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EH RVILL GRAPH SEPT MICROFILMED BY THE KANSAS STATE TOPEKA 1978 HISTORICAL SOCIETY g H^Hj Historical Society \ t:,- Wi^RVTMiE,^MARSHAIiL QOUICT^ E^iNSAS, ERTDAY, SEPTEMBER 6,1901. V ]TH£ MARKETS. TERRIBLE STqJRM WORKS V* HAVOC INlCLEVELANDi CMWDBURST COMES IN THE NIGHT GRAIN.; - -V". ; ' } ; . . Chlcago-fWheat—No." 3 spring, 66@ €8%c; No. i 2 red, 70%@71%c. O a t s No. 2, 34@34%c; No. 2 white, 36%@ 37%c; No.f3 white, 36%@36%c. Ryf —54&@55%c.!! Barley—Fair to choice malting, 57&6le. . ._ SL Louisa-Wheat—No. 2 red, cash, elevatprj 69%c; track, 7i@71%c; Sep- WOODS WINS IT WHS NO GROUND FOR A CONTEST tember, 6 9 ^ C ; J December,!7i%c; May, Neither Letter Nor Spirit of l a w Violated 76c; No. 2;jhard, 68@69c. Corn—No. - H e B a d Undoubted E i g h t to Make 2 cash,- 55%c; r track, ; 55%@56c; September, 55?4c;r December, 58c; -May, Selection a s H e D i d , a n d Sqttat- B0%@60%c. | Osts-^No. 2 cash, 36%!e; "ters W h o Were o n His Land track, 37%^37%c; September, 35%jc; W e r e Unauthorized readers of history fully comprehend December; 3p^gc; May^ 39cj No.! 2 The i national encampment I of the Trespassers. , j the magnitude of the civil war, the "white, jlS,A0&%c.r \ Rye—48c. \ %\ Grand Army of the Reputilic, at Cleve-^wonderful courage it revealed and the Kansas. .Gity-jr Wheat—-September, land, will undoubtedly mark: t i e cliintensity of -the feeling which. gave In the contest case of J. L. Calvert With the breaking of dawn Sunday 63?| @64c; December, 66%@67c; May, max in gatherings of the bronzeil, aged thousands of mien year after year to against. James R. Woods) coming and battle-scarred veteran's |6f the civil 70%c; cash, ^ft». rhardr65@65%c; No: morning the citizens of Cleveland, G., the battlefield. The veterans alone fromjthe Lawton, Okla., land district.; awoke t o ilook- upon .a scene of n n - ?.-64%c; No.| :2{red,i 68c. Corn—Sep- war. ^It brings together bebresiof old are able to appreciate just What, pa- and involving entry No. 1, Acting Sectember, 54%@54%c; .December,' 54%@ soldiers, many of whom ttill not be on paralelled devastation and destruction tient courage and endurance were nec- retary Ryan has rendered a decision hand for another encampment. ! Those caused by a raging flood. While the 55c;- May, 57%c; cash No. 2 mixed, 55 1 essary to .live through the years of the refusing to order a hearing on the entire city was more or less affected, @56c; No. 2 vrtiite, 56@56%C Oatsj - who have outlived the .awful yiciEsirebellion. Considering' the nature of charges preferred. The charges subt h e great'-volume of- raging water No. 2 white, 38@38^c. Rye—No. |2, tudes of their campaigns, however, and that experience it. is not surprising stantially are that Woods' entry was 56@56%c. ' I '• rented its rage over miles of the easthave enjoyed the calm: pf industrial that the ; bond among the veterans. made in violation of the homestead ern portion of _ the city and caused an and business life since .•-! their I cam- r LIVE STOCK. ~ ~J should be strong. Their reunions com- law by reason of its location joh the ^amount of damage approximated at . Kansas City—Choice; "export and paigns closed, will be there in surpriSr memorate events which loom large in south line of the town of Lawtion and "$1,000,900. .: •••• . < '-'-•' ' dressed beef steers] $5:50@5.90;> fair to ing numbers. Those whojse means -or the world's history. It is the memory that the entry embraces a tract! a mile The appalling overflow was caused good, $4.60@5.40;| stockers and feeders, opportunities do not permit them to long and onlyj a quarter of a mile i b y a terrific rain that commenced to ?2.75@4.25; Western fql steers.- ?4,25 attend the gathering of thMr comrades wide, and was: so taken for speculative fall shortly after 2 o'clock, turned, in- @5.§0; Western-range steers, $3@4.50; will be there in spirit and I sympathy. purposes and not for agricultural pur• to a. perfect cloudburst between the j Texas and Indians, $2.75@3.75; Texas ' Depleted numbers, the aidvanced age poses, and that the entry was made a t "i hours-of 3 and 5, and then continued cows, ?2.50@3.2o; native cows, ?2.50jg> and accumulating infirmltjies of those perfecting a veterans' organization. a time when there was a large numwith great force until nearly 10 o'clock. 4.25; heifers; $2.75@5^ canners, ?1.50{g who survive, the disappearances^ of The first pest was formed at Decatur, ber of townsite settlers on the land 111., on-the evening of April 6, 1866, The stbrm, according to weather of- 2.40; bulls, $2.4O@4.50;-calves, $3@4.50. and by them occupied for trade and and this, With two posts established at ' flcialst''ls the heaviest that ever-swept Hogs—Top, $6.40; heavy, $6.30@6.40; business. over. Cleveland since the establishment mixed packers,': ?6@6.32%; light, $5.60 Springfield,, adopted the principles The decision holds that the selection of the government "bureau there over @6.12%; pigs, ?4.40@5,60. Sheep^rwhich have been the cardinal doctrines and entry of land, adjacent to the town j Lambs, ?4.25(g)4.75; native wetliers, forty years ago. f . of the organization. Ever since the of Lawton was not in violation, of the t That no lives were lost is nothing |?3.25@3.60; western wethers, ?3@i3.50; first national: convention in i866—the •letter or spirit of the law, and that the short of a miracle, as mdny stories of western: yearlings, ?3.40@3.65; 'ewes, annual gatherings were . not officially fact that there may have been alleged thrilling escapes from me water oh $3.75@4.15; stock sheep, $2@2.75; styled "encampments" until the followtownsite settlers on the land j at the several of the principal streets' of the ing year—the Grand Army has playChicago—Cattle—Steers 10 fti 15c time he made his entry does n o t afcity are told. * '.. ed an important role in the history of higher, active. 1 Butcher stock [Strong fect Woods' right of entry. The land The surging waters spread over av. to 10c higher/ ; Texans,,, 10 ;to 15c the nation. It has done much for the was not subject t o appropriation for area in the east end! nearly eight miles higher.'. Hogs^Active. Good to ^choice. relief of its own members. It has done townsite purposes, nor was any j person long 6nd a mile and a half wide. lO'c higher, others steady, JTop. ?6.7t(; much for charity, and it should not authorized to enter upon it. or {occupy This extends from. Woodland Hills bixeu and butchers'' $5.80@6.70; good be forgotten that in several instances it for purposes of trade .or business, avenue to. East Cleveland and back to' to choice heayy, ?5.95@6.70; rougji this charity—notably during the times and no such occupancy could operate East Madison avenue. .' ;'":.'"' heavy, $5.75@5i90; flight, t5M@_6.o5. to defeat his fight to entry; of the Mississippi valley yellow fever SOLDIER MONUMENT. . Great volumes of Water poured over Sheep—Steady tb- 10c higher.' Lambs outbreaks and the Charlestown earth- H •It is further held in his opinion that from Doan and-5Gidings brooks down strong. ! {I. ii- . . | - quake-^was directed to the relief of of these things, and in the reflection his entry, is not bad on account of the Qulncy Btreet, stamped Vienna street, j South S t J6seph~rCattle--Market former-enemies. But most of all it that the Grand Army must dwindle formSrf the tract embraced therein; rushed over Cedar! avenue'. back on active to 10c higher, j Hogs—Lights has been a beneficial factor in keeping with saddening rapidity, that the peo- that the" special provisions of the act East Prospect street, rushe|i like a ajnd mixed, 56@6.35; medium and alive the sentiments of loyalty and ple take pleasure in doing honor to the bf May 2, 1890, do not coptrol |in this inillrace down Lincoln aveniie to Eu- heavy, $6.05@6.40; | pigs, ?3*.25@5.50; matter, but the general provisions of old soldiers. patriotism. i . , .' . .. j, clid avenue,, and then on to (jrlen Park b^ilk, ?6.15@B.35. jsheep niarket steady the homestead law do, and that! under Such an organization is without ; -' , \ A Splendid Selection. place where houses were undermined to'strong. '.- T :. '•' ' parallel among the societies of war - Cleveland has been making ample the act of June 6, 1900 making proas those built of straw and almost in- | S t Lpuis^Cattie—Market generally vision for the disposition) oft these • credible damage done to streets and steady tostfongif beef cattle ranging a lands, it provides that they shall be ..property, i - " - . ' • • disposed of under the general provisshade higher. .Hogs—^Market 5c high'.f>? Over a large share of this exclusive ei-, with the top (for butchers' at $6i70, ions of the homestead and townsite residence territory the water rushed the highest. poihi; on this market in laws of the United States. with terrific force,, [varying in depth seven years'. Pigs and lights, I&15P from one to six feet Culverts, tres- 6'40; packers, $6@fc40; butchers' $6.45 Will Re-Swim t h e Bsgbagr. tles and bridges were torn down"and @6.70. il Sheep—Market strong. , • 'i Will Trembley, now city clerk of PERRY STAT . for "[hours nothing seemed "capable of Kansas City, Kan., who once swam posts by^ the death of member^, will stemming the tide qf "destruction. > the Bagbag river in one of the Philip""Hay—Prairie-iiiyj, 'choice, $13,50;' Nol pine islands, is billed to. repeat his "Hiitidreds of residents who were im- t, s ?ll@12.50j Nbi-2, ?9.50@10; No. §1 end in the not distant future thje -history of the- grand army—an organizadaring deed in a river near Ottawa, prisoned in their beautiful homes like 50@7.50; "Nofj 4, $5@6, Packing tion that has had a career that stamps Kan., September 27. It will Ve the stranded islanders; were almost panic hay, $5. Timothy, choice, $12.50; No. annual reunion of the Twentieth Kanstricken,'expecting t c . b e called upon 1,$12; No. 2,$11J No. 3, $8@10. Pure it as unique in itself, without Preference to the exceptional nature of the sas" regiment His name is printed in t o w a g e out into traHSwirling waters clover, $9. j Clover mixed, No. 1; great events from which; it topk itslarge red letters on advertising posters at almost every mlmite.?" Danger sig|fvj$l0j;| No. 3, $9.50; rise. Held together entirely by I com910.50@11; that have been hung up i n every Kannals were flashed about the city as • • I munity of sentiment and, ;a spirit of ; Striiw.,$4. ! sastowd. Trembley has consented to : speedily as the disabled telephone* sys- Alfalfa, mutual helpfulness, its existence has ' r^D MULES. do: the swimming stunt, but rjealizes tem would allow and the work of ' s . HO! Brafts, that every foot of his way across the 100; chunks, good been a perpetual reminder ofj the rescue. commenced. Row boats plied river must be actually swum, pr the back and,.forth "assisting whole fam- •tip choice, ^$70@lOb; chunkSj common strength of the bonds and the Intensity native Kansans will declare the exhi.: illes froW'perilous positions, but these to fa^ir, $45@65; drivers, medium, $40(f<. of the patriotic spirit which united the bition is n o t the real thing. ^Trem/ .proved plttfullyMuadequate and it was 65; drivers, good to fancy, from $75 up; men engaged in the war. bley has confided to a^friend that ho Southerners, commonTib fair, $20@30;I soon found necessary to-go to the ex. . First fa. A. K. Post. ; has gone into systematic training for p l u g s . j | | j |;j , . : " « "'; ! traordinary precaution of calling on ; The, Grand Army of the Republic has' the event Every evening about' sunthe life saving crew j from the river, a 'Mules—13%@14 hands, fat and down the "one-time hero visits the broken, $35@40; !14@14% hands, fat, had a life4 of about thirty-five years.. distance of seven miles. 1 Missouri river and for an hour pracThe war was tover and the re-iinited gbod hair, $40(g>45; 14%@15 hands, 1 The damage! to houses and their eftices tAe a r t of swimming. fects cannot be estimated accurately, fat, $45@70; 15@15% hands, fat, $70 nation was j u s t beginning t o take up CENTRAL ARMORY, CLEVELAND. 1 the work of peace when the firstjp'ost @85; 15%@16 hands,, fat, $95@ll0; perhaps for days,»but it will reach l6@16% hands, extra, $115<g>130; wat« was formed. The origin, ojt.the order veterans the world over. It has: ino preparations for the entertainment of . A Victim of Pickpockets. close to the half million mark. is traced to a meeting of yeterans at predecessor and it cannot have a suc- the old soldiers, and as they arrive mules, $55@60. | - . • ; '£ |; William H. Hall, of Odessai, Mo., V The city will also lose heavily on Springfield, Hi., during thef winter of cessor. = It; sprung . from conditions they.will find the latch-string out and reported to the Kansas City police that HIDES AND PELTS. damage to streets', culverts, bridges and 1865-66/when Dr. F.' B. jstephenson which are not likely to repeat them- the glad hand; of jweicome extended. his pockets .had, been picked of $300 Nos. 1 ahd 2, ] ail around, 7%c; pavements over the district covered by who was a surgeon in the ;Fourte!enth selves in aay.country or at'any time. More than 300,000 visitors are expect- by one of three young men whom he branded, 7c; bulls and stags, 6%c; t h e ;water. • . • " . . green uncured," l c jper pound less than Blinois Infantry, took the initiative J n It is doubtful if many of t h e casual ed to be in the encampment city dur- had met in a hotel. The confidence ing the week, and It is the aim of the men broached a scheme to Mr. Hall cured; branded 'aim badly) grubby, kips, EXPERT SWIMMER citizens of Cleveland to make it a red- by which they said he could beat the 1MI DROWNS. 4d; green horse |||hides, large,7 $2.75; letter event, in the history of the town. races, but he refused to have anything medium, $2.50; small, $1:50; ponies, : foW- ' to Save He Was S h o w i n g . How Llfe $1@1.25; dry fliht butcher hides, 13%c; Free quarters -nave been provided for to do with the plan. After thejyo.ung from' 25^)00 to 30,000 veterans in school men departed Mr. Hall discovered that - When He Went Down, i dry flint fallen, 12c; jdry salt, 10c; dry houses .and halls, similar to the plan he had been robbed. From the de-George Belcher, of Brooklyn, well glue, 7c; vfery badly! grubby, green, or adopted by Chicago, and Which, worked scription given of the pickpockets the known as an expert land fancy swim- dr!y" hides a r e classed as glue stock. so successfully last year. police arrested Harry Ladd, who admer, was drowned alt Broad channel, Sheep pelts, gree4 40@75c; dry flint, The Forest City is a place of ar-. mitted that he secured $65 of the RockawayA Beach, New York, j He was 6%@7%c per pouhd. • \ mories and monuments, and has many money. He returned $50 df the giving an' exhibition an deep water of points, of historic interest Foremost amount, all he had left, and was rehow a swimmer could carry, a person among these Is the tomb of the late leased, as TAT. Hall did not care to on his back, and his daughter, Eva, PLOT TO KILL BISHOP. President Garfield, whose home,was; in prosecute. Ladd's pals have not been -18 years old; was/th4 one he. carried. Mentor, only twenty-four miles from caught Hundreds of- people wjere watching the Startling Story Told by a Polander -In a ' ) . i! • ' " - • ' Cleveland. The mausoleum is. located 4wp when Belcher and his daughter ; • Justice Court. B o y Saved From a H o b . j In Lake View cemetery, on a high began to flounder in. the water. T^ie Sensational testimony disclosing an Deputy United States marshals piece of ground, and is the Mecca of crowd thought t h b was part of the alleged plot to kill Bishop Anton Kosmany visitors to the city. The statue brought Don Petty, aged 16 years, to -exhibition and no "one made a move lbwski," of the. Independent Polish of Commodore "Oliver Hazard Perry, Ardinore, I. T., from Tishomingo and to -help until Belcher'kj-wife, who was Catholic church, Chicago, has been inthe hero of the battle of Lake Erie in thwarted the mob which w a s threatamong the spectators,-began to scream troduced by' the- prosecution in Justice the war: of 1812, was dedicated Sep- ening to lynch him. Petty is charged that something must be wrong. Both Martin's court Fivie.of^the bishop's tember 10, 1860, the anniversary of With criminally assaulting May Bells, swimmers sank. Finally a matt in the parishioners are defendants on charges Perry's great victory. Some years ago a 5-year-ol4 girl In a cornfield. Excrowd .ruBhed into thej water and after of 'the bishop and attempting to cause i t was removed from t h e public square, citement is intense In the vicinity of diving brought the girl's bddy to the his arest '-.-•- -j i; - . where, i t Aad been originally -placedy Tishomingo, , surface. She was revived, but when B. Iiewindowski, ivfiho has. been.em•——;—I • ; and taken to a beautiful spot in Wade her father's body wais recovered life as watchman of the hospital '- A B o y Shot in an Orchard. park, where It how stands. •waB extinct ! -. run In connection with the bishop's Ai Williamson, of Kansas City, proIn> the very heart of the business sec- tected his apple orchard the other d i y church, testified that Dr. Lodistaw tion of the xiity stands one - of t h e by shooting a charge of bird shot from Slominski, the principal defendant, had DEATH IN A MIJNf SHAFT. grandest soldiers', monuments; in the his shotgun Into a crowd of small boys plotted to get rid jpf., Koslowski in T w o Inquisitive Boys Aro Overcome by order to secure control of the hospital. "United States. Within its, walls; 1 are who had crawled under the fence and relics of: wars and;the names of de- were filling their pockets with apples. 'Four Air. . , ,.;-:. The conspiracy, it is charged, was enparted- heroes chiseled in the marble A bdy named Fred Thomas was tha ') Charles Buchanan and Frank Evans, tered into a year ago last winter. surroundings. This monument will no only one struck, A few shots-were "Dr. Solminski told, me he had bettwo young men living near. Lancaster, doubt be one of the greatest attractions picked from his legs at die city hosMo., met death in a coal shaft They t e r kill] the bishop,! so that he aa?. a t the. encampment and will doubtless pital, but he. was not seriously Injured weroi passing near the mine, which these other men could have t h e hosbe-visited by every veteran in-attend-^ Williamson w#s not arrested. .had: long "since been abandoned, and pital. • We were in a saloon at t h e time ance., . Buchanan proposed that -they descend and he put $50 on the bar and told me the ladder leading to the bottom of the tovtake that now. ThenTiie said I was - Located but two Blocks from the B o y is Snot -with Revolver. .shaft' -A-.'" ' 3 ' \' :' to have $350: more|.when I decided to public square is the Central.armory, a A s a result ^of careless examination ^Buchanan went .first and failed t o do what h e . wanted. He said also large and magnificent building/ where of a revolver, Groyer Cleveland Row• return. Evans descended the ladder that he would giyj^ime a steady Jobcampflres by the veterans will be held land, aged 18 years, residing near t o see what had become of his com^ driving -the .ambulance, and that I It.-will also be a principal headquar- Woodlandville, Boone county. Mo., .was panion and when near the water at would have a nice uniform with brass t e r s for" the Grand Army: •;-:-;. .wdnndediiprpbably fatally. THE GARFEBLD^MONUMENT, - * "the bottom felL Their companion gav«> buttons and a horsie." The other-rdefenjdants on itrial-are the alarm, but both were dead when DragS-odto D e a t h by a Horse. : rescued. It is thought both, were over- B., Wadzlnski, S.; Sajowicz, Hi A. Pod Farquahar Gillies, a prominent and come by foul air, which had accumu- goroski and Joseph CiszowskL Among the many reunions In con- wealthy sheep man, was dragged to The great breathjngf place? of* CleyeThe only national W>R. C. home in lated In the shaft nection Wifli-the encampment will; be death by a frightened horse on the l a p d ^ i t s pnbUc s^pnire^ias been made ?Ajherica is located a t Madispn, thirty-? Chicago Burglars :Stake Good Haul. ., those of "tire-Michigan Cavalry brigThe jewelry store of Bernard J, ^nva-jmiles east of Cleveland. The na- the- courtf of^ honor, which, will be ade. F i r s t Vermont and Twenty-fifth r a n g e near his ranch a t -Red Lodge, B i s Kansas Barn Burned. Mont. H e was leading the horse by a radiant with t h e glow of electric lights tional meeting-of the W. R . C.-has H^gamann, In Chicago, was entered by New York Cavalry regiments and the rope, having a slip knot fastened to ... D. R. Kernehan,L who resides, near aafeblowers, who escaped with .booty never before been jield* within 150. i t night and jesp'lendent with the naFifth New York Heavy Artillery. The his-arm. The torse became frightBeverly, Kan.; lost a large h i r n and valued a t $5,000. i The ^burglars tore miles of this institution inhabitated by tional colors, Grand-Army emblems president of the Michigan Cavalry ened and started off a t break-neck and flowers. D3umlnated_ and^ deco-. heroines of the civil war,.and matiy. its contents by fire. The barn was one off a n lrbnrod; which protected a rear faembers "of fhe : W.^R. C/ who go to r^fed arches .Wfflb^s^^ered through Brigade is Gen. James H. ^IddV of speed, the- rope becoming tangled -so whidow to t h e buliding and drilled of the largest in the county. 1, The loss Ionia. Another reunion will ;be t h a t that Gttlies could a o t loosen I t Cleveland Will no doubt. aysdX' thenir opt t h e square* T b e s o l d l e ^ Includes 500 bushels o?.wheat, a fine-; holes in t h e door to the safe.'..--WlUi selvesi x)f the opportunity';to;vJsit'fhe meat win also'be IBuminatedr (with of the first^^ b r ^ d e , t h ^ dlvjLEaon, stallion; a large amount of feed and an explosive the door was blown, from clusters-of electric l i g h ^ . - I n o t h e r tiivehtiethaiTnyxorps, a t one time com-' The man who always-stops t o think his^ farm Implements. The fife'ft Its hinges. The ibooty consisted qf home. Special' trains Will/be run^ for iparts of thecitVc handsome':day; igid manded by, B ^ a m l n , Harrison, afte*- what he says doesn't always atop to the convenience of visitors to the In2in is unknown. There was but oyer- $4,000 worth of; gems and $700 in say what he thlnkar aught decorations: hkye been prepared. Wards. elected: president stitution. money. U :tle insuriince u : J NEW LIST OF THE DEAD. K n i e d b y t h * Wreek t h e Pennsjl-ranla, •» The wreck of the south bound pasCAN HOLD CLAIM. ADJOINsenger train on the Bay division of ' INC TOWN OF LAWTON. the Pennsylvania railroad has resulted* Vast D a m a g e Done in the Beantlfnl Residence Districts—Scene o f D e r a s t a ,tlon Greeted Residents of t h e City W h e n "Dawn Broke—Heroic 1 ; . Work Saved Many t i r e s — J fe••]: ( 6 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 Damage. • i NO. 12. np to date, in the death of eleven persons. Following Is a-corrected list of thedead: \ Rev. Dr. A., Park Burgess, Syracuse." Mrs, A. Park Burgess, Syracuse. Francis Burleigh, Newark, N. Y. Mrs. James W. Ford, Newark, N. Y« Mrs. Anna Kane, Elmlra. Wlllam Meagher, Sodus P o i n t Howard Tabbs, Elmlra. Mrs. L. H. Hood, Seneca Falls. . / . Mrs, C H. Bradley, Seneca Fallsi Mrs. Elizabeth Todd, Newark, N. Y. ;- Mrs. C. G. Edwards, S t P a u l The injured in Newark, N. Y.,' aro doing, as well as can be expected. Mrs. A. D. Burnhani and Mrs. William LeMunyon, of Port Gibson, and Mrs. Rose Edwards,, of Newark, are Very low.;:. / • The death of Rev. A . Park Burgess, of Syracuse, occurred at the home of his son, W. C. Burgess. He was widely known throughout Central jjfew York as a great opponent of saloons. Mrs. C. G. Edwards of St. Paul, Minn., who was badly scalded about the face and chest, died at the Homeo-pathic hospital in Rochester. It is" understood Mr. Edwards is on his way from S t Paul. , . Of the remaining injured in the hospitals in Rochester it is feared three cannot smrvive; They1 are E.. H. Bradley, Seneca Falls; Mrs. EL A. Hare, .Greenfield, Mass., and Mrs. Elizabeth White, Newark. SULTAN CONDEMNS AN AUTHOR Man W h o ..Wrote B o o k of Abdul's , Lifa M n i t Die. M. |Georges Dorys, son «f the lata prince of Samos, a former nrinteter of the sultan of Turkey and fqhrferly goverhor of Cretin-has been -condemned to death by the sultan's courts at the direction of Abdul Hamid II, This action was taken in Constantinople because of the publication of M. Dorys' book, "The Private Life of the Sultan." [, ' This book so angered Turkey's ruler that ha exerted his influence in diplomatic channels to have it ^'suppressed in all European countries. His efforts succeeded i n Sweden, but j t h e . popular outcry against such action id Paris w a s so strong that the government declined to exert itself. M. Dorys secretly left Constantinople some, time ago and is now residing in Pairis, where he.has identified himself- with the young Turk's party. SHOT WITH HIS OWN GUN, .. . _ > i j j. Kansas City, Kan., Captain of Police'•Accidentally Woanded. James O'Brien, captain of police" in Kansas City, Kan., -was accidentally •shot in the'leg with his own gun In -Platte City, Mo. ^Captain ffBrienjand Officer Darnell wer.e in ths-jiorth part of the state on the trail "of "Jfohn Prox," the pickpocketVthat^omeion* released from the city daii'a few week* ago. O'Brien and Darnell had just come in from a dusty rideT and Darnell was brushing the dugt from; the captain's clothes When the gun In O'Brien's right hip pocket! was shot off. Darnell's brush had hit the h a m / mer. The bullet struck him just above, the knee, glanced'past the knee joint and re-entered the leg again a few inches above the ankle joint [His condition is not serious. Captain. O'Brien has been untiring in his efforts to recapture "Prox."! TO BRING NEGRO BACK, • t. ,*' ' i William Favors, Charged W i t h Murder, Resists Requisition. • - j Requisition papers for William i Favors, the negro under arrest, a t Oklahoma" City! charged with the murder of Miss Gazelle Wild, of Pierce Sity, Mo., were presented to Governor Jenkins and after hearing the arguments, t h e governor stated to the attorneys for the prisoner that he would give thenka short time to make a better sho-Jng, and if they were unable t o do foThe would honor the requisition and'send the prisoner back.; Favors fears' to go back for fear the citizens' at Pierce City .will burn'him at j the,, stake. T w o l y n c h e r s Get Ten Tears. The jury in the cases of John Strength and Martin Fuller, a t Wetumpka;": Ala., charged with having participated in t h e lynehlng of Robert White, a negro, returned a verdict'o£ guilty of murder in t h e second degree, and sentenced the defendants to. ten years In prison. This.makes three convictions in three cases,-George Howard naving .been sentenced to life imprisonment a few'•days ago after pleading guilty. ; i—|—: * rH ; Dockery Offers B e w a r d f o r Francis. Governor : Dockery has Issued * proclamation offering a reward of |30i> for the arrest and conviction of W i l l ' Francis, who murdered Mfa>s Mary Henderson a t Columbus,\ Mo. Depot- Safe Is B l o w n Open. T h e safe In the Union Pacific depot a t Lindsborg, Kan., was blown open, but nothing of value was secured. The explosion was terrific, the door of the safe being almost bent double by the force of the explosion; N e g r o Soldier K i l l e d by t h e Cars. Lemuel Martin, a negro, and a late member,of the Twenty-thjrd Kansas, while attempting t o cross t h e tracks in f r o n t o f a a Incoming midnight t r a i n a t Baxter Springs, Mo., was caught b y the'engine and instantly klUed •BBSI miS^imm ^ M m > i « M U M i J Are You Troubled With w i Is your^E^sfebi Failing:?£] J L Doctor of Optics and Refracting Optician, of Kansas Gity, M9., SI is inourcity and will Bxamibe all Byes Absolutely Free of Charge-.' •SOOUOOeO m he Adams House] j"Wiaterville> liDay, Satorday,^Sept; 7, 1901, C©OOCO©0© CALL AND SAVE YOUR EYES. WATERVILLE, FRIDAY, \ SEPT. G, 1901. SI.OO PER YEAR. Fi-bm and after Sept. 1,1901 t be subscription price of j THE Tui/BekAPH will be $1.00 per Jfeaiy, J'tFNCLK S A M s t i l l h a s h a l f a b i l l i o n a c r e s of l a n d a t h i s d i s p o s a l . Those w h o , w e r e d i s a p p o i n t e d in O k l a h o m a need h a v e no reason to feel discouraged. ] • ' :. , •'.• [. ; >TBIW$TT R o o s e v e l t c a m p a i g n clnb9 i l a v e been started in t h e past or e i g h t d a y s in K a n s a s , it seven is s a i d , a n d m a n y axe b e i n g f o r m e d in N e braska. j SKNATOit;i)D^R^ says: Europeans cannot understand 'the Monroe doctrine. If they will r e m e m b e r that A m e r i c a is f o r A m e r i c a n a , t h e y ' w i l l grasp the essential point, ':—i — • —• ' j- W I T H e x p o r t s f r o m t h e United S t a t e s to G e r m a n y d o u b l i n g in five y e a r s it d o e s not look as t h o u g h Germ a n y ' s Tariff w a r a g a i n s t this country had v e r y serious jfrorg T i m e s , , . . —• m • effects.:—Pitts- m —r •UjJ EVEN' Senator Vest has given : free silver a kick, and Coin Harvey has admitted that the money question will notfigurein the next Presidential campaign. Bryan seems honest enough to hold onto" the | fcrdwn of'thorns" a MJUle longer.— Grenvllie Courier.- '/• ; "* i m • _ . P O E T O R i c o is learning A m e r i c a n w a y s r a p i d l y . I t is loud in protest a g a i n s t t h e i m p o r t a t i o n of coffee from t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s i n t o i t s t e r r i t o r y w i t h o u t a r e s t r i c t i v e Tariff, but t h i n k s it e m i n e n t l y proper t h a t P o r t o R i c o t o b a c c o s h a l l b e a d m i t t e d to' t h e U n i t e d States iree of duty.— Philadelphia Public Ledger. j r • => T h e f o l l o w i n g i t e m s are from a c o p y —Miss Anna Ericson on S a t u r d a y . went to Clyde of the TKIXGKAPH of i e p t . j t ' i 8 B l . : ' —Harry Flad came d p o n \ his w h e e l from F r a n k f o r t on S u n d a y . . • • ; « • • S c h o o l c o m m e n c e d Monday, S e p t . 5 t h . T h e Greenback C e n t r a l C o m m i t t e e held a m e e t i n g to call a county c o n t e n t i o n to —Mi.sshiliun H u m f r e v i l l e e n t e r t a i n e d nominate a c o u n t y t i c k e j . . , . , ,.... . • /. la8t T h u r s d a y e v e n i n g c o m p l i m e n t a r y Geo. T i t c o m b has p a t in a large porfor H i s s e s E u n i c e a n d A g n e s Caldertion ot the week p a i n t i n g Sunday S c h o o l taead, of M a r j s v i l l e . • — M a t . G i l b e r t a n d f a m i l y , ' o f C b t t a g e ' banners. There" . i s . s o m e , h o p e n o w of j HIM, w h o h a v e b e e n v i s i t i n g r e l a t i v e s G e o r g e g e t t i n g to jbe.religipus...;, . in N e w Y o r k , r e t u r n e d h o m e o n t h e - W : W . Smith; a w a r d e d t b e contract b y t h e g o v e r n m e n t to s u r v e y the strip on the Sunday morning train. . y borders o f T e x a s and ^New, M e x i c o , and —John Berry l e f t / on Monday nearly all the y o u n g men in t o w n applied fqr L e x i n g t o n , V a . , w h e r e he w i l l a t for j o b s . .-• -. , t e n d a m i l i t a r y s c h o o l , w h i c h is c o n s i d Misses A n n a Campbell and Liljie Burered t h e best in t h e D . S. tis w e n t t o E m p o r i a l t o attend the -Mrs. E . P . L b n g b o n h a s b e e n e n g a g T e d a s h o u s e k e e p e r for t h e f a m i l y o f J . s c h o o l , and J o h n H i Clark-raccon B. M c A t e e , Miss A d a l e a v i n g t h i s w e e k his d a u g h t e r A n n a t o A t c h i s o n o n her ' v for C o l o r a d o t o t e a c h . — B l u e R a p i d s w a y to I l l i n o i s . - • i just suits Don. B R ; BAUJ& is one of the_ b e s t . Optidiahs in K a n s a s Gity, Mo. H e will^visit oaf c i t y every 30 days, and he guarantees A B S O I v U T E S A T I ^ A e T I O K . H e do'es his work perfectly arid a t extremely l o w prices, | Call anjd see.him and examine hi4 credentials! and recommendations ftom the b e s t people'in K a n s a s Gity and be convinced of h i s abi! ity t o serve you. HHE TELEGRAPH. ~ ~^ THE WATERVILLE BAND. — I t w a s r a t h e r q u i e t in t o w n l a s t T e n .pounds- of s u g a r for a dollar Was w e e k , s o m a n y o f o n r c i t i z e n s a t t e n d i n g advertised by t h e dealers. <\ " the Old Settlers1 reunion at B l n e J S a p Vox t h r e e d a y s t h e t h e r m o m e t e r re* ids. ' corded 104, and o n e d a y 100; — M r . and Mrs. L . E . W e a v e r p a i d Win. McFadden brought in s a m p l e ears their weekly visit t o their promising of corn o v e r a foot In l e n g t h . young grandson, at Barnes no Wednes- Chester Thomas: ill and his w i f e t e l e day. -"! g r a p h e d t o c o m e h o m e from N e w Y o r k . — M r s . E v a Clark, p r i n c i p a l o f o n r T h e death on A i ? . 29th of an infant s c h o o l , arrived in W a t e r v i l l e o n ' T u e s d a u g h t e r of Mr. and Mrs. J£. A . Berry Is day. i S h e has e n g a g e d rooms w i t h Mrs. n o t ed. '{• .:-;• • . . ] • - ' • " ' . i-'•';'..U"''"' Nlggley. T n e railroad commenced, p u t t i n e doWn —Don D i c k e y is h o m e again after a m o u t h ' s v i s i t w i t h h i s u n c l e , Merle a n e w sidetrack, w h l e h w a s . g r e a t l y oeed-; ;:-...; T h o m p s o n , o f M i n n e a p o l i s . C i t y l i f e ed in the t o w n . •eeeooooe) e©*eee©o» r r - T h e s u p p l y of ice w a s reported e x — R e m e m b e r t h e d a t e s for t h e ifrank- h a u s t e d , v _. . I .. :j '.•',._.;.'•_ i fprt F a i r — S e p t . 1 7 t h ' t o 2 0 t h . . J a m e s Rayfior t o o k o u t his n a t u r a l l y — T h e Old S e t t l e r s ' r e u n i o n , w | l l b e Hon p a p e r s . h e l d s t B'.ue R a p i d s a g a i n n e x t y e a r . Squire Breckenridge o p e n e d u p a flour — H a r r y J a c q u e s ia b a c k from N e - and t e e d s t o r e . . r-I- V>7ir'. | M braska in t i m e t o t a k e u p s c h o a l w o r k on Prairie fire did considerable d a m a g e i n Monday. t h e vicinity o f Barnes." ; . < . , - .. •••••09«9 w TWENTY Y^RS'AGp,- LOCAL NEWSi; . TimesX — B a r n e s s e n d s t w o s t u d e n t s t o Midl a n d Gollegp, A t c h i s o n ; Kar<, t h i s y e a r , Messrs. Mc.Gatlin a n J H o g u e , W a t e r v i l l e F O U R h u n d r e d s c h o o l t e a c h e r s a r e will also have t w o , ; Fred Snirck and on t h e i r ; w a y to t h e P h i l i p p i n e s . Ralph Livers.; , |: . • : • W h e n t h e y sailed from San Francis— T w o l o a d s of B a r l o w ' s n o u r - ^ w e n t co t h e y w d r e a l l s t r a n g e r s ^ t o each south on Wednesday morning.- The o t h e r , b u t h a d / O n l y b e e n a t s e a a W a t e r v i l l e Mills t u r n o q t t h e best f e w d a y s w h e n t h i r t y c o u p l e s m a d e g r a d e s of flour a n d d e m a n d s c o m e from up their m i n d s to be m a r r i e d . T h e every direction. captain steeled himself against the —Mrs. S . S m i t h e n t e r t a i n e d Mrs. entreaties pf4he. lovers, and w o u l d F o t h e r b y , of N e b r a s k a , a n d Miss Greta p e r m i t n o w e d d i n g s o n ' t h e b o a t . S t o c k s l a s t w e e k . Mrs. F o t h e r b y "wnB W h e n t h e t r a n s p o r t r e a c h e d H o n o - an o l d friend of y e a r s a g o and t h e v i s i t lulu, however, the sixty h a p p y w a s mutualiy; e n j o y e d . j V teachers left t h e boat a n d w e r e m a r — J o s e p h CJreen and d a u g h t e r , Miss r i e d . - T h j s i s t r u l y a n e x t r a o r d i n a r y A l i c e , s i n c e l e a v i n g E n g l a n d h a v e been h a p p e n i n g i n t h e m a t r i m o n i a l l i n e v i s i t i n g r e l a t i v e s in N e w iy/ork c i t y , b u t a n d w e m a y e x p e c t a r u s h o f a p p l i - are e x p e c t e d ? ' t o r e t u r n jto W a t e r v i l l e I " V c a n t s fori s c h o o l s i n the P h i l i p - s o m e t i m e , in O c t o b e r s — I t i s npt l e a p y e a r b u t t h e D . D . D> pines. . ; jr^ic -%&• ' J:' : ' e n j o y e d a h a y ride d o w n to Blue R a p i d s " T A K E (the T a r i f f o u t o f C o n g r e s s , at t h e e x p e n s e o f t h e I R . R . R . last evening. jVhile' down out of politics and g i v e it to an e x - Wednesday ( h e r e t h e y t o o k In t h e r e u n i o n . pert c o m m i s s i o n . T h e a v e r a g e c o n —Eli P e t e r s o n ' s l i t t l e d a u g h t e r , E l s i e , g r e s s m a n jean n o t m a s t e r t h e T a r i f f . " w a s t a k e n s e r i o u s l y ill l a s t S a t u r d a y S o s a y s o m e , but oiir ablest Tariff m o r n i n g a n d for s e v e r a l h o u r s c o n s i d e r scholars h a v e been a n d are congressmen — Blaine, K e l l e y , M c K i n l e y , able a n x i e t y w a s felt. A t t h i s w r i t i n g , h o w e v e r , s h e is a r o u n d a s u s u a l . Aldrjch, Randall, Dingley, P a y n e , . , — H i r a m cRunkle and John Earl, H o a r , Cullom, Henderson, Dalzell,: jr., w e r e both b a d l y hurt by b e i n g Grosvenor and a host of'other's. b i t d a r i n g t h e ball g a m e s a t B l u e R a p S u c h m e n c o u l d h a r d l y "bo g o t -to ids last week. Sometimes the lookers serve on a p e r m a n e n t c o m m i s s f o n . o n g e t it w o r s e than the p l a y e r s . T h e brass band of this p l a c e w i l l attend the T o p e k a State"Fair ^Sept. 15th, to participate in th& grand band concert. S o m e t w e n t y or thirty :bands will be in attendance and w e h o p e to .bear a g o o d report of the' b o y s . frtnn** This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets the remedy that c u r e s a e o l d I n o n e dug We are expecting a l^ree invoice of plain and fancy stock } order now. - Jl Baritone Saxaphohe—Dr.. F . S . Adams* B a s e D r u m — J o h n Kiefer. Snare D r u m — E d . Stewart. f MARRIED, B r . Wilcon Sllkons. Mr. C O . P e t t e r s o n ( F o r e i g n ) . I n calling for t h e a b o v e l e t t e r s p l e a s e s a y •' a d v e r t i s e d , " a n d g i v e d a t e o f t h i s list. i—I - • • w' •-*—'-' BULLETIN. The Missouri Paclflo t r l l ^ t a r t rotmd *rlp tickets on sale for the following occasions at very low rates: : Unffalfi; N . T . ; Fan- tinerican Exposition", May I to Nov. 1. S A rwicccd rate sleeping ear CawkerCity Sepi. 7 tu lor UuSUlo nntftjlbreland. 'J'.--: j":; • -Sac Francisco. Cat., Episcopal Cliarcis Convention. October-.3. •'. Stesm'sfaip tickets to and! rrom Euroje Tiaafi tinea, " ;' Denver. Pncblo. Coloraiio Springs, e t c . , . Tourist. Various dates. For rates, dates of sale, limits, printrd matter and farther Information, see' nearest agent" or address C1IA3. E.;3TTLS3. P. & T. A. , [ Atchison, K i t . H. C. TOWXST£N-B\ O. P. JkT. A .• . St. liOrils, M o ^ T h e Kansas Gity D a i l y and S u n d a y S t a r , a n d thin p a p e r , n o e y e a r e a c h , for $ 1 . 8 0 , a n d p a r t i e s o n R u i a ) M a i l Rodte will be given a jbaadsome mail bo*. T. E. CORDON, AUCTIONEER, M. D K L A S E T , P . M. will c r y Sales in Marshall and a d j o i n i n | counties. T e r m s reasonable u d A t the residence of the bride's parents^ satisfacUon guaranteed. five milea p o r t h w e s t of Waterville, Mr^ , Stood Dentil Off. R e s i d e n c e a d d Post office, Waterville, Edward Binder and Miss Florence WerE B Monday, a lawyer of Henrietta, Texas, Kansas. temberger were United i n marriage at s i x onco tooled a gTavt-dleger. Ue Says: "My T H B T z u t a i u r a is authorised to cotf. TJ | | brother; was very low. with malarial fever and tract for dates a n d terms. o'clock on W e d n e s d a y evening, imm ru *—*•-i persuaded him to try Electric Bit' B. '*"" '" ""t h"e c e r e m o n y and *'' Heisey i,performed a,. ters^and)re-iraa sooaiwciibetter, . - . ^..^, >.,u...e vras soon-much better, but continh o s t Of fflehds w e r e present to participate ued their pse until he was wholly cured. I am in' t h e festivities of the occasion arid t o sure Electric Eitters saved his tire." This e x t e n d cbhgratula.tioms ' t o the n e w l y - remedy expels malaria, kills diseaEe germs and married c o u p l e . T h e y o u n g c o u p l e re- P n ' ' f i e s ^ bio. draidsd.gestion. reguiat.fi livr . : , . . . ^ t r " er, kidneys and bowels; ctnes constipation. t j e t v e d . m a n y valuable t o k e n s of esteem d y 9 p e p 8 l a , m r v o « s diseases, kidney troubles, ftom their friends^ and t h e y begin their female complaints; irjves ncrteci health. Only w e d d e d lijfe"with the best w i s h e s o f a; 50c at Mrs W J Bommei'a drug store h o s t of friends, P r i n t i n g of « n y k i n d , from a V l a Stops the T o u g h t i i n g Card to a L u r g e P o s t e r , . d o i i e A n d W o r k s off i b e Cold. o n short notice a d d at reasonable Laxative Bromo - Quinine T a b l e t s | prices c u r e a c o l d i n o n e d a y * ISo Cure^ N o P a y . ) P r i c e 25 c e n t s . * ' H. A. RUSSELL A gliocklDg Calamity LAWYER, "Lately befell a railroad laliorer," writes I>r-A Keflets of waiWbrd.Ark. "UIs foot was badly crushed but Bucklen's iruiCn Salve quickly BLUE EAPIDS, cured him. . It's simply wonderful tor burns, O F F I C K - S . - W . Gortier Square.boils, piles and all skin eruptions. It's the world's champion healer. Cure guaranteed 25c. Sold by Mrs \V J Eommel EAtfS. Lumber Fashions Have N^ver been in Seabon, but (Successor to Strong & ScovilIc> : Seasoning - Lxunlseaf has a l w a y s been t h e F'asfiioii o f F i r s t C l a s s Lumber Dealers, Attoraey-at-I^W, ^'i Ton k n o w n hat yos are talifsg BLUE KAPlDS, KASi. W h e n y o a take Grove's Tasteless Practices in all ''brirts. Collections made C h i l l T o n i c b e e a o s e t h e f o r m u l a \a and promptly remitted - Real Estate sold,O u r S t o c k s a r e a l l W e l l D r i e d and? p l a i n l y p r i n t e d o r c e v e r y b o t t l e s h o w - rented and cared for. Loans negotiated. iutr t h a t i t i s s i m p l y I r o n a n d Q u i Seasoned a n d w e i n v i t e y o u r inspecn i n e in a tasteless f o r m . N o Cure. tion w h e l b e t y o u are r e a d y to b u y N o P a y J 50c, , or not. A Klglit o f Terror. " A-fffnl anxiety was felt tot tlite widow of the brave General Bnrnnam ot Blachias, Me.,-when (he doctors said she would die from pnenuionia before morning" writes Mrs S H Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night but she begs ed for' t)r King's New Discovery,, which had more than once save] her life and cured her of eoni; W a t e r r i l l e , K a n s a s . -sun,ptlon. After taking she slept all nrAt. further use entirely cured h e r . " This mar- Office—Photograph G a l l e r y . vellous medcine is guaranteed to cure all throat K o o m s at tbe Office. chest and lung diseases. Only 50b and 31.00. Trial bottles free at Mrs W J Rommel's drug store. : v' .;-.. . e^h"'-'"] . W . M . REITZEL, M.D., ATERVILL Physician and Surgeon. Resident Dentist, A n / E x a m i n a t i o n will show y o u \ i o n c e that; W E C A R R Y w h a t y d u w a n t in t h e l i n e of L U M B E R . I ff^'t"-.-"'.'-.Transact a General Basking Business, G/&pjmwmi£, # Ints*6S& p a i d o n T i m o D e posits. Special/ A t t e n t i o n Given to Collections. B O m C Y . T O LOAM OV AUCTIONEER. Farm and 7OWB Pr©pert^ Time and Amounts to suit received *it any date to be oredited on loans. . 8. 7. POWELL OUR exports to Japan have increased tenfold in the short space of eight years and are' still' growing;, which proves that the Jap tells the truth when he says he likes the Falls PAY ¥ P Or. Franklin S: Adams, | Butter aiid Eggs "Wanted. y o u r subroriptiojn. A Graduate of Baltimore College of D e n t a l Surgery, , - , - ; . - , \ T H E only information from South t h e T e x a s Africa w h i c b s e e m s a b s o l u t e l y trust^ a s o o m p a r - \worthy is t h e occasional report that latestfiguresray t h e B o e r s a r e n o t g o i n g t o g i v e u p , W. I t HAMPTON, PropV. j«oUpu ctotfl j e d With 1900. The 1 : [Mils year's yleler wHl be *nly 75 per . r ^ ^ --• ~ " * N e w S t o c k ei GSfe^ P a i n t s and Working Hlgnt a n d » a y . , j cent of that oMast year. These storThe busiest animighitest 1 ittfe thtiig that evVarnishes, , lea of losses^ howeverr in grain as er iras made is Dr King's New Life PiUs\ Tba&r ef cotton, tire ofteh exaggerated. pills change weakness into strength. listlessness ^ i e w Sti>ckFopd*CX>M>KNS, T i e damage to the com crop, for e z - into emajy, *iiiB^fli^|Btovajental powers »jnpler will probably not be as great They're wonderful in bnUdhig up the health.- E D d l B l ^ ' . S a v e s half t h e Only 25c per b o i . Soldby MraW J Eomnsei grain f e d , siatures h o g s in half an was estimated-a^ few weeks ago. 1B6 far as regards Texas,, there will I Pay op your back snbscriptionr the time- ordinaxily taken or •ot be much reason for complaint, money refunded, Tne Best Prescription Jn its oH wellsr K has developed a F o r M a l a r i a ^ C h i l l 8 a n d F e v e r i s a •ource of wealth hi the past year or Choice-Ldhe of F r e s h Candies, tT?or Bnd especially in the ~~z: EISlbco t t lIet ofid Gs irmo vpel 'ys iTraosnt eai enad i qCuhiinl li nTe mi n,T »enths, which was not dreamed of a t a s t e l e s s f o r m . Mt» c u r e — D O p a y . T r y " V o l a a n d '^Komer' t h e '..-• c:~.::'r-.:r , s h o t ' t i n e a g e . G rea t H e a l t h Dr-rnks* P r i c e sfl c e n t s . ' 4 I H I - ii. • • i •— ^trberSliop P a s s e n g e r * l e a s - i n g C e n t r a l Brenpn? p o r n H on o i i r d a y t r a i n n r r i v e K a n s a s C i t y a t 5 2<> p . m . . m a k i n g d i r e c t connection in Unioji D e p n t , and o b t a i n b e n e f i t o f M i s s o u r i R i v e r rates; from starting point. |> CuAS. E. STYLES, A . G . P.'A., Kansas City, M o , H . C. T O W N S E N © . V Low Rate Excursions all Summer via The Burlington Route, During the coming summer the i Burlington Route will have In effect tbe very- lowest excursion . rates that have ever been made.; The general plan of these rafta^destlnations, etc., is so varied th«f the public should ask tbeir nearest nieket agent for detail*, or else do ns the favor to write for rates, descriptive maUwr etc. BOOKS A N D STATIONERY. Cheap S u m m e r T o w West— Daitr to Colorado. UlaiTanffBlaclc Hills, alao Home-eeekers' ezcahiioas" every two weeks to tbe whole .West' and Northwest. Agent lor Cot Flowers and Flora! Designs, Cheap Excursions East—Very low round trip rates to tbe Buffalo Exposition, the Seashore, Adlrondacks. Canada, Michigan Lakes, Mackinaw', a thousand eastern resorts ; fine lake and rail tripe east via Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland. . / Cheap Excursions Horth—Every day to St. Paul, Minneapolis and Lake Superior resorts; the coolest recreative country. Ask for the Burlington's Sunnier excursion rate circulars. California Excursions person, ally conducted every Wednesday F U L L L I N E OF from St. Looi8,'evBry Thursday ften* Kansas City and St. Joseph. Write ns for rates sod printed matter describing tbe proposed trips*, A n d S A U S A G E S AJways OH H a n d . t • cMZtcs. t. *. wsirtrr. :--a_i.-j o i T T a i / i n o fc*^^——^—— T T — -•---'.• Cash Paid foe Hides and Fors, Scrap Iron and Metals of all Kinds and r r. *.. i n >*<* *t»tf.-' *tt\ rumuwjt*** %MED | Prop MILT. WINDER'S Vii HissoMi Pacific Bailwy, • G. F . & T . A . , St. Louis, Mo. - off i n • O n M a y 19th a F a s t V e s t i b u l e d Train w i t h Latest I m p r o v e d Equips t n e n t w i l l h e p l a c e d i n s e r v i c e vfit t h e "Old Iteliat.le" M o . P a c . R ' y , f p a v i n g K a n s a s C H y d a i l y a t 0 00 p . m , a r r i v i n g ' P u e b l o 11.40 a . m . a n d Colorado S p r i n g s D e n v e r . Suit L a k e City, Ogden and San Francisco l a shortest time. a«v .r -, • r R. WHEELER, \ii—fri F o r full I n f o r m a t i o n c a l l o n n e a r e s t a g e n t , or address ; | I l l M. $ 1 3 OO T o B u f f a l o P a n - A m e r i OFFICS: OPPOSITE STEVENSON'S ST03E, c a n a n d R e t u r n — § 1 3 OO, — "k—; - W a t e r v i l l e . Kaiaisas^ '.v i a t h e NicfceT P l a t e ; R o a d , d a i l y , w i t h l i m i t of J5 d a y s ; 2 o o a y t i c k e t s V^eli equipped and prepared t o d o all a t $ 1 6 . 0 0 , a n d 3d d a y t i c k e t s a t $ 2 1 . 0 0 k i n d ^ of D e n t a l W o r k ^ C f o w n and for t h e r o u n d t r i p . T h r o u g h s e r v i c e Bridge w o r k . a specialty. .The v e r y latest t o N e w Y o r k , a n d B o s t o n a n d l o w e s t i d e a s i n B r i d g e , GroWn and- R u b b e r P l a t e a v a i l a b l e r a t e s . F o r p a r t i c u l a r s a n d work. Teeth'examined free. W i l l visit every month:-:— . P a n - A m e r i c a n folder of buildings B a r t e s — 2 d and: 4 ^ T h u r s d a y s . and grounds, write John Y . Calahan, G e n e r a l A g e n t , 111 A d a m s S t r e e t , Chicago. | 22 Hew Fast Traia Colorado and the Far West NeWaaidOld Eating Potatoes, Beiries in Season, • llock Candy Syrup, i. - L O W "RATE T h e f o l l o w i n g i s the roster of t h e band j On T u e s d a y e v e n i n g t h e f o l l o w i n g ofSnoW b e i b g organized in Waterville'. ' cers w e r e e l e c t e d in Waterville Council BfiatOtfrttet—ft. C. Y o n n s . R , C F i n - . * " " " t h e y e a r commencing-'Oct. 1st 5 l e y , C. Bi Humireville, A . L . A l b r i g h t . President—Mrs. M. Sawfn. First B fiat Cornet— W . C. B r o w n . Vice-Pjresident—W. S . S p o h n . . Second B fiat Cornet—Isadora KJefer. S e c o n d Vice-President—Chas. R e i t z e l . Alto—Orv. Benfield, W i l l E*rL Clarence I Prelate—M. L . Reitzel.Earl, G e o r g e M elclier, R o l l i e Bart l o w Cor. Sec*y—H. C . W i l l s o n : Slide Trombone—Guy Steele, Nicholas Financial Sec'y—Miss M. Breckenridge. Brammer, P e t e r S d m a i e r s . T r e a s u r e r — G e o . R . Hall* >•-;! Valve Trombone— Will Brown, Albert Conductor—Miss F l o r e n c e G o r d o n . .. Bartlow. =: ! . Guard—H. J o n e s . Baritone—Albert B e n n e t t . E flat Base— Aaron Benfleld. Sentinel—C. M. S a w i n . T r u s t e e s a n d A u d i t i n g Committee—J. B B flat B a s e — D r . G. B . Humfreville. P i C c d o ^ B a y Folsom. " R. E d w a r d s , J . H . R e i t z e l , R . S m i t h . .-' --»-" - . w • • —£j ' E flat Clarinet—S.A.Bryan, Milt. P a r k e r . ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. B flat Clarinet—Call S a w n , J o h n H u m ireville. Harvey H u b b a r d , Fritz S u m L i s t o f l e t t e r s remaining u n c l a i m e d in, m o n , Ed.Simpson, Fletcher Van Allen. t h e P o s t Office a t W a t e r v i l l e , K a n s a s , Soprano S i x a p h o n e — H a r r y S t e v e n s o n . for t h e w e e k e n d i n g S e p t . 5,1901: A l t o S a x a obofie—Otto H . R o m m e l . LETTERS, i Tenor Saiaphone—Charles Hall. P a y up yoar subscription. iWATSMJLLS - K. AND L. OF S. J. G STRONG, . C A L I F O R N I A is s e n d i n g t r a i n l o a d s of p o t a t o e s tp t h e E a s t a n d t h e y a r e raised on t i v e r islands w h e r e irrigat i o n i s ' e a s y . T h e y e a r 1901 h a s g i v I -—"• •-'*— r x r y • — •;•• ; i • '.'< e n a d e c i d e d b o o m to t h e s c i e n c e o f B " . C . W a t k i n s , s e x t o n o f t h e Mtethm a k i n g certain a s u p p l y of w a t e r in odist C h u r t h , S p r i n g f i e l d , P H . , w r i t e s : " M y ' w i f e has been very bad with • — — m am 1- . [agriculture. J kidney trouble a n d tried ! several R E P O R T S show a continued im\ doctors wit out benefit. A f t e r t a k i n g All Kinds o f H e a v y Hauling. provement in the corn outlook. I T s h o u l d b e r e m e m b e r e d that one b o u t e of . F o l e y ' s K i d i i e y Cure F r o m p r e s e n t i n d i c a t i o n s t h e s h r i n k - G r e a t B r i t a i n b o y s t w i c e a s m u c h .was m u c h b e l t e r , a n d w a s c o m p l e t e a g e m a y n e t g o b e y o n d 200~000,(KK) f r o m u s a s t h e t h r e e R a t i o n s o f t h e l y c o r e d a f t e r t a k i n g f o u r b o t t l e s . " Clftr Drayman^ -|l Waterville, Kas. Wj,H; llanipton. e r 3o0,000,000 b u s h e l s , a s c o m p a r e d C o n t i n e n t that are g r u m b l i n g a t u s w i t h t h e y i e l d of 1900. I f t h e e o n - 2 n d G r e a t B r i t a i n i s n o t ^ k i c k i n g . " d i t i o n w h i c h p r e v a i l e d in t h e iatter part o f J u n e bad been maintained E U R O P E ' S w h e a t c r o p . I s M0.086,this year's crop w o u l d e x c e e d last 600 bushels short. B u t E u r o p e ean y e a r ' s . I t i s g r a t i f y i n g t o f e e l , h o w - h a v e i t s d a l l y b r e a d , for U n e l e S a m f ever,, that the d a m a g e by t h e h a s a b o u t 300,000,00!) b u s h e h s t o s e l l . Commercial Trade Solicited. G o o d Rrgs. d r o u g h t h a s n o t b e e n q u i t e s o g r e a t — N . Y , Mall a n d E x p r e s s . Reasonahle' Rates. a s w a s first f e a r e d , i | t N o r t h o f iM.P.R!y D e p o t T e l e p h o n e 29.. - t(rJt-»-fjy Jgn.-^rj^r L l. ALBRIGHT, Waterville, tbe borrower. Partial payments Hampton Hoge, who bears a famous Virginia name. Of the five living Confederate generals in Virginia, tour were present. The ' best interests of the South are with the party of anion, Protection and progress.— •troy Times. .'. - I . > feXTEMSfON OP/limits on Buffalo P a n - A m e r i c a n tickets via N i c k e l P l a t e R o a d . $I3.0(J> for r o u n d W A T E R V I I A E , H.S. t r i p , t i c k e t s g o o d 15 d a y s ; flftOO for ODlce: r o u n d t r i p t i c k e t s g o o d 20 d a y s . Over Smith .v.. & nnbbard'8 Butcher Shopr Tuesdaj b—At Irving. Kas. .;' Three" d a i l y t r a i n s w i t h v e s t i b u l e t f s l e e p i n g , c a t s a n d first c l a s s d i n i n g car service on A m e r i c a n Cinb p l a n . M e a l s r a n g i n g in p r i c e f r o m 35 c e n t s to $1.00. A d d ' e s s J o h n Y . Caiah i n . — M r s . W m . L a m o r e a u x and d a u g h t e r . G e n e r a l A g e n t , l i t A d a m s 'fcJrreet, T H E R E is a c o n s i d e r a b l e s h o r t a g e Miss Mabel, w h o h a v e b e e n s p e n d i n g C h i c a g o . 25 i n t h e c o r n c r o p , a n d t h e o a t c r o p ' a l - the s u m m e r in E n g l a n d w i t h r e l a t i v e ? , s o t a i l s off a l i t t l e f r o m l a s t y e a r . are e x p e c t e d t© s a i l for A m e r i c a o n ' t h e l > I a r r u o e a w i l l c o n d u c t S a l e s at a n y t i m e o r p l a c e OD B u t t h e r e i s a n i n c r e a s e i n w h e a t , I I t h f and t o arrive h o m e a b o u t t h e 21st, C u r e d o f C h r o n i c Sbort N o t i c e . After 3 0 T e a r s of Suffering Call on him or at t h i s office and w e will a n d t h e d e m a n d for o c e a n t o n n a g e " I s u f f e r e d f o r , t h i r t y y e a r s w i t h print your bills and g i v e y o u his terms. to carry o u r e x p o r t g r a i n to h u n g e r BUFFALO PAN-AMERICAN d i a r r h o e a a n d t h o u g h t 1 w a s past beStock Sales a Specially, i n g f o r e i g n e r s w i l l b e a b o u t a s g r e a t l o d a y t i c k e t s for $ 1 3 . 0 0 v i a N i c k e l i n g c u r e d , " s a y s J o h n S. H a i l o w a y , 20 d a y t i c k e t s $ 1 6 0 0 . o f F r e n c h C a m p , M i s s . " 1 b a d s p e n t a s e v e r . jWe s e e m t o h a v e a c o n - P l a t e R o a d . L o w e s t r a t e s t o a i t e a s t e r n p o i n t s , s o m u c h t i m e a n d m o n e y a n d suffertract to feed t h e w o r l d a n d w i l l J o h n Y . C a l a h a n , General A g e n V e d s o m u c h that I h a d g i v e n u p all t r y t o i n a k e i t g o o d . — T h e . M a r i n e 111 A d a i m S t . . C h i c a g o . C i t y T i c k e t h o p e s of r e c o v e r y . I w a s so feeble Journal; | ' O f f i c e , 111 A d a m s S t . , C h i c a g o . 24 f r o m t h e e f f e c t s (if t h e d i a r r h o e a t h a t '• — • m • —• . I c o u l d d o n o - k i n d o f labor, could not e v e n travel, but by accident I C u t s a n d B r u i s e s Quickly ' A N O T H E R great victory has been w a s p e r m i t t e d t o find a b o t t l e o f j Healed. w o n by the .War Department in CuC h a m b e r l a i n ' s P a i i i B a l m a p p l i e d C h a m b e r l a i n ' s C o l i c , C h o l e r a ar.d D i ba. A f t e r a s t r u g g l e carried o n e v - to a.'cut, b r a i s e , b u r n , s c a l d or l i k e arrhoea R e m e d y , a n d after t a k i n g e r s t n e e t h e o c c u p a t i o n o f t h e i s l a n d s i n j u r y w i l l i n s t a n t l y a l l a y the" p a i n | s e v e r a l b o t t l e s I arrr e n t i r e l y c u r e d o f y e l l o w f e v e r h a s b e e n p r a c t i c a l l y . a n d w i l l .h e a l t h e p a r t s i n l e s„s t ,i m e t h a t t r o u b l e , , I a m s o w e l l p l e a s e d s t a m p e d Out o f t h e t w o c i t i e s t h a t « h a n a n y o t h e r t i e a t m e n _ r j „ , e « w i t h t h e r e s u l t t h a t I. a m a n x i o u s r ' i i n j u r y is v e r y r e v e r e i t w i n n o t t h a t it b e in reach of all w h o suffer t n e w e r e formerly the- hotbeds of t h e F o r Bale b y M r s . W . J . l e a v e a scar. P a i n B i l r o also cures S8T h a v e . " disease—Santiago and Havana—and rheumatism,sprains, swellings and R o m m e l . n o w appears c o n d e m n e d to v a n i s h laments*. For sale by Sirs. W. J. ;, •\"' , f v from the land. \> ~ Bommel, T H E S o u t h is p u l l i n g its t h i n k i n g clothes on. A Bepublican State t i c k e t w a s n o m i n a t e d in V i r g i n i a y e s t e r d a y f o r t h e first J i m e i n m a n y A m e r i c a n g o o d s . — M o r a v i a n years, and was -headed,'by Ccl. J. Y e l l o w J a c k e t : i A g r e a t falling msasaaaaiSBSsssssssaBSB .-A'r Mrs. W. J. ROMMEL, Proprietress. — A i m — •_ One Door West.of the Waterrilte Haidware a»d Implement Borne T3T Lanndrv office in conneetton."£S liiiMadffto ntm mt SALT MEATS ED. A0AM8, Prop. E V E i r m n S G - Setr. Neat cncl CJea^ ,J **} Work Gnattateed. Keep* ihaBertCigmw Ladies' Hair Dresaioc » specialty. R.SUMME] HVtKS ElMtTT. Seasrat Ma»f». • • • • i ^^^•HH^HIHHl . . ... •^•••••••••^•••••••1 ••••••••••^••H J ^|^^^gjS£ •• • a 23*2322222 iirf i TTTT j i i r-~~—rr "it f"ifZ-x-Pr-'-Vs-i-!? ' ^fc?g>gca i'-p^r^r^.'y.^yravs'rjcg^p-^ ^ ^ • T ^ ^ ^ ^ - tfMx&Bit. *c«i aafc-gwam>jjt * * * *W M B —rFrpm the Randolph .Enterprise of - M R . S. T . POWELL'S last Week .we, le.ajn thnt ..'VTbomaB' A. residence in our city is one of the finest .4"* ^urfton SaZw the bills for which were EdgertoD.df-May 'Oay»'»^iiii8%«i1:fia'' 7 and most complete in its appointments; of printed at this office will feeeVse aJreeAoiiee Dickson Were married Tuesday^ Aug. ihitocolwnuntUihe'dfaoftflekik. ; any in the county, and is one Ol which 27,1901, at the bride's home at Bison, any city might well be proud. It'is ; 7c'. itow §c Ondine iltisiiri 11. .i6e. T$itt§8 Wednesday, Sept.-11,1901, the property Rush county, Kansas." Mr. Edgerton modern; in architecture, and has eleyeh 60 y3s. towns'. of Lewis Miller; on. his form 1$ miles attended tbe Waterville schools at one rooms j" two pantries; eight closets and fiflaCJdrds .- 8d. Now6ic Ivine Tblinetts..;. l i s . ^fow 8ef west and l j miles north of W>t«jrville. time, and his old school mates here consisting of 2 mares in foal. 5 head of tedder congratulations.'' He will reside bath-rdont. The Iront faces' the east. Oh Blue Dimity:.;.I2|c J^jjvr 10e; cattle, 30 sboatBi farm macnlHery,«tc. at Randolph, Where he is the principal passihg through a large vestibule the Sale at 1 o'clock. TJsnal terms. spacious hall is entered," trord which v Alilother gpbds in tbe summer line in saine grofjortfo^: ' •" T. E. Gordon!, Auctioneer. :»f the schools. ascends the main stairs. This stairway is w Hats at COST aiia ix3SS. # e ^ u s t get these good?# • —Frankfort Be view: Bill Wilhite, very hands'otrie, being panelled in highly * who two'year8 ago ran ajoint ih'this polished dak," and at each landing is a —School opens Sept. J^b." &at(|o rtiaW room; W e Is&p in stock the best Jihef city, was shot and killed at St. joe last parquette square of the finest workman—Frankfort Falr^-Septj 17—2f>. ; of 0 d R S E T S ifl town; Saturday night. Wl|hite? had' turned ship. The parlor to the left of the hall is —Monthly school report cards on sale his attenion to gambling, and for some finished in polished cherry wood, and an at this office. unlawful act was to be arrested, but be attractive leature ol this room is the magrented Mrs. M. resisted tbe officer who attempted to ar- nificent cherry wood mantle, above the © .—Thdf'ntThomasJias E. Bailey's hou e, ! rest hint, wheu he shot him dead. That fire piace. On this floor are also the sit—Geo. StcWhlrter has been laid np was once when Bill WRblteV bffqffing' ting-room, library* dining-room andE kitchen with pantries and closets, which didn't iwofkl; with a sprained knee. i •'are arranged for convenient service and' —The- city ahtnorirTes art* pttttidg --Mrs. J. M. Flad, of Frankfort, was well shut off from the front part of the down a cement crossing from the lum: in .this city od Wednesday. . house; | A back stairway ascends from ber yard to the felevator""' this week; . —There is no assessment In the A. O. While tnl8 is ah? experinient fn VTater- the kitchen. The stcohtl story contains tj. W. order for Septembejr. • # ville^ cement crossings are.:quiref- coal'- four large chambers, with bath-room/ —Miss Ethelyn Thorite will attend mon- in many towns rin"' -the- east, and the different closets are convenient Baker University this yeir. where they give perfect satisfaction;, •, and large. All the rooms except par• lor are finished in hard oak and finely -,—Cobs' Will be scarce: this winter. —Some good ptlrses are offered for the polished. The chambers are fitted with They biirig $1.50 a load noW: —Geo. H. Tircomb;has been slightly races at !the Frankfort Fair* Sept. 17th .marble Wash "basin?; The cellar, which to 20th, rind the paynjint orallTpoTses extends Onder the whole house, j Is' under the weafner this. week, j and premiums is guaranteed.. A good reached by a stairway from the kitciien —Beautiful weather these days, but time may be anticipated by all who at- and ahtol-by an outside entrance; Here is 1 nobody would Object to ja good heavy tend, and it being tbe only-fair held In the laundry* and also separate rooms lor rain; '. -'5 ''"'•' i the county everybody sfreuld gom- storagefandheating apparatus. The er£ «••< % — J.<W. Nash, of Cottage - Hill town- —The A. 0 ; U . W. picnic of Farallel tire cellar floof is ol cement.- The whole ship, has begun the erection of his new Will hot be held the6th of Septemberas bouse isj.heatcd with steam heats and hot residence; \ lirst repotted but will be held the 17th and cold water are in all the chambers. —The Irving Band has been secured and ISth of September. Grand Master Handsome potohes surround the exterior, to furnish the music at the Woodmen Lambe w|U he there, also AvP; Riddle, and the carriage house and stable are in picnic on the 12tu, of Minneapolis* is expected to be pres- -keeping] with the residence; A gas plant has lately been put in, which makes this ent.—Randolph llhterpris'e. a;; —Fred Senhecke ^ill sjoon commence home most complete. Mr. arid Mrs; work on.aVJine residence for Geo. Down—Mrs. M..L. Reitzel contemplates a Powell are ideal entertainers, and an evard, north of; town. trip to IndranapoliSj Tnd.; next week. ening spent at their lovely home is al—Mrs. Dolph, of St. Joseph, Mo., is While there she expects to have the ways enjoyed and j long remembered. 4 spending this week at the borne of h4t pleasure of witnessing the Rebekah de- They, are now at an eastern summer rei father, Mr! J. Voehl, nort of town, ' gree initiatory worK given by a Kansas sort, but are expected to return to Water* —Geo. Ketbemeyer returned to Mc- degree staff before the Sovereign Grand ville in October. Cook.Neb., the first of the week, riding Lodge of the I. a O. F. ; from this city to Wymore oil his wheels —Mr. nhd Mrs. John Dawson, who —Miss M. Breckenridg«? eSpects to have been living a little over a mile :j ACH. WHERE THEY WlbU leave on Monday next for St. Joseph, west of town since 188(3, onTuesday left So far as We are able to learn. teachers 1*r Argentine, Kas., whereithey'expect Mo to Select her fall stock of millinto reside for the future. -They were of this locality have been/employed as —Rnjlroad accommodations In Wash- —Whooping bough is "quite preva-' ; ington' county must be somewhat lent. good citizens, and we, regret their d*5* follows: I—Peterson Bros, hare their ad chang- parture from Waterville. mixed, according to an item in the Clif- —CarlSawin went to- G'reedieaf on1 - * ed in this issue. R^ad it and you will VVaterville — Miss^fpsephine T.. Berry,, ton/News, which states that "you can Saturday on business. see they can do almost everything for —We are always pleased" to note the Supt.; Mrs. Eva Clark, Principal; Mr. goTto Day today, but you can't goito —Lewis Miller, northwest of tdwnV you. - _;,.