

NO. 21/2013
Croatian Ministers visit the United States
Croatian Economy Minister Ivan Vrdoljak and Minister of Entrepreneurship
and Crafts Ivan Maras paid working visits to the U.S. in April aimed at strengthening economic relations between Croatia and United States
U.S. oil companies have shown an workers, industries and even shipyards. It
interest in investing in Croatia, notably in would also be a message to other U.S.
oil and gas explorations in the Adriatic, investors that Croatia is a developing
Croatian Economy Minister Ivan Vrdoljak country that uses its resources wisely and
said during an official visit to the United that security of their investment is guarStates where he met with representatives anteed.
The MinisMobile, Noble
ter said that
Energy, Conoco
t he
go ver nPhillips, Anament
darco, General
E le ct r ic
a nd
working on a
new bill on
h yd r o c a r bo n s
pr e sent ed
and that
them our intenwould
tions and our
introduced into
int erest
passed under
Croatia, in gas
procedure so
and oil explorathat the tender
tions in our part Minister Vrdoljak and Croatian delegation during talks in the c o u l d
of the Adri- U.S. © MINGO
issued as soon
atic," Minister
as possible.
Vrdoljak said after the meetings held in
―The use of the full potential of oil and
Houston, Texas.
gas explorations in the Adriatic would
Croatia first needs to meet the neces- bring Croatia long-term security of supply
sary preconditions, including adopting a from domestic sources and ensure lower
new law on hydrocarbon exploration and prices of energy‖, the Minister said.
exploitation, after which a tender will be
The Minister said that it was crucial
that major global players responded to the
Minister Vrdoljak said that participa- tender, adding that they believed that they
tion of U.S. companies such as Exxon in had managed to ensure that American
such a project would be of great impor- companies would be among them.
tance, because they could hire local
Welcome Note
Dear Readers,
Welcome to the new edition of “Croatia
The period behind us has been marked
by efforts to further deepen economic ties
between Croatia and the U.S. We had an
important visit by two Croatian ministerial
delegations to the U.S. and third edition of
the Brown Economic Forum kept advancing
entrepreneurial spirit both in Croatia and in
the region of Southeast Europe. These
efforts speak of a dynamic nature of our
bilateral economic cooperation and promising business prospects, especially in relation
to energy related projects in Croatia.
It is now less than a month until Croatia’s accession to the EU, with all of the
Member States having approved our Accession Treaty. Zagreb and Europe will be
celebrating on July 1 and the Embassy in
Washington has been busy putting together
a program of celebration in D.C. We will
feature a special issue of “Croatia Monthly”
on this soon.
In the meantime, I invite you to explore
the stories which will take your to world’s
top waterfall hikes, fastest electric car,
parties along the coast and a solitary excursion to a lighthouse. All of these are there
for you to discover in Croatia.
Joško Paro
During his stay in Washington, D.C., Minister Vrdoljak also met with the
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Diplomacy, Amos Hochstein,
and the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Europe, Asia and the Americas,
Phyllis Yoshida, to present Croatia's energy potential.
Minister Vrdoljak singled out two important projects: construction of an
LNG terminal, and oil and gas exploration and exploitation, both in continental
Croatia and in the Adriatic. "We received full support at the State Department.
They said we were on the right track, both in law making and in energy policy,"
Minister Vrdoljak concluded.
Minister Vrdoljak and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy
Diplomacy Amos Hochstein during talks in Washington, D.C.
Maras and
U.S. Senator
Mark Begich
Gordan Maras and his associates during their visit to Washington, D.C. met
with Senator Mark Begich (D-AL). They exchanged views on the
bilat er al relat io ns
between Croatia and
the U.S., with special
emphasis on economic relations. The Minister pointed out broadened business and investment
possibilit ies in Croatia as a result of the new legal investment framework adopted
recently by the Croatian government as well as the future plans of Ministry of
Entrepreneurship and Crafts aimed at providing stronger incentives for companies
following Croatia's accession to the European Union on July 1 this year. Minister
Maras used this opportunity to present to Senator Begich accents from this year's
Ron Brown Forum which was held in early April in Zadar, with the aim of strengthening business and investment potentials in Croatia and the region of South East
Europe. During his stay in the U.S., Minister Maras also met with State Department‘s Special Representative for Commercial and Business Affairs Lorraine
Minister Maras giving a presentation at the Embassy of
Hariton and had meetings at the U.S. Small Business Administration.
Croatia for the members of Croatian diaspora in WashingMinister Maras also met with representatives of the Croatian diaspora in Washton, D.C. © Embassy of Croatia
ington and in Cleveland.
