March 2015 - St. James United Methodist Church


March 2015 - St. James United Methodist Church
2945 Main Street, East Troy, WI 53120
Rev. Lorrin Radzik
Following the Cross
March 2015
Pastor’s Ponderings
Grace and Peace in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord! By the time you read this newsletter
article, you’ll know that we are in the midst of the season of Lent. This year, we’ve chosen to
focus our attention on the theme of Covenant. A Covenant is a promise made between two
parties. Throughout Lent we will be exploring some of the covenant relationships that occur
in Scripture. Our Bibles are full of examples of covenants between God and people, between
two or more groups of people, and between individuals. During this Lenten season, we’ll be
focusing our learning on some of these covenant stories.
Lent is also a time for us to think about the ways that we live into our covenant relationships. Through the life,
death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we are people of a new covenant, given new hope and salvation. Here at
St. James, we are also in covenant relationship with one another. As members and friends of this church
community, we live in relationship with one another. We seek to become a body of believers who challenge and
support one another – who build each other up and care for the needs in our community. And in the United
Methodist Church, we live out our covenant in a unique way, through the connectional nature of our church. We
are bound to one another, and we are designed to partner with and rely on each other throughout the connection,
both here in our community and around our annual conference, but also around the world through our giving and
prayers. The connectional system of the United Methodist Church binds us in covenant relationship to one
another and challenges us to begin thinking outside the box about the ways in which we can share in ministry
Our connectional, covenantal relationships are just one of the reasons that we are participating in the Imagine No
Malaria initiative during Lent this year. In the Wisconsin Annual Conference, we have challenged ourselves to
raise $1 million dollars for Imagine No Malaria this year. Our goal as a congregation is to raise $2000 dollars by
Easter Sunday – to save lives through the purchase of bed nets and lifesaving diagnostic testing and medication.
Every dollar counts. Just $2 will buy a diagnostic test, $5 will pay for lifesaving treatment, $10 provides a bed
net that can protect a family. How will you help make a difference and save lives this season, by giving up excess
and by living into the covenant that we have made together, as United Methodists?
Walking with you as we seek to save lives,
Pastor Lorrin
March 5th
March 12th
March 19th
March 26th
Joyce Reed
No one needed per manor
Dolores Rich & Friends
Brad Balgord
We were privileged to
serve 88 people at our
February 16th Second
Helpings meal, of meatball
stew, lettuce salad, rolls &
cherry pie, served by the Davis team (Jean & John
O'Brien, Lois Crubaugh, Dick Howes and Karen &
George Davis). Thank you to everyone for
volunteering to help & provide some of the food.
We still have several months to fill in for the year.
Please check the list on the bulletin board and
prayerfully consider serving one month. NIV bible,
Romans 12: 11-13: “Never be lacking in zeal, but
keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be
joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in
prayer. Share with God's people in need. Practice
The Second Helpings Committee
Don’t forget to bring your items
for the food pantry each Sunday!
These items are “always” needed
no matter what month or
season, they are:
Laundry soap, dish
soap, sugar, flour, and
cookies. The theme for March is: “Lunch or
Dinner,” the items needed this month are:
Boxed Potatoes, Hamburger Helper, Macaroni
and Cheese, Rice Products and Ramen
We know that you have been missing Impact!
over the past few months. Don’t worry – the wait is
over! Impact! is back! Join us on March 1, 2015
for an Impact! focusing on the season of Lent.
Together we’ll explore some common themes and
practices that can help us grow in our relationships
with God and with one another during this special
season of the church year. Plan to stay and join us
as we explore our faith together! See you there!
Children and
grandchildren are a blessing to us, especially
when we able to be their caregivers! As many of
you know, Maureen has requested and the SPRC
has approved a new four day work week for
Maureen, in order that she might care for her
granddaughter on Fridays each week. This
means that the Church Office will be open
Monday through Thursdays between the hours
of 9:30am and 4:30pm. The Church Office will be
closed on Fridays and Saturdays. Office Staff
will have remote access to the voicemail in the
Church Office, and will attend to any voice
messages upon their return to the Church Office.
In the event of an emergency, Pastor Lorrin can
be reached at any time on her cell phone at
(262)345-2269. This number is published in
your weekly bulletins, on our church website
( and is also recorded on
the outgoing message for our voicemail system.
Please don’t hesitate to contact a member of
SPRC if you have concerns or questions about
this change to our office hours at St. James.
Bill Garvens
SPRC Chairperson
World Day of
On Friday, March 6,
St. Peters Catholic
Church will host World
Day of Prayer. The worship service will begin
at 1 p.m.
