Caroga Lake - The Leader Herald
Caroga Lake - The Leader Herald
Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 2 Don’t Miss Out on Summer Fun! LITTAUER HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS ARE AVAILABLE TO HELP KEEP YOU WELL. Contact one of the LITTAUER Primary/Specialty Care Centers to schedule an appointment. Caroga Lake 1840 State Highway 10 835-2341 Family Medicine Prescriptions Filled Gloversville 99 East State Street 773-5690 Adult Medicine General Surgery 773-5691 Neurology 773-5729 Women’s Health 775-4234 Pediatrics 775-4201 Family Medicine 775-4133 Urology 775-4073 Occupational Medicine 182 Steele Avenue 773-7520 Pediatrics Johnstown 23 South Perry Street 736-1500 Adult Medicine 762-6731 Pediatrics 736-1517 General Surgery 2 Fon Clair Terrace 762-7553 Family Medicine Mayfield 2497 State Highway 30 661-5493 Adult Medicine 661-5725 Pediatrics 661-5441 Family Medicine Perth 4104 State Highway 30 883-8620 Family Medicine 883-8634 Women’s Health 883-8624 Pediatrics 883-4762 Occupational Medicine Speculator State Highway 8 548-8155 Family Medicine Prescriptions Filled Laboratory Services on Site Most Insurances Accepted—including Senior Blue NATHAN LITTAUER HOSPITAL Q 99 E. STATE ST. Q GLOVERSVILLE, NY 12078 Q 518.725.8621 By RICHARD NILSEN The Leader-Herald Although Sherman’s Amusement Park is for sale and closed for the season, another historic destination for summer vacationers is still going strong at Pine Lake. Jeff Houck said his parents, Bill and Chardel Houck, first bought the campground part of the park property in 1971, then completed the purchase in 1990 by adding the pavilion area. The completed project includes the private beach, boating access, campgrounds, seasonal mobile home sites and the Adirondack Paradise pavilion. His dad is still a “silent partner” in the endeavor, and isn’t always silent about the park. “He still tells me when I’m doing something wrong,” Jeff Houck said with a laugh. Although no longer an amusement park with rides and concessions of 40 years ago, Houck said they have changed with the times and keep adding what works. With the closing of Sherman’s, Houck put on fireworks July 3 at Pine Lake. He also is hosting most of the lake association picnics in the area and plans two events in coordination with the town museum. They have already planned fireworks for next July and are looking at possible craft and company picnic venues in the future. “The big growth areas seem to be in catering wedding receptions, graduation and anniversary parties,” he said. “There’s also been a big surge in camping and mobile home seasonal sites.” Jeff Houck said the area offers a nearby “quiet getaway” destination for the capital district and Utica/Syracuse areas. On July 21, Houck had a group of students visiting him from Sauquoit Valley High School, about Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald Pine Lake Park still going strong 3 The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan Jeff Houck, left, owner of Pine Lake Park, gets a lei placed around his neck by greeter Nikole Hulten of Little Falls during a beach party in the Adirondack Paradise pavilion in July. 10 miles south of Utica, where he teaches math. They were visiting with students Sam, Ryan and Jim Drake, who have a camp on Piseco Lake. Sam Drake said they came to see what Houck was up to “on vacation.” Houck was having a busy vacation, with an “indoor beach party” on July 21 featuring the local bands Saving Atlantis, Dream Team Nation and Permagrin. Each Tuesday starting at 7 p.m., there is live music by area bands in the Adirondack Paradise pavilion at the park. These events are open to the public. Upcoming events in coordination with the Caroga Lake Museum include the Swing Doctors Continued on Page 24 Palmer Pharmacy “for old fashioned service and courtesy” Pharmacists - Carole Deyoe • Tom Friello • Bob Sullivan • Robin Carville • Patient/Prescription Consultation • Senior Discount • Medicare, Medicaid, EPIC & Most Third Party Insurance Plans Honored • Diabetic Supplies • Blood Pressure Kits • Stethoscopes • Commodes • Walkers • Canes • Crutches • Wrist, Knee & Back Supports • Surgical & Support Stockings • Post Mastectomy Supplies Nature’s Bounty Vitamins FOX RUN GOLF CLUB Memberships Available 762-3717 Open to the Public DRIVING RANGE • LESSONS, TEACHING PROFESSIONAL - RICH SCOTT FULLY STOCKED PRO SHOP “If we don’t have it, we can get it!” RESTAURANT & LOUNGE Serving Lunch and Dinner Daily Specials Booking Parties • Banquets • Outings Tournament and Dining Dates Are Available. Call for more information, 762-3717 Website: • Email: 129 FOX RUN DR. (Near FMCC), JOHNSTOWN, N.Y. 12095 The Best Birthdays Happen Bowling With Us! AUTOMATIC SCORING 2 Games of Bowling Shoe Rental Slice of pizza Soda - regular size Invitations • Balloons Bumpers Upon Request T-Shirt to Birthday Child Free Pick-Up & Delivery to Gloversville, Johnstown and Fonda Fultonville Areas 2 E. MAIN, JOHNSTOWN • 762-8319 Mon.-Fri. 8:30 am to 7 pm; Sat. 8:30 am to 2 pm, Sun. 9 am - 1 pm New Carts w/Windshields, Ball washers • Bag Covers 1 Maple Ave., Johnstown, NY Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 4 The calendar of events is com- feature The Karg Bros. band piled from various sources. The from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Admission will be free. Leader-Herald advises people to call the venues ahead of time in August 4 Fultonville case of cancellations. The Olde Main Street Shoppes in Fultonville will host an emAugust broidery workshop from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Participants will learn August 3 St. Johnsville The Summer Band Concert at basic embroidery techniques by the St. Johnsville Marina will decorating a pillow or fabric blocks for quilting that they may take home. (Note: embroidered fabric blocks may be used in the next workshop on hand-quilting.) The cost of this workshop is $10, which includes all materials. Pre-registration required. This • Breakfast • workshop is recommended for ages 7 to 12. • Lunch • For more information, contact • Daily Specials • Jolene or Shad at 853-3194 or • Homemade Soup • m, or visit www.oldemainstreetMonday - Friday 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM Vintage Cafe Saturday 7:30 -11:00 AM 21 West Main, Johnstown 762-0030 Continued on Page 5 The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan Connor Maloney of Ellicotte City, Md., leads the pack in his go cart at the High Rollers Family Fun Center in Amsterdam in July. CABINET SALE! UP TO 65% OFF! Kitchen Cabinets Aren’t Just For Kitchens Anymore . . . . The Possibilities Are Endless! Free Estim ates t Fas ry ive Del LIFETIME WARRANTY 65% Off Open Mon - Fri 7am-5pm Sat 8am-1pm Call for your appointment today! PRO-BUILD The Supplier of Choice 99 N. Comrie Ave. (Rt 30A) Johnstown 518-762-0074 - fax 762-0118 Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 5 Continued From Page 4 Aug. 4 Fonda Fonda Speedway will host racing events at 6 p.m. For additional information, go to the Fonda Speedway Web site at Aug. 5 Caroga Lake Royal Mountain Supercross will host supercross racing at 7 p.m. Admission will cost $8 at the gate for adults and $3 for children. For additional information, call Jim Blaise at 835-6445 or e-mail August 5 Fultonville The Olde Main Street Shoppes him at in Fultonville will host a handqulting workshop from 10 a.m. to August 6 Fultonville The Olde Main Street Shoppes 2 p.m. Participants will learn in Fultonville will host a handbasic quilting techniques by creating a quilted pillow that they may quilting workshop from 10 a.m. take home. The cost of this work- to 2 p.m. Participants will learn shop is $10 (includes both days), basic quilting techniques by creand includes all materials. Pre- ating a quilted pillow that they registration required. This work- may take home. The cost of this shop is recommended for ages 5 workshop is $10 for both days, which and includes all materials. to 12. For more information, contact Pre-registration required. This Jolene