• jj .. j •! ;". '\ _ . \advancement of *»ny of our boys and R. G. Hoover, Grammar Dept.; Miss E; Morrow tomorrow unless you start to- will have a sale on the lltu, after which Leonard Jonefc'*pron5otion is no excepr McKejlvey, Intermediate Dept.; Miss diy," —Hiarry Humfreville will: leave, next tion. He is now agent 'af Riverside, he and his family will move to Ohio. / —Mrs. ddell has had her tWo grand* Monday for Lawrence. He intends tak- Mo., where he was lormerly operator,; M. Sbjumway, Primary Dept. '•. /Sons, the Lower brothers., of Blue Raping the la'w course- at the State Univer- wit^ha big increase In salary. He wlli Miss Anna Erickson, Clyde. ; —First Church of Christ, Scientist,{ Miss Daisy Dickey; Marysyille; . sity. .'' , 1 j ;*j:'ids, spending toe week with her. They make a good one. * . ' will hold services in the Stevenson hall Miss Hiizel Berry, Beattle. are up-to-date boys in every wiiy. —Mrs. W. J. Gowglll is expecting the —Rev. H; L. Yarger, D. D., President Miss Gljadys Stewart, Brammer District , —VV. S. McKelvy, "of Oklahoma, was as follows: Every Sunday ,Suntl ay School arrival of a sister from Illinois whom at 1O.00 a.fif.,Church Services at II a.m.' in town on Tuesday. He is making ar- Meetings also on every Wednesday ev(•he hopes will spend the winter in Of the Kansas Synod, and Western-Sec- Mias Ruby Williams, Keystone: retary of Church Extension, Will preacn : Miss Katie Ready, Harbaugh<; rangements to move his family down to ening. Subject at services on Sunday,' Kansas. - •} _ '; in the Lutheran church-on. Sunday evthe territory. —Miss Anria Robinson, of Seneca, KB., ening,Sept. 8th, at &o!clo.ck. All areMiss Lillie Longbon, Cottage fjill; Sep. 8,1901—"Substancel" . Ross Di Burke, Keefover District, was the guest of Miss Ethlyn Tftorne cordially invited to attend*'» Heading room open Wednesdays anef —Miss Katie Osborn has gonb to BeEarl Callithan, near Vermillion. last week. They are classmates at the Saturdays from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Stevloit, where she expects to spend tbe —Dr. Alph. J. Barim, a Kansas City, Lewis E. Willson, Dist. 19, ne«r/Beattie. Baker University. enson Hall. -. coming winter. Mo., optician,, is to be n"t the Adams T o Ciire a Cold i n O n e t>ny —Mrs; J. D. Hone, we regret to learn Hoii.se in th!8 city all day totdprfow lies seriop.3ly ill at her tiavaa of Bright's (Saturday, Sept. 7thj, and.parties jwant- Take Laxative Broiuo^uinine Tab- If yoti are thinking of BuYiNG A C u t F l o w e r s a n d F l o r a l D e s i g n s W A T C H OR C H A I N come in arid Ordered on Hhort Nollse. ~ ! ST "!-.,-:,--• *?*' e Udisease. S^e has been a patient sufferer ing anything in his line snould--c3lL_on_ Iota. All Idrbggjit^ lefunrj the money +M^-ftirl3 'to"cure. \ E, W.Grove'n sigSee Me. I can Suit you in Quality ^ATERVILiLE TELEGRAPH MKS. VV. J. RoMAiEi/, Agetrf; —tVe are ^ l % ^ ^ O ^ M f f i ^ - t « l ^ ^ | | ^ ^ months. _^ v THE him. See ad in this'issue; •natorerid da eVch bnx. / j 25c. "Price. Young, the Jeweler lmhlifheil bvery'Frirtay niorrinp. ai Watcr- r-Milrond ratej for the; round trip.frora —Miss Lillie Longbon entertained the Consampllon Threatened. rviil*. M*Vsb;ill County, Kaa.-.OlC.ceTt-forncr —Messrs Harvey Hubbayd, John is!.Ooihinerctal Strefit ami Se'ora.ks-A'vende...-- Atchison tofelev|eland for (lie Gl A. Ri D. D. Di and the R, R. R. -on Tuesday -Scale Books fpr sale at thi3 office. Oj^a| Benfietd. W.^. Bcow-trSna^Law enilemen—My wife was afflicted C. Unger, 212 Maple St., Champaign; Nitiiinaf fincamprderit is S20.25. For evening with a Watermelon feastT Al wiih dyspepsia and const i pat inn for III., writes: "I was troubled with u IVdlnjan car from VVaferville the rate is enjoyed themselves. ^ •-?'.j , i - rence Benfield attended the log rolling K e e p Y o u r F a t e C l e a n , — - years. After trying nther remedips hacking cough for a year ami I 'Oue-copyone T^ar, lfij<o.jd"'Ui 3<lvi«»»r.ej-...."Sl"C0 at .Junction!City, Kas.,. jon Wednesday: $o,50, and tourist car $2.501'additional. your cimplexionclear^ y<>Grftreft (h. I purchased a bottle of Ur.CaldweH's thought I hud consjiimption.'. 1 tried —The Oddfellows confer|4d thethird " |AnVEUTlSINGj'llVTES. They are enthusiastic VVopdmeij.and resweet, your hpa<l leyel. Dr. Caifi- Syrup-Pepsin for her and nhje is rap- a great many remedies and was up-* *'« f*Ktil airl traiisVenrVlve!i-J:;TfmiMiUr: SI Jb;pcv RiUlfoad iate6 from Cleveland to thedegree on one Candidatejfti Monday ev- port a splendid time,- 'KJ-T'-' '•" Bqitare ftifctjilfst tos'i-rtlnii1 aiju Ofty cents :for Pan-American at; Buffalo are $4.2* for 15 .we.ll.'s SS.vrup Pepsin will do IbU. I t idly improving, I cannot be with- der the care (if phyai( irius for Heyerat .«ar.l)atlrtitlriaai iRWrt<"n. ;. ? J days, $5^0 for 20 days and $7.65 for 50 ening, and have one fo/the first degree —Prof, R. C. Young on^Monday goes curesconsiipatiDii, sick headrtche and out this valuable medicine, : months. I used one buttle of Foley'* Local niitfe'8 ten bents peif line frr first tnfdr next Monday evening]. ' ,.' Honey and Tar. It cured me, and I „ Resp. your->j S. Elliott. to Omaha where he will "play a cornet iiuPgpstion and is a perfect laxative. 9i>rti«n:-adil:'live ceiH'S'for ciicli autlltioiial In- days limit; by boat the -'^ire^J^S^^.^j,., Elk City r Kas.i JJec, 1,3, l!«00. . j 'i have not been troubled since. t ".L^-Mrs. Fred BUrtis and two children, in the 3rd Regimental Band of Nebraska Soldbir Mrp.'W. j . Rommel. firtlons :; • •• —Frank Hill returned on Tuesday Sold by. Mrs. VV. J. Rommel. VV. H..Hampton. iQfPneblo, Colo., are in Waterville visit- for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Young and j I" ftb.0K A S h jtOlJ PntNTING. froni Kanfcas.Uityi wivere ItehjiB^Keeii f«| •'. 'AliAkimiH of- lyintiris promptly: aiT'l neatly ing relatives. J. P. jr., promises to be children will visit relatives in Nebraska -" Leave.your Laundry al Ed. Adaiss' eeiving treatment for blood poisoning. eStcnteil a this ollice. ai Tcasonble rates, a be as handsome as J. P. Br. Barber Shop.. Work guaranteed,. during his absence. ?.-..... It seems that whi|e:doctoring a • cow a AddVesrali coTtimn^ir.ation* to, ' —Last week flank Busselman, who. —Last Saturday evehihg a reverse couple of wetTks agpifor lumpy i-j'a'W" he mSNRYC. WIM^OS, Mr G. A. Slillman, a merchant of Publisher anrt Proiirietor. lives a few miles/iip the Bluerre'eiyed a party was held by the young ladies of was infected Vith tlie virus and blood Tampibo, III., writes t 'Foley's Kidi' _W-atervllle, Kan. fall while wrestling, which resulted in poisoning set in. • lie has had a'serious the Commercial House in honor of their ney Ciire is meeting with wonderful t^he of it but with bis usual luck came the breaking ot his sbottlder bone. young men and young .Jady friend?. success!. I t nan cured some cases jEutere't at the PoRt-Ofiien at Watervlllo. • Kansas, as ser.oinl class matter. off on top, and his many friends are —The school board request its to an- They all bad a very pleasant time, leav- here that physicians pronounced in* curable. I myself am able to testify glad t'6 hear of it. \ f • ; • nounce that school will open on Monday ing at a late hour. to its merits. My face today is a liv- f f m , Fitzgerald, whO' is jiot only a ing picture of! health; and Foley's . —J. H. Clarkc.iwho has been clerking morning? Sept. 0th, and it is hoped evfor .1. G. Nider, jleft on Tnesday for ery pupil will be on hand promptly on boss carpenter but a large stock man as Kidney Uure has made it such." j FRIDAY, SEPT. 6,1901. Barnesr^;|l'efe he will open up a flour time. well, has had a force of'men working VV. H. Hampton. and fees' store. >V*e regret to see Mr. '—Posters are otit announcing that the night and day cutting fdclder for the 12S Clark leave, but we hope he will meet Modern Woodmen of this city will hold head of cattle he "is Jeed'fng. ,x^—School Opens Monday. |4 with the best of sueceBS, I he deserves Tt. a Log Rolling on Thursday, Sept^l2ih_ —^R. C. Young has beep -enjoying a —Prairie; chickens are ripe. His familyrwill remain in Waterville Full particulars Will be given ftext visit from bis parent's, and brother and I—W«odmenipicnio—Sept. liih. ; week. ;\ \ ' • ' 6iste.r the past week. They drove over for the present. - .. ! ^-AdditWal "local" on second page! — Harry Jacques made aqn'ck trip to , —W, Ei Talbot and wife returned on from Nebraska last SaturtFay, returning —Mrs. C. Davis has been quite ill this Barnes on Tuesday, going up ion the af- Wednesday from their summer's yaca* home on Tuesday. '~*} ~! -'week., '; | j | ,': \ :; ~: '• •' U: ternoon passenger train and returning tioh, which they'spent in the east and —Mr. and Mrs. S, Har^tfian, of: Cot-i - ^See auction sale notice at the head on the|evening;freight with his brother, west presorts, their last stopping place tage Hill township, are hope from Rer, who has teen wi:h H i uncle, being in the mountains of Colorado. of our "lo|ca|y cglurun. their trip to Colorado, where they were jasper Keefover, all summer. •—TU D Burke returned from bis trip —Miss Kate Flad has resigned her po- entertained by their sons, Will and tojPerinBylvania on Friday^last.. —Miss f*. Bancroft accompanied her sition as clerk in Clark & 1 home's store John. j \ —Frank Shirck Will haye a nice'flye- nephew, t>oh Delaney, ^to Axtell, and and will fake a much needed rest. Miss —Miss Edith Stevenson entertained room house erected this fall on bis farm will make a short visit there w ith rela- Kate was a most efficient clerk and was Miss Ethel Lawton, of Lawrence,.oyer* We also Carry Well-Casing and popular with all classes of customers. tives. J si. a! few miles west: of town. Sunday. Do First Class Tin Wirk A U C T I O N SALES. • • . for 30 Days, : SHIRT WAIST j Si#^ SM to; S§, Forpieriy QSffii "to be Sold at §9d Formerly §m^ to b e §old a | 60kfe Fornierly $JL;2Q, tobegold"it 95d W0& ALL THfPI SyiWER V m m 1 § m Mii§ ge^died Line of WHI'IS GOODS to be sacrificed; Lawns, Dimities, Foulards, and Lace Q Stripes a t ^ust, OME*HALF O F F , © wnioji is much less than first cost. For % instance Wk 15c Qualities at 7 1 ^c,; 6c Qualities at 3c. g One Lot sample Corsets, worth 4j0c ' o ® $1.50 Just ONE-HAlJF OFF. I . , © All Summef Cldth and Straw Hats Just ® QN^HAT.y O F F ; • ; © The Best Liie of HOSISBY. i WHY | § Because We Buy them in Cash Lots direct @ from the Mill • 'way down in -Georgia where 0 the cotton grows". ^ •£,'.'& We Carry alGMMpiete"; t i n e of the Celebrated SUNPLOV^ER ]Pi.NTS, land other makes,, fronf $i.|di. TQ.$4.oaf" i \ Don't forget onr Clothing. Best-FITS inJylarshaB Cpuntyi; ' i j. & THOiiNE. Mariy qtfter good bargains ft! to offer you. | | So, Don't Part W i t h y O U R ikONEY until you have paid 2;Visiter ¥ours, for Bargains, ommercial Street Meat SJ^K^WH Fresh and Cur^d Meats, Sausages, etc., alwaysr on hand. Ice oil sale at shop, W e buy Youn^ Stbck and Hided. -Hubbard tk Son,'«fw**f. PetirsonBrQSv-. i***-' • • - - - ^ Repair furniture, Sewing Machines/ Gasqlind StoveSj bicycles, Guns and. Parasols. d--iii • • • - - • • I—'0fM J.B J_ $gg~ Sny, Have Y««i Tri^ri those 1 H a r e , J u s t R e c e i v e d ia Nice Morning Glory ^ i o e Shop. I/Oftrry R .Fine L n"e n'f..Clocks a t Lare«d Siz»"il'. CLYDE MELON3 liine of W A T C H E S , CLOCKS and Reasonable Prices. : 1 HAS l l E - O P E k e t » f They are ON ICJC at / JEWELRY; Call in and look them [•n*-]j Yimng , the Jeweler. over. Young, the Jeweler. HUBBARD'S MEAT MARKET. One door west of Clarlre A Thome's. ' hr-r *r*— S .'- ' Gsp. S E B S K V , J B / ' * B t i r t i s has got in a full line of Suite I M a k e a S p e c i a l t y - of Making ^y PIOWP,' Buckeye nn<l Havana Over Ohi Jewelry.. Gcht&* C h a i n s , from $1.50 to $8^0. '- SKoree Feed Grain Drills, Mowers, j Yuaae,-;tlie : Jeweler. YOUNG, THB JKWELEB; Hay Dcillrt, ele. f 1 — — o * — • I'I " i V . J — 2 0 TJiorougUbred Poland China Boats. Ail eligible tp recOid. • t F e W a n t t o See f o r i ! -Price reasonable'..' We can lei I what makes your eyes C. Gi) THOMA8. blur and your head swim.?. You are B n r f i s has just received a car load of bilious and ur; pCaj$J weirs. Syrup Sori*>ysV Phaeton*, Top Buggies Pepsin Wrl^cure^you-^iihe "jnanu* and Spring Wagons and will soon facturers will refund1 you the purhave another car of those Mitchell chase price. Sold by Mrs, W. i. wagon?, ':'[ . . \j..\J -._.','"- Rommel. fl-A "'•_ ^-' ; roft La-v|iiSi Silk Muslins, Korah Pongee and aH thin goocis U< SALE. at Small Pronis. VERY LOW PRICES On Furniture, Mouldings, Picture i Jlilats, Carpets, Window Shades, Oil Cloths, Linoleums and Straw Matting-. - »' Give us a call. THE CASH IIBuin&llB G NCORDIA •' mvia ^V- ^^H^^P BB HEADQUARTERS FOR — - . Farm Implements, es,r ;- Carriage^, ion Binders and Mowat^ FLOUB, Harness; Hardware^ and *£& Shopy S, S.6R0ESBECK. ^9^^ ( T B O R N B & THdMAS,)f ' ' ''/_ Gall on us before purchasii^ yoitr ne-^faU dress. 0all on . Issues Drafts or Post Office Orders on all Foreign Countries. C o a i i a e r c i a l Street, Loans Money on Farms. insurance Written in Reliable Companies;. - ; . .' W A T E R V I L L E , K A 3 , I had a running sore on my! leg 1 G u a r a n t e e EveryHiing I Sell to for eeveti year-V' writes Mr?^ Jaraes . b e as Ti«T)reseuie4.Ij'. WSBT:H you Fbresl/ of Chippewa F4IIH, Wis., don't flad it so, Return it. '' "and spent hundreds of dollars in .xbangf/ihe Jeweler. trying to get it healed. Two hnxe-s of Banner 8aive entirely.cared it." Of WATERVILLE.' I p . t . BOOT & CO. Beware of substitutes. W. H. Hampton. •< ._ j carry the largest Stock of Domestic and Foreign Marbles and Granites : G. A . R. Meeting. "• in Northern Kansas or Southern The regal«r~njeeting of Waterville Nebraska. \ Call, or write o s ^ t ; | M Post, N o . 260 G. A.R., villi be held Washington, l i a s , on Friday evening, tiepit.'$9',1901. A SPECIALTY, J . laundry Work-solicited, l^eave Comrades are e a r n e s t s requested to it;/t Milt Wilder's Berber Sbop. All be present. _ GEodMNfiELD, M. I«. REiTZKX. f ^^ Commander. work guaranteed satisfactory. . .',AdlatdBi. CBamlierlain's Coaglr R e m e d y Census E n u m e r a t o r C l a w s o n . who is also editor ol The Herald at Beloif floer, art Watenrille that aid Fetd/ A Great Pavoiite. The soothing and healing proper- Howe, Ind".; Ty.j writes: , . ' . ALWAYS M MAM. ties of this remedy, its pleasant taste • To whom'it m a ; concern—I was a and prompt and permanent cares sufferer from stomach trouble until 1 have made H a great favorite with Was Induced to ir£ a bottle of Dr< people every where. I t is especially Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and I want I will SELL FOR CASH arid at Prices will Surprise yon. Call and see me prized by mothers of small children to say that in my opinion it has no that before buying elsewhere if yon want to for colds, cronpand whooping congh,. equal as a stomach remedy. I bad save money. as it always affords quick: relief^ and tried many dtfierept^emedies. hut; Will Deliver Goods fb Any Part of the as -it conlaiiis^rio opium or other none with . t b e happy results of Bi. City. harmful drag,~-it may be given as CaldwelPs gyrnp Petisfn, confidently to a baby as to an adult. G. Ai Clawson^ Ho.we, Intf. Ter. 9 jiFor sale by Mrs. W^ J. Booamel.Sbi* by M K / W . 1 . Bdrnmel/ i 1 Padae'»^ Mso'%ood assorfcknent of men's dress .shirts t o ^eleet from a t reprices. New' m stocks in a ¥\m "HirrLitiire, Musical Sewing MskJlnnes, etSy F U L t LINE A T REASONABLE Bhife AHB SEB FOB YO#BSBL*^ / ! brought us Within si short distance of Stany Plagiarist* u r e Women. you. They are here, so they said, to In speaking o' plagiarism a magarescue a young girl from t i e hands,of zine editor said: "More than ninethe conspirators against^ our 4iberty." tenths at tiie plagiarists who try to •• Salvarez dismissed the Americans me manuscripts are women. As X from his mind, and began preparations sell a -rule they are prompted . by a Or the Trials of a Spanish Girl. : • for attacking the. castle. desire to see their names in print as Having reached the most advanta- authors. When I call their attention Jiiiinmniiniiiiinniiiiiiiimimiiiiumi; called and he generally advises an opX '.-geous By SEWARD W. HOPKINS. point within his grasp, Salvarez to the fact that the articles submitted eration. Perhaps he will subject the paplanted his two guns, ready to-begin have been published before they get tient to a long series of experiments. Copyrighted 1900 by Hobert Bonner's Sons. /the attack^ -\ - . ^ with nervines and tonics. The reason angry and flounce out*' I. he does not often, make a cure is beIt was at this point that the sentinel cause he does not recognize the trouble. on the tower had passed' the word for T h e Cows of Denmark. , In a large majority of the cases caCHAPTER V. •.." - had in New York, he obtained a great uomez and- had. interrupted his talk _ There are 1,713,735 cows In Denmark, tarrh of the leinaleorgansig, tixsjatuse.^, influence oyer the king. Garza was the with Mattazudo. The City of Cebu. Mattazudo tfie; HaU-Breed.. Peruna relieves these cases promptly In one of the most luxurious rooms only man in the United' States who Salvarez first took the precaution1 to an average of 456 for every 100 acres The city of1; Cebu has something like because it cures the catarrh. Peruna is , 100,000 inhabitants/but this popnla-. of the Castle of Salvarez a tall, som- could obtain for us the money we need- send, his wife and daughter some dis- of land under cultivation and 756 for not a palliative or a sedative or a nerevery 1,000 Inhabitants. In 1898 toe ed to make our movement 6 success.; flon Is largely made up of people who ber-looking man, clad in a gorgeous tance-away: from the scene in the care vine or a stimulant It is a specific , ire huddled together in native huts. uniform, stood near a table, looking It Is, therefore,' plain that fori a time of a score of soldiers under a lieuten- butter exported amounted to 121,418,for catarrh and cures catarrh wherever * It may luifk In the system. ant Freed from their! loving but em- 431 pounds, in 1899 to 122,412,593 They live year In and year out on rice down at a map of Venezuela, his long, he held us in his.hands." "It would seem sor certainly," said barrassing presence'; he n o w dis- pounds; and In : 1900 to 124,623,362 tnd corn. There | is ,nb hunting, but. thin finger tracing the boundaries rot This girl was lucky enough to find Mattazudo, with a grin,.-•'•'.-.:' the states; and his eye measuring the played himself fearlessly, and directed pounds; of which 3,593,362 pounds were Peruna at last As she says, the docthousands of small fish, less than six packed; in tins. The;, remaining was "He used this power to compel the the movements in person. ~^"\ '"] tors did not seem to understand what inches long, are caught and dried for distance from Bolivar to Caracas. | in firkins. the trouble" was and the medicine he On one side of him stood Ferdinand king to promise to marry his daughter The soldiers under Salvarez were of local consumption. .' prescribed from time to time did not Gomez, on the other stood Don Juan when the crown of Venezuela had been the same classes as those under Franhelp her. Peruna hit the mark at once | He Collects Antique Statuary. ' placed on his head:" Submarine Telephony.' Garza. cisco and Mattazudo; but as no class is and she is now recommending this Stanford white jls one of the largest Mattazudo puffed harder. :-' A French engineer by the name of altogether good, neither is any class "Your-Majesty, sees that .we hold a wonderful remedy to all the other girls collectors of antique statuary in Amer- most Important position," said Gomez, • "Well," he said, "it isn't on yet. altogether bad, and the half-breeds, Marchle, claims to have solved the in the United States. ica. ..Not only is his house in GramIn the presence of I others Gomez Caracas is far from here. ;Why!do you even to the Zambos, who were among problem of telephoning by submarine" MISS BESSIE KELLOG. Thousands of the girls who look at • •aarcy park, New York, a veritable mu- called the pretender by the royal titles. grow disturbed so soon?"] j the: supporters of the Government cables for great distances. His experi- " " • • " ' " " " iiiiiiiiiiiiniiwiii.il ii ii mi i tn ••: her beautiful face and read her sincere Miss Bessie Kellog, President of the testimonial, will be led to try Peruna. teum of Greek and Roman art, but the What he called him when they were : "Caracas is far from here, i r i s true; fought bravely;: " ments are reported as having been Woman's Club, of Valley City, Jawc is npwjfilled to" overflowing with alone vas- the more familiar name of but Caracas is _ not necessary to a At the command of Salvarez the two very extensive and exhaustive and as Young North Dakota, writes the following in their times of trouble and critical : other examples. Philip. .<• j I ~ crown; Philip has already announced guns boomed their wrath'against the having resulted recently In his being from First street, South, Valley City, periods. Peruna will not fall them. Every one 1 of them will be glad' and it ; The stranger raised his dark, burn- that'in one hour he will be crowned offending foe, and an answering charge able to transmit a telephone message, North Dakota: is to be hoped that their enthusiasm A Bappj- B o y king before his army." with perfect distinctness, from Calais, of cannon and rifles awoke the echoes. ing eyes rested them on [the\ face of -: "Evettslnpe I matured I suffered with will lead them to do as this girl did— ; % Oldenburg, HL, Sept 2d:—The doc- Gomez. "" Mattazudo. looked surprised. I Again and again, the booming guns through a cable 400 miles long. ^~-;— J terete monthly pains. The doctor did proclaim the fact to the world so that . tors all lallef in «ie case of little thirtot seem: to understand . what the others may read it and do likewise. "I see that we occupy a'central'posl- | "A spectacle for the multitude! He poured out, their wrath', but the walls h teen-year-old Winie K^eil, w&d. suffered »tIon," he said, "but on the wrong side I s wise," he said. trouble was and the medicine be pre* of the castle crumbled not Automatic Ticket A g e n t s a Success. Mrs. Christopher Fliehmann, Amsterfrith acute Rheumatism. "True. It is a good move for his In- Meanwhile, Salvarez was restlessly scribed from time to time did not help dam; N. Y i writes: .of the" Orinoco. /We command heri, A report comes from Berlin that the .. For over three months the poor little ,perhaps; but all the strength of the terests, but a bad one for mine." me. Me finally suggested that I bare pacing up and down. He recognized "I have been sick with catarrh of tha. fellow, suffeired excruciating torture. Republic and all her wealth are separ"Ah! You Want the coronation post- the impossibility of driving the enemy sale of railway tickets by automatic an operation. One of my friends who stomach and pelvic organs for about machines was j very successful last bad been cured of asimilar affliction Bis father, who had done everything he ated from .us by the great river." ppned-r-prevented, perhaps. You wottld from his castle With the, force at his the use of Peruna, advised me five years, and had many a doctor, but eould think of, saw a new Rheumatism /Uke to be king of Venezuela yourself, command. A problem had presented year; One hundred and ninety-two of through "You are mistaken," replied Gomez. to give It a trial first, and so I used It none could! help me. Some said I would these macuines sold 30,000,000 tickets. Remedy ad rertised -—=- Dodd's Kidney perhaps?" ! itself to his mind. The secret passage"! At the Friedrich Strasse and Zoologi- for three weeks faithfully. My pains never get over i t One day when I read *Tt;is true that the army of Crespo|is Mils. He b Dught some, and soon his "Nonsense," said-Gomez, impatient- He resolved to hold the secret, intenddimished very soon and within two you almanac I saw those who had been in the north; But the wealth of Venecured by Peruna;". then I thought I : Sttle son shewed signs of improvement. zuela—the true1 wealth, not the build- ly. "Even if I wished it, Iain not such ing, if necessary, to utilize it in. some cal Garden stations over 200,000 tickets months I bad none at all. were delivered daily through the slot I "This Is six months ago, and during would try I t I did, and found relief -three boxes cured him completely, ,f '- , .' ' ings and customs port and towns, but a fooljto try. It will be a difficult thing "*way at night. . that time I have not bad an ache nor with the first bottle I took, and after ke has not a symptom of Rheumatii _the vast stores of gold j and, silver in at best to maintain the throne on this His meditations were interrupted by pain. I give highest praise to Peruna. two more bottles I was as well and r/topla .Xocated In Sweden. left, .. continent, and would be utterly impos--. the mountains—is on this side." loud shouts from his men. In thecastle woman ought to use it, and I strong as I was before."—Mrs. ChristoUtopia is now known to be.located Every : This miraculous cure of a case which sible without the help of | Spain, and the preparations for the attack had Don Juan shrugged his shoulders. feel sure that It would bring perfect pher Fliehmann. had been given up by the physlciaha t Qrsa,; in Sweden. The community health."—BESSIE KELLOQ. "Of what use is it to talk of gold Spain will help no one but a Spaniard been watched eagerly by Gomez, Do If you do not derive prompt and sathas electrified Madison County, and and silver: in' the mountains?'/ he de- of noble birth. What Ii want is far dif- Juan and Philip of Aragon. has, in course of a generation, sold \ The experience of Mis3 Bessie Kel- isfactory results from the use of Pe'Dodd's Kidney Pills are a much talked manded. "Did we come here ;as pros- ferent The coronation Is.a good thing ¥4,600,000 worth of trees and by means j "That General is a cool fellow,** said of -judicious . replanting, has provided log, of North Dakota, ought to be read runa, write at once to Dr. Hartman, 8f medicine. | ' in its way. Let it go on.'But the marby] every girl in the land. It i3 a critical giving a full statement of your case pectors? Did we buy twenty thousand riage of Lola Garza to the king must Philip. "He should be one" of us." for; a similar income every thirty or period in a. woman's life when she and he will be pleased to give ypu his rifles and rouse the halt-breeds hjere "There seejms" to be a growing i m "Salvarez Is a brave jjman," said ! ceases to be a girl and becomes a wom- valuable advice gratis. be prevented. I saw her and loyed heir pression that Aguinaldo is a gold simply to -.enable! us to. work a; claim? before Philip, and) she must be mine. Gomez, "and as stubbornlynoyal to the forty years. In consequence of \this an. Very few pass through this period Address Dr. Hartman, President of Drick. .\ ; ./; -- /.--• ; '. Outwork lies in the north." -:. commercial wealth there are no taxes. without some trouble. The doctor is The Hartman Sanitarium. Columbus; 0, Rather than lose her, I would sacrifice republic as he is brave." L -"Salvarez' seems to have confidence "True," responded Gomez. "I do; not the king-^the war-r-eVerything!" The Home Laundry. that his attack will be successful." i Hall's Catarrh Curewish to imply that we. must not look Fishing: for t h e Tuna. Mattazudo shifted uneasily. FRAGRANT "There is iio.reason why the-clothea across the great river. We do not 6wn Is taken internally. Price, 75c. Gomez smiled. . . Many experienced fishermen have flashed at home cannot be ironed up Venezuela till we occupy "the capital. j "You say too much," he said. gone to Los Angeles this year to try "I speak only to you," said Gomez. j "If he knew it would be a failure he to the same standard of excellence that But I do not desire the value of this The.man who thinks itari Iniquitous for the tuna. Great stories of Its would be as calm."; r see how I trust you." eomes from'l sending them'to the laun- part of the country to be underrated, "You "'Is there any danger that he will be thing'to iride on a pass never could get strength and gameness are told. It is 1 "What do you Want me to do?" askfiry,. AH! that, is necessary to attain as it - has'falways been heretofore." a pass, anyway. successful?" asked Don Juan. comrion to play a tuna half a day with ! ; the desired j object is the purchase of t\ "Time_ehough for that," said Philip ed the half-breed. "Not the least." a thirty-six-thread line. "Some time within the hour, Salvarl package of Defiance starch at any of Arago%-"Where do we strike next?" For frostrbite, chilblains, sore and "Is it, then, so.strong a castle?" ask- lame ez will attack the castle;; There will, joints, stiffness of muscles, try {xocery. Use^t once and you wiltun"Before making any attempt at Alabama's Six-Day Papers. Wizard OH. It won't.disappoint you. flerstand why j clothes ironed at the crossing the Orinoco," said Gomez, "It -of course, be much excitement, and a ed Philip. "The strongest in Venezuela." good deal—anything—can be done in The Birmingham Age-Herald claims A scientifically prepared and Will be necessary to annihilate the laundries^ have that mild,, glossy apIt is j very easy for people; with to be the only daily paper published in strictly pure Liquid Dentifrice "Is lit So? Then this spot was indeed the turmoil. I will contrive to get Philpearance. All first-class laundries* use force under Salvarez. It is, I admit, money to make themselves ridiculous Alabama. No other is Issued more in a New Size, handy to use. Defiance stajreh. jlf tjtere is no grocery smaller than our own; but it is still ip and Don Juan out on ; thef battle- .well chosen as the spot to begin our about art. j 75c ' . than six times a week. Monday is the Large LIQUID and POWDER, . ,.i S0Z0D0NTT00TH POWDER, In your neighbdrhood" that keeps j it large enough to give us considerable ment, and while they are there, you operations." _ 2Sc must in some way get to-Lola's room Gomez smiled—his; quiet, superior day on which publication is usually A t all the ^Stores, 'or by Mail for t h e price, they will send-forUt on request. Made trouble. Moreover, Salvarez.is a man and get her away out!of the castle." PUTNAM FADELESS DYES are as smiles: . cample of Sozodont for the postage, 8 cents. by the Magnetic'.. Starch. Co., Omaha, of resources, and as long as he has a L "Well?" to use as soap. No muss or failures. omitted. ; •. "I knew what I was doing," he said. easy ; HALL <Si RUCKEL, NEW YORK company 5at his back will 8>e danger10c per package. Sold by druggists. Neb. , |2j , ;•'.. : ;• .. j Mrs. "WlnsloWa Soothing Syrup. "Take her to some safe hiding place "I generally do." | ous." I For.chlldren teething, softens the gums, reduces InThe hand that, rocks the-cradle is Qammdtton, allays pain.cura'* wind colic. 25c a bottlenear here, and leave i her,-bound hand (To be continued.) Tou are iucky if you can pick two "Where is Salvarez now?" asked and foot. You know! of a safe place, seldom the one that raps for order in good cantaloupes in succession. 1 It's a dry summer when Kansas Philip. / |i \ • •' >. " fi.':'j; do you not?" E N G I N E E R I N G IN C H I N A . the mothers' meeting. i gets left. "Aboutia half-mile below the" castle." Maes, He B o a to* freight, Binjbaaton, 2f i i FITS Permanently Cured, rroflts or nervousness &ftei j ''Plenty. But why do you tell me to Celestials - Anticipated Us In Some at Brat -<J*J'8 ose of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. "Will he "attack?" I F YOU USE BALI. BLUE, lend' for F R E E 8 2 . 0 0 trial bottle and treatise, do what you could do. as well?" 1 Throwing dice seems to constitute a Our Modern Inventions. : "He certainly will. Salvarez is not DB. R, H. KUNC, Ltd., 831 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Get Red Cross Ball Blue, t h e best Ball Blue. "You forget. As general in command rattling good time with some people. Large 2 oz. package only 5 cents. From what has been learned about the manf to accept' defeat without a of Philip's army, I must be always at China in recent years the conclusion A woman's'misslch on earth is;'to struggle.1? i \ hand if he should demand my presence. lies uppermost that while Chinese enconvince seme man that he ought to I "Yet, with the guns left in the-iiat- A short absence would be surely noget married. '•' ; •'•':.' tlements fand our well-armed/infantry; ticed. It would be Impossible for me gineering has proceeded quite successH A S NO E Q U A L . we should be able to defeaUum." to take the time necessary to get her fully along static lines, it has rested, I Co not believe PIso's. Cure, for Consumption "That is without question. There :1s out of the castle. You must do-it. for centuries without progress In all hat » equal tar coughs and colds.—JOHK P beats all records and always will. no cause to fear the result of a battle." You must be careful not to be discov- that involves motion. Thus, while their B o n a , Trinity Serines, tad., Feb. 15,1900. Cures '.'Let them come^ said Gomez. "I ered. You must also be careful not to fixed structures are notable and freblizzards will be ready fop-'fhem. I will visit l i e fall into the hands of the soldiers of quently beautiful, their machines for "Slow we Will enjoj? •men again ahd^reassure your Majesty." Salvarez." next winter • • doing work and i moving people and "IV has occurred to me, your majesgoods are' rudely primitive. The curi; . - 1 "You may j trust me. I am too old ous Chinese wheelbarrow is still a I ty," said Don. Juan, as soon as the: Yellow, musty looking i SBTJLOW.CtOTHES ARE ;TJNSIGHTXY. to be caught;In so simple: a thing as K e e p them, white with Red CrossRall Blue. door had closed behind • Gomez, "that this. But where is the girl's room? most important factor in land traas linen can be avoided by portation, but what in- the United • All grocere: f[ell large 2 oz. package, 5 cents. Jnstead of w.alting until y o u , reach Caracas to declare yourself king, you How am I to nnd her?" • States, for example, is considered very using Defiance Starch, Gomez took a pencil and paper from imodern "cage construction" for builddo so at once,, and become Weaknesfi of VPAiiNT JLN T H E F A E I T -should the limbd which, whitens! the goods crowned before the people! who are his.pocket and hasitily drew a rude ings has been practiced by the Chinese plan of^the interior of the castle. and all j ;t ' for centuries, and is found; all over j Fall painting is best; the now with us." and makes them like Aches and "Here," he said, "follow me., This Philip spent a moment, with bared room on "the maln'Jbairwas the library China. This is one of the many interPains. pairit gets well seasoned be- head, new, Ask for the 16 ozr deep in thought*Raising his of Sabtarez. It is now the council room esting observations made by William Barclay Parsons during a railroad surfore tfie ;&bt sun gets busy. "head, he said: package Defiance Starch. of Philip. At one end of the hall is the wisest and best of counsel- east gallery. There, ypu will find a door vey in 1898, and recorded in bis recent "You ; want your paint to ors,"Garza, All other starches weigh I- think you are right. I see it now as IJiave located it here. You will find book entitled "An American Engineer REQUIRES NO COOKING in China." last, and to protect yourprop- with your eyes. W e must guard agaiUst Lola there." 12 ounces. " PRER4REDF0R defection from our ranks. As you say, "I can find it," said Mattazudo. Another example of how the Chinese, PURPOSES OMY erty. If you usd Devoe ready it will be best for me tptake the crown % "Very wfll. Now, where will you have, by centuries, anticipated some • • i at once." ; of our modern inventions, is afforded paint, you'll have both. take her?" , • Conquers -•.: * / «j\ by-the system of dividing up the hull Mattazudo studied a moment K Xas^Jonger than lead and Just outside the;door Gomez stood j: "One of a boat by bulkheads as a protection Pain mile up the Coroni," he sard, listening. There was a most ugly look against leakage, this, with the Chinese, Don't forget it—a better qua!- V "in p. hut, lives old Ramana—" oil; costs less. Devoe is a safe on the face of the leader of the royal- ; ' "Ramana the Carlb! He who-claims dating back further than the Thirity andone'third more of it. : ists. • " . name in paint things. teenth century. The'number of comto be ^he Indian king?" % He walked quickly away when^lie- ^"The same." , partments in the Chinese trading ves- SOZODONT Tooth Powder 25C Ask your dealer for Devoe; dont be satisfied with less. Send for pur pam- heard the resolve of Philip, and hur"Why, he is a devoted friend of Sal- sels depended upon the number of (owners in a vessel. John H Morrison, '< phlet about paint and, painting; freej ried to a small outbuilding that had varez." j been designated as:the headquarters of '•Well^what has .this to do with his in an article iil'Gassier's Magazine sevthings you ought to know. Mattazudo, the leader of the Zambos. friendship for Salvarez? He is at least eral years ago, told that in a large vesGOOD-PAINT DEVOE CHICACtO Mattazudo was there. He looked up an honest Indian, and that is some- sel there was .sometimes as many as when \ Gomez entered; thing. Moreover, it will not be; diffi- JJLOO, each - partner shipping his own "I want to see | you alone," said cult to make his loyalty to Salvarez goods in his. own compartment, which Gomez. i . j serve our purpose. Ramana does not. he fitted up to suit himself, and either Mattazudo was smoking a huge, know I am with you. I take the girl went in person or sent one of his black cheroot. He puffed some pungent to him, and tell him I baye captured, family to take charge of his property. YTMOK HADE. >• F o r More T h a n a Quarter of a Century smoke toward Gomez. Humilty, respect her from Philip during the fight, and There is thus, some question whether The'reputation of" W . \S+ Douglas S3.00 toward superiors, were not parts of the he Is to keep her until Salvarez or I the Chinese bulkhead or compartment a n d 83.50 shoes for style, comfort and •wear has excelled all other m a k e s sold a t character of Mattazurdo. His dark face come for her. Later I can get her and system was designed .for insuring;safeToo freely.! It means that these prices. This excellent reputation has was villainous in its expression. He the skin is doing more than bring fier to you," ~r. j, / ty for the -vessel, rather than for jconibeen won b y merit alone. W . L- Douglas shoes have to give better satisfaction than was the man for dark deeds; he mercial convenience; but j there Is no Its share in the work of "I prefer to get her for myself.*V other $3.00 and $ 3 . 5 0 shoes because his was'the man Gomez wanted. :1 doubt that the compartment plan exreputation f o r t h e beat $3.00 a n d $3.50 eliminating the impurities ; f*Well, until you come for,her. Rashoes must be maintained. The standard "Well," he said, "am I not alone?'* \ from the. blood, while the has always b e e n placed so h i g h that t h * . ^l^did not Jmow," answered Gomez. mana does not know you. You can be isted at that early date and that the wearer receives m ore value for his money compartments, too, were' made, j suba messenger from me." -/ j liver and kidneys are shirk* i n the W . ! • . Douglas $ 3 . 0 0 a n d $3.50 "I saw only you, but there may be oth"Good! Now, how am I to know this stantial and . water-tight^-Cassier's ing their duties. These ahoes than h e can g e t elsewhere. - ~ ~W.lt. Douglas sells m o r e $ 3 . 0 0 and$3.50 ers near." Magazine. J-' -• .- •• ' ;. ] hUt? I do not recallrit"1 / ! | Important organi, which are intended to sift the impurities from the than any other t w o manufacturers. ' "None," «ald Mattazudo. "There Is a large : white stone In W. L Doaglas S4.00 6ilt Edge line . QUITE NEW FIXINGS. ' body, too often fail in their work. ; Gomes took a Beat near him. cannot be equalled at artg price. //^ "Mattaxudo,*' he eald, "you have front of i t " "I will find i t Harkl/My name!. The; Some Odd Things In t h e Haw Umbrella known me a long; time." -Handles. sentry Is giving the alarm. .Salvarez is Mattaxudo laughed. % : * • beginning the attack. I must go to my One of the most startling of all nov"Longer than I would want it known work. See to it that you do yours." - elties ever shown-in umbrella bandies at Caracas if this affair falls," he said. "Trust me," said Mattazudo, as he is made of porcupine; quills, and is ; "We have been friends," said Gomes, walked off. known as /'Aqullla.'*! } Nothing! like It ignoring the words. has everbefore beenseen. The quills Mattazudo darted a quick look to- 2: •>• . > CHAPTER VL '• are so! arranged; that the white parts ward Gomes.. «.'-/f | The Attack.; come together and form a ring-around TWell," he said questionlngly, "you General Salvarez was i deep in -the the iiandles,: thus giving a very pretty *~-r Eral*'_ ' iHlfljiltf have a game. Out with it-" ,'/. \ "Do. yon want to earn some mon- council of war with his ofitcers, when effect These handles come beautifully will cure all affections of these organs, and restore them to a healthy*, ey?" asked Gomez. * ; his wife and daughter, reached him. mounted with gold and silvertips;and normal condition. - They rushed into his arms with excla- bands, and are made in both men's and »If it i s enough." , ^ mations of mingled; joy and woe. : Sold by all Druggists. Made by women's 4*«t», and are moderately ex. "One thousand Bolivars.,, " "How,did you escape?" said Sal- pensive. Another novelty -which. | will" T h e Dr. J . H. McLean Medicine Co., S t Louis, Mo. Mattazudo started. -, varez. '-Tell me about uie attack on nrpbably be moire popular next winter "A thousand Bolivars is a good deal," the castle. Our men say they' fought Rfceumatism. •-oralNauire's Priceless .Remedy he; said. "I never had more than titiy bravely,, and killed a hundred of the than now i s * handle topped -by an animal's head of real, seajskin. > "This is DR.O. PHELPS BB0WJTS at any one time.*', A Bolivar is about enemy.'* "t^&a^ EDUCATIONAL twenty cents in United States, money. , "FoUghtbravelyF* replied Dona: Ma- a recent Parisian Idea, 'and is certitoly, Itotjma striking. The head is about the same _ 'aVdoe* not «U It. eeod "You shall have a thousand," said ria. "There was "no fighting at alL A THC0RR5INAI, nihUnaJWSaDdfOTjoor size as those that used to be wfflion Gomez, "if you will do what I ask." few shots were fired, It is true. But of the end of fur ;boas; and Is most nat; ItCBTfSXilte Pare*. B*wayJ»rwbnrali.H.T. "You know me too well to doubt,** what use would It be for a few to Brawn.es AddnaoDr.O.] uralin appearance. The adoption of Notre Dame, Indiana. S o W b y t > beat ihoedoei era everj where, said Mattazudo. "You have qnly^tp stand against hundreds?*' [beltbyTot-77TEAK. W e D A V C"H Conducted by the Sisters of the n h a v i n g W. I - Douglas shoes commandj" leather into umbrelladom comes as \ WAITT_ MOBE J U i g a x i t rrXVWeeklj Crosa "Who are the two Americans, fath- another novelty this year. Both real rhtb n a m e and price stamped o n bottom. Chartered 1865; Thoj "There is something in the situation • r . t » « i * r > y l b a > - « W. L. DMKUI English and Classical education. Befi jriot jDrd tn yoor tow* n d order direct to here that you do not. know," said Go- er?" asked Jacinto, who h a d " heard Russia and pigskin are used, simply W . N. V. Kansas City, No. 36,1901 nlar Collegiate Degrees. mez, "and which does not concern you enough about the war. covering the tip of the umbrella rod or In Preparatory Department student* "Ohj the Americans!'\.Where are personally; but it does me. You have walking stick. Some of these ar% carefully prepared for Collegiate course. they? I have not missed them till now. Shea Aaswertao ^dverHscmests Efldly "seen Garza's daughter?" OILED plain, wblle others art elaborately Physical and Chemical Laboratories Where did you see them?" Hcatio* This Tapefc . Mattazudo's eyes opened. ' i well equipped. Conservatory of Mnaio ^ adomed.and ornamented with gold and LOTHIft i; plain « and School of Art. Gymnasium under "The beauty! Ob; yea; I have seen" "Near the castle. Pedro Francisco Is silver trimmings. What is technically with the enemies of the republic, and directior of graduate of Boston Normal amaoiTmc* her! What eyes* What an ankle!" P i S O ' S C U R E FOR School of Gymnastics. Catalogue free. was looking for u s . in the castle known as tiie cup—the little ring that _ Amu Gomes looked displeased. • keeps the efids of the ribs from catchgrounds. When we left the secret pas* The 47th year will open Sept. 5,1901. IKfOftStRVICL "Her ey^s and ankles do not concern ing any part of the dress—also has M*es* DIRECTRESS OF THE ACADEBY, you," he said." "Now, listen to whaiT sage he came upon ns, with two others, I some Improvements, to show. CONSUMPTION H.M*rr»Ac*iamy, HotnVm*,l * have to say. By the power that Gaoti and. the Americans beat them off and Vehicles I m p e d * Annie*. Armies are adding so many corlOB* vehicles to their impediments that it Is .'-a grave question in some quarters irhether their mobilitywillnot be seriously impeded in future wars. There were the movable forge, the movable ermatorium, the hospital, the ice ma' shine, and now comes ^ the traveling aisinfecting apparatus. -The latter if i wagon so fitted that It can readily move from camp to camp to disinfect the clothing, of the soldiers. • . ' ~ ' - •••••••••••••"•<• PE-RU-NA AVERTS DANGER Filibusters of ^Venezuela I i In That Critical Time When a Girl Becomes a Woman. .•< • / • ' 070P0NI for the Teeth 25* SCALE AUCTION St. Jacobs (Ml - • M Rheumati&iii, • • ''- Sprains Acts like ma£;ic (' HiES&m8M3& -I m McLean's Liver <& Kidney r DO irou WORK IN THE WET?| STsMMtrSlGUElY iHH? • TOItiXXXHL WATEB^YIIil^MAKSHAIij^ OOUJST^'KAJKASp MHDAY, SEPTE3IBEE 13^ 1901. THEUKBKEm, "Nbtifng;"- safif MenwarOL Lola Garza i s fix tfiat castle Woold yon have fier blown to pieces w i t i tfterest?'' "By Jover*" said Tempest soberly. "& aever-timught af tfiati?*" Jill power fs o f one Ifmf, a. i •;; • . . gR-A-iNL". af tite nature of t i e warfit. T i e n n n d ; Kan amy Oj:—wnewt^— SeptemBer, tfiat i s paranei w i t i tfie law* af nature S i ^ c ; Decemherv 67%@67%c? ] f e y , wftt Be fix the c a n wit o f eveuta, and: 'AVORABLE S Y M F - 71%@7T%^: ;casi N o . Z hard, 6S%jg Life and wttlwiiMnrr? .still coniiims at IIJIIB w i t i tfipfr strength. One m a s sweet in'Kansas, j 66c; N o . 3, a S ^ f g e s ^ e r N&. 2 red; 68c VEAPFEAHEEJg IS nmdft- o f ^Ty<* *arrm ^t *l^ Of W&XCfit Wenfijgton c a t f t g e t enougn: brinfr^ Caxtfc-Sept^iBer, 5S%@5Tcz Deeentevents are made; i s fix sympathy with: CHAPTEH. VEEE, Y\ i BySEWAUD Wi BQPKJNS* to l a y tin* p»u t^iiui11 ^ it fie able to; p a y Bja^ STc; Stay; 59%@59%cp cash- N o . 2 the- I.IUIHH af"things; can: mwtti.t fir. A t tfie Carta's B a i t "! ]'• MY CHANGE IS FOR THE BETTER mixed, ,56@56%e£ N& . 2 WBib*i 55%c. forWhatever befafis, befalla Mm, first *a» Tfiere w a s trouble fix tfie Castle o f '• There i s a n aut tfiner a n t fir Asfi.^ eitgrf^ffBif t3m Tiy TfMwrtr ffiiniiw\ g f F T r a : Oats^-rNa. 2' wnflte;. 3 g @ 3 8 ^ c Hye?— •i. t i a t Be is **|."*4T to wfiatevec afiaul Bao* Salvarwc • Nbt-2>'56@56%c. ' - - - .-,." j -- " . ,land w h o actually i s too l a z y fc~ . Poisoning and pen.—PawHrTBe Iiat i Te over; tfie victorious wfifltfe. :j. ; _.• j . -..': i m M ) m > m S t Louis.—Wheafr-Nb. 2 redv casfi. r i i a U x t o be Feared.—3a atfa%rt«n troops Tfsfd" givMri t-fiomgpTmJM. u p to The (drens was- a faQhre "-at 'Law(CHAPTEE ^ r H C a n t i n n e d ; > tfien; w f i i a half dozen af fifii bravest e j e v a t a t 70%c; track; 71@T2CT S e p . to be Paid to the Ballet CnV--. rence', to "the- extent o f not, Thus they talked. Gomez all the rime aflicers, h e . l e f t M s w i f e gn<f jacfixta. feasting and drinking to ceieTirate toe t^pber, 63%c; December, 7 2 ^ c r Majv l i n t Ecrffnmttffnnr Sfaoald. any rqfn.. j • On a sweltering a t h E n ^ QX a ntOa s conducting tfie (f>*fpn'» o f t h e castle wfi^tfie-army, a n d s o a f i i f l y m a d e T n s defeat af Salvarez. ikiher No. 2 hard, m%M&3^. CamW i t n ait a£ i t s d r y weather Kansas ffgalnttt i t s owner; *yt& aj~ t h e s a m e w a y towanE t i e castle. . - Moke an Apprr.rTBe coronation of Philip Bad Been church i n the backwoods, tfie perayir- \ No. 2 cash, 56%c; trackC 58x^@3S%cr canft g e t up a kick on. wfiat 3 : fiasjta: tfine- keeping: FhflIp:~aniE -Don^'iEian"General,"" said one o f Bis compan— postponed; The battle had interfered, ing minister, instead of nr^mhing at / September; 58%,e;. December, 5 8 ^ c ; e a t tfifir^year.' -;—— -A w f t i Mnt,. and] thefir 'jntmnt- (aaxtered finm; "yon Bare a plan.^' '• and. t i e troops were n o t n o w fix a long sermon,; called the attention a f May, 29%c; No. 2 w i t t e , 38@39ci I f Gujeda Spidngs.nnid wEL not enre fix tfie ftgnt- . ^-.; "Yes" B s said;; a,desperate o n e One cniiiTititin to realize tfie glory af sack tfie congregation- to tfie fignres an tfie Thrmigfi a o n s e t peaceful Sabbath, (Zhicaga-^Wneat—Casfi, S o . 2 -redV carns and cancers>. i t w i n n o t make thermometer. "Just study those njajAm hour passed, arrff Burned powder that g r i e v e s , m e b u t wfiicfi: seems a n e v e n t •fvtaii word. t h a t '•'Hire iro m t h e B i s 70%@71%c- N o 5 redV 69@T0e^ Net. 2 them, a n y worse. •! ; ures," fie said. "It ain't B a S a s Bat Wfiile t i e eating and drinking, a n each • side was "fQwo n l y result neeesaary f anr canvrncei t i a t w e Tfnpfffffff Bouse an. Delaware avenue, hardV 65ii@70c; No.. 3 hardv 69@62%c The fiercest^ poet y e t lives a n t fix acnieved; smoking a n d t h e singing o f Spanish hers a s you'U find i t hereafter If yan cannot recap tore tie" c a s t l e " BntTaio, fix wfiicfi t h e st-rfrkW chief Corn—Cash, No. 2 mixed, 56%@56%c;; Clyaev a m i recentiy B e attempted: to. songs went o n among tftg soldiers, don't mend your ways."—AtlantoTCan! "Then w h a t d o you propirae?** magistrate^ of t i ^ nation lies battling No. 2 whiter .a6%.@563ic Oats—Cashj D a n Juan, began to g r o w impatient m a k e rind jibe w i t i band. for fife, w a s rrassuring; ami- tfie No.; 2 mixed,v34%;@35c; No. 2 wMte, "Of what n s e i s tMs?" h e e;mraimed.. j "Ta blow i t up. Ilnder tfie castle i s Philip sat alonefaxtfie Birary af SalNobody dreamed; t i a t CanccnsEaiwas chances o f i Ms- recovery s a greatly 3T@37%c a powder magazine. N o o n e But m y - varez. n o w catted t i e cnanen roam •' ._ . .;• getting; g a y unl.il t h e papers there "The fools w i n play w i t i those guns finproved tfiat all those wfia' have kept s e l f m y wife and daughter- know"af af tfie king. a n day and ail m g h t This kind o f warLtVTET .STOCK.. for atftTwtlnbegan to fuss about a curfews iB3sreveries were HxterrnptedBy tfie tfie patient vigil a t M s bedside felt An illnstratian af tfie growing d e Kansas Gity-^-Cattfe—Choice expert .It arguES much Ifor t h e nmraliry o f fare grows nranotonans: W h e n t h e y g e t i i s e x i s t e n c e Tfiere i s a w a y to r e s e i strongly that J u s life would lie spared. a n d dressed beef steers, $a.50@6i!0; weary t h e y w i n depart; o n l y to annoy i t that E alone know. T h s e i s a secret entrance af Don Juan, wfia Burst fix mand for athletic clergymen w a s r e P E W times during t i e day: t i e emi- ifair to good, fi-SOiffiSliO^ stackers and Americus that the- calaboose i n t i a t u s a g a i n " passage to m y castle fronx t i e river. upon him. like a wfiiriwind. cently given by a country curate, was* ; n e n t doctors^ and surgeons assembled feeders,; $240@3.S5: ] Western I fed town, h a s been solil for taxes, W e w i n enter here and l a y a powder, | "E a m undanet" fie cried- " T i e r e i s says - t i e London Telegranfi^ recersei" i^Wfiat ' wOnfiL" yoni advise, D o n A. tnirrr in. Troy ^vho h a s made! h i m tor lcansnTtati£m, and each time fife steers, ;$4.50@5'.75'; Western range train, a n d blow t h e "enemies ;af t h e an enemy among us." Juan?." asked Philip. notice to quit because Be w a s not a verdict -was unanimous- titan What steers, $3;2o@4JS; Texans and Indians, self sick twice eating: peaches this' Piilfp, aeefiig t i e frenzied lack: a n good cricket player. Though unexcep"Attacki Drive them! Cnt them republic off the earth." •[ ! year has n o t found one w i t i a worm; cfiangeoccurred was f o r t i e better. ?270@3.8a,1 Teaas. cows. $225@280; fix i t dawn! I t i s only liy destroying tinsSilently they; worked their w a y Garzafs face, started to i i s feet. tionable In other respects, |BTS vicax* "Wfiat da yan mean, Garza? Speak! declared that "what this parfith:. really N o t t i e slightest premonitDry s y m p - native cows $250@4; heifers, '$275@ army o f Salvarez that w e c a n carry along; keeping a sharp lookout far t h e Potatoes are so scarce around Sfantom of peritonitis appeared^ and t h e a25K canners, SL50j@240; bulls, $210 Wfiat Bas fiappaied?" '\ needs i s a good, fast bowler, w i t i «hattan that t h e people feel that t h e y our baniiHrH from this place toward sentinels af t i e enemy, j fresh hope, horn' with the morning. @4>50; calves, $3.a0@5.25. Hbgs-^Top, "Lola^ m y daughter!'' gasped D o n Break rr*^|M the off.'**' J i j They carried lanterns, But these have nothing: to' fean fronx tnheE- Caracas." • grew stronger and |fcranger as: t i e - day $6.6S; bulk; $6.30@6.'60; heavy, ?6.50@ Tt i s so." said Philip, "Gomez, w h y were not lighted. T h e y were f a r nse Juan, unable to say m a r e -. ili culosis. | I, ] 7 advanced,: tmftt, toward evening - t i e - 6.6o; mixed packers, $6.35@6.6a; l i g h t "Antnf Soak-onii-Ladder- W i g m . 4 "What af her?" demanded Philip, j - l ;-. fix t h e secret passage ' ' The Shawnee County HorticMtnrraT n o t attack?"" ' conBdence expressed in the; President's $6@6.50; pigs, ?o@6. Sheep—Lambs, pjgtMTTgM s hand a n the hilt of fiia T i e Paris fire department has r e " I t c a n be donet" said Gomez, darting" , Salvarez: succeeded fix guiding' h i s recovery seemed almost too sanguine $3.a0@4.50; native wethers,, ?3.25"@ society m e t -last week to celebrate a look af hatred a t Garza. sword. cently put into auccsssful operation ait men to: t h e entrance They entered; Dr. Charles McBnrney, "tie famous 3.6d; Western wethers, S3.io@5.5$* t i e p e a c i crop instead lof assemhling"She i s gone,from t i e castle!" D a n electric antomoBHe "fiaak-andrfiulaer" Bt was not the desire o f Gomez: just , \ -, 1 "Look," said Medwarth; clutcnnng" 1 ta kill i t N e w York .surgeon, who had been sum- ewes, $25Q@3.2OL stockers and feeders, Juan, walked back and fartfi nervous- wagaa, which completes t i e arganizsThere are five olive trees, fix AtiduV then to shorten t h e battle. Mattazndb Tempests arm. "A light!" moned in consultation, after a thor- $2@3.1^ \3 ^ l y . "% w e n t to her room a moment tfon of the automobile ^rstent wMcfi; had n o t yet returned from the evil erson loaded w i t i She frMt, but nobody What h e ^aw was t i e gleaming, ough exaniinatian, i n which h e said the Paris authorities have Bad; In c o n Chicago—Cattle—Good to* prime i n Atchison i s really "sporty" e n o u g i rand upon which h e had been s e n t - dancing- reflections of a. lantern, o n the ago. I found her door ajar. S h e h e had found not a single unfavorable steersv $5.7a@6.40; poor to medinfn, $3 hot there. E sought, her everywhere fix templation, and w i t i wfiicfi tfiey h a v e But, toe commands o f Philip must he watts near h i n t ' to like olives. sjnmtinn,,30ined i n the last afternoon @a.60; stackers and feeders-slow, $225" t i e castle She i s not h e r e Now t i a t been experimenting for several! years. h '' The band, stand !in Abilene i s m o v - obeyed. j "Some o n e i s coming," said Tembnttetin, w h i c i declared t i a t t i e Bres- @-t25; cows, $235"@-t7a; heifers, $2^0 I tMrrtr of it, E have, not seen her since Tfie truck carries six men g"«* t i e ' a p T h e n i t was that Salvarez was start- pest; "keep qniet" ] ; able, so that t h e people of t h e same idenliS condition was. satisfactory to @5; canners, $L50@23a; bulls, strong, paratus first needed a t a are— ladders, . t i e battle.'" led b y the: shouts of h i s men. locality do n o t have to standi t i e j They heard t h e sonnfi of fau (steps a l l the physician's present $275@4.7a; calves, 10@lac higher, $3 music a i l t i e timeL I ropes andl a reel af canvas hose. . F r o m the battlements outside tfie "Nor L" isaid Philip, turning p a l e l then of v o i c ^ ' ! : And' yet, despite ait this optimism, @6.35; Texas fed steers, $4,10@5"JS; castle came a company to drive the he— has become o f There are plenty, of flue dogs j fix t i e President is. "by no means o u t of Texas grass. stEers,^$3.30@410; West"Came," said Medwarth, fix a w h i s - "What do y o n think Queen of TTnlljm* i» Scientific . , " '' ;';.' : [. •' " . "i j ! danger.: N o t one df h i s physicians, e r n steers, £LI0@5.25V Hogs—Top, $T; Leavenworti to g i v e a_benci s h o w i f .siegers away. per, "let u s see i f they are engages ar her?"' AmnTtg. tBe many accomplishments o f '-., Salvarez shouted: out an order to h i s 'T tiink-—E am sure—some o n e has . n o t one-of his advisers, who i s admit- rmixed and butchers', $6.05"@6.95; good there was anybody; there w i t i j i e e n friends,^ t h e young Queen at Holland ;Es her dsP" : soldiers. They had been impatiently terprise to gefe i t up. . taken her away. My fears were n o t ted- to the inner councils, has the tem- to choice heavy, ?6.45@i7; rou^L heavy, , Fattowing t h e K g h t i t was not dinrvation ta^tfie study af natural hlatory Another incident resulting' probably waiting tor the time to come when cnlt for them to fftrri Salvarez and h i s groundless, a s you. see." erity to go so f a r a s j t o declare that he $6.0a@6.i0; l i g h t $6.0a@6.8a. Sheep^— When s h e ; w a s i n London dnrfng h e r "Xan suspect—Gomez." ; fit -But If h e continues t o improve Goodl to choice wethers, $3.6a@4 20; from., t i e draught i s the- divorce case rifles and pistols could: be, used,fit t h e companions. nunority a f e w years ago, s h e and Ber i defense a f their country;, instead o f brought b y Maggie Kara against A r "E can suspect no one e l s e 1 have far one mare day, tfhT^danger of peri- fair to choice mixed. $230@3.I0r WestI "Da n o t get. too near," said Medmother, Queen Emma, made severaf cannon, w M c i accomplished nothing. already spoken to y o n about m y sustonitis, jwhich is n^ost dreaded, wiH ern sheep, $3-25<S3.9ff; native Iambs, §3 thur Kara, i n Wilson county. worthi visits to the Natural History Museum, The fondness of.1 cats ror cuenmpers ' They rallied around their courageous have practicany disajppear«L picion, o f Mm.-", 1 " I t is Salvarez," said. T e m p e s t <gD<k&5; Western iambs, S-KS-tTal ' which has been coscoveredi b y aj Linds- leader. . S o u t i Eensfngton, for the speciaf pur"Eknow. Where i s Gomez now?" : "Never mind i f i t is," replied Med•One o f - t h e doctors though!;; fbrtypose af stndytng the minerals!> H e r S t J o s e p i - i - C a t t l e — S t e a d y ; 'top, borg. lady wfiT n o t tend:to :make those "Firs!" h e commanded. i "E do n o t k n o w . . E have n o t seen majesty i s -a. dfllgent reader o f s c i e n worth, w h o s e m i n d was acute and alert ejtght hajurs. would he t h e limit ajpthe $a.90. Hogs—Tap,,$6.T0r: bulk, $6.40@ ammals a n y cmieter a t m g h t | A v o n e y was fired, and a dozen of Mm." : .x ( danger from t i a t source, but his more 6:60. Sieep^-Steady;, lambs, I0@15c, again. tific Iiteratnre . D a w n i n Sumner county, where the t h e men af Philip 1ST dead, and a score conservative "colleagues believe at least lower. ,i t -' ., / . wheat does nothing but grow, not one wounded. Yet ,the remainder dM n o t |"By keeping.in the shadow w e c a n "Send for Mm. E»et us 3ee what h « h a s to' s a y Ef Gomez: Mis takrai h e r twenty-four hours, possibly tMrty-si% S t ' Louis.—Cattle—Tap, $5.75^ but- farm i s on this year's delinquent fas slacken the speed a t w M c i they a d - easily watch them, and w e may learn TiM l o i ' l i to Sqnander. away, h e must die." from tttisj time, mnstelapse: before the cher stuff and \ plain stackers- dull and H s t and: oMy la f e w town lotsl something that will prove to be a n advanced. < ' . TBe last nlanne af a witt w h i c i w a e "Yes—he nnac dfe—by m y hand,' possibility of! peritonitis s h a g have lower. Hogs—Higher: tap, $7.00; bulk, vantage" R Is certain that t i e s a m e kind of They returned, the fire. • filed far probate in Washington, D. C , said D a n Juan.. vanished.). That disposed of, stilt other $6.50@6.Sa. Shelep—Tap Iambs, $4.65. weather i s n o t needed fix TTg-rrsag to iTempest knew'what was fix his cinnSeveral of t h e soldiers of Salvare* one d a y recently signiflcantiy says: compTicatjioTrs m a y arise. • Blood poisA n orderly w a s calTed. gairinn's nrind, a n d snhaided. TBey HOBSES AND JHULSS. y make peaches and learn. Peaches and f e n • '-, '• . •.: '..''% "Tfie net snip, at HSff.OOO l e t t B y ttdat o n i n g nrighti set i n ar a n abscess form ] j "TLennest General Gomez to; came stealthily fallowed, Salvarez: and! h i s Harses-^)rafts, good $75 to $100;. • alfalfa seem t o run closer together. SalvarezIgaveXtie command: tat fire will is the ffTmnffial result af a l o n g -wfisre tie- bullet is. imbedded, i n t i e here a t once;" said Phfllp. officers,, keeping always fix tier (TarTnutichunks, goad to choice, $70to$100; The LeavenwartB woman who s e t a ;agafn. J ) \ ~ life a f industry and economy, and: If ; .muscles o f t i e back; : iThe orderly sainted. sfiadow. A s there was no light e x trap far a mouse jand caught a fgurchunks, common to fair, $45" to $65; I. T h e advancing enemy now, Ttrgtmnf {"General Gomez i s n o t I n tfie casrjff, used for goad and useful purposes by driver^, medium, $40 to $65;' drivers^ faat rattle snake] wasn't as. BadTy o f conring: Straight] far Salvarez, made cept from the lanterns t h e officers c a r those to whom i t i s now" given i s y o u r majesty," Be safd; -J scared a s i f s h e h a d found a mouse ried; t h e y could n o t of cdnrse; s e e good bo fency, fiom-' $75" up; S a u t i f o r thef'trees anS found ahelteri ., A$Z9,QQQ ROBBERY. : A quick Xaolt af -intelligence ffaafted enough. And If not so used i t is too ernersi common to fair, $20 to $30; i n the trap. T h e n began a sort o f gnerrila Sght- anything beyond t h e range of their much." ,\ Between D a n Juan and PBttip. s E . J. Tiff of Ames has a razor w M c i plugs, 85 to ."Hoi'"' \ V. rays, w M l e the Americans, standing' Five Packages of SI iJO Bills w i p i n g tram i a g neither side gaining t i e advant"Do yon know where h e has gone?" Mulek—13"%L@14 ^hands, . f s t ^ a n d h a s been constantly in' use f o r 100 a g e Firing ny valleys w a s out o f t h e ant a f r e a c i o f t h e duttVftame, could a Tmnk. Hanaats * P — » ' "No, y o n majesty. H e l e f t acme , F i v e packages o f $I0ff Mils, amount- brokeni.' $35 to $40; I4@14% hands, y e a r s H i s great j grandfather' owned qnestian. E y e i y man found; a tree and eastty discern every move t i e VeneA t D«rby^ Cmnr., tite other d a y . a I t The Clyde Eepjublican vouches for time-ago. H e ordered; M s horse, a n d zuelans m a d e / f a t good hair, $40 to $45; L t ^ i ® ! * fired from, behind' i t whenever-he s a w ing: to ?29,000j w a s stolen from a trunktfie head of a n enemy., a l a cottago a t Long Beach, a. seaside : hands, fat $45 to $70; 15@15% bands, the story Salvarez led t i e w a y direct to where said nothing about his destination or heading pastor ran madly thru ugh t i e Tillage and disappeared fix the woods. * A Washington man TT3«T marriedV a f a t $70^ to $85;' 15%@16 bands, f a t TMs lasted a half-hour; restiri. twenty miles- from! Los Angeles, a watt a f masonry^seemed to. effeebx- the time of his return. k swarm of hornets had nested i n t h e "DM h e go alone?" CaL Up to a late hour no trace of the $95"@110; .16"@I6%"brands, extra, $115 young woman with, just e n o u g i I n T h e n Mattazuda appeared near t h e .atty abstruct t h e passage; clergyman's rural free delivery maildian bloodT in. her veins to establish, a to $130;' w a r mules. $55@60. "He Went afime" missing money nad been- finmiL group! c f aflicers- around Philip a t Ara^ B u t t h e generat after reeling around title to LS00 acres iaf goad famt i n t i e . gon. j box. Two miles- awa^ t i e chase came 'Wery wett. Yan m a y g o . * ' "HAT. - -" . '. — The;money was t i e property o f John at~monient>faund a loose stone and r e Osage, country. to a n end by the pastor plunging into T h e orderly withdrew'. Hay—Prairie hay,' choice, $1250* "It i s done. She i s safe,'^ h e whisp- moved f t Br was then, e a s y to "irrfcg Kempiey,- who-'came taj Eong Beach •The-oflrcial s e a l . o f t h e s t a t e board ered fix t h e ear of Gomez. the reservoirr • "What shall w e do?" asked PMUp; ' . * „_. sm- opening Tg rgy- e n o u g i tor a TTT;TTT to "from Fart j Dodge, Ea£, about five No. L ^Jl-SO^LlSx'Nb. 2> $9@H; No.^3, "E must tottaw Gomez," satd Dmx Gomez turned to PMUp. -months "ago^accompaMed b y Ms; wife $8@9; Na M $6@T.50. Packing h a s . of medical examination and registraenter. Couldn't W a r Souok • a n d marrjen daughter, ; Mrs TTaTmah JtaOga-SO. Timothy, choice, $1250;. tion bears the finprint c f a sunflower i "It h a s lasted Rnur; enough," h e said. t Salvarez led t i e w a y T h e others Juan. "E would advise tfiat y o n r e - Wimpter, ttL, S e p t 5tfi.