Youth Newsletter Summer Fall 2013


Youth Newsletter Summer Fall 2013
The light has
come into
the world.
*from John 3:19
School is just now starting back and
already the temperature is dropping.
Before you know it, we’ll be done with
daylight savings time and it’ll start to
get darker earlier.
So what are we gonna do?
We want our student ministry to
continue to be a light in the darkness.
Let’s gather for fun and fellowship, for
worship and study, for opportunities
to serve God and others and let’s be
the light in our relationships,
families, communities and schools.
Let’s show that the
love of God for this
world shines bright
through our lives.
BART STYES Director of Student Ministries
Bart is here to help others find their passion
for ministry and service. Contact him via email or 205.822.0910.
We are the students, parents, adult
volunteers and staff of Bluff Park
United Methodist Church. But above
that we are people called to love God
above all else, love others as we love
ourselves, make more disciples,
share the Good News of Jesus Christ
through our words and actions.
Also, we’re called to not be jerks
Lauren-Michael leads our Holy Ground Worship team
and youth band Fifty-One. To join this ministry, email or call
about when we do! That means we
are open and affirming of all
students, grade 6-12, no matter
where they are in life and their
understanding of God’s grace. All
are welcome. And we offer
opportunities to GATHER,GROW and
SERVE across many depths of faith.
Join us!
AMANDA ALLDREDGE Student Ministry Intern
Amanda is a student at UAB who hails from
Albertville. She has a passion for middle school
ministry and medical mission trips. Contact her at or 256.506.0670.
Fall Retreat
$115 per person
Price includes: 2 nights lodging, 5
meals, transportation & a t-shirt.
We’ll be staying in the
recently renovated cabins at
Sumatanga’s Pool Camp.
We’ll have two groups leaving on
Friday, Nov 22 around high school
football games and returning midafternoon, on Sunday, Nov 24.
This trip is open to all rising 6th
graders through high school
seniors and their parents.
A $50 deposit is needed to reserve
your spot and space is limited!
Make checks payable to BPUMC
memo: Fall Retreat.
Contact our office to serve
as a chaperon.
There will be music, prayer,
games, snacks, and TONS
of free time to “re-center”
ourselves away from school.
CENTERED. We get so busy, stressed out and distracted the farther we go
into the school year. That’s why we are joining students from five other area
churches for a weekend at a place of rest and vision called Sumatanga. We will
re-center our heads, hands and hearts on Jesus Christ. This is a great way to
remind ourselves what is most important and relax with friends while we
meet new ones. Learn more about the camp at
Jan 24-26
$75 for Grades 6-8
FREE for
Discovery is a spiritual formation weekend
where youth experience God’s love, the joy
and forgiveness of Christ and the gifts of the
Holy Spirit. The weekend is held in our church
with mid-high attending and senior highs
leading with support from college students and
other adults.
Check to register ONLINE later this fall!
CALENDAR Sun, 9/8: Dodgeball - Free!
In the gym, 6-7pm. Short devotion ends at 7:15pm
The Gospel According to Sun, 9/15: Improv Comedy - Free!
At the church, 6-7pm in the Holy Ground room.
Mumford & Sons
Sun, 9/22: Vision Night - Free!
Sept 4, 11, 18 & 25
Members of our student ministry team will present the plans for the
Each week our music and
coming year and take questions and suggestions from youth, 6-7pm
message will focus around lyrics Sun, 9/29: Serve Night - Free!
from the award-winning folk
We will meet at the church before going out in teams. 6-7pm.
Sun, 10/6: Zombies vs. Humans - Free!
Bring a Nerf or foam dart blaster, if you like.
Sun, 10/13: Flag Football - Free!
We will meet at the church before going to a local rec field.
Oct 2
We’ll celebrate the elements of Sun, 10/20: Atrox for HS Students - $$$
Communion during an evening of High School students will travel to Atrox in Leeds and eat fast food before
heading home.
music and prayer.
Sun, 10/20: Party for MS Students - Free!
Bullies, Frenemies
& Tough Teachers
Oct 9, 16, & 23
Looking at the life of David, we’ll
examine how to handle some of
life’s tougher people to love and
learn from.
Middle School students will have a party in the Youth Wing.
Sun, 10/27: Halloween Carnival Setup
We’ll work together to prepare for the Halloween Carnival.
Sun, 11/3: Scavenger Hunt - Free!
We’ll work in teams to find clues throughout the church.Wear a costume!
Sun, 11/10: SNL - Free!
A fun night of student-made videos and live music in the HG room.
Sun, 11/17: Hunger Games - Free!
Bring a Nerf or foam dart blaster, if you like.
The Meaning of Life.
(...and Everything)
Nov 6, 13 & 20
These three scripture passages
bring meaning to our lives and to
our student ministry.