The Brown Economic Forum held in Croatia
The 3rd Brown Forum was held in Petrcane near Zadar April 8-9, bringing together about 200 entrepreneurs, investors and
representatives of investment funds from Southeast Europe and the United States
The economic conference was important resource of a country was not the national wealth but
organized by t he Minist ry of human resources and education. Croatia and the countries in the
Foreign and European Affairs, region are at an advantage because 30 per cent of Croatia's
Ministry of Entrepreneurship and population have a college degree, and history shows that the
Trade, Economy Ministry, U.S. countries which manage to make use of that manage to achieve
Embassy in Zagreb the
growth, he said. Debates on the role of entreThe Brown Forum is
Croatian Chamber of
preneurs in economic growth and the public
Co mme r ce a nd t he
organized each year in sector's support to enterprise were also in the
Cr o at ia n E mp lo yer s ' honor of U.S. Secretary focus of the conference. Julia Spicer, director
Association. The topic
of Mid - Atlantic Venture Capitalist Associaof Commerce Ron
of the two-day event was "Entrepreneurship and
tion from the US which represents the interBrown who died in an ests of more than 500 investment funds and
Venture Capital - Deepening Ties Between U.S. Firms
airplane accident near investors, underlined the role of the Croatian
and Entrepreneurs in the Southeast Region".
Opening the forum, Croatian Entrepreneurship and Dubrovnik in 1996 while government which must facilitate entry into
Crafts Minister Gordan Maras said the goal in Croatia
the enterprise sector as launching a business is
heading a U.S. trade
was to have 40 enterprises per 1,000 inhabitants by
difficult as it is, even without administrative
mission to Croatia
2020 instead of the current 22. He underlined the
and legal obstacles.
importance of the attendance of investment fund
representatives, saying banks in Croatia were "quite conservative
A week before the conference, commemoration was held in
and often not sympathetic to projects that perhaps should be
the Ronald Brown Memorial House in Dubrovnik marking the
supported first. Unfortunately, we don't have many funds invest17th anniversary of the death of U.S. Secretary of Commerce
ing in projects, which is a form of financing especially valuable
Ronald H. Brown and 35 other passengers aboard the airplane
in the world," Maras said, adding that equity funds would faciliwhich crashed on 3 April 1996 en route from Tuzla to Dubrovtate the realisation of projects.
nik. Addressing those present, Croatian Transport Minister
U.S. Ambassador Kenneth Merten said American investors
Sinisa Hajdas Doncic stressed that the U.S. had always been
felt welcome in Croatia, and that the 18 months after Croatia's
Croatia's strategic partner, notably in the economy. The comaccession to the European Union, scheduled for July 1, would be
memorative event was also addressed by Dubrovnik -Neretva
important to attract investors and that Croatia must use it well.
County Prefect Nikola Dobroslavic, Dubrovnik Mayor Andro
Ambassador Merten also added that the embassy was participatVlahusic and Deputy Chief of Mission of the U.S. Embassy in
ing in several projects by the Croatian government and nongovCroatia Hoyt Yee who said that peace and stability in this region
ernmental organisations to help businesses and in 2012 had
would be guaranteed only by the economic development of the
donated US$150,000 to help found a start -up camp.
countries which had achieved great progress since 1996.
Krishna Kolluri, representative of one of the biggest U.S.
investment funds, New Enterprise Associates, said the most
Croatia’s Accession Treaty
ratified by all EU Member
States’ Parliaments
@ the Embassy
The EU Open House attracts large
crowd at the Embassy
Approximately five thousand visitors toured the Embassy in what has
become one of the best attended and popular social events in the D.C.
The Slovenian, Danish and German parliaments ratified Croatia‘s EU Treaty in the last
period, with the document now being ratified in
all of the EU Member States‘ parliaments.
Croatia is scheduled to join the EU on July
1, 2013, making it the 28th Member State.
On May 11th the European Union Embassies and the EU Delegation
organized the EU Embassies‘ Open House during which each embassy
opened their doors to the public and offered a rare look inside the buildings. This annual event was the highlight of the Washington May calendar
and was celebrated during Europe Week.
The Croatian Embassy participated for the second time in the event,
displaying cultural and tourist potentials of Croatia as the new member
state of the EU. A wine tasting and video shows were organized and the
visitors had a chance to plan a trip or learn more about the country‘s
history, geography, economy and other aspects of cultural and social life
in Croatia.
@ the Embassy
The Embassy hosted
Harvard D.C. Club
Croatian Ambassador Joško Paro welcomed Harvard D.C. Club on March 27
at the Croatian Embassy. The Ambassador briefly introduced Croatia and its
foreign policy goals and spoke about the implications of Croatia's European
Union accession for the Trans-Atlantic and regional relations. The event was
attended by 90 Harvard alumni with graduation years ranging from 1960s to
2012, and the group also included several DC based Croatian Harvard alumni.