or Shad at 853-3194 or workshop is recommended for ages 5 to 12. For more informa, or visit www.oldemainstreet- tion, contact Jolene or Shad at 853-3194 or Continued on Page 6 NAPA AUTO PARTS 208 N. PERRY ST., JOHNSTOWN 762-1661 The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan People check out cars at a car show on North Main Street in Gloversville in July. Proceeds from the event benefited the local Boys and Girls Club. s ’ i M e D Wines & Liquors 52 East Main St., Johnstown 518-762-7572 Service • Selection • Savings 15% OFF On Mix & Match Cases of Same Size Bottles of Wine Largest Selection of Wines, Champagnes & Gift Sets NYS Lottery Now Available! Open: Mon-Sat 9am - 9pm; Sun Noon - 5pm We Accept All Major Credit Cards ELMWOOD AVE. (The Old Ruby & Quiri building) GLOVERSVILLE 773-7339 Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 6 County Raffle will take place Continued From Page 5, or visit Aug. 7 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the Holiday Inn, 308 N. Comrie Ave., Johnstown. Aug. 7 Fort Plain The Twister Valley Sports August 7 Wells The Wells Olde Home Days & Complex on Route 5S will have Carnival, an annual two-day celmotocross racing. Gates will open at 4 p.m. Admission will be ebration, will begin. There will be amusements, a charged. parade, contests, games and food. The theme for 2009 will be Aug. 7 Caroga Lake The North Bush United “Wells — A Four Season PlayMethodist Church will host a ground.” The event is sponsored Family Night at 6 p.m. with by the Wells Improvement Group. For more information, games and snacks. There will be a movie at 7:30 call 924-3040. p.m. August 8 Caroga Everyone is welcome. The Fulton County Lakes Garden Tour will take place from 10 August 7 Johnstown The Fulton County Regional a.m. to 4 p.m. Tickets will cost Chamber of Commerce & Indus- $20 in advance and $25 on the try will host its 15th annual day of the event. Tickets may be fundraiser to benefit its tourism purchased at the Fulton County department’s efforts to promote Regional Chamber of Commerce the region. The Bet on Fulton Continued on Page 7 UNION HALL Inn OUR PATIO IS NOW OPEN! Regular & Tavern Menu Available Entrees from $8 Lunch ~ Tues. - Fri. 11:30 - 2 Take-Outs! 762-3210 Dinner ~ Tues. - Sat. 5:00 - 9 Intersection Rt. 67 and Main Street, Johnstown The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan William Kenyon, left, of Johnstown, looks at a garage sale item being shown to him by his grandmother, Natalie Klohck, of Johnstown, at the Town Line Museum in Johnstown last July. Your One Source For All Your Sports Memorabilia MOUNTAINVIEW Framing CUSTOM FRAMING Needs! 518-883-8942 • 18 N. Main St., Broadalbin, N.Y. Wood, Metal and Oval Frames Needlework Stretched & Framed • Prints & Photography Posters • Original Artwork • Conservation Framing Shadow Boxes For Framing Objects Many Other Framing Products & Services Available • Creative Design OPEN: MON-FRI - 9-5 • SAT - 9-12 OR BY APPT. Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 7 Continued From Page 6 & Industry or at Ruby & Quiri. Call 725-2083, 736-5130 or 775-1606 for additional information. All proceeds will benefit the Senior Citizens Service Center of Gloversville & Fulton County. The rain date will be Aug. 9. August 8 Wells The Wells Olde Home Days & Carnival will continue. There will be amusements, a parade, contests, games and food. The theme for 2009 is Wells-A Four Season Playground. The event is sponsored by Wells Improvement Group. For more information, call 924-3040. Aug. 8 Ephratah The Caroga Creek raceway will host racing. The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan For additional information, call Eric Miller or Tom Hall at 993- Painter and sculptor Michael Ringer of Alexandria Bay, left, shows Cely and Tom Eustace of Ben3744 or go to the Web site at son one of his paintings on display inside the Inn at the Bridge during the Adirondack working and Fine Art Show sponsored by the Northville Rotary at the inn in Northville in July. Aug. 8 Fonda Fonda Speedway will host racing events at 7 p.m. For additional information, go to the Fonda Speedway Web site at August 10 St. Johnsville A summer concert at the St. Johnsville Marina will feature the band Rusty Doves from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Admission will be free. August 11 Fultonville The Olde Main Street Shoppes SERVICE PARTS • REPAIRS For most makes of Lawn Mowers Chain Saws Weed Eaters Generators Tillers in Fultonville will host a birch bark weaving workshop from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Participants will learn basic weaving techniques by creating a birch bark picture that they may take home. The cost of this workshop is $10, which includes all materials. Pre-registration required. This workshop is recommended for ages 5 to 12. For more information, contact Jolene or Shad at 853-3194, or e-mail, or visit Continued on Page 8 DISCOUNT PAINT BALL Lowest Prices in Area Purchase CO2 Tank or Compressed Air Tank 1st Fill is FREE Closed Tuesday and Sunday • 773-7175 The Small Non-Aggregate Leach Field with Huge Performance! Ask for the Eljen GSF (Geotextile Sand Filter) • Pretreats with 2-Stage Biomat • Designed to last indefinitely • Much smaller installation area • No stone... less offsite fill • Lightweight recycled materials • New York State Approved • Up to 60 min/in soils Call 518-661-5601 MILLERʼs Ready-Mix 301 Riceville Road, Mayfield, NY Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 8 Continued From Page 7 Aug. 12 Caroga Lake The Royal Mountain SuperAugust 11 Lake Pleasant cross will host supercross racing Adirondack photographer Gerry Lemmo will give a presen- at 7 p.m. Admission will cost $8 tation at the Lake Pleasant Li- at the gate, or $3 for children brary at 7 p.m. The event is ages 6 to 11. For additional information, call sponsored by the Friends of the Jim Blaise at 835-6445 or e-mail Lake Pleasant Library. August 12 Fultonville The Olde Main Street Shoppes August 13 Piseco Woods Tea Company, a folk in Fultonville will host a decoupage with fabric workshop group from Vermont, will perfrom 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Partici- form at 7 p.m. at the Piseco Lipants will learn basic fabric de- brary (in the Piseco school), coupage techniques by Route 8. decorating a jar or plate that they August 13 Fultonville may take home. The cost of this The Olde Main Street Shoppes workshop is $10, which includes in Fultonville will host a needleall materials. Pre-registration repoint workshop from 10 a.m. to quired. This workshop is recom2 p.m. Participants will learn mended for ages 5 to 12. For basic needlepoint techniques by more information, call Jolene or creating a needlepoint picture Shad at 853-3194 or e-mail that they may take home. The m, or visit www.oldemainstreetContinued on Page 9 It’s Always 5 o’clock at SPIRITS OF THE ADIRONDACKS A Large Selection of Wine & Liquor at Competitive Prices! HOURS: Monday - Friday 10-9 Saturday 9-9 Sunday 12-4 107 Townsend Avenue, Johnstown PHONE: 762-7667 Family Owned and Operated The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan Jacob Sisco of Fort Hunter takes a try at the bat-and-trap game during the Colonial Family Field Day at Old Fort Johnson in July. 4582 St. Hwy 30N, Amsterdam 518-842-2606 Steamer Night 3Ǧ33 Early Birds Available** ͜3 ǣ͘͘3Ǧ3͞ǣ͘͘3 33 3͙͚ǣ͛͘3Ǧ3͛ǣ͘͘3 3 33Ǧ3͙͆͛Ǥ͡͡ 3͙͘333Ǧ3͙͚͆Ǥ͡͡ 3Ǧ 633Ǧ * Not Available for Takeout * 3 393 8 3͜ǣ͘͘3Ǧ36 33 3 36 33336 * Not Available for Takeout Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 9 Continued From Page 8 cost of this workshop is $10, and includes all materials. Pre-registration required. This workshop is recommended for ages 5 to 12. For more information, contact Jolene or Shad at 853-3194, or e-mail, or visit Aug. 14 Ephratah The Caroga Creek raceway will host racing at the raceway. For additional information, call Eric Miller or Tom Hall at 9933744, or go to the Web site August 13 Speculator The TWIGS Craft Fair will take