Newsletter - Trimline - Trinity Lutheran Church


Newsletter - Trimline - Trinity Lutheran Church
Trinity Tidings
Vol. 5 No. 42
Thursday 23. October 2014
Christians worshiping, learning, nurturing
and serving together for 57 years
Reformation Sunday
Rebecca P
Marjorie W
with Rite of Confirmation
26. October 2014
I Believe . . .
What does Jesus mean to me? There are many reasons why Jesus is important to
me. Jesus gives me confidence that when I die, I will live with God in eternal
happiness, and he reassures me that I will go to heaven. Also, when I am having a
rough day, and need someone to talk to, I remember that I have Jesus in my life. I can
come to him with my problems and know for sure that he will listen and do whatever
he thinks is best for me. This is why I am grateful to have Jesus guide me through my
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Our Mission Statement
Trinity, in obedience to
the Word of God, proclaims
the Good News of Jesus’
love and salvation. Through
education, and service,
Trinity strives to be a
congregation rooted in faith
and love. Trinity seeks to
strengthen the bonds of its
own congregation so that it
may be able to reach out,
serve, and witness with care
and acceptance.
A Reconciling in Christ and
a Stephen Ministry
congregation of the
Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America
What does the Church mean to me? To me, Church is the key to happiness. I can
go to Church with the satisfaction of knowing that God is with me, and that I am
honoring Jesus’ death and resurrection. Not only is Church important to me, but the
people inside the Church are important to me as well. Every time I walk into Church,
I am surrounded by a feeling of love and smiling faces. I am so grateful for the
welcoming atmosphere that the Church offers. This is why I am thankful for the
Church in my life.
Marjorie W
What does Jesus mean to me? Jesus means having something to believe in. Everyone always wants to have something to believe regardless if it is a fantasy or reality.
The benefits of having something to believe in are numerous and trust me, if I could
name everything that I believed were real we might be here all day. But one thing we
know for a fact is that Jesus is something that we all here can believe in. Every
Sunday that I come to Church, I hear stories about Jesus. Whether they are stories
that I have heard a thousand times, or stories that I am just hearing for the first time,
I know that they are true stories that actually happened in the past. To me, Jesus
means having something to believe in.
What does the Church mean to me? The Church to me means a place to go and
have a quiet reflection time. At my school's freshman retreat we had a time where we
could do a thing called adoration. It was a time to pray the Lord's Prayer and other
prayers along with reading a passage from the Old Testament. The pastor read it twice
and then they asked us to think about it and then they asked for our thoughts on it.
The rest of the time you listen to music and you can pray or think about anything. It
reminded me of what the church means to me: that it’s a place where you can go to
have time to yourself for reflection.
Rebecca P
Reformation Sunday
26. October 2014
Assisting Us in the Liturgy this Sunday
Assist. Ministers
Children's Church
Coffee Hour
Altar Custodians
Bulletin Assembly
Sanctuary Flowers
8:15 am
10:45 am
Joshua B
Piper M
John B
Pr. Robert M
Jeanine B
Anita S
Rob R & Dan S
Mary Nora R
Tom M
Susan S
Nancy & Thor N
Peggy & Dick J
Donna & Steve S
Confirmation Class
Carol B & Jill L
Dick J
Peggy & Dick Johnson
Given to the Glory of God
Generations (RFG)
stewards hip &
debt reduction
program for the
newly refurbished
education wing
and the new building for nursery, fellowship,
education, offices, and parking.
Reformation Sunday
26. October 2014
Members and friends of Trinity have pledged
$429,996 to RFG and as of 19. October
$326,534 has been given. Thanks to everyone
who has contributed to the RFG 12 three-year
campaign which began on 1. July 2012.
Trinity’s goal is to have 100%
of our
households participate.
Of our 145
households, 109 have already responded.
Jeremiah 31:31–34
Psalm 46
Romans 3:19–28
John 8:31–36
Lutherans like to talk about grace, and
certainly grace is an important concept in the
Christian and Lutheran worldview. We are
called to be gracious. God's grace is sufficient.
God's grace is amazing.
However, on
Reformation Sunday another concept in the
faith vocabulary makes a bid for our attention.
In many ways it is an even more central
concept than grace, even if fewer people list it
when surveyed on why they love being
Lutheran. The concept is freedom.
If you haven’t pledged yet, it’s not too late! If
you need a pledge card, you can download one
at or ask Carol B at
csbruno@u s a.n e t o r Miriam M at for a pledge card.
