out of province practical nurse - College of Licensed Practical
out of province practical nurse - College of Licensed Practical
OUT OF PROVINCE PRACTICAL NURSE APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Effective January 1, 2016 This instruction guide provides general information to assist you in the application process. Further information will be provided when your application has been assessed to determine eligibility for registration. Information in this guide is subject to change without notice. OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Contents 1. APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Personal/ Declaration ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Nursing Education ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Initial Nursing Registration ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Current Nursing Registration ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Nursing Employment History .................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Additional Application Requirements ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Registration Declaration ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 2. OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE APPLICATION PROCESSING FEE .............................................................................................. 4 3. VERIFICATION OF REGISTRATION ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Section 1 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Section 2 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 4. VERIFICATION OF NURSING EDUCATION (Required if graduated prior to 2009 or upon request by CLPNA) ...................................................... 4 Section 1 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Section 2 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 5. Declaration of Nursing Hours............................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Section 1 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Section 2 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 6. SPECIALIZED PRACTICE DECLARATION (Specialized Nursing Competencies) ....................................................................................................... 5 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Jurisprudence Exam (for applications received after January 1, 2016) ..................................................................................................................... 5 How does CLPNA assess applications for registration? ............................................................................................................................................. 6 OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Revised July 17, 2014 Page 2 of 6 This guide provides information on how to apply to become registered as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in Alberta. If you require additional information please, contact our office at registration@clpna.com . These instructions will explain how to complete and submit the forms in the Application Package. Carefully read these instructions to avoid unnecessary delays. Key points to consider before starting the application process: To be eligible to apply for registration, you must have obtained registration as an LPN in Canada (RPN in Ontario) or have completed a Canadian PN program and have passed the CPNRE. If you are not a new graduate, you are required to have obtained nursing hours in the past 4 years or have current registration in another Canadian jurisdiction. Completion and submission of each form in the application package is required. All documentation must be translated to English prior to submission to CLPNA. When completing forms, print legibly using black ink. You have a period of one year, from the date your application file is opened, to complete the application process. Your assessment letter will have a deadline date within it that must be adhered to. 1. APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION Complete this four page form and submit directly to CLPNA along with the additional information required. Personal/ Declaration Complete personal information carefully and clearly, please print. Provide a valid email address (mandatory) because communications and information will be sent to you by email. Read the questions carefully. If you have answered “Yes” to any questions, write a brief explanation on the space provided. You will be notified, if any further documentation is required. Nursing Education Provide all the information requested regarding your original nursing education. If you have successfully completed additional nursing education, such as courses not originally included in your nursing program, you must provide the information required under the “Additional Nursing Education” section of the form. This will assist CLPNA in the assessment of your nursing education and experience. You do not need to send any additional documents for post-basic nursing education until requested to do so by CLPNA. Initial Nursing Registration Provide all information requested regarding your initial (original) place of nursing registration. Indicate the province/state/country where you obtained your initial registration. Current Nursing Registration Provide all information requested regarding your current nursing registration. If you are currently registered with the same nursing board as your initial registration, you must provide the information required. If you are currently registered with more than one nursing board, provide the information for each of the nursing boards. If you are currently not registered anywhere, provide the information of the last nursing board you were registered with. Nursing Employment History Provide information for all nursing employment in the past four years. Additional Application Requirements Use the checklist provided on page 3 of the Application for Registration to verify what you need to submit. OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Revised November 30, 2015 Page 3 of 6 Registration Declaration Read carefully, sign and date your Application for Registration prior to submitting to CLPNA. 2. OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE APPLICATION PROCESSING FEE Submit payment of $210 to CLPNA. Options for application fee payment are as follows: Complete the Credit Card Authorization form included with the application package. Bank draft, or money order, made payable to CLPNA. Cash or Debit, if paying in person at CLPNA office. (Do not mail) Application Fees are non-refundable. Ensure fees are in Canadian Funds. Online profile Once the Application for Registration form and $210 Application fee is received, an online profile will be created and your login instructions and information will be emailed to you. This profile will enable you to check the documents received and outstanding for your application. It is your responsibility to check the status and follow-up on the documents outstanding for your application. 