Saint Patrick Catholic Church - St. Patrick`s Catholic Church


Saint Patrick Catholic Church - St. Patrick`s Catholic Church
Saint Patrick
Catholic Church
235 Glen Street
Glen Cove NY 11542
“Sketch of Saint Patrick Church”
A gift of the artist, Joseph M. Cherubini
The Very Rev’d Dom Daniel Stephen Nash, Can. Reg. Pastor
The Very Rev’d Dom Gabriel Rach, Can. Reg. Associate
The Very Rev’d Dom Ambros Boyd, Can. Reg. Associate
The Very Rev’d Dom Elias Matthew Carr, Can. Reg. In Residence
Dcn. Frank Borchardt
Dcn. Juan Guilfú
(516) 674-9137
The Very Rev’d Dom Gabriel Rach, Can. Reg.
Ms. Bernadette Heym
Fran Howlett
Cantalicio Gamarra
Cantalicio Gamarra
Parish office:
Fr Daniel:
Fr Gabriel:
Fr Ambros:
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 26, 2016
Mass Schedule
9:00 am
9:00 am
4:30 pm (Sunday A nticipatory)
7:45 am
Spanish Mass: 8:45 am (Parish Hall)
10:15 am (Family Mass)
11:30 am (Choir)
5:00 pm
This week at St. Patrick’s
St. Patrick’s Parish Ministries
Saturday, June 25th.
9:00 AM: Arthur Reddick (Living - 90th Birthday)
4:30 PM: Collective Mass Intentions
Alma Finn
Arthur Reddick (Living - 90th Birthday)
Paul Richard Deegan (10th Ann.)
Sunday, June 26th.
7:45 AM: Mary Ellen, Bernard P. &
Bernard D. Horan
8:45 AM: Pro populo
10:15 AM: Frank LoPiccolo
11:30 AM: Ceil Donnelly
5:00 PM: James Meserole
Monday, June 27th.
9:00 AM: Robert Conti
Tuesday, June 28th.
9:00 AM: Roger O’Neill
Wednesday, June 29th– St. Peter & St. Paul,
9:00 AM: Napoleon Alvarado
Thursday, June 30th.
9:00 AM: Janet Margle
Friday, July 1st.
9:00 AM: Irma Boulard
Saturday, July 2nd.
9:00 AM: Angela Mooney
4:30 PM: Collective Mass Intentions
Maura Kelly Kehew
Anthony Lucidi
Sunday, July 3rd.
7:45 AM: Emma Kabat
8:45 AM: Pro populo
10:15 AM: James D. Doran
11:30 AM: Edward Malloy
5:00 PM: Patricia Davis
The Blessed Sacrament in the Notre Dame Chapel (Convent)
Tuesday and Wednesday 10 am to 9 pm, Thursday open
from 6:00 pm to Friday 1:00 am, and reopens Friday from
5:00 am to 12:00 pm (noon) then, from 9:00 pm Friday
through Saturday 2:00 pm. Closed Sunday.
Sacrament of Baptism
At 11:00 am on the 1st Saturday of the month.
Please call the Parish Office for more information.
Preparation classes: the last Saturday of each month.
Sacrament of Marriage
Engaged and planning your wedding? The process begins by
reviewing our Marriage Prep Checklist. This document is
available at the Parish Office, or at The link is located
on the main page under "Announcements".
Sacrament of Penance
Saturday 3:30 pm to 4:15 pm (Church)
Monday to Wednesday immediately after the 9:00 am Mass
(Church). If possible, please inform the sacristan or priest
before Mass.
Parish Faith Formation
Provides excellent formation in the Catholic Faith for
children in non-Catholic private and public schools.
Grades 1-6 and Children’s Catechumenate on
Tuesday 4:15 - 5:30 pm
Grades 1-8 and Children’s Catechumenate on
Tuesday 7:00 - 8:15 pm
R.C.I.A on Tuesday evenings from 7:30-8:30 pm. We will
meet (mostly) at St. Rocco’s.
All Saints Regional Catholic School
Offers an excellent Catholic and academically rigorous
education. Nursery to Eighth Grade. For more information
please call the School Office (676-0762).
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
Please contact the Office to arrange a time. In emergency
please call the Parish Office/Emergency Line.
Apostolado Hispano
Celebramos la Eucaristía todos los Domingos a las 8:45 am,
el Sacramento del Bautismo se administra el 2do. y el 4to.