place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Speculator Ballfield/Pavilion. The event is sponsored by the Hamilton County TWIGS. August 14 Pine Lake The Caroga Historical Museum will present a concert by Christopher Shaw, an Adirondack folk singer and storyteller, at Adirondack Paradise at Pine Lake Park in Caroga, on Route 29A and Route 10. The show will start at 7 p.m. Admission will cost $5 for adults. The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan Macenzie Blush of Caroga takes a close look at a dirt bike for sale during the Caroga garage sale in July. from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday. Admission will be free. Refreshments will be available at 4 p.m. provided by the Hamilton County TWIGS. For more information, call 548-4478. So many things to do, you may just forget to go home. August 15 Fultonville The Olde Main Street Shoppes in Fultonville will host a knitting August 15-16 Speculator A Colonial re-enactment will workshop from 10 a.m. to noon. take place at the Speculator ball- Participants will learn basic knitfield/pavilion, Route 30, from ting techniques by creating a 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Continued on Page 12 Chamber of Commerce/Office of Tourism, Routes 30 & 8, Box 184, Speculator, NY At the crossroads of two Scenic Byways The Adirondack Loft 518-548-4521 Tack & Horse Supplies • Bar FFlex • Vita er • Weavboy Magic • Cow in’ Tree gs • Lean , Puzzles & Mu Cards rn Candles e • West Gift Certificates Available Mon. - Sat. 10 - 4 Sun. 10-3 Eve. by appt. • Vest s Jacke , Visors ts, Baseb & by “Outball Caps Trading ack Co.” 280 Bemis Rd. Gloversville 775-1954 Our mountains, rivers and lakes offer an abundance of activities for all ages, in every season. Swim, boat, fish and play golf. Trails for hiking, mountain biking, skiing and snowmobiling await. Accommodations and restaurants are easily accessible throughout the area. Visit our website for lodging, dining, events, maps and more. ADIRONDACKS ADIRONDACKS SPECULATOR Speculator, Lake Pleasant, Piseco, Arietta, Morehouse, Wells Speculator, Lake Pleasant, Piseco, Arietta, Morehouse, Wells REGION REGION Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 10 A 1950s-style gas station replica is shown at the Town Line Museum in Johnstown in June. $180 Year Special Arena Garage Sale 8/29 & 8/30 Free Weights Nautilus Equipment Hammer Strength Dumbbells up to 150 lbs. Tanning/Saunas Racquetball Basketball Perth Ultimate Fitness Formerly known as Total Image Health Club or originally Perth Fitness. 161 Perth Fitness Rd., Amsterdam • 762-LIFT The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan AL TRANSMISSIO R T N N CE 349 N. Perry St. • Johnstown, N.Y Transmission Specialists A Auto and Light Truck GuarWorllk anteed Repair & Service Prompt Service ~ Free Estimates le Reasonab Rates Call for more information 762-9076 Locally Owned & Operated Since 1976! Monday - Friday 8:00-5:00 • Major Credit Cards Accepted The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan Bob Anderson, left, a member of the Northville Rotary, and Theo Horesco, president of the Rotary, cook food on a grill outside the Inn at the Bridge during the Adirondack Woodworking and Fine Art Show sponsored by the Rotary at the inn in Northville in July. BRIAN CORRELL ROOFING Roofing Specialists Residential • Commercial • Industrial Providing Service, Quality & Professionalism For Over 33 Years ALL TYPES OF ROOFING • Shingles • Flat Roofs (EPDM, TPO & Modified Bitumen) • Architectural Standing Seam Metal • Colored, Baked Enamel Metal • Coatings • Copper • Slate & Tile Repairs ALL TYPES OF ROOF REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE VENTILATION • We offer the latest in roof ventilation technology • Avoid winter ice back-up issues • Prevent shortened life on shingles Gem Mining • Dino Dig Nature Discovery Train Ride Kidsville Activity Area NEW THIS YEAR Screamin’ Eagle Slide 200 ft. of Screaming Fun Rubber Ducky Derby Sunday Breakfast Buffets Special Events • Craft Shows EMERGENCY SERVICE 7 DAYS PER WEEK ~ 725-7310 ~ We have installed and repaired over 15,000 roofs for satisfied customers these past 33 years, earning the trust and respect of homeowners, businesses and other area contractors. “Nothing Beats Experience” Fully Insured Very Competitive Pricing Free Estimates & Roof Analysis • 2004 Recipient of Fulton County’s Outstanding Business Award • Member of the Better Business Bureau • Member of the Fulton County Chamber of Commerce 383 Cty. Hwy. 138 Off Rt. 29, Broadalbin, NY Call (518) 883-8700 Open Daily 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald “Family Fun” 11 Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 12 Continued From Page 9 small project of their choice. The cost of this workshop is $5 and does not include materials. This workshop is recommended for people 12 and older. For more information, call Jolene or Shad at 853-3194, or e-mail, or visit A&M Prospect Properties LTD. Kathleen M. Mussi Licensed Real Estate Broker/Owner Along with our full service Real Estate we offer year round and seasonal property management. We are here for you when you can’t be! 217 N. Main St., Gloversville, NY Tel 518 773-8457 Fax 518 773-9734 August 15 Fultonville The Olde Main Street Shoppes in Fultonville will host a knitting workshop from 1 to 3 p.m. Participants will learn basic knitting techniques by creating a small project of their choice. The cost of this workshop is $5 and does not include materials. This workshop is recommended for people 12 and older. For more information, contact Jolene or Shad at 853-3194 or e-mail m, or visit August 15 Fultonville The Olde Main Street Shoppes in Fultonville will host a knitting workshop from 3 to 5 p.m. Participants will learn basic knitting techniques by creating a small project of their choice. The cost of this workshop is $5 and does Continued on Page 17 The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan People are shown enjoying a beach on the shore of the Great Sacandaga Lake in July. 2.00 OFF Women’s Cut $ Your Style Awaits 234 No. Comrie Ave., Johnstown Mall • 736-2066 Open: Monday - Friday 9 am - 8 pm; Saturday 9 am - 5 pm; Sunday 10 am - 4 pm - No Appointment Necessary - Take Charge Of Your Style WE NOW CARRY BED HEAD Products WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF FANTASTIC SAM’S PRODUCTS American Crew • Biosilk Inkworks • CHI • Joico Matrix • Redken Paul Mitchell • Sexy Hair Fantastic Sam’s offers complimentary shampoo & conditioning rinse with every cut. Full Service Only Expires: 8/29/09 Not valid with any other promotions. Valid with this coupon at Johnstown only. $ 5.00 OFF Any Color Full Service Only Expires: 8/29/09 Not valid with any other promotions. Valid with this coupon at Johnstown only. 1.00 OFF Kid’s Cut $ (11 & Under) - Full Service Only Expires: 8/29/09 Not valid with any other promotions. Valid with this coupon at Johnstown only. Northville Family Health Center 331 Bridge Street, Northville, NY 12134 (518) 863-4200 Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald St. Mary’s Hospital is pleased to announce the addition of Samuel Dean Detweiler, MD Dr. Detweiler is welcoming new patients as well as former patients of Dr. Dasher’s practice beginning July 1st. 13 Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 14 The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan People are seen at the beach on West Caroga Lake in July. Visit The area is full of fun things for everyone to do this summer! Come for the past, stay for the present. A historic time for the whole family! The Schoharie Crossing Aqueduct. Remains of the original Erie Canal. On site is also a restored canal store and historic lock from the 1850’s. Visitors to the Arkell Museum at Canajoharie will discover paintings by American artists such as Winslow Homer, Childe Hassam, Robert Henri and Georgia O’Keefe on display in the Galleries. A variety of exciting programs and events are scheduled throughout the year! Richard Poole Trio Concert at Arkell Museum August 22nd