SHERIFF`S LOG continued


SHERIFF`S LOG continued
SHERIFF’S LOG continued
a mental problem.
• A caller reports finding an extremely skinny horse
that is bleeding from its nose down along Cow
Creek. Caller walked the horse back to her residence
and is request it be picked up in the 21800 block of
Stone Meadow Rd in Palo Cedro.
• A resident in the 22000 block of Buena Vista Drive
in Bella Vista was trying to repossess his own vehicle
that subject was trying to buy from him. The caller
blocked the subject in with his own vehicle and the
suspect tried to run him over.
June 3
• A call was received on 4/21 to report a generator and
camper were taken from a storage unit in the 9400
block of Deschutes Rd in Palo Cedro. Caller advised
that the camper had been recovered by the sheriff’s
office in the Whitmore area. Caller believes her
generator may have been at the same location.
• A call was received to report gas was siphoned from
a business vehicle in the 21800 block of Old Hwy 44
Drive in Palo Cedro.
• CHP called to report a green Subaru Forester was
driving reckless on Starlite Pines Rd and Hwy 44
going unknown direction. From a second hand relay
that the driver of the reckless vehicle had stabbed
someone before leaving.
• A house sitter just arrived at a house in the 21700
block of Beryl Drive in Palo Cedro, states possible
burglary to home. Caller sees a bedroom window
on the west side of the residence open. Caller is
standing by and requests deputy to clear the house
before entry.
• A resident in the 21100 block of Old Alturas Rd in
Bella Vista called to state his son is breaking in and
stealing items while he is asleep.
• A resident in the 30700 block of Figaro Drive in
Shingletown called to report the window of her
home was shot with a bb gun that evening. The caller
states every night numerous neighborhood juveniles
wandering the area.
June 4
• A resident in the 20800 block of Lonita Trail in Bella
Vista called to report she was just threatened by a
neighbor over dog issues.
• A daughter called to report she went to her father’s
home a month after his passing and noticed a lot of
items were taken—lawn mower, generator etc.
• A resident in the 21800 block of Old Hwy 44 Drive
in Palo Cedro reports fuel siphoned from a vehicle
the previous night.
• A citizen called to report seeing a white male adult
with face tattoos and white female adult with brown
hair sitting on a blanket with a baby on the side of a
business in the 21900 block of Hwy 299 E in Bella
Vista. The subjects appeared to be smoking drugs
from a pipe with another male with bald head and
no shirt.
• A resident in the 7300 block of Chip n Dale Drive in
Shingletown called to report vehicle was egged.
• A resident, who was home alone in the 14200 block
of Bear Mountain Rd in Jones Valley called to report
a dog bite. He states his thumb is almost torn off.
June 5
• The resident in the 14200 block of Bear Mountain
Rd in Jones Valley who had called the previous day
about a dog bite called back to say he wants to press
• A neighbor was watching another neighbor’s
property located in the 33800 block of Emigrant
Trail in Shingletown and stated a vehicle was at the
property possibly attempting to take a travel trailer.
Caller states not family of owners. Vehicle is blue/
white Ford 150. Entered through a locked gate to
access the trailer. Caller was leaving when she saw
the occurrence and is no longer in the area.
• A call was received to report suspicious circumstances
at a house in the 14100 block of Pinion Trail in
Jones Valley. Neighbor said there is a blue truck at
the bottom of the steep dirt driveway and saw two
males walk up to the house. Caller can hear subjects
rummaging through items. Caller contacted the
owner who stated no one should be there.
• A call came in to state a subject just arrived on bicycle,
opened the fence and walked around the residence
in the7600 block of Woodland Way in Shingletown.
The residence may possibly be abandoned and caller
feared the subject was casing the residence.
• A resident in the 24800 block of Oak Run to Fern
Rd in Oak Run reports that someone has been taking
items from his son’s place.
• A resident in the 6700 block of Deschutes Rd in Palo
Cedro called to report male setting up camp at the
end of caller’s driveway. Caller has asked the subject
to move along with negative results.
• A caller states he was driving in the Wilson Hill Rd
and Hwy 44 area of Shingletown in his gray camo
Dodge pickup with a female. A known male tried to
ram them in his vehicle and caller swerved and the
female fell out and has a open laceration. The male
suspect left towards the store in a gray blue Ford.
Caller is on standby at intersection with female.
• A call was received to report approximately 100
subjects that appear to be juveniles at the lower
portion of the at Mariners Point campground in
Jones Valley. Caller states they have a huge bon fire,
being very loud, drinking alcohol and throwing and
breaking beer bottles. Caller states she is camping at
the top portion of the campground and states more
subjects are arriving.
June 6
• A resident in the 11900 block of Best Lane in Bella
Vista called to state she heard a female making a
guttural type screaming noise. Caller looked out and
saw a light colored possibly older sedan Olds style
moving slowly on Best Lane.
