hermann sons news - Hermann Sons Life Insurance
hermann sons news - Hermann Sons Life Insurance
www.hermannsons.org For information on Hermann Sons insurance products, fraternal benefits, calendar of events, latest news, photos, visit: VOL. 115 • SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS • AUGUST 2013 • NO. 12 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE GRAND LODGE, ORDER OF THE SONS OF HERMANN IN THE STATE OF TEXAS HERMANN SONS NEWS CAMP2013 Juniors enjoy another exciting season of camping fun! Eight girls show their Hermann Sons Youth Camp spirit with their matching 2013 season T-shirts. They are, back, from left, Elizabeth West of College Station, Dylan Dusek, Caitlyn Nieschwitz and Addison Stendebach of Pleasanton, front, from left, Delaney Dwyer of Las Cruces, N.M., Sydney Merecka of Pleasanton, Teghan Trulove of Fair Oaks and Lauren Trapp of Pleasanton. All the girls are members of Jourdanton Lodge No. 310 except for Sydney who is a member of Lockhart Lodge No. 64. Youth Camp honors two staffers for years of service COMFORT – The 2013 Hermann Sons Youth Camp season has come to a close! During the eight weeks, 2,564 junior members enjoyed a week of fun in Comfort! In recapping the summer, Executive Camp Director Jennifer Cernosek said, “Summer sessions were a great success.” The Riverside girls went to the Retirement Home for six of the eight talent shows this summer. Years ago, campers would go to the Retirement Home to sing camp songs and then they started going for their talent shows. This stopped a few years back when trees in the performance area were lost. Since the Retirement Home now has more shade in the courtyard thanks to the new pavilion, it was time for the campers to return for talent shows! Brenda Gunnink, Retirement Home manager, offered to serve watermelon each week to the campers and residents. Two members of the Hermann Sons Youth Camp staff were honored for their many years of service at the end of the camp season. John Sorbel currently serves as Hilltop Camp director. Jody Zizelman currently serves as food services director. Pictured are, from left, Grand Vice President-Fraternal Kim Krueger, Executive Camp Director Jennifer Cernosek, Brother Sorbel, Brother Zizelman and Grand President/CEO Buddy Preuss. Some of the other noteable moments from Camp this summer were a special circus talent show at Hilltop during the circus-themed week and a carnival and fireworks show during Fourth of July week. The new challenge element at the Climbing class was very popular. “Part of what made this summer so successful was having an excellent staff,” Sister Cernosek said. “From counselors to kitch- en staff, the quality of work and care given by the dedicated staff is a large part of the reason the campers were able to have great experiences.” Two examples of that are Hilltop Camp Director John Sorbel and Food Services Director Jody Zizelman. During the last Friday night of Camp, Brother Sorbel was recognized for 25 summers of service and Brother Zizelman was recognized for 30 summers of service to Hermann Sons Youth Camp. Brother Zizelman was also a three-year camper. He has worked more summers at HSYC than any other staff member ever. On hand for the presentations along with Hilltop campers and staff were Grand President/ CEO Buddy Preuss and wife Elizabeth, Grand Vice PresidentFraternal Kim Krueger and husband Dustin, Brother Sorbel’s See CAMP, Pg. 21 New vision developed for Fraternal Activities Committee SAN ANTONIO – In his first message to members, Grand President/CEO Buddy Preuss stated, “We must seek new ways to exchange information and empower our lodges and members. Increased lodge participation is a catalyst to our success and is needed now.” Since its inception in 1977, it has been the purpose of the Fraternal Activities Committee to motivate members to advance local lodge fraternal activities. But in recent years, this committee has had few responsibilities and subsequently limited impact. “At a time when lodge participation and member involvement is declining, we must seek new ways to engage our members and lodges,” Grand President Preuss said. Therefore, he and Grand Vice President-Fraternal Kim Krueger have developed a new vision for the Fraternal Activities Committee. The size of the committee has been increased, allowing the placement of at least two committee members from each installation area. This level of representation will aid in the dissemination of information to local lodges. A curriculum development team at the Grand Lodge will prepare educational and motivational sessions to share at installation of officer and other regional events. Also, from time to time, committee members may be given other assignments or used as a think tank for the development of new initiatives. This “rebranding” of the Fraternal Activities Committee is the first in a series of steps designed to strengthen lodges and engage members. A list of the members of the 2013-2017 Fraternal Activities Committee can be found on Page 5. Hermann SonS newS (USPS 242200) Periodicals Postage Paid at San antonio, Texas Published monthly by THe Hermann SonS newS 515 S. St. mary’s St. San antonio, Texas 78205 aUGUST 2013 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Hermann Sons News P.O. Box 1941 San Antonio, TX 78297-1941 oFFICIaL PUBLICaTIon oF THe orDer oF THe SonS oF Hermann In THe STaTe oF TeXaS Home oFFICe: 515 S. St. Mary’s Street P.O. Box 1941 San Antonio, Texas 78297-1941 210-226-9261 or 1-800-234-4124 Fax: 210-226-3055 Hermann Sons Youth Camp 830-995-3223 Retirement Home: 830-995-2724 Website: www.hermannsons.org GranD LoDGe oFFICerS PaST GranD PreSIDenT LEROY MUEHLSTEIN PaST GranD PreSIDenT STEPHEN R. PREWITT GranD PreSIDenT/Ceo ALLAN W. "BUDDY" PREUSS GranD VP-SeCreTarY/TreaS. MARY BEAM GranD VP-InVeSTmenTS HARRY WERLAND GranD VP-marKeTInG TIMOTHY P. KOLBE GranD VP-FraTernaL KIMBERLY A. KRUEGER GranD FInanCe CommITTee WILBURN PARGMANN SANDRA JONES JANICE KUHEN PAUL HEATH JACK LARNED Grand President's Message InVISIBLe THreaDS are THe STronGeST TIeS The 60th season of our Hermann Sons Youth Camp has just ended and it was an amazing summer thanks to Executive Director Jennifer Cernosek, her dedicated staff and thousands of excited campers. The summer camp experience endows children with valuable life skills, provides positive adult role models, supports them with consistent encouragement, and all within the kind of well-rounded wholesome environment all too rarely found these days. These are lasting benefits that can really make a difference in a child’s life. All Hermann Sons members can be proud we have such a wonderful fraternal benefit for our children. Friedrich Nietzsche, a German philosopher and cultural critic said, “Invisible threads are the strongest ties.” There are many threads in Hermann Sons – lodges, dance classes, community, tradition, and for thousands of children and the staff who serve them, Camp is one of those invisible threads. It will bind us together always. I spent 29 years on Camp staff and it’s hard to believe that five summers have passed since I was executive director. “Do you miss Camp?” It is still the question I am asked most often. And the answer is always the same, “Of course! But not as much as I thought I would.” Maybe the reason for this is because I am still part of Camp – still connected in so many ways – not only through my career but also through my friends. The people I met at Camp influenced me and who I am today. They are people with whom I connected and stayed connected. These relationships became milestones in my life. Some of my closest friends today were friendships made at Camp. But I am only one of thousands of campers and staff who called Hermann Sons Youth Camp their summer home. How do you stay connected with Camp? John Lennon said, “a dream you dream alone is only a dream. a dream you dream together is reality.” I had always dreamed of starting an alumni organization at camp. It was only when I shared this dream with Jennifer Cernosek that it became a reality. In December 2012, the Hermann Sons Youth Camp Alumni Organization was formed. Its purpose is to provide a group for past staff members and past campers who want to stay connected to Camp and help its future through the donation of funds for special Camp enhancement projects. What a wonderful opportunity for the thousands of past campers and staff members to stay connected with that place and those people that for many years was a highlight of their summer; and what a great way to give back to Camp and today’s children. I meet people every day who share stories about how Camp affected their lives in positive ways. Now we can all impact the experiences of future campers. I am reaching out to all past campers and staff members asking you to reconnect to Camp. Through your alumni organization membership you can keep a real connection to Camp while helping to enhance the experience of campers today. I especially make a plea to the staff of 1978 and to the staffs of 1982-2009. We worked together, giving of ourselves to impact the lives of others; and through the process gained so much in return. Let’s stay connected. Turn to Page 18 to learn more about the benefits of joining the HSYC Alumni Organization. Grand President installs Grand Lodge officers 'Hugs from Home' to be sent to troops reTIremenT Home CommITTee RUTH BAILEY FRANK BRANDON NORMA BRUNS JEAN DUEITT CALVIN LAMENSKY GranD PHYSICIan DR. RICHARD HANNIGAN YoUTH aCTIVITIeS CommITTee JANICE FAIT DEBBIE JORDAN TAMMY KELLEY ED KURTZ DAVID SPAETH AMANDA DEICKE BOB JUNGMAN STAN STEIGER Grand Guide Grand Inner Guard Grand Outer Guard LawS CommITTee Glenn Altwein Donnie Blinka Glenford Boehme John Bradley Joe Doss Agnes Dreibrodt Vernon Fenner Lillian Franckowiak Debbie Gold Karen Harborth Robert Herridge Milton Ihlo Jerry Don Klose Oscar Kuehner Billy Lehde David Lewis James Lowak Jeanette Preuss Calvin Rueter Howard Saathoff Tim Salge Don Saunders Andy Schellenberg Irene Schwertner Joe Trojacek Lee Vogel Ronald Wiatrek newly-installed Grand Lodge officers pose for a group photo with Grand Vice President-Secretary/Treasurer mary Beam, left, and Grand President/Ceo Buddy Preuss, right. They are, from left, Grand outer Guard Stan Steiger, a member of Harmonia Lodge no. 1; Grand Inner Guard Bob Jungman, a member of HochheimPrairie Lodge no. 90; and Grand Guide amanda Deicke, a member of Pershing Lodge no. 160. These officers have responsibilities during the quadrennial Grand Lodge Conventions and make official appearances at other functions including dance recitals, officer installations and Christmas parties. Fraternally yours, Buddy Preuss Grand President/CEO SAN ANTONIO – The Grand Lodge is gearing up for another mailing of "Hugs from Home" to the men and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Donations to pay for those "Hugs" continue to come in and are still needed. "When we started this program in 2010, we pledged to keep sending packages until all our troops were home," Grand Vice President-Fraternal Kim Krueger said. "So we are preparing to send more 'Hugs' overseas. I want to personally thank everyone who continues to support this program." The most recent donors to the program include MissionAlamo Lodge No. 80, Pershing Lodge No. 160, McGregor Lodge No. 132, Vineta Lodge No. 15, Hondo Victory Lodge No. 161, Harmonia Lodge No. 1, Mandy Chaney and the San Antonio School of Dance, Wayne and Janilla Kilborn, Mae Reininger, Taylor Lodge No. 3, Carol Krauss, RosenbergRichmond Lodge No. 85, Chuck Graustein, San Marcos Lodge No. 26, Steve and Julie Prewitt, Stern Lodge No. 143 and Kim and Dustin Krueger. Some of these donors have made more than one contribution in recent weeks. Donations can be sent to the Hermann Sons Grand Lodge, P.O. Box 1941, San Antonio, TX 78297-1941, ATTN: Fraternal Department. The names and complete addresses of men and women serving in these areas can also be sent to that address and they will be added to the list of personnel receiving packages. www.hermannsons.org Calendar of Events To-go dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moulton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Aug . 28 Moulton Lodge No. 59 will hold its annual plates-to-go fund-raiser at the KC Hall from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Plates will be $7.50 each and will include chicken fried pork steak, German potatoes, corn and dessert. Lodge anniversary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Antonio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept . 9 Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3 will celebrate its 117th anniversary beginning at 6:30 p.m. A meal and refreshments will be served. Reservations need to be made by Sept. 6 by calling 223-1631. Chicken & Sausage Barbecue . . . . . . . . . . . Rutersville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept . 28 Rutersville Lodge No. 152 will host its annual Chicken and Sausage Barbecue. The meal will be served from 5-7 p.m. Adult and to-go plates will cost $8.50. Children's plates will cost $4. There will be an auction and live music provided by the "This Is It" Band. Proceeds from the cake walk will be donated to the La Grange Volunteer Fire Department along with Matching Funds from the Grand Lodge. Trip to Rockport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rockport . . . . . . . . .Weekend of Sept . 13 Members of Pershing Lodge No. 160 and their guests will spend the weekend in Rockport. Call Terri Armstrong at 210-378-0319 for more information. Taco Dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Antonio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept . 13 Anton Wenzel Lodge No. 174 will hold its annual Taco Dinner from 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. The meal will include tacos, rice, beans and a salad. Call the lodge office at 223-1491 for more information. Cajun dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Antonio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sept . 14 The Cajun French Music Association will host a dance in the San Antonio Hermann Sons Home Association Ballroom from 7:30-11:30 p.m. The building is located at 525 S. St. Mary's St. Cost is $8 per person and the general public is invited. Steve Bing and the Bayou Hotshots will perform. German Texan Heritage Society . . . . . . . . . Round Top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept . 20-21 The German Texan Heritage Society 2013 Conference will be held at the UT Winedale Conference Center. The conference will feature historical and genealogical speakers, field trips, vendors and door prizes. For more information, go to the GTHS website, www.GermanTexans.org, email info@GermanTexans.org or call 512-467-4569 or tollfree at 855-892-6691. Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Braunfels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct . 6 The Goodtime Polka & Waltz Club will host a dance at Eagles Hall, 257 E. South St., New Braunfels, from 3-7 p.m. Music by the Cloverleaf Orchestra from New Braunfels. Call 830-660-4866 for more information. Memberships are available at sign-in table. Guests welcome. No shorts please. Retirement Home visit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comfort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct . 12 Members of Pershing Lodge No. 160 and their guests will pay a visit to the Retirement Home. Call Terri Armstrong at 210-378-0319 for more information. Cajun dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Antonio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct . 12 The Cajun French Music Association will host a dance in the San Antonio Hermann Sons Home Association Ballroom from 7:30-11:30 p.m. The building is located at 525 S. St. Mary's St. Cost is $8 per person and the general public is invited. Bubba Brown and the Super Cajuns will perform. If you would like to see your lodge’s event listed here, call Kathie Ninneman, 210-226-9261 or 1-800-234-4124, ext. 273, or email the information to kathie@texashermannsons.org. August 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 3 OFFICIAL BULLETIN Grand Vice President-Secretary/Treasurer We are more than halfway through the year. In early January, local lodges received a new member goal for the year from the Marketing Department. As Hermann Sons members we can help with this campaign by taking a quick tally of our friends, relatives and business associates who are good candidates for Hermann Sons membership. It’s easy to expound on Hermann Sons life insurance and its wonderful fraternal benefits. Encourage those prospects today to look us up on our website, contact an agent or call the Home Office. Hermann Sons is here to offer our products to protect the financial future of our members and their friends. COMMITTEE MEETINGS The Youth Activities Committee met on July 17 at Hilltop Camp. We are pleased to have two new members join the committee Tammy Kelley from Richland Lodge No. 107 and David Spaeth from Hochheim-Prairie Lodge No. 90. All members of the committee visited the Youth Camp at least one day during the summer sessions. During their visits several suggestions for improvements were noted and will be considered for the coming year. The Retirement Home Committee held its quarterly meeting on July 22 at the Retirement Home. One new committee member, Calvin Lamensky of Rosenberg-Richmond Lodge No. 85, was welcomed. The committee reviewed four new applications for residency to the Home and held a discussion on ways to promote the Home more to our members across the state. Another topic of discussion was the Home’s 100th anniversary in 2016. The committee visited with several of the residents and toured the Home and its beautiful grounds. The Grand Finance Committee met at the Grand Lodge for its semi-annual audit of the books and records of our Order for the period of Jan. 1-June 30, 2013. The Grand Committee then held its quarterly meeting on July 25 and the minutes are published in this issue. YOUTH ACTIVITIES AT THEIR BEST Our Hermann Sons Youth Camp season has ended with another successful summer. Junior members enjoyed the benefits of our Camp bringing home many memories of their week’s stay. We are fortunate to have a wonderful staff led by our Executive Camp Director Jennifer Cernosek. Sister Cernosek is already in organizational mode preparing for next year with new and exciting additions to our summer camp program. Dance class registration is now the primary focus. Classes begin right after Labor Day for juniors ages 3 through 17. Please be reminded that to register for dance classes, the junior must be a member in good standing and remain so throughout the entire dance year. Prospects should be referred to an agent as soon as possible. Many of our members took part in the 49th annual State Bowling Tournament in Austin this year. Thanks go to the association officers including President Janice Dueitt and Secretary/Treasurer Sandra Jones (the logistics manager) who worked so hard to put this event together. Everyone who participated had a great time and we are looking forward to the big 50th State Tournament that will be held in Katy in 2014. We are hoping to have 50 teams to celebrate 50 years of bowling next year. The Hermann Sons Youth Camp-Shannon Gaffney Scholarship Bowl-A-Thon was held on Aug. 10 in San Antonio and was again supported by many Hermann Sons members. Many of the Camp staff participated in this worthy event. As summer ends we observe Labor Day, which acknowledges our nation’s strength, freedom and leadership through the American worker. Enjoy the holiday! Fraternally yours, Mary Beam Grand Vice President-Secretary/Treasurer Sons Proud! Recommend rs ! Page 4 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2013 www.hermannsons.org Index Monthly Features Grand President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Grand Vice President-Secretary/Treasurer’s Bulletin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Retirement Home News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-7 Pioneer Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-10 Medical Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-12 In Memoriam of Our Deceased Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Fraternal Features New vision seen for Fraternal Activities Committee . . . . . . . . . . . 1 & 5 Grand Lodge officers installed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Donations made to 'Hugs from Home' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Grand Finance Committee letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Grand Committee Meeting Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Cajun dances scheduled in San Antonio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Seguin Lodge needs Hall Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Bowler's Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Golf tournament benefits Camp Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Luncheons honor retirees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Join Hands Day projects recognized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Muehlsteins lose dogs to swarm of bees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 'First Responders Fund' grows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Rutersville to hold annual barbecue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Marketing TOP Recommenders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Are you at risk? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Vogt earns FICF designation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 100% Families listed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Roster of Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 youth in action Camp season comes to an end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 & 20 Camp staff honored for years of service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 & 21 Bowl-a-thon benefits HSYC Scholarship Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Karnes City holds recital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Workshops help get dance season under way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Alumni organization set to hold first event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Answers to puzzles on Page 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Best, most athletic campers listed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Bandera County dancers hold recital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Lee County School of Dance holds recital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Fenner receives Home Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Paul Vogt Lodge presents scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Future Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 loDge rePorts Page no. lodge lodge Anton Wenzel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Albert Kypfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Austin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Bernardo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Brenham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Brunhilde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Cameron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Cibolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Columbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Comfort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Converse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Coupland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Cuero Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 DaCosta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Dallas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Deanville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Dunlay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Edelweiss-Magnolia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Fort Worth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Fredericksburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Gay Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Giddings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Gonzales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Harmonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Helotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Highland Lakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Hondo Victory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Page no. Houston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Kerrville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Kirby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 La Grange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 La Vernia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Lockhart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Louise Schuetze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Macdona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Maxwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 McGregor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Mission-Alamo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Moulton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 New Braunfels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Old Glory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Pershing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Plum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Rosenberg-Richmond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Round Top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Rutersville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 San Marcos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Schulenburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Seguin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Shelby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Siemering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Spring Branch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Stern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Vineta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Womack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Hermann Sons News Staff editor assistant editor Kathie Ninneman Elaine H . Soto The Hermann Sons News is an official publication of the Order of the Sons of Hermann in Texas . The management and editorial policy of the newspaper shall be in the hands of the Grand President, and the Grand President shall have the authority to appoint a member or members of the Order as editor and/or business manager thereof (Art . 