3. VERIFICATION OF REGISTRATION The purpose of this form is to verify initial and current nursing registration. Current nurse registration in any province/state. If you are a Canadian LPN new graduate and have successfully completed the CPNRE, request the regulator in your home jurisdiction to complete this form and send it to our office. They should provide all of the information with exception to the registration information portion. These documents may be received from the other regulator by mail or email You may need to make more than one copy of the Verification of Registration form depending on how many board(s) you have current registration as a nurse. Section 1 Complete this section to authorize the board(s) to provide the necessary registration information to CLPNA. Send the completed form to the appropriate nursing board(s) to complete Section 2. Section 2 The board will complete Section 2 and mail the form directly to the CLPNA office. 4. VERIFICATION OF NURSING EDUCATION (Required if graduated prior to 2009 or upon request by CLPNA) The purpose of this form to verify you have completed nursing education. Section 1 Complete this section to authorize the school(s) to provide the necessary information to verify nursing education. Send the completed form to the appropriate educational institution to complete Section 2. OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Revised November 30, 2015 Page 4 of 6 Section 2 The school will complete Section 2 and mail the forms to the CLPNA office. Please ensure that the documentation submitted to CLPNA has been translated into English if the original is in a different language. Photocopies and/or faxes of this form from the school will not be accepted. 5. Declaration of Employment Hours The purpose of this form is to verify nursing practice hours that you have acquired in the previous four (4) years. Section 1 Complete this section to disclose the employers, dates worked, position title, and hours worked. Section 2 Declaration of hours – this must be signed and dated to proceed with your application. You must attest that the information you have provided is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge. CLPNA reserves the right to verify practice hours with current and past employers. 6. SPECIALIZED PRACTICE DECLARATION (Specialized Nursing Competencies) In Alberta, certain areas of practice are considered specialized nursing competencies. For an individual to work in a specialized area of practice, authorization must be granted by CLPNA. If you do not have a specialized practice area of practice (indicated below), you are not required to complete this form. CLPNA Specialty Authorization is required for nursing practice in the following areas: Advanced Orthopedics Operating Room Immunization Advanced Foot care Read the Specialization Information form carefully to determine if you require authorization. Submit the appropriate documentation to prove you have completed the required education. Please ensure the documentation submitted to CLPNA has been translated into English if original is in a different language. rd For more information about these specialty areas of nursing practice, please view Competency Profile for LPNs – 3 edition available under ‘Resources’ on CLPNA’s website. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Jurisprudence Exam (for applications received after January 1, 2016) Prior to being approved for registration in Alberta you must complete the Jurisprudence exam. The Jurisprudence Exam information is included in this package as separate instructions. OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Revised November 30, 2015 Page 5 of 6 How does CLPNA assess applications for registration? When all forms have been submitted to CLPNA, your application will be assessed to determine eligibility for registration as a Licensed Practical Nurse in Alberta. Assessment may take up to 10 business days. The assessment decision will be provided to you in writing via your email. If you are eligible for an Active registration, you will be advised to complete an “Initial Registration Form” and pay a registration fee of $405.00. Should you disagree with the decision, you may request a review by CLPNA Council. The fee for review is $750. Determining Substantial Equivalent Competence Substantial equivalent competence is the term used by CLPNA to describe the combination of education, experience, practice or other qualifications that demonstrates the competence required for entry-to-practice as an LPN in Alberta. CLPNA’s assessment of substantial equivalent competence involves the review of nurse registration verification and other documents which provide information regarding competence to practice. CLPNA looks for evidence that the applicant currently possesses the competencies which will allow the individual to fulfill the role and responsibilities of the LPN. If gaps are identified in education or currency of practice (nursing hours) on review of the applicant documentation, CLPNA will decide whether additional nursing education will be required before an applicant may pursue further steps in the registration process. Depending upon the nature and extent of any identified gaps, the assigned education may be in the form of one or more nursing courses. However, if the competency gaps are extensive the applicant may be advised to complete a refresher program. Possible assessment decisions are: The applicant is notified of registration eligibility to obtain an Active Practice Permit The applicant is notified of registration eligibility to obtain an Active Practice Permit with conditions to complete a course where an educational deficit in one or all five of Medication Administration, Infusion Therapy, Adult Health Assessment, maternity and/or pediatrics. The application can be deferred pending further information or assessment – such as English Language Proficiency Testing. The application can be denied – such as in cases of not meeting good character requirements or fitness to practice requirements. Practice Permits with Conditions: The following information is to provide clarity regarding the Active Practice Permit with Conditions and the parameters that must be followed, while an applicant is practicing and studying to obtain an Active Practice Permit without Conditions in Alberta. If you are issued a permit with conditions, you will need to meet the