—Ma. X HL main here, and act a s i f nothing ."Winders. .Kempiey concluded to "sell No. L $12; No. 2 $ H r No. 3, $8@10. instead of the "ad astra" device, used "E w i n n o w show your majesty Bow to followed close after him. Flanigan, of tins place,, had! suffered i n most o f t i e state seals. had happened. Ef y o n shnnld leave deal w i t i those who appose you."" M s 240 acre farm in Iowa xyfi remain: Pure clover, $8.50@9.50; clover mixed. Medwarti and Tempest remained a t w i t i dropsy for fifteen years. She was Belofi; i s Bound to have a clock fix fix Sbpt&ern California.: H e had c o n - No. L SlOlSlO.aO?; No. 2 $ 8 J 0 @ 9 . 5 0 ; He-gave t h s ward to Mattazuda. ' t h e watt, peering through t h e opening the castle,, the'alarm would, fix some so very had t i a t for tfie last three the. caurtiause tower t-ftgtwilt give i t s way r e a c i Gomez. I shall ride out and clnded; tfie^bargain w i t i Dr.: QL. 1L. No.. 3, $9.50.. 1Alfalfa, $9@H. Straw, T i e two hundred Zambas under tfie years she h a s not been able to- w e a r A ''.• '; : ; breaehy .citizens no excuse finr s t a y - command o f the rascally half-breed to isee w h a t t h e others were doing. ffnif film."" " Waodwarth and a. deed: w a s prepare!! $ 4 , 0 0 , Salvarez: Bat tfie way straigfit to a fier shoes. She had doctored all tite ing o u t after t h e t i m e for wen-BeHIDES AND P E L T a swept a n t a f tfie battlements, and. round powder magazine made a f c o to be delivered: to t i e doctor; upon t i e • : "Go, tfiPTT, and if y o n find! h e Ba» time hut waegradually getting warae haved persons to be fix bed. Nas. L a n d 2 ail around;|7*j&c; hulls gafnfTTg: t h e rear o f Salvarez, began an ntent payment o f ^S.QQO. L^rt Been a traitor; sfioot fifin." Last winter Mr. Flanigan, wfia w a s Frank-Hoot of Tap'eka. a veteran attack; A..few mornings ago :an advsertiser- and stass. 6%c: green unenred; I c per D o n Juan left t i e castfe very murk discouraged, catted tor i Tfie A men cans did n o t know wfiat newspaper man, h a s wrfl.imi a. bank pound less than ! cured; branded o r ment appeared i n a Los Angeles paper Men c f t i e repobllc feK b y dozens tfais W*!* smtf t i e Venezuelans spoke "Pjrfng m e a horse a t o n c e " h e said some medTrine a t Mr. J.' J. Dale's drug; htmririhg for J a i n Esmpley. T i e a d - badly grubby kips. 4c: green horse- about t h e early d a y s o f "RTtmryg Bfe "It fif af n a use," sanE Salvarez. "Our fir an law a tone tfiat nothing could; be to t i e orderly, rj store fix Canni. Hfr D a l e persuaded, vertisement Stated t i a t a ' .childhood hfiies, large. $27a; medfarm. $250; c a n s i t "The Overland; S t a g t " a i s m e n canant hold a n t W e cannot hope gained fronx their cunveraarinn. TBe fiorse w a s Brongfit: fifin: to have fits wife' try DOdd's H3aV fix tfie hand^T o f t h e printer. friend was desirous of meeting Mm a n t smalL JL50: ponies. $1@L25"; d r y flint to- wfix. Another time; and. t h e castle "J3a y o n know wfiicfi: w a y General ney Pills.' and fie bought six boxes. H i * But Medwarti and his, companion Isaac Sharp, a n ancient Democratic butcher hides! I3;gfccr d r y flint falTen, appointed t i e fottawlng morning: a s sfiatt h e ours." V , •• \ '•> were not left l o n g fix ignorance o f tfie Gomez went framt Bern "' asked D o n wife used five o u t o f titeifta; Before the time and t i e newspap'er -office, a s I2c;, dry-saltj 10c;; dry gate,; 7c; v e r y landmark fix Kansas^ died i n Wasfc H e gave the order to retreat \ -i U• • afie w a s entirely cured-: She fit n o w a s errJmdl tfiat fiad brougfit Salvarez: u n - Juan. ' , the place of meeting. Kempiey w a s badly grubby, green a r dry Mdes are firgton recently. H e flourisBed. i n Mbr^ TTrg men, being:' familiar w i t i t i e " H e started, toward: tfie south," w a s sound, and: well a s ever afie was; cam— r & county fir t h e early "60s, and w h e n der the walls cf ills castle. anxiousto-greet the anonymous friend <dasse«i a s glne stock. Sleep pelts. {j|-nini(f melted a w a y from before t h e pletely. restored ^ a hp^rtfr^ amt f t e e Mi iiris w a s t i e o n l y county r n K a n s a s . "JEfiey are going to fire tfie maga- • S e r e p i y . yif M^jhilrThnntT Vrtri c a m e to LOS green,- 4fl@75c; dry Mnt- 6%@7%c p e r Zambas. ami w h e n t i e r e were no m o r e (To b e continnedL) from any ^lupUinr whateTer at to give a mafority against^Scrafiam. zine." safit MedworfB, " T i a f s p o w • . ' . . ' • \ soldiers tor gnrane ffie ZambnHj r e AngeiePflter that purpose. H e failed p o n m t . dropsy J" ' . T.fiTPDfir, H a served fix t i e legislature deri'*'- • tarrned to t i e c a s t l e - - , to' 2nd anybody awaiting" Mm* o f 1868, and was'' tfie -Democratic To say tfiat Mrs. FlaMganfirpleaaea: W A S F S B E S E F T t T H E ^BS&. TBe officers: w a r k e i a - w M l e a t t i e PMIIp, Gomez: and Don: Juan stood Shortly after hiss departure, : Dr. ABOUT 4(TTQaaT0 STAY. nnnritipe for guvernoirfix1870. a t fier wonderffiE deliverance d o e s n o t magazine, making a connecnon Tfien. grriT watched tfie return a f their army W o o d w a r t i called a t t h e Kempiey • A n Abilene nrfigCTiTriHry fir! India half express Ber ffc^A"^ srLg! jng. amf tfiejr carefatty find a train o f powder fixnn tfie scene a f i t s second: victory. callage w i t i t i e $23,096 a n d asked Ajnericnn Force in.Philippines Will wrffes tfiankxnliy ahont t h e recenst of Mr. Flanigan are loud fix tfieir praises froin i t toward t i e Bole titey Bad. made for t i e deed to t h e Iowa farm, w M c i " W e a r e Qrvrnefhle," said Pfitlrp-. Tie- Ibng-contfixned enorf to produce o f DoddTs H3aney Pffla; and o f Mfc be E«inciHi Belovr T i n t a Eat a f g u i l t s s e n t b y home friends, in. tfie foundation, watt. ,_" w a s g i v e n upon t h e payment o f the \ T h e w a r department h a s decided to and fhetrr adds witfi. veiled sgi'i^gm * "Yon a r e king;" s a i l D a n J n a n L / tite Smyrna fig a f commerce i n CaU- D a t e ftar nwinimwiiffitg- Htfy •^mTrftnrftrf Medworti. and Tempest kept Tn»»fc- fix. money,. Mrs! Kempiey and- h e r dangn- bring: t i e Twenty-third" l u f a i i l r j , mrar "We shall pray finr cool weather fix faniia has been1 crowned witfi airiii'i^^ remedy to- ffiwn the! sfiadbws and l e t them complete ter placed the m o s e y i n a t m n k a n d in. 3 i e PMnppinesi- h o m e o n t h e t r a n s - order to enjoy tienxT", "CHAPTEE V1T. ' Tfie history a f tfie experiment i s fitT i e fact tfiat DoddTs S i d n e y PuTs bath jvere .called: out o t t i e - house port BnfordV wMcfi. sails for N e w YarSt • > T h e Powder MrnWteEestingr B: began aver twenty years cured: Xrs> Flanigan o f suck a JeveieTfie N e w Tark young "ivaman wfia afinrtty afterward!, ' . 'nr tins i s amr last malcb. stitxTT w e " i t I s ready^.safif SaErarac a t l a s t ago witit finimrlatinn of rrrttn-n^f trunx c a s e o f dropsy, after tfie daetors B a d v i a Snesc o n the- S t h i ; i n s t The-. Kit- h a s Been ejected: professor o f domesfir now; or save St • f o r another " M n c i a s E layer m y name, r l a v e m y Asia Minor.. FEgs have Been prodmsd. given Ber an, Bas made tfmtr tft^ znosc r.Tney were absent only a f e w mux— pattifew wfinni- sails t h e same- d a y foe tic: science a t t h e g^rii-nTt aa£ cailesc — country m a r e E ^tm'-riflVg. rny castle fruuL tftpse and" other imported cnt— talked of remedy ever known fix Wfittat. uresv inxt d n tiefir return t i e m o n e y San Francisca, wHT. Bring tjef Efgfit- a t 'WartRai lun ought to bring: a Iox*^f tfine ** w a s missings A warrant h a s been twn-tTi f-nfhnii-v.. ( j n fier n ° x t trfij, fix r e c i p e s to' TTgrmng: TrMch tfie wrmtwiMedwarti Bad asked: t h i s gnestian mar the efiHiiiius a f tfie republic shall j tings, but titey were not! tite famous eounty. issued a t Long: Branch for t i e arrest December. ; the Kflpatricfr wiBl brnig: af riiiti state k n o w nothing: a b o n t wfiem Tenrnest Bad: FiamrHtr him tfie be destroyed. Timto and: Xdi^zr when ! wfiite fig o f commerce. TBe credit at o f Dr. Woudworth. Trrarfrfr -fix tits undergrairnd passage w e a r e safely away, itinwij a angcli to producing tite latter fix eaSfbrnxa. b e Borne t i e nine batteries o f fiesyy coast Tfierer a r e seventy-sfic pgrgnng: fit. A. eumuattiUIve wtat^iiwuti where t h e Americans had lost their the powder and flee tor your lives out longs to George CI Hnrffag o f Fresno. arxaiery.. Wfien tfiesepainim;ii;ibi reach. t t a town of Cancardia who ace: past _-: o f t i e p a s s a g e Come;, von others let | Until this summer every true Sftnyin^ tfie iBrpartation at pork; t h e United. States tiere: w i l l B s l e f t fix 70 years of age-. The gfift*st person w a y fix Hny darkness. T B e y felt along t i e m o i s t sfippery j u s hnrry,. so that tile work: a f ven— | fig tree planted to California wfiicfi lard into tfie PMUppines tfarfiig; "A. Tnagg of dirt ranging:-fix thirlt- tfie Philippines about 43.000. aflicers fix Wr>». ptmrtr ^ g^i Here fit a conwaHs; and: slowly made tfiefir w a y from, i gprnrry m a y n o t lung Be delayed-" trnrf mem and the present plansdo n o t Tiwn- from, eight to ferty feet a n d HRF I bare fruit failed to mature it; t i e figs mfrmfar y e a r V3QQ spicuous proof o f ! the wisdom: o f feet Jong;" fWi from t i e roof at. tfie- <Tin(wn|irirtT^g fTTrifTCT-nMfni^iair nrFffigt fiirnriTTg ISgjcaniTfr- a t only arte end. tmff g?rv"< IMIIW c-fmmher-fn-xtmtitm' B u t ! He, w i t i four o f h i s naiutfaiininay ; w e r e unfertilized and wintered ami. toe rattMHiag y e s other two to dropped. It w a s ftnatty discovered: tfiat jyftr#*tf fix tfie divisfinx at I Chase. TiHTriTrg- Campany^s" m i n e fix East farce. B o t i GemataE JBacArtfimr amE A t t h e "Rinter, Springs renman: s. without successi After several hours at | started away, leaving the — Galena, Kan., and instantly killed and General Cfiaffee BacEe; ejEpressed: tfie German farmer s e t u p ^" apple stand. tins wark they seemed to have accom- < '»Tii*jr JrfiFiU •!••• %~ I tfie fertilization o f tins fig.depended: fix tfie W a r Department. Tfie "Now!"' said o n e af tnese, after at ; nods: t i e service a f tics blastopfiag*. IiiUHtrtJitlnn o f these '••nwm*Jtiii»» fie buried Frank Guard, a spans: TnrmT aint. opinion tfinf- 40.000 nnax wflT Be; r e - put tit mire- apples fix a paper g"^ - and: plished. mrfTiiinB. jfaiff, fix face they Bad: n o t accom- few minutes spent fix. waiting. 1900 was- valued a t y i a , S 7 3 , a s a i nil rustier,: underftTmrfrT»>rcnf t'Miirf ;jf quired fit t n e Pfifllnnfiies f a r a n . i n - t h e n yTTprtr " i t y o n guess der imnx: wasp; wfinitt,' Iiaiiitat i s fit t h e caprf. plished anything^ agnfe "Now!" said Medwarti, aloud. rock. Sftr mrnr working, fix t i e breast definite perfiHt i fier of apples fix dear ' E give y o n : o r wfid flgr T i e latter was fisnorted: Jr4^5fi9 far 1SS-, afiawlug; T h e cavernsfixwMcfi tfiey were w e r s Tfie' Jbnwri-aiiii.>iTH«fa a rash. , TBe • and: I,Ii rived amazingly; fiat t h e a f SI p e r c e n t Tn«7ft- their escape b y running: into a n aiT s f x of denr^ ; Five «*g»r»g: a. uot iH»r»*^ t i e fsrstfr o f Salvarez. B u t two•• iiflTiatntfjiiind liiPTiiw'tyna-ariawl fix o l d drift GEnTd fi? Barrett" under f n a CattTcanen Sbfltrt- Eacii jjhaga did. n o t accoiHiBQiy i t Qara. TRaffinrr **nF,fier"j*init*r C H a e t f i e n x m grasp o f "I*M» mare puweefaC j iniuoriatlnns of tfie wasp foflowed. But tftfi-lit^a- part d f t i e fafffflr mass, and TTT a n ailercattlaa wMcfi-aecnrredl Juyt a r e making" a success a f farming: near t h e y were n o t far away from, i t " T i e H a y m a k e r s Story* I f IBs Bis Body w i i i m t foe reached fix • l e s s across- t i e Oldanmna line in the Creek Delpncs. 'yiiM-y put\fixifiU^- >acres o f Fronx t i e entisutue a t t i e river figrr&r than; tfiey. I fif Mi rived, o n l y f a r a season a n t i e i o f x / wiwil, iiuveL fir than t w o weeks fronr t i e mnnr sliH 11:, •TTOtTrm; tWOK llftBHillHgt cattlWTIHU,. wheat: Last M**"mni a n d wfiT s o w tfie to t i e opening: i n tfie mandatfinx watts "Take tfie lanternl Take t f i e ; eanrxftgand tfien dfiwiHa'waHBl. Br: plot fln» matches!" ara£ Medworto. Minium! ffiik :-B»TT Tfi^jT fatfa* ffitr w a y w a s crooked: enougn. By" ff*& mriiwrn je^pardttfiigi their Hvss Cfen^e McEIray anff KfiMer Sefiam, ryiaft f t confi£ o f sfic c o w s . srijWMi Bngs, gEawasa^ neBdee ox Be ntmiiiitc wfii. t i e passage, Cme o f t i e officers w e r e bath sfcat I Ti n-iugh t i e Body- 'tan: wInters. East year tite departiiiPiit p d o s e b y t i e - b a d y could b e reachpd fir qtmrreE "rr^nmit^r aver (attfrf matters^ TtHrwHS> B a r e pafix off" x. mortgags. trx find-his w a y . >' '•_ metallic watefi-Box: fronx Ms, porkpt* jgi U'IIIIIHH teas: t n e iiiiHitT nx iTiiv***- o r ^i'lir • daysi Guard Iemres: a TBe cnmfitfiHE a£L Botfii m e n fit said to Bought a Buggy anal wfiT g e t a pfioxx MWwurtfi. neTaaE t i n t TWrnpest grasped. t w o Tmndredr f e e t from, tite true nifeiBirf o n e cfriTd. Mint W I I I I I * . n e w fM''»fl**y**?"ftW^F : fidl ; . be serious: i t s care intrnsted-torMrr. Hoeding. Hi ^ITI T^ rfiii'ltMim. im*- nniimralTy pFen— to fight irieTr .way o u t a f tfie pasBBge April t i e young toseet coloay tiDil fix KniiMi fTini jjear^tnaagfetiiKy following" upon: tfiefir a w n footsteps. "•» " N o w go,"" said Medwoi t i to tfie nx- finX fim.'it- rnim tite first (TBjaiS "We sfiaif dfis fiere;" aafi£ Sfeawnttit ET39. ""T"" were- friTfe^ xntf ^frntitwff Actingfi^r"tne? STvernment o f jtfie wQLhave t o Be? <—ti»ni-BUiii«i»i |»ituim»r UHIMPI n. '"Tett General Sz&asez . tfiat Mnif^ffPiiF iik>^ nf 11iiii, emas^BBKaajaBEy. -The Ottawa Hepufiifimx s a y s r " A aerfixosly injured* two Of wfixmt B a s e TinBeaStatesvDistefiarSituates GaahL Bfit pint Bas. Been J f a u w a a L Tett firm. tfien took poaaeastmx o f tii s n e e ITTHTJ fix a cnnifHim wMcfi a c - n a s fiistantEO: snfir fir t i e Sopreme Lkuy 73 v^ars a f age, who h a s lived: fir "Ddnft not; to t r y S a g gamy^aggnr-'^ fig frewF,. t i e fruit an wfifefi: a stiff nnper Hn and: j inir.mT a t XameStownv N". £L A TmSrpif ctmrt o f tiff TEStrn£ a£. Calnmfifit Ottawa, o y e r t w e n t y s e a r s a n d wfinr fie Epiniiniuf fitinr t h e riandH- o f tfie f a r fertluzatiam.. , K tra-*"" on. t i e Nbrriern: Pacific: raflroffiE a(ft*ni!a tfh^sn^ifesa£Cfrrr!p^H.Dffj^. tfie mother" o £ seven children, tfiijw* — " ' — • "tTT '" r" "if" T* T' _ ^*~ '•—* BTT S AmeriEans: tfie two uflfrvre- fled: fhmi tfiat tinsa^pjHtfinBsrtt came fix fronr Oakes;, carrying: s e v e n - late-vfiaE ennHnLamt deputy cansMi" c f whiiirr are? men fix Bmaness fir t i n t AgaxntneytzteaitannatneeinrraBC^. Hn • 1'iiifiiT jt. tost o f tfie ft a i t fiaa . m a ffatrar: A s t i e trafd. gmwrrtr a t B e r f f i t B r ^ e f e n a n H d l tfiat cfty. was; finssd to JUBIMV to tfie c f i y "WeEST- soxoT Tannest- wiptog tite ready BCPTF prufcwl fnnn M s LUUEJ. . t h e statfinx a road wigrnw* w a s DaycoiIiectedlS10,flWandfa3edlta_tnrn: far: afit. TCfrBer o n e o f tfig Ottawa. pEZ^fcatfinx franx fine face, "tfiat w a s tfie entire crop' witt yfienti five u n a sftnwfif B e weiE afife tir c a r e fiir «j1"iiy(fe~fltvrf7tT>g^- f*4fry-" o f the--CDnfiHQn a v e r to 3be gavernment tHe. d o n e v e r y neatly, But wfiy ft w a s d o n e tons more- Mfe. Bbefifitg fiefieves 1 : t i e ofil l a d y f Ifii a l l c a s e s o f tffis fin picked: op- fits w i f e and; caused t i e flatnaar to eoflsmse^ The. nnr wfifiS. sinr: i s n o w Brmisfit L fiaseaft y e t g a t tfirongfi: m y . s&nX. .-ffic and: wflBurew' tn= at. s a f e dfinanre fissam friiify tfie n a m e s a t ttxe a e s t anzL iiriuiwl ntmw jSbe c a a f e < n alfiaar BSE aoQEers: t u n e w a y dnfift y o n l e t tSeoc hfaw t S e TBEEetaiE a. good! many: staife boari&- nu#. Hiiiiwi- Of tffi^- ||Hlf Hfn o t be. ffwu nwr ' T h e y w e r e harvesL wars eastie a x iufegHjg Wfiat do y o n e a c e ndE£a„ RgrtrtBt. u.Im ftacF Tuminturfi HTU- rrrr jl" TTT—mg" finuse: jjgukar fix a Dxa o £ mTrgfee wfio: a r e capanfil o f maSt. incredSfe I B TTTTTUJI Mill wfifi. lUinltli r"1 fuinnrtni— &Bats2T I ..The Filibust^s of Venezuela.. | Or the Trials of a Spanish QirL ttirtmtt M t i w » , . : •I ^0LJ3U_ M ,„ .>».»>.o : m I BBBH ia^Laa • • m TWENTY "YEARS AtSO. —Joseph^^Grera' andtdau^t er, Alice, j LOW RATE BULLETIN. Excursions! are expected In Waterville on Saturday Tee" illsaonrt PaciBe will have round trip Pacific will run Home Visitors'• The follo^rng'Vtema are" from 'a copy A widowed sister; who cameTfrom Eng-' „ The ^ Missouri * ^ to Ohio Uckets en sale for lue following; occasions ai ' _ and Indiana—the first of the —Watertlilfe iftnh'id'ear place to'.'live of the TBLBGBAEH ofSeptl% 1B81 . : lahd wlth"h]6a,%irr aeeahrpahy tbem. ' j Kind ever offered the traveling pnbllo—from thisTery low rates: . _^_^^^_^_^_^^^_^^__^^^^^_ in. Bnaal'o N.Ti>'P^n> American EipoaUlon, —Messrs. Kenison and Ureesbeek ate.'lchiny. BoundltrlpHome\tiaUor»* tickeuat MaylioHc*. 1 . , Tburs- —Eri^ti^j^Taj^Ur-p'elr: "clerking thinking of ^putting down brick side- » "F& ab.ont'TO r "^ f o r th « TW,adl. W»»'««*t A' rcdoced r*W eleefemgiar CawkerCiry Sept. ii-tA.••• , . ' _ . ^ w -ii. 'thirty, days lot .^tnrn. will, be on sale at Ufa-I k diy,V:-'f_' ' '-•:;." '3->-;'• ]: • 7 ih Tor Buffalo and gieteland; ' v- . W a l % I t - i s s o m e w h a t c h e a p e r t h a n u d r n L l l ^ m c a forauchtrtoi aawill fe Sap Francisco. Col., Episcopal Church ConThere Us one cjdored *pnpil in fcchoj^l i-Ralpb Livers left oq Monday for cement and better than l n i n h e ? ^ ^ ^ ^ permit passenge;n to_pasa through St. Xonia on yentlon. OcioberS.: Midland College, Atchison. this session. ^ ' Steamship tickets to aad Irom BbropeTta ah —A large attendance of Raftekahs is Sept. 17th and 24it2,'nd Oct 1st andSth. . lines..,. i^v ,. ; ... .. ; ' StOck witer has been extremely scarce^ : —Geo. ThedleefcivOfMaryavOle, was requested at the regn^ar meeting next We have foar daily flyers rrdm Kaphas Ci^y. .Denrer, PuewV, efttbtidb SpHMS, etc*., leaving at 9:50 a.m.. lhqSp.mL. 9^SfprSl.'and in town several days last week. Tourbrt, Various dafej. • ^ - " ; : « , Wednesday. Visitors "irom "Barnes and lOTte p m. Connections fn the Union Station in most localities. . For ratei d » »<<« of sale, limftss printi* matj- Dudley Wdodlord and ' Mrs. Eva Rom-^ r J^JM'lss;jforfgeT McAteCg.'S'f Blue Rap- Blue Baplds are expected. at St. Konis with all roads'a»a trains to all ids, spentlast Saturday- Vith Mrs. Will --Fred and Hndelph Hurphy came pffl,ta>Ohio «dIndiana. , W r e 3 u l 1 > n ^ t 4 a | ^ S ^ t h e r l D f 0 r m a t l o D ' ?* *•«»» »«eni l mel's maniage l te noled. ; ;Scott. N r " ;^ down from Snmmerlield last Saferday second dsnone. We have elegant new palace? Cn>s. E . STTLIS. P. & T. A - 1 The flrst n&njber--' of the. Marysville day'coachesi^ehair cars (aU seats free]. "Pull-; ^ T h a S c f e v i e y brothers, M. and W. to be ready to take Up school work 'on man parlor cars and sleepers. '•_: .|i B i C . Towssxnn,' G. P . 4 T . A Atchison, E a t . Signal made its appearance: .^ ",, . S., were helping Clark S; Thome inyoice Monday morning:. ; Fo>'iEro'meVi8"itors" tickets aad all informs-, St. Louis, Mo, ..-..j So far, autumn seems to be a second last wcek^ ^ ; —Mr, and Mrs. .S. Lee are ;ready to tron call on our agents or address. CHAS B . S T T L K S . A I G . P . A . , edition of summer so reylsed as to leaver '"-iMrt, Ind"felss.Esther Benedict, of. move to KanBaa City as goon as the tenThe -K ansa's Ci i y Dai I y and Sunday out the*rains altogether, j '-•' ^ 'f •• ~-Bine 'RapJdaj^ were shopping in town ant vacates the house they'own in that ., ' • . : * . . , { - : '•"-'"".'- Sanaaa City, Mo, Star and this paper, one year each-, ri. CvTo%NS«in}.§.p:&T.A.J " Geo. Stevenson has ^ast-completed a 'last Friday.'.'•" ^ ;St £onls. Mo";; city."" ;. -"...';'..,;; . _;"-" . [for $!.&>, and parties onf Rural W[*ll f new piank sidewalk in front 01 his store; Jinute will be given a handsome • — Mrs. EliPeterfbn entertained last —Jos.Livers and family were tenters Let the good work go o n . : ' K e e p Vbiir F a c e C l e a n , mailbox. ± all the foHr days at-the-Oid Settlers' re- week Misses Zola Imhoff and Winnie Sunday's Champion notesi that Miss your complexipn-.eleajr, lyour breath union at Blue Rapids. Woodward, of Washington county. Lizzie Flannery, of this city, has entered swept, your head level. Dr. CaldT.E.GORDON, >• —^ay Folsotn is in charge of Young's —Gia8er'A new clerk is getting, ac- well's Syrup pepsin wili'dothia. I« the St\Scholastic Acadrmy. quainted with ' the customers. He i s cures constipation, sick headache and The enlargement and remodeling of Jewelry store during the absence of the domiciled in Frank Zellers house. • in digest ion and i(j a perfect lazattye. >fc the M. Glaservstore building was finish- proprietor in Nebraska. v r Sold by Mrs. W. j . Bomrael. will cry 8ales in Marshall aad adjoining ed, and -f -. eood write, up and descrjfp: '-'—Pateyi*Bryant, o f Barhei^/passed. L—•l\"J.% diyerton-jrwife and daughter, left on Ttnesday jbr Buffalo to atBounties. Terms reasonable aad through WfterviHeiotii Tuesday Von his tion ofttis givePv _" -;:._-. 1 ; ;' _ £ ^t'isfaction guaraateed. _. $ 1 3 OO T o R u f f a l o f a n - A m e r i tend the Pan-American. way to Midlarid Celiege, Atchison. Residence aad Poatofflce, Watervffl*. c a n antf Return—S13 OO, ; —Mi*88e8 Ella and Daisy ShLnh. spent ffansaa. ventionappcare and Waterville -has 16 via•!' Vrie Nickel Plate JEtoad, d a i l y / | THS TSUKK4V< is authorised to eonseveral daysiast week with Miss Ackers w^of n^8Vheen; 'inl' tbwn VfSltlng hia ; delegate^. Frank, I^each wa*8 the central with lirhit of. 1.5 dnyflf^ .20 day ticketf* traetto iatjaaad tarina, of Blue Eapids. \ ',-" brothe^L\^Tert*for home' Monday. committeeman tor the township. at.$I«.00; and'80 d a i tickets at $21.00 • The Bine -Bapidsj folks a*e, positive „,;.—The'8|ori^vlslfed the home of Aug. —M iss Edith Stevenson | entertained for I he round; trip;". Through service' left a hand the R. B. B. and D. D. D. last Thursday to N e w York and Bo-slon «nd lowest they have struck coal, btitj haven't ascer- Nordquist fast week, and 1 available rates. Pen:, particulars'and some liitt^boy^o'-grow up -'with the eyenldgiy- - ^ .. -- -r ^ - j . \-. tained the thickness of the vein. A pro7 ii Pan-American folder 'of boildlngi j—The bddfelloW8'"conrerred the first family/ ;^Vf fe ^' '--; ~ position is being made to form a -comt8nd.gr..unili»i writejobti Y.tJalahan, degree'on one'eandid'ate Monday evenpany to wprk it. J ^ /\'_[ ••"."'".' —Frank Anp^raoi»',bfBqdaville,"E General Agent, H i Adams Street, ing. ..'."''"" if^^-*:^ Chicago. |i 22 ;' " A splendid fain fell in the vicinity of is one of the" outside residents at the Parallel last Friday and in the country HighSchoil. Our school has a record . S l o p s like Cougra ;. : southeast of (Tils^blace, bbt a good Sized ahroadi-" "? Arid W o r k s o f f I h e Cpr3. ftub would have held alt the. water that -T-G.'^T. Main and James Molan left on Laxative Bromo - Quinine - Tablets Td C u r e a C o l d i u O n e r»ay fell around town. ; | Sh.MayT o r ^^* , 8 ^t.'O h !9; They will euro a cold in one d a y . . . N o Cure, TakeiiaXHtWe Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists tefund Hie money, The public school opened on Monday take in the Pan-American at Buffalo be Nb Pay. Price 25 cent?«. if it fails to cure. E.WlOrove'a stgtore returntinig: \ with a hundred and forty scholars - in at^ nature is on each box. 25c. . tendance. All the departments are full ij&l G"Hubbard and wife will probab-wt. Printing of a n y kind, from a Vismm** : and the teachers are'exerting themselves ^y take advantage of the Mo. Pac Home ' ing Card In a Large Poster, done COUNTY ITEMS. Visitors' exc%rs^on'fbyf»ithfs old hoise, oii short notice and at reasonable to get perfectly organized. ,; price*. .'.--'' . : Beattie Woodmen will have a picnic on -Last Friday a wagon going east bad at Greencastle/Ind. : ! .' ~ - -.• ''• ~~. - ^ the following inscription on the sides of —The Blue- Rapids'.Times Btate's'that ytATERVILLE,FRil)At, SEPT. 18,1901. O c t . 3 d . I W p r k l r i g Wight a n d n a y . j BLTO RAPIDS, SANS. Frank Bobbins, ot this city, has bought The nnaiestaod m.'ghitfst J,ittle Ulliig.{Bat'eVj , The Woodmen held a pienie at Yliets ttB'osnvass cover:. 1 u O F J I C » S . W . Corner Sqtisre. j . yesterdays " ln God, for nine;Veark- we ; trusted; John Duncan's 'billiard . hall establish- er was made is DrKing'8#ew tire Pills. These Have Ni^ver boon in pills change weakness Into-strength, listlessneSs I^I^Op P E R Y E A R . Prof. Street's NoimahCoilge opened up In Kansas, the tenth year, we busted." ment at Blue Rapids. •. Season, but ? into energy, brain-fag into mental power. The annual: township S. S. association -rThe W. F. MlssionaryScciety will They're at Frankfort on Tuesday. wonderful in building up'the health. '.."' -From and after Sept. 1,1901, Blue Rapids is organizing a band, the picnic was heW, over a thousand people give aloe, tea at the residence of Mrs. Only 25c per box. Sold by Mrs W J Bommel (Successor to Strong & Scovi!Ie,) irne subscription price of T H E new instruments for which arrived last attending, Revs. C. R. Jones, Y??^& Jj. E.. Weaver on Friday, Sept. 20tb. has always been the Kistler and D. Harbangb were speakers, Eyerybodyire^uested to attend., Pay up ypur subscription. week. Fashion of First Glass Attoniey-jat-Law, . T E L E G R A P H will be $1.00 per aiid C L. Burtis the marshal of the day. r --Clarence Paul informs us by letter Lumber Dealers. BLUEiRAPlDS. KAS. \ 5fiore'corn fodder is being cut and saved Seven • schools]' attended, and a glorious T h e B e a t P r e s c r i p t Ion that he is employed by the Pueblo Gas "year; I - : I ... _•this Practices in all '"ourts. tiill Uetitlons made fall throughout the eoiih'ty than ever time was had. nd ipnbmptjy .temit'tea. Kielii Estate sold. Co., of Pueblo, Colo., bavirfg a much For Malarh). Chills and Fever i3 a,& Our Stocks are ail Well Dried anil rented and cared for. Loans negotiate before, ,"-• '.-.'-.' A colt show was held, fourteen (rood better position thaa he had at La Junta. bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill TonSeasoned a s d we invito your inspecic.! It isVimply iro.i »nd quinine in Go. Supt. Thompson is in Colorado for colts being in. the ring. S. M. Wilhite, tion whethet yo'u are ready to buy a tasteless form. No cure—no pay; the benefit ot his health,"his lungs being B. F. Jacobs and G. M. Holland were the Price 60cent8_. or hot. A IVIght of'.Terror. affected. judges, and Ed. Rollins, • Hiram Wright e ; .w/arai;itBlrV*a' fi *<*? ttre Vi^pw of Hfe • Ah Examination will.show yon at M. E. Hinnehan has been appointed and H. E. Dewey Hook therfirsV, seeosd brave General Bnrnham ot Macluas, Me.,Wben ^ted Assassination of postmaster once that W E CARRY what yon at St. Bridget, vice TV Hoff- arid third prizes. : , \he'dopta»B BaiiJ sh^ -fronld d\e from pnenuionia -President McKinley at want in ihe line of LtfMBJErt. . man, resigned. • _ PJ] '•• beforeiMornJtiiB" Writes Mra S H Lincoln, who The weather clerk' sustained his repi Buffalo! J attended her tbat fearful night , bat she begged The estimates of the attendance at the utation last week "by giving us the usual Dr King's Ney? Discovery, -which had inore. Old j Settlers' reunion on Friday: range amount of hot weaTther.- Saturday' the for than once save! her life and cured her of con:: W a t e r v i l l e , K a n s a s . " -lieon Gzolgoszi an Anarchist, Irom 5,000 to 8,000. " "thermometer reached a hundred and six sumption. After taking she slept all niztit. 1 1-1 Shoots the President. Vf A T E R T I L L E , H A S . The Cottrell Bros., of Irving, won four and the wind was hot and dry. This Further use entirely cured h e r . " This mar- Office—Photograph Gallery. i 2d and two 3d prizes with their cattle at makes six weeks di extreme warm weath- vellous medcine igKnaranteed ro'cttre all throat! aGeneral Rooms at the Office. er with the thermometer standing on the chest arid lung disease^Xpnly 50o and ^ . t ^ ; : -Neither Shot Fatal, and ihe the Nebraska State Fair. Trial bottles free at Mrs W J Kommel's drngi "~S ; Business. D. C. Dwinnell, aged 34 years, died on average aboye a hfirfdred degrees at store. President will Probably noon. There IS no precedent in weather Thursday, Aug. 27ib, on the farm upon l I Recover! history. . . i '' ; EXTENSION OF LrMIT which he was born near Frankfort. Resident Ogntist, t n t o r t t t p a i d o n Tim© Do on BuffaloiPan-American tickets via A petition signed by a large number of Vfn Friday afternoon last about 4 Lloyd McLean, a former citizen ot Nickel Plate Bbadt $13.00 for round i ' W A T E R V I L L E , R § . poiite. Special Attention # Frankfort, died at Des Moines, Iowa.-last citizens was presented to] the 'school ; Vclpck, \vhITd President Jdcliinley week. | His remains were brought to board as'king tbeai to re-employ Prof. G. trip, tick^sjEjoodio days ;.|$i6.00.f()r Office: „ Given to tTdllootion*. % i ; . round .trip"tickets good ! 20 days. Smith & Hubbard's Butcher Shopr W. Winans as principal of the school the Threfr/daliy trains with, ve^tibuled Over was holding a public reception in Frankfort for burial. £ .-•..:'. j Tuesdays—Ig. Irving,Tfas. .." ; '• ' ensuing term. The board haying already sfeeping cars and first class dining tbo Music. Hall at the Pan-American flenrjL Shenilony, a wprRman at the feOffET TO LO Aflf O S engaged a principal, the request of the car servfee on ^American Clj^b pl»!ff-, • Exposition a l Buffalo, N . Y., Leon Hutchinson mill at Marysville, on Tues- petitioners could not be granted, but had Meals ranging in price from 85 cents : Tfcolgosz, a Polish-American anar- day of last week received injuries in anthe petition been presented | earlier ^the to $1.00. . Address John Y.; CaiaT».^n. accident from whichbe died on WednesGeneral Agent,. 111. Adams Street, • ' - ' . • ' ~^"'' • • i ' board would have taken it into considera- Chicago. \' '•• • *' •: ; chist, fired two shots.from a revolver days "v \'.'' . 23 ^ • •: -'.. •"• . and Ainounta to suit tion, and no doubt would have granted A. L. ALBRIGHT, Waterville, 'at him. The assassin'held the re- The News published last week an inSiei borrower. Partial payaenti the request. volver in his right hand covered stalment of the address made at the Old C u r e d lot* ClirohlC D i a r r h o e a will conduct Sales at any time orplace ori rac«lvtd it any.data to bff Short Notice. •; . After 3 0 Y e a r s o f Suflferlne. with a handkerchief, and fired as the Settlers' reunion .by Hon. George Martin; H.C.Watkins, sexton of]the Meth* "Jl I suffered" for'thirty 'years with Call on him or at this office and we will credited on loans. •President extended his hand to. Secretary of the State Historical Society, odist Cbjurth, 8pringffeld,Pa.;writes: diarrhoea arid thought I was pant be- print your" bills and give you his terms. I 8. 7. POWOlJ ;. _„Stock Sales a Specially, ^ ^ r y "My wjfe has h*en very bad with i ne cured," says John S. Ha Ho way, ft is interesting reading. J, j "shake hands with-him. jThe filth annual meeting of tbe&efcttie kidney '.trouble and trieil several of Freneh.Camp;Miss. "1 had spent Colorado and the Far West ; -One ball struck the breast bone of Driving Park Association is to be held at doctors witout benefit. After taking so much time and money am] sufferOne bottle pf Koley'sr Kidney Cure* ed so much that 1 had given up all Via tari Facifis Railfaj. %h'e President and glanced off, caus- Beattie today and tomorrow.! Some good was much better, and. was;completeraces are promised. We acknowledge re- ly cured:after taking four bottles." hopes'of recovery. 11 was so feeble .••X• \. •-" i '• On May 19th a Fast Vestibuled from the'erlectsojLthediarrhoea that 1ng only a slight flesh wound that ceiptor program and tickets! Train with Latest Improved Equip\V. H. Hampton, j I cdoJdjLdo^Jo'Klridof labor, could ment will be placed in service via Will give, no trouble. The other; ball I Marshall County towns have levied for jiott^eveh travel,, bpt by accident 1. the "Old Reliable" Mo. Pac. R'y, 1001 as follows: Marysville 28 mills on : BUFFALO PAN-AMERICANwas permitted; to find a bdttlej of .' -entered the abdomen, 'perforated leaving Kansas City daily at 6 00 j»> the dollar. Blue Rapids 25, Beattie 20, 16 day tickets for^$I3.00 v i a N i c k e l Chamberlain's'CoiijC, Cholera and DiV m , arriving Pueblo 11.40 a . m . anta both walls of the stomach and lodged Irving 12, Axtell; Frankfort"! and VVater- Plate Road. ;20 dajjr,.tickets $in:W. arrhoea' Remedy,^ and after taking Colorado Spring, Denver, Salt Lake Lowest, tatesj to all; eastern points, sfverSl bottles I am entirely cured of ;. §n the fleshy muscles of the back. V ville 10, Summerfield Sj Vermillion 7, and City, Ogden add Sau Francisco III John Y . Calahaiij general Agent, (hat' tfoublft : Xaro so well pleased shorteat time. •; Czolgof z - svas at once arrested and Oketo no tax. . • III Adams St.^Lhicago. City picket with the result tlmt I am anxious Passengers leaving Crntral Branch i s now in the Buffalo jail, and anar- The schools in the cities opened up Office, 111 Adams 8t.L Chicago. 24' J that it be in reach of all who suffer points on our day. train arrive Ka& as X h a ^ " i p .Fori sale by Mrs. W; J.. on the first day with the following atchists are being arrested for conspirpas City at 5.2D p. toi., making direct Rommeli:^is tendance as reported in the different local Cuts a n d B r u i s e s Q u i c k l y cbnuectipn in Union Depot, and uliacy by- the police of nearly every papers: Marysville 401, Frankfort 320, IBcaled. taln benefit of Missouri River rates : vlly, ~ . V j r > ' -\ : '•-' UJ ."!,:, | Beattie 270* Axtell 240, Blue Rapids 225, Chamherl.Hin's Paiu Balm applied from starting point. ;v A n operation was at once perform* Summerfield 147, Irving J4ojj Vermillion to a cut, braise, burn, scald or like Br. Franklin S. AdamS) For full information call on nearest Butter and Egg3 Wanted. injury will. Ihstahtly allay the pain ji25,j^ ; ; ;..' .-• i '•% . : •% ageut, or address A Graduate of Baltimore College Of ed-on the Presiden U the perforations and will heal the parts in less time " „' - _0ehtal Surgery, . .' : Mrs. Mary Marshall, for whom Marys- thatf any other treatment. Unless C H A S . E, S T Y L E S ; in the walls of the stomach being ville was named, widow of the late Gen. A : G . P. A.jthe injury .is very severe it will not QFFICS: OPPOSITE STEVENSON'S STOEB, Kansas City, Md; Btitched up, and the latest reports re- Frank Marshall, after whom the county leave -a scarl . Pain Balm also cures 1 r ' W»WrVkllf» K a n s a s . ,j H . 0 , TowNSEif r>. ii^^rirrrii ceived indicate that he is in a fair was named, attended the Old Settlers' re- rheumatism, sprains, swellings and •> Well equipperl. and 4>rej)are.d vto do all G. P. &'i\ A., lamenes*." For -sale by Mrs. \V";:i. union at Blue Rapids. She Was the first kinds of "Dental'.'.Wor£. - Grown and Way to recovery. Rommel, ~-~ ' ! ^ : , St. Louis, Mo. white woman settler in the county, comBridge work i. specialtyl S The Very, latest --' ' •' '-•• • _ _ = i - . *£*£ r The whole world w i s shocked b y berelnl854. ideas in Bridge, Grown and Rubber Plate JI . P A Y U P yonr^suliscripUon. ;_ work. Teettrexamined free. the news and a determined effort Henty Miller, a grandson of Mrs. M. L. Low Rate Excursions .Wfll visitCTe^rymonth: Stood D e a t h Off. , will be made by all governments to Duncan, of Blue Rapids, won a $50.00 - Bathes—2b?and 4th Thursdays. cash prize and a §35.00 scholarship in a E B tftmday, a lawyer of Henrietta, Texas,; all Summer via crash opt anarchism. fooled a graTt-di?ger. ' Bel Says:; "My public speaking contest at the University •nee brother was verylow with malnilal fever and Messages of sympathy have been ot Chicago week beldre last. His dejaundice. I persuaded him to try Electric Bit the Burlington Route. received from every govenment in clamation was Irom a speech made by ters, and he was soon much better, but continued their use until he was wholly cured. Iain During- the coming summer the W the world) all expressing the hope Henry Clay against secession. sure Electric Bitters saved hia l i f e . " This Burlington Route will have in effect ^ Leigh W. Patrick w^kmUacaaent', that President McKtnley will reremedy expels inalaha, kills disease germs and the very lowest excursion rates tbai ally in the elevator at Frankfort oh Mon- purifies the blocd; aids digestion, regulates liv- A l l JKiticK^f' I f e a y y H a u l i n g . have ever been made. The general cover. day of last Week. It was hisfirstday's er, kidneys and" bowels; ernes constipation, plan of these rates, destinations, els., E m m a Goldman, Whose writings work in the elevator. No one was pres- dyspepsia, ntrvons diseases, kidney troubles, is so Varied that the public should remale complaints; give* pertecl health. - Only" ask their nearest ticket agent for.de? : end speeches Csolgosssaid influenced ent when the accident occurred, but it 50c CIty-Dr«yinaD^-{-; -Waterville,Kas; at Mrs W ^ Bbmmel*s drug store. . tail", or else do as the favor to write M m to attempt the assassination of is thought he got caught in the fly-wheel Tor rales; descriptive matter; etc. STATI0NEOT;. of the engine) his skull being crushed. BQ0&S MID President McKiniey, has been ar. C h e a p S u m m e r T o u r s West-^ Daily to Colorado, Utah and Black rested al Chicago, charged with bes Hills, also-Home-seekers' excursions .J ing an accessory. every two weeks to the whole West and Northwest, Perltooitus and blood poisoning I. R. WHEELER Prop, Agent for Cot flowers and Floral Oeiigfts. This signature Is oa every box ot the gamine C h e a p E x c u r s i o n s East—Very Commercial Trade Solicited. Good Bigs. Were feared for Ahe first three days, Laxative Bromo-Quioioe Tablet* low round trip rates to the Buffalo .""' .Reaspnable Rates. hot as no symptoms of either have the remedy that d M i eoMla «ae day Exposition* the Seashore, Adiron< North a! M.P.B'y Depot. Telephone 59: daeks. Canada, Michigan Lake*. been reported o p to latest reports, Mackinaw} a thousand eastern'reWe are expect!be a laree invoice j 3he pfot»pHity is expressed that the of plain and fancy stock; order now. sorts; itne lake and rait trips east v i a S^ f."•«. HAISPTOH, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland. President will be out of danger in a A S h o c k i n g C a l a m i t y Cheap Excursllrhi i S f t h - E W few days. • "Lately befell a railroad laborer,'' writes B r A ery day to St. FaUl, Minneapolis and -r*JqH=- Vice-President Roosevelt and all Kellete of WUlifora'Va.rk. "His foofwa« badly Kevr Stoelc of Oils, Paints and Lake Superior resorts; the coolest crushed but Buctten'a arnica Salve quicklyJ recreative eonntry: the members of {[the cabinet were cured Varnish^. film. It's 6Un{<ly"iro»derfal »or burns, . Ask for Ihe Burlington's Suume^ summoned to Buffalo at once, to be boUs, piles and aU Skin eruptions'. It's t i e excursion rate circulars. One Door West of the Waterville Haidware world's champion healer. Core guaranteed.. New Stock Food ' C O N m N S ^ prepared to meet a n y emergency: S3c. SoiabvMrsWJEomUieiJ " pleinent flonse C a l i f o r n i a E x c u r s i o n s person-* ED CIBUS'. Saves Half life t j " I^ffiDdrr office in connecUon.-£S r that might arise i n case of the death .ally conducted every Wednes gralrJiip&i.mafeoi^s i o g s in half Pay up your back fubscription. Ifrom St. Louis; etery .Tbumdsy from cf the President of his inability to Kansas-qitrand St. Joseph. the' thrid fedinaaily taken tit perform his duties. As an indication T o u h n e w v r i t a t v o n -tkrmiitA i a ^ Wrife as for rates and printed matfeeling ^of- thei confident H i ^amongAthe ^ f a e n you take G r o v e l Tasteless money :iefsba$eVl.-. ter describing the proposed trip, A n d SAUSAGES A i ^ a # s OH H a n d . ©fflclalffof the government that the Chill Tonic Wcanae the formula is a.•.emziu, ,.• • • i i . W * « U T , ffiWM«S Prep. GhoicejDlne of Ffesh Candies;; f President will reeovefc, the ^ice- fW^JfcfflftW on every bottle ahow^ Cash P a i d for Hides and Purs, Scrap iron and Metals Of all Kinds and T. f.*„m •*(* *tmt. Bn'i rn«Matr.atn? .t and Clean. Gobtl | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ lit Wort Gcarant :--. E « p s t h e Best Cisaxs. Old Bobber.lams Wi, •*. ^ • • f ^ ^ ^ ^ Ti7-"Vola" and V-KomeT' the i Cure. ladiea' HairOrtssaraBa speeUIty. : .. •-:• i.v }' :, xtf ntt n o s e s . _;_.KO Pay. 5Ja. .:-i\\\z. SsistaI.U33?3t7, \V f 1 Great Bealt&Brini-s;' 8Mla M r SiMMrtttI Sty WatariSt;fefc• | • are cor &nd see ALli mm& MJWSV mvited to call Stock of iAJSTD MMW. IN HATS AMD TMMMW6S I AUOTIOKnBBR, 1 and: can Mease Both are ^all faper, Perfection Dyes and Toilet Articles, I A Full Line Always on liaiiiL - -^ • -1; —~***—w-" Mrs. 1 u1 . MLtR. HC A. RUSSELL LAWYER, J, G STRONQr President Shot! Lumber Fashions Seasoning Lumfeei SANK if Physician and Surgeon. EiisifiliaiiteisifJilEJBiaiy, aa AtjeTiaNEERi farm and Town Prspertf, JTe^rPast Train New a n d t ) l d gi^Mg Potatoes, Bei^ies ill Beason^T 'ISliliiliiiiiiiIri City Drug Store. is 1TAMM MiLTf Mrs. W. j . ROMMEL, Prop *m&?m ^^^m^m: £S£»3 fe**^- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ gjae^gj^^*5^^ So?^«ag : ^s^iB —Monthly school report cards on sale —Tbe^JCallonr'waJr broagbt: before -rJess Trdsperf took the train for ColJudge Fr^rmofi Saturday on the charge orado on Monday. - -. :>~-- ^ '.-,.".. at this office. -••.-; - - • • • • of refusing fo pay his poll tax, cox to do —Mrv John Nicholsbas been HI with —Barney Ready wai» np from Frankfort last weeki .-- , - ; , : - > ; thewa^wortrin-Ueu ofthe ' ^ ^ ^ ^ f c ^ t i g i ^ i ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i —Mias Amelia Focfcs teaches a schooli ment, His reason for not paying :was- > j —Chas. Kenisorj, of Goga, came np .that be had sent the money toNebraskay neat Marysviile. . , g | but-having done :so after he had Wednesday on a visit to his parents. —John: Seotti of MarysvBIe, was Tn been notified to do tha work here and I .-^ifr. J.E.ifider, from near Parallel, townorexSunday. ' ' ,.•/ having voted at the-recent school bond came ap to thia vicinity last week to cut :,^V-•• & —Hiss' Gertba Keefover left on iEon- electionTlie was fined $5.00 and coats corn on shares.: :r i •" Attwmg and we wisn t o Call You? i ~^.-~* . • z '-• • . . — ' ^ day for Trinidad, Colo- .; -- \ir 1 and co'mmitted to the county jail until : rrSatarday'tbe; streets were crowded Attention fed tiie Same, such^as . . —See auction 6ale.notice at the head paid. Constable Zellers took him over with teams and the business- houses en-t of our "local" column. ?. to Marysville the same day. Monday /oyed an immense trade. —Charles Habegcr has sold his farm in he » B « m ^ ; u i WatervJUehavfngpaio: j _ T b e good rain we had imSunda^ was needed, .helping out the pastures Cottage Hill to R. CopeUn. the 2ne and costs.-, —Jason Yurann, of Blue Rapids, was a >-Ths police! court did business on and filling up,the empty cisterns. visitor in town Wednesday. > - V - Saturday morning- Three citizens of j —Jos. Van Allen has bought of Sam'l •:. f- —Remember the dates for the Frank- Barnes came inio town on Friday after- Zeller the lot which adjoins bis propernoon in a father .hilarious condition, ty on the west, consideration S50.C0. > We Keep in Stock the Best Lines of CORSETS fort Fair—Sept. 17tfa to 20th. baring indulged in too much liquor beM town. ; t -. . „ ,-.•.-*' xI,-^T6e.Mo.'Pae. adverises a Home Visi- fore leaving their homes, and oar:.city —Miss Esther McKelvey suffered with 1 a severe inflammation of the eyes last itors excursion \a this issue. : marshal was; obliged to give then! a We. Carry a Complete Line of-the Celebrated - —Mrs. L.JJ.J1 ill er has bought out the night's lodging in the Calaboose so they week, but was able to begin her school SUNFLOWER PAiNT^ and other makes^ work on Monday. conld: sober np. Is cost them $4.00 Miss Griffith stock of millinery. v from $1.50 to $4JX>. ; —The Junior Epworth League held a —The Masons gave a candidate the each.- -1--"!--:.'" ."'-:•: ' - - " . ^ J very successful ice cream social at the -—^Mr.Bobfinsott a,ndi his son-in-law, second degree.Saturday evening. Don't forget our CLOTHING. BEST F & S tit Wmv Lillibridge, -sBd their families M. E. parsonage last Friday evening.7 —Mrs. Earl Callithan is teaching the Marshall County. ;. were tenting on the grounds at Bine About S10.00 was realized. Intermediate room at Vermillion. Rapids during reunion week.^We are —Mrs. John Clark and lit tie daughters, —A good rafn the first Of. >thfl- week— willing to bet. 16 to 1 that things were of Cambridge, 111., returned Lbome on »mmmm*mo9»ms—m*B*9*—•**•••—•?#£& • • « • « • • • , * probably 2 to ty inches of water feir. "Segt lively where the Ifttle Lillibridge Monday after a pleasant visit with her ..We kindljr thank yoa for past favors and reqnest —Dr. John McFadden, the Barnes vet- boys wiere. Th^y are bright, inerry, ee> parents^. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cox: erinary surgeon, was in town yesterday. .tiveypungAmericans and the pride of j —It la expected that prices for rough yotu^patronage for tna fatnrO: / —Mr. S. Lee acd wife spent Sunday their grandfather, Mr. C. Robinson. feed will be lower this winter than they with Mr. and Mrs. Ackles, west of this —MaryBvilie^News:. The explosion are now. The large quantities of bay & city. : '," ;. -'.; •; ; ofalampat thehomeof Geo. Thedieck and fodder saved will be the reason. . ,: —Mrs. H. S. Clajrke/ of MarysTflle, last Saturday ni«ht,.cunsed the are de- ~ — A small leather valise, fonnd on the & was the guest of'Mrs. J. D. Farwell last partment to be called out. Ko great road near Waterville, has been left at SCHOOL OPENED —First Church of Christ, Scientist, Iiawns, Dimities^ Foulards, j and Lace ^ wetk, '. •" damage was doner besides burning some this office, The owner can set it by de- on Monday with an enrollment of 1S5: will bold services in the Stevenson haE l.-^-Mias Ethlyn Thome left on Satur- clothing, and beadiug and scorching the scribing contents and paying for this High School 55, Grammar 43, Intermed- as follows: Every Sanday.SundaySchooI day for Baldwin to attend Baker TJnl- wood-work and wall ofone room. notice.'.. - V ; .,.,-->• . ^.. iate 37, Primary 50. The staff of teach- at ICdX) a. in., Church Services at 11 iM. winch 33 much less than first jcast. I^dr @ Tersity. '_ / ; | .c;_ f: */ ~£ —Some srood purses are offered for the —The Irving Leader notes the pres- ers are all new with one-exception^ Miss Meetings also on every Wednesday ev—Dr. Seufert, Chas. Phillips and Wm. \:races at the Frankfort Fair, Sept. 17th ence of Mrs. Geo. R. Hall and Mrs. McKelvy, of the Intermediate room.Miss ening. Subject at services on Sunday," B1 instance; -';-*..-" | ? f M-'"" McGatlia, of Barnes, spent Friday night to 20th, ano^Jthe payment of all purses Chester Thomas, of Waterville, in that Berry and Mrs. Clarke are graduates^ or Sept. 15,1901—"Matter." 15c Qualities at 7 l-2c, 6c Qualities at 3c. and premirms; is guaranteed. A good city fast week the guests of Mrs. F." W; the State University,' Mr. Hoover, and - Beading roomopen Wednesdays and in town. ' . .. . ._ Miss McKelvy are State Normal students Saturdays from 2 to 5 p. m. at the StevCtoe iibt sample Corsets, worth 40c to v —Dr. Baus3,.tBe Kansaa City nptieian, time may be.aiuictpatejj by all who at- Piieston. enson Hall. tend, and it being the only fair held in filled his appointment in Waterville on jr-Mr. and \ Mrs. Earl, of Frankfort, Miss Sbumway is a graduate, of Baker $1^50 Just QjSTE-HM.Fl OFF. the county everybody should go. . i Saturday. came to Waterville on- Weo^nesdav. It University with several years experienee in Primary work, and we look forward C o n s n m p t j o n Tlsreaseried. • AH Surnnier^oth^arid jStrawj Hats Just ^Andrew PetersonVPtHelyoke, Colo., —Saturday morning la>^,three citi- is reported that they will "reseda in our >to this year's school work -With interest.' zens Of Barnespdidji fine shd costs in C. Ungef, 212"Maple St., Champaign, is .visiting relatives in Cottage Hill citiy. They are the parents of Mrs. WiB Each teacher will do their level best and III.', writes: "I was troubled with * ONE-HALF OFF. -; f :' * I o|urt.city police' court for being drunfc.- McKelvy, j ! township. we hope they wHl have- the hearty cc-op- hacking cough for a year -and t .|(*e-believe tbJts was hot the. first time The Best Line of HOSIERY.' W H Y ? „ —Mis. Copeland, sr., has been seri- parties from Barnes,had,.come to Water~ We understand the iron-clad has •.eratlon-of the parents during the whole thought I bad consumption. I tried ously ifl with nervous prostration for ville in a similsr'conditido,having been been rented by. Milt^Wilder, who in- term. Show your interest in their work a great many remedies and was unBecause We Buy them in GJash Lots direct tends fitting it tip as a bowling alley. der the care of pfi ys i; ians for several y some time. IW» • « K . K ^ u '--,-u! let go before. i' Albert Bartlo w is to have charge and by your frequent visits to the school months. I used one bottle of Foley 's from the Mill "way down in G-ebi^ia where • —Clarke <jfc Thojcna and; J . G. Nider j—Ac the cirty council. meeting on room.. If any unpleasant reports come Honey and Tar. It cured me, and I •have something new for their patrons. ] Wednesday evening, besides alio wing run it for him. f tfaeeotfcon^bws". - | -j • ; • : . from the children, before pronouncing have not been troubled since. '.—Masters Raymond . and Westley judgment on the instructors bear the Read their ads. \ \ .. | • ' several bills, Unere was a general talk on W. H . Hampton.. • ;?.Hs# Lower, of Narka, Kas., who have been —I>on Saw in will move on the1 Daw- a number of subjects. Some sidewalks spending a couple of weeks^ with their teacher's side also. They court the clos'. • 'T '"'is: / son farm, .which was bought recently .were-ordered built and instruction giv- grandmother, MrsiE-Odell, returned est inquiry. by Jas. Stewart. . ?. en the Street Commissioner in regard hame on Monday. to ofier you. So, Don't Part With YOUR to them. " j—Special club rates offered forany A D V E R T I S E D LETTER LIST. MONEY untn.^rou have paid W iSTORE -iMr. A. C. Andrews, teacher in the paper or magazine w-antedjj Call on us —John Paul, of "Cottage Hill, who has .Grammar department of our school last List of letters remaining unclaimed in a^isi&e • |for what you waufc '0. [ | been "baching?' since Mrs. Paul went year, spent Sunday in town. He left on the Post Office at Waterville, Kansas, —Miss Inez Preston, of Irving, is to Pennsylvania, is getting disgusted Monday for Lajwrenee to attend the for the week ending Sept. 12,1901:. Seems a Long Way Off, Yours, 'for Bargains, '•' , ;.•* spending the week wj'th Miss Ethel Sis- with the state ofaffairs and is thinking State ITmversity..., .... But when yon Buy a, LETTK3S. "" to, of Cottage HilL i of going bacfi? to _hhr old home and —-The farmers around Waterville have Eev.^P^ Hanson. —Mis? Dixob and her niece, MissEm- bringing Mrs. Paul rack. been very busy lately cutting corn fod-Mrs. Ella Pearson. ^ly Shirok, returned j on-"'jfrida; from a [ —Miss Nellie To wne returaed to her der and putting np hay. Everything In calling for the above letters please home in Betvidere, Seb., last week. that will make! feed for the stock will visit to Valley Falls."| " t[:j say -'advertised," and give date of this i h a t i3 the Kind YOTI —Mrs. Matber'y' returns this week She was the guestof Mrs. J. G. Nider be saved for this! winter. list. " M. DELAJJET, P. M. while here and made herself Very popuA ^Want, from Atchison, The cancer was removlar1 with a large circle of .acquaintances, -s-L. J. Fuller,] having. Sold his bowI ed almost painlessly. ' mg.alley at Cuba, returned to Waterwho regret he departure. Morning Glorjr, Shoo Shop, —On Slonday • Miss' Matie Ackles is If —Rev. H. L.\Targer. D. D., President ville last Friday. His wife and two l i A S REOPENED, fair ..WATERVILLE TELEGRAPH . —Tne niew eement crossing from the ,goingtoSt; JosepbtMo., to visit her of the Kansas Synod, preached an excel- children, -who had been visiting at lumber yairJ corner to the eleyator was One door west o f Clarke & Thome's. ' "nnhltslred every FrHIa'y" moruin? at Watprsister^ Mra. (Dr.) Byrd. ; : i Atchison, have also returned. ; llile,- Marshall County, -Has Ofllce.—< orntr completed this w'feb-' A trench was lent sermon at the Lutheran church last Gso. HEBSEY, J B , • f Commercial Structati<Iv5ebra>ka Avertne.> dug tvroi ft>et de?p, and with a" layer .of . —The^bsnd boys have their room car- Sunbay. .evening. It-, was full of good —Miss M. Breckenridge left for .St. SOTOCRIPl'iOS•'RATES, cind«-rs ati the bottjoh^ wag'vbVe.red with peted how and have; settled down to solid doctrine and-was appreciated by" a. Josepb.Ma, on Monday to select her Gentlempu— My wife was afflicted . One-<yiiJY qaeilroc^.U'pairf.la adiauce,i...'Sl 00 brefcenliitiftue up to Six incfiea from the practice in dead earnest. gbodjsizedaojdlence; "•* '•_'.'.'. jniUinery stock..* Her father went with with dyape^ia and constipation for Makes of Cases and will! ti.ti"ADVKRTi3P<&U:kTES. her as far as Effingham, where he will years. After tryioic other remedies S —Charlotte Bennett^ will studyjousiiJ top. On this a mixture of gravel and Be Pleased to Quote ei 'Lerd-'an'r transient aitvpttisnipnta. 81 "0 Per —The Royal JTeighlors entertained a spend the week with relatives. I purchased abottle of Dr.Cafdwell's itjumre for Drat insertion and'Afty .cents .or cement was laid, with a finishing coat in EansasCity this Winter; She left Yon Prices. ] number o f the? members ot the order e*r.n additional insertion. .- J:.-•• -._ ' "—A couple of Centtalia boys came up Syrup Pepsin for her and abe is rapof cement on top. jit makes a hnndaome for that place on Wednesday. =Lheal nntioKB ten. ectiW per-Tine .or first lnfrom Blue Rapids last Friday evening. idly improving. I cannot be. with--The -stores will be opened next Luncheon was served during the even- to Watervllle on Saturday to take ad- out this valuable medicine. -Bertlon ami aye cents fureaclt auditions! in- crossing, and We think will prove to be ^ vantage of the excurson rates east, sertion •' ' "' '•',.~-; -.' alt that is hoped-'forfti.'.".' week in the evenings and the clerks' ing and the door work was exemplified H<>l Resp: your?, S. Elliott.* which are only granted from points 100 T BOOK AITO JOtt PRINTI> G.l E i r e r f y , Kas:, Dec.13, 1900. by the home team. -. . miles or more west of the Missouri —SIrs-Rpbt.. Wilsoo and daughter, of holidays ended until next summer. "j'iTHE JEWELER, ; j t i t Itfmis ot .Printing promptly amT neatly —Cash Sawin is going to move baek Sold by Mra. VV. J. Rommel. Hdostd%l%x&?,,w in rhis viciiiity bn a —Mcssrg, Jas. Hawley and John Wray River. . . . ^Secreted at this OOICR at.jteaaonble rates. ; visit to her brbtber^ "JbniT; Jnman, of to his farm this we^k.! Life in our busy living BOtithwest of town, wentto KanAddress all communications toi i': Cottage JHili. Mrs. Wilson Was former- hustling city does not agree with him. sas City on Wednesday with Mrl Wray's UEXRY U. W H X * O S . Mr-'G. A. Stiilrnan .a merchant of ' Pubtisber and Proprietor, —Owing to the lack of space we will little son, where an operation Will be Tampico, III., write?:T '"Foley's Kid; -iy tb\e widow of the late John Rodock*-r '• ~-, i u , Waterville, Kan. who met spch an untimely death in the not be able to give thj^ M. W. of A. pic- performed on him. at the hospital for ney Cure is meeting with wonderful mills at Barrett a number or years ago. nic the notice it deserves until next white swelling. Entered at the Posr-Offiee at Wateryille, success. . I t has cured some cases Kansas, as second class matter. At present she is the guest' of Mrs. Geo week- -i ! -:' here that physicians,pronounced in—Miss Katie Beady returned from R. Hall in this cftyt —Miss Nellie Kenrsoin will not return her trip to Oh'io and New Tork, and curable. Lmyself am abfe to testify to its merits. My face toda-yTs a livLOCAL jNEWS. —Mrs.; Fred Burtls and childrien, of from Texas uhtil December. Mr. and took in the Pan American exposition ing picture of health, and Foley's Mrs. Joe Kenison will accompany her on her way home.. She commences,her Kidney Cure has made it sucb." Pueblo, Colo., who had been visiting FRIDAY, SEPT. 1^1901. Fresh arid Cured Meats, Sausages, etc., always ' school in the. Harbaugh district on - W. H. Hampton. . relatives in 1 his vicinity and went to home. . • on hand. Ice on sale at shop, .U.. _ - • —Mr."Johnson, tb^ artist, gf Kansas Monday next- V Frankfort to visit her mother, Mrs, VPraakfoft Fair-Sept. ir-2<>.". Kemp, Were on Wednesday list enter- City, is doing some fine work d4 the in- —Geo.Stearenson; jr. and Chas. RobWe buy Young Stock and Hides. v —Additional 'MocaTT on second pagp- tained-by Mrs, (Eh-.J Clifton, of Vermil- terior of Geo. Stevenson, ;jr.'t, resi- inson are going to put down cement dence. -;7_ ,| —Peaches are plentiful, SI 00 a bushel. lion. s:dewn!k3 in front of their business —Harlow Wittnm has a good job as a „--L- E-, Weaver Visited: Barnes "bn -—During Miss Breckenridge's absence night man at the Bine Rapids plaster houses on the north side of Commercial in St. Joseph, Mo., tb'e members of the Monday-. j Repair Furniture, works. His family will more t o Blue 81., and work is to be started oa it in a Knights and Ladies of Security can pay Rapids. short time, \; .? - - —Art Earfy of Frankfprt^la in Water- assessments at this office. Parties owSewing Machines^ ville tbta weelc^ [ •. j" _ •/" ing for August are requested to call at —Miss Lou Brown will teach at MIna. —Oa Wednesday Dr. W. M. Eettzel, of Gasofine Stoves, this - city, received bis certificate to —Young, the Jeweler; has a new ad once.- "; -';.: j~; '_' '; -": in the north part of the connty,-this practice medicine and surgery in KanBicycles, Guns and year,. She commenced her school on in this Issue. Bead it. r —Mrs.1. L. Miller having purchased Monday; •, I.. Parasols. ..'-•_:..=• - SSA from the State Board of Medical Ex.VA, a . Barlow Went to Kansas City the taillinery business of Miss GriiEth amination 2nd Registration. .. —Mrs. B. B. Lamoreanx, of Cottage on business Wednesday.. T extends an invitation to the ladies to H ill, returned on Saturday ftons a. tiro .-r-Tbe Koyal Arch Masons of Water^-The M. E- Church of Cottage Hill call and exanihe ber stock. Bead her months' visit with relatives at barpen- ville were invited to attend a meeting We also Carry Weil-Casing and r ad and call on her. ; > Intends holding a picnic soon. terririlleylll. at Marysville on Tuesday evening for Da First Class Tin We rk . / ^ $ e 0 . H. Titconib. iff engaged in —Wm.'Wild is having a second: story- ^^Harry Boot; of the Topefca. Stato work in tiro degrees.' .. r at Small Profits. / painting Mrs. l^rggiey s house. : _ built to the kitchen of his residence in Journal, was in town, on Wednesday. C'r^WatervBte'-fit'nbt represented" on —Rev. MAloney, jof Barnes, spent southwest Waterville. Fred Behnecke Everybody in Waterville is always glad the jury for the October term of district JPfiesday with Bev. Dennis and wife. * is doing the work. to see,Harry. court. ;". .:.". .\ =,-.:-. ''•- rI VERY LOW PRICES fits, h£ sirw% *< ".-»?-"" m x Staipescat just OWE-HAItfv OFFy # ~ . ' • > - • • - m 0 i £ M^ny other good bargains 20 Years WATCH Iwiflslytomj ML YOIIBI'S; Commercial Street . Meat Market Pitersop Bros* Hubbard & Son. BUTCHERS; 6R0GEBIES! J. R; EDWARDSi 175 C u t F l o w e r s a n d F l o r a l D e s i g n s Laundry Work; aolicited. .Leave it at Milt Wilder>8 Barber Shop. AU Ordered oa Short \N0tI3e AH l hose kriowiog t hero selves inMES. W. J. iBpMMEli, Agept.jworfc guaranteed Katiafitctory, 2 0 . T h o r o u g h b r e d ' Poland Caioa dented to m e nrtk requested -to call fBoara., AH . eligible to record. and settle before Oct.. 1. 1901. : Price reasonable. <-.ul '. si-vi. •-. I.'V^^A f^^S^iSBH*.-TJBOHASi-•: .Ci^TKOSEAS, B u r t i s has got ima full line of SulfcB u r t i s has just received a ear load of ey Plows, -Sockeye and Havana Sorreya, Phaetons, Top Buggies Force Feed Grain Drills, Mower?. and Spring Wagons and will soon : ;: have another car of those'Mitchell ' -.- ^-.,-, •;- ... r r~f ' ii'm- •' -:'„ wagon?. • , •—•••«•>»»»»———• •7 W e # l a l i t fo'See Y o « l_':.,, .— ••' > • , • ^We-ean leJI^ttat coakesyonreyes ?• r had a running sore on m y leg and your bead sV7im. Y o n are Ot^EENGS, from 5 l-2c. to 10c. for seven year?," writes Jlrs. James blur bilious and Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Forest, of Chippewa Falls, Wis., Pepsin will care you or the manu"and spent. hundreds of dollars i n facturers will ^1*ANNBLS, in Wai3t Patterns, from 20c. trying: .refund you the par to get it healed. . Two boxes chase price. TlSofd by Mrs. W. J. I to 80c, of Banner Salvo entirely cured i t . " Rommel.. j Beware of substitutes. Anything- in-.Cor line, tkeidheapjelit and Best. W. H . Haroptoa, _ Scale Books fcr sale at this ofSce. FOR &ki& G. A. E . Qo OsJfttrmttire r Monldings, PicItire Mais, Carpets^ Wirido-w Shades, Oil Cloths, Linoleums and Stfiw Matting-. Givensa^caUi .1 Commercial Street, | - WATEKTIIifcEJIils. Merchants' BanUi . ' - • / - : - ' • . {THOBNB 4 T S O M A S , i 7 .'j -. or Post Office Orders on alt Foreign Coontrie?. Loans Money on Farms. . Insurance Written in Bailable Companies. - - .. I - - - THE CASH i .." - -^. •<->,--- - • : ( ! • ' h. and Of WATERVILLE. ryan - H E A D Q U A R T E R S FOR C.L, Boor&ca ^ J?sxm implements, A SPECIALTY. Champion Binderi and Mo s G0NCORDIA FMiWR. Harness, Hajtewara and, at 10 per cent. a few Bemedy MEN'S BLAH SUTES at same rate: C h a m- bAe rGl arienast Coagftt liincoln Painte, Favorite.) Ftar anl Feetf, who is also editor of T h e Herald at The soothing and healing proper- Howe,iidL.Ty.^ writes t M K T S HLHKOt. IHmnture, Mt2sic^,Godd^| M M I W M ties; of this remedy; its pleasant taste To whom it may concern—I was a line trt Ciu.d's and Infant's Shoes BrWOariisdin Kues, Beds andiBfiteks^ The regularmeefing of Waterville Post^No, 26f>G. A . B ^ will be held o n JpTiday evening, Sept. JS, 1901. carry the largest Stock: of Domestic Comrades]are earnestly requeaf ed to and Foreign | Marbles and Granites in HTorthern Kansas, or Southern be present] . f HEP. B j m M m i ^ i Mi L . BfetrzEifj, - Commander. Nebraska. " Gall or write us at . ! Adiutast. Washin^tHnrSas. and prompt~and permanlen t cares uaSttats frnm stomaeJi trouble until £ nave -made, i t £ a great with I was induced'to try a bottletof Dr. y L^dwelPs 8yruppeiBitt a h * I wan l mothers of small children to say that, in m y opinion it has no for colds, croup and whooping coughs: equal as a stomscbr remedy. I had S3 it always affords qaiefic relief, and tiled Bsany diderent remedies but as It conlains no opium or other Inooe wittt Ibe bappy results of D r . Jharpnfal drug, i t m a y i be given as CaldwetTs Syrup Pensinconfideotiy tq a bargyasjoajusdult. . Idd.Ter. For -v . . Irs. :;Y- J. Rotnm^ Bo&ttsM*£W.J.% BEML M I wittSELL FOE CASH and at Prices mat wiB Serprise you. - Call and see me before buying elsewhere if you want to save moowy. WIU Deliver Goods to Any Part of the «ty- -',-.' ";""'•&£'•*£: et& A FULL LINE AT REASONABLE PRICEl CALL AND SEE FOB T O ^ R S mmm BH : m HHHaH H B ^ H ":"- B^^BBHMB^BIBVBVI •• •••••i mm'-'- i|;»<"i"M^"i'g<'»W'^»a-H"t"M-»f»t'» LIBBY'S 4«» a > In our mammoth kitchen we {employ a chef j who is an expert in mating mince pies, .He has charge of making all of j Libby's Mince Meat He uses the very choicest materials. He is told to make the best Mince Meat ever I sold—and he does. Get a . package at your grocer's; enoughfortwo large pies. You'll never use another' kind again. •• Eibby's Atlas of the World, with 33 new maps, [size Exu inches, sent anywhere ior 10 cts. in stamps. Oar Booklet, "How to Make Good Things to Eat," mailed free. , :: Libby, McNeill & Libby, ; •i. i CHICAGO. A ji T w o Scottish Newspapers. The most influential newspaper, in Scotland is the Edinburgh Statesman, and the oldest is the Dundee -Adver--" tiper. j They are edited, respectively, by s i r John; Leng and Charles Cooper, both of whom are Englishmen and natives-of Hull, Yorkshire. • , : ft i t '1'ftI-* iftftftWfrM-*TM"M"I"M" California•4 Consolation and Comfort. < I Who is it that does not wish to b e out i n the: open air or irilve i n s o m e ! 4eld .of sport, whether i t be w i t h the j bat, rod or; gun; whether we go coastliog over Hihe hills and valeB on t h e CONSTITUTION BEATEN BY wheel or sailing over rough v a v e s or SEVENTEEN SECONDS. into serene coves, it is. all sport, and the springing muscles seem to: need it. It is bound to happen thai some mis- IT WAS DUE TOCLUMSY BANDUNG hap will occur. Thus it i s that we have sprains in abundance. - Light sprains, sprains that cripple, sprains She Sailed t h e Course P a t t e r than t h e Columbia—Handicap a t Start, H o w - f tiiat give great •pain, sprains that rob ever, a n d T i m e ' Allowance, Made us of sleep,-but sportsmen of * all Binds Her Loser—New Defender have come to know that there is noth• J D i d Some Splendid: SaUing better than the old reliable St. iacob's OIL Have it with you for use; Ing In the Race. you may rely o n its cure of the worst sprain and restoration to t h e comThe -Constitution- sailed a capital forts of life. ••! _'• \. race at .Newport, R. I., against the September 19 to 27, account General Convention of Episcopal church, ' San Francisco. Anybody!may go—at $45,round trip from Kansas City. Choice, of direct) routes returning; . final liniit, November 15. j 1 Oh the way visit Indian Pueblos! Petrified Forest, Grand Canyon of Arizona, Yosemlte, San Joaquin .Valley, Los Angeles. j . The.Santa Fe is the comfortable way to go^-Harvey meals, best in the world; superb service of the . California Limited; personallyconducted tourist-car excursions. ; Write for our books, "To California and Back" and "San Francisco." S^rvteLFe. Monograms on Pianos. !