
December 2014
Margo Buzzard, Editor
10930 SW 47 Terrace
Miami, FL 33165
Greeting from your President
Toni Maddux
As 2014 winds down we reminisce about all of the good things we have done for
members in Florida and look forward to 2015 with great anticipation. I look forward to
an increase in membership, an increase of entries into all of our tournaments and the
continued relationships that our organizations has with its counterparts in the state.
I would like to wish all the Florida State Women's Bowling Association Board of
Directors, our members, state and local association leaders and proprietors a very
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays and a very Happy, Healthy New
Laura A Monroe
We hope your Holiday Season is full of peace and joy...and of course that much needed
There are those who will be cooking, baking, frying, bowling, oops! I mean boiling or
however one prepares a holiday turkey. This writer prefers her turkey displayed on the
scoreboard and seeing it transformed into a hambone. Mmmmm how scrumptious!
Our bowling season is becoming a whirlwind of various tournaments and exciting league
play with some of our league members achieving that illusive 300 game.
Our Senior Tournament was held on October 18th and 19th and the Youth City
Tournament was November 15th and 16th.
The Century Doubles Tournament was held on November 22nd. The combined ages of
each Doubles Team were a total of 100 years or more. The Tournament opened with a
special ceremony saluting our Veterans. A portion of each entry fee went to support
our Vietnam Veterans.
"We Thank Them for Their Service"
The Open City Tournament will be December 13th and 14th. The GPUSBA meeting and
Holiday Party will be December 20th.
Don't forget this season's PBA telecast starts this month. The first is Dec. 14th, so ask
your daughter or granddaughter to set your DVR.
From Our Lanes to Yours,
We Wish You A Safe And Happy Holiday Season
And Hope the New Year Brings
Joys To Cherish Again And Again
Please join me in congratulating the following:
Carol Allerheiligen – Hall of Fame Meritorious Service
Janet Waddell – Pilar Cohalla Award
These very deserving ladies will be recognized at our annual meeting in May in St.
Petersburg. Congratulations again!
Submitted by:
Dalia Keyes – FL-STATE-USBC WBA HOF Chairman
South Brevard USBC WBA
Charlotte Mateo
We at SBUSBCWBA hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
As of this publishing, our association has sanctioned 27 leagues with 637 members. We
have seen some leagues lose so many bowlers that they have had to combine with
other leagues to survive; however, we continue to try everything that we can to keep
promoting our sport.
As far as high scores go, so far this season since our last article, we have finally had a
woman bowl an 800 series!! Congratulations to Elsie Bolton. How great is that. I really
never thought I would ever see that during my term, well you never can tell, can you?
Our association, along with many of you, has tried to come up with some new types of
awards for our bowlers. It has been trying at times but we think we have some good
items and with the support of our bowlers we hope it will be successful. It has not been
an easy task as I am sure a lot of you are aware.
Our Silver Hair Tournament held on October 27, 2014 at Harbour Center had 25
participants. Congratulations to the three division winners: Mary Lea Ware (A+), Diane
Vess (A) and Charlotte Mateo (B).
We will be sponsoring another Bunko game event on January 24, 2015 at Lamplighter
Village Community Center from 11:00 am until 3:00 pm. Advanced tickets are on sale
for $10.00 per person (or you can purchase it at the door for $12.00). We have been
asked by the ladies to have this event three times a year. Our board’s decision was to try
to have them spread out, so January, maybe May, and perhaps late August or early
September. Once we have those dates confirmed we will be advertizing them through
our Mail Chimp (mass emailing) and our Facebook page.
Our board has also decided to experiment by offering another unique tournament this
season for our higher average bowlers. It seems that they feel bowling in the regular
tournament presents a challenge with the amount of handicap given (which they do not
receive as much) so we decided a doubles only tournament for bowlers with averages of
no more than a combined total of 360 and no more than 60 pins handicap per person
might be a challenge and very interesting. It will be held in conjunction with our annual
membership meeting in April. We are hoping that this will bring out even more of our
higher and lower average bowlers (who feel they don’t stand a chance with the higher
average bowlers). We won’t be able to let you know how it went until 2015 October
issue, but we hope it will be a huge success. Wish us luck!
Well this is all for now, and it is our sincere hope that all of you continue to have a
wonderful and prosperous season. Happy Holidays to all.
See you on the Lanes!
