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Open in new window - St. Jude`s Church
Holy Eucharist—Rite II, 10 a.m.
Processional Hymn: EH #657................................”Love Divine, All Loves Excelling”
The Peace....................................................................................................BCP 360
Opening Acclamation...................................................................................BCP 299
Praise and Worship
Collect of the Day.........................................................................................BCP 225
Ministry of the Word
First Lesson: Acts 8:26-40..................................................................NIV page 1705
Psalm 22:24-30............................................................................................BCP 612
The Epistle: 1 John 4:7-21..................................................................NIV page 1902
Sequence Hymn: EH #671..............................................................”Amazing Grace”
The Gospel: John 15:1-8....................................................................NIV page 1676
The Sermon.....................................................The Rev. Canon Charles B. Fulton Jr.
Presentation of the Candidates........................................................BCP 301
Blessing of the Water.......................................................................BCP 306
The Baptism.....................................................................................BCP 307
Special Prayers
The Great Thanksgiving
Sursum Corda and Sanctus..........................................................................BCP 361
The Lord’s Prayer.........................................................................................BCP 364
Communion of the People
Post Communion
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Apostolic Blessing
Recessional Hymn: EH #376.....................................”Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee”
Dismissal......................................................................................................BCP 366
Prayers for St. Jude’s Church
Prayers of the People
Clergy: Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby; Presiding Bishop, Katherine
Jefferts Schori; Bishop of Atlanta, Robert Wright; Bishop of Liberia, J.B. Hart;
Bishop of Honduras, Lloyd Allen; Priest-in-charge, Charles Fulton; Priest Associate, William Austin.
Sick: Susan Anderson, Fern Bassett, Karen Belcher, Barbara Ann Bell, Larry Estes,
Nell Gibson, Roger Henry, Jim Jackson, Wilma Jordan, Marian Kelley, Hilda Lawrence, Natalie May, Lee Megargee, Louise Megargee, Brian Moe, Tony Peaster, Barbara Preston, Lucretia Ragsdale, Joan Rice, Winnie Salmon, Daniel Roberts, Michael
Schwartz, Kenzie Slate, Deanna Treloar, Jean Wakeling, Maisie Watkins.
Shut-ins and those in extended care facilities: Eleanor Ames, Frances Ragland,
Rod Ragland, Cynthia Zerkle.
Active military: USMC—Gunnery Sgt. Beth Henry; Gunnery Sgt. Charles Henry; Pvt.
Michael D. Ray; Pvt. Andre Jacques; U.S. Army— Sgt. Jesse Salamanca, Pfc. Curtis
Jones, Pfc. Phillip Patton; Sgt. Gregory Lacey; U.S. Air Force—Rodney Baltrip; U.S.
Navy—Cmdr. Jeff DeBolt.
St. Jude’s Ministries
St. Jude’s Choir...................................................................... 9 a.m.
Holy Eucharist......................................................................10 a.m.
Christian Education
Histown Children’s Church.....................During the 10 a.m. service
Children in Kindergarten through 5th grade will start
the service in the children’s classroom on the second
floor of the Education Building. They will return in
time for Holy Communion.
Upper Room.........................................................9 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
Adult Christian Education in the Parish Hall
L.I.G.H.T. Youth Group...........................................................5 p.m.
1st and 3rd Sundays of the month
Middle school and high school students meet at 5:30 p.m. for
fun, worship and teaching starting in the Parish Hall.
St. Jude’s Choir.............................................Wednesdays at 7p.m.
Holy Eucharist..........................................................................Noon
St. Jude’s Prayer and Service Guild..................................1:30 p.m.
Senior Warden.............................................................Bill Mordecai
Junior Warden.................................................................Jim Arnold
Administration...........................................................Carolyn Fulton
and Daceta Carty
Evangelism...................................................................Ray Belcher
and Charles Kelley
Outreach.......................................................................Gary Jordan
Christian Education...................................................Nelson Karpeh
and Gordon Corbin
Pastoral Care..............................................................Carol Herring
and Yvonne Dotson
Treasurer.....................................................................Ken Wakeling
Clerk.............................................................................Doug DeBolt
Pastoral Care Available
Please call one of our priests:
Father Fulton..............................................................770-714-8572
Father Austin..............................................................678-708-7267
5th Sunday of Easter
The Rev. Canon Charles Fulton, Priest-in-Charge
The Rev. Bill Austin, AHC, Priest Associate
Doug DeBolt, Parish Administrator • Anthony Randolph, Minister of Music
The Rev. Frank Baltz, Rector Emeritus
220 Windy Hill Road SW, Marietta, Georgia 30060
Phone: 770-435-0936 • Fax: 855-387-0542
St. Jude’s Day School: 678-309-3871
E-mail: • Web site:
May 3, 2015
Reflections on the Run
The real “ID”
ave you noticed that identity checks
are picking up? Not only are they
the only way to get on an airplane, but
ID opens up all types of avenues for us.
