is fukushima burning? - Dr. Rima Truth Reports


is fukushima burning? - Dr. Rima Truth Reports
Private and Confidential / Estimate of Situation Presented by Natural Solutions Foundation [Rev.1.1]
What We Know and What We Don’t…
Updated Estimate of Situation
Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III, (US Army, Ret.)
Special Bonuses: General Bert: May 31st Update
Dr. Rima on Rad Protection Nutrients
Bibliography of Video Presentations
Link to Request a Copy of this eBook:
May 26, 2014: Is Fuel Pool 4 on fire, spewing vast amounts of vaporized radioactive
material into the air and water? Or is it Fuel Pool 3? Or something else?
We do not have a definitive answer, in part because of the draconian Japanese law which
imposes penalties, including incarceration, for sharing information negative to Fukushima,
nuclear technology and its consequences. What we do know is that there is no mention of
this event in the Japanese media since disseminating ACCURATE, but negative, information
about radiation is an act against the State.
Alerted by a friend that there might be a escalation of the already dire situation at Fukushima,
we viewed the compressed time TEPCO video, time stamped “05.20.2014”, and searched for
up to date information.
What we found was a 21 hour old radiation reading at Fukushima of 121 uSeiverts/ hour, a
disastrously high dose. More recent updates were not available at that time since the
radiation monitoring site, ordinarily updating every 10 seconds, provided no updates following
that reading.
We immediately contacted Ambassador Mitsuhei Murata, known world-wide as the
“Conscience of Fukushima” and sent him the information we had found.
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Private and Confidential / Estimate of Situation Presented by Natural Solutions Foundation [Rev.1.1]
He shared our information with persons and agencies from which he hoped to get a clear
answer on the situation including the Office of the Prime Minister, TEPCO CEO, and various
Japanese government Ministers including the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).
After receiving their answers he wrote back to us:
We never heard back about what they found when they looked into the “cause of the fire
shown in the video” [see still shots from video below].
We repeated this cycle twice and received similar assurances but no more clarification on the
events themselves by the “competent authorities, despite Murata-san’s best efforts.
Ambassador Murata is as concerned as we are and used his considerable influence attempting
to get clear answers. To date, none have been forthcoming.
What actually happened at Fukushima on the night of May 20, 2014? What is likely to happen
next? What are the real risks of continuing, escalating fire or similar dangerous events that
could lead to an even worse catastrophic, run-away, explosive, radioactive event?
Make no mistake: the situation at Fukushima is already cataclysmic. Everyone on the planet
will pay the price of this event and many already are with an increase in “excess deaths”
[otherwise unexplained and unanticipated deaths] already documented by the US government,
rising cancer, diabetes, infertility and birth defect rates in Japan, the US and elsewhere due to
escalating Genome Disruption Syndrome – see: .
We start with the initial raw data: the Fire Video and the extraordinary radiation readings.
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Private and Confidential / Estimate of Situation Presented by Natural Solutions Foundation [Rev.1.1]
The sequence shows what appears to be an orange/red glow followed by obscuring smoke.
At about the same time, a spike is noted on the radiation readings:
Several questions arise when we examine the facts as we currently know them:
[1] Web-Feed
It appears that the TEPCO Life feed webcam may have been altered at several points. I studied
many of the TEPCO live feed compressed segments and have grave suspicions about their validity.
For one thing, the video in question has the wrong date on it. If the feed has not been tampered with,
that is impossible.
For another there are anomalies in the transitions between compression segments (1 second of live
feed equals 6 seconds of footage compressed 6:1).
Other people observing these tapes have noted alteration artifacts during the event in question which
suggests the same thing that I noted (recall that I am a highly trained photo interpreter, having
directed major programs for the military in that discipline).
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“May 22, 2014 at 9:59 am -- I did see it [referring to the red/orange event- General Bert]. So it was
something… if it had been in any other webcam people would call it ‘fire.” Since the view was hazy
with smoke or steam or whatever in that area… all I can say is a red orange fire like glow came of [sic:
For example, a comment by JEC [whose qualifications are unknown] posted at
Private and Confidential / Estimate of Situation Presented by Natural Solutions Foundation [Rev.1.1]
I assume that he intended to write “out” – General Bert] of the back or side of Reactor 4 area. spread
over the area of Reactor 3… then lots of hazy fog/smoke/steam. It could have been the ALPS
systems plastic [Multi Nuclide Removal System. Note: this system failed on March 18, 2014 and has
not, according the most current information I have, ever been restarted. [See Below. General Bert]
Note the webcams, looked ‘normal’ on May 22nd, in the dark… with some fog/emissions or something
coming off the right side of the screen of TBS Webcam
Web Feed Quality: There are only 2 live webcams in a facility large enough to house 6 fuel storage
pools 55 dry storage casks and 6 acknowledged (and one hidden ) nuclear reactors. Their very poor
quality is highly troubling.
