Times 2012-11-09Hi - Seven Lakes Times
Times 2012-11-09Hi - Seven Lakes Times
Times Aeromodelers may lose West End airfield SLLA Open Meeting Report In memory of Business Guild Fall Festival Opinion Classifieds The Seven Lakes Volume 28 Number 1 Seven Lakes, North Carolina 27376 No lifeguards for SLLA pool? by Laura Douglass Times Reporter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he Times PO Box 468 West End, NC 27376 November 9, 2012 If you build it . . . 3,0 6%-7)( 8,) 59)78-32 (96 -2+ 8,) 3%6(B7 !36/ )77-32 32 32(%= 3:)1&)6 &%7)( 32 ,-7 2))( 83 ():)034 % (6%*8 &9(+)8 *36 8,) 94'31 -2+ *-7'%0 =)%6 ,) 3%6( -7 )<4)'8)( 83 1%/) % ()'-7-32 32 0-*)+9%6(7 (96-2+ 8,) 2)<8 4)2 ))8-2+ 7',)(90)( *36 !)(2)7(%= 3:)1&)6 2 4%4)6 8,) '378 *36 0-*) +9%6( 7%0%6-)7 -7 6)%732%&0) ? %2( /))4-2+ 8,)1 36 '98 8-2+ 8,)1 *631 8,) &9(+)8 ;390( 238 -14%'8 38,)6 '3787 3* 34)6%8-2+ 8,) 4330 -2'09( -2+ ,%:-2+ % )68-*-)( 330 (See “SLLA,” p. 14) No welcome mat for sweepstakes by Laura Douglass Times Reporter .....3 .....6 . . . . 10 . . . . 12 . . . . 22 . . . . 30 '%2 &) 6)+90%8)( ,%8 ;%7 8,) %(:-') 8,) 392'-0 6)')-:)( *631 8,) -00%+)B7 %88362)= -',%)0 639+, '328%-2)( -2 % 1)136%2(91 8,%8 %=36 )36+) 6-'/732 (-786-&98)( (96-2+ % ,967 (%= '83&)6 !36/ )7 7-32 ,)6) %6) 23 +%1-2+ 34)6 %8-327 ;-8,-2 8,) 3<*-6) -0 0%+) 0-1-87 ,) -779) '%1) (See “Foxfire,” p. 25) PRESORTED STANDARD MAIL U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 14 Seven Lakes, NC 27376 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED The Seven Lakes West Landowners Association [SLWLA] broke ground for the community’s new mailhouse on Tuesday, October 30. On hand were: Director Bruce Keyser, Contractor Bill Reaves, Architect Jake Kanoy, Project Manager John Hoffmann, President Mick Herdrich, Community Manager Jeanette Mendence, and Secretary Jane Sessler (not pictured). The mailhouse is expected to be completed by mid-February. Nick Picerno re-elected by Greg Hankins Times Editor -'/ -')623 ;32 % 7)'32( 8)61 32 8,) 336) 3928= 3%6( 3* 31 1-77-32)67 32 0)'8-32 %= 9)7(%= 3:)1&)6 398 4300-2+ )13'6%8-' ',%00)2+)6 00)2 %6'97 &= 2)%60= 136) :38)7 3* 8,) '%78 -2 8,) 6%') ,37) %6) 923**-'-%0 6)79087 *631 336) 3928= 4300-2+ %7 6)4368)( 32 8,) ;)&7-8) 3* 8,) 8%8) 3%6( 3* 0)'8-327 ,) 3**-'-%0 8%00= -2 %00 6%')7 ;-00 &) *-2%0->)( %8 8,) 3%6( 3* 0)'8-327B '%2:%77 32 ,967(%= 3:)1&)6 962398 ;%7 :)6= 78632+ *36 8,-7 =)%6B7 )0)'8-32 ;-8, % 032+ 0-78 3* /)= 3**-')7 94 *36 +6%&7 *631 6)7-()28 3* 8,) 2-8)( 8%8)7 8,639+, 368, %630-2% 3:)6236 83 )46)7)28%8-:) ? 4097 '314)8-8-:) 03'%0 6%')7 ,) 923**-'-%0 8%00= 7,3;7 3* 8,) '3928=B7 :38)67 79&1-88-2+ &%00387 ? .978 3:)6 4)6')28 2( 136) 8,%2 ,%0* 3* 8,37) :38)7 ;)6) '%78 %8 8,) '392 8=B7 32) 7834 :38-2+ 7-8)7 ;,-', '300)'8)( &%00387 *631 :38)67 36) 336) 3928-%27 :38)( )%60= 8,%2 :38)( 32 0)'8-32 %= ):)2 %/)7 0)( 8,) 4%'/ -2 8,%8 6)+%6( ;-8, :38-2+ )%60= ? 136) 8,%2 %2= 38,)6 46)'-2'8 7%:) %68,%+) ;,-', 8-)( 8,) ):)2 %/)7 838%0 ,%8 6)0-%2') 32 )%60= :38 -2+ 92*36892%8)0= 1%/)7 -8 -14377-&0) 83 463:-() :38) 838%07 *36 -2(-:-(9%0 6%')7 &= 46)'-2'8 8,) (%= %*8)6 8,) )0)'8-32 %60= :38-2+ 838%07 %6) 6)4368)( 7)4%6%8)0= -2 923**-'-%0 6)79087 %2( ;-00 &) 6)(-786-&98)( 83 8,)-6 6)74)' 8-:) 46)'-2'87 -2 4378 )0)'8-32 463')77-2+ &= 8,) '3928= )0)'8-327 78%** Local Races 3-2-2+ -2'91&)28 -')623 (See “Election,” p. 28) 2 Seven Lakes Times NEWS November 9, 2012 Interfaith Thanksgiving Service planned 533:4/9/+8 5, ,'/9. /4 9.+ 5=,/7+ &+89 4* '7+' '7+ 05/4/4- .'4*8 .+'798 '4* ;5/)+8 /4 '4 49+7,'/9. "+7;/)+ 5, #.'418-/;/4- 54 ":4*'> 5;+3(+7 '9 63 '9 9./8 >+'7@8 .589 8/9+ 9.+ "+;+4 '1+8 .'6+2 /4 9.+ /4+8 '9 "+;+4 '1+8 7/;+ 4+'7 9.+ 579. '4* "5:9. CONTRIBUTORS AND ADVERTISERS Articles or advertisements submitted to The Times should include the name and telephone number of the author. Articles may be e-mailed to mail@sevenlakestimes.net, dropped off at the Seven Lakes Times offices at 4307 Seven Lakes Plaza, mailed to P.O. Box 602, West End, NC 27376, or faxed to 888806-2572. Our voice telephone number is 910-673-0111. PUBLICATION SCHEDULE Deadline Issue Nov 15* Nov 30 Dec 14 Dec 28 Jan 11 Jan 25 Feb 8 Feb 22 Mar 8 Mar 22 Apr 5 Apr 19 May 3 May 17 May 31 Jun 14 Jun 28 Jul 12 Jul 26 Aug 9 Aug 23 Sep 6 Sep 20 Oct 4 Oct 18 Nov 1 Nov 15 Nov 29 Dec 13 Dec 27 Nov 21* Dec 7 Dec 21 Jan 4 Jan 18 Feb 1 Feb 15 Mar 1 Mar 15 Mar 29 Apr 12 Apr 26 May 10 May 24 Jun 7 Jun 21 Jul 5 Jul 19 Aug 2 Aug 16 Aug 30 Sep 13 Sep 27 Oct 11 Oct 25 Nov 8 Nov 22 Dec 6 Dec 20 Jan 3, 2014 *Early publication or deadline due to holiday. +497'4)+8 5, "+;+4 '1+8 #.+ .'6+2 )'4 '))5335 *'9+ '6675=/3'9+2> <57 8./66+78 ;+7>54+ /4 9.+ )533:4/9> /8 <+2)53+ '4* 6'79/)/6'498 '7+ /4;/9+* 95 2/4-+7 ,57 3:8/) '4* 7+,7+8. 3+498 ,5225</4- 9.+ 8+7;/)+ 95 +405> -+99/4- 95 145< 9.+/7 4+/-.(578 $8/4- ,'3/2/'7 .>348 5, 9.+ ).:7). '4* 8>4'-5-:+ 8.'7/4- <57*8 '4* 67'>+78 ,753 +'). 7+2/-/54 '4* '9/;+ 3+7/)'48 </22 5,,+7 <57 8./66+78 '4 566579:4/9> 95 8.'7+ 9.+/7 )53354 ,'/9. 97'*/9/548 '4* -/;+ 9.'418 95-+9.+7 ,57 3'4> (2+88/4-8 #.+7+ </22 (+ '4 /49+7,'/9. Veterans Day observance at the Veterans’ Memorial #.+ 557+ 5:49> %+9 +7'48 </22 .';+ ' +357/'2 75-7'3 54 "'9:7*'> 5;+3(+7 </9. 3:8/) (+-/44/4- '9 '3 </9. 9.+ 675-7'3 '9 '3 '9 9.+ '77/'-+ '18 +357/'2 8/9+ '79.'-+ #.+ '9/54'2 49.+3 </22 (+ 8:4- (> 9.+ '-.*'* '* 5>8 86+)/'2 3:8/) (> 9.+ $4/54 /4+8 '4* '4* 9.+ 52578 </22 (+ 6589+* /4+8 (> 9.+ $4/54 ! # "6+)/'2 -:+89 86+'1+7 </22 (+ 52 +9+7 5995 7+9/7+* $" '4* )./)1+4 </9. 7+,7+8.3+498 </22 (+ 675 ;/*+* (> "5:9.+74 /4+8 % & 589 +4 '4* &53+4@8 :=/2/'7> '9 45 )589 ASK ABOUT THE FREE APPLICATION GIVEN TO ALL NEW SEVEN LAKES CUSTOMERS! ).5/7 2+* (> *<'7* ++ 5, 9.+ .'6+2 /4 9.+ /4+8 </9. 3+3(+78 ,753 +'). 5, 9.+ )54-7+-'9/548 #.58+ </8./495 8/4- /4 9.+ ).5/7 8.5:2* '77/;+ '9 63 ,57 7+.+'78'2 '79/)/6'498 5, 9.+ ) 54'2*8 .'6+2 )5:89/) :8/) /7)2+ </22 '285 675;/*+ ;5)'2 6+7 ):88/54 '4* 897/4- 3:8/) ,57 9.+ 8+7;/)+ &578./66+78 '7+ '81+* 95 (7/4- 454 6+7/8.'(2+ ,55*8 */'6+78 57 (2'41+98 '8 ' #.'418-/;/4- ,,+7/4- 95 (+ *54'9+* 95 9.+ "'4*./228 557+ 5'2/9/54 ,57 :3'4 '7+ #./8 8+;+49. '44:'2 #.'418-/;/4- )533:4/9> -'9.+7/4- /8 8654857+* 05/492> (> 9.+ 54-7+-'9/54'2 .:7). 5, /4+.:789 $ ')1854 "67/4-8 7+8(>9+7/'4 .:7). ) 54'2*8 .'6+2 7+8(> 9+7/'4 .:7). 9.+ "'4*./228 +</8. 54-7+-'9/54 ? #+3 62+ +9. ".'253 "+;+4 '1+8 .'6+2 /4 9.+ /4+8 53 3:4/9> 5, /4*,:2 /;/4- /4 9.+ /4+8 '4* 9.+ $4/9'7/'4 $4/;+78'2/89 54-7+-'9/54 5, 9.+ "'4*./228 !+67+8+49'9/;+8 ,753 +'). ,'/9. )533:4/9> *+8/-4+* 9.+ 8+7;/)+ 95 /4;/9+ 4+/-.(578 /495 ' <578./6 8+9 9/4- /4 <./). ;'7/5:8 ,'/9. 97'*/9/548 +=67+88 9.+/7 -7'9 /9:*+ ,57 9.+ (2+88/4-8 5, 9./8 8.'7+* )533:4/9> 4'9/54 '4* <572* 7+' '7/4+8 </22 (+ 1/)1/4- 5,, 9.+/7 #5> ,57 #598 675-7'3 54 5;+3(+7 5=+8 ,57 4+< 95>8 </22 (+ 62')+* 25)'22> '9 9.+ "+;+4 '1+8 &+89 "/*+ 533:4/9> +49+7 +' )54 !