Chamber Show & Shine draws a crowd ACAWL


Chamber Show & Shine draws a crowd ACAWL
Address Service Requested
Volume XVI, Number 09
May 7, 2015
Chamber Show & Shine draws a crowd
By Sharyn Cornelius
This year’s Kool April
Nites Show and Shine put
on by the Greater Palo Cedro
Area Chamber of Commerce
on April 20, 2015 at Allen &
Dahl Funeral Chapel parking lot drew 148 vintage cars
whose owners vied for the 24
beautiful trophies donated by
Chamber members.
Fred Loveland of Redding
won the Palo Cedro Chamber’s coveted Best in Show
trophy for his 1934 white
with purple trim Ford fourdoor sedan decked out with
flags honoring the country’s
veterans, including POWs
and MIAs. Loveland uses his
beautifully restored vehicle to
support the POW MIA Chair
of Honor program by displaying beside it at every show an
empty folding chair inscribed
with the following message:
more than 91,000 soldiers are
unaccounted for. This unoccupied seat is dedicated to the
memory of those brave men
and women and to the sacrifice each made serving this
country. We are all thankful.
God Bless You. God Bless
America.” Loveland, who has
just moved to the North State
from Mountain View, said
he was glad to have found a
purpose for exhibiting his car.
“It’s not just about the car any
more,” he said.
The Chair of Honor Pro-
Photos by Sharyn Cornelius
Ray Pittam stands beside his 1901 Oldsmobile Horseless
Carriage. He found the old car in Manton after the fire and
drove it clear to Missouri after restoring it.
Pittam broke a bow spring,
but was able to fix it with his
key ring.
He, too, uses his antique
Palo Cedro Chamber board members Vice President & Secretary Terri Ensey of NZ Woodworks,
President Joey Ortez of Palo Cedro Printing, and Director Sandy Walker of The Real Estate Group car to support causes he bepose with Best of Show winner Fred Loveland.
lieves in by giving folks rides
in the two-seater at fundraisgram began in Boston when a The empty chair is not the Show and Shine. Ray Pittam ers. Near and dear to his heart
member of the Rolling Thun- only tribute to veterans Love- of Redding brought his 1901 is the American Fallen Warder motorcycle group saw an land displays in his car. The Oldsmobile Horseless Car- riors Project, but he also reempty chair displayed to me- ceiling above the windshield riage, which was not only the cently supported a benefit to
morialize the country’s POWs is covered in memorial photo smallest car at the show, but help battered children.
and MIAs. He liked the idea buttons presented to him by also the oldest. He told us he The other Show and Shine
so much he vowed to install families of fallen soldiers and found the vehicle on a burned winners were: Jerry Diez of
such a chair at every profes- half a dozen dog tags hang out property in Manton after Cottonwood, who took home
sional sports venue in Mas- from his rearview mirror. He the fire. He bought it from two trophies—one for Best
sachusetts. Chairs can be or- said when relatives want him the owner and had it running Interior and another for Muy
dered at the POW MIA Chair to take a family member’s in just under a month and last Caliente, Ross Rhyne of Palo
of Honor website, but the memento on “The Ride of summer drove it all the way to Cedro--Hottest Hot Rod; Lonorganization will also donate Honor,” he has them sit in the Missouri. Like all the origi- nie Dearman of Palo Cedrochairs to groups which can- passenger seat and hang the nal horseless carriages, the -Hotter than Hottest Hot Rod;
not afford them but are active dog tags or pin up the button Oldsmobile has a steering rod James Charlton of Reddingin veteran’s causes. Folding in person.
instead of a wheel and very -Best Paint Job; Phil Matsuechairs like the one Loveland Loveland was not the only simple running gear. On the da of Redding--Best Convertdisplays are $100 plus ship- veteran’s advocate with a car way to the show and shine, ible; Greg and Mitzi Geisen of
ping and handling.
on display at the Palo Cedro
Redding--Best Coupe; Tony
Barlogio of Palo Cedro-- Best
Mustang; Shannon Darnell
of Susanville--Best Chevy;
Bob and Tish Creighton of
Redding--Best Custom; Linda
Beaubier of Redding--Best
Wheels; Warren Jimison of
Spencer Gove of Redding-Most Outta Sight; Larry and
Trish Strawn of Redding-Best 4x4/Off Road; Craig
Winton of Redding--Best Rat
Rod; Steven Berg of Redding-Best Muscle Car; Mark Garcia of Palo Cedro--Best Ford;
Don LaMusga of Anderson-Most Original Truck; Wilbur
Chase of Palo Cedro--Most
Nostalgic; Larry Harvey of
Redding--Best Truck; Tim
York of Palo Cedro--Best Engine; Ronnie Carter of Redding--Spectator’s Choice.