This years’ service was written by women living in
the Bahamas. Each year a country is selected to
provide the service and message which is celebrated
in every country in our world. In these trying times,
world-wide prayer is needed for those suffering
war, plagues, oppression, poverty, grief, and
alienation. If you cannot attend the service, please
pray on March 6 for our world and for individuals
in need of our love and support.
April 24, 2015
Spiritual and Emotional Care Class
Conference: Wisconsin Time:
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Location: St James United Methodist Church
East Troy, Wisconsin 53120
Contact: Tom Rossmiller, DRC Wisconsin
H: (262) 642-3727
C: (262) 757-5206
April 25, 2015 – Leadership Training
Spiritual and Emotional Care Class
Conference: Wisconsin Time: 8:30 am – 11:00
Location: St James United Methodist Church
East Troy, Wisconsin 53120
Contact: Tom Rossmiller, DRC Wisconsin
H: (262) 642-3727
Recently the East Troy Village
Board adopted a new signage
ordinance. All businesses and
properties with exterior signage
were asked to review the
ordinance to insure that they
are in compliance and, if
necessary, to obtain permits.
Tom Rossmiller, on behalf of the St. James trustees, met
with the building inspector to review the rules. He found
out that the daycare banner, the signs on our railing and
the signs on the white wooden post (all in our front yard)
are not in compliance. As a result, we have removed the
daycare banner and have been given until spring to
remove the signs mounted on the railing and on the white
post. Event signs, such as the one for Second Helpings,
cannot be on display permanently but can be displayed
four times a year and up to 20 days each time. Please
see me to find out what the new ordinances are; I have a
copy of the complete set of rules. Thank you in advance
for your cooperation.
Also, thanks to Tom Rossmiller for looking into this matter
for us.
John Milne, Trustee Chair
As many of you know, we have been fortunate to work
with Carol Hayes of the Agape House Christian Prayer
and Counseling Service for the past few years, first in the
Wesley House, and most recently, in the old library of our
church. At the February Meeting, the Administrative
Council voted to end our rental of space to Agape House
as of March 31, 2015 because we have a need for the
space that is being utilized by this organization. Our goal
is to use the space downstairs (the old church library) as
a dedicated space for our youth as we kick off youth
ministry here at St. James, allowing our youth to have
their own space to pray, worship, and play as they
continue to grow in their faith. We wish Carol and Agape
House the best as they continue to provide services in
Walworth County and as they seek out new space for this
The Administrative Council
Take a Moment . . . To Grow Closer to God!
Shaped to Serve
God has made each of us a unique individual shaped to serve and to glorify Him!
A defining moment is a time in our lives that has the power to change the direction of our life forever. These moments can
be good, or they can be devastating depending upon the decision we make at the time. Defining moments are an
opportunity for us to show who we really are and what we are made of.
I had my first defining moment when I was 8 years old. I lived in Milwaukee, and my mother had enrolled me as an
accordion student at Beihoff’s Music Studio. Every Saturday I would lug my 12 bass accordion to the streetcar line and
travel to 54th & North Avenue to take my lessons. At the end of each season, all of the students would form an accordion
band and present a concert. Accordian concerts were very popular at that time, and the auditorium where we played was
always full. Each student also played a solo as part of the concert. When it was my time, I walked to the center of the stage
and looked at all of the people who were looking back at me. I started to cry and ran off the stage. I found my parents in the
audience and hid in my mother’s lap. I thought that was the end to it, but it was not to be. Strangers sitting around my
parents started to tell me that they really wanted to hear my solo. Because of their encouragement, I left the safety of my
mother’s lap, went back up on the stage and played my solo.
Why do I think of that as a defining moment? Because, I played back that experience in my memory many times. I
remembered that people I didn’t know encouraged me. I remembered the safety of my mother’s lap, but still I left it to do
something that just moments before, I was afraid to do. I remembered that I went on to play tenor saxophone solos in high
school. I remembered giving educational presentations to large audiences; and yes, even giving sermons in church.
Because of that defining moment, I gained confidence in myself, and that confidence helped me to make good decisions as
I grew older. Without that experience, who knows what my life might have been.
Our Biblical heroes also had defining moments—moments that changed their lives. God has given us many role models to
help us mold, shape and direct our lives. Joseph experienced a defining moment when he chose to reject the advances of
his master’s wife. Another defining moment came when Joseph grasped his God-given responsibility toward his family.
Abraham was asked by God to leave his home and travel far away. Jesus’ baptism and temptation were defining moments
in His life and ministry. Peter’s great confession was one of his defining moments. And, read about Moses, Mary and
Joseph, Paul, Jonah, Adam and Eve. How did they react to their defining moment?