/*-+ 5:497> 2:( 75 ".56 '4* "9 '-*' 2+4+ 6/8)56'2 .:7). TRAFFIC TICKET TROUBLE? Worried about Insurance? Relax. Call us. We’ll handle it. LAW OFFICES OF Fertilization • Weed Control • Insect Control ROBERT J. BIERBAUM PLLC All Services Guaranteed Scotts® Free Lawn Evaluation 1135 Seven Lakes Drive Suite D (910) 688-3308 LawnService 305 N. Sycamore St. Email: aparker@nc.rr.com 944-1322 Aberdeen 28315 Fax: 944-2633 From America’s Lawn Experts Mike’s Tire and Auto Center We Do Timing Belts, All Suspensions, A/C Service, Brakes, Drivability Problems, Four-Wheel Alignments, Oil Changes, Transmission Flush, Radiator Flush We Have the Best Prices on Tires! ––– 673-3788 ––– Michael & Teresa Salyer Owners 299 Grant Street Seven Lakes, NC 27376 Pick Up and Delivery Available in the Seven Lakes Area! Bob Bierbaum Website: rjblawyer.com NEWS November 9, 2012 Seven Lakes Times 3 Aeromodelers may lose West End airfield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Fall Hours start 9/17: Mon - Sat 11 - 8 • Sun Noon - 7 3(5+ ;6 ;/09+ 7(9;0,: -69 9,*9, (;065(3 7<976:,: 56; :7,*00*(33@ 9,3(;,+ ;6 -(9405. 69 ,?(473, 0; 0: ( *64465 79(* ;0*, ;/96<./6<; ;/, :;(;, -69 ;9,, -(94,9: ;6 3,(:, >66+,+ (9,(: ;6 .96<7: 6- /<5;,9: $6<3+ ;/(; 56; ), (336>,+ -69 -(94,9: 05 ( #63<5;(9@ .90*<3;<9(3 0:;90*; $,))E: 9<305. 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Fri, Nov 16 • 7:30pm • $15/person Sunrise Theater • Southern Pines “... the most accomplished interpreter of popular song performing today” – The New York Times TICKETS AT: The Arts Council of Moore County, The Bell Tree; The Country Book Shop; The Sly Fox; The Wine Cellar & Tasting Room; Pinehurst Area Realty; Given Memorial Library; Heavenly Pines Jewelry & Gifts 4 Seven Lakes Times NEWS November 9, 2012 Pack Ship & Party Supply opens in the Plaza by Laura Douglass Times Reporter &%- % %+#0 #& + % &' % !,*+ % + $ &) + ,' &$ % &# 0 *+) + " ' )+0 ,''#0 & )* - )0+ % &) ' )+0 '# %% % %+ )+ % % % ++ % 0&,) + ' " * * '' (, "#0 % * #0 & + %+ - % " * *+ # 1 + *+ )+ ,' ,* % ** * + ) % # & # &% . & ) %+#0 ) #& + )&$ ) *%& # &)% +& #&* ) +& $ #0 % &)+ )&# % + ')& ** &% # /' ) % %* # * % ) + # * % . - %+,) " ' )+0 ,''#0 *' # 1 * % ')& , +* % * )- * %&+ ) #0 - # # % - % " * 5 . &# & + * *+&) * + + + ##* % %+ * ) 6 &% * 5 % ++ % ) + " )&$ + &$$,% +0 . + ' &'# &$ % % +& + ## $ &. 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(See “Party,” p. 20) Amy McBryde, CIC amymcbryde@fcignc.com Agency/Agent Agenc y/Agent A Photo Photo H Here! ere! CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE Every E verry y Au A Auto-Owners uto o-Owners p policy olicy c comes omes w with ith a llocal ocal a agent! gent! t As a local independent agenc agency, y, proudly representing represe Auto - Owners Owners Insurance, Insurance, nce, w e live live in your your o community comm Autowe and are here for yyou ou o 24/ 7. Offering yyou ou more 24/7. insur ance c hoices, wh hy yw ould o yyou ou go an nyywhere else? insurance choices, why would anywhere Call C all or visit us today for all your insurance needs. Auto-Owners Auto- Owners Insurance Insurance is ranked ran “Highest “Highest in Customer Customer Satisfaction with the A uto IInsurance nsurance Cl C laims Experience E xperriencee, Auto Claims Experience, Four Years Years in a Row w,” ,” according to Four Row,” J.D .D. Power Power and Associates. Associates. s J.D. Saturday, December 1, 2 – 5 pm Food, Wine & Holiday Cheer! 30% OFF MASSAGE GIFT CERTIFICATES & RETAIL* (Only available in person during Open House) 20% OFF MASSAGE A AGENCY GENCY NA NAME ME Town Town Name Name 910-692-8303 555-555-5555 555 -555-5555 www.fcignc.com website w ebsite fciginfo@fcignc.com www.facebook.com/firstcasualtyinsurance GIFT CERTIFICATES & RETAIL* From December 2 thru December 21 980 Seven Lakes Drive (next to stables) 673-2000 Chrissy Excell NC#2032 12740 (11-11) (11-11) JD A Auto-Owners uto-Owners IInsurance nsurance ra ranks nks hig highest hest aamong mong aauto uto in insurance surance p providers roviders in tthe he J.D. J.D. Power Power aand nd A Associates ssociates 2008-2011 Auto Auto Claims Claims Studies StudiesSM. SStudy tudy based based on on 11,811 total orr bodily ranking 26 insurance insurance providers. providers. Excludes Excludes those those with with claims claims only only for for glass/windshield, glass/windshield, theft/stolen, theft/stolen, roadside roadside assistance assistance o bodily injury claims. total responses, reesponses, ranking in njjury claims. surveyed March March – July July 2011. Your Y Yo our experiences experiences may may vary. vary. Visit Visit jdpower.com. e .com. jdpower Proprietary results results based based on on experiences experiences and and perceptions perceptions of of consumers consumers surveyed Proprietary Bobbie Felder NC#1573 * May not be used with other discounts. NEWS November 9, 2012 Seven Lakes Times 5 USPTA honors Campbell’s 30 years as pro by Laura Douglass Times Reporter . ! ! " "! + ( ! & %& & ! '%& "( $ "! '! $ "! # )"$ ) & #$" & & ( ! % !! % !& $ ) % $ !& + $ " ! , "$ ! & !! % %& &'% % &"# ( #$" %% "! "$ & $&+ + $% "!"$ + & ! & & & % $" %% "! !! % %%" & "! # % & ) % ( $+ "!"$ . ' %% & $ $ !"& !+ #$"% "'& & $ + & & $ %& & ! / " '& # % & % "( " & %#"$& ! & "##"$&'! &+ &" # "& % ! ' &% &" ! "+ & & & #% "& ( & '% % ! $" & &+ % & "##"$&'! &+ &" )"$ ) & %& ! ( "& $ $ %#"!% & % %" #% & " $ % ! "+ & !! % ! "+ % % #$"( ! & ! ( % ) " " " &" " ! & ! " ! & $ & $& % !") ) & + ! & + $ $")! ! # + ! "$ '! ) & & $ %/ % ")! . !") & & & ' & & %#"$& "$ -) +"' "!0& % ) & %" $ %" ' "' "!0& % # "# ! & $ & % # + ! %" $ '& +"' " % & "'& ! "+ ! & !! % ! " / # "!& !' $ + "! % & *# ! & $ ! $ ! " & " % + $ "$ ) % & '!! $( ! . &" $ & ! $ , & & ' %% 0 & " "%% / ' . & % ! " ! & &" & $"' + " # &'$ % ! & ! $'! !&" & % ' &% '& + %& #$ %) ! % & "'& "! & "'$&% %& # + ! & !! % ! ! "+ ! &/ # % & !! % % "$ & ! '%& (" + ! ! "$& & & ! & % "" %#"$&% !% # ) & + $ "'& ( ! '! ! # $ % & !! % ! & ' $ # ' "! ! ! $ ! ) " "!0& % & % ( % % & & "$ !& $ %& !& %#"$&% % % ! '# # + ! . & !! % ! ! "" "'& & % ( % && ! " & + & + ( " # % %" & ! / % . & %" ) +% ( #$ ! "'$ !& &" " & ! *& + &" & %" "$ / # % %# % )& & $")& " & !! % ! & % $ ! %# + & ! $ % !' $ " & % && !! % !& $ ) % % $" & ( ! % "'!&$+ ' . &0% ! * & ! &" % +"'! $ % !& $ %& ! "$ ! "$ # "# " ! &" # + / % . ! % ( $ + # '# ! ) $ "" ! &" ( ! "$ & %/ . & " %!0& && $ +"' # ! % ( # + "$ "$ ! ( $ '# $ & " "'& & %" * $ % !! % $ & %#"$& "$ ( $+ " + / # % Seven Lakes Tennis Center Pro Don Campbell with his tennis committee: Marilyn Quintana, Barb Horan, and Sharon and Craig Fogleman. " ! Now Offering Our Customers HOME MEDICAL EQUIPMENT ITEMS INCLUDE: 673-2277 Traveling for the Holidays? Walkers, Rolling Walkers, Bedside Commodes, Wheelchairs, Nebulizers, Canes, Crutches, Elevated Toilet Seats, and More! Don’t Get Stuck — Plan Ahead! Have your car checked out a week before the trip. That will give you time to react if any problems are found. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! 