The very lively questions and answer session, as is appropriate for the alumni
of one of the world‘s most prestigious universities, was followed by a reception at which many whom have previously visited C roatia
had a chance to recall pleasant moments from their previous stays.
Croatian--American Day held in Chicago
It is believed that more than 250 000 people of Croatian descent live today in the Chicagoland area and there are more than
thirty five different Croatian cultural and civic organizations in existence there
The 2013 Croatian-American Day took
place on Friday, May 10 th, at the Daley
Plaza in Chicago. The event, organized for
the ninth time on an annual basis by the
Croatian Consulate General in Chicago
and the Croatian
- Amer ic a n
communit y
Chicago has become increasingly
popular. Last year, on the occasion of
the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between Croatia and the United States, the Chicago
City Council passed a resolution which
officially recognized the Croatian
American Day in Chicago.
It is believed that more than 250 000
people of Croatian descent live today
in the Chicagoland area and there are more than thirty five
different Croatian cultural and civic organizations in existence
here. Therefore, in order to celebrate Croatian heritage and
culture, the annual event is held at Daley Plaza, the main square
in Chicago. There are booths set up on the Plaza showcasing
tastes, sounds and sights of Croatia. Offerings include traditional
foods and pastries and other items from Croatia, like souvenirs
and tourist brochures. Large panels throughout Daley Plaza
display Croatia‘s natural beauty, as well as the information about
its culture and heritage, the most prominent Croatians and some fun facts.
The program kicked off with the
American and Croatian National Anthems
and the raising of the Flags. After greetings by dignitaries and guests, including
Croatian Ambassador to the U.S. Joško
Paro and Consul General in Chicago
Jelena Grčić Polić, there were various
performances by Croatian School‘s
Folklore groups and a hand printed
fashion art show ―PASSION FASSION‖,
by a local Croatian-American artist Ana
Buzancic Petercic. Furthermore, this year the visitors were
treated to a wonderful exhibition of photographs ―Amazing
Croatia‖ by award-winning artist Marko Vrdoljak in the adjacent
lobby of the Daley Center.
Luka Misetic and Tomislav Kuzmanovic Presented with the
Croatian American Bar Association’s 2012 Vinodol Code Award
At an eve nt ho st ed by t he Chicago Co nsu l Ge ner a l o f t he Republ ic o f Cr o at ia o n
Ma y 10, 2013, t he Cro at ia n Amer ica n Bar
Asso c iat io n pr ese nt ed t he 2012 Vino do l
Co de Awar d t o Luka S . M iset ic and
T o mis la v Z. Kuz ma no vic, as t he jo int
r ec ip ie nt s, in r eco gnit io n o f t he ir d ist ingu is hed lega l car eer s and o ut st anding
co nt r ibut io ns t o t he Cro at ia n - Amer i can
co mmu nit y.
Mr . M iset ic a nd Mr . Ku z ma no vic r epr es ent ed Gener a l Ant e
Got o vina a nd Ge ner a l M lade n Mar kač be fo r e t he I nt er nat io na l
Cr im ina l T r ibu na l fo r t he fo r mer Yugo s la via‘ s ( I CT Y‘s) Appea ls Cha mber , wher e, o n No ve mber 16, 2012, t he Appea ls
Cha mber r ever sed Ge n. Got o vina a nd Gen. Mar kač‘ s co nvict io ns fo r cr ime s aga inst hu ma nit y a nd vi o lat io ns o f t he law s o r
cust o ms o f war and e nt er ed ver d ict s o f acqu it t al.
From left to right: Josko Paro, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to the
United States of America, Luka Misetic, 2012 Vinodol Code Award Honoree,
Mauro Viskovic, President of Croatian American Bar Association, Sanja
Kutnjak Ivkovich, Ph.D., S.J.D., Chair of Vinodol Code Award Nominations
Committee, Tomislav Z. Kuzmanovic, 2012 Vinodol Code Award Honoree,
Jelena Grcic Polic, Ph.D., Consul General of Croatia
Conversations in Culture: Persist to surrender
The Delegation of the European Union celebrates Croatia's entry into the European Union. Get an inside look at the
Delegation of the European Union while enjoying an evocative performance by Croatian-American artists Gita Blak and
Lana Is.
Conversations in Culture offers diverse programs on culture from Europe, including music, visual art, theater,
culinary art and literature – with an educational twist. In informal discussions leading and emerging experts provide
insights about their art form, in combination with a demonstration or performance. Programs provide an informal and
entertaining forum to catch up on new and ‗old‘ cultural gems.
In this remarkable multi media performance, Croatian artists Lana Is and Gita (Željka) Blak combine Lana‘s songs
and Gita‘s movies to create a connection between the audio and visual senses—commenting, expressing and developing
reflections of their journey to surrendering.
Željka Blakšić aka Gita Blak is a visual artist who currently lives and works between New York and Zagreb.
