town Park Friday, July 17, 5 to 8 p.m., Saturday. July 18, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday, July 19, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. FEATURING W ! FOREST NSEILVER JEWELRY FOR ANY OCCASSION BUY 5 GET ONE FREE! 112 West Main St., Thomas’Johnstown • 762-7018 Monday - Friday 10 to 5; Saturday 10 to 2 SERVICE • PARTS • REPAIRS for most makes of... 773-7175 429 St. Hwy. 349 Mayfield CLOSED TUES. & SUN. • • • • • • Riding Mowers Push Mowers Weed Eaters Chain Saws Generators, Etc. ATVʼs & Dirt Bikes WOOD SPLITTER RENTAL $30 A DAY WARRANTY AND SERVICE ON MOST OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT SOLD BY MASS RETAILERS Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD – 15 — FESTIVALS c on tin u ed f rom pag e 13 — and live entertainment. Buck Moon Arts Festival coordinator Shirl Doherty said an art show featuring art by FMCC graduates the night before will kick off the weekend. "Last year, there were large performance bands, but this year we scaled it back to create a more laid-back atmosphere," Doherty said. According to Doherty, there will be plenty of art projects the public can participate in, including weaving and painting. "A mobile mural will be positioned along the campus for people to paint on as well as small art projects that people can take away," she said. The festival, funded through a New York State Council on the Arts grant, Montgomery County and the Fulton Montgomery Regional Chamber of Commerce, will have three strolling musicians performing on guitars and a Nyckelharpa, a Swedish keyed fiddle, when the bands on stage take breaks. Chamber Tourism Director Gina DaBiere-Gibbs said local festivals such as Buck Moon and the Woodworking festival bring in vendors and customers. "There is also potential for overnight stays, eating dinner at our local restaurants during these weekendlong events," DaBiere-Gibbs said. Buck Moon is the same weekend as Johnson Hall's The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan Jerry Wildermuth, left, of Northville, at a table representing the Northville churches, makes a bird house as children look on during the Trail Day Festival at the Waterfront Park in Northville on June 7, 2014. Market Fair, July 11-12. According to DaBiere-Gibbs, this lends itself to patronage at local establishments all weekend long. The Market Fair at the state historic site is a re-creation of an event first hosted by Sir William Johnson in 1772. The event will include performances, vendors, colonialperiod demonstrations and tours of the historic site. Great Food, Great Drinks Great Times, Great Tunes Largest Pre-Owned inventory in the area 2015 Honda Foutrax Foreman 4x4 $ 6,799 2015 Arctic Cat 450 $ 5,999 Amazing Deals 2015 CFMOTO CFORCE 500 4WD with Winch $ 5,149 2015 Yamaha FZ-09 Hot Model Ask about our low financing deals! We can get you riding when others say no! 241 S O U T H S H O R E R O A D ,E D IN B U R G ,N Y 12134 O N T H E G R E A T SA C A N D A G A L A K E 883-8900 igoinn.com Sunday Funday - Caribbean Steel drum Sunday 3-7pm Monday - Burger Nite 6 Tuesday - Tacos & Tequila 3 Wednesday - All day happy hour. 45¢ clams, Bingo! Thursday - 1 Oysters Friday - Sunset Summer Party 5-9pm, Karaoke 9pm-1am Saturday - Entertainment 3 - close COME BY: CAR/BOAT/JET SKI/HELICOPTER/SEAPLANE! $ 99 $ www.outdoor-motor-sports.com email:sales@outdoor-motor-sports.com $ 3953 St. Hwy. 30, Amsterdam 518-842-8812 • 518-883-3419 Hours: Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 9-2, Closed Sunday 00 00 16 – Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD Fort Klock, historic fortified stone farmstead from 1750 The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan Fort Klock is shown. ST. JOHNSVILLE — According to the Fort Klock Restoration website — www.fortklockrestoration.org — Fort Klock is a central Mohawk Valley fortified stone farmstead that was built in 1750 by Palatine German immigrant Johannes Klock. In 1973, it was designated a National Historic Landmark. Owned by Fort Klock Historic Restoration, the largely original house has been restored, the website states. This 30-acre complex of original Colonial farm structures also contains a working blacksmith shop, a new world Dutch barn and an early 19th-century schoolhouse. Palmer Pharmacy “for old fashioned service and courtesy” Vintage Café PHARMACISTS BREAKFAST & LUNCH Mon.-Fri. 7am-2pm • Tom Friello • Carole Deyoe • Bob Sullivan • Liza Saltsman • Jennifer Christman Look for our 19th Annual • Patient/Prescription Consultation • Senior Discount • Medicare, Medicaid, EPIC & Most Third Party Insurance Plans Honored • Diabetic Supplies • Blood Pressure Kits • Stethoscopes • Commodes • Walkers • Canes • Crutches • Wrist, Knee & Back Supports • Surgical & Support Stockings • Post Mastectomy Supplies • Nature’s Bounty Vitamins CLASSIC CAR SHOW 2 E. MAIN, JOHNSTOWN • 762-8319 21 West Main Johnstown • 518-762-0030 Mon.-Fri. 8:30 am to 7 pm; Sat. 8:30 am to 2 pm; Sun. 9 am - 1 pm This June Home of the “Vintage Salad” Don’t Forget Our Homemade Jumbos • EAT-IN OR CARRY-OUT • • WE DELIVER • TNT Boat Tops Custom Boat Canvas & Upholstery Est. 1964 Now Celebrating 518-587-5487 Our 51st Year Anniversary! www.tntboattops.com “Our Specialty is Custom Work” 50 Elmwood Ave., Gloversville Next to NAPA Auto Parts • Boat Carpeting • Boat Upholstery • Mooring Covers • Truck Covers • Canvas & Sail Repairs • Pontoon Enclosures • Bow & Cockpit Covers • Boat Top Frames Made Fort Klock is a little-altered architectural example of a mid-18th century fur-trading post and fortified stone house structure that was widely used in the Mohawk Valley by settlers as a place of refuge during the French and Indian War and, later, the American Revolution. “It is obvious the site was well chosen by Johannes — both for its advantages of trading and for defense,” the website says. “The sheltered cove along the riverbank directly below the fort provided safe anchorage for trading batteaux that plied the river. “The massive stone walls, nearly 2 feet thick, rest on a foundation of solid rock. From the stone floor in the cellar still bubbles a spring which provided a constant supply of fresh water to the occupants without exposing them to outside danger.” The walls are heavily loopholed on every side of the house so that muskets could be fired from the inside. “The purpose of these fortified private houses was to provide places of safety where neighboring settlers could seek refuge when bands of raiding Indians and Tories swept through the valley.” The site is open from Memorial Day to Columbus Day each year, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. A fee is charged. Groups wanting to use the picnic grounds and/or arrange large group tours are asked to schedule their use ahead of time. The biggest event at the site each year is the annual Fort Klock Craft Fair, scheduled for the second weekend of September. For more information, call Fort Klock Historic Restoration at 568-7779 or visit the website www.fortklockrestoration.org. A D I R O N D A C K S TA I N E D GLASS WORKS Stop In and W at The Artisan ch s at Work! THE LARGEST SELECTION OF QUALITY STAINED GLASS PRODUCTS IN THE EAST! HAND MADE ON THE PREMISES. 1000’s of Items! 