Before Bethlehem
Dec 4, 11 & 18
This Advent season series
provides reflection on why we
need a Savior.
Midweek Meals run
from Sept. 4 to Nov. 20
Holy Ground is our youthdriven worship service. Join
us in the Youth Wing worship
room, each Wednesday at
6:30pm. All ages are welcome
to come for music, prayer
and a message.
To contribute through
singing, playing or running
lighting or sound, contact
Lauren-Michael Sellers
@ 205.901.9302
We’ll be coming home from the Centered Retreat that afternoon.
Sun, 12/1: Christmas Pageant & Party
Parent Volunteer Fair
Wed, Aug 28
Let us feed you at 5:30pm and then learn about ways
to volunteer and get some training. Parents who
attend and sign up to help will receive $25 discount
for their student on Fall Retreat.
Halloween Carnival
Wednesday, Oct 30
We’ll continue our tradition of scaring anyone brave
or foolish enough to enter the Youth Wing.
Fall Retreat
Friday-Sunday, Nov 22-24
We will join several other UMC youth groups for a
weekend at Camp Sumatanga, to re-center our lives
on Christ in the midst of a hectic school year.
Festival of Three Kings
Saturday, Dec 14
We’ll serve to make this Christmas a little merrier for
families in West Birmingham.
Discovery Weekend
Friday-Sunday, Jan 25-27
High School and College students will lead Middle
School Students through a weekend of spiritual
formation, here at the church.
We’ll sit together and support our children’s ministry program.
Sun, 12/8: Christmas on the Bluff
We’ll sit together and support our music ministry program.
Sun, 12/15: Caroling & Christmas Party
We’ll be caroling at the homes of some of members before returning to
the youth wing for a dinner and “Dirty Santa” presents.
*Unless otherwise noted, a free snack
supper is served to all students from
5:30-6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.
*Student pick-up around 7:15pm.
*Out of town trips require a waiver to
be signed by a parent/guardian. Please
make sure that your student and their
guests have a completed form on file
or they will not be allowed to
participate in off-site outings.
*Events are subject to change.
Youth Event
Assistance is available for
most student trips.
More than one family member
in the youth program? Fees for
school groups through the roof
this year? We have an
endowed student scholarship
fund that can help.
Contact Bart at for more
Name _______________________________________ Age (on Jan 1, 2013) _____ Grade _____
Mailing Address _____________________________ Parent Email ________________________
City _________________________________________ State ___________ Zip ________________
T-Shirt Size (Circle One) S M L XL XXL
Name of Parent/Guardian _________________________________________________________
Home Phone ___________________________ Cell Phone ________________________________
Church Membership _________________________ Pastor ______________________________
JANUARY 25-27, 2013
This is a weekend for
Spiritual Formation where
students lead MIDDLE
SCHOOL students through
skits, music, games, group
time and testimony. You don’t
want to miss this amazing
opportunity to be transformed
with your brothers and sisters
in Christ.
Any Special Needs (medication, allergies, etc.) ______________________________________
If a guest of a BPUMC member, who in our group is brining you to Discovery?
Student Signature _______________________________________________ Date ____________
Parent Signature ________________________________________________ Date ____________
MS Students will stay in the Youth Wing
Cost $75 for Students in 6-8 Grades
each night. HS/College Students will
FREE for Students in 9-12 Grades
stay in host homes. All meals provided
Make Check payable to BPUMC
by members of our church.
Memo: Discovery Weekend
This will be a weekend that
will change your life!
Turn in this form with any payments to the church office during normal business hours.
Name _______________________________________ Age (on Nov 16, 2013) _____ Grade ___
Mailing Address _____________________________ Parent Email ________________________
City _________________________________________ State ___________ Zip ________________
T-Shirt Size (Circle One) S M L XL XXL
Name of Parent/Guardian _________________________________________________________
Home Phone ___________________________ Cell Phone ________________________________
Church Membership _________________________ Pastor ______________________________
Any Special Needs (medication, allergies, etc.) ______________________________________
If a guest of a BPUMC member, who in our group is brining you to the Fall Retreat?
Fri-Sat, Nov 16-18
We get so busy, stressed out
__________________________________________________________________________________ and distracted the farther we
Student Signature _______________________________________________ Date ____________ go into the school year. That’s
why we are joining students
Parent Signature ________________________________________________ Date ____________ from five other area churches
Cost $115
includes 2 nights stay, 5 meals,
transportation and a T-shirt
Make Check payable to BPUMC
Memo: Youth Fall Retreat
Turn in this form with any payments to the church office during normal business hours.
for a weekend at a place of
rest and vision called
Sumatanga. We will re-center
our heads, hands and hearts
on Jesus Christ. This is a
great way to remind ourselves
what is most important and
relax with friends while we
meet new ones.