DON’T MISS! Old Fort Johnson Movie Night Aug. 15th NOT JUST FOR KIDS Storytelling at Schoharie Crossing Sundays in August View of the 1750 fur trading post Fort Klock located along Rt. 5 in St. Johnsville ® NYSDED Native American Culture is a huge part of our past. The Mohawk Valley was named for its first settlers, the Mohawks. Old Fort Johnson Original home to Sir. William Johnson, Deputy of Indian Affairs in the Mohawk Valley from 1762-1774 Call for your FREE Travel Guide and Calendar of Events 1-800-743-7337 Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 15 Boats are tied to their slips at the Inn at the Bridge docks in Northville in July. The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan 118 Polar Plaza, Rt. 30, Amsterdam, NY 12010 PHONE: 518-842-5188 FAX: 518-842-5562 Mon - Fri 8:30 am - 6:00 pm; Sat 9:00 am - 1:00 pm FULL COLOR COPIES! OTHER SERVICES • UPS AVAILABLE: • Federal Authorized ShipCenter® Express • Packing • • • • Business Cards • Passport Photos• Rubber Stamps• Office Supplies• Photocopies • Fax Service • Notary Public • Boxes Laminating Greeting Cards Spiral Binding Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 16 Tony Pepicelli (11A) races with Elmo Reckner (17) during July 18 modified action at Fonda Speedway. Adirondack Spintacular (sponsored by Positudes & Center for Donation and Transplant) Run, Cycle, or Walk for Hemophilia and Organ Donation Awareness Saturday, August 15, 2009 (rain or shine) 10:00 a.m. Registration $25.00 for Run/Cycle/Walk Includes BBQ & Silent Auction to follow To Attend BBQ only $15.00 Call (518) 863-8998 or email A scenic 5 K, 6 or 12-mile route amidst the Adirondack Mountains, along the Great Sacandaga Lake in Mayfield, NY. Course starts and finishes at the Fairgrounds across from the Mayfield Firehouse, School St. Mayfield, NY. Proceeds to benefit the Lawrence Madeiros Scholarship Fund to be awarded to graduating high school seniors, living with a chronic disorder, continuing their educations. The Leader-Herald/James A. Ellis Home Heating Headquarters “Your Home For Renewable Energy!” We are proud to announce that we have joined forces with Loren Fassett (formally of Stix, Stones-n-Steel) in the Sales & Installation of SunSurfs™ Solar and Wind Generation Systems SunSurfs ™ SOLAR ENERGY New for 2009! 30% Federal Tax Credit 25% off State Incentive with NO CAP Solar/Wind products! Call Loren Fasset (Manager) @ 607-264-3232 or Stop In and See Our Display HOURS Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm; Saturday 8 am - 4 pm; Sunday Closed 250 No. Comrie Ave. JOHNSTOWN Toll Free 1-888-762-9671 email: 762-9671 Next to Johnstown Agway Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 17 Continued From Page 12 not include materials. This workshop is recommended for ages 12 and up. For more information, contact Jolene or Shad at 8533194, or e-mail, or visit . August 15 Mayfield The annual Adirondack Spintacular will begin at 10 a.m. at the Fairgrounds across from the Mayfield Fire Department on School Street. Registration will be $25 for runners, cyclists and walkers. This includes a barbecue and a silent auction. For additional information, call Carol at 86308998 or by e-mail at m. August 15 Speculator Rural Felicity will perform at 7 p.m. at the Speculator Gazebo. The group will perform 18thcentury music. Admission will be free. Bring your own chairs. The event is sponsored by the Historical Society of Lake Pleasant & Speculator. The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan Men go fishing in a small boat on the Great Sacandaga Lake as a jet ski passes by in July. benefit the shooting sports, range development, safety and conservation. The event will be catered by the Union Hall of Johnstown. Ticket costs are $35. Ticket packages are available by contacting Paul Shaw at 548-4213 August 15 Speculator ( or The 5th annual Friends of the Fran Gramlich at 548-7343 NRA Fundraiser/Banquet will ( All are take place at 5:30 p.m. at the welcome. Morehouse Recreation Center, Route 8, Morehouse. Games, raf- August 15 Lake Pleasant fles, and silent and live auctions The Ninth Annual Antique & will be held to raise funds for state and national programs to Continued on Page 19 Visit or Call Us Today! (518) 548-6231 Rt. 30, Speculator, NY 12164 COUPON READERS CHOICE Diamonds • Gold • Silver • Platinum Custom work/repairs done on premises Unique Pieces of Jewelry...Many Designed and Made on Premises. 189 5th Ave., Gloversville (518) 725-4367 Two full-time Jewelers on Staff *Interest-free Financing (Up to 12 Months!) #1 TOY & BIKE STORE 25%off SALE COUPON Voted NUMBER ONE In “Reader’s Choice” Everytime! COUPON Rare-Colored Gemstones One-Of-A-Kind Jewelry ON ALL MOUNTAIN BIKES Now at . . . AZAREL Gifts & Bikes Cor. N. Main & James Sts. • 725-1270 • Gloversville COUPON Exp. 8/20/09 Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 18 A boat gets ready to pass under the Northville bridge in July. The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan DOMESTIC & FOREIGN AUTO REPAIRS Don’t let the insurance company persuade you where to go for your collision repairs. Exercise your right to choose the shop of your choice. Get it repaired right the first time! All Types of Collision Repairs Mechanical Repairs Wheel Alignments, Brakes, Tune Ups, Air Conditioning, Etc. FREE LOANER CARS & RENTAL CARS AVAILABLE Give Us A Call or Stop By For Details! 24 HOUR TOWING & RECOVERY ALTIERI’S AUTO INC. 1 Erie Street, Amsterdam • 843-4874 Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 19 Continued From Page 17 Classic Boat Show is planned. Aug. 15 Caroga Lake The North Bush United Methodist Church will be hosting an ice cream social with light food from 3 to 7 p.m. at the church. The Durey Creek Bluegrass Band will perform during the social. Aug. 15 Fonda The Fonda Speedway will host racing events at 6 p.m. For additional information, go to the Fonda Speedway Web site, Aug. 15 Johnstown The Glove-Cities Colonials will play Southern Tier Warriors at 7:30 p.m. For additional information, go to Aug. 15 Johnstown The Lazy Eight RC Club 23rd annual Charity Air Show to benefit the James A. Brennan Humane Society will take place at the club flying field behind Rogers Orchard at 144 Knoblauch Road. The event will feature giantscale radio-controlled model airplanes. There will be free parking. Food will be available for purchase. The cost of the event will be $3. Children ages 12 and younger may enter for free. The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan The Gloversville Civic Band performs at Melchoir Park in Gloversville in July. Aug. 16 Johnstown The Lazy Eight RC Club 23rd annual Charity Air Show to benefit the James A. Brennan Humane Society will take place at the club flying field behind Rogers Orchard at 144 Knoblauch Road. This event will feature giantscale radio-controlled model airplanes. There will be free parking. Food will be available for purchase. Continued on Page 20 COME ENJOY SUNSET DINNERS ON OUR TERRACE HALES MILLS Country Club 146 Steele Road (off Rt. 29) (3 miles east of Johnstown) 736-4622 FAX 762-4862 Always Open to the Public 18 Holes, Grass Driving Range Memberships Available Sr. Rates S&S L ANDSCAPING AND E XCAVATION 116 LaGrange Road, Johnstown, NY 12095 Owner: Steve Savage (518) 762-0491 • (518) 365-1574 Mobile Complete Site Work Cement Work Septic Systems Fully Foundations Insured Lot Clearing Black Top Trucking Quality Work ~ Reasonable Rates Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 20 Continued From Page 19 For more information, contact The cost of the event will be Jim Blaise at 835-6445 or send to royalmoun$3. Children ages 12 and e-mail younger will be admitted free. Aug. 21 Fort Plain Aug. 19 Caroga Lake Twister Valley Sports Complex The Royal Mountain Supercross will be holding supercross on Route 5S will have motocross racing at 7 p.m. Admission will racing at 4 p.m. Admission will be charged. be $8 at the gate. Children ages 6 to 11 pay $3. Aug. 21 Ephratah The Caroga Creek raceway will be hosting racing. For more information, call Eric Save MONEY on GAS Miller or Tom Hall at 993-3744, Plus get some healthy exercise! or go to www.carogacreek-raceRALEIGH • CANNONDALE Aug. 22 Caroga Lake REDLINE • FUJI The Caroga Historical MuServicing All Makes and Models seum, 145 London Bridge Road, will host a concert by Captain FULL LINE OF ACCESSORIES AND CLOTHING: Squeeze and the Zydeco Moshers Helmets • Gloves • Bags • Etc. at 7 p.m. INLINE SKATES AND PARTS: Bearings • Wheels • Pads Admission will cost $10 at the HOURS: Monday to Friday 10-6 • Saturday 10-3 • Closed Sunday door. PEDAL POWER! 