29 West Fulton St., Gloversville 518-725-0387 adirondackstainedglassworks.com Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD – 17 Animal home Land, to hundreds of animals VAIL MILLS — Adirondack Animal Land is a family-owned and family-operated wildlife park designed to provide a home in all-natural settings for more than 500 animals. It is located on 80 acres of farmland nestled in the foothills of the Adirondacks. According to its website, Adirondack Animal Land is a wildlife propagation facility. Visitors will see bottle-raised bear cubs and wooly baby llamas as well as dozens of kangaroos, camels and zebras. Animal Land is dedicated to educating visitors as well as providing an exciting day. While TV programs are educational, there is nothing quite like standing next to a giraffe, getting nuzzled by a baby llama, hugging a baby miniature donkey or gazing into the eyes of a newborn fawn to make one appreciate our wonderful world of animals, Animal Land says on its website. There are many paved pathways throughout the facility, but not all areas of the zoo are handicapped-accessible. The facility includes: • A collection of birds and animals. • A petting area. • A breeding center for rare and endangered species. • A souvenir shop. • Free picnic grounds. • A country kitchen. • An 1800s Western-style town. • Chances to hand-feed baby animals. For more information, www.adirondackanimalland.com. see the website The municipality of the Town of Lake Pleasant (formerly Sageville) was officially formed until 1812, the same year the fledgling United States of America was waging its second war with England. Today, two-hundred years later, the Town of Lake Pleasant (pop. 876) is the County Seat of Hamilton County and a very active tourism destination. Visit www.speculatorchamber.com The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan Kelly Todd of Central Valley, Orange County, feeds a giraffe named Stretch as she holds her son Patrick Todd, 19 month old, at Adirondack Animal Land in Gloversville. ADIRONDACKS SPECULATOR Speculator,Lake Lake Pleasant, Piseco, Arietta, Morehouse Pleasant, Piseco, Arietta, Morehouse, Wells Speculator, REGION Chamber of Commerce/Office of Tourism, Routes 30 & 8, Box 184, Speculator, NY At the crossroads of two Scenic Byways 518-548-4521 • speculatorchamber.com 18 – Summer Calendar of Events Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD June 11 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM Colonial Little Theatre, Inc., 1 Colonial Ct, Johnstown 12095 UNITED WAY NIGHT AT COLONIAL LITTLE THEATRE The United Way of Fulton County will be creating a fundraising event which features a dramatic presentation of Moonlight & Magnolias by Ron Hutchinson, at Colonial Little Theatre in Johnstown, to benefit the United Way’s 2015 Community Campaign. Moonlight & Magnolias takes a fun, farcical look at the behind-the-scene birthof one of the most beloved films of all time. The year is 1939 and David O. Selznick is making the mother of all movies, Gone with the Wind. The cast is in place and cameras are rolling. There’s just one problem—Selznick doesn’t have a script yet. So he locks himself, director Victor Fleming and script doctor Ben Hecht in a room with little more than peanuts, bananas and a typewriter, and they proceed to reenact the saga of Scarlett and Rhett. Only this is Scarlett and Rhett like you’ve never seen before! This world-premiere comedy is a hilarious homage to the men behind an American movie classic. Cost: $12.00. For more information please contact Lisa Pfeiffer at 518-725-9817 or unitedway@frontiernet.net June 12 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM Colonial Little Theatre, Inc., One Colonial Court, Johnstown 12095 MOONLIGHT & MAGNOLIAS Cost: $12.00. For more information please contact Lisa Pfeiffer at 5187259817 or unitedway@frontiernet.net June 13 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Van Alstyne Homestead, 42 Moyer Street, Canajoharie 13317 2ND ANNUAL PICNIC DAY AT THE HOMESTEAD Join the Van Alstyne Homestead for the 2nd Annual Picnic Day at the Homestead Fundraiser!!! There will be hamburgers, hot-dogs, with all the ‘fix-ins’!!! We will continue to celebrate National Dairy Month at the Homestead by providing Stewart’s ice cream for dessert!!! Music and dance will be provided by callers and square dancers: Elaine Mikenas, and Dennis Viscanti. All are welcome to join in on dancing squares and rounds!!! All western wear attire is welcome!!! There will be a 50/50 raffle and guided tours will be available for the museum. Cost: $10.00, tickets available at: The Plain Food Coop, 46 River Street Fort Plain, NY 13339 (518- 9934196) & The Mohawk Valley Regional Visitor Center, 89 Church Street Canajoharie, NY 13317 (518-673-4711). For further information call Sue at (518) 673-2468 or beaversue19@gmail.com. Please follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VanAlstyneHomestead and Twitter: @VahsCanjo Wine Barrel THE The Area’s Largest Wine & Liquor Store! OPEN: Monday - Saturday 10-8, Sunday 12-4:30 FAX (518) 661-6658 PHONE (518) 661-5038 CIRCLE L TRAILER SALES HITCHES & ACCESSORIES INSTALLED 3032 State Hwy. 30, Gloversville, NY 12078 powerhousems@frontier.net fax: 518-661-7796 CORNER OF RT. 30 & MCQUEEN RD., PERTH, NY 2493 State Highway 30 • Mayfield, NY • 661-7787 Calendar of Events Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD – 19 June 13 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM Colonial Little Theatre, Inc., One Colonial Court/P O Box 283, Johnstown 12095 MOONLIGHT & MAGNOLIAS Cost: $12.00. For more information please contact Lisa Pfeiffer at 5187259817 or unitedway@frontiernet.net June 13 Oak Mountain KIDS FISHING DERBY Kids fishing derby at Oak Mountain....Sponsored by Specluator, Lake Pleasant Fish and Game Club. Please contact Speculator/Lake Pleasant/Piseco Fish & Game Club at 548-5283 for further details. June 14 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Fulton County Historical Society & Museum, 237 Kingsboro Avenue, Gloversville 12078 HONORING OUR HEROES: AN AFTERNOON OF MUSIC AND MEMORIES Event will kick off at 1pm with Honor Guard with Gloversville Parade Committee & American Legion Post 137. The Dream Catchers will provide a concert of Patriotic Music from 1:30pm-2:30pm. This will be followed with a round table discussion with local Military Veterans Michael Geraghty (WWII), Dale Brown (Vietnam), and Jen Garren (Gulf War). Kathy Stearns will serve as the round table moderator and time keeper, and Liz Reinhart will be coordinating the Leatherstocking Honor Flight Table. A commemorative booklet will be created for the event. Cost: Free. For more information please contact Mark Pollack at 518-725-2203 or shilohsignals@yahoo.com June 14 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM Main Street, Gloversville 12078 SOUTHERN ADIRONDACK WINE & FOOD FESTIVAL New York wineries will have tastings, local restaurants will offer delicious food, musicians will fill the air with music and architectural tours will be available for those interested in learning more about the history of downtown Gloversville…Tickets will also be for sale at the Fulton Montgomery Chamber and the Mohawk Harvest Cooperative Market. Cost: $10 pre-event, $15 at door. For more information please contact Jen Voorhees at (518) 775-8904 or tsp.acupuncture@gmail.com Lakefront Properties West Caroga Lakefront! First Time Offered! Green Lake/Canada Lake $ 285,000 Asking $280,000 Quintessential Adirondack Summer Home! Fully furnished! Bring your clothes and toothbrush and move in! Beautiful woodwork, high ceilings, stone fireplace, wrap around porch, Beautiful furnishings stay! 2BR Guest cottage out back. Everything is up to date! Enjoy your Sandy beach with sunset views forever! ADK REALTY MaryEllen Charles, NYS Licensed RE Broker/Owner Cell: 518-705-5616 518-835-ADKS (2357) www.ADKSrealty.com Email: mel@adksrealty.com 2144 State Hwy. 10, Caroga Lake, NY 12032 Private 1 Acre Lot with 224ft on the water. Roomy 4BR/1BA, Fireplace in Living room. Lakefront dining, Fabulous Lake views! Garage w/washer/ dryer. Yard to play & a Dock on the lake, Motor over to Canada Lake or enjoy Peaceful Green Lake! ADK REALTY MaryEllen Charles, NYS Licensed RE Broker/Owner Cell: 518-705-5616 518-835-ADKS (2357) www.ADKSrealty.com Email: mel@adksrealty.com 2144 State Hwy. 10, Caroga Lake, NY 12032 Caroga Camp Post and Beam Relax in this summer home with two bedrooms and extra lot. Plus, East Caroga lake rights. MLS 201331030 $ 47,900 GLOVE CITY REALTY, INC. http://www.glovecityrealty.com Anthony Christiano Licensed Real Estate Salesperson 725-3405 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 20 – Summer Calendar of Events Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD June 14 2:00 PM – 4:30 PM Colonial Little Theatre, Inc., One Colonial Court/P O Box 283, Johnstown 12095 MOONLIGHT & MAGNOLIAS Cost: $12.00. For more information please contact Lisa Pfeiffer at 5187259817 or unitedway@frontiernet.net June 18 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Studio Herbage, 13 West Main St, Johnstown 12095 “SCENT”SATIONAL! Become an expert at creating your own hand-tied bouquets using scented botanicals such as fresh cut lavender, rosemary, mint, marjoram and garden roses. Please bring wire cutters, scissors, floral knife (3” blade) and apron or smock. Cost: $75, SVAN member $70; includes all materials. Registration closes June 12. Minimum 3, maximum 15 students. For more information please contact James Dempsey, Floral and Fiber