HOA OF THE YEAR 2014 - Heritage Eagle Bend
HOA OF THE YEAR 2014 - Heritage Eagle Bend
October 2015 | Edition 167 NEWS AGE RESTRICTED HOA OF THE YEAR 2014 CAI Rocky Mountain Chapter photo submitted by Roy Messmore www.heritageeaglebend.com AN AGE-RESTRICTED COMMUNITY MASTER ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: Steve Hungerford, 303-888-9884 shungerfordheb@comcast.net Vice President: Jeff Uscier, 303-680-9858 uscier@msn.com Secretary: Larry Place, 303-617-5419 larryplaceheb@msn.com Treasurer: David Maurek, 303-690-8545 dmaurekeaglebend@comcast.net Assistant Treasurer: Ken Nelson, 303-621-6123 knelsonheb@aol.com Director: Bob Harston, 720-290-0694 bobharston@comcast.net Director: Pam Earnest, 303-690-9467 pearnest@outlook.com Director: Marylou Bunky Lundberg, 303-331-8576 bunkylundbergHEBDirector@comcast.net Village President: Jeff Uscier, 303-680-9858 uscier@msn.com Traditions President: Thom Dorr, 303-349-6924 thomas-dorr@comcast.net HERITAGE EAGLE BEND STAFF Administrative Office 720-235-1888 Gene Blum, General Manager ext. 121 gblum@heritageeaglebend.com ext. 131 Wendy Stofa, Community Manager wstofa@heritageeaglebend.com Diane Langley, Assistant Community Manager ext. 126 dlangley@heritageeaglebend.com ext. 157 Dylan Schoonover, Director of Marketing dschoonover@heritageeaglebend.com Patti Sears, Administration ext. 125 psears@heritageeaglebend.com Laura Miranowski, Administrative Assistant ext. 127 lmiranowski@heritageeaglebend.com ext. 143 Des Carlucci, AP Specialist dcarlucci@heritageeaglebend.com Brian Herrera , Accounting Manager ext. 124 bherrera@heritageeaglebend.com 303-693-7788 Heritage Eagle Bend Clubhouse Brian Bonos, Head Golf Professional ext. 113 bbonos@heritageeaglebend.com Jennifer Stoneking, Director of Clubhouse Services ext. 128 jstoneking@heritageeaglebend.com ext. 123 Jenna Broce, Director of Catering jbroce@heritageeaglebend.com Amber Cicak, Assistant Food & Beverage Manager ext. 144 acicak@heritageeaglebend.com Giovanni Lanzante, Chef ext. 144 glanzante@heritageeaglebend.com Calan Olson, Facility Manager ext. 146 colson@heritageeaglebend.com Landscape Services and Maintenance Rebecca Lehmann, HEB Landscaping Office, 720-235-1852 blehmann@heritageeaglebend.com Roe Sherbert, Superintendent, 720-235-1851 2 rsherbert@heritageeaglebend.com CLUBHOUSE and STAFF HERITAGE EAGLE BEND NEWS is the official publication of Heritage Eagle Bend Master Association, Inc. Published 12 times a year. Deadline for submission of articles is the 8th of each month. For information on advertising or submitting articles: Contact Wendy Stofa at 720.235.1831 All contents copyright Heritage Eagle Bend Master Association, Inc., or other copyright holders. HERITAGE EAGLE BEND CLUBHOUSE 303-693-7788 fax 720-870-5905 www.heritageeaglebend.com WELCOME DESK Ext. 120 welcomedesk@heritageeaglebend.com The Welcome Desk is open daily from 7am-7pm The operational hours at the Welcome Desk provide an excellent opportunity to ensure you do not miss out on purchasing tickets for the variety of fun events carried out at the Clubhouse, as well as the opportunity to sign-up for the many Landscaping Services available. The Gatehouse is manned daily from 7 am - 9 pm Eagles Nest Restaurant Reservations Welcome Desk 303-693-7788 ext. 120 UPDATED HOURS Tuesday – Saturday Breakfast 6am – 11am (only breakfast burritos and breakfast sandwiches available 6am – 7am) Lunch 11am – 4pm • Dinner 4pm – 8pm Bar Open till 9pm Mondays Breakfast 6am – 11am (only breakfast burritos and breakfast sandwiches available 6am – 7am) Lunch 11:30am – 6pm • Bar open till 7pm Sundays Breakfast 6am – 11:30am (only breakfast burritos and breakfast sandwiches available 6am – 7am) Lunch 11:30am – 6pm • Bar open till 7pm Snack bar in the Eagles Nest Restaurant is always open when the golf course is open. Billing - HOA, Shelly at MSI, 720-974-4178 Golf Shop - 303-400-6700 Eagle’s Nest Restaurant - 720-235-1816 HERITAGE EAGLE BEND www.heritageeaglebend.com IN THIS ISSUE ........................................ UPCOMING MEETINGS CLUBHOUSE AND STAFF 2 HERITAGE EAGLE BEND 3 Facilities and Grounds Committee Wednesday, October 7th, 4:00pm Emergency Preparedness Committee Monday, October 5th, 3:00pm BOARD ROOM 4 UPCOMING EVENTS12 CLUBS AND GROUPS Architectural Advisory Committee Monday, October 19th, 4:30pm 14 SPORTS CORNER21 Legal and Compliance Committee Wednesday, October 21st, 2:30pm SERVICE DIRECTORY26 ADVERTISEMENTS28 Golf Committee Wednesday, October 21st, 2:30pm CONTACT INFO47 Financial Advisory Committee Monday, October 27th, 2:00pm UPCOMING EVENTS48 ........................................ Master Board Meeting Thursday, October 29th, 2:00pm Master Board Work Sessions October 1st and October 20th, 1:00pm VISION STATEMENT HERITAGE EAGLE BEND will be recognized as a premier age-restricted community in Colorado. MISSION If you change your meeting time and date, be sure to notify Wendy Stofa at wstofa@heritageeaglebend.com *Notices presented in this publication are intended for legal and informational purposes and cannot be used as a platform for particular religious, political or philosophical points of view. Preserve and enhance the value of our community by operating and maintaining our common elements and offering services to standards that support our vision. Check out the new website at Management reserves the right to make editorial decisions on content. Inclusion of any advertisement in this magazine shall not be deemed to be an endorsement of the advertiser by the Master Association. www.heritageeaglebend.com Also create your log-in to get to the Resident Only side of the website. Questions, contact Dylan Schoonover dschoonover@heritageeaglebend.com 720-235-1857 ext 157 Facebook.com/heritageeaglebendTwitter.com/heritageebInstagram.com/heritageeaglebend HEB RESIDENTS You can access a great deal of information on the Resident-Only side of the Website Please get logged in and view all the HEB Documents located there! Financials, minutes, governing documents, forms, the HEB Directory etc! Contact Dylan Schoonover! 3 BOARD ROOM www.heritageeaglebend.com President’s Message General Manager’s Message by Steve Hungerford, President of Master Board Gene Blum, General Manager A hat a great summer it has been here at Heritage Eagle Bend. We continue to see record involvement from the community in all of the events and activities that are presented on a weekly basis. We work and you live in an active community and we are continuing to raise the bar for expectations surrounding every facet of the club. The quality of the golf course, the non-frozen, freshly made-to-order food, a continued focus on fantastic service, we truly embrace Elevating Your Lifestyle. If you haven’t had an opportunity yet, I highly encourage you to experience a dinner at sunset at Heritage Eagle Bend, join a new activity or simply go on a walk through the community and take in the beautiful grounds. The holidays are rapidly approaching and I find it to be an extra special time of the year here in Colorado. Coming from Phoenix and Tampa, my winter seasons didn’t look a whole lot different from other times of the year but Colorado winters take me back to very fond times of having Thanksgiving and Christmas surrounded by snow and family in Iowa where I grew up. If you’re new to HEB this year, I know you will be delighted by all the Christmas decorations on display throughout the club and the beautiful tree that will greet you upon entry. Don’t forget to get all your holiday district parties and any other catered events booked ASAP as our schedule is filling very quickly for November and December. We love hosting you all in our fantastic clubhouse and we don’t want you to miss securing the date you desire so please contact our Catering Department as soon as possible. I hope you have a great month and we’ll see you at the Club very soon. s I write this article on Labor Day, September 7th, the Board of Directors is about to enter the annual budgeting process. For those of us who had careers in the private sector, we called it the business plan development phase of the year. A component was the budget that said, “How are we going to pay for all the things we want to achieve next year.” I think that’s an appropriate metaphor for the HEB world as well. When you look at our decisions to buy into this community, what we really purchased was a “Lifestyle.” We chose to live in an “Active Adult Community” versus a “Senior Community.” That’s an important mental picture when we evaluate how much we pay each month in the form of our HOA dues. Everyone living in HEB who has entered the “retired” phase of our lives is on a “fixed income” of one sort or another. Based on recent stock market performance, some of us have less “fixin’s” than we did a couple of months ago. I want to share with you an outline of the process we use in developing the business plan. Here are some key dates. September 8th OB Sports submitted a DRAFT 2016 Business Plan September 9th Finance Advisory Committee began to review the DRAFT and develop recommendations for the Board September 15th OB Sports Senior Management met with the Board to receive our feedback and suggestions for change September 30th Presentation to District Delegates by the Board President and Treasurer October 13th Town Hall presentation to the community by the Board President and Treasurer November 16th Ratification of the 2016 Business Plan by the District Delegates November 19th Acceptance of the 2016 Business Plan by the Board of Directors 4 W Kindest Regards, Gene Blum While the September dates will have passed by the time you receive this Newsletter, the October 13th Town Hall will be just a few days off. We strongly encourage you to attend this meeting in the Antero Room at 6:30 PM. At that session, we will share the following information and answer your questions. 2016 Planned Operations Budget 2016 Planned Reserve Study Expenditures 2016 Planned Capital Improvements 2016 Planned Dues Components of the Budget 2016 Planned Total Monthly Dues BOARD ROOM www.heritageeaglebend.com Village Voice by Valerie Ness 2016 Annual Proposed Budget Preparation with Explanatory Notes There has been no increase in Villages HOA fees. The Village Eagle Bend Board of Directors prepared the annual budget. A direct costing format was used by defining each cost item in terms of the total annual budget and then spreading the costs out over a twelve month period. This approach permits homeowners to know where every penny of their dues goes each month. It is recognized that some of the actual expenditures will be seasonally driven. Budget Explanation: PER HOME Building exterior repairs Landscape/Other Ext repairs Irrigation repairs Tree replacements Landscape services Snow removal services Electric expense Water expense Accounting Services Insurance Expense General Expenses Un-programmed Expenses Contribution to Reserves Total monthly dues • 3.12 2.84 1.46 2.60 20.35 25.65 0.93 17.99 7.50 31.39 2.70 0.47 28.00 Monthly Operational Expenses Beginning in January 2016 • • • • • • • • • $145.00 Total Annual Contribution Costs: $1,740.00 There is no anticipated increase in HOA fees for the year 2016. The board has worked hard to keep the monthly rates as low as possible. A ten year history has been outlined below. • • Minor exterior building repairs: These include such things as downspouts and gutter repairs and other miscellaneous repairs. Estimated Cost: $3.12 per month. $9,000 for the year. Minor Landscape and other exterior building repairs: These include such things as Fertilizer, edging, rocks, lawn repair and other miscellaneous repairs. Estimated Cost: $2.84 per month, $8,200 for the year. Repairs of the irrigation system: The projected repair costs reflect the need for repair and maintenance of the system. Estimated Cost: $1.46 per month, $4,200 for the year. Tree Replacement: Replacement of the Qualifying/identified dead trees and removing of qualifying/identified dead bushes; this cost includes the purchase of trees, planting materials and labor. Estimated Cost: $2.60 per month, $7,518 for the year. Landscape services: This contracted service includes weekly lawn care and associated tree and shrub trimming provided by our contractor. Cost: $20.35 per month, $58,854 for the year. Snow pushing services: This contracted service includes snow pushing and services for each Village property. We have planned for 13 average snowfalls. Estimated Cost: $25.75 per month, $74,154 for the year. Electric expense: These estimated expenses represent the cost to run the sprinkler systems and light the mail kiosks. Cost: $.93 per month, $2,670 for the year. Water expense: The landscaping committee will continue to work to control and manage the water in conjunction with the landscaping services. The current water management practices continue to improve. We are forecasting a slight rate increase in 2016. Estimated Cost: $17.99 per month, $52,015 for the year. • Office and accounting: Estimated expenses associated with the Welcome Desk service for the operation of our Excel data base and accounting services are $7.50 per month, and $21,690 for the year. Insurance Expenses: The insurance expense will cover the D&O insurance as well as the Village Home Owners Association insurance policy. Our premium is expected to increase. Cost $31.39 per month, $90,759 for the year. General Expenses: Yearly costs include the following: Administrative Supplies, Accounting Supplies, Legal Assistance, Tax, and Audit and Tax preparation. Cost: $2.70 per month, $7,808 per year. Unprogrammed Expenses/Bad Debt: This is a catch all category to insure that if unprogrammed expenses are incurred there will be room in the budget for them. It includes the offset of the noncontributory revenue items: Interest income, transfer fees and late fees. Estimate Cost: $.77 per month. $1,350 for the year. Contribution to the Reserve Fund: This amount is determined by the Board of Directors. The reserve study has been reevaluated for the new roofs and extended wear and replacement time. The reserved study projects repairs, replacement and upkeep of our units over the long term. Cost: $28.00 per month, $80,976 for the year. Ten Year History The Village resident population has grown over the years to the full capacity of 241 units. We transitioned from a “builder incentive” managed association to a resident manage association. In past years, we had to regain a solid positive balance position during that transition. As a resident managed association, we are responsible for managing and pay all of our expenses each year while continuing to build our reserve balance. It is not acceptable to plan to manage the associate at a loss or to neglect our reserves account. The Village Board of Directors has been very conscientious in keeping the fees low and have reduced the fees when it was possible. With the aging of our units, we need to continue to maintain the overall financial position of the association. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 $ 89.00 $ 99.00 $130.00 $146.00 $139.00 $139.00 $135.00 $135.00 $135.00 $140.00 $145.00 5 www.heritageeaglebend.com Traditions Talking by Thom Dorr, President of Traditions Eagle Bend FINANCIALS Through July, operating expenses exceed revenues by $2,455 which compares to a budgeted excess of $4,666. Net expenditures from the Reserve Fund exceed budgeted expenditures by $106,000 due to reimbursement of insurance deductibles exceeding budget by $62,000 and payments ahead of budget for painting of homes. Copies of the monthly financial reports for 2015 are available in the library. Forecasts for the remainder of 2015 based on actual results through July for both the operating and Reserve budgets are included in the proposed 2016 Business Plan. Also included are cash flow forecasts and projected cash and investments balances at both the end of 2015 and 2016. The details of both the forecasts and 2016 proposed budgets were presented to homeowners on September 15 and included in the 2016 Business Plan mailed to all Traditions homeowners in mid-September. Please contact Diane Langley in the Administrative Office if you have not received your copy of the plan via regular mail by the end of September. Through August, we have processed 226 applications for reimbursement of insurance deductibles. Reimbursement checks amounting to $208,500 have been sent to homeowners. Another $4,000 in reimbursements is scheduled for September. Homeowners as of January 1, 2015 are reminded that the deadline for submitting applications for reimbursement of insurance deductibles (up to $1,000) following a complete replacement of roofs and/or gutters and downspouts prior to 2015 is December 31, 2015. Based on available information, it appears that there are seven current homeowners who incurred an insured loss in either 2008 or 2012 resulting in complete replacement of their roof and/or gutters and downspouts, and who have yet to apply for reimbursement for all or a portion of the deductible paid in connection with the loss. FALL LANDSCAPING SCHEDULE In October, turf aeration will begin early in the month, and leaf removal throughout the month. Small irrigation system winterization on Buchanan, Mineral, Kettle and Clifton are planned for October 16th and 17th. Leaf removal will continue into November and large irrigation system winterization is scheduled for the beginning of the month. ELECTION OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS Two present board members, Thom Dorr and Joel Glenn, have expressed a desire to run for another two-year term on the five-member Traditions Eagle Bend HOA Board of Directors. However, all Traditions homeowners in good standing are also invited to make their candidacy known prior to the election of the 2016 board on October 29. Contact either Wendy Stofa or Diane Langley in the Administrative Office by October 15 if you wish to run for a position on the board and speak at the October meeting. 6 CANDIDATE BIO’S JOEL GLENN Joel Glenn has served on the Traditions Board of Directors for 11 years. I have been responsible for the management of the snow pushing operation and am also responsible for the landscaping and the water, for the Association. I have lived in HEB for 12 years and see this position as a way to serve my neighbors and friends. I have gained an understanding of all facets of this self-managed Association. I work well with my fellow board members, Master Board members, and management company staff. I am also the liaison for the Traditions Board to the AAC Committee. I humbly ask for your vote and can assure you that I will work hard to continue serving you in the same capacity as in the past. I enjoy my involvement here in the community. I have been a member of HEB Angels for many years and currently participate as a member of the Friends of HEB. I want to continue to make this active adult community a better place to live for all Traditions residents. I would greatly appreciate your vote of confidence in me. THOM DORR Thom Dorr and wife Gayle have been Traditions HEB homeowners/residents since 2007. They have two daughters and eight grandchildren all residing close by in the South Denver area. Thom’s career with King Soopers spanned 36 years and allowed him to serve several communities along the Colorado Front Range. He has served on various corporate not-for-profit boards over the years, and currently is a member of the Lutheran Family Services, Rocky Mountain Foundation Board. Thom works as a sales professional in the financial services industry serving person clients in the Aurora/ Parker areas. Regarding HEB leadership positions, he has served on the both the HEB Finance Committee and the Traditions Board of Directors for the past 2 ½ years. I am running for re-election because I enjoy volunteering my time to protect the HEB community lifestyle for all that live here. I appreciate your support! The TEB Board of Directors wishes to thank all District Delegates and homeowners for their continued support in helping us accomplish our responsibilities representing you! The next Traditions HOA meeting will be Thursday, October 29th at 5:30 p.m. in the Antero room – THIS IS A HOMEOWNER VOTING MEETING FOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION AND 2016 BUSINESS PLAN! www.heritageeaglebend.com Litigation Settlement Article - October 2015 O n August 6th we announced through a Town Hall Meeting the great news that our lawsuit against Lennar Colorado, LLC had been successfully settled. Very briefly, you find below the important milestones of the past and future events. July 14, 2015: Lennar Colorado, LLC filed a statutory offer with the District Court. A statutory offer is a cash-only offer made by one party that remains open for a period of 14 days. If accepted, it is immediately binding on the parties as a settlement agreement that is enforceable by the Court. If rejected, either expressly or by allowing the period to lapse without a response, the offer is withdrawn and the date and amount of the offer become cost-shifting thresholds; if the offer is rejected and the party making the offer obtains a more favorable result at trial, that party will recover its costs (excluding attorney’s fees) incurred after the date of the offer even though that party is not the prevailing party at trial. July 21, 2015 our Board of Directors, in a special meeting, voted unanimously to accept this offer and the court accepted our decision on this same date. Settlement amount: $1,750,000. Special assessment amount of $561.73 per unit owner (aka homeowner) as of July 21st, 2015, will be returned via check. If your HOA dues are in arrears on that date, your account will be credited to address the past due amount. This means, even unit owners as of July 21st who did not contribute to the Special Assessment in 2012 are eligible to receive these funds. A program is being developed for ALL residents of HEB, on a voluntary basis, to decline the reimbursement. As of now, any money collected via this individual voluntary decision will placed in the account noted below. Excess money from the judgement will be placed in a new, managed Escrow Account to ensure against any future significant events. The Board’s goal is to return the special assessment refunds by December 1st, or before. A quick review of the history might be helpful for the benefit of our newer residents. In the summer of 2012, the then Board of Directors were served notice by the City of Aurora and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment that a milky white discharge was coming from our property in HEB North and migrating into Piney Creek along Red Tail Hawk Park. This substance exceeded permissible acidic levels. We were given a mandate to stop this event or face retroactive fines upwards of $10,000 per day. In order to fund this expense, it was necessary to have a special assessment of $561.73 per home which netted $810,017. The basis for our lawsuit was construction defects in the underdrain system running under Addison Court in HEB North. Multiple governing bodies were responsible for our successful outcome. Not the least is the Boards of Directors in 2012, 2013, 2014, and the current Board in 2015. These men and women were recognized by name at the Town Hall. Prior to the formal action of the Board in October, 2012, other previous Board of Directors members that were not mentioned that night, specifically Bruce Simner and Carol Taylor were instrumental in laying the ground work such as recommending our legal team, effectively interfacing with the various regulatory officials and putting into place the infrastructure for the desired outcome. There was also individual community members like Tom Brennan, then Financial Advisory Committee Chair, who established the first Drainage Fund account and reporting system. Additionally, the Eagle Bend Metro District 2 Board of Directors stepped in to finance the underground repair necessary to satisfy the discharge issue. Those gentlemen, all residents of HEB, were: Larry Geiger, Tom Coker, George Arellano, Rex Rexroat, and Bruce Simner. We all owe them a special debt of gratitude for their support. This has been a very long journey. The most praise goes to, you, the HEB residents for your trust and patience. You have supported our decisions and allowed us to focus on this critical matter. Each member of the Boards of Directors, past and present, are grateful for the privilege to serve in this capacity and represent this incredible community. Now . . . on to the future to ensure that we remain the HOA Community of the Year! Every year! Thank you, Steve Hungerford, President Heritage Eagle Bend Homeowners Association, Inc. TOWN HALL MEETING 2016 PROPOSED BUDGET REVIEW OPEN TO ALL HERITAGE EAGLE BEND RESIDENTS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13TH, 2015 – 6:30PM ANTERO ROOM -HERITAGE EAGLE BEND CLUBHOUSE 7 www.heritageeaglebend.com Homeowner Education required by the State of Colorado • HOAs cannot prohibit the placement of political signs on property which is owned by a resident of the HOA or in the window of a unit. It can, however, enforce rules prohibiting placement in common areas of the community. • HOAs may regulate the timeframe for the display of political signs, by prohibiting the display of these signs earlier than 45 days before an election and more than 7 days after an election. • HOAs may regulate the size of political signs which may be displayed on an owner’s property or in the window of a unit. CCIOA (Colorado Common Interest Opportunity Act) provides that HOAs may limit the maximum size of political signs to the lesser of: (1) the maximum size allowed by any applicable city, town, or county ordinance that regulates the size of political signs on residential property; or (2) thirty-six inches by forty-eight inches. • HOAs may limit the number of political signs which may be displayed to 1 sign per political office or ballot issue that is contested in an upcoming election. COMMUNITY INFORMATION ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS The Board of Directors desires to clarify that for the safety of all residents within Heritage Eagle Bend, and the overall benefit of those that utilize the golf course, the use of the golf course and cart paths shall hereby be limited to those residents, guests and/or public for the play of golf, only. The use of the golf course and cart paths for the purpose of general walking, biking, jogging, skiing, snow shoeing etc., is hereby prohibited at all times. • CCIOA defines a political sign as “...a sign that carries a message intended to influence the outcome of an election, including supporting or opposing the election of a candidate, the recall of a public official, or the passage of a ballot issue.” SUMMARY TREASURER’S REPORT - JULY 2015 (UNAUDITED) 8 COMMUNITY INFORMATION www.heritageeaglebend.com Veteran’s Program Veteran’s to be honored on Wednesday, November 11 @ 7:00 pm in the Antero Room. To be included in our 2015 Veteran’s Day printed program, please send the branch and dates of service to OLD TIMER by John H. Buck Decades have witnessed you, as you meandered through their years. You were an outwardly distant participant, guided by a mystical inward compass. Laura Miranowski lmiranowski@heritageeaglebend.com 720.235.1827 Your life twinkles in your eyes, as your gait slowly journeys you forward. A beard prospers in ravines of wisdom, symbolically masking life’s unfairness. Information Needed by October 15th Your sins faded as you touched us, with a knowing felt, but unheard. You eased through our hearts, as we hid in souls lost to reality. TWO POPULAR EVENTS coming in November and December submitted by Ellen Pesavento As the holiday season approaches, the Heritage Voices begin preparing for their biggest events of the year. Nov 11 Your sunrises soothed many lives, giving others peaceful remembrance. You are now a sunset, expanding, silently, for us to share. You have given life, Old Timer, to so many. With an unspoken love, gently given, gently received. The horizon awaits you, as we did. Settle peacefully, into your next sunrise. In November, the annual Veteran’s Day Program takes place in the Antero Room. It is here that we honor all our veterans for their service to our country. Make your plans to attend this special program on Wednesday, November 11. No ticket is required as this is a free event. Dec 7-8 Then in December, the Voices will present their annual Christmas Program on December 7 and 8. This is a very popular event, and the Voices always look forward to entertaining our community with holiday music. So get out your calendars and pencil in these two wonderful programs. There will be more information about tickets in the November issue of the NEWS! 9 COMMUNITY INFORMATION www.heritageeaglebend.com City of Aurora Candidate Forum at HEB Wednesday, October 7 Candidates for City of Aurora Mayor, City Council Ward VI and City Council At-large will participate in a candidate forum on Wednesday, October 7 in the Antero Room at the HEB Club House. The forum begins at 7:00. All Ward VI and At-large candidates and Mayor Hogan, who is running unopposed, have confirmed that they will attend the forum. Candidates will have the opportunity to present their stance on issues that are important to residents of Aurora, and especially to HEB residents. This is also an opportunity for your specific questions to be asked of the candidates. Watch for instructions on submitting your questions prior to the Forum. Veteran Service Officer coming to HEB Wednesday, October 14 On Wednesday October 14, Arapahoe County Veteran Service Officer (VSO) T.J. Westphal will be at HEB. The meeting will be held in the Antero Room at 6:30 P.M. The VSO is the first contact for help in filing a VA disability claim and the person most knowledgeable about benefits a veteran may be entitled to receive. T.J will have a short presentation and then will take questions from the audience. A person with Congressional staff experience will also be available to discuss how our Congressman’s office can assist with expediting filed claims. In addition to hearing from candidates, information will be shared on various ballot issues that are of interest to HEB residents. Please RSVP to the Welcome Desk for both of these events. The election is November 3, 2015. This is an all mail election so watch for your ballot in mid-October. Passport to the Arts - Cultural Club by Valerie Ness O pen to all HEB Residents, and with a wide variety of activities, this group supports live theater, museums, art galleries, occasional day trips, symphony, and opera. You may sign up for any of the events in the white Cultural Book located in the HEB Library. There are no dues or membership for this group, and we don’t hold meetings. If you are interested in being included on our email distribution list OR if you have a great idea for an activity you’d like to share, please send your email address to Valerie Ness at ValerieNess@Comcast.net Upcoming Theater Events A Christmas Story, 23 Dec. 2pm Wizard of OZ, 13 Feb. 2pm Gentleman’s Guide to Murder, 21 Feb., 2pm 10 Prices and sign up info in Cultural Book in the HEB Library. Next Event: Nov. 17 10 – 3 pm Chocolate Bus Tour of Sign up and leave check made out to Valerie Ness, NLT 19 Aug, in Cultural Book in Library. Cost: $22/pp Chocolate Tour You don’t need any chutes or ladders to get you to Denver’s sweet spots. Presented by Denver History Tours, join us as we find out there are lots of sweet things chocolate. More gastronomy than history, this tour will fill your senses with delight. There will be a break for lunch in the middle, so you can have something more filling than candy, and be sure to bring money to spend in the sweet stops along the way! COMMUNITY INFORMATION Did You Know by Wendy Stofa, Community Manager, CMCA, CAM Thank you to everyone for doing such a great job keeping the community beautiful. Here are some tips to help us out! The overflow parking lots in HEB are for guest vehicles, not for residents additional vehicles. www.heritageeaglebend.com COMMUNITY OUTREACH DENVER DUMB FRIENDS LEAGUE Can you help restock our community animal shelter with any of the following items? We will be outside Albertson’s on Gun Club Road on Remember to slow down as you are driving in the community. We would like everyone to stay safe especially as the weather changes. to hand out flyers to receptive shoppers. Underage guests – any guest under (19) years of age can only stay for up to six weeks at a time and no longer than 90 days in a year. We will also accept any items dropped off on our front porch at 7695 S. Algonquian Way up until 10/10. No Commercial vehicles (marked or unmarked) are allowed to be parked in the driveway or in front of your house with the exception of a moving van when you are moving in or out or if a project is going on. Distilled water Hill’s Science Diet or Ideal Balance cat and dog treats Tuna, peanut butter, hot dogs, cheese, bacon Meat-flavored baby food without onions or garlic Dog toys: Kongs Bleach, laundry or dish soap Housetraining pads Paper towels Trash bags: 45 gallon or larger AA, AAA and D batteries Cotton balls Sandwich bags Toothbrushes Scouring pads Pill pockets Disinfecting wipes Shoe boxes Toilet paper or paper towel cardboard rolls Yard Art or lawn décor need to be submitted to the AAC for approval. Remember less is generally more with regard to this subject at HEB. Reminder that all fountains, statues, arches, windmills, wagons, wagon wheels, mirror balls, etc. all need to be submitted for. The HEB Newsletter is on our website. Therefore you can access it while you are travelling this winter. See www. heritageeaglebend.com under Lifestyle to view them. Let’s spruce up those lamp posts! If they are tipping or in need of stain, see our Service Directory for a resident who will fix them good as new. Dogs are never allowed to be off leash in HEB or in the City of Aurora. And we thank you for promptly picking up after your dogs. HEB is a dog loving community so let’s keep it that way! No trailers of any kind are allowed in the clubhouse parking lot. That includes moving, boat, airplane, horse trailers etc. Please obtain a login from Dylan Schoonover to access the Resident Only side of the HEB Website. Call 720-235-1857 x157 to reach Dylan. You will have access to committee and board minutes, financials, governing documents, many community forms and much information! Get logged on today! All new residents are required to do a New Homeowner Orientation with Diane Langley, Assistant Community Manager here at HEB. Please contact Diane to set up an appointment at 720-235-1826. This is a very informational meeting! Live in Traditions or Village and have an issue with your yard? Please call your Hotline at 303-343-4011. Saturday, October 10th Together, we can make a difference! E-mail june.goddard@q.com if you have questions. Thank you for your support of this community non-profit. Terry and June Goddard BECKY LEHMANN STARTS IN LANDSCAPING OFFICE Please welcome our Administrative Assistant, Becky Lehmann, who is now available at the Landscaping Office! Please contact Becky for all your Landscaping needs in the Common Areas as well as assistance with Single Family Home issues. She can be reached at 720-235-1852 or at Blehmann@heritageeaglebend.com Thank you! Thank you to all for helping with all these issues! 11 UPCOMING EVENTS www.heritageeaglebend.com Texas Hold Em All Welcome! 6 pm :: $25 Masquerade Ball Saturday, October 31st JOIN TONY DAVID & WILDEFIRE FOR A SPOOKTACULAR NIGHT! ★ ★ OCTOBER 28, 2015 NOVEMBER 18, 2015 DECEMBER 16, 2015 Ed Criss 303-400-0347 Jim Martindale 720-876-0569 Mona Miller 303-617-4539 ★ DOORS OPEN AT 5:00PM BUFFET OPENS AT 5:30PM TONY DAVID & WILDEFIRE 6:00PM – 9:00PM TRIVIA NIGHT Wednesday, October 8th 6:30pm – 9pm Antero Room MASQUERADE MENU Mixed green salad with toasted pumpkin seeds and congealed blood dressing Blood Braised Chicken (Coq a Vin) Rats Baked in Blood (Meatloaf shaped like rats) Monster Mash Potatoes (green mashed potatoes) Steamed Monster Fingers (steamed vegetables in the shape of fingers) Pumpkin Pie and Sweet Potato Pie TICKETS $30 www.heritageeaglebend.com HEB DIRECTORY NOW AVAILABLE ON THE WEBSITE! GET LOGGED-IN TODAY! 12 OCTOBER WITCH’S LUNCHEON Friday, October 23rd Watch your email for details! UPCOMING EVENTS www.heritageeaglebend.com Craft Fair Saturday, November 7th 10:00am – 3:00pm UNIQUE VENDORS! FREE ADMISSION! Enjoy the arts and crafts of local vendors and start your holiday shopping! Always open to the Public – Come Visit the Eagles Nest Restaurant – Heritage Eagle Bend Clubhouse 23155 E Heritage Pkwy, Aurora, CO 80016 PRIME OF YOUR LIFE BUFFET is Tuesday, October 6th from 5-8pm. Please come up and celebrate your birthday with your family and friends. The Resident with a birthday in the month of October eats for free! Please make your reservations at the Welcome Desk. BINGO Thursday, October 15th at 7pm Thursday, November 5th at 7pm 303-693-7788 www.heritageeaglebend.com CAL (open Special Event to all HEB residents) MOLLY BROWN FREE tickets available at Welcome Desk Join CAL for a fascinating evening of entertainment as Docents from the Molly Brown House Museum introduce us to Denver Society and unravel the myths about Molly Brown October 20th Doors open 6 PM (cash bar) • Presentation starts 6:30 PM 13 www.heritageeaglebend.com HEB Art For everyone interested in creating arts and crafts. Meets two times a month. Please send an email to hebartclub@gmail.com for meeting times, dates and activities. CLUBS and GROUPS Singles Club Second Thursday, 4:45 pm Join the EB singles group for friendship, social activities, and support. Visit our website for a list of activities. www.eaglebendsingles.com. Questions call Carol Mongar, 505-220-1536 Bible Study 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 7:00 pm Gentle Yoga Mondays & Wednesdays, 9:30 am - 10:30 am $11 per class. First class FREE! This multi-level class will utilize movement, Ladies Bible Study 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 10:00 am stretches and breath to enhance flexibility, strength, balance, coordination and Join our lively discussion as we study the Bible and grow our friendships as well greatly aids in reducing stress. Angie Cassola, 303-641-1555. as our spiritual walk. We’d love to include you in our study as we learn and grow as well as praying for the needs of our families, friends, community and Jazzercise Tuesday/Thursday, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm beyond. For more information contact Karen Hermelink at 303-809-3906. Saturdays, 8:30 am - 9:45 am Get a well-rounded workout which includes aerobics, strength and flexibility components. Each class includes a warm-up, Book Club 3rd Thursday, 7:00 pm 30 minutes of low-impact aerobics, muscle toning, strengthening using weights Men and women who like a variety of genre are welcome to join in our and full body stretching. Bring a mat if you have one. book discussions! Watercolor Classes Thursdays, 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm Busy Bloomers Garden Club meets the 3rd Monday of each month Paul, 303-870-5586, pjv7676@comcast.net. at the HEB Clubhouse The Busy Bloomers Garden Club is a resource of information, increasing the Monday Watercolor Group Mondays, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm knowledge of its members on outdoor and indoor horticulture in Colorado. for all those interested in painting with watercolor, meets every Monday The members plan and implement tours, speakers, fundraisers and projects to afternoon, 1-4 PM, for instruction and painting. benefit its members and the Heritage Eagle Bend community. For more information please email hebartclub@gmail.com The Busy Bloomers Garden Club is affiliated with the CO Federation of Garden Clubs. For additional information, please contact Pat Goodman at Losing a Loved One Support Group 2nd Tuesday, 4 pm - 5:30 pm (303)400-4741 or by email at patsygood@msn.com Windom Room. Judy Gillum 303-690-0229. Car Club 2nd Saturday, 9 am at the Clubhouse Informal meeting of guys and girls who enjoy seeing and discussing the cars of our youth. Organizers of the Heb Summer Car Show. No dues. No rules. Just Fun. Duplicate Bridge Every Wednesday, 5:45 pm - 9:00 pm Fee: $2 per person for prizes and supplies. Reservations are required! Carol Finnin 303-400-6016. Janet Dean, 303-693-3144. Eagle Bend Community Church Every Sunday, 10:00 am Call Bruce Minor, Pastor, 303-757-1455 Ladies’ Bridge Mondays, 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm $1 for prizes. Please call first. We have six tables of regular players and always need substitutes. Samie Quick, 303-699-0840. Pinochle Club Days: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 12:30 am - 3:30 pm Questions, Call Barbara Pedersen, 303-690-3451 Come Join Us. If you haven’t played, we will teach you! Group Strength Training Tuesdays/Thursdays, 7:00 am Join certified personal trainers for a group fitness class. Mondays/Wednesday, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Learn a variety of exercises using machines and free weights that will help improve muscle strength and flexibility. Price is $64-$72 per month (based on number of classes held per month) Stacy Montgomery, 303-898-5945. Men’s Billiards Open Pool every Monday evening at 6:00 pm and every Thursday at 1:00 pm. Everyone welcome. Women’s Billiards Open play Mondays at 1:00 pm Everyone Welcome! If you have questions, please contact: Relax and Laugh Bridge Tuesdays, 9:00 am to 11:00 am - No fees Rose Marie Duran 303-693-7832 Email: rm.duran@comcast.net This non-competitive bridge group is for those who want to get back to a really fun, thinking game. For more info call Kathy Taylor, 720-205-2920, HEB Cribbage Club New date and new time! Carrie Sharp, 720-479-8414, or Gloria Sankel, 720-870-7776. 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm. We meet in the Eagle’s Nest. New players are welcome and encouraged. No Partner Bridge Thursday, 9:00 am - noon experience required. Drop in participation and no signup required. No need $1 per person for prizes. Sign up in the Partner Bridge Notebook in the to bring your own board or cards. For more information, contact Larry Place Library by Tuesday am. Kathy Taylor, 720-205-2920 or 303-617-5419 or email to lj_place@msn.com Betty Lewis, 303-972-3851. Women’s Canasta 2nd & 4th Thursday, 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm Mexican Train Dominoes Every Thursday, 6:00 pm Traditional and “Hand and Foot.” Please call Bonnie Shapiro, 303-693-1212 Questions; call Lois Keller 720-870-5733. to sign up. Poker Every Tuesday, 6:00 pm Ladies’ Poker Every Tuesday, 12:30 pm Crazy Quilters 3rd Saturday, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm We always welcome new residents. We will be meeting on the 3rd Saturday of each Mah Jong Wednesdays, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm month from 10 am to 5 pm in the HEB Clubhouse Craft Room. Phyllis Miller, Fun, sociable Mah Jong evening for those familiar with the game. 303-517-3617, e-mail pjmom70@gmail.com To get on our email contact list, call Doris Robbins, 303-617-7963 or Judi Braunstein, 303-537-4172. Genealogy 3rd Thursday, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm - Humboldt Room No monthly speakers. No “Piggy”. We will have “round table” discussions and Heritage Gun Club 1st Saturday, 9:00 am let them evolve based on questions, share time or brick walls from members The mission of the club is “…to promote and encourage understanding in attendance. Everyone will have a chance to speak. We’re here to help each by Heritage Eagle Bend residents in the safe use, maintenance practices other as we search for our ancestors. Bring your laptops! and training of firearms.” We provide access to information and training Contacts: Sherrill Kerbaugh jskerbaugh@comcast.net & programs for all levels of expertise especially for those new to gun ownership. John Holthaus 303-680-1265. The monthly meetings are held in the Humboldt Room and include law enforcement and elected officials as guest speakers, and we conduct field Photo Club 3rd Monday, 7:00 pm trips to locations of interest, including offices of political leaders and law Our photography club provides information for all levels. We “focus” on digital enforcement facilities. Non-member guests are welcome. Please join us. techniques and help you to learn to get the final product you want. Just come Contact Carol Ambrose, President at 303 680-3144 or Teri Chavez, to the meeting, or for more information, call Roy Messmore, 720-842-1933 or Vice President, 303 435-2288 for further information. email rocker123@q.com Knit and Stitch 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 9:30am Friends of HEB 3rd Wednesday at 9:30 am in the Humboldt Room Call for info ~ Lois Ragland 303-690-5049 Men and Women Welcome. This is a volunteer organization where the funds Mah Jong Fridays, 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm This is a “just for fun” group go back to HEB. Call June Regan 303-699-5212 for information. that has all levels of players. Judy Johnson 303-777-8540. Handy Helpers and medical equipment helpers are: Tom Ledgerwood 303-861-0880, Jerry Gossner 303-680-5946, Dean Arkema 720-470-4635 and Larry McLaughlin 303-741-1403 14 CLUBS and GROUPS Pickleball Club (check the HEB website under COURT SPORTS) Please join us for one of the fastest growing sports in the USA! Pickleball is a mixture of badminton, ping pong, and tennis. We welcome all skill levels. We have beginning, intermediate, and advanced courts to enable you to play with players of your same skill level. Beginner court times are 11 am-NOON (Mon-Fri) and 6-8 pm (Wed). Open play court times are 9-11 am, 2-4 pm, and 6-8 pm (every day). We are playing on Court #4 with new standalone courts and permanent nets. For more information, please contact Ron & Joyce Riedesel @303.693.7667 or rriedesel@yahoo.com HOPE TO SEE YOU ON OUR NEW COURTS THIS YEAR! www.heritageeaglebend.com Rummy-O/Rummikub Every Sunday, 2pm Room to be posted. Beginners are welcome. We don’t keep score. Contact: Schuller.Cynthia@gmail.com for any questions Daytime Dominoes 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at 2:30 at the HEB Clubhouse. Non-competitive Mexican Train Dominoes for those who enjoy the game or would like to learn how to play. For more information call Mary Jo Kranz, 720-328-5000 or just join us. Pray for HEB and America! 2nd Wednesday of each month, 5:30pm We invite you to join us each month as we pray for our Community, family, friends and neighbors … and for our Country. On the 2nd Weds. of each month we meet for 30 to 40 minutes to pray for a wide range of needs. When the weather is nice, we gather outside in the upper parking lot. During the Winter months we meet inside the clubhouse, usually in the Billiards Room. If you have a prayer request, please email: Pray4HEB@gmail.com, or call Mary Galvin at 303-807-3699 Fitness Walking Group Monday - Friday, 8:00 am This is a new group that offers not only walking, but you will also learn some techniques that will increase your balance, flexibility and endurance. We will be meeting at 8 am in the lobby of the clubhouse. We usually walk 45-60 minutes Mon- Friday, but you are encouraged to walk whatever works for you. Listening to your body is key. If you have never been a walker, we encourage you to come and try it out. We also hope to have some lively discussions along the way. Having a healthy body and mind is our goal! The “journey” is far more important than the destination. Char Hostetler 303-779-4509 Water Volleyball Thursday 12:00 - 2:00pm Steve 303-526-5177 sjacquin@comcast.net Your Support Group 1st Wednesday of each month, 4:30pm - 6:00pm in the Windom Room. Your Support Group is for men and women facing Health Challenges and Caregivers. Call Peg Crandall, 303-766-1670 for more information. HEB Tennis Club Men - Drop-in tennis Tuesday and Saturdays, 9:00am to 11:00am. All levels of doubles play. Times may change with warmer weather. Women - Drop-in open doubles for all levels. Mondays and Thursdays 9:00am to 11:00am. (Subject to change as weather warms). Join us for mixers and interclub play. For information, call Don Bevis at 303-766-3663 or Carrie Sharp at 720-479-8414. The Chavurah The HEB Chavurah invites you to get acquainted with our Circle of Friends, a Jewish-oriented social group here at HEB. The word Chavurah means group of friends in Hebrew. We welcome anyone interested in traditional and social Jewish activities. We meet monthly in a member’s home (a different home every month.) Among our activities during the past year were a Chanukah potluck party, a Passover Seder, Sabbath dinners, various social get togethers, an annual summer picnic, and tours of various places of interest. We also lend support to our members when they need care and comfort in difficult situations such as illness and/or the loss of a loved one. If you are new to HEB and/or if you have been procrastinating about joining our Chavurah, please contact one of the people listed below. Gordy Landsman, Chairperson 303-953-0745 Steve Braunstein, Treasurer 303-537-4172 Eagle Bend Singles Club by Carol Mongar, President S eptember was a busy and fun month - starting off with another day bus trip. This trip focused on the history of women in Denver. The chocolate tour has been scheduled for November 17th. These day trips have been extremely popular and I suspect we will be continuing to schedule more. Word has it that a trip to Branson and another to Washington DC are in the beginning planning stages. An even bigger trip is being talked about - but will save the details for that one to a later date. We are also hoping for some close to home but overnights trips here in Colorado. The Planning Committee has also been busy coming up with new and recurring activities for members and their guests. In September, the Breakfast group went to the Saddle Rock Golf Club and will go to the Eagle’s Nest for October. Our Mixed Grill group continues to explore new and interesting restaurants this coming year. In September, they went to Junz in Parker and in October they are going to Monsoon at Southlands. Plans are underway for the Progressive Dinner to be held at three of our members’ homes (who are neighbors) for the end of October. With the start of our 2015/16 membership year, our yearly dues of $15 became due. However, anyone can join at anytime. And, did you know? Membership in the EB Singles is open to all HEB residents. If you are interested in our group, please call me - Carol Mongar- at 505-220-1536 and I will answer your questions as well as put you in touch with our Welcoming Committee. Hope to see you at our meetings - they are always on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 4:45 for activity signups and then a formal business meeting at 5:00 (usually in the Humboldt Room - but check the board near the Welcome Desk). After our meeting, many members adjourn to the Eagle’s Nest for dinner. You can also join the group on Thursday night Happy Hour at the Eagle’s Nest which meets every Thursday. 15 CLUBS and GROUPS www.heritageeaglebend.com Friends of HEB Sub-Committee by Sandra Barron W e are looking forward to Doll Painting by Inez Wilson on September 16. Bring a friend or a neighbor as everyone is welcome. Remember our Craft Fair is November 7 and we will again sell Butter Braids and have a bake sale. More information will be made available at our next meeting. The president will soon be appointing a Nominating Committee to help with our November election. Remember, only members in good standing will be eligible to vote. Betty Minor is the Chairperson for the meals and can be reached at 303-757-1455. If she cannot be reached, you may contact the following: Donna Reinke, Co-Chair 1-253249-4705. Jeanne Curtis 303-346-2566 or Linda McFarland 720-524-8181. If you have any questions, please contact Betty Minor or Donna Reinke. Again, here is the listing for the Handy Helpers: Tom Ledgerwood 303-861-0880, Jerry Gossner 303-680-5946, Dan Arkenna 720-470-4635 and Larry McLaughlin 303-7411403. Also contact Tom Ledgerwood for medical equipment. Friends of HEB meet every third Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. in the Humboldt Room. YOUR SUPPORT GROUP for Caregivers and those facing Health Challenges 4:00 to5:30 on October 7 in the Windom Room This group provides opportunity to share your situation, receive support, and learn along the way. At the October meeting, in addition to addressing your concerns, we will discuss caregiving and how to care for yourself during related challenging times. If you heard Dr. Wyatt address this topic, please be willing to talk about progress you have made and/or what you encountered. If you have not heard the speaker, there are many opportunities to speak up. HEB residents who are Caregivers or facing Health Challenges, are encouraged to join in, contribute your thoughts, or simply ask questions. Questions? Contact Peg Crandall, peg.crandall@comcast.net 303-766-1670 Eagle Book Club Contacts: Bernadette & Jim Shook 303-600-9003 Meets the third Thursday of the month, 7 p.m. at the Heritage Eagle Bend Library. Men and women who like a variety of genre are invited to join in book discussions. All are welcome. October 15 - The Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline This is a gripping story of friendship and second chances. Penobscot Indian Molly Ayer is close to “aging out” of the foster care system. A community service position helping a 90 plus-year old woman clean out her attic is the only thing keeping Molly out of juvie and worse. As Molly helps Vivian sort through her possessions and memories, she learns that she and Vivian aren’t as different as they seem to be. Both characters have taken journeys that have shaped their personalities and made them skeptical, guarded and afraid. It turns out that as a young Irish immigrant orphaned in New York City, Vivian had been put on a train by the Children’s Aid Society to the Midwest with hundreds of other orphans whose destinies would be determined by luck and chance much as Molly’s life had been shaped. Fiction. November 19 - Rainbows in Puddles by Mary “Corky” Treacy Thompson (our very own HEB neighbor). Edwin Vikman and his twin Dwane are men of courage and perseverance who were born during the depression. They were orphaned when their mother died in childbirth and their father, a popular Lutheran minister, was killed in a car accident. The life that followed was harrowing. How they survived those early years is documented in this story. It is a true story of endurance and love, a story filled with heartache, but humor too. It was a life spent with an aunt who despised them, a life of foster homes, and of near indentured servitude. Despite this, the Vikman story is not one of misery and neglect. Indeed, it is a story of triumph. Memoir 16 We will make selections for books to discuss in 2016. December 17 Holiday Break CLUBS and GROUPS www.heritageeaglebend.com How to Spot a Deceptive Sales Scam by Phil Dinan False claims. High pressure tactics. Unethical sales practices. Fraudulent door-to-door sales reps are known to use these scams to lure you away from or cancel your home security. Here are a few tips to help you protect yourself from security fraud and help you spot door-to-door sales scams before they happen. License required in Aurora. • Regardless of whether any goods, commodities or services are actually delivered at the time of sale, Door-toDoor selling is not permitted in Aurora without a valid door-to-door seller’s license and seller’s identification card. <https://www.auroragov.org/cs/groups/public/ documents/document/013847.pdf> The only exemptions to this law are ‘charitable organizations with a 501(c)(3) designation, persons selling subscriptions for home delivery of newspapers, the US and State of Colorado, their departments, agencies and political subdivisions. Everyone engaged in door-to-door sales in residential areas MUST have a door-to-door seller’s identification card (not just their company identification). The ID is valid for 90 days and it will have a photo of the seller on it. All door-to-door sellers in Aurora must have the ID badge (exceptions noted above). You can verify their ID badge by calling the ‘Tax & Licensing Office’ at: 303-739-7057. You can verify a contractor’s license through the Building Department at: 303-739-7420. • Ask to see official company identification. Before you let them into your home, call the company’s residential service number to confirm their affiliation with the company. Ask them for the phone number to their company’s main office. If they do not show official ID, or don’t want to wait while you call their office, don’t believe them. • Don‘t give out your personal information. Be aware of questions about your personal information. Do not jeopardize your financial, medical or personal identity. • Don’t allow yourself to be duped into signing unclear documents. Fraudulent door-to-door sales reps may claim to be from any company or an authorized dealer, but the paperwork may say otherwise. Be cautious. Do not sign any documents without careful review first. • Listen for common “Deceptive Door Knocker” phrases used to gain access into your home. “We are here from ‘company x’ to check your system” or “We are here to upgrade your system.” Legitimate service representatives will call first if an upgrade or service repair appointment is/was needed. They don’t just show up without you calling them. They set up appointments and call before they show up. • • • • knocker scam or any suspicious activity. Report the incident to the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Contact your state’s Attorney General’s office. Contact your local Consumer Protection Agency. How do you report a “less than positive experience” with a door-to-door direct sell agent? - You have several options: • If a person refuses to leave or you feel threatened by them you should dial 911 and request a police officer. • You may call your PAR (Police Area Representative) Officer to make a report. The PAR Officer for Areas 26 & 27 (South East Aurora) is Officer James Salazar. Phone: 303-627-3177, email: <jsalazar@auroragov. org>. • You may call Access Aurora at 303-739-7000 to make a complaint. • You may use the website www.auroragov.org/ ContactUs to make a complaint. • Understand that often when a police officer responds to a call the sales person is usually gone and difficult to locate. Take Action Against Door Knocker Scams What if I see, experience or learn of a Door Knocker scam taking place? • Immediately call the local police before these scammers expand in your community or move to nearby areas. • Tell your friends and family if you encounter a door Wild Red-Tailed Hawk Submitted by Bruce Minor 17 CLUBS and GROUPS www.heritageeaglebend.com HEB Community on track to possibly exceed 2011 best year Blood Donations! by Clinton Smythe HEB Community had our best year blood drive results in supporting Bonfils Blood Center and the community blood supply by donating a total of 431 units back in 2011, almost 4 years ago. As you know, we had two outstanding blood drives this summer on June 12 and August 7 when we donated 150 units. We are two-thirds through our 6 drives for 2015 and if we are able to donate 150 more units (75 average units/drive on October 2 and December 4), then together with our total “donations-made-on-behalfof-others” at the Lowry and Highlands Ranch Blood Centers, we can hopefully have our best blood donations’ year ever:-) To date, through our 1st four drives, we have donated 269 units, so with two more potentially excellent drives remaining this year, together we can do it. I am so excited about this possibility that I can hardly stand it! Please call the Welcome Desk (303-693-7788) to sign-up. We welcome walk-in donors too! Please call me (303-501-7444) rather than Bonfils if you need to cancel or change your appointment. I encourage all our donors to help recruit new donors including 1st time donors, and eligible donors who have donated blood in earlier years and would like to get back into the healthy habit of donating blood. There will be a drawing for another lucky donor who will receive a certificate for dinner-for-two at the Eagles Nest Restaurant! I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming October 2 blood drive. On behalf of Bonfils (and me as your Liaison), we thank you for your continuing support of donating blood and dedication to saving lives! Please call me if you have any questions; thanks:-) MANY THANKS! HEB Car Club The October HEB Car Club meeting is on Saturday, 10-10-15, at 9:00 AM in the Clubhouse. Becoming the Best You I’ve seen some new and unique vehicles in the neighborhood lately so maybe we will gain a few new members this month. If the weather is nice bring your cool cars to the meeting and we will have one last look before winter. We’ll meet on Wednesday, October 7th from 1 – 2:30 in the Humboldt Room. by Peggy Williams Bunky Lundberg, a professional organizer since 1995, will present “Life Is a Puzzle - Making the Pieces Fit.” Her experience in helping others organize their things has evolved into helping people to live life more fully. She will talk with us about slowing down and finding what inspires us, identifying the priorities you want to focus on and learning the action steps to move forward. This program is sure to appeal to many different folks and have a different meaning for each one. We invite you to join us and bring a friend. SENIORS’ RESOURCE CENTER OFFERING FREE RIDE SERVICE FOR SENIORS Arapahoe County is partnering with the Seniors’ Resource Center to provide free transport for seniors for residents 60 years and older. Donations are encouraged and appreciated. Please call 303.235.6972 Our intention is to present topics that challenge you, to inform you and to expand your world. Should you have any questions or an idea for a topic for discussion, please contact Char Hostetler at 303 779-4509 or Peggy Williams at 303 886-3333. to make a reservation. q Call between 8am – 4pm Monday – Friday at least three business days in advance of when a ride is needed. When you call, please provide your name, pick-up address, time of appointment and emergency contact numbers. 18 CLUBS and GROUPS www.heritageeaglebend.com HEB Friends of the Library Featured Artist by Audrey Ledgerwood Vince Calarco is our Friends of the Library Featured Artist for the Month of October. Please view his wonderful paintings on the upper shelves of the west wall of the HEB Library. Vincent (Vince) was born in Hazleton, PA in 1945. At the age of 10 he began painting in oil, studying at the Hazleton Art League. At the age of 14, he was studying painting, drawing and art theory in New York City under the guidance and tutelage of Albert Pels. An accomplished portrait artist by age 17, Vince quickly determined that his tastes in life exceeded the ability of an art career to satisfy. He, therefore, diverted from his artistic endeavors and matriculated at Albright College, Reading, PA for a dual degree in Liberal Arts and Engineering. Vince’s pursuit of higher education was interrupted by a tour of duty in the United States Army that lasted for a period of 2 years 10 months and 2 days, but who was counting. Upon returning to academia, he obtained his Bachelor of Science Degree in Economics with honors and a Master of Science Degree in Mineral Economics from Penn State University, University Park, PA. Following graduation, Vince had a successful career in business that spanned a period of 25 years with such companies as Chase Manhattan Bank, ARCO Petroleum, and finally with Cyprus Amax Minerals Company in Englewood, Colorado. While Vince maintained his artistic pursuits throughout his corporate career by executing works appreciated by family and friends, it was in 1997 that the opportunity arose for him to join together the three loves of his life - family, painting and Nantucket. His company was going through a downsizing and in the process offered Vince the opportunity to head a subsidiary in the Midwest. That evening, after discussions with his wife, Penza, a vote was taken. The result was 2 - 0 to take a golden parachute and move from Denver, Colorado to the house they maintained on Nantucket, Massachusetts, thereby providing the means and opportunity for a full-time pursuit of his artist expression. Joining the Artists’ Association of Nantucket, in 2001. In 2002, he received the Association’s Robert C. MacDougall Award for Promising New Artist. He has been exhibited at the Nantucket Airport and has been Featured Artist in a number of AAN exhibits at its gallery on Nantucket as well as other galleries where he still exhibits throughout the summer. With the call of grandkids tugging on their heart strings, in 2012, Vince and Penza downsized and left the Island of Nantucket and returned to Colorado. First settling in a condo in Highlands Ranch, Penza concluded that the downsizing was too much and that she needed more light (ie windows) and some dirt in which to play (ie gardening). Thus, came the move to Heritage Eagle Bend, where, an abundance of light was achieved, but, due to rabbits, deer, and hail, the gardening is problematic. But her hope blooms eternal. As for Vince, however, he maintains his studio in the basement where he paints with an emphasis on marine and seascapes, although, he is slowly transitioning to the western landscape. While his works are in private collections through-out the United States as well as internationally, he has reaffirmed the conclusion he reached in 1963, that is, his tastes in life continue to exceed the ability of an art career to provide. Thank heavens for a successful corporate career and his 401K! You can see more of Vince’s works at his web site: vincentcalarcoart.com. So please enjoy Vince’s paintings in the HEB Library. We are always looking for HEB Artists who would like to show their work in the Library. If you are interested, please contact Audrey Ledgerwood, alwood2@gmail.com, 303.861.0880. We would like to feature as many of our talented artists as possible in the upcoming months. DISTRICT #9 is looking for a new Delegate! Please contact Wendy Stofa with questions at 720.235.1831 19 SPORTS CORNER www.heritageeaglebend.com HEB Ladies’ 18-Hole Golf League by Sharyl Harston The Monday Fun Group hat fun it is to take a look at the League’s 2015 golf season. The League started the season in May with chilly weather much of the month, plus a lush, wet course. By the middle of June, we were getting into the swing of Tuesday 7:30 a.m. shotgun starts, and on June 23rd we had a great time at our Pretty in Pink Member/Member or Member/Guest Day. Playing consistently in July and August miraculously produced lowering handicaps, even though we began to complain a bit about the hotter days and the thicker rough. The League’s Summer Social was on July 15th – it was great fun to socialize with new and old acquaintances. By September, we all knew that the summer was ending and perhaps ending too quickly. Were we not quite ready to give up the fun Tuesday morning game; were we feeling we might really miss the great conversations at lunch after golf? Some consolation arrived with our September 29th End of the Season Luncheon. Not only do we always enjoy a delicious lunch and relish the company of our League friends, but we also receive our “2015 Ringer Score”. The Ringer Score is produced by recording and then compiling a player’s best score on each hole over the season. Oh My Gosh – how many ladies had a Ringer Score in the low 100’s, perhaps 90’s – even the 80’s! Knowing what your potential is if you played your best game is a big incentive to play in the League next year. “Monday, Monday, can’t trust that day.” W We have one more League event this year. It is our December 8th Holiday Social which has always been such a special time to spend with our League buddies. The 2016 season golf signup will be in March. Watch for articles about the 2016 dates and information about the HEB Ladies’ 18-Hole League. If you have any questions about the League, get in touch with me at 303-333-7621 or sharylj@harston.net. Rainy Mondays keep coming our way. Despite more rainy Monday’s this year than the total of the previous 4 years, the Monday Fun Group still had a fun and successful year in 2015. We want to thank the staff in the Golf shop for their help with all the confusion the rain caused. We want to thank the staff of the Eagle’s Nest for being flexible and just plain fantastic in being able to put a buffet together for 80 people two hours before it was scheduled. Most of all we want to thank the MFG players for coming up each Monday, rain or shine to have fun and support our club. We’ll go until mid- October and hope for good weather before we start organizing for next year starting in April. I’m confident that one of my ancestors was a Rain Man for our tribe, but there is a chance that we can turn it all around next year. Terry and I thank all of the people we met through this group who have become good friends. That is also one of the goal of the MFG. Thanks again, and we hope to see you next year! Terry Forsman Phone: (720) 413-3575 email: sassy.girl@comcast.net Dick Forsman Phone: (720) 413-3386 email: forsmans4u@comcast.net Bocce News by Rose Marie Duran The bocce players usually take an August break from the heat. This year, our Coordinator, Mike Anderson, proposed a bocce tournament with first, second and third place prizes. No persuading required here; 60 bocce players queued up to register for the tournament. The following synchronized pairs emerged with the most wins: The event took place over two days. Saturday, August the 22nd single players brought their A game to the courts, and the following players came out at the top: Mid-month we will wind up the fall season league playing. The league standings will be posted at the bocce courts, and winners will be named in the December HEB Newsletter. Then it is time to batten down the hatches and nestle in for the winter. First place $30 each: Diana Frederick - John Toelle Second place $20 each: Mick Mielke - Stan Yamagishi Third place $10 each: Paula Kalman - Clyde Satterfield On Sunday, bocce pairs demonstrated some fine bowling. 20 First place $60: Mary and Pete Smit Second place $40: Susan and Dennis Havel Third place $20: Barb and Bruce Sachetti Contacts: Barb Sachetti - 303-917-4379 & Rose Marie Duran - 303-693-7832 SPORTS CORNER www.heritageeaglebend.com HEB Women’s Golf Association by Jan Sarahs As we wind down our 2015 season of golf, thank you to all of ladies of the HEBWGA for participating this year. Congratulations to Karen Moore, winner of our Ladies’ Club Championship! Thank you to our President, Jan Place, and her Board Members for all of their hard work this season. All league days were well attended and we were able to play with ladies from all flights. Official league play has ended, but our new board members will be busy planning new games and activities for the upcoming season. Look for new information for the 2016 season in the new year. Tennis News by Carrie Sharp Tennis is “winding down” as fall comes but we will be on the court as long as the weather holds. Ladies tennis will be playing on Tuesday and Saturday mornings at 9:00 A.M. HEB 6.0 (65 and over team) won their division, and will be playing in the District Championships September 15 – 17 at Ken Caryl Ranch. Team members are Captain Carrie Sharp, Janice Allmacher Marj Dyer, Cathy Harju, Violet Marquez, Carrollee Moore, Carol Lawson, Donna Rufner, Joanna Miller, Nancy Wagner and Jane Shelton. No east/west tournament this year due to the long “resurfacing” process. We will plan to do it next spring or summer! See you on the beautiful new courts!! See you on the beautiful new courts! HERITAGE EAGLE BEND Landscape and Snow Services 720.235.1852 ALWAYS ON-SITE ~ ALWAYS HERE FOR YOU Fall is just around the bend and it is time again to start thinking about aerating your lawn and blowing out your sprinkler system. Unfortunately this is also the time to start thinking about snow removal. Sign up now so that you are not caught unprepared. 2015 CONTRACTS AVAILABLE AT THE WELCOME DESK IN THE CLUBHOUSE DISCOUNTS GIVEN FOR FULL SNOW AND LANDSCAPE SIGN UPS TURF CARE Lawn Aerification • Garden Clean-Up • Tree & Shrub Trimming Irrigation Maintenance • Sprinkler Repair • Sprinkler Blow-Out CALL OUR NEW ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT IN THE LANDSCAPING OFFICE BECKY LEHMANN AT 720.235.1852 • Blehmann@heritageeaglebend.com 21 www.heritageeaglebend.com SPORTS CORNER The Eagle Bend Golf Subcommittee (EBGA) by Lori Schmidt 2015 GOLF SEASON!!!! On behalf of the 2015 EBGA Subcommittee: Dennis and Jan Sarahs, Jon and Lori Schmidt and Rita Johnson, we would like to thank all of the residents who participated and made another year of the EBGA successful. Board Members We would also like to thank the pro shop team and especially Dillon Joslyn for of their support! The Fall Finale was a great success and fun was had by all! Jolly Demis entertained and kept everyone in stitches. We had lots of drawings, a wonderful plated dinner and the new 2016 Subcommittee members were elected: Deb and Jim Wishmier, Charlie Fagan, Will Schippers and Deb Boelke. We would like to thank them for volunteering and ask that you all welcome and give them your support! Flight One The winners for the Fall Finale were: Flight One: Jan and Larry Place, Karen Stevens and Ken Lea Flight Two: Jamie and Virgil Versteeg & Julie and Tim O’Brien Flight Three: Kathy and Ed Malone & Becky and Hal Deering Congratulations!!!! The Eagle Bend Golf Association (EBGA) is open to all homeowners and/or residents residing within the boundaries of Heritage Eagle Bend and has a current USGA Handicap Index. We promote a series of golf events that will provide a maximum opportunity for ALL residents to participate. Flight Two This includes EVERYONE in the community including single residents. We will find you a golfing partner if you need one! Flight Three Ladies 9-Hole Golf League by Mary Galvin W here did the Summer go? It is hard to believe that our 2015 golf season has officially drawn to a close. Looking back over these many weeks, we had a lot of golf … and a lot of fun. Several new members joined our League this year. It has been enjoyable getting to know everyone. All have been a wonderful addition to the league. The first few weeks of the season were both cool and damp, but overall, we had great golfing weather throughout. We had a great turnout for both our “Friendship Day” of golf and lunch and also for the annual Golf Exchange we hosted here in August. We ended our last official day of golf on Sept. 24th, followed by a social gathering at the Eagles Nest. Even though many of our members will be heading to warmer climates, there is still the opportunity to continue playing quite a bit of golf here over the coming weeks. Please feel free to contact other members in our league and set up some tee times. If it is above 50 degrees and the sun is out, many of us are willing to golf a little more. On behalf of the Ladies 9-Hole League Golf Committee, I’d like to wish everyone a Safe and Healthy Fall and Winter. We look forward to seeing everyone again next year! 22 SPORTS CORNER HEB Men’s Golf Association by Ron Sharp B y the time you read this I will be the past Chairman of the MGA and someone else will have taken the reins for the 2015-2016 year. This past year has truly been a labor of enjoyment and satisfaction. I want to thank the members of the Committee: Dick Prahl, Joe Heffernan, Dick Ebdon and John Tesmer. And, of course, our head pro, Brian Bonos and assistant pro, Dillon Joslyn. All these gentleman have given a great deal of their time and knowledge as we put a plan together and then worked the plan. Each was always on call when needed and made my job so much easier. I also want to thank Dylan Scoonover, Director of Marketing, who made time almost every Wednesday to take pictures and video of our games. I have received many comments from our MGA members on Dylan’s professionalism with his videography and the banter he solicited from the guys as they were playing. He also had some interesting side lines in the videos such as a Red Tail Hawk eating a snake in a fairway while our game was being played. Of course, my sincere thanks to our golf pros Brian Bonos and Dillon Joslyn. HEB is very fortunate to have both on our staff. Their involvement in each week game included such things as scheduling the teams, tee times, attesting each score card, identifying the winners of each flight, making posters with the names of all participants, posting all scores and determining the winners of all “skin” games. I want them to know how much they are appreciated by the entire HEB MGA Committee. I would strongly encourage each of our 171 members to shake their hand and say, “Thanks!” www.heritageeaglebend.com HEB Pickleball Club by Ron Riedesel W e are enjoying our three brand new Pickleball courts. Please come by & say hello! We hosted a pickleball round robin tournament on August 15th. Our six winners were Merry Ettenberg, Bob Taylor, Lynn Lionhardt (1st round) and Patty Montoya, Sandy Cox, Joyce Riedesel (2nd round). Jars of pickles were awarded as prizes by Fred Clift who organized the round robin tournament. Pickleball has scheduled Beginner times from 11AM-NOON (Mon-Fri), 6-8 PM (Wed) and Open Play times from 9-11 AM, 2-4 PM, and 6-8 PM (every day). Please join us for some Pickleball Fun! We currently have 100+ members (dues paid). We are continuing to grow with new players learning every day. Pickleball is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE FOR UPDATED INFORMATION & PICTURES: www.heritageeaglebend.com under LIFESTYLE/COURT SPORTS. To learn more about Pickleball, please visit www.usapa.org or www.pickleballchannel.com Information contact: Ron & Joyce Riedesel @303.693.7667 or rriedesel@yahoo.com HOPE TO SEE YOU ON OUR NEW COURTS THIS FALL! For those residents who play golf, and are not members of the MGA, I strongly encourage you to consider this a part of your plan for next year. I can assure your meeting some really great guys and truly enjoying a weekly game of golf. The members range from single digit handicaps to thirty something. We normally have 8 to 10 different flights from all tees to ensure you are competing against guys of similar ability. While competition is a part of the weekly program you will see that it is also social and a great way to meet golfers in your HEB community for other weekly golf games. We have the HEB Cup ( based on the FedEx Cup) at the end of each year with the top 36 players from each of the tees. Lastly, I want to thank all 171 members of the MGA. It has certainly been an honor to represent you. Also, thanks for your participation, support, kind words and suggestions over the past year. If you have never served on the MGA Committee I would encourage you to put your name in the hat and run for the committee. It is a great way to pay back an organization that has supported you over the years. Again thanks so much for a great year and let’s play golf as long as the weather permits. See you on the course. 23 www.heritageeaglebend.com Air Conditioning Patriot Plumbing, Drains, Heating, Air Conditioning...303-647-6791 24/7 air conditioning, furnace, boiler and heat pump installation, repair and maintenance. Humidification, dehumidification, air exchangers and more. Schedule at your convenience. Clean, polite, uniformed technicians. Home of the 100% “You’ll Be Thrilled” Guarantee! Appliance Repair Mr Appliance of South Aurora.....................................303-928-5128 We repair all major appliances: refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, ovens, ranges, microwaves, washers and dryers. $20 off any repair for HEB residents! Automotive AUTO–New & Preowned, Cars–SUVs–Trucks Sell & Trade, if you want to save yourself $$$, call Bart Rivkin, HEB Resident. Home 303-690-8243, mobile 303-748-8152 Also Black Transponder repair. Tested and guaranteed to work. Also garage door tune-up. $50 - $75. Assisted Living Parker Assisted Living by Morning Star.........................303-805-0818 Now this is living. Assisted Living. Memory Care. Respite Care. Day Program. 18900 East Mainstreet Parker Cleaning and Errand Service Bobbie’s Cleaning and Errand Service...........................303-587-0549 House cleaning, run your errands and take you to your appointments. Fully insured & bonded. Will match what you are paying your cleaning service. Your home cleaned by owner. Computer Service Computer. WiFi. Printer. Network Audio & Video repair and install services......................................................................1-888-542-0849 For all your Computer and Home Entertaining center solutions Locally owned business. Mobile services, Can come to you at your convenience. Dentists Southlands Dental, Dr. Looze.....................................720-886-0606 Everyone deserves to be pampered. We look forward to taking great Care of you. We listen to your individual needs and treat you with the respect you deserve. Richard J. Wallace, D.D.S...........................................303-690-7778 5280 Top Dentist. Passionate about excellence in dentistry and patient care. Located 4 miles from HEB on Smoky Hill Road. Forest Hills Dental Care, Dr. Jared Bruggeman...........303-840-9557 Located next to Super Target directly across E-470 from Heritage Eagle Bend. Dr. Bruggeman is a proud participant of the 9News Health Fair at Heritage Eagle Bend and looks forward to providing the best care for you and your family. Drains Patriot Plumbing, Drains, Heating, Air Conditioning...303-647-6791 24/7 drain clearing services for sinks, toilets, bath tubs and main drain lines. We can unclog the drain, maybe find a lost piece of jewelry and get things flowing again! Schedule at your convenience. Clean, polite, uniformed technicians. Home of the 100% “You’ll Be Thrilled” Guarantee! Electrical Ken Westra....................................................................720-789-5413 HEB resident. Reliable with reasonable rates for your electrical needs. Golf Golf Carts of Colorado, Tom Coker.............................303-400-9594 New/Used Car Sales & Golf Car Accessories “Club Doctor Jim”, Jim Shook.....................................303-600-9003 Building custom golf clubs to fit your swing and size (men, women & juniors). Repairing damaged clubs & shafts, including replacing old, worn grips. SERVICE DIRECTORY Handy Man Services/General Contractor Licensed General Contractor: John Lewis, JW Contractor..303-886-6304 Interior remodeling, Exterior and Interior house painting, decks, patios, storage systems and much more. HEB reference upon request. Hair Care Tapestry Hair Salon....................................................303-359-4655 Haircuts, Color, Highlights, Special Event Styling - Call Nicole for appt. Close to HEB on Smoky Hill Rd. Special HEB Pricing. Health and Beauty Patty Taylor Facetimewithpatty@gmail.com....................303-875-1480 I own an esthetics services business providing skin consultations, anti-aging facials, and face/body waxing. I specialize in acid peels and micro-current lifting technology. I am an HEB resident. Heating Patriot Plumbing, Drains, Heating, Air Conditioning...303-647-6791 24/7 furnace, heat pump and air conditioning installation, repair and maintenance. Humidification, dehumidification, air exchangers and more. Schedule at your convenience. Clean, polite, uniformed technicians. Home of the 100% “You’ll Be Thrilled” Guarantee! Home Cleaning Catch-All Cleaning, Inc...............................................303-981-0970 House Cleaning since 1989, Incorporated, H.E.B. REFERENCES, owner operated, experienced, liability, INSURED, all taxes paid. Your home cleaned by owner of the company. Snowbird home security checks. In-Home Care Services Abby Senior Care.........................................................303-699-8840 We are Licensed, Bonded, Insured and Certified as “Leaders in Dementia Care. Abby Senior Care assistants help with Bathing and Dressing, Light Housekeeping, Personal Hygiene, Meal Preparation, Laundry and Much Much more… Call us for a free assessment in your home. Care Concierge www.careconcierges.com.................1-844-859-2273 Licensed and bonded, non-medical provider that offers a wide array of services to coordinate tasks of daily living; light housekeeping, errands, transportation, meal preparation, medication reminders, handyman etc. to allow clients to remain at home independently or while recovering from illness or surgery. Insurance Jeff Uscier, Jeff Uscier Agency, Inc...............................303-680-9858 Independent Insurance Agent representing HARTFORD, METLIFE and SAFECO insurance and authorized to provide AARP Auto and Home insurance for the Hartford. Ray Smith, The Long-Term Care Specialist...................303-699-4172 HEB resident. Independent broker. Affordable. Pays for home care in HEB & much more. www.ray@LTCinsuranceguy.com Interior Design Pamela D. Earnest Interiors, Inc.................................. 303-690-9467 Design consultation, paint selections, draperies, fabrics, carpeting and furniture. Hourly consultation or cost plus. HEB resident, thirty yrs. experience. Landscaping Cox Professional Landscape Services LLC.................... 303-693-6878 Professional Full-Service Landscape Company. Maintenance & Enhancements. “Whatever it Takes” See our ad in this newsletter. Lamp Post Repair and Mailbox Post Repair Lamp post repair: Cliff................................................. 720-331-5919 Reinforce and paint to look like new. HEB resident. HEB references available. Any services derived from this magazine are at the sole discretion of the purchaser. 24 SERVICE DIRECTORY Law Office Jeffrey H. Katz, P. C., (HEB Resident).........................303-773-9082 Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Living Wills, Estate Planning, Business and Corporate law: HEB Resident; Available for home visits. Kirch and Rounds, P.C., Attorneys at Law....................303-671-7726 Specializing in Wills, Trusts, Power of Attorney, Estate Planning, Elder Law, Real Estate. Over 40 years combined experience. Home visits available. www.dwkpc.net. Manicurist Your Resident Manicurist, Leslie............................303-598-0071 50% off First Visit, Fiberglass/Acrylic Nails, Manicures & Pedicures. Professional Nail Services by Marilynn........................720-296-1244 23 years exp. 25% off first visit! Shallac, manicures, pedicures, acrylic. Located at DHD Salon. Aurora Parkway and Gartrell. Medical The Medical Center of Aurora......................................720-376-6400 Closer- Faster - Your New Community ER 22500 E. Dry Creek Road Aurora • www.SaddleRockER.com Orthodontics Reed Orthodontics.......................................................303-617-3333 Featuring INVISALIGN treatment to create a “Smile For a Lifetime!” Chosen as TOP ORTHODONTIST in 5280 Magazine, Colorado Parent and Centennial Best of the Best. www.reedortho.com Mortgage Services Reverse & Traditional Mark Schmidt Mortgage Broker Reverse Mortgage Consultant.............................................720-206-4539 My job is to help you decide if a Reverse Mortgage is the right choice askmas@gmail.com hecmtruth.com NMLS 846014 CO 100037582 Painting Vivax Pro Painting.......................................................720-331-9735 Please call Vivax Pro Painting for all of your interior and exterior painting needs. Wood Replacement and Gutters! Many HEB projects complete! Pets The Pet Sitter Lady, Linette Burke...............................720-982-3877 Loving care when you’re not there, quality pet sitting in your home or mine! Visit our website at www.thepetsitterlady.com or email thepetsitterlady@comcast.net Pilates and Gyrotonic Barbara Huttner...........................................................303-942-1541 Pilates and Gyrotonic, Certified Master Teacher on all equipment. 40 years experience. The best training for golf and tennis. www.heritageeaglebend.com Real Estate Andrea Bunker Marrese, Brokers Guild.........................303-870-2689 Your Arizona and Colorado Realtor Fred Smith, Re/Max Masters........................................303-930-5132 Your Heritage Eagle Bend Specialist. www.Fred-Smith.net, FredSmith@Remax.net LaVonne Lydin, Lydin Group Realty............................303-946-7772 Specializing in HEB real estate since 2000! Carrol J Howard..........................................................303-883-1369 HEB Resident, McKean Real Estate Inc. cjhoa67@aol.com Richard (Dick)Kelley, Provident Real Estate................720-870-1959 Metro Brokers - Real Estate my entire career, full time broker & HEB Resident Property Management also available. RBKrealestate@gmail.com – www.ProvidentREColorado.com Emilie Hogy, 8Z Real Estate........................................303-888-2860 I live and sell in HEB! 34+ years of successful real estate transactions. CNE (Certified Negotiation Expert) SREI (Seniors Real Estate Institute) Helping buyers and sellers in life’s transitions. Remodeling and Repair Mark’s Remodeling and Repair.....................................720-628-1033 Complete kitchen and bathroom remodels, basements, wood flooring, light fixtures, hidden wire wall mounted flat panel TVs. HEB references available Roofing The Firm LLC: Keane....................................................720-629-7107 Hail damage, Roofing, General Contractor, Insurance Restoration www.thefirmics.com AVI Roofing & Gutters..................................................303-296-8551 Family owned & operated, “Your Original Roofing Contractor” Serving the Heritage Eagle Bend community for the past 14 years. Call today for your free estimate. Senior Care Consultants Answers for Senior Care, Phil & Lily Hotaling..............303-799-1313 Providing Geriatric Care services & Housing Referral/placement Technical Services JWSTechServices, LLC Technical Services and Training...........303-766-2520 Get the most out of your devices. Call Jim Stevens or email: jim@jwstechservices.com 303-746-1366 (cell) Fax: 303-766-3110 www.jwstechservices.com Travel Cindy Brewer, Travel Agent HEB resident....................720-502-6690 Plumbing Banner Plumbing Service Co.......................................303-841-4085 Stephen Frost, Master Plumber, An HEB neighbor for all your plumbing needs. Service and Repair, etc. Emergency Service Available. Parker Plumbing & Heating, Inc.................................303-840-2931 Kevin Bates, Master Plumber, An HEB neighbor and local family business since 1992. Providing plumbing service and repair, hot water heaters, remodels, and more. Patriot Plumbing, Drains, Heating, Air Conditioning..303-647-6791 24/7 plumbing service for your home including water heaters, drain clearing, sump pumps, water softening, new fixture installation and more. Schedule at your convenience. Clean, polite, uniformed technicians. Home of the 100% “You’ll Be Thrilled” Guarantee! Join Travel Travel for a 12nt British Isle Cruise June 1, 2016 with Princess Cruise Line email for prices, cindy@travltravl.com Real Estate Gary & Gwen Arnold, Re/Masters, Inc........................303-766-6801 Full time residential brokers, HEB Residents Cynthia McGann, Brokers Guild Real Estate..................303-514-3437 HEB Resident. Call Cynthia for all your real estate needs! 25 Years Local Experience. HEB Discount +HEB References Great Views Travel - Travel Consultants ...................720.330.9068 margie@greatviewstravel.com “We handle all your travel details so you don’t have to – matching your travel expectations to a travel experience.” Check out our free, informative travel seminars - www.GreatViewsTravel.com Call or email me to set an appointment and begin the planning of that great getaway! Window Treatments Amazing Blinds Services All Blinds & Shades-Repairs and Sales, Jose..................303-906-1908 We Beat Any Price Free In Home Estimates 25 www.heritageeaglebend.com WITH THE KIND OF INVESTMENT YOU HAVE IN YOUR HOME, EXPERIENCE DOES COUNT! WE HAVE OVER 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS REAL ESTATE BROKERS. HEB RESIDENTS McKean Real Estate Inc. Carrol J. Howard Mobile: 303.883.1369 Email: cjhoa67@aol.com Darell S. McKean Mobile: 303.766.9852 Email: Darell@McKeanre.com Turning Age 65? Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement Plans Licensed Colorado & Arizona RICK E. GAMBRELL HEB Resident Fall Special 10% off located in 80016 Family Owned since 1999 5 Star rating on Google A+ Rated by BBB Call or email Rick E. Gambrell Phone: 65? 303/795-0254 TURNING Rick@completebenefitsgroup.com HEB Resident Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement Plans Licensed Colorado & Arizona 303 680 8800 Call or email 303.795.0254 Rick@completebenefitsgroup.com Complete Benefits Group Think of HEB for your next event, wedding, Now Offeringparty, Seniornext Health Insurance graduation, anniversary Delegate Medicare Advantage, Med Sup & Individual Health Party or Holiday Party. Open Enrollment is almost here! 26 To get a quote call or email Please call Jenna Broce at 720.235.1823 Rick E. Gambrell HEB Resident Phone: 303/795-0254 Rick @completebenefitsgroup.com www.heritageeaglebend.com 27 www.heritageeaglebend.com Pre Order - Thanksgiving Turkey Carving Set 40% Discount $148.00 ( Retail $249.00) Offer Expires October 31, 2015 Heritage Eagle Bend Residents ONLY ng Set Special Pre Order Includes: Free Personalized Custom Laser Engraving Your Personalized Message on Blade Free Shipping in 10 to 14 days When looking for that unique Family Thanksgiving Day gift, there is none more appreciated than a Personalized engraved High Quality Carving set This two piece set includes one 9 inch carving knife and one fork with gift box. Blade message_______________________________________________________________ Font or Logo on Handle_____________________ _______Generic Name_____________________________________________________________________________ (please Print) Address for Billing___________________________________________________________________ City__________________________________ State______________ Zip Code____________________ Phone (day)__________________________________________ Heritage Eagle Bend resident ______Yes Offer for Residents ONLY Charge: ____Mastercard _______Visa ______Amex ________Check No.____ Card Number____________________________________________ Exp. Date________ CVC Code_____ Name as it appears on Card___________________________________________ Signature__________________________________________________________ email order to: Ron@RhinelandKnife.com P.O. Box 440715 Aurora, CO 80044-0715 (303) 809-5444 (over) 28 www.heritageeaglebend.com 29 www.heritageeaglebend.com The Winds of Change Bring New Seasons NAVIGATE Successful A in OFFERING SENIORS • Excellent care • Peace of mind • Safety • Enriching activities • Wellness • Fine Dining 303.321.3277 | 30 ASSISTED LIVING & MEMORY CARE at JORDAN MorningStarSeniorLiving.com 14301 E. Arapahoe Road www.heritageeaglebend.com Eagle Bend Community Church Sunday: Coffee & Conversation 9:30 am, Service at 10 am. Antero Room of HEB Clubhouse Please join us for fellowship, inspiring Bible-based messages and beautiful music. Call Bruce Minor, Pastor, (303) 757-1455 Visit our Website: http://eaglebendcc.org/ Choir practice Thursday at 7:00 pm • Women’s Bible Study, 2nd and 4th Mondays at 9:00 am Co-ed Bible study the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm CELEBRATING OUR 9TH YEAR AT HERITAGE EAGLE BEND Swim. Putt. Sip. Teach. Learn. L ive. New Retirement Community Early 2016 Suite Selection Limited; Reserve Yours Today by MORNINGSTAR 303.805.0818 18900 East Mainstreet MorningStarSeniorLiving.com 31 www.heritageeaglebend.com 32 www.heritageeaglebend.com KIRCH and ROUNDS, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW Over 50 years of combined legal experience in the areas of Estate Planning, Estate Administration, Elder Law, Real Estate, Tax Planning and Trust & Estate Litigation. 6780 S. Liverpool Street Unit D • Aurora, Colorado 80016 303.680.1941 Hours • 7am - 3pm 7 days per week GET YOUR HALLOWEEN GOODIES FROM BEV’S! Just a short drive from HEB! Kirch and Rounds, P.C. Located at Cherry Creek Place 1 3131 S. Vaughn Way, Suite 200 Aurora, CO 80014 303.671.7726 www.dwkpc.net Lunch Special – Sandwich and Cup of Soup $5.00 Special Orders, Cakes, Pies, Breads, Cinnamon Rolls, Pecan Sticky Buns, Croissants, Strudel, Turnovers, Cookies, and much more. Catering, Special Parties or Meetings, and after hours private parties. Chef2U provides drop in chef services. Our professional/passionate chefs prepare nourishing meals according to the needs/moods/ dietary restrictions in your home. Our mission is your healthy diet! •• •• •• •• •• $0 required $0 investment investment required Lower yourmonthly monthly energy Lower your energy cost cost Lease andpurchase purchase options available Lease and options available Tax credit through 2016 Tax credit through 2016 Free/no obligation consultation Free/no obligation consultation Call to mefind to find howyou youcan can power power your with the the sun!sun! Call me outout how yourhome home with Brian Bourgault 720 403 4525 Brian Bourgault 720 403 4525 bbourgault@solarcity.com bbourgault@solarcity.com 33 www.heritageeaglebend.com More information at 303-693-6878 or coxoffice@coxprolandscape.com 34 www.heritageeaglebend.com OCTOBER 15th to DECEMBER 7TH IS THE OPEN ENROLLMENT PERIOD FOR MAKING CHANGES TO YOUR MEDICARE HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN FOR 2016. WHETHER YOU ARE NEW TO MEDICARE, ABOUT TO TURN 65, RETIRING SOON, OR JUST WANT TO EXPLORE YOUR OPTIONS, THIS IS THE TIME TO TAKE A LOOK AT WHAT IS AVAILABLE. PAT COX – HEB RESIDENT - 303-680-0904 I.C.A. – Sales Representative - UnitedHealthcare Medicare Solutions For more information please attend one of the following meetings at the HEB CLUBHOUSE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14TH AT 10:00AM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12TH AT 2:00PM 35 www.heritageeaglebend.com Fred Smith RE/MAX Masters Millennium 303-930-5132 FredSmith@Remax.net www.Fred-Smith.net “Your Heritage Eagle Bend Specialist” Living and working in HEB! If you are thinking about buying or selling, please contact me. For Sale – 23607 E. Phillips Pl. - 701 - $450,000 Perfect location w/expansive golf course views from extended deck. Spacious kitchen w/42” cabinets, Corian counters, tile floors & center island. 2 master suites, + office/den. Walkout basement ready to finish. For Sale – 8160 S. Valdai Ct. – 703 - $457,500 Great cul-de-sac location w/private yard backing to golf course. Beautiful kitchen w/granite counters, wood floors & 42” cabinets, plus hearth room. Master bed w/coved ceilings & 5-piece master bath. Nice office/den. For Sale – 7989 S. Quemoy Way - 602 - $499,000 th Gorgeous views of the 14 fairway from extended deck. Beautifully xeriscaped yard. Lovely kitchen w/hardwood, 42” cabinets, built-in desk & gas stove. Finished basement w/great room, bed, bath & storage. For Sale – 22712 E. Mineral Pl. – Sandpines - $599,000 th Stunning home w/screened patio overlooking 18 fairway & mountains. Gourmet kitchen w/2 level granite counters, 42” cabinets w/pantry, wood floors & double oven. Finished walkout bsmt w/kitchen, living & more! SOLD! – 23673 E. Links Pl. - 902 SOLD! – 8235 S. Shawnee St. - 602 Top 100 producer in the 5-State RE/MAX Mountain Region. Ranked among America’s Best Real Estate Agents by REAL Trends. Honesty, Integrity and Service Excellence. Contact me for a complimentary market analysis. Visit www.Fred-Smith.net to see all HEB homes for sale. Jeff Uscier Above All Insurance Group, LLC An Independent Insurance Agent Providing Insurance for Auto, Home, Condo, Life Insurance and Income Retirement Programs Representing: Hartford, SAFECO, MetLife, Travelers and other companies. Call Jeff today for a Quote. 303.680.9858 8224 S. Winnipeg Ct. Aurora CO 80016 36 www.heritageeaglebend.com AssistedLiving Experience True Peace of Mind. Assistance is always available, if and when you need it. Enjoy an Independent lifestyle and know that all the assistance you’ll need is available, right here. Our Assisted Living services are second to none. Come by for lunch and a visit. Talk with some of our members first hand, and you’ll see why our members wouldn’t live anywhere else. 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartment Homes Available. Get your Priority Reservation today! 303.695.8100 www.StAndrewsVillage.net EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Independent & Assisted Living • Nursing • Medicare Rehabilitation In-Home Care • Out-Patient Therapy 37 www.heritageeaglebend.com RMF REVERSE MORTGAGE FUNDING LLC 38 www.heritageeaglebend.com Call and schedule an appointment today! 303.840.9557 or visit FOR E ST HILLSDE N TA LCO.CO M 7450 S. GARTRELL RD. #A-9 AURORA, CO 80016 (NEXT TO SUPER TARGET) JO I N U S A N D G E T FREE W HI T E N I N G F O R L IFE! 15% D I S C O U N T FO R CA S H P A T I E N T S Privately owned by Dr. Jared Bruggeman Offer good through November 1, 2015 | Most insurances accepted 39 www.heritageeaglebend.com ANTIQUES WANTED TO PURCHASE WHOLE ESTATES OR INDIVIDUAL ITEMS Silver • Paintings Oriental (Japanese & Chinese) European • Black Forest • Vintage Jewelry Bronzes • Chanel • Hermes • Etc I am an English Antique dealer with over 45 years of experience and am a member of the International Society of Appaisers. I have lived here in Eagle Bend for the past 11 years. Thank you, Martin Kay Please call me at your convenience for a free appraisal. 303.619.5990 or 303.519.2982 Creating Lifelong Smiles! Imagine what your smile can be! Dr. Reed specializes in orthodontics for Adults as well as teens! Recognized as a top orthodontist over the last 6 years by general dentists (5280 Magazine), parents (Colorado Parent Magazine) and the community (Centennial: Best Of The Best). We want to help you create your smile for a lifetime! 20971 Smoky Hill Rd. #200 Centennial, CO 80015 303-617-3333 www.reedortho.com beg4braces@aol.com Complimentary Exam Free Screening X-Ray Invisalign – Alternative to Braces Convenient Payment Plans Damon System Provider Invisalign makes it so easy! 40 www.heritageeaglebend.com NEW PATIENT SPECIALS CUSTOM WHITENING & TRAYS $99 BOTOX (USA) $9.99 per unit (compared to $12-16 Denver Metro retail value) EXCLUSIVE SENIOR DISCOUNT PLAN (call for plan savings details!) 22651 E Aurora Pkwy #A5, Aurora, CO 80016 CALL: 303.617.0303 VISIT: www.PDHSmiles.com 41 www.heritageeaglebend.com Sold Properties August, 2015 Sold Properties August, 2015 HeritageEagleBendPulse.com T Status Attached Attached Attached Detached Detached Detached Detached Emilie Hogy, Realtor 8z Real Estate www.EmilieHogy.8z.com EmilieHogySellsHEB@8z.com 303.888.2860 1235 23673 Links Pl 1262 7955 Algonquain Cr 1262 7499 Biloxi Way 1362 23601 Jamison Pl 1261 8252 Winnipeg Ct 1590 7584 Addison Way 1737 23385 Elmhurst Pl 1796 22800 Heritage WyPkwy 1796 7940 Riviera Ct 1683 7912 Riviera Ct 2320 8251 Quatar Cr Price $259900 $260000 $280000 $289000 $299900 $394500 $418895 $418895 $460000 $474900 $475000 $559900 Your HEB “Active Adult Community” Real Estate Expert Not all properties were listed and/or sold by 8z Real Estate. This data is based on content supplied by REcolorado, IRES and/or PPAR. Content is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Content may not reflect all real estate activity in the market. Special places to CALL HOME Personal care plans as unique as you are. HighPointe Assisted Living & Memory Care 303.647.6689 • DENVER I-25 and Hampden Avenue Lincoln Meadows Senior Living 303.647.6738 • PARKER I-25 and Lincoln Avenue Peakview Assisted Living & Memory Care 303.323.8762 • CENTENNIAL NOW OPEN! Smoky Hill and Liverpool Street SpectrumRetirementColorado.com Actual Spectrum Resident 42 HP LM PKV Heritage Eagle Oct 2015 SPECTRUM RETIREMENT COMMUNITIES www.heritageeaglebend.com Professional. Expert. Meticulous. Just Like You… $ 100 off $ 200 off ANY SERVICE OVER $500 A NEW AIR CONDITIONER, FURNACE OR WATER HEATER. Not valid with any other offer, coupon or discount. Not valid with any other offer, coupon or discount. $ 50 off ANY SERVICE Not valid with any other offer, coupon or discount. » 24/7 Plumbing, Drain, Heating and A/C Service » A/C, Furnace, and Heat Pump Installation, Repair and Maintenance » Humidification/Dehumidification » Water Heater Repair and Installation » Drain Clearing » Sump Pump Repair and Installation » Water Softening Systems » All Plumbing Troubleshooting, Repairs and Upgrades Save More! ASK FOR MONTHLY SPECIALS! 303-647-6791 ENTERPRISES Plumbing Drains Heating Cooling facebook.com/ www.PatriotPros.com 43 www.heritageeaglebend.com KNOW WHERE TO GO We’re Close. We’re Fast. 24/7 From bumps and bruises to more serious illnesses and injuries, we’re here for you. If you need an ER, you can rest easy knowing that Saddle Rock ER is here for you, providing high quality emergency care in your neighborhood. With short wait times, our board-certified physicians will get you in and out, fast. For current ER wait times, text “ER” to 23000. Know when to go – we’ll be here for you. At Gartrell Rd and E-470 22500 E Dry Creek Road, Aurora 44 | 720.376.6400 | ShortWaitER.com www.heritageeaglebend.com JACK’S Window & Carpet Cleaning JacksWindowCleaning.com Special Pricing for HEB Residents Only! Call Now 303-400-5231 Free Estimates WINDOW CLEANING SPECIALS Exterior Window Cleaning Duplex/Townhome (20-40 window panes) ...$100 Single Family Home (40-60 window panes) $115 Single Family Home(60-80 window panes)..$130 Interior Window Cleaning Duplex/Townhome (20-40 window panes) ...$70 Single Family Home (40-60 window panes) .$85 Single Family Home(60-80 window panes)..$115 Extra Charges apply for screen, track cleaning, storm windows or French pane CARPET CLEANING SPECIALS 3 Areas & Hall ..$135 5 Areas ….……..$150 7 Areas. ………..$199 Includes Pre-Treatment Truck Mounted Systems (Steam Clean) *Certain Conditions May Apply $25 OFF When You Get Your Windows and Carpet Cleaning Done the Same Day! 45 www.heritageeaglebend.com Would you like to search for homes in both Colorado and Arizona? Now you can!! YOUR REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS Visit: www.andreabunkergroup.com WWW. ANDREABUNKERGROUP.COM YOUR EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS Meet Our Team at the Andrea Bunker Group Shaunna Berrian Associate Broker sberrian@andreabunkergroup.com 720-203-0591 Andrea Bunker REALTOR® abunker@andreabunkergroup.com 303-870-2689 Judy Ferrel Associate Broker jferrel@andreabunkergroup.com 303-718-3466 Benefits of working with the ABG… Licensed in both Colorado and Arizona! Get 50 years combined experience to guide you through your real estate transaction from start to finish. We still believe in old fashion values, where respect, hard work and honesty are our top priority. The ANDREA BUNKER GROUP gives you personal attention, professional advice and a FREE PROFESSIONAL MARKET ANALYSIS within 24 hours of your call. Extensive experience with builder sales, private resale, mortgages and title insurance. We will guide you through the process while protecting your assets, confidentiality and security. Ask us about the different lending institutions that we work with, that offer all loan programs, including Reverse Mortgages! 7995 East Hampden Ave, Suite 100 Denver Colorado 80231 303-870-2689 2680 S. Val Vista Dr. Bldg. 1, Suite 101 Gilbert Arizona 85295 602-296-8812 46 CONTACT INFORMATION www.heritageeaglebend.com DISTRICT DELEGATE NAME PHONE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Roger Harmelink 303-693-4169 Karen Haglund 720-200-2759 Valerie Ness 303-362-4613 Mary Procaccio 303-690-2076 John Kerbaugh 720-870-2343 Peggy Calhoun303-699-7420 Wilson Egan 303-690-3264 Judy Bynum720-489-0800 EMAIL rdharmelink@comcast.net kahaglund@aol.com valerieness@comcast.net procacme@comcast.net jskerbaugh@comcast.net peggycalhoun85@q.com tanason1@comcast.net rjbynum@att.net District #9 is looking for a new Delegate! Please contact Wendy Stofa with questions at 720-235-1831 John Wright 303-766-3933 wrightplace@centurylink.net Darleen Pelot 303.484.9746 darleenpelot8@gmail.com Dennis Tierney 720-459-8527 dbt9967@comcast.net John Tesmer 720-287-0651 jdtesmer@comcast.net Connie Smith 303-617-9332 connie.pryor@hotmail.com Linda McKee 703-716-5654 lindarmckee@gmail.com John Ehlers 303-484-9352 jodo7875@comcast.net Irv Reinke 206-227-9581 sunshineirv@gmail.com John Kimble 303-706-1341 jrlskim@comcast.net Tom Brennan 303-690-0052 8tbrennan@comcast.net Beverly Worford 720-420-9500 worford68@msn.com Roy Messmore 720-842-1933 rocker123@q.com Susan Smart 303-862-7082 buffalogalsusan@hotmail.com Diane Rae 303-530-4147 jackdianerae@comcast.net Carrol Howard 303-400-4519 premdist24@aol.com Dale Fabricus 720-524-8404 DGJFABRIC@comcast.net Dave Burnett 303-699-4997 Dave_Burnett_88@msn.com Russ Randall 303-766-8662 russ_randall@msn.com Barbara Cahill 303-955-1397 babshill50@yahoo.com Cherie Bare 301-742-3848 cherie.bare@gmail.com George Wagner 303-731-9391 george.r.wagner@gmail.com Bonnie Shapiro 303-693-1212 oldcamerabag@gmail.com Roy Smith 303-617-0354 rsmithx2@aol.com Diane Maywhort 303-680-1569 buchanan-maywhort@msn.com Ann Ferris 303-482-7005 annferris45@gmail.com Carl (Denny) Widhalm 303-680-9825 HEBdist35@comcast.net Carol Mongar loracam48@msn.com Jane Harris 720-328-5762 jgh847@hotmail.com Traditions Board Contact Information (for emergencies only) Traditions Hotline: Traditions Snowline: Thomas Dorr - President Gerry Sandberg, Vice President Bob Holtschlag - Treasurer Mary Lou Espinosa - Secretary Joel Glenn - Director 303.343.4011 303.343.3063 303.349.6924 720.638.0676 303.290.0190 303.699.0368 303.680.2230 Village Board Contact Information (for emergencies only) Village Board Hotline: 303.343.4011 Village Board Snowline: 303.343.3063 Village Homeowner Issues 303.343.4011 Jeff Uscier, President 303.680.9858 Valerie Ness, Vice President 303.362.4613 Jerry Bohlmann, Treasurer 307.220.3329 Debbi Calvin, Director 303.955.0060 Ray Stansberry720.936.7213 Please be sure to notify the Welcome Desk of any changes to your contact information Hotline Number Traditions & Village 303.343.4011 47 Heritage Eagle Bend Master Association, Inc. 23155 East Heritage Parkway Aurora, CO 80016 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID DENVER, CO PERMIT NO. 1624 POSTMASTER, PLEASE DELIVER BY OCTOBER 1st UPCOMING EVENTS OCTOBER October 2 October 3 October 6 October 7 October 8 October 13 October 14 October 15 October 20 October 23 October 31 Blood Drive Aurora Symphony Prime of Your Life City of Aurora Candidates Trivia Town Hall – HEB Budget Arapahoe County Veteran Service Bingo CAL – Molly Brown Witches Luncheon Masquerade Ball NOVEMBER November 7 November 11 November 16 Craft Fair Veterans Program Delegate Budget Ratification Watch for more details in future news magazines, eblasts and on the website at www.heritageeaglebend.com photo submitted by Joe Bacheller