Focusing on an obligation of the female artist within a larger socio-political constellation she observes history and
questions the society we live in, transforming her observations and developing them using a variety of media. Often
combining sound, 16mm film, direct-on-film techniques, video and performance; her works translate into complex
audio-visual systems.
Lana Is aka Lana Cenčić is a musician and actress who currently lives and works in New York. After 29 years of
internationally acclaimed work as an actress, dancer and singer she now mostly focuses on to emphasizing her musical
creative work. Her Solo Debut Album ―In Your Head‖ is being released in the Fall of 2013 in the USA and Europe.
The fusion of Lana’s
music and Željka’s
video installations
create an interdiscipliDelegation of the European Union to the United States, Thursday June 27, 6:00-7:30 PM (Doors open at 5:30pm and
nary performance to
show the correlation of close promptly at 6:00pm), Reception Following, 2175 K Street NW | Entrance on 22nd St. Event is Free, but Reservations are Required. Register Now! Credits: EUintheUSA
their work.
Croatian at the 1871 Chicagoland Entrepreneurial Center
Meet Una Pipić, a Croatian who makes sure American ideas translate into an American Dream
The Chicagoland Entrepreneurial Center (CEC) is a non-profit organization that supports entrepreneurs on their
path to building high-growth, sustainable businesses that serve as platforms for economic development and civic
leadership. Its flagship project, 1871, fulfills CEC‘s vision of a central address for entrepreneurs in Chicago. 1871
is a co-working space for digital tech startups and currently serves over 200 startups and 350 entrepreneurs who are
building their companies in Chicago.
In her role as the Chief Operating Offices, Una makes sure that 1871‘s daily operations run smoothly and effectively, and that 1871 is a strong launch pad for amazing content, ideas exchanges and relationship building. On the
front end, this includes regularly connecting hundreds of startups with mentors,
advisors and investors, and collaborating with partners to launch init iatives that grow and promote the
startup communit y. On the back end, this means building a strong operational and managerial platform
that supports hundreds of members having an amazing place to work and learn each day.
As a business advisor, Una works with high-growth startups on financial models, investment presentations, strategic decisions and financing strategies to achieve targeted business results. Una holds MBA
degree from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business with a concentration in entrepreneurship and finance. She also lived in France where she graduated from the American University of Paris
and fell in love with her husband. Born and raised in Croatia, she spends her precious summer vacations
on the Adriatic coast.
Interview: An Englishman on Hvar
This is a story of one British guy, one Croatian island and a fair amount of happiness
Q: First and the most obvious question – how did an EngQ. How do you rate tourist sector on Hvar and in general?
lishman end up living on Hvar and why?
What are the strong points and the things that need to be
You have the excellent marketing of the Croatia Tourist Board improved?
to thank for that! In 2002, I was an aid worker in Somaliland. I
Nobody argues that it is a stunning island, but I think that it
had just sold my house in the UK and was thinking of moving needs to define what kind of island it is, and whether it is Hvar
abroad permanently. There was a commercial break on CNN, and Town or Hvar Island. There are five different tourist boards for
then I saw it - Croatia: The Mediterranean as it Once Was. I the island, which is a little strange, and one reason why Total
decided to buy in Croatia that evening.
Hvar has been so successful, as we cover everything.
It is a party island, a gastronomic destination, a natural paradise,
Q: Why Hvar of all places/islands?
I knew little about Croatia
a beach destination, filled
and so travelled to see a friend
with heritage, but there is no
in Sarajevo who had been an
de fin i ng me ss age w hic h
aid worker in the region. She
brands the island. There is
gave me a list of ten cool
SO much more potential in
places to live, I closed my
Hvar, and it is exciting to be
eyes and pointed to number 6 part of its development.
Hvar. Not only could I not
Q: How to best present
pronounce it, I had no idea it
Hvar and Croatia to the
was an island. My friends told
American audience?
me Jelsa was the best place
There are so many hooks
(they were right). As there
to attract American tourists
was only one house for sale,
(who, by the way, were the
the choice was not difficult. I
second biggest visitors to
signed a pre-contract 48 hours
Hvar Town in 2012). For
after arriving.
those attracted by celebrities,
this is where Tom Cruise
Q: Two most similar and
went walkabout on the main
most different aspects of life
s q u a r e , w h e r e B e yo n c e
in the UK and Croatia?
