Times Board of Commissioners Foxfire Village Council Board of Education In memory of What’s When Opinion Classifieds The Seven Lakes Volume 27 Number 6 Seven Lakes, North Carolina 27376 SLLA Directors may eliminate ‘renters dues’ by Laura Douglass Times Reporter 36 &7 032, &7 &2= 32* (&2 6*1*1'*6 &2) &8 0*&78 &7 +&6 '&(/ &7 .2 8-* +.0*7 3+ 8-* *:*2 &/*7 &2)3;2*67 773(.&8.32 $ % +.0*7 6*28&0 4634*68.*7 -&:* '**2 &77*77*) & -.,-*6 6&8* 3+ )9*7 8-&2 3;2*6 3((94.*) 6*7.)*28 -31*7 8 8-* 79,,*78.32 3+ 8-* 773(.&8.32 7 0*,&0 (3927*0 8-* 59*78.32 3+ ;-*8-*6 8-&8 &66&2,*1*28 .7 +&.6 &2) *2+36(*&'0* ;&7 '639,-8 83 8-* 8&'0* )96.2, 8-* 3&6) 3+ .6*(8367 "36/ *77.32 32 32)&= &29&6= ? *:*2 &/*7 .7 92.59* 6*7.)*28 3' &66 7&.) "* (&2A8 +.2) &2=32* *07* ;-3 (-&6,*7 &)).8.32&0 )9*7 83 6*28*67 .140= *<40&.2*) &2 -31*3;2*6 4&=7 4*6 =*&6 .2 )9*7 + 8-&8 -31* .7 6*28*) 8-* 773(.&8.32 '.007 8-* 6*28*6 +36 &2 &)). 8.32&0 .2 )9*7 2(* 8-* 6*28*6 7 )9*7 &6* 4&.) 8-* 3++.(* 8-*2 6*.1 '967*7 8-* 4634*68= 3;2*6 +36 -&0+ 3+ 8-* 6*28*6 )9*7 -* 2*8 838&0 3+ .....3 .....6 .....7 . . . . 10 . . . 18 . . . . 22 . . . . 30 January 20, 2012 On patrol )9*7 4&.) 32 & 6*28&0 4634*68= .7 8-*6*+36* 136* 8-&2 8-* 6&8* (-&6,*) 83 6*7.)*28 3;2 *67 ".8- &4463<.1&8*0= 6*28&0 4634*68.*7 .2 8-* (31 192.8= 31192.8= &2&,*6 0.2& 3(-6&2 *78.1&8*) 8-37* &)).8.32&0 )9*7 ;.00 (3286.'98* 2*&60= 83 6*:*29*7 6=.2, 83 +.2) & ;&= 83 *0.1 .2&8* 8-* 7 92.59* 6*28*6 7 )9*7 &66&2,*1*28 ;-.0* 46*7*6:.2, 8-* .2 6*:*29*7 .8 463)9(*7 +36 8-* 773(.&8.32 8-* 3&6) &44*&6*) 83 +&:36 8-* 238.32 3+ (-&6,.2, 6*28*67 &2 &)1.2 (See “SLLA,” p. 27) Board approves budget by Stacy Naughton Times Reporter -* *:*2 &/*7 "*78 & 2 ) 3 ;2 * 6 7 773(.&8.32 $ " % 3&6) 3 + .6 * ( 8 3 6 7 92&2.13970= &4463:*) 8-* 463437*) .7(&0 #*&6 &229&0 '9),*8 32 & 7*(32) 6*&).2, )96.2, 8-*.6 9*7)&= &29&6= "36/ *77.32 ? 8 8-.7 43.28 ;* -&:* The Times PO Box 468 West End, NC 27376 -&) 1.2.1&0 +**)'&(/ +631 +30/7 8-&8 &6* (32(*62*) ;.88-* '9),*8 @ 7&.) 6*&796*6 32 6*.*68 -* 3&6) -&7 97*) & :&6.*8= 3+ (31192. (&8.32 (-&22*07 83 ,*8 .2+36 1&8.32 &'398 8-* '9),*8 398 83 1*1'*67-.4 .2(09).2, 8-* "**/0= '0&78 8-* " *;70*88*6 4378.2,7 .2 8-* "*78 .)* &6/ 31 192.8= *28*6 &2) &.0 -397* &2) 6*4368.2, .2 96.2, 9*7)&=A7 1**8.2, PRESORTED STANDARD MAIL U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 14 Seven Lakes, NC 27376 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 6*.*68 7&.) & 838&0 3+ 8;*0:* (311*287 &'398 8-* '9),*8 -&:* '**2 4378*) 32 8-* (31 192.8= ;*'7.8* )*&0.2, *.8-*6 ;.8- )9*7 4&6.8= +36 )*:*034*) &2) 92)*:*034*) 0387 36 ;.8&)).2, & +396878&++ (See “Westside,” p. 24) Sgt. Chad Shue of the Foxfire Police Department and his new K9 partner 'Bu-Bo.' What is a ‘family,’ anyway? by Laura Douglass Times Reporter *7.)*287 4&(/*) 3< +.6* 7 3;2 &00 +36 & 49'0.( -*&6.2, 32 463437*) 6*:. 7.327 83 7.2,0* +&1.0= >32.2, 36).2&2(*7 32 9*7)&= &2 9&6= 98 8-* !.00&,* 392(.0 8&'0*) 8-* 1&88*6 &+8*6 59*78.327 ;*6* 6&.7*) &'398 *2+36(*1*28 &2) 392(.01&2 .(/ ( 9* *<46*77*) (32(*62 8-&8 8-* (32:3098*) 0&2,9&,* 78.00 2**)*) ;36/ ? -* 0&; &003;7 192.(. 4&0.8.*7 83 ,3:*62 97* 3+ 4634 *68= 8-&8 .7 ;-= ;* -&:* >32.2, *<40&.2*) ( 9* -* 0&; 8-&8 &003;7 & 7.2,0* +&1.0= 83 3((94= & 7.2,0* +&1.0= 6*7.)*2(* -&7 '**2 (3).+.*) 7.2(* ;* )*:*034*) 396 36).2&2(*7 96 )*+.2. 8.32 3+ +&1.0= .2 8-* $*<.78.2,% 36).2&2(* .7 +&6 833 6*786.(8.:* "* 1978 (-&2,* .8 83 & '63&)*6 *2(314&77.2, )*+ .2.8.32 3+ +&1.0= 83 .2(09)* & 13)*62 :.*; 3+ 8-* +92( 8.32&0 )*7(6.48.32 3+ +&1.0= 98 .+ =39 &003; 4*340* ;-3 &6* 238 +&1.0.*7 83 3((94= -31*7 8-*2 ;* -&:* &00 8-*7* (32(*627 @ 7 463437*) 8-* 6*:.7*) 36).2&2(* )*+.2*) +&1.0= &7 &2 .2).:.)9&0 36 8;3 36 136* 4*340* 6*0&8*) '= '033) 1&66.&,* &)348.32 36 &238*6 0*,&00= 6*(3,2.>*) (&6* &66&2,*1*28 0.:.2, 83,*8-*6 &7 & 7.2,0* -397*/**4.2, 92.8 8-&8 )3*7 238 .2(09)* 136* 8-&2 +396 4*67327 ;-3 &6* 238 6*0&8*) 83 8-* 38-*6 4*67327 3+ 8-* -397*-30) ( 9* 7&.) 8-&8 8-* 463 437*) )*+.2.8.32 ;390) &003; & 0&6,* +&1.0= 3+ 7.< 36 136* (See “Foxfire,” p. 16) 2 Seven Lakes Times NEWS January 20, 2012 Tangram Media is finalist for Chamber Award %->-6 )3-;E &)6/:)5 -,1) 7?6-, *@ %>-6 )6, ):5-6 %+0)-.-: 7. %->-6 )3-; !7:<0 1; ) .16)41;< .7: <0- 6<:-8:-6-=: 7. <0- (-): )?):, 8:-;-6<-, *@ <077:- 7=6<@ 0)5*-: 7. 755-:+&0- )?):, ?166-: ?144 *6)5-, )< <0- 0)5*-:E; )66=)4 *)69=-< 76 &0=:;,)@ -*:=):@ 6 <0- 6<:-8:-6-=: +)</7:@ B .7: *=;16-;;-; ?1<0 -5847@--; .-?-: <0)6 CONTRIBUTORS AND ADVERTISERS Articles or advertisements submitted to The Times should include the name and telephone number of the author. Articles may be e-mailed to, dropped off at the Seven Lakes Times offices at 4307 Seven Lakes Plaza, mailed to P.O. Box 602, West End, NC 27376, or faxed to 888806-2572. Our voice telephone number is 910-673-0111. PUBLICATION SCHEDULE Deadline Issue Jan 27 Feb 10 Feb 24 Mar 9 Mar 23 Apr 6 Apr 20 May 4 May 18 Jun 1 Jun 15 Jun 29 Jul 13 Jul 27 Aug 10 Aug 24 Sep 7 Sep 21 Oct 5 Oct 19 Nov 2 Nov 16 Nov 30 Dec 14 Dec 28 Feb 3 Feb 17 Mar 2 Mar 16 Mar 30 Apr 13 Apr 27 May 11 May 25 Jun 8 Jun 22 Jul 6 Jul 20 Aug 3 Aug 17 Aug 31 Sep 14 Sep 28 Oct 12 Oct 26 Nov 9 Nov 23 Dec 7 Dec 21 Jan 4 *Early publication or deadline due to holiday. &)6/:)5 1; =8 )/)16;< $)14 07=;- :-?-:@ 16)41;<; 16 <0- %5)44 =;1 6-;; 57:- <0)6 -5847@ --; +)<-/7:@ 16+4=,- 1A &774; "6- '-*;1<- -;1/6 7:/)6 144-: )6, &7?6 -6<-: #0):5)+@ &)6/:)5 1; )6 16<-/:)<-, 5):3-<16/ .1:5 <0)< +:-)<-; ;<:)<-/1-; <0)< ;8)6 <0- ?-* ;7+1)4 5-,1) 57*14- 16.7: 5)<176 )6, >1,-7 8:7,=+<176 <7 0-48 *=;16-;;-; +766-+< ?1<0 )6, -6/)/- <0-1: +=; <75-:; Kiwanis name top Holiday decorators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elebrate Valentine’s Day with Wine, Chocolate & Cheese 76E< 51;; <0- '16- 07+74)<- )6, 0--;- &);<16/ 76 :1,)@ -*:=):@ 85 <7 85 )< <0- '-;< %1,#):3 755=61<@ -6<-: =;1+ #:7>1,-, *@ $@)6 773 .7: @7=: 41;<-616/ 84-);=:&1+3-<; )>)14)*4- )< '-;< %1,- #):3 755=61<@ -6<-: &01; ->-6< 1; .7: %->-6 )3-; '-;< $-;1,-6<; 764@ NEW PATIENTS WELCOME! We File Dental Insurance NITROUS OXIDE AVAILABLE Come & Worship with Us! Jan. 22nd – Reverend Welch “Running Away” (Jonah 3:1-10) Neil McCrimmon on the trumpet Jan. 29th – Reverend Welch “Profiting from Prophecy” Do you need long-term care insurance? If you do, you want to have choices about the care you’ll receive. Your Modern Woodmen representative can show you how long-term care insurance* can give you options. Modern Woodmen of America offers financial products and fraternal benefits. Call today to learn more. (Deut. 18:15-20) Michael J. Bernard, Bernard, FIC, FIC*CFFM* Agent name Managing Partner Financial Representative 125 West Throw Plaza Drive 9address Stones city, state West End, NC 27376 27376 phone Office: 910-673-3383 910-315-2378 Branch Modern Woodmen email Cell phone: 910-315-2378 Glenda Clendenin, soloist 910-673-2156 Rev. Don Welch Rev. Fran Stark Chapel Minister Minister of Visitation & Outreach We welcome young families and their children. Seven Lakes Chapel in the Pines was founded in 1976 to serve the Seven Lakes Community and beyond. LTC0408 *Not issued by Modern Woodmen of America. Brokered insurance products available through MWAGIA Inc., a Modern Woodmen subsidiary. Not available in all states. NEWS January 20, 2012 Seven Lakes Times 3 Commissioners approve airport funding by Stacy Naughton Times Reporter #/, 669, 6<5;@ 09769; <;/690;@ >033 9,*,0=, -,+,9(3 .9(5;: ;6;(305. 