June 7
• A man reported that his parents’ vacation home in
the 21200 block of Driftwood Trail in Jones Valley
was burglarized within the last week.
• A call came in to report a possible suspect in a hit
and run accident with property damage that occurred
in the 23900 block of Whitmore Rd in Millville.
CHP is responding to possibly take the report.
• A property owner called to report a transient subject
has taken up residency in caller’s vacant shop in the
9100 block of Deschutes Rd in Palo Cedro. Male
appears to have some mental issues from prior
• A resident in the 9400 block of Mountain Meadow
Rd in Shingletown called to state ongoing harassment
by neighbor, most recently of an occurrence earlier
that day.
• A citizen called to state a group of ten males on a
Jones Valley houseboat in the Little Backbone area
of the lake have been drinking and indecent exposure
is reported.
• A neighbor called to report a possible burglary
in progress. A quad was heard pulling up to the
neighbor’s residence and caller sees a male going
through the neighbor’s out buildings. The caller
now sees the blonde haired subject to the rear of the
June 8
• A resident in the 24200 block of Hwy 44 in Millville
called to report a burglary to the home. Caller states
there are no signs of forced entry and possibly gained
access from doggy door.
• A 911 call was transferred to CHP to be on the
lookout for a suspect. The suspect is currently at the
11700 block of E. Stillwater Way and is tearing up
the residence.
• A resident in the 30100 block of Hwy 299E in
Montgomery Creek called to state her ex-boyfriend
has been making threatening Facebook entries
and posting pictures of firearms. Caller claims in
violation of temporary restraining order.
June 9
• A resident in the 31200 block of Emigrant Trail in
Shingletown called to report a subject walking back
and forth between caller’s home and the Bella Salon
yelling. Subject is wearing a dark coat and blue jeans
and is unknown to caller.
• A call was received from the Deschutes Rd and Palo
Way area of Palo Cedro to report a suspicious white
male, gray hair, slim build wearing a pink colored
t-shirt yelling to himself.
• A resident in the 33700 block of Constellation Drive
in Shingletown called to report subjects on the
property trespassing and making threats to the caller.
• A business employee in the 9300 block of Deschutes
Rd in Palo Cedro called to report ongoing issues
with subjects coming into the store taking things and
causing fights. At approximately 8:00 p.m. female
came in causing a disturbance and threw a soda on
scanner and damaged it.
June 10
• A call was received to report the theft of several
chainsaws and miscellaneous tools that were stolen
from a locked vehicle parked overnight in the 12000
block of Deschutes Rd in Bella Vista.
• A call was received to report a winch valued at $1200
- $1800 was stolen off a vehicle that was in the yard
located in the 10000 block of Old Oregon Trail.
• A resident in the 24200 block of Hwy 44 in Millville
received a call from his daughter who stated that
subjects broken into a locked closet where a safe
is stored. Caller is not currently home but sent him
• An employee from a Redding hospital called to
report a resident in the 23300 block of Oak Creek
Drive in Millville was brought in hurt from a
possible honey oil explosion.
• A property owner received second hand relay from
neighbor that squatters are at caller’s vacant home
in the 9200 block of Escondido Lane in Palo Cedro.
The subjects are in the process of taking solar panels
off the house.
June 11
• A call was received from a business in the 9400
block of Deschutes Rd in Palo Cedro to report a
male inside sitting at a table passed out. Male has
known heart problems.
• A call was received from the docks of the Silverthorn
Resort in Jones Valley to report the theft of a wallet,
backpack and other miscellaneous items from a
house boat.
• A citizen called to report a white male adult with a
thin build, wearing reflective vest, purple shorts and
carrying a backpack who claims to be with Revolve
Solar Company was going door to door. Caller
concerned possibly not legitimate and possibly
casing houses in the area. Last seen on Bridlewood
Lane and Swede Creek Road in Palo Cedro.
June 12
• A call was received to report an unknown suspect
smashed his side passenger window and stole his
June 19, 2014—PAGE 13
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cell phone at 10:00 am in the Stillwater Industrial
Park near Rancho Rd.
• A 911 call came in from a resident in the Millville
Plains Rd and Sprig Way area in Millville. Caller
came home to find male juveniles between the ages
of 9-13 years old playing with fire. Caller is trying
to extinguish with water bottles and shovels. Call
transferred to Cal Fire.
• A resident in the 7200 block of Ally Gold Way in
Shingletown called to report a subject that lives
behind him has been shooting large guns. Caller
concerned due to being close to his residence.
June 13
• A resident in the Lewis and Holler Lanes area of Bella
Vista called to report hearing approximately four
gunshots in the area. Caller is concerned something
was going on.