I am struggling with the
revealed her baby bump to
first part of this question, as
the world, and where Prince
even the air is much better on Paul Bradbury, originally from Manchester, has lived on Hvar Harry went for a nightclub
Hvar. Differences: Hvar is an since 2002, and is author of Hvar: An Insider's Guide, owner of swim; for heritage lovers,
astonishing place to bring up the island's biggest information portal and Hvar has the oldest public
children, a healt hy, safe, official blogger for the Central Dalmatia Tourist Board
theatre in Europe, is the only
natural start to life away from
island in the world with three
the commercial pressures of the West. Secondly, doing business UNESCO heritages, is home to both the oldest town in Croatia
here is frustrating with the bureaucracy, but fits into the Dalma- and the birth of organized tourism in Europe in 1868; for wine
tian lifestyle. A cafe culture, where business is done over a lovers, the stunning Plavac Mali wines compare very favorably
coffee. Weddings apart, I have not worn a suit for a decade. with those of their better-known relative, Zinfandel; and for
Thirdly, the freshness of local produce. While it was init ially a lovers of stunning nature, this is the island of natural goodness,
shock to find that tomatoes do not grow all year as they do in whose festivals include lavender, honey and olive oil. It is an
supermarkets in the UK, the seasonal goodness more than makes island which has it all, an embarrassment of riches, which proup for it. And fourthly, time. There is always time in Dalmatia. vides something for every American visitor. You are very welWhatever job you are doing, a spontaneous coffee break is always come!
an option. There are different stresses here, but I could never
Q: Future plans?
return to the pressure of the Western rat race.
I have two major plans for the future. I am a big fan of the
vision of the regional Central Dalmatia Tourist Board, and we
Q: What puzzles you in Croatia even today?
The bureaucracy! A country where you have to produce an will be expanding our information service beyond Total Hvar and
original birth certificate no more than 6 months old, produce fire - Total Split in 2014, bringing some of the lesser known destinaresistant ashtrays for a rental licence, and where one cannot buy tions in inland Dalmatia into the international spotlight, with
alcohol before 8am.
some exciting projects throughout Dalmatia. But Hvar - and Jelsa
- is in my heart. This is a region of phenomenal wine potential,
Q: Have you learned Croatian?
My kids would say no, but I am confident enough to speak the and a major thrust of Total Hvar in the coming 12 months will be
language (with an appalling accent) on television. Despite its to establish Svirce and Jelsa as the village and town of Hvar
reputation as a difficult language, it is actually the most logical I wine. We have excellent cooperation with the Hvar Wine Assohave come across. What kills me are the dialects, and having ciation and several international agencies to establish central
learned my Croatian on Hvar, I have no idea if a new word if Hvar as a fascinating wine and gastro destination, where we
Jesonski, Forski or Croatian.
guarantee not only quality wine, but an unforgettable Dalmatian
Plitivice Lakes Among Top 5 Waterfall
Hikes Worldwide
According to members of, Plitvice Lakes National
Park are among Top 5 Waterfall Hikes Worldwide. Located in mountainous central Croatia, this park features 16 interconnected lakes
between two mountains. Veliki Slap (the Big Waterfall) is a favorite
tourist hike, falling 255 feet with stairs climbing to the top and viewing
platforms at the bottom.
Croatia Travel News Roundup
by Jeanne Oliver
The strong first trimester has given
tourism officials reason to be highly
optimistic about the summer season which
is expected to break new records. And why not? With Ryanair's
new base in Zadar, 60 direct routes to Dubrovnik Airport and an
exciting schedule of festivals and events this should be a great
summer to visit the EU's newest member. Here are some of the
most recent developments:
Local summer ferry schedules are online now which makes it
much easier to plan an itinerary. Croatia's national ferry line,
Jadrolinija, has retained the same routes and frequencies as last
year without raising prices. Other operators, such as Krilo, GV
Lines and LNP will soon relaunch their more frequent summer
services. It remains to be seen whether Krilo will again run
their popular catamaran from Split to Hvar that allowed a day
trip to Hvar town last year.
Sokol Grad
In the Konavle region near Dubrovnik, Sokol Grad is an ancient
fortress that has recently been restored and opened to the public. Part of the fort has been turned into a museum exhibiting
rare artifacts, plus it affords a sweeping view of the rugged
coastline of the Dubrovnik Riviera.
Ferdinand Budicki Car Museum
Croatia‘s first car museum will open this June in Zagreb with
more than 50 classic cars and motorcycles. Until its opening,
classic cars from its collection are being displayed on Zagreb‘s
Villa Orsula
After a six-month overhaul, this five-star hotel in Dubrovnik is
now open for business. Chic enough for a sheik, Villa Orsula is
an exclusive 11-room hotel with gardens stretching down to the
sea. The magnificently decorated rooms have been upgraded to
include state-of-the-art technology.
Robert Farber
This legendary New York City photographer is being featured at
Dubrovnik's Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art. From
female nudes to landscapes, interiors, fashion and New York
City themes, the exhibition includes 92 images taken from the
1960s to the present.
Echo Festival
From June 6 to 9 in Kanegra Istria, this electronic music festival showcases both established and emerging talent with an
emphasis on UK artists.