4033065 (5+ *6<5;@ -<5+05. ;6;(305. -69 04796=,4,5;: (; ;/, (09769; (-;,9 (7796=(3 >(: 6);(05,+ -964 ;/, 669, 6<5;@ 6(9+ 6- 6440: :065,9: 05 ( ;/9,, ;6 65, =6;, +<905. ;/,09 #<,:+(@ (5 <(9@ 4,,;05. %0;/ /(094(5 (99@ (+ +,33 ():,5; -964 #<,:+(@ 50./;E: 4,,;05. ;/, +0::,5; 05. =6;, >(: *(:; )@ 64 40::065,9 #04 ,( >/6 :<. .,:;,+ ;/, (09769; >6<3+ ), )(*2 -69 469, *6<5;@ 465,@ 05 ;/, -<;<9, C%, <5+,9:;(5+ ;/, 76:0;0=, ,*65640* 047(*; ;/, (09769; /(: D ,?73(05,+ ,( C& <;' ;/, 5,?; ;04, */(5.,: 0;: 9,8<09,4,5;: 69 ;/, :;(;, */(5.,: 0;: 9,8<09,4,5;: 0; >033 ), )(*2 65 ;/, ;()3, D !,79,:,5;05. ;/, 09769; <;/690;@ >(: !65 (5,:: >/6 +,-,5+,+ ;/, <7.9(+,: ;/(; >033 ), -<5+,+ >0;/ ;/, -,+,9(3 (5+ 36*(3 .9(5;: :(@ 05. ;/,@ (9, C04796=,4,5;: ;6 @6<9 & 6<5;@' (::,;: -964 ( *644<50;@ 7,9:7,*;0=, (5+ ( :(-,;@ 7,9:7,*;0=, D Lea questions spending, future airport expansion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Lu Honeycutt, Executive Director of Sandhills Memory Care Agency/Agent Agenc y/Agent A Photo Photo H Here! ere! OPEN HOUSE Sunday, January 22 1:00 – 4:00 PM 1030 Juniper Lake Rd., Suite C West End “Acquire The Skills To Build A Better Relationship With Your Dog.” Obedience Classes From Puppy Kindergarten to Adult Advanced Sign Up During our Open House and Receive Every E verry y Au A Auto-Owners uto o-Owners p policy olicy c comes omes w with ith a llocal ocal a ag agent! gent! t As a local independent agenc agency, y, proudly representing represe Auto - Owners Owners Insurance, Insurance, nce, w e live live in your your o community comm Autowe yo ou 24/ 7. Offering you you more and are here for you 24/7. insur ance choices, choices, why wh hy yw ould o you go an nyywhere else? insurance would you anywhere Call C all or visit us today for all your insurance needs. 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SStudy tudy based based on on 11,811 total ranking 26 insurance insurance providers. providers. Excludes Excludes those those with with claims claims only only for for glass/windshield, glass/windshield, theft/stolen, theft/stolen, roadside roadside assistance assistance o orr bodily bodily injury claims. total responses, re responses, ranking in njjury claims. Proprietary jdpower Proprietary results results based based on on experiences experiences and and perceptions perceptions of of consumers consumers surveyed surveyed March March – July July 2011. Your Y Yo our experiences experiences may may vary. vary. Visit Visit e .com. 6 Seven Lakes Times NEWS January 20, 2012 Council takes on to-do list at Work Session by Laura Dougalss Times Reporter 33$,/3(-& 3. 3($ 4/ !+ *$3=2 6.13' .% +..2$ 3'1$ #2 !$%.1$ 3'$(1 4/".,(-& --4 + 1$31$ 3 3'$ .7%(1$ (++ &$ .4-"(+ .%%$1$# 1$" .,,$-# 3(.-2 .- 2$5$1 + .-&.(-& &$-# (3$,2 #41(-& +$-&3'8 .1* $22(.- ..-# 8 -4 18 $2.+5(-& 9.-(-& ".-"$1-2 -# ,$-#(-& 3'$ (++ &$=2 .1#(- -"$2 6$1$ 3'$ /1(, 18 /.(-32 .% #(2"422(.- '.6$5$1 3'$ .4-"(+ +2. 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Worship – 11 a.m. • Sunday School 10 a.m. Larry Lyon, Pastor; Chip Pope, Associate Pastor West End Presbyterian Church is located on Knox Lane in West End, one block west of Highway 211 Party at the Lake House! WFIR- EE FI! DRINK & APPETIZER SPECIALS All e v Ha mes! e W Ga The NFL TICKET! FULL COURT! 910-673-3737 200 Grant Street, Seven Lakes Mon - Sat 11 am - 10 pm* Sun 12 pm - 9 pm* *Closing Subject to Game Time NEWS January 20, 2012 Seven Lakes Times 7 No academic advantage to year-round school by Stacy Naughton Times Reporter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Specializing in Designing and Building Custom Homes, Additions, Remodeling & Renovations 5228 Hwy 211 West End, NC 27376 910-673-1511 • 910-673-1031(f) +,5;: 05 ( @,(9 96<5+ 796 .9(4 .6 ;6 :*/663 +(@: ( @,(9 <; )6;/ ;9(+0;065(3 (5+ @,(9 96<5+ :*/663 *(3 ,5+(9: *65:0:; 6+(@: 6- 05:;9<*;065 **69+05. ;6 (99,5 ;/, 7605; 6- ;/, "(:2 69*, 4,,; 05.: 0: ;6 (5:>,9 *3,(9 <7 :0403(9 4@;/: (5:>,9 8<,: ;065: (5+ .(;/,9 -,,+)(*2 -964 7(9,5;: <99,5;3@ 669, 6<5;@ 6--,9: @,(9 96<5+ 796.9(4: (; -6<9 36*(;065: 05,/<9:; 3,4,5;(9@ (5+ !6<;/,95 05,: 904(9@ >/0*/ :,9=, 05+,9.(9;,5 ;/96<./ !,*65+ 9(+, (5+ !6<;/,95 05,: 3,4,5;(9@ (5+ $,:; 05, 3,4,5;(9@ >/0*/ 6--,9 "/09+ ;/96<./ 0-;/ 9(+, <905. 65+(@ 50./;E: 4,,;05. ;/, 6(9+ <5(50 46<:3@ (7796=,+ ( 9,8<,:; )@ ::0:;(5; !<7,905;,5+,5; 9 90(5 /03307: ;/(; :;< +,5;: >/6 9,:0+, 05 ;/, (;;,5 +(5*, (9,( 6- ,0;/,9 05,/<9:; 3,4,5;(9@ 69 $,:; 05, 3, 4,5;(9@ ), (336>,+ ;6 (;;,5+ ;/, %,(9 6<5+ 796.9(4 (; ,0;/,9 :*/663 -69 ;/, :*/663 @,(9 "/0: (7796=(3 0: :<)1,*; ;6 (;;,5 +(5*, .<0+,305,: >/0*/ (9, 76:;,+ 65 ;/, ! >,):0;, 69, 05-694(;065 ()6<; @,(9 96<5+ 796.9(4: 05 669, 6<5;@ 0: (=(03()3, )@ *65;(*;05. 9 /03307: (; 69 65 ;/, ! >,):0;, (; >>> 5*4*: 69. 9(+ "/64:65 6- $,:; 5+ 3,4,5;(9@ >(: 9,*6.50A,+ >0;/ ( 96>05. ;6 9,(;5,:: >(9+ )@ ;/, 669, 6<5;@ 6(9+ 6- +<*(;065 +<905. 0;: 65+(@ (5<(9@ 4,,; 05. "/64:65 >/6 ;,(*/,: -0-;/ .9(+, >(: 9,*6.50A,+ -69 ),05. ( 7(9; 6- ;/, :*/663E: 9,,5 ",(4 (9+,5 64 40;;,, !*/663 4796=,4,5; ",(4 (5+ 644<50;@ 5=63=,4,5; 6440;;,, West End Elementary Teacher Recognized (See “School Board,” p. 15) TRAFFIC TICKET TROUBLE? Worried about Insurance? Relax. Call us. We’ll handle it. LAW OFFICES OF ROBERT J. BIERBAUM PLLC 1135 Seven Lakes Drive Suite D (910) 688-3308 Bob Bierbaum Website: Mindfulness-based Stress Management Program Beginning March 5, 2012 Please register by Feb. 17 This meditation-based program has proven to help people with: • Anxiety • Cancer • Chronic Pain • Compulsive Overeating • Fatigue • Heart Disease • High Stress Levels • High Blood Pressure • Panic Attacks • Recurrent Depression • Skin Disorders • Sleep Disturbances This is an eight-week program held on Monday evenings from 6:30 to 9 p.m. The program includes an initial individual assessment, group therapy, classroom materials, follow-up assessment and a one-day workshop from 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. on Saturday, April 21. Space is limited. Medicare and most major insurance cover group sessions. Our admissions personnel will verify your health insurance coverage and discuss rates and payment options with you. Payment is expected at the time of service unless other arrangements have been made. To register, please call (910) 715-5217 Elizabeth Manley, MSN, R.N., C.S., Clinical Coordinator 1231-10-11 8 Seven Lakes Times January 20, 2012 YEAR AFTER YEAR, WE MAKE PEOPLE HAPPY! CALL 910.295.7100 OR 800.214.9007 WWW.MARTHAGENTRY.COM #1 IN THE SEVEN LAKES MARKET FOR OVER A DECADE! THANKS FOR ANOTHER GREAT YEAR! ! D L O S Seven Lakes South 117 Hastings Road ! D L O S ! D L O S ! D L O S ! D L O S Seven Lakes West 103 Teague Drive Seven Lakes West 167 Baker Circle Seven Lakes North 111 Barberry Court ! D L O S ! D L O S ! D L O S ! D L O S ! D L O S Seven Lakes West 112 Forest Square Circle Seven Lakes West 124 McCracken Drive Seven Lakes South 103 Essex Court Seven Lakes West 389 Longleaf Drive Seven Lakes West 167 Longleaf Drive ! D L O S ! D L O S ! D L O S ! D L O S ! D L O S Seven Lakes South 126 Winsford Circle Seven Lakes North 146 Overlook Drive Seven Lakes West 202 Banbridge Drive Seven Lakes North 108 Rolling Hill Court Seven Lakes South 116 Dartmoor Lane ! D L O S ! D L O S ! D L O S ! D L O S ! D L O S Seven Lakes North 116 Lakeview Point Seven Lakes South 113 Lancashire Lane Seven Lakes West 156 Simmons Drive Seven Lakes West 175 Morris Drive Seven Lakes West 142 Otter Drive ! D L O S ! D L O S ! D L O S ! D L O S ! D L O S Seven Lakes North 108 Scuppernong Court Seven Lakes North 107 Rolling Hill Court Seven Lakes North 113 Cardinal Drive Seven Lakes West 122 McCracken Drive Seven Lakes North 112 Pinecone Court ! D L O S Seven Lakes West 413 Longleaf Drive Seven Lakes West 151 Baker Circle RE/MAX Prime Properties • 5 Chinquapin Rd • Pinehurst, NC 28374 • 910-295-2535 Each Office independently Owned and Operated NEWS January 20, 2012 Seven Lakes Times 9 Wounded Warriors treated to quail hunt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aby, It’s Cold Outside! WSL Winter Social Mixer C &'> .9D8 (41) 4:98.)* D 84 <&72 :5 <.9- +7.*3)8 &3) 3*.,-'478 &9 9-* $.39*7 !4(.&1 .=*7 43 !:3)&> &3:&7> &9 52 .3@9-* 479-8.)* 1:'-4:8* !543847*) '> 9-* $42*3 4+ !*;*3 &0*8 9-.8 545:1&7 *;*39 .8 % &3) -49 -478 ) 4*:;7*8 <.11 '* 8*7;*) ".(0*98 &7* 5*7 5*7843 &3) &11 574(**)8 &7* :8*) 94 5:7(-&8* 3*< 7.''438 &3) -41.)&> ,&71&3) 94 )*( 47&9* 9-* ,&9*8 &3) (42 2:3.9> ':.1).3,8 @ 3+4 47 9.(0*98 (&11 &:7& 4:,1&88 &9 For Him or Her ... 