38, Grand Lodge Laws) . All news articles and photographs should be mailed to the Editor, Hermann Sons News, P .O . Box 1941, San Antonio, TX 78297-1941, or emailed to kathie@texashermannsons .org . Deadline for each monthly issue is the 10th of the month of publication . Marketing News Members keep recommending The Team of Outstanding Prospectors Campaign recognized 50 more TOP Recommenders for the month of July . This brings the total to 220 members recommending 310 new members to Hermann Sons in 2013 . recommender Mildred Bartels, Spring Branch Lodge Klaire Belzung, Lone Oak Lodge Allison Bennett, Highland Lakes Lodge Kara Blank, Cuero Family Lodge Ida Blankenship, Corpus Christi Lodge (*) Willie Brown, Brenham Lodge (*) Emma Browne, Cibolo Lodge Allyson Busby, Marion Lodge Carl Chamberlain, Kerrville Lodge Diane Cline, Mission-Alamo Lodge Elvira Dallmeyer, Burton Lodge Jamie Ebner, Giddings Lodge Randall Ebner, Giddings Lodge (*) Krissie Feller, Spring Branch Lodge Linda Fillinger, Hondo Victory Lodge Joseph Geffert, Yorktown Lodge Caitlyn Geigle, Cuero Family Lodge Alice Golla, Pershing Lodge (*) Frederick Hoelke II, Paul Vogt Lodge Jaide Hoover, Biry Lodge Abigail Kilpatrick, Anton Wenzel Lodge (*) Lance Klein, Fredericksburg Lodge (*) Bernice Knight, La Coste Lodge (+) Jerry Krenek, Ellinger Lodge Julia Landes, New Braunfels Lodge Emerson Lynch, New Braunfels Lodge Julia Martinez, Prinz Solms Lodge Madison Medack, Giddings Lodge (*) Lynette Metting, Nordheim Lodge (*) Audrey Montgomery, Spring Branch Lodge Kristina Moralez, Biry Lodge Madison Nevels, Boerne Lodge Sarah Pate, Biry Lodge Samantha Pehl, New Braunfels Lodge Geraldine Peyronel, Retirement Home Isabella Puente, Vineta Lodge (*) Sharley Rivas, Prinz Solms Lodge Felicia Rodriguez, Siemering Lodge Nina Runge, Brenham Lodge Jenna Shea, Prinz Solms Lodge Sydney Smith, Cibolo Lodge Amber Stade, Spring Branch Lodge Caitlyn Stade, Spring Branch Lodge Kathy Thomas, Macdona Lodge (*) Lisa Tinney, Comfort Lodge Sharra Weaver, Beaumont Lodge Shirley Wright, Hochheim-Prairie Lodge Rylee Wunderlich, Spring Branch Lodge (*) (*) Recommended 2 new members (+) Recommended 3 new members agent Gloria Gass J .V . Bailey James Embrey Laura Tiffin Pearl Hunt Gary Falkenberg Judith Schulmeier Lorene Bielke Mary Muehlstein Jack Larned Linda Mattocks Loretta Chilek Loretta Chilek Sandra Duncan Teresa Saathoff Judy Wolf Laura Tiffin Carol Krauss Marilyn Vogt Dianna Stricker Judith Schulmeier Jennifer Reeves Roger Bippert Tammy Gill Judith Schulmeier Shirley Huebinger Philip Abell Loretta Chilek Laura Tiffin Jennifer Reeves Dianna Stricker Jennifer Reeves Eulla Krueger Shirley Huebinger Jean Merchant Ruth Bailey Sandra Duncan J .V . Bailey Gary Falkenberg Teresa Saathoff Judith Schulmeier Sandra Duncan Sandra Duncan Eulla Krueger Normagene Bruns Al Stryk John Langhoff Gloria Gass August 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 5 www.hermannsons.org 43 named to Fraternal Marketing News Are you dealing with the risk? Activities Committee By TIM KOLBE Grand Vice PresidentMarketing Many Americans buy life insurance to cover a need, with the vast majority recognizing that it is important to protect loved ones with life insurance. In a recent survey 83 percent agreed that most people need coverage. Surprisingly, 30 percent of U.S. households have no life insurance at all, while only 44 percent have individual life insurance. More tellingly, 50 percent of U.S. households (58 million) say they need additional insurance. Most Americans do not buy life insurance because they think it is too expensive. Illustrating the need for insurance, the life insurance industry pays $62 billion to beneficiaries each year, providing a tremendous source of financial relief and security to families that experience the loss of a loved one. Deciding how much insurance is needed requires some thought and research concerning one’s personal finances, goals and future needs. Risk assessment is a tool used by many industries to evaluate needs and the appropriate action to lessen risks. The insurance industry employs risk assessment in the development of needs analysis to determine the amount of insurance appropriate for each individual. As a 30-year law enforcement officer specializing in crime prevention, I utilized a type of risk assessment extensively in my duties. Whether performing a physical security survey of a home or business, or looking at a public area, such a park, for places of opportunity for criminals to victimize unsuspecting citizens, risk assessment is a useful tool to provide corrective action to remove or lessen exposure to safety or security risks. The strategies to manage risks (uncertainties with negative consequences) typically include transferring the risk to another party, avoiding the risk, reducing the negative effect or probability of the risk, or even accepting some or all of the potential or actual consequences of a particular risk. The same is true when considering the need for appropriate life insurance coverage. Insurance is the classic example of transferring the risk to another party, the insurance provider. Upon the death of an individual, financial burdens to the survivors are lessened by the financial support provided by the policy/ certificate benefits. Although we may delay the inevitable with healthy living habits and avoiding behaviors which could cause injury or death, all can agree that dying is part of life. The least desirable condition when considering life insurance protection is to accept the risk and not acquire coverage at all. This leaves an undue burden on survivors, compounding the emotional loss with the future financial burden of living. Life insurance in most cases is not as expensive as most Americans think. Hermann Sons offers financial protection plus fraternal benefits, offering additional value for our members. A Hermann Sons agent will be happy to visit and discuss your needs and offer appropriate coverage recommendations. For anyone who would like to research their individual needs independently, we also have a very useful needs analysis link on our website. Go to www. hermannsons.org and click on the Insurance Education section. Choose the Needs Analysis discussion page, where you will find the Life Insurance Needs Calculator link. The results of your research will greatly advance the discussion as to what types of products and coverage you may need when an agent visits. Hermann Sons is proud of our heritage of providing life insurance, retirement products and living benefits for generations of Texas families. From the first San Antonio lodge in 1861 to the present, and for the future, Hermann Sons is here for you. Hermann Sons welcomes our new 100% Families! 100% Family Malish Family x Keith - new member Holly Vivian 100% Family City Lodge Agent New Braunfels New Braunfels Lodge No. 21 Shirley Huebinger City Barr Family Harper's Ferry, West Va. x Karsten - new member Richard Heather Kayden Cameron Callan Lodge Agent San Marcos Lodge No. 26 Janice Kuhen The following 43 members have agreed to serve as members of the Fraternal Activities Committee for 2013-2017. For a related story, see Page 1. Barbara Anderle, Moulton Lodge No. 59; Terri Armstrong, Pershing Lodge No. 160; Lorna Borgfeld, Gruenau Lodge No. 117; Carl Behrendt, Comfort Lodge No. 2; Ida Blankenship, Corpus Christi Lodge No. 34; Bradford Boehme, Castroville Lodge No. 71; Douglas Buck, Cameron Lodge No. 140; Brad Dietrich, Harmonia Lodge No. 1; Chelle Dube, Paige Lodge No. 154; Shirley Faske, San Marcos Lodge No. 26; Paula Gebert, Orange Grove Lodge No. 292; Tammy Gill, Ellinger Lodge No. 30; Lena Ging, Coupland Lodge No. 113; Gail Gray, Cibolo Lodge No. 147; Juanice Grona, Kerrville Lodge No. 12; Phil Hartmann, Twin Sisters Lodge No. 138; Kathy House, Rowena Lodge No. 216; Anna Keith, Edelweiss-Magnolia Lodge No. 47; Ernest (Red) Kelly, Fort Worth Lodge No. 33; Pat Klotz, Cat Spring Lodge No. 44; Margie Kohler, Shive Lodge No. 253; Eulla Krueger, Macdona Lodge No. 198; Th e r e s a L a m e n s ky , Rosenberg-Richmond Lodge No. 85; Robin Maertz, Bernardo Lodge No. 243; Sayra Martinka, DaCosta Lodge No. 265; Jo Ann Massengale, Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3; Linda Mattocks, Round Top Lodge No. 151; Dolly Meyer, Dunlay Lodge No. 285; Laura Muehlbrad, Burton Lodge No. 55; Celia Pietzsch, Roscoe Lodge No. 257; Fernando Pineda, Bryan Lodge No. 99; Bobbie Ray, Marion Lodge No. 74; Don Roese, Washington Lodge No. 198; Harry Schriber, Niederwald Lodge No. 110; Judith Schulmeier, Kirby Lodge No. 305; Mary K. Seifert, Schulenburg Lodge No. 14; Patti Shippey, Brunhilde Lodge No. 7; Russell Swize, Karnes City Lodge No. 215; Linda Taft, Waco-Robinson Lodge No. 4; Sharon Tanneberger, La Vernia Lodge No. 180; Laura Tiffin, Cuero Family Lodge No. 82; David Wolf, Wichita Falls Lodge No. 40; and Karen Woody, Spring Branch Lodge No. 127. Vogt earns FICF title SAN ANTONIO – Hermann Sons Special Representative Marilyn Vogt is now a Fraternal Insurance Counsellor Fellow after having completed an advanced course of study. Sister Vogt was already an FIC. To earn the FICF designation, she completed three books of study on Estate Planning, Business Insurance Concepts and Financial Products Training. Students are allowed three years to study and take the three tests. There are now three Hermann Sons agents who have earned this designation. The other two are Special Representative Al Stryk and Special Representative Gary Falkenberg. Sister Vogt lives in Boerne where she serves as financial and recording secretary for Boerne Lodge No. 25. Marilyn Vogt Page 6 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2013 www.hermannsons.org Retirement Home Visitors, travels and holiday keep residents busy COMFORT – Signing the Retirement Home’s guest book in July were Tim Flaherty, Indianola, Iowa; Diane Biondo and Anthony Parrish, St. Petersburg, Missouri; Nancy Butts, Kyle; Jimmy Runnels, Bulverde; Robert Boring, Pflugerville; Roxy, Sarah, Sheldon and Nicole Pruski, Adkins (Mission-Alamo Lodge No. 80); Sissi Ormsby, St. Hedwig (Mission-Alamo Lodge); Chuck Graustein, San Antonio; Jan Hunter, Boise, Idaho;s Joseph Figo, Round Rock (Anton Wenzel Lodge No. 174); Emma A. Moya, Elida A. Silva, Larry Burns, Eddie Elizondo, Alice Mendoza and Merlinda Elizondo (Anton Wenzel Lodge); Jamee and Taryn Barr, Lovington New Mexico; Karen Carnevale, San Antonio; Janis McRae, Bulverde; Delisa Vrana Phelan, Christine; Debbie Vrana, Jourdanton; and Roz McClelland, Houston. Joyce Liberato and Harvey Tegtmeyer ended the month of June and started the month of July traveling by car to Denver, Colo., with a stop along the way in Dodge City, Kansas. They visited Boot Hill, the Longbranch Saloon and the wax museum to see the characters from the TV show “Gunsmoke.” They visited Harvey’s family in Colorado Springs and attended the 90th birthday celebration of his older sister, Francis, in Denver. From Denver, they went to Estes Park to the Stanley Hotel where the movie “The Shining” was made. On the way home they stopped at Fort Sumner, New Mexico, and saw the museum and grave of Billy The Kid. They then stopped in Odonnell, Texas, the hometown of Dan Blocker who played Hoss Cartwright on the TV show “Bonanza.” They report there was a nice museum in the small town. They said they had a wonderful two-week vacation. During the week of July 4, Lisa Powell, a member of the staff at the Home, welcomed two of her adult children from Iowa and Tennessee. She gave them a tour of the Home so they could see where she plans Altenheim history wanted Lisa Powell visits with members of her family during their visit to the Home. Pictured are, from left, Ivey Powell, Alicia Powell, Deanna Hunter, Trey Powell, Mikey Powell, Lisa Powell and, in front, Calie Hunter. to live in the near future. They all enjoyed a pasta lunch after the tour. Lisa reported that her children were very impressed with the facility. Many of the Home residents attended the annual Fourth of July Parade in Comfort. Residents celebrated that evening with hot dogs and watermelon. After dark, many of them watched the fireworks displays from youth camps around the WANTED – The Retirement Home (also known as Altenheim and the “Castle on the Hill”) will mark its 100th anniversary in 2016. Residents are researching the history of the Home. Anyone with copies of old photos and/ or stories about the Home to share is asked to send them to Hermann Sons Retirement Home, ATTN: Helen Widner, P.O. Box 689, Comfort, TX 78013-0689. Anything and everything will be welcome! area. Anton Wenzel Lodge No. 174 members came to have lunch with residents and to provide games and prizes on July 21. See RETIREMENT, Pg. 7 On July 6, friends of “Cowboy Al" Schroeder came all the way from Missouri to visit him and to listen to him sing and play his guitar with fellow Home residents Kathy Bender and Don Raines. Pictured are, from left, Kathy Bender, Don Raines, Diane Biondo, Anthony Parrish and “Cowboy Al." Diane says everybody in Missouri calls him “Tex.” Several other Home residents sat in on the jam session. On July 2, the girls from Riverside Camp provided a preFourth of July Parade for the residents. Watermelon was served and some of the girls created sidewalk art masterpieces. Residents Billie DeSalme and Richard Bissex, far right, visit with, from left, Roxy Pruski, Sarah Pruski, Sissi Ormsby, and, in front, Shelton Pruski and Nicole Pruski. Shelton attended Hermann Sons Youth Camp this year. August 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 7 www.hermannsons.org Retirement Home GRAND LODGE OF THE ORDER OF THE SONS OF HERMANN ALLAN W. PREUSS, FIC Grand President/CEO GRAND VICE PRESIDENTS MARY BEAM IN THE STATE OF TEXAS Founded 1890 A Fraternal Benefit Society Secretary-Treasurer HARRY WERLAND, CPA Investments TIMOTHY P. KOLBE Marketing KIMBERLY A. KRUEGER Fraternal Nina Spenrath and Woody McClure celebrated birthdays in July. Susan McGuire and Clarence Boring were not available for this July birthday photo. Residents celebrated the July birthdays with cake and ice cream for dessert at the noon meal on July 30. Retirement Home Committee meets Cont'd. from Pg. 6 Residents really do enjoy their visits. The quarterly Retirement Home Committee meeting was held July 22. The newest committee member, Calvin Lamensky, was introduced to residents after the noon meal. Committee members Frank Brandon, Calvin Lamensky and Jean Dueitt and her husband, Roy, arrived a day early. They spent the night at the Home, visited with some of the residents and ate meals with the residents. Grand President/CEO Buddy Preuss announced that the newest resident, Addie J. Holley, had signed her contract. Addie had requested that he lead us in a prayer before the meal. On July 22, Pastor Shelley Simmont from Immanuel Lutheran Church of Comfort conducted chapel service and Holy Communion with residents Al Schroeder and Kathy Bender assisting. The weekly talent shows put on by the girls and leaders from Riverside Camp will be missed now that summer vacations are almost over. We wish to send our good wishes to all of the participants. They were so friendly, helpful and considerate – taking time to visit with the residents after the talent shows. Sister Beverly Anderson gives an update on the Home’s recycling project. She writes that resident Bob Anderson can be seen faithfully watching and watering 18 trees at the Home. Five of these trees were bought by the Recycling Committee – three of which were planted this past spring and two others were planted in 2012. They flourish under his care. – Helen Widner 515 S. St. Mary’s St., San Antonio, TX 78205 • P.O. Box 1941, San Antonio, TX 78297 • Phone: 210-226-9261 800-234-4124 Fax: 210-226-3055 • www.hermannsons.org Interested in living at the Retirement Home? To arrange a tour of the Home, call 830-995-2724. To inquire about application for residency, call the Grand Lodge at 1-800-234-4124 or 210-226-9261. www.hermannsons.org Check it out! Page 8 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2013 www.hermannsons.org Grand Commitee Meeting - July 25, 2013 Grand President/CEO Allan Preuss called the Grand Committee meeting to order on Thursday, July 25, 2013, at 8:30 a.m. Committee members present were as follows: Past Grand President Leroy Muehlstein Past Grand President Stephen R. Prewitt Grand President/CEO Allan W. Preuss Grand Vice President-Secretary/Treasurer Mary Beam Grand Vice President-Investments Harry Werland Grand Vice President-Marketing Tim Kolbe Grand Vice President-Fraternal Kim Krueger Grand Finance Committee Member Wilburn Pargmann Grand Finance Committee Member Sandra Jones Grand Finance Committee Member Janice Kuhen Grand Finance Committee Member Paul Heath Grand Finance Committee Member Jack Larned Past Grand President Leroy Muehlstein made the motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the previous session and accept them as presented with a second by Grand Finance Committee Member Jack Larned. Motion carried. Committee members were given a handout listing the names of members appointed to Grand Lodge positions. Brother Preuss informed committee members that he had installed the Retirement Home Committee, Youth Activities Committee as well as the Grand Inner Guard, Grand Outer Guard and the Grand Guide according to Grand Lodge Law. He also reported that he had held five Executive Committee meetings since the last Grand Committee meeting and mentioned that four members of the Grand Committee would attend the annual meeting of the American Fraternal Alliance in September. Grand Vice President-Investments Harry Werland reviewed the financial report for the period ending June 30, 2013, with comparable figures for the past several years. It was noted that the reserve increased, premium income was up some, annuity income was less and surrender and death claims were higher than the previous year. Brother Werland reported that mortgage loans increased with new loans closing in three areas. He gave an update on investments and spoke on maturity dates of annuities. Brother Werland presented a group of graphs showing statistics from 1980 to the current year of bond purchases, membership counts, camp and dance attendance, resident numbers at the Retirement Home, number of lodges, solvency ratio, surplus and net income figures. He also went over statistics provided by the American Fraternal Alliance showing various comparisons with other companies in solvency, adjusted capital, higher risk assets, current liquidity and net operating expenses. The Grand Lodge Investment Policy was reviewed by the Grand Committee members with extended dates. Brother Werland made the motion to approve the Investment Policy as presented to the Executive Committee prior to this meeting with a second by Grand Finance Committee Member Sandra Jones. Motion carried. Brother Werland reported that Lott, Vernon & Company, P.C. completed its annual audit of the financial statements of the Grand Lodge for the period ending Dec. 31, 2012, with no identification of any deficiencies in internal control. Brother Werland made the motion to accept the Report of the Audit Committee as prepared by Lott, Vernon & Company, P.C. Past Grand President Stephen R. Prewitt seconded the motion. Motion carried. Grand Vice President-Marketing Tim Kolbe spoke on the marketing team projects and the continuance of the TOP Recommender, Our Family of Delegates and local lodge membership campaigns. He advised committee members of the production status and gave sales comparisons with last year. Brother Kolbe reported that summer agent workshops are scheduled for August and September with the main topic for discussion being the newly designed life insurance application. The Agents’ Continuing Education Weekend at Hilltop Camp will be held Oct. 3-5. All licensed agents who attend will receive 15 hours of instruction that fulfill the agents’ requirements in accordance with the Texas Department of Insurance. Brother Kolbe mentioned that agents are encouraged to be involved in lodge activities to increase the visibility of the local lodges in communities. He expanded on the advertising promotions currently being used through publications and direct mail, the new procedure for members with term insurance close to conversion and ways to increase member retention services through better agent and employee training. Grand Vice President-Fraternal Kim Krueger opened her report advising the committee that she and Brother Preuss had met with the fire chief of the West Volunteer Fire Department to present a check for $12,286. She mentioned the “Hugs from Home” project is still continuing and that the Join Hands Day awards for lodges will be announced in the newspaper. Sister Krueger touched on some ideas for change in the location and venue of the Statewide Rally and developing an educational program during the officer installations in January. She spoke on the renovation of the elevator at the Home and the procedures that will be used to assist the resident members during the work process. The Camp season has gone well and next year a shortened week will be offered to campers during the Fourth of July week. It was noted that after Camp, Sister Krueger would inspect the Camp to make a priority list for repairs. The Youth Activities Committee also met and one member visited the Camp during each Camp week. Sister Krueger advised the committee that dance teachers are now being hired and that 31 schools of dance are to be in operation for the 2013-14 dance year. A dance teacher workshop has been held and an officers’ workshop is scheduled for August. Sister Krueger spoke on a budget amendment to include background checks for all dance class officers and parent monitors adding that most sport organizations and churches do background checks on their volunteers. A motion was made by Sister Krueger to include an additional $13,000 in the Fraternal Department budget for dance class background checks for officers and parent monitors. Grand Finance Committee Member Paul Heath seconded the motion. Motion carried. Sister Krueger also spoke on the hiring of an Events Coordinator and reported on the Future Club outing at Schlitterbahn in June. The meeting recessed for lunch at 11:50 a.m. and reconvened at 12:35 p.m. Brother Preuss opened the Grand Committee meeting and continued with reports. Grand Vice PresidentSecretary/Treasurer Mary Beam was called on. She reported on the Grand Lodge Convention survey that included several suggested ideas for improvement on the business session, food, location and entertainment. Close to 60 percent of the delegates responded through the survey. Sister Beam informed the Committee an Assistant Underwriter was hired and has been in training for three weeks. She also touched on the development of a wellness program for the Grand Lodge personnel. This will be a volunteer effort and a committee will be formed to formulate a simple but effective health and fitness plan. Sister Beam brought up the fact of a possible change in the format of the officer installations in January. The Executive Committee has discussed this with several suggestions being offered to include a shortened installation oath followed by break-out sessions on topics of interest for lodge officers to include officer duties, meeting attendance, new members and lodge involvement. The focus would be on one or two topics with yearly changes. Sister Beam reported that the minutes of the 46th Grand Lodge Convention were ready for print in booklet form and would be delivered to the printer shortly and then mailed to delegates. She also spoke of a budget amendment for office salaries. A motion was made by Sister Beam to amend and raise the salary budget for the positions of Underwriter and Assistant Underwriter. Grand Finance Committee Member Janice Kuhen seconded the motion. Motion carried. The subsidy to lodges was discussed and the question arose if the subsidy was given to lodges that were inactive. It was noted that all lodges had received the subsidy in the past even though some were no longer meeting. A motion was made by Brother Werland that the Grand Lodge approve the Grand Lodge local lodge subsidy for this year based on membership figures as of Dec. 31, 2012, in the amount of $2 per adult member and $2 per junior member to all active lodges. Grand Finance Committee Member Wilburn Pargmann seconded the motion. Motion carried. Brother Preuss