120 MacDougall Drive • 673-7467 Mon-Fri 8:30 am – 6 pm • Sat 8:30 am – Noon 6 Seven Lakes Times NEWS November 9, 2012 Guards given authority over SLLA parks by Laura Douglass Times Reporter # $ ! ! "" ! $ !" # " "# !& ! "( % " # " !# & # ! $ " # % !" "" # (" " & # ! " $ !" " # # ! $ # " ! ! #& # (" $ ! ! ! !# # # # " # ! # ' # ! . & # + & '/& *+ +++' ! ,!'& + -*!,1 - * + &'/ . , -, '*!,1 ,' $$ !& $ / & '* % &, ,' * %'. ,* +( ++ *+ *'% ++' ! ,!'& '%%'& * + + '& ,!'& , # & 1 , ' * ' !* ,'*+ -*!& , & + 1 ,' * ( & ,!& 3 . 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Roving patrol to discontinue house checks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ee “SLLA,” p. 21) CHAD & SHANNON STITES YOUR SEVEN LAKES NEIGHBORS! SEARCH ALL MOORE COUNTY LISTINGS AT WWW.SHANNONSTITES.COM ShannonStites@gmail.com Shannon: (910) 992-6231 ChadStites@nc.rr.com Chad: (910) 992-6230 CHAD STITES SHANNON STITES Broker, SFR 135 CARDINAL LN • 7 LAKES N 121 PINENEEDLE • 7LN 108 CARDINAL DRIVE • 7LN 109 TIMBER DR • 7LN SOLD! SOLD! NEW LISTING! SHORT SALE MAKE OFFER! 3/2 WITH SCREENED PORCH ! $154,000 2 BED + DEN, EX. CONDITION $136,300 WATERFRONT WITH POOL ! $195,000 406 LONGLEAF DRIVE • 7LW 108 SMATHERS • 7LW 105 LEEWOOD CT • 7LW 106 CHRISTINE PL • 7LW UNDER CONTRACT! UNDER CONTRACT! UNDER CONTRACT! UNDER CONTRACT IN 9 DAYS ! 4 BD + 3BA NEAR BACK GATE • $280,000 NEAR MARINA! MANY UPGRADES! $275,000 OVER 3500 SQ FT, 4 BED, 4.5 BA! $290,000 4 BED + BONUS & POOL! $325,000 110 DUBOSE • 7LW 119 CLAY CIRCLE • 7LW 116 JAMES DR • 7LW 119 ANDREWS DR • LAKE AUMAN ALL BRICK, 3 BD+OFFICE $225,000 WATERVIEW LOT • $58,000 4 BD + MANY UPGRADES ! • $296,000 CUSTOM WATERFRONT IN MINT CONDITION! $879,000 163 MORRIS • LK AUMAN WATERFRONT 129 HARRELL RD • 7LW 110 DORSET DR • 7LS 1008 SEVEN LAKES DRIVE 3 BD+ BONUS, EASTERN EXPOSURE! $525,000 3 BED + DEN, SPACIOUS, GREAT VIEWS ! $509,000 STORAGE GALORE! $167,000 SPACIOUS OFFICE BUILDING $117,900 3 BD, 2 BA GREAT YARD! $140,000 UNDER CONTRACT! “Highest Overall Satisfaction For Home Buyers and Home Sellers Among National Full Service Real Estate Firms” Keller Williams received the highest numerical score among full service real estate firms for home buyers and home sellers in the proprietary J.D. Power and Associates 2012 Home Buyer/Seller StudySM. Study based on 2,994 total evaluations measuring five firms and measures opinions of individuals who bought or sold a home between March 2011 and April 2012. Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of consumers surveyed MarchMay 2012. Your experiences may vary. Visit jdpower.com NEWS November 9, 2012 Seven Lakes Times 7 Panel members map out vision for county growth )588/*58 '4* 4+'8 8'/2 2/4+9 54)+ +9:'(2/9.+* :.+ +-' '81 =/22 (+ :.+ 9:':+D9 2'8-+9: :8'): 9+: '9/*+ ,58 /4*;9:8/'2 (;9/4+99 4* /:9 25)':/54 54 :.+ (58*+8 5, 558+ '4* 54:-53+8? 5;4:/+9 =5;2* 4':;8'22? +4)5;8'-+ '**/:/54'2 9+8</)+9 '4* 8+9/*+4:/'2 -85=:. /4 4+'8(? !5((/49 A =./). +'). -85;6 /*+4:/,/+* '9 ' 68/58/:? :.+8 9/3/2'8/:/+9 (+:=++4 :.+ <'8/5;9 ).'8+::+ -85;69 /4)2;*+* ' *+9/8+ :5 2/3/: SLCC Christmas Party <+8?54+D9 /4</:+* :5 :.+ '44;'2 B .8/9:3'9 '8:?C 54 "':;8*'? +)+3(+8 ': :.+ "+<+4 '1+9 5;4:8? 2;( +9:/</:/+9 (+-/4 =/:. 5)1:'/29 ': 63 ,52 25=+* (? ' ,'(;25;9 ;,,+: ': 63 ,+':;8/4- !5'9: ++, '4*9 !5'9: 581 #+4 *+825/4 52/*'? 4:+8:'/4 3+4: 9:'8:9 ': 63 #.+ '22 /4)2;9/<+ 68/)+ ,58 3+3(+89 /9 '4* 454 3+3(+89 /4)2;9/<+ !+9+8<':/549 ,58 +3(+89 3'? (+ 3'*+ /4 6+8954 54 5<+3(+8 ': :.+ )2;( ,853 '3 :5 '3 '4* )'22 /4 8+9+8<':/549 :'1+4 ',:+8 '3 54 3+3(+89 3'? )'22 ,58 8+9+8<':/549 9:'8:/45<+3(+8 &5; *5 45: .'<+ :5 (+ ' 3+3(+8 :5 '::+4* Sales • Installation • Service On All Propane Appliances 136 Mode Road West End, NC 27376 Dwight & Lisa Young Owners 910.673-3400 Cell 910.639.4084 Fax 910.673.3063 Come & Worship with Us! November 11th – Reverend Welch “Out of Our Abundance” (Mark 12:38-41) Bob Tourt November 18th – Reverend Welch “Bless the Lord, O My Soul”(Psalm 103) Chapel Choir 910-673-2156 citp10@centurylink.net Rev. Don Welch Rev. Fran Stark Chapel Minister Minister of Visitation & Outreach We welcome young families and their children. Seven Lakes Chapel in the Pines was founded in 1976 to serve the Seven Lakes Community and beyond. www.sevenlakeschapelinthepines.com 968'=2 (? +4)5;8'-/4- /4,/22 *+<+2563+4: /4 '8+'9 =.+8+ .5;9/4- '28+'*? +>/9:9 '4* '254- +>/9:/4- :8'49658:':/54 )588/*589 +'82? '22 5, :.+ -85;69 /*+4:/,/+* /-.='? '4* "+<+4 '1+9 '9 '8+'9 8/6+ ,58 '**/:/54'2 *+<+2 563+4: B -85=:. 8':+ /9 45: 54+85;9 C 9'/* .'/83'4 !5(+8: '?:+8 B : /9 45: ' 8':+ :.': =+ )'4D: *+'2 =/:. '4* *54D: )549/*+8 /: ' 4+':/<+ (;: ' 659/:/<+ ;8 )5;4:? .'9 '4 56658:;4/:? :5 35<+ ,58='8* ': ' </'(2+ /9 ' 3'4'-+'(2+ 8':+ 2+<+2 5, 68596+8/:? '4* -85=:. 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(/412 /1 -/1% $%$)#!3%$ 3/6!1$ ! 2%15)#% 01/*%#3 3(!3 -!+%2 ! $)&&%1%.#% ). 3(%)1 #/--4.)38 /1 -/1% ).&/1-!3)/. /. -%-"%12()0 /1 5/,4.3%%1 /00/134.)3)%2 6)3( 3(% )1, #/4.32 #!,, /1 5)2)3 666 .##/!23!,0).%2 /1' Gillian Munro and Melanie Stewart earned Girl Scouting’s Silver Award. Come to the Merry Market! The popular Merry Market sponsored by St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church will take place on Saturday, November 17 beginning at 9:00 a.m. and running through 4:00 p.m. The Merry Market this year is featuring the works of over 20 area crafters of wonderful jewelry, festive candles, baskets and a host of other items. Also take advantage of the huge bake sale of cake, cookies and all manner of baked goods. St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church is located at 1145 Seven Lakes Drive. WE CAN HELP! Back Pain, Sciatica, Hip Pain, Leg Pain, Neck Pain, Joint Pain, Headache, Migraines, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Personal Injury, Nutritional Assessment/Evaluation, and more “Where Quality of Life Counts!” Accepting New Patients Now We never charge for consultation! Most Insurance Accepted • CareCredit/Payment Plans Call Now! 910-673-4325 Dr. Sharon Wright, DC — Chiropractic Physician Over 20 Years Chiropractic Experience The Freshest Flowers • The Best Customer Service The Speediest Delivery • From Your Seven Lakes Neighbor In Pinehurst on NC Hwy 5 Across from the Pinehurst Post Office 910-295-1444 www.pinehurstflorist.com 277 MacDougall Dr. • Seven Lakes, NC 27376 • 910-673-4325 Office Hours on Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 111-A S. McNeill St. • Carthage, NC 28327 • 910-947-2364 Office Hours on Tuesday & Thursday www.moorectychiro.com NEWS November 9, 2012 Seven Lakes Times 9 WEE students win ‘Speuter Bowl’ Contest by Laura Douglass Times Reporter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ee “Speuter,” p. 25) Sign up for our tasting of Bubbles for the Holidays! Tues, Nov 13th • 6:30 pm at the Delta Financial’s Conference Room 11 Village Club Court (Off Morganton Road) Pinehurst Call (910) 673-2949 Now for Your Ticket! Limited Seating $40 per person Taste Six Bubbles from Around the World with Food Pairings West End Elementary School Speuter Bowl winners met with MIRA founder Bob Ballie and guide dog DJ. #+ $" &"( ( - *" ' • The Finest in Antiques & Vintage Items • Reasonable Prices • Estate Buy Outs • Instruction in Selling Online • Unique Vintage Gift Baskets #)&' )', ()&, ! (# $! - ,"(%)'! #! We don’t know what ya’ll call it…. but at LYDIA’S Upscale Consignment Boutique We call it “Therapy” Shopping is fun, relaxing and oh so affordable. For all ages and sizes 2 to 3x. New fall arrivals including designer shoes and purses and a great selection of plus sizes. Now accepting Fall Apparel, Home Accents and Furniture. ¤|ÉåË! ËÝßËyËVË+jÖÁÄÍË ¤å±Ôy±ÉÈååËVË .?