conditions within the time specified by CLPNA, or you may not be eligible to renew your Practice Permit. Health Assessment – practical nurse programs in Canada/United States have some level of health assessment, although there are gaps in the depth of this knowledge. Individuals who are restricted in Health Assessment must work within their competence when performing assessments (supervision with another regulated health professional is recommended). Medication Administration/Pharmacology – applicants who have not completed a formal education program in medication administration/pharmacology are NOT permitted to administer medications in Alberta until they have successfully completed the appropriate certification. If the applicant has knowledge and experience in certain elements of medication administration they must verify this with their employer and direct supervisor to identify the depth of their role in medication administration within the practice setting (i.e., administration of suppositories, creams, drops, etc.). Infusion Therapy – applicants who have not completed formal education in infusion therapy are NOT permitted to monitor or care for infusions in Alberta until they have successfully completed the appropriate education. Maternity/Pediatrics – the applicant is NOT permitted to be assigned to maternity or pediatric patients until conditions are completed and approved by CLPNA. For more information and further resources contact our Out of Province Department at registration@clpna.com. OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Revised November 30, 2015 Page 6 of 6 Jurisprudence Exam Instructions & Information This instruction guide provides general information to assist you in the application process. Information in this guide is subject to change without notice. JURISPRUDENCE EXAM INSTRUCTIONS & INFORMATION Contents 1. Purpose of Jurisprudence Exam, Goals and Objectives ............................................................................................................. 3 1.1 Learning Objectives .................................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Topics ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.3 CLPNA Blueprint Competency Statements – June 2013 ............................................................................................................ 3 2. Is it a Requirement for Registration ........................................................................................................................................... 3 3. Exam Resource Guides ............................................................................................................................................................... 4 3.1 Online CLPNA Jurisprudence Exam Study Guide........................................................................................................................ 4 3.2 Tool for LPNs on the USB Key .................................................................................................................................................... 4 4. How Do I Write the Exam ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 5. Is there a fee for the jurisprudence examination? .................................................................................................................... 4 6. When can applicants write the examination? ........................................................................................................................... 4 7. How long does it take to complete the examination? ............................................................................................................... 4 8. How is the jurisprudence examination scored? ......................................................................................................................... 4 9. When do I receive my exam results? ......................................................................................................................................... 5 10. What are the minimum computer requirements to take the examination? ............................................................................. 5 11. How do I apply for special accommodation to complete the jurisprudence examination? ...................................................... 5 12. If I fail the jurisprudence examination, can I take it again? ....................................................................................................... 5 13. Do I have to notify the College about my results? ..................................................................................................................... 5 14. Any Further Questions? ............................................................................................................................................................. 5 15. Appendix A ................................................................................................................................................................................. 6 JURISPRUDENCE EXAM APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Revised JUNE 27, 2013 Page 2 of 6 1. Purpose of Jurisprudence Exam, Goals and Objectives The Jurisprudence exam was designed to ensure licensed practical nurses in Alberta have the necessary knowledge to practice nursing safely within the legislative framework that exists in Alberta and Canada and understand their professional role and responsibilities within the profession. 1.1 • • • 1.2 • • • • • • • • • 1.3 Learning Objectives To facilitate an understanding of the basic frameworks of Provincial (Federal) Health Care Systems To increase awareness of current practice issues To increase personal and professional confidence while adapting and integrating into new health care setting Topics Patient-centered care Collaboration among healthcare providers The role of the federal and provincial governments in the Canadian health care system Understanding key legislation needed to inform nursing practice in Alberta Patient safety issues and the LPN role Planning for success in the healthcare workplace E-ethical dilemmas Communicating effectively in the healthcare workplace Expectations surrounding professionalism and lifelong learning CLPNA Blueprint Competency Statements – June 2013 The exam was created from the blueprint (Appendix A). Questions were written as “Knowledge” and “Application” questions, the exam will be scored using 70 questions, but maybe up to 80 questions. This variable amount of questions are field test questions and will not count towards your examination grade. The passing grade varies from 65-70% and there is multiple exam forms. Three competency domains were created. Self-Regulation Scope of Practice Professional