CIBERTAREAS # 4 ESPAÑOL LOS TEXTOS EXPOSITIVOS. Guía Santillana Págs.250 a 255 y libro Español SEP 102 a 107 1.- Responde lo que se te pide. a) Define qué son los textos expositivos: _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ b) Nombra las tres partes que forman un texto expositivo: _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ c) El lenguaje de un texto expositivo debe ser: _________________________________________________________________________________ d) Explica a qué se refiere el título y subtítulo en un texto expositivo: _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 2.- Lee el siguiente texto expositivo y contesta lo que se te pide: El halcón peregrino Se denomina peregrino al hermoso halcón que cada año emigra desde Europa hasta el corazón de África: y bien merece el nombre ese extraordinario vuelo de millares de kilómetros. Es tan majestuoso y tan bello el vuelo del halcón, que posee también unas potencialidades de atracción de la hembra: ésta queda fascinada por la exhibición del macho en las alturas. La preparación del nido no es complicada: le basta a la pareja de los halcones cualquier cavidad rocosa o el lugar ocupado por algún ave menos poderosa, que no tenga ánimos para enfrentarse a ellos. Mientras la hembra incuba sus huevos, que tienen manchas oscuras, el macho se dedica a la caza: arrebata del suelo las presas todavía vivas y así las conduce hasta su refugio. Cuando los polluelos están en condiciones de aprender a volar, sus padres los arrojan al vacío: único modo de que su instinto de supervivencia les obligue a agitar las alas, para mantenerse en el aire y regresar luego a su lado. De esta manera, a fuerza de «sustos», llegan a dominar el vuelo, hasta realizar las maravillas de los halcones adultos. Subraya con azul la introducción del texto, con rojo el desarrollo y con verde la conclusión. Elabora tres oraciones interrogativas que aplicarías al texto anterior: _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Encierra de morado tres verbos en presente. Escribe un conector que localices en el texto:___________________________________ En el siguiente espacio elabora un cuadro sinóptico con la información del texto. LOS TEXTOS NARRATIVOS. Guía Santillana Págs. 256 a 261 y libro Español SEP 112 a 119 3.- Completa el siguiente organizador gráfico. Características de los textos narrativos Inicio o planteamiento: _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Desarrollo o nudo: Desenlace: ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ 4.- Completa las oraciones con las palabras del recuadro: consecuencia diálogo directo causa presente pretérito guión largo copretérito pospretérito a) La historia que se cuenta en una narración está compuesta por acciones; una __________________ es el hecho o la situación que da origen a otro, que es su ____________________________________. b)En los textos narrativos se utilizan los verbos conjugados en tiempo _______________________________ y _______________________________ para contar lo que hicieron o pasó a unos personajes. c)En las narraciones, las palabras que dicen los personajes se definen como _________________________, en los cuales se introducen mediante el ______________________________, que separa los comentarios, las aclaraciones y descripciones del narrador. d) Los diálogos directos reproducen lo que dicen los personajes mediante los verbos conjugados en _____________________________. 5.- Conjuga los verbos: ser, estar y hacer en los siguientes tiempos. (Cuida los acentos gráficos) Presente yo Pretérito Copretérito soy tú serás él sería nosotros ustedes ellos Presente Pretérito Copretérito yo tú estás él está nosotros estábamos ustedes ellos estuvieron Presente yo tú él nosotros ustedes ellos hace Pretérito Copretérito hice hacía LOS FORMATOS. Guía Santillana Págs. 262 y 263, libro Español SEP 125 a 128 6.- Llena este formato con los datos que se te piden: 7.- Contesta lo siguiente. ¿Para qué sirven los formatos? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ USO DE ABREVIATURAS Y SIGLAS EN FORMATOS. Guía Santillana Págs. 264 y 265, libro Español SEP 126 8.- Explica la diferencia entre una abreviatura y una sigla. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 9.- Escribe la abreviatura o sigla de las siguientes palabras o instituciones. Profesor_______ Avenida_______ Ciudad________ Horas_________ Doctor________ Secretaría de Salud____________ Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social_____________ Organización de las Naciones Unidas ___________ Secretaría de Educación Pública _____________ MATEMÁTICAS LECTURA, ESCRITURA, ORDEN Y COMPARACIÓN DE NÚMEROS. Libro SEP págs. 123 a 125. Guía Santillana págs. 266 y 267. Acomoda las cantidades de mayor a menor en los cuadros, como se indica. 