Íˤåy J.A. Spivey Hair Company W?ÍjaËËÝjÁËjÜjËVËÔyÔo¤y A Portion of the Proceeds will Benefit BackPack Pals WEEKLY WINE TASTINGS! – Every Thursday Night, 5:30 - 8:00 pm – November 10th – 4 pm, Saturday Cooking Class “Crazy for Wings” – Get recipes! Taste the wings paired with wine – RSVP November 13th – Bubbles Class in Pinehurst November 14th – BUNCO – Ladies Night Out November 15th – Thanksgiving Wine Tasting November 17th – 4 pm, Saturday Cooking Class “Appetizers for the Holidays” – Get recipes! Taste appetizers paired with wine – RSVP November 23rd – Black Friday Holiday Party 10:00am – 7:00pm Wine & Beer specials and food! Come and relax after shopping! – Check Our Website for Details! – Don’t Forget to Stop in for Your Coffee - Latte - Cappuccino! www.sandhillswinery.com 10 Seven Lakes Times NEWS November 9, 2012 In memory of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usical Entertainment for the Lunch Bunch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Now at Seven Lakes Plaza. www.gracechurchsp.org • 910-692-6711 Prime Properties 5 Chinquapin Rd. Pinehurst NC 28370 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated KHG@bh}nxhyy@akC@Uhnrl@bvxptny @E@E@E _tr~@BIGCGGG Ottfpsswf?Zfoj?_i?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D <ELBEPQHIO,;NR ?D?D?D?D AHBJEE@ ERX\V4N`aZ^Xb94QV\\464bV`cZT4Z^4`\RTV9 Suyjwxvnfr?Zfrj ?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D ?UN,;NRQ,6NLBIMED ?D?D AFIBEEE Uhyz@\hql@auhkC@Tllxjxumz@E@E@E@E@E@E@E@E _tr~@BHICGGG Suyjwxvnfr?Zfrj ?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D 23,;NRQ,6NLBIMED ?D?D?D AHLBJEE DVVaTa_Wc4C_d^cag4C\dS4\_c4Zb4fRZcZ^X4W_a4g_d5 }}}}} [svj?]ttsvxyrnxnjw?}}}}} Cell: (910) 690-2975 Office (910)-295-2535 susanadams@remax.net www.askforsusan.com btllk@auhk@pt@Uhnrl@bvxptny @E@E@E@E@E@E@E@E@E_tr~@BHICGGG IFE?`f{lvfww?_iB?Sflpj?`tvnrlw?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D AGEBEEE OYaVV4RTaVb84f__UVU84YRb4b`aZ^X4 8AGKE,>OPIMGQ1,@EKK,.,QEORIC,IM,OKACE1,<NBIKE,9NLE,AKKNUED1 HLN@fhzzy@bxE@TxC@Zhjqyut@bvxptny @E@E@E@E@E@E@E@E@E@EBHKCGGG Sfwx?Zfoj?_sfiB?Rjjvhvskx?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D AFGBEEE LeVa4R^4RTaV4_W4\R^U4fZcY4fV\\4R^U4bV`cZT84aVRUg4W_a4R4 ;NTEKW,KNR,IM,7EEPCPNFR,6NSMRPW,6KSB ]R^dWRTcdaVU4_a4bcZT[4SdZ\c4Y_]V94 Z?Qsstjv?_sfiB?Qfqjvsr?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D Sfhm?AGGBEEE ?UN,2/,ACPE,KNRQ1,;ETEK0,CKEAPED,.,PEADW,FNP,WNSP,HNLE1 @Shxurpth@Uw{lyzxpht@eprrhnl@ FJL?dfxxw?`vD?RvB?Xfhowsr?`tvnrlw?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D?D &#!&$!%$'% !%"#$ AFIBEEE ;NR,UIRH,QEORIC,AMD,UEKK,AKPEADW,IMQRAKKED1,<NBIKE,HNLE,PEADWSQ\\@]UA NEWS November 9, 2012 Seven Lakes Times 11 English as a second language – for dogs % # ** ( - ( .%+ ( (%# %( - * " $ + .%+ )& ! * )&%! $ -%( ) "- .) %( $ " $ + *% .%+( % 2 * 3 2 %-$ 3 2 %# 3 2)* . 3 $ $. 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You’ll learn about all of the living options we offer, from spacious apartments to unique cottage homes. You’ll also have the chance to meet some of our residents, as well as tour one of our new apartments. To RSVP, call us today PENICK (910) 692-0386 or (910) 692-0382. VILLAGE 500 East Rhode Island Avenue | Southern Pines, NC 28388 | www.penickvillage.org | 12 Seven Lakes Times November 9, 2012 NEWS Biz Guild F all Festi val was an indoor success! by Cheryl Darwell, Secretary Seven Lakes Business Guild * # ' )' # '' )! ' !$( ($ %&$) $ +( & $& ()&#$)( $& ( & ##) ! ! $$ ($ & $# # '% ( $ ( * #( # "$* # $$&' + ( ( , + ( & $& '( * # ' %( '( )& # &$)'!, ) $ & ( )' $ ( & ( )! ,"# ' )" # " #, $ ( & " " &' + & $# # ($ '' '( + ( ' ()% )# & ' # ( $"") ($ ( '( ! # (, (( # &$+' ( $- #' $ * # $& $$( ' ($ $)( &!, $! , # ' ! + !&, +& ( ' ' (' $" . $& % $($ & % , # & (' $ ! )' # '' ' + & + !! & %& ' #( &$" &) ' ' ($ )& ' # # !) ( $"")# (, $!! * &$)%' $)#(&, !) ! 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Johanna Mor an’ s B ask ets NEWS November 9, 2012 Seven Lakes Times 13 The judges gave Seven Lakes Kiwanis Third Place in the Chili Cook-Off, but the group won the coveted People’s Choice Award. Seven Lakes Prescription Shoppe got in the Halloween Spirit. Even tiny bats were to be found in the crowd !"#$%#&'( )'%!*'(( +%#&',!"-(.#)/( 01%!&'/)&(.%##(23"4%)!&#%5( ( +!'1(6*3%(1#,78('1!&('#)/(9!,,(:#():,#('*( 4#;#"4('1#!%(0*";#%#"$#8(<#-!*"),()"4( (=&'(#>#%(?')'#(01)/7!*"&1!7('!',#&('1!&( &#)&*"5(( ( 45657859:9;756<9=>?9@7:6579;A79;7BC99 D:?:>E:9FB>G?H9;7BC9GBI9?AJJ9KB8L9MN?<O9 NPQR9;B79STTU999QPVR9;B79SNTU999WPMXR9;B79SVT9 9 YBC59Z5JA857H9[;B79:ZZA?ABG:J9SV\99 B79]A=^9>]9BG9_:?>7Z:HU9KB85C`579ab?<99 :?9?<59cAG5=756?9YAE<9_=<BBJ99 6?>Z5G?9]:7^AGE9JB?9;7BC9MX:C9?B9Ma]CL9 9 dB9B7Z579=:JJ9eB>E94B5C579:?9WMXPWMNPVfMf99 B795C:AJ9=7B5C57gG=L77L=BC9 Dancer’s Workshop won the award for best booth 14 Seven Lakes Times (Continued from front page) ,!. 0+. +* /0 "" ,1. $ /%*# ,++( $!)% (/ * ) %*0! * * ! * $%.%*# 0 (! /0 +*! # 0! 00!* *0 %" (%"! #1 . / 3!.! !(%)%* 0! .! /1.!. +*. !5!. !/0% ) 0! 0$ 0 !(%)%* 0%*# (%"! #1 . / 3+1( .!/1(0 %* **1 ( / 2%*#/ +" ,,.+4%) 0!(5 10 / 2%*# 0$ 0 )+*!5 %/ +*(5 +*! +* /% !. 0%+* !. $ ,/ )+.! %),+.0 *0 %/ 0$! , . +4% ( ""! 0 +" (%"!#1 . / +* //+ % 0%+* (% %(%05 %* /! +" * % !*0 9 $!.! %/ %* .! /! !4,+ /1.! %" 5+1 $ 2! 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( !2%!3 + . /$+1( $ 2! 0$! +,,+. 01*%05 0+ $ 2! %*,10 +* 0$! !/%#* +" "101.! /%#*/ * ,+/0/ .. #.!! 0$ 0 )+.! .!/! . $ 3 / *!! ! 9 $%/ %/ %# ! ( "%* * % ((5 0+ $ *#! (( +" 0$! /%#*/ 2!./1/ &1/0 1, 0%*# 0$! "+.05 +*! 0$ 0 .! %* +. .! 0 : $! / % 9 ! *!! 0+ %*2!/0%# 0! 0$%/ "1.0$!. : Park curfew set back one hour '%*# "%./0 /0!, %* .!/0.% 0%*# !2!*%*# !// 0+ +))1*%05 , .'/ /! +* +*#+%*# ,.+ (!)