Greater Miami USBC
Sharon Colon
Well, it is that time of year when the leaves change color and the snow starts to settle on
the ground….hey wait a minute, we live in Florida and it is still in the 80’s outside. We
have a lot to be thankful for so I hope you kept that in mind during your Thanksgiving
We are approaching the mid-section of our bowling season and with it will come lots of
opportunities for tournaments. So far, we have had our Bowl for the Cure event which
was a big success. We are hoping that when all of our pledges come in we will be close
to our donation from last year. Our bowlers can be so generous when they want to be and
we are very proud of their participation again this year. We also hosted a fun “Scotch
Doubles” tournament which was very favorably received. We are hoping that we will
provide events that everyone can participate in. Coming up we have our Adult/Youth
Tournament on Dec. 7th and our “Put Up or Shut Up” scratch tournament on the 14th.
Some of us had the pleasure of bowling in the Florida State Ladies Senior Tournament
and/or the St. Pete Classic. A good time was had by all and some of us even cashed. If
you aren’t already a tournament bowler you should really consider it. It will make you a
better bowler and it is almost a guarantee that you will have a good time. Speaking of
which……our group that went to the Seniors were able to do lots of holiday shopping in
Mt. Dora and had some wonderful food in the restaurants there. We were missing two of
our group (you know who you are) for most or all of the fun, but we will regroup for the
next time. The trip always has something happen that makes us laugh or cringe. This
time it was when we were stopped by a cute Highway Patrolman at the Ft. Pierce toll
area. We were going the speed limit, driving safely and then saw his lights in back of us.
Much to our chagrin, he wanted to see our driver’s ID and registration. Wondering what
we had done wrong, the officer proceeds to tell us that the tint on our windows was too
dark. It was a leased car, so there was little we could do about it. Luckily, he was nice
(and did I mention cute?!) and let us off with a warning. Aside from that we are looking
forward to our next trip in January.
The lanes have been good to our bowlers, many of which have bowled honor scores. We
are pleased that we have the ability to continue giving them the awards they deserve. I
still think it is sad that USBC decided to stop giving recognition where it is due. So far,
our bowlers have appreciated that we have made the extra effort on their behalf.
To each of you we wish a Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah as well as a Happy New
Year and as always, “may all of the good scores be yours!”
Orange Belt USBC Bowling Assoc.
Diana Eichlin
It’s been a whirlwind fall bowling season with leagues getting on the floor and
tournaments galore! I went to three tournaments in four weekends myself. With
Thanksgiving behind us and Christmas just ahead, it won’t be long before we’ll be toting
our bowling bags behind us as we set out for the “winter tour.”
With USBC no longer giving out achievement awards for bowlers (with the
exception of first-time only rings for 300 games and 800 and 900 series), each
association has been challenged with coming up with their own awards program.
Vice President Harold “Scooter” Wadley, OBBA Awards Chairman, was charged
with the job of coming up with our awards program. Orange Belt USBC Association
serves three counties – Polk, Highlands and Hardee – for a total of six bowling centers.
After discussions with the board and other bowlers, it was decided we would give our
bowlers an Orange Belt logo bowling towel, which was something we felt they could
actually use.
Bowlers can earn a towel for series and for game. Bowlers averaging 169 and
below earn a towel for 75 pins over average; bowlers 170 to 199 must bowl 100 pins
over average; and bowlers with 200 and above must bowl 150 pins over average. To
receive a game towel, averages 169 and above must bowl 50 pins over average; 170 to
199, 60 pins over average; and 200 and above, 75 pins over average.
In addition, Orange Belt USBC is giving a full-color printed lifetime certificate for 11
strikes in a row, a 300 game and an 800 series.
For special achievements, bowlers will get a Bamboo ballpoint pen (one per year)
for step ladder games (up or down), triplicate games; picking up the 7-10 split, and an
all-spare game.
No yearbook averages are being used to determine local award winners. Bowlers
must bowl at least 12 games before they are eligible.
Orange Belt Youth also will be receiving awards for their achievements. Lapel Pins
will be given once per year to those who achieve the following: 99 and below average
for bowling 50 pins over, 100 to 120 average, 75 pins over; 121-160 average, 75 pins
over; and 161 and above, 100 pins over.
Lapel pins also will be given for game achievements: averages 99 and below, 30
pins over average; 100-120, 40 pins over; 121-160, 50 pins over; and 161 and above, 70
pins over. Youth also can earn lapel pins for step ladder games (up or down), triplicate
game, 7-10 split, an all-spare game, and picking up the BIG FOUR!
Every youth bowler who bowls 2/3rds of the season (1/2 year) will receive an
Orange Belt Drawstring Sport Pack. Only one can be earned each year.
We are pleased to support youth programs at four of our bowling centers. The
annual OBBA Youth Championship Tournament will be Feb. 7-8 at First Frame Lanes in
Lake Wales and Heartland Bowl in Sebring.