• The initials of the. owner are sometimes used as a monogram carved on aljpianp nowadays. Formerly the manufacturer's \ name was . placed in ;a prominent position oh the instrument. Trbday it: is reheated to comparaQvt obscurity-, and » monogram, crest .01 cOat of arms is its successor. i i P A I N T RISKS The risks in painting are tnree: materials, mixing, putting on. I With best lead and oil you take two; with ordinary mixed paint three; with Devoe ready paint none. On each package is this label: If yoa have any fault to find with this paint at any time, either now in . painting or after in the wearing-, tell. your dealer about it. We authorize. . 1 him to do what is right about it at • our expense. ! But do yourself and us the justice to follow i nstructidns. : F . W. DEVOB & COMPANY. I Paint-safety for you in Devoe as in no other. Pamphlet o n p a i n t i n g free i f yoa i (I G. W. BAGENBUCH, General A?ent, mention this piper.- • - The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway, G O O D P A I N T / D E V O E , CHICAGO. '•" ft KANSA'seiTY.^gr.i r Columbia over a course fifteen miles t o "windward and back in a breeze whose force averaged about; eight knots, i t s greatest power being twelve k n o b near the finish line. The Columbia j won by seventeen seconds, corrected, the Constitution beating her rival, boat for boat, over the course on elapsed time fifty-four seconds. This does not include the handicap of twenty-one ] seconds L or more with which the Constitution started. Had she not been handicapped she would have wonl '• On the! windward work she gained on the Columbia thirtytwo seconds., and also tjwenty-twp seconds on the run home before the wind. In heavy puffs, when close to the finish line, her balloon -jib topsail split in two and caused a big tangle aloft. The Columbia was compelled to haul down her ballooner at the same time, for [the squall carried -away the cringle at the.head of the sail. But the big I sail on the Constitution refused to be controlled and fluttered in segments aloft, and-all "hands had to do .their best to muzzle it. On the other hand, -Columbia hauled down her balloon jib topsail in seaman-like style, and, smartly bending on the spinnaker halyards, hoisted a reaching jib topsail in stops and, breaking it out quickly, darted across the line a winner. In" taking in'spinnakers about twenty minutes before the finish line was reabhed by. the leader, 'Constitution's sail got tangled in the headstays and it took several minutes •to get it on deck. While flapping aloft, the balloon jib topsail had" no opportunity to exert'its utmost drawing; power. A t this time; the Columbia's ballooner was doing most effect-' .ive work. To smart handling and "excellent judgment ColumW's victory "was due.' There is no question that the old mainsail and the altered lieadsalls ofi the Constitution, which she carried^ had much to d o with 'the improved showing she made. The handicap at the start seemed to be due to a lack of smartness aboard the constitution and also to the more able sea jockeying of those in charge of the Columbia! The Constitution allowed herself t^o be forced on the wrong side of the| line, was compelled to gybe around short on her heel and then to take to'the other end .of. the line, a deadly handicap; This and the splitting, of her j balloon jib topsail certainly lost her the! race. Had it not been' f 0 r these: mishaps the Gbnstltxition would h a v | beaten the Columbia by a small jmargin beyond the one minute and eleven seconds' time allowance over the thirty mile course. Easy Come, Easy Go. - Square-Shouldered Coats doing:. The man who creeps along hent over, with his spinal column feeling in a condition to snap like a pipestem at any minute, would readily give a great deal to get out of his dilemma, and yet this i s only the commonest form by which lumbago seizes on and twists 'out of shape the muscles of the back. This is commonly known as backache, a crick in .the back, but by whatever name it may be known, and however bad it may be. 10 minutes. vigorous rubbing with "St Jacob's Oil ph. t h e afflicted part will drive out the trouble and. completely restore. It is a thing s o easily caught, it may be wonderfed at why there is hot more bf it, hut because i t Is so easily cured by S t Jacobs Oil may be the very reason that we hear so little of i t . Hoax—"They had twins at Wigwag's house last n i g h t " Joax—"Had a duce of a time I suppose." Are You Cains Allen's Foot EaseT ; The broad, square-shoulder effect in coats is decidedly o n the wane. The successful tailor nowadays is the one ^vho can give his customers the long and lanky appearance. The'ta'!, thin figure Is the present ide£l, and this promises to hold good for t h e coming fall and winter.—Philadelphia Times. >; A Symparhetlc Ink. "Intoxications In a I l i f e Time, ' About 3,000 intoxications \ in a life-, time is Dr. Charles L. Dana's estimate of the limit of man's endurance of alcohol. He finds that in 50 per cent of the cases drunkards owe their condition to whisky "and In 20 pier cent to beer.—Northwestern Mail. H e Believed. In Looting. DON'T SPOCL YOUR CLOTHES. At the storm of Magdilfcurg by Tilly, "Use' Red Cross Ball Blue and keep them white as snow. All grocers. 5c. a package. In 1631, this noted .authaSrlty on the art of war laid dowh' the general maxim Man proposes and woman disposes that after a successful assault the solof his proposition. diers ought to have three • hours of pillage. ; , i. Half an houriis all the time requiredto dye with PUTNAM FADELESS DYES. • H o w Clothes. Are Blistered. Sold by druggists, 10c per package. Many of the starches now being used Motto of the ward boss—Evil to In washable fabrics contain ingredihim who votes" the other ticket. ents that break and blister the goods so that after a few washings they are Hall's [Catarrh Cure .J of little service^ Defiance starch (made Is a constitutional cure. Price, 75c. in Nebraska) is manufactured with a special view to obviating the! difficulty. Nothing boosts a girl's self-conceit It contains a solution that can in no like two proposals in one week*. way injure the ' linen—but! instead gives it a smooth, glossy finish that Don't ache, use Hamlin's Wizard OIL makes goods look new after each ironRheumatism, neuralgia and all pain ing. Sold by leading grocers. Made banished by i t See-your druggist by Magnetic Starch Co., Omaha, Neb. The youthful, artist generally does .When a man likes gossip, he is the his best drawing on the old man." I worst kind. I am sure PisoJs Cure for Consumption savefl lie Street, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17,1900. Writes His Recommendatioa for the Famous Catarrh Remedy, Pe-ro-na* A good sympathttic ink i s made with the chloride -of copper. Writing jjr drawing on paper with this ink i s i n visible a t ordinary temperatures, bnt when the paper or parchment is heated-the writing or drawing at once appears of a beautiful yellowish color. It iff the only ^ure for Swollen, i "The Garden State." Smarting, Burning, Sweating 1 Feet, New Jersey has been called the. Corns and Bunions. Ask' for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into "Garden State," from the fact that a the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe large proportion of the farming h a d Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad- In its boundaries is given up to growdress, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. ing vegetables for t h e markets of New A stitch in time starts a new dress- York and Philadelphia. maker's bill.. my life three years ago.—Mrs. THOS. BOBBINS, A METHODIST M P GIVES PE-RU-NA GREAT CREDIT. Bishop A. ,Grant of Indianapolis, Ind., writes the following;letter: • Indianapolis, Indiana, ) j 3349 N. Pennsylvania Street j" Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O.: . Gentlemen—"I have been using Peruna for catarrh andean cheerfully recommend your remedy to anyone who wants a good medicine."—A. Grant Prominent members of the clergy are giving Peruna their unqualified endorsement These men find Peruna especially adapted to preserve them from catarrh of the vocal organs which has always been the bane of public speakers] and general catarrhal debility incident t o the sedentary life of the clergyman. Among the recent- utterances of noted clergymen on the curative virtues of Peruna is the above one from Bishop Grant The day was when men of prominence hesitated to give their testimonials to proprietary medicines for pub? Hcatlon. This remains true today of most proprietary medicines. But Peruna has become so Justly famous, it* merits are known to so many people o t high and low station that none hesitates to see his name in print recommending Peruna. The following letters from pastor* who use Peruna speak for themselves a Rev. E . G. Smith, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, of Greensboro, Ga., writes: "My little boy had been suffering for some time with catarrh of the lower bowels. Other remedies had failed, bnt after taking two bottles of Peruna the trouble almost entirely disappeared. Fqr this special malady I consider it well "nigh a specific."—RevTE. G.'Smith. Rev. A. S..Vaughn, Eureka Springs, Ark., says: "I had been prostrated by congestive chills and was almost dead; as soon as able to be about, I commenced the use of Peruna. : I took five bottles; my strength returned rapidly and I am now enjoying J my usual health."—Rev. A. S. Vauhgh. If you do .not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the u s e of Peruna, write at once to D h Hartman, giving a full statement ofi your case and he will be pleased to give you hit valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Q, DO YOU SHOOT7v If you do you should send your name and address on a postal card for • WINCHESTER , GUN C A T A L O G U E / TJ S FREE- Winchester Repeating It illustrates and describesArms all theCo. different Winchester Rifles, Shotguns and Ammunition, and contains much valuable information. Send at once to the 7 N e w Haven, Conn. EDUCATIONAL.^ S g ^ ^ ^ M * ^ ^ 1 Ladies Can'Wear Shoes. .; ! One size smaller after using-AUen's FootEase, a powder. I t makes tight or new If a^ hammock is hung somebody shoeseasy. Cures swollen,-hot.sweating, 0. rilELPS BROWS, SSBroadmr, Neirtnrgh, 3.T. will swing for it. aching feet, ingrowing*)ails,i corns and bunions. Ail druggists- and sfioe stores, I Mrs. WlnsloWs Soothing- Syrup.,. 85c. Trial package FEEEbyjmaiL Ad- n D n D Q V E W DISCOVERY; gives ^JW%.^J"^3 I quick relief and cures-worst 'For children teething, softens the gums, reduceB in- dress Allen S. Olrristed, LeKoy, N.Y. cases. Book of testimonials and 10 DATS' treatment flammation, allays pain.curei wind colic. 25c a bottle FREE. DB. H. H. GREES'S S05S, Box B, Atlanta, Ga. Sometimes you! can't tell self-com!> A fortune teller—the commercial posure from indifference. agency. • '• §T] ST. MARY'S ACADEMY , Notre D a m e , Indiana. Conducted by the: Sisters of the Holy Cross. Chartered 11855. .1 Thorough English and Classical education. Regular Collegiate Degrees. I n Preparatory Department students carefully prepared for Collegiate course.*' Physical and Chemical Laboratories well equipped. Conservatory of Music and School of A r t Gymnasium under directior of graduate of Boston Normal' School of Gymnastics. Catalogue free. The 47th year will open Sept. 5, 1901, - GOOD HOUSEKEEPERS Dropsy treated free by Dr. H. H. Green's Sons, of Atlanta, Ga. The greatest dropsy Use the best. That's why they buy Red specialists in the world. Read their adver. Cross Ball Blue. At leading grocers, 5 cents. ^o^e^s^^Thompson's Eya Water tis'ement in another column of this Daper. A man is always blind when in love, Time flies, but,a bandmaster can but an Atchison man seemsito be deaf Vhea Answering Advertisements Kindly , Address DIRECTRESS OF THE ACADEMY, Mention This Taper. beat it. as well. St. Mary's Academy. Notre Dame, Indian*. Public Debt Statement. The monthly statement of the public debt, just issued, shows that at the close of business ^.ugust 31, 1901, the debt less cash in the treasury amounted to $1,036,349,866, a decrease for the month of $5,460,597. The-debt is recapitulated as follows: I Interest bearing j debtj $982,640,090. Debt on which interest has ceased since maturity, $1,393,620. • - I Debt bearing no'interest, $382,287,- 411. Prevented by Shampoos I of CUTICURA SOAP and; light dressings of CUTICURA, purest of emollient skin cures* This treatment at tmce stops falling hair, removes crusts,! scales, and dandruff, soothes irritated, itching: surfaces, stimulates the hair! follicles, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp when all else fails. : . .v MILLIONS USE CUTICURA SOAP Assisted by CtrncuRi OINTSIENT, for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the akin, tor cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, itchings, and chaflngs, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Millions' of Women use- CCTIQUKA SOAP in t h e form of baths for annoying irritations, inflammations, and excoriations, for too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women and mothers. N o amount of persuasion can induce those who have once used these great skin purifiers au<? beautiflerfl • to use any others. CuncuRiTSoAP, combines" delicate emollient properties derived from CUTIGURA, the great akin cure, with the purest of cleansing . ingredients, -and the most refreshingjof flower odours? JN6 other medicated / t o a p is to be compared with it for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands!' No) other foreign or domestic tciletsosp, however expensive, is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, hath, and nursery. Thus it combines, in O N E SOAP at O N E PRICE, the BEST skin and- complexion soap, and the BEST toilet and baby soap in the world. , " :; Complete External and Internal Treatment for Every Humour, l* _ J Consisting of CuxiCUiO. 8OAP, to cleanse the stin of crnste ana 1 scales and soften the thickened etitiele; CuncnKA OnrrMEST, to instantly allay itching, Inflammation, and irritation, and soothe. 1 j ! DotS/t let your p a c k a g e of launjdry you c a n get 16 ob "I Total, $1,366,321^121.. j: This amount, howeyeh does not include $780,039,689 jn Certificates and treasury notes outstanding Which are offset b y a n equal amount of cash held for their redemption. , | The. cash in the treasiiry is classified as follows: Gold reserve, $lESO,O00JO0O. Trust fund, $780L033,6J59. • General funq, $165,770,935. In national bank depositories, $103,035,834. ; : . Total, $1,198,840,459, against which there are demand inabilities outstanding amounting to $868,869,103, leaving a cash balance on hand pi $329^971,355. Utah Man Assinated. - . R o b e r t Graham.!a well known citizen of Weber county, gUtah, and -a prominent official! in t h e Mormon church, was .shot ajnd abjaost instantljr killed while returning; home from church.. The affair is | shrouded i n mystery, there being no clue to the perpertators of t h e deed.j • Killed B y a F l y Wheel. While attempting to soap t h e belt which passes over t h e jfly wheel in P e r k t o s \ elevator, iat Frankfort, Kan.. Lee Patrick wasi {struck by t h e fly wheel and .Instantly killed. H e had contracted with the elevator company for a year and this w a s his first day a t wotk. H e was 27 years old andj unmarried. I Tarns Murderer a t Twelve. Carlos McCorniick, 12-j years jbld, shojLand killed Antonio -Sbto, a playmatey 16 years! old, at Tucson, Ariz., w i t h a 227caliber irifle. s&roirpie i n a buggy drove -by and McCormick raised liierifie and said: :fl will take a shot at them1.1" Soto prevented him from carrying! out his intention.: McCorniick, In a jrage, thenyshot jSoto.* H i s sick mother, on hearing what her s o n h a d done;j died a few hours afterward from the shock. ! Many a man who claims toj be i weded-to his art can't prove it. ! Three Chinese Dead In a PeU Street Fire. Three Chinese lost their lives ia. a found upon the fourth floor after t h e heart; of Chinatown. One of them was killed by jumping from t h e third , floor t o the street. The other two were found, upon the fourth floor ater the flames were subdued. They had been suffocated. T h e damage to t h e buildIda price. HALL & BUOKEL, lew York. ing, which was used as a restaurant W . N . U. K a n s a s C i t y , NO. 3 7 , 1 9 0 1 and lodging house, w a s about $25,000'. and heal; and CUTICUEA RESOLVENT to cool and cleanse the blood. - - >t"T ASES.-LESETlsoftensnfflclenttocnrethetQOsttortnring,di8flgIIIB OKI xtrlng, itching, burning, and scaly skin, scalp, and blood humours, lAshes.ttchtogs.andIrritations, wltnToss of hair, when all else fails. 8old thronghontthe •worM." British Depot: F.XEWBESY & Sons, W Charterhouse 8q~ I/ondon, E. C, DBUG Aisn CHEincAii CoEPORi«os, Sole Props., Boston. U. S. A. H A S NO E Q U A L . ihiiri To tKe Dea.lers: G O SLOW—In placingLorders for 12-oz. Laundry Starch. You won't be able to sell 12 ounces for 10 cents while your comoetitor offers; :16 ounces for the same money. . DEFIANCE STARCH IS THE BIGGEST— THE BEST COLD WATER STARCH MADE. No Chromos, no Premiums, but a better 'starch, and one-third more of it, than is conREQUIRES NO COOKING tained in any other"package for the price. PREPARED FOR Having adopted every idea in the manufacPURP05E50rtY ture of starch which modern invention has made possible, we oiler Defiance Starch, with every confidence in giving satisfaction. Consumers are becoming more and more dissatisfied, with the. prevalent custom of getting 5c worth of starch and 5c wortlf of some useless thing, when they-want 10c. worth of starch. We give no premiums with Defiance Starch, relying on " QualOMAHA,NEB. ity and Quantity*' as the more satisfactory' method^ <rf getting business. You take no chances in'pushing this article, we give, an abEXACT SIZE OF IO CENT PACKAGE. solute guarantee with every package sold, and 72 PACKAGES IN A CASE, ~4authorize dealers to take back any starch that a cnstomei- claims to be niisatisfactory in a n j way^ We have made arrangements to advertise i t thoroughly, and you must have i t ORDER, FROM YOUR JOBBER. If yoa cannot get it from him, write us. ffefiiNErr S0Z0D0NT insures your Teeth 25* U all Storu, or by Hail far A • • • HOE CO. SHOES THAT WEIB. Asfc Your Dealer 'For T h e m . • -i ^"awr CONSUMPTION UP sell you &L 12 oz. for 10 c e n t s when the very best s t a r c h m a d e for the s a m e price. O n e - t h i r d more starch for same m o n e y . [ MAKVFACTVRED B Y OMAHA, N E B . A busy person far rer> »^t t o think that looking handsome i s a matter of having idle time. USSMSBffi&j^sSKSi VOL-XXXHI^ WATER V H i I i E , M l J ^ ^ NO 14. Tfcqgarta, killed b y Homed with revolvers and knives, July * 25,1825. Medworth now examined the SKJTUS - Nasr-ed-Din, shah of Persia, I LOCATES 20© FAMpaneL H e found that, rude a? _*:<-; cczz- Notable Assassinations Recorded assassinated o n May 1, 1896. as he,was ILIES IN COLORADO. By the Attempt to Kill President entering a shrine near his palace. T h e w a s a n t h e other av ^^ex i t • Or the Trials of a Spanish QirL • wtrivance in History, man who shot h i m was disguised a s a a s a most carefully execr fd thing- . . ^•cKuiley. • I . '\i^-•'= — ' ' - • It w a s : simply one' of any jiinmber of woman and i s believed to have been ^ B y S£WVU?i> W . HOPKINS. •"...• paaoas that ornamented th J walls of ATTE.IPTS G¥ RECEHT t I B E S . the tool of a band of conspirators. H e w a s canght and suffered t h e most hor- ARE MURDERED BY MANIACS. '•"'" - _ . j!.-•-: _._ -.-; 'I . "' ' • the roam, and when close'l could not rible death " that Persian . ingenuity • I ""• Copj rlgtitftl 1900 try Robert I*vnuif*L'aV go**T • • be detected a s different in its construcCL. of Celebrated eduld invent. j tion from any of the others. ••••••»••••••••••••••••»•••••»••••••••»•••••••••••»» H a v e D i e d a t tin Antonio Canovas del Castillo, prime Medworth counted .tfc _m» and-.'fannd J t h e sugar beet district Snrely y o a iftr Gomez must be~ mistakCHAPTER "VOL—(Continued.) mintster of Spain, shot to death by that t h e gff<gr»g pan'I w a s t h e fifth en." :-•'• " j . , . ; •; ;. -• 4 . . S o n Joan set oat a t a gallop. He' Cbiefiy Victims. Michael Angomio, a n a s Golli, an Italtwo hundred famOtos from Bad s o t traveled more than a mile "How? Gomez? What about Gomezr* from either end, being exactly half ian anarchist at Santa Agueda, Spain, way. the first fifty fitalrlHi t o w h e n h e s a w before him a hot, w i t h a "Gomez came to me and said: Matta, They would have termed "their attenHolly, about October 2ft. 1 George DX of England, attempt fay while going t o t h e baths, on Aug. 8, large-white rock in front of it. At the zudo, D o n Juan Garza is RUXLOIXS f o r Two presidents of t h e United door of t h e {hot stood the horse, of the safety of his daughter. We do n o t tion t o other things, hut bearing foot- Margaret Nicholson; a n Aug. 2-, 1788, —-Abraham T.fntriTTi sod James A. Gar"The leader of t h e colony i s an' Gomez. know h o w strong the force of Salvarez steps they sprang into t h e hiding-place and. by James Hatfield on. May 15,1809. . Joan Id?arte Borda, president of field—iave fallen before t h e assassin'a pert agrtcnltnrist -and h a s visited Uraguay, killed on August 25, 1897, and cfca—1 jfca> paheli Napoleon L of France, attempt b y l e a p i n g from h i s horse, Don Joan may be. He may retake t h e castle, and They distinctly heard two men enter use of a n frrfprnaT ifen»Ttfno. on Decem- at Montevideo b y Avelino Arredondo, bullet prior to the crime at Buffalo. An carefnJJy rn lawtli^lt i.I a n sections of tied.him to a {tree and crept cautiously thg^girl must not be exposed t o . t h e '. attempt w a s made t o assassinate "An- "rha TTiiiii#.ffff «Tt.;artn -TnrT*i^ afficer i n Drhgnayag at my. f, ; the room. — the.. ber « , i a » . r forward < toward t h e .hat. passions of; victorious soldiers. D o y o n drew Jackson, b a t w a s thwarted. Pres- ArkaTwas valley the most promising of President Drat, attempt i n t h e City It was a rude...habitation, made of know of a «afa retreat^near this place?* . Bending down, Medworth applied h i s r Czar Paul of Russia, killed' by nobles of Mexico by M. Arnnlfo on. Sept 20, ident McKiniey's life has been threat- any section visited, ou sctoiiat o f theof h i s court on March 24, 1S0L ~ l o s s , the-cfevi ces partly filled w i t h 'None nearer than a m i l e / I answered. ear to the panel to listen t o what ened- twice before this last event. - • .."l- , superb climate, rich s o n a n a t h e most " ': mad. The sounds of voices at ordin- 'The hut of the Carta Ramana.* 'Take said. Spencer Percrval, premier of H n g - 1 8 9 7 , - --... : Jose Maria Reyna Barrios, president The murder of President TiafloTw perfect irrigation system i n the world, ~ 'fit is a strange—a .most inexplicable hthd, killed by Hemngham on May 11,ary tones inside could be easily heard h e r there," he said. "TeE her- that Don of Guatemala, killed at Guatemala City came a t t h e close of t h e costly and harked by a reservoir supply with sufby a listener outside. . Joan, her father, i s i n command of. a th|ng. Garza," he heard some one say. JS12. •; W- . • - • ' -• bloody civil war; at a moment when ficient w a t e r t o irrigate a S t h * lands George IY. of England, attempt-on on Feb, 8,1898, b y Oscar Soiinger. S o n Joan applied his ear to a con- portion of -the army and cannot come "I confess I do n o t understand i t " ; Empress Elizabeth of Austria, staball the m a n from Illinois had strug- for t w o years without a drop of rata, to her." He commanded m e to do this *Your majesty," was t h e reply, and Jan. 28, ISTT. \ -•''•- | : venient crack. .'•/•' j i"I I say y o u l i e ! " her heard the voice .senor, and I did. She followed, me, and Medworth's heart throbbed as he recAugust Kotzebue of Germany. kiHea bed. by I s c h i a l , a French-Italian an- gled for seemed about t o be realized; thus insuring the farmers against faila n in t h e hoar when t h e triumph of t h e ure of crops. After the first movement I took her to Ramana's hot".':-'' ognized t h e voice;of the father of t h e by Earl Sand Jar political motives' on archist, at Geneva,- Switzerland, b f Gomez say. "She i s here.** ; Sept, 10, 1898.. j ' republic seemed t h e greatest. The a s - the balance w i n follow a s fast a s \ "Ton 1%*" cried, Don Joan, beside girl he loved, "as for understanding it, March 23, 1819. '• Senor i s mistaken, came a voice i n William Goebel, Democratic- claim- sassin w a s John Wilkes Booth, an ac- homes can be provided for them.** Spanish. T h e Indians of the Spanish- fahnsplf. *3J have been t o the earth's believe'me, I have not been near that „ Charles D o e de Berri, Trilled on' Feb. ant to the governorship of "Kentucky, tor, a brother of the afterward famous Mr. Seagraves advises that t h e 1 American countries early learned to hut. Gomez was there.-He demanded p o i n t My heart i s bursting with 13,1826. use the language of their conquerors., m y daughter of ^tfae old Carib, but t h e grief. t It" was a dastardly crime. A Andrew Jackson, president of the shot by a person unknown on Tuesday, tragedian, Edwin Booth, and a mis- ars i n the valley are very Indian swore that she had not been crime f o r which t h e criminal mast die United States, attempt o n Jan. 30, Jan. 30, 1900, while on h i s w a y to t h e anthropist of thai most i pronounced and as that section w i n b e densely : ""There i s n o ooe : here,** state capitol in Frankfort, Ky. populated a n d hi ought n p to a high type. • .. .. 1835. I learn his name." ^Tou Be, I t e n y o u ! " exclaimed brought thire." standard of cultivation, it w i n in five Humbert, k i n s of Daly, shot to Almost at t h e moment that PresiGomez, "Mattazudo took a girl away - ^"You heard that, senor?* Louis FhiKppe of France, s i x at T "It is" stfli doabtfil, then, whether or s i x years became the richest and death on July 29,1900, at Monza, Italy; dent Lincoln w a s assassinated Lewis from t h e castle and brought her here. tempts: B y FiescBi, o n July 28,1835; Gomez o r Mattazndo; i s lying.' "I did. I missed my daughter, and j I '-,- f j Payne PowelL son of a Florida clergy- moat prosperous community i n t h e X learned of it, j and came a t once to knew, that same -foul fiend had taken "It is almost a certainty that neither by Alibftud, on June 25, 1836; b y Min- by Angelo BrescL •: £ \ take her away. She i s to he my her away. Gomez left the castle, and •is telling t h e truth.' nier, on Dee. 27, 1S3S; by Darmos, o n i Albert Edward, then prince of man, broke into t h e residence of Sec- country. He says: bride." • -< . • 1 followed him. I heard his conversa"Strange. Y o a say y o u rode t o t h e OctL16, 1840; b y Iecampte, o n April Walks, n o w king of Tgngtattrt attempt retary Seward, w h e r e the latter w a s "Sugar beets are a very profitable 1 4 184S; b y Henry, a n July 19, 1846. by Brussels anarchist o n April 4, 1900. lying ill, and whom he stabbed in sev' "Men do not steal their brides now," tion with the Carib. H e cursed because Carfb's hut with Mattazndo' crop for the farmer and* the only draweral pjg«HWf, H e also fractured the m y daughter was not there, and swears Denis Afire, archbishop of Paris, o n replied t h e Indian. William McKinley, president of t h e "Straight- from your presence. Yon back i s the laborious work in toe thinUnited States, attempt, shot a t Buffa- skull of Mr. Seward's son, stabbes m "I did not steal this one. I tell TOD vengeance I on yOu," coaaaMMded Mattazndo t o find and r e - June 27,1848, : ning season which lasts about t w o soldier on duty and two other persons Rossi, Cbmte "Penegrfno, Roman lo, on Sept, 6,1901. I I .know she I i s . here. Mattazudo stole "On, me, senor? Gomez has tricked turn m y daughter, and i t must be said, weeks. This feature, however, is begp**f TrTf?1^** ^*tq escape. her from the castle and brought her o s both. H i s mmmand' to me was a He i n a n truth, that "he seemed at least statesman, a n Nov. 15, 1848. ing overcome by labor brought into ' Booth w a s shot b y h i s pursuers Frederick William IY. of Prussia^athere.; I know this, I tell Too, and if to get the girl'bat of the castle. But t o be sincere i n his effort W e went t o flaw Scotchmen Harry. the vaDey from New Mgrtrn. who c o n TOO do not give her np it will be bad he tricked you more shrewdly stm." In Scotland t h e path t o matrimony Payne was hanged. the Carih's h u t W e ferand t h e old I n - tempt by Sofelage o n May 22,1850. tract to thin beets at aq much per acre. f o r TOO,** -I ? '•-. •.'_' - ;. "Tricked me?** dian there. Mattazudo a t "In t h e vicinity "of Rocky Ford, "I am an .old -man sendr. Toil m a y "Tricked ..you, senor; he and Ram- manded him t o deliver np the girl where t h e land has been cultivated e x kHI me, if you wilL I am powerless ana. Yoa saw his horse. Yoa crept t o he, Mattazndo had brought there tensively, i t i s possible under only fair against an army. My. friends are not the hat. You made no allowance for a misunderstanding. The Carib conditions to raise twenty ton* o f your friends.. The friends..a JLthe^ re- Gomez keeping a watch for pursuers. calmly on and. asked how many mere beets to the acre, whfle thrifty and inpublic are mine, and - they are de- You heard h i m curse. because the girl were fowling fo? a girl he' had never dustrious farmers grow from twentyfeated."! j V :-" was not i n t h e house. But did you go seen. Mattazndo threatened, t o shoot five to thirty tons to/the acre, and in **Whait do; T ( c a r e about aH thJir? I i n s i d e r ' ! j '. him, but nothing could move t h e old some instances a s high a s thirty-five did notjfc&k for jyour friendship. I want i "Go—inside? What d o y o u mean?"- Tndfarr I pleaded " with. hfm. T**betons: that g i r l " '. \'.\ gasped Dan Juan. sought h i m with a n the energy of a "The price of b e e t i ' i s determined a c "She i s hot! here, senor,"* '-"I mean senor. that i f you had gone 'broken-hearted father to restore my cording to their sugar content, t h e a v "She i s .here. Mattaxodo told me s h e inside, perhaps you - would have found fowghter to me, but h e s t m claimed erage being about O per'ton. The cost w a s here." , r ';;' your daughter; I took her to the. Ca- he had not seen her. Mattazndo told of growing'beets, Jtaeluding. all labor, T o n are not wise to- believe t h e rlo's hut. Gomez went there t o get her. me' that .Ramana was a friend cf G o seed, a s well a s / h a m eating the crop w o r d s ' o f Mattazndo. The; half-breed H e saw you S coming. He and Ramana mez, and n o doubt had agreed to keep In t h e fan i s about 525 per acre, leavhas a lying tongue and crafty mind. quarreled to trick yon. You .saw him. s i l e n t T h e only way, of course, w a s i n g tt»* *"m*r ^75 or more profit a n If h e h a s taken t h e girl away, he has ride away.i Yon did not wait to see h i m to g e t the troth out elf Gomez, acre for bis beet crop. come back. F o r proof, senor, where i s we returned to t h e castle I taxed G o . p o t her where yon cannot find her." "The Arkansas valley of Colorado at; ^ wiir.«nffher" ; , G o m a m n r r '. " •-•=v ! ..—- -r , m e z with t h e crime*;bat without'waitconsidered the ideal sugar beet coun"I hope so senor. I would hot "wish Don Juan turned to Philip with a ing t o deny f t he; sprang upon Mattry, as they grow more tons to t h e s h e would remain in the hands of Mat— white .faceL ;"'"'••:-•' tazudo with drawn sword, and would acre and contain a larger percentage tazudo. H e is a devH of cruelty, and "Have I been So stupid V he asked. have killed him, hid [not some of the of sngar than beets grown anywhere knows no law but bis own p a s s i o n s . ' T h e mistake can!be remedied,** said Zambos been standing near to interi n t h e world. Tbe Rocky Ford facH e would not bring the" girl here, Philip. "Mattarado, y o u thought, you fere. Then, to raej Gomez denied all tory i s now rearranging some of Its for,he knows I would protect her. H e obeyed Gomez, before. Obey m e now. knowledge of m y daaghter, and says machinery, the: beets being s o rich i s -my enemy—I am his.!* Take some of your brave Zambos witb t h e story of Mattazndb i s a He.. Now; they wfll not: submit to the usual "I must find her.- If she is l o s t to me, you, g o to, the Garth's hut and bring what am I to believe?: Only one thing THKTtfBT PWKSTnWNTK g j Q P M S O F methods employed a t the other facback Don |Joan's daughter. Go, Your i s certain—that m y pbor girl i s stolen I wfli kflt t h e Imlf-breed."-1 •I tories. \ is broader and smoother than i n EngFrancis Joseph .of Austria; attempt S c o o t i n g of Garfield. life depends on it,** "He should have" been killed long from -me, and I woold- give m y life t& land.! The great holiday fiaae i n Glas"Cantaloupes are also a very profitby Libenyi an Feb. 18,1853. | On the 2d of July, 1SS1, aU over t h e • g o , senor." . know s h e was safe." Ferdinand, Charles JJJ-, dnke of Par- gow ! i s the fair week: All t h e ship- United States, a t 9:38 i n m e morning, able crop, and many growers estimate | CHAPTER I X . "Ton swear you have'told m e t h e The old Spaniard Ifiad not left the m a , on March 27, ISS.-t yards are Closed gnrt man Ttas ttnro to the telegraph instruments suddenly they wfll pay S10O an acre net. I s a w i&£ . ' The Sliding PaneL troth?** " I #wear ft, senor."; room before two silent figures crawled marry. But' many shirk t h e tningates opened with t h e Washington r**l two a n a one-half acres near - Rocky Isabella H. of Spain, attempts by L a ~Yoa-, swear you have not' seen. t h e "WeU, wie a r e here," said Tempest, stealthfry away from|the cTfiTfwg panel Biva on May 4, 184"; by Merino o n of the* high; road. Seventy irregular Operators who wondered a t t h e sudden Ford that yielded the grower o n e girl? Repeat i t after me." j standing with the lantern in h i s hartft and down under the foundations gg^TTi Feb, 2, 1852; by Raymdnd Fnentes a n marriages took place' this fair i n Glas- interruption sprang to their keys ami thousand dollars. This w a s o n rented "Senor, yon are wasting t i m e I "We o w n the.caverns, what are w e to lay their plan of action. gaw. The method is-simple and inex- lisffmed to the slow delivery of this land of which the owner received oneMay 28,1856. ' f know n t h i n g . I swear I have not seen going to do with them?" (To be continued.) • ^. third of the crop. This may b e rather Napoleon E X , attempts b y Pianori pensive. T h e couple take each other message:. ^thegtfi> •> f"The first thing," said Medworth, "is for man and wife before witnesses, and 1 -""President Garfield w a s shot this a n exceptional case, but it proves what on. April 28, 1855; b y Benemarre o n "Then let Mattazndo beware.? • to destroy this powder train, a n d t a k e intensive farming will do. Sept.' 8, 1855; by Oram! and others then they go t o t h e sheriff and ask for morning a t the Baltimore and Ohio deof Gomez rushed from the house,. precautions that the magazine is not warrant to register. There i s a n ab- pot by Charles Guiteau." (France) o n Jahi 14VI85S. "Alfalfa, a s wefl a s small gratas, *> There a r e signs and symptoms of a blown u p while, w e are i n here." .mounted h i s horse and rode away. sence of fuss and wedding cake which weQ and are profitable crops t o grow. Daniel, prince of Montenegro, o n This was the second presidential as-" revived interest in the' game of. bowls, Don Juan did not seek to stop Mm They spent a half hour at this work, appeals t o the modest a n d economical sassination .to be spread on the pages Vegetables of aB kinds, poultry and Aug. 13,1860. one of the oldest outdoor pastimes i n T h e old Spaniard w a s bewildered b y and when they considered t h e magaThat morning dairy products * « — " " ^ good prices, Abraham T.fnrritp president of t h e TTmrff. Besides miners, laborers, engi- of American history. what he had beard. While it was evi- z i n e safe, they began a n " Tntrtg»t«n FTn gland i In i t s heyday bowls ran neers and shipyard workers generally, and a ready market in Denver. ColoPresident .Garfield, accompanied by trhited States, a t Ford*s theater. archery very; closes—so d o s e , indeed dent that Gomez knew t h a t Lola had Of t h e i r aitr rum liftings rado Springs, Pueblo and t h e mining been taken away from t h e castle, h e . . N o t far from the powder magazine that i n t h e interests of aatJonaJ de- Washington, b y John Wilkes Booth, the seventy numbered a ventriloquist Secretary of State Blaine, had gone to h a d said nothing t o indicate that her they found a rude atone stairway fense i t w a s deemed essential t o dis- on" t h e evening of April 14; died o n a physician, a v a l e t a school] board the Baltimore and Ohio depot i n Washofficer, a hotel-keeper, a coachman, a ington t o take a train to Williams Col-Lands i n t h e vicinity of abduction was a t IDS o w n bidding. running front a central position i n t h e courage, the game. Thus i t was, prob- .April 15.. 1SS5. Mrt-Tiao^ prince of Servia, o n Jnne soldier, a sea captain, a lapidary and lege, Ohio. I t w a s h i s old college and Ford, before t h e erection of the - Fortunately Gomez did n o t ride t o - cellar t o a n abrupt termination against ably, that - t h e P » « M came to he a motor ear driver.—London Chronicle. he w a s to be t b e guest of honor a t t h e factory, that sold for thirty-five, forty ward D o n Joan's horse. a wooden door, what seemed t o be looked upon as having 7?»»°t*frnr Of 10, 1858. -$. , fe>T Prim, TT"" g of Spain, o n Dee, 28; commenceent —exercises. H e w a s in [_aad--fifry-~doliars an acre, a r e worth an Illicit character, and fair a time i - Garza returned to t b e castle reach- one a t the top. today from o n e hundred and fifty to died on Dec. 30, 1870. unusually happy mood and chatted ing it before; Gomez. He went d u e c t l j Bulls in Upon examining t h e w a n at t h e more or. less associated with houses of George Darboy, archbishop of P a r j a , ^ S i t were not for t h e Irisa members gayly with Mr. Blaine. They entered t w o hiindieI and t o PhfEojk . r ^ S top, they found -that what had seemed entertainment which were n o t always by cuutuiunigte. cat May 24,1S71_ of parliament half of the f a n of par- t h e station watting room together. A s The j "Well? said the pmUaahu. eagerly, t o be a door had no knob, and no ap- of the best repute. B u t in spite of the . BKhard^~-gta^^a\JMayo, net over land above aB liamentary proceedings would be l o s t t h e y passed the door Charles J. G o i - L j h a t ban of bygone fimliiiiifs, t h e bawling parent way of opening it. rising to his feet. to aaw h> general of India, by tean, t h e assassin, stepped,. ap-benxhdT ' "~pem« "This door, if it is a door," said green has survived, -more especially in Viet, i n *i»«*»«»»- i^tg^fa^ on -Feb. 8. "I have not found her," said D o n Mr. Garfield and shot him. * The presi-~ "dred any partiality for the honorable the north of *ngii»qiT g a d i n Scoth Juan, fiercely, "but I k n o w the name of Tempest,"was never; made f o open."' 1872. ^=-^~=^~~, ^bjer^ifcariagaTH^himr'. ^ g j * * ^ * * dent sank to. the. fioor, officers seized t h e scoundrel who took her away." "There must h e a secret spring." Nor can there b e any more jlfUflWif^x t h e valley another,;"! answer "coldly in .the af- Gnfread 'and" the dread news w a s fiash- f a r y than bowls for a I "Name him." said Medworth. "Surely t h e stairs are perfect system of irrigation. of Spain, attempt'on Jury 19, IST2. ed to aU^parts of the firmative. Nor" T h e Hflence of the not here for nothing. If force cannot lag, **Mat atraxudo. the half-breed. with a never fatting supply of water, a Prince Bismarck, attempt b y Blind Irish members of the house," said a n '"Ah* teU m e a n that you have learn- open t h e door let us look for a spring." n a v e right going with t h e on May ?, 1866; b y Knlfasm o n July other, "shall be heard h o longer'** A s soon as possible the preside The" began a PH'wfwT ^iaf*'inli"tt of livery physical s selling a t thirty-five dollars p e r 13, 1874. removed to t h e White He Sir John Parnell declared that "Every v o i v e f i b r e z f e k e t and the surface of the door, and t h e cent down a n d t h e AMni Aziz, wmlrgn of. Turkey, o n man ought t o be ready to give h i s last later, b y advice of ins physicxa around it, going over every inch with Bttle at s i x per cent. penny to save the remainder of his tor- removed t o a rnftege a t their finger ends. Tempest holding: t h e wflt Avni and other Turkish while another spoke of "Re- k where h e died S e p t Mt. to fSCllxt&t€ tile rtf., on whics t*wcy I'mafic n**ofa fliai'tfiptai irretrievably T h e entire couatij lived w i t h "Ha! Here ,is something." said Medt y per eent down and t h e balance to hTstr Another member declared t h a t during h i s hours of agony and aaa worth. "A button." at six he w a s n e t going to reiterate what h e ed. when h e passed away. H e m H e pushed, paHed and twisted this, IILJH o f mil't**f p a^*a*f^^11TTf ?^1T MTWi "^T to no fas for lecotety i s o n e of t h e sad "I am convinced that this stories t o be :" h e said. "Now. while nind had been I manipulate It, you posh t h e door. I t may be out of rries of tbe bftfar pofftieal fight then raging beBerried tween the presis^ent and aenalcas b i s strength t o Use door, had n o Cankfiag and Piatt of New York. Tbe in opening it. ••••••M«M»t»M »••»•»•••>»•••»•»•>••*••»•••••#» room into a wide halL i n t o this, they saw, at BAILKOAI) NEWS. | ..The Fifilmsters of Venezuela.. | X mam had been a crank aB his Hfe, a lyto this antU S i s dticmed anipeky when t h e ing ring comes off J t e from forgetftuneas or accident, ftjs a *•"•«•«» wipeiimiaHi that when the s to :.i urn-mi MauugiMSUiBi tea ••*•" ff*'rir TiMMaaB •a ^^*32&imSm£stmit&simSassm^^^3^i^^^ y COUNTY ITEMS- , f^feNTY TEARS AfiO. ; , -An Erie girt came near getting- her LOW RATE BULLETIN. The Frankfort lair dose* today, her into trouble the other "flay, 'ac- Tib Mttaonxi Paclfto_wUl hav« soaait tri^ cording « \be Sfkt RepubfWkn. t She Uckets on sale tor the fotlowlng occaalesa at Bwrttle Woodmen will have a^tfffifcc on The foHowing item* 'dre from % copy of-Sept. IS, TSSL Tery low rates: •Oct 3d. 01 """vT *'* [«• a chair on theporeh. Later ihnr Bnttaie jj.%.', PaniimkMc&ixpoaltlon,The Seattle K.&L. of S. bold a picnic JtayltoNoT. 1. ' Good hay was wrfrfh:$2.60 a ton. —Miss Mary Griffith is the lady eierk father went into the house and thehlrI on Saturday, Sept. 28th. ATednoedjpate gleepmg car CawkerCity SeUi. 1n tbe Afton store. ed girl was.sitting on the chair. The 7 th Tor Uiflalo and Clevelaad. ' Hogs are said to be dying from leme The river was rafiffng and the water was muddy, , >. _ W . F. M. Society 13c. tea tonight at girt took the picture of her and when San Frari"dfico, Hal., Episcopal Chorea Conne w'Steease near HtSfeixner. vention. October 3. tbe pictures were developed it was «e«m»hlb Hew corn was- quoted at 30 and 40 Mrs. L. E. Weaver's. tkSi& t b i « u from Earope via a* Marysville and Snmmerfleld played found they ware'btffe on the same plate MP*).*-.' —Miss Marie Actios am) her niece a game ot base ball at Marysville last cents a bushel. and showed the old gentleman holding Tourlat. Various dates. ^ ^ Albert Knnz and Geor^ Specht dis- left on Monday for St. Joseph. ' j • the hired girl on his lap. Sunday. For rates, dates of sale, llmlta. pVlateflmltiA license has'been granted to Frank solved -partnership. Kunz Bros, continu- —Wm. Fitzgerald and family visited —Don Farfar Thomas, well known in ter and for tier Information, see nearest aaWt relatives in Blue Bapids on Snnday. Bobbins, of Waterville, to run a billiard; ing the business. or address —Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Miller attended Waterville, having taught in the GramMajor Monroe reported that be had a HSnu. E . STTLIS. p. St T. A . , hall at Blue Rapids. mar room oT our school three years ago, theSoglfhliing at Cleburne, .Sas., last A yield of « | bushels of wheat to the 'crab apple tree that had been In fell Saturday. .is now traveling with the Chicago Glee H. C. TownmJD. O.P.ltT. A : * ^ " ' **• '*':'' acre Is reported by J. B. -Haw*Ins, dfj bloom fertwo Weeks. Club.- They era now on a tour of the St. Ionia, Mo, 1 Bichland township. . ! Albert Ktnfz and Will Bom returned, ^ ^ 5 ^ * l n e * W * n d < h I M w » *«F« Southern State*. Mr. Thomas has a Stops t h e r o u g h An organiser for the 3V. O. U. W. has from New Mexico, thoroughly satisfied Vhrftlng her mother, Mm. Beafitfld. the fine tenor voice. ' first of the week. A n d W o r k s off t h e Cold. b«eu wtfrW* in Blue Rapids endeavor-' •mat there we're worse places than this —A. L. Owens is the fttdbe* in the part of Kansas. ^-Tbe'Sfst frost mfSe its appearance Laxative Bromo - Quinine Tablets Ing to drganlze a lodge. , Sawin district, north of town. Mr. J . M. 8earlep, J. C. Mickey; Geo. S. on Tuesday morning. The thermomet- Owens comes from EfBngham, Is a grad- cure a cold in one day. N o Cure. The^Cdanty Board are advertising for No Pay._ Price 26 cent*. Hall, L. E. Weaver and P. T. Vickery all er stood at 40 at 7 o'clock. uate of the Atchison County High 'bids to build the new jail. The bids will went to Kamws ^City to attend the fair —Mrs. Ed. Rowland, jiving north of School at^fcnt place, and has passed the be received np to noon, Oct 10th. <' and see the sights. Excursions Extraordinary. this city, returned recently from an ex- civil service examination. The cooper shop and contents at the President Garfield was reported convatended Vfcfft to Oklahoma. The Missonrl Pacific Witt rtu Horde Visitors' —A small leather valise, found on the Blue Valley "plaster mu*l near Bine Bapids lescent by ©r. ftiss, tbe physician at- —A foot ball club has been organized road near Waterville, has been ^eft at E-Tcnrsions to Ohio and ladiana—tb*firstof Ufe were destroyed by fire on the 8th. tending hhV although he died on the for the fall campaign. Nldk Keifer is this office, The owner can get it by de- kind ever offered the trarelIJIR pnblic—rroa this Eonndjtrip Home Visitors* tlekeU at Home •talent will present the play of 19th, three days afterwards. scribing contents and paying for this avicinity. rate of abutrt onejrare for the round trip, good "Michael Strogoff" at Marysville to- Geo. W. Winans returned borne from captain and Bay Dickey manager. notice. ' " < thirty days;tor return, -will he on sale at SlTs"—Miss Chilson, or Vermillion, Is atnigh t. The proceeds go to the W.ife.C.. Washington, where be had been conduct—The Marysville 'Republican sayS that sonri Paciflc ticket omces for such trains aa wUI tending our edwol this Virfrer. -She An effort is being made to organize an ing the county Institute, and left at once penait passengers to paas through St. Louis on tbe report that Bfll-Wilbite bad been Sept. 17tb and•21th and Oct. lat and 8th. orchestra at Blue Rapids of boys and for 'Fort 'Madison, Iowa, to see his wife will stay with her aunt, Mrs. Calli- shot at St. Joseph, Mo., is a mistake.1 rhan.. We "haVe four dally 'ilyer3 from Kansas Ciijr, girls ranging in age from 12 to 15 years. and a daughter bora on Sept. 10th. - i ; —Fred Wohler, of Parallel, was in leaving at 9:50a.m.. 1:10p.m.. 9:15 p.m. and* An' effort -is being wjsde by the Com- Hon. W. W. Smith made a start toward —Tom Hughes, at one time editor of town on Tuesday with a wagon load of 10:15 p m. Connections in the Union Static^ at St.. bonis -with all raada ana tr»in» to «h mercial Clubto'have a broom factory and the field of his surveying operations last the_Marysvllle News, is secretary of the apples. points In. Ohio and Indiana. Oa<*equipment Is also it cigar factory locate in Blue Bapids. Monday morning. They intended to New Mexico World's Fair Commission se<«ad-to none. We have elegant new palace for.St. Louis. 1 The inspector of rural mail routes went travel overland to.Topeka and will take 513. OO T o BufiarO t * a n - A m e r l day coaches, otftlTr ears (aU seats free),i Pnl'rover the route running oat ot Blue Bap- tbe cars from thence. The following are —Wm. Lamoreaux received a letter n parlor cars and sleepers. c a n a n d R e t u r n — $ 1 3 OO, For Home Visitors' tickets and all informaids one day last week. He reported it all tbe names of the parties who accompanied from his wife.On Monday, saying she him: Chas.Fargo, Jas. Monroe, J. Mc- would be home in a few toys Itfrer he via the Nickel Plate Road, daily, tion call on our agents or address right with limit of 15 days; 20 day tickets Cms E. STTLSS, A.G.P.A., received the letter. , - Five dollars cash is the^rfee offered for Fadden, Ellis Ludwick, Jean Anderson, at $16 00, and 80 day tickets at $21.00 Kansas City, M6\ the best five minute speech on "Fraternal John Hines, Henry Seibert, jr., George —Frank Zellers has grading contracts for the round trip. Through service n C. Towxskxn. G.P.4T.A.. St Louia, Mo. Insurance" at'the Beattie log rolling on Casey, J. C. Meyers, o*f Waterville, and ferM. P . B . B, at Greenleaf, Palmer to New York and Boston and lowest available rates, f u r particulars and Mr. Lewallen, of Frankfort Our best and Concordia. He starts his men at Oct. 3d. Pan-American folder of buildings wishes follow the expedition and we sin- work this week at Palmer, The local supply having been used up cerely hope to see tbe boys return with . „J and grounds, write John Y.TVhihanf T. 6. GORDON, at Beattie, ice is being shipped to that their scajps intact and their pockets filled - A n fnterestlnglerter, descriptive of Oeneral Agent, 111 Adams Street!' Stockholm, %kTs been received from H Chicago. town from the west and the price has with ducats. THE WOODMEN I F. Talbot, who, with bis wife, at the Log Boiling *on Thursday Of last week gone up. / time be wrote, was in Venice, Italy. will cry Bales ia Marshall aatl adjoining T o C a r e a Cold i n O n e l»ay Carden is the nameVft a new town said counties. Terms reasonable aad JrATRRVILLB,FBZDAY,SEPT.SO,lS0L wits attended by a -large crowd and a to be laid ont in this county according to Stood D e a t b Off Take Laxative Bromot^iiinine Tab'•jiMK Louis Miller and family left for very pleasant time was spent. The prosatisfaction guaranteed. E B Monday,.*lawyer of Henrietta, Texas, their future home at Fremont, Ohio,the lets. All 'druggists, refund the money Realdeb'co sad Pestoffica, Watsrvffla, cession formed at the part at 10:30 a.m., a dispatch published in the daily papers. once tooled a grave-digger. Me 8ay»: «<My if it rails to cure; E. W.Grove's sigfirst of tbe wdex. Hh sold his farm to and headed by the Irving band, followed Where hilt? brother was Very low with molaiial fever and 23c. J ? L ? i M 8 , U J ? Uauthorisad to sonH. LiUibridge tor §2,481 before leaving. nature lit on each box. jaundice. I persuaded htm to try Electric Bit by TVoo#fflen-marshalled by Venerable On Wednesday night, Sept. 4th, an at6*ct for aates and terms. ^rliiand after §ept. 1,1901, Consul E. D. Burke and citizens in con- tempt was mad* to •break into the Beattie ten, and Ke was soon much better, bat continued their use until he was wholly cured.' lam K e e p T o u r F a c e C l e a n , the subscription price of T H E veyances, marched to the grove The railway; depot The door lock was brok- sure Electric Bitters saved his life.'' This your complexion clear, your breath TELEGRAPH will be $1.00 per procession was 'for unavoidable reasons en but the burglars were evidently scared' remedy expels malaria; kills diseawgerms and sweet, your head leveK Dr. Caldnot so large or attractive as former ones away for some reason for nothing was purifies tbe bioad; aids digestion, regulates liv- well's Syrup Pepsin will do this. It er, kidneys and bowels; ernes constipation. cures constipation, sick headache and have been, many of the Woodmen not stolen. dyspepsia, ncrvoas diseases, kidney troubles, being in line, and the absence of the The K. C. & N. W. B. R. run a cheap female'fcdih'ifcaints; gives.perlecl health. Only indigestion and is a perfect laxative. BLUE BAPIDS, SANS. Sold by Mrs. W. J. Rommel, Royal Neighbor's, whose preMnee and excursion to Kaftan's City, Mo., lrom the 50c at Mrs W J Bommel's drag store. ] OrricD-S.-W. Corner Square. float have always been an attractive northeast part of the county last Sunday. Pay up your subscription. feature of the parade, was particularly The round trip tare from Axtell was only EXTENSION OF LIMIT The-Nation's Last Tribute! noticeable. • H on Buffalo Pan-Atoerrcan ticket9 via one dollar. Vhe B e r t P r e s i c r i p l t o n Ofl reaching the grove a short pro- Twenty-two Royal Neighbors from the Nickel Plate Road. $13.00 for round For Malaria. Chills and Fever Is a trip, tickets good 15 d a y s ; $16.00 for dinner. Blue Bapids camp were fa the parade at I Roosevelt Takes the Oath as gram was given before enjoying J round trip tickets good 20 days. bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill TonHon. E. A. Enright, County Attorney ; ^President! ; ',..•; the Woodmen logrolling at Junction Three daily .trains with vettihuled ic. It is Simplyfron and<qulDlne in of Wyandotte County, Kas., and Mr. City, and claim the $10 prize offered for sleeping cars and first %lass dining a tasteless form. No cure—DO pay. Chas. Lockman.of Kansas City, Kas., At the time of going to press on both of whom are leading members of the largest-per cent ot attendance of car service on American Club plan, Price 50 cents. Meals ranging in price from 35 cents 'Thursday evening^ of last week all the order In tbe State, were present dur- membership of any lodge. to $1.00. Address John Y. Calahin. the dispatches indicated thai Presi- ing the forenoon and were expected to A party of Grand Island railroad offici- General A g e n t s 111 Adams Street, dent McKlnley would recover, bat make addresses, but before the exer- als visited Blue Bapids recently for the Chicago. '..--'?!'"'-'" :7 faM&6tB a General Banking & A Graduate of Balhrnore Cole^e of •on Friday a change took place for cise! began they were obliged to leave purpose ot looking oveV the fround. • '. •-"'•.••'''%*»V'I'--"— Dental Surgery, Have N>ver been .ro >fhe worse, and bis death occurred at for Vliets, where ttrey were engaged for They are thinking of building a branch C u r e d o f CliroUlc n i a r r n o e a OFFICE! OPPOSITE STEVENSON'S STOBE, line from Marysville to Blue 'Bapids to Seao'on, but is'lS o'clock ob Saturday morning. the afternoon at a Woodman picnic. After 3 e T « a r » o f S u f f e r l n e . Watervlll',' Kansas. tap the gypsum mill trade. . •; " I suffered for thirty years with . Ttfe hopes of all had been so raised The chief speech of the day was made :o: t n t « e i t paid on Tims D« diarrhoea and thought 1 was pa*t beH. N. Boyd, National Deputy of the K. ^ y the favorable news receiver! that by Mr. Wright, City Attorney of Kansas Well equipped and prepared, to do all ingjeured,'^ says John S Halioway, & L. of S., is in Blue Bapids this week in City, Kas., who j was no doubt somehas HI ways hpen the kinds of Dental Work. Crown and poalta. Speolal Attention Iwta'eh'ttre teport came that, there the interest of the Blue Rapids Council. of French Camp.Mis-'. "1 had spfntl Bridge^oVk what embarrassed in addressing the .Fashion of First tJtaatf a s^eaatty. very latest ideas in Bridge, Crown andThe Rubber Plate OIFOB to €roUeotlo&fl. 'was no -hopes, it was as much of a s band ot Woodmen and made bis speech The Knights and Ladles! 'oV Security" or- so much time and money ami suffer- work. Teeth examined free. | Lumber Dealers. shock as was the news of the previ- altogether too short-, ibnt what he did ganization h -s the confidence of the pub- ed HO much that 1 bad given itp all Will visit every month: ous week of the assassin's having say was excellent: p Mrs.- J. Pi Burtis lic and the order is growing.—Times. • O i T B T TO LOAS OV hopes of recovery. I was m feeble j Barnes—2d and 4th Thursdays. Our Stocks are nil Well DrleTand efeot him. For hours before his death and Miss Anna Summers gave recitW H.S. Hickleyya Chicago traveling man, from the effects of the diarrhoea that Seasoned and,we inviw your insfier^ he had Iain XinconsdotH, with all tions wfeisfc where highly pleasing to wont do so again—at least in Frankfort. I could do no kind of Inbor, could not even travel, but by accident I Hon whrethet/you are ready to buy hope of Ills survival abandoned, fin- all present. After: the program, the usu- When the news came that President Mc- was permitted to find a "bottle of 1 or not. jllme and Amounfe to suit ally passing away without any con- al routine of a picnic was entered into Kiniey was shot be made the remark that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dithe borrower. Partial payment! An Examination will show you at vulsive struggle and just as though with zest, the crowd returning to town be was glad of it. He was sitting on the arrhoea Remedy, and after taking .several bottles I am entirely cured of in time to witness the balloon ascension porch of the Commercial Eftrtrce when he I. R. WHEELER. Prop. receive* «t inj date to be once (hat WE CARRY what yon he had fallen asleep. > that trouble. I am so well pleased want in the line of LUMBER. of Prof. Wippei. !. said it, but a minute or two later be was with t h e result that C am anxious Commercial Trade Solicited. Good Rigs. credited en loans. An autopsy was held, showing dodging the blows of Col. Campbell, the Reasonable Rates. that it be in reach of all who suffer that death was unavoidable, gan- The races furnished considerable t. 7. POWELL grene poisoning from the bullet amusement and the following were the proprietor of the hotel, who after giving as I have." For sale by Mrs. W; J. North of 3l.P.B?y bepot. Telephone 39. Rommel. Hickley one good blow, tumbled his " \ • - rj" ' . Which penetrated both walls of the, winners:., grips oat of the house and told him Foot race—Tom Tallon 1st, Ghas. EdYVATERVILLE; KAS. jttofnach having caused it. to never show his face at that house wards 2d, Henry Summers 5d. jTHE Ft7KBBA&. Biscnlt.Trawe—Vance Van Alien istj again. Three cheers for Col. Campbell. The' •-1 ? h r funeral arrangements ascarried Walter Miller 2% I Sack race-Vance Van Allen. I joot were as follows:-:. ..-• A Wight o f T e r r o r . . Waterville, KanMh Sunday, short service at the Mil- The M. W. of AJ lodge of Waterville " Awful anxiety was felt for tbe widow of the :: of the Futufe brave Genera) Burs bam ot Machias, He'., when is a growing and enthusiastic one. The burn residence, where his death ocOffice—Photograph Nailery. the doctors said she would die from pneumonia curred, and lying In state at the Buf- members are every one workers for the before morning'' writes Mn 8 H L incoln, who J* to be found i n the Arkansas Booms at tbe Office. good of the order. The lodge now has Valley, Colorado. Perfect falo city hail, whete it is estimated a membership or 185, owns1 its own hall, attended her that fearful night bat she begged for Dr King's New Discovery, which had arere climate, rich still; ". j 70,000 persons viewed| the body. and keeps growing!] in the dozen years than once saved her Hie and cured her of tunNo drouthsv Crops absolutely 1 Monday morning the body left since its organization the lodge has lost sumption. After taking she slept all night. certain. Large yields. ! Buffalo by a special funeral train, ar- four members by death -^O. A. Flook, Further use entirely cared her." This marbruits, cereals, alfalfa^ sugar • beets. Irrigation is tbecattse • rived in Washington in the evening S. B. Parker, Chas. Riley and A. M. vellous medcine is jtnaraateed to care all throat Chest and lnng diseases. Only 50c and Si.00. of soccess. WATERVILLE, Kg. j . sj~> Trial bottles free at Mrs W J; Bommel's drag [and was taken to the White House Sherwood. Write for descriptive literaturev CHffCe: j ft* the talghfc lftore. Orer Smith & Hnbbard's Botcher Sbopr 7 Tbe proper way to go Butter and Eggs Wanteji . . . Tr \ '-. - Tnesdajs—At Irving, Kas. { Tuesday forenotm public funeral W o r k i n g Night a n d Day. ft via -, Leave your Laundry at Ed .Adams' services were held In the rotunda of The busiest and migbiteist 1 ittfe thing that ev- Barber Shop. Wnrk guaranteed, 'was made is brKing'a New Life Puis. These Tlie Santa F e . • : tee capltol attended by ail the offici- er • l i t ; '••• pills change weakness into strength, listlessnesa els and the representatives of all the into energy, brain-fag into mental pbwas BUFFALO PAN-AMERICAN Address, W. J. BLACK:, G P A.) foreign governments. After the ser- They're wonderful ia building np the health. 16 day tickets for $V*M via Nickel The AfcliiHon, Topeka A Plate Road. ! 20 day tickets $16.00. Santa Fe R y . , vices, a doable file of people passed Only 25c per boi. Sold by Mrs W J Bommel AMDLowest rates to all eastern points. Topeka, Kansas. through the rotunda viewing the reJohn T . Calaban, General Agent, All Kinds of Heavy Haulbg. Printing Of any kind, from a Vismains until 6:30 p.m., ^hen the body aing- Card to a Large Poster, done 111 Adams 8t., Chicago. City Ticket was taken to the depot to be started on short notice and at reasonable OfBce, 111 Adams 8t., Chicago; Si prices* on Its journey to Canton, Ohio. City Drayman, - Waterville, Kas. Ctttt a n d B r t t l s e s q u i c k l y Wednesday, arriving at Canton at. Healed. II ia. m. the body was taken to the Chamberlain's Pain Balm applied court house to lie In state until evento a cot, bruise, burn, scald lor like ing, ^fter which it was taken to his This signature injury will instantly allay the pain =a=— Dnrlnjr the coming ettmrHBr tbb ofcThome for the night. a n d will heal tbe parts in less titntt Burlington Rotite will have in effect Laxative A. L ALBRIGHT, Waterville, than, any other ti eat merit. Unless Thursday, the closing funeral serthe very lowest excursion rates that tbe injury- is very severe'it Will not will conduct Sales at any time orplace on have ever been made. The general vices were held a* 8 p. m., the body ate leave a sear. Pain Balm also cures •Short Notice. plan of these rates> destinations, et&., We are expecting a iaree invoke rheumatism, being then placed in the receiving sprains, awellioga and . Gall on him or at this office and ire will is so varied that the public should vault until its'final resting place is of plain and fancy stock; order now. lamenea*. For sale by Mrs. W. J . print your bills and give you his terms. ask their nearest ticket agent for deRommel, \ i: ij : prepared. - -. j r -• Stock 8alcs a Specially. A Shocking Calamity tails, or else do us the fftvor to write for rates, descriptive matter} etc-. f_ P R E S I D E N T R O O S E V K I / T . ' \ ' \ "Lately befell a railroad lahorer," writes Dr A BOOKS AND STATIONERY. KelletsofWUIlford.Ark. "His foot was badly Cheap S u m m e r Tours W e s t Vice-President Roosevelt, who bad crashed but BucHen's arnica Satre quickly Daily to Colorado, Utah and Black eared him. It's eimply wonderful tor traros, left Buffalo thinking all danger was Bills, also Home-seekers' excursions over, and w h o had gone an a hunt- boUa, piles and all akin eruptions. IVs the every two weeks to the whole West cbaapion healer. Core guarantee*. ing expedition in the Adirondack Svrotld's and Northwest. o . Sottbr Mrs W J itooimel. Ageat for Cat Ftowen anil Floral OeHgna, ,aaooutalnW_was located with much ; C h e a p E x c u r s i o n s East—Very P A Y U P your subscription. difficulty, and had to make a night low round trip rates to tbe Buffalo *-. a« • . * • • drive of over forty miles to fche-nearExposition, the Seashore, Adiron* dacks. : Canada, Michigan Lake*; est railroad point. H e arrived in 1 HXJ.Watkins, sexton of the Metb* <m Door Wast of ike WatttaU* Batdwara \ Churcb, SpringSeld.Pa.,Writes: Mackinaw; a thousand eastern re« Buffalo at 1:50 p. m. on Saturday, Odnt aad Implement Hohse ^ "My wife has been very bad with sorts; line take and rail tri pa east v i s W. Hi HAMPTON, PropV. and after a short visit to the Mllhurn kidney trouble and tried several Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland. residenee, where tBe body of bis doctors witout benefit. After taking C h e a p E x c u r s i o n s Worth—Ev* predecessor laid cold in death, at one bottle, or Foley's Kidney Cure ery day to St. Paul, Minneapolis and fSut isast 1 to Strom * SeoviUa,) was much better, and was complete&S5 took the oath as President. H e New Stock of Oils, Paints and Lake:Superior resorts; the coolest ly cured after taking four bottles." accompanied the remains of PresiAttorney-atrLaw, recreative country. W. H. Hampton, i Varnisiies* dent McKlnley to Washington, and B U » BAPIDS. KAS. Ask for the Burlington's S u a m e f In alt Courts. CoUectlOM atadi excursion rate circulars. also to Canton foe the final cereNew Stock Food 'CONDENS- andPraetiee* prompUy remitted. Real Estate sold, Pay op your beck subscription. monies. C a l i f o r n i a E x c a r s f M l k pevaosV ED CB3US\ Saves baU the rented and cared for. " ally conducted every Wednesday President Roosevelt announced at Gentlemen- My wife wan afflicted FULL LINE OF the time b e . took his oath of office with dyspepsia s a d eonaUpation for grain fed, matures hogs in hall from St, Louis, every Thursday frodr his determination to make no change years. After trying other remedies the time ofdinarUy taken or Kansas City and St. Joseph. in policy but would earry out the I purchased a bottle of IfcCatf well's Write os for rates and printed matsame lines of policy laid down by Syrup Pepsin for her stud she is ran. money refunded* ter describing the proposed tripPresident McKiniey, and has since idly improving, I cannot be with•sartrv. Choice hine of Fresh Candies* then requested all the cabinet officers out this valuable medicine. saw ASM t o continue to office and: conduct twii m*. tti Been, your?, 8. Ellioft; Afid SAUSAGES Always o a Hand. c%ars. CRd Bobber* their several departments until the Elk City, Kan., Dec. IS, 1900. 