7 400 647 20 010 413 3 601 Cantidad con número Nº de cifras Cantidad con letra Nº de palabras 647 3 Seiscientos cuarenta y siete 4 Acomoda dentro del cuadro el signo > (mayor que) o < (menor que), según corresponda. 3 490 2 716 4, 890 689 980 2, 013 2, 016 412 578 20 000 19 999 Lupita tiene 109 pelotas. 4, 880 Paty tiene 106 pelotas. Roberto compró una televisión de $ 5 555 La maestra Carola tiene 45 alumnos. Pepe compró una televisión en $ 5 556. La maestra Vicky tiene 37. FRACCIONES DE CANTIDADES ENTERAS. Libro SEP págs. 126 a la 129. Guía Santillana págs. 268 y 269. Lee cuidadosamente y subraya la respuesta correcta. Realiza las operaciones necesarias para llegar al resultado. 1.- Gerardo el entrenador del equipo compró 20 2.- Doña Conchita hizo 30 pasteles para festejar el naranjas para dárselas a los papás de los niños después aniversario de la escuela. Quiere repartir una del partido, pero sólo fueron 3/5 partes de los papás. rebanada a cada alumno que asista al festejo. Pero al ¿Cuántas naranjas repartió entre los papás? festejo sólo asistieron 5/6 de los alumnos. ¿Cuántos Operaciones alumnos asistieron por grupo? Operaciones a) 8 naranjas b) 15 naranjas c) 12 naranjas a) 25 alumnos b) 30 alumnos c) 28 alumnos MULTIPLICACIÓN CON UN FACTOR DE DOS CIFRAS. Libro SEP págs. 130 y 131. Guía Santillana págs. 270 y 271. Soluciona los siguientes problemas y subraya la respuesta correcta, realizando las operaciones necesarias. 1.- Jacinto compró 35 bolsas con 125 dulces cada una ¿Cuántos dulces compró en total? Operación. a) 4 375 b) 4 275 c) 4 475 2.- Judith compró botellas de agua para la carrera que se realizará en la escuela el próximo domingo y necesita saber cuántas botellas tiene. Ella compró 270 cajas con 24 botellas cada una. Operación. a) 6 470 b) 6 480 c) 6 460 3.- 6 amigos de la universidad se fueron de viaje a Canadá durante un mes y pidieron prestado dinero al banco, ellos quieren saber cuánto dinero se gastaron en el viaje y cuánto le tocará pagar a cada uno. La primera semana gastaron $ 4 578 Operaciones. La segunda semana gastaron $ 8 890 La tercera semana gastaron $ 7 349 La cuarta semana gastaron $ 6 543 Se gastaron $ _________________ en el viaje. Cada uno debe pagar $ _________________. 4.- Realiza las siguientes operaciones. 380 x 8 = ____________ 156 x 22 = ______________ 65 x 16 = ______________ SUMAS O RESTAS DE NÚMEROS DECIMALES. Libro SEP 132 y 133. Guía Santillana pág. 272. Resuelve los siguientes problemas. 1.- Don Toño quiere festejar a los niños de la comunidad del Mezquitillo para el día 30 de abril y quiere saber cuánto dinero necesita para la fiesta; por lo que fue a la dulcería para saber el precio de algunos dulces. Si Don Toño compra los chicles son $ 240.90, los chocolates $ 456.92, las paletas $ 235.67 y los tamarindos $189.23 ¿Cuánto dinero necesitará para pagar? Operación R = $ ____________________. 2.- ¿Cuánto le falta a Don Toño para comprar los dulces para los niños del Mezquitillo, si sólo tiene $750. 45? Operación. R = $ ___________________. DIVISIÓN DE UN MÚLTIPLO DE 10, 100, 1000… Libro SEP págs. 134 y 135. Guía Santillana págs. 273. Resuelve los siguientes problemas. 1.- En la fiesta de graduación de sexto de primaria se vendieron 1 200 lugares ¿Cuántas personas deben acomodar en cada mesa, si sólo se tienen 100 mesas? Operación. R = ___________ Personas. 2.- En la graduación, el señor Camarena compró 10 lugares para sus invitados y le cobraron la cantidad de $6 500. El señor Camarena quiere saber ¿En cuánto está el costo por persona? Operación. R = $______________. 3.- Realiza las siguientes divisiones. 455 ÷ 10 = _________ _____________ 678 ÷ 100 = ____________ 2000 ÷ 1000 = CÁLCULO DEL PERÍMETRO Y DEL ÁREA. Libro SEP págs. 136 y 137. Guía Santillana págs. 274 y 275. Observa los dibujos y responde las siguientes preguntas. a c b f e d Si cada cuadrito representa una unidad: 1. ¿Cuál es el perímetro de la figura a? ____________________________ 2. ¿Cuál es el área de la figura f? __________________________________ 3. ¿Cuál es el perímetro de la figura d? ____________________________ 4. ¿Cuál es el área de la figura b? __________________________________ EL TAMAÑO DEL M², DEL Dm² Y DEL Cm². Libro SEP págs. 138 a 140. Guía Santillana págs. 276 y 277. Resuelve los siguientes problemas: 1.- El rancho de don Jorge mide 1 150m de largo y 85 m de ancho. Don Jorge quiere saber ¿Cuántos metros cuadrados de terreno tiene el rancho? Operación R= _______________ 2.- Don Benjamín compró una pieza de tela para tapizar el respaldo de su silla, la pieza mide 275 cm de largo por 35cm de ancho. Don Benjamín quiere saber ¿cuántos centímetros cuadrados de tela tiene para tapizar el respaldo de la silla? Operación R = ________________ FÓRMULA PARA EL ÁREA DEL RESTÁNGULO: LADO POR LADO. Libro SEP págs. 141 a 143. Guía Santillana págs. 278 y 279. Resuelve los siguientes problemas: 1.