They will be happy to answer your questions.
We invite one and all to participate!
Freedom means various things in various
contexts, but for Christians, and in keeping
with the reading from John today, freedom
means something very specific. It means
freedom from sin. It means freedom in Christ.
It means freedom with Christ.
It means
freedom for service to the world.
Trinity’s Facebook Fan Page
Did you know Trinity had one?
Have you checked out the latest
news there? Click on the link
below the facebook icon and it
will take you there.
The reason the reformers elevated scripture so
highly, translated it into language everyone
could understand, and emphasized passages
like this one, "If you continue in my word, you
are truly my disciples," has to do with the
simple fact that the word, properly understood,
leads not to bondage but to freedom. Scripture
is not a rule book that constrains but a
proclamation that sets free. /kdjdech
Help make Trinity’s
new pictorial directory
a success!
On 6-8
November Lifetouch will be
at Trinity to take family
portraits for a new directory
and we would like your
family to be part of this directory. All families
who have their pictures taken will get a new
directory and a free 8x10 picture. You can
schedule your photo session online by going to
the church webpage,, and
clicking on the “Portrait Sign-up” icon; by
stopping by the sign-up desk after church on
Sundays in October; or by calling the church
office weekdays between 9:00 PM and 3:00 PM.
Sign up today and be part of Trinity’s new
pictorial directory. If you are not available on
these dates, please contact Dick J
(301-983-5007 or to
arrange alternatives to ensure your picture is part
of our new directory.
Even truth itself is related to freedom. Truth is
not something that demands consent, but
something that releases and enlivens. On this
Reformation Sunday, we celebrate the word
that is truth, that is freedom. We hear the
word as a word for us that sets us free from
sin, makes us alive in Christ, and sends us
off—freely—to serve the neighbor in need. Our
neighbors are desperately in need of our
freedom. Good thing we are free indeed.
Reprinted from Words for Worship, copyright 2013 Augsburg
Fortress. Used by permission of Augsburg Fortress.
During the month of October
Remember in Your Prayers
This Week at Trinity
. . . the church
our synod & bishops
Bishops Elizabeth Eaton and Richard Graham
our missionaries
Stephen Deal & Marta Giron, Central America
Andrew & Barbara Hinderlie, East Africa
our congregation
Trinity Church
. . . the nations
Afghanistan, Ctr African Rep., Congo, Egypt,
Haiti, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Liberia, Libya,
Myanmar, Namibia, Palestine, the Philippines,
Somalia, Sudan(Darfur), Syria, Ukraine, the
United States, and Zimbabwe
. . . the sick and suffering
Audrey B, Shady Grove Hospital
Judy D, Johns Hopkins Hospital
nursing/rehabilitation center
Margaret B, Aarondale Assisted Living
Dottie B, Villas at Suffield, Warrenton, VA
Katherine D, National Lutheran Home
Elaine D, Potomac Valley N. & W.
John M, National Lutheran Home
Shirley N, National Lutheran Home
Thomas P, Hebrew Home of Greater W ash.
Jeff D
Mary Ellen D
Helen H
Fred K
June L
Lisbeth N
Vimala P
Betty Y
family and friends
Holly B, friend of Marilyn C
Georgette B, friend of Marilyn C
Paul C, friend of Marilyn & Richard G
Savannah J, granddaughter of Billie J
L Family, friends of Sarah M & Thomas K
Carl M, friends of Tigist G & Philip T
Howard M, friend of Margaret F
Mark P, friend of Marilyn & Richard G
Moufeed R, grandfather of the R Family
R Family, cousins of Sarah M & Tom K
Reformation Sunday, wear red
LSS Coat Drive
8:15 am Holy Communion
9:30 am Sunday School/Adult
Classes/Adult Inquiry
10:45 am Holy Communion with
Rite of Confirmation
12:15 pm Christian Education Com.
4:00 pm Reformation Service at
National Cathedral
Mon 11:00 am Staff Meeting
7:30 pm Heavenly Handbells-WOR
7:00 pm Mission Endowment
7:30 pm Youth Committee Meeting
9:30 am Trinitarian Mailing
10:30 am Bible Study
7:30 am Bible Study
7:30 pm Trinity Singers-MR)
5:30 pm Trinity Fall Harvest Pot
Luck Dinner
Daylight Savings Ends - set clocks BACK 1 hour.