4309 Seven Lakes Plaza • 910-805-GIFT Tue-Fri 11-5 • Sat 10-5 • Sun 1-5 Unique Gifts, Jewelry, Cards, and More... The Sandhills Pointing Breeds Club recently hosted wounded warriors for a day of quail hunting. 10 Seven Lakes Times NEWS January 20, 2012 In memory of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allery Open House showcases Sonderfan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ammy Phan, Owner Acrylic Nails, Solar Nails, Gel Nails, Manicure, Pedicure, Men & Women GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE! Seven Lakes Plaza Monday - Saturday 9:00 am – 7:00 pm (By Beacon Ridge Entrance) Seven Lakes, NC ASK ABOUT THE FREE APPLICATION GIVEN TO ALL NEW SEVEN LAKES CUSTOMERS! Fertilization • Weed Control • Insect Control All Services Guaranteed Scotts® Free Lawn Evaluation LawnService 305 N. Sycamore St. Email: 944-1322 Aberdeen 28315 Fax: 944-2633 From America’s Lawn Experts NEW HOURS! Open Six Days! Closed Tuesdays $100 OFF 10% OFF $100 OFF Lunch or Dinner Buffet Take Out Order of $10 or more Lunch or Dinner Buffet (Not vaild with other offers. Good through 2/15/2012) (Not vaild with other offers. Good through 2/15/2012) Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat 11– 9:30 Sunday Noon – 9:30 Closed Tuesday (Not vaild with other offers. Good through 2/15/2012) 673-6237 145 WEST PLAZA DRIVE • S EVEN LAKES “I Love Referrals” Do you know someone who is thinking about buying or selling a home? Please mention my name: Ann Benton Seven Lakes Plaza, Suite F Feathers Are Great Valentine’s Presents! Ann Benton Gift Certificates Always Available! ABR, GRI, RRS Associate Broker Cell 910-295-7732 Home 910-673-1653 Office 910-235-8700 Monday – Saturday Appointments Available ANGIE KING • NICOLE GLANCY Please call 673-1967 NEWS (Continued from page 3) >0;/6<; 9(0:05. 7967,9;@ ;(?,: "/, 9,4(0505. 4033065 0: *6405. -964 -<5+: >/0*/ (9, .,5,9(;,+ )@ -,,: 0476:,+ 65 ;/, 790*, 6- ( 73(5, ;0*2,; (5,:: ,?73(05,+ 4796=,4,5;: ;/(; >033 ), -<5+,+ )@ ;/, .9(5;: 05*3<+, 4(5+(;,+ 09-0,3+ A 4796=,4,5;: 7(0+ -69 >0;/ 05 .9(5; -<5+: -964 ;/, (5+ 05 36*(3 -<5+: :(-,;@ (9,( A <5>(@ 04796=,4,5;: B ;6 9,46=, (5+ 9,36*(;, (5 (5;,55( B -<5+,+ ;/96<./ ;>6 .9(5;: B 65, -69 ;/, 6;/,9 -69 4033065 B (365. >0;/ 05 36*(3 -<5+: A "/, <5>(@ ?;,5:065 7961,*; >033 9,*,0=, :;(;, .9(5;: ;6;(305. 403 3065 >0;/ 36*(3 4(;*/,: ;6;(305. 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For All Kids! Lakers Youth Health & Fitness with Mark Miller Stay Healthy & Active! AFPA Certified Personal Trainer IYPA Certified Youth Fitness & Nutrition Specialist FMS Functional Movement Specialist 1 TPI Certified Golf Fitness Instructor and Level 2 Junior Coach Why wait for Spring? Swim Lessons and Swim Team with Piranhas Coach Bryan Coleman Call 910-986-6508 for information or email Start the year off right! Enjoy Stress Relief with Massages by JoAnn Richardson Licensed Massage Therapist NC #10608 Call 910-904-9445 for an appointment Sign up for a chance for a Free massage for January! Keep Your Fitness Goal On Track! With ACE Certified Personal Trainers Marjorie Nurnberg and Bob Joseph Available by Appointment 114 Edgewater Drive, Seven Lakes North Feeling Good is the Fun of It! 12 Seven Lakes Times C :.B76260 :.9=.;< <7 *5.6- * 87:<276 7/ <1. 77:. 7=6<A '76260 *8 /:75 .;2-.6<2*4 0:2,=4 <=:*4 <7 201?*A 755.:,2*4 *< <1. :.9=.;< 7/ 8.<2<276.: $76 44.6 "1. *,:. 8:78.:<A 2; 47,*<.- *< <1. ,7:6.: 7/ !*>*66*1 *6. *6- #! 201?*A +.<?..6 !7=<1 .:6 26.; *6- $*;; C :.9=.;< +A 4*66260 2:.,<7: .+:* 6;5260.: <7 ,47;. 7=< <1. 2>.: .6- 755=62<A .>.4785.6< 47,3 :*6< ( ) <1*< ?*; =;.- <7 5*3. :.8*2:; <7 <1. 2>.: .6- 755=62<A */<.: ":782,*4 !<7:5 *66* C 67<1.: :.9=.;< +A 6; 5260.: <7 ,47;. 7=< <1. *8*,2<A =24-260 <1*< *447?.- 77:. 7=6<A <7 8*:<6.: ?2<1 <1. 7:<1 .:6 77:. *524A .;7=:,. .6<.: <7 -.>.478 *6 6-2 >2-=*4 .>.4785.6< ,,7=6< ( ) 8:70:*5 "1. <.*,1.; /2:;< <25. 47? 26,75. 175. +=A.:; *+7=< 175.7?6.:;128 ;3244; 7<1 <1. .6<.: *6<1. 7=6<A 8:7>2-.26 5*<,1260 /=6-; /7: <1. 8:70:*5 6 *67<1.: 84*66260 :.4*<.5*<<.: <1. 7552;;276.:; *88:7>.- * :.9=.;< +A 6; 5260.: <7 *884A /7: * 0:*6< /:75 <1. #:0.6< .8*2: :70:*5 7/ <1. 7:<1 *:7426* 7=;260 26*6,. 0.6,A "1. 4*;< <25. <1. 7=6<A =;.- ;=,1 * 0:*6< 2< 8:7>2-.6.? :77/; :*58; *6- 1.*< 260 *6- ,774260 ;A;<.5; <7 ;2@<..6 47? 26,75. 17=;. 174-; 457;< .>.:A 175. 7?6.: ?*; 7>.: <1. *0. 7/ ;2@<A <?7 ?2<1 !7,2*4 !.,=:2<A *; <1.2: ;74. ;7=:,. 7/ 26,75. "1. ;<*<. 0:*6< :.9=2:.; * 47,*4 5*<,1 ?12,1 ?244 6..- <7 +. *447,*<.- 26 <1. & 7=6<A =-0.< Transportation Services /<.: * 8=+42, 1.*:260 <1. 7552;;276.:; *88:7>.- * :.9=.;< 5*-. +A 77:. 7=6<A ":*6;87:<*<276 !.:> 2,.; *6*0.: "*?*66* %2442*5; <7 *884A /7: * ;<*<. 0:*6< <1*< ?244 /=6- +7<1 *-5262;<:*<2>. *6- ,*82<*4 ,7;<; /7: <1. NEWS January 20, 2012 7=6<AG; <:*6;87:<*<276 ;.:> 2,.; :.9=2:.47,*4 5*<,1 ?244 +. 5.< +A =;.: /..; "1. 7*:- *4;7 *88:7>.* :.9=.;< +A %2442*5; <7 *884A /7: * ;<*<. 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Every E verry y Au A Auto-Owners uto o-Owners p policy olicy c comes omes w with ith a llocal ocal a ag agent! gent! t ST. MARY MAGDALENE EPISCOPAL C HURCH Over 30 Years of Service to Christ Through People 1145 Seven Lakes Drive, Seven Lakes, NC (910) 673-3838 The Rev. Robert H. Brown The Rev. Fred L. Thompson Vicar Priest Associate The Rev. Carol J. Burgess Deacon Sunday Worship Schedule Holy Communion - 9:30 am Adult Christian Education - 10:45 am Tuesday Mornings Intercessory Prayer & Healing Service - 11:00 am The Episcopal Church Welcomes YOU! As a local independent agenc agency, y, proudly representing represe Auto - Owners Owners Insurance, Insurance, nce, w e live live in your your o community comm Autowe and are here for yyou o ou 24/ 7. Offering you you more 24/7. insur ance choices, choices, why wh hy yw ould o you go an nyywhere else? insurance would you anywhere Call C all or visit us today for all your insurance needs. Auto-Owners Auto- Owners Insurance Insurance is ranked ran “Highest “Highest in Customer Customer Satisfaction with Auto Claims Experience, the A uto IInsurance nsurance C llaims Experience E xperriencee, Four Row,” F our Years Years in a Row w,” ,” according to J.D .D. Power Power and A sssociates. J.D. Associates. A AGENCY GENCY NA NAME ME Town Town Name Name 910-692-8303 555-555-5555 555 -555-5555 website w ebsite 12740 (11-11) (11-11) JD A Auto-Owners uto-Owners IInsurance nsurance ra ranks nks hig highest hest aamong mong aauto uto in insurance surance p providers roviders in the the J.D. J.D. Power Power aand nd Associates Associates 2008-2011 Auto Auto Claims Claims Studies StudiesSM. SStudy tudy based based on on 11,811 total ranking 26 insurance insurance providers. providers. Excludes Excludes those those with with claims claims only only for for glass/windshield, glass/windshield, theft/stolen, theft/stolen, roadside roadside assistance assistance o orr bodily bodily injury claims. total responses, reesponses, ranking in njjury claims. surveyed March March – July July 2011. Your Y Yo our experiences experiences may may vary. vary. Visit Visit e .com. Proprietary jdpower Proprietary results results based based on on experiences experiences and and perceptions perceptions of of consumers consumers surveyed NEWS January 20, 2012 (Continued from page 6) $ %.) * 0$ 0 /%6! /%* ! 0$! *%) (/ ,.!"!. 0+ (%2! %* $!. / * 0$ 0 /%4 .!/ 3 / ,.!"!. (! 0+ !* +1. #! "101.! #.+30$ %* 0$! %(( #! +1* %() * 1! 3$+ , .0% %, 0! %* 0$! ( **%*# +*%*# +))%00!! )!!0 %*#/ #.!! 3%0$ $!. //!// )!*0 9 !* .!/ +!/ #%2! !0 %(%05 0$ 0 5+1 3%(( 0!. ,.+ $ 2! *% !. (++'%*# $+./! 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"+1* 0%+*/ .! ,1 (% *1%/ * ! / / "!05 $ 6 . * * !5! /+.! 9 0 %/ 0%)! 0+ ) '! ! % /%+* : /$! .#1! 9 %0$!. 3! .! #+%*# 0+ 3+.' 3%0$ 0$! !2!(+,!. +. #%2! $%) , // : * %/ 1//%+* +1* %() * 1.$ ) . %/! +* !.*/ +10 (% %(%05 * .% '/+* / % $! 3+1( ,!./+* ((5 +* 13 0 0 0$! !2!(+,!. 0+ 0.5 0+ .!/+(2! 0$! ,.+ (!) Golf Course maintenance area .!//%*# 5!0 *+0$!. ,.+ (!) 0$ 0 3+*;0 #+ 3 5 8 * %/ 01 ((5 %* .! /%*# %* /%6! 8 0$! +1* %( '% '! .+1* % ! / +* $+3 0+ !/0 .!