São Paulo Turismo
São Paulo Turismo
D E S T I N A T I O N São Paulo Mice - MEETINGS INCENTIVES CONVENTIONS AND EXHIBITIONS iro Fa r ia Lim ts c Pt e. Ca sa Ve rd e PÚ Rua A ma ra l Gu rg BL A IC A CE SAN C Í TA LI A a élic RE HA AN A ng A v. gu P AS M NNO ÃO r ig a ul is ta IG TR B ida i de Pa AD IA AÇ 9 i da ro Lu ís An tô ni o PARAÍSO Ave n id 3 a2 de Ma io .C abr al IBIRAPUERA PARK o nári ente IV C MOEMA aM Ib ira pu er S en en ida ei ro Av s rin da Ve r BA oD da a Av .J oã id A CONGONHAS AIRPORT QU ia s i en PR ÁR V JA Av ho uí z ni Di é Ma SA ior r to olis Pe t r o n i J u n be nóp ue Ro os s ta rJ Av e ali do E ng n ida en i Av a en ho no llegri Hélio Pe Av. en h m bi da Mo r u A v. J o rn oq BIX d ia .R Av a In Av a n id e OL hek o bi S a nto A m ar ni s Be rri Ca r l o Lu í s Ku en d Av e çõ n sU i da s Av es s nd nt en Ba ra Av os EQUESTRIAN SOCIETY OF SÃO PAULO Pt e. do M or um bi Na no id de l Ju pa n ida iG nn ad ei Av e n id res MORUMBI el i ea n P ro To r va ida P r e s c e Jus ident VIL A A v e OLÍMPIA Ary i Rodovia Régis Bittencourt ro ão Au A ro Ped Rua ng. d Eu en Av e va r a .E ni io aG em de Av e n P te ch Av e n i da Pa ca iga i da Pte. Cidad e Jardi m STATE GOVERNMENT PAL ACE MORUMBI STADIUM il Br a to as st laç ni VE ida or co M m bi r o ncis Br so MA SP JARDINS ITAIM BIBI Mor u i da ss en i da n Av e e of Av en Rodoanel Mário Covas ra rF a Av Av Ro d id MU T RA en o JOCKE Y CLUB C or i feu de A ze es a T oso Rap o v ia en a va PA Av i da s s Un tos Pt e. Eu zé bio Ma o Ru Sil A çõe ida V i ta l B rasil Av e n id eb aR Av s uça a n Co PORTUGUESE L ANG ae BR Na ues bu ré PINHEIROS as arq AD s ad a ldo a ad o de Mor ae Arn SAL A SÃO ost ve Av e n i da Wa s h i n g t o n L ros D r. Ru PACAEMBU STADIUM NS Pe d A v. oC HIGIENÓPOLIS CO i da SA SU DE NTU M AR FÁ ÁR É TI IO M N A S - S A. UM SR AR A. É P Un te. C i v e ida r si de tár ia n id VIL A MADALENA BUTANTÃ Av en M VI r S BUTANTÃ INSTITUTE oM ved AL to PRAÇA PANAMERICANA Av e n UNIVERSITY CITY n ida ado er IR O Av e n i da S u m a A EN A G u á lt a São HE Av e Av e n te v ad Av e n i da R u b e m B e r ta om aP l A v e n id ga E X P A N D E D di i Pe M DE ARE OD CH OR AL O ia pé Vi He E le BARRA FUNDA BUS TERMINAL PAC AEMBU LA o n id tã Av e as PIN v. L ATIN AMERIC A MEMORIAL zo P – B A LM AR EI RA RA FU S ND A Av en rG VILLA LOBOS PARK RIO PERDIZES az nco to Cora ta r B ra L APA Ma io Av Fr a n c i s c o XI ou er ro Av e n i da C de Sã o Vice nte a Gu aicu r us SAMBÓDRO aR Pio ida M arquê s MA n id ida Ru Pt e. do Li m ão Av en Av. Re pú bli ca do Líb an o ra Rodovia Castello Branco S ANTANA a N e to Ma rg i n a l Ti e t ê P te . Jú li o M es q u it RIO TI ET Ê s ia d o Ó es P te . F re g u e nt er i Pt e. Pi qu ra Av e C E N T R E ei .D C I T Y g ue nd Av MAP OF SÃO PAULO Ro d o v ia A n ha n Ba el R. SÃO PAULO INTERNACIONAL AIRPORT (GUARULHOS) TIETÊ BUS TERMINAL os dr ua e. CA OÓ M R– SE ES BR DR n IMMIGRATION MEMORIAL Ma c h a d o ta r a e n ida Av ue iro aré Av en ida Na z A AR ES ÁC Av en ida Ric a rd oJ IM IG afe t RA NT CH M VIL AR A IA NA KL AB IN PAULISTA MUSEUM CR Cu UZ Av e n i d RA Ç VO A D RE A a J a ba qu a ra A AÚ DE JABAQUARA BUS TERMINAL Sa nt uá rio Ns a. Sr a. de Fá tim a-S um ar é edro I Av en i da D o m P los Lins d e Va s c on ce JO O RO EI GU ER erg NT E s ta d o O do ÍS ida aV SA TE Í en n id RO UA Av Av e A ND INDEPENDENCY PARK VIL A MARIANA AN MA ACLIMAÇÃO PARK TA SÃ RIO AQ UI Av e n i da d a Libe rd M ade LI BE LIBERDADE Ma d u r e i r a SA Portuguesa-Tietê MOOC A -M oó ca en lc â A i da SUBWAY SYSTEM MAP Br ee se r AD E Av RD AG O PE SÉ PARK CENTRO IR O O S Ã DOM PEDRO I na Pa lm eir as -B ar ra Fu nd a AB AÚ PRAÇA DA SÉ id s ta e l Pe II B en ng BR Av a aR ÁS DO EO PAT L E G I O TO COL EN SÉ C ATHEDRAL DE Pt LU UNICIPAL THE ATER a ng ira Ip da XIGA BELÉM Z BANESPA C –I OR TA IN QU TH ER IAN A S STATE PINACOTEC A GUAGE MUSEUM oQ Jâ ni ES NT DE RA E s ta d o TI do LUZ PARK O PAULO A v. LUZ A v. T i rade AR n te s M ÊN IA PO Pt e. Vi la Gu ilh er m e ANHEMBI PARK OMO C A TU RA CU ND RU IR VI U R T Pt e. da s Ba -T U G A v. S a nd ei ra s n to s D u m IÊ U mont TE ES A CAMPO DE ARTE AIRPORT YOUTH PARK rs in o IPIRANGA CONVENTION CENTERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Anhembi Park [www.anhembi.com.br] Biennial Pavilion [www.bienalsaopaulo.org.br] Expo Center Norte [www.expocnorte.com.br] Imigrantes Exposition Center [www.centroimigrantes.com.br] ITM Expo [www.itmexpo.com.br] Transamérica Expo Center [www.transamericaexpo.com.br] AMCHAM Business Center [www.amcham.com.br] Frei Caneca Convention Center [www.freicanecashopping.com.br] Pompéia Convention Center [www.pompeiaeventos.com.br] Rebouças Convention Center [www.convencoesreboucas.com.br] Fecomercio Events Center [www.fecomercioeventos.com.br] APCD Space [www.apcd.org.br] World Trade Center [www.wtc.org.br] AR A Rodovia dos Imigrantes For more information, visit: www.cidadedesaopaulo.com and www.prefeitura.sp.gov.br credits EDITORIAL PROJECT AND TEXT EDITING ISABELLE SOMMA [MTB 26.241] ISASOMMA@UOL.COM.BR GRAPHIC PROJECT JU VIDIGAL [JUVIDI@UOL.COM.BR] ART EDITING EVANDRO SOARES [WWW.ESTUDIO73.COM.BR] REVISION PAULA PASSARELLI [PA_PASSARELLI@YAHOO.COM.BR] MAPS CARLO GIOVANNI [WWW.CARLOGIOVANNI.COM] SÃO PAULO TURISMO S/A AVENIDA OLAVO FONTOURA, 1209, PARQUE ANHEMBI – SÃO PAULO (SP), CEP 02012-021, TEL.:+55(11) 6226-0400 CIDADEDESAOPAULO@SPTURIS.COM PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT! MAKE THE 3RS A PART OF YOUR LIFE: REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE! Contact a local incoming travel agent. Visit: www.cidadedesaopaulo.com WWW.SPTURIS.COM WWW.CIDADEDESAOPAULO.COM WWW.ANHEMBI.COM.BR WWW.AUTODROMOINTERLAGOS.COM Sé Cathedral Hold your event in SP 8 Characteristics of the city 8 Differentials 10 Resistance 13 Get to know São Paulo 14 History 16 Access 17 Gastronomy 18 Art and Culture 19 São Paulo by region 20 Rebouças Convention Center 40 Fecomercio Events Center 40 APCD Space 41 WTC Hotel 41 Hotels 42 In the South Side 44 In Paulista/Jardins 48 In the Downtown 52 In the North Side 53 In the West Side 53 In the East Side 53 Stay another day 21 Downtown 22 Paulista/Jardins 23 South Side 24 West Side 25 North and East Sides 26 Outskirts of the city 27 Museums 56 Cultural Centers and Foundations 59 Art Galleries 62 Venues in Parks 63 Theaters 64 Exhibition Pavilions 28 Special Places 68 Anhembi Park 30 Biennial Pavilion 31 Expo Center Norte 32 Imigrantes Exposition Center 33 ITM Expo – Fair and Events 34 Transamerica Expo Center 35 Convention Centers 36 Amcham Business Center 38 Anhembi – Convention Palace 38 Frei Caneca Convention Center 39 Pompéia Convention Center 39 © Photo: MARCOS HIRAKAWA Surprising Places 54 Buffets 70 Performance Spaces 70 Social Clubs 70 Special Tips 70 Miscellaneous 71 Stadium 71 Theme Parks 71 Travel Guide 72 Calendar 74 Hold your event in SP ©1 Characteristics of the city Differentials Resistance The Copan Building, by Oscar Niemeyer C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S O F S Ã O P A U L O Why is São Paulo the best destination for your events and business? 1 event every 6 minutes That is the average number of events held in São Paulo which, not without reason, is known as the city that never stops. There are congresses, fairs, conventions, international shows, big parties, social get together, and so on, making up a total of 250 events per day, or 90 thousand per year. 400 thousand square meters per day to hold fairs, exhibitions and conventions. Luxury hotels, boutique hotels, two dozen large sized convention centers – among them the Anhembi Park, the largest in Latin America – restaurants with special areas, museums, everything to lend an unforgettable touch to your event. 75% of the major fairs in the country The largest economic center on the continent São Paulo has, on the average, a business fair every three days and is headquarters for 75% of the major fairs in the country. Salão do Automóvel, Couromoda, Francal, Hospitalar, Automec, Fenatec, Telexpo, Expofarma and Fenit are only a few of the references for excellent opportunities and business. This market turns over R$2.4 billion per year – R$700 million in space rental, R$700 million in service equipment and R$1 billion in travel, accommodations and transportation. 400 thousand m² of well-equipped, charming top-notch spaces A diversity of centers for fairs and congresses, the largest hotel park in the country with 46 thousand rooms, and charming, top-notch spaces. There are more than 15% of the gross domestic product (GDP) is concentrated in São Paulo, and 6% of the population of Brazil. Headquarters for some of the largest global corporations, it offers a full infrastructure of technology and services. One of the cities with the largest business tourism turnover on the planet, for each US$100 of wealth generated in the country, more than US$10 of it are produced here. The per capita income in the capital is 70% higher than that of Brazilians in general. That is, the purchasing power of its residents makes the city a great market for every type of event. Major happenings are the norm The only city in Latin America to receive the Formula 1 Grand Prix (GP), São Paulo also hosts the São ©2 8 Varied Cuisine Reflecting Pool at the Elis Regina Space Silvestre Race on December 31 st and the biggest GLBT Parade in the world. After promoting one of the major New Years Eve celebrations on the planet, the city begins the year with Couromoda (Leather Fashion), a fair with more than 65 thousand professionals from around the world, while it is getting the first edition of SP Fashion Week ready, which takes place again in July. The first of the Americas According to the International Congress & Convention Association – ICCA, which does the ranking of the major centers and events in the world, the city of São Paulo is the major destination for international events in the Americas. Besides figuring among the Top 20 destinations for events in the world, São Paulo won out over destinations like Madrid, Sidney, Athena and Vancouver. Business destination for Latin America São Paulo is one of the 5 best destinations in Latin America for doing business, according to an annual study carried out by América Economia Intelligence, a research unit of the América Economia communications company. The survey resulted in a ranking of the 42 best cities in the region for business, taking into account potential for innovation, capacity for generating new enterprises, telecommunications, security, quality and cost of life. International hotel chains Do you know a boutique hotel? Do you want a spa inside your hotel? An option close to your office, a performance space, a shopping mall? There are always quality accommodations next to the city’s main attractions. The most modern hotel center in the country is in São Paulo. Major international chains such as Hyatt, Hilton, Marriott, Accor, Meliá and Radisson vie for customers alongside exclusive options such as Fasano, Emiliano or Unique, sophisticated and personalized boutique hotels. There are 410 hotels with a total of 46,047 rooms or HUs. Efficient transportation network The São Paulo capital has a subway which is considered one of the most modern and comfortable in the world, as well as 32 thousand taxis and more than 200 helipads – that serve a fleet of 450 helicopters, the second largest in the world. © Photos: 1-Rodrigo Petterson 2-Heudes RÉgis/ABRASEL 3-Spreading parque anhembi The two busiest airports For air traffic, the city of São Paulo is benefited by two of the busiest airports in the country: the São Paulo International Airport in Guarulhos, and the Congonhas Airport. For smaller planes and helicopters, there is the Campo de Marte. More than 40 cities from 23 other countries are linked regularly by commercial flights. At the Congonhas Airport, recently modernized and remodeled to serve the growing demand, there are links with 70 locations in nearly all the Brazilian states. State-of-the-art services One of the most dynamic features of the city is its service sector, in areas such as telecommunications, digital data transmission, banks, the financial system, research and development, business consultancy and business management, as well as in activities related to high technology. Wireless connection (wifi) has become a reality in hotspots at the Congonhas and Guarulhos airports, hotels, bars, book stores, cybercafes and business centers. Vanguard and knowledge center Hold your event in SP ©3 Characteristics of the city Differentials Resistance A tuned-in city, São Paulo has always been in the vanguard of major cultural movements that have changed Brazilian behavior and customs. In higher education, the University of São Paulo (USP) figures among the best 100 public universities in the world and in the annual ranking of the British newspaper The Times as first in South America. Also, there is in the city a wide range of short courses, lectures, seminars, literary discussions and a vast array of universities and cultural centers with training that runs from handicrafts to technology. In the circuit of major world metropolises According to Travel + Leisure magazine, one of the most respected worldwide travel publications, the city “is more a capital of the world than of Latin America, thanks to its mosaic of cultures and lifestyles.” São Paulo had a feature article as a creative city, where “fashion is fashion, food is the headline and art lands in new territory.” Among its distinctions are architecture, gastronomy and art. São Paulo also landed on the pages of the New York Times with an article that featured its sophistication and good taste and placed it definitively in the circuit of major world metropolises. 