Next Sunday
2. November 2014
All Saints’ Sunday
Hunger Sunday – Dam ien Ministries & ELCA
Hunger Offering
8:15 am Holy Communion
9:30 am Sunday School/Adult Classes/
Adult Inquiry
10:45 am Holy Communion with
Reception of New Members
Looking Ahead at Trinity
4. Nov
5. Nov
8. Nov
9. Nov
. . . serving in the Middle East
John A, friend of R/U Family
Ismael R, friend of Trinity
Finance Committee, 7:30 pm
Stephen Ministry Supervision 7:00 pm
Men’s Group at Larry J’s, 1:00 pm
NLH Fall Festival, 9:30 am
Women’s Circle, 10:30 am
Trinity Singers Concert, 7:30 pm
Commitment Sunday
Worship & Music Com, 12:15 pm
Youth Group Gathering, 6:00 pm
Matthew A, Torsten D, Steve L, Jane F
Ruth S, Maryel S
Robert D
Juliana C
Rebecca P
26. October 2014
daughter of Kathy H & Robert P
Marjorie W
26. October, 2014
daughter of Lee Ann & John W
The Third Quarter Statements are ready
for pick up in the Social Hall.
All Saints' Memorial
To honor the saints who shared the
Christian faith with you.
Please bring a photo on Reformation Sunday 26.
October 2014 of those who have died in the faith
– family members or friends. These will be placed
near the altar during our worship on All Saints’
Sunday, 2. November and then on a display table
in the Social Hall for the remaining Sundays of
November. Commemoration Forms are located at
the Ushers' Table. If you would like to have a
departed loved one(s) remembered, please
complete the form by 26. October.
Altar Flowers
We appreciate your generosity in
donating flowers to beautify the
church, while remembering your
loved ones or commemorating an
important event in your lives. If you
would like to donate flowers, please
contact either Julie N or Annie A or
sign up on the new chart outside the social hall
kitchenette door. Altar flowers cost $30.
Old Towels & Blankets!
In honor of St. Francis, the
youth will be collecting old
towels and blankets for the
Montgomery County SPCA
during the month of October.
These towels and blankets
are used at the shelter for bathing pets and for
bedding in the cages. We will be collecting until
2. November.
The L.I.F.E. (Living In Faith Everyday)
meets during the Sunday School hour in the
Library, Rm. 1. We will explore the lessons for
the following Sunday. You are welcome to join
the group.
The Adult Forum is studying the Book of Job
through October in Conf. Room 10.
Concerts at Trinity!
The Trinity’s Men’s
Group The November
Trinity presents its first
concert on November 8th
at 7:30 p.m. The Trinity
Singers will perform sacred
Renaissance to the Modern
day. We hope to see you
there! We hope to see you
me e ting will be on
Wednesday 5. November at
1:00 pm at Larry J's home
in Leisure World.
address and phone number
are: 5101 Interlachen Dr.
#218, Silver Spring, MD
Leisure World is a gated
community and the guard needs advance notice
of how many are coming, so please let Larry know
no later than 12:00 noon on Tuesday, 4.
Fall Harvest
Mark your calendars for
Saturday 1. November
2014 from 5:30 to 7:30
p.m. for our Harvest Pot
Coffee Hour Hosts!
Everyone enjoys the weekly
coffee hours after each service.
We need more volunteers to host.
Early service hosts make the
coffee and provide juice and
goodies, and later service hosts
bring juice and snacks, and
coordinate final cleanup. Sign
up today!
A - G Bring Desserts of Drinks
H - P Bring Entrees
Q - Z Bring Salads or hors d'oeuvres
Be There, Aloha! The Parish Life Committee
The Lutheran Magazine
The Settings
of the Lutheran Liturgy
with a little addition!
The October issue is available
on the coffee table in the Lounge.
Please take one home to read
(bring back, if you wish). This
subscription is a gift from
Trinity's Mission Endowment
In 1523 Martin Luther reformed the late medieval
liturgy of the Mass. He called it Formula Missae or
the Latin Mass. In 1526 Luther further reformed
the church’s liturgy in the simpler Deutsche
Messe or the German Mass, providing worship in
the language of the people. It is significant that
Luther did not select a single form and hold it up
as the ideal liturgy to be followed by all
Commitment Sunday
9. November 2014!
Each year we make a commitment of our Time,
Talent, and Treasure to support the work of
Trinity. Watch for your Pledge packet in the mail.
It will contain your financial Pledge card and
Time & Talent sheets.