• A resident in the 7600 block of Cedar Crest Rd in
Shingletown called to report vandalism and theft
of firewood. Caller believes neighbors are possibly
• A resident in the 33700 block of Constellation Drive
in Shingletown called to report being harassed and
possible threats being made over a civil issue in
regards to the ownership of a vehicle.
• A home owner in the 29800 block of Hwy 299 E in
Round Mountain called CHP and they transferred
the call to the sheriff’s office to report his house
was being burglarized. Caller report his house was
foreclosed on and during the auction the subject who
bought it that afternoon is currently at the house
taking all the caller’s belongings out. Caller believes
they may be stealing his items.
• A citizen called to report a relayed message from her
adult son who had seen a firearm in the dumpster near
the bathroom at the Lake McCumber Campground
in Shingletown. The son said he did not want to
touch it.
• CHP called to report that in the 31900 block of Hwy
44 in Shingletown, just east of the volunteer fire
station, there is a white male adult in light blue jeans
and plaid shirt talking to the bushes.
• Whitmore- 3/2.5 home, 5 acres, $349,000. MLS#14-1987
• Oak Run- 3/2 home, 5 acres, $205,000. MLS#14-1662
• Palo Cedro- 3/2 home, 2.93 acres, $380,000. MLS#14-1513
• Palo Cedro-3/2 home, 6 acres, $400,000. MLS#13-4089
• Shingletown- 3.89 acres, developed $119,000 MLS#13-5117
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Palo Cedro, CA 96073
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PAGE 14 June 19, 2014
Kadence Alexander
guides her mare Alice around a barrel
in the Skill Barrels
course in the Pee
Wee class at Region
18's first show of the
Summer Buckle Series at Bobby Jones
Arena on June 14,
Shasta Cascade Riders CGA show draws 49 competitors
The Shasta Cascade Riders had a
whopping 49 riders
competing in their
Gymkhana Association
District 50 show on
Sunday, June 1, 2014
at their arena on Old
Forty-four Drive in
Palo Cedro. Riders
must be members of
the CGA to compete.
The scores at recogShane Ross Jr. rides his mare Lady Vader
nized shows help ridAllye Matajcich rides Oscar through the timing poles at around a pole on their way to winning the
ers to qualify for the the start of a course at the Shasta Cascade Riders CGA- high point award in the Future Champions
state show usually recognized gymkhana on June 1, 2014. The speedy pair 13 and under Division at the Shasta Cascade
went on to win the high point award in the AAA Division Riders CGA-recognized gymkhana on June 1,
held in July.
2014. Photos by Lisa Chadwick of Boots and Bloom High point win- and had the fastest times in both jackpot classes.
ers Photography
ners for the day were:
AAA Division--Allye
13 and under--Shane Ross had the fastest times in the riding Dominic, Tessa Neely
Matajcich riding Oscar; AA Jr. riding Lady Vader; and two jackpot classes, Barrels riding Sterling, Irene LedDivision--Darryl Deaton rid- Future Champions ​
14​ and and Speed Barrels. Other better riding Rip, and Candi
ing Trinity; A Division--Jea- over—Dannette Ross riding jackpot winners were Kathy Tucker riding One Spot Doc.
nee Williams riding Hanna CB.
Hammers riding Seniors The Shasta Cascade RidBear; Future Champions​ Matajcich and Oscar also Lucky Gato, Joleen Bigger ers next gymkhana will be
on June 29, 2014, the first
show in their Sizzlin’ Summer Series. Other shows in
the series are July 13, July
20, August 10 and August
24. For more information go
to Shasta Cascade Riders on
Region 18 summer series kick off
The late afternoon and evening of June 14, 2014 proved cool
and inviting at Bobby Jones Arena in Cottonwood for the first
show of Region 18’s Summer Buckle Series under the lights, but
probably due to the conflict with the last day of the Shasta District
Fair and Junior Livestock Auction, only 19 riders competed.
The highpoint winners for the day were: Division 2—Kasity
Watkins riding Scribble Me Cinnamon; Division 4—Cody Watkins riding Eragon; Division 5—Katelyn Denson riding Badger;
Division 6—Amanda Baugh riding Tess; Division 7—Kat Wion
riding Sparky; Senior Open—Darryl Deaton riding Dusty; Junior
Jazzy; PeeWee—
Kadence Alexander riding Alice
and Takara Foster
riding Cricket.
The next show
of the series will
be on June 28;
sign-ups at 3:00
p.m., ride at 4:15. Hannah Stringer and Jazzy head for home
Cost is $35.00 for in the Skill Barrels Course at Bobby Jones
all day, plus $5.00 Arena. The pair posted a time of 23.123
adminis- over the course and won the Junior Open
Division at the show.
tration fee. For
more information call 357-4503 or 262-2371.
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