9 Hold your event in SP ©1 CHARACTERISTICS OF SÃO PAULO Differentials Resistance Marginal Pinheiros D iffe r entials Why make São Paulo the high point of your incentive program? S ão Paulo is a universe of options in just one place. Where else in Brazil can you find restaurants that never close, the liveliest nightlife, Broadway musicals and boutique hotels? This is why there are many reasons to choose São Paulo as your destination for a recreational or business trip or even for awarding an incentive program. Few cities in the world are so interesting for so many at the same time. Culture is our thing The cultural scene of São Paulo is full and rich in activities. The best of the world of the arts is here. With more than 600 plays per year, the city recently received international productions such as Phantom of the Opera, Cirque du Soleil, Cats, The Beauty and the Beast, Chicago and Miss Saigon. Major cultural events happen all year round. Among them are the traditional biennial architecture, art and book shows. And the Virada Cultural – 24 hours of art and culture in every corner of the city, with large stages in the streets and hundreds of simultaneous events in movie theaters, museums, theaters and cultural centers, open until dawn. The capital also welcomes Anima Mundi, the International Film Exhibition and offers one of the biggest Carnival celebrations in the country. São Paulo means “show” 10 São Paulo is the biggest cultural hub in Latin America. National and international shows are common, held in large open-air arenas or in performance spaces in the city. Recent examples: Santana, U2, Pearl Jam, B.B. King, Roger Waters, Aerosmith, Jack Johnson, Lauryn Hill, Cold Play, Black Eyed Peas, Diana Krall, Stanley Jordan, Norah Jones, David Byrne, Chick Corea, Robert Cray, Lou Reed, Simply Red, Bryan Ferry, Eric Clapton, Bob Dylan and Jean Luc Ponty, as well as the return of Chico Buarque after eight years away from the stage. The City Ballet and OSESP are internationally known for the quality of their presentations. Our stages have already seen the New York City Ballet and many contemporary dance companies, such as Momix, the Martha Graham Dance Company and Pina Bausch. Cosmopolitan art Museums in the capital have diverse collections of national and international art. At Masp, a daring building with the largest clear span in the world, the collection includes works of Rafael, Botticceli and Titian, from the Italian school; Delacroix, Monet, Manet, Degas, Cézanne, Renoir, Van Gogh, Matisse, Toulouse-Lautrec, Modigliani and Chagall, from the Paris school, as well as the major names in Brazilian art. São Paulo also has the only Museum of the Portuguese Language in the world, with sensory experiences. Brazilian art At the Pinacoteca, or State Art Museum, next to the Jardim da Luz, is a privileged collection of four thousand works of artists from the 19th century and contemporary works. At the Modern Art Museum (Mam) there is a collection of Brazilian art from 1950, with Tarsila do Amaral, Portinari and Di Cavalcanti, among dozens of masters who give a good overview of recent national artistic production. Next to Mam is the Biennial pavilion, which houses one of the three main art biennial shows in the world. Sacred Art and Frei Galvão The Museum of Sacred Art has an impressive collection of 800 pieces from the 16th century to the present, among them images of saints, candelabras and oratories. The museum is situated in the Luz Monastery, designed and inaugurated by Frei Galvão, or Saint Antônio de Sant’Anna Galvão, the first Brazilian saint. His famous pills are also distributed there. The Luz Monastery is in a region rich in symbols and Catholic churches – in the vicinity are Santo Expedito church, the São Bento Monastery and the Sé Cathedral – which comprise the newest Turismetrô (subway tour) route in the city. ©2 Nothing is more cosmopolitan than São Paulo gastronomy. The city makes your mouth water with 12.5 thousand restaurants, acclaimed chefs and star winning ambiences. At any time, German, Arab, Armenian, Chinese, Korean, Scandanavian, Spanish, French, Greek, Indian, Italian, Japanese, Jewish, Moroccan, Mexican, Portuguese, Thai and Russian dishes – a total of 52 nationalities – are on the tables. Not to mention the many styles of national cuisine – from feijoada to churrasco, from food from Minas Gerais to Bahia. There is one dish that particularly pleases those who live in or come to visit São Paulo: pizza. There’s even a Pizza Day – July 10. The “paulista” program Eating pizza, going to the Municipal Market (the Mercadão, or “big market”), sampling hefty codfish turnovers or baloney sandwiches are typical activities of paulistas and those who live in the city, as well as enjoying street market turnovers, espresso coffee, bakeries, Ibirapuera park, or happy hour with friends until rush hour thins out... “paulistanos” like parties, cultural events, hamburgers with milk shakes late at night, and going to shopping malls. Living in São Paulo is a style that visitors can share easily. After all, tourists today want to interact with the places they visit, be influenced by them, and take home unforgettable and enriching experiences in their luggage. Multifaceted and diverse Enriched by a mosaic of 70 nationalities and Brazilians from every state who built this great global metropolis with their own hands, there is no other city in Latin America where everyone lives together in such a harmonious way with so much diversity. To visit São Paulo is to be immersed in a universe of cultures, religions, flavors and everything that is the best in urban tourism. A worldly city that teaches the non-use of the word “discrimination,” São Paulo hosts the biggest GLBT parade in the world and has an infinity of diverse religions and creeds that share urban spaces in harmony. There are synagogues, mosques, orthodox churches, Buddhist temples and many others. A shopping paradise There aren’t as many shopping options in any other city in the country. São Paulo has 66 shopping malls where consumers can find everything, commercial streets and strongholds of sophisticated shopping such as the Rua Oscar Freire region in Jardins. For contrast, there is a popular shopping area unequalled in the country – 25 de março and vicinity, where everything is sold, from fabric and jewelry to electronic products. There are 59 streets with specialized commerce, with innumerable stores, which side by side, offer 51 types of specific products such as Brás and Bom Retiro (clothing), Santa Ifigênia (computers, etc.) and São Caetano (brides). São Paulo Fashion Week Sophistication The city has a great number of options for those who can and want to pay for comfort, luxury and sophistication. There are design hotels and designer shops with recently launched collections. Oscar Freire is one of the ten most luxurious streets in the world, according to the ranking of Excellence Mystery Shopping International consultancy. The AAA world can be found in São Paulo. From jewels to imported cars, from designer clothes to cosmetics and beverages. From sophisticated restaurants with famous chefs to the courses of one of the sports preferred by the elite around the world – golf. And “partying” was born here São Paulo is for every ethnic group. Clubs with Latin rhythms, electronic music, rock, pop, Brazilian, etc. For listening and dancing, live or from the DJs pick-ups. This nocturnal effervescence can also be found in hundreds of bars, for flirting, dating, dancing or hanging out with friends. You can try the best Brazilian and worldwide beers with appetizers that are a must. There are places that specialize in Brazilian cachaça, from which the caipirinha is derived for an innumerable number of options and mixes. For those who like to take on the night, paulistanos have exported a term that is accepted all over Brazil: “balada,” which means excitement, partying and fun that starts at 11 p.m. and goes on all night. Hold your event in SP Worldwide capital of gastronomy CHARACTERISTICS OF SÃO PAULO Differentials Resistance Fashion and trends São Paulo is a trendsetter. One example of this is the city’s fashion, part of the worldwide scenario. Brazil has entered into the calendar of fashion shows that includes Paris, New York, London and Milan, with São Paulo Fashion Week, which sets the dates for launching the collections of designers from all over Brazil. Currently, twice a year, SPFW shows the trends in Brazilian fashion to the entire world. Unique tourist attractions The city’s tourist attractions total 12.5 thousand restaurants, 410 hotels, 257 movie theaters, 87 museums, 152 theaters and performance spaces, 41 popular celebrations, 66 shopping malls, 59 specialized shopping streets divided into 51 segments, 53 natural parks and green areas, 39 cultural centers, 137 libraries and 4 theme parks, to name just a few. © Photos: 1-André Stéfano 2-jefferson pancieri 11 Hold your event in SP WTC CHARACTERISTICS OF SÃO PAULO Differentials Resistance Bold architecture Since boldness and innovation are the city’s signature, this is also seen in architectural projects that blend in with the scenery, such as the São Paulo Art Museum (MASP) by Italian architect Lina Bo Bardi, the Copan curve by Oscar Niemeyer, the Hotel Unique and the Tomie Ohtake Institute, by Ruy Ohtake, or the beautiful and traditional Martinelli Building, in whose penthouse a veritable suspended mansion rises up, designed to be Martinelli’s own house. São Paulo also preserves buildings from the Colonial Brazil era, such as the Marquesa de Santos Manor House, the Sertanista House and the Bandeirante House. It is also worthwhile to see traditional architecture in the European style, in buildings such as the Pinacoteca (State Art Museum) – its design is by one of the most illustrious residents of the capital at the apex of his career, Ramos de Azevedo, who also designed the Municipal Theater and the Casa das Rosas on Av. Paulista. Well-being and relaxation São Paulo is work and opportunity, yes. But it is also where the best urban spas in Brazil can be found which, with their massages, baths and esthetic and therapeutic treatments, offer extraordinary sensations of relaxation and well-being. They are “peaceful islands” in environments that combine aromas, colors and sounds. For partying or for relaxing, São Paulo has it all. 12 Excellence in health The city has become an international icon in important areas of medicine such as the treatment of heart disease and cancer, © Photo: Spreading wtc among other highly complex fields, as well as having an extensive network of diagnostic services. Many have already discovered this and the number of people who visit the capital to take advantage of its excellent health centers is growing. Many use their business trips as an opportunity to bring their health up to snuff, or to take care of their appearance. After all, if Brazil is considered the major world hub for plastic surgery, having surpassed the United States, according to data from the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery, São Paulo is the main Brazilian center and a worldwide icon in this area. There are dozens of specialized medical clinics, a good part of them internationally recognized, that attract a large number of visitors who come to the capital exclusively to care for their appearance and esthetic. Beaches and mountains in one hour Other attractions can also be found around the São Paulo capital. At about 70 kilometers, or less than an hour by car, is the Santos beach, with one of the most important ports in Latin America. Next to it is Guarujá, a beach often frequented by paulistanos on weekends and holidays. The best known beaches are those in the municipality of São Sebastião, such as Maresias, as well as those of Ubatuba, such as Itamambuca. Ilhabela, a beautiful and well-preserved island, is a few minutes by raft from the center of São Sebastião. Another city full of charm is Campos do Jordão, in the mountains, where the attractions are its winter and its sophistication. Parties and exciting hot spots enliven the city in the winter, especially from June to August. to be b u sted Resistance? Still? S ome facts or myths about São Paulo may be cited as reasons not to hold events or bring groups to the city. Obviously, like any big city, São Paulo has problems. But not one of them can stop the visitor from making the most of what the city has to offer. Here are a few arguments to help overcome the myths. Is the city polluted? Pollution is actually a big