Please return your
completed Pledge card and Time & Talent sheet
on Sunday 9. November 2014. If you cannot be
at the service, simply put a stamp on the return
envelope and drop it in the mail.
Other than the removal of a few medieval
innovations, very little in the Lutheran liturgy is
different from the Roman Catholic liturgy. But
Luther did make a little addition – that is, the
congregation is invited to sing the Song of Simeon
after Communion. What does his experience
have to do with ours? How can Holy Communion
ever compare to Simeon's unique honor of
holding the infant Jesus in his arms during the
child's first visit to the temple at the tender age of
40 days? Lk 2:25-38
Of course, we would love to have been in the
temple and shared in the experience with
Simeon. But, as Luther so insightfully taught, we
don't find Christ in those places. Through the
events of Christ’s birth, crucifixion, and
resurrection our Lord completed the work of our
salvation. But the benefits of his saving work –
forgiveness, life, and salvation – are given to us
through his means of grace, his Word and
Sacraments. No, we can't go back to stand with
Simeon in the temple. The good news is that we
don't have to because Jesus comes to us – and
we also hold Jesus as the Holy Communion is
placed in our hands at the altar. And so,
Simeon’s Song of 2,000 years ago is also our song
Lord, now you let your servant depart in peace
according to your word.
For my eyes have seen your salvation,
Which you have prepared before the face of all
To be a light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory
of your people Israel.
High School Youth Retreat
It’s time to register for Chrysalis 2014, Metro DC
Synod’s annual Senior High Youth Retreat. This
year’s retreat will be 5. – 7. December 2014 and
is again being held at the 4H Center in Front
Royal, VA.
Sunday School
Chrysalis is the Metro DC Synod’s annual
weekend retreat for 9-12th graders. This year’s
theme is Breaking and Entering. Jesus was all
about breaking through the barriers that we put
up to separate “us” from “them” and entering into
relationships with the “other”. How are we called
to aid and abet in this Kingdom of work? Please
contact Anita if you are interested in attending.
First Sunday in Advent
30. November
Please join us for a Thanksgiving
Intergenerational Sunday School
service project and Advent season
The registration deadline is 6. November 2014.
Trinity Mission Endowment Fund
All Saint's Sunday
Consider the "Gift that keeps on Giving"
Christian stewardship involves the faithful management of
all gifts that God has given us. Trinity established a Mission
Endowment Fund in 1996 as a means for members to devote
gifts and bequests to the continuing mission outreach of the
church. Every year the fund generates income, which is used to enhance the mission outreach of
Trinity apart from the general operating budget. By sustaining annual awards for special Trinity
programs, community ministries, and benevolences, the fund is a gift that keeps on giving.
In celebration of our Saints who have gone before us, consider a memorial gift to Trinity's Mission
Endowment Fund. It's simple—just note Trinity's Mission Endowment Fund on the envelope and on
the notes section of your check. Or use one of the Memorial Gift envelopes in the pew, checking the
block for Mission Endowment Fund.
Since its inception, Trinity's Mission Endowment Fund has awarded $28,589 to mission outreach and
the legacy continues. In 2014, the fund presented awards to the following recipients (based on 2013
If you have any questions about Trinity's Mission Endowment Fund or how to contribute to the fund,
please contact Kim B ( or 202-415-9622).
Outerwear Drive In October
Help New Refugees Stay Warm this Winter
Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area
(LSS/NCA) helps to resettle close to 400 refugees in the
Washington DC area. This October they are expecting a
much higher than usual number of refugee resettlements.
The refugees arrive with few possessions and need help
acquiring many basic clothing and household items. During
the month of October, Trinity will be collecting new and
gently used outerwear, comforters, and baby equipment for
the program. All items should be clean and in good repair.
Especially needed
Outerwear (all ages and sizes)
Baby equipment
Coats, Fleeces, Winter hats,
Cribs (manufactured
2011or later)
Gloves and mittens
Strollers, Car seats
(infant & toddler)
Bedding (full and twin size) Comforters, Duvets
Since the first wave of Vietnamese
families arrived in the 1970s,
LSS/NCA has been partnering with
local organizations, companies,
and individual volunteers to aid in
the resettlement of thousands of
federally approved refugees as they
begin new lives in the Washington
DC Metro area. Families receive
intensive case management and
cultural orientation and are
directed to other community
resources. For more information on
the program, please see
Gift cards
Refugee case managers also appreciate cards for Walmart
and Target to help their clients with special emergency needs. Please contact Kathy T at 301-6756987 with any questions.