// 0$! ( * / ,%*# ! .%/ 1), ) %*0 %*! 5 0$! +4"%.! +(" +1*0.5 (1 1(%*# 3 5 0$! ! .%/ (See “Foxfire,” p. 14) NOW OPEN! Stacey Connell King, Owner/Stylist 910-673-0220 +RXUV7XHVGD\)ULGD\ 6DWXUGD\ (YHQLQJDSSRLQWPHQWVDYDLODEOH 6HYHQ/DNHV'ULYH &HQWUDO3DUN6XLWH' %HKLQG3UHVFULSWLRQ6KRSSH :HVW(QG1& 120 MacDougall Drive • 673-7467 Mon-Fri 8:30 am – 6 pm • Sat 8:30 am – Noon Express Scripts Prescription Members Welcome! • Prescriptions filled in 10 minutes or less! • Free Delivery • Fastest in Town! • Medication Disposal Program • Custom Compounding • Hormone Replacement Consultations • Customer Loyalty Rewards Program • Automatic Prescription Refills • Home Medical Equipment (Walkers, Canes, Crutches,Wheelchairs, etc.) • Flu, Pneumonia, and Shingles Vaccines • Digital Photo Processing • Online Refills & Vitamin Store • Online Bill Pay • UPS Shipping Service/Drop-off Location Fast, Friendly, and Courteous....With the Personal Attention You Deserve! ! $ " ! ! # $ " " " $ 14 Seven Lakes Times (Continued from page 13) (2 .-$ ./3(.- +!$(3 - $7/$2(5$ .-$ '$ .3'$1 ./3(.- (2 3. ++.6 3'$ +4! 3. 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"*2 !4(+#(-& '$(&'32 -# 3' 3 ".-2314"3(.- , 3"' $2 //1.5$# /+ -2 : /1./.2$# 4/# 3$ .% 3'$ $12.--$+ .+("8 3' 3 (-"+4#$2 2+(&'3 ,.#(%(" 3(.- 3. 5 " 3(.- -# 2("* +$ 5$ /.+("($2 3'.4&' 3'$ 3.3 + -4,!$1 .% +$ 5$ # 82 .%%$1$# 6(++ 1$, (4-"' -&$# : '$ ,$#( - 1$ (- %1.-3 .% ".-#. !4(+#(-&2 -$ 1 3'$ &.+% ".412$ ".-3(-4$2 3. !$ - //$ 1 -"$ (224$ 6(3' ' /' 9 1#+8 / 1*$# 5$'("+$2 -# (++ *$,/3 &1 22 " 4$ 2 (# 1$2.+5(-& 3'$ /1.!+$, ' 2 !$$- #(%%("4+3 2(-"$ 3'$1$ Featured Homes The Property Center 125 West Plaza Drive, Seven Lakes, North Carolina " & +&% !)'# .!+ * #&* &&"** ++)+!- .&& #&&)* !% "!+ % ##.0 ,' + "!+ % %. -!%0# #&&)!% !% + )! + *,%%0 ) &#!% &&$ "#! # 2 )+ #&&) '#% $%0 /+)* ,+!,# #" -!.* ).&& #&&)* +!# + * ,)%!* !%* - % &*% 0 % %+)!&) &)+&) % ) %&+!# (See “Foxfire,” p. 15) Seven Lakes Snack Shack 135 MacDougall St • Seven Lakes • 400-5228 (Across from Carolina Car Care) EAT-IN OR TAKE OUT! " 2 -!. 0&, - % .!+!% &) *!+,+ &% (,!+ ,#* !% + + -% "* &)+ '')&/ + & .+) )&%+ . *!!% !% &$ * $%0 ,'+* "#! BACK FROM THE HOLIDAYS! – WITH – NEW DINNER SPECIALS NEW SANDWICHES NEW PLATTERS NEW DAILY SPECIALS COMING SOON . . . ALL YOU CAN EAT BAR! Burgers • Hoagies • Hot Dogs • Wraps Salads • Ice Cream Delites • Cappuccino Coolers WINTER Hours: M - Sa 11 - 8 • CLOSED Sunday "! " 2 %&)$! .+) -!.* & " ,$% &% % &-)*!1 #&+ &% ',# ,#* &$ * +*+,# ,'+* .!+ !%!* .#"&,+ #&.) #-# . ! !% #,* .&)"* &' &) *+&) ) "! % ### "$" !"! 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Trade Street Seven Lakes (Behind McDonald’s) Seven Lakes Times Military Child Support Program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ther News 5 6;/,9 )<:05,:: +<905. ;/, 6(9+ 6- +<*(;065 : (5 <(9@ 4,,;05. B "/, 6(9+ (7796=,+ E:,3,* ;0=, *<;;05. 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Mike’s Tire and Auto Center We Do Timing Belts, All Suspensions, A/C Service, Brakes, Drivability Problems, Four-Wheel Alignments, Oil Changes, Transmission Flush, Radiator Flush We Have the Best Prices on Tires! ––– 673-3788 ––– Michael & Teresa Salyer Owners A38/ +8. -2//=/ </-/:>398 &98./<0+8 A366 ,/ +@+36+,6/ >9 .3=-?== 2/< A9<5= 90 +<> =/60 >+?12> +<>3=> A29 2+= 2+. =/@/<+6 =29A 38 >2/ +</+ &98./<0+8K= A9<5= 38-6?./ ,6+-5 +8. A23>/ 6+8.=-+:/= +8. A+>/<-969< &> !+<C !+1.+6/8/ 2?<-2 &/@/8 +5/= <3@/ &/@/8 +5/= 299 Grant Street Seven Lakes, NC 27376 Pick Up and Delivery Available in the Seven Lakes Area! PLLC 105 Seven Lakes Court West End, NC 27376 • Real Estate • Business Law • Business Planning • Traffic Offenses • Estate Planning • Estate Administration Phone: (910)673-1325 Fax: (910)673-1327 website: WHAT’S WHEN 07/ ,? ?30 ':@?30=9 %490> 4A4. 7@- ,? ?30 .:=90= :1 >30 '?=00? ,9/ %099>D7 A,94, A09@0 77 ,=0 B07 .:80 F F F %' $ * H ,? 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A+= </:9<>/. +> A3>2 +8 +..3>398+6 38 :</:+C7/8> >9A+<.= 2012 Seven Lakes EMS Phone Books Available $2/ 8/A # 298/ ,995= +</ 89AD+@+36+,6/ 09< :?<-2+=/ +> >2/ #/@/8 +5/= # =>+>398 #/@/8 +5/= 9<>2 #3./ +8.9A8/<G= 9003-/ #/@/8 +5/= '/=>D +8.9A8/<= 9003-/ +8. !?+63>C +</ 2+<7+-C $2/ -9=> 3= 986C .966+< :/< ,995 /> C9?< ?:.+>/. :298/ ,995 >9.+C +8. =?: :9<> >2/ # Specializing in quality child care for 2 to 5 year olds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internship 9:381 >9 =/-?</ + >/8 A//5 +=>/< 90 ?,63- .738 3=><+>398 ) * 1<+.?+>/ =>? ./8> 38>/<8 <?=-9 +8. 9?8-367+8 - ?/ @96?8 >//</. >9 :+<>3-3:+>/ 38 +8 ?:-97381 38>/<@3/A :<9-/== +> >2/ % #-2996 90 9@ /<87/8> <?=-9 /B:6+38/. >2+> /+-2 =>?./8> 38 >2/ >A9 C/+< :<9 1<+7 7?=> -97:6/>/ +8 38>/<8=23: 38 19@/<87/8> E +8C 90 >2/ =>?./8>= A+8> >9 19 >9 ,311/< @/8?/= 635/ 9< 2+<69>>/ ,?> + =7+66/< 7?83-3:+63>C -+8 900/< + 7?-2 ,<9+./< /B:/<3/8-/ F =2/ =+3. E$2/C A9?6. 2+@/ (See “Foxfire,” p. 21) Classes and Personal Training Available throughout January Shimmy Into Shape: Bellydancing for Beginners Thurs 6:30 – 7:30pm Bellies and BumBums Thurs 5:45 – 6:15pm Abs & Uppercuts Tues 5:45 – 6:45pm Pilates/Yoga Fusion for Stress Relief Tues 8:30 – 9:30am, Wed 5:45 – 6:45pm Pilates for EveryBody Mon 5:45 – 6:45pm, Thurs 8:30 – 9:30am 673-2000 Expires 1/30/12 980 Seven Lakes Drive Professional Park Bldg. Suite #1 Chrissy Excell NC#2032 Bobbie Salang NC#1573 First Class Free! Visit our website for new class information *Specials not available with any other discounts. NEWS (Continued from page 20) ;/, 67769;<50;@ ;6 >692 05 4<3;073, +,7(9;4,5;: E <0*23@ :705505. 6<; ( -,> 76::0)3, :*,5(906: 9<:*6 :(0+ ( .9(+<(;, :;<+,5; *6<3+ (::0:; 6?-09, >0;/ .9(5; >90; 05. +,=,36705. 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Visit Visit e .com. 22 OPINION Seven Lakes Times January 20, 2012 The hunt for large, hairy, manlike creatures 2'$< B0 *2,1* 72 %5($. $ 58/( > $ 6(/) ,0326(' %</$: ,) <28 :,// 27 7+$7 7+,6 :,// %( $ 685 35,6( 72 $1<21( :+2 +$6 (9(5 9(1 &$68$/ 0(7 0( 675$1*(56 ,1 7+( *52&(5< 352 '8&( $,6/( &28/' 352%$%/< ),*85( 287 B0 127 (;$&7/< $ 72( 7+( /,1( .,1' 2) *$/ +$7 &$1 6$< *5(: 83 ,1 7+( 6 :+,&+ $0 )$,5/< 685( $8720$7,&$//< 48$/ ,),(6 0( )25 $ /,)(7,0( )5(( 3$66 21 &219(17,21$/ /,9,1* $,6(' 21 $ &8/785$/ /$1' 6&$3( 2) +$77< $7+< '2//6 +$5/,(B6 1*(/6 2,/ &5,6(6 $1' +( $53(17(5B6 0< *(1 (5$7,21 5()/(&76 7+( *5229< ())(&76 2) $%< 220,1* 3267 +,33< 5(/$;(' 3$5(17,1* $1 <28 ',* ,7 .1(: 7+$7 <28 &28/' 6 $ 5(68/7 0< $'8/7 $77, 78'( )$//6 025( 2)7(1 72 7+( 3,5$7( 7+$1 7+( 35(',&7$%/( !28 .12: B// 67,&. 72 7+( &2'( %87 7+26( $5( 5($//< 025( /,.( *8,'(/,1(6 $1<:$< 352'8&7 +28*+ ?352'8&7@ $1' ?&200(5&,$/@ $5( 7(506 B0 86,1* /226(/< +(5( 7B6 $&78$//< $ 7(/(9,6,21 352*5$0 !28B9( +($5' 7+$7 7:2 :521*6 '21B7 0$.( $ 5,*+7 (// 7+$7 2/' $;,20 '2(61B7 5,1* 758( ,1 7+,6 &$6( %(&$86( Laura Douglass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hat’s an ‘Evangelical?” 2: :28/' <28 '(),1( $1 ? 9$1*(/,&$/ @ 1 7+( 685)$&( <285 48(67,21 :28/' $33($5 72 &$// )25 $ 6,03/( 675$,*+7 )25:$5' $16:(5 +( :25' ?(9$1*(/,&$/@ &20(6 )520 7+( 5((. :25' :+,&+ 0($16 ?*22' 1(:6 @ 1 +5,67,$1,7<B6 6(&21' &(1785< 7+( :25' %(&$0( $77$&+(' 72 7+( )285 *263(/6 $77+(: $5. 8.( $1' 2+1 +( 0(1 :+26( 1$0(6 :(5( $662&,$7(' :,7+ 7+(6( *263(/6 %(&$0( .12:1 $6 7+( )285 (9$1*(/,676 %(&$86( +5,67,$16 %(/,(9(' 7+$7 7+( 6725< 7+(< 72/' $%287 (686B /,)( 7($&+,1*6 '($7+ $1' 5(6855(&7,21 :$6 *22' 1(:6 )25 7+( :25/' 1 7+( 7+ &(1785< 87+(5$1 $1' ()250 +85&+(6 ,1 (50$1< $1' :,7=(5/$1' 7+$7 %52.( $:$< )520 7+( 20$1 $7+2/,& +85&+ :(5( &$//(' 9$1 *(/,&$/ &+85&+(6 221 ,1 0$1< 8523($1 &28175,(6 SL T EVEN AKES IMES Published every other Friday for residents & landowners of Seven Lakes, Foxfire, & McLendon Hills, NC by Seven Lakes Times, LLC, P.O. Box 468, West End, NC 27376 910-673-0111 • 888-806-2572 (fax) • Greg Hankins & Tom Hankins, Publishers Greg Hankins, Editor • Marcy Hankins, Layout & Copy Editing Laura Douglass & Stacy Naughton, Reporters Sarah Hankins, Ad Layout Founded in 1985 by Seven Lakes Times, Inc. J. Sherwood Dunham, Alfred C. Gent, William C. Kerchof, Ruth H. Sullivan, and Thomas J. Tucker 7+( 0(0%(56 2) $// 527(67$17 &+85&+(6 :(5( &$//(' ? 