terrorism awareness for emergency first responders
terrorism awareness for emergency first responders
TERRORISM AWARENESS FOR EMERGENCY FIRST RESPONDERS Web-Based l AWR-160-W Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service National Emergency Response and Rescue Training Center Online Course www.TEEX.org/esti TERRORISM AWARENESS FOR EMERGENCY FIRST RESPONDERS Web-Based l AWR-160-W This online course focuses on training responders to meet the requirements established in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 472, “Competencies for Awareness Level Personnel,” (chapter 4) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910.120 (q) (6) (i) (a–f) “First Responder Awareness Level” competencies. This course encompasses an all-hazards approach to Hazardous Materials (HazMat) incidents, including acts of terrorism where WMD materials may have been used. It provides participants the knowledge to recognize the hazardous material, protect themselves, notify others, and secure the scene. Topics include: lPrevention and Deterrence of Hazardous Material and the Emergency Response Guide (ERG) lChemical Agents lBiological Agents lRadiological Materials and Nuclear Weapons lExplosive Devices lIdentification At the completion of this course, participants will be required to pass a comprehensive final exam. If successfully passed, participants receive a certificate of training. Training Level: Awareness Venue: Online at http://www.teexwmdcampus.com Course Length: Varies based on participant’s progress; estimated completion time is 3-4 hours Participant Audience: l l l l l l l Fire Department Personnel Law Enforcement Personnel, Public Works Personnel, County/State/Federal Responders, Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Providers, Public Health and Health Care Workers The Private Sector Prerequisites: None Continuing Education Credits: IACET - 0.4 CEUs For more information, contact: TEXAS A&M ENGINEERING EXTENSION SERVICE Harvey Stewart, Training Manager, WMD Ops 200 Technology Way College Station, Texas 77845-3424 979.458.3404 or 855.245.1614 (toll-free) Harvey.Stewart@teex.tamu.edu www.teex.org/esti C13.6356.10
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