50 CHESTNUT ST., JOHNSTOWN • 762-1342 Continued on Page 30 The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan Activity on the Great Sacandaga Lake as seen from Division Street in Northville in July. Park Marine Base, Inc. Serving you for 51 years! 199 Co. Hwy. 152, Sacandaga Park Northville, NY 12134-3444 LARGE PART SUPPLIES IN STOCK CERTIFIED SERVICE TECHNICIANS SHIP’S STORE GAS DOCK TOILET FACILITIES ICE CUBES SHORE POWER WATER PARKING WINTER STORAGE ENGINE WINTERIZATION 518-863-8112 Premier Service Dealer Mercruiser Stern Drives Mercury Outboards Qualified Planning a wedding? Having a birthday party or baby shower? Baking a cake or cookies? Need balloons? Looking for Luau or other theme party supplies? Comet o Large Selection of Mercury & Mercruiser Propellers Demo Props Available DOCK SLIPS Parts & Service for Most Makes of Marine Engines You’ll be surprised at our selection. Corner of Route 30A & Harrison St. Gloversville, NY 518-725-4341 Mon.-Thurs. and Sat. 9 to 5:30; Fri. 9 to 7 Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 21 The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan The Northampton Marina in Northampton is shown in July. Kingsboro Golf Club and Mulligans Restaurant 301 N. Kingsboro Ave., Gloversville, NY 12078 Phone: 518.773.4600 • Fax: 518.725.1379 2009 Season Membership Rates The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan People go to a garage sale on Route 29 in Caroga in July. 252 N. Main Street Northville, NY • 863-6056 Full Unlimited Membership $450 Senior Membership $350 Junior Membership (17 and under) $150 Group Membership (4 or more) $350 Family Membership $900 OPEN EVERY Open Every DAY Day Creel Wine Cabinet Visit our website: Local Artwork • Cedar Log Beds & Futons • Amish Hickory & Oak Furniture Hand Carved & Painted Furniture Lamps & Lighting Adirondack Books Lake Shirts • Hoodies Candles • Local Pottery and Much More! Call Us For Your Special Event! Birthday and Anniversary Parties Banquets and Meetings Graduation Parties Holiday Parties • Tournaments Weddings • Showers Ǧ 3 3 Ǧ 3 3 Ǧ 3 3 Ǧ Dz3dz 39 Ǧ 63 Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 22 The Leader-Herald/James A. Ellis Kenny Gates (35) leads Chucky Dumblewski, back, and Roy Fifield during pro stock action at Fonda Speedway in July. Timberlane Blueberry Farm 311 Mussey Rd., Caroga Lake (518) 835-6335 CALL US ABOUT HOME BUYER TAX CREDITS !! 835-4240 9am-5pm 835-6335 after 5pm $122,500. - New to the market Gloversville 3 bedroom 1 1/ Open: 9am-5pm Weekdays Open: 10am-3pm Weekends 2 bath home on a lovely residential street just steps from Boulevard school, shopping and tennis courts! Fireplaced living room, sunny eat-in kitchen, formal dining room plus den! Tons of storage throughout plus an oversized two car garage and deep landscaped lot! $89,000. - The perfect get-away with right of way to a super fishing spot on Sacandaga River! Remodeled mobile home with nice addition plus a 124’x30’ garage built new in 2001! Affordable and move right in! $219,500. - View the sunsets from this 4 bedroom Broadalbin cottage overlooking Great Sacandaga Lake! Nice flat sandy beach, wrap around decking - even a screen room for parties ! Being sold fully furnished - come and enjoy! $339,900. - Overlook scenic Peck Lake from this magnificent year-round log home boasting random wide plank floors, floor to ceiling windows, skylights and even a lower level recreation room with full bar! Applianced kitchen with eating island, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, wrap around decking with back yard hot tub! This is a must see property !! Route 30, Mayfield EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 661-5992 EACH OFFICE INDEPENDENTLY OWNED & OPERATED $ ADIRONDACK 85 BLUEBERRIES U Pick 1.65 Pound = 1 1/4 Pints 2 Pint $ Also Pre-Orders Day Lilies • Paintings Gift Bags China and Furniture Treasures Pottery • Jams Pies and Other Baked Goods Maple Syrup Not Open For Picking On Rainy Days Directions: From Gloversville toward Caroga Lake, 29A by State Campsite sharp left onto Beechridge Road, 2 1/2 miles to Mussey Rd., turn right. Barn at top of hill. Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 23 4708 State Highway 30, Amsterdam 518-842-3500 OPEN: Monday thru Friday 6:30 AM to 5:00 PM, Saturday & Sunday 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM Local bands entertain Pine Lake Park visitors Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 24 Continued from Page 3 Aug. 1, Adirondack musician/storyteller Chris Shaw Aug. 14 and Captain Squeeze and Zydeco Mosher Aug. 22. Tickets may be purchased at the Caroga Museum from 1 to 4 p.m. Thursday through Saturday before the events for $8 (Swing Doctors and Zydeco) or $10 at the door. The Shaw performance will cost $5. Caroga Historian Inger McDaniels said the Houcks were donating their dance hall for the concerts. According to the historic link at the Pine Lake Park Web site, the dance hall wast started in spring 1924 by Joseph Groshans, a prominent local businessman, logger and sawmill operator. “It was Mr. Groshans’ sincere desire to bring entertainment, dancing and pleasure to the inhabitants of Fulton and Hamilton counties. Little did he realize that his efforts would survive until the present day,” Bill Houck wrote. The Houcks are the third owners of the park since Groshans. “In 1961, following the death of The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan People gather on the dance floor as the band Saving Atlantis performs in the Adirondack Paradise Mr. Groshans the previous year, the Continued on Page 36 pavilion during a beach party at the Pine Lake Park in July. Scoliosis... Can it be prevented? Its consequences can be tragic. Even with conventional, medical intervention it can cause both physical pain and emotional suffering. If allowed to advance, it can interfere with the lungs, heart and many other vital organs. Severe cases can involve surgery that attaches steel rods to the spine to force the spine to straighten. There is hope. Chiropractic care has helped many people avoid the unfortunate effects of scoliosis. Early detection is critical. The chiropractic solution is simple. Treatment is aimed at correcting the root cause of each unique case. Leg length imbalances are measured and corrected. Chiropractic adjustments help improve the function, mobility and symmetry of the spine. Call 773-2000 today for a complimentary scoliosis screening and find out first hand the distinct advantage of chiropractic care. Adirondack Chiropractic Center 230 5th Avenue Extension, Gloversville Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 25 The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan Children from the Caroga Recreation program play at the New York State Campground in Caroga Lake in July. TSB CONTRACTING Contact Us For A Free Estimate Fully Insured 518-762-5458 TREE REMOVAL SERVICE MAKING YOUR PROPERTY SAFE & BEAUTIFUL DIVERSIFIEDCONTRACTING • Ready Rock & Natural Stone Retaining Walls • Alaskan Concrete Slabs • Camp Foundation Reconstruction Excavation - Modular Site Preparation • Septic Gravel & Rubber Driveway Installation • Ditching Commercial Snowplowing - Sanding • Salting • onsite or Off-Site Removal Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 26 Rt. 30 N. • Mayfield • 661-7711 Lakefront Dining at Its Best! Featuring Italian Family Recipes Steaks • Seafood • Homemade Pasta Burgers • Salads • Sandwiches Enjoy our Huge Deck and Outdoor