Artist, 518:762-7755. June 18 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Lake Pleasant (Meet at County Courthouse) HISTORICAL BUILDING TOUR The Historical Society of Lake Pleasant & Speculator will present a tour of a building built in 1892 and serve a light lunch on June 18th, 2015. We will be meeting at 10 AM at the county courthouse. Donation: $20. To reserve a place please send your check payable to Peggy La Fontaine and mail to PO Box 593, Lake Pleasant, NY 12108. Seating is limited. Further information call Peggy at 518 548-7751. June 19 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM Colonial Little Theatre, Inc., One Colonial Court/P O Box 283, Johnstown 12095 MOONLIGHT & MAGNOLIAS Moonlight & Magnolias takes a fun, farcical look at the behind-the-scene birth of one of the most beloved films of all time. The year is 1939 and David O. Selznick is making the mother of all movies, Gone with the Wind. The cast is in place and cameras are rolling. There’s just one problem—Selznick doesn’t have a script yet. So he locks himself, director Victor Fleming and script doctor Ben Hecht in a room with little more than peanuts, bananas and a typewriter, and they proceed to reenact the saga of Scarlett and Rhett. Only this is Scarlett and Rhett like you’ve never seen before! This world-premiere comedy is a hilarious homage to the men behind an American movie classic. Cost: $12.00. For more information please contact Lisa Pfeiffer at 5187259817 or unitedway@frontiernet.net June 19 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM Glove Performing Arts Center, 42 North Main Street, Gloversville 12078 and Mohawk Harvest, 30 North Main Street, Gloversville 12078 CLUE THE MUSICAL Clue the Musical directed by Barb Fisher Rivera June 19-27 @ 8PM & June 21th @2PM. Adults $15. Seniors/Students $12. Clue the Musical book by Peter De Pietro Music by Galen Blum, Wayne Barker, and Vinnie Matucci, lyrics by Tom Chiodo. Based on the Parker Brothers’ Board Game. Clue, the international popular game is now a fun-filled musical which brings the world’s best known suspects to life and invites the audience to help solve the mystery, who killed Mr. Boddy, in what room and with what weapon. If you like mysteries and like to solve them, then this show is for you. Arranged through Samuel French 235 Park Avenue South 5th Fl. New York, New York 10003 1-866-598-8449. For more information please contact Richard Samrov at 518-773-2855 ext. 21 or rsamrov@hotmail.com. 252 N. Main • Northville, New York • 863-6056 (Across from the Tops Market) SINCE 1988 Loca lly M a de Log Furniture, June 6 Sa ca nda ga Shirts ,Pillows ,Lighting, Northville’sN ational Trails Day Festival Bed,Bath,Curtains & Rugs ,Adirondack Books , 2015 in the Jewelry,Tapes try Handbags ,Candles & G ifts . WaterfrontP ark Stop by to see the Adirondack Country Store exhibit at the Festival. Stop in to see our new Lighting Display Shop Online www.adirondackcountrystore.com OPEN OPEN ALL YEAR Mon.-Sat. 9-5; Sun. 10-3 DAILY Stop in to pick up our summer Schedule of Events The Szumowski Family, A Heritage Of Trust And Service Since 1910” Rich Szumowski WINDOW CLEANING SERVICE * A PROVEN SOLUTION FOR WINDOW CLEANING * ONLY AREA PROFESSIONAL WINDOW CLEANER WITH A MEMBERSHIP IN THE FULTON COUNTY REGIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY * A YEAR-ROUND COMMERCIAL SERVICE * A PROVEN REPUTATION WITH OVER 30 YRS OF EXPERIENCE * FULLY INSURED FOR COMMERCIAL BUSINESSES & RESIDENTIAL HOMES * RECOGNIZED BY HOMEOWNERS, AND BUSINESSES THROUGHOUT THE AREA AS . . . “One Man Clearly Making A Difference” (518) 725-9774 Calendar of Events Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD – 21 June 19, 20 & 21 Speculator area lakes or to Piseco Airport K09 SPECULATOR PILOTS REUNION WITH A COOK OUT / BAR B Q DINNER ON SATURDAY JUNE 20. Calling all aviators! Remember those great Speculator Seaplane Fly-Ins of years past? Here's a chance to catch up with old friends or make new ones. Fly in to area lakes or drive in. Come enjoy, rain or shine. Transportation available. There will be a Safety Seminar. Plenty of time for social activities, Radio Communications, GPS Coordinates.Preregistered attendees will be entered in to a drawing for a free BBQ. Please “Like” and follow the Facebook page. More details to follow and will be posted. June 20 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM Colonial Little Theatre, Inc., One Colonial Court/P O Box 283, Johnstown 12095 MOONLIGHT & MAGNOLIAS Cost: $12.00. For more information please contact Lisa Pfeiffer at 5187259817 or unitedway@frontiernet.net June 20 6:00 AM – 4:00 PM Sport Island Pub, Riverside Blvd, Northampton 24TH ANNUAL SUMMER FISHING CONTEST $2,100 cash prizes!! $15,000 tagged fish prizes!! Measuring station & awards at Sport Island Pub. Sport Island Pub is located on Riverside Boulevard in the Sacandaga Park, Northampton. Entry Fee: $20 (Pre-registered by June 19th) or $25 (day of contest until 10AM ONLY) Children 12 and under FREE with participating adult. Fish anywhere on the Great Sacandaga! NYS Game Laws apply. There are 20 trout tagged with a green tag. Each trout is worth $750 for member entrants during the May or June contests. $500 other days from May 2nd through Labor Day 2015! You must be a GSLFF member to be eligible for tagged trout prizes. Tag must be attached to fish. Contact GSLFF officer or bring fish to Dave’s Bait & Tackle (Bunker Hill Rd. Mayfield) for verification. Fish measuring (by length) to take place from 6AM – 4PM only. Decision of the judges is final. For more information please contact Jack Smith or Randy Gardinier, 518-863-1062 or 518-848-7248 or email chairman@gslff.com MENDETTA’S Serving Tom’s Family Pharmacy, Inc. Pizzeria & Bakery Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Pizza • Subs • Sandwiches Wraps, Salads, Homemade Baked Goods & so much more! Dinner Menu Includes Prime Rib • Steaks • Pasta Dishes and more! ALL NEW... INDOOR DINING AREA PICNIC AREA NOW OPEN! CALL US FOR • CATERING • BBQS • CLAM BAKES Delivery to: Gloversville, Johnstown, Meco, West Bush, Mayfield and ALSO TO THE DOCKS AT THE MARINAS. OPEN: Sun. 7am-6pm • Mon.-Wed. 6am-7pm • Thurs.-Sat. 6am-8pm 132 E. Fulton St., Gloversville • (518) 773-0003 FREE PRESCRIPTION PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 47 South Main St., Gloversville Featuring everything from greeting cards, vitamins, minerals and supplements to prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications with the caring, personalized service you wonʼt find at the drugstore chains. • Medical Equipment & Supplies • Bathroom Safety Equipment • Golden Technology Lift Chairs Easy prescription transfer from another pharmacy. Simply call us or bring in your prescription bottles and we will take care of the rest. A neighborhood drugstore... Familiar. Friendly. Like family. FOR FREE PRESCRIPTION PICK-UP AND DELIVERY JOHNSTOWN, GLOVERSVILLE, BROADALBIN AND SURROUNDING AREAS CALL (518) 725-0615 22 – Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD Boats and boaters fill all of the slips at the docks at Sport Island Pub in Northville for their annual Breakfast Club on July 4, 2014. A band performed inside as boaters enjoyed some summer weather outside on their boats and on the beach. Boats and boaters gather on the beach and shoreline. Photos by Bill Trojan The Leader-Herald CAR, AUTO BODY REPAIRS YOUR HOICE C & COLLISION SERVICE R U YO KE IT! Professional Service Since 1990 A M Open Mon. - Fri. 8am - 5pm All Insurance Company Estimates Accepted And 100% Guaranteed *Velocity World’s Most Accurate Frame Measuring System* Lifetime Warranty • FREE Computer Estimates Spies Hecker Automotive Finishes • Future Cure Baking Spray Booth Foreign or Domestic • Original Parts For Any Model State of the Art Equipment and Procedures to Restore to Pre Accident Condition 49 Hill St. Gloversville, NY 12078 (518) 725-2226 www.nixautobody.com 58 E. Fulton St., Gloversville 518-725-2819 gpl@sals.edu www.gloversvillelibrary.org Summer fun starts @ your library Books, free Internet and Wi-Fi, books-on-CD, eBooks & eAudios, programs & more Free to all Serving Gloversville Since 1880 Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD – 23 Above, An overview of the attendees during the annual Office For the Aging Picnic at the Concordia Club in Gloversville on August 7, 2014. Right: Jimmy Hoyt, of Johnstown, dressed as Elvis dances with Debbie Gibson, an employee at the Willing Helpers Home in Johnstown during the picnic. Photos by Bill Trojan The Leader-Herald 91st year OPENE TO THIC PUBL ALL CARS & TRUCKS, MOTORCOACH & RV COLLISION REPAIRS GOLF CLUB “A quality golf experience for a no nonsense price” Where the stars come to play! Kids Golf FREE ! TWILIGHT GOLF Kids Golf for FREE on the NEW PAR 3! EVERY DAY AFTER 4PM *When accompanied with a paying adult, kids 13 and under golf free on Pine Brook’s Kids at Heart Tees. FRIDAYS COUPLEʼS GOLF & DINNER SPECIALS CLUBHOUSE Stop by The Pub at Pine Brook, offering a pub menu, a fine dining menu, as well as catering services. NOW BOOKING Tournaments, Events, Weddings, Showers & Memorial Celebrations $10 OFF ROUND OF GOLF FOR 2 At Pine Brook Golf Course Please present this ad to receive discount Valid for 2015 season. 