Domingo de cada mes. Se require previa charla de
preparación. Para más información, llamar al 759-6039.
Parish Social Ministry
The family
members who have
entered into
Eternal Life!
Anthony Genova
Vincent Recca
The 2016
Mass book is open
for Masses
The offering is
We care for our brothers and sisters through our Parish
Outreach and food pantry program. Open on Tuesdays from
10:00 am to 4:00 pm and Thursdays from 10:00 am to 1:00
pm. For further information please call 676-5586.
Parish Thrift Shop
Closed for r enovation. All donations can be dr opped off
at the Parish Office (Mondays only) from 9:00 am-5:00 pm.
We Pray for our Sick.....
The church unites in praying for those who are critically ill. Our prayers can be a very effective channel for the healing power of
Christ. Some people have a crisis or illness. Others are chronically ill. Both types of situations need the care and concern of the
entire Body of Christ.
At the request of concerned family members, names of the critically ill will be placed on our prayer list and will remain on the sick
list for four (4) weeks. After that time they will be removed from the list. If a member of the family or the sick person himself or
herself wishes to remain on the list, they have only to call or e-mail us and we will be happy to oblige.
Peggy Williams, Elizabeth Doxey, Tracy Johnston, Jim McCabe, Abigail Sadowski, Michelina Gambale, Eileen
Guadagni, Jacob Sagaser, Samantha De Mato, Steve Valli, Gloria Cuellar, Katherine McCarthy, Peter Jablonski,
Eileen Stapelton, Mike Solomito, Michelle Butler, Allyn Adams, Jack Swenson, Kim Pomeroy, Fernando Ayo,
Angela Bezella , Dorothy Sagaser, Joseph Sagaser, Mary Tormey, Carter Suozzi, Raymond Dillon, Angela Grella,
Elizabeth Comitino, Mackenzie Borchers, baby Grace Skuches, Maryann Curley, Concetta Macedonio, Philipe
Pretto, Louis Guadagni, Alberta Sadowski, Mrs. Hazel Reukauf, John Devoti, Christine Williams, Nora Avci,
Thomas Wright, Salomon Huamaní, Victor Tosner, Susan Robertson, Margaret Occhuito, Bobbie Brown, Frances
Breen, Julianne Hennesy, Veronica Munoz, Sal Comitino, Hogan Family, Joan McCarthy, Eduardo Archuleta,
and Victoria Dobsovits.
Reflection- In today’s second reading, St. Paul provides a wonderful one-sentence summary of
Christian stewardship: “Out of love, place yourselves at one another’s service.”
General Intercession for Mass– That as steward disciples, we recognize we are all one family
and welcome the chance to make a difference in the lives of others, we pray to the Lord.
Living Stewardship- We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who choose small
acts of giving, be it driving an elderly neighbor to the doctor, helping out at the church’s festival or
giving a hug to someone, just because!
This weekend there is a second
collection for Peter’s Pence.
June 19, 2016
Actual Budget*
Healthy Parish**
Second Collection
* Actual Budget is based on historical collections only. It
reflects only the bare minimum the parish needs.
**Healthy Budget reflects what is really needed to run the
parish and prudently maintain the facilities.
Thank you for your continued generosity!
Weekly Readings
Monday: Amos 2:6-10.13-16/ Ps 50(49):16bc-17.18-19.2021.22-23/ Mt 8:18-22.
Tuesday: Amos 3:1-8.4:11-12./ Ps 5:5-6.7.8./ Mt 8:23-27.
Acts 12:1-11./ Ps34(33):2-3.4-5.6-7.8-9./
2 Tim 4:6-8.17-18. Mt 6:13-19.
Thursday:Amos 7:10-17./ Ps 19(18): 9:1-8.
Friday: Amos 8:4-6.9-12./ Ps119(118):
Mt 9:9-13.
Saturday: Amos 9:11-15 / Ps 85(84):9.11-12.13-14./
Mt 9:14-17.
Sunday: Is 66:10-14/ Ps 66(65):1-3.4-5.6-7.16.20./
Gal.6:14-18./ Lk 10:1-12.17-20.
Thank you for your generosity.