gave a call for any other business. It was announced that the next meeting of the Grand Committee would be held on Thursday, Oct. 24, at 9:30 a.m. Motion to adjourn was made at 1:30 p.m. by Sister Kuhen. Brother Larned seconded it. Motion carried. Fraternally yours, MARY BEAM GRAND VICE PRESIDENTSECRETARY/TREASURER ATTEST: ALLAN W. PREUSS GRAND PRESIDENT/CEO You can read the Hermann Sons News online at www.hermannsons.org www.hermannsons.org Pioneers 75 Years leona alma best Maxwell Lodge No. 75 70 Years floyd w. lundschen Siemering Lodge No. 32 dorabel m. dippel El Campo Lodge No. 87 ivan e. pfeil Shiner Lodge No. 20 bobbie l. hasert New Braunfels Lodge No. 21 elroy b. crenwelge edgar d. haynes Siemering Lodge No. 32 mary ruth martin Fort Worth Lodge No. 33 christine huguelet alvin e. knoll jr. Twin Sisters Lodge No. 138 larnie c. marburger jerry d. sacks Round Top Lodge No. 151 aurleen kaspar alice marie schmitt roger w. wubbenhorst Rutersville Lodge No. 152 August 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 9 50 Years david scott busch john a. gianotti mark james hahne c.h. johnson iii david p. johnson harold h. kalich alvin lee petty michael wayne richardson barry f. rouch alfred a. weirich Harmonia Lodge No. 1 douglas c. broch martha a. burrus kathryn l. hernandez wendy thompson New Braunfels Lodge No. 21 jerry w. krackau San Marcos Lodge No. 26 tamara l. meischen jerry lee schultz Shelby Lodge No. 28 dave lynn weishuhn Ellinger Lodge No. 30 milton f. beken New Bielau Lodge No. 205 roy e. dittfurth renae jo pierce Yorktown Lodge No. 36 elva cox zombola Kirby Lodge No. 305 frank w. doege jr. Seguin Lodge No. 37 60 Years pamela mckellop Cat Spring Lodge No. 44 edward v. dylla frank t. dylla dave little gary anderson martin Harmonia Lodge No. 1 flois m. carter lela kelly gary j. pechacek Edelweiss-Magnolia Lodge No. 47 ewald koepp jr. La Vernia Lodge No. 180 henry e. kessler Burton Lodge No. 55 joseph a. cohn Goliad Lodge No. 212 ethel l. balbaugh sally beth burkett martha c. farrow mary beth fisk elaine b. huztler patricia a. kramer danna lynn link joyce ann mathis denise marie miller diana louise rose karen lynne shaw Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3 jean e. bryant Beaumont Lodge No. 60 richard d. jordan Karnes City Lodge No. 215 donnis gayle kettler Waco-Robinson Lodge No. 4 betty kay gray Seguin Lodge No. 37 ellie m. woytasczyk Mission-Alamo Lodge No. 80 joy l. schlichting Laubach Lodge No. 244 derlin wayne hennig Odessa Lodge No. 38 nona kay pomikal Rosenberg-Richmond Lodge No. 85 dwain r. crow Roscoe Lodge No. 257 jan la dol ebert todd allan hertel willie mae hertel Brenham Lodge No. 6 larry edward allerkamp bennett louis eberle lila fae eli gale caroline thomas ruth violet zoeller Comfort Lodge No. 2 amos peters iii albert bryan spires jr. Taylor Lodge No. 3 barbara anne lawhon mary j. little esther mae robbins cheryl lawhon webster Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3 bruce a. schmid paula norton ward Waco-Robinson Lodge No. 4 bridget l. reed Bellville Lodge No. 11 meta l. angell Kerrville Lodge No. 12 evelyn rabe steckly Vineta Lodge No. 15 larry g. heisler edna m. stappenbeck paul m. vilcoq ii Pershing Lodge No. 160 doris m. bartelt Hondo Victory Lodge No. 161 ruby r. sievers jon totz Gonzales Lodge No. 175 michelle lee beagle lisa mae tinney Comfort Lodge No. 2 kevin r. doerr dwight e. schraub Albert Kypfer Lodge No. 106 nelson f. janseen allan g. kalich billy g. kalich Da Costa Lodge No. 265 kevin wayne lilie jerry m. mikeska judy lynn quick nancy jo williams Columbus Lodge No. 10 ronald l. barrow Poth Lodge No. 272 robert e. reeves Kerrville Lodge No. 12 jackie r. schawe Niederwald Lodge No. 110 shirley p. holzhaus Dunlay Lodge No. 285 thomas c. brown Schulenburg Lodge No. 14 fay dell franz don alan janssen Gruenau Lodge No. 117 mary e. ziegler Jourdanton Lodge No. 310 janet valis bach geraldene bailey cheryl dian fernald renell c.l. foreman susan e. klein cynthia ann rouch rosanne schaetter Vineta Lodge No. 15 phyllis l. martin Houston Lodge No. 100 herman hitzfelder jr. Spring Branch Lodge No. 127 gilbert p. offer jr. Prinz Solms Lodge No. 136 kenneth s. mussey charles a. pfeiffer Siemering Lodge No. 32 david f. haertig paul anthony hesse Corpus Christi Lodge No. 34 david l. barfield laurie jo barfield thomas r. barfield larry w. gohmert lori ann potcinske pamela kay weise Yorktown Lodge No. 36 mark edward fiedler william. e. hannum gary dean heimann daphne d. maner barbara rode cynthia irene rode stephani k. tolbert marissa d. weinheimer Fredericksburg Lodge No. 41 marsha lane tipp Cat Spring Lodge No. 44 elvin ray barnett helen jane barnett jana rae boomer laurie b. ferguson david alan kolbe leonard j. kolbe robert ray kolbe danny floyd parker Edelweiss-Magnolia Lodge No. 47 continued on next page Page 10 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2013 www.hermannsons.org Pioneers 50 Years jEANNE DEVlIN Hondo Victory Lodge No. 161 CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE kENNETh PAUl wIlDMAN Zuehl Lodge No. 163 ERNEST j. NOVOSAD Moulton Lodge No. 59 DON w. bARkER Washington Lodge No. 178 MARk AllEN TAylOR Castroville Lodge No. 71 TAMMy ANN lUETGE Gay Hill Lodge No. 193 ChERyl A. DAUGhERTy jAMES M. DAUGhERTy Maxwell Lodge No. 75 kARl STEPhEN kOOG Del Rio Lodge No. 201 FlETChER R. SIblEy Mission-Alamo Lodge No. 80 R.b. McDONAlD III El Campo Lodge No. 87 GAIl MARIE bANCROFT Lone Oak Lodge No. 88 MIChAEl w. bEhRENS Hochheim-Prairie Lodge No. 90 kENNETh j. kINDT RANDAl G. RyChlIk Bryan Lodge No. 99 lISA zIPP SACCO Albert Kypfer Lodge No. 106 lORI A. SChUENEMANN Nordheim Lodge No. 108 lyNNETTE l. CRANFORD kAThlEEN A. wIllMANN Spring Branch Lodge No. 127 PATSy w. MIllER McGregor Lodge No. 132 jOhNNy R. MEINkOwSky Womack Lodge No. 135 ChRISTINA R. CARROll OwEN S. RAGSDIll Twin Sisters Lodge No. 138 lINDA DEE DUkE DAVID wAyNE kEIlERS Rutersville Lodge No. 152 PAUl lEONARD DUkE wAlTER E. hAAG jOlEEN MARIE lAMMONS SANDRA jOAN MUllINS RONAlD w. SChAEFER MElODy ANN SOUThwEll DEbORAh D. wIllIAMSON Pershing Lodge No. 160 PATRICIA l. COOMbS Karnes City Lodge No. 215 jOhN RObERT CAUGhMAN Paul Vogt Lodge No. 234 PhIlIP l. wEIRICh Hondo Lodge No. 236 Cajun French Music Association De Fa Tras Chapter Monthly Dances San Antonio Home Association Building 525 S. St. Mary’s St., San Antonio 7:30-11:30 p.m. $8 per person - General Public James H. Zenner has received his 70-year membership pin. Brother Zenner, who lives in Willis, has been a member since June 22, 1943. He belongs to edelweiss-Magnolia Lodge No. 47. For more information: www.defatrascajun.com or John Botter at 210-355-1157 kAThRyN l. TAylOR Plum Lodge No. 238 HELP WANTED kAREN AlEShIA CRIM Haskell Lodge No. 241 DENNIS P. ChRISTIllES La Coste Lodge No. 261 Seguin Lodge Hall Manager DARyl AlAN hAjEk ShERyl bETh SChMIDT Da Costa Lodge No. 265 ChERyl A. wAClAwCzyk Poth Lodge No. 272 kAMMy l. bAUMANN jEROME k. EllIOTT Deanville Lodge No. 301 MIChAEl A. McFARlAND Jourdanton Lodge No. 310 TONyA lANEll bURNhAM Highland Lakes Lodge No. 317 GINA M. ROThbAUER NEIl A. ROThbAUER Jackson County Lodge No. 318 Marion r. stevens, right, of Huntsville, alabama, has received his 60-year membership pin. a member of Harmonia Lodge No. 1, he has been a member since June 11, 1953. Brother stevens is a veteran of World War II and spent half of his air Force career in and around san antonio. Dance Schedule Sept. 14 - Steve Bing and the Bayou Hotshots Oct. 12 - Bubba Brown and the Super Cajuns Nov. 9 - Cher La Bas Texas Cajun Band Peggy sparks Nunez has received her 60-year membership pin. sister Nunez is a member of Hondo-Victory Lodge No. 161 and lives in Hemphill. she joined the Order on March 1, 1953. Seguin Hermann Sons Lodge No. 37 is accepting applications for a Hall Manager. Applicants must be ambitious, self-motivated, reliable and trustworthy with the knowledge and ability to coordinate and schedule events without conflict. The Hall Manager must be able to count money and make change correctly and use the cash register properly for inventory purposes. The Hall Manager must be flexible and have an on-call schedule as required for the position. The Hall Manager will be asked to drive his/ her own vehicle as needed. Tending bar, keeping the hall stocked with supplies and janitorial duties are some of the requirements of the Hall Manager. In addition to managing the Lodge Hall, the Hall Manager will be asked to mow the grass and edge along the sidewalk as needed using personal equipment. The Hall Manager must be flexible enough to handle any unforeseen situation as related to the Lodge Hall. A complete job description is available upon request. Hermann Sons membership is preferred but not required. Call 830-379-2641 or send résumé to: Seguin Hermann Sons Lodge No. 37 P.O. Box 396 Seguin, TX 78156 August 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 11 www.hermannsons.org certain foods may reduce your risk of cancer Few, if any, families can say they have never had an experience with cancer. Cancer is a potentially deadly disease with no cure. While cancer can be treated effectively, there is no way for men and women to eliminate their risk of developing cancer. Though cancer may strike even the healthiest of persons, there are ways men, women and even children can reduce their risk. One such way is to Medical Notes consume certain foods that researchers feel can reduce cancer risk. Though precisely how these foods fight cancer remains a mystery, cancer researchers feel they can effectively lower an individual’s cancer risk when combined to form a healthy diet. • Beans: Beans boast numerous healthy attributes, and their potential to reduce cancer risk is one such attribute. Beans contain many phytochemicals that researchers feel protect the cells from the type of damage that can ultimately make a person susceptible to cancer. Beans also have been shown to decelerate tumor growth and prevent tumors from releasing potentially harmful substances that can damage nearby cells. • Colorful fruits and vegetables: It may seem odd that a food’s color can have an impact on cancer risk, but colorful fruits and vegetables contain more cancer-fighting nutrients than fruits and vegetables that aren’t as flashy. Consuming such fruits and vegetables also helps men and women maintain a healthy body weight, an important benefit since being overweight and obesity can increase a person’s risk for multiple cancers. • Foods with folate: Folate is a B vitamin that can reduce a person’s risk of developing several cancers, including those of the colon, rectum and breast. Those who are fond of a healthy breakfast to begin their day may already be getting healthy doses of folate, which can be found in eggs, fortified See MEDICAL, Pg. 12 In Memoriam of Our Deceased Members isabel c. reichenau Fredericksburg Lodge No. 41 Died Dec. 12, 2011 • Age 91 emilie b. birnbaum Giddings Lodge No. 54 Died April 1, 2013 • Age 91 john carl oetken Siemering Lodge No. 32 Died May 28, 2013 • Age 72 bessie w. kubenka Kirby Lodge No. 305 Died June 13, 2013 • Age 84 william sullivan jr. Da Costa Lodge No. 265 Died July 1, 2013 • Age 74 mason t. whatley Schwertner Lodge No. 307 Died Sept. 24, 2012 arlan dale sievers Yorktown Lodge No. 36 Died April 2, 2013 • Age 64 estelle shackelford Hochheim-Prairie Lodge No. 90 Died June 3, 2013 • Age 95 gilbert b.w. ward Albert Kypfer Lodge No. 106 Died June 17, 2013 • Age 93 wanda koch Cibolo Lodge No. 147 Died July 1, 2013 • Age 94 merlene i. scherlen Vineta Lodge No. 15 Died Oct. 29, 2012 • Age 77 diana gail brawner Dunlay Lodge No. 285 Died April 7, 2013 • Age 66 linda fay contreras Edelweiss-Magnolia Lodge No. 47 Died June 5, 2013 • Age 58 lowell e. sale ii Dallas Lodge No. 22 Died June 20, 2013 • Age 50 ellen l. cunningham Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3 Died July 2, 2013 • Age 92 m. dolores rinn Austin Lodge No. 120 Died Nov. 3, 2012 • Age 83 donald g. moore El Campo Lodge No. 87 Died April 11, 2013 • Age 88 lucille m. wohlfahrt Cibolo Lodge No. 147 Died June 6, 2013 • Age 92 aubrey faye searcy Gulf Lodge No. 46 Died June 21, 2013 • Age 84 james r. karnei Needville Lodge No. 153 Died July 3, 2013 • Age 84 john w. simmang Harmonia Lodge No. 1 Died Dec. 8, 2012 • Age 76 yvonne d. henk Spring Branch Lodge No. 127 Died April 28, 2013 • Age 80 arvilla l. blohm Albert Kypfer Lodge No. 106 Died June 6, 2013 • Age 93 mary gayle kelso Da Costa Lodge No. 265 Died June 22, 2013 • Age 50 george russell thomas Comfort Lodge No. 2 Died July 3, 2013 • Age 92 roy e. binz Cuero Family Lodge No. 82 Died Jan. 1, 2013 • Age 91 leona s. lyons Columbus Lodge No. 10 Died May 2, 2013 • Age 82 bernice w. freytag Flatonia Lodge No. 15 Died June 10, 2013 • Age 84 norman e. simmang Da Costa Lodge No. 265 Died June 22, 2013 • Age 78 barbara mae rice Pershing Lodge No. 160 Died July 3, 2013 • Age 78 christine g. lancaster Houston Lodge No. 100 Died Jan. 5, 2013 • Age 91 iola wehmeyer Flatonia Lodge No. 15 Died May 2, 2013 • Age 98 jacquelyn j. tyson Spring Branch Lodge No. 127 Died June 10, 2013 • Age 86 edward c. wentrcek Abilene Lodge No. 50 Died June 23, 2013 • Age 89 thomas janecka Laubach Lodge No. 244 Died July 4, 2013 • Age 94 madonna waltisperger Karnes City Lodge No. 215 Died Jan. 14, 2013 • Age 94 adelene e. wisian Niederwald Lodge No. 110 Died May 10, 2013 • Age 87 mattie rose miller Flatonia Lodge No. 15 Died June 11, 2013 • Age 98 richard e. thompson Edelweiss-Magnolia Lodge No. 47 Died June 24, 2013 • Age 79 lois jean jackson Da Costa Lodge No. 265 Died July 5, 2013 • Age 79 virginia l. prater Old Glory Lodge No. 228 Died Jan. 29, 2013 • Age 91 ruby s. roos Jourdanton Lodge No. 310 Died May 12, 2013 • Age 87 douglas w. rabenaldt Da Costa Lodge No. 265 Died June 12, 2013 • Age 79 milton l. pfefferkorn Lockhart Lodge No. 64 Died June 24, 2013 • Age 86 jeanette m. barron Vineta Lodge No. 15 Died July 6, 2013 • Age 75 bernice e. wernli Pershing Lodge No. 160 Died Feb. 16, 2013 • Age 84 frederick h. saenger Fredericksburg Lodge No. 41 Died May 16, 2013 • Age 92 amy r. potter Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3 Died June 13, 2013 • Age 92 loyd d. witte Hondo Lodge No. 236 Died June 25, 2013 • Age 81 glenrose g. saathoff Hondo Victory Lodge No. 161 Died July 10, 2013 • Age 89 richard w. mills jr. Poth Lodge No. 272 Died March 12, 2013 • Age 47 victor f. kainer jr. El Campo Lodge No. 87 Died May 17, 2013 • Age 77 ruth h. nitschmann Poth Lodge No. 272 Died June 13, 2013 • Age 94 edmond schraub Seguin Lodge No. 37 Died July 1, 2013 • Age 90 paul john ullrich New Braunfels Lodge No. 21 Died July 11, 2013 • Age 86 doris anita agold Paul Vogt Lodge No. 234 Died March 13, 2013 • Age 87 monroe j. bittner Giddings Lodge No. 54 Died May 23, 2013 • Age 80 lester l. jacobs Harmonia Lodge No. 1 Died July 1, 2013 • Age 91 joyce ann schaefer Albert Kypfer Lodge No. 106 Died July 15, 2013 • Age 77 Page 12 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2013 www.hermannsons.org Bowlers post high scores during annual tourney Bowler's Corner The officers and board of directors wish to thank everyone who participated in the 49th annual Hermann Sons Bowling Tournament. The tournament may have lost a few teams from last year, but that didn’t mean there weren’t some high scores. The unofficial results of the tournament are currently posted on the Hermann Sons website - hermannsons.org. The official results will be published in the September issue of the Hermann Sons News. A special thanks goes to the Grand Lodge for its support again this year. Thanks also to Grand Vice PresidentSecretary/Treasurer Mary Beam for throwing out the first ball to start the tournament. Thanks also to all those who stepped up and filled a team or took a spot when a bowler could not participate at the last moment. It’s not easy to come and bowl with people you have never met before, but sometimes it pays off. This year it did as the third-place men’s team came from Bryan, La Grange and Giddings. So, next year if you don’t have a team, just let the organizers know and they will match you up. In 2014, the 50th tournament will be held so now is the time to get busy and work on "50 for 50." The tournament will return to the Houston area where it all started 50 years ago. The bowling center is in Katy, but the Houston bowlers will be the hosts. This would be a great time to come and bowl and be a part of history. Be watching upcoming issues of the Hermann Sons News for stories on some of the bowlers and high scores. A survey will be conducted through the newspaper in an effort to generate more interest in the tournament. Remember if you have any other suggestions, comments or ideas, send them to Sandra Jones. Make your plans now to bowl in the 50th tournament in 2014 in Katy. Donations to the Retirement Home Fund in Memory of: DOROTHY R. GLOOR LOIS JEAN JACKSON ELIZABETH McDONALD WILLIAM SULLIVAN JR. Donor: Da Costa Lodge No. 265 Medical Notes: Food choices matter breakfast cereals, orange juice and strawberries, among other foods. If toast is your breakfast of choice, opt for whole wheat toast, as whole wheat products are a good source of folate. • Grapes: Studies have shown that resveratrol, a key ingredient in grapes, may prevent the type of damage that triggers the production of cancerous cells. Though scientists are not yet comfortable saying grapes, or beverages like grape juice and wine, can reduce cancer risk, they believe that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of grapes make them a healthy option. • Tomatoes: Tomatoes are In Memoriam WINSIE L. BROOKS VERNIE H. HAIRSTON ERNEST F. PEELER DEBORAH L. WINDHAM Donor: Pershing Lodge No. 160 Grand Vice PresidentSecretary/Treasurer Mary Beam prepares to throw the first ball to get the 2013 Hermann Sons Bowling Tournament under way. The tournament was held at Dart Bowl in Austin. Cont'd. from Pg. 11 Sandra Jones, right, accepts a check from the Grand Lodge on behalf of the Hermann Sons Bowling Tournament. Each year the Grand Lodge makes a donation to the tournament to help boost the amount of prize money. Making the presentation was Grand Vice PresidentSecretary/Treasurer Mary Beam. widely beloved, and perhaps that love affair stems from the tomato’s role in fighting cancer. Though the reasons are unknown, tomatoes have been linked to lowering men’s risk for prostate cancer. One such study, a 1995 study from researchers at the Harvard Medical School, found that men who ate 10 or more servings of tomatoes per week reduced their risk of developing aggressive prostate tumors by nearly 50 percent. Later research from the author of the 1995 study found that processed tomatoes, such as those found in tomato paste and tomato sauce, were even more effective at reducing cancer risk than fresh tomatoes. Tomatoes have also been linked to lower- ing a person’s risk for lung and stomach cancers. • Water: Water may not qualify as a food, but it may protect people from bladder cancer. Potential cancer-causing agents in the bladder are diluted when drinking water. In addition, the more water you drink the more frequently you’re likely to urinate, which means cancercausing agents have less time to come into contact with the lining of your bladder. Many foods can help individuals in the fight against cancer. Though one food alone may not be potent enough to do the job, when several cancerfighting foods are included in a person’s diet, the effects may be significant. JAMES KARNEI Donor: Needville Lodge No. 153 MARIE FRANCES PANKRATZ Donors: Elizabeth Raute & Family MICHAEL K. BROWN Donor: Columbia Lodge No. 66 Donations to the Retirement Home Scholarship Fund in Memory of: NOEL F. MOSS MARY BLANCHARD Donors: Elizabeth Raute & Larry Raute CHARLES BUNDICK Donor: Houston Lodge No. 100 Donations to the Hermann Sons Youth Camp in Memory of: MINDY BRYANT LANOUX Donors: Jim & Dorothea Nisbett CHRISTINE GLOVER LANCASTER Donor: Houston Lodge No. 100 JAMES KARNEI Donor: Needville Lodge No. 153 Donations to the Hermann Sons Youth Camp Scholarship Fund in Memory of: BEATRICE KOEHN BEN SUSTR Donors: Al & Arlene Marshall August 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 13 www.hermannsons.org Golfers to raise money for Camp Discovery SAN ANTONIO – Harmonia Lodge No. 1 is looking for golfers who want to play for a good cause. The 20th annual Bob Worrick Memorial Golf Tournament will be held Saturday, Sept. 28, and will once again be played at The Republic Golf Club in San Antonio, which was voted the number one course in San Antonio by the Express-News for three years. The tournament benefits Camp Discovery, a camp for children with cancer. Golfers can take part in the tournament by paying their $95 entry fee, which will cover their greens fee, cart and range balls. They will receive a goodie bag, mulligan and throwsie and awards luncheon and have a chance to win door prizes. If they play well enough they can win team prizes and other contest prizes. They can also bid on the items being offered in the silent auction. Harmonia Lodge is the sponsoring lodge for the annual tournament. The presenting sponsor is Wells Fargo Bank. Jack and Dianne Larned are sponsors for the awards luncheon that will follow the tournament. The four-person Florida Scramble tournament begins with a shotgun start at 8:30 a.m. Check-in is at 7:30 a.m. The Republic Golf Club is located at 4226 S.E. Military Drive. SUPPORT THE CAUSE Companies and individuals can support the Hermann Sons - Bob Worrick Memorial Golf Tournament in these ways: SPONSORSHIPS ❏ $2,500 Presenting Sponsor 1 4 teams/2 tee box or green signage/awards dinner recognition/ name on all event correspondence 20th Annual HERMANN SONS Bob Worrick Memorial Golf Tournament Presented by Harmonia Lodge No. 1 & Wells Fargo Bank Luncheon Sponsors: Jack and Dianne Larned Benefitting CAMP DISCOVERY Saturday, Sept. 28, 2013 The Republic Golf Club ❏ $1,750 Diamond Sponsor 3 teams/2 tee box or green signage/awards dinner recognition/ name on all event correspondence ❏ $1,500 Awards Dinner Sponsor 2 teams/2 tee box or green signage/awards dinner reocognition/ name on all event correspondence 4226 S.E. Military Drive, San Antonio, Texas Check in: 7:30 a.m. • Shotgun Start: 8:30 a.m. ❏ $950 Gold Sponsor 2 teams/1 tee box or green signage/awards dinner recognition ❏ $475 Silver Sponsor 1 team/1 tee box or green signage ❏ $100 Hole Sponsor (1 tee box or green signage) ❏ $95 Individual (1 player in tournament) ❏ $380 Team (4 players in tournament) SILENT AUCTION DONATIONS Item Description _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ 2 Retail Value ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ MONETARY DONATIONS 3 Any amount is greatly appreciated. $ ________________ Name Company/Organization/Individual Address Team Prizes • CONTESTS DOOR PRIZES • SILENT AUCTION Format: Four-person, Florida Scramble ENTRY FEE: $95 per player Includes goodie bag, greens fee, range balls, cart, Mulligan & Throwsie, and awards dinner PLAYER 1: Handicap (or usual score) PLAYER 2: Handicap (or usual score) PLAYER 3: Handicap (or usual score) PLAYER 4: Handicap (or usual score) If you don’t have a team, we will try to assign you to one. Make check payable to Harmonia Lodge No. 1. Send entry form and check to: Attn: Harry Werland @ P.O. Box 1941, San Antonio, TX 78297. City/State/Zip Daytime Phone As organizers prepare for this year’s tournament they are looking for sponsors and volunteers. If you would like to be a sponsor or volunteer or need information on playing in the tournament, call Harry Werland at 210-892-0274. Last year’s sponsors made it possible to donate more than $14,000, which made it possible for 150 children to enjoy a week of fun, learning, growing and developing at Camp Discovery. This year’s goal is to raise $15,000. To date the tournament has raised more than $166,000. Evening Phone (Optional) Please make checks payable to Harmonia Lodge No. 1. Send form and check to: Attn: Harry Werland, P.O. Box 1941, San Antonio, Texas, 78297. For more information, call 210-892-0274. For more information, call Harry Werland at 210-892-0274 I will be unable to participate in the Golf Tournament, but wish to make a contribution of $ to be used in support of CAMP DISCOVERY. (Donations of any kind which can be used for the tournament are appreciated.) Page 14 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2013 www.hermannsons.org Retirement luncheon honors Past Grand President SAN ANTONIO – Past Grand President Stephen R. Prewitt was honored at a retirement luncheon on July 24. The luncheon was held in the Hall of Grand Presidents at the Grand Lodge and was attended by members of Brother Prewitt’s family as well as Grand Lodge employees, Grand Lodge officers and committee members and retirees. Jack Larned, a member of the Grand Finance Committee, gave the invocation. After lunch, Grand President Buddy Preuss began the program. He talked about Brother Prewitt’s style of leadership. “I think one of the keys to leadership is recognizing that everybody has gifts and talents,” he said. “A good leader will learn how to harness the talents of others and direct them toward one goal. This is something Steve understood, especially during this term as Grand President.” Brother Preuss also applauded Brother Prewitt’s support of the Marketing Department. Past Grand President Stephen R. Prewitt is pictured with his family on the day of his retirement luncheon. Pictured are, from left, daughter Kelsie, wife Julie, brother-in-law Mitchell and sister Judy. “He took the extra steps to make sure that he was our biggest fan,” he said. “For a year he wore his ‘Hermann Sons Proud’ button every day. Not only to show his pride in our organization, but his support of our Marketing cause.” Grand Vice President-Secretary/ Treasurer Mary Beam reviewed the positions Brother Prewitt held in his years of service to Hermann Sons that began in 1975 when he became an agent. He was appointed special representative after that and was elected Grand Trustee in 1981 and served in that position until 1997 when he became Grand Vice PresidentInvestments. He served in that position until 2009 when he was elected Grand President. A member of Harmonia Lodge No. 1, Brother Prewitt was active in the San Antonio Home Association and worked for many years on Hermann’s Happiness and the Bob Worrick Memorial Golf Tournament. He also represented Hermann Sons as a member of the board of directors for the Fraternal Alliance of Texas. In his remarks, Brother Prewitt thanked everyone for attending the luncheon and noted that he had, in a way, come full circle from his days in the Marketing Department as an agent and special representative. He introduced his family including sister Judy Sparks and husband Mitchell, daughter Kelsie and his wife of 44-plus years, Julie. Son Rob and his family, wife Kathy and son Conner, could not attend. He said he didn’t really feel retired but that he was ending one chapter of his life and beginning a new chapter. And, even though he won’t be as active in Hermann Sons as he was when he was Grand President, he will still play a part because of his continued service on the Grand Committee as a Past Grand President. “Leroy (Muehlstein, also a Past Grand President serving on the Grand Committee) and I have a lot of experience and knowledge to pass on,” he joked, “but the problem is remembering what it is.” And, he said, he has found that he doesn’t have as much free time as he thought he would have mostly because it takes longer to do things as you get older. But he said he loves being able to do what he wants to do it when he wants to do it. “I have a lot of wonderful memories of my time with Hermann Sons,” he concluded. “Thank you and I’ll be around.” Vogel retires after 32 years of service to Hermann Sons SAN ANTONIO – Past Grand Vice President-Fraternal Lee Vogel was recognized for his 32 years of service to Hermann Sons during a retirement luncheon held Aug. 9 in the Hall of Grand Presidents at the Grand Lodge. In attendance were members of Brother Vogel’s family, Grand Lodge employees and officers and retired Grand Lodge employees. Family members present included Brother Vogel’s wife Bernice; daughter Beverly Maze and her husband Danny, granddaughter Ashley Dawson and her children, Case and Clare; and daughter Sandy Moeller and her sons, Matthew and Gregory. Also in attendance were sister-in-law Mary Himes and her daughter, Sharon Anello. Grandson Brett Maze and Ashley’s husband Brent could not attend. Grand Vice PresidentSecretary/Treasurer Mary Beam gave the invocation. After a traditional turkey and dressing meal, Grand President/CEO Buddy Preuss talked about the legacy of service Brother Vogel leaves at the Grand Lodge. “You have to look long and hard to find a person who has a deeper appreciation for the Hermann Sons ideals of community and volunteerism,” Brother Preuss said. “Gandhi said, ‘The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.’ This is how Lee lived. His involvement and leadership in our youth and fraternal programs has shaped a generation of Hermann Sons members and their communities.” Brother Preuss then called on new Grand Vice PresidentFraternal Kim Krueger who talked about the years she spent serving as Fraternal Activities Coordinator under Brother Vogel. She also talked about his devotion to Hermann Sons and his commitment to serving others during his long career as a Grand Lodge leader that began when he was elected to the Retirement Home Committee. He later came to work at the Grand Lodge as the Fraternal Director and was then elected to be the first Grand Vice President-Fraternal in 1997, a position he held for 16 years. Then Brother Vogel took the Retired Grand Vice President-Fraternal Lee Vogel and wife Bernice are pictured at Brother Vogel’s retirement luncheon surrounded by their family including great-grandchildren Clare and Case Dawson. Also pictured are, from left, Gregory Moeller and his girlfriend, Sandy Moeller, Matthew Moeller, Beverly Maze, Ashley Dawson, Sharon Anello, Mary Himes and Danny Maze. microphone. After introducing his family, he spoke about the generations of Vogel family members who were members of Hermann Sons. He also talked about some of the many people who influ- enced him during his time at the Grand Lodge. He remembered how Barbara Braden and Shirley Ruedrich helped him learn about how to run a dance program and how Brother Preuss taught him about how to run a camp program. He spoke fondly of “his girls,” the staff that served under him at the Grand Lodge for many years. In closing he said, “I will never forget any of you.” August 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 15 www.hermannsons.org Lodge projects earn recognition Muehlsteins lose two SAN ANTONIO – Hermann Sons lodges have been recognized for their 2013 Join Hands Day projects. Certificates were awarded at three levels. To qualify as a Join Hands Day project, the project must benefit a community organization and not the lodge or another Hermann Sons affiliated group. Recipients of Gold Level certificates were Comfort Lodge No. 2 and Sealy Lodge No. 239. To qualify for a Gold Level certificate, a lodge’s project must have involved more than 25 volunteers from the lodge and the community working together. Comfort Lodge sponsored a spaghetti dinner to raise funds for local volunteer fire departments. Members of those fire departments and members of the Comfort School of Dance took part in the project. Sealy Lodge members joined with members of other fraternal organizations to place flags on the graves of veterans in cemeteries in the Sealy area. To qualify for a Red Level certificate, a lodge’s project must have involved from 1 to 25 volunteers from the lodge and the community working together. Recipients of Red Level certificates were Anton Wenzel Lodge No. 174, Bandera County Lodge No. 81, Bellville Lodge No. 11, Fort Worth Lodge No. 33, Giddings Lodge No. 54, Gulf Lodge No. 46, Hochheim-Prairie Lodge No. 90, Houston Lodge No. 100, Karnes City Lodge No. 215, La Vernia Lodge No. 180, New Bielau Lodge No. 205, Paul Vogt Lodge No. 234, San Marcos Lodge No. 26, Shelby Lodge No. 28 and Waco-Robinson Lodge No. 4. Black Level certificates were presented to those lodges that made monetary and non-perishable food donations. Recipients of Black Level certificates were Austin Lodge No. 120, Bernardo Lodge No. 243, Brenham Lodge No. 6, Bryan Lodge No. 99, Coupland Lodge No. 113, Cuero Family Lodge No. 82, Dallas Lodge No. 22, Deanville Lodge No. 301, Ellinger Lodge No. 30, Hondo Victory Lodge No. 161, Lockhart Lodge No. 64, Macdona Lodge No. 198, Maxwell Lodge No. 75, Nagel Lodge No. 299, Niederwald Lodge No. 110, Paige Lodge No. 154, Pershing Lodge No. 160, Plum Lodge No. 238, Prinz Solms Lodge No. 136, Round Top Lodge No. 151, Rutersville Lodge No. 152, Schulenburg Lodge No. 14, Schwertner Lodge No. 307, Siemering Lodge No. 32, Stern Lodge No. 143, Taylor Lodge No. 3, Vineta Lodge No. 15 and Zuehl Lodge No. 163. Donation total for West fund grows SAN ANTONIO – The total in the “Helping West Recover – First Responders Fund” has grown to $12,286 thanks to two donations from Helotes Lodge No. 76 and Bernardo Lodge No. 243. In July, Grand President/ CEO Buddy Preuss and Grand Vice President-Fraternal Kim Krueger presented the West Volunteer Fire Department with the money donated by lodges and individual members. The money will be used to help the department replace equipment destroyed when the fertilizer plant in West exploded on the night of April 17. The list of other lodges and individuals that donated to the fund was published in the July issue. dogs to swarm of bees CONVERSE – Past Grand President Leroy Muehlstein and wife Linda are sharing their experience with a swarm of bees in an effort to warn others about what can happen when these insects are disturbed. Earlier this summer, Sister Linda was mowing the grass around a crepe myrtle tree in the yard of the Muehlstein home in Converse when she was bitten by something. When she called for Brother Leroy to come to her aid, the family dogs started barking. That’s when the bees left Sister Linda and attacked the dogs, killing the boxer and the cow dog in a short amount of time. Brother Leroy started calling pest control companies but it took four calls before he found someone who could come right away. Marcus Pena came and found the hive that had been built between the floors of the two-story house. He estimated there were between 7,000 and 8,000 bees in the hive. When the bees were dead he removed 10 pounds of honey from the hive. He told the Muehlsteins that it was important to get rid of the honey. Sister Linda was bitten 14 times but did not require emergency medical attention because she was not having a hard time breathing or any swelling. Pena said he believes the bees were a cross between honeybees and killer bees. He explained that each hive has a queen bee, drone bees and worker bees. He said it is important for homeowners to check regularly for signs that bees are trying to build a hive. Every two or three weeks, he said, you should check around your house in the evening after the sun goes down. If you see bees trying to get in under the eaves of your home, that is an indication that the bees are building a hive. Chicken and Sausage BARBeCue SonS of Hermann Hall RuteRsville • Saturday, Sept. 28 Serving from 5 to 7 p.m. Would your lodge like to sponsor an appearance by the Hermann Sons float in a parade in your community? Call the Marketing Department for more information at 877-HERMANN Hermann Sons Fraternal Insurance is on FACEBOOK. Children under 12 Adult/To Go Plates Chicken & Sausage Sold to Go alk Cake W facebook.com/pages/Hermann-Sons-Fraternal-Insurance $4.00 $8.50 Auction Live Music everyone Cordially Invited Page 16 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2013 www.hermannsons.org Bowl-a-thon raises more than $4,000 for scholarships SAN ANTONIO – The Hermann Sons Youth CampShannon Leigh Gaffney Scholarship Fund Bowl-A-Thon was held at AMF Country Lanes in San Antonio on Aug. 10. A total of $4,131 was raised for the scholarship fund. Shannon’s parents, Mike and Cathy, her brothers, Michael and Martin, other family members, friends, Hermann Sons members and Camp staff bowled at the event. All of the bowlers, volunteers, auction items and donations made the event a great success for the scholarship fund. Margie Stone, Lyn Dougherty, Margie Hinton, Bill Dougherty and Don Dabbs achieved the high team score. Don Dabbs also had the highest male score. The highest female scorer was Erin Johnson. Of the Camp teams, the highest team score was achieved by Katie Klohn, Hunter “Papa Bear” Miller, Karoline “Trooper” Pfefferkorn, Kelly “Peace” McDaniel and Colby Freehauf. Representatives of Hermann Sons Youth Camp taking part in the bowl-a-thon included, back, from left, Jennifer Cernosek, John Sorbel, Cody “Kemosabe” Batungbacal, Bryce Sorbel, Tyler “Johnny Tsunami” Batungbacal, Clayton “Ton” Dale, Kristen “Dyno” Vineyard, Jody Zizelman, Colton Zizelman, Hunter “Papa Bear” Miller, Paden “Jelly Belly” Pace, Colby Freehauf, Katie Klohn, front, from left, Hallie “Jam!” Pace, Ashley “Saber” Bays, Jessica “Epic” Hicks, Amanda “Twin” Hicks, Kelly “Peace” McDaniel and Karoline “Trooper” Pfefferkorn. The Scholarship Board of Directors and Golf Tournament Committee give special thanks to the following sponsors: Grand Lodge, Hermann Sons Youth Camp staff, Mission-Alamo Lodge No. 80, Comfort Lodge No. 2, La Grange Lodge No. 8, Scholarship Fund Chairman Jennifer Cernosek, right, presents the winning Camp team with its prizes. Pictured are, from left, Karoline “Trooper” Pfefferkorn, Katie Klohn, Kelly “Peace” McDaniel and Hunter “Papa Bear” Miller. Not pictured is Colby Freehauf. The high team score for the event was posted by Marjorie Stone, Margie Hinton, Don Dabbs, Lynn Doughtery and Bill Doughtery. Don Dabbs also had the highest male score and won a bowling ball. Pershing Lodge No. 160, Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3, Karnes City Lodge No. 215, Kirby Lodge No. 305, John Leland, D.D.S., Sembera and Biediger, P.C., Giles-Parscale Inc., Sandwich DeParis-Josh Witten, Herbs 'n Pickles Sandwich Shop-Steve Witten, The Lodge at Leon Springs Assisted Living, Steve Kitchen Certified Public Accountant, Stone Accounting Service-Jan Stone, Antique Floors of San Antonio, Spyglass Condominiums Homeowners Association, Strike Zone Pro Members of the Gaffney family and friends taking part in the bowl-a-thon were, from left, Rodney Gottselig, Charles Walker, Martin Gaffney, Mike Gaffney and Michael Gaffney. Shop at AMF Country Lanes, Joe’s Ice House and Freeway Cattle Company-John Shults. Additional thanks go to the prize donors: Embassy Suites Riverwalk, Bending Branch Winery, Fair Oaks Country Club Golf Course, Foresight Golf, Flying L Golf Course, SilverHorn Golf Course, Barbie Pfeiffer, AMF Country Lanes Bowling, Strike Zone Pro Shop at AMF Country Lanes, 900 Global Bowling Balls, Goldbeck Photography-Herbie Schattenberg, All County Home Care and Hospice-Boerne, Edward Jones InvestmentsRichard and Mary Lou Howells, Stone Accounting Services-Jan Stone, Paul Stone, Jo Jo Gaiser and Rabecca and Adam Taft. The scholarship fund was created in memory of Shannon Leigh Gaffney who was a camper and a counselor at Hermann Sons Youth Camp. For more information about the fund, go to hermannsons.org and click on the Camp Page and then the Scholarship Fund page. On the Grand Lodge ladies team were, from left, Janet Williams, Fannie Davis, Erin Johnson, Gladys Rowley and Grand Vice President-Fraternal Kim Krueger. Erin rolled the high score for the ladies and took home a new bowling ball. Representing Kirby Lodge were, back, from left, Leroy Muehlstein, Samantha Schulmeier, Judith Schulmeier, Tammy Haecker, Ethan Muehlstein, front, from left, Lillian Brietzke, Kathie Ninneman and Linda Muehlstein August 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 17 www.hermannsons.org Youth in Action Karnes City dancers take the stage for May recital Dancer Baleigh Fudge was all smiles at the Karnes City School of Dance recital on May 11. The theme for the 2013 recital was “This Little Life of Mine” and was held at the high school auditorium. The Karnes City School of Dance dancers and tumblers did a fantastic job at their recital held May 11. Karnes City Lodge No. 215 Youth Director Theresa Fenner presented each dancer a gold medal. After the grand finale, the dancers presented a red rose to their mothers in honor of Mother’s Day. The new year of classes will begin in September. For more information, call 830-7804305. Karnes City School of Dance Vice President Nancy Janysek, Karnes City Lodge President Vernon Fenner and School of Dance President Kristi Janysek present backpacks and Hermann Sons pens to the dancers after rehearsal. The lodge also presented each dancer with a gold medal at the recital held in May. Dance instructors gather for workshop Karnes City School of Dance student Makayla Janysek was proud of the awards she received at the dance recital on May 11. Officers for this year were president, Nancy Janysek; vice president, Kristi Janysek and secretary/ treasurer, Kristi McJunkins. Instructor for the dance class was Tabitha Hidalgo. LA VERNIA – On July 20, the 2013-2014 dance instructors gathered for an informative and fun workshop at the La Vernia Lodge No. 180 Hall. The instructors where treated to breakfast munchies and drinks as they registered. They were all given a new 2013-2014 School of Dance notebook that contained all the information needed to complete a successful dance year. Sarah Vaughn from the New Braunfels School of Dance was presented with a certificate for her five years of dedicated service. “She will continue to have a big impact in the New Braunfels area,” stated Benefits Coordinator Cecily Kelly. The teachers also had a chance to give feedback on the Dance Program and what they would like to see changed or added. “These dance teachers interact with our junior members and their parents in their areas on a weekly basis. We value their input on how to make our dance program the best it can be,” said Sister Kelly. Registration for the upcoming dance season is under way. Check the Hermann Sons website – hermannsons.org – for more information. Sarah Vaughn, left, was recognized for her five years of service as a dance instructor during the annual dance teacher workshop. Making the presentation was Benefits Coordinator Cecily Kelly. Fraternal Department hosts dance officers workshop SAN ANTONIO – The Grand Lodge Fraternal Department hosted a workshop for Dance Parents’ Club officers on Saturday, Aug. 3, in the Hall of Grand Presidents at the Grand Lodge. More than 60 officers from all areas were in attendance. Grand Vice President-Fraternal Kim Krueger welcomed all the ladies and thanked them for their hard work and dedication to this program. “Without you volunteering your time and talents, our Dance Program would not be what it is today," she told them. After introducing the Fraternal Department staff she introduced Grand President/ CEO Buddy Preuss. He spoke of the meaning of being a member of Hermann Sons and the benefits of being a member, not only the fraternal benefits, but the benefit of protecting the family with life insurance. He encouraged them to join, if they weren’t already members and become active in their local lodges. The officers were each given a notebook that contains the information they need to help guide them through the dance year. After lunch they were given the opportunity to share openly what they would like to see going forward with the program. “We thank all these volunteers for the time and attention they give our Dance Program. Without them we wouldn’t be able to have this great affordable benefit for our juniors,” stated Benefits Coordinator Cecily Kelly. Dance class registration will continue through August. Classes begin in September after Labor Day. For more information on dance classes, visit the Hermann Sons website at hermannsons.org. Each school of dance has its own page that includes contact information. Page 18 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2013 Youth in Action Now is a great time to join Camp Alumni Organization COMFORT – If you have been considering joining the Hermann Sons Youth Camp Alumni Organization, now is the time to do it! There is a $100 fee to join the organization and all members will receive invitations to an annual event. The first event will be held on Sept. 21 and tickets will cost $40. A dinner and wine pairing will be held at Hilltop Camp. Sommelier Jennifer Beckmann from Bending Branch Winery (located next to Hilltop Camp) will be teaching guests about pairing food with wine. Several Bending Branch wines will be featured. Attendees will be able to spend the night and have breakfast at Camp the next morning. If you would like more information, please contact Executive Camp Director Jennifer Cernosek at 830-9953223 or go to hermannsons. org and click on the Camp page and then the Alumni Organization page. As of mid-August, Green Level members include Kimberly Lindsey, David Spaeth, Karoline “Trooper” Pfefferkorn, Kelly “Peace” McDaniel, Jessica “Epic” Hicks, Ashley “Saber” Bays, Hunter “Papa Bear” Miller, Kristen “Dyno” Vineyard, Colby Freehauf, Angel Blaschke and Tyler “Johnny Tsunami” Batungbacal. Silver Level members include Julie “Cricket” Schick, Jimmy Kassler and Katie Klohn. Gold Level members include Grand President/CEO Buddy Preuss, Executive Camp Director Jennifer Cernosek and Grand Vice President-Fraternal Kim Krueger. The purpose of the Alumni Organization is to reconnect past campers and past staff members to Camp through annual events. All proceeds will go to special projects at each Camp that will directly benefit the campers. Anwers to puzzles on Page 40: What’s the Difference 1. Leaf upside down 2. Missing "school" on building 3. Tree leaves are pink 4. Exhaust coming out of bus 5. Missing cloud Word Search www.hermannsons.org Summer's top campers recognized BEST CAMPER HILLTOP CAMP Week 1 Trey Hoffmann New Braunfels New Braunfels Lodge No. 21 Son of Carl and Patty Hoffman Week 2 Parker Deleon San Antonio Mission-Alamo Lodge No. 80 Son of Caren and David Deleon Week 3 Cooper Borth Windcrest Pershing Lodge No. 160 Son of Trevor and Michelle Borth Week 4 Eric Morris Austin Austin Lodge No. 120 Son of Gayle and Les Morris Week 5 Ryan Churchman La Vernia La Vernia Lodge No. 180 Son of James and Debbie Churchman Week 6 Cody Tschirhart Castroville Castroville Lodge No. 71 Son of Walter and Carolyn Tschirhart Week 7 Nicholas Sampeck San Antonio Siemering Lodge No. 32 Son of Joseph and Danette Sampeck Week 8 Zachary Scott La Vernia Siemering Lodge No. 32 Son of Keith and Shannon Scott RIVERSIDE CAMP Week 1 Emilie Janicek Smiley Nixon-Smiley Lodge No. 327 Daughter of Mark and Tasha Janicek Week 2 Kaylee Willmann Plan Comfort Lodge No. 2 Daughter of Ben and Danita Willmann Week 3 Emily Massengale Bloomington, Indiana Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3 Daughter of Bert and Rene Massengale Week 4 Aubrey Sultemeier Fredericksburg Fredericksburg Lodge No. 41 Daughter of Farron and JoLynne Sultemeier Week 5 Emma O’Brien San Antonio Vineta Lodge No. 15 Daughter of Seth and Megan O’Brien Week 6 Kailey Williams Shiner - Shiner Lodge No. 20 Daughter of Mark and Teri Williams Week 7 Makenzi Schriewer Seguin - Stern Lodge No. 143 Daughter of Chris and Vicki Wilson Week 8 Parker Clay Gonzales Gonzales Lodge No. 175 Daughter of Terry and Juli Clay MOST ATHLETIC HILLTOP CAMP Week 1 Parker Nelson San Antonio Prinz Solms Lodge No. 136 Son of Brooke and Doug Davidson Ben Sheblak Austin Jackson County Lodge No. 318 Son of James and Jamie Sheblak Week 2 Lucas Simmons Shavano Park Jourdanton Lodge No. 310 Son of Bill Simmons and Kathryn Wagner Week 3 Logan Winningham San Antonio Harmonia Lodge No. 1 Son of Mike and Pam Winningham Week 4 Connor Pharris San Antonio Harmonia Lodge No. 1 Son of Kym and Paul Pharris Week 5 Cole Canseco Schertz - Cibolo Lodge No. 147 Son of Manny and Adria Canseco Week 6 Blade Strzelczyk Marion Zuehl Lodge No. 163 Son of Todd and Heide Strzelczyk Week 7 Nicholas Sampeck San Antonio Siemering Lodge No. 32 Son of Joseph and Danette Sampeck Week 8 Jackson Allen Marion Biry Lodge No. 283 Son of Jon and Shannon Allen RIVERSIDE CAMP Week 1 Haley Smith Bulverde Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3 Daughter of Clint and Jeni Smith Week 2 Kaylee Willmann Plano Comfort Lodge No. 2 Daughter of Ben and Danita Willmann Week 3 Aileen Krause Karnes City Karnes City Lodge No. 215 Daughter of Buster and Phyllis Krause Anna Bettersworth New Braunfels Marion Lodge No. 74 Daughter of Matt and Jan Bettersworth Week 4 Kristine Coolidge Fredericksburg Fredericksburg Lodge No. 41 Daughter of Curtis and Kami Coolidge Week 5 Erica Masi Pflugerville Richland Lodge No. 107 Daughter of Chris and Barbara Masi Week 6 Raegan Brackeen Comfort Comfort Lodge No. 2 Daughter of Adam and Cherie Brackeen Week 7 Marina Bianchi Karnes City Karnes City Lodge No. 215 Daughter of Cletus and Daphne Bianchi Week 8 Parker Clay Gonzales Gonzales Lodge No. 175 Daughter of Terry and Juli Clay August 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 19 www.hermannsons.org Youth in Action Members of Class 1 at the Bandera County School of Dance were Olivia Brown, Onna Shaw, Melia Hinojosa, Adelynn Ivy, Taytum Moeller, Bailey Morgan, Cayleigh Thaler and Savana Womble. Class 2 members in the Bandera County School of Dance were Kierstin Brown, Zoey Cruz, Lezlie Murley, Lyndze Murley, Carlye Niccum, D.J. Schantz and Morgan Williams. Dancers in the Bandera County School of Dance Class 3 were Jaycee Bendele, Lauren Benedict, Hailey Garcia, Chloe Guerra, Brianna Honaker, Erin Pankratz, Olivia Reyes and April Rodriguez. Bandera County dancers stage 'Tribute to Broadway' BANDERA – Students from the Hermann Sons Bandera County School of Dance performed tap, ballet and jazz routines at the June recital held in the Boerne Middle School North Auditorium in Boerne. The theme for the recital was “Tribute to Broadway.” Dancers performed routines to “My Favorite Things” from the “Sound of Music,” “I Could Have Danced All Night” from “My Fair Lady,” “I Love Paris” from “CanCan,” “If They Could See Me Now” from “Sweet Charity,” “Singing in the Rain” from the movie and “Hard Knock Life” from “Annie” just to name a few. Cathy Bendele served as mistress of ceremonies. Bandera County Lodge President Eileen Heath introduced the guest speaker for the evening, Sandra Jones, a member of the Grand Finance Committee. Parents’ Club officers Stephanie Brown, Terrie Villarreal, Liza Williams and Cathy Bendele thanked the parents, instructor Stephanie James, Benefits Coordinator Cecily Kelly from the Grand Lodge and the lodge for their support. Fenner earns scholarship Bandera County School of Dance students in Class 4 were Emily Brown, Sierra Brown, Jessica Chesnut, Colleen Gaitan, Michelle Phelps and Peyton Price. 