/ 3%0$ ,!005 2 * (%/) 0$! + . %/ (++' (See “SLLA,” p. 15) NOW OPEN! Seven Lakes Plaza, Suite F Party Supplies Pack & Ship Call today for your Holiday Appointment! Birthday, Wedding, Anniversary, Baby Showers, Sweet 16, Disney, Seasonal, or School Themes! You name it! USPS and FedEx delivery and drop-off services. Packing & shipping services for well-prepared, safe shipment. Secure mail-box rentals. Key-making, faxing, color or black & white copying, laminating, and much, much more! ANGIE KING • NICOLE GLANCY Monday – Saturday Appointments Available Please call 673-1967 Grand Opening Special % Themed Party Supplies 25OFF (Some Exclusions Apply) 145 W. Plaza Dr., Seven Lakes • PackShipPartySupply@hotmail.com • 910-400-5459 Tammy Phan, Owner 910-673-1870 Acrylic Nails, Solar Nails, Gel Nails, Manicure, Pedicure, Men & Women GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE! Seven Lakes Plaza (By Beacon Ridge Entrance) Seven Lakes, NC Monday - Saturday 9:00 am – 7:00 pm 10 % off Take Out Order of $10 or more (Not vaild with other offers. Good through 11/30/2012) Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat 11– 9:30 Sunday Noon – 9:30 Closed Tuesday 673-6237 145 WEST PLAZA DRIVE • S EVEN LAKES NEWS (Continued from page 14) ).' 4/ "5-0 50 #52&%7 /.% 0(/52 4/ < % (!6% (!$ 3/-% )335%3 7)4( 6%()#,%3 0!2+%$ ,!4% !4 .)'(4 !4 #/--/. !2%!3 = %80,!).%$ %#52)49 )2%#4/2 )44%2 < (%. 4(% 0!2+3 #,/3% !4 0- 7% 34),, %.$ 50 7)4( 6%()#,%3 /54 4(%2% !.$ )4 "%#/-%3 4/5'( &/2 3%#52)49 4/ #,%!2 4(!4 /54 = % 3!)$ -%-"%23 /& 4(% 4(% %#52)49 /--)44%% !,, !'2%%$ 4(!4 3#!,).' "!#+ (/523 7!3 ! '//$ 0,!#% 4/ 34!24 !.$ 4(!4 4(%9 (!$ #/. 3)$%2%$ #,/3).' 4(% 0!2+3 !4 35.3%4 /2 /.% (/52 ,!4%2 "54 (!$ &).!,,9 3%44,%$ /. 0- !3 ! #/-02/-)3% 33/ #)!4)/. 3!.#4)/.%$ %6%.43 !.$ 0!6),)/. 2%.4!,3 7/5,$ "% %8%-04 &2/- 4(% .%7 0/, )#9 2%3)$%.4 !22 3!)$ (% 7/5,$ !##%04 4(%)2 2%# /--%.$!4)/. ; &/2 ./7 ; "54 2%34!4%$ ()3 0/3)4)/. 4(!4 (% 3%%3 ./ 2%!3/. &/2 #/-5.)49 0!2+3 4/ "% /##50)%$ !&4%2 $!2+ 0%!+).' &2/- 4(% &,//2 2%' )3(!7! !3+%$ 7(%4(%2 !.9 4(/5'(4 (!$ "%%. ')6%. 4/ 3%!3/.!, (/523 ./4).' 4(!4 $52).' 5--%2 35.3%4 )3 #,/3% 4/ 0- 7(),% )4 )3 $!2+ "9 0- ). ). 4%2 )44%2 3!)$ (% 7!3 #/. #%2.%$ 4(!4 3()&4).' 0!2+ (/523 "9 3%!3/. 7/5,$ ./4 '!). -5#( 42!#4)/. !22 !'2%%$ !.$ #!,,%$ 4(% /.% (/52 #(!.'% 3)-0,9 ! &)234 34%0 ). 2%3/,6).' 4(% 02/",%< (% )335% )3 4(!4 -/34 /& /52 6!.$!,)3- )3 /##522).' !&4%2 -)$.)'(4 = (% 3!)$ < )'(4 ./7 7% 7),, '/ 7)4( 0- 7()#( -!9 (%,0 0!2 4)#5,!2,9 "%#!53% /& 0!2+).' 2%342)#4)/.3 !.$ 7% 7),, 3%% 7(!4 (!00%.3 = Boat lift discussion (% !00%!, /& ! $%.)%$ 2%15%34 4/ 0,!#% ! "/!4 ,)&4 !4 4(% %.$ /& ! $/#+ ; 2!4(%2 4(!. !,/.' 4(% 3)$% ; 2!)3%$ 3%6%2!, #/.#%2.3 !.$ 7!3 5,4)-!4%,9 4!",%$ 5.4), !+%3 !-3 /--)44%% -%-"%23 #/.$5#4 ! $%4!),%$ !.!,93)3 /& 4(% 0/4%.4)!, )-0!#4 /24( 3)$%2 ),, /3%3 !$$2%33%$ 4(% /!2$ !.$ 2%# November 9, 2012 /--%.$%$ 4(% 345$9 '2/50 "%#!53% (% 3!)$ 4(%2% !2% -5,4)0,% )335%3 4(!4 -534 "% 2%3/,6%$ % ./4%$ 4(!4 4(%2% !2% 3!&%49 &!#4/23 ). !$$)4)/. 4/ -!.%56%2!"),)49 #/.#%2.3 ; 0!24)#5,!2,9 )& ! 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xception for real estate signs hits covenant snag )#+).' 50 /. 35''%34)/. /&&%2%$ $52).' 4(% #4/"%2 -%%4).' 4/ !,,/7 ,!+%&2/.4 !.$ '/,& &2/.4 02/0%24)%3 !. %8%-04)/. &2/- 4(% 25,% 02/ ()")4).' /2 !,% 3)'.3 4(% /!2$>3 $)3#533)/. 15)#+,9 $%2!),%$ 7(%. )4 7!3 $%4%2 -).%$ 35#( !#4)/. 7/5,$ 2%15)2% 2%6)3).' 4(% #/--5 .)49 #/6%.!.43 /(, #!54)/.%$ 4(!4 4(% 02/()")4)/. /. 2%!, %34!4% 3)'.3 7!3 &/5.$ ). "/4( 25,%3 !.$ 4(% #/6%.!.43 !.$ 4(% )2%#4/23 !00%!2%$ 4/ !'2%% 4(!4 2%6)3).' 4(% #/6%.!.43 )3 ./4 ! 6)!",% /04)/. (% 35''%34)/. 7!3 &)234 2!)3%$ "!3%$ /. ! $%3)2% 4/ )-02/6% -!2+%4!"),)49 /& 4(% #/--5.)49 4/ 6)3)4/23 ).#,5$ ).' 4(% '/,&%23 7(/ 6)3)4 %6%. !+%3 /5.429 ,5" !..5!,,9 !.$ !,3/ '5%343 /& 2%3)$%.43 7(/ -)'(4 "% /54 %.*/9).' 4(% ,!+%3 9 !,,/7).' 2%!, %34!4% 3)'.3 /. 4(% 7!4%27!93 !.$ &!)2 7!93 4(% )$%! 7!3 4/ ).#2%!3% 02/0%249 3!,%3 7)4(/54 #,54 4%2).' 50 4(% 2/!$3 /(, 2%-).$%$ 4(% /!2$ 4(!4 2/!$ &2/.4 3)'.3 #!. /&4%. "%#/-% ! ().$2!.#% 4/ 3!,%3 < // -!.9 #!. -!+% ! #/--5.)49 ,//+ ,)+% )4 )3 ). $52%33 = (% 3!)$ 125 West Plaza Drive, Seven Lakes, North Carolina 0 ...*+)*#+-/"-+")' #!+"% &,-&($, 122 CARDINAL 106 PINENEEDLE 3 BR, 2 BA, Exceptionally Maintained, Motivated Seller! Call Norma – $289,500 3 BR, 2 BA with Carolina Rm & fenced yard in SL North. Call Tom – $178,500 177 MORRIS DRIVE 114 OWENS CIRCLE 3BD, 3.5 all brick, lake front home. Great outdoor living. Call Tom – $540,000 Immaculate and recentlyupdated 3BR, 2 BA Split Plan. Call Tom – $225,000 103 SHEROFF 102 THOMAS POINT Like new (2005) 3 BR 2 BA Split Plan Close to Johnson Pt. Call Tom – $249,000 3 BD, 2 BA, screened porch close to Johnson Pt and BR Country Club. $175,000 102 SANDHAM 104 FOGLEMAN COURT Spacious Townhome. Updated kitchen, sunny Carolina Rm Call Norma – $105,000 3BD, 2BA on a private cul de sac near the back gate in SLW Call Tom – $228,750 Stacey Connell King, Owner/Stylist Dallas Cesaro, Nail Tech 5 $ 910-673-0220 00 Nail OFF! Services With this Coupon. Good Through 12/31/2012 Now Through 12/31/2012 +RXUV7XHVGD\)ULGD\ 6DWXUGD\ (YHQLQJDSSRLQWPHQWVDYDLODEOH 6HYHQ/DNHV'ULYH &HQWUDO3DUN6XLWH' %HKLQG3UHVFULSWLRQ6KRSSH :HVW(QG1& 15 The Property Center Featured Homes (See “SLLA,” p. 16) NOW OPEN! Seven Lakes Times GREAT DEALS ON HOMESITES 105 DENNIS CIRCLE High, buildable corner lot. Call Larry $31,500 128 SHAW DRIVE Corner lot, 4BR perk, Close to marina. Call Larry – $38,500 115 BERWICK DR. LOT # 2351 Golf Front. Call Tom – $37,500 190 MORGANWOOD DR. LOT 10 4.93 Acre. Call Tom – $125,000 16 Seven Lakes Times (Continued from page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(. * ,! 1 *+ (& "',( (&&(' -+ 1 % ' + ) *+ !(& ! %,! * )*( ++"(' %+ ' % ' "' + *." + &(' (,! *+ ( "' ,! "* ))*(. % ,! ( * %"+, ' + -*",1 (&&",, & & * * ' ++"&( * (&& ' %"& "' ,"' ,! +"0 &(',! ) ++ NEWS November 9, 2012 Chair tightening, furniture restoration & refinishing; faucet & toilet repair and replacement; pressure washing decks, siding and roofs; tile work; drywall installation & repair; custom cabinetry; decorative trim work; decks; additions; and remodel work of all kinds . . . and so much more — JUST ASK! Free Estimates! CALL TODAY (910) 673-4257 Over 30 Years Experience • Excellent Local References. Your Seven Lakes Neighbors! • SChestercr@aol.com NEWS (Continued from page 16) 0+ '!!, %0 "+. "!3 3!!'/ * )+2! %0 .+1* 0+ +) ,%(! 0 +* 3$!.! 3! ) 5 *!! )+.! /,!! +*0.+( 9 $! / % 8 ) (( %* " 2+. +" ,100%*# +10 /,!! 1),/ 10 :) &1/0 *+0 /1.! 3$!.! 0$!5 3%(( ! !/0 ,( ! 9 %00!. (/+ *+0! 0$ 0 *+0 +*(5 .! /,!! 1),/ 1*,+, 1( . 3%0$ 0$! #!*!. ( ,1 (% 5 0$!5 .! 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M''3722'4?;HBEA'9?IJI'M :;C'8=;EJCBE SEVEN LAKES ORTHODONTICS JOHN MARK GRIFFIES, PLLC West End, NC 27376 910-673-0820 4?;HBEA'0B> 8G?=B;CBIJ*6LE?H M'3722'4?;HBEA'1FEIKCJ;JBFEI'M M'5E'6@@B=?'4?;HBEA'0B>'7?G;BHI'M ASK ABOUT OUR VETERANS’ DISCOUNT! 1;CC'@FH';E'0GGFBEJD?EJ'./,(-+++ 125 North Trade Street, Seven Lakes • Mon - Thurs 9 - 5, Fri 9 - 2 LLL)0K>B<?C4?;HBEA8FCKJBFEI)=FD ! HearingTechnologies NEWS November 9, 2012 (Continued from page 6) ) #0 & ,) ,) % - %% ) .% ' +)&# &,)* $ 0 ,%. %+ ++ %+ &% +& %+ &$ * Nominating Committee needs members & candidates + 0 -&+ & # $ + &% ) +&) + ++ ) ) '&)+ &) + &$ % + % &$$ ++ + + . ## *+) ,+ % % &)$ + &% # )* +& ) . ++ %+ &% +& + % &) &$$ ++ -&#,%+ )* % & ) % + * % + &% * * " % -&#,%+ )* +& ** *+ $ &% + &$ % + % &$$ ++ &,) * +* . ## %+ %%, # # + &% % /+ ) 3 % + & ) * *+ ## ,% )*+ . + &)$ ) ) +&) - , "% $6* * + *+ ## %+ )# ) + * $&%+ ) +&) & % %%&,% . ## * " ) # + &% ,+ + ,* ) ) +&)* )) 0 ) % &% %+1# - * + 0 - %&+ . + ) +& * " %&+ ) + )$ & & 4 ## "%&. 