Adoration Chapel
Will be closed on Thursday,
June 30th, for
Independence Day
will reopen on Tuesday, July 5th
at 10:00 am
Will be closed on Monday,
July 4th in observance of
Independence Day
Fr. Daniel’s Letter
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
The whirling, pullulating, seemingly indomitable chaos of our society, and its howling absurdities, its overflowing self-destructive violence, together with all the other “thousand1 natural2 shocks that flesh is heir to”3, perhaps
partly due to my melancholic temperament4, “[grate] so harshly all [my] days of quiet / with turbulent and dangerous lunacy,”5 so, at least for a little while, rather than talk about all the things that need some talking about, let’s
leave Elsinore and turn to happier, if not quite Elysian, fields.6
School is out! No matter how grown-up we become, hopefully we never lose that particular sense of delight at the
announcement of the school year’s end. Even for ultra-nerdy kids like me, who loved school (most of the time), those
golden words – school’s out – etched with an evocative, powerful promise, heralded untold freedom and frivolity. It
makes us young again to think of it – and it actually rejuvenates teachers and administrators.7 I will certainly enjoy
the break, but were it to go on too long – were we not to have a school here8 – a vital element of our life’s rhythm and
melody would be gone, a spectacular color missing from our palette. ASR is a source of great joy, but, for now: Happy summer!
Five years ago today (as I write this, which was also a Wednesday that year), the Canons assumed the pastoral
and practical care (jointly and severally) of St Patrick and St Rocco, a very happy day for us indeed. And hopefully
for some others. Looking back, we are filled with gratitude to God for this amazing adventure, to the Provost, for his
vision, to Bishop Murphy, for his trust and fatherly solicitude, and to all the many people who have become our family, for the support, the opportunities, the forbearance, the prayers and the welcome. Like most people, I imagine, we
forget sometimes to stop and think about the blessings in our life – the challenging bits love to claim our attention –
but when we Canons do, either in prayer or in conversation with each other, we marvel at the luxuriance of blessings,
the bounty of challenges (a meal without spice is dull), the cornucopia of possibilities and the plenitude of experiences served up to us here as our daily fare.
Three times a day, as we gather in the Church for our celebration of the five “hours” of the Divine Office – the
chanting of which (in German, usually, as a connection to the Abbey; in Latin, at time, since it’s the language of our
Roman Rite; and sometimes even in English!) stands as one of the pillars of the canonical life – please know that we
bring you and all your cares and needs with us into that prayer.
In my parish of St Leopold in Donaufeld, Vienna, where I was pastor for four years, I had, as priests do everywhere, many happy and many challenging days. But the happiest by far, I believe, occurred on the day that I, with the
assistance of Father Josef (who was then my vicar, is now the pastor, and hopefully will visit us one day soon),
“righted” the chapel in which we had our daily Mass. This cozy chapel served well for daily Mass – the church was
gargantuan (3rd largest in Vienna; built to be a cathedral – another story) and, like most in Austria, without heating
(!!!) – so you can understand why.
1 if it were only a thousand!
2 and unnatural!!
3 Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1
4 We’re all big fans of the classical temperament as a tool (not a freedom-depriving sentence) for self-understanding. It can’t be a surprise that
I’m melancholic. But the four of us canons are almost textbook examples of the basic types. Who do you think is the sanguine, the choleric and
the phlegmatic?
5 Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1
6 Asphodel, if you like, but bypassing the Styx (not the rock group, please!) because we’ll someday need to talk about all these things.
7 Would it be considered macabre to imagine that we might even learn to see the end of our life on earth with a bit of the same promise? I
should hope not.
8 A hypothetical contrary to fact. Please, no rumors! The ASR is not closing!!
But, as may happen in the course of time, the arrangement of the furnishings in the chapel took on an odd cast.
Nothing was where it should have been. There was a door partway behind the altar, which was not on the long axis of
the room; the tabernacle was unbalanced. No processions were possible. Eucharistic Adoration was impeded by the
angle of sight. Everything was arranged as if the room was not shaped the way it was, a willful denial of reality.
(Architecture can lie so easily.) The 氣 (qi or ch’i) was all wrong! For anyone who appreciates the goal and principles (even if not the particular practice) of 風 水 (feng shui)9, you know how disordered and disturbing this can be.
The day we put everything back where it was supposed to be – that is, where it reflected its proper use in the liturgy and in the particular space we were using (and this was relatively easy to do) – I had a great and peaceful feeling of
sublime accomplishment: not that I had created or designed anything new, but that everything “was as it should be”.
The people who attended daily Mass loved it; some who never came to daily Mass grumbled, like philotasters often
do. But those who loved the chapel, loved it even more in the form proper to its purpose. Such a great sense of accomplishment – to set something right.