9$1 *(/,&$/6 @ 9(5 7+( /$67 &(1785< ,1 257+ 0(5,&$ 7+( :25' +$6 2)7(1 %((1 $662&,$7(' :,7+ )81'$0(17$/,60 $ 029(0(17 25*$1,=(' ,1 7+( ($5/< 7+ &(1785< 72 ?'()(1'@ 257+2'2; 527(67$17 +5,67,$1,7< $*$,167 7+( 3(5&(,9(' &+$/ /(1*( 2) 7+(2/2*,&$/ /,%(5$/,60 6&+2/$5/< &5,7,&,60 2) 7+( ,%/( (92/87,21 $1' 27+(5 02'(51,606 -8'*(' 72 %( $ 7+5($7 72 ?758(@ +5,67,$1 '2&75,1( 81'$0(17$/,60 (03+$ 6,=(6 &(57$,1 )81'$0(17$/ '2&75,1(6 68&+ $6 7+( ,1(55$1&< 2) 7+( 6&5,3785(6 7+( 9,5*,1 %,57+ 2) (686 68%67,787,21$5< $721(0(17 $ 6,1/(66 (686 2))(5,1* 83 +,06(/) )25 6,1)8/ +80$1 %(,1*6 :+2 '(6(59( '($7+ )25 7+(,5 6,16 7+( %2',/< 5(6 855(&7,21 2) (686 $1' 7+( (;3(&7$7,21 2) 7+( ,00,1(17 5(7851 2) +5,67 72 ($57+ $1< 2) 7+(6( )81'$0(1 7$/,67 (9$1*(/,&$/6 5()(5 72 7+(06(/9(6 $6 ?%251 $*$,1@ $1' 86( $ 0(7$3+25 )281' +(1 0(0%(56 2) 7+( 0(',$ &200(17 25 :5,7( $%287 ?(9$1*(/,&$/6 @ 7+(< $5( 868$//< 5()(55,1* 72 7+(6( )81'$0(17$/,67 +5,67,$16 +$9( -867 '(6&5,%(' 6 $ 5(68/7 7+( 0(',$ 2)7(1 ,*125( 7+( 0,//,216 2) +5,67,$16 :+2 ,1 $7+2/,& 57+2'2; 25 ?0$,1/,1(@ 527(67$17 &+85&+(6 :+2 $/62 %(/,(9( 7+$7 7+(< +$9( *22' 1(:6 72 6+$5( $%287 (686 > $1' 7+(,5 (17+86,$60 $%287 7(//,1* 7+$7 75$16)250,1* 6725< '2(6 127 *52: 287 2) $ )($5 2) 02' (51 6&,(1&( 25 02'(51 &8/ 785( /7+28*+ 7851(' $:$< NEWS January 20, 2012 Seven Lakes Times 23 It’s the old bait and switch on the West Side 5 1 2 1&-3*", 2 !-+# 1 ,7 130.0'1# 2& 2 2&# 230,-32 22&# -5, ** +##2',% -, 2&# #4#, )#1 #12 ,"-5,#01 11-!' 2'-, 3"%#2 5 1 1+ ** -,1'"#0 2&# $-**-5',% &'1 "3#1 . 0'27 5 1 "'43*%#" 7 $-0+#0 0# 130#0 2&7 '012 -4#0 2&0## 7# 01 %- ," & 1 ##, ', 2&# 5-0)1 1',!# 2&#, &# .-5#0 0-)#01 (312 & " 2- %#2 $#5 2&',%1 ', .* !# ', -0"#0 2+ )# '2 & ..#, '012 5 1 2- 0#+-4# 2&# .0#4'-31 0# 130#0 1',!# &# 2&-0, ', 2&#'0 1'"# &# "#4#*-.#0 ,##"#" 2# -32 -$ 2&# .'!230# &# 0!&'2#!230 * #4'#5 -++'22## ,##"#" 2- ',!0# 1# 3'*"',% $##1 ," + )# 3'*" ',% +-0# "'$$'!3*2 2- "'1!-30 %# ,#5 -5,#01 &# - 0" 5&'!& !-, 20-*1 5&- ! , 03, $-0 2&# $-0 2&# - 0" ,##"#" 2- + )# 130# 2& 2 -,*7 .#-.*# 5&%0##" 5'2& 2&#'0 .* , 0# -, 2&# - 0" 1- 1 ,-2 2%#2 ,7 .31& !) ,-5',% 2& 2 -,!# 2&# - 0" 4-2#1 2& 2 '2 '1 4'023 **7 '+.-11' *# 2- -4#0230, 3"%#2 1 -,# $-0+#0 - 0" -$$'!#0 12 2#" ; #2 31#" 2'2 #! 31# 5# ! , "- 5& 2 #4#0 5# 5 ,2 ," 2�# '1, 2 2&',% -,# 7-3 ! , "-32 '2 < &# *-,% 0 ,%# .* , ..# 01 2- # 2- )##. 2&# #121'"# .-.3* 2'-, 2 '21 !300#,2 1'8# 32 #,(-7 2&# $3** "3#1 . 7+#,2 $0-+ #4#07 *-2 -5,#0 1- 2&# - 0" ! , 1&',%2-, 1.#," *')# 2&# .-*'2'!' ,1 ',12# " -$ *'4',% 5'2&', 2&#'0 +# ,1 .. 0 #,2*7 2&# .0#4'-31 - 0" *'#" 2- 31 5&#, 5# .30!& 1#" -30 *-2 ," 2 2-*" 31 -32 Board taking unfair advantage 1 2&# -5,#0 -$ *-2 -, ', #4#, )#1 #12 $'," ',2#0#12',% 2&# #121'"# - 0" 1 .-1'2'-, ', !& 0%',% 31 &'%� .#0!#,2 %# -$ "3#1 ',!0# 1# 1#" -, 2&# .-11' '*'27 -$ $ !'*'2'#1 31 %# + ',2 ',',% 0- "1 2&# " + ," -2� !-121 #2 1 ,-2 207 2- $--* ,7-,# �# & 2 '1 2&# 0# * 5# 0 ," 2# 0 -0 31 %# $0-+ *-2 -5,#0 -, 0- "1 ," -2� . 021 -$ 2&# !-++3,'27 #07 *-5 !-+. 0#" 2- 1-+#-,# 5'2& &-+# "0'4',% 2�# #4#07 " 7 & 2 2&'1 ',!0# 1# '1 0# **7 -32 '1 2 )',% "4 ,2 %# -$ 1-+#-,# 5&- ! ,,-2 3'*" ," +-4# 2�# #! 31# -$ 2&# #!-,-+7 & 2 $##* 2&# - 0" '1 0# **7 1 7',% '1 # & 4# 2# .#-.*# 7 2&# 1&-02 & '01 & 2 0# 2 %-',% 2- "- ,-5 2& 2 2&#'0 .0-.#027 '1 5-02& & *$ -$ 5& 2 2 . 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Let’s say, 'We have a problem at the back gate,' and man it.” — SLWLA Director Adam Wimberly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"* & 2$ (See “Westside,” p. 25) 4219 HWY 211 • SEVEN LAKES, NC 27376 673-1663 • C utler Tr ee fine pruning of trees & ornamentals tree and stump removal plant site consulting & tree loss evaluation Friendly Staff • CourteousService Coldest Beer • Biscuits • Fried Chicken • Pizza Lottery • HD Satellite TV • Internet SpecialCigaretteDeals• LocallyOwned& Operated 692-7769 Geoff Cutler Certified Arborist Fully Insured *$&.2& OIL CHANGE BRAKES WINDOW MOTORS /0,"1 31&&3 7 #&1%&&. 555"#&1%&&.&63&1-*."3*.($/- 7 "0"1+&1.$11$/ &14*.( 3)& ".%)*,,2 '/1 /4&1 !&"12 TIRES TRANSMISSION SERVICE AC REPAIRS WHEEL ALIGNMENT EMISSIONS TESTING BATTERIES/ALTERNATORS/STARTERS Phil & Kathy Cook, Owners Mike Deegan, Service Advisor Platinum Member of the Seven Lakes - West End Area Business Guild 144 MacDougall Street • Seven Lakes, NC 673-2277 NEWS (Continued from page 24) Architectural Review #4+#0%'5 (41/ #4%*+6'%674#. 56#0&5 =#4' )1+0) 61 $' 8'4; 8'4; &+((+%7.6 61 %1/' $; +0 6*' (7674' > +4'%614 1(( 4'2146'& /#00 0'9 8#4+#0%' 241%'&74' 9+.. 4'37+4' 6*#6 #.. 4'37'565 $' 57$/+66'& +0 94+6+0) 1(( /#00 5#+& *' %*#0)' 9+.. #..19 6*' 61 )7+&' 6*' #22.+%#6+10 241%'55 9*'0 # 8#4+#0%' +5 $'+0) 517)*6 1((/#00 61.& 6*' 1#4& 6*#6 6*1417)* 4'5'#4%* 10 6*' 37'56+10 1( 8#4+#0%'5 4'8'#.5 6*#6 6*'4' +5 # =610 1( %#5' .#9 #0& +6 %.'#4.; (#8145 ':+56+0) %1//70+6+'5 14 /70+%+2#.+6+'5 %18'0#065 #0& 16*'4 &'%.#4#6+105 1 8#4; 14 2418+&' 14 #..19 8#4+ #0%' (41/ 6*15' 4')7.#6+105 6*' $74&'0 (#..5 %.'#4.; 10 6*' 2'4510 4'37'56+0) 6*' 8#4+#0%' > %%14&+0) 61 1((/#0 +0 14&'4 61 4'%'+8' # 8#4+#0%' # 2'4510 /756 &'/10564#6' *#4&5*+2 = ( ;174 2412'46; +5 4'0&'4'& 8#.7'.'55 14 %.15' 61 8#.7' .'55 *' ':2.#+0'& 6*'0 # 8#4+#0%' /#; $' )4#06'& 51 6*#6 ;17 %#0 &1 51/'6*+0) 9+6* ;174 2412'46; *19 75 ! 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PETE MCKAY – FAMILY DENTISTRY Now Accepting New Patients! %74$ #0& )766'4 914- +5 70&'49#; #6 6*' .19'4 #-' 9#; #.. 210& &#/ #0& 5*17.& 9'#6*'4 2'4/+66+0) $' %1/2.'6'& 9+6*+0 6*' 9''.. 5614/ &4#+0#)' +0 6*' #4'# +5 019 70&'4)4170& *' 0':6 56'2 +0 6*' 241,'%6 +5 61 +056#.. # 9#.-+0) 2#6* *' )7#4&4#+.5 +0+6+#..; 241 “We are at ground zero with regard to any kind of variance with Stonegate.” WE CATER TO COWARDS! Dr. Pete McKay, with Stacy, Harriet, Beth, Christine, Paige, and Janice Seven Lakes Times • Smile Makeovers • Bleaching • Root Canal Therapy • Non-surgical Periodontal Therapy • Children’s Dentistry • Nitrous Oxide 673-0113 • Partials & Dentures • Crowns & Bridges • Care Credit (No interest payments up to 18 months) • Assignment of Insurance Benefits • MasterCard, VISA, Discover 120 Grant Street Seven Lakes Village Mon – Thurs 7:30 – 3:00 215'& (14 6*' #4'# 61 5'2#4#6' 2'&'564+#0 (41/ 8'*+%7.#4 64#((+% /#; 14 /#; 016 $' +056#..'& 11&/#0 5#+& ( 016 +056#..'& #6 6*' #-'9#; 10& #/ *' #&&'& )7#4&4#+.5 9+.. $' +056#..'& #6 6*' 210&5 (746*'4 9'56 10 10).'#( #0 #4'# 6*#6 +5 57$ ,'%6 61 +%+0) Lake and Dam 1%- 4'2#+45 #4' %744'06.; 70&'49#; #6 1*0510 1+06 4'2146'& #-' #0& #/ +4'%614 &#/ +/$'4.; 744'06.; 1%- = > +5 %1/ 2.'6' #0& 1%- = > +5 $'+0) Nominating Committee *' 6*4'' %#0&+'5 01/ +0#6'& 61 470 (14 1#4& 5'#65 9+.. #&&4'55 6*' %1//70+6; &74+0) 6*' 14- '5 5+10 10 7'5&#; #07#4; '%4'6#4; #0' '55.'4 4'2146'& *' 01/+0#6+0) %1//+66'' 9+.. #.51 $' 5''+0) 51/' %*#0)'5 = ' *#8' 816'& 61 $'%1/' # ;'#4 4170& %1//+66'' '55.'4 ':2.#+0'& ' #4' )1+0) 61 914- #.. ;'#4 61 +&'0 6+(; (1.-5 +0 6*' %1//70+6; 9*1 /+)*6 $' +06'4'56'& +0 *'.2+0) 10 #0; %1//+66''5 6*' 1#4& /#; 0''& #0& $' #$.' 61 +&'06+(; 2'12.' (14 (See “Westside,” p. 26) HEARING SOLUTIONS AMERICAN-OWNED MANUFACTURER & ! % & ! & "!! & !! ! # & ASK ABOUT OUR VETERANS’ DISCOUNT! ! !$ Call for an Appointment! Committed to serving the greater Seven Lakes community. 26 Seven Lakes Times (Continued from page 25) .=<=:- =;'15*-:4A );3-, 1. <0- 75 16)<16/ 7551<<-- 0); ,1; +=;;-, 57>16/ .:75 ) <0:-A-): <-:5 .7: 7):, 5-5*-:; <7 ) <?7 A-): <-:5 E < ; 0):, -67=/0 <7 /-< 8-784- <7 :=6 '15*-:4A ;)1, !6- 7. <0- ?)A; <7 /-< 8-784- <7 :=6 1; 67< 0)>16/ <0:-- A-): <-:5; 6 <-:5; 7. 3--816/ -6-:/A 4->-4; =8 )6, ;0):8 <0163 1<H; ;75<016/ ?7:<0 477316/ )< F 6 )6 -..7:< <7 0-48 ?1<0 7):, 5-5*-: E.)<1/=- F $-;;4-: ;)1, <0- 7516)<16/ 7551<<-- 1; <:A16/ <7 E0-48 ?1<0 <0- 4-):616/ +=:>- +75 16/ 16 F .7: 6-? 7):, 5-5 *-:; E"):< 7. 