- Doña Margarita quiere construir una cancha de básquetbol para sus hijos, en un espacio de su terreno que mide 27 metros de largo por 15 metros de ancho. ¿Cuántos metros cuadrados medirá la cancha de básquetbol? Operación R = ____________________ 27m 15 m 2.- En ese mismo terreno quiere hacer una piscina de 20m de ancho por 20 metros de largo ¿Cuántos metros cuadrados medirá la piscina? Operación R = ____________________ 20m 20 m COMPARACIÓN DE DOS O MÁS EVENTOS Y MODA. Libro SEP págs. 144 a 151. Guía Santillana págs. 280 y 281. Observa las imágenes y contesta. 1.- En un concurso de televisión el conductor le pide a un participante que saque la moneda dorada de la bolsa para ganar el concurso. La bolsa tiene 10 monedas negras, 5 monedas blancas, 3 monedas rojas y 2 monedas doradas. ¿Qué moneda es más probable de sacar? ____________________________________. ¿Qué moneda es la menos probable de sacar? ____________________________________. 2.- De la tabla siguiente: F M A F C I Z F F R F F F I M F C I F E F F F M I F D R C F F F H F F A C F M F E F F F D D F F F A C F M A ¿Qué letra tiene más probabilidad de escogerse? ____________________________________. ¿Qué letra tiene menos probabilidad de escogerse? ____________________________________. 3.- En la nevería “La Michoacana” hicieron una encuesta para saber cuál sabor de helado se vende más y así fabricar más litros de ese helado. SABORES DÍA Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves Viernes Sábado Domingo Frecuencia Vainilla x x x x x Limón x x x x x x x ¿Cuál es la moda de estos sabores? Chocolate x x x x 4 Fresa x Mamey Nuez Cajeta x x x x x x x x x x x 3 x x ____________________________________________. ¿Cuál sabor es el que se consume menos? ____________________________________________. ¿Cuáles sabores se consumen en igual cantidad? ____________________________________________. Libros de Español y Matemáticas SEP y Guía Santillana. ENGLISH VOCABULARY I. Look at your Picture Dictionary pages 78 and 79 and write the correct word. In the box (l) for land vehicles, (a) for air and (w) for water. II. Look at the pictures and answer Yes / No. 1. The truck is longer than a train. 2. The bicycle is shorter than a van. 3. The car is smaller than a bus. 4. The hot air balloon is safer than a bicycle. 5. The ambulance is bigger than a taxi. 6. The truck is faster than a train . III. Read and write the correct vehicle. 1. A small vehicle for travelling on water. _______________________ 2. Large vehicles in which people are driven from one place to another. _____________ 3. A large boat for travelling on water, especially across the sea. ______________ 4. A railway engine connected to carriages for carrying people. ________________ 5. A car with a driver whom you pay to take you somewhere. _________________ 6. An area of water next to the coast often protected from the sea by a thick wall. __________ 7. A type of aircraft without wings, that has one or two sets of large blades. _____________ 8. Large vehicles used for transporting goods. _________________ 9. A vehicle with two wheels and a powerful engine. ___________________ 10. A railway system in which electric trains travel along passages beneath the earth. __________ 11. A place where aircraft regularly take off and land. ________________ 12. A two-wheeled vehicle that you sit on and move by turning the two pedals. ____________ 13. A road vehicle with an engine, four wheels, and seats for a small number of people. __________ 14. A vehicle designed for air travel, which has wings and one or more engines. ___________ IV. Unscramble the words. 1. k b a e _____________________ 2. t c e m o _____________________ 3. l d o c u _____________________ 4. o o d w _____________________ 5. n e t s o _____________________ V. Look at the pictures and write the words. 1. _________________________ 3. _________________________ 5. ________________________ 2. ________________________ 4. ________________________ VI. Choose one of the following words to complete the sentence: sandcastles, winter, summer, sunbathing, hot, weather , volleyball, sunglasses, wet, barbecue, surfing, watermelon, beach, sunscreen, ice-cream. 1. What's the ___________ like in summer? 2. Wear this to protect against harmful ultra-violet radiation. _________________ 3. A summer activity done by the beach which involves lying in the sun to get a tan. _______________ 4. We are going to have a ______ by the beach. We will roast lots of meat outside. ________________ 5. What season usually starts on June 21st in the Northern Hemisphere? ___________________ 6. The opposite of dry. _______________________ 7. Something we usually eat in the summer made from fruits, milk and ice. _________________ 8. What season does Australia go through in June, July & August? ____________________ 9. What do children like to build on the beach in the summer? ______________________ 10. Large green fruit with red center. ______________________ 11. Winter is to cold as Summer is to _____________? 