Your ID is so very important that you must
protect it from people who would want to
take it.
Vacation Bible School – help needed!
Have you ever thought about the “real identity.” There is only one that makes any difference for all eternity, and that’s
our identity with the Lord Jesus. If we’re known as one of His, and we’re
following Him, we have an identity that last forever, and no one can take it
away from us. Without that identity, we tend to be lost, confused and with
very little, if any, future.
When you check your spiritual ID, where do you find yourself? God’s desire
is that you will find yourself in Jesus’ flock and known for being an active part
of His ministry.
Father Charles B. Fulton+
With our 2015 Vacation Bible
School just a few months away,
we need your help to make
sure this is another successful
effort. “Everest” VBS is open
for all children in grades K-5. It
will take place from July 13-17,
and will teach children that, in
spite of obstacles that we face
in life, nothing is impossible
with God on our side. Your support is needed, from providing
materials and food for the week
to volunteering to help lead a
small group. Please see Doug DeBolt or Rosemarie Ward to find out how you
can help! The success of St. Jude’s VBS depends on you!
St. Jude’s is a Christian community whose commitment to faith
and works in action demands responsibility for pastoral care of
God’s people and the evangelization of our world.
Sunday, May 3
5th Sunday of Easter
Baptism/ Eucharist
10 a.m.
HisTown Children’s Church
10 a.m.
Wednesday, May 6
Prayer and Service Guild
1:30 p.m.
Sunday, May 10
Mother’s Day
Thursday, May 14
Ascension Day
Sunday, May 17
L.I.G.H.T. youth group
5:30 p.m.
Sunday, May 24
Monday, July 13 – Friday, July 17
Vacation Bible School: “Everest”
9 a.m - noon each day
Saturday, August 29
En Fuego, Verbena, Ala.
Saturday, September 5
Celebrate Freedom, Jim Miller Park, Marietta
Sunday, October 4
Blessing of the Pets
4 p.m.
Greeting our guests
Heads up!
Altar flowers
Every dollar
Many of us already know each other
from our services and other activities.
But each week, we have guests at
St. Jude’s who we don’t know. It’s not
only courteous, but also a service to
the Lord to greet our guests with open
arms and hearts. When you notice a
new face or family, greet them and
make them feel welcome. Invite them
to the parish hall after the service and
introduce them to other members of
St. Jude’s. Remember, strangers are
just friends we haven’t met yet.
There are exciting things happening
at St. Jude’s Church! Our music
program has a whole new life, and
our congregation is responding
amazingly well to it. This is just one
of the ministry opportunities available at St. Jude’s that you should
consider. These ministries are
God’s way of reaching out to this
area. Contact Doug DeBolt, Father
Fulton or Father Austin to find out
how to get plugged in to new hope,
new ministry and new life.
This week’s altar
flowers are gifted
anonymously in
loving memory of
Lionel Quimby.
Every dollar counts for St. Jude’s.
We carefully pray over how we
spend our money, and do pray
that you trust us with your time,
treasure and talent. Please be
generous, and give us an opportunity at St. Jude’s to multiply your
giving through the power of God to
strengthen St. Jude’s through her
ministries and beyond. – CBF
Thanks to our volunteers!
St. Jude’s Church vision
A very special thank you to all of the volunteers who come in each week to help
us keep the office running smoothly. The following people are making a difference each week in the life and ministry of St. Jude’s Church:
• Helen Killion – Mondays
• Dick Megargee – Tuesdays
• Father Bill Austin – Daily/
Pastoral care
• Rosemarie Ward – Daily
• John Lander – Wednesdays
• Jim Arnold/ Larry Estes –
• Ray and Karen Belcher – Special
Please be sure to
sign up to provide altar flowers.
A sign-up board is in the narthex.
Office hours
Baptized in Christ
The parish office is open from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday through
Thursday. You can always reach us
by cell phone at these numbers:
Baptism is
a cherished
sacrament of
the Church, and
we are blessed
today to witness
the baptism of
Abagail Lynn
Belcher as she
receives the sacrament of Holy
Baptism. Please welcome her
familiy, and let us welcome the
newly baptized!
Father Fulton
Father Austin
Doug DeBolt
I am the good shepherd. The good
shepherd lays down his life for the
1 John 10:11