An analogy might be found in our recently restored bells. For a while, the last note of the melody was not ringing –
the silence where a note should be in the melody, the absence of the expected, a gaping hole in the pattern – this all
leaves one (if not, or even if, desensitized) uneasy and unnerved. It’s like singing a scale – do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti …
and never finishing it off with – wait for it – do.10
Anyway, today, the fifth anniversary of our arrival here, we have had a similar moment at St Rocco. We’ve been
doing some repair work to the marble pavement of the sanctuary there, and, thanks to a very generous but anonymous
benefactor, we have been able to include in this work a “perfecting” of the altar area. The front edge of the altar there
– unlike ours here – was placed right up against the edge of the platform on which the altar stood, at the very edge, so
to speak, of a “cliff.” This meant that one could only approach the altar from behind and that one was prevented from
properly circling the altar during its incensations (since the platform was on two different levels), and, most egregiously, from being able to stand before the altar and celebrate, if one wished, “ad orientem” or facing (liturgically)
east. This was not the intention of the Second Vatican Council!! The Council called for the altar to be free-standing
so that 1) its centrality (as the principle symbol of Christ in the church) would be clear and so that 2) one could circumnavigate, the altar for incensations, and 3) so that one might be free to (but need not) celebrate “facing the people.”
The extending and completing on all sides of the platform – beautifully accomplished – and the slight movement
of the altar (which had to happen anyway, given the need to repair the marble) to balance the proportions of the sanctuary (which is hardly noticeable – and that’s the genius of it!) presents us now with a perfect Vatican II altar at
St Rocco (as we already have here), capable of all of the ritual movements the Church offers and envisions. What a
joy to see something become completely what it was called into existence to be!
There was, however, one little problem, which, as many problems often do if we view them with confidence and
faith, became an opportunity for something lovely. There was no relic anywhere to be found inside the altar! While
this isn’t a crisis, it is a sadness. Since the earliest days of the Church, we have celebrated the Eucharist in close proximity to the remains of martyrs – at first, in the Catacombs, and, later, over altars in which the relics of a martyr (or
many) had been placed. For reasons escaping understanding, there was no relic in St Rocco’s altar.
Fortunately, we have a number of relics here at St Patrick. On behalf of the parish, and our common (at times complicated) history with St Rocco (but that’s much better now, thank God!), and as a sign of the communion of saints, I
donated a relic we had of St Pancratius – an early Roman martyr who refused to sacrifice to the gods (he was 14!) –
which we placed in the altar today. Stop by, when you get a chance, to see the beautifully restored – fulfilled, I would
say – altar and sanctuary, remember that a little bit of our parish, through our gift of the relic, is in the heart of the
Church of Saint Rocco, and say a prayer for the generous benefactor who helped us allow something to be fully what
it was meant to be.
In all the chaos and disorder of the world, living in the heart of Christ, may we always become who we are called
to be!
God bless! Fr Daniel
9 Which is more than just about arranging furniture! Father Ambros, entranced by the concept and the successful execution of feng shui in the
skyline of Hong Kong, would very much like to be a practitioner of the art, but would prefer the more amusing title of geomancer. His rates are
quite reasonable. Ask for the parish discount.
10 I couldn’t have slept had I not completed the scale. The origin of those syllables – do, re, mi, etc. – have nothing to do with frolicking Austrian ex-nuns, but rather with the hymn for the (upcoming or just past, depending on whether one is writing or reading this) Feast (June 24) of St
John the Baptist, Ut Queant Laxis, which, much as I would love to discuss it now, will have to wait.
~ The Mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul ~
Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men
to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering in
the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul.
Our Conference meets on the first Tuesday of the month. Join us at our next meeting on Tuesday, July 5 at
St. Rocco’s Parish Center, starting at 7:30 PM
We also connect on a spiritual level at every monthly meeting and each visit.
June 26
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
In today’s Gospel we see how Jesus, on his way to Jerusalem, sent a “messenger on ahead of Him.” To be the messengers of
God, we must know well what it is God wants to say and do through us, as he sends us out to bring his love to others. In the month of
June, you were the “messenger of God” in bringing hope to the poor. Your gifts enabled the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to assist
families – by providing food, furniture, and money needed for utility and rent bills.
Your financial support as a benefactor/donor will help families who have fallen on hard times.
“Poor Box” donations and/or Checks payable to:
Glen Cove Conference of St. Vincent de Paul
PLEASE VOLUNTEER - you can help us respond to requests from our neediest neighbors and help coordinate Parish events.