1 ^ "^bla'^and «'Komeir the ouSrr. Ladies' Hair Dressm* a t^Otitf •lose of bis administration, Gash Paid for Hidas a i d Furs, Scrap Iron and Metals of all S l e d s and Great HeatthDrinks. Sold by M M . W» J. Bomniel. NEWS,- Yott are cordially isivlted %Q oall ind see i^y SjdendM Stock Of AND S AliO TRIMMINGS e Both did and Young. Myf Prices ttre Alwayis Eight. Wall Paper, Perfection Dyes and Toilet Articles. •1A i uH Line Always 'bit hand. AtTOTIONEEB, THE TELEGRAPH. Sl.OO PER YEAR. EL A. RUSSELL, j LAWYER. I Death ol McKinley. OF Or Franklin S, Adams, Lumber Fashions Seasoning Lumber Tiimilli U1K7 Bars, W. M. REITZEL, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, G. B. HUMFREYILLE, Resident Dentist, New and Old and Town Property. Potatoes^ Berries in Season, Rock Oancty Syrup, Full Line Fano^r Crackers, Low Rate Excuniofls all Summer via The Burlington PEANE ZELLER, fc^ssr BJM-'ERUBS k MED MILT. WILDER'S WATSRY: DRUGSTORE. BarberShpp SathHousej J. G. STRONG^ Mrs. W. J. ROMMEL, Proprietress. mztt ^m zitr V Br MEAT$ R.SUMMERS. , ••mrrnssmi -T^-:^VT*f«*??y-^^a».yrnyj^ j y j • -*r»*x9**ifr*:,VfJ^r^ Slj-'E !*-?*?! -"wr rrt'i •gjiil^o*" *&*Pt**jr* w«<i'^«JJiJWI^IJ wwi r w a t i * * ' »<»»'-i Z^SZiBSSBAESSStSLSLSigtS&l^^ - *—It is »p1erte.^siys the Beattle Pal- M C K I N L E Y F D N E R A L SERVIOCS ladium, tb'at^merake sewing machine^ IN WATErrViLLE. fixers^re making for this part of the country. One manigoes in advance and ' s ProclaanrftJow. .-.«• i/be'Qldn'tget a job he offers to ex- • ~LL •' '» - ; amine the machine 1for nothing. After WATKBvrxtK, £ASK> Sept. Yi, 190L i be leaves. It soon gets ont of order and WHXBKAS, . The death Tof our beloved; Info f&v'dtkfa another man cornea along President, WUIiam McKinley, by the! fend of course yon will want'. it pnt in hands of an assassin is a National' calami order. - It comes from other papers that ty which is deeply mourned by every" their scheme works pretty nice and citizen; and I . -smoothly. WHKBKA?, HOD. Theodore Roosevelt,' - ^ —Mesdames Brandt, Wrfgut, Weaver, President of the United States, has issued Roper and Dalrymple and Messrs.Brandt bis proclamation, appointing Thursday, and Wright, of Barnes, and Mr. and Mra. Sept 19,1901. the day on which the body Dietelbacb, of Blue Rapids lodges, en- of the dead President wUl be laid in its Joyed tbe hospitality of the Waterville last resting place, as a day of mourning Rebekabs on Wednesday evening. Tbe and prayer throughout the United States, degree staff exemplified the floor work and recommends that all tbe people asfor the visitors, wbo expressed tbem- semble on that day in their respective 1^7% well pleaSed wlfbtBc way it was places ot divine worship and bold serdone. vices appropriate to the occasion; . —InMu"r "^^felcfs pages and In the Now, therefore, I, Wm. Boss, Mayor of supplement enclosed witfe this issue full tbe City of Waterville, do request that particulars are given of the death or ail tbe business houses of tbe city be j President McKinley at 3:15 o'clock on closed from 1 to 4 o'clock p.m. on Thursday, September 19, 1901, and that at S Saturday morning. Sept 14, 1901. A sketch or President Roosevelt's life is o'clock p. m. tbe citizens assemble at tbe iiiso'gifiVa'B well as other.Information M. E. church for the purpose of (express•M«sj«i§|)s in regard to both that will be found in- ing their grief at the calamity which has befallen the Nation, their sympathy with teresting. ! ,We kindly thank Iroh for past fav^-s aiia the bereaved 'WKS'CW, and the"Fr detesta—Tonng, the expert, jeweler, has tion of the crime which has caused tbe your patronage for the future skipped to Omaha to learn to blow some •' i some kind of a thing in a brass band. Nation to mourn. . WILUAM Rods, Ray Folsom has full charge of the store Mayor. in. bis absence and will sell goods at Attest: GEO. H. TrrcosiB, . most any price in order to close out the f VALUES VpHE BEST, as we! Buy in Case Lots Direct from City Clerk. »• entire^stock of jewelry before Young —A yotfug Hiawatha girl seat a hair —First Church of dhrlst, Scientist e.-lM&&, If you Wish to? Save Money, Inspect Our Line.. and bis family return. \ !. In ^compliance with the abeve pro- dollar to a Chicago firm wbo'. promised will bold servfefs, in ihe Stevenson b«g —Hv ill Shirck'crfmetlown from Stockclamation there was a general closing for that sum to send a recipe bow to as follows: Every Sunday,SundayScbpol • ton on Monday to visit his parents Mr. np of the business houses, flags were get fat. Two days afterward she re* at 1(W» a. m., tauTcn Seriiceaat i l a.'m: i I I. Tours truly, and Mrs. J. Shirck. Will base good po- placed at ball mast, and in several ceived a postal card on which Was writ- Meetings also on every Wedneal'ay evs sition with the Mo. Pac. at! that place places laige pictures of President; Mc- ten, "Buy It of tfirbntcherif ] ening^ Subject at services on Sandf.' and is just tbe right kind i of a young Kinley were displayed appropriately —TKeloe.tteaitohlghlst Mrs. L> E. Sept. 22,1901—"Reality." ± man to'push ahead, having all the qual- draped.: The public schools also closed Weaver's; Is for tbe o«ne%; of the Wom- Reading room open Wednesdays fend^ ifi cations necessary for a trusted 'e'ib- for the afternoon to give the teachers an's Foreign Missionary Society and ail Satnrdsys from 2 io~B p. m. at the Stevand pupils an opportunity to attend tbe should attend. .' | • plsye. ..-?.'.['enson Ha'H. . . ?' services in the church. Tbe; G. A. R. —Mrs. M. Filler came up to attend —Special club rates; offered for any Post attended in a body, marching from the:Woodmen picnic on last Thursday. paper or magazine-wanted. Call'ok us Consumption Threatened. —Cort. Thomas ami \&fioa ' went Mrs. Filley's many friends here will be their hall to the church.. Tbe interior for what you wnu't. THE WATERFIbBE ' TELEGRAPH —The trees in front jof the Stevenson C. Unger, 212 Maple St., Champaign? published eyery'SViaiy nioraliig at Water- store were cut down the first of the to Washington on Sunday. III., writes: " I was troubled w i t h * , glad to know she is meeting with suc- 1 the church Vas appropriately decor*»F#,'Marshall County; Kas. Office.—Corner week and work was commenced on put—Frank,Fitzgerald wen't to Beatrice, cess in ber furniture and undertaking ted, pictures of our three -martyred T o o k n o w w h a t y o a sire t a k i n g hacking cough for a year and I 'WuoramerclaliStrebt and Nebra»ka Avenue. ting down a cement! sidewalk, i The Neb., last week to visit relatives. thought I had consumption. 1 tried. store. She is a thorough business Presidents hanging In prominent posiWhen yoa take Grove's Tasteless a 'great many remedies and was un-, •jtioDB suitably draped. *. SUBSCKlPrlON BA*BS, ; city authorities should endeavor to wonjin. ' j'., • Chill Tonic because ihe formula is der the care of pbysiriahs for Heveral. —Mr. and Miss. Breekenridge returnedOne cofcy one jfir', If p'aldJn Vdrancej—?1|09 have the cement vfstk'Buitt'all along on The 'targe crowd in tbe M. E. church ly printed on every bottle show- paths. I used one bottle of Foley'* from St. Joseph, Mo., on Monday. "' ,' ..AtWEBTlSlNO h*.TE8. . J —E. M. Forae, Grand Recorder of the the north side of Commercial Street, ac 2 o'clock p. m. showed by thoir pres- tig that it Is simply Iron nnd'Qul-.. fJejf'lanl transient advertmments. SI.00 "iter r-Jobn Paul, of CottageiHIll, expects A. O. U. W. order for ^Kansas, VaV in ence how truly every one is united in i l n e i n a tasteless form. N o (jare.' Oney arid Tar. It cured .me, and I square for flreit JasprU.on and fifty cents for making the lot owners the same kind of have not been troubled since. to leave for Pennsyiva'ufa'nex^; week. town Tuesday on bfe way to Parallel to the sorrow which has come to the Na- N '' a.proposition as was given those on the each addtttonal'insertlon. .•; nl o Pay. 50c. W. H . Hampton. «j*.. Local not ices ;en cents per] line for first In- south side, and if necessary buying the attend the Workman picnic. J. R. Edtion. Mere words cannot convey tbe —The band boys practice on Wednes- tertian and five cents for each additional, inwards, Wm. Ross and W.S. Spobn ac- sympathy which goes out from all to tbe flag stone that is now down in front of day and Friday evenings every week. sertion. • ' ' ,-j j ^ ,. compa'niedlirm tb Parallel. ... some of the lots, whicb/could 'ifs used invalid widow in ifer great grief, and . BOOK A?ID \lOlt P B n m X G . —Jim Matberiy bronght his household .11 *tt)'«U 'of Printing promptly! and neatly else w*rere. Some cities pay 40 per cent, goods up from Manhattan \ last Satur—Miss Lilian Humfreville went to tbe whole World condoles with her. itited at this officr. at reason hie rates, of the cost to any lot owner who will day. Marysville <tn W«dnesaay to close her i —The exercises in fbe church were iiMross all communications to, : pnt down1 a cement sidewalk. Should music .class in that city until New opened with prayer by Eider Scott,'folWENRTC. Wtr<tSOX, Repair Furniture, such a proposition be made in Water- —Miss Maggfe Mc-Wblrfer returned Year's. On Thursday evening a party lowed by singing, after which addresses i•;:>• ^Publisher ami Proprietor. Proprietor, on Tuesday from a i trip ! to Lincoln, • ' W a teiville, tei " Kan. vitle fhere would.be quite a number pnt were, made by Rex. L. C. Biggs, of CotSewing Machines, complimentary to her was given by Seems a Long Way Off, Neb down. •' ' \ J- -'* •• yfe tage Sill, Rev. I, B. He'iirey and Messrs. Misses Trnune and Lorka. But when you Bny a~ drasoline Stoves, Entered at the post-Orfire nt WhtarvIIIe.' Geo. E. Hall and J. P. Burtis, Jof this ' Kansas, as second class matter. —Samuel Lee ~%?fo engaged loading r—S. T.. Powell' returned! yesterday —JoSepn Green and daughter, Alice, Bicycles, Chins and his household effects into a car on from bis summer's trip _in; .the eastern and sister, Mrs. Morton, arrived 'in Wat- city, and closedv by singing "Nearer, my Parasols. God, to Thee," ohe of President McKinWednesday preparatory to shipping state6... erville'on Sunday. They are at present ley 'sTavori te hymns. The speakers euthem to Kansas City, Kas., where be in- —Rueben Thomas and Harry Jacques with Mr. Geo. Rersey. Mr. Green inand work of That is the Kind You tends to reside for the future. Mr. Lee went to Bine Rapids on Saturday, after tends buying lots and building a resi- logized the life, character 1 FRIDAY, SEPT. SO, 1901. President McKinley , paying w«n deWe also Carry Well-Casing and kodak supptf&.' want. and family have resided here some sevdence next spring. I.; served tributes \o nis memory. —Rev. Dennis went to Leonardville enteen years, have been good citizens, Oe r i r ^ Class Tin Work —Remember tbe' 15c! tea tonight. —An'A. O. U. W. lodge is to* be orand we with many other friends regret on Monday to assist in; revival services ganized at Blue Rapids tomorrow even—Additional "local1' on:second page. at Small Profits. i' their departure j from 'Waterville. being held there. —Monthly school report cards on sale ing. The members of Waterville lodge —Ladles, read Miss Breckeuridge's They have the best wishes of ail for fu—Miss Mamie Berry!is on her way have been invited to assist in the cere- at this office. ; letter. ture prosperityhome from Europe, and is expected to mony, and a number will no doubt at- —Mr. Miller, one of Clyde's prominent VERY L O W PRICES —Mri.jFred BenecWha^been Tery ill 1 —Blue Rapids Time*: (On. Friday ev- arrive here soon. business men, was in town on business tend. , , ; ' On Furnitufe, Mouldings, Pic• the pMtjVe^fc. : ening last, sixteeen members of Fern —Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Seldon, bf 'Barrett, —Dr. D. W. HumfrevYlie' vfth the Tuesday. Makes of Cases and wiljf —Mr.1 and Mrs. J. G. Nider spent Sun- Camp No. 540, R. N. of A., visited the were in town last week visiting rela- third physician to register his medical —Lee Hubbard cat bis foot with the t u r e ! Mats', C a r p e t s ; W i n d o w Be [Pleased to Quote' day In Barnes, -j S h a d e s , 051 C l o t h s , L i n o l e u m s Waterville caiup in thefirj new hall, and tives, H. Rlchey and family. | certificate. The law makes no differ- meat knife while assisting his father in You Prices. —Mrs. Matberiy retornetl froin Atcbi- were highly pleased with the work wit- —Geo; Edwards made a flying trip ence between a practicing physician ot tbe meat market the first of the week. a n d S t r a w Matting". nessed, the elegant new'ball, and the home from Atchison Ion Sunday. He 30 years standing than a one year old. Vabn on Saturday..P : j — Mrs. 49*11 and jreaa w«re 'iXr Blue courteous treatment 'extended by the returned on the midnight train. —PostmasterDelaney,requests us to Morning Glory Shoe $hop. G i v e u& a calr. Waterville Camp to the visiting delegaRapids on Saturday. C o m m e r c i a l Street, HA8 RE-OP?NE9, tion. A pleasant time throughout was —The Beattle Sagfersays iter* J. F. state lhat from now on until further > T • —Dr. Copeland, of Randolph, Kns., enjoyed.—Mrs. Jennie Yarick, Oracle. Dennis is to be present at the dedica- notice 'the post office will be open on One door west of Clarke & Thome's. WATERTILLE, KAS. THJB JEWELER*. was in town.on Sunday. Sunday morning from 9 te 10 o'clock for tion of a new church in that town. Gso. HEKSEY, J B , —The election law requires that can—J. P. Burtis was the speaker at tbe delivery of mail. : didates' names s&nfl be died with the —Mrs. W. J. Cowgill is in Weather; Parallel on Wednesday. . • | Mr. G. A. Stnimen,.a merchant of —Tom Tallon went to tb% Frankfort County Clerk thirty days previous to ford, Okia., having gone there last week ; —H. P. Kenison was at "Blue Rapids election. The election opmes on Nov. on a visit to ber daughter, Mrs. Ruber. Fair on Wednesday. Tom is an A 1 Tampico,III., write?: '[Foley's Kidney Cure is meeting with wonderful between'tralriB on| Sainrday. *#$? 5th,'^'d thirty days previous is Oct otb, —Mrs. Agle was cal:ed to Wjichita on sprinter and will no doubt enter some success. It has cured some cases • —Mrs. Lee ^veefover has ! been on a or just two weeks from tomorrow. Tuesday by a telegram announcing the of tbe races and bring the prises back here that physicians pronounced invisit to friends in Vermillion. curable. I myself am able to testify Township officers are the only officers to s'erlons "illness of her niece, Mrs. Rose to Waterville.. —Fred W. Stewart, who has been to its merits. .My face today is a liv—Winter goods are the latest arrivals be elected this fall, and the candidates J*o. working for Jos. Lifers, west of town, ing picture of health-, land .Foley's shou'fd b% selected soon.' < at Stevenson's. Bead the ad. —Miss Anna Summers intends W pre- the past seaedft, left on Monday for Kidney Core bait made it such." . test and Cured Meats, Sausages, etc., always 1 —Mrs. Christ hofi', of Blue Rapids, was —We are told jthat the programme of pare herself Jfor.a teaoher of elocution. Hampton. Willougbby, Ohio, to reside there for a WYH. . -i i I •yr---^~*>*>."--~+ ' --^_ on hand. Ice on sale at shop, the A. O. IT. W. picnic at Parallel on the She will attend the Boston School of in town on business Tuesday. the future. ' ; W e buy Young Stock and Hides. first day, Tuesday, consisted of a base —Miss Gertie Flannery has been very Oratory next spring. , |. • —William Mattock come up from Kanbail game, a stand-up fight between two , ill the past week with neuralgia. —The L O. O. F. lodge Wk jrerk In sas City on Tuesday to see bow things residents, and a abort bat eloquent BUTCHER^ —J. &. Clarke, of Barnes, caVae down the 2nd degree on Monday evening, and speech by Grand Recorder Forde. The will give the same candidate j ,the 3d are in this part of Kansas. He is stopto spend Sunday with his family. ping at Eugene Norris', northeast of attendance was small. L ' it., frxs next Monday evening. . ]I 1 j —The winter supply of coal was p n t town. —Someone lately paid MajorMonroe's ; '^••'iSliaS In the school house cellar this w«sek. —Fred Benecke and Carl Sawin are at —Tbe balloon ascension on Thursday farm a visit and ."'helped themsel • es to I <—J. D. Flannery made a business trip alibis grapes. Be is glad they left the work this week fitting up tbe new was one of tbe most successful feats of bowling alley In the ironclad building that nature ever witnessed in (bis city. L A D I E S : to his farm near Barnes on Monday. vines. While this has not been a good on Commercial Street. I h a v e j u s t |returlned froM Prof. Wippel is an artist in tbatline. —Mrs./Tnrner, W jrving, was the fruit year the Monroe farm has bad a . —Mrs. S. Lee went .on Sunday to M y F a l l V i s i t t o t h e Leadingguest of Mr. John Davis on Monday. good yield of all kinds of choice fruits. —Frank Earl, of Frankfort, a brother Atcnfoen-, where bhe win visit her son, W h o l e s a l e Millinery) H o u s e s , of Mrs. Will McKelvy, left this week to —Miss Hannah Peterson returned on —Mr. and! Mrs. J. D. Flannery expect Monday from her visit to DWight, Kas. to go to ,St. Joseph, Mo., next week on Joe, before going to Kansas City. Mr. seek bis fortunes in the Hawaiian a n d h a v e S e l e c t e d t h e L a t e s t Lee will join ber later. Islands. Good luck to him. and Prettfest Styles M MiH& —Mrs. Craig and. daughters are ex- a visit to their son Walter and to attend —The W.F. Missionary Society will —Dudley Gordon smashed the end of a n e r y , w h i c h I s h a l l b e ) p l eased pected home from Manitoba next' week. the exposition. v give a 15c. tea at tbe residence of Mrs. finger between two rocks on.Tuesday, t o s h o w y o u . -s-A splendid rain fell last Friday -Mrs. S. B. Steele went east last week I*E. Weaver on Frfijay-, Sept. 20th. necessitating its amputation at fee first night. It would fek'rjt teen; more ap- and will visit the Pan-American at Buf- Everybody requested to attend. I have Selected an Assort* Y " SftH* joint. falo before returning. preciated two months ago. m e n t of F e a t h e r s , B r e a s t s a n d l v : — ! —• ~—• Trimming's of the Latest ; NOTICE. undry Work solicited. Leave Cut F l o w e r s a n d F l o r a l Designs S t y l e s w h i c h I invite - y o u t o All Ibose knowing themselves init at Milt Wilder'a Barber Shop. All Ordered on Hhorfc Notice. • ' * 0 T h o r o u g h b r e d Poland China debted to m e 8,re requested lo call i n s p e c t . | M R S . \ V ; J. ROMMEL, Agent.i work guaraoteed sslisfaulory. Boars. I All eligible to record. and settle before Oct. 1.1901. (THOBNE A TnOMAS,)' A l a r g e n u m b er of Pattern tm Price ice ireasonable. 1 THOBNT. THOMAS. H a t s a r e among m y a t t r a c t i o n s ; W ~O.OlTH«MA8. P l e a s e call on m e . B u r t i s has got in a full line of SolkB u r t i s has junt received a car load of ey Pfo'ws, Buckeye and Havana » Surieys, phaetons, Top Hoggfes Force Feed Grain Drills, Mowers, Issues Drafts or Post Office Orders o n all Foreign Countries. H a y Drills, e t c and Spring Wagons atidwill soon Loans Money on Farms. Insurance Written in Reliable Companies? \ have another car of those Mitchell £b y . :• ~ v - • ' #»»e<si»»s>«<>»»e#^es>>»s>s>s)es)»ee>fi»M»eesie*>eee«ee»e»# wagons* ? # e W a i t to'SeeTra! We can tell what makes your eyes '* I had a running sore on m y leg blur and your bead swim. Yon are Tor seven yeaiw," writes Mm James billons and ur. Caldwell's Syrup Forest or Chippewa Falls, Wis., Pepsin will cure you or the manu"and spent hundreds of dollars in facturers will refund yott the purtrying to get it healed. T w o boxes price. Sold by Mrs. W. Jl : : of Banner Salve entirely cored it. M chase Rommeii ; Ueware of substitutes. «» > . , A i • Of WATERVILLE •.: . , . : ' v a w ^ r ; ' . . W. H . Hamjpton. fe5a--i2S£ .J;----Scale Books f o r sale at this o S c e . <o^ Our Line "Mitbthe H ' Fair - • • - ' • - - • -. s - . • • and %e wish to Gall Yo e, suchas tfol^eep i&, Stock 1&e Best Lu&s # in town. We O t e y %,GOinplete line of A e Geletftutei 'SUNPUOWEfi PANTS, a^d other inake« from $1.60 to $4.00. , *««, Don't .forget 6ur OLOTfiilN^K BEST W&8 Marshall County. . Winter Underwear miTHp! CITY. CLARKE & THORNEc f B • <-. •; £0. STEVENSON. JR. I m 2 I S Peterson Bros. 20 Years J/,: I i •..; WATdH CASE, LOCAL NEWS. + I fin; H] til 7ery U Meat Market Hubbard & FallMflliaerl* J* R. * SALE. I M. rVeck •-,•'*•:• T H E CASH ^yUTWQB, from 5 1^2c. to ^tdc^ FLANNELS, in Waist Patterns, from 20c. toSOe, -'•:. ' \ ' ..r:" 'j | -.'-•.I Anything in Our Line, the Cheapest and Best. Mil an HEADQUARTERS f^OR G. A. B. OH • Children's Suits Go at 10 per cent, discount, also a few MEN'S BLACK SUITS at same rate. test Line of Child's and infant's Shoes Ever Carried in Blues, Beds and Blacks. J. G* .C.L. BOOT & CO. T h e regular meeting of Waterville Post, No. 260 G. A . B . , will be held carry tbe largest Stock of Domestic on Friday evening, S e p t J3, fl6t and Foreign Marbles and Granites Comrades are earnestly requested to in Northern Kansas br Southern he present. . P r o . B K N ^ I E L D , M. L . BETTZEXI, Commander. Nebraska. 'Call or write na at i: Adlotant. : Washington- Kas*. i Imptementts, V A SJPi»lALTY. BugfieS, ... j . : K - - K t C l i a m b e r I a i n ' s Coagh^ R e n i e d y C e n s d s E n u m e r a t o r C i a t v i o a . •-.••"-;*«re»tFavorite. w b o i s also editor of The Herald at The soothing and healing proper- Howe, Ind. Ty.j writes: ties of this remedy, its pleasant taste , To whom it may concern—I was a and prompt and permanent cores sufferer from stomach trouble tint il I ba^e mads, it a great favorite with was induced to try a bottle of Dr. people everywhbre. I t is especially Caldwell's Syrup' Pepsin and 1 wan I priced by mothers of small children to s a y that in m y oMnioh i t has no for colds, croup and whooping cobgh, equal as a stomach remedy. I h i d as It always aidrda quick relief, and tried many different remedies but e s it contains iio bpinm o ! other none with the happy results of Dr. harmful drug, U may be given as Catdwell's Syrup Pepsin: confidently t e a baby a s l o a n adiilt; ^ G. A . Clawapn-, Howe;'TndiTab For sale By Mra. W^*. Boifcmsb \-%8&& M l f c t T . » . Bdmmel, • Bdsit Ffrfr, aai Vatcrvflli fitkr M rial, MMKft H fcWO. 1 willsfiLE. tG& CASff and"at Prteel that wffl Surprise you. Call and see me before baying dseWbere if yon want to save nroiwy. WUI Denver Goods to Ifly Part bf the Otty. ^: test i A GLOWING R E P O R T . THE MARKETS. L I T E STOCK; ^;'T' Kansas City—Cattle—Choice export and dressed beef steers, |5.50@6; fair to good, $4.75@5.40; stockers a n d feeders, $2.90@4.25; w e s t e r n f e d steers, $4.65@5.75; w e s t e r n r a n g e s t e e r s , $3.25 @4.50; T e x a n s a n d Indian, ?2.70@3.75; T e x a s c o w s , $2.15@2.85; n a t i v e c o w s , 12M@i.25; heifers, ?2;85@5.45;; c a n n e r s , | 1 . 4 0 @ 2.40; bulla, &10@4.50; # B o d y o f D e a d P r e s i d e n t t o L i e In S t a t e — H o g s — t o p , $6.60; , G e n e r a l B r o o k e In C o m m a n d . — - S o t - i c a l v e s , 4 3 . 5 0 @ 5 . 5 p : h e a v y ^ j€J65@6;60;:' m i x e d packers, a D e t a i l t h a t h a s n o t B e e n Sop."" ?6.30@fi,55; l i g h t , ' $ 6 @ 6 . 4 5 ; p i g s , $4.25@ L plied — F u n e r a l Services — : 5.90. S h e e p — l a m b s , $ 3 4 0 @ 4 . 6 5 ; n a t i v e W i l l : b e H e l d In Cap!-. ~ ' a n d w e s t e r n w e t h e r s , ?2.25@3.75; e w e s , , toIKotnnda. J2.50@3-25j s t o c k e r s , $2@2.75; f e e d e r s , $3@3.5Q. AN INDIANA MAN COMPARES W E S T E R N CANADA PROGRAMME: AT THE CAPI TOL IS COMPLETE. WITH THE tTNITED STATES. What Mr. Frank Fisher, a Trip Prominent Through Dunkard, Has t o S a y After a Canada. - -"! T h e Department of t h e Interior a t Ottawa h a s just received from M r . E . T. Holmes, the agent of t h e governm e n t stationed a t Indianapolis,. Ind., t h e f o l l o w i n g letter; whlch'requlrefli n o - c o m m e n t . I t is only necessary t o .state -that Mr. F . Eisner, t h e writer ott&ls letter is o n e of t h e m o s t prominent of the Dunkards a n d a m a n upon whose word t h e utmost : reliance': .can be placed. B i s h o m e i s a t Mejtico, Ind.,; a n d h e -will b e p l e a s e d t o s u b s t a n t i a t e verbally, o r i n a n y other w a y a l l that h e s a y s i n h i s letter. ;° " " TOE CEREMONIES TO BE SB0R1 and there, thereby covering a hundred and sixty acres. * I have n o doubt but that this country excels as | a j grazing or ranching country, because they h a v e such rich grass, h a v i n g a n abundance of rain to -keep i t fresh.-; T h e y a l s o h a v e plenty' T h e heads- o f t h e varioua- departof water streams, a n d a s a rule water m e n t s ;at Washington a n d their prinm a y b e r e a c h e d a t a d e p t h of f r o m 20 c i p a l a s s i s t a n t s h a v e m a d e a l l art o 4 0 f e e t , [ F r o m t h i s y o u c a n s e e ' r a n g e m e n t s tor t h e p r o p e r e x e c u t i o n t h e r e c a n bej.plenty, o f h a y m o w n f o r of; s o m u c h - o f t h e funeral p r o g r a m w i n t e r f e e d i n g , a n d I h a v e h a d ; r e - a s ; fell" t o t h e m r e s p e c t i v e l y . Though liable farmers'j t b ' t e i r m e t h a t their i t j w a s Sunday,, c a b l e g r a m s o f c o n s t o c k w i l l feied o t t h a y a l o n e , a n d b e d o l e n c e w e r e c o m i n g t o t h e d e p a r f A n y o h e desiring information a p p l y .ready f o r marketj i n thei.spring.;. U p o n i n e n t o f s t a t e f r o m a l l - p a r t e o f t h e to n e a r e s t C a n a d i a n ' a g e n t , w h o s e a d - i n q u i r i n g a b o u t t h e " e x p e n s e Of r a i s i n g w o r l d . dresses are here given: a steer, a farmer replied that h e d i d ) ' I n t h e w a r department Secretary M . V . M c l n n e s . 2 A v e n u e T h e a t e r block, n o t - c o n s i d e r i t w o u l d c o s t a n y m o r e S a n g e r W a s i n c o n s u l t a t i o n w i t h G e n Detroit, Michigan. t h a n $ 4 o r $ 6 to d e v e l o p a ; t h r e e - y e a r ^ j o r a l Gillespie, C o l o n e l : W a r d - a n d J a m e s Grieve, Sault S t e . Marie, Michiold steer.; j I ; ' f ; General' Barry, arranging for the • g a n . I'-' I t r u l y ^ t h i n k C a n a d a o i f i s r s a fine t r a n s p o r t a t i o n t o W a s h i n g t o n o f t h e ' J . S . Crawfor<3, a * ^ W . N i n t h street, K a n s a s City, M o . o p e n i n g f o r a y o u n g m a n o r a m a n trojops' t o p a r t i c i p a t e i n . t h e funeral Benjamin Davies, 154J4 E a s t Third w h o i s r e n t i n g l a n d i n I n d i a n a . One procession, making'a^etails for guard Street, S t . P a u l , Minn. h u n d r e d a n d s i x t y a c r e s o f g o o d b l ack. duty a n d other I matters^ General : T . 'O: C u r r i e , R o o m 12 J3, ' C a l l a h a n ' s - block,;203 G r a n d a v e n u e , M i l w a u k e e , W i s . ' l a n d w i i r c o s t i y o u o i u y ? 1 0 a t t h e t i m e R a n d o l p h , c h i e f o f ] a r t i l l e r y , w h o J s t o C. J . B r o u g h t o n , 927. M o o a d n o c k b u i l d - y o u e n t e r i t , S a n d ' b y p l o w i n g a i i d c u l - j r e p r e s e n t t h e . a r m y a t t h e c a p i t o l , a r i n g , C h i c a g o , III. .-"ranged with Sergeant-at-Arms RansW . V . B e n n e t t , 801 N e w Y o r k L i f e b u i l d - t i v a t i n g five a c r e s e a c h y e a r f o r t h r e e dell that they should co-operate i n y e a r s , g i v e s y o u o n e h u n d r e d ; a n d s i x t y ing, Omaha, N e b : W; H . Rogers, Waiertown, South D a - acres of good; l a n d f o r S10.- T h i s l a n d t h e m a n a g e m e n t o f t h e f u n e r a l c e r e : kota. | ,_. V Four private can b e bought from t h e railroad c o m - m o n i e s a t t h e capitol. N . B a r t h o l o m e w , 306 F i f t h s t r e e t , D e a soldiers will s t a n d w a t c h day. a n d p a n i e s , p r i v a t e c o r p o r a t i o n s Or t h e g o v - Moines, Iowa. *_J night, o n e a t each corner of t h e J . H i M . P a r k e r , SSO C h a m b e r o f C o m - ' e r n m e n t f o r | 3 ; t o $ 4 p e r a c r e . ! S catafalque, s o l o n g a s t h e remains of - tnerce, Duluth. Minn. i F r o m a | financial s t a n d p o i n t , I b e ; E . T. H o l m e s , R o o m 6,. B i g F o u r bUlldthe late President shall lie i n t h e l i e v e t h a t for! a s e r i e s o f y e a r s ( f i v e ) *• b i g , I n d i a n a p o l i s , I n d . capitol :building. A suitable guard • J o s e p h Y o u n g , 51% s t a t e s t r e e t , C o l u m - a y o u n g m a n lean m a k e $ 1 0 i n C a n a d a , will, be > maintained at the entrances bus, Ohio... whereas h e would only m a k e SI here, and will keep t h e people in alignT o M y Many Friends—I a m pleased and I feel sure that I spent more • t o m a k e a report t o y o u of t h e pleasant m o n e y . t o getlniy eighty acre farm i n m e n t w h e n : they a r e admitted t o t h o capitol-to view t h e remains. . v i s i t toy w i f e a n d I h a d i i n W e s t e r n W h i t e c o u n t y ; I n d i a n a , ; c u l t i v a t e d t h a n ; Acting Secretary Hackett h a s orCanada,. it would cost m e [t o cultivate ' eight W e visited' t h e territorties o f M- h u n d r e d a c r e s i n C a n a d a . T h i s m a y dered that a detail should: b e m a d e four b e r t a , A s s i n i b o i a , a n d S a s k a t c h e w a n , s e e m "a s t r o n g I v l e w to t a k e o f t h e u p j c o n s i s t i n g o f t w o o f f i c e r s , a n d f o u n d t h e n i f a r s u r p a s s i n g o u r i m - m a t t e r , b u t w h e n y o u t a k e i n t o c o n - p e t t y officers a n d t w e n t y - o n e p r i v a t e s agination, b u t little did I expect to sideration the, clearing, ditching, fenc- i n t h e m a r i n e corps for duty a t t h e find s u c h rich, l o a m y soil, s o m u c h i n g a n d t h e e x p e n s i v e b r e a k i n g i n o f capitol t o s u p p l e m e n t t h e a r m y r e p i of i t , a n d s o u n i f o r m i n i t s l e v e l p r a i - t h e s t u m p s , a n d t h e n c o m p a r e t h e e x - r e s e n t a t i o n , T h e special guard of honbr t o r e p rie l a y . I d o t h i n k t h e soil of Canada p e n s e to t h a t of | land n e e d i n g o n l y t h e a s a r u l e e q u a l s if n o t e x c e l s t h e fin- b r e a k i n g , y o u w i l l c o n c l u d e t h a t i t i s r e s e n t t h e n a v y a t t h e f u n e r a l c e r e est prairie farm lands - o f - Indiana. n o t such a wild or exaggerated state- m o n i e s will comprise t h e following officers o f h i g h r a n k : . These _lands are immense in t h e i r m e n t a s y o u m i g h t a t first t h i n k . ' j .Admiral Dewey, Rear Admiral - richness, a n d when once the sod i s rotI enjoyed t h e balmy, breezy a t m o s - Crbwninshield, R e a r Admiral O'Neal, t e d rand p u l v e r i z e d , i t is a s p l i a b l e a n d p h e r e , w h i c h W a s b r a c i n g a n d r e f r e s h Paymaster General K e n n e y a n d Briga s easily cultivated a s Indiana s a n d y ing, a n d t h e cool nights w h i c h m a d e i t adier General H e y w o o d of t h e Marine . soil/. I . .: s o pleasant for sleep. corps. V 'j \ . Western Canada, from m y j point of On making inquiries regarding t h e While General Brooke will b e In v i e w , o f f e r s a s fine o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r w i n t e r s i n t h i s c o u n t r y , L - l e a r n e d t h a t g e n e r a l c h a r g e o f j m i l i t a r y a r r a n g e m i x e d f a r m i n g a s a n y p l a c e i n m y t h e p e o p l e n e v e r s u f f e r f r o m t h e c o l d , m e n t s , G e n e r a l F r a n c i s S'.. G u e n t h e r . knowledge. T h e long,*' s u n s h i n y d a y s , a s t h e w e a t h e r i s d r y a n d i n v i g o r a t - w i l l b e i n c o m m a n d o f t h e m i l i t a r y together .with t h e rich soil, produce: ing, a n d i n a great m a n y places f a r m - contingent i n t h e procession. Colonel v e r y fine w h e a t , o a t s , b a r l e y , flax a n d e r s a n d h e r d e r s a l l o w t h e i r s t o c k t o S a m u e l R e b e r , s o n - i n - l a w ' o f G e n e r a l other cereal products. There i s scarce- run outside t h e year ^ound. Miles, h a s been detailed tb m e e t M r s . l y a n y a t t e m p t ' t o raise, corn, e x c e p t O n e gr.ea't a d v a n t a g e t o t h e s e t t l e r s M c K i n l e y a n d l o o k s p e c i a l l y a f t e r h e r early varieties for table.use. T h e s e a Colonel -Henry H. i n Western^ Canada i s t h e free: c r e a m - comfort, w h i l e : : s o n i s t o o - s h o r t t o d e p e n d u p o n m a - e r i e s e s t a b l i s h e d b y t h e g o v e r n m e n t W h i t n e y o f G e n e r a l . M i l e s ' staff, h a s b e e n o r d e r e d t o p e r f o r m a s i m i l a r t u r i n g field c o r n : F r o m t h e stand- and r u n exclusively i n t h e Interest service for President Roosevelt. point of getting this land ready for of t h e farmer. i A t . t h e capitol J Sergeant-at-Arms the plow, I must s a y that I never s a w I visited T h o m a s Daley, a farmer such a vast extent, practically all near Edmonton, jAlberta, w h o s h o w e d Ransdell directed t h e preparation of ready s o a l l that o n e h a s t o d o i s t o m e oats h e h a d raised, s o m e of w h i c h t h e rotunda f o r t h e .funeral service. h i t c h u p t h e p l o w a n d g o t o w o r k . t o o k t h e first p r i z e a t t h e P a r i s E x - . T h e s p a c e i n e v e n t h i s v a s t s t r u c t u r e t is ; entirely insufficient t o m e e t t h e This is n o t t h e case with all t h e position last year. T h e s a m e yielded demand' for admission of more than C a n a d i a n land, h o w e v e r ; s o m e o r i t 110 b u s h e l s t o t h e acre i n 1899. I a fraction o f - t h e persons w h o think h a s qjjite a b i t o f t i m b e r , m u c h o f i t Yours truly, . t h e y s h o u l d toe^ a d m i t t e d t o t h e s e r I m a y Ira c a l l e d b r u s h l a n d , a n d s o m e o f F R A N K FISHER, vices. T h e public will b e excluded, it h a s lovely forest groves, dotted here Mexico, Ind. a s t h e a c c o m m o d a t i o n w i l l n o t suffice fori t h e o f f i c i a l s w h o m u s t b e p r e s e n t . Soldiers' B e d s Described. T h e diplomatic corps alone will o c During t h e civil-war t h e captain of cupy about 200 places i f a l l . t h e i n A n old bachelor says the only thing a company of Tennessee mountaineers vitations sent o u t are accepted, a n d necessaryto enable a m a n to w i na w o w h o w e r e i n t h e federal service r a n i n a d d i t i o n s there will b e t h e United man's love is a n opportunity. across a n old acquaintance. H e urged States senate, t h e United States s u T h e m a n w h o i s u n a b l e t o b o r r o w a h i m to e n l i s t ! i n t h e U n i t e d ! S t a t e s p r e m e c o u r t , t h e h o u s e o f r e p r e s e n t a - S0Z0D0NT for the TEETH 25c dollar suffers from financial depression. army,'but t h e.mountain dweller s h o o k his head doubtfully.- Finally h e said: 'jfj I f T o n W a n t C h r o m o j "I don't |like t h e b e d s y o u g i v e fellers .! B u y i n f e r i o r g o o d s [ a n d t h e d e a l e r s to s l e e p I n i n . t h e a r m y . They hain't will t h r o w them. B u t if y o u w a n t D e - no place t o throw your boots under fiance Starch g o t o your grocer a n d them." This;j w a s * t h e l o n g w a y In he will sell y o u a 16 o u n c e p a c k a g e f o r w h i c h t h e m o u n t a i n e e r t o o k t o tell h i s ten cents. T h e only premium t h a t friend! t h a t h e d i d n o t l i k e t o Bleep o n g o e s w i t h ; f t is* t h e m e r i t s a n d quanti-j t h e g r o u n d . ty.r A t y o u r grocers.1 M a d e b y M a g netic Starch Co., Omaha, N e b . None, A married m a n w h o w a s hypnotized o t h e r "just a s good.'; says it felt like it does w h e n h i s wife m a k e s u p her! m i n d . " Chicago—Cattle—Dull, b u t steady. Hogs-^Active t o 10c higher; mixed a n d butchers', ?6.26@6.75; g o o d t o c h o i c e h e a v y * $6.60@6.95; r o u g h h e a v y , ?6.00@ 6.40; light,' $6.40@6.70; b u l k o f s a l e s , J6.40@6.60. S h e e p — S t r o n g t o 1 0 c h i g h er.-;. . • : . ' : " ;. ; ^ " .. K, S t Lonls--<-Cattle-^-Market g e n e r a l l y steady for"natives, weak, t o 10c lower for T e x a n s ; Hogs—^Market jlc h i g h e r ; p i g s a n d lights, ?6.25@6.55; packers', $6.25@6.60; b u t c h e r s , $6.65@6.95. S h e e p —Market steady. St Joseph—Cattle—Market active, 3 t e a d y ; T e x a n s 'ai s h a d e l o w e r , H o g s - r Lightand light mixed, $6.20@6.60'; medium a n d heavy, |6.45@6.70; pigs, ?3.50@6.10; bulk, $6.40@6.60. SheepMarket steady to strong; t o p Idaho y e a r l i n g s , $ 3 . 6 5 ; I d a h o l a m b s , $'4.80. GRAIN. Kansas City:—Wheat—September, 64c; December^ 66%@66%c";. M a y , 70%c; cash N o . 2 hard, 65%@65%c;. No. 2 r e d , 68%@69c. R e c e i p t s , 63,300 bu; s h i p m e n t s ^ 144,000 b u . Corn—' September, 58%c; December, 5 7 % c ; May^ 5 9 % c ; c a s h N o . 2 m i x e d , 5 8 % ^ 58%c; N o . 2 white,~59c. ! Receipts; 16,8000 !bu ; s h i p m e n t s , 2i;600 b u . O a t s No. % w h i t e , 3 8 % @ 3 8 ^ c . Receipts, 19,000 b u ; s h i p m e n t s , 15,000 b u . R y e No. 2, 55c. . Chicago—Wheat—No. 3 spring, 6 2 % @67%c; N o . 2 red, 70%c. Oats—No. 2, 35@36c; N o . 2 white, 36%@37%c; N o . 3 w h i t e , 36%<gT37%a R y e — N o . 2 . 5 5 @ 55%c. Barley^—^Fair t o c h o i c e m a l t i n g , 55@60c. S t Louis—Wheat—No. 2 red cash, elevator, 68%c; track, 70%@70%c; September, 68%c; December, 70%@ 70%c; May, 71%c; N o . 2 hard, 68%@ 68%c. Corn—No. 2 cash, 57%c; track, 57%@58c;.September, 5714c;,May, 60c. Oats—No. 2 cash, 36@36%c; tracks 36?i@37i4c; September,-35^c; December, 37c; M a y , 39%c; N o . 2 w h i t e , 3 8 © 3 8 % c R y e — H i g h e r , 57c; ' HAY. j MISSOURI MINERS STRIKE M'KINLEY DEAJH MASK- Develops Into Brlght's Disease. r [PE-RU-N! GORES CATARRH WHEREVER LOCATED.] pleased with h e r suggestion a n d afterw a r d accepted t h e bible a s a p r e s e n t The portrait w a spainted at Utrecht ing a w a y precious time with other remedies, n o m a n c a n t o l l But it is almost certain that It would h a v e ended i n Incurable Brlght's disease of t h e kidneys, which sooner o r later would havo proved fatal. P e r u n a i s a sure cure f o r Incipient Brlght's disease of t h e kidneys. Taken In t h e e a r l y s t a g e s o f t h i s d i s e a s e , it euros permanently. Brlght's disease always begins with catarrh o f t h e kidneys, P e r u n a cures' catarrh w h e r e v e r located. Congressman Bankhead's Statement. j C o n g r e s s m a n J. H . B a n k h e a d of A l a bama, o n e of t h e m o s t influential m e m bers' o f t h e H o u s e of Representatives,, in a letter written from Washington, D. C , g i v e s h i s i n d o r s e m e n t t o t h o great catarrh remedy, Peruna, i n t h e following words: . Helpful H i n t f o r t h e Patient Darner. A suggestion that a n y home darner may a p p r o p r i a t e ! '''was g o t \ r e c e n t l y w h i l e w a t c h i n g ai class of little girls at w o r k at s e w i n g school. F o rt h eb i g knee holes of children's stockings a p i e c e o f s t r o n g { n e t w a s . first b a s t e d - o v e r t h e h o l e , t h e [ d a r n i n g thien a c c o m plished with great neatness and strength a n d i n a much shorter time than i n another way. T h esame method waa>applied with equaljsuecess t o t h e m e n d i n g of j Woven underwear.— Harper's Bazar. ..j , ' , ; John Herziger, s o n of Alderman H e r riger, o f N e e n a h , W i s . , a n d V i c e P r e s i dent of t h e Neenah Young Men's Club, w r i t e s in 1 a r e c e n t l e t t e r t o T h e P o • T h e Popularity of Pewter. "Your Peruna is one of the best J u s t n o w p e w t e r is .enjoying, - a n runa Medicine Co., of Columbus, Ohio, medicines I ever tried, and no family t h e f o l l o w i n g : -'. a m a z i n g popularity i n England. Every be without your remarkable "After suffering for two years with should bride, When a s k e d w h a t s h e Would As a tonic and a catarrh can kidney trouble I received relief and a remedy. l i k e f o r a p r e s e n t , c l a m o r s f o r p e w t e r , core ffwn of nothing better."—J. H. using your wonderful medi- I know Bankhead. a n d s e c o n d - h a n d s h o p s a r e b e i n g r a n - cine, Peruna. S a m u e l R. S p w c h e r , Junior Beadle sacked for specimens. A t a fashion"For ntontha-f^ was unable to work of a seven pain la my back, C o u r t A n g e l i n a J N O . . 8 4 2 2 . J. C . O . F - . a b l e L o n d o n w e d d i n g t h e o t h e r d a y , on account 1 was able to do anything 1 205 H i g h S t , L o s - A n g e l e s , CaL, w r i t e s : no less than nifty p e w t e r j O f f e r i n g s " and when "I c a m e h e r e a f e w y e a r s a g o sufferwas in pain and distressed most of the were made, soma of which h a d been ing with catarrh of t h e kidneys, i n time. unearthed in Germany and were ab I thought that t h e '•Hearing so much of the good re- s e a r c h o f h e a l t h . s o l u t e l y ' beautiful, says t h e L a d i e s ' sults people bad obtained through the c l i m a t e w o u l d c u r e m e b u t f o u n d t h a t Pictorial. use of Peruna I determined to give it a I w a s m i s t a k e n , b u t w h a t , t h e c l i m a t e trial and It was a lucky day for me c o u l d n o t d o P e r u n a c o u l d a n d d i d d o . when.I did so. I am well now and It S e v e n W e e k s ' t r i a l c o n v i n c e d m o t h a t I P o l i c e m a n W h o T a k e s t h e Outfit. only took a few bottles of Peruna."— h a d t h e r i g h t m e d i c i n e a n d I w a s t h e n I t i s alleged of o n e p o l i c e m a n i n N e w John Herziger, 307 Commercial street, a w e l l m a n . I k n o w o f a t l e a s t t w e n t y Y o r k w h o s e b e a t i s m u c h i n f e s t e d b y Neenah, friends a n d members of t h e lodge t o Wis. youthful•• crap players t h a t h e m a k e s / T w o y e a r s suffering w i t h catarrh o f w h i c h I b e l o n g w h o h a v e b e e n cured a steady business of charging upon t h e kidneys, u n a b l e t o w o r k o n account of catarrh, bladder a n d kidney trouble t h r o u g h t h e u s e o f P e r u n a a n d It h a s t h e m i n s o u n e x p e c t e d a m a n n e r " t h a t ' o f t h e s e v e r e p a i n ; c o u l d find n o r e l i e f a h o s t o f friends i n this city."—Samuel t h e y h a v e n o t leisure t o p i c k u p t h e f r o m medicine; g a v e P e r u n a a trial a n d R. Sprecher. stakes before t h e i r ' t i m e fox disappar- w a s promptly cured—such w a s t h e e x perience of John Herziger of Wisconsin. H y o u do n o t derive prompt and sating comes, a n d these h e appropriates This experience h a s been repeated isfactory results from t h e u s e of P e to h i s o w n use. | _ • m a n y times. N o t only i n Wisconsin runa, write a t once t o Dr. Hartman, but In e v e r y state i n t h e Union. I t w a s g i v i n g a full s t a t e m e n t o f y o u r case A NARROW ESCAPE. Indeed a l u c k y d a y for this y o u n g m a n a n d h e will b e pleased t o give y o uh i s Bath, N . Y., S e p t 1 6 t h . j ^ T h e r e ifl w h e n h i s a t t e n t i o n * w a s c a l l e d t o P e - v a l u a b l e a d v i c e g r a t i s . n o w a t t h e S o l d i e r s ' arid S a i l o r s ' H o m e r u n a . W h a t w o u l d h a v e b e e h t h e r e s u l t Address Dr. Hartman, President of here a n b i d soldier w h o hasj b e e n n e a r - h a d h e c o n t i n u e d suffering o n a n d fool- T h e H a r t m a n S a n i t a r i u m , C o l u m b u s , O. er d e a t h t h a n a n y o n e w h o h a s l i v e d t o tell'the story. ; n i s n a m e is A. E . Ayers. F o r m a n y years h e lived in Minneapolis, Minn, where h e is well known. 1 • i%-\ HIDES A N D PELTS. Green salted hides, N o s . 1 a n d 2, a l l around, 7%c; branded, 7c; bulls a n d stags, 7c; gree iincured, l c p e r lb less, and part cured%c per- lb less than cured. G r e e n h o r s e h i d e s , l a r g e , $2.75; m e d i u m , $2.50; small, $1.50; p o n i e s , $1.00@1.25. D r y flint butcher hides, - l 3 ^ c ; . d r y flint f a l l e n , 1 2 c ; d r y s a l t 10c; d r y g l u e , 7 c , S h e e p p e l t s , g r e e n , 4 0 @ 7 5 c ; s h e e p p e l t s , d r y flint, 6 ^ @ 7%c p e r l b . CATARRH OF KIDNEYS f r o m 7 t o 9, a n d s h e p a i n t e d h i m readins; a b i b l e , w h i c h s h e b r o u g h t t o t h e sitting f o r that purpose. He was F o u r p h y s i c i a n s o f t h a t / city; o n e s told M r . A y e r s t h a t h e c o u l d n O t l i v e four days. H e h a d Brightsf disease. A s a l a s t r e s o r t h- t r i e d D o d d ' s K i d n e y Pills. H e is strong a n d well today. ' H e says: "I w a s i n t h e very presence T i m o t h y , c h o i c e , $13.00; N o . 1, $1L50 of d e a t h , b u t D o d d ' a K i d n e y P i l l s s a v e d © 1 2 . 5 0 ; . N o . 2, $10.50@11.50; N o . 3 , me. T h e y are t h e greatest! medicine i n $7.00@10.00.! Clover, pure, $9.50© the world." 1 $10.00. P r a i r i e , c h o i c e , $14.50;' N o . 1 , $13.00@14.00; N o . 2, $10.50@12.00; N o . H o a x — " D o y o u b e l i e v e jthere's l u c k 3, $ 8 . 0 0 @ 1 0 . 0 0 ; N o . 4 , $6.50@7.5ff. P a c k ^ i n h o r s e s h o e s ? " Joax—"Yes, if t h e y i n g h a y , $4.50@5.50.. Alfalfa, $10.00© h a p p e n t o b e o n t h e horse that g o e s 12.00. S t r a w , $400v C l o v e r , m i x e d , N o . u n d e r t h e w i r e first" 1,$10.00@10.50; N o . 2, $9.50@8.5Q; p u r e clover, $8.50@9.00. HORSES A N D MULES. Horses—Drafts, good, $80@110; drafts, 1,500@1,700 lbs, extra, $ 1 1 5 © 160; c h u n k s , g o o d t o c h o i c e ) $ 8 0 @ 1 2 0 ; t i v e s a n d "a l a r g e n u m b e r o f ' o f f i c i a l s c h u n k s , c o m m o n t o f a i r , $ 4 5 © 7 5 ; d r i v a r m y a n d n a v y a n d civilians. E v e r y e r s , m e d i u m , $ 4 5 @ 6 5 ; d r i v e r s , s;ood t o fancy, $80 u p ; S o u t h e r n e r s , g o o d t o e x a r m y a n y n a v y officer i n W a s h i n g t o n h a v i n g b e e n o r d e r e d t o a t t e n d t h e if u - t r a , $ 4 0 @ 6 5 ; p l u g s , $ 5 . 0 0 @ 1 0 ; neral service, they alone w o u l d c o n Mules^-13%@14 hands, fat a n d broks u m e a l a r g e p o r t i o n o f ; t h i s s e a t i n g en, $35@40; 14@14%" h a n d s , f a t , g o o d space. T h e general public w i l l h a v e hair, $40@45; 14%15 hands, fat, $45© a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o v i e w t h e r e m a i n s 75; 1 5 @ 1 5 % h a n d s , f a t , $ 7 5 © 8 5 ; 1 5 % @ of t h e l a t e P r e s i d e n t w h i l e t h e b o d y 16 h a n d s , f a t , w i t h q u a l i t y , $95 © 1 1 0 ; l i e s i n , s t a t e before t h e \ f u n e r a l s e r - 1 6 @ 1 6 % h a n d s , e x t r a , 1,250@1,500, $120 ©130/ ' vice. I" ; ' ' f: L a w books are covered with sheepskin—and sheep's' j k i n c o n t r i b u t e ] FITS Permanently Cured, trofitsornervonsness after T h r e e : H u n d r e d M e n O u t j of W o r k In first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. m u c h t o t h e s u p p o r t o f lawyers.1' Mtssonrl .Towns. Send for F R E E 8 2 . 0 0 trial' bottle and treatise. Do. E. H. KLINE, Ltd., 831 Arch S t , Philadelphia, Pa. The| coal miners a t Farber, Vandalia P a i n relieved, sickness prevented, b y W e bury o u r r o m a n c e s tenderly, b u t a n d Maijtinsburg, Mo.,h i v e g o n e o n . a t i m e l y u s e of .Wizard Oil. K e e p i t a l strike. T h e trouble seems t o b e i n r e ways in the home. ; w e forget where t h e graves are. gard to t h e operators v keeping t h e . F e w w o m e n s i n for money's sake; TVInsIows S o o t h i n g Syrup. tracks built a n d clear t o w i t h i n fifteen mighty few m e n donot. For children teething, softens the gums, reduces In* feet of t h e rooms i n which t h e miners BttBBJjflBBj«11«r«pH|ftJil",^«irtTxtnnllft. SScahotU* were working a n d other demands n o t piece It improves |s o m e m e n t o stated. T h e operators state that there of & w o m a n ' s v o c a b u l a r y . was a n agreement between t h e operators andminers at a joint meeting held P U T N A M F A D E L E S S D Y E S a r e t h e In K a n s a s City l a s t spring b y w h i c h brightest, fastest a n d easiest t o use. the scale paid at t h e Vandalia mines Sold b y druggists, 1 0 c per package. l a s t y e a r Was. t o b e f o l l o w e d t h i s y e a r . a n d $3750 s h o e s f o r 6 t y l e , c o m f o r t a n d wear h a s excelled all other m a k e s sold at inwardly All have been working linder t h e K a n Many a Woman smiles these prices. This e x c e l l e n t reputation h a s sas City agreement, which w a s n o t a c • b e e n w o n b y m e r i t a l o n e . W . !*• D o u g l a s w h i l e c r y i n g o u t w a r j d l y . ceptable t o t h e United Mine Workers, shoes have t o give better satisfaction than other $3.00 a n d $ 3 . 5 0 shoes because b i t w h o called t h e strike. I t i s estimated P l s o ' s Cure f o r Consumption i s a n Infallible reputation f a r t h e b e s t { 3 . 0 0 a n d $3.50 s h o e s m u s t b e m a i n t a i n e d . T h e s t a n d a r d medicine for coughs and colds.—N. W . S A X U K I I , t h a t a b o u t 3 0 0 m e n w i l l b e t h r o w n o u t h a s a l w a y s b e e n p l a c e d s o h i g h t h a t t h e Ocean Grove, N . J., F e b . IT, 10M. . of w o r k b y t h e strike; . , Wearer r e c e i v e s m o r e v a l u e f o r h i s m o n e y in t h e W . L . Douglas $3.00 a n d $3.50 A w o m a n ' s s i l e n c e o f t e n m e a n s m o r e shoes than h e c a n g e t elsewhere. W . L . Douglas sens m o r e $ 3 . 0 0 and$3.50 t h a n h e r words.] '•hoes than any other t w o manufacturers. W. L Doogloa 94.00 Oilt Edgt Urn . If y o u w i s h beautiful, clear, w h i t e clothes cannot b* «pva//ed et any price. use R e d Cross Ball Blue. ; Large 2 o s . Late President's Features will b e Falthfulp a c k a g e , 5 c e n t s . !. ~, ' l y P r e s e r v e d I n I m p e r i s h a b l e Casta.: Fainted Kragnra-Portrait. Shortly after t h e arrival o f Kroger in Holland h i s admirers were anxious t o hav» h i s portrait painted, b u t h e refused o n t h e ground that h e h a d n o time. Finally, however. Miss Therese Schwarze succeeded in persuading h i m to s i t H e chose the morning hours m 2 3 PAINT j . | WISCONSIN-TAriM i-rtWUS. If a g i r l d i s l i k e s a, y o u n g m a n s h e T h e best of farm lands c a n b e o b - s t e e l s h e r heart, b u t if s h e a d m i r e s tained n o w i n Marinette County, W i s - h i m s h e lets h i m steel i t consin, o n t h e Chicago, Milwaukee & S t P a u l R a i l w a y a t a l o w price a n d o n A B E TOUR CLOTHES FADED? very fav6rable terms. W i s c o n s i n ia U s e R e d Cross Ball Blue a n d m a k e t h e m noted f o r i t s fine c r o p s , e x c e l l e n t w h i t e again. L a r g e 2 oz. package, 5 cents. markets and healthful climate. W h y rent 4 farm w h e n y o u can b u y o n e E v e n a clothesline is unsteady w h e n much cheaper than y o u can rent a n d it h a s t o o m a n y sheets i n t h e wind. In a f e w y e a r s i t w i l l b e y o u r o w n property. F o r particulars address F . A . Miller, General P a s s e n g e r Agent, Core ; Hall's Catarrh Chicago, Milwaukee & S t Paul RailI s t a k e n i n t e r n a l l y . P r i c e , 75c, way,-Chicago. : Times must b e pretty hard w h e n a m a n can't e v e n collect h i s thoughts. N o Servants N o t a Calamity. A worse thing might happen even t o C h i c a g o t h a n a successful hired girls" union. I n t h a t Russian city o n t h e A m u r river, where last year t h e e n thusiastic citizens. drowned all the Chinese residents, t h e great multitude of t h e d r o w n e d included all t h e h o u s e servants of t h e place. T h e y were all Chinese. Into t h e river they went. But n o more Chinese servants came to t a k e t h e i r places, a n d the. householders, i n that city h a v e m a d e their o w n beds and cooked, their o w n dinners.—Harper's Weekly. When you paint you want it, 1 to last; 2 look well; 3 protect your house. Some paint does 1, not % or 3; some does 2 awhile, not: 1 or 3; lead and oil does 2 well, ,3 B r o o k l y n , N . Y . , S e p t . 16.—The GarfleM T e a C o . , m a n u f a c t u r e r s o f Garfield T e a , fairly, l^badly. j Garfield H e a d a c h e P o w d e r s , ' Garfield-Tea Better have it all; i 2 3 DS yi gr euspt,i v eGTa rafbi el el dt s Raenl ide f GPa rl af isetledr sL,o t iGoanr,fai erl de paint: Devoe ready paint; nb uo wi l doicncguapnydi nl ag b tohr aet loarrygreeac ne ndt el yl eegraenctt eoffice d by t h e m . F o r m a n y y e a r s t h e Garfield R e m the best isn't too good, j edies h a v e been growing i n popularity a n d Get D e v p e o f your dealer; take nothing-less. Pamphlet o n painting DEVOE, Tho best that Money and O C « Experience can produce, fcw A t a l l stores, o r b y m a i l f o r t h e price.' Satnpte o f S o z o d o n t h y m a l l for t h e postage, 3 c a n t s . . . HALL &RUCKEL, New YORK Rheumatism. ""OjaHJ Nature's Priceless Remedy OR. 0. PHELPS BROWN'S gia.Weak Back. Sprains. Burns, Sores and sll Pain. PRECIOUS HERBAL OINTMENT iOeClm drum?!'?. 2-% Wc. i r h e does not n i l It, tend us hli nam», and for yoo» trouble, w e w i U Crap. Send T o n a W a l riBBs It Cures ThroughBrown, the Pores 0 8 B'wsy,•.NewDurgfl.H.T. addrewDr. O. P. Brown. 9 their success is well deserved. sent free if y o u mention this paper. GOOD-PAINT Tooth Powder CHICAGO. H D A D C V ; S o m e f e l l o w s fish w i t h a b a i t e d h o o k and others iwith bated breath. DISCOVERY; giveo CfipokenQ SAVES CHILD FROM DEATH. A Dnwn I v Mother Jump* I n t o Well Where tittle One H a d Fallen. . ; The baby of Mrs George Latchemjof N o r t h O t t a w a , K a n . , f e l l . t h r o u g h a' trap door into a twenty-foot well. T h e mother w a s attracted b y t h escreams of other children, a n dwithout-a moment's hesitation slipped through^ t h e hole, which would barely permit h e r body t o pass, a n d dropped into t h e well; w i t h the babe. ;. ' The infant had gone to thebottpm of about three feet of water, but t h e m o t h e r fished i t o u t a n d resuscitated i t while i n t h e water. Meanwhile neight bors h a darrived a n da ladder w a s lowered into t h e well, a n d t h e brave m o t h er brought h e rbaby to-the surface/ I n a very short time it w a s playing around t h e house a s usual. y i t h .Brlght's Disease—Diabetes? refuse to d o their alloted w o r k ? "Do y o u r , k i d n e y s \s o r liver Are y o u gloomy and irritable? I s there a dull, h e a v y a c h e in your back that hurts w h e n y o u stand; harts w h e n y o u sir; harts w h e n y o u lie down ? You need complete renovation. Begin o n t h e liver a n d kidneys. It i s there t h e trouble lies. i McLean's Litter and KJdney Halm will bring t h e color back a n d drive a w a y t h o s e racking pains. Charged With' a Felony. ; Mrs. Anna B. Haldernian, well k n o w n i n Kansas City, h a s been a r r e s t e d a t Versailles,;Mo., b y order, o f the prosecuting attorney, together w i t h her s6n-ta-kvw,-AJ Greek, well k n o w n m Kansas City a n d 'Leavenworth, t o answer to a charge of felony a t t h e December term o f t h e circuit c o u r t S h e i s held i n $500 b o n d A death m a s k of t h e President's ' W i s e is t h ecandidate w h oknows h i s : face -was made. The mask .was o w n backers. ":"'~' t a k e n b y E d w a r d L . A . P a u s c h of Hartford, Conn. Pausch has modeled the features of m a n y of t h e distinguished m e n w h o have died'in this Resists t h e Peddlers' l a v . country i n recent years/ The mask T h e Novelty Cnttlery company of is a faithful reproduction of t h e late C a n t o n , O., i s r e s i s t i n g t h e p r o v i s i o n s President McKinley's features. of t h e r i e w peddiers* license l a w i n Kansas, and a suit will b e shortly commeneed t o test Its validity. T h e cutHarder of a n o l d Negro is \Avenged b r a lery c o m p a n y h a s agents i n t h e state t a k i n g orders for cutlery. In" several A' m o b o f negroes, broke; I n t o t h e jail counties t h ea u t h o r i t i e s h a v e d e m a n d e d a t Wyckliffe, Ky., across t h e river from a license f r o m t h e agents. T h e c o m Cairo, UL, a n d lynched three negroes, pany claims t h a t i t s agents a r e travelFrank Howard, S a mReed a n d Ernest ing m e n and are exempt from the liand a l lwise mothers Harrison.. They hanged t h e m e n to a cense. I t h a s written t h eattorney genmake :.', £ . _ _ . _ . . .... ^ cross-beam i n J o h n McCauley's m i l l eral for h i s opinion, b u t h e will n o t r T h e , c r i m e for which t h e m e n were give one. H e says it i s a question t o b e hanged w a s t h e murder of a n o l d a n d settled between t h e company a n d t h e 8oM b y t h e best shoe dealers everywhere. respected negro, W a s h Thomas; T h o m - various counties. H e l o o k s for s o m e Insist upon having W . L. Ponglas shoes w l t i i liaisai a a d p r i c e s t a m p e d o a lwiCl<Mii« a s w a s ' w a y l a i d o n t h e railroad track, arrests t b b e m a d e , a n d i n t h a t w a y t h e 'SMMr to O r d e r b y M j J l . - I l j n ^ U Doogiaa hit w i t h a club, w h i c h killed h i m , a n d law will b e t e s t e d i«*««l* r town, send order direct to then h i s dead body w a s r o b b e d T h e .jtdepartmBntwat rQlmito^— murderers confessed their crime before T o H a k e a Study o f Indians. pairths* wul equal $t and the mob. k torn made shoer . M r s . P h o e b e H e a r s t "has a g r e e d t o n | ^ r % ^ / l O 1 quick rellefand cares worst c u e s . Book of testimonials and 10 DATS* treatment BB. U. H. GBIM'S S05S. Box K, AUMU, Qa. acts o n these organs a s oil does on a rusty afflicted, it will cure y o u . fl.OO Che at your J. H. McLean WAY GET SOAKED wheel. A It If y e a a r t B u y a bottle to-day. Untjgirr*. Medicine Made Co.. ttAs No St. by Lfuit. Mm. EQUAL/ ^THREE OR ONE SCAFFOLD.,,?, "The Cradle Roles the World" tea shown on •tytodeslxed; a household r e m e d y f o r t h e simple reason that i t always. uers Pain KOled B y a Live Wire. . Twelve-year-old Mike Zielinski lost his Die i n S t Louis In saving that oi Joe Czerwinski, a 5-year-old p l a y m a t e A live wire h a d fallen i n t h e pathwaj of J o e , w h o w a s about t o pick it up, when Mike \ rushed forward and k n o c k e d i t firasji h i s r e a c h . pajc a l l t h e expenses o f a department of anthropology at- t h e University o f California, w h i c h will b e devoted e s p e c i a l l y to t h e s t u d y o f I n d i a n s o f t h e Pacific c o a s t T h e costvwllijie.^ a b o n t $50,000 a y e a r . Mrs. Hearst Is t h e mother of .William R. Hearst o f N e w York. mwmeuKr MABOKTSTORrl! A -J.TOWER CO-BOSTON. MA35. •» Vkea AaswrMg Advertiscmeats H e a t i o a T h i s Faper. Biadly . W. N. D.KansasCIty,No.38,I90I = !50'S CI REQWEoWCOCKIrti WEWREDFOG OK - Defiance Starch is the cheapest laundry starch; —one-third more for the same money, and it's th4 best starch made, too->the best in the world—1$ ounces for 10 cents. % If your grocer does not keep it send us his name and we will send you one trial package. ( / ««lorfcal Socles ! A W 10 His Record from: Farm tti tire White House. flOW A COUNTRY BOY ROSE. law, and becomes a leading member of the bar of Stark county. ,1872. Though not a candidate, very, active' as a campaign speaker in the Grant-Greely presidential campaign. j 1875. Especially active antf conspicr nous as a campaigner in the closely contested state election in "which Rutherbrd B.- Hayes is elected governor. . •;••-.'-. '. .- • :' '- •'• 'tlce WJ K , '•" preme i alienistii;-; ibert M,f '! Iport trdj • lets a n « 8 Imme'" Preside-1 -;' cians ii expressy Sight ft . Attornev of t h e i ; ^ careful;':^; made, !]?.. a chem'jp .and thil revolve: ger, 6|v formetf.: dent's, aj bacterid reportei his won been us? ten repc "the t r i i eliminaj. zlhgerj.. examittj vealed?^ district^ t h a t e"••.'•'-"1 •has a* j Aur! that I comply !,,_. trace jfffi vealerVl^ "liB ' ruinoii ; r • Dan ' 1 father ^ Jersej his fd I For] I wife h » the yein-lawl and hav several •. 4uarrei f to. conij vised I s erty a } ; .Jersey? J Brov^ over tit; at her]' fered. j , the b"u| was n«••• father-V himsell '") h^art Browj and, -ttiCj relieve I husbaif j men 4 j . >.f.'. ^Westei . , •s.- New:; Westei^ a crev'.l: Superi'i Marie,^ wMch v ^ Duluth. 1^ Captain*:^ Hudson r» time aft] • steamer l\ ing the(^ 'again abriver. T\< with deel and pun McLean to save render port he had r be heard there , founderei^ ued at $ of flour, chandlse ?-••,/•:,[ :"'*• '--"•'' :;'v : ' .1896.. June 18,.-At/the" ]&teBnhU^can national cbnyention n t Sfc' Louis" J|cB3nley j s - nominated for president~©nthe first b.allot, the result,pf the. »yot-. ing being !as follows: McKnley 66a.%t 6eed 8f%,'<Juay 66%^Mortdn 5 8 ^ L ^ T ll^oh 35%y. dameron-£ "' • ' • ' - - J;"" ';;•''' fa JVot& I s Elected President. .. . I89'6.~ 'Nov: J 3V Receives' a 'gobjitdar. Student, Soldier, Lawyer, Congressman, ..-•:'. Elected to Congress. eiection""'.pf Governor and "Finally Nation's Chief 1876. Elected: member of the House vote in' the Jite'sidentfal' ; 3 ot WilUam McKinley among those who did not regard Mr. j Execatire—-TZie Koad that Is Free to, of Representatives by 3,00,0 • majority, 7,i04,779r;a -pluratftf '"-of•• 66i,8Sff oyer '•:'Jfy.',.$? fe ®* bfe\Demqcratic, opponent^ William J.;' a^tfie hands of the assassin. Czolgosz^ Blaine as the most! available candi. All American Boys. \ hb^-friend Hayes being elected tortile presidency.; / - - •-•? ?£>' Bfyaui.: In fte elecjfe^bbollege-tiateip Theodore Roos^yel£ :>the" Vice^-Presl- date of the pSrty, but after:the lattK's McKinley receiyes j &Elririr«?tes,^agatiHei' del*,*bficbme^Pres1fdeiit "of the" United nomination Mr. Roosevelt »r gave'-him ; ••:•,- - Here is ; thechron61§gical story;, of 1878. E e ^ e c t e i . jtft.. Gpnjgresa.-; by. WO'fbf 'Bryan. : i\ .-r. %:hj- .•£ ?£$&£' his hearty support,, and in the face t h e life of -WHltem, Mc&toley, twenty- 1,234 majority, his -disject {In ©hip. •u 1897. "March; 4.' Inaugurate^JP?»^ ; of "thei; remarkable defection in New ; - | fifthjpresident of.v the- jjnited .Stajtes, having been gerr/mandeye^ to-MS-4^T 'dent:c*''tali tJfiifed States, f:oj t ^ e ^ ^ n - r T^eo4ore.rRopSCTelt-. was born in York &i that time. : 1 : advantage ; by a Democratic* legisla• ^ B o s e t f a g i e death a t the hands of'the ^ w ^ o r ^ . j ^ i r October 27, 1858,; of -tyjieiighth • ^uadfeiiniai teim ; : •''•'. L ; anarchist assassin • Czob|osz ;L has. ture. .;'• .;"": '. " ' . ';-'''-,:..' 7te±±:3*L ancestry, t By -'-^ I a - . t i s Kitlaa'tl Civil Ssr vice. y4.89i> J*arc: 1880/ Re-elected to Congress by brought, deepest s o r r o w t o t h e Ameriis> a natural >.-- In-Ma^>1899, President Harrison ap3,571 majority. Appointed a membef fojrjan extia>:sessic® of'Qdngress to_aacan ••peopfe; ' '• " '!:. ; semble M a f c t e i f K ^ ' ^ h e ^ ^ f r e s f d ^ n V i T ^ ^ K J s ; ^ both - his pointed .him civil• service commissionv 1843, Jan. ' 2 9 ^ William" k c ^ i n i e y , oi^ffie ways"ahff means committee to nifessafe jdwells -solely lipdrt : 1^fte ( s 3 ' ^ nTee¥ «a?n«?s -and:"nis ;mptb^'%^}jte^v,whP j^erj^anjd he ; served as president of the ' sbn-^ef'William anHNancyr{AlSison^ sUGcagd fee^dent;3Gajflisidj!ss! fl-vca-;$5s3 ^-j^t-^evisioiTof the-extetirig;tariff«Wi##«<«' bic^-^eyonr'reydrut&nary^days,'" -board; 11 IffcTCinley/fe^Tborni-AiNlles, Tr^mhiiH '1882. The "Republicanss • siiffet ^'..^m~ hii efj "'May. 17l'-^l^TBsfbiSeSfo^^ **«* *«!b^^c^tius,-^y;j:ieaso» -of-thft^w..cunjbeBcy ?he:?jpas untifingTin J :fc^nty,7p^ift^ befng the seventn! of a verses thTCuglio^flfe'-cpWtry^liS t" 0 tSii *-f a^pe^l'from ^ b e - p i ^ l f i ^ C K ^ e s s ^ - ^ a r a i r ^ M J * - 6 - ™ * * ^ W was W Theodore T J , ^ ^ « V O " .fprts..tP-appiy the civli .service» prin^X^mV^^tfi^^.^^^^^Wi^J' ft - . congressional elections and McKinley apbrbpriatgs "?Wi0fe»::-fbi'--'tb€:-Mf& ©>p ''• S <[•. 1852.