Patio, Dock at Our 70 Slip Marina, Two Banquet Rooms, Three Fireplaces, Celebrate a Wedding Or Join Us for Lanzi’s Special Events! Open All Year Round • Serving Lunch & Dinner SPORT ISLAND PUB on the Great Sacandaga The Leader-Herald/Bill Cain Amsterdamʼs Tony Patane (6) is welcomed home by Derek Marshall (5), whom he had just drove in with a home run, and Ian Choy (12) as Glens Falls catcher Connor Gandossy waits during the third inning of a New York Collegiate Baseball League game at Shuttleworth Park. ARIETTA HOTEL RESTAURANT Route 10, (4 miles N. of Pine Lake, Arietta) • 835-4106 • Prime Rib • Fresh Seafood • Roast Pork • Baked Turkey • Roast Beef Just south of Northville Bridge 108 Riverside Blvd., Northville 863-2003 DAILY SPECIALS DINNERS Thursday, Friday and Saturday 5-9 Sunday 12-7 21 Item salad bar, regular menu plus unadvertised specials! every sunday Roast Turkey or Pork $10.95 LUNCHES Wednesday thru Sunday CLOSED MONDAY & TUESDAY Now booking parties & banquets - call for menu Senior Citizens Groups • Bus Tours • Golfers Welcome Browse through our: Good Times! Good Friends! Great Food! • Gourmet Foods • Jewelry Steaks, Seafood, Pub Fare, Sandwiches, Pasta Specials Directly on the Sacandaga Lake Large Outdoor Patio • 40 Courtesy Docks Beach Front • Fantastic View of the Lake OPEN YEAR ROUND • LUNCH & DINNER Entertainment on the Weekends • Work by Regional Artists • Antiques 835-2624 • Vintage Items • Garden Ornaments Located at the corners of Rt. 10 & 29A (former Unger House) Open: Thursday and Friday 10 to 5 Saturday 11 to 4 and Sunday 11 to 3 Diane Perrella, Proprietress Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 27 A view of Lake Pleasant as seen from the Speculator Village Beach in July. Looking To Move? Check us out at Fulton County - Land of 44 Lakes Whether looking for homes, vacation homes, investment properties or land, give us a call. The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan 385 S. Main Street Gloversville 518-725-4919 Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed. & Fri. 9am to 5:30pm Thurs. 9am-8pm Sat. 9am-4pm • Closed Sun. COLDWELL BANKER ARLENE M. SITTERLY, INC. SPECIALIZING IN SALES & SERVICE OF We Never Stop MovingSM AREA’S LARGEST SELECTION OF 363 N. Comrie Ave., Johnstown, NY 12095 518-762-9885 • FAX: 518-762-3846 • Arlene M. Sitterly, Inc. Bernina • Brother OVER 5,000 BROADCLOTHS IN STOCK Including Hoffman • Benartex Robert Kaufman • Free Spirit Quilting Books & Patterns Decorative Threads Silk Ribbons Specialty Needles Sewing Machine Attachments Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 28 The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan The Speculator Loop Mountain Bike Trail station on Route 30 in Speculator in July. Nor thville Liquor 172 N. MAIN ST., NORTHVILLE, NY • 863-4121 Open: Monday thru Saturday 10:00 am to 8:00 pm Open: Sunday in the Summer 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan A bicyclist crosses over the Northville bridge in July. McGREGOR’S STOVES and Route 30 – Mayfield – Phone 661-5914 Earth Blend River Rock Major Credit Cards & Financing Available STOVES & FIREPLACES • Wood, Gas & Pellet • Fireplaces & Inserts • Chimney Repairs and Liners • Tools and Accessories • Chimney Cleaning & Installations • Glass Doors • Zero Clearance Fireplaces Complete installations, free standing and inserts FENCING FENCE TIME IS HERE! • Wood Fence Post and Rail • Chain Link • PVC Vinyl • Aluminum Ornamental • Retaining Wall THE HERITAGE & Decks • Outdoor Furniture Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 29 The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan Breana McCoy, left, and Louis Emden, both of Johnstown, enjoy lunch at a picnic table at Johnson Hall State Historic Site in Johnstown last July. BEACON WEARHOUSE MATTRESS LIQUIDATION 53 S. Main St. • 725-8157 • Gloversville Summer Hours: Tues-Wed 9-4 • Thurs-Fri 9-5 • Sat 9-2 • Sun-Mon Closed ASSORTED BRANDS OF Largest Selection BIBS - GLOVES - BELTS of JEANS - TEES - THERMALS FLANNEL - SWEATS - BANDANAS BELTS - SOCKS - HATS in Area RUBBER BOOTS - WORK BOOTS WORK PANTS - SHIRTS STOP Reg., Big and Tall Sizes IN R O F All Your Workwear Needs! Regardless It’s a of cost or loss HURRY ONCE in for EVERYTHING in a GREATEST LIFETIME REDUCED! SELECTION! OPPORTUNITY! is Sealy & Simmons Latex 50% OFF Interspring, Latex & Memory Foam www. The Carriage House a i 725-1154 r w FINANCING 39 North Main Street • Gloversville LAYAWAYS Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 30 Continued From Page 20 Aug. 26 Caroga Lake The Royal Mountain Supercross will hold supercross racing at 7 p.m. Admission will be $8 at the gate. Children ages 6 to 11 pay $3. For additional information, contact Jim Blaise at 835-6445 or send e-mail to royalmoun- September Aug. 30 Ephratah Aug. 28 Ephratah The Caroga Creek raceway September 4 Ephratah The Caroga Creek raceway will The Caroga Creek raceway will host racing. For additional information, call be hosting racing. will host racing. For additional information, call For additional information, call Eric Miller or Tom Hall at 993Eric Miller or Tom Hall at 993- 3744 or go to the Web site at Eric Miller or Tom Hall at 9933744 or go to the Web site at Continued on Page 42 The Parson’s Wife Country Primitives Sterling Jewelry • Dishes • Old Utensils • Rusty Tin • Stained Stitchery • Signs • Quilt Throws • Plaques The Cupboards Are Full! Come wander in! 2609 Rt. 30A Between Johnstown & Fonda Thurs & Fri 10-5 Saturday 11-3 or So Also By Chance 518-332-3665 The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan A canoe is seen on Caroga Lake in July. Wendy’s North Country Florist and Gift Shop New “Country House” Gift Items! PLACEMATS, CURTAINS & MORE! 957 St. Hwy., Rt. 30, Northville 863-4374 (One mile South of the Nʼville Bridge) Full service Florist • UPS Shipping Counter s ’ a n Bo DISCOUNT LIQUOR PHONE 725-WINE (Corner of 2nd Avenue and Elmwood Avenue, Gloversville) It’s . . . PARTY TIME So . . . VISIT US for a large selection of Wines, Liquors, Cordial and Champagnes at the LOWEST PRICES! Wines & Liqueurs Available for your Favorite Recipes! NOW OPEN SUNDAY 12 to 4 HOURS: Monday-Thursday 9-9 Friday & Saturday 9-10 • Sunday Noon-4 Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 31 The Leader-Herald/Bill Cain Amsterdam catcher Derek Marshall pops up to look a Glens Falls runner back to first base after blocking a pitch in the dirt during a New York Collegiate Baseball League game at Shuttleworth Park in July. Carden Family Auction Services The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan Two personal watercrafts cross the Great Sacandaga Lake near the state campground in Northampton in July. VROOMAN’S HOTEL DOWNTOWN CAROGA LAKE 835-2201 After A Round of Golf, Come to Vrooman’s for Lunch and Dinner Everyday from 11:30 am Prime Rib Dinner Thursday & Saturday Nights Italian and Fish Specials Friday Nights All You Can Eat Soup & Salad Bar Thursday thru Saturday Nights Liquor Store Bar YOUR HOSTS FOR OVER 35 YEARS: THE BEST FAMILY Located next to Jo-Ann Fabrics & King Buffet in the Amsterdam Shopping Plaza, Rt. 30 We are accepting consignments of quality antiques, household goods, collectables, tools, complete estates, store closeouts... Most anything that needs a new home! All consignments will be paid within 48 hours. 5% Buyers Premium for all sales. CALL OR CHECK OUT THE WEB FOR AUCTION DATES AND TIMES Phone: 725-2277 • Cell: 369-1467 Owned & Operated by Barbara & Kenneth E. Carden We also are booking on site estate sales. Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 32 A large rock painted like a pigʼs face is seen alongside Route 30, north of Speculator, in July. The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan MYSTERIES ON MAIN ST. Book Store & Gift Boutique On Vacation? Stock up on Summer Reads. Located in Colonial downtown Johnstown our 1881 Colonial building is within walking distance of the many historical sites. Area’s “Reader’s Choice” full line bookstore specializing in local and Adirondack folklore for those who appreciate the past. Purchase gifts from our vast world full of treasures! Soaps & Lotions, Candles, Jewelry, T-shirts, Adirondack Collectibles & many lines of plush. Gift Items ~ Home Decor Candles ~ Gift Certificates ~ Adirondack Country Accents Relax, browse, converse and feel at home at M.O.M.S. 144 W. Main Street, Johnstown, N.Y. 736-BOOK (736-2665) Fax 736-3500 30 30 HOURS: Mon. - Thurs. 