1< 0); <7 *- ?1<0 ;<:-6/<0-616/ 7=: +7551<<-;A;<-5 ;0- -@84)16-, ;7 <0)< 67< ); 5=+0 4)A; 76 <07):, 5-5*-:; <0-5;-4>-; F Board considers eliminating evening meeetings 1>-6 47? )<<-6,)6+- )< 7):, 5--<16/; $-;;4-: 0); :-9=-;<-, <0)< <0- 7):, +76;1,-: 57>16/ 1<; -6, 7. 576<0 ->-616/ 5--<16/ <7 <0- 57:616/ 07=:; E'- 7:1/16)44A 0), ;-< <07;=8 <7 )..7:, 8-784- <?7 +071+ -; <7 +75- ;0- ;)1, *=< ?-H:- 2=;< 67< ;--16/ )6A )<<-6,)6+- 6;<-), 7. 7657:616/ )6, 76- ->-616/ 5--<16/ -)+0 576<0 <0-:?7=4, *- <?7 57:616/ '7:3 $-;;176; NEWS January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menities Committee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edicare Assistance Other Business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wy. 15/501, PO Box 100, Carthage, NC 28327 Your 7 Lakes Neighbor Bus (910) 947-2244 Toll Free (800) 301-2659 Fax (910) 947-5792 Dan Kidd .7: *- 4151<-, <7 16,1>1,=)4; 7: .7: 5)::1-, +7=84-; %0- $-617:;H -)4<0 6;=: )6+- 6.7:5)<176 ":7/:)5 $ " ?144 074, )6 $ )8841+)<176 +4161+ )< <0$-617: 6:1+05-6< -6<-: 76 %=-;,)A )6=):A *A )88716<5-6< )44 <7 5)3- )6 )88716< 5-6< ?1<0 ) +7=6;-47: Master Certified, Legends Award Winner, Ford Customer Satisfaction Award Winner $BSPMZO(SFFO 1IZTJDJBO"TTJTUBOU TQFDJBMJ[JOHJO8PNFOT )FBMUI8FJHIU-PTT .JOPS%FSNBUPMPHZ -RKQ0:RRG\HDU-U0' $&&(37,1*1(:3$7,(1766HKDEODHVSDQRO Additions & Alterations Reasonably Priced! Thomas D. Eilert Harry Eilert 1030 7 Lakes Dr., Ste A, West End, NC 27376 910-673-4800 Building in Seven Lakes & Moore County for 27 Years. 4OTAL&AMILY#ARE&OR!LL!GES 63(&,$/,=,1*,1<28 $OOHUJ\7HVWLQJ:HLJKW/RVV3URJUDP0LQRU6XUJHU\6SRUWV,QMXU\ :RUNPHQ·V&RPSHQVDWLRQ'27([DPV%RQH'HQVLW\7HVWLQJ &RPSOHWH3K\VLFDO([DPLQDWLRQV6OHHS6WXG\08&+025( <RX )LQG$%HWWHU /RVH.IOH>MLQ";SM 5HVXOWVPD\YDU\GHSHQGLQJRQERG\W\SHDQGFRPSOLDQFHZLWKSK\VLFLDQ·VUHFRPPHQGDWLRQV !;FF 2I>;S NEWS (Continued from front page) (120 2(4$ %$$ (- +($3 .% 2'$ ##(2(.- + #3$1 /0./.1$# %$$ .% ++ 0$2 (-$# !7 2'$ 5.3+# /0$1$04$ 2'$ 0$4$-3$ 120$ , 2 5.3+# '.5$4$0 $+(,(- 2$ 0$! 2$ / (# 2'$ "300$-2 2. .5-$01 .% 0$-2 + /0./$027 /.2$-2( ++7 (-"0$ 1(-& 2'$(0 ".121 -# $%%$"2(4$ #3$1 0 2$ - 0$+ 2$# #(1"311(.- 2'$ . 0# 1$$,$# 2. &0$$ 2' 2 ,$,!$01'(/ " 0#1 -# &3$12 " 0#1 1'.3+# .-+7 !$ (113$# 2. .-$ $-2(27 2' 2 (1 $(2'$0 2'$ 0$-2$0 .0 2'$ .5-$0 ".3+# 31$ 2'$ ".,,3-(27 ,$-( 2($1 !32 -.2 !.2' 300$-2+7 !.2' + -#+.0#1 -# 0$-2$01 0$ !+$ 2. 31$ 2'$ ,$-( 2($1 '$ /0./.1$# "' -&$ (%$$1 5(++ !$ ".-1(#$0$# %.0 //0.4 + #30(-& 2'$ -3 07 /$- $$2(-& Long Range Planning 1$# .- 2'$ 0$"$-2 "., /+$2(.- .% 0. # $4 +3 2(.0$/.02 !7 2'$ $-&(-$$0(-& %(0, -# 5(2' + 12 7$ 0;1 $1$04$ 23#7 (- ' -# 2'$ . 0# 2..* 12$/1 #30(-& .-# 7 1 .0* $11(.2.5 0# #$4$+./(-& .-& -&$ + --(-& ., ,(22$$ 32 !$%.0$ 2'$ ".,,(22$$ ".-4$-$1 2'$ %(012 .0#$0 .% !31(-$11 (1 2. #$2$0,(-$ $6 "2+7 5' 2 2 1*1 2' 2 &0.3/ 5(++ !$ &(4$0$1(#$-2 00 1/.*$ (- % 4.0 .% "0$ 2(-& 25. #(1 2(-"2 ".,,(22$$1 .-$ %."31 (-& 1/$"(%(" ++7 .- 0. # / 4(-& (113$1 -# 2'$ .2'$0 +..*(-& 2 ++ .2'$0 +.-& 0 -&$ -# (-%0 1203"230$ /+ --(-& -$$#1 9 $ ' 4$ 1$2 1(#$ #.++ 01 ++." 2$# 2. 0. #1 -# 12 2$ , -# 2$# # , 0$/ (01 00 1 (# ' 2 ' 1 !$$- /3++$# 5 7 -# (1 (1$/ 0 2$ 1$"2(.- .% 2'$ $1$04$ 23#7 2'(-* ".,,(22$$ 1'.3+# !$ %.0,$# 2. +..* 2 '.5 5$ 0$ &.(-& 2. //0. 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""., /+(1' /0.)$"2 : .,,3-(27 - &$0 ."'0 - 0$,(-#$# 2'$ . 0# 2' 2 2'(1 7$ 0 2'$ 11."( 2(.- Seven Lakes Times (1 %3++7 %3-#(-& 2'$ 0$1$04$ +$4$+ 1 0$".,,$-#$# !7 2'$ 23#7 '.5$4$0 2'$ /0./.1$# 3#&$2 5(++ -.2 1 2(1%7 2'$ (-"0$,$-2 + (-"0$ 1$ 2' 2 5 1 13&&$12$# $7$0 -# ' 4$0 !.2' ".,,$-2$# 2' 2 5'(+$ 5$++ #.-$ 2'$ $1$04$ 23#7 (1 27 1(,/+7 1$2 .% 0$".,,$# 2(.-1 9 2 #.$1 -.2 ,$ - 2'(1 (1 5' 2 ' 1 2. !$ #.-$ .0 2'(1 (1 5' 2 5(++ !$ #.-$ : ' 4$0 1 (# 9 5 -2 2. 1$$ 2'(1 /32 2.&$2'$0 (- 2'$ ' -#1 .% ".,,(22$$ 2. 1130$ ".-2( (See “SLLA,” p. 28) SHANNON STITES, BROKER YOUR SEVEN LAKES NEIGHBOR! SEARCH ALL MOORE COUNTY LISTINGS AT WWW.SHANNONSTITES.COM (910) 992-6231 SHANNON STITES Broker, SFR 119 SMATHERS DR • 7LW 286 MORGAN TRAIL • 7LW 104 JOSEPHS P OINT • SLW 120 SHERWOOD RD • 7LS REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! 3BR+BONUS, NEAR MARINA $242,000 4 BED, 3 BATH ON 7 ACRES ! $400,000 3/2 GREAT WATERVIEW! $295,000 3/2 TOWNHOME $144,000 105 OVERLOOK DRIVE • 7LN 165 WEDGEWOOD • 7LW 101 SHAGBARK • 7LN 171 W DEVONSHIRE • 7LS UNDER CONTRACT! UNDER CONTRACT! SOLD! UNDER CONTRACT! 4BR/2BA $155,000 BEAUTIFULLY UPDATED $207,000 3 BR/2BA $187,500 $229,000 119 ANDREWS DR • LAKE AUMAN 123 ANDREWS DR • 7LW 221 LONGLEAF • 7LW 155 HASTINGS • 7LS CUSTOM WATERFRONT IN MINT CONDITION! $879,000 AMAZING WATERFRONT $750,000 4BR+BONUS, OPEN LAYOUT $275,000 GOLF FRONT, MINT CONDITION! $225,000 168 SIMMONS DR • LAKE AUMAN 230 FINCH GATE • 7LW 108 SMATHERS • 7LW 120 FOREST SQ CIR • 7LW 3 BR, ALL BRICK, NEW KITCHEN $684,000 GOLF FRONT CRAFTSMAN! $330,000 CLOSE TO MARINA! MANY UPGRADES! $300,000 315 FT. GOLF FRONT $339,000 105 DOUGLAS DR • 7LW 105 PINENEEDLE • 7LN 110 DORSET DR • 7LS 251 FIRETREE • 7LN 3BR+BONUS, DBL LOT $275,000 ALLBRICK, 3/2 MANY UPDATES ! $165,000 STORAGE GALORE! $182,500 2500 SQ FT, MANY UPGRADES $190,000 28 Seven Lakes Times (Continued from page 27) 29-8= ") 2))( % '311-88)) 8,%8 4987 -8 %00 83+)8,)6 %2( 7%=7 83 8,) 3%6( ,)7) %6) 8,-2+7 ;) 6)'311)2( @ %66 6)7432()( 8,%8 ,-7 46-1%6= '32')62 -7 8-1) %2( 8,%8 ,) (3)7 238 ;%28 83 463+6)77 32 63%( 6)4%:-2+ 83 &) &3++)( (3;2 -2 '31 1-88)) "-8, 1)1&)67 3* 8,) -2%2') 311-88)) %06)%(= )<46)77-2+ -28)6)78 -2 .3-2-2+ 8,) 311-88)) %7 ;)00 %7 % *); 38,)67 ,%:)6 %2( )=)6 %6+9)( 8,%8 463+6)77 ;390( 238 &) ()0%=)( &= -2'09(-2+ 63%(7 ;-8, 38,)6 -2*6%7869'896) -2 8,)-6 (-7 '977-327 2 %((-8-32 ,%:)6 238)( 8,) )7)6:) 89(= 6)'31 1)2(%8-327 %6) %01378 )<'09 7-:)0= 6)0%8)( 83 63%( 4%:-2+ -1463:)1)287 928-0 ;,-', ;390( %003; 8,) '31 1-88)) 83 *3'97 32 63%( 4%:-2+ -2-8-%00= -6)'8367 69') )=7)6 6 %2( 2(= 3;) %+6))( ;-8, 8,%8 %77)771)28 0)%(-2+ %66 83 6)0-259-7, ,-7 -()% 3* 8;3 '311-88))7 %2( %+6)) 8,%8 % 7-2+0) 32+ %2+) 0%2 311-88)) ;390( &) 36+%2 ->)( Lighting versus park closing 69786%8)( &= 32+3-2+ :%2 (%0-71 %8 8,) '31192-8=B7 '31132 %6)%7 8,) 3%6( -7 '327-()6-2+ '037-2+ 8,) 4%6/7 %2( &)%',)7 )%60-)6 8,%2 8,) '966)28 41 '96*); 4377-&0= 6)7)88-2+ 8,) 34)6 %8-32%0 ,3967 &%'/ 83 41 36 ):)2 (97/ )*36) 8%/-2+ 79', (6%78-' %'8-32 8,) 3%6( -7 )<4036-2+ ;,)8,)6 )2,%2')( 398(336 0-+,8-2+ %2( 138-32 %'8-:%8)( '%1)6%7 '%2 '96& 8,) :%2 (%0-71 463&0)1 -6)'836 %'-2) 238)( 8,%8 8,) 4330 %2( 6)786331 *%'-0 -8-)7 %8 368,7-() %6/ %6) &38, ;)00 0-8 %2( %6+9)( 8,%8 8,) )<86% 0-+,8-2+ ,%7 238 &))2 )**)'8-:) -2 46):)28-2+ 0-88)6 -779)7 4%68-'90%60= %6392( 8,) 73(% 1%',-2)7 %2( &%&= 4330 ?"-00 0-+,87 %032) 730:) 8,) 463&0)1 @ %7/)( %'-2) )7432(-2+ 83 % '32')62 6%-7)( &= -6)'836 3;) %&398 8,) 3:)6,)%( 0-+,87 &)-2+ 0)*8 NEWS January 20, 2012 32 ;,)2 8,) 8)22-7 '39687 %6) 238 -2 97) 31192-8= %2%+)6 3',6%2 7%-( -8 ;%7 136) )'3231-'%0 83 0)%:) 0-+,87 &962-2+ -2 % 49&0-' %6)% 8,%8 -7 8,) '378 3* ;%78)( )2)6+= -7 0)77 8,%2 8,) '378 3* 6)4%-6-2+ (%1%+) Usage fees for amenities? 00 6)7-()287 ,%:) %'')77 83 8,) 0%/)7 %2( &)%',)7 ,3;):)6 97-2+ % &3%8 32 8,37) ;%8)67 6)59-6)7 % 7)4 %6%8) 6)+-786%8-32 463')77 8,%8 -2'09()7 % 71%00 *)) *36 %2 %229%0 78-'/)6 “Those original amenities are essentially what we all bought into.” — SLLA Director Bruce Keyser, Jr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ool ids righ eado hristia reschoo FKWJU VHMSSP HFUJ F`^j8>8<8@;8Qgf][m<Kib][m8 CE==[e8n8Rggf J\gfgeb\8U[k^j98Sh^f8okbd8Ahe8 W^[\a^i8Ygic8I[mj9 = O n ee :hh k :VV[k m :YY c f _ > X _f c @ Xm k n ] m n k _ ^:OOn g :YY c f _ ; :RR @ Hm b Q h f_p hk d :YY c f_? :KKc \ e _:KKe c i l ? 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(< Dr. Yvonne Smith, PhD, PhD, HSP Director, Owner, President, CEO 2(/1 706$2/8.