280 South Main St., Gloversville, NY (518) 773-7660 PineBrookGolfCourseAndBar Brown’s Collision and Coachworks was built to EH DEOH WR À[ DQ\ YHKLFOH RQ WKH URDG WRGD\ From passenger FDUV WR PLQLYDQV 59·V OLPRXVLQHV RU VHPLV QR YHKLFOH LV WRR ELJ RU VPDOO for Brown’s Collision and &RDFKZRUNV )5(( (67,0$7(6 /,)(7,0( *8$5$17(( $// ,1685$1&( &203$1,(6 :,1'6+,(/' 5(3/$&0(17 Rt. 30 Amsterdam www.brownscollision.us 843-3181 24 – Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD L AKE C OUNTRY Local stories, beautiful photos, and a continuing list of local events make this a go-to series of books that spans the whole summer for locals and visitors! Be sure to pick it up. The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan A vivid rainbow appeared after a brief rain over Amsterdam on August 14, 2014. June 11 June 25 July 9 July 23 August 6 August 20 in Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 An aerial view of Railfest at Trail Station Park in Gloversville last August. • THE LEADER-HERALD – 25 The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan 4 VOT F U T T NPS F T B S PVOE U IF D B NQö S F IJ T U PS J D T J U F T G VO B U U S B D U J POT B HS J U PVS J T N B OE PVU EPPS S F D S F B U J PO $PNF F OK PZ B O "EJ S POEB D L W B D B U J PO Z PV XPO U T PPO G PS HF U BL F T $IPJ D F T 7J T J U XXX M B L F T D PN PS D B M M U PEB Z G PS B ' 3& & 5 S B W F M (VJ EF 26 – Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan An overview of a concert by the Johnstown Citizens Band at the Charles Jenner Memorial bandshell in Johnstown on August 8, 2014. 22 Years Hands On Experience! Roof Repairs All Year Long! ROOFING SIDING SEAMLESS GUTTERS Mike Peters Contracting, Inc. OFFICE 518-752-5683 CELL 518-705-9347 Schedule Your Project Now! Summer Roofing Specials We are Top Rated in Customer Service & We Are 100% Fully Insured Free Estimates 7 Days a Week Be Ready For The Water This Summer! KENNEY’S Marine Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-6pm Sat. 9-1pm Sun. by Appt. Service Center Parts & Service For All Makes & Models of Inboards, Outboards, I/O & Sail 1499 St. Hwy. 29A Gloversville (518) 725-0516 Spring is the perfect time to get that boat cover made! SnapEmSilly Boat Covers and More Located at Kenney’s Marina 1499 St. Hwy. 29A, Gloversville Tor Shekerjian, Proprietor (518) 835-6777 Cell (518) 221-1701 Calendar of Events Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 June 20 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM • THE LEADER-HERALD – 27 Colonial Little Theatre, Inc., One Colonial Court/P O Box 283, Johnstown 12095 MOONLIGHT & MAGNOLIAS Cost: $12.00. For more information please contact Lisa Pfeiffer at 5187259817 or unitedway@frontiernet.net June 20 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM Glove Performing Arts Center, 42 North Main Street, Gloversville 12078 and Mohawk Harvest, 30 North Main Street, Gloversville 12078 CLUE THE MUSICAL Cost: Adults $15. Seniors/Students $12. For more information please contact Richard Samrov at 518-7732855 ext. 21 or rsamrov@hotmail.com. June 21 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM Johnstown Public Library, 38 So. Market Street, Johnstown, NY 12095 FOREIGN FILM Each month, on the third Tuesday, the library shows a foreign film here in the library on a 50 television. The majority of the films are award winners. Please call the library for title information. Cost: Free. For more information please contact Deb Callery at 518-762-8317 x21 or dcallery@sals.edu. June 21 2:00 PM – 4:30 PM Colonial Little Theatre, Inc., One Colonial Court/P O Box 283, Johnstown 12095 MOONLIGHT & MAGNOLIAS Cost: $12.00. For more information please contact Lisa Pfeiffer at 5187259817 or unitedway@frontiernet.net June 21 - 24 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM Glove Performing Arts Center, 42 North Main Street, Gloversville 12078 and Mohawk Harvest, 30 North Main Street, Gloversville 12078 CLUE THE MUSICAL Cost: Adults $15. Seniors/Students $12. For more information please contact Richard Samrov at 518-7732855 ext. 21 or rsamrov@hotmail.com. ALLAR SEAMLESS GUTTERS Trusted Since 1983 “Installing Rain Gutters For More Than 30 Years” Choice of Colors • Soffit & Fascia • Leaf Guards Free Estimates • Fully Insured (518) 461-7063 (518) 773-7163 Saratoga Arts made a part of the Summer Outdoor Concert Series possible with a 2015 Community Arts Grant funded by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo & the New York State Legislature. 28 – Summer Calendar of Events Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD June 25 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Fulton County Historical Society & Museum, 237 Kingsboro Avenue, Gloversville 12078 WOMEN IN WAR: FROM THE DAUGHTERS OF LIBERTY TO THE WOMEN’S ARMY CORPS Fulton County Historian Samantha Hall-Saladino & Laurie Kozakiewicz will be speaking on the women who contributed to the WWII war efforts on the war front and also from the home front. This event will be sponsored by the Elizabeth Cady Stanton Women’s Symposium and the Fulton County Historical Society. Cost: Free. For more information please contact Mark Pollack at 518-725-2203 or shilohsignals@yahoo.com June 25 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM Speculator Pavillion SPECULATOR FARMERS' & CRAFTERS' MARKET Come see what the farmers’ and crafters’ from the area have to offer. June 25 - 26 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM Glove Performing Arts Center, 42 North Main Street, Gloversville 12078 and Mohawk Harvest, 30 North Main Street, Gloversville 12078 CLUE THE MUSICAL Cost: Adults $15. Seniors/Students $12. For more information please contact Richard Samrov at 518-7732855 ext. 21 or rsamrov@hotmail.com. June 27 10:00 AM – 03:00 PM SVAN Arts Center, 132 S Main St, Northville 12134 ENHANCE YOUR PHOTOS Help out your images by making basic adjustments. See Adobe software demonstrations (Bridge, Elements and Photoshop) about correcting raw files, adjusting shapes, removing blemishes, re-sampling images larger and smaller, exposure curves, adjustment layers, saving for Web, making composites with image masks, and managing files. Cost: $50, SVAN member $45. Bring a lunch or buy one nearby. For more information please contact Harry Wirtz, Words & Pictures at 518:863-8636. Other dates may be available. EAGLE MILLS RD., OFF RT. 29 383 CO HWY 138 BROADALBIN, NY (518) 883-8700 www.eaglemillsfun.com S EA S O N O PEN IN G Fa ther’s Da y -S unda y,June 2 1 s t Father’s Day Breakfast Buffet 8:00 - 12:00 pm Bring Dad and the family for a King Sized Breakfast in our Creekside Pavilion! AllYou Ca n Ea t:Eggs ,Pa nca kes ,Ba con,Sa us a ge,Hom e Fries ,Bis cuits & G ra vy, Fruit,Cerea l,Cider Donuts ,Juice,M ilk,Coffee a nd Tea Half Price Admission to Family Fun Pack with Breakfast Purchase Family Fun Park Includes: •Screa m ing Ea gle S lide •Peda lCa rt T ra ck •Bounce H ous e & S lide •N a ture T ra il•T rike T ra ck •G ia nt Sa ndbox w ith M ini Exca va tors for K ids •H ors es hoe Pits & La dderba ll 2015 Craft Shows Septem ber 1 9 th & 2 0 th a nd 2 6 th & 2 7 th The Funky Monkey Wine & Liquor Store 95 E. Fulton St. Gloversville (518) 773-4040 Go bananas at The Funky Monkey Open Mon.-Thurs. 