problem for residents of large cities. But not for visitors. Has any tourist ever not gone to New York, Cairo or Santiago, which are among the most polluted cities in the world, because of the condition of their air? Besides this, if you’re worried about your health, São Paulo is the ideal place, because it’s the largest medical center in Latin America, with hospital complexes and internationally renowned professionals. Shouldn’t major cities have beaches? For those who think that being a major destination for incentives, leisure and entertainment means there have to be beaches, remember that Paris and Milan don’t have any. The best in the world of art and performances is found in the paulista capital. Shows with major international and national musical names, a variety of plays and acclaimed films. The city houses 257 movie theaters, 152 theaters, 39 cultural centers and 87 museum. Do you think it’s a “hard” city? São Paulo today is a city that seduces more and more the imagination of those who visit it. The occupancy levels of its hotels has surpassed 65% per year – an historic mark. It has been confirmed that culture is a major value to be added to business tourism. It’s not by chance that the paulista capital has become the 3rd main leisure destination in the country, according to the Institute of Economic Research Foundation (FIPE). Besides this, research done by Reader’s Digest Selections in 2006 of visitors to 35 major cities in the world and published in the British newspaper The Times, considered São Paulo the most courteous city in Latin America and the 5th most courteous in the world. Do the residents just work? Of course not. Remember that the best hubs of entertainment, gastronomy, culture and leisure are born in worldwide financial centers. The economic potential of large cities is also reflected in their investment in spaces to combat stress, such as theaters, shopping malls and even urban spas. The high purchasing power of the population attracts new things to the entertainment sector. If there is something new abroad, it arrives quickly in São Paulo. Is there a lot of traffic in the city? Heavy traffic is a characteristic of large metropolises. São Paulo has the best subway system in Brazil, which is also among the cleanest and safest in the world. With the subway it’s very easy to avoid traffic. It has stops at many of the main attractions in the city. The hotel complex of São Paulo, with nearly 50 thousand rooms, makes it possible for visitors to stay near their favorite attractions and interests. What about safety? In São Paulo, violence rates are higher in the outskirts of the city. According to the Seade Foundation (State Data Analysis System), the Consolação region, for example, reported only one murder in 2005. The region includes neighborhoods such as Higienópolis, which has one of the most sophisticated shopping malls in the city, and the Pacaembu, where the stadium of the same name is located. The rate is equal to an average of 1.96 murders per 100 thousand inhabitants, around the same number as Paris. Hold your event in SP M yths CHARACTERISTICS OF SÃO PAULO Differentials Resistance Is São Paulo too big? São Paulo’s 1,530 square kilometers is almost a world unto itself. But this doesn’t mean that visitors necessarily have to explore the whole city. On each trip, it’s possible to stay in a hotel near places of interest, and taking the metro helps to “shrink” the city. Do you think paulistanos are cold? A city that was formed by waves of foreign immigrants such as Italians, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabs and Japanese, as well as migrants from various regions of Brazil can’t be an unfriendly city. It is open to new residents and to tourists as well. It’s a city that has traditional celebrations of its various colonies and also has bars for its various ethnic groups and all styles of shops. São Paulo Turismo supports your event In partnership with the São Paulo Convention & Visitors Bureau, SPTuris supports the preparation of briefs on the city of São Paulo to solicit candidature as headquarters for national and international events, as well as helping to carry out site inspections. The official tourism agency of the city also provides an image bank, electronic maps, videos, promotional texts and a marketing e-mail template that can be used in creating various types of publicity (print or electronic) for personalized group events and programs. Additionally, SPTuris publicizes the event on the São Paulo City Calendar on the internet, if it is of interest to the promoter, and provides electronic tools with the contents of the Program São Paulo Stay Another Day, which is an incentive for prolonging the stay of business visitors in the city. Consult us at turismodenegocios@spturis.com 13 GET TO KNOW SP G E T T O K N O W S Ã O P A U L O The city offers a wide variety of gastronomical and cultural options S ão Paulo has a series of advantages. One of them is easy access from any part of the country or the world. The city also has a fascinating history, quality cuisine and cultural tours that are a must. These qualities form a group of incentives so that events held in the city will attract even more participants. On the following pages you’ll get to know the profile of this incredible city better and find out why São Paulo is one of the main culture and entertainment hubs in Brazil. ©1 HISTORY ACCESS GASTRONOMY ART /CULTURE 14 Municipal Theater Municipal Market ©3 HISTory São Paulo was founded by Jesuits, inhabited by Indians and “bandeirantes”, and today is made up of people from various places in Brazil and the world. This mix has caused the emergence of neighborhoods, temples and celebrations that reflect the diversity of the city. Pág. 16 GET TO KNOW SP ©2 HISTORY ACCESS GASTRONOMY ART /CULTURE ACCESS Access to São Paulo is exceptional. The city is the destination of hundreds of flights leaving from more than 75 locations in the country and the world. It is served by three airports, various helipad, ten highways and the largest bus terminal in Latin America. Pág. 17 GASTRONOMY Food is serious business in the city. The variety of menus and the quality of services are the trademarks of paulistano bars and restaurants, which serve 52 different kinds of cuisine. Catering services are also known for their flexibility and creativity. Pág. 18 Culture/Art Luz Station © Photos: 1- jefferson pancieri 2, 3-andré stéfano All artistic expressions have their turn in São Paulo. Music, fine arts, cinema and theater are all part of paulistano programming. During the entire year, the cultural calendar is lively, with festival, exhibits and presentations by national and international artists. Pág. 19 15 GET TO KNOW SP ©1 history ACCESS Pateo do Collegio GASTRONOMY ART /CULTURE 16 h i s t o r y Piratininga became São Paulo: today the school is a metropolis T he Jesuit priests José de Anchieta and Manoel da Nóbrega climbed the “Serra do Mar”, in the ides of 1553, looking for a safe place to settle and indoctrinate the Indians. When they reached the plateau of Piratininga, they had found the ideal spot. It had “a cool and temperate climate, like Spain” and was “a very healthy land, fresh and with good waters.” On a small hill, on the banks of the Tamanduateí and Anhangabaú rivers, the religious men built a school. There, they celebrated a mass. This was on January 25th, 1554, a date which has come to mark the official founding of São Paulo. Nearly five centuries later, the settlement of Piratininga had become a city of 11 million inhabitants. The only thing remaining from those times is the foundation of the building made by the priests and Indians at the Pateo do Collegio. More than 157 years would pass before Piratininga would become a city and change its name. It was called São Paulo, a decision approved by the king of de Portugal, then the colonizer of Brazil. At that time, São Paulo was still just a starting point for the “bandeiras”, expeditions that cut through the interior of Brazil for the purpose of finding precious minerals and imprisoning Indians. In 1815, the city became the capital of the Province of São Paulo. Seven years later, it was the stage for the Cry of Independence, an episode in which the prince regent at the time, D. Pedro, declared that Brazil would no longer be a colony of Portugal. Today, the place where this occurred houses the Paulista Museum, also known as the Museum of Ipiranga. São Paulo became an important economic center only at the end of the 19th century, with the expansion of coffee cultivation. Immigrants arrived from the four corners of the world to work on the farms, and later in the city’s growing industrial park. Starting from the middle of the 20th century, migrants from various Brazilian locations also landed in the city to increase the work force. The recent arrivals imprinted their characteristics, which still remain in the city. São Paulo has neighborhoods where oriental, Italian and Northeastern traits are still present. Traditional celebrations and typical cuisine from various countries and Brazilian states are already cultural expressions absorbed by the city. São Paulo is not only a symbol of ethnic diversity and diversity of beliefs, but also of sexual orientations and urban tribes. Still today, the São Paulo capital welcomes with open arms people from all parts of the country and the world. Copan and Itália buildings stand out in the downtown N A C C E S S W Privileged Location S ão Paulo is the best arrival point in Brazil for visitors from any part of the world or the country. The city has nearly 500 flights daily, which are linked to 75 national and international locations. All the main airports in Brazil and at least 23 countries have direct flights to the São Paulo capital. Greater São Paulo has three airports, two of them international: Congonhas, in the South Side, and Guarulhos, located in the neighboring city of the same name. São Paulo has the largest fleet of helicopters in Latin America, which guarantees that renting and finding locations to land this type of aircraft is easy in the city. Urban air traffic safety is guaranteed by a control system, the only one of its type in the world. And it’s not only air access that makes São Paulo a privileged location. The city also has three intercity bus terminals. The main one, Tietê, has lines serving all of Brazil and also serves countries in the South Cone such as Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile. São Paulo also has ten highways linking the city to the coast, the interior of the state and other neighboring states. The city offers an efficient collective and urban transportation system. There are 56 subway stations, 19 bus terminals, 10 thousand city buses and 32 thousand taxis. Mild temperature São Paulo’s climate is altitude tropical, characterized by an average yearly temperature of between 19º C (66 F.) and 27º C.(80 F.). In the summer, days can start out sunny and end with rain. In the fall, the temperature is mild, with an average of 23ºC (73 F.). Winter usually has sunny, dry days with temperatures rarely below 15ºC (59 F.). In spring, the climate is pleasantly warm and dry. © Photos: 1, 2-marcos hirakawa E S GET TO KNOW SP ©2 HISTORY AACCESS CCESS GASTRONOMY ART /CULTURE D istan c es of c apitals in r elation to S ã o P a u lo Belo Horizonte 586 km Brasília 1.015 km Curitiba 408 km Florianópolis 705 km Maceió 2.453 km Natal 2.947 km Porto Alegre 1.109 km Recife 2.660 km Rio de Janeiro 429 km Salvador 1.962 km 17 GET TO KNOW SP ©1 ©2 Candies ©3 HISTORY ACCESS Feijoada Refined Dishes Gastronomy G ast r onomy ART /CULTURE Cuisine is a paulistano heritage S 18 ão Paulo is synonymous with eating well. The city guarantees unforgettable gastronomic experiences to its visitors. The subject is taken very seriously by paulistanos, who recognize with pride that its food sector is one of the city’s tourism attractions. There are options for all tastes and budgets. São Paulo doesn’t have one typical dish, but various. Variety is essential. There are restaurants with renowned chefs, with exotic and traditional and vegetarian cuisine, and fast food. After all, the city was established by immigrants from various places on the planet and also has the contributions of migrants from the four corners of the country. There are more than 50 different types of cuisine. There are Far Eastern restaurants, such as those with Korean, Chinese and Japanese cuisine, traditional ones, such as French and Italian, and even exotic ones, such as those with Mongolian specialties. And, among the 12,500 restaurants spread out across the city, there are options from haute cuisine to quick dishes. But it’s not only the bars and restaurants that carry on the tradition. There are catering services and buffets as well, which are surprising in terms of their flexibility and variety, with very special dinners, cocktail parties for more than a thousand people and special coffee breaks. In terms of gastronomy, São Paulo leaves nothing to be desired in any matter, mainly in the quality of services provided. Pizza, despite being of Italian origin, is