Taste for the Future this Friday
The Hula Halau Kulikelaulani Dancers
perform a traditional
Hawaiian dance for
the patrons at the
Bow Wow Luau at the
Redding Senior Center on April 18.
Junction Education Foundation’s “Taste for the Future” will take place this Friday, May 8th at the Ponderosa
Ridge Ranch, 6145 Parkville
Road in Anderson. Ten local
breweries and wineries will
be pouring samples of their
products. Live music will
be provided by string bands
from the Old Time Fiddlers
Association and catered fin-
ger foods will tempt the palate. Patrons may bid for valuable prizes in both live and silent auctions. Tickets are $40
at the door, and all proceeds
benefit Junction students.
Whitmore Mountain Music Fair reminder
Photos by Sharyn Cornelius
The Gold Country Dancers
kick up their heels to a classic rock tune played by the
band "Kickin' It" at ACAWL's
Bow Wow Luau on April 18.
ACAWL hosts Bow Wow Luau
Another Chance Animal Welfare
League’s Bow Wow Luau on April 18, 2015
was a blast. We hope it will become an annual affair.
The event featured start to finish entertainment led off by the beautiful and talented
Hula Halau Kulikelaulani dancers. The six
women and two girls performed numerous
traditional Hawaiian dances to the soft melodies of the islands.
Next to take to the dance floor were the
Country Gold Dancers performing to the
classic rock sounds of the band “Kickin’ It.”
And these ladies don’t get tired! Even after their performance ended, they stayed to
dance throughout the evening.
The band played during the buffet supper,
so many patrons hit the dance floor as soon
as they finished eating the scrumptious meal
prepared by ACAWL cooks under the direction of master chef Margaret Mullis, who
cooked all the Huli Huli Chicken herself.
The entertainers took a break while emcee Joey Ortez announced the winners of the
paper bag raffles and auctioned off the delightful desserts, including a chocolate cake
with mocha frosting displayed on a multipurpose cake stand/punch bowl. This cake
fetched the highest bid of the evening and
went for $40.
The last entertainers of the evening were
the Fire Festival Dancers, led off by a lovely belly dancer who performed a sensuous
swan dance complete with two large wings.
Then everyone repaired to the patio behind
the Senior Center to watch the fire dancers
who performed on the concrete with the Sacramento River for a backdrop.
The Whitmore Mountain
Music Faire will kick off at
10:00 a.m. on Saturday, May
9th with a parade through the
center of town. The craft faire
and silent auction will start at
11:00 a.m. along with a performance by the first of four
bands “The Old Kennett String
Band.” They will be followed
by “North Point” at 12:30
p.m. and the “Lindsay Thom-
as Band” at 3:00. There will
be games for young and old
throughout the afternoon, then
a dinner/dance with music by
“Pranqster” beginning at 5:00
p.m. at the Community Center.
ACAWL Mexican dinner set for May 16
Another Chance Animal
Welfare League will celebrate its 10th anniversary on
May 16, 2015 with an allyou-can-eat Mexican Dinner
at the Grange Hall in Palo
Cedro. The public is invited. The menu will feature
all your Mexican favorites
prepared by the ACAWL
volunteers. Tickets are only
available at the door. Cost
is $10 for adults and $6 for
children. Doors open_ at
4:00 p.m. and close at 7:00.
Funky and Fun Biathlon set for May 24
The Palo Cedro Park will
hold its first Funky and Fun
Biathlon on Sunday, May 24,
2015. The event begins with
the pedaling section of the twopart event—a pedal-powered
parade. Riders will stage at
Junction Elementary School at
noon and pedal their way down
Deschutes Road to Old Forty
Four Drive and from thence to
Cedro Lane and the Park.