10am-8pm; Fri. & Sat. 10am-9pm; Sun. 12pm-4pm funkymonkeyliquor@gmail.com Ice Cream • Fudge Cider Donuts Gem Mining Dino Dig • Train Ride Fossil Dig Rare-Colored Gemstones One-Of-A-Kind Jewelry Voted NUMBER ONE In “Reader’s Choice” Everytime! Diamonds • Gold • Silver • Platinum • Palladium Custom work/repairs done on premises SUMMER HOURS: Tues da y-Sa turda y 1 0 :0 0 -5 :0 0 S unda y 8 :0 0 -3 .0 0 (Clos ed M onda ys ) Brea kfa s t Buffet on the Creeks ide Pa vilion Every S unda y 8 -1 2 Eagles Nest Grill Open for Lunch Our Creeks ide Pa vilion is now a va ila ble for priva te pa rties . Unique Pieces of Jewelry...Many Designed and Made on Premises. SEE US ON FACEBOOK 189 5th Ave., Gloversville (518) 725-4367 Full-time Master Jeweler on Staff Always Buying Gold, Diamonds, Etc.! Calendar of Events Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD – 29 June 27 5:00 PM – 10:00 PM Knox Field, 400 South Perry Street, Johnstown 12065 STAR SPANGLED FIREWORKS CELEBRATION The Johnstown Area Community Center (JACC) would like to invite you to come celebrate America’s birthday with musical entertainment provided by Lexington Center’s band FLAME and new this year Third Rael leading up to a spectacular fireworks display choreographed to music. Festivities will begin at 5pm with the fireworks at 9:30pm. Come early, get a good seat and enjoy a summer evening at Knox Field! Cost: FREE. For more information please contact Tom Cristiano at 518-495-2943 or jetspeed00@gmail.com June 27 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM Glove Performing Arts Center, 42 North Main Street, Gloversville 12078 and Mohawk Harvest, 30 North Main Street, Gloversville 12078 CLUE THE MUSICAL Cost: Adults $15. Seniors/Students $12. For more information please contact Richard Samrov at 518-7732855 ext. 21 or rsamrov@hotmail.com. June 28 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM 2417 NY route 10, Caroga Lake 12032 THE ED LAKATA MEMORIAL BIKE RIDE Ride starts at Wheelerville School. Proceeds to Pine Lake Park, then returns to Wheelerville School. (Rest stop at Canada Lake Store if necessary) The bike ride is not a race! It is a fun ride only! Open to all ages, and it’s FREE!! Upon conclusion of the race we will have live music at The Outlet restaurant. July 2 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM Speculator Pavillion SPECULATOR FARMERS' & CRAFTERS' MARKET Come see what the farmers’ and crafters’ from the area have to offer. July 3-4 Piseco Community Hall PISECO VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT AUXILIARY RUMMAGE SALE Friday July 3rd noon to 5pm, Sat July 4th 9am to 2pm; Bake Sale at 9am Saturday. Blinds by Elmendorf Kubota More Power to You! Sales Event • Mini Blinds • Pleated Shades • Wood Roman Shades • Roller Shades • Wood Blinds • Vertical Blinds and Much More! by FREE CORDLESS LIFT Power your projects with Kubota’s B Series compact tractors. $ 0 Down, 0% Financing for 60 Months * A.P.R. Offer ends 6/30/15. EMERICH SALES & SERVICE INC 187 Valentine Road www.EmerichSales.com Charlton/Ballston Lake ,NY 12019 518-399-8574 on Pleated and Cellular Shades and Wood and Faux Wood Blinds. Great option for homes with children. Now thru May 31st. • FREE ESTIMATES • FREE INSTALLATION 50% OFF RETAIL PRICES SCHEDULE YOUR IN HOME APPOINTMENT TODAY! kubota.com GRZQ $35 ¿QDQFLQJ IRU XS WR PRQWKV RQ SXUFKDVHV RI QHZ .XERWD %; %% / H[FOXGLQJ / / DQG 0 6HULHV H[FOXGLQJ 0 PRGHOV 0 1DUURZ 06 06 0+'/ PRGHOV LV DYDLODEOH WR TXDOL¿HG SXUFKDVHUV IURP SDUWLFLSDWLQJ GHDOHUV¶ LQVWRFN LQYHQWRU\ WKURXJK ([DPSOH $ PRQWK PRQWKO\ LQVWDOOPHQW UHSD\PHQW WHUP DW $35 UHTXLUHV SD\PHQWV RI SHU ¿QDQFHG $35 LQWHUHVW LV DYDLODEOH WR FXVWRPHUV LI QR GHDOHU GRFXPHQWDWLRQ SUHSDUDWLRQ IHH LV FKDUJHG 'HDOHU FKDUJH IRU GRFXPHQW SUHSDUDWLRQ IHH VKDOO EH LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK VWDWH ODZV ,QFOXVLRQ RI LQHOLJLEOH HTXLSPHQW PD\ UHVXOW LQ D KLJKHU EOHQGHG $35 1RW DYDLODEOH IRU 5HQWDO 1DWLRQDO $FFRXQWV RU *RYHUQPHQWDO FXVWRPHUV $35 DQG ORZUDWH ¿QDQFLQJ PD\ QRW EH DYDLODEOH ZLWK FXVWRPHU LQVWDQW UHEDWH RIIHUV )LQDQFLQJ LV DYDLODEOH WKURXJK .XERWD &UHGLW &RUSRUDWLRQ 86$ 'HO $PR %OYG 7RUUDQFH &$ VXEMHFW WR FUHGLW DSSURYDO 6RPH H[FHSWLRQV DSSO\ 2IIHU H[SLUHV 6HH XV IRU GHWDLOV RQ WKHVH DQG RWKHU ORZUDWH RSWLRQV RU JR WR ZZZNXERWDFRP IRU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ 2SWLRQDO HTXLSPHQW PD\ EH VKRZQ © Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2015 Lorna Elmendorf, owner 332-7741 or 725-7949 30 – Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD Summer Places of Worship This directory is dedicated to the growth of spirituality in our community. AMSTERDAM • Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Church • First Baptist Church • St. Luke’s Lutheran Church • Trinity Lutheran Church AURIESVILLE • Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs BLEECKER • Bleecker Community United Methodist Church BROADALBIN • Broadalbin Baptist Church • Broadalbin United Methodist Church • First Presbyterian Church • Sacandaga Bible Conference • St.J oseph’sR oman Catholic Church CANAJOHARIE • Church of the Good Shepherd Episcopal • Reformed Church of Canajoharie • St. John’s-St. Mark’s Lutheran Church • United Methodist Church CAROGA • Caroga Chapel • North Bush United Methodist Church EDINBURG • Edinburg Bible Chapel • Edinburg Evangelical Wesleyan Church • Edinburg United Methodist Church • Sacandaga Christian Fellowship FONDA • Fonda Reformed • St. Cecilia Rectory • Saving Grace Baptist Church • Kateri Tekawitha Shrine GLOVERSVILLE WALRATH & STEWART FUNERAL HOME FORT PLAIN • Our Lady of Hope Church • Reformed Church • St. Paul’s Lutheran Church • United Methodist Church FULTONVILLE • United Methodist Church of Fonda & Fultonville GLEN • Glen Reformed Church GLOVERSVILLE • Agape Christian Fellowship • Bleecker Street Church of Christ • Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints • Church of the Holy Spirit • Emmanuel Baptist Church • First Congregational United Church of Christ • First Free Methodist Church • Foothills United Methodist Church FURNITURE • BROWN’S FORD Gloversville, NY 121 North Comrie Ave., Jʼtown, NY 762-4609 • www.brownsford.com Gloversville, NY New York Lunch KOBUSKIE-KONIK FUNERAL HOME JEFFORD’S & STEWART FUNERAL HOME Broadalbin, NY FISHERMAN’S SUPPLY “A Christian Book Store Serving Churches & Individuals for 27 Years!” 22 West Main St., Jʼtown, NY • 762-3548 IN DOWNTOWN GLOVERSVILLE Breakfast & Lunch 8-2pm LIVINGSTON’S, INC. • Gloversville Wesleyan Church • Gateway Pentecostal Church • Kingsboro Assembly of God • Kingsborough Presbyterian Church Associate Reformed Synod • Knesseth Israel Synagogue • Living Hope: A Community of Free Thinkers • Love City Fellowship • North Main Street United Methodist Church • Peoples AME Zion Church • Salvation Army • Seventh Day Adventist Church • Trinity Anglican Episcopal • Tryon Friends Quaker Worship Group Rt. 30A, Johnstown 762-7829 APPLIANCES • FLOORING PRECISION SHEET METAL RESIDENTIAL • INDUSTRIAL Heating & Cooling • Sheet Metal Fabrication Burt Wilson, Jr. 130 Oakland Ave., Gloversville, NY 12078 (518) 725-6010 Fax (518) 725-6040 psmllc@frontier.com Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep “Serving Fulton Co. for over 57 years” 224 West Main St, Johnstown, NY Phone 762-3183 NOBLE ACE HARDWARE KASSON & KELLER, INC. Quality Furniture Since 1901 347-355 S. Main St., Gʼville, NY 725-8317 130 S. Comrie Ave., Ph. 762-3658 Johnstown, NY Energy Saving Windows & Doors School Lane, Fonda, NY KEYMARK CORPORATION PICKETT MEMORIAL CO. Cayadutta St., Fonda, NY 853-3421 Fine Cemetery Memorials 158 E. Fulton St., Gloversville, NY 725-7619 CHERRY VALLEY MEMORIALS Gloversville 725-2012 A. G. COLE FUNERAL HOME, INC. NIX AUTOBODY PLAZA’S ITALIAN BISTRO 215 East Main St., Johnstown 762-3919 Offering Prompt Professional Service 49 Hill St., Gʼville, NY • 725-2226 #1 in Delivery Since 1983 130 N. Pine St., Gloversville, NY 725-4007 Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD – 31 Summer Places of Worship This directory is dedicated to the growth of spirituality in our community. JOHNSTOWN • Believers’ Fellowship Ctr • Grace Lutheran Church • Church of Christ • Church of the Nazarene • Faith Tabernacle Full Gospel Assembly • First Baptist Church • First Presbyterian Church • Fulmont Community Church • Holy Trinity Church • Johnstown Reformed Church • Life Christian Center • Mountain Valley Community Church • New Covenant Community Church • St. John’s Episcopal Church LASSELLSVILLE • United Methodist Church MAYFIELD • Cranberry Creek Community Church • Mayfield Center Community Church • Mayfield Central Presbyterian • Pilgrim Holiness Church • United Methodist