Help is needed in many forms – home visits, paperwork, fundraising, phone calls and more… (Even something as easy as
putting a notice in the bulletin like this one each week helps)
Mail to:
Glen Cove Conference of St. Vincent de Paul
c/o The Church of St. Rocco - 18 Third Street, Glen Cove, New York 11542
June 27, 2016
6:30 pm
Optional Public Witness Rosary in front of School
7:30 pm
St. John The Baptist Diocesan High School Auditorium
1170 Montauk Hwy., West Islip, NY 11795
Speaker: Archbishop William E. Lori
“Today we are the witnesses. We will pray and we will speak. We will act together and invite
others to join us. And we will never give up, never give in because we know: whether in
chains o laurels religious freedom and liberty know nothing but victories!
Bishop William Murphy, Diocese of Rockville Centre
For more information contact Catholics for Freedom of Religion at 631-896-8331 or visit
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Holy Rosary
8:30AM– First Saturday of every month at St. Patrick’s Church
COME!! Pray for Peace throughout the world!
Continental Breakfast offered in the Msgr. Healy room
following Mass and prayers.
The Religious Education Programs of St. Patrick and St. Rocco
Are in need of catechists, aides, hall monitors and substitutes beginning this fall. If you
or someone you know would like to volunteer one hour per week to the children of our
parishes, or for further information please call 671-7223 or 676-4691
St. Patrick Church
Religious Education Registration 2016/17 for new students is OPEN!
Forms are available at the Parish Office.
For more information call 516-671-7223.
Thank you
Academy Our Lady of Mercy
Third Quarter Period
Saint Patrick—Glen Cove
Student Name
Kaitlyn Maleady
Sophia Misiakiewicz
Tara Coelho
Alessandra Catalanotti
Ava DeVita
Micela Genua
Christine Whitton
Megan Heavey
Isabella Hanley
High School
Kellenberg Memorial
High School
Principal’s List
First Honors
Principal’s List
First Honors
First Honors
Second Honors
Second Honors
Second Honors
Second Honors
Graduates - Class 2016
St. Patrick Parish - Glen Cove
Talia Rose Chiariello
Cooper Savino Erichsen
Vincent George Flood
Angelina Isabella Mitchell
Andrew Patino
St. Patrick Parish
Glen Cove
Holy Trinity Diocesan High School
Honor Roll –6/2/2016
St. Patrick Parish - Glen Cove
Katelin Ann Bilello
Daniel Dickson
Maryjane Hughes
First Honors
Second Honors
First Honors
Christine Pazler
Principal’s List
Makayla Whitting Principal’s List
Philip A. Rusnack
All Saints Regional Catholic School
Founded in 1990
Supported by the Parishes of:
St. Boniface ~ St. Hyacinth ~ St. Mary ~ St. Patrick ~ St. Rocco
Accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
Phone: 516 676-0762
Congratulations to our Graduates
Class of 2016
All Saints is offering free before and after care for
the 2016-2017 school year.
 Free tutoring from certified teachers and aides
 Springboard for after school sport programs
 Great opportunity to socialize with classmates.
 Snacks included
Our graduates will be attending the following schools:
Chaminade High School
St. Dominic High School
Glen Cove High School
Kellenberg Memorial High School
Our Lady of Mercy Academy
Sacred Heart Academy
Dear ParishionersIn October we will introduce a new program to our Elementary students in grades Kindergarten – Second. We are looking for volunteers to come in and read to the students once a
week. The schedule is flexible and based upon the volunteer’s
I hope that you will consider volunteering to be a
“Grandparent “for a day and donate your talent to our
If you are interested, please contact me at the school
516-676-0762 for details. We will be setting up the schedule
this summer, and will begin the program the first week in
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Mrs. Joanne Fitzgerald
Academic Dean
Registration for the 2016-2017 School Year
is Ongoing
contact Carol Filippone in our Registration Office at
516 676-0762 ext. 202
Contact Carol Filippone in our Registration Office at
516 676-0762 ext. 202
Letter from one of our Graduates
My favorite memory of ASR is the first Mass with the Kindergarteners. I think we were all a little intimidated with each other. I
will miss the lunches I spent with the kindergarteners and the silly
things they said and thought.
I will always remember the relationships and the journey that the
Kindergarteners and I have shared. I think by having an eighth
grader down in the cafeteria has really helped the Kindergarteners
to be more mature because they have someone to look up to.