Entry fee is $5 for individuals and $20 for businesses (120 participants). Entrants are
encouraged to decorate their
pedal-powered vehicles as
outlandishly as possible. Spectators should line the parade
route to cheer on their favorite
At the park, entrants will
take part in the second section
of the Biathlon—the Fabulously Zany Relay Races. Event
organizers guarantee you do
not have to be athletic to be
on a relay team, but a sense of
humor is essential. Certificates
will be awarded for wondrous
accomplishments in six categories (to be determined).
The Millville Grange will
be cooking hot dogs and Polish dogs for lunch with a bake
sale table for dessert. If they
can figure out the logistics of
keeping ice cream frozen at the
park, they will also make root
beer floats.
The Park Board is seeking
volunteer street monitors to
keep the parade participants
safe at the various street crossings along the parade route.
Call 547-4907 if you would
like to volunteer for this essential function.
BVWD Board approves new service
connection for Shasta College
By Sharyn Cornelius
The Board of Directors
for the Bella Vista Water
District on April 27, 2015
approved a new service connection for Shasta College
that will allow the college to
improve the fire flow and water pressure on the campus so
that they can undertake some
new construction projects.
The new service connection
includes linking the College’s existing main campus
water system (served by an
eight-inch meter) with the
now separate Fire Training
Center water system. This
latter system was approved
by the District in 1990 and
is served by a 10-inch meter,
but the Fire Training Center
is limited to using two acrefeet of water per year during
non-peak demand periods.
Due to the system’s limited
water usage, the District
greatly reduced the capital
improvement fee for the 10inch meter.
Under the new service
connection agreement, the
College would replace the
10-inch meter with a sixinch size and pay the full
capital improvement fee for
a six-inch meter in the Main
Zone ($449,350) minus
credits for abandoning a no
longer used two-inch meter
($41,560) and downsizing
the 10-inch meter ($41,560)
or $366,230. The new water
system resulting from tying
into the second feed into the
campus and looping pipelines will improve the over
hydraulics and peak day water pressure throughout the
George Estrada, representing Shasta College,
thanked General Manager
David Coxey and Engineer
Don Groundwater for their
help with the design of the
project and said the new system will improve fire flow
at every hydrant on campus
and will be beneficial to both
the College and the District.
Director Leimone Waite
abstained from the vote because she works for Shasta
The Board of Directors
also approved the District’s
Urban Water Management
Plan. In presenting the Plan
Coxey said the main reason
they had created it was to be
eligible for grants from state
water agencies when such
became available. He said
the state was offering lots of
programs and incentives to
promote conservation and
use of recycled water to help
cities reach Gov. Schwarzenegger’s goal of a 20 percent water use reduction by
District customer Arnold
Wilhelmi asked how folks
had been notified about the
public hearing on the Urban
Water Management Plan,
and Coxey replied it had
been noticed in the Record
Searchlight and on the District website. He said the
Plan has very little to do with
the daily operation of the
District and would only be
controversial if it involved
the adoption of a new water
shortage contingency plan,
which is does not.
Another audience member asked if the District had
any grant funded projects in
mind, and Don Groundwater
answered that they would
probably apply for state
money if they needed to drill
a new well.
The Board voted to move
its regular May meeting date
from the 25th to the 18th to
avoid the Memorial Day
Grange concert showcases
gifted pros, talented newcomers
PAGE 2—May 7, 2015
By Sharyn Cornelius
Two of the most enjoyable
things about attending the
monthly roots music concerts
put on by the California Old
Time Fiddlers Association
at the Millville Grange are
seeing the regular musicians
try out new skills they’ve
been learning and witnessing
first-time performances by
up-and-coming artists. The
concert and open mic session
on April 26, 2015 provided
many examples of both.
The concert band this
month was an un-named
gathering of five musicians—Lee Brushett, George
Fredson, Lloyd Raeg, Kay
Nichols and Al Meyers--from
several different Association
bands brought together for
the occasion by concert organizer Fredson. They played
like they had been practicing
together for months and even
performed a brand new song
that none of the regulars in
the audience had heard before—Moe Bandy’s “Too
Old to Die Young.”