Church NELLISTON • Valley Alliance Church NORTHAMPTON • United Methodist Church NORTHVILLE • Baptist Church • First United Methodist Church • Presbyterian Church • St. Francis Church PERTH • Perth Bible Church RURAL GROVE • Rural Grove Christian Church ST. JOHNSVILLE • Fordsbush Bible Church • Grace Christian Church • St. John’s Reformed Church SHELLEY M. YERDON & TERRI G. EASTERLY Licensed Real Estate Brokers REALTORS® 363 N.Comrie Ave., Johnstown (518) 762-9885 Business • (518) 762-3846 Fax ARLENE M. SITTERLY, INC. www.coldwellbankerams.com LETTER MEMORIAL COMPANY 7F isher Avenue, Johnstown, NY 12095 (518)762- 1149 STEET TOYOTA SCION 310 North Comrie Avenue, Johnstown, NY 12095 Scott Blaauboer TRAVERS BUANNO TRANSPORTATION CO., INC. and Warehousing 218 Riverside Dr., Fultonville • 853-1700 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 7-9 Sun-Thurs • Fri & Sat ‘til 10 p.m. Rt. 30A, Gloversville/Johnstown 725-0444 Daily Homemade Specials • Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner MOHAWK (518) 762-7222 General Sales Manager sblaauboer@steettoyotajohnstown.com of Gloversville & Johnstown Dal’s Hollow Body Works 762-3800 - Heating Co. Inc - WORD OF GOD... McDONALD’S 522 N. Perry St., Johnstown, NY RESTAURANT & DINER Summer Hours and • St. Johnsville United Meeting Days Change. Methodist Church Please contact individual • Polish National Catholic places of worship for Mass at St. Paul Lutheran current schedules or check the Church listings in EVERY Saturday’s SPRAKERS edition of The Leader-Herald, • Currytown Reformed available at newsstands Church throughout the area. STRATFORD • Lighthouse Baptist Church STONE ARABIA • Salem United Methodist Church A man of knowledge TRIBES HILL uses words with • Tribes Hill restraint, and a man Presbyterian Church of understanding is VAIL MILLS even-tempered. • Adirondack Baptist Church Proverbs 17:27 NIV WELLS • United Methodist Church Courtesy of... • Wesleyan Church ADIRONDAC WEST GALWAY • First Presbyterian Church LEATHER,I NC. PREMIER LENNOX DEALER 1694 Duanesburg Rd., Duanesburg, NY 12056 Phone: 518-725-4464 www.mohawkheat.com Vivienne Cirillo Sales Manager vcirillo@steettoyotajohnstown.com HOLIDAY INN 308 North Comrie Ave. Johnstown-Gloversville, NY • 762-4686 William M. Auty, EA Tax Professional 134 Oakland Avenue, Gloversville, NY 12078 518-725-4616 FULTON ST. DELI 113 E. Fulton St., Gʼville 725-7475 PHIL’S TRUCK & AUTO REPAIR Make us your first call for all your automotive repairs. 306 S. Main St., Gloversville • (518) 725-8779 Phil & Lorrie Venneman - Owners Marlen, Inc. 32 – Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD Old Fort Johnson, looking into the early days The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan Fort Johnson is shown. FORT JOHNSON — Before Sir William Johnson founded Johnstown and built Johnson Hall, he built and lived in a field stone house he named Fort Johnson. He had come to the Mohawk Valley as a youth to help his uncle with an estate here, but he soon purchased his own land. According to a news release, Old Fort Johnson was built in 1749 and served as Johnson’s residence for 14 years. While here, Johnson carried out many meetings with local Native American Indians, as Johnson had been enlisted to garner the support of the Iroquois nations HART’S to help the British against French forces in the French and Indian War and, later, the Revolutionary War. Located at the corner of Routes 5 and 67 one mile west of Amsterdam, Old Fort Johnson is open for tours Wednesday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday 1 to 5 p.m. Admission is $2 for adults, with free admission for children age 12 or younger. More information on the site is available online at www.oldfortjohnson.org, or by calling 843-0300. Tour groups are welcome, but should call for reservations. History of the fort According to the fort’s website, “the history of Fort Johnson and its builder, William Johnson, began with his arrival in America from Ireland in 1738; when he was 23 years old and was to oversee his Uncle Peter Warren’s land holdings south of the present day city of Amsterdam, in the colony of New York. “Despite his promise to his uncle not to start a settlement of his own, Johnson purchased a tract of land north of the Mohawk River in 1739. — FORT JOHNSON continued on page 38 — MOTORSPORTS Recreational Vehicle Parts & Repairs Richard Hart, Proprietor Phone 518.661.PART (7278) 58 West Main Street • Mayfield, NY H ART’S TOWING & RECOVERY Phlan Hart, Owner 518-661-6159 • Flatbed Service • Local & Long Distance • 24 Hour Service 201 Beech Street Mayfield, NY 12117 “Something for Everyone” Early Birds Dinn er LUNCH Salad Bar Pick-Up WindowCall Ahead and Just Pick-Up at the Window! 20 Draft beers • 80 Wines by the glass 4582 St. Hwy 30N, Amsterdam • 518-842-2606 WiFi Available • www.raindancerrestaurant.com Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD – 33 Kayden Bartlett, 9, of Caroga Lake sprays water from a hose attached to a portable tank during the Caroga Lake Volunteer Fire Company's Kid's Day at the Caroga Lake Volunteer Fire Company facility on August 7, 2014. Photos by Bill Trojan The Leader-Herald Sarah Horan, 5, of Caroga Lake wears a hard hat and protective gloves as Brian Hack, a line mechanic for National Grid works with her at the event Fashion Show June 12th • 7 p.m. St. Francis Church Just Because...Boutique T J’S B EV ER A G E & R ED EM PT IO N C EN T ER PICK-UP & DELIVERY SERVICE AVAILABLE FOR BUSINESS & HOME 773-BEER “A very unique collection of women’s new clothing, jewelry and accessories, a style and size for everyone.” Because you’re worth it! 518-488-2588 Open Wed.-Sun. 142 Main Street Northville (2337) ICE 7 & 20 Lbs. Blocks or Cubes CARRY OUT SERVICE IMPORTS & DOMESTIC SPECIALTY BEER GROWLERS 60 Elmwood Ave., • Gloversville Open: Mon.-Thurs. 9-9 • Fri. & Sat. 9-10 • Sun. 11-6 34 – Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD SUMMER DINING GUIDE Plaza’s Italian Bistro 130 N. Pine St., Gloversville. (518) 725-4007 A little slice of Italy in the Foothills of the Adirondack. Offering a large selection of Italian entrees along with steak, chicken, veal, and seafood. On the lighter side, sandwiches, wraps, burgers, soup, salads & appetizers. Great family restaurant. Open 7 Days at 11 a.m. We Deliver! Asian Delight Chinese & Thai Restaurant 50 Elmwood Ave., Gloversville. 518-725-2828 Dine In or Take Out Authentic Chinese and Thai Food -Lunch Specials- Mon.- Fri. until 3pm Full Dinner Selections Available Beer & Wine Available. Major Credit Cards. Open: Mon. - Thurs. 11am - 10pm Fri. & Sat. 11am - 10:30pm Sun. 12pm - 10pm Order On Line: asiandelightgloversville.com New York Lunch House of Pizza 21 Bleecker St., Gloversville. 518-725-4170 5th Ave. Ext., Gloversville 518-725-9400 Family restaurant featuring Italian, and American cuisine. Chicken, beef, veal and seafood dinners. Large selection of salads, sandwiches and grinders. Drive thru windows for quick pick-up. Beer, wine & liquor available. Open Sun.-Thurs. 11 a.m. - 10 p.m.; Fri. & Sat. 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Breakfast and lunch. Featuring a full early morning menu including signature sausage gravy. Lunch items include hot dogs, burgers, hot and cold sandwiches, wraps and fried favorites and daily specials. Phone ahead for take out orders. Breakfast and Lunch Mon.-Wed. 7am-3pm; Sat. 7am-3pm; Sun. 8am-1pm Dinner Thurs. ‘til 7pm • Fri. ‘til 8pm FRESH HADDOCK EVERY FRIDAY Big Mikes Traver’s Diner 120 North Pine St. Gloversville • 518-725-3647 “The Family Place To Eat” 35 dinners under $8.95 Seafood, Chicken, Beef, Pastas, Italian Dishes, Hot & Cold Sandwiches, Soups, Salads, Pizza & Hot Wings Known for our “Famous” Hot Dogs “Best in the Area” Eat In or Take Out. “Everything always fresh... always homemade” Rt. 30, Gloversville (518) 725-0444 Northampton Diner Rt. 30, 3 mi. S. of Northville. 518-863-2567 A family diner with good home style cooking. Home of Sacandaga most famous pancakes. Breakfast entrees, hot & cold sandwiches, burgers, steaks, chicken and seafood. Weekly specials. Open: Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sat. & Sun. 6a.m.-1:45p.m. Fri. 6a.m. - 6:45p.m. Closed Mon. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Homemade Specials Daily Great family restaurant with a selection of beef, chicken, veal & seafood dishes. Soups, salads, sandwiches, wraps & burgers, panini melts, deli sandwiches. Beer & Wine Available Opens at 7 a.m. 7 Days A Week “The Pit” BBQ at It’s Best! Open Sun. - Thurs. 