10 - 5 ; Fri. 10 - 6 ; Sat. 10 - 5 E-mail: and 518-843-0191 4233 St. Hwy. 30 Amsterdam, NY 12010 Monday, Wednesday - Friday 9:00 - 4:00 Saturday 9:00 - 12:00 Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 33 Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 34 The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan A boat pulls a tube behind it on the Great Sacandaga Lake in Northville in July. CU ity! n u m m o c g in r a sh to o h p e Join our local onlin If we CU, then you can CU at Online Watch for our photographers while out and about and then... Visit our Online Shop Order prints or turn your favorite Leader-Herald photo into Mouse Pads, Puzzles, Aprons, T-shirts and much more! Quick and easy ordering! Create a free account or and share your photos! Go to (do not use www.) • Click “Register for Free” • Create a username and password • A confirmation e-mail is sent to the e-mail address you give It’s Free, It’s Fun, It’s Easy Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 35 People lay out in the sun at the Speculator Village Beach in July. The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan Call us or check us out on the web for upcoming summer events. s WWWLAKESCOM Become a fan of Fulton County NY Tourism on Facebook! A picture perfect setting at Pine Lake Park Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald Continued from Page 24 total property, in excess of 400 acres, was purchased by Mr. Robert Lord, who made extensive modifications to the [pavilion].” In 1975, the dance hall property was sold to William Brandau, who continued the operation under the same corporate banner as his predecessor, Pine Lake Recreation Inc. In 1984, the building once again changed hands to Donna Rush, who succeeded in modernizing the structure as it exists today. During Rush’s tenure, the building was refurbished. The long bar on the East wall was constructed, the kitchen was newly added, new windows were installed, a stage was constructed to Nashville specifications, and many other refinements were completed to bring the building into the 20th century. Entertainment stars such as Lynn Anderson, Tammy Wynette, Janie Fricki, Shelly West and Boxcar Willie are among the performers who have shared the stage. Pine Lake Park Beach is busy on a rainy Tuesday in July. Rush gave the name of Adirondack experience having her son Cory Dal- beach at Pine Lake Park was “fabuParadise to the facility. Deb Finkle of Gloversville said her mata’s wedding and reception on the lous.” She said she and her husband, Mark Finkle, rented a tent with upstairs, downstairs and dance floor because her son wanted the whole wedding and reception on the beach. “People are still talking about it. We had 300 chairs set up with an archway on the beach,” Finkle said. “Jeff was amazing.” RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • YEAR ROUND SERVICE CLEANING • REPAIRS • INSTALLATIONS Fax The Leader-Herald 725-7407 Portable Rest Rooms • Power Jet Drain Cleaning Asti-Vision Video Pipe Inspection Since 1971 518-842-1322 • 518-842-3809 1-800-283-2941 The Leader-Herald/Richard Nilsen Finkle said she had a specialized menu with many vegetarian dishes, and Houck was accommodating. “He went all out,” Finkle said. Tony Ermie lives in California during the winter, but has had a summer vacation home at the Pine Lake Park for the past six years. “I never thought I’d be so happy living in a trailer,” Ermie said. “We come all the way from California every year because we love it here. It’s really nice.” Camping and RV sites cost $25 daily, $500 monthly and $1,300 for May to October. The price includes beach use and utilities. For more information, call 8354930 or go to A Casual Family Restaurant Where Locals Bring Their Friends! Family Restaurant An Expansive Menu featuring 1/2 lb. Burgers To Filet Mignon. Also, Steaks, Seafood, Chicken and more! Also available, our Children’s Menu RT. 30 MAYFIELD • 661-7635 Toll Free: 1-888-661-7635 s’ er Choice W d 3rd Year! Wings to Go! or Wings To Stay! n in er Re a 36 Tuesday Happy Hour 4-7 pm OUR FAMOUS PRIME RIB 16 oz. only $ 19.95 Wednesday Italian Night 5-10 pm Open: Everyday Monday-Saturday 11am-11pm Sunday Open: 1pm-11pm Available Thursday, Friday & Saturday Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 37 The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan Dan Kumpan of the Karg Bros. band plays bass on stage during the opening night of the annual Holy Trinity Parish Summer Festival at the Immaculate Conception Church in Johnstown in July. Newspapers: The Most Current Textbook Available Through its Newspaper In Education program (NIE) The Leader-Herald provides thousands of newspapers each week, at no cost to schools, to students throughout Fulton and Montgomery counties. Educators recognize that The Leader-Herald is a practical teaching resource. Its real world relevance promotes practical literacy and offers students the opportunity to develop a lasting sense of social and civic responsibility. Every day, area students are learning new concepts, improving their reading, mathematics, and critical thinking skills, and keeping in touch with current events through the pages of The LeaderHerald. To learn more about The Leader-Herald’s Newspapers In Education program, please contact Steve Williams, NIE Coordinator, at 725-8616 x262 or email Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 38 Summer Places of Worship AMSTERDAM Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Church First Baptist Church Trinity Lutheran Church AURIESVILLE Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs BLEECKER Bleecker Community Church BROADALBIN Broadalbin Baptist Church First Presbyterian Church Sacandaga Bible Conference St. Joseph’s Church United Methodist Church CANAJOHARIE Church of the Good Shepherd Episcopal Reformed Church St. John’s-St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Sts. Peter and Paul’s United Methodist Church CAROGA Caroga Evangelical Chapel North Bush United Methodist Church EDINBURG Edinburg Evangelical Wesleyan Church Sacandaga Christian Fellowship United Methodist Church FONDA Fonda Reformed St. Cecilia Rectory Saving Grace Baptist Church Kateri Tekawitha Shrine FORT PLAIN Reformed Church St. James Church St. Paul’s Lutheran United Methodist Church FULTONVILLE United Methodist Church of Fonda & Fultonville GLEN Glen Reformed Church Gloversville Wesleyan Church Gateway Pentecostal Churtch Kingsboro Assembly of God Kingsborough Presbyterian Church Associate Reformed Synod Knesseth Israel Synagogue Living Hope Church North Main Street United Methodist Peoples AME Zion Church Sacred Heart Church Salvation Army St. James Lutheran Church St. Mary of Mount Carmel Seventh Day Adventist Trinity Anglican Episcopal Tryon Friends Quaker Worship Group Trinity Episcopal Church GLOVERSVILLE Agape Christian Fellowship Bleecker Street Church of Christ Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints Emmanuel Baptist Church First Congregational United Church of Christ First Free Methodist First Presbyterian Church of Gloversville JOHNSTOWN Foothills United Methodist Believers’ Fellowship Church Center This directory is dedicated to the growth of spirituality in our community. RUBY & QUIRI, INC. Furniture, Appliances, Carpet Rt. 30A, Johnstown, NY • 762-7829 (Across from the Holiday Inn) GLOVERSVILLE BROWN’S FORD 121 North Comrie Ave., Jʼtown, NY 762-4609 • FINKLE DISTRIBUTING, INC. 160 Enterprise Rd., Johnstown, NY BUANNO TRANSPORTATION CO., INC. and Warehousing Fort Johnson, NY • 829-7324 • 762-4112 FISHERMAN’S SUPPLY “A Christian Book Store Serving Churches & Individuals for 27 Years!” 