(eoo) o+s-rzzo (rre) eoe-ozzr
(eoo) o+s-rzzo (rre) eoe-ozzr
Material Safety Data Sheet May be used to comply with Administration OSIIA's Hazatd. Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200.Standard must be consulted for specific requirements. IDENTITY (As Usedon Labe| and List) U.S. Department of Labor OccupationalSafety and Health (Non'Mandatory Form) Form Approved OMB No. 1218-0072 NOTE: Blank spacesare not permitted. If any item is not applicable, or no information is available, the space must be marked to indicate that. Interval SectionI Manufacturer's Name Emergency Telephone Number (eoo) o+s-rzzo Telephone Number for Information (rre)eoe-ozzr Temrex Corporation Address (Number, Street, City, State, and ZIP Code) 112 Albanv Avenue Date Prepared P.O.Box 182 January 24, 20lL Signature of Preparer (optional) Freeport, NY 11520 Sectionll - Hazardous Insredients/ldentitv lnformation (Specific Hazardous Components Chemical ldentitv:Common Name(s)) Recommended %(optional) Nonelisted. N/A Sectionlll - Phvsical/Chemical Characteristics BoilingPoint N/A OSHA PEL OtherLimits ACGIH TLV N/A SpecificGravity(H2O= 1) Above1.0 MeltingPoint (mmHg.) VaporPressure N/e VaporDensity(AIR= 1) N/A Solubilityin Water Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetote = 7) N/A andOdor Appearance Dentincolor;firm in texture;slightaromaticfragrance. SectionlV - Fireand ExplosionHazardData tEt Flammable Limits FfashPoint(MethodUsed) N/A N/A Media Extinguishing UEt N/A Non-Flammable. SpecialFireFightingProcedures N/A Hazards UnusualFireand Explosion N/A Page 1 (ReproduceLocolly) 1985 OSHAL74, Sept. SectionV - Data Stability Unstable Conditions to Avoid Stable x fncompatibility(MoterioIs to Avoid) N/A Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts Noneknown. Conditions to Avoid Hazardous MayOccur Polymerization Will Not Occur x Inhalation? Skin? Ingestion? N/A Neelieible. Mav inadvertentlvbe oossible. HeafthHazards(Acuteond Chronic) Contactwith evesmav causeirritation. Carcinogenicity: NTP? N/A IARCMonographs? N/A OSHARegulated? N/A SignsandSymptomsof Exposure See"HealthHazards" MedicalConditions GenerallyAggravated by Exposure Noneknown. Emergency and FirstAid Procedures Eve contact: Flush nromntlv with flowins wate r- lf irritation develoos. contact a SectionVll - Precautionsfor Safe Handlins and Use Stepsto Be Taken in CaseMaterial is Releasedor Spilled N/A WasteDisposal Method Scooo uo and discard in a suitable container- Disoosal must be carried out in accordance With all federal. state. and local resulations. Precautions to BeTakenin Handlingand Storing Store in a cool. drv area awav from foodstuffs and beverapes. Other Precautions for Handlineof the oroductexclusivelv bv dentalsoecialists accordins to the instructions SectionVlll - ControlMeasures RespiratoryProtection(SpecifyType) Not reouired. Venthilation Special LocalExhaust N/A N/A Other Mechanical (Generol) N/A N/A EyeProtection Not required. ProtectiveGloves Not reouired. OtherProtectiveClothingor Equipment Not recuired. Work/HygienicPractices Avoidcontactwith eyes. Page2 s29l4s77s * U.S.G.P.O.: 1966-491-
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