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UZ f g7JJbY ; A 7I Ic c e f7[[ e c a7P PX I c b V `Y m f< l77CC @ BE 7M Full -Service Home Specialists Custom Homes Additions Remodeling Repairs Experts in Home Remodeling, Repairs and Additions t . P S F U I B O : F B S T P G & Y Q F S J F O D F t $ P NNJ U NF O U U P ) J H I 2 V B M J U Z 4 F S W J D F t 1 S P W F O 3 F M J B C J M J U Z $ B M M 6 T /P X U P 3 F R V F T U B 2 V P U F www.awhomes.com Carrier Cool Cash Rebates avail. thru November 15th up to $1250.00 on qualifying systems. 22 OPINION Seven Lakes Times November 9, 2012 Editorial Sniff, cough, sneeze Happy Birthday! 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OPINION November 9, 2012 Seven Lakes Times 23 Pro-choice or pro-life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ive the gift of life! Visit redcrossblood.org to learn how and where to donate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(Offer expires December 31, 2012) Call Harriet or Christine @ 673-0113 NEWS (Continued from front page) 50 5)& 06/$*-A4 "55&/5*0/ 8)&/ " 3&4*%&/5 &"3-*&3 5)*4 .0/5) 46((&45&% 5)"5 5)& 09'*3& &/&3"- 503& = 8)*$) *4 $633&/5-: -*45&% '03 4"-& 0/ 5)& 3&"- &45"5& ."3,&5 > $06-% #& "/ "553"$5*7& 4*5& '03 " 48&&145",&4 1"3-03 ? %0/A5 8"/5 50 )"7& 0/& $0.& */ )&3& "/% 5)&/ -00, -*,& 8&A3& 53:*/( 50 1"44 /&8 3&(6-"5*0/4 "'5&3 5)& '"$5 @ November 9, 2012 $"65*0/&% 06/$*-."/ *$, $ 6& 8&&145",&4 01&3"5*0/4 "3& 5&$)/*$"--: /05 $0/4*%&3&% (".#-*/( &45"#-*4).&/54 6/%&3 035) "30-*/" -"8 #&$"64& 8*//&34 "3& 13&%& 5&3.*/&% "/% 5)& 1"3-034 )"7& '-063*4)&% 07&3 5)& -"45 '&8 :&"34 5)306()065 5)& 45"5& %&41*5& 01104*5*0/ '30. ."/: .6/*$*1"-*5*&4 )& 06/$*- 500, /0 "$5*0/ */ *54 03, &44*0/ #65 $0/ 7&34"5*0/ "5 5)& 5"#-& 46( (&45&% 09'*3& *--"(& 8*-- /05 "55&.15 "/ 0653*()5 #"/ /45&"% 5)& 06/$*- "11&"34 50 #& -00,*/( "5 3&7*4*/( 5)& *--"(& 03%*/"/$&4 50 3&453*$5 5)& /6.#&3 0' )0634 " #64* /&44 $"/ #& 01&/ &"$) %": ? 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One owner home. Listed below appraised value for quick sale! MLS#: 146141. Ca ll J o a nne Pa dg e tt . . . . $299,000 104 Sunset Way, SLN This well-maintained all brick home has location, quality construction and maintenance-free living plus large rooms throughout with split bedroom plan and 2-car garage. Beautifully updated kitchen with g ranite countertops and brand new refrigerator. Tile flooring in bathrooms and kitchen and Pergo laminate in Great room and entry. Large 10 X 22 Carolina Room with outside entr ance overlooking fenced back yard (MLS# 148527). Call Elizabeth Childer s . . . . $169,50 0 103 Dennis Circle – Seven Lakes West, Lot 4274R Near back gate; corner of Dennis and Longleaf .25 1 acre flat buildable lot Ca ll Ann Be nto n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $119,000 139 Beacon Ridge Drive, Lot 6044, Seven Lakes West Prime Golf Front Lot on Beacon Ridge 18th Fairway. Flat lot sits above road level. Walking distance to Club House, Tennis Courts and Club Pool. Ca ll Ann Be nto n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $44,000 111 Dubose Drive Seven Lakes West, Lot 5161 Westwood Sec Wonderful building lot on cul-de-sac surrounded by beautiful homes. Lot slopes away from the street lending itself o t a walk-out lower level. Ca ll Ann Be nto n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34,000 147 Otter Drive, Seven Lakes West – Lot 4173 Nice wooded building lot located across the street from beautiful Lake Auman! The lot has been septic approved, and is in a neighborhood of attractive homes. It is only a short drive to the front and Hwy 73 gates. Seven Lakes West has a 1,000 acre lake that has a beach/swimming area, recreation center, boat access, good fishing, and is one of the ew f lakes in the area where gasoline motors are permitted. This is a deal, priced well below tax value!!! Ca ll Pe te Ga rne r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29,500 124 Vanore Rd – Lot 4209, Seven Lakes West Across the street from the Lake. Deep lot with a slope towards the road. Many nice trees. Ca ll Ann Be nto n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $42,000 —— We Sell All of Moore County —— 26 Seven Lakes Times (Continued from page 25) 7*6:*89.3, & 14<*7 .39*7*89 7&9* 4<*;*7 !.11&,* +.3&3(*8 (439.3:* 94 '* -*1) -489&,* <-.1* 9-* 5745*79> 8.98 :3841) 7:8(4 8:,,*89*) &);*7 9.8.3, 9-* 97&(9 .3 -.,- *3) 2&,&?.3*8 9&7,*9*) &9 *6:*8 97.&3 .39*7*898 ':9 7&3)* .3*8 )*;*145*7 *9* &(* 85*&0.3, +742 9-* +1447 &);.8*) &,&.389 9-&9 897&9* ,> A 9 <4:1) '* '*99*7 94 1*9 14(&1 7*&19478 034< &'4:9 .9 <-&9 .9 .8 <-&9 .8 &;&.1&'1* &3) <-&9 &7* 9-* 459.438 B &(* 8&.) 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A#*8 9-*7* &7* 842* <-4 &7* 89.11 <.11.3, 94 ':> & 9*3 &(7* 149 &3) ':.1) & +&72 ':9 8** 247* 4+ & 2&70*9 +47 -42*8 57.(*) :3)*7 B 7:8(4 &,7**) 9-&9 459.438 24;.3, +47<&7) .3(1:)* 8:' ).;.).3, &3) 5488.'1> 7*?43.3, 9-* &(7* :3)*;*145*) 97&(9 -* &80.3, 57.(* 8-* &))*) -&8 '**3 14<*7*) 94 2.11.43 Pineland Preserve 3 &349-*7 ).8(:88.43 9-&9 94:(-*) 43 '49- 7*&1 *89&9* &3) (422*7(.&1 ?43.3, (43 (*738 &(* 57*8*39*) & +*< 7*6:*898 7*1&9*) 94 9-* .3*1&3) 7*8*7;* )*;*145 2*39 5*(.+.(&11> &(* *=57*88*) NEWS November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A 42* 4+ 9-*2 &7* 9&=*8 4<*) 9-&9 .8 & 2.3.8(:1* &24:39 &3) .9 .8 349 <479- ,4.3, &+9*7 <.9- &99473*> +**8 ':9 .+ 9-* 5745*79> *;*7 (-&3,*8 -&3)8 <* <.11 (411*(9 43 .9 9-*3 47 <-*3*;*7 842*43* <&398 94 ':.1) 43 9-&9 1&3) B Long Range Planning -* ).1&5.)&9*) 9*33.8 (4:798 -&;* '**3 )*241.8-*) 7*8:19.3, .3 & 2&/47 .2574;* 2*39 94 9-* &55*&7&3(* 4+ 9-* (*397&1 7*(7*&9.43 &7*& :73.3, &99*39.43 94 9-* 5441 ':.1).3, 4:3(.12&3 ( :* 8&.) -* 7*(*.;*) &3 .3+472&1 *89.2&9* +47 7*34 ;&9.43 <470 94 .3(1:)* 3*< 51:2'.3, +.=9:7*8 <.3)4<8 &3) )7><&11 7*51&(*2*39 A -.8 .8 & +&.71> *=9*38.;* 7*24)*1 ':9 9-.8 (4397&(947C8 *89.2&9*) (4898 <*7* 6:.9* 14< B -* 8&.) &>47 7.(0843 (&:9.43*) ( :* 9-&9 &3> 7*34;&9.43 <470 2:89 2**9 7*6:.7* 2*398 &3) 7:8(4 7*2.3)*) 9-* 4:3(.1 9-* 5441 ':.1).3, 8*59.( 8>89*2 <.11 &184 3**) 94 '* 9*89*) 3 49-*7 ).8(:88.43 43 43, &3,* 1&33.3, ( :* 57* 8*39*) & )7&+9 ;*78.43 4+ & 97. +41) 2&70*9.3, '74(-:7* (See “Foxfire,” p. 27) The people of West End United Methodist Church 4015 NC Highway 73, West End, NC 27376 Sunday School 9:45 am Worship 8:30 & 11:00 am o Call us to see watts happening! Pastor - Dr. Won Namkoong • Phone: 673-1371 ! E L A S Additions & Alterations Reasonably Priced! Lakeview Construction Co. 1030 7 Lakes Drive, Suite A West End, NC 27376 910-673-4800 Hardwood & Carpet Largest Sale of the Year! (on Selected Items) TRACY’S CARPET COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL • INDUSTRIAL www.tracyscarpets.com FREE ESTIMATES – Check our prices before you buy “In business over 39 years. Come by to see us.” Travis Building • 136-A N. Trade Street Office: 673-5888 • Home: 673-5372 • Fax: 673-0055 NEWS November 9, 2012 Seven Lakes Times 27 (Continued from page 26) 6+( &1//,66(( +$5 '(8(.12(' & 7( 5$,' 6+( ),0$. 