This is one of my favorite things I will miss about ASR.
~ Samantha Horton
Class of 2016
St. Patrick’s Summer Production – Godspell Update
Auditions are complete and callbacks will be this weekend with rehearsals starting in early July
We’re about six weeks away from production and we need assistance in the following areas:
 Fundraising – soliciting sponsorships, donations, and program ads
 Advertising – promoting the show
 Ticket Sales
 Concessions
 Stage Crew – need people between the ages of 15 and 25 to help with lighting, sound,
props and set building
 Pit Band – need people who can play one of the following and read music:
 Bass Guitar
 Guitar
 Drums
Please contact us at or call the Parish Office (676-0276) and leave your contact
information for us to call you. We have a great group of individuals who are sharing their talents with the Parish please help us in the areas highlighted above.
Save the date to attend the production: August 4 - 7
2016 Morgan Park
Summer Music Festival
The 57th Season
Free Concerts in the Park at 7:30 pm
July 3
Salute to America
July 31
Strawberry Fields
July 10
Young Performers in Concert
August 7
Faith Festival
Concert Pops of Long Island
2016 Talent Competition Winners
Katharine Brady, voice; Siobhan Esposito, piano
Dylan Wu, cello; Cici Fader, piano
plus Select Performers
followed by Glen Cove High School Select Chorale
July 17
Celebrating Sinatra at 100
Frank Sinatra Tribute featuring Jerry Costanzo
July 24
All Shook Up
Elvis Presley Tribute featuring Plaza Productions
Beatles Tribute
August 14
Blonds Have More Fun
Rod Stewart Tribute Featuring Rick Larrimore
August 21
The Dave Matthews Tribute Band
Featuring Big Eyed Phish
August 28 ** Concert to start at 6:00 pm
Second Annual MPSMF Folk Festival
Headliner: Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul & Mary
Featuring: Gathering Time
Matt Grabows, Don Bikoff, Bryce Larsen
All Saints Regional Catholic School
Fundado en 1990
Apoyado por las Iglesias de:
St. Boniface ~ St. Hyacinth ~ St. Mary ~ St. Patrick ~ St. Rocco
Acreditado por la Asociación Middle States de
Universidades y Escuelas
Teléfono: 516 676-0762
Felicitaciones a nuestros Graduados
Clase del 2016
Todos los Santos está ofreciendo un programa de
cuidado de niños gratis antes y después de
clases para el año escolar 2016 -2017.
Nuestros Graduados asistirán a las siguientes escuelas:
Chaminade High School
St. Dominic High School
Glen Cove High School
Kellenberg Memorial High School
Our Lady of Mercy Academy
Sacred Heart Academy
Queridos FeligresesEn el mes de Octubre vamos a introducir un programa nuevo
para nuestros estudiantes de primaria en los grados Jardín de
la Infancia - Segundo. Estamos necesitando voluntarios una
vez por semana para que lean libros a los estudiantes. El horario es flexible y se basa en la disponibilidad del voluntario.
Espero que usted considere ser voluntario y poder ser un
"abuelo" por un día y donar su talento para nuestros hijos.
Si está interesado, por favor póngase en contacto conmigo,
llamando a la escuela 516-676-0762. Estaremos haciendo el
horario este verano, y el programa comenzará la primera
semana de Octubre.
Atentamente en Cristo,
Sra. Joanne Fitzgerald
Decano Académico
La Registración para el periodo escolar 2016-2017
está abierta.
Contacte a Carol Filippone en nuestra
Oficina de Registración al 516 676-0762 ext. 202
Tutoría gratis por maestros y asistentes certificados.
Trampolín para los programas de deportes
después de la escuela.
Gran oportunidad de socializar con los compañeros de clase.
Incluye golosinas.
Carta de uno de nuestros Graduados
Mi recuerdo más bonito de All Saints es la primera Misa con los
niños de Jardín de la Infancia. Me parece que estábamos un poco
tímidos los unos con los otros. Extrañaré los almuerzos que compartíamos junto con ellos y el escuchar sus conversaciones típicas
de dicha edad.
Recordaré siempre de la amistad y los viajes compartidos. Pienso
que el haber tenido a un alumno del octavo grado en la cafeteria
ha ayudado bastante a los niños más pequeños porque hemos sido
un ejemplo para ellos. Este es uno de los recuerdos que nunca
olvidaré de All Saints.
~ Samantha Horton
Clase del 2016
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Legion of Mary
Saturday, July 9th
Will meet at 10:30 am. in the
Parish Hall.