Accountability & Responsibility 2. Is it a Requirement for Registration The jurisprudence examination is a registration requirement as of January 1, 2013 for Internationally Educated Nurses. These nurses were identified with the most significant need, as many of these nurses do not understand the legislative framework that exists in Alberta within the practical nursing profession. Internationally Educated Nurses must pass the jurisprudence examination as a condition of registration. The jurisprudence examination will be a registration requirement for graduates from a practical nurse program in Alberta and practical nurse applicants from another jurisdiction in Canada in 2015. The Jurisprudence Exam will provide additional support to understanding their professional role and responsibilities as a practical nurse in Alberta. Current members of the College are not required to complete the exam, but it will be available to take as Continuing Competency learning in September 2013 by completing an application to take the Jurisprudence Exam. JURISPRUDENCE EXAM INFORMATION & INSTRUCTIONS Revised JUNE 27, 2013 Page 3 of 6 3. Exam Resource Guides 3.1 Online CLPNA Jurisprudence Exam Study Guide The online CLPNA Jurisprudence Exam Study Guide is a tool individuals can utilize to study in preparation of jurisprudence exam by reviewing a tutorial, listening to narrative and reviewing contents in detail. There is no cost associated with the tool. 3.2 Tool for LPNs on the USB Key The 'LPN Key to Self-Regulation' is a portable way to carry and consult documents that were only available in the CLPNA's 400-page Continuing Competency Program (CCP) Binder or in various locations on the CLPNA's website. New CLPNA applicants receive the LPN Key as part of the initial registration process. The key contains document that the College recommends as study materials. (Please note that documents on the USB key list may be revised or changed, it is each nurse’s responsibility to monitor the list for any updates and ensure they review only the most recent versions of the documents. If you do not have a key and would like to purchase one, they are $30 each for members by filling out an order form with payment information. It is highly likely that applicants will be able to successfully complete the jurisprudence examination within the allotted time as long as they review all the materials in advance. 4. How Do I Write the Exam Applicants assessed to write the Jurisprudence Exam will be provided with details about how to access the exam as part of their registration process. An email with a unique link will be provided to the applicant from the CLPNA, where they can pay for the $50.00 examination fee. Once payment has been made the exam will start right away. You will not be able to stop or pause the system and return. It must be written in one sitting and you are given four hours to complete the exam. 5. Is there a fee for the jurisprudence examination? Yes. The fee for the jurisprudence examination is $50.00 (CDN) including applicable taxes. The fee is required each time an applicant attempts to write the examination. Payment is made online by credit card through the secure examination website. 6. When can applicants write the examination? Once applicants have received instructions about how to access the jurisprudence exam, the individual can choose to take the online exam at any time. Once an applicant begins writing the exam, they cannot stop or pause the system and return. It must be written in one sitting. 7. How long does it take to complete the examination? Applicants have a maximum of 4 hours or 240 minutes to complete the examination. If you run out of time and do not answer all of the questions, they will be marked on the responses that were provided up to that point. 8. How is the jurisprudence examination scored? Results of the examination are provided by Overall Performance and then by Competency Domains. The Overall Performance includes the actual percentage and provides you with the exam result of Successful or Not Yet Successful. The Competency Domains will also include actual scores but will also provide recommendations of additional study, as shown below. JURISPRUDENCE EXAM INFORMATION & INSTRUCTIONS Revised JUNE 27, 2013 Page 4 of 6 Recommendations for Additional Study Low – Little, if any additional study recommended. Medium – Some additional study may be helpful. High – Additional study recommended. 9. When do I receive my exam results? Applicants receive their exam result immediately after they submit their test answers. It is recommended you keep a copy of the email with your examination results for your own records. 10. What are the minimum computer requirements to take the examination? The jurisprudence examination site supports the latest versions of Safari, Firefox and Chrome, as well as Internet Explorer 7, 8 and 9. If one of these browser versions is not installed on your computer, there will be a message inviting you to upgrade when you attempt to access the testing site. 11. How do I apply for special accommodation to complete the jurisprudence examination? You can apply for special accommodation to complete the jurisprudence examination by notifying the College in writing of your specific circumstances with a request for alternate arrangements. You may be required to provide supporting documentation with your request. 12. If I fail the jurisprudence examination, can I take it again? Yes. If you receive a Fail score for the jurisprudence examination, you can rewrite the examination. There is no limit on the number of times you can write the examination or a restriction on how much time is taken between each attempt. Applicants with Conditional Registration must be mindful that registration will lapse after one year from the date of issue and are required to complete the Jurisprudence condition within the one-year timeframe. CLPNA may require individuals to complete additional education and undergo a new application for registration to determine eligibility for licensure if their practice permit expires and the condition has not been met. 13. Do I have to notify the College about my results? No. Your jurisprudence examination results will automatically be submitted to the College. You will be able to go online and see the Condition on your registration has been received, if you are successful in passing the jurisprudence exam. 14. Any Further Questions? If you have read through all of these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and your questions have not been answered, please email jurisprudence@clpna.com and submit your questions. JURISPRUDENCE EXAM INFORMATION & INSTRUCTIONS Revised JUNE 27, 2013 Page 5 of 6 15. Appendix A – Blue Print Competency