Newsletter - Trimline - Trinity Lutheran Church


Newsletter - Trimline - Trinity Lutheran Church
Trinity Tidings
Vol. 5 No. 41
Thursday 16. October 2014
Christians worshiping, learning, nurturing
and serving together for 57 years
What Are We Doing Here?!
This Saturday 18. October 9 am – 12 noon
What is the purpose of Trinity Lutheran Church?
What does Trinity do?
Who do we do it for? And how do we do it?
11200 Old Georgetown Rd.
North Bethesda, MD
The answers to these questions can be summarized in a mission
statement. A mission statement defines what an organization is and
explains its reason for being. The best mission statements are clear,
memorable and concise. Trinity currently has a mission statement, but
it was adopted around 20 years ago.
On Saturday 18. October, from 9 am until 12 noon, we will meet at the
church to discuss our answers to the above questions and create a fresh,
descriptive and understandable mission statement for Trinity that declares
what we are about. This mission statement will also help guide our future
decisions about priorities, actions, and responsibilities. Please plan to join
us for this meaningful workshop. Your input is important and needed!
Facebook Fan Page
Our Mission Statement
Trinity, in obedience to
the Word of God, proclaims
the Good News of Jesus’
love and salvation. Through
education, and service,
Trinity strives to be a
congregation rooted in faith
and love. Trinity seeks to
strengthen the bonds of its
own congregation so that it
may be able to reach out,
serve, and witness with care
and acceptance.
A Reconciling in Christ and
a Stephen Ministry
congregation of the
Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America
19th Sunday after Pentecost
19. October 2014
Assisting Us in the Liturgy this Sunday
Assist. Ministers
Children's Church
Coffee Hour
Altar Custodians
Bulletin Assembly
Sanctuary Flowers
8:15 am
10:45 am
Isabelle R
Andrei S
Nancy N
Ralph L
Anita S
David C
Jane R & Eric S
Billie J
Kathy L
Len S
Nancy & Tom M
Mark P & Robert P
Dan S & Rob R
Leslie & David C
Carol B & Jill L
Nancy M
Margaret & Greg F
Given to the Glory of God
19th Sunday after Pentecost
Generations (RFG)
stewards hip &
debt reduction
program for the
newly refurbished
education wing and the new building for
nursery, fellowship, education, offices, and
19. October 2014
Members and friends of Trinity have pledged
$429,996 to RFG and as of 12. October
$322,077 has been given. Thanks to everyone
who has contributed to the RFG 12 three-year
campaign which began on 1. July 2012.
Trinity’s goal is to have 100%
of our
households participate.
Of our 145
households, 109 have already responded.
Isaiah 45:1-7
Psalm 96:1-9 [10-13]
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
Matthew 22:15-22
The Things That Are God's
Jesus said, "Give therefore to the emperor the
things that are the emperor's, and to God the
things that are God's" (Matt. 22:21). On the
surface, it seems like a simple allocation. It's a
division we try to make in our daily lives. We
live in between who we are at work and who we
are at home. We live in between what we say
matters and where we actually devote our time,
money, and attention. We live in between the
words we proclaim on Sunday morning and the
faith we cling to in the wee hours of the night.
If you haven’t pledged yet, it’s not too late! If
you need a pledge card, you can download one
at or ask Carol B at
csbruno@u s a.n e t o r M iriam M at for a pledge card.
They will be happy to answer your questions.
We invite one and all to participate!
It's not simple to figure out what God's things
are and what the world's things are. We
confess belief in a God who is the creator of
heaven and earth—a God to whom all things
belong. Truly living into such a confession
might free us to understand that sometimes
volunteering our time and resources in service
to others is the right way to give to God, and
sometimes spending a lazy Saturday
reconnecting with the people closest to us is
the right way to give to God.
Trinity’s Facebook Fan Page
Did you know Trinity had one?
Have you checked out the latest
news there? Click on the link
below the facebook icon and it
will take you there.
If all things are God's things, then there is the
potential to experience God's generosity and
abundance all around us. We can rest in the
knowledge that the people and the things that
surround us are God's things. We can know
that our mission field is the community where
we spend most of our time, not someplace far
away. /kdjdech
Trinity’s New Pictorial Directory!
On 6.-8. November Lifetouch
will be at Trinity to take
family portraits of for a new
directory. All families who
have their pictures taken will
get a new directory and a free
8x10 picture.
You can
schedule your photo session online by going to
the church webpage and
clicking on the “Portrait Sign-up” icon, by
stopping by the sign-up desk after church on
Sundays in October, or by calling the church
office weekdays between 9:00 PM and 3:00 PM.