'Under the Big Top' recital theme The Lee County School of Dance held its recital May 11 in the Giddings High School Cafetorium in Giddings. This year’s theme was “Under the Big Top.” The students performed tap, jazz and ballet routines to songs that included “Quit Clowning Around,” “Because of You,” “Here Come Bozo the Clown,” “Flying Scarlet” and others. Five of the students performed solo routines. The students were under the direction of Britney Williams and Brandi Miller. Theresa Fenner received one of this year’s Retirement Home Scholarships worth $1,000. Her grandfather, Vernon Fenner, president of Karnes City Lodge No. 215, made the presentation at the Falls City High School graduation held May 28. Paul Vogt presents scholarship Paul Vogt Lodge No. 234 President Jesse Griffin, left, presents Sarah Person with the 2013 Paul Vogt Lodge scholarship. Also pictured are Sarah’s grandmother, Rosalie Pfeiffer; Sarah’s mother, Janet Person; and Grand President/CEO Buddy Preuss. Sarah plans to attend Tarleton State University where she will be enrolled in the honors program as she studies to become a teacher. Page 20 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2013 Hermann Sons hosted more than 2,500 campers this summer www.hermannsons.org left, gin are, from eer class to be dge Waiting for Ch mber of New Braunfels Lo y ed me a nn e, Ke us nfels; au Br Kaitlyn Ro w Ne in es e who No. 21 who liv Braunfels Lodg er of w Ne of er Staats, a memb Hannah Pellerin, a memb ille; Spring lives in Pflugerv dge No. 127 who lives in Twin Lo Spring Branch elyn Seymour, a member of nco. Branch; and Ad e No. 138 who lives in Bla Sisters Lodg RIGHT – Junior Counselor Spencer Miller, a member of Spring Branch Lodge No. 127 who lives in Bulverde, helps Cooper Guetzke with his golf form. Cooper is a member of Seguin Lodge No. 37 and lives in Seguin. Delaney Etzler con quered the 30-foot climbing wall at HSYC this summer. She 20 and lives in Hallett is a member of Shiner Lodge No. sville. Counselor Cody “Kemosabe” Batungbacal helps Jesse Walston, a member of Gulf Lodge No. 46 who lives in La Porte, during Rocketry class. Both Kemosabe and Jesse had twin brothers at Camp that week. Camper Gavin Coleman volunteered to lead stretches in the center of the circle before tennis class. He is a member of Mission-Alamo Lodge No. 80 and lives in La Vernia. The girls in the Climbing class show off the knots they learned to tie. Pictured are, front bench, from left, Jenna Drymala, a member of Plum Lodge No. 238 who lives in Red Rock; Olivia Buntin, a member of Marion Lodge No. 74 who lives in New Braunfels; Lauren Floores, a member of La Vernia Lodge No. 180 who lives in La Vernia; Misty Hartman, a member of Seguin Lodge No. 37 who lives in La Vernia; Kallie Kubala, a member of Schulenburg Lodge No. 14 who lives in Schulenburg; second bench, from left, Caitlyn Gass, a member of Helotes Lodge No. 76 who lives in San Antonio; Shelby Young, a member of Comfort Lodge No. 2 who lives in Cibolo; Abigale Bernsen, a member of Pershing Lodge No. 160 who lives in New Braunfels; back bench, from left, Senior Counselor Jennifer “Joe” Crumley, a member of Gonzales Lodge No. 175 who lives in Moulton; Gianna Siptak, a member of Gonzales Lodge who lives in Gonzales; Sabrina Moseley, a member of Lockhart Lodge No. 64 who lives in Lockhart; Camryn Natal, a member of Lockhart Lodge who lives in Lockhart; sitting on ground, front to back, Abigail Morgan, a member of Seguin Lodge who lives in Gonzales; Sydney Dudley, a member of Mission-Alamo Lodge No. 80 who lives in San Antonio; and Holley Robinson, a member of Austin Lodge No. 120 who lives in Austin. August 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 21 www.hermannsons.org Camp staffers already preparing for next summer Cont'd. from Pg. 1 family, Brother Zizelman’s son and Retirement Home residents Don and Kathryn Raines. Also during the last week of Camp, many staff members were recognized for three summers of service. Staff members who worked their third summer this year are Health Manager Cheryl Tanneberger, Canteen Worker Bryce Sorbel, Counselor Jeffrey “General Texas” Cowan, Counselor Valton “Voltron” Lewallen, Counselor Tyler “Robin Hood” Bennet, Maintenance Worker Angel Arreola, Kitchen Worker Juan Rosales, Counselor Haylee “Dobber” Baeten, Canteen Worker and Counselor Ashley “007” Storey, Senior Counselor Jennifer “Joe” Crumley, Food Services Manager Marialice Lauriano, Health Manager Kim Krueger, Health Manager Sylvia Murray, Health Manager Carol Villareal, Counselor Heather “Signs” Hutchingson and Counselor Jordan “Sasha” Berger. The season may be over, but the staff is already preparing for next summer. “An exciting opportunity is coming next summer,” Sister Cernosek said in announcing that in response to the needs of campers and their families, Camp will have seven regular Sunday through Saturday sessions and one special shortened John Sorbel is pictured with his family after he was honored for 25 summers of service to Hermann Sons Youth Camp. Pictured are, from left, Brother Sorbel, daughter Jessica Sorbel, wife Carla Sorbel, aunt Ginger Keefer, son Bryce Sorbel, grandmother Pearl Bartley, niece Paige Mason, mother Brenda Sorbel, brother-in-law Stephen Mason, nephew Jace Mason, Sister Kristin Sorbel and father Terry Sorbel. Colton Zizelman was on hand when his dad, Jody Zizelman, was honored for 30 summers of service to Hermann Sons Youth Camp. session in 2014. The shortened session will be from Sunday afternoon through Wednesday afternoon. More information about the 2014 summer schedule will be released at a later date. Campers who were 13 years of age in 2012 are reminded that the deadline for the 2014 Counselor-In-Training Program is quickly approaching. All applications must be postmarked by Sept. 1, 2013. Applicants must be 15 years of age by Sept. 1, 2014, must be current Hermann Sons members and must be past campers. For more information and to access the application, go to hermannsons.org and click on Camp page and then the Counselor-In-Training page. In Memoriam Receiving their three-year chairs from Riverside Camp were, from left, Counselor Haylee “Dobber” Baeten, Counselor Ashley “007” Storey, Senior Counselor Jennifer “Joe” Crumley, Food Services Manager Marialice Lauriano and Health Manager Kim Krueger. The Hermann Sons Youth Camp family is mourning the loss of a special Hermann Sons member. Eric Harrison of Fort Worth died Aug. 13 in a car accident that occurred in the Texas Panhandle near Dumas. Eric was a fiveyear camper, a two-year Counselor-In-Training and a four-year staff member. He spent his last summer on staff in 2012 when he was a senior counselor. According to Executive Camp Director Jennifer Cernosek, “He will be remembered for the joy that he brought to thousands of campers and hundreds of staff members.” Jeffrey “General Texas” Cowan received his three-year chair this summer. Members of the staff at Hilltop Camp were honored for three summers of service. They included, from left, Health Manager Cheryl Tanneberger, Canteen Worker Bryce Sorbel, Counselor Valton “Voltron” Lewallen, Counselor Tyler “Robin Hood” Bennet, Maintenance Worker Angel Arreola and Kitchen Worker Juan Rosales. They each received a chair personalized with their name. Page 22 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2013 www.hermannsons.org Louise Schuetze delivers books to children’s hospital SAN ANTONIO – Hope everyone is enjoying their summer and keeping cool. Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3 took a break from the heat with members voting not to meet in August. On July 16, several members delivered books to the Christus Santa Rosa Children’s Hospital. This was the second half of the lodge’s Join Hands Day project. The staff at Christus Santa Rosa was very grateful and said they were running out of books for the children so the timing was perfect. The lodge will be celebrating its 117th anniversary on Sept. 9 beginning at 6:30 p.m. Invitations have gone out to the other local lodges and Grand Members of Louise Schuetze Lodge delivered books to Christus Santa Rosa Children’s Hospital in July. This is an annual Join Hands Day project for the lodge. Lodge officers. Members are encouraged to help celebrate the lodge’s anniversary. Please call the lodge office at 210-223- 1631 by Sept. 4 to confirm your reservation. See you in September. – Janet Abell Louise Schuetze Lodge officers JoAnn Massengale, left, and Carol Grill load books that were then delivered to Christus Santa Rosa Children’s Hospital. The books are distributed to the patients at the hospital. Pershing's Progress Members to gather at restaurant for Sept. 4 meeting SAN ANTONIO – Pershing Lodge No. 160 will hold the Sept. 4 meeting at the Little Red Barn. This is a change from the Beef and Bourbon restaurant that was originally announced. Each member will receive $5 to use toward the cost of the meal. RSVP to Lillian Franckowiak by Aug. 31. Contact her at the office at 227-3085 or on her cell phone at 288-1639. At the August meeting, Sister Franckowiak asked members to pray for Connie Barth, Monnie and Morris Nordland, Bob Deicke and Bill Reichert. Former President Bill Lee has moved to an assisted living facility in Portland where his daughter, Debbie Pratt, and her husband live. Chaplain Tony Valek reported on the passing of Barbara Mae Rice and Thomas E. Walker. Grand Guide Amanda Deicke presented 50-year membership pins to Frank Janicke, a member since Sept. 10, 1963; and Walter “Bubba” Haag, a member since Aug. 28, 1963. Five new members were welcomed into the lodge. They are Dawson Janaky, Caitlyn Day, Cereldo Gascon, Abigail Romero and Claire Stocking. Terri Armstrong announced Two members of Pershing Lodge received their 50-year membership pins at the August meeting. Pictured are, from left, recipient Frank Janicke, Grand Guide Amanda Deicke, recipient Bubba Haag and lodge President Marilyn Hoster. members will go to Rockport on Sept. 13 and a visit to the Retirement Home in Comfort is planned for Oct. 12. “Happy Birthday” was sung to the August celebrants, James Lay, Marilyn Hoster, Katie Butts, Lydia Saenz, Teeni Johnson, Wayne Kilborn and Walter (Bubba) Haag. The last three were winners of the birthday drawing prizes. Celebrating August wedding anniversaries were Emil and Joan Lichtenberg, 63 years, and Teeni and David Johnson, 1 year. Betty Mettke was not present to win the $25 attendance prize. Marilyn Hoster won the split-the-pot drawing. The first name drawn for the $100 progressive prize was that of Kelly Walton, but she was not present. The second name drawn was that of Gerald Peer who was present and the lucky winner. Winners of the Vineta Lodge Scholarship Fund-raiser tickets were Mike Armstrong, Marilyn Hoster, Robin Ries, John Opiela and Tony Valek. The winners of the Anton Celebrating August wedding anniversaries are Pershing Lodge members Emil and Joan Lichtenberg and Teeni and David Johnson. Celebrating August birthdays at the Pershing Lodge meeting were, from left, Bubba Haag, Katie Butts, Teeni Johnson, Lydia Saenz, James Lay and Marilyn Hoster. Wenzel Lodge Crispy Chicken Taco Dinner tickets were Amy Barfell, Carolyn Valek, Anita Eggert, Mary Brown and Beth Warne. Hope to see lots of members Sept. 4 at the Little Red Barn. – Dorothy Pawlik www.hermannsons.org Vineta to celebrate anniversary Sept. 5 SAN ANTONIO – Vineta Lodge No. 15 is making plans for its anniversary celebration on Sept. 5. A meal of barbecue brisket with the trimmings will be served. Make reservations by calling 602-5147 by Aug. 30. Past presidents will be honored and pins will be presented to pioneer members. A social is planned for Sept. 18 beginning at 10:30 a.m. Members will play games and then have lunch. Emily Roberts and Mary Ann Pintaric will host the meal. The lodge welcomes new members Hannah Silguero, Julia Barrera, Kaylee Morton and Lailah Lampkins. Thanks go to Debbie Jordan for the meal in August and to Lorene Kreusel and Gladys Garrett for the cake. Thanks also go to all the members who brought school supplies. They will be given to a school in the San Antonio Independent School District. The lodge mourns the pass- Vineta Lodge members were generous when donating school supplies to the children in the San Antonio Independent School District. ing of Hazel Ritter, a member for 37 years; Jeanette Barron, a member for 57 years; La Fraye Howard, a member for 39 years; Merlene Scherlen, a member for 54 years and Marion Surginer, a member for 47 years. Attendance prize winners were Frances Bara, Lorene Kreusel, Elaine Pruski and Carolyn Nelson. The split-thepot winner was Elaine Pruski. Celebrating birthdays at the August Vineta Lodge meeting were, from left, Ron Roberts, Elaine Pruski, Gladys Garrett, Lorene Kreusel and Al Kreusel. Hope to see lots of members at the anniversary celebration. – Reporter August 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 23 Siemering plans next meeting for Sept. 10 SAN ANTONIO – Due to summer activities keeping many of the Siemering Lodge No. 32 officers busy, the lodge did not meet in July. The lodge welcomes new junior members, Kylie Saige Brown and Lydia Alysia Huff. The next lodge meeting is the back-to-school meeting scheduled for Sept. 10 starting at 7 p.m. For the after-meet- ing social, Bill and Barbara Ramzinski will serve their famous stew. Members are asked to bring desserts. Remember, for juniors to be eligible to enroll in the 20132014 dance program, they must be members by Oct. 1. For more information, contact Agent J.V. Bailey at 333-4640 or 273-1817. – J.V. Bailey Brunhilde members enjoy German dinner SAN ANTONIO – Brunhilde Lodge No. 7 members met July 15 in the Rathskeller and enjoyed a German dinner prepared by Liese Stacks and Jackie Platts in honor of Jim Stacks’ birthday and Liese and Jim Stacks’ 58th wedding anniversary. Members discussed the remodeling of the ballroom. The curtains were cleaned, a new icemaker was purchased and the floors were cleaned. The Home Association was responsible for the improvements and each lodge donated $50. Patti Shippey-Shaw reported Dillon Shaw had learned to sew (mend) while at Hermann Sons Youth Camp. Door prize winners were Jackie Platts, Jim Stacks, Liese Stacks, Carol Krauss, Linda Muehlstein, Monnie Nordland and Marie Pieske. Sydney Shippey won split-thepot. The next meeting was scheduled for Aug. 19. – Reporter Lorene Kreusel, left, and Gladys Garrett are shown with the cake they donated in honor of their August birthdays. They are members of Vineta Lodge. Fort Worth will meet at restaurant Sept. 8 FORT WORTH – The lazy days of summer are coming to an end. Hoping for rain and cooler weather in the coming months. Fort Worth Lodge No. 33 is still looking for new members so it can meet or exceed its goal for 2013. If you know of anyone looking for life insurance tell them about Hermann Sons. Hermann Sons has great rates on great products. Junior members are encouraged to send pictures and stories about their visit to Hermann Sons Youth Camp. Several members of the lodge attended this year. Also, if you have a photo from your family vacation and would like to share it with the rest of the members, send it as well. You can email stories and pictures to spjones@ sbcglobal.net. The sale of the lodge hall is progressing, so there should be a closing date soon. If you have something in the lodge hall that dates back to your parents or grandparents and you would like to have it, please contact Ronnie Jones to set up a meeting time. Darlene Jones reported Kerry Freeman, Stephanie McBroom and Bill Lane have been under the weather. Please keep these members in your thoughts and prayers. If you know of anyone who is ill, be sure to contact her at 819-297-1927. The lodge had five and a half teams take part in the Hermann Sons State Bowling Tournament. Fort Worth Lodge always has the most bowlers and some of their names can be found on the standings sheet. The fall league will start Sept. 4, so if you are interested in bowling or subbing, please contact Westcreek Lanes. Remember you don’t have to bowl in the league to bowl in the tournament – just be certified with an average. “Happy Birthday” wishes go to Donnie Burns, Ronnie Burns, Ronnie Jones, Autumn Kemp, Ronnie Burns-Lane, Rick Murphy and Mary Terrell. The next meeting is scheduled for 3 p.m. Sept. 8 at Miranda’s Mexican Food Restaurant. Everyone is encouraged to attend, as plans will be made for the remainder of the year. – Reporter Prize winners at the Brunhilde Lodge July meeting were, from left, Sydney Shippey, Marie Pieske, Jackie Platts, Linda Muehlstein, Carol Krauss, Monnie Nordland, Jim Stacks and Liese Stacks. Jim and Liese Stacks of Brunhilde Lodge celebrated their 58th wedding anniversary recently. Page 24 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2013 www.hermannsons.org Mission-Alamo plans anniversary celebration SAN ANTONIO – MissionAlamo Lodge No. 80 members did not hear the prancing of reindeer feet on the rooftop or hear jingle bells ringing out but they celebrated Christmas in July anyway. Everyone enjoyed exchanging Christmas gifts around the small Christmas tree dressed in their red, white and blue attire in honor of Independence Day. Bob and Joan Ramert prepared St. Louis-style ribs and there was brisket from Bill Miller's and other foods and desserts furnished by members. Visiting from Florida were lodge members Sharon and John Anello. Sharon is the daughter of Mary Himes. Local guests were Bill and Doris Foster. Welcomed as new junior members were Luke Patrick Feldman, Bron Kowalik and Abigail Cardenas. Please keep Mary Himes in your thoughts and prayers as she recently had surgery but is home recovering nicely. Also word has it the Vogels’ grandson's family is gaining on the grocery bill lately as Gregory had his wisdom teeth out and can only eat three times a day instead of seven. Harlie Rose Hafner wasn’t there to claim the big jackpot. That makes the jackpot worth $75 at the next meeting. Split-the-pot winner was Mary Himes. “Hugs from Home” gets the other half. Celebrating a July birthday was Lauryn Pike. Juniors who attended Hermann Sons Youth Camp and their Lillie Mae Dienger receives her 50-year membership pin from Mission-Alamo Lodge President Lee Vogel at the July meeting. Sister Dienger became a member Oct. 23, 1963. Mission-Alamo Lodge members celebrated Christmas in July with a gift exchange. Pictured around the gift table are, from left, Sharon Anello, Mary Himes and Merlene Childers. Members of Mission-Alamo Lodge dressed in their most patriotic attire to celebrate the Fourth of July at the July meeting. families will be honored at the August meeting. Carol Swan’s husband Terry will prepare the brisket. Members are asked to provide the side dishes and desserts. The meal for the September meeting will be catered. The lodge will celebrate its anniversary and pioneer members will be honored. – Sylvia Schulmeier Lauryn Pike celebrated her birthday at the July meeting of MissionAlamo Lodge. Bernice Vogel, left, presents here with a birthday card from the lodge. At Matt's Rancho Martinez Restaurant Dallas to treat members to dinner out in September DALLAS – Dallas Lodge No. 22 officers send fraternal greetings to members. They hope members are staying cool during this 100+ weather. At the July 28 business meeting President Renee LeCour reported that Grand Vice President-Marketing Tim Kolbe had asked the lodge to host a workshop for agents in the area on Aug. 25. Members agreed to do so. The workshop will be held before the lodge meeting that day. Kay Roberts emailed Della Morse to inform her that Dorothy (Dottie) Simon had been in the hospital. She had successful surgery and has now moved to a rehabilitation facility for several weeks. Andy Schellenberg called Steven Simon, Sister Simon’s son. Brother Simon said his mother was feeling a lot better and she could have calls and visitors. Brother Schellenberg said he had learned by way of email that Kay Roberts had successful surgery on July 22. She will start radiation treatment soon. She said her sisters, Paula Ryan and Mary Keahey, have taken good care of her since February. Sister Morse reported that husband Charles is still recovering from an illness. Members approved a motion not to have a business meeting in September. Instead mem- bers will eat out on Sunday, Sept. 22, at 3 p.m. The restaurant is Matt’s Rancho Martinez, 1904 Skillman Street, Dallas. It is close to La Vista Street and in the Lakewood area. As a member perk the lodge is paying for the meal and drinks. Congratulations go to the lodge’s 60-year members: Charles Hatzenbuehler Jr. and Cheryl Shone, both members since July 2, 1953; Mary Hatzenbuehler, a member since July 19, 1953; and Mary Johnson, a member since July 3, 1953. Thanks go to David and Renee LeCour for bringing the food for the meal served after the meeting. Cary LeCour won the attendance prize. Members are reminded there is no regular business meeting in September. Members will be eating out instead. – Reporter August 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 25 www.hermannsons.org Harmonia’s Happenings Lodge to honor past presidents at September meeting SAN ANTONIO – Harmonia Lodge No. 1's anniversary is in July so lodge members and guests celebrated 152 years of Friendship, Love and Loyalty on July 11. The meeting was held in the Rathskeller with approximately 50 members and guests in attendance to enjoy a barbecue meal provided by Snoga’s Catering. Welcomed as new members were Daniel G. Barrera and Jacob J. Brickner. Members mourn the passing of three members. J.C. Anderson Jr. passed away on May 5 at the age of 75. He had been a member since 1954. Louis P. Matjeka passed away June 5 at the age of 97. He had been a member since 1947. Jimmie Leroy Skinner passed away June 7 at the age of 69. He had been a member since 1971. Celebrating birthdays in July were Alan Cobb and Paul Rettman. Attendance prize winners at the July meeting of Harmonia Lodge were Mike Gumpp, left, and Steven Civiletto. They are pictured with lodge President Jake White. Members of Harmonia Lodge who received their 60-year membership pins at the July meeting are pictured with lodge President Jake White, left, and Grand Vice Presidents Harry Werland and Mary Beam, right. They are, from left, Gerald Gueldner, Wilfred Gold, Edward Dylla and Raymond Hengst. Grand Vice PresidentSecretary/Treasurer Mary Beam and Grand Vice PresidentInvestments Harry Werland were on hand to present 60-year membership pins to Edward V. Dylla, Wilfred A. Gold, Gerald E. Gueldner and Raymond A. Hengst. Brother Dylla became a member on Aug. 27, 1953, Brother Gold on June 25, 1953, Brother Gueldner on May 28, 1953, and Brother Hengst on March 12, 1953. Sister Beam won split-the-pot and donated the money to the Bob Worrick Memorial Golf Tournament. Mike Gumpp and Steven Civiletto won the attendance prizes. Past presidents will be honored at the Sept. 12 meeting. It begins at 7 p.m. The meal will be catered. Members are asked to bring a dessert. Reservations are required so call 227-7001. Oct. 3 is the tentative date set Columbia to hold Frisbee Golf Tourney Sept. 7 DALLAS – Summertime, summertime, summertime, summertime. Here’s hoping summer’s time is soon over and cooler temperatures prevail. Summertime is hot in north Texas and what Columbia Lodge No. 66 members need is a nice cold refreshing fountain drink in a cup full of cold, fresh ice cubes. The Dallas Lodge Hall has a new ice machine and new fountain service at both bars thanks to the board of directors. This reporter has even heard a rumor that someday Abita Root Beer might be served on tap in the downstairs bar. Old Patrick and Mrs. Butterworth would both be happy to see that day. With the summer comes outdoor projects and there are plenty of projects to keep members busy. First and foremost is the need to apply a new coat of paint on this old beautiful building. Bids are being accepted to have the exterior painted so if you know a painting contractor, please pass this information along. There are plenty of other volunteer opportunities at the Hall as well so contact a lodge or board member. The lodge’s book drive continues in an effort to help children from Dallas with their summer reading programs. If you have books to donate bring them to the Hall and drop them off. At the August meeting members learned that Dorothy “Dottie” Simon has been in the hospital and is now on her way to a full recovery. Dottie has served on the board of directors for many years and was an agent as well. Jo Nicodemus is at home and doing much better and she sends hugs and kisses to all her friends at the Hall. If you know of any members who are under the weather, please notify the Cheer Committee so they can check in on them. Thanks also to the Cheer Committee for sending birthday cards to lodge members. Jackie Nicodemus has been busy cleaning the kitchen at the Hall. The kitchen is being organized and a big thank you is in order to Jackie for all her efforts to make the kitchen nicer. Jean Ernst is planning a special luncheon for the Church Kids in September but a firm date has not been set yet. There was another memorial service for Michael “Grumpy” Brown held in late July in Arlington. Michael’s daughter Kelly Brown was the recipient of much love and assorted help to get her along after her father’s tragic loss. Columbia Lodge is sponsoring a Frisbee Golf Tournament on Sept. 7 at B.B. Owen Park. The Lost Disc Airmen of the Sons of Hermann have come out of retirement to promote this worthy benefit for KNON, the lodge’s favorite community radio station, and the Dallas Lodge Hall. The tournament starts at 4 pm at B.B. Owen Park and for your $25 entrance