22 West Main St., Jʼtown, NY • 762-3548 HANNAFORD Food and Drug Superstore 235 Fifth Ave. Ext. Gloversville, NY 725-0847 H&P MOTORS CHRYSLER • DODGE #1 Customer Service - Our 50th Year! 63-77 S. Main St., Gloversville, NY 725-0121 DYVAC REPAIR SERVICE COLDWELL BANKER - ARLENE M. SITTERLY, INC. Realtors KEYMARK CORPORATION 363 N. Comrie Ave., Jʼtown, NY Ph. 762-9885 – 7919 Cayadutta St., Fonda, NY 853-3421 KASSON & KELLER, INC. A. G. COLE FUNERAL HOME, INC. 215 East Main St., Johnstown 762-3919 Offering Prompt Professional Service 49 Hill St., Gʼville, NY • 725-2226 LIVINGSTON’S, INC. NOBLE ACE HARDWARE 308 North Comrie Ave. Johnstown-Gloversville, NY 762-4686 Energy Saving Windows & Doors School Lane, Fonda, NY Quality Furniture Since 1901 347-355 S. Main St., Gʼville, NY 130 S. Comrie Ave., Ph. 762-3658 Johnstown, NY P.O. Box 73 564 N. Perry St., Johnstown, NY 12095 (518) 762-7879 NIX AUTOBODY HOLIDAY INN Summer Places of Worship Christ Lutheran Church Church of Christ Church of the Nazarene Faith Tabernacle Full Gospel Assembly First Baptist First Presbyterian Fulmont Community Church Holy Trinity Parish: Immaculate Conception St. Anthony’s St. Patrick’s Johnstown Reformed Church Life Christian Center New Covenant Community Church St. John’s Episcopal LASSELLSVILLE United Methodist Church MAYFIELD Central Presbyterian Church United Methodist Church Mayfield Center Community Church NELLISTON Valley Alliance Church NORTHAMPTON United Methodist Church NORTHVILLE Baptist Church First United Methodist Presbyterian Church St. Francis Church PERTH Perth Bible Church RURAL GROVE Rural Grove Christian Church ST. JOHNSVILLE Fordsbush Bible Church Grace Christian Church St. John’s Reformed St. Johnsville United Methodist Church St. Paul Lutheran St. Patrick’s Chjurch SPRAKERS Full Gospel Community Reformed Church of Sprakers SPRAKERS Currytown Reformed Church STONE ARABIA Salem United Methodist Trinity Lutheran Summer Hours and Meeting Days Change. Please contact individual places of worship for current schedules or check the listings in EVERY Saturday’s edition of The Leader-Herald, available at newsstands throughout the area. TRIBES HILL Tribes Hill Presbyterian VAIL MILLS Adirondack Baptist Church WELLS United Methodist Church Wesleyan Church This directory is dedicated to the growth of spirituality in our community. DUNKIN’ DONUTS 2nd Avenue, Gloversville • 725-5700 Comrie Avenue, Johnstown • 762-5700 Riverside Drive, Fultonville • 853-8600 STEET TOYOTA SCION 310 North Comrie Avenue, Johnstown, NY 12095 Scott Blaauboer (518) 762-7222 General Sales Manager Vivienne Cirillo Sales Manager APOLLO NORTHEAST TRAVERS RESTAURANT & DINER WALRATH & STEWART FUNERAL HOME KOBUSKIE-KONIK FUNERAL HOME 503 S. Comrie Ave., J’town, NY • 762-3023 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 7-9 Sun.-Thurs. • Fri. & Sat. ‘til 10 p.m. Rt. 30A, Gloversville/Johnstown • 725-0444 Trucks & Car Sales & Service LIGHT & HEAVY DUTY TOWING ADIRONDACK FLOOR COVERING • Daily Homemade Specials • Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner NETHAWAY MOTORCAR COMPANY, INC. Gloversville, NY Gloversville, NY JEFFORD’S & STEWART FUNERAL HOME Broadalbin, NY PLAZA’S ITALIAN BISTRO PHIL’S TRUCK & AUTO REPAIR 109 North Second St., Northville, NY 863-8855 1-5 Cayadutta St., Gʼville, NY • 725-7154 #1 in Delivery Since 1983 130 N. Pine St., Gloversville, NY 725-4007 LOHSE FLORIST LETTER MEMORIAL COMPANY PICKETT MEMORIAL CO. 93 East State St., Gʼville, NY 12078 (518) 725-2623 MOHAWK - Heating Co. Inc - 522 N. Perry St., Johnstown, NY Fine Cemetery Memorials 158 E. Fulton St., Gloversville, NY PREMIER LENNOX DEALER 1694 Duanesburg Rd., Duanesburg, NY 12056 Phone: 518-725-4464 • Make us your first call for all your automotive repairs. 306 S. Main St., Gloversville • (518) 725-8779 Phil & Lorrie Venneman - Owners JOHNSTOWN DODGE “”Serving Fulton Co. for over 57 years” 224 West Main St, Jʼtown, NY Ph. 762-3183 McDONALD’S of Gloversville & Johnstown Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 39 Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 40 The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan A lifeguard sits in his stand at the beach on Caroga Lake in July. W HITE C OTTAGE G ARDENS Antiques and Exquisite Floral Designs Cast Iron Antiques Furniture ~ Bookcases Vintage Lamps & Lighting Arts, Prints, Needlepoints Porcelain ~ China Candles ~ Memoriabilia Gifts ~ Roseville Glassware Kitchen Collectables Pottery & Ceramics Silver, Silverplate, Pewter 4740 State Highway 30 Amsterdam, NY 12010 • (518) 843-1060 Open Daily: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm; Saturday 9:00am - 2:00pm ~All Major Credit Cards Accepted ~ Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 41 The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan The spillway on the Great Sacandaga Lake in Northville is pictured in July. Senior Citizen Y A WEDNESD FREE Layaway ESS AND FURNITURE MATTRSUPERSTORE Interest FREE In-Store Financing See Store for Details The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan Brand Name Furniture for Less Summer banners hang on the lamposts on Route 30 in Speculator in July. ROGERS FAMILY ORCHARD AND CIDER MILL You will find us at the foothills of the great Adirondack Mountains just off Route 29 W., #260 County Highway 131 Johnstown, N.Y. 12095 Phone: 518-762-8736 OPEN FOR THE SEASON! Peaches, Nectarines, Apricots & Cherries Plums • Blueberries • Tomatoes Widest Selection • Lowest Cost • Best Quality Home Baked Pies on the Weekends Jams & Jellies, Honey, Maple Syrup, Sharp Cheddar & Horseradish Cheese OPEN DAILY 10:00 - 6:00 Leather Sofa Sofa & Loveseat Loveseat & Chair Available to Match $ 499 99 $ 999 99 FREE Delivery FREE Set-Up FREE Removal SERTA MATTRESSES TWIN’S Starting at $ 00 00 $ 99 FULL’S $ $ Starting at 00 00 169 QUEEN’S $ $ Starting at 00 00 229 KING’S $ $ Starting at 00 399 00 WATERBEDS & ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE 75 Briggs St, Johnstown, NY 12095 518-762-1807 (The Old Johnstown Animal Hospital) Hours: Mon.- Thurs. 9am to 7pm; Fri. 9am to 8pm; Sat. 9am - 5pm; Sunday Closed Lowest Prices Guaranteed! Many More Styles To Choose From! See Us For All Your Home Furnishing Needs. NO Credit Check Financing Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 42 Continued From Page 30 The Puppet People: The Leg3744 or go to the Web site at end of Sleepy Hollow will take place at Lake Pleasant Central School. The event is sponsored by the Friends of the Lake PleasSeptember 19 Fonda The Fonda Speedway will host ant Library. racing events at 6 p.m. November September 26 Fonda The Fonda Speedway will host November 28 Wells The Wells annual tree lightracing events at 2 p.m. ing/book sale/craft fair begins at noon. Call 548-4521 for more October information. October 21 Lake Pleasant For more on area happenings and a continuing calendar of events, be sure to watch for future issues of... L AKE C OUNTRY published in August 20 Bill’s Broadsides Bill Ackerbauer blogs about life in the Glove Cities Join the conversation at The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan A seagull is pictured on Caroga Lake in July. Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 43 Call Emerichs For Great Low Financing EMERICH SALES & SERVICE INC 187 Valentine Rd. Charlton/Ballston Lake, NY 12019 (518) 399-8574 Lake Country 2009 • The Leader-Herald 44 Twin Sets $135 Your Complete Home Furnishings Super Center bedding trifecta Full Sets $165 This Week Only! Queen Sets $225 No Interest for 12 Months! Everyone’s A Winner! Your Choice of Innersprings: Firm $499 Plush Queen 2 Pc Set $499 Queen 2 Pc Set Pillow Top $499 Queen 2 Pc Set 10 -Year Warranty On Innersprings AND Buy the Mattress, Get the Box Spring FREE! On Select Laytex & Memory Foam Bedding Queen Size Memory Foam Set - $799 15 -Year Warranty On Memory Foam and Laytex 307 North Comrie Ave., Johnstown, NY • 12095 762-RUBY • *Not valid with other offers. Prior sales excluded. See store for details.
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