12. What do you usually wear to protect your eyes from the sun? ___________________ 13. This sport is often played on sand. ____________________ 14. A summer sport that involves riding on the waves with a special board. ____________________ 15. Where waves meet the sand. ________________ VII. Look at the pictures and fill in the crossword puzzle. 1 . 14 . 1. speak 2. 3. hit 4. throw 6. build ride 3 . 5. 13 . 2 . 4 . 7. learn 8. 9. 5. 6 . 10. give cut 11. 12 . 12. read 14. 7 . 13. swim 11 . eat 10 . catch 8 . come 9. write VIII. Match the pictures with the activities. 1. Surfing 8.Soccer 15.Fishing 2.Running 3.Sky diving 9.Tennis 10.Skiing 16. Camping 4.Horse riding 5. Sailing 6.Football 7.Golf 11.Rock climbing 12.Canoeing 13.Hiking 14.Hunting GRAMMAR I. Complete the following charts with the past simple of each verb. REGULAR VERBS Look PAST SIMPLE IRREGULAR VERBS Read Play Think Ask Speak Listen Write Answer Sing PAST SIMPLE II. Circle the regular verb in each line. Then write the past tense of each one. 1. read 2. say 3. listen 4. know 5. take 6. watch 7. put 8. catch 9. want 10. fly ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ feel buy do help bring be buy find tell build _________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ play _________ dance ________ go ________ write ________ cut ________ have ________ cook ________ answer ________ win ________ drink ________ see sing make think clean meet think give ride open ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ III. Put the verb in parentheses in past simple and then change the sentence in negative form. 1. I _________________ (eat) a sandwich yesterday. _____________________________________________________________ 2. Susan ___________________ (go) to the cinema last Friday. _____________________________________________________________ 3. My mom _________________ (make) cookies for Christmas. _____________________________________________________________ 4. He _____________________ (have) a temperature a few days ago. _____________________________________________________________ 5. The children ___________________ (take) their books to school. _____________________________________________________________ 6. I ________________ (do) my homework two hours ago. _____________________________________________________________ 7. You ________________ (wear) your warm coat this morning. _____________________________________________________________ IV. Fill in the blanks with Past Simple Tense. Last weekend ______ ( be ) great for Karen. She ___________ ( go ) to London with her best friend, Dorothy. They __________ ( plan ) every detail. They ___________ ( want ) a perfect holiday. They ___________ ( buy ) their ticket two weeks ago. They _________ ( search ) the hotels on the net, they ___________ ( do ) shopping. Everything ___________ ( be ) ready and their holiday ___________ ( begin ) with a perfect flight. They ___________ ( arrive ) at London Heathrow Airport early in the morning. They ___________ ( take ) the bus from the airport to the hotel, ___________ ( look ) at the places. They ___________ ( come ) to the hotel. The hotel ___________ ( be ) lovely and surrounded with huge trees. They ___________ ( be ) both tired after the trip, so they ___________ ( decide ) to have a nap. They ___________ ( take ) the sightseeing bus and ___________ ( enjoy ) it. The bus trip last for about two hours and they -___________ ( be ) hungry. They ___________ ( get off ) the bus and ___________ ( go ) a restaurant. They ___________ ( have ) a great dinner there. After dinner, they ___________ ( go ) back to the hotel. It ___________ ( be ) a tiring day but they ___________ ( not - want ) to stay at the hotel. They ___________ ( relax ) for an hour and ___________ ( go ) out. Next day, they ___________ ( get ) up early and ___________ ( have ) breakfast in a café near the bridge. The tiring and exciting tour ___________ ( begin ) again. They ___________ ( do ) the shopping. They ___________ ( visit ) the museums and ___________ ( take ) some photos. They ___________ ( have ) to turn back. They ___________ ( arrive ) at the airport and __________(fly) to their hometown. It ___________ ( be ) a wonderful holiday. V. Complete the story writing the correct form of each verb. Last Friday, my family and I _______________ (go) to my aunt´s house. She _______________ (prepare) a delicious meal, and for dessert she _______________(cook) a savory apple pie. It _______________(be) delicious. After having lunch, my cousins and I _______________(play) hide-andseek. We _______________(have) so much fun! We_______________(not/play) videogames. Finally, we _______________ (go) back