All about electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles in one day at one place 13th MAY 2016 HOTEL LAGUNA PARENTIUM, POREČ WATCH THE VIDEO HERE! POST EVENT REPORT E-GO Organiser: Events & Research Event sponsors Event partners Event media partners www.e-go.com.hr @egoevent E-GO event POST EVENT REPORT FROM E-GO 2016! The first ever E-GO event was held on May 13th in Poreč, Croatia. The event gathered over 100 attendees including leadig e-mobility experts in Croatia and region: Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, Hrvatska Elektroprivreda, Avant car, Renault Nissan Croatia, Mitsubishi Motors Croatia, DUCATI Komponenti, e-bike, ABB, Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Primorje-Gorski Kotar County and many others. Main subjects of the conference emphasized the issuses of developing quality charging infrastructure, financing of electric vehicles, the high initial cost and e-mobility development strategy both for Croatia and the region. In addition to panel discussions on PHEV infrastructure, ROI, addressing the problem of batteries, tips for buying and predicting future development, attendees at E-GO event had the opportunity to hear case studies of electric vehicles owner, test drive electric cars, bicycles, scooters and participate in pre-arranged meetings. It is important to highligh Željko Purgar’s presentation, who pointed out that the e-mobility in Croatia and Slovenia should be compared with the countries of the same rank (Italy, Greece), and therefore doesn’t fall behind. Mr. Crnković, director at DUCATI Komponenati, agreed and highlighted the equality of Croatia with many European countries when it comes to e-mobility development. The conclusion of E-GO event raised the need for further development of charging infrastructure, and creating a smart grid that will not only contribute to the development of e-mobility, but also other industries in Croatia (eg. tourism). ATTENDEES More than 97% of our attendees rated the event organisation as very good and excellent!* E-GO event had an international character thanks to the attendees from the region and other parts of Europe. Although most attendees were from Croatia, conference attracted attendees from Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia i Herzegovina, Finland, Sweden, Germany and Netherlands. *Results of the feedback form from E-GO 2016 www.e-go.com.hr @egoevent E-GO event WHICH COMPANIES WERE AT E-GO 2016? ABB ARCHITECTURE KRK MOTO AMSS CENTER FOR MOTOR VEHICLES FACULTY OF TECHNICAL SCIENCES LEDO AUTO IQ THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY FUND AVANT CAR BAYER CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE FOR LOW-CARBON TECHNOLOGIES FORTUM FUTURA TRADE MITSUBISHI MOTORS CROATIA MULTILINK MULTIMEDIA SKY SOLKONTO OCEAN RIG OMIKRON DATA CONSULTING GMBH GDI GISDATA DEVS - ASSOCIATION FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLES SLOVENIA GENESIS GRUPA CITY OF KOPRIVNICA PODRAVKA DUCATI KOMPONENTI HEP OPSKRBA HEP-ODS, ELEKTROPRIMORJE RIJEKA PONIKVE EKO OTOK KRK PRIMORJE-GORSKI KOTAR COUNTY HEP-UPRAVLJANJE IMOVINOM PROPER E-MOCIJA EKO PRIJEVOZ EKOMOBILIS EMOBILITY CONSULTING EMUŠKARAC ENA ENERGY INSTITUTE HRVOJE POŽAR ERICSSON NIKOLA TESLA EUROKOD PISAČIĆ FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTING FACULTY OF TRANSPORT AND TRAFFIC ENGINEERING FACULTY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND NAVAL HIFA PETROL HOTEL PARK SPLIT CROATIAN POST HRVATSKA ELEKTROPRIVREDA CROATIAN TRANSMISSION SYSTEM OPERATOR IBM CROATIA INSAKO INSTITUTE METRON JADRAN GALENSKI LABORATORIJ UČKA NATURE PARK PHILIP MORRIS ZAGREB NORTH-WEST CROATIA REGIONAL ENERGY AGENCY RENAULT NISSAN CROATIA SAVJETURA SISAK PROJECTS SOLERE / EBIKE STANLEYBET TAXI NAVIGATOR TEB INŽENJERING VIRTA WAWA KONZUM “An unbelievably high level of quality, given that it was the first edition of the event. The topics were very compatible with each other and well selected, chronologically supporting one another, and bringing all the different themes relevant to e-mobility together under one roof” - attendee, Dragan Milićević, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Serbia www.e-go.com.hr @egoevent E-GO event Additional sessions held parallel to the conference programme enabled our partners and sponsors to hold: 50+ meetings & 70+ test drives. “Hosted buyer” programme enabled potential buyers and current users of plugin hybrid and electric vehicles to connect with top vehicle manufacturers, test drive certain vehicle models and get special offers, in one day, at one place. “Hosted buyer” included representatives from the following companies: Philip Morris Zagreb, Croatian post, City of Koprivnica, Hotel Park Split, Avant car, Stanleybet, IBM Hrvatska, Učka Nature Park, Jadran Galenski laboratorij, Ledo, Taxi Navigator, Konzum, Bayer For all photos and speaker presentations visit our web site: www.e-go.com.hr 80% More than of the first E-GO event attendees, will take part next year. * I am definitely participating next year I am not sure www.e-go.com.hr *Results of the feedback form from E-GO 2016 @egoevent E-GO event SEE YOU NEXT YEAR! “It was dynamic, interesting and very useful. My compliments.” - speaker, Filip Brkljača, The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, Croatia “I’m overwhelmed because the conference was a truly high level event. You had an excellent moderator and altogether it was a wonderful event” - attendee, Andrej Pečjak, Institute Metron, Slovenia “The conference was interesting and useful, and the format of the programme highly commendable.” - partner, Sunčana Matić, Fond za zaštitu okoliša i energetsku učinkovitost, Croatia “I believe that E-GO has, with its professional approach, laid out the foundation for creating one of the leading regional conferences in the field of e-vehicles and their challenges.” - partner, Bernard Beneš, Auto IQ, Croatia “Well organized, with a good selection of topics.” - attendee, Marijan Hohnjec, TEB inženjering, Croatia “I was pleasantly surprised with the event, it was beyond my expectations. The topics were interesting with a great range of speakers from various fields, which allowed the attendees to get a bigger picture of the importance and current situation of electric vehicles’ usage.” - attendee, Josip Bišćan, ENA, Croatia “Overall, I liked the event because the speakers were those from the very top in this field, who have been in e-mobility for years and who have a great amount of experience to share with others.” - sponsor, Marijan Blažin, DUCATI Komponenti, Croatia 65% of attendees rated the quality of the conference topics as excellent, and “The event was extremely interesting because this topic is our future. With improvements in battery capacity, the spread of the power grid and charging infrastructure development, electric and hybrid vehicles will certainly be of utmost importance in the near future.” - hosted buyer, KRISTIJAN SAHULA, Konzum, Croatia 35% as very good!* THANKS! www.e-go.com.hr To all sponsors, media and event partners and conference attendees. See you next year! Contact: info@e-go.com.hr or 051/ 580 730 For all information about the organiser visit www.proper.com.hr @egoevent E-GO event