When I consider the quality [rather, the lack thereof] of the optics, that in itself is both troubling and
highly suspicious. Japanese technical capacity to install crystal clear imaging systems and maintain
them in perfect working condition is abundant -- yet the only two cameras available to the public are
grainy, indistinct and of questionable reliability.
Why are multiple camera live feeds not available to the public? Why are these images not of high
It is hard to trust the information we are receiving when the lack of adequate optical coverage and
quality suggests intentional obfuscation.
[2] Radiation Monitoring: The radiation near real time systems went off line at the exact time
when there would have been a tremendous increase in readings and put back on line 1.5 and 2.5
days later with one system showing radiation levels suddenly dipping lower than they have been in
months and the other showing no corresponding dip.
An observer noted that the average of the previous levels and the "dipped" values is exactly
0.000, a phenomenon not seen in nature.
If that is true, and I do not currently have access to enough information to verify this conclusion, then
we would be forced to conclude definitively that intentional tampering of the relevant data had taken
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[4] Red/Orange Light: The sudden blast of red/orange light/heat/smoke directly in front of the
webcam, but at some distance, has not been accounted for (one internet troll maintains that it
was a ship entering Fukushima harbor and another states that it was a truck whose headlights
suddenly flared red/orange on top of a building, but both truck and ship suddenly went dead black
[3] Smoke/Mist/Vapor: There is smoke/vapor/mist coming from where fuel pool and/or reactor
No. 4 are located, according to my reading of the map. Those buildings themselves are covered by
the video angle of coverage. According to my investigation of weather conditions in Fukushima at the
time of concern, there should not have been smoke/vapor/mist visible and moving as it did during
those video feeds. There are no atmospheric conditions (fog, wind, etc.) which would explain
smoke/vapor/mist which continued long after the initial red/orange light was seen in the video feed
referenced above.
Private and Confidential / Estimate of Situation Presented by Natural Solutions Foundation [Rev.1.1]
after masquerading as a flame-like event. No other red/orange flame-like event appeared for the
entire rest of the night, nor show up in the day light hours or on web cam feeds following
Further, such a truck would be the only object moving during the night hours when no operations take
place at the facility. Had a truck been driven in the dark around the site, suddenly turned on its lights
and immediately doused them, the behavior would be highly unusual. However, we would probably
not be able to investigate this or contact the driver because the radiation is so ferocious at that
location that, should such a truck driver exist, he would probably be either dead or rapidly dying by
now of radiation poisoning. Any ship’s crew would be similarly endangered.
If there were either a truck or a ship, we must conclude that there were made of the same amazing
material that the Boeing 757 which vaporized when it hit the Pentagon on 9/11 since neither truck nor
ship were visible with the arrival of dawn.
[5] ALPS: The water filtration system (ALPS) designed to remove several, but by no means all,
types of radioactive nuclear species (“nuclides”) from the water at Fukushima was shut down 3 times
in the 10 days prior to March 20, 2014 and then, after more malfunctions, was turned off at that time.
One observer suggested that the red/orange fire-like episode on the video was the sudden, and brief,
conflagration of the plastics in the ALPS system.
I have no way to test this hypothesis or challenge it but it is a possibility.
To my knowledge, the high tech ALPS system, purchased from France, has never been restarted
since it was shut down, accounting for the decision in the last week for TEPCO to discharge high
radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean.
On April 24, 2014, TEPCO reported to the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
that the total volume of Tritium is 3,400,000,000,000,000Bq (Bequereles: 1 radioactive decay per
second – General Bert) at in Fukushima plant. This figure represents 3.4 quadrillion radioactive
decays per second JUST OF TRITIUM ALONE. Although this enormous amount of radiation is 230
times much as the annual safety limit of 4 nuclear reactors to discharge into the sea, the figure
represents ONLY the Tritium decay and says nothing at all about all the other radioactive elements
present at the plant and contained in the water such as plutonium 242, uranium 238, cesium 134/137,
cobalt 60, strontium 90, potassium 40, etc., etc., etc. all of which is now being actively discharged to
the Pacific, and continues to contaminate ground water and the atmosphere.