 Vice President Dianne Smith, chairman of the OBBA’s annual BVL Tournament,
said funds raised this year exceeded last year’s income. Fifty-nine adult and youth
bowlers supported the October event at Orange Bowl lanes in Lakeland.
 The OBBA’s 4th Annual Senior Doubles Tournament will be at 2 p.m. Sunday, Jan.
18, at AMF Lakeland Lanes. Bowlers must be 55 years or older to participate. This year
the tournament will be divided into two divisions: Div. 1 - ages 55-65, and Div. 2 - 66 and
older. Any combination may bowl (all women, all men, man and woman), but their
division will be determined by the youngest bowler! This tournament is sponsored by
Kay Wentworth, owner of the former Interstate Lanes in Lakeland, who donates $1,000
to the prize fund!
There are also three special award categories for this tournament, paying first and
second place in each category: High Doubles handicap game; High Ladies handicap
game; and High Men’s handicap game.
Page 2 – OBBA
 On Sunday, Jan. 25, the Polk County 500 Club will be hosting its 23 rd Annual
Surprise Doubles Tournament which is open to any 500 Club member in Florida,
whether it’s a club or the state association. It will be held at 1 p.m. at Cypress Lanes in
Winter Haven. Over the years as many as 140 bowlers have participated so we’re
looking for another good turnout this year. Each bowler is paired with a “surprise”
doubles partner from another club. It’s a great way to meet new friends.
Entries will be mailed or emailed to former participants in December. Entry forms
also were available at the Florida 500 Club tournament in October in Tamarac, FL.
Interested bowlers may also contact me at deichlin@tampabay.rr.com for entry forms.
 Every year Orange Belt sponsors two association championship tournaments
concurrently: the Open Tournament (5-man team for men and women), and the
Women’s Tournament (4-woman teams only).
This year these tournaments will be on two weekends with two squad times per
day. Bowlers may choose to bowl team only; team and singles only; doubles and singles
only; any combination thereof or all three. Last year we scheduled these events over
three weekends at three different locations. Some had wanted to split up singles and
doubles and bowl separate weekends; others wanted to bowl everything in one
weekend. This year the choice is theirs.
Team event will be 1 and 4 p.m. Saturday & Sunday, Feb. 28 and March 1, at AMF
Lakeland Lanes.
Singles and Doubles will be 1 and 4 p.m. Saturday & Sunday, Feb. 28 and March 1,
at Orange Bowl lanes in Lakeland.
We’re hoping these changes will see an increase in our tournament participation.
 Several Orange Belt ladies bowled really well in the Florida State Senior
Women’s Doubles and Singles Tournament in Tavares in November. I did well enough to
get my money back in brackets, but not well enough to cash! But I did have a wonderful
time meeting and bowling with so many new friends.
Congratulations to our own Shirley Arnold and Twila Beymer, who bowled a 1400
series in Div. 1 Doubles to take second place. Shirley also finished in 7th place in Div. 1
singles with a 700 series, and Twila finished in 12th in Div. 2 singles with a 679. Pat
Johnson and Judith Rowe bowled a 1361 to finish 6th in Div. 1 Doubles and Lisa McCraw
and Helen Cruz bowled a 1356 to take 7th place.
Great bowling ladies. REMEMBER, the Orange Belt USBC Association is HOSTING
the 2015 Florida State Senior Women’s Doubles & Singles Tournament at Orange Bowl
lanes in Lakeland next November.
So, see, I told you the “winter tour” was just around the corner for us. May you all
enjoy your family and friends during the upcoming holiday season. Stay safe, healthy
and have fun at the lanes!
Gulf Coast USBC
Celeste O’Neill
Hard to believe we are in December with 24 days left till Christmas. Since our last
newsletter we had a youth/adult tournament, we went to the Jamboree in Sarasota, we
had a bowling clinic and held the 61st Annual St. Petersburg Women’s Classic
Two teams from Liberty Lanes went and bowled in the USA Bowling Southeast
Regional’s on October 25 & 26th. The U12 Division won, and they were Hannah Diem,
Logan Sherk, Angel Gustafson, Aiden DeBoer, Joshua Brown, and Alexa Schell, all from
the Liberty Bombers. Their next stop was in Alabama on November 22, the U12 and
U15 teams finished 4th and they bowled very well and the coaches did a great job. The
other U15 team bowl 19 games and had to beat a team in the finals twice, two matches
to win the tournament. The team they beat had not lost a match all weekend, until the
finals. There were 13 U12 teams’ total and 17 U15 teams this weekend bowling to be
regional champs. We are very proud of the Liberty Bombers.
