Guaranteed First Place - Freeway Lanes Bowling Group
Guaranteed First Place - Freeway Lanes Bowling Group
Welcome to the 15th Annual Sponsored by... Cleveland KICKOFF Classic $5,000 FREEWAY LANES OF PARMA 00 00 Guaranteed First Place Certified 1 out of every 5 Entries will Cash! Limited to the first 120 bowlers 00 50. 1 $ : e e F y Entr rmittedr. e p s e i r t n Re-e be 18 or ove Must per squad Saturday August 6th, 2016 6 Game Qualifier Squad Times are 10:30 am and 4:30 pm Sunday August 7th, 2016 Match Play/Finals 9:00 am $$$ BRACKETS $$$ SIDE POTS $$$ Parma 12859 Brookpark Road Parma, Ohio 44130 Mike DeSimone, Tournament Director — 216-267-2150 — Sponsored by... Cleveland KICKOFF Classic CLEVELAND KICKOFF CLASSIC TOURNAMENT RULES 1) Tournament is open to all sanctioned male and female bowlers. Sanction cards must be presented at the time of registration. Anyone without a sanction card for the 2015-16 bowling season will have to purchase an Unattached Sanction at the prevailing rate for the 2016-17 bowling season. Certification will be done through USBC. 2) Each entrant will bowl six (6) games during qualifying (120 bowlers max per squad). Entrants will move after each game. How the bowlers will move will be announced prior to the start of each squad. The Top 24 scratch totals will advance to a 10-game Match Play block on Sunday, August 7th at 9:00 am. 3) Bowlers will be permitted to re-enter; provided there is available space on the 2nd squad. Each bowler may only qualify for one spot in the Top 24. Any first-time entry takes precedence over re-entries in trying to fill the squad. Re-entries will be accepted fifteen minutes prior to the start of the 2nd squad and spots will be filled in order of the previous squad score from high to low. Bowlers can only cash once in the Top 25. Bowlers who would cash on both squads can re-cash starting in the 26th position (providing there are, at least, 126 entries for the tournament). 4) Totals from Saturday will carry over to Sunday. The final game (10th) of Match Play will be a position round. Each winner in Match Play will receive 30 bonus pins and both players will receive 15 pins in the case of a tie match. The Top 5, after Match Play is concluded, will be seeded for the stepladder format to decide the champion. The cut to the Top 24 is based on having, at least, 120 entrants in the tournament. 5) In the event of a tie for the 24th spot during the qualifying round, the bowlers will have a one-game roll off immediately following the completion of the qualifying round. All other ties in the Top 24 will be decided by the high game bowled. In the event of a tie for the 5th spot after Match Play, a one-game roll off will be contested before the start of the stepladder finals. 6) Entries will remain open until ½-hour before the start on Saturday, August 6th. Bowlers will be randomly assigned to a starting pair. No current employee of Freeway Lanes of Parma or immediate family members of the sponsors are eligible to participate in the 15th Annual Yuengling Cleveland Kickoff Classic. All entrants must be 18 or over. 7) No abusive language or treatment of the lanes or equipment will be tolerated. Any such action may result in that bowler being asked to leave without a refund of any fees paid. 8) All bowling balls must meet USBC weights and hardness specifications. We reserve the right to weigh balls or check equipment that is being used for any improprieties. 9) It is the responsibility of each bowler to verify his/her scores and those of the bowlers they are bowling with. Once the scores have been turned in and the cut has been announced, scores will not be changed. The tournament officials will make every effort to accurately record all scores for all brackets and side pots. In the event an error is made, it must be brought to the attention of the tournament office before payouts have started to be corrected. 10) Bowlers can make scoring corrections, provided all bowlers on the pair agree to the change being made. In the event of a dispute, a tournament official must be contacted before the change is made. 11) All entrants must wear a collared shirt, or a bowling ball manufacturer's shirt, during competition. Shirts will be available for purchase. No caps/hats are permitted to be worn by any competitor while bowling. No cut-off shorts will be permitted. 12) Entry fee is $150.00 per entrant (Bowling - $16.00; Prize Fund - $124.00; Expenses - 10.00). Personal checks will NOT be accepted after July 27, 2016. Entries made after July 27th must be paid by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express), cashier's check or cash. Any returned check is subject to a $40.00 service fee. The overall champion is guaranteed a payout of $5,000.00. All other payouts are based on 1 of every 5 entries. Prize fee returned 100%. 13) Bowlers will be permitted two (2) re-racks per game. Each re-rack must be noted on the individual bowler's score sheet. 14) In all other disputes, the decision of the tournament director is final. View the scores on-line at during the tournament. Parma Contact Mike DeSimone, Tournament Director 216-267-2150 12859 Brookpark Road Parma, Ohio 44130 • Name Address Phone City, State, Zip Email Credit Card Information: Visa/MC/Amex Number: Exp. Date: