September/October 2012 UCAGreeks Newsletter


September/October 2012 UCAGreeks Newsletter
Important Upcoming Dates
September is done already?
October 1-5 – Alcohol and Drug
Awareness Week
September was insane. There is really no better way to
describe last month. Programs, concerts, informational sessions,
October 2 – Panhellenic Counselor
recruitment events, trainings, and ceremonies filled the SeptemTraining
ber calendar to the bursting point. Students, faculty, and staff
October 3 – Homecoming Packets Due have all been busy and it is hard to condense everything into a
newsletter under ten pages. Seriously, this is the condensed verFatal Vision Activity, 11-1 PM,
sion. Even so, some of the biggest events of the semester are still
Alumni Circle
to come, including the return of Family Day and Homecoming at
October 3-4 – Fraternity and Sorority
the end of October/beginning of November. There are plenty of
Coalition Assessment Consultation
busy days ahead, so be sure you are checking out the calendar,
the Family Day and Homecoming websites, UCAGreeks social
October 4 – OrgSync Refresher Trainmedia, and OrgSync to stay on top of everything. The Student
ing, X-Period, SC 214
Life Office staff may be tired, but we are so happy and proud of
October 5 – “Mudstock” AFA Mud
every student organization, especially our fraternities and sororiVolleyball Tournament, “The Pit” behind physical plant
ties, for hosting and participating in so many programs over the
last month. Keep up the great work and we look forward to seeBear Den Event at Mudstock
ing all of you at Family Day and during Homecoming Week!
First Leadership Council Meeting,
-Scott Isenga
October 6 – UCA Football vs. Nicholls,
6 PM, Estes Stadium
Greek Life Assessment
October 8 – Sorority Recruitment Registration Opens - https://
On October 3 and 4, the Fraternity and Sorority Coalition Assessment Team visited campus to conduct
a Greek life assessment. The assessment was conducted by a team of four
(4) fraternity and sorority professionals from across the country. Over the two day period, the team
hosted interviews and focus groups to learn as much as possible
about the UCA fraternity/sorority community. The meetings
went very well and the team had the opportunity to talk with a
wide cross-section of UCA faculty, staff, students, and alumni.
Now that the interviews are complete, the team will process the
data and compile a report that will be available for viewing at the
end of the fall 2012 semester. With the help of the assessment,
our UCA fraternity/sorority community will gain insights into
strengths and areas of improvement. If you have any questions
about the assessment, please contact Scott. The Student Life Office would like to thank each of the assessment team members for
visiting our campus and helping our community.
October 9 – Homecoming Pictures, XPeriod, McCastlain Fireplace Room
Panhellenic Counselor Training
October 10-11 – UCA Official Ring Order Days, 9AM-3PM UCA Bookstore
October 10 – Grad Central for Dec 2012
Grads, 9AM-5PM, UCA Bookstore
October 11 – Grad Central for Dec 2012
Grads, 9-3PM, UCA Bookstore
October 11-12 – Pike/Omega BasketBrawl, Pike House
October 13 – UCA Football vs.
McNeese State, 7 PM, Lake Charles, LA
October 15 – Breast Cancer Awareness
Program, 11AM-1PM, SC Lounge
Important Dates Cont.
October 15-19 – Homecoming Court
Voting via OrgSync
October 16 – Panhellenic Counselor
OrgSync Refresher Training, XPeriod, SC 224
October 17 – Leadership Foundations,
“Decision Making Skills,” 5PM, SC223
October 18 – Panhellenic President’s
Roundtable, X-Period
October 20 – UCA Family Day
UCA Football vs. Lamar, 6 PM,
Estes Stadium
October 21 – All Greek Highway
Cleanup sponsored by UCA Panhellenic, 1PM, BBA parking lot
October 23 – Panhellenic Counselor
October 25-26 – UCA Fall Break, Office Open
October 26 – Henderson/Block four
year anniversary
Go Greek Info Night and Bear Den Stroll Off
Go Greek info night was held
on September 6 and the student center ballroom. The Student Life Office
hosts the event each fall semester in
an effort to educate non-affiliated students about UCA fraternities and sororities. This year, 370 students attended Go Greek Info Night and
learned about the twenty active fraternities and sororities at
UCA. Interested students first attended a large general meeting
about UCA Greek life followed by smaller meetings broken
down by each council.
Following these meetings, all
interested students were encouraged
to check out the Greek Fair in the Student Center courtyard. The Greek
Fair was very successful because it
allowed students to interact with
more for fraternity/sorority members
while also attracting students who did not attend Go Greek info
October 27 – UCA Football vs. Southeastern LA, 7PM, Hammond, LA
After the Greek Fair, students were able to enjoy the Bear
Den Stroll Off, which took place in the newly opened UCA amOctober 29 – Miss UCA Contestant
phitheater. The UCA Bear Den coordinated and hosted the stroll
competition, which
October 29-Nov. 3 – UCA Homecomfeatured ten Greek
ing Week
organizations in
competition against
October 29-Nov. 2 – Homecoming
shirts for sale, 10AM-3PM, SC lobby
each other for a 250
dollar prize to their
October 29 – Miss UCA Contestant
choice philanthropy.
Homecoming banners due by 1PM The competition was
excellent and Phi BeOctober 30 – Miss UCA Contestant
Meeting Pep Rally, Homecoming court ta Sigma fraternity emerged as the winner after nearly an hour of
announced, Fight Song Remix Compe- performances. The Student Life Office would like to thank all
tition, 7PM , Farris Center
the students who attended, the groups who strolled, and the
Bear Den for sponsoring the stroll competition.
October 31 – Health Career Fair, SC
Great picture of the Delta
Tau chapter of Sigma Kappa
volunteering at the Conway
Alzheimer's Research Walk
on September 29.
November 1 – Bear Spirit March, 7PM,
Location: TBA
“Great Bear Spirit” Bonfire,
7:30PM, The Pit behind Physical
Important Dates Cont.
November 2 – SPBC & NPHC Homecoming Greek Show, 7PM, Ida
Homecoming Court Rehearsal,
November 3 – Homecoming Parade,
2:30PM, Bruce Street
UCA Football vs. Northwestern
State, 7PM, Estes Stadium
Homecoming Coronation,
November 6 – Bear Den Executive
Board applications available on
Greek God Pageant, 7PM, Ida
November 7 – Fall Career Fair, SC
SWD Prescription Drug Abuse
Prevention Program, 11AM-1PM,
SC Lobby
Leadership Foundations, Topic:
“Communication Skills”-Randy
Frazier, 5PM, SC 223
November 8 – OrgSync Refresher
Training, X-Period, SC 215
November 9 – Miss UCA Scholarship
Pageant, 7PM, Reynolds Auditorium
All Greek Highway Cleanup
Panhellenic Council is coordinating an All Greek Highway pickup! How amazing would it be to see Greeks picking up
garbage and debris from roadsides in Conway and the surrounding areas on the same day?!?! Well, it will happen on Sunday, October 21. Make sure you contact the local Highway Department
to get your vests and trash bags. Also, if you do not have a designated area, please pick up an area in town that needs the love!
We will meet in the BBA parking lot for a group picture rocking
out in our orange vests and then each organization will head out
to their areas. Remember to wear your block letter shirts so everyone can see that UCA Greeks are making a difference!
-Story submitted by Lindsey Osborne
October UCA Greek Village Consultant Meetings
On October 10 and 11, Daniel Durack UCA Greek village
consultant, will be back on campus to hold meetings with various stakeholders. On October 10, Daniel will be meeting with
All Greek council representatives at 4:30 PM in SC 215. Daniel
will then be meeting with one different representative from each
fraternity/sorority at 6:00 PM and 7:30 PM in SC 215. On October 11 Daniel will be meeting with representatives from SGA
during X-Period in their office. During the evening of the 11th
Daniel will be meeting with the Greek Alumni Advisory Board
in the UCA Fireplace Room at 6:00 PM. If you have any questions about these meetings, please contact Wendy Holbrook.
RSO Fair 2012
November 13 – OrgSync Refresher
Training, X-Period, SC 224
The 2012 RSO fair took place on September 25 in the Student Center courtyard. The RSO Fair featured UCA student organizations at tables around the courtyard from 10 AM to 2 PM.
November 14 – “Motivating the MidThis year, at least 100 student organizations participated and over
dle,” 5PM, SC 215
500 students attended. In addition, Pop Violinist, Josh Vietti, perNovember 15 – Panhellenic Presiformed in the new amphitheater courtesy of the UCA Student Acdent’s Roundtable, X-Period
tivities Board (SAB). The combination of his music and the tables
Great American Smokeout, 1-3
provided a wide array of entertainment for students on the 25th.
PM, SC Lobby
The Student Life Office would like to thank all the students who
Leadership Foundations, Topic:
attended, the organizations that set up tables, and SAB for adding
Make Up Session: Semester Recap- the amazing musical entertainment.
Dude Looks Like a Lady Pageant,
7PM, Ida Waldran
Leadership Council & CSPA Graduate Students, X-Period, SHC 307
Have a date/event that you would like to
see listed? Email them to
Important Council Information
IGC Service Week
The Independent Greek
Council (IGC) held their first service week from September 30
Below are the fall 2012 recruitment
totals for each IFC fraternity as of Oc- through October 6. The goal of
tober 1. Bids may still be extended
the week was for IGC to give back
until 11:59 PM on November 29. Con- to the UCA and Conway commugratulations to all of the men who
nities through a week of service.
joined an IFC organization thus far!
On Sunday evening, IGC picked
Kappa Sigma: 9 men
up and took out trash in multiple
on-campus living centers. Monday was filled with a visit to
Phi Gamma Delta: 10 men
Soaring Wings for a camp clean up. During the afternoon on
Phi Sigma Kappa: 2 men
Tuesday and Wednesday, IGC volunteered at the College Square
retirement community for craft time and Bible study. On
Pi Kappa Alpha: 15 men
Wednesday and Thursday evenings, the
Sigma Nu: 5 men
men and women of IGC collected nonperishable food items from Conway
Sigma Phi Epsilon: 7 men
neighborhoods to donate to Soul Food
Total: 48 men
Ministry. Saturday morning, IGC members helped with Bingo activities at College Square. Overall, IGC Service week
was a big success with plenty of service
IGC Fall Recruitment Recap
hours donated and 464 non-perishable
goods donated to Soul Food Ministry.
As of October 1, nine men have acceptCongratulations to IGC on their first suced bids to join Beta Upsilon Chi. In
addition, 11 women have accepted
cessful Service Week!
IFC Fall Recruitment
bids to Sigma phi lambda. Congratulations to all of the new IGC members.
If you are interested in learning more
about IGC, please contact Desiree
Shay, IGC Council President.
All Greek Council
The All Greek Council (AGC) had their first meeting on
September 26 in the UCA Student Center. This first meeting covered these five things: 1) Introductions; 2) Purpose and score of
AGC; 3) Constitution updates; 4) Planning for the next meeting;
Spring Formal Recruitment Registration and 5) Chapter updates. The meeting was well attended with
only three organization not in attendance. During their next
Panhellenic spring 2013 recruitment
meeting, the AGC will meet with Daniel Durack, Greek Village
registration is now open! Please enConsultant, and discuss their thoughts and opinions on the houscourage interested women to sign up
online right here. Registration is open ing project. After the meeting with Daniel, the AGC will hold
nominations and elections for Executive Board positions of Presiuntil December 14, so please make
sure that women are signing up now.
dent, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The group also
Women who sign up this year will
decided that they will continue to meet on the second and fourth
also be required to join the Panhellenic
Wednesday of each month at 4:30 PM in the Student Center. If
Council portal on OrgSync. If you
you have any questions or concerns about AGC, please contact
need more information about the reScott or Lindsey.
cruitment registration process, please
visit the Panhellenic formal recruitment page.
2012 Leadership Launch Recap
The 2012 Leadership Launch hosted by
the National Pan-Hellenic Council and
the Office of Student Life took place on
Saturday, September 22. The event was
a huge success with roughly 110 students engaged throughout the day
with a variety of activities and sessions. All of these great sessions focused on exposing participants to leadership and assisting with their development as a student and young professional. The day began with a fashion
show displaying the “Do’s and
Don’ts” of professional attire, followed
by a motivational address from Mrs.
Thelma Moton of the Conway
“Choosing to Excel” program. As the
workshop continued, participants
were divided into groups and participated in “Creating Your Brand,” facilitated by Kim Gardner and Kaylon
Bradford; and “Building Your Brag
Sheet,” hosted by Beryl Langdon. Finances are an important part of college, so Mrs. Leslie Know of the UCA
Financial Aid office came to offer insight to students on the best practices
of utilizing resources while in college.
The day ended with an amazing
Alumni Panel discussion consisting of
Rachel Whitfield, Jeremy Davis, Justin
Childs, Arsenio Perry, and Beryl Langdon. The panel focused on the following topics: 1) The Essence of Leadership; 2) The Importance of Academics;
3) Campus Involvement/Service; and
4) Balancing It All. Thank you to the
Student Life staff, NPHC council, and
guest speakers for coordinating yet
another amazing “Leadership
2012 Greek Convocation
Dr. Lori Hart spoke to all UCA fraternities and sororities during Greek Convocation on September 9. Dr. Hart's topic was
"Making Greek Great," which encourages
fraternity/sorority members to hold themselves and their brothers/sisters to higher
standards each day. Dr. Hart was a hilarious and inspirational speaker that had nearly 700 fraternity/sorority members thinking
about their actions one minute and laughing
loudly the next. Many students informed us that she was the
best Greek Convocation speaker they had ever seen. The Student Life Office would like to thank Dr. Hart for visiting UCA
and inspiring our fraternity/sorority members!
Greek Alumni Advisory Board (GAAB) Update
The Greek Alumni Advisory Board (GAAB) has met twice
since the start of the semester. The first meeting took place during Greek Convocation with Daniel Durak, UCA Greek village
consultant, President Courtway, and four members of the UCA
Board of Trustees. This initial meeting was a reintroduction to
our Greek village project for alumni and the Board of Trustees.
This meeting not only showed our alumni that UCA is committed to building a Greek village, but that the thoughts and input
of every organization are essential to make the project a reality.
GAAB met again on September 24 to learn about and discuss the
current status of the UCA fraternity/sorority community. During this meeting, Dr. Roberts, Mr. Williams, and the Student Life
staff updated the alumni on the status of fraternity/sorority
community grades, achievements, size, marketing, and plans.
Following the presentation, GAAB members were given time to
ask staff members questions regarding information they received
and have heard from students and/or advisors. The next GAAB
meeting will take place on October 11 at 6:00 PM in the UCA
Fireplace Room. The meeting will be led by Daniel Durack and
Actual evaluation comments from 2012 will focus entirely on gathering more information on feelings
Leadership Launch:
and expectations regarding the UCA Greek village project.
“I loved leadership launch and I really
learned a lot from this program!” Anonymous“Great Speakers!! Had fun. It was worth
waking up early. I got a lot of helpful information!!!” -Anonymous-Story submitted by Kaylon Bradford
Congratulations to Alpha Sigma
Tau member, Molly Gardner,
for winning the 2012 Greek
Goddess competition.
Contact and Connect with Us!
Kaylon Bradford (NPHC Specialist)
Laura Brinker (Graduate Assistant)
Wendy Holbrook (NPHC Advisor)
Scott Isenga (IFC /IGC Advisor)
Lindsey Osborne (NPC/IGC Advisor)
UCAGreeks Social Media
IFC/IGC Fall 2012 Bid Acceptance
IFC/I GC bid acceptance ceremony took place on September 14 on
the front steps of Old Main Hall. Bid
acceptance is a formal recognition of
all the men who have accepted bids to
an IFC or IGC fraternity up until that
point. Collectively, IFC and IGC recruited approximately 50 men by bid
day. Since that date, the recruitment totals stand at 48 men for
IFC and nine men for IGC. Overall, this total is comparable to
the amount of men that are typically recruited during the fall semester. Some fraternities still have outstanding bids, so expect
more men to join organizations throughout the remainder of the
fall semester. Congratulations to all the men who have accepted
bids to join an IFC or IGC fraternity this semester!
Instagram: UCAGreeks
Sig Ep Donation
The men of Sigma Phi Epsilon held their “Rock the Yard”
concert on August 30 to raise
funds for the Faulkner County
Boys and Girls Club. The concert
was a huge success and Sig Ep
raised 5063 dollars for the Boys
and Girls Club of Faulkner. The
money will assist with building costs for building a new and improved Boys and Girls Club facility on the corner of South German Lane and Robins Street. Representatives from Sig Ep presented the Boys and Girls Club with a donation check on September 13 during the topping out ceremony for the new facility.
As part of the ceremony, representatives from Sig Ep signed a
beam that will be utilized in the construction of the new complex. The Student Life Office would like to thank the men of Sig
Ep for hosting the concert and
raising this money for such a great
cause. If you would like to read
more about the donation and the
dedication ceremony, please click
here. Pictures from the event can
also be viewed on the UCA Sig Ep
Facebook page.
Great article by Amanda Cross of Sigma Sigma Sigma
about wearing your sorority letters with pride!