(aoo) oas-rzzo (rro) soe-azzr
(aoo) oas-rzzo (rro) soe-azzr
Material Safety Data Sheet U.S. Department of Labor May be used to comply with Administration OSHA's Ilazatd Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200. Standard must be Occupational (Non-Mandatory Form) Form Approved OMB No. 1278-0072 consultedfor IDENTITY Safety and Health (As tlsed on Label and List) NOTE: Blank spacesare not permitted. If any item is not applicable, or no information is available, the space must be marked to indicate that. Interval LC Section I Manufacturer's Name Emergency Telephone Number 112Albany Avenue (aoo) oas-rzzo Telephone Number for Information (rro)soe-azzr P.O. Box 182 January 24,zO1-L Temrex Corporation Address Number, Street, City, State, and ZIp Code) Date Prepared Signature of Preparer (optionaD Freeport,NY 11520 Sectionll - HazardousInsredients/ldentitvInformation _______Ofi!r" (Soecific Hazardous Components Chemical ldentitv:Common Name(s)) Recommended %(ootionall Sectionlll pEL OSHA lirit, ACGIH TLV Characteristics BoilingPoint SpecificGravity(H2O= 1) -2.2 MeltingPoint N/a (mmHg.) VaporPressure Negligible at roomtemperature. N/A VaporDensity(AlR= 1) N/A Solubilityin Water EvaporationRate(ButylAcetote= 1) N/A Virtually insoluble. Appearance andOdor Tooth shade paste; virtually odorless. Section!V - Fire and ExplosionHazard Di rta FlashPoint(MethodUsed) N/A Extinguishing Media Flammable Limits N/A tEt UEL N/A N/A Watercontactis acceptable. SpecialFireFightingProcedures None specific. UnusualFireand Explosion Hazards None Page1 (ReproduceLocolly) 1985 OSHA174,Sept. Avoid exposureto elevated temperatures and fncompatibility(Moteriolsto Avoid) Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts Avoidexposureto lightandtemperatures aboue75"F, Jec[r(,n vt - Heall Route(s,ot Route(s) of Entry: Inhalation? Skin? lngestifii HealthHazards(Acuteand Chronic) Carcinogenicity: IARCMonographs? OSHARegulated? MedicalConditions GenerallyAggravated by Exposure Emergency andFirstAid procedures Insestion:Inducevomitinsif largeamountsare swallowed. SectionVll - Precautions for SafeHandlineand Use Stepsto BeTakenin CaseMaterialis Released or Spilled Wipe up with soap.water andpapertowels. WasteDisposal Method Do not disposein sink. Disposeof in accordance *ith allfederal.state,andlocal regulations. Precautions to BeTakenin HandlingandStoring Avoidelevatedtemperatures and hiehintensitvlieht. OtherPrecautions Avoidcontactwith skinor eves. . SectionVlll - ControlMeasures RespiratoryProtection(SpecifyType) Not required. Venthilation LocalExhaust Special N/a N/A Mechanical (Generol) Other N/A N/A ProtectiveGloves EyeProtection Not requiredundernormalhandline. Not requiredundernormalhandline. OtherProtectiveClothingor Equipment Not requiredundernormalhandline, Work/HygienicPractices Avoidprolongedcontactwith skin;washwith soapandwater. Page2 + U . S . G . P . O1.9: 6 6 - 4 9 1 - 52914s775
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IDENTITY (As Usedon Labe| and List)