+6=:433,72/8.3,8 ? ;;;+6=:433,72/8.3,8 98/72 75,6-,67 !,6:(7/:, ,:,1452,38(1 /746+,67 ,(63/3- /7()/1/8/,7 4-3/8/:," *./,:,2,38 1>.,/2,67 ,2,38/( $4*/(1 $,*96/8= /7()/1/8= 3+/:/+9(1 !7=*.48.,6(5= (2/1=(6/8(1 !7=*.48.,6(5= 7%-( 8,%8 ,) 2):)6 97)( 8,) 0%/) 36 -70%2( 73 ;,= 7,390( ,) &) ',%6+)( @ ) 7%-( 8 &)2)*-87 8,)1 238 1) %66 6)'%00)( %((-2+ 8,%8 ;,-0) ,) (-(2B8 2)')77%6-0= %+6)) ;-8, 8,%8 43-28 3* :-); -8 ;%7 % :%0-( 43-28 *36 (-7'977-32 -6)'836 %'-2) 7%-( 8,%8 %2= %((-8-32%0 %1)2-8= *))7 79', %7 8,) )<-78-2+ (3'/ *))7 7,390( &) '300)'8)( %2( %003'%8)( 786-'80= 83 1%-2 8%-2 %2( 6)4%-6 8,%8 %1)28= -6)'836 )=7)6 6)7432()( 8,%8 8,) %229%0 0%2(3;2)67 (9)7 -7 8,) 97%+) *)) *36 773'-%8-32 %1)2-8-)7 ) '%98-32)( 8,%8 %2= %((8-32%0 *))7 *36 )<%140) 83 7;-1 %8 8,) 4330 ;390( 0-/)0= 320= )2'396%+) 136) 97) 3* 8,) 0%/)7 ? ,) 4330 ;390( 7-8 ,%0* )148= %2( 8,) 773'-%8-32 ;390( 78-00 ,%:) 8,) -779) 3* ,%:-2+ 83 1%-28%-2 8,) 4330 @ )=7)6 7%-( ? 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Painting, Pressure Washing, Carpentry, Dry Wall & Ceilings, Window & Doors, Decks & Docks, Small Tile Jobs, Lighting & Ceiling Fams, Roof Leaks, Gutters & Downspouts, Faucets & Minor Plumbing, Plus! Visit to learn how and where to donate. Seven Lakes Times -779)7 %8 8,) !)593-% 3-28 038 3',6%2 )78-1%8)( 8,) 1%8)6-%07 '378 %8 %2( 7%-( 8,) ;36/ '390( &) (32) 97-2+ 8,) 773'-%8-32A7 &%'/ ,3) %2( -2 ,397) 78%**-2+ )=7)6 '%98-32)( 8,) 3%6( 8,%8 320= 6)')280= -8 ;%7 6)' 311)2()( 8,%8 %238,)6 4%68 8-1) 1%-28)2%2') 78%** )1403=)) ;%7 2))()( 83 1%2 %+) 8,) )<-78-2+ ;36/03%( %2( 8,%8 8,-7 463.)'8 ;%7 -2 %((-8-32 83 8,%8 2 % 6)0%8)( (-7'977-32 8,) 3%6( %073 6)'311)2()( 8,%8 &3%8 86%-0)67 -2 %((-8-32 83 8,) &3%87 8,)17)0:)7 7,390( (-740%= % '966)28 6)+ -786%8-32 78-'/)6 378 7))1)( 29 83 %+6)) 8,%8 % 7)8 8,6)) =)%6 6)+-786%8-32 7',)(90) ;390( &) %()59%8) *36 86%-0)67 Budget input (6%*8 '34= 3* 8,) 463437)( -7'%0 $)%6 9(+)8 ;%7 463:-()( 83 8,) -2%2') 31 1-88)) *36 8,)-6 6):-); 32 %29%6= 6)4368)( "6)%796)6 )=)6 %2( ;-00 &) 46)7)28)( 83 8,) '31192-8= (96-2+ % 74)'-%0 46)7)28%8-32 32 "9)7 %8 41 (%= %29%6= ",) ! 3%6( ;-00 8,)2 6):-); 8,) (6%*8 &9(+)8 (96-2+ 8,) )&69%6= #36/ !)7 7-32 %2( -7 )<4)'8)( 83 %(348 8,) &9(+)8 (96-2+ 8,) )& 69%6= 4)2 ))8-2+ 104 Sweetbria r Ct, SLNorth Lot 21 Sec L ake Longleaf Waterfront, brick home on cul-de-sac street in 7LN. One owner home. Listed below appraised value for quick sale! MLS#: 146141. Call Joanne Padgett . . . . $299,000 173 Car dinal Dr Seven L akes Nor th – Lot 725 Great home with lots of xetras. Over ½ acre lot with vacant land o t left for privacy and nice wooded view from the screen porch. MLS#: 146094 Call Pete Garner . . . . . . . . . $186,500 139 Bea c on Ridg e Drive, Lot 6044, Seven La kes Wes t Prime Golf Front Lot on Beacon Ridge 9th airway. F Flat lot sits above road level. Walking distance to Club House, Tennis Courts and Club Pool. Call Ann Benton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $44,000 128 Vanor e Road, SL West – Lot 4207 Sec. Blac kwood Large sloping timbered lot across the street from Lake Auman. Lot near front gate entrance. Call Ann Benton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $59,000 102 Donnell Pt – Lot 4283, Seven La kes Large corner lot at Dennis and Donnell Pt. with large waterviews. Call Ann Benton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $62,500 111 Dubos e Drive Seven La kes Wes t, Lot 5161 Wes twood Sec Wonderful building lot on cul-de-sac surr ounded by beautiful homes. Lot slopes away from the street lending itself ot a walk-out lower level. Call Ann Benton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34,000 124 Va nore Rd – Lot 4209, Seven La kes Wes t Large sloping timbered lot across the street from Lake Auman. Lot near front gate entrance. Call Ann Benton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $42,000 147 Otter Drive, Seven La kes Wes t – Lot 4173 Good building lot acr oss the street from Lake Auman. Located near the recreation facilities and the main agte. Call Pete Garner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27,500 The people of West End United Methodist Church 4015 NC Highway 73, West End, NC 27376 Sunday School 9:45 am Worship 8:30 & 11:00 am o Pastor - Dr. Won Namkoong • Phone: 673-1371 122 Lawrenc e Overlook - Seven La kes Wes t Lot 4188 Wonderful homesit e with great views of Lake Auman. Lot sits high above road on cul-de-sac str eet surrounded by beautiful homes. Close to front gate and community center. Call Ann Benton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $68,900 —— We Sell All of Moore County —— 30 Seven Lakes Times January 20, 2012 ! ! ! I ) @3?73@ 13;A3? @=3/83? 09/18 *D< '<98 B27< $ @3?73@ 0<<8@6394 @=3/83?@ D67A3 *D< $ 4<<A A<D3? @=3/83?@ 09/18 $*. =<D 3?32 @B0D<<43? @=3/83? 09/18 &?757;/9 1<@A /@87;5 47?: <;A/1A <? 3:/79 0=<:= ;1 ?? 1<: # ! " $ I ,"( )>B/A 935 3EA 9/A =B992<D; 03;16 =?3@@ 0BAA3?49F E13993;A 1<;2 & & I 6/@ )3C3; #/83@ 3:3A3?F =9<A@ /;2 1<9B:0/?7B: ;7163@ /C/79/093 <;A/1A <0 *<B?A /A 4<? 7;4<?:/A7<; ! # ! J 44<?2/093 @A<? /53 7; )3C3; #/83@ +;7A@ /?3 9<1/A32 /A ?/;A )A?33A /1?<@@ 4?<: " ( $/13 931A?71 +;7A @7G3@ IH E E +;7A@ 6/C3 9756A7;5 /99 4<? ?3;A/9 7;4<?:/A7<; +?53;A 1/99@ :/F 03 27?31A32 A< # ! ! I <? :/; B4/1AB?7;5 #<1/A32 <; DF -3@A ;2 /99 &D;3? ?<83? ! # ! I B:/; )A 7; )3C3; #/83@ 43;132 7; =/?87;5 4<? 0</A@ (,@ B;7A@ KDE K9E K6 D7A6 3931 D/A3? /C/79/093 /99 /4A3? =: NICE LARGE NORTH SIDE LOT – on Sandspur, adjoins the Soccer Field (.65 acre). $22,000. tfn 910-690-9706. $# I -/98 7;5 7@A/;13 *< 7A;3@@ 3;A3? " # I 1/? 5/?/53 D/987;5 27@A/;13 A< !<6;@<; @ =<7;A :/?7;/ :<;A6 /99 6/?973 /A $ I /99 7;2F 4<? /AA3;A7C3 /44<?2/093 1/?3 4<? F<B? 9<C32 <;3 & % '/7;A7;5 =?3@@B?3 D/@67;5 ;A3?7<? <? EA3?7<? /99 $ ! I 32?<<: <:3 -<<2 )A<C3 3/A :<;A6 <E47?3 (3/9AF )3?C 713@ % ! I #<1/A32 7; )<BA6 '/?8 &44713 <:=93E =3? $<;A6 %< +A797AF E=3;@3 /99 !<6; /A # SEVEN LAKES OFFICE FOR SALE OR LEASE – South Park Office Building. Great location. 14 8 1 s f + / - , s a l e p r i c e o f $125,000 or will lease main level approximately 1000 sf, one bath & kitchenette for $850 or 2nd level included for $1200 per month. 910-673-0004 HIGH PROFILE LOCATION – 1800 sf office space, (includes 6 offices, reception area, lunch and file room). (1) 450 sf office space and (2) 100 sf office spaces available at 1030 Seven Lakes Drive. Call 910-673-4800. $ ! % )B@/; 2/:@ (3;A/9 $/;/53 :3;A )3?C717;5 9<;5 /;2 @6<?A A3?: ?3;A/9@ 7; A63 )3C3; #/83@ /?3/ 4<? :/;F F3/?@ OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE – 1260 sf, open space, w/kitchen area; also 740 sf office w/kitchen area available at 980 Seven Lakes Drive. Call 910-673-4800. " " $ I 2/F @3?C713 A< (/93756 6/?9<AA3 /;2 -79: 7;5A<; -3 D799 =718 B= /;2 2397C3? F<B? 7A3:@ =/993A@ /;2 0<E3@ A6/A ;332 A< 03 @67==32 <::3?17/9 I (3@7 23;A7/9 I <<? A< <<? #713;@32 /;2 ;@B?32 =3? $793 / =<B;2 /;2 /F )3?C713 227 A7<;/9 @3?C713@ /;2 2397C3?F 9<1/ A7<;@ B=<; ?3>B3@A /99 /;2 /@8 4<? ;2F /A " I 7@ <=3; F3/? ?<B;2 4<? F<B? =<<9 /;2 @=/ ;332@ !344 " I % <;232 1/99 /;2 93A@ :/83 / 1/?3 =9/; A<2/F I ?7;5 F<B? 0/A6?<<: 7;A< A63 ;3EA 31/23 /99 A63 =?<43@@7<;/9@ /A 83F@3?A793=6< A<@ @6BAA3?49F 1<: BOLTON BUILDERS INC. Designer and Builder of Award Winning Homes for over 18 Years! TAKING REMODELING TO THE NEXT LEVEL! Let our award-winning company handle all your remodeling needs. Large jobs or small jobs – we add a touch of flair to every job we do. Let us build something special with you! We have available building lots, too! 4317 Seven Lakes Plaza, West End, NC You’ve Got to See This! 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Modern 1600-1700 square foot home in the gated community of Seven Lakes North. Enjoy golf, boating, or fishing! $168,000 – or – $173,000 Furnished Advertise in The Times 910-673-0111 Call 910-400-5153 AA SELF STORAGE Hwy 211 - West End Between Pinehurst & Seven Lakes Indoor Storage Just Opened! 25% Off Introductory Rates! 