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a. TEPCO was being permitted by the government “regulatory” bodies to discharge 561tons of bypass
contaminated groundwater to the Pacific on May 21, 2014. Initially, the TTTT (TEPCO Truth Telling
Team) stated that the discharge water was only contaminated to 87% of the permitted discharge level
(an artificially high, and very dangerous, industry-friendly level). Later TTTT admitted that the water
was contaminated well above the supposed permitted level but that they will continue discharging this
water into the Pacific anyway.
[6] The officials in Fukushima Prefecture and Japan who are charged with protecting the interests
of the public have recently announced the following:
Private and Confidential / Estimate of Situation Presented by Natural Solutions Foundation [Rev.1.1]
When the ALPS system failed, apparently terminally, earlier this year, any hope of even partial water
purification apparently vanished.
As mentioned above, the levels of contamination are cited only in terms of Tritium without reference to
such disastrously dangerous isotopes which bio accumulate or concentrate up the food chain, as
Plutonium-244 and Uranium-235/238.
The discharge will only decrease the groundwater flowing into buildings by an estimated 10-25% so
there will be a continual “need” to repeat and increase these discharges.
b. Extremely high levels of radioactive material continue to be measured from fish near Fukushima. For
example, on May 16, 2014, TEPCO announced that Spotbelly rockfish caught in Fukushima harbor
contained 193,000 Bq/Kg of Cesium-134/137. Cesium 137 is not a natural isotope and is used to trace
nuclear reactor contamination. It is important to note once again that the contamination level measured
is solely that for one radioactive element among many, many such dangerous contaminants including
potassium 40, strontium 90, cobalt 60, uranium 235, plutonium 244.
c. Fukushima Prefecture announced that it will open two beaches this summer for unrestricted swimming
(Yotsukura & Nakoso) without analyzing the beach sand for radiation. When they measured the beach
sand last year, they found 3,167sq/kg of Cesium 134/137. Not only will they not analyze the sand, the
information on last year’s findings have been removed from their website. No explaination has been
forthcoming for either their current decision or the removal of last year’s data..
The level of contamination in the sea floor at the swimming sites is 93.8 Bq/Kg, a level just slightly
below the food contamination limit of 100 Bq/Kg. It is exceedingly unlikely that both beaches have the
same level of radiation on their sea floor, but only one number has been reported. All swimmers,
including children and pregnant women,, will be welcome on the unmeasured sand of the beaches.
d. Fukushima Prefectural government initiated “Midette”, a Fukushima food promotion shop, in
Nihonbashi on 4/13/2014 in order to fight “harmful rumor” against Fukushima products, Safety
measurements have, we understand, not been provided but on May 22 and 23, 2014, the new shop,
which is supported by such Japanese companies as JAL (Japan Airlines), provided free milk, café au
lait and rice to visitors.
e. Fukushima Prefecture officials assured the world that here is “no likely relationship” between the
increases in thyroid cancers in Fukushima children from the 17 reported cased on December 31, 2013
to 50 children diagnosed with the same disease on March 30, 2014, just 3 months later and the
Fukushima accident.
So far they have failed to provide an alternative explanation to the staggering increase in cancer cases
among children living near the nuclear reactor.
The population of 50 children with thyroid cancer does not include some additional 43 children with
thyroid lumps which were apparently are not being further investigated.
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Private and Confidential / Estimate of Situation Presented by Natural Solutions Foundation [Rev.1.1]
By March 16, 2012, a staggering 60% of Fukushima children under age 12 evaluated by Dr. Miura, the
director of Iwase general hospital, were found to have Diabetes Type I (requiring insulin for the rest of
their lives). These children live in temporary dwellings in Sukagawa City, Fukushima, since their
previous dwellings were declared unfit for habitation following the events of March 11, 2011. The
erudite hospital director shared the cause of the astonishing diabetes incidence: emotional stress
following relocation.
He made no mention of the fact that the radioactive isotope Ytrrium 90 bio-accumulates in the
pancreas where it is well known to cause both diabetes and pancreatic cancer.
[7] The same cast of characters, including, but not limited to the TTTT, who have been lying to us
since the beginning (although the Prime Ministers Kan and Abe appear to be interchangeable) are
saying the same things to us that were demonstrable lies before this possible latest emergency.