an essential dish on the paulistano menu. This is because the city’s pizza chefs have re-interpreted the dish. There are more pizzerias in the city than in all of Italy. In São Paulo people eat pizza with thin or thick crust, with filling in the crust edges, with various toppings, square pizza, pizza by the meter, expensive and inexpensive pizzas. Another typical dish is sushi. This Japanese dish has become a favorite of paulistanos. The rice balls are served in the traditional way, a la carte or in rodizio format: for a fixed price, you can eat as much as you want. And not just sushi: there are also other specialties in the more than 500 Japanese restaurants in greater São Paulo. But paulistanos don’t live just on Argentinean parrillas (barbecue), Arabic esfihas (turnovers), Spanish paellas, Mexican tacos and German eisnbeins. Cuisine from every corner of Brazil is also found in São Paulo. Whether it’s a Bahaian acarajé (bean-shrimp croquette) or a Gaucho barbecue, typical Brazilian gastronomy has a guaranteed place. If the gastronomical experience is essential to get to know a city, this is even more the case with São Paulo. Here, quality, competitive prices and top-of-the-line services join hands. Diversity and variety are the trademarks of cultural programming S ão Paulo is home to the most important cultural events in the country. There are film festivals, shows, fashion runway shows and exhibitions. In addition to large sized events, the city’s ongoing cultural scenario is exhilarating. In the more than 250 movie theaters, 150 theaters and performance spaces, 87 museums as well as various cultural centers, there is varied programming all year long. To visit São Paulo is to immerse oneself in a universe of artistic expressions. Consult the official site of the city of São Paulo for information about cultural programming (www.cidadedesaopaulo.com). ©4 GET TO KNOW SP A r t / C u lt u r e HISTORY ACCESS GASTRONOMY The City Ballet Fine arts Shows and major events Cinema and theater Carnival and folk celebrations In São Paulo you can find works of art of every artistic trend: modernism, renaissance, impressionism, baroque. In some São Paulo museum, the visitor is bound to find the trend or form he or she likes best: sculpture, painting, installations, interventions, and so on. Art is also in the streets. Graffitti, good-natured paintings on walls, are the city’s trademark. Internationally known artists, such as the Gêmeos, have works spread over the walls of Cambuci. On Rua Guaicurus in Lapa, and on Rua Belmiro Braga in Vila Madalena, there are other works exhibited on the walls of houses. The city’s theater scene is unique in Brazil. After all, there are at least a hundred theaters. From Broadway musicals to experimental plays, there’s a little of everything. The alternative circuit, around the Roosevelt Plaza, has been emerging as a new hub for cultural events. São Paulo also has movie theaters spread around the four corners of the city: in cultural centers, shopping malls, galleries, or on the street. But two months are special for cinephiles. In April there’s the International Documentary Festival, and in October it’s the well-attended International Film Exhibition’s turn. ART /CULTURE Art/Culture São Paulo is used to welcoming various international shows every year as a part of worldwide tours or sporadic presentations, of bands and singers. The city also houses major events in various other sectors. Among the best known are São Paulo Fashion Week, Casa Cor (interior decoration exhibition) and the traditional biennials of architecture, art and books. The newest of these events is the Virada Cultural, 24 hours of art and culture. On that date, museums stay open until dawn and there are street presentations of dance and music groups. Every year the paulistano Carnival makes its mark as one of the most important cultural manifestations in the country. The city has its own Sambodromo, which guarantees the best in comfort for spectators and also for those who want to be in the parade. There are boxes and bleachers. The main parades are held on Friday and Saturday of Carnival week. There are other folk and traditional celebrations, such as the Italian San Vito in June, the Our Lady of Achiropita in August and San Gennaro in September, as well as the Japanese Tanabata Matsuri, which takes place in July. © Photos: 1- Heudes RÉgis/ABRASEL 2-Spreading Pati Piva 3-Spreading bar juarez 4-Silvia Machado 19 São Paulo by region ©1 STAY ANOTHER DAY Downtown Martinelli Building paulista/ jardins South West North/East The outskirts 20 S T A Y A N O T H E R D A Y Various special spots, each one with its own character T o plan an event in the city of São Paulo better, it’s necessary to be familiar with the character of each region. In this way, the organizer will be better able to adapt his or her needs and expectations to a region that includes everything that is necessary to make the event a success. São Paulo has various special spots. There are some that have an exciting night life. There are others where commerce is the flagship. Downtown West The place where São Paulo was born houses historical buildings and city hallmarks. Pág. 22 Bohemian life and artists ateliers are found in an acclaimed neighborhood in this region. Pág. 25 Paulista/Jardins North/East Designer shops, charming cafes and the postcard of the city are in this region. Pág. 23 Green areas and samba school rehearsal spaces are some of its attractions. Pág. 26 South The outskirts A variety of street shops are in the vicinity of the Congonhas Airport. Pág. 24 The beach or the mountains? A few kilometers from the city there is also fun for everyone. Pág. 27 Itália Terrace S T A Y A N O T H E R D A Y One more day in São Paulo: an unforgettable experience P articipants in fairs, exhibitions, congresses and events in general shouldn’t miss an opportunity to get to know the main attractions São Paulo has to offer. To do this, you need at least one more day in the city. This city is filled with top line cultural programs, historical and artistic attractions and incredible shopping circuits. Staying one more day or even a few more hours in São Paulo will surely be an unforgettable experience. A series of special tours has been prepared to serve different types of people and requests. Some options are the Hip, Sophisticated and even the Economical tour. For a typical Sunday or Saturday or a special day for those who have children. Ideas for those who enjoy culture or fine arts. Get to know each one of them at the site www.fiquemaisumdia.com.br. Here are some of the tours: São Paulo by region ©2 STAY ANOTHER DAY Downtown paulista/ jardins South West Culture and bohemia Morning: it’s worth it to check out the city downtown circuit. The Pateo do Collegio has a gorgeous sacred art museum. Close by is also the Marquesa de Santos manor house, the Sé Cathedral, the São Bento Monastery, the Banco do Brasil Cultural Center, the Viaduto do Chá, the Municipal Theater, and the Vale do Anhangabaú, as well as the Municipal Market and the Liberdade neighborhood, where oriental shops and restaurants may be found. Afternoon: Like the Downtown, the Paulista region is ideal to walk around on foot. The avenue is the best most famous in the city and is one of its symbols. There are must-see attractions there like the São Paulo Art Museum (MASP), Itaú Cultural, Casa das Rosas and Trianon park. Evening: The bohemian neighborhood of Vila Madalena is usually crowded from Monday to Monday. There are clubs with live shows, bars with delicious appetizers and lots of partying. The neighborhood has everything from haute cuisine restaurants to the simplest type that serves sandwiches or just appetizers. Weekends: Handicraft fairs enliven the days off of paulistanos. Among the main ones are the plaza Benedito Calixto fair on Saturdays and the plaza Liberdade fair on Sundays. Those who prefer antiques should go to the Bexiga and Masp fairs, both on Sundays. © Photos: 1, 2-Bia Parreiras Shopping and partying Morning and afternoon: If you’ve got the energy, you can do a shopping marathon on the main streets of the city. The famous Rua 25 de março, in the Downtown, sells wholesale and retail clothing, costume jewelry and sewing notions and supplies, among other items. In the vicinity of Rua José Paulino in Bom Retiro, the strong point are women’s clothing at low prices. On Rua João Cachoeira in Itaim, and on Rua Bem Te Vi in Moema there’s no lack of shoe stores with good prices. On Oscar Freire and Alameda Lorena in Jardins, designer clothing rules, while the various shopping malls in the capital have stores for different budgets and tastes. Evening: The night clubs in Vila Olímpia are known for their partying. They have everything from dance floors with electronic music to samba. The city offers a schedule of plays that sometimes has up to 100 running at the same time. There are also various movie theaters, unforgettable restaurants and lots of things to do in the paulistano nightlife. Weekends: The arts and crafts fair in Embu, in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, is held on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. The city also has many stores with antiques, furniture and articles for decoration that are open the same days as the fair. North/East The outskirts 21 ©1 NORTH São Paulo by region WEST paulista/ jardins South West North/East The outskirts N W E S Classical Music Concert D O W N T O W N The region houses music, art and shopping I n the center of the São Paulo capital, the past lends the tone. Old buildings, some from the 19th century, make up the scenario of the Downtown. Among them is the Sé Cathedral, one of the best known houses of worship in Brazil, and the Pateo do Collegio, the first Jesuit center, which marks the location of the founding of the city. Next to it is the Banco do Brasil Cultural Center (CCBB), whose architecture is typical of the beginning of the 20th century. Exhibitions and film screenings are usually a part of the CCBB programming. Nearby is the Rua 25 de março, one of the best Features of the region Historical attractions, good choices for lunch, museums and theaters, well served by transportation. HELPFUL HINT 22 EAST SOUTH STAY ANOTHER DAY DOWNTOWN DOWNTOWN known shopping spots in Brazil for its great variety of items at competitive prices. The best concert halls in the city are also in the Downtown: the Municipal Theater and the Sala São Paulo, remodeled a few years ago. Both are also ideal locations for holding events or receptions. One of the main museums of the city, and one of the most charming, is also in the Downtown: the Pinacoteca do Estado (State Art Museum). Nearby is another center for shopping, the Bom Retiro neighborhood. There you’ll find men’s and women’s clothing at prices that are a real bargain. Sales are wholesale as well as retail. Main attractions Municipal Market, State Art Museum, Sala São Paulo, Sé Cathedral, Pateo do Collegio, Manor House of the Marquesa de Santos, Jardim da Luz, Banco do Brasil Cultural Center, São Bento Monastery, Viaduto do Chá, Sacred Art Museum, Japanese Immigration Museum, Light Shopping mall. The surroundings of the Luz Station are in the midst of renovation. The station itself is an attraction, mainly for its art deco stained glass windows. The Museum of the Portuguese Language is there, which is fully interactive and which highlights the interests that the language has received from other populations. LOCATED NEAR All the regions of the city, to the Marginal Tietê (exit to the highways) to the Stock Market and to Av. Paulista. ©2 DOWNTOWN WEST EAST N SOUTH W E S MASP P a u lista / J a r dins Designer shops and famous paintings right in the heart of São Paulo A v. Paulista isn’t just the financial hub of the city. It’s a warm spot in the hearts of paulistanos. Every day, thousands of people pass through its long blocks to do business. On weekends there’s another crowd, this time looking for entertainment and culture, especially in the bookstores and movie theaters on the avenue and at the São Paulo Cultural Center. On its length of 2,800 meters, Paulista has cultural centers, imposing buildings, a park, the Trianon, and the most famous museum in the city, the Masp. Constructed in the 1960s, the Masp building has one of the largest free spans in the world – where an Best known neighborhoods Jardim Paulista, Jardim América, Jardim Europa, Cerqueira César, Bela Vista, Paraíso, Consolação. HELPFUL HINT STAY ANOTHER DAY Downtown paulista/ jardins South West North/East The outskirts Main attractions Masp, São Paulo Cultural Center, Casa das Rosas, Itaú Cultural Institute, Fiesp Cultural Center, Sesc Paulista, Museum of Image and Sound, Casa Brasileira Museum, Brazilian Sculpture Museum, Caixa Cultural Paulista Gallery, Ouro Fino Gallery, Frei Caneca Shopping mall, Paulista Shopping mall, Shopping mall Center 3, Patio Higienópolis Shopping mall, Trianon, Orthodox Cathedral, Consolação Cemetery. Av. Paulista has various bookstores. Some also sell CDs and DVDs. But book lovers adore second hand book shops. In the underground passageway on the corner of Av. Paulista and Rua da Consolação, there are bookstores offering both rarities and more recent books. You can find everything on their shelves. © Photos: 1- André Stéfano 2-MARCOS HIRAKAWA antiques fair is held on Sundays. But the museum’s permanent collection is the main attraction: there are works by Renoir, Modigliani, Van Gogh and Portinari, among other famous painters. The lanes of the Jardins, in the neighborhood of Av. Paulista, have national and international designer labels. Shops with clothing, gift items, jewelry and good quality footwear are easily found on Oscar Freire and Bela Cintra streets and on Lorena lane. Restaurants with haute cuisine, bistros and sophisticated cafeterias are also trademarks of the region. Av. Paulista and vicinity also are ideal for nighttime fun and happy hours. São Paulo by region NORTH Features of the region Cultural centers, good gastronomical options, quality museums and theaters, well served by public transportation. LOCATED NEAR The south and east regions, as well as the downtown. 