God’s people have defining moments every day. The decision is whether we are going to give our Lord the best we have or
save it for ourselves. Experiencing a defining moment demands obedience and trust. If we obey and trust Christ, the
rewards are great.
James 1:12 reminds us that, “Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of
life, which the Lord has promised to all who love Him. Jeremiah tells us that the Lord searches the heart and tests the mind,
to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.” (Jeremiah 17:10)
Mrs. Meany was my business teacher at East Troy High School. One day she told me that she thought I should consider
studying to become a business teacher. I admired her and wanted to be like her. I spent 30 years in the classroom as a
business teacher and career coordinator. The day she gave me her advice surely was one to remember—a defining
moment that defined my life. Praise be to God!
Judy McFarlane
Worship at St. James UMC
for March 2015
March 1
March 8
March 15
March 22
March 29
Living as People of the Covenant
Living the Commandments
God’s Covenant with Us
A New Covenant: Christ as High Priest and Ruler
Palm & Passion Sunday Worship
Lent is upon us and it's time to begin thinking about
your worship opportunities for Holy Week! St. James
UMC will offer a variety of services for you to
participate in and to reflect on Christ's life, death, and
resurrection during Holy Week and we invite you to
worship with us - to live fully into the emotions of Holy
Week as we walk together on the journey to the cross
and to the empty tomb.
March 29, 2015: Palm & Passion Sunday Worship - 9:00am at St. James UMC
April 2, 2015: Maundy Thursday Worship with Bethel & Caldwell - 7:00pm at St. James UMC
April 3, 2015: Good Friday Worship with the Mukwonago Area Churches - 12:00pm at First
Congregational Church in Mukwonago (located next to Fields Park)
April 3, 2015: Good Friday Worship with Bethel & Caldwell - 7:00pm at Caldwell UMC
April 5, 2015: Easter Sunrise Service - 6:00am in the Fellowship Hall at St. James UMC
April 5, 2015: Easter Morning Breakfast - 7:00am in the Fellowship Hall at St. James UMC
April 5, 2015: Easter Worship - 9:00am in the Fellowship Hall at St. James UMC
We would like to say “thank you” to everyone that
supported the Heifer Project mission.
Your loving gifts and thoughtfulness was greatly
appreciated in this ministry. This was St. James ongoing
mission from November 15 until February 15, 2015. Dan
West, the Heifer International founder and missionary
worker, said people need, “a cow, not a cup.” Yes, our
congregation helped Fill the Ark of animals, so many
families can be self-supporting.
For almost 70 years, a simple idea born out of Christian Faith has transformed millions of lives.
We are deeply grateful for the total gift of $583.42 and your faithful support of Heifer’s mission. It is
exciting to think this money will be sent to Heifer International to purchase animals for needy
Thank you for your donations!!
As you know, we have restructured our committees into a few basic
areas: Nurture, Outreach, Witness, and Resource Ministries.
The purpose of the Nurture Committee is to care for the needs of
church members. This includes caring for Christian Education and
Spiritual Formation of all members and regular attenders.
The purpose of the Outreach Committee is to care for people both
inside and outside of our church. This includes events that help us
reach out into the community by providing services or resources,
and ministries that help us connect to others who might not
otherwise be a part of St. James.
The purpose of the Witness Committee is to care for the witness of the church in the community. The
witness committee works in conjunction with the Outreach Committee to invite new people to
church, participate in ecumenical and community events, and to strengthen ties to our community.
The Resource Ministries of our Church help us function. They include Trustees, Administrative
Council/Finance Committee, Staff Parish Relations Committee, and Nominations and Leadership
Development. The Resource Ministries Committees each have different guidelines for their meetings.
If you have questions, please get in touch with Pastor Lorrin.
The Nurture, Outreach, and Witness Committees each meet quarterly and will be meeting on the
third Sundays immediately following worship. Committee members are invited to get their
coffee/snacks and gather near the stage at the designated table(s) for their meeting. The schedule for
these meetings for the rest of 2015 is as follows:
March 15: Witness
April 19: Nurture
May 17: Outreach
June 21: Witness
July 19: Nurture
August 16: Outreach
September 20: Witness
October 18: Nurture
November 15: Outreach
December 20: Witness
We look forward to this new year of ministry at St. James as we work together to plan ministry long
into the future and we hope you will join us and become a part of all the exciting things we are doing!
Who: Youth in Grades 6-12
What: A time of prayer, worship, food, fellowship and
fun as we grow together in our faith!
When: Second Sundays of the month from 6pm-8pm
beginning March 8th!