\ T TbeMcKinleyiamilly*remoyes" i s ro^eledted by armajprity:^flf'pnly 3i^ the destitution i % ^ ^ : * t ^ b f . e ? 0 >&> »* • <.ito PorandJ Mahoning countRO^, ifrhiere. 1884; . Prominent In I the, opposition • 4S?7I\^iy/24.-;: rTJi«r;'tDinfl»#.naMff £ .v-iV, till" "ieceiyes'the EHa^si'dentfssap^roval/ • •• l£9Ti- -D6(S:i2. /piath-PfrJ?*si.dent.4 i, '- :r ^•oKinieyJs; -inoth'e \ at-jCafttonjf-O'l:':" J 1898. 'Both braiic^es, •bi r »Co|ig^es8:^;. vote unanimously (the Housei-pn/'Ma^. 8.by a vote of 313 t p ¥ a n d | t h e Senate byta vote of 76 ,tc "Opnihe follQwing day) "to -pJace. $5' F.OOQ.Q'tfol at. th'p dis.pp^al^of the presi lent, to be used at his' discretion "fo:- the national der ; meht on tha^ Which.J; ident|«| terioipfct made Jf :no .poS; '•• ! Anotfi the exa •'prisbnr -jail h New | "Jbroiigi the-iEl"" Dr. A\-. •of the* alienist: one. hqf left boJ Distr tire st<: preparj ' which I any candidate in the history ^of^tlie :Sfete.'•:'•-•••/•<" • - • ' . . . • ' . * • • ' . ' • : . " . * ; • " . : ^ehs'e.-" ; ^ ''•" '" ''•': • :- ;;. " " . ":" ' . " j -'-'•./ <HI» tritimat-am t a Spain. '.•;'» 189.8. March' 231 : The president'sends. tp"ithe Spanish g )yernment, tjhtough.^ Miipister Woodford at Madrid, an ulti-/ ma(tum regarding i e intolerable: con-'-dition-of affairs ir Cuba. r 'i" 7 ,.1898...' Match 28. The report of.thP. court of inquiry oil'the destruction of., thp Maine at- Havana, on Feb. 15^ is^ transmitted by this president to Conr; gre]ss._ -• ' -. .j •'. ••..-. 1898. April 11. The- president sends' a message to Congress outlinin-g the-J situation, declaring that intervention* • ' is necessary, and advising against :the^ !*rectognitibh of the! Cuban government J li898. April 21. i The Spanish^ government sends Minister -Woodford'-his passports,- thus^.;beginning,the war:^'" 1898, .-April.237^ The.president issu|s a. call for 125,0fi0\Tpiu:nteers.:,.v..: - ; ; 1898. April 24: ' Spain, forma.liy. de> clares thkfe;war exists.,w^th the.-'gnite^d; ; States. Eecoinmends Declaration of War.- June 15 the regiment sailed Gem Shatter in Cuba. to Jbi» With the Konfih Riders. •From the time of landing until th« fall of Santiago the Rough Rider* we»e giant\figures in the. campaign- Their work reached a climax on July l;XrheniLieut-CoL Roosevelt led the regiment in the desperate charge un San Juan hill. He had shared all the hardships of' his men, and" when be brokejthe red:"^ipe of discipline [jto compiaifi; of Gen. Shatter's camp; and its dangers from diseasethe army was with him and tbe war department listened t o his judgment On July i l ha was" commissioned a colonel of volonv teers. f; .;IM Elected Governor of K » w T » * Scarcelyi two.jmonths later the. new ernor of New York. In the. contention he received 753 votes, against .the 218 cast for Gov. Frank S. Black. Col. Roosevelt entered into the campaign with characteristic energy. Men of all parties supported him .and bjr was elected by a plurality of more than 18,000. His administration was /very satisfactory to his state. As refPrmer, official^ military leadei 1 and state executive, he has carried his; earnest dashing personality into it alL door, smfli " i not 3alva-; Ivarez 3 now to the •d help are • must tag t o ie OJV it the J-gt j ; L _ j . * e are aation Iday." a silng a at the a i r of is no is her A s a Writer. As a writer of outing papers hii varied experiences on the trail havs served him well. In biography, his life of Thomas H. Benton and jOl Gouverriour Morris have^been praised. Essays and papers dealing with political life have added to this reputation Of his latest work, "The Rough Riders" has been pointed to as "one oi the most thrilling pieces of military history produced I n recent years." When his name was first proposed for the vice presidency, Mr. Roosevelt declined the honor, preferring to remain governor. He finally consented after much pressure. .,--' I a is im at Mr. Roosevelt's Family. • Mr. Roosevelt has been married twice. His first wife was Miss Alica Lee of Boston; the second,: Miss Edith Carow of New York. He is the fathei of six children, ranging from 16 to 3 years of age., if -His domestic life is ideal. Whethet" ensconced in" winter quarters at K\b a n y o r ' N e w York, or at the famous gdosevelt home at Oyster Bay on Lcjng •IslanoV be is an indulgent father and romps with- his children with as much zest as the youngest of them, f Th« youngsters are' known as the Roose.yelt.halfrdozen,; and all reflect in/ soaM manner, the,paternal characteristic.*^ 1898. .April. 25..: .#n-,m-message: tflfir. Congress the- 'presidenUiv.'recronBhends^ t h e passage, of a joiatsr«ftQlution' ;.d$* charing ; that war ", .exist&-^ithv;Spaiiij* Om.the; same, iday'- bc^fc.^itattTchesUirt doiigress passed such a- -t!ecla^ti$5hV. ;* Ail B r i g h t Children. U<'ia}8.-: May 25. The 'pre£ij|f&£issues" Rgp.iseyelt,*,af^c;jWhoin•••he"'was' nained, ciples of merit and capacity to .all ex- ; The oldest girl i s Alice, tall^-<arH a- call; fpr 75,000 additiPiia^.^bLunteei^ andv-.Ws. mojher;''-whose . given"' name ecutive : departments. As a result of and serious, looking. She rides hei ; 1898: June 29. Yai'e''university con^ .was.-jMartha/ -wasTi ,the'. daugbter of this" zeal the country was shown the father's Cuban campaign horw with A FAVORITE PIGTURE OF M'KINLET. fers upon President- McKinley the de^-: James-and Martn"a Bulloch of Georgia. first "practical application' of. the rules fearlessness and grace. The'next-olive to civil government. .-':• '." rEdncaJe4-,af Home.--* •: gree of L L D. •'</,>. "*=i.'----' :^ ^ : branch is Theodore, Jr./or/^'young j>, WillianS studies at the-Union seminary to the proposed "Morrison tariff" in 1898. July 7> Joint resoIutiPtt- of •^Touag Roosevelt- was prlnmrily'edu•'•-. Civil Service 'jStptoimeri-'A'^ -'• 'Teddyi" the idol of his fatherVheart, '•..^«. •.. '. i Congress provided foe. t&e-annexation'"- cated' a t borne under private' teachers, y. Juntil he is 17l y •"" . . '-'. .] : #;-.-??i^coJag^ess;; #«*£! \ He proved that unflinching civil- and a genuine chip of the plot blockj 1.1859. Becomes a member of;;-'tie 'v 188C,;^As-^pT.'-delegate at large to the of Hawaii receives the'appro v a t pf 'Sfte'r"'wh'ich be entered Harvard' grad- service refonn was not only consist- Young "Teddy" owns a shot/gun and Methodist Episcopal church InPbialiM. 'Republican>'national _ convention .in the.president. -•.:.'•• . • '••* r*Uating in 1880. Those qualities of ag- ent with party loyalty, 'but In the dreams of some day shooting bigger • I860. Enters the junipr class i p A l - Chicago, actively supports James G. .1898. Aug. 9. Spain :torn?ally acr. grj^siyeness which have '.marked his highest degree was necessary to party game than hiss father ever ^did. Hs . - legheny college, J Meadville, Pa.-i but Blaine- for the presidential nomina- cepts. Jthe president's ternis of peace/'; iinojre recent years of public life were service. None doubted the reformer's also rides a pony of his o w y . tion!: 18981 ' Aug. 12. Tbe peace protocol present with' him in ••••college,: and he Republicanism, but it was not an easy poor health prevents the completionrof Alice, the eldest girl, is nearly 16. . Agraln Elected to • Congress. ^ is signed. An armistice is proclaimed jKas. a conspicuous figure: among his task I Judgment, tact, honesty, ener- She is the only child; by the first Mrs. the. course. Subsequently teaches in g '' i . • 1884. Re-eicoicd to Congre"ss by and the Cuban blockade raised. ~" fjeliows. : ' gy, and a certain sturdy pugnacity Roosevelt. "Young Teddy," the presa public school n|ear Poland; and later a majority of 2,0001 " , i'"il|.:'»|as an Interesting: period In the 1898. Oct. 17. The president ret were necessary, to the accomplishment . becomes a, clerk!in the Poland iflbfitihlstory of the party and the nation, . j 1886. Re-elected to Congress by a ceives the,degree of LL. D. from ffiie of his| purpose. Every detail of the • office.' _•'"'•_ |.j • » I ] ~N : majority of 2,550. University of Chicago, 'i .; . . .;. :.,. !<ffi^ ypwng Roosevelt entered upon the system was opened to carping critiEnlists As a Private. ; 1898. Dec. 10.' The treaty -of *peace political field with eagerness and eur cism and to hostile attack. ' The ad1886. Leads' the minority opposition: j 11861. .June 11. ; Enlists as a private between Spain and the .United'States: eriByi ;The purification of poittical and ministration itself was only friendly in Congress" against the "Mills tariff in Company E of "tha 23d Ohio Yolun'official life had been for some time an to the movement Not only had" poliis signed at Paris. ' \ 61111" J ;teer infantry.^; %' -t i'-S-»v~ --• r-fli '.-'• 1900; March 14. The.- president ''1888. Delegate at large to the naticians to be kept out of places, but •' (. ; ,3§f>2y April >15.i Promoted to i p m - tional convention in Chicago that; signs the "gold standard a c t " *-^:? :"' competent servitors had to be pro^ inissary sjjgeant while in the winter's nffmlnated Benjamin Harrison, and yided. Jj; -. ; Kenominated for P r e s i d e n c y . . camp at^Fayette, W. Va. H serves as chairman of the committee • j 11862^. Sept. 24. Promoted to second on. resolutions. Many delegates ~wisb. ,1900. June 21.. The Republican;inaIn the Police Commission. . lieutenant, in recognitibn of seryices McKinleyrlo become a nominee, but he t ^tionfil convention at Philadelphia un-; animously . renominates WilUajfe$£er, . As. president, of the ..cjvll-servlce at the battle of Antietam. Winsj the stands firm in • his support of John commission Mr. Roosevelt resigned ih' Kinl0y. for 4he presidency. highest esteem of the colonel of the Sfherman., I . . May, l-9j6o. 'June 21. The president's :fim^ r1895, to becpine president pf the , ...regiment, Rutiierford. B. Hayes, j and •18881 Elected 'to •' Congress for the New York board of police commission' becomes a member of his staff.!!,"' seventh successive time,: .receiving a nesty proclamation to the Filipinos is ers. Legislative, investigation, had pupllshfid-in Manila. 1863. Feb. 7. Prompted -j to! jflrst majority of 4,100'votes, j v - * shown the corruption in that body, • 19^0..-'Juiy 10.' The United States lieutenan t. and to this field he turned with a new 1889. At the organization of the .,.'1864. July 25.-Promoted to captain 51st Congress, _ is a candidate for government makes public a statement zest An" uncompromising enforcefor gallantry at the battle of Kerns- Speaker of the House, but is defeated of its policy as to its affairs i n China." ment of law was his policy. It brought 1900. 'Sept. 10. Letter accepting, the town, near Winchester, Va. | ' criticism j and vituperation" upon him, on the third ballot in the Republican presidential nomination , and discussI |l864. Oct 11.; First vote for Presi- caucus by Thomas:-B*.- Reed..'"""",' but he persisted; Honest methods: In ing the issues of the campaign is givdent . cast, while on a march, iforj Abthe police" department . were forced^ Chairman of W a y s . a n d Means Comen, to the public. . -.^c raham Lincoln. a n d . ciyitseryice , principles ^ were em1900. Nov. 6. In .the .pr^siaeTafffai ". ' mittee. ) , 1864. ,Shortly after the battle of Ce: bodied Into the system of appointelection William ^McKinley carr^ies^M !Sj^ 1890. ..Upon the deatb of William. D'.- jlar Creek (Oct. 19), C a p t Mcldnley ments and promotions. Sunday closALICE ROOSEVELT. ". serves on the staffs :Pf- Gen. George Kelley Jn,:January McKinley becomes; states, .which' haye an'aggregate<ot"^92* "^~ ings of saloons became a fact, and a votes| i n the:, ejecfiirat,.c&|leglt;' ljyc v& ; Crook and Gen. Winfield S. Hanipck. chairman; of the w a ^ and* means, com1 seemly observance ..of tije day was. to-v ent Mrs. Roosevelt's oldest child, la l i . .1865. -Assigned as acting assistant mittee and leader of Ms party in the. Democratic 'pppbn^i^^il'uain. JUBrysisteduppn> ;T '*-: «" - .i i. Then, there are-Hermit, 11; Ethel, 8;.; Archibald, 6, and Qnentin," 3 / •"••" adjutant general on the staff of [Gen: House. He introduces a bill "to sim- an, carrying 17 states, hivia&155r r . v v ' i ^ " ' F " ' - ' ••, • : : . Samuel Six, Carroll, commanding the plify the l a w s in relatibn t o ' t h e col- torall votes. His popular ff•*• M«srITHEODSHK" "RJ&SEEELT; .* i f - ->»ayy,8 Assistant Secretary. veteran reserve corps at Washington. ; lection pf revenues," known as the also larger than in the election of 1896. Shallow Lakes for Fish. "customs administfatien :bin:**" "He al- 1901. Begins a triumphal, tour of ideat-wifh him, and w i t ^ ' . ^ i s ^came". President IJncoln Brevets Him. P r oot": l Marsh of Wisconsin, in speak- ^ nominated % Presiden't McKihley to : b ;tefflcsacy of'theappli- •- 18^8. March 13, Commissioned by so Introduces a general" tariff bill. The the United States in Mayjr, the .same bj^.theflgBAiflaibe ing recently of tbe peculiarities oi tag terminated by the sud^n?-ififiei|f oa'!fDn,S^Scivil-service rulis '-to. execu- be assistant secretary -of^ the navy. He Lake 'Winnebago, said that it is re;..ij~Presidlent Lincoln as major by Ibrevet bill becomes a law on Oct 6. pusbed repairs on the ships and worked 1890. As a result of the.gerryman- of ,-jMrs. ,»McKinley -MW4 -at M&1&9&. Uttnact etodifllti ^^^sirongiy-,-did he .im-, •with might and main, forseelng a con- markable for - its shallowness. Al'"." in';..tIia.Tpiniit!ae1£:United States army; geles] CaL; Jtetprrig'. .to | Washington , nimself.nDpn.bi3 bolitical asso- fiicj wlU^Spainl .He left nothing un- though it is about^twenty-elght mllei "for. gallant-find meritorious "services: dered congressional district and tbe from!San Francisco earl^in- Jim&Vh s* 1 reaction against the Republican party " f y ^ t f i a t i n ' 1 8 ^ 2 ; he-was nbtalnated done toilsecureTtne-bighest efficiency In wldti, it,-:bas a depth of only at. ttie. battles df Opeauan, Cedar {jreek throughout the country/ caused by the fefs'fhe-state assembly and elected. twenty-flWVfeet This is due to th« in the navy; : .. "-'• •:• and Ffefier'a Hill,** India's A r m y Elephants..-_ "l." >-—,-•" In- tOe. State Assembly. protracted struggle; .oyer the tariff bill, On May 6, 1898, Mr. Roosevelt re- fact that the lake's outlet is constant!j ;'- 1865! VJuly 26. ^Mustered out of;thej -Elephants, in the Indian armyyiaro : : ^ B ^ ^ T e d ' f o r tittee: yeats and soon signed this Place to muster in a cav- deepening: and that its inlet is graduMcKinley is defeated in the" election nnny^witn his regiment- having ineveri for Congress by 300 votes'in counties fed twice a day. When mealltinfel-sEr^ ally filling its bottom with-a sandy 01 - -been absent from his'command on sick that had previously gone Democratic rives jtiiey are drawn npf before piles ^Sme tcr berecbgnized asap,, able" and alry regiment tor t h e Spanish war. earthy dapoatt \ But Winnebago's fearless advocate of the people's rights Life in the west had made this a fit" leave during more than four years'- by3,00OV of food. Each animal's breakfast in* an'd he suceeeded in securing the pas- ting^ ambition. As a banter of big shallowness makesjit remarkably rick .service. • ;' j _! eludes 10 pounds of raw .rice,done up sage. of;-several measures of. great'ben- game, used to tfie saddle and the camp in fish; indeed, it-is one of the most E l e c t e d Governor of Ohji?. 1865. Returns t o Poland and at once . 189L JNov. 3. Elected governor of in five tw.Prpound packages. The rice efit The abolition of fees in-.the.of- and an nnerring shot with riflef and productive; known. Shallow lakes albegins the study of la^w; ; - . ways nave more fish than deep, ones, is- wrapped in leaves and .then tied fice of -the county clerk and' the aboliOhio py^ a plurality of 21,511, polling I 1866. 'Enters"the Albany (N. T.) chiefly, perhaps, because there is more with fgrass. At the 'command! "Atten- tion of the joint power of the board the largest vote that has ever been Law School .; j | ^ vegetation on the bottom of the shaltion.!?' each elephant raises bis trunk 1867. Admitted to the bar at] War-) cast for governor in Ohio. His op- and a package Is thrown Into his ca- at 1aldetmen"in the mayor's appointlow one. -Vegetation does not flourish ponent is the democratic governor, "ments were among' those of special * ren, O., in March. Accepting the ad-^;. In deep-water. '- • pacious mouth. By this: method of . .-. benefit to the city: of New York.' vice of an elder sister teaching in Can- James E. Campbell. vfeedmg not a single-grain of rice -it . Anothet important work,&one by him ,3.892. Aslderegate.. a t large- to the ton, he begins the practice of l i a w i i r f was the investfgatiori of the city govCanton and makes that place his national convention at Minneapolis, wasted. Alphabetical Advertisement, ernment, and'paitictilarly the police home. and chairman of.. the convention, McThis alphabetical advertisement api- B a n Pightinff on Bicycles. . ^department, i n the winter of 1884. AnHis First Office. Kinley refuses to. permit the consld-peared in" the London Times in 1842: 1869. Elected prosecuting attorney eration of his name and supports the > [ In Spain bull fighting on bicycles la other.iniportant service was- securing Te» -widowers and single gentlemen.— of Stark county on the Republican renominatipn of President Harris-on. becoming popular: Not long ago Car- the passage, pf the civil service reform Wanted by a lady, a situation to su-ticket althongh.the county had; usual- ' The roll call results as follows: Hsr- los Rodrigues,. a .-famous cyclist and- h n r o t ; ROOSEVELT'S COTTAGE AT OY- perintend the household and preside a1 ly.been Democratic Bains for Mayor at 3iew York. table. She is Agreeable, Becoming, rison 535^ Blaine 182, McKinley 182, Senoij Badila, a noted picador,: mountSTER BAY, L. L ed on cycles, tackled a bull | in the Tn 1886rMr. Roosevelt was nominat187L • Jan. "25. Marries Miss! '• Ida Reed 4, .Lincoln 1. [Careful, Oe^rable, Engllsb, FacetiouiH ISaxton of Canton. ; (Two daughters 1892. 'Death of William IilcKinley, arenar at Madrid. The bull won in a ed ; as an independent candidate for revolver, the country recognized In Generous, Honest Industrious, Judicanter, - . , mayor of Mew, York; but, although in- him the making of a dashing cavalry cious, Keen, Lively, Merry, Natty, Obe-' rbdrn to Mr. and Mrs. McKinleyp-Kat- Sr.,in Npyember. ddrsed "by"the Republicans, .was de- leader. He had experienced military dlent Philosophic, Quiet Regular; Sole in 1871-and Ida in 1873-^-and both 1895.,^Unanimouisly renominated for A plant that grows in India, called feated. . duty, in the New York National Guard ciable, ; Tasteful, Useful, Vivacioua governor of Ohio and re-elected by a I lost in early childhood.) the .philPtacea electrica, emits elecin'" the '80s. Cot Wood Was pat I n Wpmanish; Xantlppish, Youthful, Zeal?. 'In. aSo^^he^lyas chairman of the New plurality of 80,995, this majority, being 187L Falls of re-election aslprosetric sparks. The hand which .touches command of the Rough Riders; Mr. ous, etc. Addtfss X. Y. Z., SimmondS York delegation to the national Rethe greatest ever recPrded, w i t i a sincuting^ attoniey by forty-five« ToteS, lit immediately experiences/a shock. ; Roosevelt was lieuterant coloneL On ikbray. Edew*reroad» publican convention; He bad bsen. and -for the next five years ;fi&rotes gle exception during tne-clvil war, for ^himself successfully to the practice of len be izudo's ncisco. a de! Garza ;jy, she een of Queen ' jr way ng the ie. and do so jrfth a jto inke to bed at jdeatbv ry, for e seen i with all tbe •turned Irs. At groups e seen e cafes rbody c times h have pffee— ister—' 1 shuffes, but [melee, e s t are ' [placed ie purr in um:h dog, nt and he cats .brellas imself, t when E r- (. # near I could bate. I -ave to Eon to 'e mldreplled puntry •except (oar'in ? M Wb MVATmytLtiEj KANSAS 'Ballef "COWS - -> r A^saftfii Cizplgp4ts, 1 '- ' to t>urn' Leaxtds. of '•• Music., • i "Young men "nave long made "them-, 'selves useful by ^turning oyer leaves of music for ladies who were -playing, j tlhe piano, but it is doubtfut if in future tLe,y will, be called upon to do inuch of this pleasant work, for. a device' has now been invented in Frknce, the ob- ' ' ' • - . • " % . , iSad BTews Given t o Public.. r* TaWn£ About the" King. .] Mrs.. Shenfoqd, writing from "Ensland; sriys'that'tfae^ ladies there"-do "not make literature! X and-literary people the subject of conversation at lunch;w eoris and dinners,*,as is the case with the women f. in America, "English women talk iless'of literature because McKINLEY AS A RAW RECRUIT. the, they talk so! much about the king; (At the time of hia enlistments^, ?> /_. :. Army.) '-' .::'•" Conversation! just now is over "the p a | geantry of the Coming coronation ana fui drafts of oxygen, seemed to. fade .JiwaysOon after 10 o'clock, and conof*the= Mhg'sVHew titieHglveri 'by Lor*sciousness was lost permanently.. Roseherry, which Is certainly in a lit-j Around what was supposed to be the erary sense ;-yery fine; indeed, as a ti J actrial deathbed, besides the surgeons ;fle." The tiine w a s - w h e n American i n the case, were Abner McKinley, Miss women,-made: servant' girls the exdufi Helen McKinley, and Mrs. Duncan, trie sive topic of conversation. This sub-j^ brother and sisters of the: President. ject is now tabooed in polite society] They were hurriedly called to witness and gives place to the broader themes] 'the passing of a brother: and a Presiof philanthropy, -school, extension, 4cityi dent. Yet an hour seemed to be dedecoration and work i n the slain'drs-i layed from one brief, moment to antricts. Having passed upon I these,! other. American women then: discuss tire lat• Members o f F a m i l y Gathered. ~ est novel, the merits and demerits of DoWn-stairs'and-in.the hall-were the the latest poet, and Jthe import-oi.the : latest scientific " theory. Fortunately, .ether-members of t h e family^ Mrs. Abthe conversation of American women n e r MCKinley, a sister-in-law; Miss ioes not contract about a king or im- M8ry Barber,- the President's favorite perator. : Their interests are wide.jand niece; Mrs. McWTlliams Qf Chicago,.a. manifold, as become the women of a cousin; Lieutenant James McKinley, a nephew; John; Barber" a nephew; Mrs. -tleiriocracy. The glamour, which irir Baer, a niece; with Mr. Baer, and Secvests a king h a s little" charm, in their retaries Root, 7 "Wilson, Tarid Hitchcock; eyes, while humanity as^ ! a whole* i s and Attorney General Knox.': The lai?-' rtll-important.--Chicago Chronicle. ter; with Secretary Long, had arrived bniy a few mtoutes before riildnlght "Wha* Is'.the chief iood of the pep- alid Secretary Long le»t about 10 ~lde" of India?"- asked:.a^teacher in a o'clock, so that' he was not present London school the other day, ^"Fam- when the end-came. ine" promptly answered a '.little' girl, Officials See t h e End. who had apparently been reading the Next i n official importance among papers. fi^taf trem w > A*» a Secretary- Cortelyou came out-Of thg; .Milburn honse about' 2:20_ a^-jm,,. a^»d in a. voice that trembjed ^ t i \ n i b t i d r i announced:, : f ; ^ ^ i a a ' ^ '"The President -die^atr *?&& W$M£& £• vfie then :^ive. the.- nanieB^g^fe family and friends" present a t the bedside •when the end-camg .and -f^^%i§ the hdpse. "J,".^.,^ "yX?. ^wa^-iriSt >finriiediately-, ^ e r e a f ^ r t ,<^?rPart7 that had'been assembled in.the hpueie during the ;night broke' ; up^^cpniirigdov;n the walk singly a n d i ^ p a i r s . , •. M e n Weejf a s Xh«y *^»»«j i ._ Everybody was deeply affeetecU: Seyreral of t h e ,men .welre; sobbing aloud? a s they passed ori their way l p their carriages. " ^.' ' * '-'. Secretary Wilspn says that tiie" party will go first to Washington, wliere the body will He i n state in trie Capitol, but interment will be in-' Canton, "O: The details of the President's-funeral will "be in charge of; the "Segretary of ,State^ ^Through- him- notices - snfl i n vitations t o distinguished, foreign representatives will: he ,exterided.J^ v Congress May A t t e n d Funeral. - The ^wishes of t h e : members cf the President's family will- ;^be observed and the character rif tne'services will, depend entirely on fheiri. "Gbngress ,wiil attend in a bodyi if-trie services, are held at the national capital; but if, they are performed at,Canton thik arrangement may be changed. * J T i e House is nonorganized, and t h e bath has not been administered to t h e members electa but they will""ne -in charge, of the Sergeant-at-Arms of the last House, who holds over i n office. All Friday and Friday night 80,000, 000 of ^Americans" stood in thouglit and heart a t . the bedside of their dying President.: A simple' people, devoid of the arts Which in other lands : are used t o ' decorate the emotions, they knew only how to sorrow^ in silence and hope that the impending blow would be spared. -| Iri his daily life the President of the United States is merely its first citizen—a plain man in plain clothes, accessible to other plain men in plain clothes. By virtue of his office he Is only, trie foremost among his equals, and as such he meets-his fellow "citizens without claiining or expecting from them the studied deference or ostentatious affection- which is so sedulously displayed in the capitals of other lands. ' A •- • " Yet for days, wiiile this man qf the people lay stricken by the-assassin, bound down by wounds, and hovering between life and death, 80,000,000 men, women, and children turned from the tasks of a crowded life, forgot their personal strivings and personal griefs, and inquire suspense reached.oub for the least word of comfort, of courage, or of cheer fro:a their .Pfesiderit's bedr side. ; Sorrow, affection, and. anxiety were written across the face of' the whole MRS. / - • i ' adplent \ . Taken ease, It disease 'nekia- JiereTer. 11 •tent. \1\at Alad memitatlve3,. hington, f to the , in the the jo tarn ~)UT6 cure " - ^ / . H. .-''^•Beadle i - O . F^ ^writes: o. 8ufferieys. In that the , rind that ii~ climate M M do. aa that I i then irenty Age to jcured trouble It has Samuel d sat,$ot Peirtman, ur case you his dent of 'nibus, O. • ian sheidmires A Member of t h e B o d j G i a r J . - McKINLEY IN "1866, - • little of gjreat rrioment left for him to do for his. country during the next trire® years except to carry out that policy of the extension of its commercial-relatiofns outlined by him in his last public addresri.-^Criicago Tribune. The Return o t the Cameo, * 4. Crowds Surround Jail. • I.-- A l l the World Mourns. -For inany hours t h e President's hold many j others-.-;whose figures^ could on life was so slight that the work of scarcely be distinguished .in. '„ .-trie the surgeons waff-confined to watch- giooinj "' - • - ' " " : " ' ing the flickering spark without atThe Straggle With Death. ' tempting to fan it into life artificially. : The President's turn for the'worse H o p e Abandoned at Midnight. came at 2 o'clock on Friday'morning, Practically all medicines and oxygen and i t was-almost exactly ewenf-y-four treatments were abandoned a consider- hours later before the last flicker "of able time before midnight. All hope life had died away. It wSs.-trie..heart was abandoned then, and the only which failed early in the morrungifol-h thing left to do was to wait- for the, lowing upon 'the partial- collapse on worn out machinery to run down. Thursday night, and ail,through trie Mrs. McKinley had been with.: the ^terrible .day into the night the heart of President twice during the early part the good President beat with irregular of the evening: throbs jwhich told of t i e irieyitaDle • •Just before the President lost con- e n d . - . i . . '•• _ • ' • - "•,'•' •'_ - T : ; . sciousness Mrs: McKinley knelt at his f-Mrs. McKinley I n f o r m e d . ' side. He knew her and said.:, ^tptopd^, • MrsJ McKinley was warned" that it IT TURNSVMUSIC LEAVES, ject/df which is to do this very work' by all; good-by. It is God's way; riot was only a question of minutes before our will, but Thine be done." mechanically. • j the end came,-but as these- minutes When this device is attached to a Iioas. of Consciousness. drifted into ; hours her strength .Trailed piario, all that the player has to do! is The life of-..President McKinley, completely ; and.-she was 'forced? to- re-"to'press with the .tdbt ripon' a "sinMl which had been sustained with••power- tire,, under, the commands of 4fce>3>h.ysi-: rubber knob, which is placefi near one cians, wrio alone could tell whether of the pedals. A slight pressure of the life was extinct or-not, i ; • . . - ( ' . . - . . . ; ' - • ' • '*•:' J - - -"• foot Eunices; t o release a sheet-or leaf F i n a l Deathbe4.Scene._ j/». of. music from a clasp which holds i t Thejresult was that when j^ft erid and to turn It over. There are as laariy really jCame, at 2:15 o'clock .in the clasps .as there are sheets of music and gray, foggy morning, those present in a simple mechanism • connects them t h e death chainber were prily Mils Helwith; the knob .containing. the comen McKinley, Mfs/Duncan,! Abrie'r MCV pressed air. | ' , •j Kinley, James McKiriieyV JoHU Barber; : This device can be attached to any and Dir. Rixey. The other physicians music stand; and thus a violin .player had left -tiie' rck>m^ whenrlt. wafjd.eGided; will find it as useful as a piano -player. tiat.JKuihari skill^. could n ^ s a y e tha^ Moreover, it takes only a few seconds President % -?£};£ £=-.•; -^M^-J' ;C. P n ee : to-p8t4M -P^ -~"-!"" ' •••-:—c-' ! dollai *' • ^iiuring the earlyj-part of the evenine; crowds began to gather about the stajtion^house, where ] the assassin, Czolgosz, wag confined j and the purpose'Of tneir gathering w a s , a t no time.mysterious., People j gathered rapidly, who openly declared they Intended to Jyncri the assassin, if t h e President iiied. . •. '....._ • ».. -\ • r 1'The authorities jwere fully alive to the situation and agents of the secret service reported tnat.the, people were escited beyond measure. There were •riot brily the people of Buffalo, indig|riaht at the disgrace to .their city, but strangers, who hrid no neighborly" rer spect for the local j authorities. • . . f,G-ov.; Qdell pacted promptly and gave orderSj.ip protect'jthe jaiL Thus thp~ aissassin, ..was safej from penalty for the rri'iserable death he had dealt 6u|t : : ';"-•'• ; tb the. .President. 'I Indention hitch Conrj WILL 'BE VOJVEr J*OT HIS LAST W0'k3>S± "Remarkable Statue ynedrthed.^Tht World Mourns the\ Enffre Some ; remarkable bronze statues Fate of the Victim of ^haye JusJTbeen acquired by j the NaanAnarchist£ . ,: tional Museum of Borne.! By mere chancej! they were After every resource :was exhausted . unearthed" some tor oyer , twenty-four'hours, after the time ago'in a field sinking spell early on-Friday morning; near jjCagli, and death came to William McKinley, the were at once pur* twenty-fifth "pTesidenT of the United chased by a-, local ,3tates t at^2:15 o'clock Saturday, morn-i .society; In old days] j#g. a t trie-Milburn residence, Buffalo, Cagli" • iwas- known ,-& Y.as Callis, and near the spot where the WJLLlAltii statues J were "found was fought " the great \\ battle in which JTotila vjas defeated by Norses. Severjal hl"gi mounds! of earth , are also mear the spot, and, according to,otneks, they are thje last resting place of 'Caftriaginians. who had fallen in battle. • I | , , " jThat the statues are of great antiquity there are many indications, the general,' opinion of archaeologists beiirg that they were fashioned during/ toe", fifth century before t i r i s t , ,_They are all bronze, and conspjcuoris among them are some which pott ray/Mars in superb fashion. \.\ ; | .'.'•' jjQne of the most interesting Of the statues represents a youjjg gymnast balancing; himself, and it lib a Btrjking proof of, the importance ySich was attached to such, feats in thle days' of old Rome.: As a work of a i t also this statue deserves to be placdc in-the first rank. •:• '.. • I 1 > :';'; V A s soon as i t became/ljnown, that theVe bronzes had been aiscbvered several; European and Americarij collectors, offered l&rge sums for xtheiri, but the owners declined to dispose 6 | them tetany .'foreigner^ and finally sold them through £he Minister of Public.Instruction \tb' the Museum in RomeV for the. noinihal sum of $3,600: That this was' re'allyja nominal sum may t ^ r s f e n from the : fact tnat more than one foreign collector offered a siriiilar sum for a single statue of Mars. ; . g an.G--:.' nation,; throughout the days % and Officers Ever Near Nation's £rTief throughput the nights, and now'-with Executive. the blow/fallen and the watching.done, tiie l a i d gives itself over to the/ mourning which ^no crown or sceptejf' SURROUNDED BY DETECTIVZS. could command, -vyhich no .throne could The -Senate, jbemg a; continuous body, gather ko it^, and •now the. civilized, Opportunity at a Fnbllc Reception' Is .will be present oifficially, with Pres|-: world has joined us i n grief over our B e s t for Crime—Secret Service H e n a t . calamity. ^ > - (_ ;dfent Pro Tern Frye |at its head, S a n d to W a t c h foe. Slight DemonstraThe republic may appear at .times the S^ergean^at-rArmsj in charge of tl tion. . > ungrateful, for its, heart is deep, ; o\it d|tails; . ^ if'4':-'"-'-";i'"":-'-^ "•> fhe^whcl^arids that heart has not lived "Secretary- Root and -Secretary Lin the watchers were -Senator' Harina; or diddiMr.valri:—-Chicago Inter -Ocean. Elaborate, though secret^ precaution* Controller Dawes, rlenator JTairbariks?- J^ll .detail suitablb b b d i e s o f mffitaijy arid .navail forces xr;pe present at tife are always taken by the secret service Governor Yates of Illinois,?&.-, fi.$Mil-j : y-1 Hlsl Work Done. bureau of the government to guard the burn, President of-, the exposition, in frin;e^L The nation mourns as one which has person of trie president when he is whose house the PresidentJiieiJ; Col- ± D e a t h Caused by Heart Trouble. onel'Myron Tj.Herrtck./^rri.hTMs tfire;i; *'l The^ Presjj|ent s h e i r t gave trouble suffered a great loss, but a loss which traveling and these measures are alarid half a score: of otters.'IwEofc^ethe; Iiejjjrining.j but its.erratic ae- is not jlrreparabie. .His work has ways supplemented by the work of the' and went, ^cfud^ej^airi&fife fhege ^fion y a S ' ^ f e s t thought to be due ilo been,- to a great exteAt, accomplished^ detectives of every large city in-which Col0^el ; W."C.'Browh"i "Abrief ''SS&Kirir : the" shock o f the wound, but when the Of j h e problems which confronted him he makes a temporary stop. His every ley's, law partner*:- Russell=B<f E&tfrtsfrnj twouia bacl begun to progress favorably when he was elected, or which have movement is made under: trie eyes of son of 'a former-President;:IfWsob-X3b etbe.vheartgaye moire trouble and anxi- arisen Jednce h i s election, nearly all Six secret service operatives, ia number JHayes, son of ^formeil^eEiaeHfc-iaad"; o^tij^than'.eve^ri Its action became feeble have been' happily: solved by riim. of cit^ "detectives varying from four to The jrar with Spain has been contogjflnally ^ v e out altogether. ducted to a successful conclusion. The twelve. •}• .. M'KINLEY. -^Thjf. President's d e a t i was due country! is at peace'.witn all mankind. h^ar^ exhaustion,^ but some of thle 'They are close to him at all times— It i s tranquil and prosperous. There priysiciaris do not believe, there wsjs are no (threatening clouds-visible on aerfclose as they may go without ato^anfc Seaisf trov rile. \ The theory-, of tracting attention and betraying the the politicai o r <business horizon. at'.l6ast bne>of t h s physicians is tri^t. nature of their duties. They watch as " S trie-President thought of himselftrie original .shod:, of the first buIWt carefully as possible the movements of oVer the-heart had much t o do with a t all in his last iripments he could those who approach trie executive to have taken comfort in the reflection the trouble which caused death. that he] had well-nigh fulfilled his mis- guardN him from the attack of any ir.;" Slayer Saved by Darkness. sion—that he had done for the. people responsible person or spare ,film an: -A noticeable; theme of cornment wals all andi more than they had expected noyances from "cranks" and bores. occasioned by the hour at which the of him,: and had won for himself fame Yet, despite all the precautions the death occurred., 1: partook somewhat that time cannot' obellterate. So- far jm has plenty of opportunity t o of the providential that the event as one can read the future there was do rift work when he wills. As in the should have .come. in the .dead cf present instance, when a public recepnight instead of the early evening, tion ,'ia being held and thousands of when the 'thousands who gathered ori people are crowding forward to grasp: trie streets of the jcity were in no tentrie ^arid of the. president, it is de-.. der mood." Had the death come earclared a manifest impossibility for his lier it is possible that the^ autiiOrities bodyguard to prevent an attack from •would have had to cope with more qr one ^hose outward appearance gives I less- violenc'e,, j no hint of his design. . . f* Fired by eie*s Cldrfajshioned cameos are now in the; hight of fashion, as is almost every kind of jewel that boasts of antiquity. Cameos are worn a s ornaments, and figure in belts and bands in the latest embroideries. Many of the,.old-fashioned brooches with huge jewels in the. center, whicli we have abjured with a vengeaflce, are coming back to us, not to weari as a brobchy but in combination with leather; velvet or chiftbn in the ornamentation of dress. ' Among the choicest new jewels are pendants of dull rough gold' with imbedded jewels and pendants of natural pearls or bits of turquoise suspended by t}ny gold links. The color combinations in many of these ornaments are rich and exquisite. One of the six secret service operatives who accompanied the president on his trip- to Buffalo and who were with him when he .was? shot is AlDert Gallaher, a 'Chicagoan, assistant; to Captain Porter of the secret service bureau, says Chicago Chronicle. For more than ten years Gallaher has been Captain Porter's right hand man. Big, brawy and absolutely fearless, lie' has done some remarkable work for' the treasury- department while holding headquarters at Chicago. He attracted the attention of Chief WilWe of the secret service, hipiself a Chicago man, and was transferred tp Washington and assigned to the^duties of the pres-^ ident's bodyguard./He;was not made the personal attendant of Presiderit McKinley, but was^ made one of the half-dozen trusted men who are at-' ways close to the .executive, especially when tiie latter leaves' Washington. . As has been said, it is deemed an im- . possibility for this bodyguard, no mat-« ter how numerous, absolutely to guard against assassination, especially i n a democratic cpgntrywhere the executive mingles in nondescript crowds at great public functions and allows all comers to approach and gijasp his hand. D a n g e r Is Always Near. Themairi idea of trie secret service, bodybuard in the trnited States is to protect the person of the president from any manifest threatened danger, such as a panic and resultant crush, the .attack of an avowed and noisy an- I afchist or the annoyapce .of persiBtent "cranks" with petitions and the. like. A well-dressed man ilo. a high hat, approaching to grasp \trie hand of the A Perfect Boy. president amid thousands of otier hol"l- ne'ver heard" of but one perfect' iday-makers would Jnot attract alhy atopy," said Johnny, pensively, as he ' tention from the bodyguard. sat i n the corner doing penance. "And The fact Nieman, the assailant of the <who was that" asked mamma. "Papa president, was first seized by one of , _ l w h e n he was little," was the answer. these detectives shows how close they And silence reigned! for the space of were to him a t / t h e moriient Their i •five minutes. presence and the quickness of action habitual to an officer, may have preOver 100: delegates to Colorado Fed- vented the firing' of more shots by the being eration of Women's Clubs narrowly es- assailant, o t h e r / bystanders caped death in dynamite explosion, stunned into inaction momentarily by Had'." thought to be work of Cripple Creek the surprise of- tiie occurrence. Nieman made one false move, had he miners', unions. -* ' awkwardly dispiayed the revolver an instant before he used it, the chances WILLIAM M'KINLEY. are that he would never have obtained the opportunity 1 t o f cohuriittirig t h e ' crime. One or more qf the secret service^ men wonld_have fallen upon him had he aroused suspicion, and the fact that he accomplished Ills purpose un-= d e r their very eyes rindlcates that 'he •haff'^arfifully plarined it and executed^ h i s plans' witiwut a hitch. During, the- -trip of the president to Buffalo,' ori the way to the grounds and during thej/forriial exercises the public was kept at a slight distance—slight,. but enough to derange" the aim of a woririd-beinnrderer: What Nieman or Czalgocz wanted was to go Close to'trie" president, so close that,there woold.be no chance of his murderous bullets; missing their mark. The o n l y opportunity was a t the publicy reception,, where the watchfulness was perhaps a bit relaxed or yriete a t least ail comers with the outward marks of respectability were permitted to ap^ proach- the president and grasp his . hand. That was Nieman's opportunity : and he grasped i t Street-SmeUlng- Booms, A* delicate and pleasant odor may be diffused i n one's room by orris root in powder form, put In little vases and sprayed with water t o . S e e p i t m o i s t This will give tne odor of fresh violets If trie powder Is of good quality, n o t too old when "bought and changed frequently.t The orris r o o t too, gives about the most delicate arid agreeable perfume to one's bureau drawers., The tiny Japanese bonboanleres or • vases are good receptacles for the drris powfler.—Milwaukee Wisconsin.' »D? ike them (Scents. $y when wind. when a ights. ,. Sample Scents. 'OHK .' -d all Pain. -'-:?lof yotii t, J5, 50a t lit, «nd tor yon» j Free. dfcW.T. ;giT8» • wont stmsat My. I Ifch;; m& the \n— • |-16 " Use 8 -• ... »is id WATEK VlIiLE, MARSHAIiLr COUNTY, KANSAS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,1901. MB MARKETS. : > • • ; . ! > ! ;• . . . " . -- - NO. 15. FUNSTON^S LATEST. "LJVJE STOCK. I n JUanilla H o s p i t a l W i t h Appendicitis " Kansas City-4-Cattie—Shipping! and a n d Will P r o b a b l y tie O p e r a t e d on. . dressed beef jsteera, ?4<g>6,l5^ western ;;:.'-:«;•, ,-•; . , ^ . : ... . .. • REVOLVER iiAtm BULLETS' steers, $2.5O$4A0;": Texas and Indian SECKY COBURN T E L L 9 OF .^General Fonstdn; is in the hospital : at Manila, suffering from appendicitis. CAREFULIIV EXAMINED. steers,' ?2.75@3:80;'Texas and Indian • INCREASE IN ACREAGE. I He probably will lief operated npon. cdws," $L50@&75; .western; cdtts, $1.75 ! BySEWARp W. HOPKINS. L'tAguinaldolia8 written- to Civil Gov- X @2f95; naiivjj jcowsV | M 0 # 4 r native IN -TEN T YEARS 'ernor. Taft and MUitary Governor WM MM1 JS OVERTflROWff heifers", $2.75@4; stockersr-ahd feeders, WAS ^Jhaffee, saying^ that he regrets, with » • • " •^ M<SiiA5.'Hogs-j-Top, ?7.fl5;V bulk pt Copyrighted 1900 by Robert Bonner's Sons. sales, f6;60@tf.9j); heavy,' $6.9£Mg>'f.'p5; 3 4 , 3 8 4 A c r e s i n 1 8 9 1 ; 3 1 9 , 0 0 0 Acres in .tpe rest of the. American nation; the ? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • » • • • » • • • • • • • • • » • • • » » • • osr T r i a l t o B e g a n — O n l y A b o u t 1 0 0 gt-eat loss snffered^by the people of packers; f6:70^)p.90j- .{mixed,.- $6.{>0@ 1^901—Every County in "the S t a t e n o w G e n e r a l Spectators cao be A d m i t t e d . t^e United States^initheideath .ofPjes6.85; PigS, ^ 5 ^ . 1 0 ^ , Sheep^Muttons, CHAPTER X. much: for her chances lit, the halfEaiaes More o r L e s s — J e w e l l I n ; <; '—Experts on Insanrty Spent Some ident MeKinley, • .;' 1 1 _: < - $2.75@3.55r 3laji^s;': $3.50@4:5&;' range Prisoners!" breed's 'hands;"' " -\ ' t h e L e a d — A l f a l f a is t h e S a l .Genera^Chaffee1 will recommend ' T i m e W i t h t b e Assassin' b a t -' wethers," ^3^^3.50; ,'stockere-^ arid When General Salvarez learned of "Where could vhe hide her?" asked that Ldentenant Hazzard, of the 'rhird r a t i o n of S t o c k m e n feeders. $2@3.^0j .,'.'..' . ! Positively Refused to Disthe failure to nipw up; the castle" hei Ravonajs companion. \ cavalry,' be awarded, a medal of honor, ... IriJ>ry T e a r s . cuss I l l s Condition. Chicago—Catille—Good, . to , prime -did not for a moment doubt that his "Tlierie i s a place," replied Ravona, for capturing Arthur •Howard; 'the ; steers, 46.10@j6.50; poor to medium, 5; American desert^rS^der Exceedingly enemies were In possession of the se-i "but ;r. thought only my; father and $4@61 stockers i and feeders, $2.50@ myself knew i t Irris near the river. • Secretary F..D. Cobuiin, of the Kan^ The most important development in _btat^^cirjpunistenegsiV..i- , * . „ . . _ _ •firfetpassage. ; v the Czplgosz case is the announce- •4:30; cb"ws;'??2;50^>4.75; heifers, $2,25®': sas State Board Of Agriculturerhas' li^ 1 General Hughes has compelled tie' ' There-was" nothing left for'hlrirto',do It-Is':a j.cave."' ;•' Y , •< :' • 5:00; cariners, jf 1.50@2.35; Buffs; $1.80 sued a bulletin on "Kansas and Her agents of Smith and Bell and Warner -bat hurry back to his troops, and make "Then go there," said RavomVs ment that no poison had been found on tbe J bullets or the revolver with @4.75calves, $3.50@6.75";| 'Texas steers. Alfalfa," ^supplemented: by a general and Barnes from the island of Samara; what preparations he could toi with- mother.: "If the half-breed is at his which the anarchist assassinated Pres- ?3@4.50; Westferjns, $3.75@5.75. Hogs statement of the value of alfalfa as a for rendering aid to the insurgents in stand an attack, for it was almost cer- tricksj again, defeat him The girl ident McKinley.,. Ghemical. and bac- —Mixed and | butchers' i $6.50@7.16; crop' in Kaiisas. Secretary .Coburn Manila' by buying hemp and . other tain that trie royalists would follow up must ibe hungry Take(food with you." ..- ; teriological examinations have -been good to choice| heavyj ?6.SJe@7.25; says:' ', :, '.'. ' -' r '.;'! .. products, knowing that the money was •their victory, and attempt to dertroy . "Have you any?" ; • made and both revealed the .tact that rough "heavjr, ^pAb@6J&Q; |light, ?6.60@j. -'The past summer Of diversified goirig to the insurgents; The British the' force under his command.'5? "Plenty. Ramana i s . a great 7;. bujk "of BaJesJ $6.60#&95. Sheep^no poison was used by the murderer. "weather .has served adririrably to. em^ And Salvarez reasoned correctly. hunter."! ] God to chQice jwethers'i ;$Si.60@s79Qi phasize fthe ^.desirability of growing consul requested General Chaffee to Another examination to determine fair to choice] mixed] ;?3.30@3.:60; suspend-the order, but the general reShortly after the scene between Phil- . Thej-triree werit inside the hut, and the exact mental, condition of the Western sheej|rj;,?3.25@3.6'5; native alfalfa }k the Middle West-'and also fused to do so, and the cOniuLhas ip arid Don. Juan, a portion of the mob, in a moment the cracking of fire could prisoner was. made in trie Erie county lambs, f.3@)i'75i;. iWesterri lambs,:?3.75 testified forcibly, to its Inadaptability. gone .to Samara for the purpose of called the royalist army, was led- out be hekrd. Then came" the appetizing The wonderful Ipertormances this year personally investigating, the matter: jail byi Dr. Carlos F. {McDonald, of : by Gomez, Iwho had with him, In im- odor of cooking meat. ^ New York, the alienist who , was. ©4.60,;. v \ , : L ; ' i ; , : ' - ' , ]...•'•..-- ' ; >?$ of-this widely exploited jplant have: atI t seemed an interinlnable wait to mediate command of their respective s -brought to Buffalo for? the defense by, -• Soiifibi S t [Joseph—Cattle—Steady to tracted attention anew jto its worth. Medwbrth, but the /food was ready at followers, ^Francisco and Mattazudo. J. ;Hogs—T'op^ $7; bulk; it having' alreadj' yieldied two, three MISSOURI'S OVERSUPPLY. . . Between Gomez and Mattazudo there last, and Ravona, Che-Brie County^ Bar Association, and •strorig? top;r$6l accompanied by his' ! . Dr. Arthur W. Hurd; superintendent $6.75@6:90. -.Sneep--Steady to 10 cents Sr four cuttings; and the jstockman who companion, came from the hut, carryhad arisen a violent hatred, but Gomez p-: of trie [Buffalo State.' Hospital. The lower. was possessed of even a [small acreage T o t a l of Overproduction Gives a Most feared the power\ of! the Zambos too ing a pot of steaming, savory stew. alienists w'ere with the assassin for U St.' Louis—Cattle—Texans strong: is ,in an enviable situation. Trie inThejrj struck Into a narrow path •yj • GratifylnR 8howingr. much to attempt to injure the halfone hour and a half, and when they .top, $3.85; riatiyes steady. Hogs^—Top, telligent Kansas farmers, whose state ijThe new report 6f-Missouri's surplus breed then. leadingr; toward the river, and the ;; left both declined; to discuss the case; $7:22%; bulk,] $6.75@6.90. Sheepr*- far and always leads all others in al- production as prepared by JLabOr Com- - About trie same time that Gomez left Americans kept as close to them as • . j . : ' ~'.:_ ; . , .' /•'' |" • falfa production, are constantly bet> missioner Anderson, now ready for I District Attorney Penny and his en- SteadyV the castle,.Don Juan Garza, accompa- they could without being themselves tire staff spent a day at.the city ball, iGBAIN. •-' •• J - tering their condition and chances, for distributibn, makes a mose magnifi- nied by the two men he Had chosen to discovered. , I ' - '/ preparing for^ttie^triaj'^pf: Czplgosz. Kansas Citjf-f Wheat —- Dec^hiber, success by devoting larger areag»£o its cent showing. The : total value of accompany him, left also, and set out "After ;travfelin|g thus !a^ while, Rawhich" will: Hi'Wrio^cted rietore Jus- q7%@67%c; May,'71%c; cash' No. 2 culture, asfis cbnspicnously^iridicated the. surplus commodities of the state vona passed before a'.thlck; network of tice AVTjite in part^tbree--e^the su- hard, '66%@66%c^ No. 3, 66c; No.' 2 In official^ statistics compiled -by the for'.the year;1900i was $143,889,345.72. toward the Carib's hut vines and parted them.- i^e.and his Garza and his two companions had preme court. / red.' 70c: •Corni—September, 60%c; state, board of agriculture. For in- Of this grand 'total;'! the live stock companion pressed their -way.through. not gone far wlten two forms emerged 1 December, 59c; jMay, '60%@66%c;' cash' Behind ihis barrier was/the entrance Mr. Penny had conferences" with the No. .2 mixed, 60@60%c; iNo. 2 white, stance, the first; official notice was , sdld for $74j739,309.58; the farm crop3 from a hiding-place, and like noiseless to a cave, and Medworth poked his ^alienists' and with City Chemist Her- 60%@.61c. Oats-^ilo. 2 \^hite, 38@39c taken ptalfalfaTby the board in 1891,';|for.$14,552,646.68; .ihe fruits and vege- shadows, glided after them. head through the vines/just in time Ibert. M.I Hill, who' submitted his re- Rye—No. 2, 56%c| nominal. Not a word was spoken by either to see the two Indians disappearing fj when thg.total returned was 34,384,, ^ j , ^ for'$1,676,255.03;. the mill proport upon an examination of the bulacres;-this year its field extends over 'ducts for $8,871,331.16; the mUl"min: party during the journey. Chicago—Wheat—Cash, No. 2 red, 319,000 acres,: showing the phenomenal into t i e leave. / ' (lets and \ revolver. 1 Reaching the Carlb's hut, Don'Juan 71%,@71%c;'No' i red" 69%@71c; No. increase in the ten years of over 828 erals for $24,335,441.64;'the timber, i n "Come ion!" said Medworth. cluding sawed and- logs, for $9,320,- found the Indian sitting on a log-bei Immediately after.the death of the 2 hard. 69%@7d%jc;No. 3 hard, 69%@ They followed the Indians in. • v ,' 772.20, and the miscellaneous .producPJresideift, one of the' staff of physi- 7Qf. Corn-^ash, jNo, 2 nfixed, 58%c;. per cent ^ "Even wlieh- first considered of suf- tions for $10,393,590.43. The mineral fore his, door, smoking a rude stone -The'cave' was a large one. A'lantern, cians .in attendance fon the President No. 2 White;:58%CJ Oats^-Cash, No, 2 pipe, arid enjoying, in his own fash- hung, bni a pegj stuck in a crevice, impressed the opinion that the bullets mixed,! 36%@37c;.No. 2 white, 38%@ fiiiieht importance to.be officially rec- shipments are nearly one-third of the ion, the cool evening. threw a gloomy light around. ognized? as. .belonging to Kansas', rep- live stock surplus, and nearly .$1,000,000 might have been. poisoned. District 39c . "I am here again, Ramana," jSald On a couch of furs7reclined a ^lrl, _4«rt8rfe ot.crbps, 'a canvass of the regreater than the swhole of trie' surplus Attorney Penney, who hadpossession Don Juan. , • ' . . . ' . S t -Louis-rWheat—No. '12 red casn, sobbing, her position being such as to of the assassin's revolver, ordered a elevator, 70%c; back, 7l2@72%c; Sep^ turns! for that year (1891) shows that farm crops. But', most of the farm ."I see you," replied tie Carib. there. careful and thorough examination' tember, 69%c; December, 72c;' May, with the three exceptions of Atchison, crops were fed to live stock, and went . "I must have the truth about my indicate that she was fastened "The half-breed's work/ ; said Raanade..:Dr. Hill was directed to make 75%c; NO. 2 !hard,! 69%c. Corn—No. 2 Johnson and lHami, each county fieV irito the live stock exhibit The fig-' vona. i. • . j a chemical examination of the bullets cash, 58%c;. trapk; 59%c; December, Voted more-or less land to its growth, ures are startling and disclose Mis-, daughter." "I have, told it to you twice. I. have At the; voice, the girl raised her and the chambers: and barrel of the 59%c; May, 61%@61%c. Oats—No^ 2 Finney county leading with* 5,717 sourl's greatness id most, gratifying not seen your daughter." ^ head. ; . j ' .' . > ! revolver, land' Dr. Herman G. Matzin- cash, 37c; track,| 37.%@38^c; Decem- acresf while the-ctjunties ranging be- colors. "Lola!'' cried Medworth, rushing to "Ramana, listen to me. You behold ger, one r of the surgeons whb per- ber, 38%c; May; 40%c; No.j 2 white, tween that number and 1,000 acres In me a broken-hearted father, j My her past the Indians. were Kearny,! Chase, Cloud, Gray, formed ;the autopsy upon the -Presi- 39@393ic. . • I j: . . :J- - • v : : "Arthur! my Arthur!'1 she exhappiness is In your hands. How can S t J o s e p h Musicians In a Kow Lyon, Saline, Sedgwick and Wabaun- ! dent's boidy was ordered to" make' a see, and of those claiming an acreage I There is no longer harmony among you still be cruel? Where is my claimed. : "You here—in/ Venezuela?" HORSES AND MUriES."' bacteriological examination. Dr.]Hill 1 "I am here," he said, joyfully; "and ' I, reported to the district attorney ithat* Horsec—Drafts] good, $75 to $100; at all Linn was among the smallest, the musicians of St. Joseph, Mo. -Mn-. c h i l d ? " • :'• So is my old friend, Tempest" "I know not" . . j, his wbrk jshpwed that no poison had Chunks, good to!choice, $70' to $100,' having two acres. Now.jwhile not the sician's union No. 50-;has been split' '.'Neyerimlnd me," said,"Jack; "cut "Hamanav-are you loyal to! the* heen usedr~He~ also~4iresented-a^ Writ- chunks, commonllo fair,:^$4J5a-to>^65;-.- foremost, Fifiney has 12,545, and Linn' wide bpeay tbat^Sintingent representthose cords." / ' . .( ten report, but it will not be used on .drivers, medium,! $40 to $65; drivers, 261, and the triree counties mentioned ing the Fourth regiment band, and king?" "WhP :are you?" nowV demanded as .hriyfng none in 1891 have a total others, having left the union and "the trial;; a s . ' that > question is ?now good to. fancy, frorii $75 up? Southerii"When he Is king I\ will be loyal to j of 621. acres. / j formed what is called the Musician's him," replied the Indian. "It matters Ravonal ] : eliminated from j the case. Dr. Matzlnger has finished his hacterioldgical ers, conimonto faiji, $20 to $30;,plugb, "The following table shows, accord- Protective Association. The new or- not to us who may be our rulers. I One "Friends of this sehprlta," replied ! '• •. •. : • I.' Tempest I "We have been 'looking for examination .and bis work also re- -$5 t o $ l 5 ; ing to their, rank, the twenty-six ganization will be pushed into'? all kind is as bad as another. We j had rier." !:'.; j vealed thejnbsence of any poison. The -j Mules—13%@14 hands, fat and present leading Kansas counties in al- Other cities. and towns of the state. lands—they: took 'them from us. .|One : A glaince at Lola, whose .head was broken, $35 jto $40; 14@14% hands, "The general ground of complaint by district attorney has been informed to falfa acreage, with their, acreage for government follows another. Bach the insurgents is that union men have one is as1 bad as the last. We have nestled | . against Arthur's, breast that effect; although the formal report fat, good hair, $40@45; 14%@15^hands, 1901 and also for 189ir ': proved to Ravona that Tempest spoke fat $45 to $70; !l5@15% |hands, fat, has not been submitted. 1901. 1891. no rights that the old organization, $s nothing left, yet we are' expected to the truth,£ •; a whole, is bound to respect i $70 to $85; 15%@16 hands, fat, $95 to Acres. Acres. be loyaL" Counties. Authorities on this .question state "Then" I am not needjed," he said. "Restore my daughter to me, Ram- "But beware of Mattazudo. .See, I that the two examinations form a $110; 16@16% hiands, extra, $115@ Jewell ^...'.^i. . . . . . . . v . 21,994 296 503 -From t h e Baldwin P a r t y . ana, and the king will restore your leave' you the food. Thete Is plenty. complete test and' that the slightest 130; war mules, $55@60. ." Butler ....... . . . . . . . . . . .15,669 C. T. Carpenter,.a banker in Coffey-r lands. I swear it." ! '. ; • .[ • trace of poison would have been reHIDES AJND PELTS.. Norton i.....i.i , . . . . . : . 14,401 : 442 Adios."L tlons are as and follows: 1 and "I would give you iyburl daughter if . "Where am I, Arthur?" asked Lola, vealed, i ' ' S In demand jsteady.Nos.The quota2, Finney . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . 12,545 5,717 ville, Kas., received a letter from Boball around, 7?4c; branded, 7%c; buUs Chase . . . . . . .'•.;.'.....'..-... . 10,390 1,401 J ert Vineyard, one of the Baldwin- I had her! But I;ha^e riot I have when trie Indians had gone, , . 10,389 496 Ziegler expedition, a few days ago. not seen her." and stags, 7c; green uncured, lc per M. . SAVED, BY A CORSET STAY ' "You are in a cave near the river. Republic :...........'.;. . 9,659 880 The letter was written August 22 and pound less than icured; branded or "Will you cpme and tell that tol the Who brought you here?"-' MitcheU ^ . . i r . : . . . . i l . . 9,131 111. sent back on a passing whaling vessel Wng?" ' j Illinois Man Shoots His Wife B a t She: Is badly grubby kip.f,,4c; green horse"I do not know. A dark-skinned Phillips .1...•>. -if.*. . • 8,987 " T h e king! Has the Spaniard who man came to me. and- said my father 1,031 ^ tp Hammerfest, .where'It was mailed '; Not I n j u r e d . | ^ hides, large, i $2;50; medium, $2.25; . 8,871 Wabaunsee .. . .v ? calls himself king sent for me?" [ '• • .sent him to guide ine-to a place of j Daniel J.\ Brown shot his wife, his) small, - $1.25@L50;I: ponies, $1@1.25; Lyon . 8*399 1,098 September 2. Vineyard says the par'.•:.\...L..;........... dry~nint .butcher j hides, 13%c; dry "Yes; My daughter was to wed the safety - until •„-after the'battle. He father-in-law, James C. Fitzgerald, of . 8,371 1,023 ty's vessel, America, 'is now going Jerseyville, j 111., and-then himself at fliri,t fallen, 12c; dry salt, ^10c; dry Sedgwick; . . . i . ; . . . . . . . . . I 8,253 379 northward through ice, making its king.. He is anxious about her, [too, brought j ine "here and bbund me. I Ramana." ...: screamed and struggled, and begged ibis former home in Carlinville, 111. j glue, 7c; vfry. badly grubby,.,green or Osborne .^;....; . 7,568 421 t way as best it (fan. Vineyard formerly "I will go," said the Indian. "There him to release me, but he would not. For several years Brown and his >dry/hldes are classed as, glue stock. •Greenwood . 7,107 53 lived at Durango, CoL 980 Is some-mystery here. The other said Oh, how: frightened I was! I thought •]•••• ., 7,024 •wife nave quarreled and have been on Sheep pelts, green,! 40@75c; dry flint Smith i . . i . . .• 851 6%@7%c peri pound. A n t i - A n a r c h i s t Ordinance. •'. she was to wed him. The rialf-breed I was going to-be killed." McPherson . . . . . . . . i > . . 6,906 .1,099 the verge,of separation" His fatherAn j antf-anarchist ordinance haa Is the one." . HAY. \. Marion ..........-.. "Well i you are in trie hands of v .iriilaw, Fifajgerald, is quite wealthy, ?»•• They left together, and Medworth friends now, Miss Lola,'* said Tempest, Hay—Psairie hayi choice, ?13.50@t4; Saline .-,.. . > i . . . . . . . . . . . 6,876 2.01S been introduced in tbe S t Joseph. Mo., and had contributed to his support for several, years", and \Brown became.>so No. 1, $12.50@13; * o , 2, $11@12; No. Cloud'. .*,.'./.... •'•• 4 - - -6,120 :2,188 council by Delegate-Weakly, and prac- and Tempest started to follow them. "and I'll answer for the neck of the quarrelsome] that, Fitzgerald i refused 3, $8@10; No. 4, $e@7.;' Packing -.hay, Kearny . . . . . . ^ . . . . . . . . • . 6,011 • 160 tically every vote '{of the municipal Then a sudden thought arrested Ar- next man who lays a hand on you." 5,461 334 body, is pledged for its passage. Th4 thur and he turned -back motioning to) contribute anything more,land ad- $5@6. Timothy, choice, $14.50@15; "Conie;" said Arthur, "you have not 5,706 416 rneasufe makes' it unlawful to meet for Tempest to follow him. Instead of Decatur . . . . . . : . . ..->••. vised his •daughter to sell her prop- No. 1, $13@14; NO. |2, $11.50@12.50; touched ] the supper the f Indian T— 5,625 136 for l the purpose- of speaking against following DOn Juan and Ramana hack b r o u g h t ' ' j." •/'•«'• clover, $10@10.50; Pottawatomie erty, and .return with, her children, to No. 3, $9@11. Pure! / . 1 >.-.v. 5,481 -654 the government, oif to distribute an- to the castle they- remained hidden •' He tenderly assisted her out of the clover mixed, No. i j $11@11.50; No. 2, Cowley ..» jerseyvill^.: 756 archist literature in the city that near the. hut .Medworth's Idea in doi l e y . . . . ; . , : . . . . . . . . •••••.. •• 5,398 > Brown was quarreling with his wife $9.50@10.50; Ifo. 3, $9.50. Alfalfa, $10 R 5,362 635 would terid to tocite the! commission of ing this was that if Ramana was ly- cave and they started toward ihe casKcDO . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . Straw |4@4.s|o. . : ; tle, Lola ' carefully guarded between over the ownership, of certain property dutawa . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . .crime i n S t .Joseph. . . . ing Lola might be somewhere near. her two companions. : V;-j at her home when Fitzgerald Inter'tvxce . . . . . . i . . . ^ . . . . ' . . . . . JThey waited some little.time and, Suddenly the sound of firing j was fered. Brown thereupon shot his wife, WlLLTHislPRbvE A CLUE? Totals .:......"......-•227,995 24,078 hearing no sound, peered into the heard.;. j . Dave Xeahey Shot to Death. . , f , the bullet striking a corset stay. She :, •' i —^—)]' "This table is strikingly suggestive > A man by the; name of Pipes, living open door of the hut was not hurt He then fired vat his "The battle Is on," said Medworth. ' B a r a r l a n i K e e p Dogs. There was no one there. father-in-law, and turned the pistol 'on Mysterious L e t t e r Found on t h e P e r s o n 61 of the rapidity -and extent to which' at Hill City, Kan^ shot ,three times "I hope! Salvarez is successful." J •Bavarians are not extravagant, but merit alone has forced recognition Of a and instantly killed Dave Leahey,Tat The hut,was such a rude, ill-made himself, the i ball entering above the '•, i Anarchist. • * ' As they progressed the firing grew no family is so poor that it can not veiy ;wonderful 'field crop. As will be^ ElHs,,Kan. The shooting.took place thing that it seemed hardly possible heart louder and nearer,' until they paused On the persdn off! as wounded prisafford to keep a dog. Dogs are everynotedi ,the total acreage Of the twentyin a jbirit*!where Leahey, .who is said that there could' be a hiding-place in alarm. . Brown and [Fitzgerald are still aliye oner, an'anarchist ij the Des Moines, where in Munich, and every tram car six counties in. 1891 does not greatly. to hVfprmeriy of-Wichita, was workr connected .with I t . ' . ' " , . / "Listen!" said Lola. "Was that not andtthewtferis.idoing.iall she can to Iowa, police/have found a letter mailed of ;the one {county of Jewell ing "oVertime. Pipes shot through the "Satisfying -themselves that no one a woman's scream?" ^passing has a string of dogs after it— " irelieve the sufferings'of her wounded from Los Angeles,, .jtwo weeks' before exce"ejd-that in1901, dogs whose owners are passengers. At l ^ 0 , 6 0and " 1 1 the " ! 