Thursday, July 14th
Rosary - 7:00 pm
Mass - 7:30 pm
Enroll of Brown Scapular after Mass
Refreshments at Madonna Room.
All are Welcome!
St. Rocco Church
18 Third Street, Glen Cove, NY 11542
$25.00 Daily Prize Winners
June 19th—June 25th
Zachary Arthus
Nap Arthus
Mr. & Mrs. John Udisky
Florence Lane
Cara Arthus
Mary Ann Reardon
Kate Gallego
Congratulations to all the Winners!
Outreach & Food Pantry
Will be closed on Tuesday, July 4th.
in observance of
Independence Day
and will reopen on Thursday, July 7th.
Thank You
FAN Program
This program offers food to people older than 60 years.
Held the second Tuesday of every month
from 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM in front of the Parish Hall.
Immigration Services - Summer Schedule
July 11th & August 8th.
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm / John Paul II Room
Convent building.
Al Anon
Is there a drinking problem in your family?
We can help!
There is a regularly scheduled
Al-Anon group that meets Monday at 12:30 pm
John Paul II Room / Convent building.
Thrift Shop
Closed for renovation. All
donations can be dropped off
at the Parish Office on Mondays only.
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thank you
Sacred Heart Academy
Hempstead, New York
Catholic High School
Entrance Exam Prep Course
August 22-26, 2016
September 10, 2016 & October 15, 2016
For information and applications, please call:
516-483-7383 ext. 249
At the Glen Cove Knights of Columbus Hall
7:00 pm Friday night
81 Sea Cliff Ave., Glen Cove
All proceeds go to charities.
Adoption China Support Group- Children in China need
homes. More boys available than girls from age two and up.
Older parents and single women welcome. For more information call Barbara Salvesen at 845-623-5277.
Family, Marriage and Individual Therapy– Provided by
New York State licensed therapists, are available in the
Diocese for the convenience of parishioners. For confidential information and appointments, please call Dr. Giuliani at
the Catholic Counseling Center at 631-243-2503 or go to the
website at:
1 de Reyes 19:16b, 19-21
Hoy escuchamos la dramática historia del profeta Elías designando a su
sucesor. Enviado por Dios, Elías
escoge a Eliseo para que tome su
Elías tira su capa, símbolo de su vocación
profética, en los hombros de Eliseo. Sin preguntar, Eliseo inmediatamente dice adiós a
su familia y abandona su buey y su arado.
Deja todo y responde al llamado de Dios.
Gálatas 5:1, 13-18
Cuando Eliseo dejó todo para
hacer la voluntad de Dios, debió
sentirse verdaderamente libre. En
la segunda lectura, Pablo recuerda a los gálatas que los cristianos han sido
llamados a vivir en libertad. Los que han
aceptado a Cristo siguen su ejemplo de
amar. Los que escuchan a la "carne", cuando
los invita a actuar en contra de la voluntad de
Dios, son esclavos. Actúan en contra de su
propio interés cuando escuchan la voz del
Lucas 9:51-62
Jesús va camino a Jerusalén. Se está preparando para enfrentar el sufrimiento y la muerte. Perdona a la samaritana que se niega a
ayudarle, mostrando así a sus discípulos
como tienen que actuar con sus enemigos.
Entonces responde a tres personas que quieren seguirle. Les dice Jesús, "Vengan conmi-
La afirmación “dejad que los muertos entierren a sus muertos” no contradice,
en forma alguna, una de las obras de misericordia practicada con diligencia a
través de la historia, la de enterrar a los muertos. Se trata, más bien, de una
invitación a dejar el mundo, superar los valores de la carne, dejar a un lado
las preocupaciones materiales para seguir en plenitud la llamada del Señor,
sin dejar, por supuesto, de atender las obligaciones propias de la familia.
Cristo enamora, fascina, mueve corazones y nos proporciona “vida abundante”
si le seguimos con fidelidad. Volver la vista atrás supone servir a dos señores,
fraccionar las exigencias del compromiso de fe. Las medias tintas no gustan a
nuestro Dios. Construir el Reino de Dios es una tarea que no admite demoras.
Llegó la hora del compromiso.
San Pedro y
san Pablo.
Fiesta: 29 de Junio
Qué nos enseña la vida
de San Pedro y de San
Pablo hoy?