In the next number, the
familiar “The Old Home
Place,” Lloyd Raeg sang in
harmony to the three other
vocalists, adding a beautiful dimension to this crowd
favorite. As if that weren’t
enough, both George Fredson and Al Meyers showed
off their flat-picking skills in
brief solo breaks. It was the
first time we had heard flatpicking from Meyers, while
Fredson has been picking for
months now.
Meyers has also been
sharing his powerful baritone
voice with us for the last two
concerts and this time not
only sang his theme song
“Wabash Cannonball,” but
“The Tennessee Waltz” as
well. After the audience’s
loud applause for the second number Meyers joked,
“Don’t just clap, throw money! No seriously, I’ll play for
free, but I’ll stop for cash.”
When the group performed the haunting “Ook
Pik Waltz” requested by a
member of the audience, Lee
Brushett played the entire
melody on his mandolin, an
instrument seemingly invented for that piece.
band’s last number, “Wagon
Design Review Committee sets goals for
Palo Cedro building standards ordinance
May 2015
• Community Clean-up, Bishop Quinn
Complex, 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon.
East Valley Times Issue Out
• Palo Cedro Park Board of Directors,
5:30 p.m., Farm Bureau Office
• Bear Creek Watershed Group,
6:30 p.m. Black Butte School Library
• Millville Historical Society,
9:30, museum on Whitmore
Road next to Millville Fire Hall
• Another Chance Animal Welfare
League 10th anniversary Mexican
Dinner, 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. Grange
Hall in Palo Cedro, $10 for adults,
$6 for children.
• Junction Education Foundation “Taste
for the Future,”, 6:00 to 10:00 p.m.
at Ponderosa Ridge Ranch, tickets $35
in advance, $40 at the door.
Call 378-4366
• IOOF/Rebekah’s Breakfast, 8-11
a.m., IOOF Hall at Hwy 44 and
Silver Bridge Road. All you can eat,
adults $6, children 6-12 $4, under
• Whitmore Mountain Music Fair, parade six free. Information 547-3493.
at 10:00 a.m. live music all day, craft and
food vendors, games for all ages, and
dancing in the evening, next to the
Community Center on Whitmore Road.
• Millville Historical Society Black Pot
Luncheon, 1:00 p.m. by reservation
only. Cost is $10 per person. Call
Rod at 547-5619 to reserve your spot
at the table.
• Oak Run History Group, 3:00 p.m., Old
Oak Run Church on Murphy Lane
• Bella Vista Water District Board
of Directors, 5:30 p.m. District Office
on E. Stillwater Way.
• Millville School Board, 6:00 p.m. Library
• North Cow Creek School Board, 7:00
p.m., Resource Center
• Whitmore Community Center 2nd
Sunday Breakfast, all you can eat, 8:00
-11:00, $7 for adults, $3 for children
over 10, under 10 free
Columbia students donate to ACAWL
The Student Council and Mrs. Masulis' fourth grade class at Columbia Elementary School donated a huge carload of much-needed supplies to Another Chance Animal Welfare League on
Friday, May 1st. The students made trip after trip to their teacher's car and carried in bags and
boxes of dog and cat food, kitty litter, bedding, and even a medium-sized animal carrier stuffed
with more donations. Thrift Store Manager Joyce Darrow gratefully accepted the contributions
on behalf of ACAWL. Pictured in the photo above are Katelyn, Kanalei, Anna, Ava, Caroline, and
Mrs. Masulis.
Another Chance also received a generous donation from the members of Cub Scout Pack
381 in Palo Cedro who "worked very hard collecting food and toys for the animals," according
to Darrow. The children and adults who delivered the contributions to the Thrift Store on April
18 were Dezi, Shelly, Elly, Mason, Elija, Logan, Mike, Sandy and and Teresa. Unfortunately their
photo did not have enough pixels for publication.
• Oak Run School Board regular
meeting, 4:00 p.m. library
• Shasta County Cattlewomen, 11:00
a.m. lunch, 12 noon meeting, for
East Valley Times on stands
location, call Cindy 474-5343
• Junction School District, Board of
• Palo Cedro Youth Soccer
Organization, 7:00 p.m., Goodtimes Trustees, 6:00 p.m. Room 1
Lee Brushett plays "Somewhere My Love"
from Dr. Zhivago on his mandolin.
Wheel,” Raeg demonstrated
another new skill he has been
learning—banjo playing. We
look forward to more.
The Open Mic session
which followed saw teen
flat-picking sensation Jacob Akana and master of
the mandolin Tom Spence
join Fredson for a couple
of numbers. Like Meyers,
Akana is beginning to feel
comfortable singing as well
as playing guitar and treated
the audience to a new humorous song he had just learned
called “Fifteen Cents.” It is
about a man who wants a refund on the amount he paid a
preacher to marry him to his
unfaithful wife.
Next to perform were
newcomers Lily and Cheryl
Dummer, a mother/daughter
duo with stunningly beautiful soprano voices. Cheryl
told the audience she was
just learning to play the banjo so she performed the first
song in her book “Boiling
Cabbage Down,” while Lily
sang and danced to the music. They also sang the beautiful hymn “Shepherd of My
Soul” and “Twinkle, Twinkle
Little Star.” We hope they
will return soon with more
songs in their repertoire.
The third Open Mic performers were regulars Diana
Kelly on accordion and John
Tiedeman on mandolin and
guitar accompanied by bassist Len Bunyard. Each time
this duo brings us at least one
tune no one had heard before,
and this time the performed
two songs new to me, at least.
The fourth performers were Kathy DuBois and
Josie Argent whose voices
blending in close harmony
is always a pleasure to listen
to, and this time they added a
complex counterpoint melody as well when they sang “I
Lily and Cheryl Dummer sing a duet of the him
"Shepherd of My Soul."
Met a Girl.”
These ladies
The fifth
were brothers
and Michael
Perry from
Happy Valley, who first
Kathy Dubois and Josie Argent sing "Bury Me
performed at beneath the Willow."
the Grange
in February. The youthful, repeat of the Ook Pik Waltz,
flat-picking duo played three which, I hate to say it, Cook
more difficult numbers this violin playing made even
time as they climb the ladder more wonderful than the earlier mandolin version. These
to musical virtuosity.
The final group to take guys were having so much
the stage was another Old fun they played right through
Time Fiddlers catch-band the 4:00 p.m. closing time
consisting of Tim Garrison, and didn’t stop until after
Spence, Fredson, Lloyd, and 4:30 when a few members of
Bunyard. They were joined the audience began to leave.
by master fiddler Jim Cook, The next concert at the
whom Garrison introduced Grange Hall in Palo Cedro
by saying “Under that blue will be on June 28th. No
hat is an amazing fiddle concert in May because all
mind.” The group chose the musicians will be at the
songs to highlight Cook’s Strawberry Music Festival in
fiddle playing, including a Grass Valley.
Burn permits required
starting on May 1
The California Department of Forestry and Fire
Protection (CAL FIRE,
Shasta and Trinity Counties)
will be requiring burn permits for dooryard burning in
areas over 1,000 feet in elevation beginning 8 a.m., Friday, May 1, 2015. Dooryard
burning below 1,000 foot
elevation will be prohibited
beginning 8 a.m., Friday,
May 1, 2015. Contact your
local fire department or CAL
FIRE to determine what permit requirements or burning
restrictions apply in your
area. CAL FIRE may be con-
tacted at (530) 225-2418.
In Shasta County, burn
day information may be obtained by calling the Shasta
County AQMD at (530) 2248777 or 1(800) 411-8728,
or their website at www.
Remember to have a minimum 10 foot clearance to
bare mineral soil around all
burn piles, a shovel and water source, and an adult present during burning. Failure
to follow these precautions
may result in a citation and
• Millville Fire Protection District,
7:00 p.m. Fire Hall on Whitmore Rd
• Whitmore School Board, 6:00 p.m.,
• Bella Vista School Board, 7:00 p.m.,
Room 10
• Palo Cedro Park Biathlon, parade
starts at noon from Junction, relays
and lunch at Park afterward.
• No roots music concert at Grange
Hall, next concert June 28th
• Planning Commission, 2:00 p.m. Board
• Millville Grange, 6:30 p.m. Grange Hall,
of Supervisors Chambers
• Greater Palo Cedro Area Chamber of 20237 Old 44 Drive, visitors welcome
Commerce, 5:30 p.m. Farm Bureau Office
• Dog Adoptions at Another Chance Animal Welfare League
10am at Petco, Hilltop Drive from 6:30-7:30 p.m.