8combined, ^ ^ ^ ! ^ Sacreage ^ h n ^ ! rofi f l ° p r m d Xeahey told him thef.did was Inside, they withdrew again Into husband and father, but neither of the. the shooting ;of. President McKinley, ^ "Surely it IsT' said Medworth. in 1S01 Is'greater by over 3,000 acres '. . ' that promises to furnish the clue^to^a" than the entii# state's alfalfa area riot want any shooting,. whereupon the shadows and: waited. men wfll liveJ" The shrill scream of a woman in the^ entrance of ttie large* shops groups of sedate, patient dogs can be seen shots at Leahey, all After a time they heard voices, and distress was distinctly heard. conspiracy. -The letter contains two in 1891. It is difficultj to comprehend, Pipes fired three : waiting for their masters. In the cafes, two persons came walking.. slowly printed.circulars, a strange mixture of adequately the magnitude of the, in- lodging In,riis- left ^breast * ' "Stay here," said Tempest <TT1 be LAKE STEALER tfl$T. the dogs are prominent . Everybody letters and figures. (They have been crease, and, however, prodigious it may toward the hut .They.were both In- back." - .' appear so expressed,, it is a fact that : Sea Voyajje In a Balloon. dians, and were speaking in Spanish, - W e s t e r n T r a n s i t Vessel, Hudson, F o u n d e r s but partially translated. He darted ftway, and they heard his takes his animal with him—sometimes two or three—and, after the dogs have ^Cornier Henrideilai^aulk.,Is prepar^ yet in so low a tone, that the listening voice and the sound of fighting. Some expressions.already deciphered Smith county gained dyer 14J179 per a n d C r e w Is P r o b a b l y Dead. lapped their beer or saucer, of coffeje£— ing for his-trip, across trie MediterAmericans could not understand what ' Then a girl came rushing toward are "Beast at Buffalo:, exposition." News of the • probable loss of the cerit iri'ricreage in the tenTyearsr Phil-^ for the dog fares like his master— them witt? streaming hair. ". Western Transit stieamer Hudson, with "Whatevsr happened;is.toi be repeat- lips over 8,126 per,cent etc.j etc., in a ranean in a balloorir' 'He will hot, they said. But when they reached the hut and "Save me!" she cried. "Our army is there is a great scampering and shufa* crew of twenty'five men, on Lake ed," "Lincpln's alssassii," U'Real an- lesser degree to the end, those men- however^, be followed, as, he desired, fling under the chairs and tables, bat ' -^ Superior, was'brought to. Sanlte Ste. archist known only to Lewes, the tioned r being -given as striking ex- by two French driiisers, as the gov- found It empty, one turned to the lost!" erninent refused-;to cross.the vessels other and-said: It was Jaclnta, the daughter of Sal-, no one seems annoyed at the, melee. Marie, Mich., Jby the steamer Nieol, Light" J "Anarchist dreams: of doing amples. It is from the banks that dogs i are which has just arrived there from duty," "So i n the matter of the Presi-j "This ^year's figures proclaim an In- unnecessarily to the dangers of Medit- • "Ravona, the- hut' is empty. Where varez. /Duluth. According to the report? Of dent's life;'- p e o p l e perish for lack of crease for the state of'43,134 acres, or erranean' navigation in equipotical are.the oldiones?" . The rushing forms of men closed in rigidly excluded, and a porter is placed at tne -door of each bank for the pur"weather. wisdom," "Prtve^ntidri! better than as*JLt is strange," said,the one called around them, and a voice called: Captain McLean, of the Nicol, the more than 15 per cent over one yea» pose of checking your pet like an umRavona. "My. father and mother are Hudson -left Duluth for Buffalf some suaging assassination,": "So/dalism ago. Among those counties leading "Seize them!" '"~.V, brella or a parcel:' The Munich dog, F a t a l E&Sk f r o m s i P c r e l J . • skulking out Ol anarchy into respectavery old. They do not gd far from time after thejNIcol, and passed that in alfalfa and showing greatest per In aaother instant Tempest Lola. mostly a dachshund, is intelligent and A. D. Arbegast, formerly superin- their hut at night" steamer Sunday night Monday morn- bility repudiates the ' tactics of the cent of gain for the.year are: Jewell, ing the Nicol; came up the Hudson bullet'.' "Ernmai" vVTwenty-rfive years* 21,994 'acres/ gain,- 24 per cent; Butler. tendent of bridgea and buildings-for Just,then the sharp hiss of a wom- Jaclnta and Medworth were seized good-natured. He romps with the cats upon, and, under the command of without biting them, carries umbrellas the Missouri, Kansas and Texas in •again about eight'miles west of Eagle straggling for socialism." ?. i£ 15,669 acres, gain 21 per cent; Nor?. Texas, was killed by a fall from bis an's voice was-heard, and an old In- Pedro Francisco, were conveyed pris> and canes'much larger than himself, river. The Hudson was in a bad way, The circulars' are headed "The Eagle ton. 14,401 acres, gain 25.per ceiit; dian hag came from a clomp of woods oners to the Castle of Salvarez. / and is never disobedient,'except when with decks aswash in a furious gale, Eye—X." Finney, 12,545'acres, gain 9 per cent; back porch in Parsons, Kan. He was about a hundred yards away. he has Indulged in too much beer. disabled by an accident about a year 1 and pumps hard working. Captain Words are ingeniously" interwoven Chase, lCSSO - acres, gain 8 per cent; "Oh, there you are," said Ravona. CHAPTER XL / McLean said he had all he could do with numerals, broken at points, so as Republic,-10,389 acres,.gain,27!per cent; ago and. had to!quit the company's "We missed you. Where is the old A Puzzled Spaniard. to save his own vessel and could not to appear as Biblical references. . •ne?" Mitchell, 9,659^-acres^:gaiii 14 iper cent; service. Orlsla of a Celebrated Jest. Philip was pacing to and fro in the" render assistance. . Whenhe arrived in "I left him here. Strange things are Wabaunsee, 8,978 acres, gain 22 per . * :'. 1 : Council Room. His head was bent When Mr. Evarts, who was my near port he supposed the steamer Gilchrist D e a d Sea of T h i b e t . being; done now." cent; Dsborne, 8,371 acres, «ato 29; per D r u n k e n So!dIer KI1U a C o m r a d e . His" hands clasped behind him. He relative and a man with whom I could had rescued the Hudson's crew. When Sven Hedin has discovered a sec"Wnat do yon mean?" ' Private Charles Lynch, of Company; cent and Greenwood, 8^53 acres, with he heard snch was not the case he said ona dead s«a in the highlands of Thi- ^i:girl was stolen from.."the castle. was evidently in deep thought As take a liberty, came into the Senate, I M, while crazed with drink, entered a gain of 9 per cent : he passed a high,barred window he .said to him that we should have to there was no -possible hope for the > "AU.portions of tte state'display re^ bet—a vast lake so impregnated with First Gomez comes to find her and paused and looked 'out His gaze wan- amend the rules so that a moSton ta foundered ship. \ TheHndson was val- the barracks at Fort Mead, S. D.,' drew salt that indigenous life is out of the Bays Mattazudo the half-breed brought ued at $200,000 and carried a full cargo his revolver and began firing indis- markable and increasing interest in al- questlom • It was impossible tor him her to Ramana. But Ramana has not dered to the distant; fields and well- adjourn would be in order in the midcriminately at his comrades. Onefalfa' growing, as is demonstrated by tilled acres of Salvarez. idle of a sentence, to which he replied of flour, grain and( East bound! merbullet -struck^teate TCaldweu in the the large gain. Some counties present-, to get his boat close to the shore, so seen her. Then the half-breed comes chandise worth $100,000. It was a splendid, a magnificent ess-' .that he knew of nobody in this cbumz.r that he and his companions had to himself and demands her. V What a thigh and' a f l H r Charles BL Amich ing notable examples of the continued who objected to long sentences ey. tate! * In the stomach. A guard shot Lynch activity in sowing alfalfa are Hodge- wade .out two boat! lengths; before she liar that half-breed Is.. Perhaps some the criminal classes.—Senator! Hoar Severe F r o s t In JTew Y o r k . As far as the eye could see the land would float and this was sufficient to one has been after Ramana.'' in the leg and ; he was overpowered. man, with an increase of 234 per cent; A very severe frost was experienced Private Amich died. Lynch had been Harper, 210 per cent; Neosko, 84%per coat triefr legs and clothes thickly with "T saw the half-breed," said Ravona, belonged to Salvarez. And Salvarez, Scribner's. throughout Central and Northern New at Sturgis on leave, of absence and cent; -.Miamt. 80 -per cent; Barber, 67 salt' The entire bed of the lake ap- «*while the sun was still high, by the wa* now a prisoner, one of fifty jsrirvivofs of the bloody battl Gardeners mind peasi Ice formed.on shallowwater there secured the liqubr. per cent; Clark, 50 per cent; Mar^> peared to consist of salt and the den- river;'* stroyed the defend-The chronic borrower,' like a good sity of the lifeless water was, of "Hei has Md the girl, It Is certain," snaiL 44 per cent;. Decatur, '42 per and great damage was done .to. all photographer, is an expert retoucher. centsaldtke old woman. "I would not jriVe . ' " ;! -"]"'-=". H:;^ couMKvery, high. garden and truck farm products* The Filibusters of Venezuela.. | : • Or the Trial* of a Spanish Girt. > i • PS il A footrtep was heard, the door, opened, ana Gomez came in. "Things go our way," he said,.smiling. "Venezuela is ours." "Part of i t " replied Philip, not smiling. - "AH of I t The soldiers of.Smlvar res are nearly ail! killed. Salvarez himsef is a prisoner. There Is now n o reason to delay pushing on to the north and planting our standard beyond the Orinoco. Our friends are waiting for us there. Caracas must fall at l i s t " "At last But there is something to be done here before we cross the Orinoco. What is the sentiment of the people near us, now that Salvarez yls crushed?" "Judging from the reports we are receiving, the entire country south of the Orinoco fe loyal to you»" "Then I must delay my coronation no longer." "I would not delay it another day." There was a pause, a strained- silence. "Gomez,"'said Philip, bending a keen-gaze on the General. "I want the truth about that mysterious affair of Lola Garza." ; "I thought it was mysterious no', longer. The girl Is found. What is her' story?" "I-have not yet heard. Garza is with her now. I will send for him at once." Garza was sent for, but before he arrived" Francisco came in. = He was there when Don Juan entered. , "You sent for me?" said Don Juan. "X did," said. Philip. "Ypir were with your daughter. How is • she?" "Alas, she is not well. The cave in which she was confined by that halfbreed scoundrel, was damp, and as she was bound hand and foot, she became' thoroughly chilled. The result is now that she has a bad fever, which alter-j nates with severe chills." , : "That, is bad. Have you heard from her1 own lips the story of heir abduction?" "Yes. Ah, what a scoundrel that Mattazudo is. Yes, he went to her, telling her that it was my wish for her to accompany him to a place of greater safety until 'after the battle. She believed him, and followed him to a cave up the river about: a mile; where he bound her, and, heedless of her cries for mercy, left her, telling her to be quiet until he came for her. She was found there by the two Americans, who, it appears, have followed us here for no other purpose;than to rescue my daughter from myself. That is a strange case. As if I had not my daughter's welfare at heart But they are prisoners, and my poor girl is safe; so what matter?" • j - "Jt matters to me," said Philip. '.'As for the Americans, they have done no harm; but I will not have the scoundrel Mattazurdo around me. Gomez, I shall be crowned king at ten o'clock to-day."; "Good! Your triumph vill then be complete." "At -10:30 I shall order Mattazudo'a execution." "To be shot?" "To be shot" VYour majesty!" gasped Francisco,. "The safety of your- crown depends " - '"Say no more. When Lola Garza snail have recovered sufficiently, she will become my wife, and Queen of Venezuela. . The safety of the Queen must be assured. In' no other way can this be done than by shooting the rascal who carried her away once, and who, no doubt, would try to do so • again." "Quite right,'', said Gomez, with a gleam of hate in his eyes. It may perhaps be necessary- to interject a short explanation here to show the reason Gomez was pleased at the prospect of Mattazudo'a. f death. Yet it seems almost unnecessary, for the. reader must already have seen ttie' duplicity toward Gomez; with which Mattazudo!acted. Don Juan, having answered all trie questions Philip chose to ask, turned to go. (To be continued.) . • • • . • I. - - • < • • *2ft*J«M!!^iJ • ' ! , - ' : . taamMU mm LL M h •Bl H I ' r- i —ir.i • ! • • • nils n f u e r a i . • . ' « . ' H ^.y ; >..< •UBBM ^COUNTY ITEMS. LITERARY NOTES, H E B B UoOT preaches murd To C n r e a Cold in One nay Beattie ; ^—*-'. " j year round, bat begs off when i The following Items are from a copy Oct^Sd. Woodmen will have a picnic on T Take Laxative Brorao Quinine Talw The Ladies Home Journal for Septem^ his dupes shoots a President, of the TELEGRAPH of Sept. 2?, 1881. / Jf^fcRfiFfliifi. FRIDAt, SEPT. S7, Ml, —Monthly school report cards on sale lets.. All druggHts lefnnd «he money er is the "SpecialAntumnFashianNum^SpecIalAntumnFashianNum verv thiug Most advises all very thii Rev. Betts, of Kansas City, is lecturing ber if it fails to cure. E.\V.Qrove?»a&JE.i at tbis office. bear" of that excellent magazine, j In ad- time. J. B. Allen opened up a new butcher throughout the county. nature la on each boS. Sc. dition to an unusual number ot interesting —R. W. Folsom attended. the eamp shop.' Frankfort Fair was postponed one"day steries and striking features, it devotes meeting at Swede Creek Sunday even- U/R. CowgilL of Gaylord, was a y ; on account ot the rain. seven pages to a complete setting forth - CZOLGOSZ'8 statement that when*. SIS.OO T o B u f f a l o P a n - A m e r l ;...:• \-m;• %'\ of the styles to be qjjjf dresses; Jodlces, the time came he would have a lawtor in town. ,, _.;•;•' From afldaftex Sept. 1,1901, 'ing. The Beattie K. & L. of S/hold a' picnic c a u "and R e t u r n — $ 1 3 OO, hats and wraps. Among other Uterary yer to defend bim and plenty of —Frank Zf Her -went J»- Palnwr the A, M. Campbell left for his sold home on Saturday, Sept. 28th, . ,.; the subscription price of T H E first ol the week to superintend bis big in Michigan. features there Is a delightful description money is almost paramount to a via the Nickel Plate Road, daily, I Mno A. Tucker, of Beattie, has been of.a day in the woods with Ernest-Seton confesalon that a plot existed. . . '/ ' T E L E G R A P H will be $1.00per job of grading. with limit ot 15 days; 20 day tickets Marysville shools opened with 2S5 pu- granted a pension of $12. Thompson, and a jolly 'Tecitnl df «*The —Mrs. Lillie Derr, of Pennsylvania, is pils u attendance. at $16 00, and 80 day tickets at $21.00 "year. College Scntpes We «ot;lgjto," Iby "A , Four good races were tun at Beattie Graduate." Tbe fourth part ot Miss H R E A D S T U F F S have begun t o for i he round trip. Through service Geo. Derr and otner relatives Subscribers who have paid risking The band boys returned, from their trip Saturday week before last. at Cottage Hill. j '-'»'. Tompkln's "Aileen5* brings thaticharm- mpve towards Europe in to N e w York and Boston and lowest < In advance of that date will be —Dr. A.J. Baum, the optician, is to to the State Fair at Topeka. A rural mail route has been established Ing story near its close, and Mr. Bok dis- titles. Several nations are a long available rales. For particulars and cusses the need for parental co-opeiHtion way short on the annual supply, but Pan-American folder of buildings enrollment at the State Agricultur- running oujt of Vermillion. given credit for their advanced be at the Adams House tomorrow. See al The CoUege was 193, nearly 60 more than -'Miss Winnjfred McCoy, of Beattie, is in education in his editorial on ••The Uncle Sana, as usual, baa enough fdr and grounds, write John Y. Halahao, ad in another place. payment at the) reduced rate. School Question Again." In addition to all. General Agent, 111 Adatas Street y now a full fledged pharmacist. ?s?—Special clobTates offered for' any any former year.' the regular departments there are valuAll parties in arrears arejre- paper or magazine wanted. Call on us A three-year old child playing with Chicago. 22.; I • '• ' » ' / — »•' m m able articles on "A I Cleverly Banned hundred tickets were sold at Axtell matches set fire to a house at Blue Hap- forOne . Nursery,.' "Plants Which Can Be Raised AN anarchist does not believe in c quested to call and settle; up for wbst jon w.aflt. I the $1.0ff excursion to Kuhsas Gity. idsj_but the house and child were both Stops[tbe C o u g h in the House," and plans for an ideal any civil government; yet this anand start |fresh with the new —Frank Earl was np from Frankfort saved. . ,J .' • ' ' • ?•:&-' ' • Co. Supt. Thompson is back from ColA n d W O r k s off i b e Cold. S7,000 bouse. By The Curtis Publishing this week to sea his folks before leaving archist Cztilgocz believed In the gov.rate. - *•• u.H•'-, '• > . Burnett Bros., Fmnk Stevenson, J. C. orado and can now be found, attending to Company^ Philadelphia. One dollar a ernment of his anarchist club, which Laxative Bromo - Qulnlnb Tablets for the Hawaiian Islands. ; year; ten cents a copy. Peters- and P. T. Vickery represented the duties of his office. he had to obeyi and did obey "to cure a cold In one day. N o Cure/ Waterviile township at the County Fair Memorialseryiees en the death of Pres^ O Pay. —Dave Wertenberger's father, from Price 2o cenb>. the death. A speedy trial,!* prompt convic- Washington, earns down pn Friday to at'Marysville, and allot them won first ident McEinley were held last' week in Readers of the September Century will tion and H swift execution la what spend a few days with bim. prizes on horses and colts exhibited. I .—r* — ** •• -=^— every town in Marshall county. Czoleoez is fairly entitled to. —Frank Bobbins went te Ferry, Okla., In a commnication, Mrs. M. J. Galpin The County Board are advertising for not complain of any lack of varitty in P E E S . M C K I N L E Y ' S last public ad- \, Excursions Extraonilrrary. Jbrcontents.. The opening pages ot the dress, delivered at Buffalo, was fully last week to attend tba funeral of his returns her sineere (?) thanks to tbe lead- bids to build the new jail* The bids will father-in-law, Henry Voltz. miijfazine are Uken up with an illustrated up to the occasion and the man. N o : The Missouri Paclfio -will rnn Home Visitor*'' er ol tbe "Hoodlum Band" far tbe serenTkK ffr*l race'between tbe Ameribe received up to noon, Oct 10th, ExoKralona to Ohio and lad I ana—ihe drat or the1 ade given her, but warns tbe members ot can and Eoglfeh'yachts' took place —Mrs. Mill*, of Cottage Hill, is enjoy- the hand that they might mn up against The Axtell* Anchor complains that a1| paper on "Mid-Air Dining Clubs," by better or broader statement of tbe kind ever offered Uto traveling pa&tic—rronthl* leveland Moffett, who feels quite at ease progress, condition and needs of the ing a visit from her sister and husband, on Thursday, the American win?I%inity. Eonnd{trlr Home Visitors' tickets at a "stone mason'sfist"if they do it again. number ot boya are-loafing on the streets a the top floors ot twenty-story sky- country ever has been made. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd, of Moore, Ind. a rate at about one fare for the rtmnd trip, good ning by five miles. '. instead of being ^school. (Waterviile scrapers, alter his recent experiences with Full particulars are given of the death thirty days for return, TVIU be on sale at MU4-John L. Nichols and wife left on steeple-climbers, - bridge-builders, tend im • of President Garfield on Sept. 19th, and 7 soari Pacific ticket offices for such trains as will Thursday for {Springfield, 111., where A S h o c k i n g C a l a m i t y other followers of ' "Careers of Danger Czotoosz, I President McKlnley's ifci EiarbaugnV tbe detective who figwill spend toe winter With rela- also the proclamations and bulleuns is- ured Ka|id Daring." David Gray, a Buffitlo "Lately befell a railroad lahorer," Writes r»r A permit passengers to pass throngo St. Louis on : :; assassin, was found"gniity on Tues- they so .prominently in the Collins mursued by the general government. Id ' '.j - .. .';.- ''' and author of the papular book Kelleta orWUlirord.Ark. "Hl3 foot was badly Sept. 17th and 21th and Oct. lat and Sib. day at his trial at-Buffalo and was tives. Waterviile the city council j met and a d#r case at Topeka., Is. how- working as journalist of short stories called ''Gallop*," de- crushed bat BucfcJen's irnlca SalVa quietly We hare foot dally flyers from Kansas City, —N. G. Johnson, living six miles north chief cow boy on the WdeS ranch, hear sentenced to death-yesterday. proclamation, sighed by the mayor, J.V7, scribes the Pan-American Exposition un- cured him. ' It's Blmply Wonderful lorburnB, leaving at 9:50 a.m.. 1:10p.m.. "9:15 p.m; aw* and past of town, intends leaving in Sharrard, and the city clerk, E. A. Betty, Beattie.',- -;.Jt:; -t-^v :-j-;. ;'"'-'/.October for Oregon to reside there per-. was issued, calling oa the business bouses F.,R;'- Adams, ."of George Millsap, who der the happy tiUe, "The City o m g h t . " boil3, piles and all skin eruptions. It's tbe M & p m. Connections in the Union Station of the many pictures of tbhuarticle world's champion "healer. Cure guaranteed. at St. Louis with all roads and trains to all The deputation of anarchists is an manently. : to close lip for the day from 1 o'clock p. has been In jail at Marysville charged Some .•- !.'•• • are from the hand of A. Castaigne, who 55o. Sold by Mrs W J Kommel. points in Ohio and Indiana. On-- equipment Is Idea that meets Wit h general favor. m. on Wednesdriy,.Sept. 21, and calling a with horse stealing, put up $2,000.00 in illustrated for tbe same magazine the —The wind blew hard enough Sunday second to none. We have elegant new palace" They are enemies of the government afternoon public meeting for that evening. The cash as a forfeit that be would appear tor World's Fairs at Paris and Chicago. In to break down a very large day coaches, chair cars tall seats free). Pnllr ftnd assHSSihslof the Presidents and limb of a shade tree in front ofI. JL Mil- school board,«Messr*. J.' C< Peters, J. C. trial at the October term of ttie district the current instalment ot bis notes on the C. B . V. P . T i n i e T a b l e t man parlor, cars and sleepers. Dickey and S. W. Hurlbut, also met and are not entitled to American citizen^ ler's borne. court, and was released on Tuesday __ |JS«8t of To-day and To-mbrrow, Bishop For Home Visitors.'tickets and all informapassed an appropriate resolution and eaing of last week. , X .':• eV-* Patter records his "impressions ot the -' Wrttervillo. . snip* ; :'W< . . —Mr. Trailer and family are occupy-'! ciosed the school for the same afternoon. tion call on oar- agents or address -•••* -GOISG EAST, BlueRapids is having a surfeit ot lodge Hawaiian Islands"! and 14 an essay on ing the Woodyard hoove until they On Wednesday afternoon the only dag CBAS E . ' S T T I . X V A . G . P . A . , : .-. 12:2-3 a a POETO Eioofs purchases in this move to their farm recently bought of- pole in. town, which was oyer TBE TELE- deputies or organizers at piesent, no less "Burke and the French Revolution," No. 2 Mmll . , Kansas City, Me-, Prof. Weodrow Wilson points out the ," 4, Mail i...... 11 :t« a m n . C. TOWirs*mvG.P.&T,A..J| GRAPH office, displayed the flag at halt- than three being at work there—the A.O. .Country are ! more than three Geo. Storms. . conformity ot tbe American doctrine ot St. Louis, Ho. . .'.,.._ . . . . . . 7:58 p in times what she bought here before —Major Scott and wife attended the mast, ail business bouses w*re closed and TJ.W. organizer" securing fourteen old and government with Burke's ideal. iFlctien " IS, Stock Express... 5:20 p m a — A — — — * a i s > i — i M i ^ i — M I — the Bpanish War. Bach is the re- funeral of C. A. Scott's!grandchild, the they and most of the private residences twentyxfoor slew members* the K. and L. abounds: the conclusion of Irving Bach- •'•-• U , Stock'Freight were appropriately draped,, and "the of S. six, and the M. W. 01 A. Ave np to eller's "D'rl and P' coming simiiltane- " \ 16. LocaliPrelght 8:00 a in port of ths last fiscal year, amount son of Postmatter Skovgard, of Green- streets JS* looked desolate and deserted with Wednesday evening. The W M T . being $6,8611917; -.. :-\ ously with the beginning of Bret IHarte's leaf, on Monday. T;..;..-.T-^ >; •, tbe emblems ot death on every band - A lodge of tbe A. JJ.'TJI.'W. Qrder was "Trent's Tni8t"rbesid!e8 which there are No. 1, Mail 1 Gouro . 3:33 a m : Spring V\lley | correspondent flopping In the breeze." In the evening T H E exportation of-American of—The . 2:08pm Farm the Barnes Chief says that Mr. J. A. tbe Opera Hall, which bad been hand- organized at Blue Bapfds last Saturday a number ot shortrt stories, including two «'• S, Mail ] . . . . . . . . . . . . 'products-to foreign countries, was LaShelle sold his farm! last week to somely decorated st the expense of the evening.' The new lodge started^ with bits of humor ip. How I Saved Ben,? by v:" 11, ThrongtrFreight.. . 4:39 p in of the Future the veteranotLew Wallace, "Tbe An- ••• 13, Through Freight. fourteen:'old. members With cards and nexatlon Cuby," by and a now-comer, greater in July than in. any month John Flook, of Thomas, . 8:43 a m city, was crowded. Mayor. Sharrard act- twelve on the opening night, and Alice C. Hegan, '* lS-LocariYeight of this country's history, amounting ed as chairman and Geo. S. Sail as secre- twelve initiates . " S 30 -p m more are to be initiated at a meet* • ]•> to be found In tbe Arkansas in round numbers .to^MOa.OOO.OOO, —Joseph Lamb, an old settler who tary. Messrs. E. A. BerrV; S.F.Feab'ody, ing to be All trains except Nos. 11 and 12 carry held tonight. ,..,.•';,'. ^*ee veral m iles southeast of t his ci ty, J.J.Sproul, J.P.Burtis and J.D.Flannery Valley, Colorado. Perfect ' I. beating the imports $36,184,071.—. lived passengers. BUFFALO PAN-AMERICAN died on the 23d, aged 68 years. The climate, rich soil. i were appointed to draw up and present Granville (Ohio) Courier, . Axtell-Standatd :• William Speak refantral was held on Tuesday:, No drouths. Ufnpa absolutely" suitable resolution^ which they did, after turned Saturday evening lrom Colorado 1A day tickets for $kM via Nickel Pay up your subscription. cprtain. Lirge yields. . —Last wfek was chilly with heavy which short addresses were made by Rev. with 620 head'' ot sheep, wbicb will be Plate Road. 20 day treketd $UiM. Lowest rates to all eastern points. 'W. R.'Si8tler and others, the band and a Fruits, cereals, alfalfa, sugar fattened on his ranch west of town. They frosts in the mornings. Weather foreG E N E R A L P I K E , after whom Pike choir furnishing the music. It was' .also are a fine, lot, all two-year old Wethers, John Y . Calahaav General Agent, beets. Irrigation la the caude Peak was named, hoisted the Amer- casts say it will continue cool until win- decided that business bouses shoiild be and have been turned in an enclosed §0- 111 AdHmsSL,<ihiiareo. City Ticket ter sets in. It is money for the coal of success, 'j . . : ican flag first in Kansas on the sight tnan. closed from I to 4 p.m. on Monday, Sept. aCre cornfield,.'where it is claimed they Office, i l l Adams St., Cbfeago. 24 'I- f ' Write for descriptive literature^ of the Pawnee Indian vWiage in Re26th, the day of the funeral, and to hold' will first eat the weeds and corn blades, , Tbe proper wa*y to go public countyi, A monument erect* ;, —A small leatheri valise, found on the funeral services in. the Mi E. church, and then finish up on the- corn without Is via e d b y o u r State Historical Society road nearWaterville, has been left at -Messrs. J. P. Burtls, J. J; Spiroul and C. wastlhgiti ?ic -S-: k , J Consnmption Threatened. BLUB BAPlSS, ZA»S. this office, The owner can get It by deF. Stanley being appointed a "committee will be dedicated by appropriate Unger, 212 Maple St^ Champaign, The Santa Fe. to prepare a program. On Monday after- Marysville Republican;". A mare be- C. paying for this ceremonies September 80. During scribing contents and j s Hi., writer: " I wa* Troubled with a OmCB-S.-W. ComnrSquare. longing to Finkry MurclJispn recently noon, Sept. 26, business was suspended, • ' ' " the day addresses will be made by notice. school was closed and ererybody at- gave birtb to a colt wbicb is a freak ot hacking cough 'for a year and I Address, W*. J. BTJACK, Q.P.A.> N . L. Bowman of Garnet, Fred Du- —The Kansas Churchman says that the tended the exercises.; In the procession aature. It'sri^fbthind toot Is cloven like thought I had consumption. 1 tried The A idi won, TopeMa A mont Smith of Kingsley, Mrs, Cath- Rev. P. B. Evereden, formerly tbe Epis- were all? the secretjsocieties in town, the a cow's loat, and bent forward In the a great many remedies arid was unSanta F e K y . , erine S. Lewis of Wichita, W. R. copal Church minister tor this locality, schoolchildren, the city authorities, the same Manner. ..The other three feet are der the care of physicians for several Topeka, JCahni*. 8mlth of-Kah9as City, Congressman is now in charge of a parish at West- school board and; citizens. The church each, half like a cloven foot.and the oth- months. I uaed one bottle nf Foley's "W. A. Caldeifhead of Marysville and port, Mo. was handsomely decorated and draped* er half like some sort ot a claw. The an- Houey and Tar. ft cured me, nod I J. C. Carpenter of Chanute.. —Clay'Whitesidehas about 125 calves was full of people aid large crowds stood imal is indeed a curiosity, but is alive and have hot been troubled since 7 . E.. COHOOH, at tbe stock yards which he bought for on the outttde.looking.through the open well. Almost anything is likely to hapIW. H. Hampton. gave a" pen in Kansas, and this looks like the rea Western ranch. Oni Wednesday ev- wbidowsi .Rev. W.VR; Klstler f ! N o trait in the character of Presi-. ening there was to^muofcScalf music to Sketch 6t President CTarfi{-Ids life, J. J; sult of fusion.. Our demo-pop friends Sproul .read President Arthur's proclama- should take warning. ,.- '..' dent McKinley has more endeared bi pleasant, j .., •;. Zi-jjfe will ery Sales ID Marshall tad adjetninf - bim to the American people than his —The girls are talking of organizing tion, EV A. Berry delivered a stirring-eulogy on the dead President, after wbieh counties. Terms reasonable *ad love of home and hh chivalrous de- a sewing society. A very sensible ides, there were short addresses by J.J.Sproul, C u r e d o f C h r o n i c W l a r r l i o e a • . eatiifscdon guiranleed. a General BanJ&sg votion to his wife. While he has whether tor the heathens or home folks.- Prof. Holland and J. P. Burds. A Graduate of Baltimore College pf After 3 0 Y e a r s o f Suflerine. Resideaca aad Postofflcc, WateiTlllai never failed inclose attention to his No report of the first meeting has been Dental Sujrgery,. Kansas. ' , . *?I suffered for thirty, years with Bnsinesa, duties of his great office, and this at handed to us. 'I — 0F7KS:- OPPOSITE .STBVEUSdN'S ,'STOSE, Tsa TmjDsiuM (aaulherUU to O«B> diarrhoea ami thought Lwas past be. A time When new and Important —We are- informed that the Bell Teletract fee-fetes aad tarma. Waterviile, Kansas.. '! ing cured," gays John 8. Halloway, • A Wight o f T e r r o r . questions were coming forward for phone Long, Distance Line expects to of Eren'ch .Qa,«np,Mis?.l.J'l had spent settlement; the family claimed his be ready for business by Oct. uti j The , ' " Awful anxiety wa& felt for. the widow of the so much time'.ahd' money and .suffer'-' '• .Well equipped: and prepared' tojldo all InfAtett*paid on tlnU D« first allegiance and the • in valid com- Waterviile "Central" | will be' at the braye General Burn ham ot Machias, Me., when ed HO much that I had given up all kinds of Dental Wjrtrk. 'Crown and Bridge work a "specialty. The very latest poitt*. SpeolaJ Attentioa . the doctors said she would die from pneuu.onia : panion of hi3 life his first care. How- Hampton drug store. I tiefore morhingV writes Mrs SH.Lincola,. WBO, hopes of recovery. iK' was so feeble ideas in Bridge, Crownl and Bubber Plate ever harassing or perplexing these —Mrs. Lottie Keefover, formerly of from the effects of the diarrhoea that wort. TeethExamined free. i • Given to CollsoUon*. duties might be, that care for her Waterviile, writes.to a friend that she attended her that fearful night bat she begged I'.cbuW kind of labor, could Will visit every moalhl i" -' Was, extended- with all gentleness is located at 1213 Virginia Ave., Kansas for Dr Sing's New Discovery, whlc h had more not: even do-no travel, but by accident I and grace.—Chicago Tribune. _ City, Mo., where she will be pleased to than once savei her lire and cured ker of con- was permitted |. Barnes—2d and 4th1 Thursdays. ' < to find a bottle of sumption. After taking she slept all hiebt. see herJfrlehds from Waterviile. • Further use entirely ctired h e r . " 'ithis mar- -Ohamh'erlain.'s Colic, Cholera and DiP R E S I D E N T ROOSEVELT, as might yelloiu medcine is guaranteed to- cure all throat arrhoea: Remedy, and after taking W o r k i n g IViglit a n d D a y . * cheat and long diseases. Only 50o.-and $1.00. spveral bottles I amentireiycured of have been expected from his record Time mid Amounts to soil as. well as his character, proposes, as The busiest and mfghitest little thing that ev- Trial bottles tree at Mrs W J Rorotael's drug that trouble. " I am sn well pleased 1 far as human [judgment and' effort er was made is DrKing's New Life Pills, These store.' ':'A - with the resutt; that I am anxious toe borrower. Partial paypeiH* that it be in reach of all who suffer can compass the result, to "continue, pills change weakness into strength, lietlessnesa WHEELER, Prop. received nt asy date to ba Pay up your back subscription, as I have." ,-fFor sale by.JMrs. W. J. absolutely nubroken the policy of into energy, brain-fag into mental power. Rommel. ':.-'. .; .'\.:;•.-. ; .. >. President McKinley for the, peace, They're wonderful in building up the health. CommerCialiTrade'Solicited. "GboilKigs. credited (Hi loans. V , Gentlemen— My wife was afflicted )rosperity and the honor of our ben Only 25c per box. Sold by Mrs \V J Rommel ' Reasonable!Rates'. ['••- * with dyspepsia and constipation for Leave yourLaundry a! Ed.Adams' overt country." There are often un! s. 7. pdwai. LOW RATE BULLETIN, . years. After try inn other remedies Barbershop. Work guaranteed, '- Ncirth of M.P.R'y. Depot. Telephone 20. — — • » foreseen events and fresh emergen"I in i^ini ii cies in human affairs that call upon The Missouri Pacific will have ronnd trip I purchased a boltle'of Dr.Caldwell's a person in high authority for his tickets on Sale for -the following occasions st Syrup Pepsin Tor ber and she is rapf / idly improving. I cannot be whir' own initiative, because precedents very low rates,:' » " I' > out this valuable medicine, do not always exist; but as far as a Buffalo N.Y.,Pan-americah Exposition, Have N»-ver been in ~ Besp. ydur», 8. Elliott. vice president succeeding to the presMay 1 to Nov. 1. f , f 8ea&oo,, but Elk City, Kas.i Dec. 13, |»00. ' idency by tragedy may carry out the San Francisco. Oal., Episcopal Church Contention. Octobers. •' • Sold by Mrs. W. J. Rommel. •'.: purposes of his predecessor President Waterviile, Raiisas. Roosevelt will assuredly do it to the Steamship tickets to aad lrom Europe via all Unci. . .- / ' .« .. , i. utmost of his ability. \ Office—Photograph Gallery. Denver, Pueblo, Colorado Springs; etc., has always been the ^ / :J . " ' R o o m s at the Office. Tourist. Various dates. ,.. Fashion of 'First Class pEEPAEAMoire for the Word's For rates, dates of sale, limits, printed matLumber Dealers. \^ter and further information, see jitarest agent Fair at St. Louis are going on so rap, idly that the work will soon; be or address CHAS. E. STTLKS, P. It T. A . , abreast of the' Chicago exposition a Our Stocks are all Well Dried andf Atchison, Kas. year and a half before the opening _i _ _ • Seasoned aad we inviia your inspecthough the j Chicago, undertaking a . C. TOWSSEXD, G. P. &T. A., tion whetbet you are ready to buy St. Louis, Mo. took twelve [ months' extra time. . , . . , . -pj<i- W A T E R Y I L U E , K 8 . or not. There will be no postponement in Omce: ...)-.': k 'ri--..^ ; i-'i : Stood D e a t h Off. Over SloUh&Hnbbard's Butcher Shopr S t . Louis. All departments of tbe B B Monday, An Examination will show you at a ia.itf*& of Henrietta, Texas, Butter and Eggs Wanted. Tnesdajs—At Irving, Eas. fair are moving promptly and satis- once fooled a grave-digger. He Bay*: "My W. H. HAMPTOH, PropV. once that WE C A B B Y what you factorily. Two things must be re- brother was very low with malailal fever and want in the line of LUMBER.: membered fn this connection. Build- Jaundice. I persuaded him to try Electric Bit: ing operational in wtnter are far ters, and he was ebon much (letter, but continmore practicable in dt. Louis than ued their use until he was wholly cured. I am Hew Stock of^Oils* Pa*mts and in Chicago. Two full winters are sure Electric Bitten saved his l i t e . " This ' available, and a building on a large remedy expels malaria, kills disease germs and ' Varnishes; -AKDW A T E B Y l X I i E , » A 8. scale proceeds more swiftly than, purifies the bload; aids digestion.regulates Ovwas the case ten years ago. A huge er, kidneys .and bowels; cmes constipation. New Stock Food W K D ^ N S - A l l K i n d s o f H e a v y H a u l i n g . office building can be put np in half dyspepsia, nervojs diseases, kidney troubles, the time required in 1892. Exten- female complaints; gives perfect health. Only 1$D GIB0S'. > Saves halfe the sive work at night has been facilita- 50c at lira W J Bommet'a drug store. . grain fec£ inatures hogs iiiiialf City Draymalii'- Waterviile, Has. ted. Tbe architects have, said from *" the first, without qualification, that Printing of any kind, from a Vie- the time-ordinarily taken or the buildings will be ready;for the tiirtg Card to a Large Poster, done m b n ^ ^ ^ f i i S ^ ^ j ^ ^ : ^ ; ^ - ; ^ , opening on May 1,1903. Exhibitors on short notice and at reasonable including the various states and na- pricesi Ghoice Line of Fresh Gandies tions, should be sure that their own During the coming summer ther displays will be in readiness. Burlington Boate-will have in effect T r y "Ypla'^andI "Koniel" the i l L AUteSHT, Watepyille, the very lowest excursion rat« that will conduct Sales at any lime orplace on have ever been made. -Tbe general Great health 3F>rinks^ : > ; . - : - Short Notice. plan of these rates, destinations, ete.r P R E S I D E N T tfcKiNLEY'a address Call on him or at this office and we will is so varied that rhe public should at Buffalo dealt almost exclusively Thts sigaatare Is on erery bor ot the gentrfa* print yoitr bills and give you bis terms. ask their nearest ticket agent for dev With the broadening duties of the Laxative Bromo»Quiiiine Tablets Stock Sales a Specially, . tails, or else do as tbe favor to Write United States as a world power, and ' c o k l t a e n e u a j for rates, descriptive matter, e t c BOOKS AND STATIONERY. *the Increasingly intimate relations «»» r of civilised nations in commerce. We are expecting a laree invoice Cheap Summer Tours W e s t **The spirit of excloBlvenass," he of plain and fancy steck; order now. Dally to Colorado, Utah and Black s a i d ' I s past." H e dwelt upon the Hills, also Home-seekers' excursions proximity of nations in these times. KeepTotir Face Clean, every two weeks to the whole Wesr as brought together by,the telegraph your complexion dear,' your breath ^AHB—;• and. Northwest. Of WATERVIILE Agent for Cat Flowers and floral Oesigns, rapid communication and friendly sweet, your head level. Dr. Caldrivalry in the various departments well's Syrup Pepsin will do this. It C h e a p E x c u r s i o n s East—Very of human activity. "After all," be cores coDstlpation, n e t headache and low round trip rates to the Baffala •aid, "bow near one to the other is indigestion and is a perfect laxative. One Door West of the Waterrttle Hardware Exposition, the Seashore, A d i r o o ' 1 every.part of the- world." Inter- Sold fey Mrs.. W. J. Rommel. and Implement House Canada, Michigan Lakes r . J0T Laondrr office im»BBectlon.«£l communication lias made wonderful i w ; a thousand eastern restrides. "Qod and Man," the Presine lake and rail trip*east v i s Pay up your subscription, dent continued, "have ifnked. the A SPECIALTY. cago, Detroit, Cleveland. nations together. N o nation can C h e a p E x c u r s i o n s Horth—Ev. The Best Prescription longer be indifferent to any oth(SaetessortoStrongAScoTTlle,) ery day t o St. Paul, Minneapolis and pi,OUiR. er." Ihparsnance of this line of For Malaria. Chilis abd Fever is e CONOORDLA. Lake Superior resorts; the coolest: thought, after commending arbitra- bottle.of Grove's TaBteless Chill TonAttorney-at-Law, recreative country. i c It is simply iron] and qu,inlne to tion as the noblest forum for the setBLUE EAPIDS. KAS. Ask for the Burlington's Sa aimer llement'of international disputes, he a tasteless form, No care—bo pay. »U. courts: Collectieu BtWt nav, Mi Wattnfllt Ftear u i Fert, Pnetteee in excursion rate circulars. added; "Tbe expansion of bar Price 50 cents. " r remitted. B e a t Estate Mid. trade and commerce is the pressing • . ALWAYS U iMO. for; - Loans' negotiated. C a l i f o r n i a E x c u r s i o n s parsonblern. Commercial "wars are rjn- P A Y U P yoor-anbecripUoa. ally conducted every Wednesday etable. Af policy of good will from St,Loois^ every Thursday from H.C. Watkins, sexton of the ^ e t b _jd frieajdjjr trade relations will Kansas City and St. Joseph. 1 wm SELL FOB CASH and at Prices odist Chorcb, Springfield.Pa.,writes: prevent repnsafe. Beclprocity treathat wfll.Surprise you. . Call apiT see me Write as for rates and prin ted mat* tlesare in harmony with the spirit "My wife, has been very bad with before buying elsewhere if you want to ter describing tbe proposed trip. kidney trouble and tried several save money. o f the times; measures of retaliation And SAUSAGES Always on Hand. ot. , r It is for ail Amejicanciti- doctors: witou t benefit. After taking LltfttUT, «.«. caauEB, E0. ADAMS, Prep. Will Deliver Goods to Any Part of OM one bottle of Foley's Kidney Cute w and 7. ?. * , , 933 Bjis SilWt,Cash Paid lox Hide* and ffarsr Scrap Iron and Setals of all Kli I .. :««987 AM VEBTTHINix N e w . Neat and Clean. 6ood » remember,- ba said, that oor jwas much better, and was complete-1 ^ Work Guaranteed. Keeps ib» Best Cisais. Old Rabbet, "THE TELEGRAPH. TWENTY YEARS AGO. JLOGAL iKEWS; S1.O0 PER YEAR. - * • ^ • ~ " . - * ** ; , _ i * i • • • ' • • - • • : • - — • - ear . S - — ' - ^ " * ^ ' . • — ~ H, A. RUSSELL , ^LAWYER, • * BAtt'OF OP. Franklin S. Adams, Farm and Town Prop^ert;, f Lumber FasMons Hew arid Phpiciaii and Surgeon, Bating Potatoes, Seasoaing Lumber WMIEYMf Resident Dentist. \ ' -. • • . m i » Pull Line Fancy 0ELANEY. ,'~Sv'. Low Rate Excursions a!r Summer via The Burlington Route. THE CASH MILT. WILDER'S Mrs. W. J. ROMMEL, Proprietress. I m £:-S--':' Hi : • mfnence«sts the victories' ly cured a ;r taking four boilHfe?* • I W. S.ilaB»to».T- •*.-.:.:-•'. •Hal •HFQRFntf E Ladies' Hair Dmaamg a specialt?. mm •aw •sa-jrii •~~a? ***ma*timmatmzkmiu*i*ami*aii^asm ~f - —Last Saturday overseTenry dollars was raised in a few hoars; bv Mayor (be . benefit o f Mrs. Tramble. All" Austin Salts ihe bill* far p^xd^Om^^uziBUlrrfrirftm.frr^ matte* As - many remember Mrs. Trimble's hosband was killed by lightning abbot bipax cabana msizL the dote of at ssle. t w o years a g o and since hia death she has worked bard t o keep her family of Wednesday, Oct. 15, KOI. the property six little ones together: l i t e sadden. of N. C. Johnson, on the Ole Larson death of heir Utile: daughter by farm. 5 aides north and 1 o u t o f Wat- drowning met with sympathy from nil erville a d 4 B i l e , v e s t of Shroyer. and a substantial help from the citizens . consisting of 4 horses. 11 bead of ear- of WaterriUei tie, 11 head of hoars, farm machinery —Atchison- Globe: All those who • and implements, haasefiold furniture. hate newspapers, have not been abased - etcs. a t e . - •.""Sale at 1 o'eloefe. Bsaal terms. - by newspapers. The man w h o most persistenly abuses The Globe, has nev—T- 35. Gordon,Auctioneer. e r been mentioned unkindly by the nape— he is mad because he has a o t b e e a TEACHERS-ASSOCIATION. praised more. He thinks' he U a great aad that The Globe should devote Tbe teachers ot the Local DistricLNo. man, a good deal of space t o praising him. 5 will mept iri BloeKapids Satardav. Oct. This sounds like ajribsuni statement 5tb. a t L30 p. a , a s directed by the suggestions of tbjj. Coastv Snperintecdent. y e t it is literally true. This meeting will be chiefly for the pur—A caution to Waterville ministers pose of perfectfas ad organizinon. The against first kissing the bride after the districts iadnded in this local association ceremony. B e v. Jamesr Porter, of Chfearejro8.*=Joint2;3 r fiL,?, Joint 7, 81 15. corague. Ya., did s o and! t h e groom 17, 27, 2 5 ^Ij 37. 44. 47. 4 S . « , 55,64, 72, knocked him down. After it was ex77. SS. Joint 92, S3, 97.105.120,122. plained to him that it was the ecstora L ^lhLorderAbo|(reyer, that it may not- b e there, be felt ashamed o f himself a n d wholly olven to rourine a jbrief projram gave -the rev. gentleman two ten dollar in t h e natcfe of a Eohnd Table Confer- bills, i t -was a sore beginning for the ence Las been prOTided Jor. The toliow- parkin, bat ajaappy ending. in» topics aresassested i-- -: -•- ~k —The Atchison monumeet firm that , The B«enfi*Lfteiary'Society" aiidj the placed the Rommel monument in River: - ^ j S e t o e f e A i ^ l r i . s £ * ", -7 . ft". side Cemetery had a representative in ThfeUaiwtsiiy Spirit-in the SehobL " t o w n on Tuesday fof~ the purpose ot We Mildly tharik you f o t past favors arid request putting a new base in the monument Tce-SrBjim2l43rrfe and the Teacbrr. proper, the oaa pat in originally having The Mashing of. Play tor Education.-.. beettdefeetiTe. ; . ; . , _ . your patronage for the fdtore. -,[-. Impulse and its Educational Meaning. "Tbis li-fTgHiKrely sa££?sTive and other - —AH tae member3"bf city eouncit and rcpfes" wiff Tfe-nsrgestgif by members of the mayor were present at t b e regular t h e f e b e i a r i § n H ^ ^ ~ . ? -~ ----- - |—_- meeting on Wednesday evening. Bills V" Let every teacher 5h~ this district be ambennag to S12S.32. were allowed, fol& present and seek to ^dd to the interest ot lowed by a general talk'on sidewalks, thet association. - Every effort will he which w a s about the only besiness —Frank Bobbins has invested in Blue : First Church of Christ. Scientists . TOTSII made to have the m^e'tlns worthy of at- transacted. Rapids real estate. rillbbold services in the Stevenson halt will tendance, J i i n s i c w i l l be provided lor. * —Our citizens will be -surprised t o ' —We sampled.some of Spohn'3 sweet as follows: Every Su nday.SundaySch00I learn of the death last week of. Henry potatoes this week. They were fine. at 1030 a. in.. Church Services at 11 a n c ( Volrz. one of Waterville's pioneers, at Thanks. Meetings also on every Wednesday ev,-; '. .; • £.-*?. -..; 'j^-. >•• = .-. Perry, Okla. He had resided a t Perry, ening. Subject at services 00 SundayIn Waterville. Kas^ on Friday. Sept. 20, with his wife for' a namb*r. of years —R. Gv . Shannon, the Cottage Hill Sept. 29,1901—'•TJnrealIty.', 190i. at 7KXJ p. m..- Edna A., daughter and bis death was caused by heart dis- blacksmith, expects to take bis family Beading room open Wednesdays a n d ' of Mrs. Frances C£ Truiuble, aged 7 ease. -' to-Oklahoma on a visit in the near fu- Saturdays from 3 to 5 p . m. at the Stev; years 3 months anil l-t.days. ture. , ; enson Hall. —Mrs. A g l e returned on Monday % One of theaaddest deaths which has from Wichita where she bad been sum—Barnes Chief: Mr. John Froellch, becurredja-onn citv for some time was by tbe serious illness o f her an old settler of this county, died - at That of little Edna Trumble. Last Fri- moned Mrs. Rose Igo. She reports Mrs. the home of J . F. Dickinson last Mon- Morning Glory Shoe Shopi day evening with another little {girl Iniece. g o much better bat the infant daught- day night. The funeral. services were One door west elf Clarke A Thorne**. about her own age. Mabel Runkle. she m conducted yesterday by B e r . Maloney i/ Gzo. I I S K S E Y , J B , todeliver rndk a t t h e residence of er only lived twenty four bonis. Interment in Maple wood cemetery. THE WATERVILLE ..TELEGRAPH — vrnterrllle has the honor of having —There was a good rain on Tnesday went Mr. Will Scott, in tbe- south part of aa a resident~a lady w h o bad the ple«*- night. , —Mr. and Mrs. J . D. Flannery went Wablisbed leierj Fri<lay jaorcinz at Water- nre of casting he^ .yote twice for Wiltown. Near the front porch of the house to St. Joseph, Mo., on Wednesday. ITe W a n t t o See T o n I wllle Jl&rattiil Conr.iy, Kaa. Offi<*.—Corntr liam McKJofey for i*resident. —Good progress is being made on the is a cistern tightly covered. With the They Mrs* will visit their son; Walter, who Y o n k n o w tr h a t y o a a r e t a s t i n g We can tell what makes y«mr eyes • f Uom!»ert:iaV 5tr<ie * f3*13Tebra*k»-Avenne. Stevenson cement walk. cariosity incident to childhood she reColweli. mother of I Mrs. M. F. McCoiioh now holds a responsible position with When you take Grove'* Tasteless blur and your head swim. You are moved "the cover to loos into it, and it the C. D. Smith* Drug Co., and attend and Mrs. J . D . Howe, while living in McFadden bad tbe finishing is . '. ... ' SpBSCEIP t l O S RATES, Chill Tonic because the formula is bilious and Dr. Caldwell's Syrup the supposition that in looking into One copy onejv«v. i t paid th advance,....*1;09 Colorado, where women have the right touches pot on bis residence last the eistern s h e placed her hand on the the fair. plainly primed on every bottleshow- Pepsin will cure you or the manuof suffrage, voted for Mctvinley in TS9G week. ; ApV-EETISlN'S B I T E S . cover which had not been removed com- — E . A. Bittell. the well snowa monu- jng that it Is simply Iron and Qui- facturers will refund yoa tbe p a n and 1900 for President. She is a strong I t e - a l u i l traasicnt aiirertiaiaenta. SI —'Mrs. J . D. Howe remains about tbe pletely from the top, and in this way ment man from Marysville, was in town nine in a tasteless form. N o Cure. chase price. Sold by Mrs. W. J. Repufclican. and although sevenrr-six •qsare ft»r first 'asertloa astd fifty centa .or years of age is a very active and intelli- same, some- days brignter and others l o s t n e r balance and fell into the cistern, on Tnesday. Ha represents an. estab- N o Pay. 50c. Rommel. , >a£e& additional insertion. * . the cover being found there afterwards. lishment that is a credit* to the coanty Local notices ten cents per line Tcr first in- gent women, and is very proud of tbe not so well. Tbe other lit tie girl being too young t o aa'd deserving of the patronage of its sertion ami five cenia tor, each additional w - fact t h a t her vote helped t o sw»U the —The call for the Eepnbliean eanens . great popular majolfity-received by e a t for Cottage Hill township appears bar understand the importance-- of getting citizens. - icrtioa. '•! help quickly, is was fully fifteen minutes many red President. Mrs. Col well at- another place.. —Mrs; Win. Lamoreaux and daughter B O o k l i N D JOB P S B T B 6 . " before the body was removed from the Mabel, returned on Tuesday from their All Rind* It Printinjc nromptly and neatly tended rse memorial services held in eistern bv Aaron Benfield. Drs. Reitzel oar city last Thursday, and no o e e en—We received % good letter fjom Miss exocntedat Uiiaoffice at reasonbie rates. visit t o the, old . country. William's tered into tbe spirit of the services more Lippincntt lately parts of , which we and"|D. W. and B . Htmfreville were baching day3 are over and the home on hand promptly and employed every will publish next week. Address all Icoijwnnnieatldns t o , than she did. [-_ means in their power to resuscitate and will soon take oa its old time appear. i HEN a y e , wru»£ps. . . . _ g o far as we can learn, some techni- —The mney finishing loaches are bring back life to the little form, tint ance. • Pubiisher awl Proprietor. . Seems a Long Way Oflti WaterriUe, -Kan. cal irresnlarity in the calls fox both the being-pat on the front of the B n r t i s t J ^ ^ —Our county attorney is beginning to Bat when yon Bay a city end school bond elections held here hardware building this week. realize what it is t o have a talented - Edna was a bright, merry little girl, Snisiedat the Pcst-Oflfeeat' WatervIUe. recently, makes it impossible for the daughter. He is referred to now as the • -r ' ! --iText Tuesday evening, Oct. 1st, the and her absence in the" home will be K Lhs=s^ a s second claaa matter.. Stute Sebool Far.d Commissioners to K. j and L . of 5 . will instal ofSeers. Badly 'missed] by her mothers, brothers father of the s t a r vocalist, Miss Mary t«ke the bends, and; 38 a resalr, both Members are requested to attend. . . and listers. \ sf " -y.- - v y . I . - ' Norris Berry. electtDim^flt-haive^iw-'held again if I Funeral services were held in, the M. —John Paul, of Cottage Hill, left on '-•-?! the citizens-desire t o i a y e a city hall . —Mrs. Cert. Thomas was very ill with E: church on/Sunday moraing, conduct% That is tile Kind Monday for Chillisqjiaque, Penn. ' He :~ -A heart trouble tbe first of the week, but and a primary: sebool bhilding. Tbe ita- . e d b y Kev. Dennis, and the remains"Con- will take in the Pah-American ExposiWant. niisrake was "trot made by Water vule, as at this writing she is some better. FRIDAY, SEPT. 27, 1901. veyed to Riverside Cemetery for burial. tion and will hot return an til after the instructions from Topeka were closely Her classmates of the public and Sun- holidays. —S. B'. Steele and wife returned on • . ' , foOowed, and the authorities there sim- the Monday afternoon train from their day school marched in a body and covply reversed tbeiri "dpinien after the trip to the Pan-American at Buffalo.. - A n early s s t o n u , is predicted. —S. J. P. Baughman. formerly.living ered the little casket with beautiful bonds were voted1. flowers, the emblems of her purp, street just north of town but BOW residing ^—1 he late, rain is good for the wheat. —'Mrs.;i£fia Sconfen. or St. Louis,- life. { Tbi* widorwed mother has tbe ten- near Bremen, Was' in . town Monday. —MIES Mamie Berry returned home came To Waiervflle oa-Tue«day to a«sist derescsy ingatTiy of all in her sdrrow.';.- He-raport* t h e applecrop small tor thia—Additional "local" OB Second page. ion Saturday last ft««h « year'a study in taking care of" ber slater, Mrs. C. yaar. -VERY LOW P R I C E S —See auction sale'notice at the beau with the best singing masters in Ger- Thomas. . : ,_ ' of our "local" column. many and Italy. I t baa been a year of " • CAftO O F T H A N K S . Ori Furniture, Mtmld^igfs, Pic—Wni. Ross and daughter, Miss Min- . work for her and she returns borne Do Y o u Want . J-SJrs. Ged. Kolsom was qnite *ill for hard nie, visited with relatives south of Makes of Cases and will Mrs.'Frances C. Trumble desires to re^ ture JAaits, Carpets,*! Window in need of complete resr. We do not A Nice-Top Buggy ? several d ^ s last week. know berplan* for the future, but Dame Greenlenfoa Sunday, returning home turn her 'heartfelt thanks to the citizens Be Pleased to Quoted Shades* Oy. Cloliis, iLinoIeums of Watervillet .for their generous contri- D a Y o a Want , — Thos. Sebnchart, of Parallel, was a Manor has itJiftweverj that onr Water- on Monday. o Tou Prices: bution, and the friends and neighbors .,• _A Mitchel Wagon ? . visitor in town on Monday. I im&jjb£&fi£SE5£m in grand opera —Qeo. Stevenson, jr., has purchased who kindly assisted ber at the death and Do Yoa Want . I in.the near,future, I , -" ! < v the H. H. Boberts' farm, east of town, burial of ber little daughter. ,—Tbe new: Jbe-wling: alley will be A Galvanized Stock Tank? ^i^eaciy for business by Oct. 1st. " tiAt^tbe residence of Mrs. H. Smith. that has been worked by ML L . Reitzel Giveots a "calTr" '-•' Do Y o a Want for several years. on Tuesday evening from 5:30 to S.00 —The stove* were put up in the n e w o'clock, A Nice Lap ftobe? C o m m e r c i a l Street, •A ' B e p n b l i c a n C a r i c u s . about fifteen little folks had a --Mrs. JB. fi. Stevenson's horse, while lodge hall on Wednesday. • ^ THE JEWELEB. A Republican caucus of t h e R e - Do Y o u Want '.! WATERTir.fJE, KAS. jolly time, ft wasj t h e ninth birthday tied on the street Sunday, became . - Best Paint for $1.35 a gal.? •~7— WrS. MeKelyy.of Oklahoma, took of Budolph Smith • Mnrphv and was frightened at something and shied, publican Voters of Waiervilie t o w n , t h e train west on Friday last. most joyously ceiebrated. Lots of fun breaking one of tbe shafts. ship-! Will be held in- t h e Opera H a l l Do Yoa Want Sulphur by the quantity —Maror Ross left o n the midnight and frolic and a eumptdous supper made —R. C. Young and family returned on 0 0 Saturday, Oct. 5", 190*', a t 3 o'clock it a jolly occasion all .-.round. .Master for iHags ? train Wednesday lor Atchison. • for Monday from a ten days' visit to Nep. re., to nominate randidates Rudolph wa« left possessor of a number Do You Want braska, he at Omaha and Mrs. i'oung Trustee, Clerk, Treasurer, and two • —John Clark is expecting to move his of gifts. -.- I .!" A n y Kind pi Hard Oil or and the children a t i>e Wi 11. Constables; family to Barnes in November. —J. J. Groesbeckj retires from the Varnish. Venetian Bed or M . B E I I A J T E Y , —Street Commissioner Smith haa ' —Spence Horibnt and wife, of Astell, flour and feed business on Oct. let, and Yellow Ochre? - Committeeman. A . II. -Barlow, of the Waterville Roller been fixing the culvert, a t : Stevenson's willepend tbe winter in California.. Do Yoa Want Mills, having bodgnt the Scholfield corner this week. So far there has been • —Attorney John A . Brongbton, of flour and fieed business, will consolidate n o fault found with his work. "'.;• Anything Off of a 5 and 10 _. C o t t a g e B i l l Caucus* iltirysvii.e, was In t o w n on Monday. the two stocks in the Scholfield build- ' —Mr. and Mrs. P. T . Ylekery returncent Counter? A Republican eaucux will b e hleld —Fioley. the blacksmitn. has closed ing, employing J. A. Scholfi>d t o ran it ed from their .Eastern trip o n , Friday i n Cottage p i l l township i% t b e CutGO TO— for him. '..-j . j • tip his shop.) T o o much competition. l a s t Mrs. Yickery^ Sunday School; tage H i l t School H o u s e o n Tuesday J . P. BURTIS' STORE. t . • .1 —The cahs for Republican canenses class of boys rejoiced a t hex return. —•Best clothing, na'd-beet, fitting in e v e n i n g , Oct. 1, 19»l, at 8 o'clock", Mr. G. A . Stillman, a mprchant of T for Waterville and Cottage Hill townMarsfiatl coanty a t Clarke £ Thorn* e. ( —The Waterville A O. U. W. mem- for the. purpose of nominating-CHH- Tampico, III., Write?: ''Foley's Kidships appear in this issue. T h e towsbip —T-,J. Wblverton,- wife and daughter officers are t h e only Jones t o be elected bers have been invited to go te Blue didates for Trustee, Clerk, Treasurer, ney Cure is meeting with wonderful Rapids tonight to assist the lodge just a n d t w o Cbuidahles. returned on Friday from their trip to this fall, and the best candidates should organized success. It has cured some cases there to initiate an even Buffalo. ' - --•• • 4 R J"jFAt?tKXEBi here that physicians pronounced inbe selected. |' dozen candidates. Cbmmilteem'an curable. I myself am able to testify —Mrs. Bessie Wilder has been ill this —Mrs. Matherly went to Atchison —Geo. Storms, of Cottage HOT, havto its merits. My face today is a livw e e k . a n d Mrs. Delancy took her place last Sunday- It seems that the cancer ing recently disposed, of his farm t o E : ing picture of health, and; Foley's In the post oiHce. with which ah* is afflicted baa not been Traxler, expects to locate' farther east 0TICE. Kidney Cure has made it such." —Why pay 30c. and 30c. for Peach entirely removed. She hopes to. return in Kinsss; H e has been hunting a AH those si&apnng themselves mW. H. Hampton; I[ place tbe past week. , trees when you can g e t the best buds home cured in a short time. debted to m e are requpstpd to call for 10c. from W. S. Spohn. —Marysville News: The Waterville —Mrs. Winnie Coswr. who w i t h h e r aud settle before Oct. 1. 1901. —Gee-Thedieck, formerly of this city, Woodmen and aU their visitors had a i i « l e bey. of Galea, JJL. haa been la at" T H O B N T , T H 0 3 » A3 has' rented t h e Bine Valley Hotel a t jolly good time at theirpicnic on Thurs- tendance at the bedside of her mother, day of last week. There was a large at- Mrs. Howe, for several weeks, returned Marysrille and turned landlord. B u r t i s has got in-a full line of Sulk tendance.. / j to her-hpme on Tnesday. —Mr*. S. Kincaid, of Barnes, is in tbe A ey Plow?, ;Buckeye and - Havana Tbe'Eipert Optician, will be at the —Mrs. Fred Burtis and children, o f city this week potting np peaches for —Mrs. Coweill. who is visiting ber Force Feed^GraJn Drills, Mowers, Pueblo. Colo., are in this eity this week. daughter. Mrs. C. Hnber, of Weatheraher brother-in-law, Mr. John Earl. ADAMS HOUSE, Hay Drills, etc. They are a t present the - guests of Mr; tord, Okla., is also husy getting a e Mrs. Lee- Ktxnz fs expected home and Mrs. John Shirek. west of town. qaainted with a neWgranddaughter wbb rraa Kansas City. Kas., this week. -She B r a i s e s <JoiClil2 AH Da/, SATURDAY, Sept ttft. Cote —Mrs. M. Filley, of Irving, w i s in arrived this week in the Hubef family> flbbeen a t Bethany Hospital for many town on Saturday. '• weeks receiving special treatmen t. ChamberbMn's-.Paiu' Ba 1 m app 1 ied All Eye3.Eiamined FHBB OF CHASSB, to a cat» bra|pe c .burn, scald or like Laundry W o r k so1Kit*J^* l i e a v e Cat Flowers and Floral Designs injury will jha'tantiy allay the pain .. D B ^ B I U M is one of the- best Opticians it at Milt Wilder's B a r b e # S h o p . A l l SO T l i o r o n g h b r e d Poland China and will -heal- the parts-ih-less t i m e Jn Kansas City and be guarantees abcelnta Ordered an Kbort Notice. - satistaciion. He does his work perfectly W E S . W. J . ROMMEL, Agent. work guaranteed satisfactory. Boars. A1F eligible to 'ttcotd.lthan-BBV « . a e a t m e n » , U n l e s s and at extremely low prices. Call and s s e (THOrpB THOMAS,} Price reasonable. ;; : r tbe injury- is vlry severe it will not him and examine his recommendations ; leave a Beaff~ Fnin Balm also eases Irons, tbe best people of Waterville. The /•- - . C. G.THOHks. rheamatism,-pprain8, swellings and following are a Jaw ot tbe people D 2 . B u r t i s has just received a ear load of lameness For sale by Mrs. W l J . BACK has fitted in Waterville and who will recommend his work: C. W. Robin1 Suneya, Phaetons, Top Buggies Issues Dtaft3 or Post Office Orfeers on all Foreign Conn tries. son, Mrs. Mary Adams, B.F.Jacobs,- firs. and Spring Wagons anil w i l l soon A. £L Farwell, and many others. — Loans Money on Farms. \ Insm wea Written in Reliable ComfaafaaV have another car of those Mitchell Scale Bookscfbr sale at this Lined! Are Now Attention to the and we e, such Sits, Caps, Mm, M dW& We Seep in Btodc the Best lines of CO: in town. J -I We Carry a Complete Tifrre of the Celebrated SUNFIoOWBR PAOTS, and other makes? from $1.50 to |4.00.\ Don't forget pur X3EOTH3W(r. B ^ FITS in Marshall County. j- CLARKE & fHORNE VALUES THE BEST/ as \ ^ Buy m Case Lots Direct from the Mills. If you to Save ilfoney, Inspect Our Tine. j: Yours truly, m GEO. - SfEVENSONi JR. Repair FtuTiitur«, Sewing Machinesj Gasoline Stoves^ Bicycles, Gunsafrd Parasols. I4OCAL NEWS. 20 Years WATCH CASE, Yoa ! arse Carry Well-Casing and Do First Class Tin Work at Small Profits, j YOUNG, Cominercsal Street Meat Market Fresh and Cured Meats, Satuages, etc., always^ nt on hand. Ice on sale at shop, We buy Young Stjock and Hie Hubbard m Or. Alph. J. Sawn, J. R. EDWARDS. Bank FOR SALE. WATBB^yTIL] KANSAS. iSBEiw!^':' ^ 1 OX3TINGS,iTom 5 l-2c. t6 lOe. FLANNELS, mj Waisfc !Patt^n^ iron} 20c. . ! to 8 0 a Anything in Our Liiie;the Cheapest aiid Best wagons* '*I had a running sore on m y lea; for seven years," writes Mrs. James Forest* of Chip9ewa Falls, AWi3., "and spent hundreds of dollars in trying to get it healed. T w o boxes of Banner Salve entirely cored it." Beware of substitutes. W . H . Hampton. €k> at 10 per cent, discount, also a few MEN'S BLACK SUITS at same rate. EXTENSION OF LIMIT on Buffalo Pan-Ameriean tickets via Nickel PlatoBoad"/ $13.00 for rodnd trip, tickets good 15 d a y s ; $16.00 for round trip tickets good 20 days. Three daily trains w i t h vestibaled first class dining American Club plat in price from 35 cen to Sl.00. Add>eslJbhn Y . Caiah^i General Agent, l i t Adams Stree Chicago. 