April 2016 Messenger 4353KB Mar 31 2016 03:22:23 PM


April 2016 Messenger 4353KB Mar 31 2016 03:22:23 PM
Machin Messenger
Serving Minnitaki, Eagle River, Vermilion Bay
And surrounding area
Volume 18 issue 4
April 3 2016
Municipal Notes
Mayor’s Message
This month, I have decided to show you a glimpse of the work we do on your behalf. What follows is a letter to your Federal MP Mr. Nault
highlighting the importance of Machin’s bridges to not only us but to others outside our community, with the goal of securing funding from
provincial and federal levels of government. I hope you find it interesting.
Dear Honourable Nault,
RE: Machin Bridges
The importance of the Municipalities of Machin’s bridges can’t be denied. While a bridge may seem like a simple and overlooked tool for
getting across a river, lake or other large gap that few notice unless removed or damaged, they have a wider importance. And while at first
glance the bridges of Machin, a small municipality at the edge of a big province, may seem inconsequential to the functioning to the larger
area, province and country, a closer look and a bigger view reveals that the bridges of Machin are at least in part responsible for tying
Canada together.
One of the best ways to illustrate how important the bridges are is to simply imagine what would happen if they disappeared today. How
would that impact the world for Machin’s residents, the larger, community, the province and the country as a whole?
The implications for Machin’s residents would be immediate - as would be expected. People would be at best inconvenienced and at worst
stranded from or at their homes. Our volunteer fire department would not be able to reach some people and be severely delayed for
others. School bussing routes would need to change drastically and often travel further distances on secondary roads, which would mean
larger carbon footprints and increased safety concerns for our youngest citizens. The impact of a loss of the bridges would hit our residents
first, but it would not end there.
Shortly after the removal of the bridges the wider neighbouring communities would be affected. Our bridges help support the forest
industry by granting access to the wood by the timber companies in Dryden and beyond. The bridges also support access to our local First
Nation’s community that use them to access services outside of their lands and grant access to emergency response teams. Farms,
businesses and residents outside our municipality all use these bridges to build a prosperous life in our area.
Finally, the province and federal government would be impacted. Transnational rail, Trans-Canada highway and pipeline infrastructure all
pass through our municipality. On an economic level, our bridges make detour and access to these important structures possible. In fact,
our bridges have been used to keep people and goods flowing east-west when the TransCanada highway becomes blocked. As we have
seen in such events as the breakdown of the Nipigon River Bridge in the winter of 2016, as a country we can be cut off from each other
quite easily and abruptly. Machin’s bridges serve as a safety valve for the country, and as such, serve all Canadians economically,
strategically, and for numerous social and safety reasons. Amazing what bridges can do.
For these reasons and others, I urge you to look deeply into this report on the condition of the bridges and consider their importance not
only to the local populations, but also to a grander view of the province of Ontario and the larger national interests.
Drew Myers
Mayor of the Municipality of Machin
The greatest place in the world to live.
Machin Messenger—Page 2
Municipal Notes Cont’d
This is a reminder to the people that have registered
for a Landfill Permit Number in 2015/2016. If you have
not picked up your card from Cory at either Landfill
Site, please do so. After April 30, 2016 anyone who
has not done so will have to come to the Municipal Office at 75 Spruce Avenue, Vermilion Bay to obtain your
card. Thank you for your co-operation.
The Machin Council would like to Thank the Egli’s Family and their staff for opening their Barns free of charge
to the public at Easter. The smiles that you see when
the young and old hold a baby animal are priceless,
the Egli’s and their Sheep Farm have provide these
memories to the families in our area for many years
and hopefully they will continue for many more years.
Thank you for providing this wonderful Easter tradition
for our community.
The Municipality of Machin is looking for two (2) people
to sit on our Municipal Police Services Board: one person will be appointed by Council and one will be appointed by the Lieutenant Governor. Please submit a
resume to the Municipality of Machin c/o Linda Anderson P.O. Box 249, Vermilion Bay, ON, P0V 2V0
Reminder that dump hours will change back to summer hours
on May 3, 2016.
2 p.m.— 6 p.m.
9 a.m.—1 p.m.
9 a.m.—1 p.m.
9 a.m.— 1 p.m.
2 p.m.—6 p.m.
2 p.m.—6 p.m.
Spring is here and the
Community Gardens will be
opening in May! If you would
like to rent a garden bed,
please go to the Machin Municipal Office in Vermilion
Bay or call 227-2633 for information.
Submissions for the Machin Messenger must now be in by
the LAST WEDNESDAY of the month, by noon. Since the
Messenger is published on the first Thursday of the month,
the deadline will change if the 1st is on Thursday. We will
put reminders in the month before. The deadline for the
May Messenger will be Wednesday April 27th. Drop
submissions off at the Municipal Office or email to
pilmar@sympatico.ca, subject line “Machin Messenger”. Ads
will need to be pre-paid prior to insertion in the Messenger.