home. Before going to bed, I _______________ (finish) my homework, I _______________ (not/be) very happy at all, but my mother _______________ (tell) me to do it. VI. Go back again to the paragraph and classify the verbs into regular or irregular. Write them in the box. VII. Choose 4 verbs and write sentences about what you DID last weekend. a)_______________________________________________________________________ b) _______________________________________________________________________ c)________________________________________________________________________ d)________________________________________________________________________ VIII. Tell the story – in simple past On Friday, the children ______________ (talk) about a day out together in the country. The next morning, they _____________ (go) to the country and _____________ (play) with Dave. Ben and Dave _____________ (have) kites. At lunch time, the two dogs ___________ (be) not there. Then, Bill _______________ (come) and _______________(look) back to the stream. They ______________ (go) with Bill and ______________ (look) for Charlie. Charlie _________________ (be) in a hole behind a wall. Then Nick _______________ (go) and ________________ (fetch) the basket with some meat sandwiches. They _______________ (need) the string of Ben’s kite for the basket. Jenny __________________ (lower) the basket down into the hole. Soon they ___________________ (pull) Charlie up in the basket. IX. Complete with the past tense of the verbs in parenthesis. 1. Mammoths _______________ big animals like elephants. (be) 2. Mammoths _______________ 100 years ago. (not live) 3. Mammoths _______________ a long time ago. (live) 4. Some dinosaurs______________ in the air and some_____________ in the sea. (fly / swim) 5. Mammoths____________ meat. They _______________ grass. (not eat / eat) 6. They_______________ two large tusks about three meters long. (have) 7. He________________ some milk. He________________ any water. (drink / not drink) 8. She only________________1 pound. She _________________ 3 pounds. (spend / not spend) 9 . I __________________ some elephants. I _________________ any lions. (see / not see) 10 . They ____________________ in the sea, but________________ in the lake. (swim / not swim) X. Complete with the correct form of the verbs. 1. He always goes to work by car. Yesterday he ________________to work by car, too. 2 They always get up early. This morning they ___________________ up late. 3 Bill often loses his key. He ____________________ it last Saturday. 4 I write a letter to Jane every week. Last week I _______________________ two letters. 5 She meets her friends every evening. She ___________________ them yesterday evening, too. 6 I usually read two newspapers every day. I only __________________ a newspaper yesterday. 7 They come to my house every Friday. Last Friday they _____________________ , too. 8 We usually go to the cinema on Sunday. We _______________ to the cinema last Sunday, too. 9 Tom always has a shower in the morning. Tom ________________ a shower this morning, too. 10 They buy a new car every year. Last year they _____________________ a new car, too. 11 I eat an orange every day. Yesterday I ____________________ two oranges. 12 We usually do our shopping on Monday. We ______________ our shopping last Monday, too. 13 Ann often takes photographs. Last weekend she __________________ some photos. 14 We leave home at 8.30 every morning. But yesterday we ___________________ home at 8.00. XI. Complete the sentences with the past simple of the verbs in parenthesis. 1. __________________________ (Joe, come) to the party? 2. They ______________________ (eat) popcorn at the cinema. 3. I _________________________ (not find) my favourite books. 4. We _______________________ (buy) a cake at the baker’s. 5. ___________________________ (you, take) lots of pictures of the city? 6. They _______________________ (not go) to the park. They _______(go) to Mary’s house. 7. Jenny ______________________ (break) the new vase accidentally. 8. ___________________________ (Nick, give) a birthday present to Mary yesterday? 9. He ________________________ (think) the movie was scary! 10. I ______________________ (not work) in a gas station, he ________(work) in a chemist’s. 11.We __________________________________ (take) the bus to school yesterday. 