• Prairie Squares - Square Dance Club; 6-7:30 p.m., Anderson Grange Hall
New Dancer’s Class, First class is free; Singles & Couples welcome
• Dog Adoptions at Another Chance Animal Welfare League
10am - 2pm at Petco, Hilltop Drive
For Calendar Events postings email
judy@eastvalleytimes or fax 549-3340 at
least three weeks prior to your event.
East Valley
P.O. Box 100, Palo Cedro, CA 96073 - 549-3340
Co-Publisher & News Editor: Sharyn Cornelius
Editorial phone: 547-3788 - fax: 547-2038
The East Valley Times is published twice monthly, the first and third
Thursdays of the month.
Past Issues may be obtained by written request by fax or mail. If you would like
to order a back issue, send $2 (per issue) along with your name, address, date of issue.
Letters to the Editor must bear the writer's name, address, and daytime phone
number. No address nor phone number will be published. The editor reserves
the right to edit all letters and opinion pieces for clarity and space.
We will not knowingly print false or misleading ads, and cannot be held
responsible for the content of paid advertisements.
The views and opinions of guest writers and columnists do not necessarily
reflect the views and opinions of the publishers of the East Valley Times.
Goals for the Palo Cedro
Design Review Ordinance
The overarching goal of the Palo Cedro
Design Review Ordinance is to maintain the
town’s rural and rustic appearance and ambiance that reflects its history as a ranching
community, where some of the first buildings
were the Grange Hall with its feed store, a
general store near the railroad tracks (where
Cedro Lane is now), and a one room schoolhouse called Junction because the town grew
up around the intersection of Old Forty-four
Drive and Deschutes Road.
A second goal is to reduce potential adverse impacts of future development on surrounding land uses, particularly on adjacent
residential neighborhoods. To this end the
Palo Cedro Design Review Ordinance will
recommend the use of visual/noise/privacy
buffers between new commercial development and existing residential subdivisions.
To maintain the appearance of a rural,
ranching community, the Design Review
will recommend the following architectural
design standards:
1) a maximum building size of 10,000
square feet,
2) a maximum height of two stories (one
story preferred)
3) a peaked roof with eaves and full-length
front porch or portico,
4) large windows on the side facing the
5) The exterior materials should be
a) brick, rock, wood, or stucco, not
metal siding;
b) the colors should be earth-tones or
6) Buildings should be suitably sized for
the site and placed to the rear of the parcel with
landscaping and parking in front.
a) Landscaping should include both
evergreen and deciduous trees, large enough to
provide shade when full-grown, interspersed
with small shrubs and flowers. b) Every attempt must be made to preserve mature oak trees on the building site and
if one must be removed, it should be replaced
with two oak saplings.
c) Parking should include mostly fullsize spaces to accommodate pick-up trucks.
7) Signs should be
a) on the building and interior lit,
b) monument style, interior lit, also in
muted colors,
c) no pole signs, no flashing signs, no
inflated stick-figures.
The Committee would be interested in your
answers to the following questions:
1. Do you think a Design Review Ordinance
is needed? Why or why not?
2. Do you agree with the goal to keep the look
of Palo Cedro rural and rustic?
3. Do you agree with the suggested architectural standards?
4. Are their particular standards you don’t
agree with?
5. Are there additional standards you would
like to see?
6. Would you like to see more landscaping
and trees in Palo Cedro?
7. Are their other problems that need to be addressed in a Design Review Ordinance?
Owens Pharmacy in Palo Cedro held its grand opening on April 29, 2015, bringing in its Barbecue Team and serving a free tri tip lunch to over 600 people between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
Everyone who attended was issued an Owens Healthcare Discount Card which can be used at
any Owens location for savings on over-the-counter medications, prescriptions and medical
equipment not covered by insurance.
Marketing Representative Adam Wilson said fifty-two people transferred their prescriptions
to Owens Pharmacy during the grand opening and 100 more asked for a representative to call
them at home where they would have their prescription information available. "We had a lot of
people tell us how excited they were that we were here and how they will be transferring to us
when they need their prescriptions refilled."