910-315-6350 • 5 x 10 • 10 x 15 • 15 x 25 • 20 x 20 • Convenient Locations • Lighted & Secure • Short & Long Term • RV & Boat Storage 910-673-3603 • 910-673-0233 (FAX) Chuck and Michelle Bolton • Spay Neuter Veterinary Clinic of the Sandhills Call 910-692-FIXX (3499) for an appointment SIZES Offering affordable spay and neuter services for those in need 5071 US Hwy#1, Vass, North Carolina 28394 31 Seven Lakes Times January 20, 2012 I 3B G=C@ E/::A B@7; @3 >/7<B32 /B @32C132 E7<B3@ B7;3 >@713A -63B63@ G=C 8CAB E/<B B= 4@3A63< C> / @==; =@ 16/<53 1=:=@A 4=@ / <3E :==9 1/:: =@ 3;/7: @7/< 4=@ G=C@ 4@33 3AB7;/B3 0@7/< :3/93 5;/7: 1=; PROFESSIONAL SERVICES – serving Seven Lakes, Foxfire, and Pinehurst w/lawn maintenance & more for residential and commercial customers. Year round service. Mowing, weed eating, picking up debris, blowing. Shrub pruning, limb & tree removal and hauling away. Seeding/sod lawns. Leaf & straw removal. Haul and spread pine straw, bark, soil, gravel and mulch. Aerate, de–thatch, and edge lawns. Weeding of flower beds, planting shrubs.Re–surface gravel driveways. Blow roofs and clean gutters. Pressure washing homes, decks, concrete walks, driveways, & boats. Install driveway curbing and sprinkler systems. Garden tilling. Other odd jobs around the house? You need it done! We will do it! Call John 673-7320 or mobile telephone 910-690-6491. J&L HOME SERVICES — “A Handy Man and More.” Interior/Exterior Home Maintenance & Repairs. Call today for Free estimates.Your Seven Lakes Neighbor. Call 673-3927. I 44=@2/0:3 /<2 >@= 43AA7=</: E7<2=E 1:3/<7<5 /<2 >@3AAC@3 E/A67<5 =4 6=;3A @==4 A 2319A 2@7D3E/GA ! 3D3< 1:3/< 5CBB3@A ! :7D3 7< #9A % /<2 6/D3 033< 7< 0CA7<3AA 7< $==@3 = 4=@ G3/@A /:: @7/< 4=@ G=C@ 4@33 3AB7;/B3 /B 1/@A ;=B=@1G1:3A G=C B@/23 "7@9 ! 0CG CA32 /:: 034=@3 I(3>/7@A <B7 ,7@CA !< 6=;3 7<AB@C1B7=< /:: =@ 6BB> 075 <3@2 1=; TREE SERVICE — ALLEN & SON TREE SERVICE. Topping, trimming, complete removal, clean-up, insured, 24 hour service. Free estimates, senior citizen discounts. Call James M. Allen at 910-974-7629 (Home) or 910572-6818 (Cell). tfn 12/7 I :/E< /<2 G/@2 C>933> /:: 2 /B A3D3< :/93A6: G/6== 1=; I F>3@B 1=;>CB3@ 23A75< E7B6 =D3@ G3/@A =4 3F>3@73<13 3/BC@7<5 )16@=19 /07<3BA EEE A16@=19 1=; /07<3BA 4=@ "7B163< /B6 #/C< 2@G =;3 &44713 <B3@B/7<;3<B 3<B3@A +> B= =44 $)(' <=E B6@C @33 7< 6=;3 3AB7;/B3A .=C@ )3D3< #/93A %37560=@ SCOTT'S LAWN SERVICE OF ABERDEEN – We have a fertilization and weed management program for your lawn. Ask about our free application given to all new Seven Lakes customers. 910-944-1322. RE-SURFACE GRAVEL DRIVEWAYS – Prune crape myrtles, cutback pampas grass, leaf removal, general clean-ups, pine straw and pine mulch delivered and/or spread, roof and gutters cleaned, hedges trimmed, and mowing services available. Call Rick at 910-639-5206 for details. DIRTY DEEDS DONE DIRT CHEAP! – $19/month. 96 gallon roll-out container provided for weekly pickup. Fully insured. Locally owned & operated. Professional Service. 100% Service Guarantee. Carolina Waste Services. 910-673-4285(HAUL). Advertise in The Times I .=C >7:3 7B !J:: >719 7B C> ;=<B6:G /::3< #3/4 #/E< /@3 (/<2G =E2 3:: =;3 SEVEN LAKES DENTAL STUDIO – Repairs of dentures, acrylic partials, and relines. Same day service available. All work will be done only through your local dentist. Tom Wasilewski, 336 McDougall Drive, Seven Lakes. 673-1613. I =@ 6=;3 =@5/< 7H32 D3@G=<3 1/< CA3 / :7BB:3 63:> E7B6 6=CA3 E=@9 /:: "/B6G 3/16 CREATIVE CUSTOMWORK – “The Decorator’s Workshop” Custom made Window Treatments, Bedding, Cushions, and Slipcovers. All made right here with the attention to detail demanded by the best designers! Pam Wasilewski, 336 McDougall Drive, Seven Lakes. Call 6732500. I =<232 (357AB3@32 ,3B3@7</@G *316 B= 1/@3 4=@ G=C@ 03:=D32 >3BA (3/A=</0:3 @/B3A /:: 4=@ 4@33 1=<AC:B/B7=< I '3BA 4=@ /2=>B7=< /:: #=C B97<A /B I =443@A 7< 6=;3 >@7D/B3 B@/7<7<5 CA7<5 >=A7B7D3 @37<4=@13 ;3<B B316<7?C3A 4=@ =03273<13 /<2 036/D7=@ ;=27471/B7=< 4=@ >@=0:3; 036/D7=@A ,7A7B EEE A/<267::A2=5B@/7<7<5 1=; =@ 1/:: B= A3B C> / 1=<AC:B/B7=< 3D/:C/B7=< NEW & USED PONTOONS AND SKI BOATS — Call Seven Lakes Marine. 673-1440. TURN YOUR USED BOAT INTO CASH — People are looking to purchase good condition used boats. Let us connect you to the prospective buyers. Call Jeff at 910-673-1440 or Lynn at CHATLEE BOAT AND MARINE, SANFORD, NC — Serving area Boaters for 46 years. We have the area’s largest selection of Pontoon and Ski Boats. (We buy used boats.) Only 25 minutes from Seven Lakes. 919-775-7259. Classified Ads are $1 per line, with a $3 minimum, paid in advance of publication. ! Sandhills Animal Rescue League, Inc needs your help with tax deductible donations to continue our rescue and rehoming of abandoned and unwanted cats and dogs in the Seven Lakes and surrounding area. Sandhills Animal Rescue League [SARL] is a no kill shelter, 501(c)3 organization operating since January 2002. Please help Sandhills Animal Rescue League continue to provide excellent vet care and good nutrition, and to buy supplies that are needed on a daily basis by sending a tax deductible donation using the form below. You may choose yearly, monthly, or a one time contribution. Thank you from the cats and dogs we rescue, our volunteers, and the board of directors of Sandhills Animal Rescue League. For more information about the League, volunteer opportunities or other information please contact Lou Atkins at 974-4468 or 638-1921. Donations to S.A.R.L. will provide shelter, healthcare, and adoptions for rescued pets. Monthly $10 $15 Yearly $20 $25 Other ______________ Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code _________________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Email ___________________________________ Make Checks Payable to “S.A.R.L.” If 100 pet lovers will donate $25 per month to SARL, we can pay our monthly bills. Mail this form with your tax-deductible donation to S.A.R.L. c/o Lou Atkins, 396 Thomas Road, Jackson Springs, NC 27281 32 Seven Lakes Times January 20, 2012 PROVIDING PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES FOR OVER 40 YEARS PINEHURST PINEBLUFF CONDO SEVEN LAKES NORTH 909 Satinwood, Knollwood Village G! IN D N PE C DU E R 5 SPUR PLACE 3 BD/2 BA $249,000 MLS# 7 LAKES SOUTH TOWNHOME 234-C PERSIMMON DR. $79,900 2BD/2BA MLS#145865 SEVEN LAKES NORTH $139,900 MLS#145072 SEVEN LAKES WEST $150,000 MLS#146022 SEVEN LAKES NORTH G! IN D N PE 104 SANDHAM CT 3BD/2BA 115 SHERWOOD 3 BD/2 BA ! ED E UC D RE D! LINDA CRISWELL BROKER/REALTOR© Screened Sunroom! $139,000 2 Bd/2 Ba Excellent opportunity at a reduced price for adult community living without giving up space and convenience. 2 BR, 2 BA, plus fice. Large third room for den or home of spacious eat-in kitchen andormal f dining Your 7 Lakes Neighbor! room area. Large screened sunroom. 910.783.7374 102 SANDY RIDGE RD $159,000 3BD/2BA MLS#144689 119 TIMBER DRIVE $135,000 2BD/2BA MLS#144630 SL WEST GOLF FRONT FOXFIRE VILLAGE EAST One Buckhorn, Foxfire ! LD O S 178 BAKER CIRCLE $249,000 4BD/2.5 BA MLS#143803 188 PAULA COURT 3BD/2.5BA $354,900 MLS#142444 12 WILDWOOD LANE $214,900 3BD/2.5BA MLS#139085 ———— LOTS AVAILABLE! ———— Seven Lakes West #144798 - 123 James Dr. - $25,000 #142895 - 103 Davenport Ct - $25,000 #142897 - 105 Davenport Ct - $27,000 #139058 - 173 Grace Ct - $27,000 #139124 - Finch Gate Dr - $32,500 #141789 - 112 Simmons Dr - $50,000 #144215 - 109 Longleaf Dr - $55,000 Seven Lakes West #145646 - 156 Paula Ct. - $25,000 #144210 - 161 James Dr - $284,900 Foxfire #144943 - 1 Ridge Rd - $45,000 Land/Acerage #139113 - Morrow Tr - $429,000 DAVID G. BALL BROKER/REALTOR© Golf Front Cul-de-Sac! $170,000 2 Bd/2 Ba Serene & private golf front living. Spacious & airy split floor plan o f r entertaining, relaxation, and separation between master and second bedroom. Large master BR includes bath and walk-in closet.Carolina Always Working For You! and living rooms overlook fairway. 910.975.1487 Let’s Talk . . . UP TO FORTY PERCENT Another State Farm Auto Rate Decrease! • New Lower Auto Rates Please Call My Office for 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® Jim Leach/Agent Call 215-8150 For Appointment And Quote. Many Discounts Available. Located 1/4 Mile West of Olmsted Village. On Hwy. 211 West
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