World Art Games
Zagreb, Umag, Vukovar and Ludbreg will be hosting the ―Art
Olympics‖, a festival of alternative art, theater, music and
dance running from June 29 to July 10.
For more Croatia travel information, see Jeanne's website:
Your Party Holliday in Croatia
If you want more than beach and the sun, browse through the Croatian coast impressive party list below
Croatia‘s founding festival is back as The Garden Festival reaches its 8th season. In its new
location of Tisno and running from 3 to 10 July, The Garden is keeping the failsafe formula of
distinguished acts in a picturesque locale. The 2013 line -up is led by Floating Points, Eats Everything, Maurice Fulton, Bicep, Soul Clap and Theo Parrish, with club and boat parties offering
unique experience of Croatian Adriatic.
The one that‘s already sold out in a flash – Hideout Festival has become the staple choice for
electronic music lovers worldwide. Set in a picturesque beachside location on the Isle of Pag, guests
have returned year after year for their electronic festival experience by the stunning mountainous backdrop in Croatia. Runni ng from
30 June to 5 July on the Island of Pag, off the shore of Croatia, the Hideout line -up covers house, disco, techno and all things bassheavy. Four Tet, SBTRKT, Marco Carola, Skream and Benga, Loco Dice,Chase & Status, Jamie Jones, Modeselektor and a Pendulum
DJ set are among the confirmed headliners. Artists will be performing from sunrise to sunset at special Hideout Daytime events on the beach, numerous daily boat parties, as well as at the main festival site every night.
‗Underground Music in an Abandoned Fort‘?, that‘s the slogan of Dimensions, an underground electronic
music festival held at Fort Punta Christo, perhaps one of the most amazing festival locations ever imagined.
With a higher technical specification of sound systems than you will find at any other festival of its size,
Dimensions is the perfect place to enjoy the deep end of electronica, the finest in techno, house, deep dubstep,
drum & bass and other electronic sounds. With chilled beats playing during the daytime beach sessions so you
can relax and rejuvenate, and daily boat parties taking off from the harbour there is plenty to see and do. It‘s back in Sept ember 2013
and a line-up to match. Caribou leader Dan Snaith will bring his Daphni side -project alongside Pantha Du Prince, Dixon,Omar S,
Three Chairs, Model 500,Dave Clarke, Surgeon and many more.
Taking place shortly after is the Electric Elephant Festival that runs from 11 to 15 July. Nestled
by shimmering Adriatic waters, Electric Elephant is a boutique escape, with 5 days and 5 nights of
sun, sea and brilliant music in a truly idyllic location in Croatia. Entering its 6th season in 2013,
the festival is one of the original founding events, a gathering of like -minded souls united from
across Europe and beyond.
For the dedicated bass-heads, you can‘t go past Outlook Festival, the largest Bass music and
Soundsystem Culture festival in Europe, featuring the biggest names from the most vibrant and
cutting edge dance scenes around. Running from Thursday 29 August to Monday 2 September at Fort
Punta Christo (same place as Dimensions), its line -up includes Yasiin Bey (Mos Def) / Capleton / Talib
Kweli / Anthony B / Jay Electronica / Alborosie & The Shengen Clan / The Pharcyde and many more.
The European expansion of Miami‘s Ultra Music Festival now includes a stop in Croatia. The threeday Ultra Music festival Croatia 2013, which is expected to attract some 60,000 fans at the Poljud
stadium in Split for the first two days, then moves to Croatia‘s premier island of Hvar, where leading
hotel group Suncani Hvar will be hosting a VIP event on the waterfront at Hotel Amfora in Hvar Town
on July 14.
A little later in the same month is the INmusic Festival in Zagreb, an open -air rock and urban music festival which attracts mor e
than 20,000 people every year. This year‘s lie up includes Arctic Monkeys, Iggy Pop & The Stooges, Basement Jaxx and Bloc Par ty.
So, book a plane ticket and get ready to party in Croatia this summer!
New International Fellowship Mobility Program for Experienced
Researchers Launched in Croatia
NEWFELPRO is a fellowship program of the Government of the
Republic of Croatia and the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport
(MSES). The project is co-financed through the
Marie Curie FP7-PEOPLE-2011-COFUND
program. Its total value is 7 million euros, out
of which 60% is financed from national
sources. Project duration is from 2013 until
Long-term Objective
The long-term objective of the NEWFELPRO fellowship program is
to raise the presence of research-qualified individuals by providing them
with new opportunities to gain relevant international experience, and thus
contribute to the further development of international scientific networks.
Target groups
Two categories of researchers are eligible to apply: a) experienced
researchers, who must at the time of the call deadline at least possess a
doctoral degree or have at least four years of full-time equivalent research
experience; and b) senior researchers who must have a doctoral degree
and more than ten years of full-time equivalent research experience.