Statements JURISPRUDENCE EXAM INFORMATION & INSTRUCTIONS Revised JUNE 27, 2013 Page 6 of 6 OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION PERSONAL (Please Print) _____________________________________ Current Legal Surname (Last Name) ______________________________________ Given Name (First Name) _____________________________________ Middle Name(s) _____________________________________ Maiden Name ______________________________________ Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy) Sex Female Male ______________________________________________________________________________ Apartment / Box No. / Address or Street No. _____________________________________ City / Town / Village _____________________________________ Province/State ______________________________________ Country _____________________________________ Postal Code / Zip Code _____________________________________ ______________________________________ Telephone No. Cell No. __________________________________________________________ E-mail Address (MANDATORY) _____________________________________ Primary Language PERSONAL DECLARATION (check applicable answer) For more information on the CLPNA’s authority to request an applying member to self-declare, visit www.clpna.com; Practice Policy - Personal Declaration for Registration Requirements which is linked to three supportive documents to enhance the LPN’s understanding of Interpretive Document-Duty to Report, Interpretive Document-Fitness to Practice and Incapacity, and Practice Guideline-Preventing Nurse-to-Client Transmission of Blood-Borne Virus and Other Communicable Diseases. 1. Have you ever applied for registration in Alberta previously? Yes No 2. Have you applied for registration in any Canadian province or territory? Yes No 3. Have you ever been denied registration/licensure by a registration/ licensing authority for nursing in Alberta or any other health profession in Alberta or any other province, territory, state or country (excluding CLPNA)? Yes No 4. Have you ever been subject to any investigative proceedings with respect to unprofessional conduct, incompetence, or incapacity in nursing or any regulatory body, in Alberta or any other province, territory, state or country (excluding CLPNA)? Are you currently under investigation or involved in any proceedings, which could or has resulted in the encumbrance of your nursing registration by: Yes No 5. a. A registration/licensing authority for nursing LPN/RPN/RN in any province, territory, state or country? Yes No b. Another health profession (other than nursing) in any province, territory, state or country? Yes No c. Any other profession in any province, territory, state or country? Yes No 6. Are you currently charged with a criminal offense? Yes No 7. Have you pleaded guilty or been found guilty of a criminal offence for which a pardon has not been granted? Yes No 8. Do you have any physical or mental condition or disorder that may impair your ability to provide safe, competent and ethical care? If you have answered yes to question 8, answer the questions below; otherwise leave questions (a) and (b) blank. a. If “Yes”, are you under the care of a physician or healthcare team? Yes No Yes No Yes No b. If “Yes”, are you following medical advice? If any circumstances change throughout the year, you are required to contact CLPNA. OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION Revised July 17, 2014 Page 1 of 4 (Please Print: If you answered ‘YES’ to any question on the Personal Declaration, provide a brief explanation.) NURSING EDUCATION (Please Print: Provide all nursing programs taken, including both basic and refresher programs.) Name of Nursing Program Language of Instruction Start Date (dd/mm/yy) Graduation Date (dd/mm/yy) Name of Educational Institution Address(Street No./City/Province/Country) Phone (including area code) Name of Nursing Examination Language of Examination Passed Number of Times Examination Written Credential Received (example; Degree, Diploma, Certificate) Yes No ADDITIONAL NURSING EDUCATION (Please Print: Provide all post basic programs and/or courses completed. More than 3 please provide on a separate piece of paper.) Name of Credential Received Institution Name and Country Start Date and Completion Date Name of Credential Received Institution Name and Country Start Date and Completion Date Name of Credential Received Institution Name and Country Start Date and Completion Date INITIAL NURSING REGISTRATION (Please Print: Provide original registration information only, even if registration is no longer current.) Registration Type (LPN, RN) Registration Status Conditions/Limitations on Registration (if applicable) Province/State/ Country Registration Number Issued Date (dd/mm/yy) Expiry Date (dd/mm/yy) CURRENT NURSING REGISTRATION (Provide all places of registration (other than with CLPNA) or other regulated profession(s) (ie. registered nurse, physiotherapist, midwife, paramedic, etc.). If you are not currently registered then provide the most recent place of registration. More than 2 please provide on a separate piece of paper. Registration Type (LPN, RN) Registration Status Conditions/Limitations on Registration (if applicable) OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION Province/State/ Country Registration Number Issued Date (dd/mm/yy) Expiry Date (dd/mm/yy) Revised July 17, 2014 Page 2 of 4 NURSING EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (Please Print: Provide all employers in the past 4 years. More than 4 please provide on a separate piece of paper.) Employer Name and Phone Address Unit/Area of Responsibility (check applicable boxes) Job Title/Position Status (Full-Time, Part-Time, Casual) Medical Surgical Obstetrics Pediatrics Start Date (dd/mm/yy) End date (dd/mm/yy) Mental Health/Psychiatry Community Gerontology/Long Term Care Other___________________________________ Employer Name and Phone Address Unit/Area of Responsibility (check applicable boxes) Job Title/Position Status (Full-Time, Part-Time, Casual) Medical Surgical Obstetrics Pediatrics Start Date (dd/mm/yy) End date (dd/mm/yy) Mental Health/Psychiatry Community Gerontology/Long Term Care Other___________________________________ Employer Name and Phone Address Unit/Area of Responsibility (check applicable boxes) Job Title/Position Status (Full-Time, Part-Time, Casual) Medical Surgical Obstetrics Pediatrics Start Date (dd/mm/yy) End date (dd/mm/yy) Mental Health/Psychiatry Community Gerontology/Long Term Care Other___________________________________ Employer Name and Phone Address Unit/Area of Responsibility (check applicable boxes) Job Title/Position Status (Full-Time, Part-Time, Casual) Medical Surgical Obstetrics Pediatrics Start Date (dd/mm/yy) End date (dd/mm/yy) Mental Health/Psychiatry Community Gerontology/Long Term Care Other___________________________________ ADDITIONAL APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS (You must also submit the following with your application form or it may be considered incomplete, please verify.) I have included a clear copy of my birth certificate and/or passport. (Mail or Email; Do Not Fax) I have included a clear copy of my driver’s license, citizenship card, and/or permanent residence card. (Mail or Email; Do Not Fax) I have included the $210 non-refundable application fee. (Visa/Mastercard payable on the credit card authorization form, certified cheque or money order payable to CLPNA. Please do not mail cash. I understand all my documentation must be translated to English before it is submitted to the CLPNA office. OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION Revised July 17, 2014 Page 3 of 4 PRIVACY STATEMENT I acknowledge that the information contained in this form is being collected and will be used for the purpose of assessing my application for registration. This information will be maintained on my file and may also be used to assess my application for renewal of my practice permit in the future or for the purpose of a discipline proceeding under Part 4 of the Health Professions Act. The information contained in this form will only be disclosed pursuant to the provisions in the Health Professions Act, the Personal Information Protection Act, as otherwise required by law, unless your consent to disclose the information has been obtained. CONSENT TO REVOCATION/SUSPENSION OF REGISTRATION I acknowledge and agree that the College may, at its option, immediately revoke, suspend or refuse to renew my registration if any information contained in this application is inaccurate or incomplete until such that the College has had the opportunity to reconsider my application. I agree to provide any additional information that may be required by the College to consider my application for registration. I agree to return my registration and licensure to the College as requested in the event that my registration is revoked or suspended. I also acknowledge and agree that I may be subject to disciplinary action, irrespective of whether my registration is revoked or suspended with the College, if I fail to provide current, correct and complete information to the College in respect to my application for registration. REGISTRATION DECLARATION I declare that all of the information on this form is current, correct and complete. I declare that all documents submitted with this application to the College are authentic true originals or true copies of original documents. I declare that I am of good character and am fit to practice, consistent with the responsibilities, ethics and standards expected of a Licensed Practical Nurse. I hereby certify that I am the person making application for registration as a Licensed Practical Nurse in Alberta and that all statements are true and complete in every respect. I understand that omission, inaccuracy, and falsification of information on this application may result in the cancellation of my application for registration or cancellation of any registration, which may be issued. I understand that my application for assessment of eligibility and/or registration is considered lapsed if required documentation is not received in the CLPNA office and I have not obtained registration within 1 year from my application date. I understand that after 1 year has lapsed I am required to reapply. _______________________________________________________ Applicant Signature (do not print) OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION _______________________________________________________ Date (dd/mm/yy) Revised July 17, 2014 Page 4 of 4 OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE VERIFICATION OF NURSING EDUCATION Complete Section 1 and forward to your nursing school(s) to complete Section 2. Once completed, the form must be mailed directly from the nursing school(s) to CLPNA. Copies will not be accepted and documents must be translated to English. This form is mandatory for applicants who graduated prior to 2009. This form may be requested by the CLPNA as needed to further assess educational competencies. SECTION 1 (completed by applicant) PERSONAL (Please Print) _____________________________________ Current Legal Surname (Last Name) ______________________________________ Given Name (First Name) _____________________________________ Middle Name(s) _____________________________________ Maiden Name ______________________________________ Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy) Sex Female Male ______________________________________________________________________________ Apartment / Box No. / Address or Street No. _____________________________________ City / Town / Village _____________________________________ Province/State ______________________________________ Country _____________________________________ Postal Code / Zip Code _____________________________________ Telephone No. ______________________________________ Cell No. _____________________________________ Primary Language __________________________________________________________ E-mail Address CONSENT TO RELEASE INFORMATION I am seeking registration as a Licensed Practical Nurse in Alberta. I authorize ___________________________________ (name of Nursing School) to complete Section 2 of this form and mail the required documentation directly to the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta (CLPNA). ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Applicant Signature (do not print) Date (dd/mm/yy) SECTION 2 (completed by nursing school) NURSING EDUCATION (Please Print) _______________________________________________________ Name of Nursing Program _________________________________________________________ Name of Educational Institution ______________________________________________________________________________________ Address(Street No./City/Province/Country/Postal Code/Zip Code) ____________________________________ Language of Instruction Credential Received Degree ____________________________________ Date of Admission (dd/mm/yy) Diploma __________________________ Phone (including area code) _____________________________________ Graduation Date (dd/mm/yy) Certificate OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE VERIFICATION OF NURSING EDUCATION Revised July 17, 2014 Page 1 of 2 NURSING COMPETENCIES CONTINUED (please check if the following competencies were part of the nursing program.) Health Assessment Yes No Medication Administration/Pharmacology Yes No Infusion Therapy (maintenance of IV only) Yes No Subcutaneous Injections