Board approves new safety
clothing for firefighters
Millville Fire Protection District Chief Tom
Graham reported to the
Board of Directors on
April 13, 2015 that the
volunteers had repaired
the water tender in-house
instead of taking it to Rochlitz, saving the District
all the anticipated labor
costs. Graham also reported that the new doors
for the fire hall had actually cost $400 less than
the price he had been given. But then he reported
that some of the money
saved needed to go for
new safety clothing for
the firefighters because
some of the older the
turnout coats and pants
were ripped so badly they
couldn’t be repaired. The
four new coats will cost
$1009, while the four
pairs of pants will cost
Graham also requested
that the Board approve
the purchase of a new
pager so the department
would have a spare for
when someone needed
to have his pager repaired. He said his own
pager was currently “going haywire,” but he was
reluctant to send it off for
repairs because it would
mean he would be without
one for a couple of days.
The Board checked to be
sure there was money in
account, then authorized
Graham to purchase an
extra pager.
The Chief reported that
the volunteer firefighters
had responded to 10 calls
in March—five medical
aids, four structure fires
and one smoke check.
Display advertising phone/fax: 549-3340
Bonnie Mark, Don Kirk, Patricia Wellingham-Jones,
Bob Williams, Jeri Johnson, Frank Galusha, Lynn Guinn
Public notices phone: (530)725-0925 (Intermountain News)
The Palo Cedro Civic Association,
formed several months ago in response to
the Rite Aid and Dollar General projects proposed for Palo Cedro, appointed a committee
to work on drafting a proposal for a Design
Review Ordinance that would set standards
for new buildings constructed in the town
The Design Review Committee has held
two meetings with Planning Division leadership and has come up with general goals and
design standards that Interim Director Bill
Walker described as “fairly conservative, not
over-reaching or too limiting.”
At this point in their work, the Committee needs input from Palo Cedro residents
and property owners. If you are interested
in having a say in the future development of
Palo Cedro, please read the text below and
send your comments to: Go to, click on Contact us and write your
comments. or email: Sharyn
Owens hosts grand opening
Co-Publisher, Art & Business Editor: Judy La Russa
Contributing Columnists: Patricia Lawrence,
May 7, 2015—PAGE 3
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Seven days a week-5-9 pm
Steak & Ribs
6oz. Sirloin Steak 8.99
Prime Rib 10oz 11.99 16oz 16.95 or 20oz 20.95
New York or Rib Eye 10oz 11.99 16oz 16.95
BBQ Beef Ribs 10.99 or all-you-can-eat 13.95
Filet Mignon 6oz 13.95 or 8oz 16.95
16oz Porterhouse 16.95
Surf & Turf
6oz. Steak, & 6oz Lobster Tail 19.95
6oz. Filet Mignon & 6oz Lobster Tail 25.95
Two 6oz Lobster Tails 26.95
6oz Steak & Prawns 14.95
6oz Filet Mignon & Prawns 18.95
St. Louis Style BBQ Pork Ribs
half rack 11.50 or full rack 19.50
Gourmet Burger
1/2 lb burger with fries 9.00
Fish & Chips 9.99
Beer Battered Catfish 11.99
Cajun Blackened Catfish 11.99
Jumbo Butter flied &
Beer Battered Prawns 11.99
Coconut Prawns 11.99
Scampi Style Prawns 11.99
Calamari Steak 12.99
Salmon (Italian, Teriyaki or
Grilled with dill sauce) 12.99
Filet Mignon Stroganoff 11.95
Seafood Pasta 15.95
Scampi & Pasta 13.95
Chicken & Pasta 13.95
Veggie Penne Pasta 11.95
8 oz (BBQ, Teriyaki or
Italian) Chicken 9.95
All Meals Come with Salad, Bread, Baked or Mashed Potatoes, Steak Fries or Rice Pilaf
Great community newspaper, serving the areas east of Redding—
Palo Cedro, Shingletown, Oak Run, Whitmore, Manton, and Bella Vista.
Paper is almost 14 1/2 years old. Also web based eastvalleytimes.
com. This paper has so much potential to grow. Owners looking to
Call Judy at 549-3340 or Sharyn at 547-3788 or
Same Great Price ♦ Same Great Food
22025 Highway 299 E • Bella Vista
Across from BV Fire Hall (530)