Please note that there are price changes for ads. Call
the Municipal Office for details.
If you wish to advertise in the Machin Messenger,
please call the Municipal Offices at 227-2633 to find out
the charge for your ad. Ads will need to be pre-paid.
Machin Messenger—Page 3
P.O. BOX 249
P0V 2V0
Residents of Machin,
I would like to introduce myself, my name is Cora MacRae. I have been a resident of Machin since late 2002
and joined Machin Fire in early 2003. I started at first just training and attending Emergency Medical
Responses and then seeing the need for more members to assist with fire joined that as well. Since joining, I
have held all positions within the fire department and was appointed by council in February as Fire Chief.
Machin Fire has been a great experience for me and evolved into something I never expected, I had just
thought I could help my neighbors yet it has been my dedication to Machin Fire that has kept me here in the
We have an excellent group of members, currently around twenty people that work together to help others.
I appreciate all the individuals who volunteer their time, and for Todd Montgomery and Kurt Schmidt for taking on the role of Deputy Chiefs.
What Machin Fire needs is a few more dedicated members. This past year we attended more than 120 calls
for service. Even with twenty people on the roster, at times only two are available to attend an emergency
call. Everyone is busy, we understand, we all are. The commitment that needs to be made upon joining is
attending two training sessions per month and attending calls for service when you are available. If you are
interested, now is a good time to join as we will be holding recruit training in the very near future. I hope
someone will consider making this commitment to help their community. If this is not for you, please thank
a volunteer the next time you have the opportunity, it’s nice for them to know they are appreciated.
Thank you to all the volunteers of Machin Fire,
Cora MacRae
Machin Fire Chief
Machin Messenger—Page 4
Box 249
Vermilion Bay, ON P0V 2V0
Applications can be dropped off at Machin Municipal office, mailed or
Date of Birth:
Class of Drivers License:
Phone Number:
Available To Answer Fire Calls:
If Accepted: A Medical will be required, training will be provided by Machin Volunteer Fire
Machin Messenger—Page 5
Lions Lines
The Lions members served lunch to the
Minor hockey families one day during their
tournament. We provided and hosted at
our hall a Pizza lunch for the Lillian Berg
students and staff. They watched a video
of the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guide program and enjoyed a great lunch.
Our winner for the Winter raffle was Pat Smith of
Dryden. Thanks to all who supported our project by
buying tickets. A big “Thanks” go out to our local
business owners who help sell our tickets!
We served breakfast and lunch Saturday of the
Carnival weekend. Over 100 snow machine riders
came to the derby and many families had a
wonderful time out on the trail. Thanks to Lions
Gary Hutchison and Len Suomu, and helpers for
their efforts again this year in trail making. We sold
606 hands which is a record year.
Winner 2016 Winter raffle Pat Smith
with Lions Gord and Ian
The accessibility renovations to the hall are
complete and much appreciated by the community.
Great job by the committee members.
Vermilion Bay Lions Club donated to the following:
Lillian Berg School Forest of Reading program, 2
high school bursaries, Dryden Health Service
Foundation, and Vermilion Bay Kinsmen.
First place at the biathlon in Sault Ste. Marie was
won by Sargent Payton Zilkalns and Sargent Paige
Ponton of the 906 Machin Royal Canadian Air
Cadet Squadron earning them a place on Team Ontario at the National Cadet Biathlon Championship
in Val Cartier, Quebec in March. The Vermilion Bay
Lions are very proud of sponsoring the Cadet
March 19th we will be catering a dinner for the
Oxdrift Legion.
The Vermilion Bay Lions Club has their own website
www.vermilionbaylions.org. Please visit the site as
there are links to all the Lions Charities as well as
Lions Clubs International. www.lionsclubs.org
Hall rentals contact Al Koroniak 220-1107
Medical equipment contact Gary Hutchison 2272449
Cadets Zilkalns and Ponton
Machin Messenger—Page 6
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre has
advised the Northwestern Ontario’s Mobile Screen
for Life Coach will be out of service for an indefinite
period of time due to a collision.
The Screen for Life Coach is a mobile screening service that travels throughout Northwestern Ontario.
It offers three different types of screening to women: breast, cervical, and colorectal.
The top priority will be minimizing the impact this
has on patients and they are hoping to see the
coach return to service as quickly as possible but
date is unknown at this time.
Screening is still encouraged especially for those at
high risk.
If you have questions about where to get screened
assistance with booking an appointment
please call 1-807-684-7777 or 1-800-461-7031.
If you have any other concerns or questions please
call the clinic at 227-2675.