23 ©1 ©2 NORTH São Paulo by region WEST Downtown paulista/ jardins SOUTH West North/East The outskirts N W E S Congonhas Airport Iguatemi Shopping side Next to Congonhas, many options for shopping and nighttime fun F or those who arrive in São Paulo at the Congonhas International Airport, the south side is the portal to the city. In this region, visitors can find daytime fun, such as parks and shopping areas, as well as nighttime: performance spaces, nightclubs, bars and restaurants. Those participating in events in the vicinity have privileged access to all these attractions. The best known tourist spot in the region is Ibirapuera Park. In addition to its enormous green area - it occupies 1.6 thousand square meters – it also has a complex of important museums, such as the Modern Art (Mam) and Afro-Brazilian. In the Ipiranga neighborhood is also another important trademark of the city, the Paulista Best known neighborhoods Moema, Itaim, Vila Mariana, Ipiranga, Morumbi, Vila Nova Conceição, Vila Olímpia. Features of the region 24 EAST SOUTH S o u th STAY ANOTHER DAY DOWNTOWN Lively night life, a variety of street shops, well-served by subway stations and performance spaces. Main attractions Museum. Created to celebrate Brazil’s independence, the place has gorgeous gardens inspired by Versailles, and an opulent art collection. In the Moema neighborhood are clothing and footwear outlets and one of the largest shopping malls in the city, the Ibirapuera. Other shopping paradises are the Iguatemi and Morumbi shopping malls and the Market Place. The region has an incredible calling for nighttime fun, starting with shows. Most of the performance spaces in the city are located in the Marginal Pinheiros, Moema and Vila Olímpia triangle. But the nighttime action doesn’t stop there. There is also a tremendous variety of bars and restaurants in the Moema, Vila Olímpia and Itaim neighborhoods. Interlagos Speedway, Cinemateca, Morumbi Stadium, Biennial Foundation, Maria Luisa and Oscar Americano Foundation, Butantan Institute, Jockey Club, Bandeiras Monument, Museum of Modern Art, Afro-Brazil Museum, Iprianga Museum, LOCATED NEAR Lasar Segall Museum, the ABCD cities Oca, (Santo André, São Aclimação Park, Bernardo, São Caetano Burle Marx Park, and Diadema) and lbirapuera Park, Imigrantes, which Capivari-Monos Reserve, leads to the coast. Zoo, Safari Zoo. HELPFUL HINT Film aficionados will find a fantastic library, with national and imported books, at the Lasar Segall Museum. The museum also offers lithograph, wood engraving and metal engraving workshops and courses, as well as temporary exhibitions. Information on the site www.museusegall.org.br. ©3 WEST DOWNTOWN EAST N SOUTH W E S Fair in Benedito Calixto W e s t Z o n e A feature is the cultural excitement and the fine taverns B ohemian neighborhoods and cultural activities make the west side a very lively region. The Vila Madalena is there, which has a wide variety of bars, restaurants and places to dance. The night life is exciting, but daytime isn’t far behind. The neighborhood also has dozens of street shops and artists’ ateliers specializing in works of art and also decorative items. Nearby is also one of the most charming plazas in São Paulo, the Benedito Calixto. On Saturdays it fills with visitors looking for fun at the stands with typical foods, handicrafts and antiques. Cultural centers such as the Sesc Pompéia, the Tomie Ohtake Institute, the Science Station and the Latin American Memorial are also located in the region. They all have traveling exhibitions and cultural activities Best known neighborhoods Vila Madalena, Pinheiros, Perdizes, Pompéia, Butantã, Barra Funda, Jaguaré, Lapa. throughout the year. And there is also University City, a large green area that houses some of the city’s important museums, such as the Museum of Contemporary Art and the Museum of Archeology and Ethnology. The Água Branca Park attracts children with its exhibits of plants and animal. An infinity of shopping malls with excellent stores, restaurants and cinemas can also be found in the region: West Plaza, Iguatemi, Eldorado, Butantã and Villa Lobos. And there are also various streets with specialized commerce, such as Teodoro Sampaio, where sofas, beds, chairs and new decorating items are sold, and its parallel, Cardeal Arcoverde, where furniture and antique objects lend character to the display windows. São Paulo by region NORTH STAY ANOTHER DAY Downtown paulista/ jardins South WEST North/East The outskirts Main attractions Ceagesp, University City, Science Station, Benedito Calixto Fair, Butantan Institute, Tomie Ohtake Institute, Latin America Memorial, Lapa Municipal Market, Museum of Archeology and Ethnology, Museum of Contemporary Art, Museum of Crime, Água Branca Park, Sesc Pompéia, West Plaza Shopping mall, Pico do Jaraguá, Eldorado Shopping mall, Iguatemi Shopping mall, Butantã Shopping mall. HELPFUL HINT Vila Madalena is the stage for quality artistic expression. Antonio Nóbrega’s Brincante Theater offers music and dance shows with public participation. It also has dance, percussion and capoeira courses and workshops. Tel.: (11) 3816-0575, www.teatrobrincante.com.br © Photos: 1- spreading infraero 2-Alexandre Diniz 3-BIA PARREIRAS Features of the region Night life, shopping malls, a variety of bars, restaurants, museums and parks, well served by transportation. LOCATED NEAR Av. Paulista, Downtown, Osasco, Barueri, Cotia, Taboão da Serra, Embu and the Jaraguá State Park. 25 São Paulo by region N o r th paulista/ jardins South West NORTH/EAST The outskirts 26 / E A S T S I D E Regions include samba, green areas and history ©1 NORTH SIDE ATTRACTIONS State Archive, Horto Florestal, Anhembi Park, Serra da Cantareira State Park, samba school rehearsal spaces, D Shopping mall, Shopping Center Norte, Shopping Lar Center. NORTH WEST DOWNTOWN EAST N SOUTH W E S EAST SIDE ATTRACTIONS STAY ANOTHER DAY Downtown S ide Carnival in São Paulo T he north side is the entry portal to São Paulo for most visitors who arrive in the city by bus. The Tietê Bus Terminal, one of the busiest in the world, is there. It serves more than 600 locations all over Brazil and four countries: Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile and Argentina. Right next to the terminal is the State Archive, considered a paradise for researchers of old documents. It offers a free service for consulting newspapers and magazines, from the oldest to the most current. The big attraction, however, are the records of those investigated in the old Deops (Dept. of Political and Social Order), available on microfilm. For those who prefer to take it easy, the Freguesia do Ó public square is ideal. With a church in the middle, it looks like a rural plaza set down right in the middle of the São Paulo capital. It is encircled by bars and the traditional Festa do Divino is held there in May. Those who prefer pagan celebrations also have options in this region. Various rehearsal spaces of samba schools from the capital are found in the north side: Império da Casa Verde, Mocidade Alegre, Rosas de Ouro, Unidos do Peruche and Unidos da Vila Maria. The region is also lavish with green areas. The Horto Florestal and the Serra da Cantareira State Park are there. One of the most interesting parks in the capital, Cantareira has ecological trails, waterfalls and spots for picnics, as well as small restaurants. Fun for a whole day. The east side, on the other hand, has important relics from the history of São Paulo. One of them is the São Miguel Chapel, in the São Miguel Paulista neighborhood. It is the oldest church in the city, dating from 1622, which replaced the small 1560 chapel that had been built by José de Anchieta. The chapel was remodeled in 1940 and became a cathedral, but it is still possible São Miguel Chapel, Immigrant Memorial, Carmo Park, Tietê Ecological Park, Carmo Planetarium, Sesc Belenzinho, Sesc Itaquera, Anália Franco and Tatuapé Shopping malls. to see the pounded adobe walls erected in the 17th century. Another important historical relic of the city is also in the east side. It is the Immigrant Memorial, in the Brás neighborhood. Built in 1887 to welcome recent arrivals from various countries, the place still holds objects, photos and documents from the time when it served as a shelter for immigrants, who later moved on to the coffee plantations in the interior of the state. In the digitalized archives in the museum, you can find people who passed through the shelter. A steam engine train, the type used to transport them, does brief tours. The parks in the region are also an excellent leisure option, such as the Tietê Ecological Park and the Carmo Park. In the latter, located in Itaquera, there is a recently inaugurated planetarium with state of the art equipment. On weekends and holidays there are special sessions for children under age 8 (at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.) and for the public in general (at 12 a.m. and 4 p.m.). Next to the entrance of the planetarium is the Sesc Itaquera which, like the Sesc Belenzinho, is a cultural center with good programs. ©2 Immigrant Memorial ©3 O U T S K I R T S ART AND THE BEACH ON THE OUTSKIRTS N ext to São Paulo, only 27 kilometers from the center of the city, is Embu das Artes. It lives up to its name. There you can find dozens of painters’ and sculptors’ ateliers, antique dealers, art galleries and many handicraft, rustic furniture, bed, table and bath linen, decoration and carpet stores. It’s an unforgettable tour, framed by buildings comprising the historic legacy of the 18th century. Walking through the streets of Embu on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, visitors will also encounter a large open air fair. Good restaurants and the quality of the products sold in the city make Embu das Artes one of the favorite routes of paulistanos on the weekends. Getting to Embu is very easy: it is located on the Régis Bittencourt highway near km 288. More information and a map of city are on the site www.embu.sp.gov.br. Santana de Parnaíba, in its turn, is also a historic city, with 209 landmarked buildings. A little more than 35 kilometers from the center of São Paulo, the city welcomes tourists on the weekends. One of the main attractions is the Casa do Anhangüera Historical and Pedagogical Museum that tells the story of the bandeirantes, the trailblazers who passed through São Paulo in the beginning of Portuguese colonization. The city offers tours that go along trails through the rural zone, passing through stills. Information about the tours at: (11) 4154-5042 or on the site www.santanadeparnaiba.sp.gov.br. Access is also very easy via the Castelo Branco Highway. Take exit 26-B, heading toward Barueri. Then continue on the Romeiros highway for 12 kilometers until you come to the center of the city of Santana de Parnaíba. Santana de Parnaíba ©4 Beach in Ilhabela Beaches São Paulo has one of the most beautiful coastlines in Brazil because it still maintains natural reserves of the Atlantic Forest, the humid forest that used to occupy the entire Brazilian coast. The north region has beaches with white sand and crystalline waters, such as the ones in Ubatuba and São Sebastião. Ilhabela, the favorite island of paulistanos, is ideal for practicing water sports. The main beaches have an excellent hotel infrastructure, good restaurants and high quality shopping options. All of this just a few hours by car from the São Paulo capital. São Paulo by region T H E STAY ANOTHER DAY Downtown paulista/ jardins South West North/East The outskirts highways Anchieta (SP-150) and Imigrantes (SP-160) The system connects the metropolitan region of São Paulo with Santos, only 70 kilometers away, the industries and factories of the ABCD (Santo André, São Bernardo, São Caetano do Sul and Diadema) and the entire Baixada Santista. Information: 0800-197878 and http://ecovias.terra.com.br Anhangüera (SP-330) Connects São Paulo to the cities of the so-called Mineiro Triangle, among them Uberlândia and Úberaba. It also passes through the paulista cities of Barretos, Franca and