241' 7&6 9,.. ,0&.7'( .165 1) 2+1 61*4$2+5 9,6+ (/2+$5,5 10 (37(564,$0 12214670,6,(5 ,0 1:),4( 6+( ,..$*( 4((0 $4- 6+( 211. $0' *1.) &1745( $0' 2+1615 1) 6+( 1:),4( 1.,&( $0' ,4( (2$46/(06 Other business 0 16+(4 ',5&755,10 '74,0* 6+( +745'$; &61%(4 14- (55,10 6+( 1:),4( ,..$*( 170&,. < ($4' )41/ & 7( 6+$6 &10&(405 +$8( %((0 4$,5(' 18(4 41$' /$,06(0$0&( %; 4(5,'(065 1) 6+( ,0( ,'*( $4($ 1) 1:),4( ,..$*( 475 &1 5$,' 6+( 41$' ,5 27%.,&.; 190(' $0' /$,06$,0(' ,0&.7',0* '4$,0$*( 914< ($4' )41/ & 7( 6+$6 ,..$*( 66140(; ,&+$(. 417*+ 4(&1//(0'5 6+( .$00,0* !10,0* 1/ /,66(( %( 4(5647&674(' $5 $ ),8( /(/%(4 *4172 9,6+ $ 5(6 37147/ 1) 6+4(( 0 $'',6,10 +( 4(&1//(0'(' 6+$6 10( /(/%(4 %( $ 4(5 ,'(06 1) 6+( :64$ (44,614,$. 74,5',&6,10 " # 706,. 57&+ 6,/( $5 6+( 2127.$6,10 1) 6+$6 $4($ ,0&4($5(5 < ($4' )41/ & 7( 6+$6 6+( 1:),4( 1.,&( (2$46 /(06 ,5 56,.. 9$,6,0* 10 '(.,8(4; 1) 6+( 0(9 8(+, &.( ( 24(5(06(' $ 241 215(' 4(51.76,10 61 '10$6( 6+( (:,56,0* 8(+,&.( 61 (56 0' ,4( (5&7( 61 %( 816(' 10 $6 6+( 18(/%(4 /((6,0* < $..(' $ 7%.,& ($4,0* )14 6+( 81.706$4; $00(:$6,10 1) 691 2412(46,(5 ,0 6+( 4$0'( ,0(5 57%',8,5,10 61 &1,0&,'( 9,6+ 6+( 18(/ %(4 /((6,0* < 22418(' 6+( 5&+('7.( 1) 241215(' 14- (55,105 '$6(5 )14 6+15( '$6(5 9,.. %( .,56(' 10 6+( 1:),4( ,..$*( &1//70,6; 9(% 5,6( < ($4' )41/ 4,&-510 6+$6 +( +$5 24(8,(9(' 6+( 0(9 &1//70,6; 9(%5,6( &74 4(06.; 70'(4 '(8(.12/(06 ( '(5&4,%(' ,6 $5 176 56$0',0* 9,6+ /$0; 0(9 )($674(5 John A. Whelan Broker/Owner !" % & ! # # ! $!" $ % ( $ % ( $ # $&$% () 1;;3. <517.9 *2. 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(9%: 48,1 *$&.2& Sign Up For Our /0,"1 31&&3 7 #&1%&&. 555"#&1%&&.&63&1-*."3*.($/- 7 "0"1+&1.$11$/ &14*.( 3)& ".%)*,,2 '/1 /4&1 !&"12 PAINT WORKSHOPS! 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Visit redcrossblood.org to learn how and where to donate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om’s Night Out at Seven Lakes Tennis %->-6 )3-; &-661; 1; 7..-:16/ ) /:-)< 78887:<=61<A .7: !75; ) 61/0< 7=< ;75-<016/ 80A;1+)4 ),=4< +758)6A D 1;6G< <0)< ?0)< A7= 0)>- *--6 +:)>16/ 75- 7=< )6, 5--< ) /:-)< *=6+0 7. 575; ?07 )4:-),A .1/=:-, <01; 7=< ) .-? A-):; )/7 6, 1. 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Feeling Good is the Fun of It! 30 "" Seven Lakes Times November 9, 2012 !" & # " ! # & ! "# ! " H 5.? . 0A>>2:@ ;<2:6:4 3;> . &>2?05;;8 *2.052> <.>@ @692 9;>:6:4? ;:8E #.68 E;A> (2?A92 .:1 "2@@2> ;3 <<86 $ CE 0.@6;: @; -2?@ :1 $ $; 1>;< 6:? <82.?2 Sales Career Are you looking for a meaningful and rewarding career? Consider a career that offers: Income Unlimited income potential, outstanding compensation/training program with monthly business development allowances, extensive benefits package. Impact Play a vital role in families’ and businesses’ financial well-being. Impact individual and communities with fraternal programs. Independence Build a business for yourself and control your career destiny. " ! # H ?@./82 <8.@ 3;>9 3;> ?;8; ;> 0;A<82? /;.@ 'A607 2.?E .002?? @; 36?56:4 " K - K (;C 3>.92 2D@ ;.> 9;A:@? 8;07? ?2.@? 5.:1 2820 6:38.@;> 0.>>E6:4 /.4 .:1 K - K " @>.682> 0C.@?;: :0 >> 0;9 ! & !" H 0;>1 ?2.?;:21 ?<86@ ;.7 C;;1 286B2>21 ?@.0721 ;> A <607 6@ A< $ ##! 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(1) 450 sf office space and (2) 100 sf office spaces available at 1030 Seven Lakes Drive. Call 910-673-4800. BOLTON BUILDERS INC. Designer and Builder of Award Winning Homes for over 18 Years! TAKING REMODELING TO THE NEXT LEVEL! Let our award-winning company handle all your remodeling needs. Large jobs or small jobs – we add a touch of flair to every job we do. Let us build something special with you! We have available building lots, too! 4317 Seven Lakes Plaza, West End, NC 910-673-3603 • 910-673-0233 (FAX) www.boltonbuildersinc.com • boltonbuilders@boltonbuildersinc.com # $ " # " ' # $ " H ;332>? @52 36:2?@ 6: .:@6=A2? .:1 B6:@.42 6@29? .@ . >2.?;:./82 <>602 : .116@6;: @; ;A> ?5;C>;;9 C2 .8?; 1; ?@.@2 AE %A@? @2.05 E;A 5;C @; ?288 6@29? ;: 86:2 .:1 C2 9.72 A:6=A2 63@ .? 72@? A?6:4 B6:@.42 6@29? ";0.@21 .@ >.:@ )@>22@ )A6@2 6: )2B2: ".72? A?6:2?? ,688.42 ;A>? *A2?1.E ).@A>1.E .9 @; <9 .88 ;> 2 9.68 A? .@ /./E/.: @6=A2? 49.68 0;9 Advertise in The Times # # "H 5.? )2B2: ".72? 292@2>E <8;@? .:1 0;8A9/.>6A9 :6052? .B.68./82 ;:@.0@ ;/ *;A>@ .@ 3;> 6:3;>9.@6;: Advertise in The Times Spay Neuter Veterinary Clinic of the Sandhills Call 673-0111 Call 910-692-FIXX (3499) for an appointment COMPLETE COMPUTER & NETWORKING SOLUTIONS Computers • Networking • Phone Systems • Residential & Business Computer Repair, Upgrade, & Maintenance • Network Installation and Support for Residential and Business Settings • Phone System Installation & Support for Residential & Business • VoIP Phone System Design & Installation • Internet Service Expert (Cable, DSL, & Dial-Up) Certifications In: Cisco • Microsoft • Linux Contact Chris at (910) 295-0614 Offering affordable spay and neuter services for those in need 5071 US Hwy#1, Vass, North Carolina 28394 31 Seven Lakes Times November 9, 2012 H 6<:3 <; !B;7=3? #/83 D <44713 /?<97;/ )<<: 2318 2<18 /;2 /AA/1632 5/?/53 :< C/79 &1A< /99 03? SEVEN LAKES OFFICE FOR SALE OR LEASE – South Park Office Building. Great location. 1481 sf +/-, sale price of $117,900 or will lease main level approximately 1000 sf, one bath & kitchenette for $800 or 2nd level included for $1100 per month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— ALLEN & SON TREE SERVICE. Topping, trimming, complete removal, clean-up, insured, 24 hour service. Free estimates, senior citizen discounts. Call James M. Allen at 910-974-7629 (Home) or 910572-6818 (Cell). tfn SEVEN LAKES DENTAL STUDIO – Repairs of dentures, acrylic partials, and relines. Same day service available. All work will be done only through your local dentist. Tom Wasilewski, 336 McDougall Drive, Seven Lakes. 673-1613. RE-SURFACE GRAVEL DRIVEWAYS – Prune crape myrtles, cutback pampas grass, leaf removal, general clean-ups, pine straw and pine mulch delivered and/or spread, roof and gutters cleaned, hedges trimmed, and mowing services available. Call Rick at 910-639-5206 for details. H .<B =793 7A I99 =718 7A B= :<;A69F /993; #3/4 #/D; /?3 )/;2F <D2 399 <:3 CREATIVE CUSTOMWORK – “The Decorator’s Workshop” Custom made Window Treatments, Bedding, Cushions, and Slipcovers. All made right here with the attention to detail demanded by the best designers! Pam Wasilewski, 336 McDougall Drive, Seven Lakes. Call 6732500. J&L HOME SERVICES — “A Handy Man and More.” Interior/Exterior Home Maintenance & Repairs. Call today for Free estimates.Your Seven Lakes Neighbor. Call 673-3927. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES – serving Seven Lakes, Foxfire, and Pinehurst w/lawn maintenance & more for residential and commercial customers. Year round service. Mowing, weed eating, picking up debris, blowing. Shrub pruning, limb & tree removal and hauling away. Seeding/sod lawns. Leaf & straw removal. Haul and spread pine straw, bark, soil, gravel and mulch. Aerate, de–thatch, and edge lawns. Weeding of flower beds, planting shrubs.Re–surface gravel driveways. Blow roofs and clean gutters. Pressure washing homes, decks, concrete walks, driveways, & boats. Install driveway curbing and sprinkler systems. Garden tilling. Other odd jobs around the house? You need it done! We will do it! Call John 673-7320 or mobile telephone 910-690-6491. H 44<?2/093 /;2 =?<43@@7<;/9 D7;2<D 193/; 7;5 =/7;A7;5 /;2 =?3@@B?3 D/@6 7;5 <4 6<:3@ 2318@ 2?7C3D/F@ )<<4 @A/7; ?3:<C/9 D<<2 ?<A ?3=/7? 5BAA3? 193/;7;5 97C3 7; #8@ * /;2 6/C3 033; 7; 0B@7 F3/?@ ;3@@ 7; $<<?3 < 4<? /99 ?7/; 4<? F<B? 4?33 3@A7:/A3 /A SCOTT’S LAWN SERVICE OF ABERDEEN – We have a fertilization and weed management program for your lawn. Ask about our free application given to all new Seven Lakes customers. 910-944-1322. DIRTY DEEDS DONE DIRT CHEAP! – $19/month. 96 gallon roll-out container provided for weekly pickup. Fully insured. Locally owned & operated. Professional Service. 100% Service Guarantee.. Carolina Waste Services. 910-673-4285(HAUL). H <<2 1<;27A7<; ' ./:/6/ :<A<? )3/@<; /093 NEW & USED PONTOONS AND SKI BOATS — Call Seven Lakes Marine. 673-1440. CHATLEE BOAT AND MARINE, SANFORD, NC — Serving area Boaters for 46 years. We have the area’s largest selection of Pontoon and Ski Boats. (We buy used boats.) Only 25 minutes from Seven Lakes. chatleeboats.com 919-775-7259. TURN YOUR USED BOAT INTO CASH — People are looking to purchase good condition used boats. Let us connect you to the prospective buyers. Call Jeff at 910-673-1440. Advertise in The Times ! Sandhills Animal Rescue League, Inc needs your help with tax deductible donations to continue our rescue and rehoming of abandoned and unwanted cats and dogs in the Seven Lakes and surrounding area. Please help Sandhills Animal Rescue League continue to provide excellent vet care and good nutrition, and to buy supplies that are needed on a daily basis by sending a tax deductible donation using the form below. Thank you from the cats and dogs we rescue, our volunteers, and the board of directors of Sandhills Animal Rescue League. For more information about the League, volunteer opportunities or other information please contact Lou Atkins at 974-4468 or 638-1921. Donations to S.A.R.L. will provide shelter, healthcare, and adoptions for rescued pets. Monthly $10 $15 Yearly $20 $25 Other ______________ Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code _________________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Email ___________________________________ Make Checks Payable to “S.A.R.L.” If 100 pet lovers will donate $25 per month to SARL, we can pay our monthly bills. Mail this form with your tax-deductible donation to S.A.R.L. c/o Lou Atkins, 396 Thomas Road, Jackson Springs, NC 27281 32 Seven Lakes Times November 9, 2012 “TALENT, TECHNOLOGY & TEAMWORK” CALL 910.295.7100 OR 800.214.9007 WWW.MARTHAGENTRY.COM #1 w Ne IN THE t! rke Ma n O Foxfire w Ne $225,000 SEVEN LAKES MARKET rk Ma On et! w Ne 7 Lakes North $175,000 Immaculate all-brick w/golf views 3 BR / 2 BA Code 953 Picture perfect w/beautiful updates 3 BR / 2 BA Code 948 www.18ShamrockDrive.com www.129ShagbarkCourt.com w Ne t! rke Ma n O 7 Lakes West w Ne $630,000 Lakefront cottage w/custom upgrades 3 BR / 3.5 BA Code 945 Seven Lakes West $349,900 t! rke Ma n O 7 Lakes West w Ne $299,000 Immaculate golf front w/open floor plan 4 BR / 3 BA OVER A DECADE! Code 949 www.244LongleafDrive.com t! rke Ma n O Seven Lakes West w Ne $469,000 Great single-level waterfront on Lake Auman 2 BR / 2.5 BA Code 938 t! rke Ma n O 7 Lakes West www.128OwensCircle.com www.138SwaringenDrive.com $199,000 Great Family Home in great Neighborhood 4 BR / 2.5 BA Code 884 www.178BakerCircle.com McLendon Hills $325,000 West End $275,000 Seven Lakes North $249,000 Charming Ranch on over 4 acres 3 BR / 2 BA Code 917 Single level waterfront w/great privacy! www.231MaplewoodLane.com www.126CardinalLane.com Seven Lakes West $224,000 3 BR / 2 BA Seven Lakes West Code 936 $650,000 Custom with views of Lake Auman 3 BR / 2 BA Code 893 Lovely Home - Equestrian Community 4 BR / 4 BA Code 662 Split bedroom plan, screened porch 3 BR / 2 BA Code 868 Stunning custom on prime lake frontage www.104LawrenceOverlook.com www.192BrokenRidgeTrail.com www.130BlackstoneCourt.com www.123McCrackenDrive.com 3 BR / 3 BA Code 901 Seven Lakes West $124,900 Seven Lakes South $175,000 Charming house w/updates-super buy! 3 BR / 2 BA Code 919 Bright & Open floorplan w/two sun porches www.105ScuppernongCourt.com www.135LancashireLane.com de Un on rC 3 BR / 2 BA ct! tra Seven Lakes North de Un $319,000 Unique & Welcoming Water Front Home 2 BR / 2.5 BA Code 628 on rC Code 857 www.123VanoreRoad.com Seven Lakes North 3 BR / 2 BA Seven Lakes West $399,000 4 BR / 4.5 BA Code 937 www.130LamplighterLane.com ! LD SO ! LD SO $449,000 $199,000 $369,000 ct! tra on C r Seven Lakes West $229,000 Nice Neighborhood - Wonderful Family Home www.135AndrewsDrive.com www.134HarrellRoad.com www.174BakerCircle.com 4 BR / 2.5 BA Code 810 ct! tra on C r Seven Lakes West $380,000 Spacious home on oversized lakefront lot 3 BR / 3.5 BA Code 944 Seven Lakes West Seven Lakes West $625,000 Wide Water Views – Great Floor Plan 3 BR / 2.5 BA Code 768 Elegant Water Front – Breathtaking Views www.102LawrenceOverlook.com www.212FiretreeLane.com www.105FeatherstonPoint.com 4 BR / 3.5 BA Code 762 Seven Lakes South $179,000 Golf Front w/Oversized Screened Porch 3 BR / 3 BA Code 830 www.129MorrisDrive.com www.223DevonshireAvenue.com de Un Custom Lake Auman Water Front 3 BR / 2 BA Code 846 $295,000 Lovely All Brick Single-Story 3 BR / 2.5 BA Code 883 www.127PhillipsDrive.com ! LD SO Seven Lakes North Seven Lakes West Code 906 www.112BarberryCourt.com Elegant Brick Home – Split Plan 3 BR / 2.5 BA Code 800 de Un Gorgeous family home on almost an acre! $655,000 $205,900 Darling waterfront home w/open floorplan Stunning All Brick Water Front 3 BR / 4.5 BA Code 882 ct! tra www.105BrownBarkRoad.com Seven Lakes West Seven Lakes West $615,000 Stunning waterfront on Lake Auman 4 BR / 3.5 BA Code 905 de Un Seven Lakes North $339,000 Great home with open floor plan 3 BR / 3.5. BA Code 951 ! ce Pri Seven Lakes West www.103FeatherstonPoint.com FOR ct! tra on C r McLendon Hills ! LD SO $575,000 Gorgeous country farmhouse on 3 fenced acres! 4 BR / 3.5 BA Code 940 www.600BrokenRidge.com Seven Lakes North $285,000 Adorable open plan home on Lake Sequoia! 3 BR / 2.5 BA Code 928 www.106PinewoodCourt.com RE/MAX Prime Properties • 5 Chinquapin Rd • Pinehurst, NC 28374 • 910-295-2535 Ea c h Offic e inde pe nde ntly Owne d a nd Ope ra te d
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