fee you will receive a commemorative disc, a personalized golf towel and free beverages during the game. After the tournament, a dinner and concert featuring Jay Johnson, Texas Slim and All Litt Up will be held at the Hall. You are welcome to come to the dinner and concert even if you do not participate in the golf tournament. The cost for the dinner and the music is $20. If you are interested in attending or playing you can contact lodge President Bobby Wilbanks at 972-658-8577 or by email at hippiebobby66@ gmail.com. Volunteers are needed to help ensure that the tournament runs smoothly and is a success. More corporate and individual sponsorships also are needed. If this tournament is successful, the plan is to make it an annual event. There are many activities at the Hall that you can be a part of like swing dancing on Wednesday evenings with lessons and open dancing, a jam for the not ready for prime time players on Thursday nights, or yoga one Saturday a month. Maybe the ping pong and table tennis league will get back on track soon. Bowler Tracy Smith did real well during the state tournament. The next scheduled meeting will be held Sept. 8 at 3 p.m. – Reporter for a quarterly meeting of lodge officers. The Oct. 10 meeting begins at 7 p.m. and will be followed by a German meal in the Rathskeller. A German band will provide entertainment. The annual holiday meal will be served at the Nov. 14 meeting. The catered meal will be served at 7 p.m. in the Home Association Ballroom. Reservations are required so call 227-7001 or sign up in October. The Dec. 12 meeting begins at 7 p.m. and will be followed by a meal. The lodge will provide a ham. Members are asked to bring a covered dish or dessert. A holiday games party will follow in the Rathskeller. Watch the Hermann Sons News for last minute changes and events. Call Mike Warneke at 227-7001 for more information. – Mike Warneke Columbus reports books in good order COLUMBUS – Columbus Lodge No. 10 held a summer social July 8. Agent Terrel Maertz and wife Robin were in attendance. Lodge President Douglas Lilie welcomed everyone. A short business meeting was held. It was reported Elsie Kahlden and Virginia Fritsch had checked the books and found them in order. Herman Brune celebrated a birthday in June. Harold and Martha Stirl celebrated their 67th anniversary on July 7. The group enjoyed chicken spaghetti prepared by Robin and Terrel Maertz. Lodge members provided garlic bread, green salads, fruit salad, cake, iced tea and coffee. Elena and John Holub led the entertainment. The next meeting was scheduled for Aug. 12. – Reporter Page 26 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2013 Edelweiss-Magnolia meets Winners of door prizes at the June meeting of EdelweissMagnolia Lodge No. 47 were, from left, Hilbert Pechacek, Ray Dittmar, Brice Laired, Agnes Haney and Jo Ann Buri. Members of Edelweiss-Magnolia Lodge No. 47 and guests who won door prizes at the July meeting are pictured. Jane Younger and Brice Laird celebrated their June birthdays at the EdelweissMagnolia Lodge No. 47 meeting. Bother Laird won the birthday prize. Mel Beyer celebrated his July birthday at the Edelweiss-Magnolia Lodge No. 47 meeting. www.hermannsons.org Houston hears camper's report HOUSTON – There are a not a lot of happy children around these days with school just around the corner or, in some cases, already started but that means fall is just around the corner and with it will come some cooler weather. If you are having problems receiving your Hermann Sons News, give President Gary Falkenberg a call. On the recent survey that was conducted, this seemed to be the main problem. Or, if you have moved, please let that be known. Also, as mentioned before, lodge officers are trying to put together a list of email addresses. The reason for this is to help keep members up to date on lodge happenings. The address will not be shared with anyone except the secretary and president. Members were saddened to hear of the passing of Charles Bundick, Christine Lancaster and Ethelyn Stankovich. Emily Falkenberg gave a report Celebrating a July birthday was Houston Lodge member Phyllis Martin. on her week at Hermann Sons Youth Camp. She said there was not nearly enough time to do everything. She also said with all the snacks and good food, there was no way anyone could go hungry. She is looking forward to going again next year. Winners of door prizes in July were Hunter Ellison, Justin Falkenberg, Emily Falkenberg, Lavina Patterson and Pat Bushman. The lodge will furnish the food for the September meeting. Members are asked to bring desserts. Some of the Retirement Home Committee members spent Sunday night at the Home in July before the meeting on Monday. A light supper was served Sunday night and then residents invited the Home Committee members to join them in playing various games and dominoes or watching television, but they elected to join those sitting outside under the trees. When the bell rang on Monday morning, they were treated to a breakfast that included omelets and various other things. Why not come and spend the night and enjoy the peace. Then go out and spread the word. – J. Dueitt Lockhart will meet again on Oct. 6 LOCKHART – Lockhart Lodge No. 64 met Sunday, Aug. 4, in the Chisholm Trail Barbeque Room with 25 members present. Members observed a moment of silence in memory of Milton (Beaver) Pfefferkorn who passed away June 24. Janice Kuhen, the lodge’s agent and Grand Lodge representative, gave an informative talk about the installation of officers for 2014. San Marcos Lodge No. 26 will be the host lodge. More information will be shared as the time nears. She also stressed the importance of increasing membership. Make a Difference Day was discussed and plans are being made to feed those working on a Caldwell County Habitat for Humanity house. Lil Pfefferkorn will serve as chairman of this project. Many members volunteered to make sandwiches and cookies. The lodge will purchase fruit and chips and drinks. Door prize winners were Dot Kuntschik, Rudy Schroeder and Janice Kuhen. Members voted not to meet in September because of the Labor Day holiday. The next meeting will be held Oct. 6. – Reporter Deanville will celebrate anniversary DEANVILLE – Deanville Lodge No. 301 members were happy to have the lodge’s oldest member, Hattie Christiansen, attend the July meeting. Thanks go to her son, Johnny, for bringing her. The lodge will celebrate its 100th anniversary on Sept. 15. A meal, music and a drawing are planned. ff “Happy Birthday” was sung to Mildred Miman who celebrated on the Fourth of July. A sympathy card was sent to the family of Anton Gaas. Members stood in a moment of silence in memory of Ralph Plagens. A big thank-you goes to Greg Gibson for making and donating a picture frame for the 2013 Grand Lodge Convention picture. And thanks go to Grand Vice President-Fraternal Kim Krueger for the new lodge signs. President Donnie Blinka thanked everyone for the help and support that made the Fourth of July fund-raiser such a success. A special thank you goes to Citizen State Bank for printing the drawing tickets, to Bluebonnet Electric for the use of the big fans, and all the members, friends and families who helped make the fundraiser a success. A donation was given to the Deanville Volunteer Fire Department in thanks for all the department does for the lodge, especially for the Fourth of July event. Henrietta Cunningham brought items for the drawing and Janet Phillips prepared the food for the meal. Sister Phillips will bring prizes for the August meeting. Lodge meetings are held the last Sunday of the month at 2 p.m. Barbecue is ready for sale at 11:30 a.m. every Saturday. – Reporter August 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 27 www.hermannsons.org Cuero Family presents three senior scholarships CUERO – Cuero Family Lodge No. 82 members gathered June 4 at the Barbecue Station and welcomed three new members, Cole Rains, Laura Young and Reagan Shaffer. Agents Laura and Wayne Tiffin reported handing out flags to people along the parade route as the Wounded Warriors came through Cuero. They also reported on the Grand Lodge Convention held in Corpus Christi. The dance recital was held May 25. The little girls all looked so cute in their various costumes. If you weren’t there, you missed a great show. Three lodge scholarships and the Tiffin Scholarship were presented at the high school’s recent awards ceremony. The winners were Macey Franke, Ashley Lempa, Bethany Boedeker and Annie Stall. Members voted to make a $250 donation to the Grand Lodge’s “Helping West Recover – First Responders Fund.” Get well wishes went out to Verna Lee Gohmert. Lena Leist and Pauline Kueker Cuero Family Lodge recognized anniversary celebrants Ruth and Elroy Peters at the August meeting. They have been married 47 years. brought desserts for the meal. Celebrating June birthdays were Agnes Wanjura, Janet Tietz, June Guenther, Emily Hotz, Ben Carpenter, Harold Tiffin, Lena Leist, Karlyne Tiffin, Pauline Kueker and Julius Scheibe. The door prize winners were June Guenther, Wayne Tiffin, Harold Tiffin, John Bludau and Chester Lucas. The next meeting was held July 2 at Ruby’s Diner. New members, Mason Hill, Audrey Meyer, Abigail Schley and Nathan Rath, were welcomed. The Tiffins reported they for the donation it made in appreciation of the lodge paying the rent for dance classes. This year in observance of Make a Difference Day, the lodge made a donation toward the purchase of a new Christmas scene for the Christmas in the Park display. Furnishing desserts were Ann Carpenter, Willa Dean Wolter and Ruth Peters. Members celebrating birthdays in August were Wilburn Arndt, Wayne Tiffin, Ann Carpenter, Gertrude Boehm, Ruth Peters, Anthony Hotz, Willa Dean Wolter and Lawrence Hotz. Door prize winners were Karlyne Tiffin, Iris Hotz, Ben Carpenter, June Guenther and Ann Carpenter. Assisting June Guenther with the drawing was her nephew, John Bludau. This will be his last opportunity to attend a meeting, as school will be starting soon. The next meeting is scheduled for Sept. 3 at the Barbecue Station. Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable Labor Day. – June Guenther Macdona Lodge will host hamburger social Sept. 12 Round Top presents pin ROUND TOP – Round Top Lodge No. 151 met July 25. Sedalia Ullrich received her TOP Recommender pin for 2012. The Cheer Committee reported sending cards to Vadie Oeser, Grace Hinze, Ira Mae Hinze, Nola Goehring, Aliene Finke, Shirley Wagner, Herman Weigelt, Arnold Peters, Nellie Wolff and Violet Markwardt. Floyd Braun celebrates his birthday in July and Mary and Eddie Rauch celebrated their 42nd anniversary on July 31. Special door prizes went to Jo Nell Glaesmann, Mary Rauch, Nellie Wolff, Edith Pfeiffer, Linda Mattocks and Jeanette Schoenst. Attendance prizes went to Leonard Meinkowsky, Burney Wolff, Florine Schulze, Jocie Braun and Loretta Chilek. The next meeting was scheduled for Aug. 22. – Jeanette Schoenst attended the Kid’s Fest in downtown Cuero. They had an applestacking contest and handed out prizes and Hermann Sons information and said they had a great time. June Guenther read a poem in honor of the Fourth of July. It was titled “I am the American Flag.” Ruth and Elroy Peters brought a cake for everyone to enjoy in honor of their 47th wedding anniversary. Members celebrating birthdays in July were Laura Tiffin, Amy Tietz, Tina Hotz, Betty Bade and Jerry Tietz. The door prize winners were Marvin Bade, June Guenther, John Bludau, Anthony Hotz and Jerry Wanjura. The lodge met again Tuesday, Aug. 6, at the Barbecue Station and welcomed seven new members. They are Mason Gisler, Logan Gisler, Emerson Binz, Kaleb Krause, Bailey Blank, Kara Geigle and Makenzie Varela. Dance classes begin Sept. 9 at the Masonic Lodge Hall. The lodge thanks the Parents’ Club MACDONA – Macdona Lodge No. 198 will host a hamburger social for members on Thursday, Sept. 12, beginning at 6:45 p.m. in the hall of Our Lady Queen of Heaven Church. Following dinner, a regular meeting will be held. All members are asked to bring a covered dish. The lodge will provide the hamburgers, buns and fixings. – Reporter La Grange makes donation President Linda Mattocks, left, presents a TOP Recommender Pin to Sedalia Ullrich at the July meeting of Round Top Lodge. Floyd Braun, left, celebrated his July birthday at the Round Top Lodge meeting. Mary and Eddie Rauch were celebrating their wedding anniversary. LA GRANGE – La Grange Lodge No. 8 met at Riverside Café on July 11 beginning with a prayer and buffet meal. A note of thanks was read from Relay For Life Chairman Ken Taylor for the lodge’s $250 donation. Members agreed to send a $175 donation to the Hermann Sons Youth Camp Scholarship Fund instead of sponsoring a team in the Aug. 10 Bowl-aThon. Agent Charlene Meinen gave her report. – Roselyn Vasut San Marcos meets Sept. 9 SAN MARCOS – San Marcos Lodge No. 26 will meet Monday, Sept. 9, at 6:30 p.m. This is the Monday after Labor Day. – Reporter Page 28 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2013 www.hermannsons.org Schulenburg elects Ellebracht to fill officer position SCHULENBURG – Schulenburg Lodge No. 14 met July 10 with members and guests enjoying the meal of hot dogs and chili. President Bill Michalke thanked Nathan and Kathy Loth who had kitchen duty and thanked the ladies who brought cookies, Lois Demel, Junette Rodecap and Virginia Kainer. One guest, Jenna Ellsworth, Bill and Delores Michalke’s granddaughter, was present. Celebrating birthdays were Arline Ulrich, Nathan Loth, Bill Bohlmann, Virginia Kainer and Dorothy Ellebracht. Celebrating an anniversary were Bill and Delores Michalke and Leo and Virginia Kainer. Get well cards had been sent Schulenburg Lodge members celebrating July wedding anniversaries include, from left, Virginia and Leo Kainer and Bill and Delores Michalke. to Franklin Guettermann and Hugo Schilhab. Welcomed as a new member was Daisy E. Dodson. Agent Mary K. Seifert reported she would be attending a training class in the near future. Clinton Ellebracht was elected to fill the position of vice president through the end of the year. President Michalke installed Vice President Ellebracht. Two baskets of homemade goodies prepared by members were donated to the silent auction that was part of the Boys and Girls Club benefit dance on June 29. The baskets and extra jar of cookies brought a total of $775 for the club. President Michalke read the thank you letter received from the club. President Bill Michalke installs Clinton Ellebracht, left, as the new vice president of Schulenburg Lodge. Brother Ellebracht replaced the late Ben Sustr. Members decided not to enter the Hermann Sons float in the Schulenburg Festival Parade this year. Schulenburg Lodge meets the second Wednesday of each month at the Community Center beginning at 6:30 p.m. with refreshments. Dinner and the meeting follow at 7 p.m. – Junette Rodecap Celebrating July birthdays at the Schulenburg Lodge meeting were, from left, Virginia Kainer, Dorothy Ellebracht, Arline Ulrich, Nathan Loth and Bill Bohlmann. Stern plans next meeting for Oct. 6 SEGUIN – Stern Lodge No. 143 met June 2 at the American Legion Hall. A sausage dinner was served. Grand Vice PresidentSecretary/Treasurer Mary Beam and husband Mike were welcomed. Sister Beam presented 60-year membership pins to Leroy Dietert, a member since Sept. 6, 1953; Gloria Reininger, a member since Oct. 7, 1953; and Bernice Tschoepe, a member since Nov. 1, 1953. Donald Morawietz gave a report on the Grand Lodge Convention in Corpus. Attendance prize winners were Ann Patek, Donald Morawietz and Barbara Morawietz. The lodge met again on Sunday, Aug. 4, at the American Legion Hall. Members enjoyed a fried chicken dinner. Members agreed to donate $150 to “Hugs from Home” and $150 to the local “Stuff the Bus” program. A cheer card was sent to Sue Vordenbaum. There will be no meeting in September due to Labor Day. Hope to see lots of members on Oct. 6, Nov. 3 and Dec. 8. Christmas is coming soon – B. Wesch Old Glory gets new air conditioners OLD GLORY – Following a two-month vacation, members of Old Glory Lodge No. 228 gathered at the lodge hall on Sunday, Aug. 4. Members observed a moment of silence in memory of Lewis Corzine of Stamford. Brother Corzine was an active member of the lodge and did a lot of volunteer work around the lodge hall and at the annual Sausage Supper. Sharon Cabe from Greenwood, Ark., has received her 50-year membership pin. She has been a member since July 9, 1963. Marvin Vahlenkamp, Keith Corzine, Terry Letz and President Doug Vahlenkamp put in several working hours getting and installing some new air conditioners for the hall. Thanks were extended to them along with Jack Jones who volunteered the use of his tractor and lift. Mikenlee Manske of Stamford was welcomed as a new member. Reported on the sick list were Debbie Vahlenkamp and Brenda Vahlenkamp who are both recovering from foot surgery and Beunice Vahlenkamp who has been under the weath- er. Keith Corzine won the door prize. Members celebrating birthdays in August are Marvin Vahlenkamp, Debbie Vahlenkamp, Gladys Vahlenkamp and Corene Lowack who just celebrated her 90th. Following the meeting the group enjoyed games and a meal of sandwiches, chips and dip and desserts. Sandwiches and desserts will be on the menu for the September meal also. – Reporter Grand Vice President-Secretary/Treasurer Mary Beam, left, and Stern Lodge President Reno Reiley presented 60-year membership pins at the June meeting. Recipients were Gloria Reininger, Bernice Tschoepe and Leroy Dietert. Hondo Victory Lodge plans annual September picnic HONDO – Hondo Victory Lodge No. 161 members met July 9 at the lodge hall and welcomed new member Emily Nolasco. Cheer Chairman Grace Schmidt had sent sympathy cards to Helen Witte following the death of her husband, Loyd Witte; to Dorothy Schuehle following the death of her husband, Claude C. Schuehle; and to Betty Newman following the death of her daughter, Anita Elma Pleasant. Get-well cards were sent to Pat Moehring and Mary Lee Meinen. Money from the “Hugs from Home” jars was collected and sent to the home office. Everyone in attendance won a door prize and Pat Saunier won the special prize. The September picnic was discussed. Each woman will be asked to bring a dessert. Other duties will be finalized in August. Verlie Nietenhoefer served cake and ice cream. The meeting adjourned by reciting the “Lord’s Prayer.” – Verlie Nietenhoefer August 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 29 www.hermannsons.org Cameron Lodge holds fish fry during June meeting David and Susan Ehler of Cameron Lodge No. 140 recently celebrated an anniversary. They were recognized at the June fish fry. Nanette Wells, Elizabeth Banzhaf, Isyjean Korenek, Susan Ehler and Shirlynn Buck provided side dishes and desserts. Celebrating summer birthdays from Cameron Lodge No. 140 were, from left, Shirlynn Buck, Isyjean Korenek, Maxine Stoebner, Judy York, Theresa Duffy and Chad Ehler. At the June meeting, members voted to donate $150 to the “Helping West Recover – First Responders Fund.” They also agreed to sponsor Nanette Wells in the Hermann Sons State Bowling Tournament held recently. Cameron Lodge No. 140 cooks for the June fish fry were, from left, Chad Ehler, David Ehler and Jason Ehler. During the June meeting, Douglas and Shirlynn Buck reported on the 46th Grand Lodge Convention held in May in Corpus Christi. The Bucks will serve as hosts at the next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 17, at Bea’s Kitchen. Plum Lodge meets Sept. 9 La Vernia Lodge holds annual picnic at ranch Enjoying the cool shade during the La Vernia Lodge No. 180 annual picnic at the Tanneberger Ranch are, from left, Candy Stork, Bobbie Mills, Lillian Kosub, Dianell Recker, Jo Ann Herry and Elaine Schnitz. More than 40 members of La Vernia Lodge No. 180 enjoyed the annual picnic at the Tanneberger Ranch on Cibolo Creek Saturday, May 18. Everyone enjoyed the barbecued brisket and sausage, Dutch oven potatoes, beans and lots of other goodies. The Cibolo Creek Valley is always a sight to see. Pictured visiting and enjoying some snacks are, from left, Kenneth Mills and Aubrey Herry. Barbecue brisket and sausage were on the menu for the La Vernia Lodge No. 180 annual picnic held in May at the Tanneberger Ranch. Pictured are, from left, Brent Recker, Emmett Stork, Charles Stork, Dustin Krueger and “chief cook” Marlin Tanneberger. Delegates from La Vernia Lodge No. 180 attended the Grand Lodge Convention in Corpus Christi in May. Pictured are, from left, Treasurer Norma Pitts, Agent Sharon Tanneberger, Agent Marlin Tanneberger and Elaine Schnitz, Finance Committee member. PLUM – Plum Lodge No. 238 met July 8. Before the meal and meeting everyone enjoyed visiting and celebrating Leo Janda’s 89th birthday, which was actually in June. A sandwich buffet was served. Thanks go to Linda Poncik for donating the Blue Bell ice cream for dessert. Robin Steffek, the daughter of Wallace and Verlene Hobratschk, was a guest at the meeting. Luke Bertsch was welcomed as a new member. His parents are Loren and Amy Bertsch. Genelda Stahmer reported sending a get-well card to Pam Harbers. Wilbert Gross won the lodge’s door prize. Nathaniel R. Glaiser would have won the progressive prize but he was not present. The next meeting will be held Sept. 9. Members are asked to bring sandwiches, chips, dips and/or desserts for the meal. Donations of homemade or purchased items are needed for the silent auction that will be held prior to the meal and meeting. Please take care in choosing items that would be useful, needed or enjoyed by any of the lodge’s active members. These items, unless baked or perishable items, may be delivered to committee members Gloria Raschke, Linda Poncik or Verlene Hobratschk before Sept. 9. Hope to see lots of members at this meeting. – Verlene R. Hobratschk Page 30 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2013 www.hermannsons.org Seguin to hold memorial service at next meeting SEGUIN – Seguin Lodge No. 37 held its annual Summerfest event on Sunday, Aug. 11, at the lodge hall. Many members and guests came for an afternoon of food, fellowship and fun! Upon entering the hall they were able to view a display of dance costumes, pictures and programs from the past. This year marked the 50th anniversary of the lodge’s sponsorship of a school of dance. Katie Kolbe, daughter of Cheryl and Grand Vice President-Marketing Tim Kolbe decorated the hall. Katie did an awesome job and compliments and comments could be heard all afternoon. Bea Neumann from the local American Legion Auxiliary presented the lodge along with Kolbe Flower Shop certificates for sponsoring Bluebonnet Girls’ State this summer. Girls’ State is an annual weeklong event attended by girls who have completed their junior year in high school. During the week they learn more about Texas government and its operations. Seguin Lodge sponsored Katie Kolbe this year. Vice President Roy Merz was in charge of the barbecue pit. His crew included Trustee Brian Beutnagel, members (and Roy’s son-in-law) Robert Bentley and Howard Huebner along with his son Jeremy. They cooked chicken and sausage that was served at noon along with the side dishes and desserts brought by those attending. After lunch several games were played throughout the day. President Vernelle Jones created a spin the wheel game The barbecue pitmasters for the Seguin Lodge Summerfest were, back, from left, Brian Beutnagel, Roy Merz, Robert Bentley, front, from left, Jeremy Huebner and Howard Huebner. and provided games for children and adults alike. All you had to do was pick a number or letter and hope that once the wheel stopped you were the lucky winner. Financial Secretary Annette Roecker asked members to bring cakes for an old-fashioned cake walk. One family had twin girls and both won cakes! Mom said she was taking one of those to Grandma’s house! The day ended with a round of games called by Secretary Robin Larson’s daughters, Andie and Lexie. Monetary gifts were given to several of those in attendance during the afternoon. Member Tammy Beutnagel headed up a silent auction table and several members brought goodies for attendees to bid on and take home! There was also a table set up with paper, rubber stamps, ink and stickers so anyone could get creative and make cards for friends and family. The split-the-pot winner at the end of the day was Wendi Huebner! Seguin Lodge meets the third Wednesday of every month except August and December when special events are held. All members of Seguin Lodge are welcome to attend. The lodge always provides the meat for dinner and members are asked to bring a side dish. The social time starts at 6:30 p.m. and dinner is served at 7 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for Sept. 18 when the annual memorial service will be held. Hope to see you there. – Robin Larson Attendance prize winners at the Seguin Lodge Summerfest were, from left, Brandy Klabunde, Noah Edie and Stacy Hartmann. Celebrating August birthdays at the Seguin Lodge Summerfest were, from left, Ann Huebner, Cory Hawkins, Stacy Hartmann and Velma Buie. Dunlay Lodge holds July meeting Bernardo Lodge meets DUNLAY – Dunlay Lodge No. 285 met July 16 with members providing the covered dish meal. Celebrating July birthdays were Jerry Meyer and Velma Saathoff. Celebrating in August is Katherine Baxter. Morris and Kathryn Baxter celebrated their wedding anniversary on July 27. Howard Saathoff has been in the hospital. The lodge