Sign up today and be part of Trinity’s new
pictorial directory.
If all things are truly God's things, then we can
live by faith in the sure promise that we are
doing enough, that we are enough, rather than
constantly seeking a "new and improved" life.
If we truly understand that all things are God's
things, every aspect of our life has the potential
to be sacred.
Reprinted from Words for Worship, copyright 2013 Augsburg
Fortress. Used by permission of Augsburg Fortress.
Remember in Your Prayers
This Week at Trinity
19th Sunday after Pentecost
19. October
Paper Product Sunday/LSS Coat Drive
8:15 am Holy Communion with
Healing Service
9:30 am Sunday School/Adult
Classes/Adult Inquiry
10:45 am Holy Communion with
Healing Service
1:45 am Bethesda H&R-Evangelism
Mon 11:00 am Staff Meeting
7:30 pm Heavenly Handbells-WOR
7:00 pm Stephen Ministry Training &
7:30 pm Property Committee
Wed 10:30 am Bible Study
7:30 am Bible Study
Thurs 12:30 pm TLC Lunch Bunch
7:30 pm Trinity Singers-MR)
9:00 am Stephen Ministry Training
1:00 pm Confirmation Retreat
. . . the church
our synod & bishops
Bishops Elizabeth Eaton and Richard Graham
our missionaries
Stephen Deal & Marta Giron, Central America
Andrew & Barbara Hinderlie, East Africa
our congregation
Trinity Church
. . . the nations
Afghanistan, Ctr African Rep., Congo, Egypt,
Haiti, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Liberia, Libya,
Myanmar, Namibia, Palestine, the Philippines,
Somalia, Sudan(Darfur), Syria, Ukraine, the
United States, and Zimbabwe
. . . the sick and suffering
nursing/rehabilitation center
Margaret B, Aarondale Assisted Living
Dottie B, Villas at Suffield, Warrenton, VA
Katherine D, National Lutheran Home
Elaine D, Potomac Valley N. & W.
John M, National Lutheran Home
Shirley N, National Lutheran Home
Thomas P, Hebrew Home of Greater W ash.
Audrey B
Jeff D
Mary Ellen D
Helen H
Fred K
June L
Lisbeth N
Vimala P
Betty Y
family and friends
Jacquelyne B, friend of Pam B
Holly B, friend of Marilyn C
Georgette B, friend of Marilyn C
Paul C, friend of Marilyn & Richard G
L Family, friends of Sarah M & Thomas K
Howard M, friend of Margaret F
Mark P, friend of Marilyn & Richard G
Moufeed R, grandfather of the R Family
R Family, cousins of Sarah M & Tom K
Cher W, friend of Pam B
Walter Y, husband of Elsie Y
Next Sunday
26. October 2014
Reformation Sunday, wear red
LSS Coat Drive
8:15 am Holy Communion
9:30 am Sunday School/Adult
Classes/Adult Inquiry
10:45 am Holy Communion with
Rite of Confirmation
12:15 pm Christian Education Com.
4:00 pm Reformation Service at
National Cathedral
Looking Ahead at Trinity
Oct 27
Oct 28
Nov 1
Trinitarian Mailing, 9:30 am
Mission Endowment, 7:30 pm
Youth Committee Meeting, 7:30 pm
Fall Festival Potluck, 5:30 pm
Oct 20
. . . serving in the Middle East
John A, friend of R/U Family
Ismael R, friend of Trinity
Oct 21
Oct 24
Oct 25
David K
Kristina S
David F
Chris O
Don P
Marilyn C
Kathy T
Ani G
Doris R
Oct 19
Nalini & Ravinder A
Clara Elaine M
9. October 2014
daughter of Shannon & Joseph M
During the month of October
Coffee Hour Hosts!
The Third Quarter Statements are ready
for pick up in the Social Hall.
Everyone enjoys the weekly coffee hours
after each service. We need more
volunteers to host. Early service hosts
make the coffee and provide juice and
goodies, and later service hosts bring
juice and snacks, and coordinate final
cleanup. Sign up today!
All Saints' Memorial Display!
To honor the saints who shared the
Christian faith with you.
Please bring a phot on Reformation
Sunday 26. October 2014 of those
who have died in the faith – family members or
friends. These will be placed near the altar
during our worship on All Saints’ Sunday, 2.
November and then on a display table in the
Social Hall for the remaining Sundays of
November. Commemoration Forms are located at
the Ushers' Table. If you would like to have a
departed loved one(s) remembered, please
complete the form by 26. October.
