The Apqell by John Grisham
The Apqell by John Grisham
REvtEWs lll The Apqell by John Grisham rl-.rrlr^tl average price óE As €19.95 +h^ ot II J:Ï",ï"J?1,i""^",l"ï t|.'" unusual high number :? ï""J"ff I| lf;"":fixï:ilffi"1""#:ï oovernmental campaigr twentibirr novel, ya: ac,'#"f5ff"lj'Ïj: cording to ils description ' ., important focus of ih and instead has you thinking of Julia Roberts, dead frogs and boxofficefisures one of the main focuses I cance, cases in the region. I I Witn frls nor obviously set out to highlight I in cases where they I :ïiliir"JJJ#ln,ïHiJ: I I r - ffï h J::i:,1j3[Ï# #, The Appeat is set in Missis- I parts of'the judiciai system 1 mahy instances shock si.OOi following a.large. ver- andthishehasdonewell.He I Overall lwas,left waiting Íor | 3:ï;'"ïr"ï,iil?ï::"ï:Ji 5-" i{ïi{liïïiff;!ffiËï i:[i"":ï",ï;:i Yvv KNoï\'q just EtD rD youi seemed to I áà"u""0 of'dumping toxic II Appeatisjustthat-aworkot |l stàrteo, which ï,?sï;.'i.ï,ru wn::.ïï: lïï,ïL;3*:!H",ifr:ïfff | m"".i ply cáusins Bowmore, Mis- linmanyrocationsthrouohout be cruellv:"tïÏ I ' _sissippito - .o* . ,, wqrut rdt /001 -tu 'tiZ,OOO 'n1*ono ,,.^ Ndhu rrorh,[uds i l NíckGave & The Bad Seeds Apes&Androíds I supergrass Diamond Hoo'Ha Blood lVoon Dig, Lazarus, Diglll Supergrass, as 0ne 0Í the Íew survivors 0f the Apes & Andr0ids are perhaps the most talked There was a while there when lt looked lke Nick Cave would release albums oÍ piano ballads and Britp0p wave 0Í the mid '90s, may never have scaled quite the same he ghts as Radi0head, about band 0n the New Y0rk live scene today, garnering attenti0n Ír0m all quarters with thelr love s0ngs Í0r ever m0re. Not such a lrad thing, Oas s or Damon Albai'n, but they've never ileen 0TT, Queen esque perÍormances. Musically they defy all attempts t0 pin them dOwn, there's glam, c0nsidering n0body writes a Ove s0ng like 0ld ll0ring. D amOnd Hoo Ha is the llands's sixth album Nick, lrut st ll, it's nice to have s0mething with more oÍ a stompalong vibe. With D g, Lazarus, in Í0urteen years, and disp ays much 0f what made therr so popular in the Íirst place. Elrulllent Diglll all the promise oÍ last year's decided y messy Grinderman project c0mes t0 fruitt0n. Bass, guitar and fun l0ving p0p-rock as and drums are back 0n top, with Cave's ptano taking a llackseat t0 let s0me g00d rockin' through. lVuslcally satisfying, lyrically challenging and oÍten hilarious m0ments. ***** I - this could be 0ne 0Í Cave's finest iï s, s0ngs like the tit e track and Bad Blood sh0w they've matured a l0t musically in that time. Channelling Bowie, The Kinks and even a hint 0Í The Whlte Stripes, Supergrass have produced an album as qurrKy and danceable as anything in their llack catal0gue. ***í-. . there's r0ck, there's electro, there's Íunk... and a Lot more besides. Tracks Golden Prize and Radio evoke lVidnite Vultures era Beck, GoldÍrapp and the kind 0f Írenetic synth-pop Íavoured by Buck Rogers in the 2sth Cenïury, while elsewhere Franz Ferdinand-style razor-edged guitars are the order oÍ the day (Johnny & Sarah). A dizzying, bewildering and exhilarating collecti0n 01 s0ngs whlch wlll d0ubtless appear 0n many Best 0f '08 lists come December. **** FellrLrary 2008 nïl lll'n