Jundiaí. Toll information on the site www.autoban.com.br Ayrton SennaCarvalho Pinto (SP-070) Access through the 22.5 km of the Marginal Tietê. The Ayrton Senna, formerly Trabalhadores, connects São Paulo to the Garulhos International Airport and the Presidente Dutra and Carvalho Pinto highways. Used by those who are driving to Rio de Janeiro, the north shore of the state of São Paulo, Campos do Jordão and Taubaté. Toll information on the site www.dersa.com.br/rodovias Bandeirantes (SP-348) Highway that connects the São Paulo capital to cities such as Campinas and to the Viracopos International Airport. Toll and road condition information on the site www.autoban.com.br Castello Branco (SP-280) Highway that passes through Carapicuíba and inland cities of the state of São Paulo. Toll information on the site www.viaoeste.com.br Raposo Tavares (SP-270) Connects the city to Cotia and Votorantim, as well as other inland cities in the state of São Paulo. Information on the site www.viaoeste.com.br Fernão Dias (BR-381) This highway connects São Paulo to Minas Gerais. It goes through the paulista cities of Mairiporã and Atibaia. Has access to the Dom Pedro II highway. Information on the site www.br381.com.br Régis Bittencourt (BR-116) This is the connection between São Paulo and the south of Brazil. The highway is the main access to Curitiba and cities in Greater São Paulo, such as Embu and Taboão da Serra. Information on the www.dnit.gov.br Presidente Dutra (BR-116) Access route for visitors from the state and city of Rio de Janeiro. It also connects the paulista cities of Guaratinguetá, São José dos Campos and Taubaté to the capital. Toll and road condition information on the site www.novadutra.com.br © Photos: 1- jefferson pancieri 2-marcos hirakawa 3-Spreading secom 4- ROBERTO WERNER Tamoios (SP-125) With access via the Carvalho Pinto or Presidente Dutra highways, takes the driver along the north shore of the state, through the city of Caraguatatuba and to Rio-Santos (BR-101). Information: www.der.sp.gov.br 27 EXHIBITION PAVILIONS ©1 Anhembi park Biennial pavilion Expo Center Norte Imigrantes Exposition Center ITM Expo – Fair and Events Transamérica Expo Center 28 Anhembi Park Exhibition Pavilion © Photos: 1-jefferson pancieri 2-Wanderlei Celestino Anhembi Park Sambodromo E X H I B I T I O N P A V I L I O N S Modern spaces for fairs and exhibitions T he city of São Paulo has pavilions for events with modern infrastructures and can be adapted to any type of need. From the largest to the smallest spaces, with state of the art technology and a large number of parking spaces. And all very well located. Most of them are close to the city’s major roads, such as the Marginal Pinheiros and Tietê, which guarantees easy access. And all of this in a city that has every element that an event needs 24 hours per day, with quality services at competitive prices. Anhembi park Imigrantes Exposition Center Has one of the largest continuous areas for fairs in Brazil. It also holds open air events and convention at a privileged spot in the city’s north side. Located within the largest Atlantic Forest reserve of São Paulo, the place has 240.000 m², including 50 thousand m² of covered area, housing ten auditoriums. Pág. 30 Pág. 33 Biennial pavilion Designed by renowned architect Oscar Niemeyer in the middle of Ibirapuera Park, the place present high visibility events on the paulistano calendar. Anhembi park Biennial pavilion Expo Center Norte Imigrantes Exposition Center ITM Expo – Fair and Events Has the infrastructure for large as well as small events, besides auditoriums. Integrated food court and 2,000 covered parking spaces. Pág. 31 EXHIBITION PAVILIONS ©2 ITM Expo – Fair and Events Pág. 34 Transamérica Expo Center Expo Center Norte Transamérica Expo Center The complex has six pavilions and 13 auditoriums, as well as parking spaces for 6,500 vehicles. It is next to two shopping malls and a hotel. Five integrated pavilions and nine rooms for lectures, with three cafeterias, in a complex where there are a hotel and a theater. Pág. 32 Pág. 35 For more information about the Exhibition Pavilions, consult the CD-ROM. 29 EXHIBITION PAVILIONS aNHEMBI PARk Address: Avenida Olavo Fontoura, 1209 Parque Anhembi, São Paulo, SP - Brasil CEP: 02012-021 Anhembi park Biennial pavilion Expo Center Norte Imigrantes Exposition Center ITM Expo – Fair and Events Transamérica Expo Center 30 Tel.: +55(11) 6226-0400 Fax: +55(11) 6226-0470 Tel. Reservations: +55(11) 6226-0500 Contact: Customer Service E-mail: atendimentoclientes@spturis.com Sites: www.anhembi.com.br - www.spturis.com Anhembi Park is the largest center of events in Latin America, with ample and versatile spaces for all event sizes and market segments. Located in a privileged and easy-to-access location, Anhembi Park is close to airports, hotels and major expressways. Its 400,000 m² of area include the following venues: Conventions Palace (Page 38 - Convention Centers), featuring exhibit halls, meeting rooms and auditoriums of various sizes, ideal for small fairs, congresses, encounters and presentations; Arena Skol Anhembi, a space for concerts and mega-events with a permanent structure; Pólo Cultural (Sambodromo), with an area of over 56,000 m² for open-air events (São Paulo’s Carnival, car shows and electronics festivals); and Exhibition Pavilion, where more than 20 major trade fairs are held every year, with a visiting public of over 50,000 people per event. EXHIBITION NUMBER OF MEETING ROOMS: TOTAL AREA FOR EXHIBITION: NUMBER OF HALLS: STAFF LANGUAGES: PARKING SPACES: HANDICAP ACCESS: INFRASTRUCTURE FOR EVENTS: ELECTRICAL OUTLETS PLUMBING HOOK-UPS - WATER / SEWAGE WIRED FOR INTERNET / TEL. SERVICE SPECIAL LIGHTING WI-FI CEILING HEIGHT EXHIBITOR SUPPORT CENTER OUTPATIENT CENTER BANK BRANCH HELIPAD RESTAURANT / SNACK BARS STATEROOMS/DRESSING ROOMS STAGE FASHION RUNWAY GRANDSTANDS PAVILION Flexible Area 71.409 m² Flexible Area Yes POLO CULTURAL ARENA more than 84 Flexible Area 56.597 m² 23.150 m² Flexible Area Flexible Area - open-air Portuguese and English 13 thousand rotating spaces Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10 a 14 m Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Area for installation Area for installation Yes Yes Yes Yes (for filming) Yes ar livre Yes Yes Yes Yes (for filming) Yes ar livre Area for installation Area for installation Yes Structure for 19 84 Structure 893 m² 530 m x 14 m 9 Sectors Yes Structure for 2 Area for installation Area for installation OTHER SUPPORT SERVICES: Areas for selling food & and beverages, events management, media at events (ask for details). ARENA SKOL/ ANHEMBI Horto Florestal, Latin America Memorial TOURISM IN THE VICINITY: Holiday Inn Pq. Anhembi, Novotel, Best Western, Ibis Santana HOTELS S IN THE VICINITY: 20 DISTANCE FROM CONGONHAS AIRPORT (KM): 35 DISTANCE FROM GUARULHOS AIRPORT (KM): Name of the Area Exhibiton Pavilion north-south Exhibiton Pavilion west Entrance Hall - west pavilion Arena Skol Bars (2) Ambulatory Polo Cultural (sambodromo) Runway Dispersion Sector A Seats Area Box Seats Area (8) Tables Area Sector B - Monumental Seats Area Box Seats Area (8) Support Rooms (2) Tables Area © Photo: Wanderlei celestino CEILING (m) 14 10 open air AREA m² 53.417 11.248 3.597 23.150 219 67 56.597 530 x 14 m 7.050 CAPACITY nº pax 929 187 315 11.919 929 464 416 630 1.740 170 140 37.700 14.450 7.749 300 236 Name of the Area SECTOR C Seats area Box seat area (9) Tables area SECTOR D SEATS AREA BOX SEATS AREA (8) TABLES AREA SECTOR E SEATS AREA BOX SEATS AREA (10) TABLES AREA SECTOR F SEATS AREA BOX SEATS AREA (9) TABLES AREA AREA m² 3.852 919 195 287 3.625 775 156 301 5.786 919 195 315 4.553 919 195 450 CAPACITY nº pax 1740 180 152 1.447 140 140 1.740 175 152 1.740 180 360 NAME Name of the Area SECTOR G SEATS AREA BOX SEATS AREA (8) TABLES AREA SECTOR H SEATS AREA BOX SEATS AREA (5) CABINS (5) SECTOR I STAGE Dressing Rooms (4) SECTOR J SEATS AREA BOX SEATS AREA (8) TABLES AREA AREA m² 6.161 775 156 425 6.912 919 104 110 19.435 893 300 7.848 919 182 450 CAPACITY nº pax 1.447 140 300 1.740 95 95 1.740 170 256 CICCILLO MATARAZZO PAVILION & PORÃO DAS ARTES “BIENNIAL PAVILION” Address: Parque Ibirapuera, Portão 03, Ibirapuera, São Paulo - SP CEP: 04094-000 EXHIBITION PAVILIONS Tel.: +55(11) 5576-7600 Fax: +55(11) 5549-0230 Tel. Reservations: +55(11) 5576-7639 Contact: Alessandra Effori Position: Special Projects & Events E-mail: alessandra@bienalsaopaulo.org.br Site: www.bienalsaopaulo.org.br The Ciccillo Matarazzo Pavilion was designed by Oscar Niemeyer and is located in the heart of Ibirapuera Park. Popularly known as “Pavilhão da Bienal”, the building was especially conceived to shelter large-scale expositions. Built entirely in concrete, steel and glass, the Pavilion is surrounded by the lush green of the Park and is situated in the heart of São Paulo’s South side, in one of city’s most upscale and easy-to-access areas. The architectural beauty and the privileged location of the Biennial Pavilion make it an ideal place for high-visibility events of the São Paulo events calendar. It is also the seat of some of Brazil’s foremost shows of art, architecture and fashion. Located next to this Pavilion are the Lucas Nogueira Garcez Pavilion (known as the “Oca”) and the Museum of Modern Art, which houses art exhibits and general-interest expositions. NUMBER OF MEETING ROOMS: TOTAL EXHIBITION AREA: NUMBER OF HALLS: STAFF LANGUAGES: PARKING SPACES: HANDICAP ACCESS: 2 25.154 m² Yes INFRASTRUCTURE FOR EVENTS: AUDIO-VISUAL EQUIPMENT MANDATORY USE? CATERING PROVIDED MANDATORY USE? VIDEO & TELECONFERENCE: WI-FI: BUSINESS CENTER: TRANSLATION BOOTH: MEETING ROOMS: HELIPAD: RESTAURANT: Electric screen, projector, sound system, dvd No No No No No No Yes No No No NAME: Anhembi park Biennial pavilion CAPACITY: Expo Center Norte OTHER SUPPORT SERVICES: TOURISM IN THE VICINITY: HOTELS IN THE VICINITY: DISTANCE FROM CONGONHAS AIRPORT (KM): DISTANCE FROM GUARULHOS AIRPORT (KM): ROOM NAME Ibirapuera Park, Av. Paulista, Shoppings Ibirapuera and Paulista malls 6 24 CEILING (m) AREA m² PAVILHÃO DA BIENAL GROUND FLOOR MEZZANINE 1st FLOOR 2st FLOOR 3st FLOOR 7,35 3,85 3,85 4,95 4,95 4.482 1.175 w/kitchen 3.119 11.313 5.064 PORÃO DAS ARTES LARGE AUDITORIUM FOYER GALLERY SMALL AUDITORIUM CATERING SUPPORT AREA 3,8 3,8 3,8 3,8 3,8 387,9 climate 728,4 climate 205,9 68 climate © Photo: Spreading Bienal SIZE (mxm) Imigrantes Exposition Center BANQUET nº pax COCKTAIL nº pax AUDITORIUM nº pax U-FORMAT nº pax CLASSROOM nº pax BOARDROOM nº pax ITM Expo – Fair and Events Transamérica Expo Center 286 31 EXPO CENTER NORTE EXHIBITION PAVILIONS Address: travessa Casalbuono,120, Vila Guilherme, São Paulo - SP CEP: 02089-900 Anhembi park Biennial pavilion Tel: +55(11) 6224-5900 Fax: +55(11) 6224-5966 Tel. Reservations: +55(11) 6224-5962 Contact: Sergio Pasqualin Position: Commercial Director E-mail: adm@expocerternorte.com.br Site: www.expocenternorte.com.br Expo Center Norte is a complex of venues especially elaborated for holding events. It possesses six pavilions and 13 auditoriums (all entirely integrated) with air conditioning, emergency generators, ambient sound system and telecommunications support. The modular components can be used both individually and in conjunction, according to the size of the event. The site also offers an internal telephone center, dedicated data lines, free shuttle service for local transportation, and parking facilities for up to 6,500 vehicles. Expo Center Norte is located near Center Norte and Lar Center Shopping malls and Hotel Novotel São Paulo—Center Norte. NUMBER OF MEETING ROOMS: TOTAL EXHIBITION AREA: NUMBER OF HALLS: STAFF LANGUAGES: PARKING SPACES: HANDICAP ACCESS: 13 62.590 m² 6 Portuguese, English and Spanish 6.500 cars Yes INFRASTRUCTURE FOR EVENTS: AUDIO-VISUAL EQUIPMENT MANDATORY USE? CATERING PROVIDED MANDATORY USE? VIDEO & TELECONFERENCE: WI-FI: BUSINESS CENTER: TRANSLATION BOOTH: MEETING ROOMS: HELIPAD: RESTAURANT: No No No No Yes No No Yes Yes No NAME: CAPACITY: Expo Center NORTe OTHER SUPPORT SERVICES: Telephone Center, Free Shuttle Service Imigrantes Exposition Center TOURISM IN THE VICINITY: Horto Florestal, Latin America Memorial HOTELS IN THE VICINITY: Novotel, Best Western, Holiday Inn Pq.Anhembi, Mercure Hotel, Ibis Santana DISTANCE FROM CONGONHAS AIRPORT (KM): DISTANCE FROM GUARULHOS AIRPORT (KM): ITM Expo – Fair and Events Transamérica Expo Center 32 ROOM NAME AUDITORIUM 1 AUDITORIUM 2 AUDITORIUM 3 AUDITORIUM 4 AUDITORIUM 5 AUDITORIUM 6 AUDITORIUM 7 AUDITORIUM 8 AUDITORIUM 9 AUDITORIUM A AUDITORIUM B AUDITORIUM C AUDITORIUM D SIZE (mxm) 12,00x19,65 12,00x19,65 9,40x19,65 9,40x19,65 9,00x19,65 17,00X12,50 17,5X20,30 10,15X16,45 11,75X20,57 10,00X23,00 10,00X23,00 10,00X18,00 10,00X18,00 © Photo: Spreading Expo center NORTe 16 25 CEILING (m) 3,6 3,6 3,6 3,6 3,6 4 4 3,6 3,6 4,3 4,3 4,3 4,3 AREA m² 237 237 185 185 177 184 360 174 230 230 230 180 180 BANQUET nº pax 180 180 140 140 135 140 265 135 175 175 175 135 135 COCKTAIL nº pax 300 300 235 235 230 235 455 230 290 290 290 230 230 AUDITORIUM nº pax 300 300 235 235 230 235 455 230 290 290 290 230 230 U-FORMAT nº pax 60 60 