Trinity Fall Harvest
Mark your calendars for
Saturday 1. November
2014 from 5:30 to 7:30
p.m. for our Harvest Pot
A - G Bring Desserts of Drinks
H - P Bring Entrees
Q - Z Bring Salads or hors d'oeuvres
Be There, Aloha! The Parish Life Committee
Old Towels & Blankets!
In honor of St. Francis, the
youth will be collecting old
towels and blankets for the
Montgomery County SPCA
during the month of October.
These towels and blankets
are used at the shelter for bathing pets and for
bedding in the cages. We will be collecting until
2. November.
The Lutheran Magazine
The October issue is available on the
coffee table in the Lounge. Please
take one home to read (bring back, if
you wish). This subscription is a gift
from Trinity's Mission Endowment
Altar Flowers
Confirmation Mini Retreats !
On 25.
October (1-4 PM days), we will be have the second
of the 2 mini retreats, where we will have some
learning time, some game time, and of course,
Please contact Anita or Pr. B with
questions. See you then.
We appreciate your generosity in
donating flowers to beautify the
church, while remembering your
loved ones or commemorating an
important event in your lives. If you
would like to donate flowers, please
contact either Julie N or Annie A or
sign up on the new chart outside the social hall
kitchenette door. Altar flowers cost $30.
TLC Lunch Bunch!
Lunch Bunch will be meeting on
Thursday 23. October at 12:30
pm. The restaurant is Amici
Miei, located at 1093 Seven
Locks Road in Rockville, near
the intersection with Fortune Terrace, north of
Montrose Road. If you are able to come, please
let Shirl/ Wes O know at
The L.I.F.E. (Living In Faith Everyday)
meets during the Sunday School hour in the
Library, Rm. 1. We will explore the lessons for
the following Sunday. You are welcome to join
the group.
The Adult Forum is studying the Book of
Concerts at Trinity!
Job through October in Conf. Room 10.
Trinity presents its first
concert on November 8th
at 7:30 p.m. The Trinity
Singers will perform sacred
Renaissance to the Modern
day. We hope to see you
there! We hope to see you
The Trinity’s Men’s Group will meet on 5.
November at l:00 pm at Larry J’s home in Leisure
World. Leisure World is a gate community and
the guard needs advance notice of how many are
coming, so please let Larry know no later than
12:00 Tuesday 4. November.
Trinity Mission Endowment Fund
All Saint's Sunday
Consider the "Gift that keeps on Giving"
Christian stewardship involves the faithful management of all
gifts that God has given us. Trinity established a Mission
Endowment Fund in 1996 as a means for members to devote gifts and bequests to the continuing
mission outreach of the church. Every year the fund generates income, which is used to enhance the
mission outreach of Trinity apart from the general operating budget. By sustaining annual awards for
special Trinity programs, community ministries, and benevolences, the fund is a gift that keeps on
In celebration of our Saints who have gone before us, consider a memorial gift to Trinity's Mission
Endowment Fund. It's simple—just note Trinity's Mission Endowment Fund on the envelope and on
the notes section of your check. Or use one of the Memorial Gift envelopes in the pew, checking the
block for Mission Endowment Fund.
Since its inception, Trinity's Mission Endowment Fund has awarded $28,589 to mission outreach and
the legacy continues. In 2014, the fund presented awards to the following recipients (based on 2013
If you have any questions about Trinity's Mission Endowment Fund or how to contribute to the fund,
please contact Kim B ( or 202-415-9622).
Outerwear Drive In October
Help New Refugees Stay Warm this Winter
Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area
(LSS/NCA) helps to resettle close to 400 refugees in the
Washington DC area. This October they are expecting a
much higher than usual number of refugee resettlements.
The refugees arrive with few possessions and need help
acquiring many basic clothing and household items. During
the month of October, Trinity will be collecting new and
gently used outerwear, comforters, and baby equipment for
the program. All items should be clean and in good repair.
Especially needed
Outerwear (all ages and sizes)
Baby equipment
Coats, Fleeces, Winter hats,
Cribs (manufactured
2011or later)
Gloves and mittens
Strollers, Car seats
(infant & toddler)
Bedding (full and twin size) Comforters, Duvets
Since the first wave of Vietnamese
families arrived in the 1970s,
LSS/NCA has been partnering with
local organizations, companies,
and individual volunteers to aid in
the resettlement of thousands of
federally approved refugees as they
begin new lives in the Washington
DC Metro area. Families receive
intensive case management and
cultural orientation and are
directed to other community
resources. For more information on
the program, please see
Gift cards
Refugee case managers also appreciate cards for Walmart
and Target to help their clients with special emergency needs. Please contact Kathy T at 301-675-6987
with any questions.