received a thank you card from St. Louis Catholic School in Castroville for the donation made in memory of Wilfreen Saathoff. Work on upgrading the breaker box was to start the next week, according to Bobby Tschirhart. Riley Meyer, grandson of Stanley and Dolly Meyer, won split-the-pot. – Dolly Meyer Riley Meyer, grandson of Stanley and Dolly Meyer, won the split-the-pot cash at the July meeting of Dunlay Lodge. MENTZ – Bernardo Lodge No. 243 met July 17 at St. Roch’s Church. Beatrice Hill reported sending a get well card to Howard Plengemeyer. Finance Committee members, Melvin Neuendorff, Billy Hagen and Emily Frank, were scheduled to meet July 23 at the home of Arlene and Joe Trojacek to audit the lodge’s books. After some discussion, members voted to pay St. Roch’s Church a total of $145 for the use of its facilities for the June barbecue. President Terrel Maertz mentioned the lodge will most likely have to find a new place to meet if rent at the church is going to go up. A committee at the church is going to inform lodge officers what the cost will be in a month or so. President Maertz and wife Robin will start looking for other places to meet. Bernardo Lodge meets the third Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. – Reporter August 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 31 www.hermannsons.org Womack Lodge pioneers receive membership pins CLIFTON – Womack Lodge No. 135 met Aug. 4 at the lodge hall. It was a pleasure to have Grand Vice President-Secretary/ Treasurer Mary Beam and husband Mike in attendance. Sister Beam presented 60-year membership pins to Freddie Boecker, a member since April 9, 1953; David Miller, a member since Oct. 8, 1953; and Calvin Rueter, a member since Sept. 14, 1953. Sixty-year members unable to attend the meeting were Loyd Fossett, a member since Dec. 14, 1953; James Prescher, a member since Oct. 8, 1953; and Milton Zander, a member since April 5, 1953. The July 6 Matching Funds Fish Fry to benefit the Clifton Volunteer Fire Department was a huge success. Many thanks go to the Crawsons and the Dreyers for co-chairing the event. The help and cooperation from members of the CVFD and Womack Lodge was superb. Including the Grand Lodge Matching Funds, the CVFD will receive about $5,000 from the event. On June 14, an impressive Flag Day ceremony was held at the Clifton Lutheran Sunset Home in a joint effort between Womack Lodge and the Veteran of Foreign Wars Post 8553. Calvin Rueter, serving as master of ceremonies, introduced VFW Post Commander David Conrad and Womack Lodge President Joe Crawson who welcomed the group. Several readings about the flag and Flag Day were given and patriotic songs were sung throughout the program accompanied by Therissa Young from Sunset Home on the piano. To close the ceremony, the flag was folded and the meaning of each fold was given. Fred Dahmann was the lucky recipient of the attendance prize and Herman Symank won the 50/50 drawing. Nadine Conrad won the Hermann Sons dominoes. “Happy Birthday” was sung to Eleanora Zuehlke who was Three members of Womack Lodge received their 60-year pins at the August meeting. They are pictured with Grand Vice PresidentSecretary/Treasurer Mary Beam. Pin recipients are, from left, Calvin Rueter, David Miller and Freddie Boecker. celebrating her 89th birthday. Her son, Dennis, presented her with a special birthday cake to be shared at the meeting. Joe and Mary Sue Crawson hosted the evening meeting. After the business meeting, a bountiful covered-dish meal was served followed by domino games and visiting. The Sept. 1 meeting begins at 2 p.m. Sandwiches and/or Eleanora Zuehlke celebrated her 89th birthday at the Womack Lodge meeting. She is pictured with her son, Dennis, who provided the birthday cake. finger foods may be brought for refreshments. – Nadine Rueter DaCosta Lodge holds annual membership social DaCOSTA – DaCosta Lodge No. 265 held its annual membership social Sunday, Aug. 18, at the lodge hall. Everyone enjoyed a catered meal. A short program was held and door prizes were awarded. Members were honored to have Grand Vice PresidentMarketing Tim Kolbe in attendance from the Grand Lodge. He spoke briefly and helped present the 60- and 50-year membership pins. Thanks go to those who donated items for the silent auction and those who purchased the items. All proceeds benefit the Scholarship Fund. The 2013 scholarship recipients, Logan Sauer, Daniell Chavez and Madalynn Kainer, were recognized. Appointed to the Humanitarian Awa r d Committee for 2013 were Laverne Hajek, Geraldine Venglar and Mary Ruth Kainer. Those celebrating birthdays in August were Sayra Martinka and Marjorie Matula. Upcoming dates to remember include the Youth Christmas Party on Dec. 14 and the Adult Christmas Party on Dec. 15. More details will be provided Kirby has six new members KIRBY – Kirby Lodge No. 305 met Aug. 5 with members welcoming six new members. They are juniors Dylan Grady Pape, Hunter Avery Pape, Mikhaul Lane Pape, Kinley Ann Alvarado and Annabeth J. Kraft and adult Thomas A. Negrete. Members also agreed to sponsor a hole during the Bob Worrick Memorial Golf Tournament coming up in September. The event is sponsored by Harmonia Lodge No. 1 to benefit Camp Discovery, a summer camp for children with cancer. The Scholarship Committee asked members to start gathering donations for a prize drawing to be held this fall. The deadline to donate something to the drawing is mid-September. The drawing will be held during the December Christmas party. The lodge had received notes from the families of Richard Vogt, Nelson Wright and Eddie and Bessie Kubenka thanking the lodge for donations made to the Retirement Home Fund in their names. Celebrating birthdays were James McQuatters, Leroy Muehlstein and Katherine Rossow. Celebrating an anniversary were Bubba and Wanda Uecker, 34 years. Split-the-pot winners were Kathie Ninneman, Lillian Brietzke, Juanita Luensmann and Arthur Luensmann. Samantha Schulmeier and Babe Granger took home door prizes. The lodge’s next meeting will be held Monday, Sept. 2. A potluck meal will be served at 7 p.m. and the meeting follows. – Kathie Ninneman later. Congratulations go out to Traci and Vince Kreifels on the birth of a daughter and to Zachery and Nancy Kruppa on the birth of a son. Get-well wishes go out to Hazel Waida, Melvin Christian and Mary Ann Hoerig. Sincere and heartfelt sympathy goes out to Doris Kleiber on the loss of a sister, to Margaret Maresh on the loss of a daughter, and to Kelly and Christine Lee on the loss of Kelly’s mother. The next regular meeting date is Tuesday, Oct. 8. A meal will be served at 6 p.m. followed by the meeting. The lodge will furnish the main dish and everyone is asked to bring a covered dish. Hope to see you there. – Mary Ruth Kainer Maxwell will hold joint meeting with Niederwald MAXWELL – Maxwell Lodge No. 75 members gathered Sunday, Aug. 4, at the Maxwell Social Club. Plans were discussed for the October meeting. It will be held jointly with Niederwald Lodge No. 110 and a presentation of 60-year membership pins and a 75-year pin is planned. A representative from the Grand Lodge will be invited to present pins. The meal will be catered. The election of officers will be held during the November meeting. The Luling School of Dance students will perform at the December meeting. All attending will be asked to donate non-perishable food for the Caldwell County Food Bank. A meal of chicken salad sandwiches, chips, homemade peach cobbler and ice cream was served. Catherine Blackard and Emma Jean Schulle were door-prize winners. – C. Blackard Page 32 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2013 www.hermannsons.org Spring Branch welcomes 14 new members in July SPRING BRANCH – Spring Branch Lodge No. 127 met July 21 at the Knibbe Ranch. A thank you note from the Grand Lodge was received for the donation made in memory of Yvonne Henk. Fourteen new members were welcomed. Grand President Buddy Preuss and his wife, Elizabeth, were in attendance. Brother Preuss talked about his recent trip to West to present the money donated by local lodges, including Spring Branch Lodge. He thanked the lodge for its donation and urged it and all other lodges to get involved in special events and projects. He announced that lodge member Karen Woody has been Celebrating birthdays at the July meeting of Spring Branch Lodge were, from left, Fred Coopwood, Gloria Gass, Alverne Halloran and Elvira Weidner. Lodge President Sandra Duncan is pictured in back. appointed to the Grand Lodge’s Fraternal Activities Committee. Carmen Rittimann reported sending sympathy cards to the family of Jackie Tyson and the family of Willard Dierks. Receiving their 60-year pins were Marian Vanausdall, a member since March 16, 1953; Herman Hitzfelder, a member since Aug. 20, 1953; Britt Schultze, a member since Dec. 5, 1953; Beverlyn Hoffmann, a member since Oct. 1, 1953; Elvira Weidner, a member since Oct. 23, 1953; and David Jonas (deceased), a member since July 28, 1953. Celebrating birthdays were Gloria Gass, Fred Coopwood, Alverne Halloran and Elvira Weidner. Spring Branch Lodge President Sandra Duncan, left, visits with Grand President Buddy Preuss and wife Elizabeth during the July meeting. Chuck and Sharon Knibbe provided the meal. Members remained after the meeting for a few games of “Card Bingo.” Hope to see lots of members at the next meeting to be held Sept. 15 at the Bulverde Community Center beginning at 2:30 p.m. – Jane Wanke Hosts for the July meeting of Spring Branch Lodge were Chuck and Sharon Knibbe. New Braunfels will meet on Sept. 1 Kerrville to elect new officers in October NEW BRAUNFELS – New Braunfels Lodge No. 21 welcomed 14 new junior members at the Aug. 4 meeting. Agent Shirley Huebinger reported registration for dance classes was scheduled for Aug. 24. Jerome Vetter made a frame for the Grand Lodge Convention picture that is now displayed on the wall in the lodge hall. “Happy Birthday” was sung to the July and August celebrants, Virginia Vetter, Dorothy Moose, Ethan Colbert, Michael Huebinger, Violet Tanneberger, Dorothy Eickmann, Delbert Tanneberger and Jolene Meuret. Belated Happy Anniversary wishes went out to James and Leola Stolte who recently celebrated their 60th. Attendance-prize winners were Dennis Schwab, Violet Tanneberger, Jolene Meuret, Karen Harborth, Dorothy Eickmann, Shirley Huebinger, Virginia Vetter, Michael Huebinger, Dorella Colbert, Lenora Mueller, Leola Stolte and James Stolte. Members enjoyed the catered meal of pizza, salad and dessert hosted by James and Leola Stolte. The next meeting is scheduled for Sept. 1 at 3 p.m. at the lodge hall. Members are asked to bring a covered dish to go with hamburgers including potato salad, pasta salad, cole slaw or any other salad. – Virginia Vetter KERRVILLE – Kerrville Lodge No. 12 met Aug. 7 at the Ingram City Park Pavilion. The event started with a fish fry with members bringing their favorite side dish or dessert and family. Boyce Grona prepared the catfish for the members and their guests. Everyone agreed that the fish fry was a great idea and that he did an outstanding job. Those who did not attend missed a wonderful meal, a great location and, best of all, a great social event. During the short business meeting that followed the meal, members welcomed two new members. The next meeting will be held Oct. 2 in the Wells Fargo Bank Community Room, 301 Junction Highway, Kerrville. Officers will be elected so it is important that all Kerrville Lodge members consider attending. Rumor has it that Cajun gumbo is on the menu. – Reporter Coupland Lodge to host mayor at Sept. 3 meeting James and Leola Stolte recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. They are members of New Braunfels Lodge. Members of New Braunfels Lodge celebrating summer birthdays were recognized at the August meeting. They are Jolene Meuret, Delbert Tanneberger, Violet Tanneberger, Michael Huebinger, Dorothy Moose, Virginia Vetter, Dorothy Eickmann and Ethan Colbert. COUPLAND – Coupland Lodge No. 113 will meet Tuesday, Sept. 3, at 2 p.m. at the Coupland Fire Station. Coupland Mayor Jack Piper will be the guest speaker. Members also will play dominoes. All members are welcome to attend and are asked to bring snacks. – Reporter August 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 33 www.hermannsons.org Brenham Lodge makes donations to pantry, hospice Jack and Betty Schramm of Brenham Lodge No. 6 celebrated 42 years of marriage in July. At the July meeting, Special Representative Gary Falkenberg reminded members the Hermann Sons float is available for parades by contacting the Marketing Department. Celebrating July birthdays from Brenham Lodge No. 6 were, from left, Gilbert Spinn, Evelyn Haack, Ora Nell Kuretsch and Melvin Meinecke. At the July meeting, a meal of brisket and the trimmings was served. Dale Guerrero, Richard and Pearlie Hanath, Elwood Jaster, Marvin and Joyce Marburger and Robert and Jeanette Preuss prepared the meal. In observance of Join Hands Day, Brenham Lodge No. 6 members made a donation of non-perishable food items to Bread Partners. Pictured are, from left, Jeanette Preuss and Mr. and Mrs. T.K. Condron. At the July meeting, members also agreed to donate $250 to the local hospice organization. Isaac Leer sent a card thanking the lodge for sponsoring him to Boys' State. Giddings Lodge observes Flag Day with presentation GIDDINGS – Giddings Lodge No. 54 observed Flag Day at its July meeting. Giddings Scout Master Shannon Hunt and his sons, Coy and Eli, conducted the presentation of the U.S. and Texas flags. Coy and Eli carried in the flags as everyone stood. They then lead everyone in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Coy and Eli then demonstrated the proper folding and carrying of the flag. Shannon described the proper way to salute the flag, a brief history of the flag, flag trivia and other information including the ceremony for proper disposal of flags that are no longer serviceable. Welcomed by way of transfer were Phillip Alexander, Virgil Alexander and William Budnik. Grand Vice President-Marketing Tim Kolbe and his wife, Cheryl, were introduced. Brother Kolbe shared a little about himself and his family. He noted that the lodge has 740 adult and 149 junior members in good standing. He presented Michael Booher with his TOP Recommender pin from 2012. The Booher family was recognized as a 100% Hermann Sons Family. Brother Kolbe would have presented 60-year membership pins to Waldine Ebner, a member since Sept. 13, 1953; E.M. Domaschk Jr., a member since Sept. 24, 1953; and Carol Green, a member since Dec. 3, 1953, but none of those members were present. A thank you card was received from St. Margaret’s Relay For Life Team for the $100 donation. Willie Mae Meyer reported sending a card to Albert Schautschick and will be sending a sympathy card to the family of Evelyn Steglich. Jean Herzik celebrated her birthday in June and James and Linda Tate celebrated their anniversary in June. Cash door prize winners were Linda Tate, Bernice Bittner and Laverne Urban. A pillow made by Brenda Potter from a couple of Hermann Sons scarves was won Michael Booher and son Wyatt were recognized at the Giddings Lodge meeting in July. Grand Vice President-Marketing Tim Kolbe presented Michael with his TOP Recommender Pin for 2012 and the family was recognized for being a 100% Hermann Sons Family. Boy Scout Coy Hunt and Cub Scout Eli Hunt present the flags of the United States and Texas prior to the start of the July Giddings Lodge meeting. They are the sons of Scout Master Shannon Hunt and Giddings Lodge member Christine Hunt. by Jean Herzik. Hot dogs and homemade ice cream were served. – Reporter Converse members celebrate special occasions CONVERSE – Converse Lodge No. 157 members have celebrated two important occasions in recent weeks. Congratulations to Karen Sullivan and Travis Viator who were united in marriage on June 23 at the Annunciation Church in St. Hedwig. The bride is the daughter of Brian and Maxine Sullivan and the groom is the son of Skip Viator and Jana Viator. The reception that included dinner and dancing was held at the La Vernia Chamber of Commerce Hall in La Vernia. After a honeymoon cruise Karen and Travis are mak- ing their home in St. Hedwig. Christopher and Danielle Grinnan are the proud parents of a baby girl, Ella Grace, born July 18. Donna and Cullen Grinnan are the happy grandparents and Dorothy Boeck is the great-grandmother. – Reporter Winners of door prizes at the Giddings Lodge meeting in July were, from left, Linda Tate, Jean Herzik, Bernice Bittner and Laverne Urban. Page 34 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2013 www.hermannsons.org McGregor presents scholarships, next meeting Sept. 4 McGREGOR – McGregor Lodge No. 132 members and guests enjoyed ice cream and all the extras at the August meeting. It tasted great and hit the spot on a very hot day. Thank you notes were read from scholarship recipients Baylee Lange and Tori Britten. The lodge had previously received notes from Lauren Sandersen and Jakob Wolf. Baylee Lange graduated from Robinson High School and will be attending Alvin Junior College in League City. She is the granddaughter of Henry and Vivian Lange. Tori Britten is a graduate of McGregor High School. She is the granddaughter of Al and Hermine Wolf. Lauren Sandersen graduated from Clements High School and will be attending Baylor University where she will major in finance. She hopes to attend law school after that. She is the granddaughter of Leona Baylee Lange Tori Britten Lauren Sandersen Jakob Wolf Hendrickson. Jakob Wolf is a graduate of Stephenville High School and will be attending McLennan Community College in Waco and then transfer to Texas A&M-Corpus Christi where he will study inland fisheries and ichthyology. Jakob is the grandson of Al and Hermine Wolf. Leona Hendrickson read a note from the Grand Lodge thanking the lodge for its monthly contribution to “Hugs from Home.” Congratulations go to Matthew and Shasta Sneed on the arrival of their baby girl, Elizabeth. Happy grandparents are John and Teresa Sneed and great-grandmother is Leona Hendrickson. Hermine Wolf reported mail- ing get-well cards to Peggy Thane and Charlie Johnson. Jerry Thane was scheduled for eye surgery. Sympathy is extended to the family of Wesley Grube, a member of Waco-Robinson Lodge No. 4. Happy Anniversary wishes go to Harry and Vivian Lange on 64 years of marriage. Celebrating birthdays at the meeting were Leona Hendrickson, Henry Lange and Harry Witt. Door prize winners were Janet Schmalriede and Charles McAnelly. Hamburgers will be on the menu for the Sept. 4 meeting. It begins at 6 p.m. at the Sneed Building. Make plans to attend. – Doris Mooney Rutersville barbecue will raise funds for fire department RUTERSVILLE – Rutersville Lodge No. 152 met Wednesday, Aug. 7, with members enjoying pizza and homemade ice cream before the meeting. Jo Ann Mueller, Sherry Noak and Weldon and Lee Ann Hartmann made the ice cream. Jo Ann Mueller reported sending sympathy cards to Leroy and Carolyn Bennetsen following the loss of his sister. A card will be sent to Mr. Briscoe following the loss of his wife. Mr. Briscoe has the “This Is It Band” that always plays for the lodge’s September barbecue. A get-well card was sent to Marilyn Gest and cards will be sent to Roy Brendle and Aurleen Kaspar who are hospitalized. Agent Linda Mattocks and husband Jim were in attendance. She reminded everyone that the lodge needs four more new members to meet its goal for the year. Sheron and Chip Citzler were also visiting. Correspondence was received from AMEN thank- ing the lodge for the nonperishable food items donated in May in observance of Join Hands Day. Welcomed as a new member was Aimee Zbranek. Amy Sivek Bertsch has transferred to Plum Lodge No. 238. Gavin Noak reported that he had a great time at Hermann Sons Youth Camp and is ready to go again next year. He received second place in riflery and enjoyed swimming. Plans were made for the annual Chicken and Sausage Barbecue to be held Saturday, Sept. 28. Proceeds from the cake walk will go to the La Grange Fire Department along with matching funds from the Grand Lodge. There also will be a live auction and live music by the “This Is It Band.” Serving begins at 5 p.m. Plates will be $4 for children and $8.50 for adults. To go plates are $8.50. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, Sept. 4. Members are asked to bring a main dish and side or dessert for the potluck meal. – Reporter Erwin Bayer celebrated his birthday in August. He is a member of Rutersville Lodge. The other birthday celebrant was Joyce Faldyn, not pictured. Celebrating a birthday at the July Rutersville Lodge meeting were, from left, Wayne Noak and Loretta Brugger. Celebrating anniversaries in July were Greg and Christy Noak and Darlene and El Gene Weyand. Austin Lodge will host New Year's Eve dance AUSTIN – Austin Lodge No. 120 met Sunday, Aug. 4, and welcomed a new member, Ayla Tondre. Members were told of the passing of a longtime member, Fannie Salyer. Also, it was reported that Annie Rogers’ sister had passed away. Members agreed to host a New Year’s Eve Dance. President Ed Kurtz talked about the Hermann Sons Youth Camp Alumni Organization. Membership in this organization is open to past staff members and past campers who want to stay connected to Camp and help its future through the donation of funds for Camp enhancement projects. Please contact President Kurtz if you would like an application to pass on to former campers. Members celebrating August birthdays were Barbara Blackmon, Chester Eklund, Ed Kurtz, Maurice Maluschka and Edna Groeschel. Walter Bartosh won the kitty and Brother Kurtz received the attendance prize. After the meeting adjourned, a covered dish meal was served. The next meeting will be held Sept. 8. A spaghetti dinner will be served following the meeting and members are asked to furnish desserts. – Reporter August 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 35 www.hermannsons.org Gonzales presents scholarships, membership pins GONZALES – Gonzales Lodge No. 175 members met in July and welcomed Grand Vice PresidentFraternal Kim Krueger who presented a 70-year membership pin to Esther Tichavsky and 50-year pins to Jerry Oakes and Wanda Sanders. President Margaret Zella presented scholarships to two Gonzales High School seniors, Kiley Braune and Brie Schauer. The lodge welcomed two new junior members, Ashley Berger and Almira Nanez, and a new adult member, Vlasta Pirkle. A thank you note was sent to the Go Texan Committee for the donation of the stage curtain. Door prizes were awarded and members enjoyed a meal of fried chicken and side dishes provided by the members. – Reporter Gonzales Lodge presented scholarships to Kiley Braune and Brie Schauer this year. They are pictured with lodge President Margaret Zella, left, and Grand Vice President-Fraternal Kim Krueger, right. Esther Tichavsky, center, accepts her 70-year membership pin from Gonzales Lodge President Margaret Zella, left, and Grand Vice President-Fraternal Kim Krueger, right. Sister Tichavsky has been a member since Nov. 14, 1943. Shelby will present pins Jerry Oakes accepts his 50-year membership pin from Gonzales Lodge President Margaret Zella, left, and Grand Vice President-Fraternal Kim Krueger, right. Brother Oakes has been a member since Jan. 4, 1963. Wanda Sanders accepts her 50-year membership pin from Gonzales Lodge President Margaret Zella, left, and Grand Vice President-Fraternal Kim Krueger, right. SHELBY – Shelby Lodge No. 28 met in July. Don Huebner gave a brief report on the Grand Lodge Convention held in Corpus Christi. Special Representative Gary Falkenberg shared information about the use of the Hermann Sons float. He encouraged lodges to use the float if it is available at the time of their function. In observance of Join Hands Day, members agreed to assist the Shelby Cemetery Association in repainting the shelter used for funerals. Those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries were recognized. Winners of door prizes were Weldon Klaus, Flora Marek, Corinne Rudloff, Lois Wunderlich and Oscar Voelkel. Social hosts, serving Blue Bell ice cream and other snacks, were Betty and Don Huebner and Katie Schulze. The September meeting will be held at noon instead of the normal evening meeting time. Members receiving their 50- and 60-year membership pins will be recognized. A meal will be served. Members may bring a dessert. – Reporter Comfort will hold barbecue on Sept. 8 at Hilltop Camp COMFORT – Comfort Lodge No. 2 met at the VFW Hall on July 8. Grand President/ CEO Buddy Preuss spoke about membership dues and how they benefit the community and the members. Members voted to sponsor one bowler for the Hermann Sons Youth Camp-Shannon Leigh Gaffney Scholarship Fund Bowl-a-Thon held Aug. 10. President Connie Spenrath thanked the residents from the Retirement Home who helped set up for the meeting. The lodge’s Family Barbecue will be held Sunday, Sept. 8, in the Hilltop Camp Dining Hall. The social will begin at 3 p.m. and the meal catered by Bill Miller BBQ will be served at 5:30 p.m. Pioneer members will be honored before the meal. Dancers and prospective dancers can “meet the teacher” at 4 p.m. There is still time to register for dance classes! – Reporter Lynette and Arthur Koennecke celebrated 55 years of marriage recently. They are members of Comfort Lodge. Celebrating special occasions at the July Shelby Lodge meeting were, seated, from left, Maxine Rudloff, Flora Marek, back, from left, Weldon Klaus, Wendell Rudloff, Oscar Voelkel and August Voelkel. The Rudloffs were celebrating an anniversary. The others were celebrating a birthday. Page 36 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2013 www.hermannsons.org Cibolo Lodge holds annual memorial service CIBOLO – Cibolo Lodge No. 147 traditionally holds its Memorial Service during the August meeting. Once again, Vice President Sherry Rakowitz conducted the service. Thanks go to her for a moving ceremony and to Anthony and A.J. Schneider who coordinated the audio-visual portion of the program. This year’s ceremony honored Catherine M. Cross, Sophie D. Burdett, Milton F. Burow, Viola E. Niemietz, Irene Friesenhahn, Lucille Wohlfahrt and Wayne Wiggs. Grand President Buddy Preuss attended the meeting. He announced that lodge member Gail Gray has been appointed to the Fraternal Activities Committee. This committee has been charged with “getting members engaged.” Welcomed as new junior members were Selah Brewer, Kennadie Brown, Emma Kilpatrick, Alexi Banks, Addisyn Rushlow, McKayla Buitron, The family of Milton Burow is pictured with Grand President Buddy Preuss after the Cibolo Lodge Memorial Service. Nell and Cliff Shepherd celebrate their 53rd wedding anniversary in August. They are members of Cibolo Lodge. Cheyanne Kuhlman celebrates her fifth birthday in August. She is a member of Cibolo Lodge. Melanie Buitron, Holden Hughes, Lilly Ann Mauldin and William Mauldin. Members are reminded to bring their donations of personal care items for the Make a Difference Day project. Also, President John Gray asked everyone to start securing Attendance prize winners were Arnold Katzer, Anthony Schneider and Zane Gray. Gail Gray was the winner of the special prize drawing pot of $52. September’s pot starts all over at $25. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 5, at Harmon’s Bar-B-Que. Hope lots of members plan to attend. Planning for the Christmas party begins next month. It’s always a fun event and one of the highlights of the year! Please watch this newsletter for ticket information. – Joy Brown prizes for the Scholarship Raffle. Congratulations go to Nell and Cliff Shepherd who celebrate their 53rd anniversary in August. Celebrating their ninth are Scott and Darla Stevens. Cheyanne Kuhlman turns 5 this month and is anxious to start kindergarten! Fredericksburg has new member Jim and Donna Sureddin celebrate their wedding anniversary in August. They are members of Albert Kypfer Lodge. Celebrating an August birthday at the Albert Kypfer Lodge meeting were David Schumann and Florence Schumann. Albert Kypfer meets Sept. 6 CLEAR SPRINGS – Albert Kypfer Lodge No. 106 met Aug. 2 and welcomed five new junior members, Jordan L. Kammerer, Molly Clark, Blake Hunter Martinez, Mallory Velasquez and Bradli Mae Schindler. A moment of silence was observed in memory of Milton Schuetz, Joyce Schaefer and Gilbert Ward. Nelrose Koepp reported sending a get-well card to Lu Ludwig and sympathy cards to the families of Arvilla Blohm, Milton Schuetz, Joyce Schaefer and Gilbert Ward. Donations were made in their memory. Celebrating an August birthday were David Schumann and Florence Schumann. Celebrating an August anniversary were Donna and Jim Sureddin, 22 years. Attendance prizes went to Dorothy Mueller, David Schumann, Nelrose Koepp, Celeste Salge and Noland Koepp. The next meeting will be held Sept. 6. Members are asked to bring their favorite casseroles, salads or dessert. – Darline Preiss FREDERICKSBURG – Fredericksburg Lodge No. 41 members met Aug. 6 and welcomed new member Verna Castaneda. The lodge also welcomes Anthony Meurer and Katelyn Meurer by way of transfer Members signed condolence cards to send to the families of Kenneth Knopp and Calvin Moehle who passed away recently. Celebrating birthdays in August are Steven Weinheimer, E.L. Hohmann and Frances Hartmann. Wedding anniversary celebrants in August are Elgin and Mildred Grona, 65 years, and Harold and Joanne Kusenberger, 66 years. Vice President Hans Enderlin thanked everyone for bringing food for the covered dish meal. Attendance-prize winners were Wanda Starns, Frances Hartmann, E.L. Hohmann and Adolph Basse. The next meeting will be held Sept. 3. The lodge will furnish barbecue and members are asked to bring a side dish. – Reporter Fredericksburg Lodge members celebrating anniversaries in August are, from left, Harold and Joanne Kusenberger and Mildred and Elgin Grona. Fredericksburg Lodge members celebrating birthdays in August are, from left, E.L. Hohmann, Frances Hartmann and Steven Weinheimer. August 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 37 www.hermannsons.org Rosenberg-Richmond plans sausage meal for Oct. 14 ROSENBERG – On Aug. 12, Rosenberg-Richmond Lodge No. 85 met at the Rosenberg Civic Center with 56 members and guests in attendance for ice cream and a game night. Edwin and Loyce Anderson were in charge of the kitchen. Robbie Hartfiel gave the blessing. Members celebrating birthdays in July and August were Annie Zak, Margaret Maynard, Janie Sitka, Gaynell Blahuta, Bennie Richter, Jerlene Anderson, Cary Lamensky, Barbara Schmidt, Lynette Atkins and Tom Atkins. Members celebrating anniversaries in July and August were Eugene and Willie Mae Nesvadba, Otto and LaVerne Tiemann, Johnnie and Annie Zak and W. Lee and Barbara Schmidt. A moment of silence was observed in memory of Ellen Celebrating birthdays in July and August from RosenbergRichmond Lodge were, from left, Annie Zak, Margaret Maynard, Janie Sitka, Gaynell Blahuta, Bennie Richter, Jerlene Anderson, Cary Lamensky, Barbara Schmidt, Lynette Atkins and Tom Atkins. Pavlock and Mable Sebesta. Marjorie Engelhardt reported get-well cards had been sent to Theresa Lamensky, Calvin Lamensky, Marie Stryk, Otto Tiemann and Dolores Kueck. A sympathy card was sent to Albert Pavlock. The next meeting is scheduled for Oct. 14. Sausage and sauerkraut are on the menu and members are asked to bring desserts. – Reporter Rosenberg-Richmond Lodge recently donated 40 cases of bottled water to the Rosenberg Fire Department. Lodge President Calvin Lamensky is pictured with some of the Rosenberg firemen. Sept. 8 at Embrey Home Highland Lakes to celebrate anniversary HIGHLAND HAVEN – The next meeting of Highland Lakes Lodge No. 317 will be held Sunday, Sept. 8, beginning with social time at noon. The meeting begins at 1 p.m. and the meal follows. This will be the 32nd anniversary celebration of the lodge. Instead of meeting at the Kingsland Community Center, this meeting will be held at the home of Jim and Terry Embrey located at 224 Flamingo Circle, Highland Haven, just off RR 1431 between Marble Falls and Kingsland. The customary anniversary meal of steaks and baked pota- toes will be provided. Members are asked to bring a side dish or dessert. If you plan to attend RSVP to 830-598-8156 or by email to blackjack@nctv.com. A head count is needed for the steaks. Hope to see lots of members on Sept. 8. Moulton features float in parade The Hermann Sons float was featured in the Moulton Town and Country Jamboree on Sunday, July 28. James and Henrietta Lowak pulled the float. Riders included Moulton Lodge No. 59 President Barbara Anderle and her two grandsons, Hunter and Greyson. Secretary/Treasurer Allyne Chapman rode with grandchildren Bryana and Bridgett Sandlin and Abby Adams and great-grandchildren Aaidyn Ramirez, Lea Ramirez, Kaylynn Traylor and Brandon Ramirez, not pictured. Celebrating July and August anniversaries from RosenbergRichmond Lodge were, from left, Eugene and Willie Mae Nesvadba, LaVerne and Otto Tiemann, Annie and Johnnie Zak, Barbara and W. Lee Schmidt. Moulton Lodge No. 59 members celebrating July birthdays were, from left, Evelyn Kubicek, Barbara Anderle, Gladys Seifert and LaVerne Wagner. Stephan Seifert presents the 50-50 winnings to lucky winner Carol Selzer. Also pictured are Gladys Seifert and Evelyn Kubicek at the July meeting of Moulton Lodge No. 59. Page 38 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2013 www.hermannsons.org Anton Wenzel's Crispy Chicken Taco Dinner is Sept. 13 SAN ANTONIO – Anton Wenzel Lodge No. 174 met Aug. 6. Members are reminded meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. Call Merlinda Elizondo at 223-1491 for more information. Welcomed as new members were Colton D. Allen and Gavin P. Prescott. The lodge will hold its annual Crispy Chicken Taco Dinner on Sept. 13 from 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Plates will be sold for $5 each and will include two tacos, rice, beans and tortillas. Orders for five or more plates can be delivered. There will be a bake sale and door prizes will be awarded. The membership drawing is now worth $230. The name drawn this month was that of Bruce W. Boehle. He was not there to claim his prize so his name went back into the barrel. Celebrating birthdays were Lorene Kreusel and Eugene Kellner. Lady on the Spot Lorene Kreusel, with assistance from Mia Murray, drew the lucky number of Salina Barrientes. Five tickets were purchased to support Vineta Lodge No. 15’s Ice Cream Social. The tickets were given away as door prizes and the winners were Larry Raute, Delmus Brau, Elida Silva, Rebecca Barrientes and Gus Hansel. Members enjoyed a lasagna dinner prepared by Diane Burns and Larry Burns. Hamburgers will be served at the September meeting. Members are asked to bring a covered dish or dessert. – Reporter Celebrating birthdays at the August meeting of Anton Wenzel Lodge were, from left, Gene Kellner and Lorene Kreusel. They are pictured with lodge President Emma Moya. Salina Barrientes, left, receives her split-the-pot winnings from Lorene Kreusel at the August meeting of Anton Wenzel Lodge. Also pictured is Mia Murray. Gay Hill steak supper a success GAY HILL – Gay Hill Lodge No. 193 met Thursday, Aug. 1. Dennis and Doris Penkert, Tricia Kelm and Ruth Ganske prepared beef tips. Stanley Klekar and Bobby Lehde celebrate August birthdays while Milton and Elvera Drews (55 years) and George and Walline Lorenz (49 years) celebrate August anniversaries. The Cheer Committee reported sending a card to Diane Merkel. The July Sirloin Steak Supper fund-raiser was reported to be a success. Thanks go to Doris and David Roehling and Robert Ziese for mowing and Bobby Lehde for repairs. A soup and salad potluck meal will be served at the September meeting. – Reporter Celebrating their special days at the August meeting of Gay Hill Lodge were, from left, Bobby Lehde, Stanley Klekar, George and Walline Lorenz and Elvera and Milton Drews. Hosting the Gay Hill Lodge meeting in August were, from left, Tricia Kelm, Ruth Ganske and Doris and Dennis Penkert. Winners of tickets to the Vineta Lodge No. 15 Ice Cream Social at the Anton Wenzel Lodge meeting were, from left, Larry Raute, Delmus Brau, Past President Gus Hansel, Elida Silva and Rebecca Barrientes. Also pictured is Mia Murray. Anton Wenzel Lodge members visited with residents at the Retirement Home in July. They joined them for lunch and then hosted a games party in the rec room. Helotes will meet Oct. 6 HELOTES – Helotes Lodge No. 76 is sponsoring a Wounded Warrior Octoberfest at the Fisher House at SSAMC on Friday, Oct. 18, beginning at 6 p.m. Members are asked to contact Rebecca Henley at 210-7238939 if they can cook or serve or help with the face painting or any of the other family activities. Plans are under way to change the lodge’s meeting day and time. Members will vote on the final change at the December meeting. At this time the proposal is to meet quarterly in the months of March, June, September and December on the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. beginning in 2014. At the August meeting, attendance prizes were won by Rebecca Henley, Carl Gass, Susie Michalczak, Mary Lee Sloan and Charlie Sloan. The names of five members were drawn for the progressive prize of $360 but Caitlyn A. Horvath, Anel Aljandra Flores Ibarra, Tawny S. Carter, Elouise V. Cooley and Tracy Dawn White were not in attendance. The next meeting will be held Sunday, Oct. 6, at 1 p.m. The progressive prize will be worth $370. E.J. Menn is hosting and fried chicken is on the menu. Members are asked to bring a side dish. The host will provide dessert – Reporter Caitlyn Gass, a junior member of Helotes Lodge, visited her brother, K.C. Gass, in the Caribbean this summer. She is the daughter of lodge President Carl Gass. www.hermannsons.org Marketing Grand Vice President-MarketinG timothy P. kolbe 210-527-9113 or 1-877-437-6266 or 1-888-839-7667 MarketinG anaLYst ana Vasquez, Fic, FLMi, acs, airc 210-527-9113 or 1-877-437-6266 or 1-888-839-7667 adMinistratiVe assistant Megan Valdez 210-527-9113 or 1-877-437-6266 or 1-888-839-7667 August 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 39 sPeciaL rePresentatiVes Gary R. Falkenberg, FICF ..... Houston.............. 713-466-6069 or 979-530-3059 (cell) Carol Krauss, FIC ................. San Antonio ........ 210-725-4106 or 830-914-3383 (cell) or email: carolk@texashermannsons.org Teresa Saathoff .................... San Antonio ........ 210-276-0361 or 210-422-6996 (cell) Alfred Stryk, FICF, LUTCF .... Pearland ............. 281-485-4095 Marilyn Vogt, FIC ................ Boerne ................ 210-630-9874 email: marilynv@texashermannsons.org Roster of Agents (alphabetized by area) name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hometown . . . . . Phone Pruski, Roxy . . . . . . . . . . .Adkins. . . . . . . . . 210-667-1995 Krueger, Eulla May . . . . . .Atascosa . . . . . . . 830-985-3643 Faske, Shirley Kuhen . . . . .Austin . . . . . . . . . 512-288-7326 Skanse, Richard . . . . . . . . .Austin/Buda. . . . . 512-923-7514 Skanse, Susan . . . . . . . . . .Austin/Buda. . . . . 512-312-2431 Heath, Eileen - FIC . . . . . .Bandera. . . . . . . . 210-392-0761 Heath, Paul – FIC . . . . . . .Bandera. . . . . . . . 210-392-0760 Laechelin, H.H. Jr.. . . . . . .Beeville . . . . . . . . 361-358-1615 Herridge, Robert . . . . . . . .Bellville. . . . . . . . 979-865-3702 Maertz, Terrel . . . . . . . . . .Bernardo/Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979-732-1727 Behrendt, Carl . . . . . . . . . .Boerne/Fair Oaks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210-422-1159 Rozacky, Lisa. . . . . . . . . . .Boerne . . . . . . . . 210-838-3306 Akin, Katherine – FIC . . . .Bryan . . . . . . . . . 979-823-8625 Blinka, Donnie . . . . . . . . .Caldwell . . . . . . 979-596-1309 Duncan, Sandra . . . . . . . .Canyon Lake . . . . 830-905-3233 Mockert, Kimberly Ann . . .Canyon Lake . . . . 210-218-5149 Boehme, Glenford – FIC . .Castroville . . . . . . 830-931-3227 Schulmeier, Judith – FIC . .Cibolo/Schertz. . . 210-667-1938 Bruns, Normagene – FIC . .Comfort . . . . . . . 830-995-3980 Merchant, Jean . . . . . . . . .Comfort. . . . . . . . 830-995-3396 Boenig, Dan . . . . . . . . . . .Converse . . . . . . . 210-705-1815 Brandon, Frank . . . . . . . . .Corpus Christi . . 361-241-5593 Hunt, DeWayne . . . . . . . .Corpus Christi . . . 361-242-3183 Hunt, Lena Pearl . . . . . . . .Corpus Christi . . . 361-241-0940 Tiffin, Laura . . . . . . . . . . . .Cuero . . . . . . . . . 361-275-8421 Tiffin, Wayne . . . . . . . . . . .Cuero . . . . . . . . . 361-275-8421 Burnett, Jimmy . . . . . . . . .Dallas . . . . . . . . . 972-514-2301 Carroll, Melody . . . . . . . . .Dallas . . . . . . . . . 214-766-2457 Manning, Tammy . . . . . . .Dallas/Rockwall . 469-682-2118 Martin, Patrick . . . . . . . . . .Dallas . . . . . . . . . 315-834-2679 Fritz, Pat – FIC . . . . . . . . .Del Rio . . . . . . . 432-292-4483 Stricker, Dianna "Dee". . . .Devine . . . . . . . . 210-414-0293 Matlock, Sam . . . . . . . . . .Edna/Jackson Co. 361-782-3206 Wigginton, Dennis . . . . . .El Campo . . . . . . 832-278-9636 Wigginton, Donald . . . . . .El Campo . . . . . . 361-293-9937 Krieg, Frances . . . . . . . . . .Elgin . . . . . . . . . . 512-281-2735 Gill, Tammy R. . . . . . . . . .Ellinger . . . . . . . . 713-478-8917 Cutsinger, Elizabeth . . . . . .Floresville/Poth . . 830-484-2285 Roemer, Shirley . . . . . . . . .Floresville . . . . . . 830-237-2115 Wiede, Lynn . . . . . . . . . . .Floresville . . . . . . 830-393-9663 Jones, Sandra Kay – FIC. . .Fort Worth . . . . . 817-295-2666 Duecker, Windy . . . . . . . . Fredericksburg. . . 830-997-2983 Henke, Dennis . . . . . . . . .Fredericksburg . . 830-997-5290 Huepers, Richard . . . . . . .Galveston/Texas City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409-771-5716 Caron, Sheila. . . . . . . . . . .George West . . . . 361-449-3034 Caron, Tracy . . . . . . . . . . .George West . . . . 361-449-0348 Klein, Bradley . . . . . . . . . .Georgetown . . . . 512-497-0678 Chilek, Loretta – FIC . . . . .Giddings . . . . . . . 979-542-2806 Kieschnick, Linda – FIC . . .Giddings . . . . . . . 979-542-5224 Polasek, Bobbie . . . . . . . .Gonzales . . . . . . 830-672-6317 Polasek, Greg . . . . . . . . . .Gonzales. . . . . . . 830-540-4812 Wolf, David. . . . . . . . . . . .Graham/Wichita Falls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 940-549-1281 Embrey, Jim - FIC. . . . . . . .Highland Lakes . . 830-598-8156 Payne, Debbie . . . . . . . . . .Hondo. . . . . . . . . 830-741-0642 Saathoff, Howard. . . . . . . .Hondo. . . . . . . . . 830-741-2170 Saathoff, Stacy . . . . . . . . . .Hondo. . . . . . . . . 830-426-5825 Ziemnicki, Gerald M. . . . .Houston . . . . . . . 713-622-9001 Weiss, Gilbert – FIC . . . . .Johnson City . . . . 830-868-5567 Craig, Valerie C. . . . . . . . .Jourdanton . . . . . 830-769-3128 Vick, Valerie M.. . . . . . . . .Jourdanton . . . . . 210-748-5598 Wiede, Lillian – FIC. . . . . .Jourdanton . . . . . 830-769-3481 Swize, Russell F. . . . . . . . .Karnes City . . . . . 830-780-3701 Terp, Diane . . . . . . . . . . . .Karnes City/Seguin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 830-379-0170 Cluck, David E. . . . . . . . . .Kaufman/Ennis . . 972-932-6284 Muehlstein, Mary E. . . . . .Kerrville . . . . . . . 830-896-5750 Lambrecht, M.H. – FIC . . .Kirby . . . . . . . . . 210-661-3800 Netherton, Angela . . . . . . .Kirby . . . . . . . . . . 210-831-1293 Dicke, Hank Jr. . . . . . . . . .Knippa . . . . . . . . 830-486-5308 Bippert, Roger . . . . . . . . . .La Coste . . . . . . . 210-473-4936 Meinen, Charlene . . . . . . .La Grange . . . . . . 979-968-6049 Tanneberger, Sharon – FIC La Vernia . . . . . . 830-779-4641 Tanneberger, Marlin, FIC . .La Vernia . . . . . . . 830-779-4641 Bielke, Lorene – FIC . . . . .Marion . . . . . . . . 830-420-2380 Croley, Charles . . . . . . . . .Maxwell . . . . . . . 512-357-6638 Wolf, Albert H. . . . . . . . . .McGregor . . . . . . 254-848-2052 Bosse, Carol – FIC . . . . . . .Needville . . . . . . 979-793-4777 Carley, Becki . . . . . . . . . . .New Braunfels . . 830-214-6365 Gagliardi, Cecilia "CC" . . .New Braunfels . . 830-620-1060 Huebinger, Shirley . . . . . .New Braunfels . . 830-822-1942 Muehlstein, Rhonda – FIC New Braunfels . . 830-980-3162 Salge, Josh. . . . . . . . . . . . .New Braunfels . . 830-708-6611 Salge, Raymond H. . . . . . .New Braunfels . . 830-625-6789 Salge, Timothy . . . . . . . . .New Braunfels . . 830-625-4816 Janicek, Blake . . . . . . . . . .Nixon-Smiley . . . 830-582-1581 Gebert, Paula. . . . . . . . . . .Orange Grove . . . 361-384-2375 Dube, RaChelle. . . . . . . . .Paige . . . . . . . . . . 512-740-3518 Dubcak, Julius . . . . . . . . . .Pflugerville . . . . . 512-272-8393 Wiede, Robert M. . . . . . . .Pleasanton. . . . . . 830-569-4590 Spencer, Sarah. . . . . . . . . .Port Lavaca . . . . . 361-552-9403 Walraven, Nancy Annette .Port Lavaca . . . . . 361-552-9403 Witzsche, Ruth M. – FIC .Priddy . . . . . . . . . 325-966-3757 York, Judy Marie . . . . . . . .Rockdale . . . . . . . 512-446-5914 Lamensky, Joyce . . . . . . . .Rosenberg . . . . . . 281-342-5174 Mattocks, Linda . . . . . . . . .Round Top/Rutersville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979-278-3277 Halfmann, Kay F.. . . . . . . .Rowena. . . . . . . . 325-442-4731 Abell, Philip A. . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-771-1213 Bailey, J.V. – FIC . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-333-4640 Bailey, Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-602-5147 Gaffney, Martin . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-861-3676 Hess, Katherine . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-490-1520 Hoog, John . . . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-226-8801 Irwin, Darlene . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-521-5204 Klabunde, Clifton – FIC . . .San Antonio . . . . 830-980-4020 Larned, Jack O., Jr. . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-646-6500 McNeel, Jim . . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-601-2097 Moya, Emma . . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-344-3935 Nino, Ricardo . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-409-7979 Saathoff, Doug . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-273-0361 Sterner, Greg . . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-363-0373 Trejo, Veronica . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-710-0932 Kuhen, Janice . . . . . . . . . .San Marcos . . . . . 512-396-5337 Seifert, Mary K. . . . . . . . .Schulenburg/Weimar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979-743-0312 Schwertner, Irene. . . . . . . .Schwertner . . . . . 254-527-4470 Griffin, Joanie . . . . . . . . . .Sealy . . . . . . . . . . 979-398-0706 Perkovich, Susan Kay. . . . .Seguin . . . . . . . . . 830-303-3496 Roecker, Annette D.. . . . . .Seguin . . . . . . . . . 830-832-0724 Witten, Larry . . . . . . . . . . .Seguin . . . . . . . . . 830-303-5564 Ynfante, Tina B. . . . . . . . . .Seguin . . . . . . . . . 210-859-1973 Jiral, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . .Shiner . . . . . . . . . 361-594-2553 Scheler, Nelson . . . . . . . . .Smithville . . . . . . 512-798-7038 Prewitt, Robert . . . . . . . . .Spring/Montgomery County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 832-541-5102 Gass, Gloria . . . . . . . . . . .Spring Branch . . 830-885-4405 Reeves, Jennifer . . . . . . . . .Spring Branch . . . 210-416-3410 Luensmann, Dorothy – FIC St. Hedwig . . . . . 830-914-3160 Wiatrek, Ronald . . . . . . . .Stockdale . . . . . . 830-996-3005 High, Lynda K. . . . . . . . . .Sweetwater . . . . . 325-235-3637 Teichelman, Howard Jr. . . .Taylor . . . . . . . . . 512-365-1991 Matula, Margie – FIC . . . .Victoria . . . . . . . 361-575-0820 Thigpen, Laura . . . . . . . . .Victoria/Yoakum . 361-676-8307 Jungman, Bob . . . . . . . . . .Yoakum . . . . . . . . 361-293-7224 Langhoff, John . . . . . . . . . .Yoakum . . . . . . . . 361-293-6159 Wolf, Judy . . . . . . . . . . . .Yorktown. . . . . . . 361-564-2452 Page 40– Hermann SonS newS – August 2013 www.hermannsons.org Hermann Sons Future Club Shining Stars BRIANNA KRUEGER is a member of Macdona Lodge No. 198. She is in third grade. Her favorite food is sushi and her favorite TV show is "Adventure Time." Brianna has a pet cat, Rue. Her activities include dance, cheer and tumbling. BRAYDEN KRUEGER is a member of Macdona Lodge No. 198. He is in fifth grade. His favorite food is pizza and his favorite TV show is "Adventure Time." Brayden has a pet dog, Daisey. His activities include sports, soccer and baseball. KIEFER GING is a member of Coupland Lodge No. 113. He is in second grade. His favorite food is mac and cheese and his favorite TV show is "Finding Big Foot." Kiefer has a dog, Tiny, and a cat, Monster. His activities include baseball, flag football, bicycle riding and basketball. CADEN HANSON is a member of Macdona Lodge No. 198. He is in second grade. Bean and cheese tacos are his favorite and he likes to watch sports on TV. He has a pet dog and he enjoys all sports activities. SOPHIA McMURRAY is a member of La Vernia Lodge No. 180. She is in fifth grade. Her favorite TV show is "Say Yes to the Dress" and her favorite food is spaghetti with meatballs. Sophia has a pet cat, Harley. Her activities include softball, Girls Scouts, Odyssey of the Mind and rollersktaing. BRADY QUINN is a member of DaCosta Lodge No. 265. He is in kindergarten. His favorite foods are chicken nuggets and French fries. His favorite TV show is "Jake and the Neverland Pirates." Brady has pet cats, Booger and Smokey. His activities include playing soccer. KATY HERBER is a member of Paige Lodge No. 154. She is in fourth grade. Her favorite food is pizza and her favorite TV show is "Wheel of Fortune." Katy's activities include twirling. KELLIE KOZMA is a member of Richland Lodge No. 107. She is in fourth grade. Her favorite food is chips and salsa and her favorite TV show is "Gravity Falls." Kellie has a pet Beagle, Bo. Her activities include dance, violin and crafts for American Girl Dolls. What's the difference? You can be a Shining Star too! Just send us a photo of yourself (that we can keep) and fill out this form and send to: HSFI – Laura Adams, P.O. Box 1941, San Antonio, TX 78297. There are five things different between Picture A and Picture B. Can you find them all? Name: Birthday: Back to school word search Home Phone: Daytime Phone: Address: City: Zip: E-mail Address: Grade in school: Favorite Food: Pets: Favorite TV Show: Activities: It is OK with my parents that I am featured as a “Hermann’s Shining Star” in the Hermann Sons newspaper, website and any other advertising publications. Parent’s Signature: I am a member of Certificate No. Lodge No. Books Bus Crayons Glue Gym Learning Library Music Paper Playground Answers to puzzles on Pg. 18. Principal Reading Ruler School Science Scissors Spelling Student Study Writing