1 2» <v \ Meeting. Farm irilp^ Gbanqrion Btoile»r its, Mi Sewing Carpets, ChirjbaiiiB^ BeM line of CtaWs antf Infants Sver Carried in Blues, A l l - a^al carry the largest Stock .of Domestic and Foreign Marble3 and Granites in Northern Kansas or Southern Nebraska. Call or write us ate > Washington, Kaa, IVABIESi TheTegnlarmeeUng of WaterviIJe I have just returned from Post, N o . 260 G. A . R., wiil be held My Fan yfeit. to the Leading: on Friday evening, Oct. J1, i s o i . "Wholesale Jffillniery Houses, Comrades are earnestly raqbeafed to and have Selected the Latest be prepeoU e g o . BKSFIELD, and Prettfest Styles in MffliM. L . RETTZKII, -• Commander. nery, winch I shall be pleased Adlatant. , to show you. A Great who is also editor of The Herald at I have Selected-ait Assort^ The soothing and H o w e , IndU^Ty^^writears; ineni of leathers, Breasts and ties of this remedy, - I was a ' To whom it may " the Latest and prompt a n trouble until I Trlinjungs of have made it a great favorite with to try a bottle of Dr. Styles which 1 invite yoa to people everywhere, ttia especially Syrup Pepsin and I want inspect. prized by mothers' of small children to it in m y opinion i t hasino for colds, croup and wbOopmg cough, tedy. I-naa>; A larg^ number oi Pattern] as a : as it always affords qorest relief, and tried many different remedies but .Hats areanfong- my attractions, j as- it] contains no opium or other none w i t h toe h^ppy results of Please &H on me. A WU\ harmful drag, it may be given.as CaMwell^SyropKiiauav ; O. A. B . Boys' and Children's Suits ' -I88£ REAi ,' T h e U n i v e r s a l Intoxicant. WISCONSIN FARM LANDS. " N o t In t h e . » H *•!••!•• • > t-f»'f'i-> » I B M ft* tif The hest of farm lands can on obThis Is a favorite expression If thiere is any truth in the saying D i c k e n s ' -Toe G a r g e r y ; C i t e d a s F i l l i n g *i '•'• m m m± •% s mm *s* -' fcansas flewsltotes. tained now i n Marinette COuh^; Wis• persona who have goods on hand " that happiness , is the absence of all consin, on the Chicago, Milwaukee & they'wish to^sefltotS^'puVic. Bji: t h e Definition. pain, mental and" physical, the enjoyS t Paul Railway at a l o w price and on One of our contemporaries asks, ment o f . i t can only be found in heavery favorable terms. -* Wisconsin la their goods are n o t always good. Ne The Opening-;.of .the prphenm, KaivfWhat i s a gentleman?": and proceeds ven. But so far a s the physical is connoted for i t s fln^rerpp8,- excellent er have they ; a rlg^t a t all sas City's high class .vaudeville t h e markets and healthful climate. Why to claim that they are "not . cerned, it Is within easy reach; at ater, was most; auspicious, and the to enumerate a few of ( the qualities rent a farm when .you can-bay one trust" A s a matter of fact they i-least measurably so, as far as'cure wil* grade i of entertainment established that gO^ to make one. Ks conclusions much cheaper than" yon can\rent and ermllr arp.J& t h e trust" Trusts k n | ; go. The.sum.of human misery in this promises to be !the best. ofijjB kind are not convincing, a n d we shall relii: a few" years it will "be your owxi, the advantage of advertising frain, therefore, from wasting space by B o o k s o n t h e F r e n c h R e v o l u t i o n . line Is made up !of greater or less de- obtainable. For. the week beginning property: For particulars 'address grees of physical suffering. The minor September 29, Louise Thprndike Bouci- presenting them. Perhaps t h e best (.Two thousand Of the 30,090 books on F . A. Miller, General Passenger A g e n t goods as "not In the trust" It hel aches and pains which afflict mankind cault, of a famous theatrical family, definition of the Word gentleman. wae the French revolution which have b s W Chicago, Milwaukee & S t Paul Rail- them to sell an Inferior article once to be presented.to the Bibliotheque Nation- way, Chicago. ~ i ' they may pay dividends on watv... . are easy to reach and as easily cured. will b e the <?JMef * entertainer, in a given by a n a who chanced 1 among certain grave -and earnest crit- ale by< the British museum, will b° stock. The Defiance Starch company There,are none In the whole category, sketch by Augustus Thomas, one of : Marriagd Is a Idtteryr—therefor^ ali- has no false; stock on. which, to pay which, ] if taken in time, cannot be America's foremost playwrighiB.^ Lu- ics who wete discussing j the" merits' of kept there,' The remaining 28,000 will mony Is a gambling debt diiadends. They simply mknufacture cured, i They must in some form af-i cille Saunders; a renowned contralto, Charles Dickens as an ajuthor. -Some- be sent to the Bibliotheque Sevigne! ' We; use the best-lean 1 body made the statement that Dickefas beef, get all the essence flict the nerves, the bones, the muscles formerly "with iUge Metropolitan Grand "Sew York City, JunelSth, 19011—I heart- the best starefr that is made anywhere Gas as Motive Power. from it, and concentrate it to gy recommend GarfieldTeaforUver trouble: in ,the world, and eell 16, ounces for and joints of the human body! They Opera company/will (fcive vocal setec- I did" not seem .to. possess [ the power to portray a -gentleman.' This proposi. i uttermost. . In an ounce of our Ex"Denmark i s using gas very^ ertenOorlamfiy physician prescribed your Tea, ten cents.. Ask your grocer for i t are all more or less^hurtful and waste- tions; the-Sa-Vans will entertain in a act there is all the nutrition of many and after taking four packages my system Made by Magnetic Starch 'Co., Omaha, tion was generally agreed tov 'SirSLeisively as a motive 'power. IJMost of ful to the syBtem. S t Jacob's Oil is j roaring farce called "A Clowri's Misis in perfect condition and my. complexion bunds of beef. To get more nutriment ". 7 ."made to cure them, to search out hid- haps;" Ameta j!will do her notable iqester Dediock and other supposedly the engines are manufactured there, has become clear." It has been demonstrat- Neb.' . • j the ounce is impossible. genteel characters in t a e (works of ed by years of use throughout the world that but some are Imported from Germany den pain spots, and to cure promptly spectacular dance; Flatt and SutherGarfield Tea cleanses the system and purines Dickens .were cited as. tevldehce that and America Prices average from 15 te- the blood; from all reports it would seem • The much borrowed V knows' what In a true remedial and lasting' way. land are twd-vjeiiy comical people who iibby's Auas of the World, with 3a the great novelist did not really undernothing can equal this simple herb med- it i s to go through life entirely a loan. • maps, size 8x11 inches, sent any- ' * | .Very, very many have not known hap-. manufacture laughter; Tommy Baker stand whaf constituted ja [(gentleman.. m p e r c e n t higher than (m-thie United that •'. IF-."-; icine that cures in Nature's way. ere for 10 cts. in stamps. Our Bookpiness for years till they used it, and always has something new and good in Then some one said:' j'Siir dieicester States. ' ""'". J.IFE OF PRESIDENT M'KINLEY. "How to Make Good Things to A remote period is the one due at the ;By Murat Halstead; large- book; very many are puttingoff-core and a monologue; \and Memphis Kennedy and-the other creations ;you nave re"' mailed free. Our SIcli Citizens. .! ~ .: end of a woman's remarks: happiness because they don't use I t is a musician who can be artistic and ferred to may air - fall short when .cononly fi.50; - big profits to agents; funny at the same time. The Kino-' sidered as gentlemen. [ B u t = Dickens About half the men I meet nowadays - Kaidlos C a n W e a r S h o e s . , S freight paid; credit given; agents makj Choice of Evils. drome has, new (moving pictures each was, nevertheless, a b l e t o draw a true have tabes dorsalis and don'tikndwr'lt Lfbby, McNeill & Libby, t ing $15 daily. (Send lOcts for mailing One size smaller after using Allen's FootThe ifexperience of Mr.:.' Washburn, week Of the mbst timely public 'events. portrait of-a gentleman. (He'has given They call it a ^slight (tbuck of rheu- Ease, a powder. It makes tight or new tree outfit at o n c e iCHICAGO. matism" or "a faint suspicion of gout." •hoes.easy. Cures swollen, hot.sweating, who, atfter being treated In Jtoosevelt Matinees are ;f given every \ Sunday, ns 'Joe Gargery,' " KNAPP PUBLISHING. CO., " ; \; . :] Thetr physicians are quite as ignore aching feet, ingrowing nails, corns and hospital for acute rheumatism without Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. < Kansas City, Mo. It surely cannot be defied, that the ant-^-New York Press. bunions. All d m jgists and shoe stores, success, started for his home on Long Hard luck—a horseshoe. 85c Trial package FREE by mail. Ad. Island,' was. struck by lightning and ; J. H. Dye, a Wichita-anarchist, has illiterate ^blacksmith of 'fGreat.Expec-•- j dress Allen a Olmsted, Le Roy,' N. Y. tations". i s . a: gentleman j In t h e best completely cured, does not add ma- been cast out Of town. , A DISTINGUISHED MISSIONARY. A r e T o m H«Inc A l l a n ' s - l o o t E a s e ? • f c l l - . I I P DAILY SELLING Probably thfe most scholarly {person sense of t h e word.) We might say the terially to our exact knowledge either ". Washington, Ind;^ S e p t 234—There It is the only cure for Swollen, ( Some men get rich while others are at Baker university is Mr. Study, j VICTORY RECLINING CHAIRS same .of "Ham. Peggptt'^'," ^but ' i t is of rheumatism or lightning. It is< a Smarting, Burning, -Sweating Feet, Some real potatoes w e r e a m o n g the. possible to; be a gentleman'without ber (is at present,,livingmt 106L; East" 15th waiting for great opportunities. probable opinion, however, that people Corns and Bunions. ' Ask for Allen's S e l l a I s i g h t . O n l y 8 5 c a p i t a l . E x c l u s i v e street in-this "eity;-a mOst remarkable e r r l t ry. E v e r y a r t i c l e y a a r a n t e e d . S e n d with or without rheumatism had bet- exhibits at: the Rooks county fair l a s; t ing either a "Joe Gargery'' or a "Peg- man. He is Rev. C. H. Thompson, and . What is the use of employing some one Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into tfor * » to W . F . E D W A R D S , w e e i t . . • ' • . ! ' • • ' ''• ' '•' '•" ' " ' ' the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe gotty." Indeed the things' a man isn't ter be [struck by lightning than by an do your dyeing for you. If (yon- use Stores, 25c Sample sent' FREE. Ad- Sen. A careless proofreader oh the Wel- or doesn't d o go farther | toward mak- be came to Washington froni Little to iales Agt„ Traversi Giiy.Mioh automobile.—New!York World." . POTNAM FADELESS DYES y o u can dress, Allen S. Olmsted, (LeRoy, N. Y. lington Journal ilet "society bugs" go ing bimfva gentleman (jthan do* the JTork, Ind., a short time ago. ; L do i t just as well as a professional. for debutahtesl i_ . . : things he is or does. We might say, | Rev. j Mr. Thompson spent- many Sold by druggists, 10c. per package. ; { B l e e h n n l c s In M l d o c e a n . A wild steer is dangerous On either . T h e proud look you see on the faces for instance, that a gentleman doesn't years qf his'long and useful life as a The captain Of a Norwegian tramp 1 missionary among the Indians of the Of the, Newton people is owing to ihe FREE always try to be the first'person in the Clear white clothes are a sign that the What has the weather done that "It ' Bteamei'/ recently replaced a broken West. The great exposure cud the A N H b f l T m t i m l of Dr. 0. local fire department housekeeper uses Red Cross Ball Blue. elevator car>or out of it;j that h e does should be talked about sO'mueh? raelps Brown's Great Remedy tot propeller in mid-ocean dn a/ very inLarge 2 o*z. package, 5 cents.,i .Epilepsyudall NerrousDlseis-«. Address The invitation r ptill hangs Out at the not fly at the bill collector, as If the.. drinking of so much bad water (brought genious way. He had'a nine-ton extra FHKIM BROWS, 98 Bro»a war, Stvkargk, tUJm oh Diabetes, and at Wagoner; Indian propeller on board, in accordance with Iola restaurants to "drop in,and get a latter came around tormenting for his Territory, he was struck down wnile }:, W e thank' you fOr trying Wizard Oil « M •'•''. own gratification; that he doesn't call for rheumatism of neuralgia, then you 'ift recentlyNmade nile of the marine i n - slice of iced watermelon." preaching. ( ' . r s s A 'couple of ; Topeka parents-ere the wait ^ who attends! t9 his wants Will thank usy'. Ask your druggist surance companies, and, having shifted Physicians, one of them- a (Chicago; || '••'• •._.-:—J—. i -^ : fighting i n the jcoiirts over the custody at lunch time "Sis"; thati he doesn't his car^o forward; until his-vessel acspecialist, pronounced hisi case hope-: The yachting crank has nautical talk of ^ l i t t l e boy"! of'22 years. \. carry his (umbrella in; a horizontal tually stood on he!r head' in ther water, If you; want to j believe, tne Reflector, position under his arm, j thus ^endan- (jess DoJd's Kidney Pills were recom- that has never been used. with the propeller; bearings exposed,he ^LEADER" id ""REPEATER" there isja girL'Msiting in Abilene with gering the'eyes of shorter people b V mended, a n d as a last resort he tried rigged tup a timber raft and-his crew a bunch of real Paris gowns. [' ^them.' He was completely cured, and S M O K E L E S S POW ER S H O T G U N S H E L L S Hall's Catarrh Cure hind hinir'that he ^Oesn't use the removed the new one without a great are used by the best shots in the conn; because they are so accurate, Ottawa has; alCalamity alley 1 which public toothbrush either a t the hotel restored to gpod health and i i s case Is a constitutional cure. Price, 75c. deal of l difficulty. uniform and reliable. All the world's e mpionships and records have been sheds iwater into the cellars, and in or on the boat, and that he never spits and its cure has caused a sensation won and made by Winchester shells. hoot them and you'll shoot well. among the physicians. -. I In a yacht race i t isn't the cup that ;this way makes good, its name. j on the sidewalk. Furthermore, no* Products of Crude Petroleum. cheers. ' B U S E D BY T H E B E S T S H O S, S O L D E V E R Y W H E R E The.Jjride whose age was published man'can possibly be a gentleman wko From j crude_ petroleum are made The Sunset B e l t A S — in the Topeka, Herald as 43 |is not >**»MMnri*a*M«avtM*Mfta»B**>wvali persists i n saying "I done i t " If he kerosene, gasoline, naphtha, paraffin Mrs. ' W l n s l o w s SoothlnR Syrup. In Seoul* Korea, a bell is rung at ALSO GXHIL ,L T R A T R U I S AGKXTS AMD HKSI. did it and it Is worth knowing about For children teething, softens the gums, reduces Ina_d vaseline. A still heaSrier oil, left likely to subscribe for,that paper. DK.NT DISTj . « »USAB«B8, to handle the ,P R E S I D E_N T sunset' and when' the golden orb has damrndtlon, allay s j a i n . core-j wind c o l i c 25cabottleonly ant: as a residue,, is used for-tixie grease . T h e r e is, a good deal of' talk in the fact'will speak for itself in proper sunk beneath the horizon every man zed official, authentic life of m C l V l n U c T , J alio Rlvl Northern Kansas^ i n favor of I fewer The giddy flea enjoys a hop every Garfield; complete Inside history of tbe Ttllalnou language.—Exchange. \; . lives of onr other martyr Presidents, Lincoln and. and the|carbon is turned:into sticks musl-be , safely housed. If a man schobl districts | and b>tter schools. (rated; over 5 0 0 pages; liberal commission to as workings of tbe anarchistic sccletlea; profusely lllusnight , for electric lights.; SThe sulphuric acid adranced positions. Ton. never had a better oppi its and a straight guaranteed salary to those In lb* should be found i n the street after .that Oswego i s considerably elatedlat the have today. Ton can make 8BOO per month for t! unity to make big money quickly and easily than yoo used for i purifying, the .products of time he is liable to be flogged as his I Plso's Curo is me boat medicine -aeever used great and good and useful life. Strike now, wblle t next three months poshing this marvelous history of a USES FQR CORNSTALKS. •SO.OO 3 0 . 0 O to yon. And bear In mind petroleum is recovered and turned into prospect of a having a foot bailer on Iron Is hoc Do not delay, for every day Is worth from punishment:—Young People's Weekly. for all affections of the throat and lungs.. — W i t that later toIn 8the faU we will be willing to employ y at If you demonstrate to as that you can sell books, fertilized for farms where there is tbo the Kansas university team this fall. T h e y M a y S o m e day be More Valuable O. EHDSLBT, Vanhuren, Ind., Feb. 10, Instruct other agents. Tbla Is the chance of a life under a straight out guaranteed salary to appoint and i«xx It is easy to-guess'what would haptbe offer of any other house and. will do so. Many le. . We make our own books and can easily duplicate much phosphate t6$k t which i s thus Than'the Ears. . DO XOTTB CLOTHESLOOS YEttOWT. merely general agents and buy their books from these concerns that are advertising McKlnlcy books are pen to Czolgosz if .he were in LeavenThe acrobat is always willing to do a with the manufacturers. Credit given; freight pa: We advise dissolyeii. . . •- f \ ; you to order from us and. thus deal dlrertly Corn may. be grown-for the stalks Ifso, useRed Cross Ball Blue. It-nillmake p o s t a g e On o u t f i t . C O O P E R A T I V E PU1 w o r t h even if he is^not a colored man. ; outfit free. W r i t * t o d a y a n d a e n d t e n c e n t s f o r turn.,. • i thern White as snow. 2 oz. package 5 cents. good o f M o K l n l e y ) , 9 0 9 - 3 S 6 D E A R B O R N S T 7 CO. ( M a n n f a o t a r e r s o f t h e o n l y official L i f e only, some day; and, hot for the. ears!( There w a s w f i a t the Times calls, a J To Lay Matting. •rr, C H I C A G O . "Hot Fire"! in. Clay Center a few days Wouldn't It be funny to' be experi. A housekeeper who has made the ex- ago. Clay Center never does things mentiu g for an. earless corn ?' periinerit discovers that matting may by halves.^ ( : ,-;: >j • That is what it Is likely, to come to be sewed like carpet and put down bet- - Abilene has at last.become persuaded if the uses of .cornstalks keep on d t ter andl easier than in the usual way that it can (never look like a,city with- yeldping. Just now it is neck and with, matting tacks. Undoubtedly this out garbage cans and has acted ac- neck between the stalk and the ear as method] would increase the wear of the cordingly. to which is the more valuable, so th^ ';,.. I ' ' matting If it were necessary to take it • The burglar wb!o broke into a pantry wise farmer is making (good money up often. One or two liftings of mat- at Galena and 'ate ujj a dishful of cold selling his cornfields instead of. burn^ ting are| apt to tear it unless the great- potatoes i s fleeln|g in terror from the ing them off. : ;. ' , est care is used., . enraged mob. | | 1 .• ' i •" The uses of cornstalks are very There waJB stuff (enough of one kind many. The agricultural; department : T w o Objections to Premises. ! has made public a -bulletin showing "Bishop Philpotts of Exeter, England, and another to., jdrajar 5,000 jepple to the Iola fair in *dne| "day—pretty good that they may. be used for these among was famous for his sharp sayings. One for. a dry year. | : _' other purposes: • :, time, fjjr example, he went to pay a The band concerts at Wichita will A packing for warships;! a High grade 1 visit at a country;mansion situated on close with September.: After that, the of writing paper; the; basis for a a j smalit lake in Devonshire. \ l t ' s a • people will tay;e to, depend on th,e. smokeless powder, and a cattle food beautiful place, Isn't it?" asked a%uest mosquitoes for music. '"• .*"'. ^, made by grinding t o . a | powder and In Independence a young woman mixing with cheap molasses. ' *Yes," said the bishop', "but if itSrare ,(, mine I (would'pull: down, the house and Who does not belong to ^the Rebekahs This new food.is pressed into cakes fill up [the pond with i t That would has nothing to talk about when she unuer a hydraulic press land ,cah be ds with t h e other girls. shipped as easily as bricks or cordremove two objections."—Chicaj )' An abpent-minded farmer near woOd. . F o r feeding it is broken up a n d jNews. "• SStockton forgot :to* tell his corn .when mixed with water. (Actual tests have A n Incomplete House. iiTyas time to quit; and it grew to a been made and samples, have been sent : 11 _ We run wild over the furnishings of height of {fourteen^ f e e t ;v' to agricultural stations in Europe. The a house; its furniture, carpets/hang-: The stage l i to receive an accession reports from all sources j are very enIngs.j pictures and: music, and always forget or neglect the most important; in the person of ah(, Abilene man who couraging; This food will be partic"Requisite. Something there should be' has enjoyed a thorough dramatic ularly valuable for our ckvklry in the -always on the shelf to provide against training! as sheriff of Dickinson county. tropics, (and the food cakes ! can be The unusual number of square- made at a minimum cost! in Cuba and sudden; casualties 'or attacks of pain.' states, where thousands Such come like a thief in the night; a shouldered, long-haired students with' the southern 1 thick sweaters; and bulldog" pipes sprain,; strain, sudden backache, tooth-., which have appeared at Lawrence of (tons of low-grade molasses go to ache or neuralgic attack. There is within t h e last; fortnight presages a waste annually.—Utica Globe. nothing easier to get than: a bottle of year of exceptional success at the KanSt Jacobs Oil,, and nothing surer to* sas university.; | Will Tattooed on Body. 'i cure quickly any form of pain. , Thev Probably the stingiest liaan that ever x'ratt i s much I distressed because house is incomplete without i t ComTom Roll, anj outsider, came to town lived was a man named Moneche, who plete it with a good supply. ' •'. and w r a the horse-shoe tossing cham- died in Mexico recently.;- He was so t pionship away ifroni'the most famous stingy that to save pens; ink and paper T H E ' C H E A P E S T P A i N T experts in Southwestern, Kansas. ' he tattooed his will on his body with T h e economy in using Pool GrInstead, the Doniphan county some red pigment.'When-the old miser editor who Is i in !jail at Troy, was died his heirs protested against the Devoe ready paint is j in ^re- robbed of : fifty cents the other day burial of the body, and petitioned the another prjgoner. But what doesi court to have, the remarkable "human sults more ! than price. ,- It by an editor i n (jail nfeed- of mone? document" -admitted „£oJ probate. I t covers more and lasts longer James Higgins, a brakeman, 25 years was a knotty problem; liut the court i on the' Atchison, Topeka and decided that a copy should be made of than lead and oil, two to old, Santa Fe, whiljs braking i n the yards, the tattooed will, and t h a t , a copy ig orders for 12-02.1 G O S L O W — I n pi one; ten to one of some paint. at Florence, |;fell under the cars and should have the full effect of an orig-. 't be able to sell 12 1/a.undry Starch! Youj/w had both legs cut off below the knees. inal will. After the dpjpy had been Use Devote; and figure cost He is a married man and lives in Emounces forv 10 cents while _, ;ur competitor offers made the old miser w a s buried by his 16 ounces for the^ same mpn by the square yard,-or year, poria. : legatees, the original will being "filed One of the (early effects of the recent not by the gallon; i t ' s the big fire at Emporia is a rummage sale for reference," as i t werb. This case DEFIANCE STARCH IS | THE BIGGEST— instance of the Imaginations cheapest paint made, figured to. obtain mtiney io help build a new isof another THE BEST COLD WATER STARCH MADE. authors being realized in fact.; In Methodist church. A (rummage, sale is a one of Rider Haggard's stories the plot that way. proceeding which | admits of the utllNo Chromos, no Premiums, bnt a better hinges upon the existence of just such Ask t h e nearest dealer f o r Devoe; ization of old trash in rebuilding the. starch, and one-third More hi it, than is cona tattooed will, only ini the case of |j •( '. ,_REQUIRES NO COOKING insist o n having- i t j Our pamphlet oti walls of Zion. Rider Haggard's man the will was tattained in any other package ifor the price. A little "VVichlta boy whose grown p a i n t i n g f r e e t t y o a m e n t i o n t h i s paper. 1 PfiL^REDFOR tooed on his back because he was shipHaving adopted evrery fflea in ^he manufacGOOD-PA^NT IHiJVOE, CHICAGO. kin tried to cure him of 'typhoid wrecked: and there were (no pens, i n k fever by means of faith alone, has JJSUr«m>URW)5K ture of starch which modern inveritioit has made k gone to join; the other little boys Who or paper handy for the drawing up of possible, we offer Defiajice StsLrcK, with every have toyed with threshing machines; the "last will and testament" i n t h e case, of the Mexican miser the tattooed **^fM. or'who have; crawled through a hedge confidence in giving sa^sfaction. Consumers, and the copy fence and pulledj a shotgun through will could be read easily are becoming more and^iore dissatisfied with : : of It was attested to by fbur witnesses them.'; j |- v" .v '-: WHTMKTTWKAK after the prevalent custom o / getting 5c Worth of A stranger in Iola could not .raise before being admitted to (probate. starch and 5c. worth of some useless thing, when ?5 the other 'BayjJ>y offering a' horse '•as as security... [• Now; if he could, have put T h e B e i g n of the Toothpick. they want 10c. worth 6f starch. We give no up a -bag of potatoes it would have Just why the average ? excursion premiums with Defiance Siajch, relying on " Qualbeen dlffere)ati: - ( party should top off a 50-cent machineity and Quantify'' as the more satisfactory Of a-class of forty girls who were graduated ;ln Severance _in 18787 made dinner, with a dessert of tooths method of getting business. You- take no thirty-three' are married and at last picks is another of those mysteries which belong! to the genius of the fuchances in pushing thisi article, we give an abEXACT SIZE OF lO CENT PACKAGE. accounts were the mothers of someture to explain. -But watch the crowd solute guarantee-rwith ivery package sold, and thing over 250 children. 72 PACKAGES IN A CA8E. L "Carmen w i s performed in Emporia wind i t s way out of the (dining- room, authorize dealers to ' ,^ * AND KEEP DftY? recently and; the Flueborers rounded where it has, gone all the way from 1 [vertise it thoroughly, bCWARC OP DOtMJOKitflOK FOR ABOVE TRADE MASK. soup to the footnote'! without skipping customer^ claims to be u^satisfa<^ryin any way. We have made arrangemeiits to v,:,r.,-^,c, ,,^,--,' v,,,.... „,,.,.. , --^ -....made up members of the company after the «... . L CWAIOWBS FREE write us. ehoW and jwanted^ to know whether a single dish, land see how it grabs the and you must have it. OHDER. FROM Y0VR JOBBER. If yoa cannot get it from Pull l i r * oTGopmentj and Hat& they were [conductors or just brake- toothpicks. It seems-to be a sign that •'WegeO.BO»TON.ptAS5.4« each ode has .eaten, a proof that the men. MAJ >TACTVRXD B Y Private Bob Tasker of Company M, meal has been paid for, and that the fourteenth United States:infantry, a toothpick is a final triumph of adeJTWestem States. Salina boy,: wasione of the guards on vanced civilization and high society.— :\\i/rduty at tneiMllburn home in Buffalo What to Eat prior to. the death of t h e President U R V r O 1 qolcfc relief «ndcurei w o n t The Sterling Bulletin calls attention Students Scarce at Geflen. c u e s . Book of teattmoolals and i t 9tXV t o the f a c t that Mennonltes are good •F*«fc. M.*.g.;811lrt»0tt.fc«K. — . Geneva, once famous as a university Christians,''•"This is gratifying news, tOTO, is gradually its reputal i t e r but the gjreat thing about- t h e Men- tion in that respectlosing The faculty of nonltes Is that they are good farmers. EL V. Tntle, aged 30 years, a prom- the university has recently made -sevW. N. U. Kansas City No. ^9 P I 5 0 ' S C U R E FOR inent young business man of Salina, eral increases in the fees, and studied a r t e r y snort illness from heart dents are now scarce. The average V WaafclBBto*, 1 disease. The funeral was held in the cost of tuition and other expenses in I SHOES THAT W E M . 1 1 the university is now 2,000 francs Masonic temple and the body was takCONSUMPT BAU. ft R8CIEL, lew York. I Ask Your Dealer For Tnem. en t o Warren, HL, for buriaL ($386), quite z large sum for'Switzer- At all Slorw, or bj H-JI tor tha priet. land T h e Absence of l £ ~ i PICK CUT YOUF GENTLEMAN. ~ Hope is the universal intoxicant A man can forget all the lessons of experience a s l o n g as fie farfcies himself able to pierce the veil of the future, and catch the glint of ths silver lining to the clouds.—Savannah J(Ga.) News. ^ * lENTS *5»0$26 NC li E S T E R AGENTS WANTED Doiji't let yotjir grocer s e ^ i | d u d c l 2 o z . p a c k a g e bit Iaut\dry stajrehfor K) oerits when you eajcv ^et 16 oz« of the verj/t best s t a r c h m a d e |forjthe sarx\e price, ft 'Qrve-ih.ird more stai ph for the HA* N^tQuAii.. • . - . . 1 w t •-' same rric tvey. TotKc 4 WEATHERWISE, / OTHERWISE! wve& SLICKER 7($ IT ARMS w *""""" " MAGNETIC STARCH MFGJ OMAHA. NEB. A PBIESHEYEBSggB S0Z0D0NTtothe Teeth «<i Breath 25* •s: Historic v~. WATERVILLE, MARSHALL COUNTY, KANSAS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4,1901. voii. xxxiii. proposing : some ; n*• Of a tilt a ••»»••»«»•»»»«»»• schedule or two he gave the eager • - • towas Hew notes. hollow-eyed Democrats a hintd If D e a t h S u m m o n s H& Spirit WKh'a. GoetX* LIVE STOCKS THE FOUNDATIONS OF NATIONAL Republicans were t o open upon T "j..-".Hand. Kansas City— Cattle —Corn fed ••»»»»»»»»»<»•»»•>»»• GREATNESS APPROVED. matters among themselves there mig it steers! |5^80@6.30; ;fair!-to good," ?5@ Kirkland Brooks Armour, president At the Auditorium, Kansas City, this BROKE DOWN WHEN TAKFILIPINOS NEARLY EXTER- 5.75; stockers and feeders, $2.70@4.25; be ''something doing" fori the. Dem of t h e Armour Packing company, and week the Woodward Company seems ^EN TO PRISON. MINATE A COMPANY. "Western fed steers, ?5@6.30; Western head of the jextenstve Armduf iiiter-' W h a t Classes In t h e Country W a n t Tar- crats. At aU events, the littie/openli f. to have" made a most extraordinary was worth cultivating. The tip w e t rangej steers, $3.50@4.75; Texas and ests in Kansas City, died at his home rlff Revision and W h o Are Opposed t o round and how every Democratic pap f hit In the big revival of *Taul KaaIndians, ?2.75@3.70; Texas cows, ?2.10 HIS COLLAPSE WAS A SURPRISE at the cofneriof Thirty-fifth'street and B a k l n s Over t h e Question a t This vaf," Steele ^ Mackaye's spectacular (row TWENTY- FOUR MEN ESCAPE @3; native cows, $2.65@4.25^ heifers, is working at the opening to make Warwick boulevard; Of acute inflam- • Time. drama of the French revolution. This bigger. They are not satisfied/to rea ?3@5.&0; canners, fl.25@2.50; bulls, mation of the kidneys. His end was work, with its alluring story, its splenrange a few details; they are ready $2.25@4; calves $3@5.50." Hogs—Top,. Prison Physician Said It was Partly Sham Three Officers and Twenty-one' Men are like.his life, quiet gentle and peacefuL did characters,. its elaborate settings; Nothing is so manifest in the census full cryforFree-Trade o r "Tarilt : ?7.05;|bulk of sales, $6.70@7; heavy, ?7 - ' —Czolgosz Polled Hlmsel f Together For an entire day. he ;hkd been slowly All the Snrrivors—ElPTen of T h e m j Its pictorial costumes and its great mob: reports, so far as given in the bullerevenue only," and the heavy bass @7.05i' mixed packers, $6.70@7;,.light," - Later i n t h e Day and Seemed t o sinking." The last spark of consbidnsW o u n d e d — I n s u r g e n t s Captured scenes is a magnificent combination of ?6@6.&5; pigs, $5@6. Sheep—Western ness disappeared at about 10 o'clock in tins, as the complete and harmonious a convention here and there adds s< Have Fully . Beerveredr— many of the most successful elements A l l t h e Company's Stores workings of the Dingley law. Wherlambs', ,.$3.50<g>4.25; Westeni wethers, orousness to the hullabaloo. j the morning. As thei hours dragged Closely Guarded to Pre- * of theatrical representation. What i s and Ammunition—Bat tie 53@3.J30? ewes, $2.2?@2.75; feeders, slowly; away i t became painfully evi- ever manufactures and wages have in- • Verily Brother Babcock h a s stirred more, it is a sensational play without ' vent H i s ' Sn'c tie. '•_•'' in Island of Samar. ?2.25@3.25; stockers, $LS0@2;50. I dent to the anxious watchers about his creased there w e find in every instance up a nice mess! One good thing abou being .inconsistent A company of Chibagp—Cattle—Good to J prime bedside that he would neyen revive an increase in the value of farm prod- it i s that the "true inwardness'Vpf sixty supernumeraries has been trained Czolgosz, President Mckinley'si jnnr- agaiiL > . Y Y,YY['_ . .-._- ".'j ucts.' N o t only do we see an increase Democratic party has again com] A dispatch from Manila s a y s a steers/ $6@6.45; poor to Medium, $ 4 © to represent the mob scenes. Next disastrous fight between United States S.75; Btockers and feeders,-$2:25@4.30; : defer, in the custody of] Sheriff Cald- .""-At5:55 o'clock i n / t t e evening there in the staple products but a wider di- light, and another is that i t week, in pursuance of Manager Woodwell,' of Erie county? N.* Y.; ^ahd^tWehtyversification. This is a perfect exem- now to look ahead and see wha - •troops-and Insurgents occurijed in the cows jand heifers; ?1.5<>(g)4.75; canners, one deputies, w a s taken to Auburn. w a s s . :convulsive. ntoVemenfif-the kinjd plification of the American system of of a time there will be in* Co: ind ward's policy to present as many novel?1.50@2.30^ b u ^ , fl.75@4.35;: calves,; face which suffering had made so thin, ties at his theater as possible, he will island of "Sainar, near Balangiga. ?3@6J50; Texas'steers, ?3@4; Western. The prison Is,- only.AboBt fifty, yards and Mr. Armour's life had faded away protection. In a.speech made in the even though but a handful \of ] epub- give "The Magistrate," One of the refrom_,the.depot Awaiting the.arrival House of Representatives, March 30 licans lend countenance to Any si A large body of /ihsugents attached steers, $3.65(5)5.25. • Hogs—mixed and into dreamless sleep. •••'•'• cent Eastern successes which has not ; of Tariff/' tinkering. The Vpem! company C, Ninth -infantry, only fiutchbrs,- $6.7Q@7.15; good to choice of the train there, was a crowd of about 7<:, During all-, his Jong sickness Mr. Ar- and 31, 1824-, Henry Clay said: \Y~ been" seen in Kansas City. This prom200 people. Either! fori fear of the ises to be an especially attractive bill. twenty-four! members of the company heavy, 46;80@7.25; rough heavy, ?6.40 crowd, which' was not very demonstra- mour continued to be,hopeful, despitje "The greatest want of civilized so- will exhaust every device tolspi the fact that his physicians had told (@>6.75;;. light, %6.45@6.95; bulk of sales, opening and help pass any : ciety is the market for the exchange escaping.. ; -!';.' M ••'- , . tive, or of the sight; of _the prison, him that he: would nevef again be $6.75@6.95. . Sheep—Good t o choice -that will tend t o cripplerand /All the others are reported to. hare wethers, $3.60^)4; fair to choice mixed, Czoi gosz' nerves gave Out, and two strong enough" to fesume active busi- and sale of its surplus produce. This down the splendid body o f legisl ktlon Thus far, only one October wedding Is scheduled at Fort Scott $3.30@3.6O; Western sheep, $3.25@3.85; neputy sheriff's were, coinpelled prac- n e s s . A week'agO.howeyef, acute id- market may exist at hom6 or abroad, which has been the means of pi been killed. | Four weddings and three divorces tically to carry the man into the pris- flammation of the kidneys arosei anjd. but i t must exist somewhere if society our country where i t is today. native lambs,; $3@4.90; Western lambs, The company was at breakfast when prospers. The home 'market is first were "solemnized" in one day In Wlchion. Inside* the gate h i s {condition be-' he was then ^warned? that . h e could Republican statesmen should , attacked and made a determined re- ;?3;75@4.65^ ;'.; In Order and paramount in importance. ta last week. . came worse, and he was dragged up reasonably -hope.; to live only-.a few firmly together. to prevent any sistance, but L the Overwhelming num- ';" S t T. Louis ^— Cattle—Native steers, the stairs and into th<i main halt The object of the bill under consideraDuring the Brown county fair last days longer. He received the sad:news bers of the insurgents compelled them $3.50@6.20;" stockers and feeders, ^2.30 tion Is to create this home imarket and movement from getting .under w week the Hiawatha World issued a He was placed in ajsittihg. postufe like a brave man, and expressed him@4; jcows'and hgifers, -$2@5; Texas to retreat,'-^ | j J '•;•{' i f to lay the foundation of dally edition. on the bench while the; handcuffs were self as ready to go when the; summons genuine GOING TO A BETTER COUNTR 0. Of the survivors, who, have;arrived and Indian steers, $3.10@4.20;' cows being removed, but he fell: over and ci-meV H e had suffered so miiich thajt American policy." A suit has been instituted in Hutch- . ; -and ? peifers,! $2.i5@3l65. I Hogsr-Pigs at Basey, eleven are wounded.Tnson to determine If a Grain trust e x : moaned and groaned, evincing the The home market created in 1824, he may have looked forward to death According \ t o t h e returns the arid Jlights, $6.65@6.90; packers,| $6.65 most abject terror.' As so^n as the as. a-welcome-relief. f He continued and that VAmerican policy," foundeu ists in Kansas. ; @6.90; butchers, $6.95@7.25. S h e e p strength of t h e company %as seventyTwo girls recently ran away from handcuffs wefe unlocked,,the-man was as long as hs remained conscious to be by Clay and his associates,; is to-day a two. -.! I \::\\ . r- .- Native sheep, ?3@3.40; native lambs; dragged into^ the principal keepers' cheerful and-placid, as he always was monument of almost incalculable magWichita and the only explanation i s ?4@4i75. ' >Y' " V. • — _ The jj survivors include ! Captaii that they wore red paper hats. . : while in health. Tired hdture came to nitude. It has been undermined again S t I Joseph-r-^attle—Market slow but .office. |Thomas WL! Connell, First •laeuten"Bpssie" Francis, the negro who e s - / his relief afid his last moments were As In the case of alL prisoners, the and again and almost overturned, but I ant Edward JA Bumpus and Dr. R. S, steady. Hogs^-Market steady to 5c officers immediately proceeded t o strip tree from'pain. caped from the stake at Marshall, Mo., McKinley and Dingley and the Repubhigher;! top, i?7.10; bulk of sales, $6.85 /GriswoiB, -sufgeon. i is beginning to be seen in Kansas.; him and put on a new suit, of clothes. lican party have made the foundation . Captain Edwin .V.I Bookmlller. :of @6.95l. Sheep—Market steady to 10c During this operation, Czolgosz cried U* A $1,552 NUGGET FOUND, j The Atchison COal Mining company more solid than "ever. Year after year, the Ninth- infantry reports that Gen- higher; lambs sold at $4^60. and yelled, making the'pfison corridor T h e Largest Piece, of Gold Ever Found. In decade after decade and generation has progressed to a point where a • 1 \GRAIN*] ! eral Hughes jis assembling a force to board, of directors has been elected. after generation this grand home mar•'_ I t h e North. Kansas City — Wheatf^September,. echo with evidence*of hteterror. T h e attack the i insurgents. I i prison physician; Dr; John Germ;/ex-: J ket spreads from State to State. On The Kansas people are working up captured all the C5c; JDecember, 66%c* May, 70%c; amined. the man and Oldered his rer • The steamship Senator has arrived our 200,000- miles of railroad ponderN I The ,: iinsurjgents a scare about, frost to take the place cash,,No. 2 hard, 65%@65%c; No. 2 from Nome with nearly 500 "passengers, v stores and ^ammunition of ?the com-! • moval ,to, -ttie cell 1m. the condemned ous freight trains are drawn by huge, f the recent worry, about the drouth. puny and all'the rifles except twenty-; red, 70%c- ;Corh—September, 63%c; row, which he will occupy until he is aniy more' than one-half mlllioh -dot, May, 59%@60c; cash. lars in treasure. JThe-Senator'experi- powerful engines- day and night scatA future Napoleon of finance lives in six. - . !|; : \r . - i December, 59^4,c; taken to the" electric chaif. The doctor : tering the product of farm and factory oward.. H e i s only five years old, News of | the disastrous fightj be-j No. 2 mixed,; 60@60%c; No. 2 white, declared that the.man^was suffering enced good weather until a point 200 tween troops of the Ninth infantry- C0%@61. -Oats—No. 2 white, 38%@ from frightand terror, but said that miles off the .Vancouver coast, when from ocean to ocean and from lake to ut has money on deposit in the bank. she encountered a terrific gale, which gulf. Then, when w e have consumed and the" Insurgents in the island of] 39c. ftye—No. 2, 57c. hei was shamming to sonje extent. A Wellington paper tells of a man. lasted several hours. A minor' [acci- from 90 to 95 per cent of our own proChicago—Wheat—Cash, No. 2. fed, . Samar was j sent promptly' by Gen-ij ho; "tore down his- cellar."" Perhaps"* :The collapse Of the'mur.deVef was a ductions the_ surplus i s shipped to dent occurred to. her machinery : and In Order to get the, benefit of the i eral Hughes; commanding in that isl- 70^4@70%c; iJO. 3 red, 69@70c;.No. 2 surprise to everyone. En route from was getting ready to dig a garret | and, to j| General. Chaffee, at 'Manila hard, )69@70c.;t;No. 3 hard, 68%@69%c Buffalo he showed no jindication of, while repairs were being made, t h e every part of the earth. But never, for greatest of all markets'British manuThere's a new fire whistle in Llndslong, have we tost sight of the Amersteamer rolled fearfully, "she haying ho and by him transmitted to: the war de- Corn-fCash, No. 2 mixed, 57&@57%c; breaking down. He ate heartily of facturers are establishing plants in the j ican policy that "the home market is freight or ballast. . ' .. ' b fg, which, the Record says, makes NOi 2j white,; 57@57%c. Oats—Cash, i partment at" Washington.. . When, i t United States. 1 first in order and paramount in imnoise like sixteen pigs under, a gate. 36@36%c; No. 2 jwhite, . sandwiches and smoked;. cigars when The" largest" nugget ever found in | reached the department Adjutant Gen- No. 21 mixed, not eating. He .talked; some and. ex; portance." ; 7 In order that there may be. no mia| cral Gorbin; realized its importance 136%@S7%C ' - ' • ' . . SARCASTIC UNCLE SAM. pressed regret for his crime. H e said: the" North - was taken* o u t ' of ? Anvil S t Louis—Wheat—No. {2 red, cash, "I am especially sorry jfOr Mrs. Mc- 'creek September 14. It weighs ninetyI and at once made it public after sendke, the Kaw valley potato diggers Our diversified and interdependent elevator, 70c;; track, 71@72i4c;; Sep- Kinley." H e reiterated^-his former seven ounces and is valued at .$1,552.. Itaga copy to the White house. chain Of industries would jfeel at once A Study on Free Traders a n d t h e Ding- a e shaking the soil through a flOur j General Chaffee's dispatch, which tember, 7 0 ^ c ; December,:71%@71%c; statement that.he had, n<j> accomplices, ley A c t A rich Strike is- reported: oh. the the breaking "of a single" link. Repeal i eve. 1 agrees with the Associated Press dis- May, 75c; NoJ1 2 hard, 68@69%cJ Corn and declared that he neyer had heard head of Grouse gulch. The pay streak- the tariff on the product of a single in- : I found Uricle. Samiin a variety of The Kansas .foot ball teams are, ac—No. [2 cash , 58c, track 59@59%c;] of the man under arrest in St. Louis is seventy-five feet deep and; .of un 7 dustry, be i t that of/ agriculture or moods this Week. He/ had been readpatch, is as follows: . : rding^to the Wichita Eagle, getting --. "Adjutant! ; General, '• Washington: "September, 58%c; December, 59^4c who. claimed to have tied the hand known extent. The claim was bonded manufacture, and every other indus- ing a lot of clippings (from the Freer ady to "crawl into their upholstered. Oats—No. .2cash, 37c; track, 37%@ ; Hughes reports following from Basey, 'j W e can endure Trade papers. kerchief over his! hand, Concealing the for ?50,000 and the bond, had.lapsed try i s affected. J iants/' 1 j southern Samar: Twenty-four men 28 ,4c;t September, :«37c;-- December, pistol with which the; j president was only ia few daysTJei"01'-6 the^Strike was droughts, we cair survive great strikes, "I don't know whether to laugh o 39%c; No. 2 white, 39® FhOt He says the handkerchief^was. made.' The theft of twenty-one turkeys ! Ninth regiment, United States infan- S7%c;lMay, . , ' but we cannot permanently impair get mad," he said, as. he^rather angri. : ,'.: ' . 1 try, wounded;: have just arrived from 39%c..K ..1-i ; m a man in Blue Rapids is a re*. Sick and indigent people - at "Nome wages and: incomes without wide in- threw the stuff one side. "I do:! not tied." He went behind the Temple J j Balangiga; r&hainder, company killed. i HIDES AND PELTS. ' minder that Thanksgiving day i s of Music, arranged the -handkerchief "have" reached such large numbers that jury to our whole Industrial structure. suppose it does much "harm, but I Insurgents secured all company supNos. 1 and; 2, hll aroundij 7%c; so as to hiae he -weapon and then took- the. question of what shall be done Ffee trade in any form andtoany de- get .provoked sometimes, at the F: coming. j plies and alii rifles except twelve. branded, 7%c;; bulls and stags, 7c; his place in the crowd. Through Jailer with them i s the main topic. This gree, whether it be called reciprocity Trade/Trust and its organs. I di The mission of the alfalfa worm in \ i Company was attacked, during, break- greenj ^incured;. l c per pound less than Mitchell, he sent this message to his year there is no government transport that-does not reciprocate; Babcockism like to believe these foUfa are dishi Kansas is supposed to be to keep the Y. A ; j fast morhing; September 28; company cured; j branded, or badly grubby kips, father: "Tell him;I am sorry I left, ori^which they can be sent south. The or anti-trust medicine/ which, insteaa est and malicious, and they can't farmers of that state from getting too i 1 seventy-two strong; .officers Thomas hospitals are taxed to their utmost •of curing the supposed malady, would ignorant I wonder I r , they rei such a bad name." • i naughty. |W, Connell (captain), Edward A. j 4c; gj"een horse hides, large, $2.50; capacity and the sick and distressed kill the "patient; tariff reform, the dis- want to get me into trouble just a: Atchison continues to have an ele1 Later in the day Czolgosz wjas In a imedhnri, $2.25;/ small, $1.25@L50; Bumpus, (first lieutenant}, Dr. R. S. arer clamoring for admission. Just sipator of surpluses and the parent of am enjoying the best and most p gant array of highly productive and •normal condition and seemed to have ppnies.j" $1@L25; nry flint butcher. Griswold (major surgeon) escaped. before the -Senator sailed a mass meet- bonds, call it by any. name you will, percus years of my existence. It do' profitable coal mines that have never fully recovered from his collapse. j - P "CHAFFEE." hides,! 13%c; dry flint fallen, 12c; dry There are "five cells tor condemned ing was to be called fOr ther purpose of free trade would check this prosperity; seem as if there were always a fe been opened. Is alt, 10c; dry | glue, 7c; very badly men in the prison, and!Czolgosz w a s raising money 10 send that class Out Would end this progress and impel us folks who must eternally Vbe stirrinj The Lebanon Criterion congratulates igubbyi, jgreen or dry hides are classed placed in the only vacant cell, so"all on the last boat*••> -'- • to the inevitable ruin that could only up things. It's always bee^i the w a y a man who committed suicidefor"not ATTACICED lyi'KrNLEY^S TOMB las glue stock.! Sheep ^pelts, green," are-now occupied. Two keepers,are be ended and repaired by a return to from the. Nullifiers to the Antis. N o murdering some one else as a prologue 40@75c;l dry'flint76%@7^c per pound. constantly o n guard in the room,LINCOLN'S BODY REMOVED. protection. > one knows what the Almighty made to this startling tableaux." Guard Stabbed by One Assailant While which is separate from the main-prisHAY. | Halting Another. . "" . Never In the history" of nations was a snakes and potato bugs and mos- ; The sweet .potatoes are so/dry in an attempt T h e Casket "Was Opened a n d t h e Body Prairie hay, choice, $13.50@14.50; on, but, to guard .against ; tariff law framed and Operated s o quitoes for. I suppose it's so the mill- Kansas this year that housewives have j A strange story comes from West- No. i;. $12.50@13.50; No. 2, ?10@11; oh~ CzOlgoBz' part to commit suicide, -' "'•: Identified. . ennium wouldn't come too soon. Those great trouble in keeping them from lawn cemetery, i at Canton, where a No. 3," $6@8; No. 4,' $5@6l Packing two more guards have been added, 'The body of r Abfaliam Lincoln: baS .nearly perfect and equitable as the Free-Traders really ought- to have a ixploding when they are put on the Dingley law how on our statute books ; company of regulars from Fort Wayne, liay, $5@6. Timothy, choice, $13@14; •and/one willconstanily sit in front of been removed from its< monument to. re. Mich.; are guarding the vault in which No.>l. $i2@13. No. 2,-fll@12; No. 3^ Czolgosz" cell and will have a key, so MemorialTialL The casket_.was''opened. and'under which we are now living. corner of the earth tp themselves, Bethany college at Lindsborg is in l i e body of thd late President McKin- $9@il.. Pure clover, ,$10@10.50;" clOyer that any attempt at self-destruction and -ther body Jviewe'd by state officers, Even if it could be done fn a day with- where they could be in hot water all m unusually prosperous; condition this ley lies. It i s ' t o the effect that the mixed, No. 1, $11@1L50: No. 2, $S.50@ -may be easily frustrated.:'"-:-.;•;-:.>-:;•• who" are members of t h e Eincoltf Mon- out, interfering with any business in- the time. They evidently have n o rears' A number of students have alfear of the hereafter; it would be so guard conlman^ing" the entrance be- lb.50; N<). 3, $9i50. Alfalfa," $10@12. ument association*; and some members terest It-Is doubtful if any tinkering in keeping with the temperature they eady been enrolled who are n o t low the vault and the approach from Sitraw, $(@4.50. Germany's 19!>0 Census Shows B6,S4S/»00 "of the old Lincoln Guard; of Honor and could improve it and leave it asequitr ' I the rear fired a shot at one man whO [Other feeding stuffs: Cotton seed ;-The; United-States consuL at "Chem- the contractors/ TbV body now'.rests, able to all classes as it is now. "Leave like here. . I would like to spend a Swedes. Before the Banda Rossa could get refused to heed his challenge; that the meat $2S a! tonYin carldtsi ^Linseed' nitz, Germany, has made the follow- east ;and westi J the%head toward^ jthe". It alone/' cries the farmer and with few years in peace. * There will be no ; need of general tariff, changes for out of Topeka i t was compelled to : shot was diverted by another man meal, $29;a.ton. good reason. "Leave It alone," cries w e s t Two teet ,of Tcpncrete'. protects ing report on. the German census: years. The 'Dingley law Is working play "A Bird in a Gilded Cage" and who appeared from another direction The." German., census;" which stsrted the bottom of the^casket. Tne\excava- the wage earner, a s he thinks of his like a-book, and I don't > a n t business "I'd Leave My Happy Home for IT HORSES AND MULES. ; and that ah effort was made to stab home, and his savings. "Leave i t iHorses-t-Drafts,: good^ ?65 tp>$100; December i , 1900.V and hks j u s t been tion' is, fifteen ^feet deep, .eight, ifeet disturbed for ten year/ at least I STou-oo-oo;"- • "thfe guard. I: dijafts, 1.^00 to 1,700 pounds, ;fll5 to finished, gives some interesting facts. wide and."eight feet: long; Surround- *alone," cries the manufacturer as he rather guess i t won't bfe, either," if A justice of the peace in Sllver.Lake Military regulations prevent either ,)ii!50; chunks, good; to choice, $70 to There are 442 cities] with a population -ing,the. casket is a steel cage; around sees the smoke rising from t h e Ined a joint keeper $2,700, and bis Bryan has ids way. Why, he is the the officers or tfie men of the;post $lb0; chunks, common to fair, $40 _to between 10,000- and; 100,000 each. I n which Wilt be placed S solid wall :of Chimney and the lighted mills at night nly regret Was that the prohibitory from/being quoted on. any matter'con- $6^; drivers, medium, $40 to; $65;; 181o" the German empire had 24,833,000 coricreta. , The location of the hew with t h e double force. " L e a v e i t best friend we got, when you think it w does not permit the use; of t i e all oyer. If he only keeps the Freenected withjtheir Service, and, for;this drivers, good t o fancy, from $75 up; inhabitants; i n 1855, 36,114,000^ and resting place Is immediately beheatk alone," cries the railroad man, whether JJ chair. .' i jeason, Captain J Biddle, who was inSciothernefS,' common to fair, $20>to in 1900 56,345,000. | In the year 1816 where the sarcophagus formerly rest- he be officer o f .employe.; ''Leave i t Traders from coming into power he e editor of the. Cimarron Sentinel ought to have a monument as. high as command, was obliged to decline to be :$30r. Southerners,; good to choice, $45 Prussia "had13,709,000 inhabitants; in ed. It is iinderstood that the; body was alone," cries the: banker, the doctor, his friends who brought him : quoted at. the camp. He will make a t o i$65; ; PlUgs, $5to$15. • J i i o t i h a very good-state of pfeserya- the lawyer, the teacher, the merchant, Washington's. That man: Is preserva chunk Of ice, etc," whileihe was ing, the country/if you only look at It. full report to his superiors at once. Muies—13VJB@i4 ; hands, fat! and The enormous ihefease in the large iion, but was, easily Identified. jThe the clerk, the, minister, the actor, the s $ k , but leaves his readers to guess {Reliable authority 1 made the following broken, $J35 to $4Qr 14 to: 14% hands, cities of.Gjermany i s said to be due-to removal was.conducted--with great; ser- barber, the blacksmith, the mason, the th4t way." . a t the "etc." was. lid, statement: j" M f a i good Shaft-, $30 t o >45; 14%@15 the retfoirade movement; Id sgficul- crecy^ no he'trspaper reporters haying carpenter, the painter, theplumber the Emporia thesheriff took seventy"You seem rather sarcastic. Uncle Private Deprend was o n guard duty hands^ fat! $40 to $70; .:15@15% hands, tufeiwfiich^has drives peojple-frdm.th'e knowledge of the.nctlon until aftef-it drayman, the agent the architect; the Sam," i observed. ecases'of story ofbeer, the destitute } e seized Incondition a joint had; jjeen accomplished. on top of the vault at a point com- fati $70 t o $85; I 5 ^ @ i 6 hands, f a t country. printer, t i e builder, the contractor, the Topeka, are " ;V. - _•-• *-:. ^ "That fellow Bryan /is a rank Free- of V,* ot yu tchildren Into thein street and!who I nolled manding the! entrance below and the $9j0 to $10|; 16to;16% hands^ extra, pie to attend school for want of engineer, the sailor, the 5,00000© fe- Trader. He wanted the job of being main approach: from t h e rear. $ n 6 to $130; ;waf mules, $55 to $60..'; seems incredible in a commate wage earners and the 25,000,000 my manager. I don't/ blame him for JL HlBsInsVHle W o m a n Shot- ' -jaiS^STOjjIE'S BIG;RANSOM^ Shortly before 7:80 p. m. he saw what wnere philanthropy runs riot of employed males who have learned Mrs. Mary E . Hapgood, a. widow r One Anarchist ExrfndedTFroiaJtaly. t h a t -It's a worthy ambition for any he took to be the; face.of a man peer- • The Russiiah Prince Makachidze and was~ shot and killed i at : Higgmsville, oes at the Kansas capital. the blessings of adequate protection. man. But Bryan didn't go about it ing ! from, behind a tree about forty his!wife hSVe been arrested a t Rome; -Mo.?:by a thlet She heard some one Turkish Brigands Demand 8 1 1 0 , 0 0 0 . for Uifler the new order of things in "Tinker," says t h e pawn broker and right He knew he couldn't be elected Her.Belease. - ".._.:." feet from; his post. He watched i t Iialy, as:anarchists,.and will; be con- at a corn .crib and "went outtoinvestiJohn W. Haussermann, foroh a Free-Trade issue, so he hollers for bond buyer; /tinker/* says Babcock; 'Tfie-Rey. rL C^Haskeil,:a missionfor {twenty, minutes, he said, and at merly of Leavenworth, is city attorney gate. She-was s h o t through b e h e a d . . 7:45 saw the man harry t o a tree ten ducted t o the frontier. They entered There is no clue-to t h e identity of the ary at> Samako/C Bulgarm, has i re- ^"tinker," says Bryan; "tinker," says- Free Silver. That didn't work, and he and! Frederick R. Dodge, formerly of feet! nearer. He challenged the man Italy In deflance ofjthe anti-anarchist- murderer.-^ Mrs] HapgOod was reared ceived a letter-for^MIss Helen H. Stone, Lamb and Stevens and Perry and At-, then hollers anti-imperialism, whatka, i s chief of the fire departthe American missionary Who was kinson and perhaps a Tew. hundred ever that is. And that didn't. work. - to halt, but this was not heeded and ic 'regulatiqnB. The prince was con- ln~ Lafayette county.. v_ t " • -JiY? Now- the Democrats: have, found out carrlf« Off by brigands; September 5 In others Out of our 77,000,000. the i fellow approached nearer. D e - demned to flea&WRussfa in 1887 for Alex McDonald, of the GoodH o s t Case Continued. conspiracy lagainst^.toe caar and was their mistake and want to shelve him, "Tinker,"-says-the demagogue and l i e district Of Dlumabala, Turkey. It prend leveled his gun and aimed to Milling company, of Fort Scott,. Hearing in the case of Johann Most expelled fromrFrance in 1886 for makand i e threatens tobreak np the Qoes .not feyeal_the whereabouts of agitator. "Leave i t alone," s a y s the .shoot fof effect, but just at that inids to the Kansas Board of Agricularrested while attending an alleged ; Miss Stone, but says she is in good conservative business man and t h eshow. I'd make a . pretty emperor, stant another man who came toward ing bombs.] e a sample of very fine wheat grown anarchist meeting in Corona, IlL.JiasJ wouldn't I? Gosh: imagine me walkhealth and has been well treated; by cautious laborer. Yon cannot cut off him from the opposite side caught Armstrong, British Colnmbla, been- adjourned for several days. the brigands, especially, in the earlier a single limb without endangering the ing around with a crown upon my Killed H e r Grandson Too. . the gun, threw it up; and the bullet orthwest territory. Last year the Mrs. Louise Nostz, 60 years of age, Prosecution desired more time for the stages of the abduction.; Later, i n TJOB- health if not the life of the whole forehead. . No! I l l stick-to the old - was'spent in the air. der Company filled an order translation and examination of papers British'CoIumbiaforforty bush-" This same man struck Deprend on of Astoria, L I., killed herself and her that, w e r e found upon Herr Most after eequence of the vigorous pursnlt!- of body. Talk is cheap, agitation Is easy, tile. But these. Free-Traders rememTurkish troops, she w a s subject, .to but it is well to consider the conse- ber that the only Issue they've won on of hard Kansas seed wheat" which the iright^ide of the abdomen with a grandson,. WilHam ttolletti, 6 years he was arrested. privations. Miss Stone adds that the quences. In every section of the coun- In forty years i s the tariff, and they 'they procured in Rice county, and the knife or other sharp weapon, cutting eld. Their'. bodies have just been brigands, demand a-ransom of 25,000 try, Jn every locality, in every branch think they can work the stuff over it Canadian purchaser; n?w writes that' an VL"-shaped gash in his overcoat found. She had staffed the keyholes Kansas Requisition Honored. audi other a|pertures in the room wUh Turkish pounds (jllO.Otjio):.. The opin- of trade and industry there is a har- new form and dish i t up. But the the grain, prodneed from this seed an inch and a half long each way and Governor Jenkins of Oklahoma has ion is expressed in Constantinople that mony that makes for continued pros- pie got so nauseated with it the yielded seventy bushels per acre, test-. a smaller one In h i s blouse.^ The flesh papers and | t i m e d on the gas. Four ago her husband committed sui-. honored a requisitaon. from the gov- tke_'*Bulgaro^MacedonIan .committee perity and for a still more solid founda- time- they a t e it that they don't lhg very nearly .67 pounds per busheL was not "broken but was bruised under veirs * ^ ° ..* -• -* -.- . . _» -ernor « •rt.-F t r ^ c o o fftF fKo T o t n m fft ttliat hat of Xansas.-for-the'-retorn.to was .actively concernedi In the abduc- tion for the--superstructure known as to even taste - it now. If -'the cide and this: is _believed to ,have af T h i s / w h e a t like the world-beating; the cuts i n the clothing. fected her niiiuL* Mrs. Noste was quite state of ^rank.^toiig*. w h o ^ i i ^ ^ i f e d tion of the missionary.' the American tariff policy. It" needs were known, the cooks- themse! horse Cfesceusrseeihs to b e greatly InThe guard at the tomb has been inat Port Scott tor highway robbery. don't w a i t to-eat their own' broth.no, tinkering. It Should be, and we debted t o a -EEansaft parentage. wealthy. .' creased. The attacking party escaped. Clough is under arrest at Kingfisher don't blame 'em either. JWs believe will b e / left alone. Speaking about bargains/ a 230y Seized. A n American Te A Charter for «h« WeKiniey Monument, and Sheriff W.. E. Brooks will start thin stuff for these times." farm sold the other dayfor$57980 in : Banchman Robbed of 8 1 , 1 5 0 . Articles of Incorporation for an or- home with his prisoner at once., • "What dorybn attribute as their The sealing, schooner. Vera, which Sumner county—remember, in Sumner - Sam Webster, a wealthy ranch" owner AN OPENING WEDGE. tive or-reason?? I asked. has. arrived at Victoria, B. C.. from a county. of Wldiita Falls, Tex., w a s relieved ganization having for its object the The Democratic, party has a number sealing cruise to the Copper Jslands Fatal Attempt to steal a Ride. of | l , i 5 0 in currency en route to Wich- erection at Canton, Ohio, of a suitable Of course all of the wheat in Sum"No motive/ nojresspn;/pure of smart men l e f t but what it is" starvita, Kam, on the Rock Island. Web- monument to, the late President Mc- ^g ^ result of an attempt to steal -with:.635 skins, Iirings news of the ing .for Is an issue, a plank on-which ness. It's^ been in the race since. ner county was n o t exhibited^at the ster said that he still had the money Kinley have been sent to : Columbus. j a r i d e o I i a Rock Island freight James seizure by a Russian man-of-War iA to make a platform. Everything" it garden of Eden, and I guess w e l l al- neat festival.ai W^eiHngton.: There at Wellington. At the. last named sta- The incorporators are t h e membefs-of Lg^t^ a negro, is at the Wichita, Kan., one lof the schjxmers, -the Josephine,, had* has gone to the . bottom with ways haye -the varmints with us. not a town in Kansas that would\be out of Hakodate under Anrerltion la large crowd: boarded the^ train, the executiveeontmittee: created under, hospital, minus both legs, -and?-is er- sailing g enoughtohold I t Some of *erh". good .men,; 'too. Fact ls> : N o details were Bryan. In this emergency any rip they^re too good-:torthis, earth; can among the people being a young- man suthoritrOf the President's cabinet to ^^p^ to . die. Lewis attempted, to can • ownership. A Kensington man who had a nei.: from ontside Is welcome, and a tip ar-with; whom h e shared k i s seat. He did direct the ^jCanton funeral- a r n n g e - board the train as it was leaving the learned of the seizure, but it w a s un- rived In-good season, Just in t h e nick almost see wings sprouting on some of IOT arrested for slander, swore to not discover his loss until he arrived ments, headed "by Mayor J. H. Robert- yards and slipped and fell between the derstood that the,schpnet had bea&. Of tirne^fn f a c t •; -'^ .:•• ^; - .•-._• 'em," and the'old man; walked away ollowlng affidavit:' 'T hereby sole) ; cars. - The wheels passedrover both taken to PetropaulovskL "What disip WiehitaV and" suspects t h e young son and'Judge William R. Day. with a half concealed look of; con- y s w e a r that t h e defendant set This tip was the utterance of Mr. legs, severing them just above the position has-been made of the crew ie, calling me a lobster, a ; Girls, don't worship an aeronaut, un- knees. Babcock. Of course he protested his tempt on his usually good natured eare;: :.' and Idiot all of whici could hot be learned. repared for a fallen idol. stalwart faith in Protection, b u t by KtifV -tohi trus." " H nH THE MARKETS. A BOLD ATTACK CRIEDIN TERROR KIRK-B. AR«QUR DEAD. • ' H n c - • ' . . -; - ~ ~ - — ~ ^ — ~ It ' N0TOIKERINGINEBDED • l - i • o m EHF- NO. 16. *'• " " - ' • " ^ ^ ^ M ^ » ' I