Strategic Objectives
Provide new impulse to national research programs for foreign
researchers, encouraging incoming mobility of experienced researchers
from abroad to Croatia (new incoming fellowship scheme, duration 12-24
Facilitate additional mobility of the Croatian research
community by increasing outgoing mobility of Croatian
scientists abroad (new outgoing fellowship scheme,
duration 12-36 months); Reverse the ―brain drain‖
process by encouraging outstanding Croatian researchers to develop their careers in Croatia and also inviting
them to return to Croatia (new reintegration fellowship scheme, duration
24 months).
Open Calls for Proposals
NEWFELPRO will launch three open calls for proposals. The first
call is expected by the beginning of the third trimester, in July 2013, and
will be open for a period of 90 days, until October 2013. Calls will be
published on the project web pages
Project Added Value
NEWFELPRO allows applicants to freely apply within any scientific
area of their choice and fellows/grants are assigned only on the basis of
excellence and quality of research projects.
Contact Information
The World's Fastest Electric Supercar Comes From Croatia
The One Super Electric Car To Rule Them All
Unveiled at 2011
bee n pa id t o t he info t ainme nt s yst e m
Fr a nk fur t Aut o S ho w,
and gadget s like head - u p- d isp la ys a nd
t he Co ncept _One is an
so ft - c lo se doo r s whic h had t o mat ch
excep t io na l su p er car
t he pro puls io n t echno lo g y in it s adw it h a new pr o puls io n
va nc e me nt .
co nc e pt pr o du c ed by
R ima c Aut o mo bi li is a yo u ng co mCroatain
co mpany
pany w hic h de ve lo ps a nd pr o duces
R ima c Aut o mo bi l i. Wit h a cur b we ig ht
hig h per fo r ma nce e lect r ic ve hic les,
o f 1650 kg, and 1088 HP , t he Co ndr ive t r ains a nd bat t er y s yst e m. T hi s
cept _One ca n r eac h 100 k m/ h fr o m a
a ll bega n w he n t he fo u nder o f R ima c
st andst il l in 2. 8 seco nd s and co nt inue t o
Aut o mo bi l i, Mat e R imac, co nver t ed
acce ler at e t o t he li m it o f 305 k m/ h.
his o ld B M W t o a r ace E V. He ex92kWh o f e ner g y in t he Bat t er y Mo du les de liver s e no ugh p lo r ed t he t echno lo g y by i mpr o ving e ver y par t and bega n
ju ice ― fo r up t o 600 km o f r a nge.
t o t eam- up w it h exper t s fr o m d if fer e nt fie lds in o r der t o
R ima c Aut o mo bi l i de ve lo ped a u niqu e po wer t r ain w hic h deve lo p t he ne xt gener at io n super car . T he o ld BM W is no w
is d iv ided int o fo ur sub - s yst e ms, each co ns ist ing
o ffic ia l l y ho mo lo gat ed as a ―R i mac Au t o mo o f o ne mo t o r, inver t er and r educt io n gear bo x. A g r o up o f 2 0
bi l i e - M3 ―a nd is used a s a t est mu le fo r bat E ach o f t ho se s yst e ms dr ives o ne w hee l , wo r king m ulti -ta le nte d
t er y t echno lo g ie s, bat t er y ma nage me nt , proco mp let e ly ind epe nde nt o ne fr o m t he ot her . It 's
pu ls io n s yst e ms and lat est in - ho use deve lo pe ng ine e r s a nd
ca lled Al l Whee l T o r que Vect or ing a nd it allo w s
me nt s. Descr ibing t he ir beg inning s Mat e
a new appr o ach t o ve hic le d yna mic s. Ma t e Rimac, d e s ig ne r s s e ttle d
R ima c po int s o ut : ―Our fir st car evo lve d in a
t he CE O o f R imac Aut o mo bil i sa ys: ―I be lie ve in C r o a tia ne a r
sho r t per io d o f t ime int o a pro ject t hat d id n‘t
t hat t he e lect r ic mo t or is a muc h bet t er mac hine Za g r e b a r e m a k g ive a fina l r e su lt - inst ead it was a st ar t , t he
co mpar ed t o t he I CE , in a lmo st all aspe ct s, espe- ing s o m e thing
st art o f t he wo r ld‘ s fir st elect r ic hyper car –
c ia l l y fo r a sport s car . ―
t he Co ncept _One‖. T he pro duct io n o f t he
ne w a nd r e v o luT he car bo n- fibr e bo d y is de s ig ned by Adr ia no
f ir st mo de l, t he Co ncept _One, is l im it ed t o 88
Mudr i: „E xp lo r ing t he la byr int h o f cr eat ivit y, it
unit s, st art ing w it h de liver ie s in 2013.