It is possible that they have departed from their previous script and are actually telling us the truth this time:
there is no new degradation of the already disastrous situation. The video feeds only appear to have been
mysteriously misdated. The red/orange flash has no significance even though it is a unique event without
explanation so far. The lack of automatic updates on the near-real time radiation monitoring system and the
subsequent odd dip and apparent zero average is merely an unusual coincidence. We do have the choice to
believe them now, I suppose, if we choose to, since they are saying the same things that they have said from
the beginning: no problem, no harm to human health, nothing to worry about, it's safe to restart the nuclear
reactors all over Japan, if there were anything to worry about, we would tell you!
Having passed the draconian State Secrets Act and signed it into law on December 31, 2012, the “responsible
parties” could not reveal the realities of the nuclear situation in Japan even if they were somehow so inclined.
They would be subject to jail terms of up to 10 years for doing so, according to the chilling law which
criminalized truth telling for anyone who possesses nuclear information if that truth is not favorable to
Fukushima and nuclear-related matters in general.
[8] We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that conventional nuclear engineering cannot solve
the problems at Fukushima and that those problems are not solved, even if we dodged the nuclear
bullet this time and there is no event destabilizing the situation at Fukushima right now (a possibility,
of course). Simply put, there is no conceivable way that we can continue to dodge the nuclear
contamination bullet collectively and individually.
Water containing that bullet is being pumped into the Pacific and leaking into ground and underground water. It
can be spewed upward in a myriad of ways and circumstances to circle the planet, raining destruction on us all.
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Following the conclusion of this report you will find a list of radio protective and immune supporting
nutrients to deal with the issues presented to us all by Fukushima.
We must fervently hope that the levels of denial in official and academic circles is only for public consumption
and that behind closed doors, with the curtains drawn, someone, somewhere, really understands what the
issues and risks are. If that is the case, then they will continue to declare that everything is fine while they work
feverishly to find and deploy the novel engineering and scientific solutions that do exist, but which are publically
ignored totally and vigorously with heaping mounds of silence mixed with generous gobs of lies of both
commission and omission.
Private and Confidential / Estimate of Situation Presented by Natural Solutions Foundation [Rev.1.1]
Dr. Rima, our Medical Director is currently formulating a system of radio protective nutrients which will
act synergistically to provide protection to your DNA and vital parts of your body to keep you healthy.
Meanwhile, I strongly advise you to incorporate these nutrients into your regimen.
Recall that Japan is about to reopen the beaches at Fukushima, without first testing the sand for
radiation (hint: last time they were tested, the reading were 31 times greater than the maximum
amount allowed in food). As a general officer trained in interpretation of intelligence, I must conclude
that TEPCO and the other “competent authorities” are being led by General Incompetence and
General Confusion, or are intentionally following General Deception in obscuring a growing threat to
the health and safety of the entire Northern Hemisphere!
I will continue to analyze reports and keep you informed of critical
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III
(US Army, Ret.)
President, Natural Solutions Foundation
Dr. Rima 5.22.14 Podcast Archive:
Updates to be posted here:
General Bert: Updated Report: May 31, 2014
© 2014
Recently I made available my second Fukushima Estimate of Situation, a new ebook called Is
Fukushima Burning on the current state of Fukushima and what it means to you [get it here:]. The first EoS, issued a few months after the earthquake/tsunami
and reactor explosions, documented the enormous amount of radioactive material exposed to the
environment at the stricken nuclear facility, and its ominous spreading across the Northern
Hemisphere. The second EoS, made necessary by the continuing degradation of the facility, and the
Particles from Hell... From Fukushima to You
Private and Confidential / Estimate of Situation Presented by Natural Solutions Foundation [Rev.1.1]
escalating risk to participants in the 2020 Olympics, brought attention to the lack of transparency,
suggesting a cover-up of another serious fire at Unit #4.
Since then the news continues horrifying and just keeps getting worse.
Radiation knows neither national nor ethnic boundaries and
speaks the international language of death fluently.
Since I authored my first Fukushima Estimate of Situation (EoS), the news continually keeps
getting worse.
Here's the bottom line: there is no safe dose of radiation. We can, with luck and lots of antioxidants,
deal with a very, very small amount of radiation damage. That small amount was long-ago exceeded
when we entered the nuclear age.
The news I have for you today is grim, but not hopeless. The dangers are enormous. The solutions are
simple, some easy, some difficult. I need your personal help and commitment to work with me on this.
First, please read these brief excerpts from the Minamisoma City Council Meeting on May 13, 2014.