7-9 Fri. & Sat. 7-10 I Go Inn Restaurant & Marina Spectacular Sunsets & Vivid Views on Sacandaga Lake Sundays Caribbean Steel Drums 3-7pm Clams by the Bucket, BBQ Ribs Sizzling Steaks Ocean Fresh Seafood 32 oz Frozen Drinks & Caribbean Cocktails visit igoinn.com come by car, boat, Jet ski, helicopter, ors eaplane! 241 South Shore rd. Edinburg NY 12134 Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD – 35 SUMMER DINING GUIDE Holiday Inn 308 North Comrie Ave., Johnstown • 518-762-4686 A full service hotel offering casual family style dining at affordable prices. Everything from an appetizer to a complete full meal including a lite fare menu. Offering breakfast, lunch and dinner 7 days a week. 6:30 am to 10 pm (Sunday until 9 pm). Banquets/meetings for up to 300 people. Take out orders always available. Locally owned and operated. Open to the public. Valentino’s The Restaurant on the Hill Fine dining and exceptional service for 33 years in a beautiful, historic Victorian Mansion. Rt. 5 two miles east of Amsterdam 843-0592 www.valentinosamsterdam.com Vintage Cafe Gianna’s 21 W. Main St. in Historic Downtown Johnstown 2014 Small Business of The Year! 253 N. Main St., Gloversville (518) 773-3710 Full Bar Available Now Serving Dinners Featuring a variety of homemade soups, entrees, salads, wraps, sandwiches, desserts and much more. Offering daily specials. Eat in or take out. We’ll fax you our specials daily Call for details. Phone 518-762-0030 or fax 762-3663 Come and enjoy fine dining with a menu that includes our famous Gourmet Pizza as well as a selection of Italian entrées. A great, affordable family restaurant where you can enjoy a great meal and a good time. OPEN AT 4 P.M. CLOSED MONDAYS Take Out • Delivery • Catering Union Hall Inn Romana’s Italian Kitchen Intersection Rt. 67 and Main, Johnstown • 518-762-3210 Enjoy fine dining, casual fare, or one of our popular Tuesday “Theme Nights” all in an historic building from 1798. Check our extensive selection of single malt Scotch and be sure to save room for delectable desserts from our own CIA Pastry Chef Megan Saltsman. We’re open Tuesday - Friday from 11:30 am to 2 pm for lunch and Tuesday - Saturday at 5 pm for dinner. Check out our page on facebook.com. Hales Mills Country Club 146 Steele Rd., Johnstown • 518-736-4622 One of the best picturesque views in our area seen from inside our spacious clubhouse or outside on our patio. Join us for Mexican Night on Thursdays, Prime Rib Fridays, or lunch or dinner every day during the golf season. Our facility is available for weddings, showers, corporate events/dinners. Like us on Facebook www.halesmillscountryclub.com 219 Comrie Ave., Johnstown • 518-762-3931 2015 marks 41 years that Romana’s Italian Kitchen has been a favorite destination for great food. From salads, sandwiches, pizza, pasta, seafood, steak or chicken, the Vahaviolos family offers quality service and personal care in the selection of ingredients used in each and every menu item. Mon.-Thurs. 11 am -10 pm Fri. & Sat. 11 am - 11 pm Sun. 4-9 pm TAKE OUTS AVAILABLE Sam’s Seafood Steakhouse 287 N. Comrie Ave., Johnstown. 518-762-7267 Steak, Fresh Seafood, Burgers, Pasta, Live Entertainment & Much More! Mon., Wed. & Thu. 11-11; Fri. & Sat. 11-Mid; Sunday Noon-9:00; Closed Tuesday Sam’s is the Place To Be! samsseafoodsteakhouse.com Excellent Food, Great Service, Awesome Drinks & FABULOUS TIMES! 36 – Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD SUMMER DINING GUIDE Jackie’s Diner 1472 New York 29, Gloversville. 518-883-8600 Offering home cooking in a down home atmosphere. A full breakfast menu featuring omelets, waffles, breakfast sandwiches and more. Extensive offerings for lunch and dinner include wraps, hot and cold sandwiches, hot dogs, burgers, steak, seafood, chicken and many other home cooked favorites. Handicap accessible. Also serving beer and wine. Monday - Saturday, 7 am to 8 pm. Sunday, 7 am to 1 pm (breakfast only). Café in The Village 17 W. Main St., Broadalbin 518-883-8383 Come and enjoy a great breakfast on your way to the Great Sacandaga Lake! Open: Monday - Friday 6am-2pm Saturday 7am-1pm Sunday (Breakfast Only) 7am-1pm Pizza Supreme Railside Café 2 North Main St., Broadalbin 518-883-5555 454 North Perry St., Johnstown • 518-762-3292 Family run business since 1978. Everything made to order! Pizzas, Calzones, Salads, Appetizers and More. Eat in or take out. Open 7 Days a Week Monday - Thursday 11am - 10pm; Friday & Saturday 11am - 11pm; Sunday 1pm - 10pm John 3:16 - “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” LORD JESUS CHRIST Serving Breakfast and Lunch! Wednesday - Friday 6am - 2pm and Saturday and Sunday 7am - 1pm Call us or visit our Facebook page for our daily breakfast or lunch specials featuring: homemade corned beef hash, sausage gravy on biscuits, Canadian bacon, a various selection of fresh omelets, chicken and biscuits, baked macaroni and cheese, baked haddock dinner, hot turkey sandwiches and chili with hardroll. MC, Visa & Discover Accepted. Saltsman’s Hotel Vince’s Pizza and Pasta Junction Rtes. 67 & 10 Ephratah • 518-993-4412 118 West Main St., Johnstown, NY 518-736-2828 Celebrating 200 Years of History. Fine Country Style Affordable Dining Since 1813. Saltsman’s serves unique seasonal specialties such as milkweed and elderberry pie and is noted for it’s creamed potatoes, baked onion casseroles, and corn fritters. If you enjoy historical settings, admire antiques, and appreciate a substantial meal, visit Saltsman’s Hotel; a unique step back in time at affordable family prices. SERVING DINNER THURSDAY-SUNDAY www.saltsmans.com Raindancer Restaurant Come in and enjoy delicious Italian dishes in a family-friendly atmosphere. Featuring appetizers, salads, calzones, strombolis, hot & cold subs, party platters and of course... the “Best Pizza in Johnstown!” Private party rooms seating 40-45 people, perfect for small parties and meetings. Gift certificates available. Find us on Facebook and look for our weekly specials. Town & Country Deli & Cafe 4582 St. Hwy. 30N, Amsterdam. 518-842-2606. www.raindancerrestaurant.com 4755 St. Hwy. 30, Amsterdam 518-842-2705 “Something For Everyone” 2 Great Menus to Choose from. Plus a super salad bar. Eat in or take out available at our pickup window. Private areas available for parties. Full bar with large selection of beer and wines. Gift certificates available. Our Motto is “The Healthy Alternative to Fast Food” We offer breakfast, sandwiches, a complete lunch menu, and heat & eat dinners to go. Boar’s Head Deli meat & cheese, rotisserie roast beef, philly steak sandwiches, burgers and subs are among our most popular features. Our salads and soups are homemade. Gluten free menu items. Catering is available! Cafe Seating. Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD – 37 SUMMER DINING GUIDE Purdy’s Junction 2 Railroad St., Broadalbin (right next to Meatland) (518) 319-5948 Whether you’re looking for a delicious cup of coffee, a hearty homecooked meal, quaint creekside dining (inside or out) a bit of local history or just good company, there’s one spot that has it all: Purdy’s Junction. Made to order Omelets, a “Purdy” big burger- built your way, homemade corned beef hash & more! Featuring assorted ice cream novelties & be sure to check out our new dessert items! Breakfast & Lunch Tuesday Saturday 7a.m. - 2 p.m. Closed Sunday & Monday The Pub at Pine Brook 286 S. Main St., Gloversville (518) 773-7660 Offering a pub menu that includes salads, grilled sandwiches, burgers and club sandwiches. A fine dining menu on Fridays with a select pub menu on Sat. & Sun. Offering catering services for wedding showers, memorial celebrations, tournaments and more. Patio dining available. Open 7 days a week at 11am. Mendetta’s Pizzeria & Bakery Drew’s Dogs & More 132 E. Fulton St., Gloversville (518) 773-0003 Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Pizza, Subs, Sandwiches, wraps, salads, homemade baked goods & summer menu Full dinners inclue Prime Rib, Steaks, Pasta Dishes 62 Elmwood Ave., Gloversville (518) 725-DREW Indoor & Outdoor dining available. Exceptional hot dogs with meat sauce along with homemade macaroni & potato salad, tossed & chef salads, taco salad, sandwiches, wraps, specialty wraps, soup & chili, fries, onion rings, nachos, and more. Open: M-F 11-6, Sa 11-4 Find us on Facebook New Indoor Dining Area Open: Sun. 7am-6pm, Mon.