50 50 45 50 95 45 58 58 58 45 45 CLASSROOM nº pax 150 150 120 120 110 120 230 110 145 145 145 115 115 BOARDROOM nº pax 200 200 160 160 150 160 305 150 190 190 190 155 155 IMIGRANTES EXPOSITION CENTER Address: rodovia dos Imigrantes Km 1,5, Água Funda, São Paulo - SP CEP: 04329-900 EXHIBITION PAVILIONS Tel.: +55(11) 5067-6767 Fax: +55(11) 5073-7979 Tel. Reservations: Contact: Maurizio Sarcinella Position: Gerente Geral E-mail: maurizio.gerencia@centroimigrantes.com.br Site: www.centroimigrantes.com.br Imigrantes Exposition Center, located near the “Imigrantes” expressway in São Paulo’s south side, was built within the largest reserve of Atlantic Forest in the city of São Paulo. This site, ideal for fairs and exhibitions, has a total area of 240,000 m². Out of that total, 50,000 m² are covered, and the rest of the area is used for open-air events. At present, the complex has three pavilions, plus ten auditoriums for conventions, which are air-conditioned and feature acoustic insulation, as well as a broad outdoor area. The Imigrantes Exposition Center also offers restaurants and ample paved parking facilities with total capacity for up to 5,000 vehicles. NUMBER OF MEETING ROOMS: TOTAL EXHIBITION AREA: NUMBER OF HALLS: STAFF LANGUAGES: PARKING SPACES: HANDICAP ACCESS: 10 Indoor 37.602 m² Outdoor 33.000 m² 1 Portuguese - English - Italian - Spanish 5.000 Yes INFRASTRUCTURE FOR EVENTS: AUDIO-VISUAL EQUIPMENT MANDATORY USE? CATERING PROVIDED MANDATORY USE? VIDEO & TELECONFERENCE: WI-FI: BUSINESS CENTER: TRANSLATION BOOTH: MEETING ROOMS: HELIPAD: RESTAURANT: No No No No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Anhembi park May be assembled May be assembled NAME: Biennial pavilion CAPACITY: Expo Center Norte OTHER SUPPORT SERVICES: digital telephone service, high-speed internet, valet parking, electrical, hydraulic, compressed air TOURISM IN THE VICINITY: HOTELS IN THE VICINITY: DISTANCE FROM CONGONHAS AIRPORT (KM): DISTANCE FROM GUARULHOS AIRPORT (KM): ROOM NAME Imigrantes Exposition Center Zoo, Bothanical Garden, Ibirapuera, Ipiranga Museum, shopping malls Rede Accor, Atlântica, Blue Tree, Hilton, Rennaiscence, Meliá 3 25 SIZE (mxm) JATOBÁ CABREÚVA OITI INGÁ CEDRO ALELUIA EMBAÚVA PAU BRASIL GUARAIUVA GUANANDI MOGNO JACARANDÁ CARNAÚBA IPÊ © Photo: Spreading Imigrantes Exposition Center CEILING (m) 3,8 3,8 3,8 3,8 3,8 3,8 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 6,5 AREA m² 648 432 216 216 216 216 120 120 140 140 125 140 210 1100 BANQUET nº pax COCKTAIL nº pax AUDITORIUM nº pax 600 400 200 200 200 200 100 100 110 110 100 110 200 1000 U-FORMAT nº pax CLASSROOM nº pax BOARDROOM nº pax ITM Expo – Fair and Events Transamérica Expo Center 33 ITM EXPO - FAIRS & CONVENTIONs EXHIBITION PAVILIONS Address: av. Engenheiro Roberto Zuccolo, 555, Vila Leopoldina, São Paulo - SP CEP: 05307-190 Anhembi park Biennial pavilion Tel: +55(11) 2117-7000 Fax: +55(11) 2117-7229 Tel. Reservations: +55(11) 2117-7211 Contact: Paulo Passos Position: Events Manager E-mail: paulopassos@itmexpo.com.br Site: www.itmexpo.com.br Located in Vila Leopoldina in the west side of São Paulo, ITM Expo possesses exhibition areas ranging from 1,760 m² to 20,000 m², which means, it is flexible for both small- or large-scale events. The infrastructure includes escalators, panoramic elevator, plus ramps and cargo elevators for vehicles in the exhibition pavilions. The site also possesses auditoriums equipped and with central air conditioning as well as a VIP lounge and full kitchen. ITM Expo has 3,200 parking spaces, over half of which are covered. The food court is linked to the events area, which allows participants to remain integrated. 15 25.000 m² 3 NUMBER OF MEETING ROOMS: TOTAL EXHIBITION AREA: NUMBER OF HALLS: STAFF LANGUAGES: PARKING SPACES: HANDICAP ACCESS: 2.000 cars Yes INFRASTRUCTURE FOR EVENTS: AUDIO-VISUAL EQUIPMENT MANDATORY USE? CATERING PROVIDED MANDATORY USE? VIDEO & TELECONFERENCE: WI-FI: BUSINESS CENTER: TRANSLATION BOOTH: MEETING ROOMS: HELIPAD: RESTAURANT: No No No Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes air conditioned Portuguese and English covered spaces No NAME: CAPACITY: Expo Center Norte OTHER SUPPORT SERVICES: Imigrantes Exposition Center ITM Expo – Fair and Events Transamérica Expo Center 34 High-speed Internet with 2 Mbps link, telephone lines with direct dialing—Siemens DDR system with 1,500 independent extensions, water and sewage points distributed throughout the pavilions, asset security, 500 KVA of electric energy per pavilion. KVA per pavilion. TOURISM IN THE VICINITY: HOTELS IN THE VICINITY: DISTANCE FROM CONGONHAS AIRPORT (KM): DISTANCE FROM GUARULHOS AIRPORT (KM): ROOM NAME ROOM 1 ROOM 2 ROOM 3 AUDITORIUM 1 AUDITORIUM 2 ROOM A1 - reversible, up to 1.500 pax ROOM A2 - reversible, up to 1.500 pax ROOM A3 - reversible, up to 1.500 pax ROOM B1 - reversible, up to 300 pax ROOM B2 - reversible, up to 300 pax ROOM C1 - reversible, up to 360 pax ROOM C2 - reversible, up to 360 pax ROOM D1 - reversible, up to 536 pax ROOM D2 - reversible, up to 536 pax VIP ROOM ONIX ROOM © Photo: Spreading itm expo SIZE (mxm) Pico do Jaraguá 12 45 CEILING (m) AREA m² BANQUET nº pax COCKTAIL nº pax AUDITORIUM nº pax 60 80 180 420 420 440 440 440 150 150 180 180 260 276 60 150 U-FORMAT nº pax CLASSROOM nº pax BOARDROOM nº pax Transamérica EXPO CENTER Address: av. Dr. Mário Villas Boas Rodrigues, 387, Santo Amaro, São Paulo - SP CEP: 04757-020 EXHIBITION PAVILIONS Tel.: +55(11) 5643-3000 Fax: +55(11) 5643-3013 Tel. Reservations: +55(11) 5643-3000 Contact: Adele Bartolucci Position: Sales Manager E-mail: adeleb@transamerica.com.br Site: www.transamericaexpo.com Transamerica Expo Center, located near the Marginal Pinheiros expressway in the south side of São Paulo, has a total area of around 33,000 m². The site is comprised of two pavilions measuring 4,000 m², two measuring 6,000 m² and one that is 8,000 m², all integrated and located on the same floor. There are also 5,000 m² between foyer and mezzanine with nine special lecture rooms. The parking lot of the pavilions has 2,000 spaces and is fully automated. There are three cafeterias, 18 public telephones, as well as Internet access points. Also part of the complex are the Hotel Transamerica—with 400 beds and ample leisure area that includes mini-golf and tennis courts—and the Alfa Theater. uo to 15 28.188 m² 5 Portuguese, English and Italian 1.800 Yes NUMBER OF MEETING ROOMS: TOTAL EXHIBITION AREA: NUMBER OF HALLS: STAFF LANGUAGES: PARKING SPACES: HANDICAP ACCESS: INFRASTRUCTURE FOR EVENTS: AUDIO-VISUAL EQUIPMENT MANDATORY USE? CATERING PROVIDED MANDATORY USE? VIDEO & TELECONFERENCE: WI-FI: BUSINESS CENTER: TRANSLATION BOOTH: MEETING ROOMS: HELIPAD: RESTAURANT: No Anhembi park No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Biennial pavilion NAME: La Basque Pátio das Flores CAPACITY: 120 To Negotiate Expo Center Norte OTHER SUPPORT SERVICES: Plumbing fixtures throughout the pavilions, 4,500 KVA of installed electrical energy, 2,000 points of data and voice TOURISM IN THE VICINITY: HOTELS IN THE VICINITY: DISTANCE FROM CONGONHAS AIRPORT (KM): DISTANCE FROM GUARULHOS AIRPORT (KM): ROOM NAME ROOM 01 - MEZZANINE ROOM 02 - MEZZANINE ROOM 03 - MEZZANINE ROOM 04 - MEZZANINE ROOM 05 - MEZZANINE ROOM 06 - MEZZANINE ROOM 07 - MEZZANINE ROOM 08 - MEZZANINE ROOM 09 - MEZZANINE AUDITORIUM - E1 AUDITORIUM - E2 AUDITORIUM - E3 AUDITORIUM - E4 AUDITORIUM - E5 AUDITORIUM - E6 AUDITORIUM - E7 AUDITORIUM - E8 AUDITORIUM - E9 AUDITORIUM - E10 AUDITORIUM - E11 Imigrantes Exposition Center Market Place, SP Market, Morumbi & Jardim Sul, Shopping malls, Panamby Park, Santo Amaro Equestrian Hotel Transamérica São Paulo, Blue Tree Morumbi, Hyatt, Hilton 12 45 SIZE (mxm) 10,77m X 8,40m X 10,00m X 13,44m 8,90m X 13,44m X 10,56m X 12,94m 6,10m X 5,95m X 7,15m X 5,95m 11,58m X 8,57m X 10,12m X 8,57m 8,20m X 8,57m X 8,20m X 10,46m 11,00m X 10,46m X 9,58m X 10,45 8,30m X 6,37m X 6,88m X 12,52m 8,10m X 12,52m X 10,10m X 13,47m 10,20m X 13,47m X 9,10m X 8,12m 23,00m X 16,00m 23,00m X 16,00m 23,00m X 16,00m 23,00m X 16,00m 23,00m X 16,00m 23,00m X 16,00m 23,00m X 16,00m 23,00m X 16,00m 23,00m X 16,00m 23,00m X 16,00m 15,00m X 14,25m © Photo: Spreading transamérica expo center CEILING (m) 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 AREA m² 130 115 99,60 99 85,70 82 103 109 137 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 368 214 BANQUET nº pax 81 72 63 62 54 52 65 69 86 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 134 COCKTAIL nº pax 120 110 90 90 80 75 95 97 130 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 200 AUDITORIUM nº pax 150 140 120 110 90 115 130 140 150 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 190 U-FORMAT nº pax 30 26 22 22 19 18 24 25 30 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 54 CLASSROOM nº pax 60 55 47 47 40 38 42 53 66 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 107 BOARDROOM nº pax ITM Expo – Fair and Events Transamérica Expo Center 35 CONVENTION CENTERS ©1 Anhembi Convention Palace ©2 Amcham anhembi Frei Caneca Pompéia Rebouças Fecomercio Rebouças Convention Center aPCD space WTC Hotel C O N V E N T I O N C E N T E R S São Paulo Offers Venues Even For Mega-Events F 36 ew cities offer venues for large-scale conventions; São Paulo has an infrastructure for just that. The city’s various convention centers feature auditoriums with capacities for over 500 people. These are extensive spaces that also offer state-of-the-art infrastructure of services and technology. Moreover, the city also offers other requirements for major events: skilled labor in wide-ranging areas such as simultaneous translation and bilingual receptionists, efficient public transit system, and top-notch suppliers of the widest array of materials. And this also includes small events; in São Paulo, small-scale encounters take on a sophisticated air thanks to the full spectrum of differentiated services available in the city. © Photos: 1-Wanderlei Celestino 2-spreading Rebouças Convention Center 3-spreading wtc Convention Center Amcham Business Center Venue with 1,000 m² of area distributed among 11 rooms with flexible structure, enabling 30 different types of assemblies. Pág. 38 Anhembi – Convention Palace Possesses 4 meeting rooms, 5 halls and 5 auditoriums for holding events of various sizes, including large performances and cultural events. Pág. 38 Frei Caneca Convention Center Possesses modular rooms ranging in capacity from of 100 to 2,000 seats, an auditorium for up to 600 people and climate-controlled area for exhibitions. Pág. 39 CONVENTION CENTERS ©3 Pompéia Convention Center Its auditorium seats 450 people. Also has a meeting room with a capacity for up to 110 people and exhibit hall with an area of 900 m². Pág. 39 Rebouças Convention Center There are eight ambiences that meet wide-ranging needs. The largest of these has a capacity for up to 1,200 participants. Pág. 40 Fecomercio Events Center Located next to Avenida Paulista, this convention center offers three modular rooms and a 523-seat auditorium, as well as an exposition center. Pág. 40 Amcham anhembi Frei Caneca Pompéia Rebouças Fecomercio aPCD space WTC Hotel APCD Space Located next to the Tietê subway station and the Tietê bus station, this venue has an auditorium for up to 844 people, in addition to 12 modular rooms. Pág. 41 WTC HoTel WTC Convention Center Features an area of 6,500 m² distributed among 39 flexible spaces. The auditorium seats 540 people and has a projection system, movie screen and digital sound. Pág. 41 For more information about the Convention Centers, consult the CD-ROM. 37 CONVENTION CENTERS Address: rua da Paz, 1431 Chácara Santo Antônio, São Paulo - SP CEP: 04713-001 Amcham Tel.: +55(11) 5180-3730 Fax: +55(11) 5180-3766 Tel. Reservations: +55(11) 5180-3730 Contact: Alessandra/Maysa Position: Commercial E-mail: convencoes@amcham.com.br Site: www.amcham.com.br/eventos/abc Amcham—American Chamber of Commerce—features a Business Center where around 2,000 events are held yearly. It has an area of 1,000 m² distributed among 11 modular rooms with flexible structure that allow 30 different types of room assemblies. In this way, it is possible to assemble a meeting room for as few as ten people, as well as an auditorium with a capacity for up to 1,500 participants. The Amcham venue, located in the south side of São Paulo, possesses equipment and adequate food service structure to meet the demands of the most diversified events. There are also other spaces available, such as rooms for meetings and presentations for up to 100 people, indoor gardens, marquee and foyer. NUMBER OF MEETING ROOMS: TOTAL EXHIBITION AREA: NUMBER OF HALLS: STAFF LANGUAGES: PARKING SPACES: HANDICAP ACCESS: 14 3.000 m² 4 (marquee, foyer, winter garden I, II) Portuguese, English and Spanish 2.000 cars Yes FORMAT BANQUET COCKTAIL AUDITORIUM “U” FORMAT CLASSROOM MAXIMUM CAPACITY OF PEOPLE 1.160 1.700 1.500 © Photo: spreading AMCHAM Business Center Amcham Business Center 600 anhembi Pompéia Rebouças Fecomercio aPCD space WTC Hotel ANHEMBI PARK - CONVENTION PALACE Address: Avenida Olavo Fontoura, 1209 Parque Anhembi, São Paulo, SP - Brasil CEP: 