Oyam Koichi, a member of the Council wants you to hear this:
[Translation by Dissensus Japan, May 25, 2014]
"I want to shout for all the people in this world: “Please Please HELP US!”
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This mixed metal contains four different substances, ????? and also have the possibility to
radiate neutron ray.
The cause substances have been found. This is an aggregate of radionuclides which starts with
Uranium [in] a nuclear reactor at more than 5000°C.
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No creature on earth ever knew this substance.
We are forced to have those strong substances inside our body without knowing where it
exactly stays.
To say that “Cesium has got the same system as potassium and it will be discharged from the
body” is just a lie! [...]
We are all manipulated by the words “radiation” and “radiation doze” without knowing the real
identity of radiation source. We are not told the real facts of being irradiated [...]
They only compare radiation doze and natural potassium contained in bananas and manipulated
people as if it was a scientific study. I really want the scholars patronized by the government to
be punished by the rancorous of all children on this earth. [...]
The information says that hot particles were diffused and flied in all directions in Japan. The
particles from hell is flying in the air and people don’t protect themselves anymore three years
after the nuclear accident and children are aspirating those horrible particles every day!!!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP US! Please let all people in the world to know the life we
are living since the accident, every day and today."
Next, I want you to consider this information:
Heart disease .
Respiratory Problems
Increased susceptibility to viruses, bacteria, etc.
Circulatory problems
Blood disorders, i.e., neutropenia, leukemia
Thyroid problems
Skin problems
Stomach problems
Birth defects
Fatigue, dizziness
Hearing loss
Memory loss
Cognitive problems
Joint/Cartilage problems
And more…
Nuclear radiation does not just cause cancers of the breast, thyroid, liver, pancreas, colon, brain, lung,
testes, ovaries, skin, esophagus, blood, etc. It’s also known to cause:
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Private and Confidential / Estimate of Situation Presented by Natural Solutions Foundation [Rev.1.1]
Now let's look at the US radiation levels as reported today by
What do those numbers mean?
Fukushima? yes. Your neighborhood nuclear reactors? Absolutely.
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Now consider where the cataclysmic, and rising, radiation levels are coming from.
Take a look at this very helpful chart from
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How many are there in the US?
Are they leaking? You bet
Now let's take a look at them together:
There is absolutely no question about the pattern: where nuclear reactors are, there shall radiation
contamination be, to paraphrase Freud.
Now if you are looking at these little contamination level circles and feeling quite confident, you need
one more fact: No matter how high the levels are, if they have remained that high for 90 days, the
computer considers that elevated level the new "normal" so levels over 133% of evacuation levels (300
nano Seiverts/ hour) reported for months straight, get a green circle anyway.
Look at Miami FL, for example:
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Private and Confidential / Estimate of Situation Presented by Natural Solutions Foundation [Rev.1.1]
And it's not just a one time spike!
Look at Miami's readings for the last year, remembering that my added red line is the Internationally
agreed upon level for population evacuation:
So what am I asking from you?
Several things.
First of all, I need you to get in the fight. You definitely have 3 dogs in this fight. Their names
are: Your DNA, Your Health and Your Planet.
I need you to disseminate this link to my Is Fukushima Burning? ebook,, to everyone you
can reach with a simple email, tweet, facebook post, etc. People need to download and read the ebook I am making
available without charge. As a Special Bonus, I have included at the end of the ebook Dr. Rima's Medical Note on
Radiation Protective Nutrition.
And with it, I have asked the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation to give everyone who downloads it a
complementary subscription to this newsletter so they can get information like this, too.
© 2014
Second, I need you to take this Action Item now,, once for every member of your family,
and forward it to your contacts, family and friends, urging them to take it too. "Remember to urge them to pass it along to
their contacts, have them take the Action item and then pass it along to THEIR contacts, etc. It is a demand for an end to the
activities which are destroying our planet, including geoengineering and nuclear power.
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And third, I need your financial support.
How you give it is your choice:
Shop at our new marketplaces where you will find High Potency CBD Hemp Oil,
Shop at our general marketplace,, where the search bar will take you to over 3000 items for
your health and well-being.
Set up a recurring donation to make your tax deductible contribution to health freedom on a regular basis here:
Invest in the Fund for Natural Solutions to make sure that your assets are working for you and for a better world at the same
time - and doing so off shore!