was o bvio us at an ear ly st age t hat t he des ig n had
t o be s imp le and c lear w it h a lo t o f spo rt y e lega nce t o
eas i l y c at ch up w it h it s co mpet it o r s in t his po wer & exc lus ivit y c las s. ― T he int er io r is des ig ned by a t eam o f fo r mer
P ininfar ina e mp lo ye es, led by Mr . Go ran P o po vić. Aft er
t he R ima c Aut o mo bi l i e ng ineer ing t ea m f inis hed t he de ve lo pme nt and pr ot ot yp ing o f t he int er io r part s, t he leat her spec ia l ist V ilner st epped - in. T he r esu lt is a hig h - t echsuper car int er io r whic h ca n be bo t h appea ling a nd p le asa nt
t o int er act wit h, at t he sa me t ime. S pec ia l at t ent io n ha s
Take 'Game Of Thrones'
Walking Tour of
A n d C r oa t i a i s …
. . . the la nd o f a tho us a nd l i g ht ho u s e s
The filming of the fourth season of the mega
popular HBO series will once again take place
in Croatia
The Game of Thrones fans can now visit familiar filming locations on new walking tours in
Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Four-hour walking tours in Dubrovnik take fans
to the setting of King's Landing, the capital of the
Seven Kingdoms in the series. Visitors will check
out Lovrijenac Fortress and climb the city walls
that were attacked by the Baratheons in the first
series, from which point they can look out over
Blackwater Bay.
According to the travel site Viator, a guide will
also take visitors to several city parks used to film
countryside scenes in the series.
Discover “Dinaric Arc
Through ''Dinaric Arc Parks“ project and the
website WWF
invites the region and the world to discover ''an
undiscovered world of the Dinarides''
The largest canyon in the world after the Colorado Canyon in the United States, the oldest and
largest European virgin forest where people still
have not set their feet, a meadow with more breeds
of orchids than the entire Great Britain, the largest
underground vertical in the world, the largest and
longest gorge in the world... All of these treasures
are hidden and can be found in the Dinaric Arc
By recognizing an incredible beauty of the
region, cultural diversity and at the same time an
incredible similarity, WWF, world organization for
nature protection, has connected the nature parks
and national parks from Slovenia, through Croatia
to Albania in a regional network Dinaric Parks.
Take a look and visit them!
The lighthouses are the most important aids to navigation which
enable a safe day and night navigation through determined sea
regions. But more than that, lighthouses located along the Adriatic
coast from Istria to Dubrovnik, in difficult to access secluded areas,
in an oasis of peace and tranquility, guarantee a unique and uninterrupted summer holiday.
century saw the cons t ru c t i on
m an y
li gh t h ou se s
Adriatic, scattered on
many rocks, islets and
islands. Close to each
other, and yet distant,
they marked the navigation routes that made the Adriatic outstandingly safe for navigation. The lamps used to
be fueled by acetylene; today they are
powered by solar energy, self-sustaining as
such remote outposts ought to be.
There are total of
45 lighthouses along
coast, built at the
most prominent or distant points of the
Croatian territorial sea. All lighthouses are
automated and supervised by means of remote control system. However, because of the
importance of lighthouses for safety of navigation and in order to protect lighthouse
buildings from degradation, 17 lighthouses
still have personnel (1 or 2 light keepers in a
Lighthouses on the
Croatian Adriatic coast act as historical and
cultural monuments of a bygone era, and at
beacons of beauty
Whether your visit
is on a calm day of tranquil sea and sunshine, or during one of the many days that
strength and
power as it relentlessly crashes against
the sheltering walls, these lighthouses
will grip your heart and imagination.
Book your unique lighthouse excursion at:
Photo of the Month
Each month we will publish a photo of
Croatia taken by one of the millions of
foreign tourist that discover “The Mediterranean as it once was” every year.
For more of these, check out the official Facebook page of Croatia “Love
Croatia” or visit
This month’s photo features sunset
somewhere along the Adriatic coast.
Courtesy of Adam Sołtysiak.
Speaking of Facts
Zlatni Rat (Golden Cape) is a
narrow white pebble beach on the
southern coast of the island of
The shape of the beach shifts with
the changes in tide, currents and
wind, veering out into the sea 634
meters (0,4 miles) long
Visit Croatia!
Croatian National Tourist Board online
© The Croatia Monthly is a free electronic newsletter published by the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia to the United States
of America, 2343 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington DC 20008-2803. Tel:+(202) 588 5899; Fax:+(202) 588 8937. Publisher: Ambassador Joško Paro. Editor: Dino Mihanović, Second Secretary. Free subscription, un-subscription or comments: Neither the Embassy nor the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs accept any responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information in this newsletter. Feel free to forward this newsletter to all that might be interested
in its content.