Mozambique Information 363
Mozambique Information 363
Vodacom Tudobom pra ti Vodacom Tudobom pra ti Info M-Info MozambiqueM.Info Reg No: 011/GABINFO-DEC/2008 www.mozambiqueinf Email: ISSUE 363 January 2016 ISSUE 208 March 2014 M-Info Mozambique Info ISSUE 208 March 2014 The Marabenta Festival 2016 will take place on the 2nd and 3rd of February 2016. JIMMY DLULU will be pefroming on the 2nd of February, 20h30 at CCFM. GRAN’MAH live performance, Friday the 5th of February, 20h30 at CCFM. Entry Fee: 250MT and 150MT members. For more informationv visit ON THE WAY BAND live at Gil Vicente Friday the 5th of February 2016, 21h30 Entry Fee 200MT More information: Pg. 1 Pg 11 Pg. Linha do cliente 84 111 Vodacom Tudobom pra ti M-Info Mozambique Info ISSUE 208 March 2014 Linha do cliente 84 111 Pg 21 Pg. Vodacom Tudobom pra ti M-Info Mozambique Info CARE TO SHARE hosts a Benefit Carnival for the Orphanage Alegria 2014 208daMarch ISSUECasa Friday, 5th February 19h00 - 23h00 ICE Spazio Italia Av. K. Kaunda, 277 Maputo Mbuva presents NOITE AFRICANA - AFRICAN NIGHT Friday 29th of February, 22h00. Ladies free. Welcome drink More information on facebook Tickets: 3000MT (mininmum donation) Food, wine, Beer & Live Music included Contacts: Tendora: 840413875 Viviana: 842144312 MIGUEL XABINDZA and band live performance this Friday the 30th of February, 18h00 at Jazz Spoon (Matola) For more information call: 843025329 KIZOMBA INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP 3RD ELIMINATION ROUND Saturday the 30th of January 2016 For more information call 844407246 Linha do cliente 84 111 Pg 31 Pg. Dia de São Valentim Vodacom Tudobom pra ti Valentine's Day Noite de Estrelas Jantar de Luar Restaurante Fiamma Preço por casal: 5.200,00 MZN Jantar e Uma Noite Jantar Buffet no Restaurante Fiamma Música ao Vivo Welcome drink Sorteio de uma noite no Hotel Cardoso Vinho espumante, Chocolates & Fruta no quarto Pequeno-almoço Check-out tardio x2 Mozambique Info M-Info Preço por casal: 11.200,00 MZN Duas Noites de Estrelas Noite de Luar Preço por casal: 6.000,00 MZN ISSUE 208 March 2014 E por que não um fim de semana inteiro... Um jantar e duas noites em quarto com vista para o mar Preço por casal: 15.700,00 MZN CARDOSO HOTEL MAPUTO Para reservas e mais informações, por favor contacte-nos // For reservations and more information, please contact us (+258) 21 49 10 71 || (+258) 82 31 19 940 || (+258) 84 31 18 070 || SUNSET CHILLOUT WITH MAPUTOS FINEST DJ’S Sunday the 31st of January at Costa do Sol Beach near Mares. Cocktails & Caiperinhas available. Free Entry Linha do cliente 84 111 Pg 41 Pg. Vodacom Tudobom pra ti Enrollment for 2016 still open. HURRY HURRY! As space is limited!!! Please contact us on 823260550 or 84 or please visit our website at M-Info Mozambique Info Grade 00 From 3yrs Speaking English with Ace and Christi. Grade 0 From 5yrs Introduction of sounds and numbers. ISSUE 208 March 2014 Grade 1 From 6yrs Sounds, phonics and numbers. Linha do cliente 84 111 Pg 51 Pg. Vodacom Tudobom pra ti M-Info Mozambique Info ISSUE 208 March 2014 Rua Das Orquideas No 48, Sommershield 2 Maputo Mocambique (+258) 84 301 2590 (+258) 84 309 9456 (+258) 21 494 349 M.Info Please Follow our M.Info page on Facebook for weekly updates Linha do cliente 84 111 Pg 61 Pg. RE FOR NT AL 3 BEDROOM HOUSE ON THE BEACH (sleeps 7) - SANTA MARIA Vodacom Tudobom pra ti M-Info Mozambique Info ISSUE 208 March 2014 +258 84 285 309 9347 Call +258 0755 or + 258 84 223 1946 to secure your booking. Linha do cliente 84 111 Pg 71 Pg. Leadership Boot Camp Vodacom Tudobom pra ti e Info M-Info Mozambiqu Inspire others to dream more, 208 March 2014 learn more, do more and becomeISSUE more... Get praCtiCaL sKiLLs hoW to: • Structure and support leadership potential • Turn underperforming teams into high performing teams • Contributetoclarityofgoalsand improved results • Createpositiveimpacttoadvance organizationsandtransformyour community • Maketoughdecisionthatpromote strategic change and a spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship • Confrontproblememployeesrecognize, address and resolve conflict with sensitivityandcompassion resULts: • Yourleadershipskillsbecomevisible • Heightenedselfawarenessenabling appreciation of different view points • Expandbusinessnetworksandconnect topeoplethatwillsupportyouforyour personal development. • Renewedsenseofdirection;yourrole and place in the socio-economic and politicalfutureofMozambique.Where willMozambiquebein20yearsand whatwillyourrolebe? dates: WhY the Leadership BootCamp? The pace of change seems to have increasedinrecentyears.Leadersandtheir organsationsareexpectedtoconstanly adapt and re-invent themselves. The importanceofteamwork,managementfor resultsandspeed/excellenceinexecution iseverpresent.Tosurviveorevenbetterto thriveyouhavetoanticipatedevelopment inyoursectorandusechangeasa strategic advantage. TheLeadershipBootCampisdesigned toempowerleaderstorecognizethatthey havearesponsibilityfortheirchoices,they canmakeaplanforchangeandtheywill gettheresultstheydeserve. TheBootCampisanexperientiallearning program composed of four modules. In each module one of the foundations of leadership is addressed: • DevelopingSelf • DevelopingOthers • LeadingSelf • LeadingOthers We are invitinG: Areyouinaleadershippositionandthesocial,politicaland economicenvironmentischangingrapidlyandyouneed moretools?Areyouleadingateamandneedtoorchestrate employeeengagement?Doyouwanttolearnnewpractices thatleadtoextraordinaryproductiveteams? Module1: Date:15-17February2016 Venue:NghunghwainBilene Modules2: Date:13-15April2016 Venue:NghunghwainBilene partiCipants WiLL Get a CertifiCate of attendanCe from Uem Cost: 60.000MZN ContaCt: Stanley Nyoni Tel:+258829846537 or Helder Martins Tel:+258828728134 TheLeadershipBootCampisgearedtothose(LEADERS) whowanttoembarkonatransformationalself-development journeytoincreasetheirleadershipabilities.Itisfor entrepreneurs,managers,leaders,governmentofficials, teachers and trainers. Linha do cliente 84 111 Pg 81 Pg. Leaving Sale Vodacom Land Rover—Discovery Tudobom pra ti THREE BEDROOM FLAT (T3) OF HIGH STANDARD, WITH A FANTASTIC SEA VIEW LOCATED AT AV. FRIEDERICH ENGELS, 49-3º MAPUTO (in front of Jardim dos Namorados). Available for renting from 1st March 2016 The building is from 2006 and is of a high standard. General information: > Size of flat 210 m2 >Elevator >2 parking spaces >Swimming pool >Air condition >TVcabo connection >Fully equipped kitchen >Storage room at ground floor >24 hour guard service M-Info Mozambique Info USD: $ 13,000 negotiable Duty-paid Silver 2005 Land Rover Discovery. 135,000 kms, diesel, automatic. Very comfortable, roomy and reliable 4-wheel drive was purchased in SA and driven in Kenya. Power steering, power windows and locks, A/C and automatic temperature control, full-time 4WD/electronic traction control, CD/stereo player, rear luggage cover, rear side compartments for storage, and is in very good condition inside, and outside. Serviced regularly in Nelspruit. Please contact for more information and details. ISSUE 208 March 2014 Contact: Henrik Arentsen E-mail: FOR SALE Contact: 848900914 FOR SALE Tv stand, Price 6000MT Email: Superfly Mountain Bike. Dual Suspension / good condition – 1000 USD Ghost – Full carbon super lite Mountain Bike / good condition – 1000 USD Maputo Weather Forecast 32°C 32°C 24°C 32°C 23°C 32°C 23°C 32°C 23°C 34°C 22°C 22°C The M.INFO is a free of charge English electronic Publication emailed weekly to our subscribers. Linha do cliente Editor: Elena Son Graphics & Layout: Bruno Alberto 84 111 M.Info Pg 91 Pg.
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