Thank You
The Vermilion Bay Kinsmen would like to thank the
Vermilion Bay Co-op
Arctic Shield
Vermilion Bay Lodge
Martel Diesel
Bobby’s Corner
Canadian Tire
Conservation Officers
Eagle Junction
Casually Hip
Dryden Observer
Quincy Munday
Bayview Hotel
Cedar Point Lodge
Piston Ring
United Rental
Comfort Table Bakery
Blue Lake Park
Egli’s Sheep Farm
Bonney Bay Camp
Nexxus Credit Union
Q104 FM
Vermilion Bay Lions Club
Railside Marine
following sponsors who helped to make the 50th Kin
Karnival a success.
We would also like to thank our 50th Princess
Emma Leigh Fex.
As always we apologize if we missed
any important sponsors.
Machin Messenger—Page 7
Machin Messenger—Page 8
Municipality of Machin
WHEREAS World Autism Awareness Day will be recognized on April 2 nd, 2016, in Canada thanks to Bill S-206, An Act Respecting World Autism Awareness Day; and
WHEREAS Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects more than 100,000 Ontarians. Autism Spectrum Disorder is now recognized
as the most common neurological disorder affecting 1 in every 94 children, as well as their friends, family and community; and
WHEREAS ASD is a spectrum disorder, which means it not only manifests itself differently in every individual in whom it appears,
but its characteristics will change over the life of each individual as well. A child with ASD will become an adult with ASD; and
WHEREAS Autism Ontario (formerly Autism Society Ontario) is the leading source of information and referral on autism and one
of the largest collective voices representing the autism community. Since 1973, Autism Ontario has been providing support, information and opportunities for thousands of families across the province; and
WHEREAS Autism Ontario is dedicated to increasing public awareness about autism and the day-to-day issues faced by individuals
with autism, their families, and the professionals with whom they interact. The association and its chapters share common goals of
providing information and education, supporting research, and advocating for programs and services for the autism community; and
NOW THEREFORE, I, Drew Myers, Mayor of the Municipality of Machin, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM Thursday, April 2 nd, 2016
“World Autism Awareness Day”
Dated at Municipality of Machin this February 24th, 2016
Machin Messenger—Page 9
MAY 7, 2016 8:00 A.M.—4:00 P.M.
Machin Messenger—Page 10
DATES: Firearms Safety – April 22 & 23, 2016
Hunter Education - April 29 & 30, 2016
Spring Fish Fry
at Eagle Lake Bible Camp
May 29, 2016
Free will offering.
Proceeds to
Eagle Lake Bible Camp.
PLACE: Waldhof
INSTRUCTOR: Bill Ballantyne
For further information and to register,
Contact Bill Ballantyne at 227-2303
Everyone Welcome!
Machin Messenger—Page 11
Machin Messenger—Page 12
First of all, I apologize for the tardiness of this message. I lost Gerry (Levasseur) on November 5/15 and
am still reeling from the loss. The community was
wonderful! First of all, I want to thank Shannon Elliott
and Joanne Breutsch for their fabulous decorating. It
was done just the way Gerry would have loved it and it
touched my heart when you two were willing to help
with such short notice!
I especially want to
thank friends,
relatives and family who travelled
long distances to the service and those who brought
food, gifts, emails, texts, conversation and visiting during the aftermath of his death. Thank you for your support! I truly appreciate Carolle Eady, who made all the
phone calls asking for luncheon contributions and
those who shared their time and culinary art. What a
great community! Thank you so much! I don't know
how I would have gotten through the initial shock and
subsequently planning a celebration of his life without
all of you! Much appreciated and never forgotten.
Thanks again. Connie Calvert
Machin Messenger—Page 13
Join us every 2nd Wednesday for the month of April at the After School Playgroup!
You and your child can help prepare a healthy snack to eat! They will learn about different
ingredients, develop their math skills and have fun!
Best of all, you can enjoy the healthy snack together afterwards!
Wednesday, April 13th – Fruit Smoothies
Wednesday, April 27th – S’mores Snack Mix
Machin Messenger—Page 14
Happy Go Lucky News
The man who does things makes mistakes, but he never makes the biggest mistake of all – doing
nothing. Benjamin Franklin
Hard to believe the winter activities are over. A big thank you needs to go out to the following people:
Anita for organizing the Friday hot breakfast and keeping all the volunteers organized. Not an easy job.
Gary for keeping the coffee times going often on his own.
Ron and his assistant Mary for organizing the bus trips, with no summer off, an extra thanks to them.
To everyone who has brought aluminum cans and empty bird seed bags. It not only gives the club a little extra
money, but helps to keep cans out of the land fill.
Last but not least to the executive members who volunteer their time and keep the club viable.