After our wonderful Youth and Confirmation Retreat at
the end of January, our youth decided that we want to
spend more time together learning about one another,
having fun, and growing in our faith. On the second
Sundays of the month, from 6-8pm, we invite all youth
in grades 6-12 to come and be a part of our new youth
ministry. Join us for our kickoff event on March 8th –
there’s sure to be lots of laughter, games, and fun. On March 8, come and join us for a fun evening
when we’ll dream together about all that we’d like to do and be, and we’ll even talk about whether or
not we’d like to go on a mission trip this summer. If you have questions, talk to Pastor Lorrin and
plan to come for a night of fun!
See you there,
Pastor Lorrin
If you have already taken a look at the calendar for this month, you might have
noticed that there’s a lot going on here! It’s wonderful to have such an active
and vibrant church community that plans a variety of fellowship, learning, and
worship events throughout the month. Over the past few months, we’ve seen
an increase in the demands on our space at St. James and also in the number of
events being planned. As a result, at its February meeting, the Administrative
Council passed an Event Planning Policy for use at St. James. This policy is
designed to help us communicate event information with church members and
guests, as well as to help us reserve space and avoid conflicts on the calendar
with other scheduled events. The Administrative Council believes that our new event planning policy, a copy
of which is included with this newsletter, will allow us to keep an up to date calendar (both electronically and in
the newsletter) and also help us plan for the many types of events that we offer while also helping us avoid
scheduling conflicts and help get the word out about all that we are doing.
If you are planning an event that you would like to be included on the church calendar, and/or that utilizes
church space, please fill out an Event Planning Form. These forms are located in the mailboxes (outside the
office) labeled Event Planning Forms, and submit it to the office. You can also download an Event Planning
Form online on the Calendar and Events page. Once your form is filled out, please submit it to the office and
the appropriate people will consider approving your event and return the form to you. Thank you for your
cooperation with this new policy that will help us create an organized calendar and schedule of events for our
The Administrative Council
Did you know that St. James keeps an up to date calendar of all our
activities and events on our website? In addition to the calendar
published here in our monthly newsletter, you can find the most up to
date information about what’s going on and how you can get involved by
visiting our website at If you haven’t been there
in awhile, you might be surprised to find what’s there! On the website
you can download a schedule of Confirmation Classes, learn about the
latest Bible Study offerings, find out what the schedule for Impact! our
Intergenerational Sunday School, looks like, and even read past issues of Following the Cross and the
Weekly News. There are fun things like staff biographies and photos, and even access to a
downloadable PDF copy of the St. James UMC church directory.* Our church website is meant to be
a tool and resource for you, so we encourage you to explore all the items that you’ll find there and
suggest new and helpful content to the Church Office.
*A note on the directory – access to the directory is password protected on the website. Any member
or friend of St. James can call (262) 642-7642 or email the office to receive
the password for access to this area of the website.
United Methodist Women began their year of work on Wednesday,
February 11. This year’s program will include several speakers
who are working with mission programs embraced by the
Methodist Church and our women’s group. Kim Huffman will
speak on African missions; Sarah Burris, Samaritan’s Child; and
Patricia Ruppe, Missions to Build Community.
Additionally, our local UMW will participate in several fundraisers whose proceeds will be given to local and
state UMC missions as well as St. James’ missionaries. All St. James members are invited to attend the guest
speaker presentations to learn more about the spiritual work of the UMC and UWM.
This year’s program is, “Welcomed by God, Welcoming All.” God is the originator of welcome. In the
beginning of biblical time, God welcomed us into creation and into existence. We experience the same love and
welcome in Jesus Christ. This welcome is not only to make us wanted and accepted, but it is also an invitation
to share in God’s work. God’s welcome motivates us and compels us to extend the same welcome to others. We
are transformed as we express welcome.
We welcome you to our meetings, and to share your love by supporting us in our programs and fund-raisers.
Much needs to be done in our community, state and world. Join us!
March 2
Andrew LaPlant
March 3
Bill Hoefs
March 6
Elizabeth Weinkauf
March 7
Michael Spees
March 9
Ginny Zimmer
March 14
Rick Anderson
March 15
Ann Weber
March 18
Heather Hughes
March 20
Lois Crubaugh
March 20
Steven Link
March 21
Kathy Sonderegger
March 27
Ruth Howard
March 28
Jeff Judd
March 29
Hagen Anderson
March 27
March 31
Bill & Diane Garvens
Norm & Betty Saffran
The Education Committee is in search of a Director for Vacation Bible School this
year – could we be looking for you? Vacation Bible School is a big undertaking,
and one that allows us to reach into and engage the lives of children in our church,
daycare, and community, but we cannot do it without your help. If you are
interested in serving as the Director for Vacation Bible School, please talk to
Pastor Lorrin or to Carolyn Werth before March 15, 2015. If we cannot get a
Director and enough volunteers, we cannot do VBS this year!