12. Laura __________________________________ (not/read) a book last night. XII. Complete the following story with the past simple of the verbs in parenthesis. Yesterday I ________________ (not have) much fun. I ________________ (go) cycling around four in the afternoon. A boy ______________ (come) up behind me and _____________ (say), "I bet you twenty pounds I can beat you in a race." I ______________(say), "Impossible!" and we __________________ (take) off. I never _________________ (see) the old lady crossing the street. She ____________ (have) a cane and _______________ (be) really slow. When I _______________ (hit) her, we both __________________ (go) flying. I ________________ (fly) about ten feet and __________________ (land) on my face. The boy I was racing _________________ (know) I was hurt, but he ______________ (ask) me for the twenty pounds anyway. I ___________________ (tell) him to go call an ambulance but he kept saying, “ I _____________ (win); I ____________ (win)!" Finally, I ________________ (give) him the money and he _________________ (go) and ________________ (make) the call. XIII. Change the affirmative sentences into negative and interrogative. 1. I visited my grandma yesterday. Neg:__________________________________________________ Int:__________________________________________________ 2. We stayed home last night. Neg:__________________________________________________ Int:__________________________________________________ 3. She lived in Italy five years ago. Neg:__________________________________________________ Int:__________________________________________________ 4. He broke his leg last week. Neg:__________________________________________________ Int:__________________________________________________ 5. He did his homework yesterday. Neg:__________________________________________________ Int:__________________________________________________ XIV. Put the words in the right order. 1. at/ John/ the/ danced/ night/ last/ party ___________________________________________ 2. played/knights/chess/The ___________________________________________ 3. for/studied/Cristy/test/her/yesterday ___________________________________________ 4. summer/in/hotel/We/last/this/stayed ___________________________________________ 5. days/lake/ago/grandpa/two/swam/My/in/the/ ________________________________________ XV. What did they do yesterday? Ask and answer. 1. they/play chess e.g. Did they play chess? Yes, they did. 1. he/ play the guitar ______________________________ _____________________. 2. the monkey/eat a banana ______________________________ _____________________. 3. Mathew/write a postcard ________________________________ _____________________. 4. We/ go to the zoo _______________________________ _____________________. 5. George/ride a horse _______________________________ _____________________. 6. My father/ go to work by bus _______________________________ _____________________. READING I. Read the story and answer the following questions. My Trip to the UK My name is Pedro and I’m from Spain. Last summer, I travelled around the UK for 3 weeks. My friend Sarah came with me. Before my trip I read about the cities that I was going to visit: London, Manchester, Leeds and Edinburgh. During the flight we ate some peanuts and drank some beer. We had a great trip! London was beautiful and we went to see 3 shows in the West End. We also went to Buckingham Palace, rode the London Eye and walked around the centre and by the river. We took a lot of pictures of the cities and the people were very nice. We ate a lot of different food from all over the world. I bought some tickets for the Manchester football game and Sarah bought some souvenirs for her friends. I also met a lot of people and made lots of new friends. My trip to the UK was fantastic! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Where did Pedro go last summer? _________________________________________________________. Did Pedro travel alone? _________________________________________________________________. Who did he travel with? ________________________________________________________________. Which cities did he read about? ___________________________________________________________. What did they eat and drink during the flight? ________________________________________________. What did he see in the West End? _________________________________________________________. Which places did he visit in London? ______________________________________________________. Did they take pictures of the cities? ________________________________________________________. What did Pedro and Sarah buy? __________________________________________________________. Did Pedro make new friends? ____________________________________________________________. II. Read the story and answer True (T) or False (F). A PERFECT BEACH HAT. Jamie visited her Aunt Jane at her house at the beach. It was a beautiful summer day. Jamie built a giant sand castle in the morning. Aunt Jane took pictures of the castle to send to Jamie’s parents. Jamie wanted to play on the beach that afternoon. She wanted to build another sand castle. Aunt Jane told her it was too sunny. Aunt Jane said Jamie could only go if she had sunscreen and a hat. Jamie didn’t have a hat. Aunt Jane had a lot of hats. Aunt Jane said that Jamie could borrow one of hers, since bigger hats were better anyway. Jamie tried on four hats. The pink one was really pretty, but it had a big bow. The ribbons kept going into Jamie’s eyes. That would not be good for building a sand castle. The blue hat was too fancy. Jamie did not like that hat at all. The red hat was nice, but it had flowers on it. Jamie was afraid the flowers would get dirty. Then, Jamie saw a big straw hat with a short red ribbon on it. The bow was not too droopy. The hat was not too fancy. It would be easy to clean. Jamie knew it was the perfect hat. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Jamie visited her Aunt Jane at her house at the beach. _________________ Jamie built a big snowman. _________________ Aunt Jane took pictures for Jamie’s parents. _________________ Jamie wanted to play in the park. _________________ The day was too sunny. _________________ Aunt Jane said Jamie could only go if she had sunglasses and a hat. ___________ Jamie had lots of hats. _________________ Jamie tried on four hats. _________________ The pink hat was perfect for building a sand castle. _________________ The blue hat was too elegant. _________________ The red hat was easy to get dirty. _________________ The straw hat was the perfect hat to wear. _________________ III. Read and answer the questions Dinosaurs Dinosaurs are a large group of animals that lived on Earth many millions of years ago. We know that there were 350 different types of dinosaurs, but there may have been more than 1000. There were dinosaurs as small as birds or as tall as buildings. Some dinosaurs were armed with sharp claws or teeth for eating and protection. Some were light and others as heavy as 10 elephants together. We know today that dinosaurs existed because fossils have been found. Fossils are the remains of animals or plants that lived long ago. Dinosaur bones, teeth, and eggs are fossils. Dinosaurs means “Terrible lizard”. Now we know that dinosaurs weren’t lizards at all and only a few were terrible. From dinosaur bones and teeth we can learn the animal’s size and weight. Long heavy bones tell us that the dinosaur was large. Meat eater had long, sharp teeth for biting their prey, the T- Rex was a meat eater. Plant eaters often had teeth shaped like pegs for pulling off leaves and fruit from the trees, the Brachiosaurus was a plant eater. Most meat eaters walked upright on their two hind legs. They extended their long tails straight behind them for balance. Giant plant eaters walked on their four legs like elephants. Most dinosaurs hatched from eggs. Egg-laying dinosaurs made nests by digging a hole on high, dry ground. Not all dinosaurs were land animals. Some dinosaurs, such as the Pteranodon, flew into the air and looked for food. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What are dinosaurs? ______________________________________________________________ What do dinosaurs mean? _____________________________________________________________ How do we know dinosaurs existed? ____________________________________________________ What do fossil bones and teeth tell us? ___________________________________________________ Which were meat eaters and write and example? ____________________________________________ Which were plant eaters and write and example? ____________________________________________ Did dinosaurs walk on two or four feet? __________________________________________________ How were baby dinosaurs born? ________________________________________________________ IV. Read the text from exercise 2 page 34 from your Pupil’s Book. Complete these sentences with the information from the text. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A T. Rex is a dinosaur with sharp ____________ and _______________. Dinosaurs lived a long time ________________. A big comet ___________ the earth and ___________ a hole in it. A big cloud ___________________ the earth. There was no sun, so the _________________ died. The _______________ died too because there wasn’t any food. IV. Read exercise IV in the grammar section and answer the questions. 1) Where did Karen and Dorothy go? _______________________________ 2) When did they take their tickets? _______________________________ 3) What did they do before the trip? _______________________________ 4) Where did they arrive first? _______________________________ 5) What did they do when they came to hotel?_______________________________ 6) Where did they have a dinner?_______________________________ 7) Did they stay at the hotel after dinner? _______________________________ 8) What was the hotel like?_______________________________ 9) Where did they have their breakfast? _______________________________ 10) What did they do at the second day of the trip? _______________________________
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