If there is someone who deserves a special thank you that has been missed, please let them know their efforts are appreciated.
NB: Ron is organizing more bus trips to Winnipeg for shows, shopping and the most important – the Casino. There is
also a trip to Thunder Bay for the July 1st events in the works. If interested, Call Ron K (216-6888) or Mary L (227-5363) for
details. The more people that are on the bus, helps to keep the cost down.
Upcoming Events: mark your calendar
April 11th- Dinner meeting
Plans are in the making for another Pontoon boat ride in the summer. Please let an executive member know if you are
interested, so arrangements can be made with the Lion’s Club.
Machin Messenger—Page 15
Box 309
Vermilion Bay
Phone 227-2895
Repairs to most sports equipment
Zipper replacement or repair
Snaps & buckles
Good Boys Roofing
Affordable · Fast ·
Friendly · Clean
Vermilion Bay
Chairs—boat seats
Re-lacing baseball gloves
Skate repair/sharpening
The Treehouse Café is now accepting résumés
for café/gift attendants for the summer season.
Please forward your résumé to:
Vermilion Bay, ON
P0V 2V0
Armand Cimon
Owner, Contractor, Roofer
Recover ski-do seats and bike seats
P.O. Box 219
Under New Management
Free Estimates
Asphalt Shingles Only
Machin Messenger—Page 16
Spring is coming—
Time to “un-layer”.
Does that scare you?
Join us at
5:00 p.m.
in the Reading Room
(basement of the
Municipal Office Building)
We’ll give you the support you need
to lose those extra pounds!
Machin Council: M onday April 11th and M onday April
25th, 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Machin
Office. Meeting minutes are now available online— www.
Public Works Meeting: M onday April 11th, 6:00 p.m.,
Council Chambers, Machin Municipal Office.
Recreation Meeting—Tuesday April 5th, 6:30 p.m. in the
Council Chambers.
Lot Development Committee: Meeting TBA
Lions Club—First and third Wednesdays of every month,
7:00 p.m., Lion’s Hall.
Pine Tree Pathways: Tuesday April 12th, 4:00 p.m.,
Council Chambers.
TOPS—Weigh-in at 5:00 p.m.. every Thursday. Short
meeting follows in the Reading Room, Municipal Building.
AA - Every Tuesday at 8pm. New meeting: Every
Sunday at 7pm - Open meeting for anyone affected
by Alcoholism. All meetings held in the Reading
Room at the Machin Municipal Offices.
Happy Go Lucky Seniors— Lunch meeting Monday March
14, 12:00 noon.
Sew’n’Sew Quilters— Tuesday April 5th and Tuesday
April 19th, 9:30 a.m. at the Happy-Go-Lucky Seniors
Centre. Everyone welcome!
Kinettes—The first WEDNESDAY of each month, 7:00 p.m.
in the Bayview meeting room. Please note change of day!
Community Gardens Committee— TBA
Seniors Friendship Club of Eagle River—Second
Wednesday of each Month.
Community Policing Meeting—TBA
Waldhof Wranglers— Waldhof Wranglers next General
Meeting - Wed. April 20, 2016 - 7 pm @ The Bayview
Hotel, Vermilion Bay, On. A Schedule of Events is all set –
come find out more!!
For further information on the
Wranglers please check us out on Facebook or contact
President Laurie Huffman @ cell 807-529-4397.
Building Permit Applications and general inquires
are available at the Machin office. Any questions
on new buildings or to make an appointment with
the Building Inspector Charles Tarrant please call
Charles direct at 1-709-884-9302.
Area Church Services
Our Lady of Fatima
Roman Catholic Church
Hwy 17 Vermilion Bay
Mass: Fridays at 5:30 p.m.
United Church
97 Spruce Street
Vermilion Bay
Opening March 30 for the summer
Eagle River (Ebenezer) Baptist Church
Services at First Baptist Church
58 King Street, Dryden, Ontario
Morning Worship Service at 10:30 a.m.
St. Mark Lutheran Church
Hwy 17 Vermilion Bay
Services: Sundays 11:30 a.m.
2 p.m.— 6 p.m.
9 a.m.—1 p.m.
9 a.m.— 1 p.m.
2 p.m.—6 p.m.
Copies of the water systems monthly summary, annual reports and the financial plan are
available for viewing at the Municipal Office if any of the general public would like to review them. Also available at the Municipal Office the public may access the Water Quality
System Policy for the Vermilion Bay water treatment plant and distribution system which
forms part of the Operational Plan. Should anyone have any questions or concerns please
Evangelical Mission Church
55 Willow Street, Vermilion Bay
Services: Sundays 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School—10:00 a.m.
Upper Falls Baptist Church
Hwy 105 North
Worship: Sundays 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School/Bible Study:
10:00 a.m. (all ages)