Thank you while I was in the hospital, for the cards and phone
calls. Also thank you during my five week stay in therapy at
Maplewood. I am back in my apartment in Pine #284.
Blessing you in Christ,
Maud Key
A Mission of St James United Methodist Church
Our mission at Noah’s Ark Christian Day Care is to provide a
safe, fun and spiritual environment for children. We are a
state licensed not-for-profit religious organization. Every day
the children choose structured activities and also participate in
prayer time. Our role is to present a well-rounded curriculum that focuses on the child and
includes social, emotional, physical, and intellectual development under professional and personal
care. Our duty is to treat each child with respect, dignity, and self-worth which will help a child
develop a positive self-image, and constructive interactions with peers and caregivers.
At Noah’s
Ark we strive to communicate openly and encourage you to be involved, and your ideas, thoughts,
and suggestions are always welcome. All the children receive the highest quality Care in a healthy,
safe, spiritually filled environment.
Report from the Director
This month we will celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday! We have two
weeks filled with fun activities including making green eggs and ham.
We will also celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by wearing our finest green
clothing and trying to catch a sneaky leprechaun. We are looking
forward to Spring and can’t wait to get outside more. In April we will
kick off our Spring fundraiser to raise funds for more sand for our
Infants: 4
Toddlers: 5
Preschool: 7
School-age: 11
Curriculum / Themes for the Week
March 2-6
Theme: Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss
March 9-13
Theme: Dr. Seuss
March 16-20
Theme: St. Patrick’s Day
March 23-27
Theme: Weather
Total Enrolled: 27
March 2015
Worship 9 a.m.
At 10:00 a.m.
Class meets
Worship 9 a.m.
Sunday School
10:00 a.m.
Bible Study
Worship 9 a.m.
Sunday School
Bible Study
10:00 a.m.
Witness meeting
@10:00 a.m.
Confirmation Class
Second Helpings
Girls Scouts
meet in
Fellowship Hall
6 – 7:30 p.m.
meal 5:30 p.m.
Worship 9 a.m.
Sunday School
10:00 a.m.
Palm Sunday
Worship 9 a.m.
Sunday School
10:00 a.m.
Class meets
Crafters meet
9 -11 a.m.
Bible Study
Bible Study
World Day of
Prayer @St.
Worship service
Peter’s Catholic
@Troy Center UMC Knitters meet
Church 1 p.m.
7 p.m.
11 -12 p.m.
Girls Scouts
meet in
AA meets in
Choir Practice Fellowship Hall
Fellowship Hall
6:30 p.m.
6 – 9 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
SPRC meeting
@7 p.m.
Crafters meet
9 -11 a.m.
East Troy Manor
Worship 11 a.m.
Bible Study
Lunch meets
United Methodist
Women meet
12 p.m.
Day Care Board
meeting 6 p.m.
East Troy Manor
Worship 11 a.m.
Knitters meet
11 -12 p.m.
Girls Scouts
Choir Practice
meet in
6:30 p.m.
Fellowship Hall
Worship Service@
Staff meeting
6 – 10 p.m.
UCC Church 7 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
AA meets in
Fellowship Hall
7:30 p.m.
Red Bird Circle
meets at The
Heritage at 1p.m.
Mary-Martha Circle
meets 1 p.m.
Ecumenical Service
@Bethel UMC @7pm
AA -7:30 p.m.
East Troy Manor
Worship 11 a.m.
Knitters meet
11 -12 p.m.
Choir Practice
6:30 p.m.
Circle of HOPE
7:30 p.m.
6 pm Potluck @St. East Troy Manor
James – 7pm
Worship 11 a.m.
Ecumenical Worship
Knitters meet
@St. James
11 -12 p.m.
AA meets in
Fellowship Hall
@7:30 p.m.
St. James United Methodist Church
2945 Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
Following the Cross
Published monthly by St. James United Methodist Church, Editorial Committee
Rev. Lorrin Radzik and Maureen Loehe, Administrative Assistant
Deadline for April Issue: Monday, March 16, 2015 (No late articles can be accepted)
(Submit to church office)
Phone # (262) 642-7642
Church Office Hours
Monday – Thursday
9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Friday 11:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Worship Hours
Worship – Sunday morning @9:00 a.m.
Sunday School – after Sunday worship 10:00 - 10:45 a.m. (September – May)
Our website is:
Our e-mail address is: church