Go to and contact Counsel Ralph Fucetola, JD at,
Skype him at "vitaminlawyer" or call him at 973-300-4594. You'll want to pay special attention to the FAQ page, which contains vital information about the fund and how it works for you.
Whatever method you choose, we need your support. There is no question that you are not getting this news
elsewhere. And there is no question that you need this information.
Get involved, provide your support and become part of the ultimate, positive solution.
Yours in health and freedom,
General Bert
Dr. Rima on Rad Protective Nutrients
Nutrients support normal function and structure. Our DNA, when given the right nutritional
support, has nearly miraculous abilities to achieve and maintain a healthy status, even in the
face of the Genomicidal Technologies that lead to chronic dis-ease. These nutrients are
traditionally thought to nourish rebuilding the body’s genetic integrity.
Nano Silver: Silver Sol supports the immune system while leaving normal cells intact. Since
radiation damage compromises immune function, safe, gentle and effective nano silver should be in everyone’s closet to be
used at the first sign of infection.
Sea Vegetables: Emerald Sea Sea vegetables from the North
Atlantic (NOT the Pacific) provide iodine and fucocidin, a DNA-protective substance in algae and natural source iodine,
necessary to protect your thyroid
Reseratrol: Resveratrol is a grape skin extract which is a powerful anit-oxidant. It has been
shown to assist directly in the repair of radiation-damaged DNA as well as scavenge free radicals.
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Private and Confidential / Estimate of Situation Presented by Natural Solutions Foundation [Rev.1.1]
Organic Denatured Whey Protein: Glutathione (SHS) is the body’s
primary took for quenching free radicals. Radiation damage is largely brought about by the creation of free radicals in the
body. Even for people with lactose intolerance, denatured whey protein remains the best way to increase GSH levels since
it provides an essential amino acid, cysteine, allowing the body to create abundant amounts of GSH which radiation
exposure makes necessary
Boron: Nutronix Direct absorption of radioactive emissions from ingested/inhaled particles
means that these energy masses are trapped without reemission, preventing them from harming DNA, cell walls, etc. Since
little boron is found In most diets boron supplementation is essential in radiation protection.
Calcium/Selenium/Potassium: Ample minerals already in
place mean radioactive isotopes have less chance of being incorporated into the body and presenting long-term hazards.
1,3 Beta Glucan: This nutrient has two functions since it
stimulates and supports immune function (which radiation reduces) and it also acts as a free radical scavenger.
Grape Seed Extract: An extract of the seeds of grapes,
picnogenol is a potent free radical scavenger
Apple Pectin: This substance helps the body shed
ingested radioactive materials such as Cesium 137. Drinks or foods rich in apple pectin should be consumed daily so that 10
grams per day is consumed.
Spirulina:and Chlorella : both of these algae have high
free radical scavenging capabilities and should be part of your daily regimen.
Milk Thistle: This useful nutrient protects the liver from
Ginko Leaf Extract: Ginko is both neuro protective and
radio protective.
Green Tea Polyphenols (GTPs): Green Tea is a
complex substance with numerous beneficial biological impacts. Free radical scavenging is a strong part of its benefit
profile. Concentrated GTP supplementation is wise in the face of both chronic and acute radiation exposure since the
amount of green tea required to reach its beneficial level would be nearly impossible to achieve
Garlic: Garlic is a powerful immune stimulant and
free radical scavenger. Raw garlic is less effective than heated, prepared garlic which, like all other supplements, should be
organic in origin
Vitamin C: participates in numerous protective
functions. Among them is the recycling of GSH so that it can continue to scavenge free radicals.
N-Acetylcysteine (NAC): An important source of
cysteine, the limiting factor in the production of GSH, NAC also directly assists in the repair of radiation-damaged DNA.
Natural Vitamin E, Mixed Tocopherols and Tocotrienols: Among its many other benefits, Vitamin E works with Vitamin C to recycle molecules of GSH so they can function
again to quench more free radicals.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or
prevent any disease.
For more information on radio protective nutrients, please visit:
© 2014
Private and Confidential / Estimate of Situation Presented by Natural Solutions Foundation [Rev.1.1]
General Bert’s 2012 Estimate of Situation:
Dr. Rima on Whey and Fukushima:
Ambassador Murata 2014 Interview:
CBD Hemp Products and Endorphins:
NanoSilver & CBD Hemp:
Global Health Security Initiative:
NanoSilver with Bob Bremner:
Action Items
Fukushima Action Demands:
Global Health Security Initiative:
Push Back Action Item Web Forms:
© 2014