(aoo) oas-rzzo (sre) aas-ozzr
(aoo) oas-rzzo (sre) aas-ozzr
Materiai Safety Data Sheet May be usedto complywith Administration U.S. Department of Labor Occupational OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard., 29 CFR 1910.1200. Standard must be (Non'Mandatory Form) Form Approved OMB No. 1218-0072 consulted for speci IDENTITY Safetv and Health (As [Ised on Labe] and List) NOTE: Blank spacesare not permitted. If any item rs not applicable, or no information is available, the space must be lnarked to indicate that ResinX Section I Manufacturer's Name Emergency Telephone Number 112 Albany Avenue (aoo) oas-rzzo Telephone Number for Infomation (sre)aas-ozzr P.O. Box 182 January 24,?OLI Temrex Corporation Address (Number,Street, City, Stut", undZlp C"dr) Date Prepared Signature of Preparer (optionaD Freeport,NY 11520 Sectionll - Hazardous lngredients/ldentitv Information (Soecific Hazardous Components Chemical ldentitv:Common Name(s)) Recommended %(optional) _____lEl,. pEL OSHA lirit, ACGIH TLV Sectionlll - Phvsical/Chemical Characteristics BoilingPoint SpecificGravity(H2O= 1) N/A N/A (mmHg.) VaporPressure MeltingPoint Negligible at ambienttemperatures. N/A VaporDensity(AlR= 1) EvaporationRate(ButylAcetate= 7) N/A N/A Solubilityin Water Virtuallvinsoluble. Appearance andOdor Pasteconsistencv; negligible odor. SectionlV - Fire and ExplosionHazard Di ta FlashPoint(MethodUsed) Flammable Limits tEL uEt N/A N/n N/A Extinguishing Media N/A SpecialFire FightingProcedures Non-Flammable. Hazards UnusualFireand Explosion None. Page I (ReproduceLocolly) 1985 OSHA174, Sept. Avoidexposure to elevated temperatures andhiehinre fncompatibility(Moterialsto Avoid) Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts Noneknown. Carcinogenicity: NTP? N/A SignsandSymptomsof Exposure IARCMonographs? N/A OSHARegulated? N/A Skin/Eveirritation. MedicalConditions GenerallyAggravated by Exposure Emergency and FirstAid Procedures Inhalation:Removeto a well ventilatedarea. Eves:Flushwith copiousamountsof water. Skin:Washwith copiousamountsof water. Ingestion:Inducevomitineif lareeamounts of materialareswallowed. SectionVll - Precautions for SafeHandlineand Use Stepsto BeTakenin CaseMaterialis Released or Spilled Largeandsmallsoills:Wioe uo with aoorooriatetools. Cleanareaof snillwith larEe amountsof soapandwater. WasteDisposal Method Dispose of contaminated wastein accordance with all federal,stateand localreeulations. Precautions to BeTakenin HandlingandStoring Avoidproloneedexposureto temoeratures above75"F.lieht.and moisture. OtherPrecautions Avoid eve and skin contact, SectionVlll - ControlMeasures RespiratoryProtection(SpecifyType) Not required. Venthilation LocalExhaust Special N/A (General) Mechanical N/A N/A Other N/e ProtectiveGloves EyeProtection Not requiredwith normalhandling. Not requiredwith normalhandline. OtherProtectiveClothingor Equipment Not requiredwith normalhandling. Work/HygienicPractices Avoidprolongedcontactwith skin;if it occurs,washwith soapandwater. Page2 + U.S.G.P.O.: 1966-491 - s29l4577s
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