Yes No Pediatrics Yes No Maternity Yes No ACTING ON BEHALF OF THE NURSING SCHOOL ____________________________________________ Designate Name (please print) _____________________________________________ Title _________________________________ Signature of Designate ____________________ Date (dd/mm/yyyy) _________________________________ Email ________________________________ Phone Number OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE VERIFICATION OF NURSING EDUCATION Place Official Stamp or Seal Here Revised July 17, 2014 Page 2 of 2 OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE VERIFICATION OF REGISTRATION Complete Section 1 and forward to the appropriate registration/nursing board(s) to complete Section 2. Once completed, the form must be mailed or emailed directly from the registration/nursing board(s) to CLPNA. Copies will not be accepted. SECTION 1 (completed by applicant) PERSONAL (Please Print) _____________________________________ Current Legal Surname (Last Name) ______________________________________ Given Name (First Name) _____________________________________ Middle Name(s) _____________________________________ Maiden Name ______________________________________ Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy) Sex Female Male ______________________________________________________________________________ Apartment / Box No. / Address or Street No. _____________________________________ City / Town / Village _____________________________________ Province/State ______________________________________ Country _____________________________________ Postal Code / Zip Code _____________________________________ Telephone No. ______________________________________ Cell No. _____________________________________ Primary Language __________________________________________________________ E-mail Address EDUCATION (Please Print) ______________________________________ Name of Nursing Program ______________________________________ Name of Educational Institution _____________________________________ Graduation Date (dd/mm/yy) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Educational Institution Complete Address REGISTRATION (Please Print) _____________________________________ Name of Registration/Nursing Board _________________________________________ Initial Registration Date with Board (dd/mm/yy) ___________________________________ Registration Number CONSENT TO RELEASE INFORMATION I am seeking registration as a Licensed Practical Nurse in Alberta. I authorize ___________________________________________ (name of Registration/Nursing board) to complete Section 2 of this form and mail the required documentation directly to the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta (CLPNA). ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Applicant Signature (do not print) Date (dd/mm/yy) OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE VERIFICATION OF REGISTRATION Revised July 17, 2014 Page 1 of 2 SECTION 2 (completed by registration/nursing board) THIS CERTIFIES THAT (Please Print) _____________________________________ Current Legal Surname (Last Name) ______________________________________ Given Name (First Name) _____________________________________ Middle Name(s) _______________________________________________________________________ Nursing School/Educational Program __________________________________________ Completion Date (dd/mm/yy) _______________________________________________________________________ Educational Facility Address Registered by Examination Endorsement ______________________________________ Initial Registration Date (dd/mm/yy) ______________________________________ Expiry Date (dd/mm/yy) _____________________________________ Registration Number ______________________________________ Name of Examination Written ______________________________________ Date Examination Written (dd/mm/yy) _____________________________________ Language of Examination Number of Times Examination was Written_________ Current Status Registered Results Pass Fail Inactive FORMAL ACTIONS 1. Has the applicant’s registration ever been revoked, suspended, or under review? Yes No 2. Has the applicant’s registration ever been made subject to conditions, limitations, restrictions, and/or an agreement with the board? Yes No 3. Has the applicant ever voluntarily surrendered their registration with the board and/or any other jurisdiction? Yes No 4. Has the applicant ever been denied registration? Yes No 5. Is there now or has there ever been any formal disciplinary action commenced against the applicant? Yes No 6. Have there ever been any formal sanctions imposed against the applicant as a matter of public record? (If yes, attach a certified copy of disciplinary action.) Yes No 7. Is the applicant the subject of a current investigation, proceeding, outstanding, and/or unresolved complaint against them in relation to their practice of nursing? Yes No If “Yes” is the answer to any of the questions, please attach documentation outlining action(s) taken. ACTING ON BEHALF OF REGISTRATION, BOARD, OR COUNCIL ______________________________________ Signature of Registrar/Designate ____________________________ Title _______________________________________ Print Name _________________________________________________ Email ______________________________________ Name of Licensing Authority/Jurisdiction Place Official Stamp or Seal Here _______________________________________ Date (dd/mm/yy) OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE VERIFICATION OF REGISTRATION Revised July 17, 2014 Page 2 of 2 OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE DECLARATION OF EMPLOYMENT HOURS Complete Section 1 for all employers in the past 4 years. If you have more than 2 employers please print additional forms. SECTION 1 (completed by applicant) PERSONAL (Please Print) _____________________________________ Current Legal Surname (Last Name) ______________________________________ Given Name (First Name) _____________________________________ Middle Name(s) _____________________________________ Maiden Name ______________________________________ Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy) Sex Female Male ______________________________________________________________________________ Apartment / Box No. / Address or Street No. _____________________________________ City / Town / Village _____________________________________ Province/State ______________________________________ Country _____________________________________ Postal Code / Zip Code _____________________________________ Telephone No. ______________________________________ Cell No. _____________________________________ Primary Language __________________________________________________________ E-mail Address EMPLOYMENT DETAILS (Please Print) Facility Name __________________ Start Date (dd/mm/yy) __________________ End Date (dd/mm/yy) ______________________________ Job Title/Position Unit/Area of Responsibility (check applicable boxes) ___________________________________ Supervisor Name ___________________________________ Supervisor Job Title/Position EMPLOYMENT HOURS Year Employed Total Hours Worked 2015 2014 Medical Mental Health/Psychiatry Surgical Community Obstetrics Pediatrics Gerontology/Long Term Care Other________________________________ 2013 2012 OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE VERIFICATION OF EMPLOYMENT Revised July 17, 2014 Page 1 of 2 EMPLOYMENT DETAILS (Please Print) Facility Name __________________ Start Date (dd/mm/yy) __________________ End Date (dd/mm/yy) ______________________________ Job Title/Position Unit/Area of Responsibility (check applicable boxes) ___________________________________ Supervisor Name ___________________________________ Supervisor Job Title/Position EMPLOYMENT HOURS Year Employed Total Hours Worked 2015 2014 Medical Mental Health/Psychiatry Surgical Community Obstetrics Pediatrics Gerontology/Long Term Care Other________________________________ 2013 2012 SECTION 2 - Declaration The information contained on this Declaration of Employment Hours form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I make this declaration for the purpose of inducing the CLPNA to issue me an active practice permit. I understand that CLPNA may request verification from my previous or current employers at their discretion. I understand that falsification of information provided on this application form is considered unprofessional conduct as per the Health Professions Act. Signature:________________________________________ OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE VERIFICATION OF EMPLOYMENT Date:____________________________________ Revised July 17, 2014 Page 2 of 2 OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE SPECIALIZED PRACTICE DECLARATION PERSONAL (Please Print) _____________________________________ Current Legal Surname (Last Name) ______________________________________ Given Name (First Name) _____________________________________ Middle Name(s) _____________________________________ Maiden Name ______________________________________ Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy) Sex Female Male ______________________________________________________________________________ Apartment / Box No. / Address or Street No. _____________________________________ City / Town / Village _____________________________________ Province/State ______________________________________ Country _____________________________________ Postal Code / Zip Code _____________________________________ Telephone No. ______________________________________ Cell No. _____________________________________ Primary Language __________________________________________________________ E-mail Address SPECIALIZATION INFORMATION Under the Health Professions Act, Restricted Activities are health services that pose significant risk and are identified to require a level of professional competence to be performed safely. Regulated professionals must be authorized by their College to perform Restricted Activities. Most Restricted Activities are authorized through basic LPN education; however, there are five areas of Specialized Practice that are monitored by the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta (CLPNA). The LPN must be granted authority by the CLPNA to engage in Specialized Practice in the following areas: Advanced Orthopedics Operating Room Nursing / Perioperative Nursing Immunization Advanced Foot Care Renal Dialysis (employer provided) There are differences in the education for these five Specialized Practice areas. Approved or equivalency in education must be achieved in Advanced Orthopedics, Operating Room Nursing, and Immunization prior to authorization to practice these areas. Advanced Foot Care recognized education or equivalency is assessed and noted on the applicant’s file. Renal Dialysis education can only be authorized through employer education therefore cannot be assessed by CLPNA. Please indicate if you wish to have equivalency assessed in Advanced Orthopedics, Operating Room Nursing, Immunization, or Advanced Foot Care by completing the Declaration of Specialization and requesting original educational transcripts and/or certificates to be sent to the CLPNA. If you do not have a specialized practice area of practice, you are not required to complete this form. Once your specialization is approved by the CLPNA, it will be indicated on your practice permit and will be displayed on the Public Registry. For a more complete explanation of Specialized Practice Restricted Activity authorizations, view Practice Statement #7 on the CLPNA website. OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE SPECIALIZED PRACTICE DECLARATION Revised July 17, 2014 Page 1 of 2 DECLARATION OF SPECIALIZATIONS (Please Print: check applicable boxes ) Specialization Educational Facility Completion Date Original Transcript or Certificate Submitted Advanced Orthopedics Operating Room Immunization Advanced Footcare DECLARATION I hereby declare that I am the person making application for registration as a Licensed Practical Nurse in Alberta and that all statements are true and complete in every respect. I understand that falsification of information on this application may result in the cancellation of my application for registration or cancellation of any registration, which may be issued. ____________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant (do not print) ______________________________________________________ Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Approval Comments Alinity Entry Date OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE SPECIALIZED PRACTICE DECLARATION Revised July 17, 2014 Page 2 of 2 OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION FORM PAYMENT INFORMATION (please print) Date: Payment Description: Amount: $210.00 OOPS APPLICATION FEE PERSONAL INFORMATION (please print) Name: Address: City: Province: Phone: Cell: Postal Code: Email: For privacy and security reasons, once payment is processed the below section will be destroyed. CREDIT CARD INFORMATION (please print) Cardholder Name: Credit Card #: Expiry Date: Month: Year: Signature: OUT OF PROVINCE LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION FORM Credit Card: VISA Mastercard Date: July 17, 2014 Page 1 of 2 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK INTERNATIONALLY EDUCATED NURSES: APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION Revised: August 23, 2012 Page 2 of 2\