Hannah Diem, the 9 year old in our area who shot a 300 game last year was on the Steve
The checks for the Classic tournament went out the day before Thanksgiving. The
results are on the website. They say unofficial, but are official. I need to go to the office
and get the files so I can bring back home and post the official results and the prize lists.
Last Sunday I ended up in the ER and then was admitted in the hospital for the entire
week, including Thanksgiving. Patsy and I ran checks that Sunday and then we were
going to work on them together, but she ended up having to put everything together
and signing a lot of checks. They are out.
In October we had our first bowling clinic at Liberty Lanes. We had 17 people show up
and it was a success. We have another one in January at Seminole Lanes, and two more
before the end of the 2014-2015 season.
Tonight, I just got home from our Pinellas County High School banquet. It was a lot of
fun; Janet Waddell is the director for our high school league. The girls were in dresses
and the boys with their ties on. Good to see all the kids out and everyone having a lot of
On December 7th, Gulf Coast is having their first Women’s 500 Club again up and
running. The tournament will take place at Seminole Lanes. Ladies that have had a 500
are welcome to join and if you have had a 600 you can still join, as long as you do not
belong to the 600 club you are welcome to join. Entry forms are on our website at
On January 17, we are having our BVL Bowl – A – Thon and hoping to have a lot of items
for the silent auction. Also that day we will be having a doubles tournament to raise
more money for BVL.
We are now preparing for the upcoming 2015 Florida State USBC WBA State
Tournament. The tournament starts the weekend we return from the National
Convention on May 2 and runs through June 7th. Your entry form can be found on their
website at http://www.floridawba.com/state_tournament/2015/15_entry.pdf
See you in February!
West Volusia USBC
Jennie Mero
We have almost completed a half of season and things are going well.
The remodeling of Sunshine Lanes is about 2/3rds complete. Hopefully all will be done
by December 31. What a way to celebrate a new year.
I have a little sad note to report on. For the ladies who saw my book and knew of Sunny
the Rooster, a coyote caught him on December 1. Of course he didn’t make it as the
Wildlife Agency says they are mean critters and they were sure Sunny would not survive
the attack. He had a good 10 years.
In January we will start a lot of our tournaments. We will have one or two every month
until June.
We are currently finishing up the BVL scores. Looks like we will again be over $2,000.00.
I am so proud of our bowlers who support this good cause.
This month column is short. Hope everyone has a very Blessed and Happy Holiday
Debbie Whitten
WOW here we are coming to the end of another year. Time does start flying by the
older we get. Seems like we were just getting the fall/winter leagues on the floor and
half a league season has gone by. There are leagues who just do not seem to be able to
fill teams or have changed their format to a 3 person rather than a 4 person team just to
keep the league on the floor.
Ocala bowlers have been participating in tournaments both locally and traveling around
the state. Although we may not always bring home winnings we have a good time
traveling with friends and family, eating at different restaurants and just relaxing.
Speaking of tournaments - - - are they to become a thing of the past such as team shirts
and league banquets. Associations and clubs are finding it harder and harder to get
commitments from bowling centers to host tournaments on the weekends due to the
centers wanting to keep their lanes open for birthday parties, corporate events and
their weekend specials. Tournaments are guaranteed money for the center not to
mention the food and beverage income that is generated during a tournament;
however, the general consensus of corporate entities is that they can make more on a
weekend with their parties and specials which is a concept we, the average
league/tournament bowler, is having a hard time understanding.
A lot of bowlers started participating in tournaments to be able to travel around the
state or the country (USA) and take the family to make mini-vacations out of the
bowling adventure. However, going to the same place year after year gets old so
participation is down in a lot of the tournaments not only in our state but at the national
level. Reno is getting old and after you have been for several years there is not much to
do except gamble and that is not for everyone. A change of scenery by going to other
parts of the country would be welcomed by many. Las Vegas will be a nice change in
the next few years but if the national tournaments are going to be bouncing back and
forth between Reno and Vegas - unfortunately, I see a decline again in participation in
the national tournaments.
It is not USBC’s fault totally - cities do not want to make commitments to host an event
that lasts more than one or two weekends (nationals is normally 4 to 6 months of 7 days
a week) even though it would bring people and revenue to their town.
What does the future hold for tournaments? Mail-O-Gram?? Who knows....
We will be getting ready to host the Annual City Championship in February/March,
2015. Tried offering alibi doubles last year, however, not enough interest was
generated so it will not be offered this coming tournament.
Check out what’s going on in your area or check out the blog for Ocala/Marion County
at http://ocalabowling2014.wordpress.com and see what high scores are being bowled
and what tournaments are calendared.
Have a Very Merry Christmas and an especially Happy New Year!!