-Wed. 6am-7pm Thurs.-Sat. 6am-8pm Bella’s Italian Restaurant 97 W. Fulton St. Gloversville (518) 752-5360 Friendly atmosphere, great service & quality food. Selection of steaks and Italian dishes available. Outdoor patio seating available. Beer & wine coming soon. So please feel free to BYOB. Open: Thurs. - Mon. noon-10pm Closed Mon. & Tues. Wine & Roses 101 West Main Street Broadalbin• 883-FOOD Featuring comfort food with an attitude! We offer something for everyone. From a full course meal to our selection of Short Plates, our food is made from fresh ingredients with an emphasis on flavor. Most of our menu items are scratch made..right down to the ketchup! We cater off premise too. We’ll design a menu to suit your needs and your budget. We look forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones at Wine and Roses. www.wineandrosesrestaurant.com Top of the Hill Grill 4700 State Highway 29 Johnstown NY 12095 518-736-8100 Come enjoy a laid back, familyfriendly atmosphere. Serving pizza, wings, calzones, steak, chicken, burgers, fish and more! We have daily specials and specialty nights... Thursday Wing Night, Friday Night Fish Fry, Prime Rib Saturdays. 7 beers on tap. Take outs available. Open Wed. 2-8; Thurs. & Fri. 2-10; Sat. 12-10; Closed Sun. thru Tues. 38 – Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 Fort Johnson continued from page 32 “He moved there, building a house in 1743 called Mount Johnson. Here he developed a fur trade that became the basis of his fortune. “Johnson soon became involved in Colonial politics. He provisioned British military posts, kept the Native Americans friendly to the British, served in the New York Colonial Legislature, and in 1756 was commissioned ‘superintendent of all the affairs of the Six Nations and other Northern Indians.’ “Johnson constructed a larger house for himself and his family. Acting as his own architect, Johnson built a large three-story stone house about a mile west of his first home. “Following the Georgian style of architecture, it was finished in 1749 and was to be called Fort Johnson. Along with the house, grist mill and outbuildings that were on the property, structures flanked the house on the front and were fortified as a means of defense from attack by the French. “With Sir William’s removal to Johnson Hall in 1763, Fort Johnson was given to his son John, who married Mary Watts, a member of a prominent New York family.” John occupied the fort until 1774, when upon Sir William’s death, John inherited the baronetcy and moved to Johnson Hall. “The outbreak of the American Revolution [led to] Sir John Johnson’s decision to remain loyal to the British Crown. [He] was attainted a traitor and he and his family fled to Canada. “All Johnson property was confiscated, with Fort Johnson seized by the Tryon County Committee of Sequestration in 1777. Fort Johnson and all the furnishings were sold at auction. “Throughout the 19th century, the house passed through many hands; in 1905, the fort was again for sale. It was purchased by UNION HALL Inn RESTAURANT & CATERING • THE LEADER-HERALD Brigadier General John Watts DePeyster, a great-nephew of Lady Mary Watts, and given to the Montgomery County Historical Society.” The Montgomery County Historical Society was incorporated May 10, 1904. It met in the Amsterdam Free Library. Its purpose was: to promote and encourage original historical research; to disseminate a greater knowledge of the early history of that portion of New Yorkstate known as Tryon County by means of literature and the publication and distribution of literature on historical subjects; to gather books, manuscripts, papers and relics relating to the early history of Montgomery County and the Mohawk Valley; to suitably mark places of historical interest; and to acquire by purchase, gift, or otherwise, the title to or custody and control of historical spots and places. On Oct. 17, 1904, the Hon. Stephen Sanford purchased the A.G. Richmond collection of aboriginal artifacts in Canajoharie and donated it to the Historical Society and a major exhibition was placed in the Amsterdam Public Library. On Oct. 30, 1905, at a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery County Historical Society, it was reported by W. Max Reid that after meeting with General J. Watts DePeyster of Tivoli, Dutchess County, that the General had agreed to buy the Fort Johnson property and deed it to the Montgomery County Historical Society; it was to be owned by them as long as it was used for historical purposes; thus, began a custodianship which has lasted nearly 99 years. The trustees of the Historical Society resolved on Nov. 15,1905; “That it is the sense of this society, that the act of Major General John Watts DePeyster in voluntarily preserving for the generations to come one of the most important relics of our colonial history, is an evidence of the lofty patriotism which has been characteristic of him and of his family and ancestors. CE TRANSMISS L A R I ON NT 762-9076 349 N. Perry St. • Johnstown, N.Y Transmission Specialists Auto and Light Truck • Repair & Service Prompt Service ~ Free Estimates Established 1798 Contemporary American Cuisine ENJOY FINE DINING, CASUAL FARE OR ONE OF OUR POPULAR TUESDAY “THEME NIGHTS” ALL IN AN HISTORIC BUILDING FROM 1798 Serving Lunch Tuesday - Friday 11:30-2:00 Dinner Tuesday - Saturday 5:00-9:00 518-762-3210 INTERSECTION RT. 67 & MAIN ST., JOHNSTOWN Locally Owned & Operated Since 1976! Monday - Friday 8:00-5:00 • Major Credit Cards Accepted LATEX PAINT EXCHANGE 339 3 363734837848 33Ȉ3͛ǣ͔͗3Ǧ3͕͕ǣ͔͗3 3ǡ33Ƭ34 • Drop off cans at least 1/2 full and not rusty • Take up to 5 gallons of latex paint a week, as available HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DROP-OFF Saturday August 8, 2015 •7am-noon Call 736-5504 For Info Both programs free to Fulton County Residents, No Businesses Appointment needed for HHW 9363734837848 3͛͘͜33Ǥǡ3 Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD – 39 Right, Amsterdam's Brendan Tracy is greeted at home plate by Alex DeBellis, Tommy Kain (25) and Zack Brown (33) after hitting a 3-run home run over the center field fence during Game 1 of the Perfect Game Collegiate Baseball League championship game against the Newark Pilots at Shuttleworth Park on August 6, 2014. Below, Amsterdam Mohawks' third baseman Tommy Kain (25) receives the throw from right fielder Jonathan Pryor and prepares to tag Newark's Logan Boyher (12) for an inning-ending double play during the second inning. Photos by James A. Ellis The Leader-Herald STEET TOYOTA -SCION Best Deals In Town! NEW/PRE-OWNED SALES-SERVICE-PARTS SHOP ONLINE 24/7 SteetToyotaJohnstown.com Come See Why It’s So Easy To Do Business at Steet Toyota 762-7222 310 N. Comrie Ave., Johnstown, NY 40 – Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD Lake Harding, of Mayfield, being held by her mother Devan Harding, dances to a Beatles song during the Buck Moon event held at FMCC on July 12, 2014. Photos by Bill Trojan The Leader-Herald Above, Paula Mroz looks at some jewelry. Left: A Beatles tribute band "Hey Jude"; from left, Brad Jarvis as Paul McCartney, Tom Rader as John Lennon, Don Ackerman as Ringo Starr and Rick Bedrojian as George Harrison performs "She Loves Me" at the event. Take A Hike! 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Come see us for all your tire needs! $PVWHUGDP Rt. 30 843-4600 -RKQVWRZQ Rt. 30A 762-4609 ZZZEURZQVIRUGFRP Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD – 43 This healthy day is brought to you by LITTAUER. We mean it when we say, “It’s your life, live it well.” 44 – Summer Living & Vacation Guide, 2015 • THE LEADER-HERALD Refurbish your old jewelry with a Free cleaning & inspection! Andy Castiglione Stop in to see Andy Castiglione and Michael McCabe. Over 30 years experience in fine jewelry repair. $ Michael McCabe 10.00 OFF any Jewelry Repair Over $50.00 Cannot be combined with any other offer or coupon. Expires 6/30/15 Expert jewelry repair at JEWELERS In Downtown Gloversville Celebrating Our 86th Year In Downtown Gloversville 25 N. Main St. • 725-1113 • Gloversville Open: Mon., Tues., Wed. & Fri. 9:30-5:00; Thurs. 9:30-6:00; Sat. 9:30-3:00 Visit us at: www.gemjewelers.com
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