San Pablo y San Pedro
son apóstoles, testigos
de Jesús que dieron un
gran testimonio. Dieron su vida por Jesús y
gracias a ellos el cristianismo se extendió por
todo el mundo.
Esta fiesta doble de San Pedro y San Pablo
conmemoramos el 29 de Junio cada año. El
Lavarse las
m a n o s
en eguida
este mensaje o dejarlo para mañana. Cambiar hoy o mañana las
sábanas: son decisiones sencillas
que no implican, normalmente,
grandes dificultades.
Dejar la ciudad en la que uno vive
para ir a otra a buscar un nuevo
trabajo. Terminar la relación con
una persona que parecía buena
pero que estaba asfixiando la propia
existencia. Vender este terreno para
pagar una deuda que nos agobia:
son decisiones difíciles, que tienen
consecuencias enormes.
En los momentos de decisiones
difíciles damos vueltas y vueltas a
las posibilidades que tenemos ante
los ojos. ¿Esta ciudad u otra?
¿Dejar este trabajo y lanzarse a otro? ¿Abandonar este piso y buscar
un alquiler en un barrio no bien
El corazón desea mejoras importantes. No vale la pena arriesgar
algo “seguro”, con sus muchos
límites, para lanzarse a algo que
podría empeorar las cosas. Porque
un cambio vale la pena sólo cuando
sentido de tener una fiesta es recordar lo que
estos dos grandes santos hicieron, aprender
de su ejemplo y pedirles en este día especialmente su intercesión por nosotros.
La vida de Pedro nos enseña que, a pesar de
la debilidad humana, Dios nos ama y nos
llama a la santidad. A pesar de todos los
defectos que tenía, Pedro logró cumplir con
su misión. Nos enseña que el Espíritu Santo
puede obrar maravillas en un hombre común
y corriente. Lo puede hacer capaz de superar
los más grandes obstáculos.
La vida de San Pablo nos enseña la importancia de la labor apostólica de los cristianos.
Todos los cristianos debemos ser apóstoles,
anunciar a Cristo comunicando su mensaje
nos libra de males y dolores del
presente y nos conduce a mejoras
para uno mismo y para los seres
Pero el corazón duda: hay tantos
aspectos que considerar, hay tantos
puntos dudosos en el horizonte,
hay tantos riesgos que correr, hay
tantas cosas buenas de la situación
actual que no quisiéramos perder...
El reloj tiene prisa, las hojas del
calendario caen una tras otra. La
vida ha llegado a un nuevo cruce de
caminos. Puedo optar por mantener (cuando es posible) lo que ya
conozco, con sus límites y sus seguridades, o puedo lanzarme hacia
un nuevo rumbo desde una esperanza: habrá mejoras.
En medio de las dudas, una voz
humilde parece susurrar a mi corazón que Dios existe y que vale la
pena todo lo que hagamos por
amor y para amar. Ese es el criterio
decisivo a la hora de tomar nuevas
decisiones, pequeñas o grandes,
sencillas o difíciles.
Luego, el resultado podrá ser favorable o desfavorable, esperado o
sorprendente. Pero siempre quedará en pie una certeza: Dios es bueno y ofrece su luz y su consuelo a
quienes acuden a Él en medio de
las mil encrucijadas y misterios de
la existencia humana..
Por: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C. |
con la palabra y el ejemplo, cada uno en el
lugar donde viva, y de diferentes maneras.
Nos enseña el valor de la conversión. Nos
enseña a hacer caso a Jesús dejando nuestra vida antigua de pecado para comenzar
una vida dedicada a la santidad, a las buenas
obras y al apostolado.
Estos mismos pasos son los que Cristo
utiliza en cada uno de nosotros. Nosotros
podemos dar una respuesta personal a
esta llamada. Así como lo hicieron Pablo y
Pedro en su época y con las circunstancias de la vida, así cada uno de nosotros
hoy puede dar una respuesta a la llamada
de Jesús.
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Forest Avenue
Service Station
John Burke
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199 Forest Ave., Locust Valley
McLaughlin Kramer Megiel
Funeral Home Inc.
220 Glen Street, Glen Cove, NY 11542
Anne L. Zohorsky, D.D.S.
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Est. 1988
GLEN COVE 676-2226
•Accidentes •Mala Práctica Médica
•Accidentes de Contrucción
•Compensación al Trabajador
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• Discriminación Laboral
Hablamos Español
Oficinas Legales de
Michael A. Cervini, P.C.
37 Glen Street, Glen Cove
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Accounting & Tax Specialist for
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