02012-021 Tel.: +55(11) 6226-0400 Fax: +55(11) 6226-0470 Tel. Reservations: +55(11) 6226-0500 Contact: Customer Service E-mail: atendimentoclientes@spturis.com Sites: www.anhembi.com.br - www.spturis.com Anhembi Convention Palace, better known as “Palácio das Convenções”, possesses an area of nearly 36,000 m², distributed among 5 auditoriums, 4 meeting rooms and 5 exhibit halls. The Grand Auditorium (Grande Auditório Celso Furtado), with structure for large performances, and the Elis Regina Auditorium, for medium-sized cultural events, are both equipped with dressing rooms and bathrooms. “Palácio das Convenções” also features three other auditoriums for congresses; all with stage, fixed seats, sound system and simultaneous translation booths, seating for the physically impaired and space for wheelchairs. The meeting rooms can be utilized in several different configurations. All have independent lighting and air-conditioning systems. The 5 halls can be converted into large meeting rooms, space for expositions or business fairs. ROOM NAME 38 © Photo: Wanderlei Celestino Frei Caneca ROOM 1 ROOM 2 ROOM 4 ROOM 5 AUDITORIUM 3 AUDITORIUM 8 AUDITORIUM 9 AUDITORIUM CELSO AUDITORIUM ELIS REGINA HALL FRONTAL HALL LATERAL HALL NOBRE HALL VIVEIRO HALL EXTERNO CEILING (m) 2,80 2,80 2,80 2,80 3,38 3,48 3,48 2,80 2,80 2,80 open air 3,00 AREA m² 207 182 185 105 205 197 380 2.552 1.800 647 881 1.482 1.862 1.640 BANQUET nº pax 108 90 90 48 COCKTAIL nº pax 400 300 300 180 AUDITORIUM nº pax 165 161 161 100 132 132 310 2.552 861 U-FORMAT nº pax 39 31 31 27 CLASSROOM nº pax 165 161 161 100 Tel.: +55(11) 3472-2000 Fax: +55(11) 3472-2013 Tel. Reservations: +55(11) 3472-2020 Contact: Winston Chagas Position: Director E-mail: freiconv@freicanecashopping.com.br Site: www.convencoesfreicaneca.com.br The Frei Caneca Convention Center is located in a shopping mall near Avenida Paulista and downtown. It has a climate-controlled area for expositions, featuring modular rooms with 100 to 2,000 places, and an auditorium with a total capacity for up to 600 people. In 2008, the space will be enlarged to 8,000 m². The Frei Caneca Convention Center has a helipad, wireless Internet access and 4,500 rotating parking spaces. Participants of meetings held at this locale can also enjoy a snack or meal in a large food court and do some shopping within the same space. In addition to varied shops and services, such as a post office and bank ATMs, the mall features a six-screen movie complex and a theater. NUMBER OF MEETING ROOMS: TOTAL EXHIBITION AREA: NUMBER OF HALLS: STAFF LANGUAGES: PARKING SPACES: HANDICAP ACCESS: 10 6.800 m² FORMAT BANQUET COCKTAIL AUDITORIUM “U” FORMAT CLASSROOM MAXIMUM CAPACITY OF PEOPLE 70 90 600 50 75 Portuguese, English and Spanish 1.500 cars Yes CONVENTION CENTERS Address: rua Frei Caneca, 569 Cerqueira César, São Paulo - SP CEP: 01307-001 © Photo: spreading Frei Caneca Convention Center FREI CANECA CONVENTION CENTER Amcham POMPÉIA CONVENTION CENTER Address: av. Pompéia, 888 Vl. Pompéia, São Paulo - SP, CEP: 0522-000 Tel.: +55(11) 3862-5644 Fax: +55(11) 3862-56446 ext: 104 Tel. Reservations: +55(11) 3862-56440 Contact: Marcela Position: Events Assistant E-mail: marcela@pompeiaeventos.com.br Site: www.pompeiaeventos.com.br Located in the west side of São Paulo, the Pompeia Convention Center features an auditorium and rooms for diverse events. The auditorium has 450 fixed places, but can hold up to 100 extra places, charged separately, in a fully climate-controlled environment. It has a VIP room and events office. The room located on the ground floor holds up to 110 people in an auditorium format. This venue is also climate-controlled. The exhibit hall has a total area of 900 m², with adequate structure to handle buffets, since it has a pantry with sinks, 110 v and 220 v outlets, as well as a freezer. Part of the side area is open-air. NUMBER OF MEETING ROOMS: TOTAL EXHIBITION AREA: NUMBER OF HALLS: STAFF LANGUAGES: PARKING SPACES: HANDICAP ACCESS: See description above 900 m² 02 (ground floor and 2nd floor) FORMAT BANQUET COCKTAIL AUDITORIUM “U” FORMAT CLASSROOM MAXIMUM CAPACITY OF PEOPLE 500 700 700 © Photo: spreading Pompéia Convention Center anhembi Frei Caneca Pompéia Rebouças Fecomercio aPCD space WTC Hotel 90 cars Yes 39 CONVENTION CENTERS Address: avenida Rebouças, 600 Cerqueira César, São Paulo - SP CEP: 05402-000 Amcham Tel.: +55(11) 3898-7850 Fax: +55(11) 3898-7878 Tel. Reservations: +55(11) 3898-7860 Contact: Ana Luisa Cintra Position: General Manager E-mail: ana.cintra@hcnet.usp.br Site: www.convencoesreboucas.com.br The Rebouças Convention Center has been hosting events for 25 years. Located on one of the main thoroughfares of access to downtown and Avenida Paulista, it is also close to the Clínicas subway station. This convention center holds cultural, institutional, promotional, and scientific encounters for around 1,200 participants. It offers eight ambiences that meet different client needs, such as events in the format of congresses, conventions, exhibits, seminars, symposiums, product launches, among others. It also has an industrial kitchen and parking facilities. A/V equipment is outsourced, which enables the client’s choice of vendor. NUMBER OF MEETING ROOMS: TOTAL EXHIBITION AREA: NUMBER OF HALLS: STAFF LANGUAGES: PARKING SPACES: HANDICAP ACCESS: 3 rooms +3 auditoriums 5.450m² 7 (including 2 Exposition Halls) Portuguese and English 180 cars Yes FORMAT BANQUET COCKTAIL AUDITORIUM “U” FORMAT CLASSROOM MAXIMUM CAPACITY OF PEOPLE 500 620 617 26 70 © Photo: spreading rebouças Convention Center REBOUÇAS CONVENTION CENTER Frei Caneca Pompéia Rebouças Fecomercio aPCD space WTC Hotel 40 FECOMERCIO EVENTS CENTER Address: rua Dr. Plínio Barreto, 285 Bela Vista, São Paulo - SP CEP: 01313-020 Tel.: +55(11) 3254-1700 Fax: +55(11) 3254-1674 Tel. Reservations: +55(11) 3254-1591/3254-1592 Contact: José Manuel Costa Position: Director E-mail: jmcosta@fecomercio.com.br Site: www.fecomercioeventos.com.br The Fecomercio Events Center, a business unit of the São Paulo State Commerce Federation, is located near the São Paulo Museum of Art (MASP) and Avenida Paulista. It has a structure with modular spaces of variable dimensions and a ceiling height of 4.90 meters, appropriate for simultaneous meetings. The exhibition center has an area of 776 m². The convention center offers three modular rooms and is adaptable for congresses with up to 100 people as well as a theater/auditorium with 523 places, including ten special places for the physically impaired. The locale also has a helipad and parking facilities for 230 vehicles, plus varied services ranging from furniture rental to booth assembly to receptionists. NUMBER OF MEETING ROOMS: TOTAL EXHIBITION AREA: NUMBER OF HALLS: STAFF LANGUAGES: PARKING SPACES: HANDICAP ACCESS: 5 750 m² 2 Portuguese and English 230 cars Yes FORMAT BANQUET COCKTAIL AUDITORIUM “U” FORMAT CLASSROOM MAXIMUM CAPACITY OF PEOPLE 950 1.350 1.000 170 324 © Photo: spreading FECOMERCIO EVENTS CENTER anhembi Tel.: +55(11) 6223-2300 Fax: +55(11) 6221-3810/6221-7204 Tel. Reservations: +55(11) 6223-2517 Contact: Maria Cecilia Abbondanza Position: Coordination Assistant E-mail: mariaca@apcd.org.br Site: www.apcd.org.br This venue—designed for fairs and conventions within the headquarters of the São Paulo Dentists Association, in the north side of São Paulo—is located beside the Tietê subway station and the Tietê bus terminal, the city’s main bus station. The site possesses an auditorium that seats up to 844 people. There are also 12 other reversible rooms, with acoustic divisions for events with up to 70, 140 and 210 people, destined mainly for courses, lectures and meetings. In all these areas, APCD Space counts on multimedia equipment, sound system and professionals available to manage the equipment. Does not possess its own parking facilities, but is located next to a public parking lot. NUMBER OF MEETING ROOMS: TOTAL EXHIBITION AREA: NUMBER OF HALLS: STAFF LANGUAGES: PARKING SPACES: HANDICAP ACCESS: 12 rooms for 70 pax, reversible for 4 to 210 pax 1.200m² 1 Portuguese None Yes FORMAT BANQUET COCKTAIL AUDITORIUM “U” FORMAT CLASSROOM MAXIMUM CAPACITY OF PEOPLE 1.000 CONVENTION CENTERS Address: rua Voluntários da Pátria, 547 Santana, São Paulo - SP CEP: 02011-000 © Photo: spreading apcd SPACE APCD SPACE 844 Amcham 70 WTC HOTEL Address: av. das Nações Unidas, 12.559 Brooklin Novo, São Paulo - SP CEP: 04578-905 Tel.: +55(11) 3055-8000 Fax: +55(11) 3055-8001 Tel. Reservations: +55(11) 3055-8002 Contact: José Eduardo Vaz Position: Commercial Director E-mail: joseeduardom.vaz@wtchotel.com.br Site: www.wtchotel.com.br The convention center at São Paulo’s World Trade Center has an area of 6,500 m² distributed among 39 flexible spaces that serve small, medium and large events, including fairs and expositions. The WTC auditorium seats up to 540 people with a stage, two dressing rooms, movie screen and projection system, and digital sound. The building in which it is located, right alongside the Marginal Pinheiros expressway, also features a hotel, restaurants, and a shopping mall with food court, services and design shops. The inauguration of a multipurpose arena is slated for the second semester of 2007, with a free area of 5,500m² to allow organizers to hold major events, conventions, expositions, and concerts. NUMBER OF MEETING ROOMS: TOTAL EXHIBITION AREA: NUMBER OF HALLS: STAFF LANGUAGES: PARKING SPACES: HANDICAP ACCESS: 6.500 m² 4 (Foyer Ballroom 1, Foyer Ballroom 2, Foyer Theater & Foyer SP) Portuguese and English 2.500 cars Yes FORMAT BANQUET COCKTAIL AUDITORIUM “U” FORMAT CLASSROOM MAXIMUM CAPACITY OF PEOPLE 900 1.100 1.200 60 600 © Photo: spreading wtc hotel anhembi Frei Caneca Pompéia Rebouças Fecomercio aPCD space WTC Hotel 41 HOTELS ©1 SOUTH SIDE PAULISTA E JARDINS DOWNTOWN Hotel Transamérica NORTH SIDE WEST SIDE EAST SIDE H O T E L S SÃO PAULO HOTELS OFFER TAILORED SPACES T he city of São Paulo has broad-based offer of hotels, which is reflected in the diversity of categories that run the gamut from luxurious to economic, all with high quality. There are more than 550 lodging establishments, totaling around 50,000 beds. Most of these enterprises offer special venues for holding events such as expositions, cocktail receptions, brunches, conventions, banquets, product launches or just meetings. The variety of options includes the venue size, the hotel location and the 42 infrastructure offered by each one of them, in addition to the services available. Organizers that seek made-to-order venues for their events owe it to themselves to get to know the spaces offered by São Paulo hotels. Learn about what each region has to offer and schedule your event in the one that best suits your needs. The list presented below is also a great tool for locating the city’s best hotels for event participants to stay, even if the event is held at another location. HOTELS IN THE SOUTH SIDE HOTELS IN PAULISTA/JARDINS AREA Near the Congonhas Airport, the hotels of the largest region of São Paulo are located amidst wonderful options of nighttime entertainment, shopping malls and street shops, in addition to Ibirapuera Park. Pág. 44 The region around Avenida Paulista—the financial hub of Latin America—concentrates lodging establishments located amidst luxury retail streets, leisure options such as movies and theaters, cultural centers and museums. Pág. 49 © Photos: 1-Spreading hotel transamérica 2-Spreading hotel blue tre 3-Spreading hotel renaissance 4- Spreading hotel caesar park ©3 HOTELS ©2 Hotel Blue Tree Hotel Renaissance HOTELS IN THE DOWNTOWN AREA HOTELS IN THE WEST SIDE The hotels located in the heart of São Paulo encircle major tourist sights of the city in addition to places of commerce and leisure. The region is very well served by subway stations and is easy to access. Pág. 52 Located amidst extensive green areas, such as the Tietê Ecological Park and Carmo Park, hotels in this region are well served by shopping malls and major access roads like the Dutra and Fernão Dias expressways. Pág. 53 SOUTH SIDE PAULISTA E JARDINS DOWNTOWN HOTELS IN THE NORTH SIDE HOTELS IN THE EAST SIDE Access via the Tietê bus terminal (the country’s busiest bus station), and the Marginal Tietê expressway, where it merges into the Dutra and Fernão Dias expressways, make ease-of-access one of this area’s strong points. Pág. 53 Place of exciting night life, with several cultural centers, the West Side possesses hotels that are also located near educational centers such as USP and PUC-SP as well as the Hospital das Clínicas medical complex. Pág. 53 NORTH SIDE WEST SIDE EAST SIDE ©4 Hotel Caesar Park For more information about the spaces for events in HOTELS, consult the CD-ROM. 43 HOTELS PAULISTA/ JARDINS DOWNTOWN NORTH SIDE WEST SIDE EAST SIDE NORTH WEST DOWNTOWN EAST N Ma U-Fox. Cap. rma t Sau na Fitn ess Cen ter D i s to/f tan rom ces Airp orts Max . Ban Cap. que t Max Aud . Cap itor . ium Max Coc . Cap. ktai l ol m in g Po Swi m 67 NP • NI • • • • • 7 km (CGH) 33 km (GRU) NI 130 NI NI Blue Tree Towers Berrini R. Quintana, 1.012 Tel. (55 11) 5508-5000 ww.bluetree.com.br 1733 • • • • • • • • 7 km (CGH) 37 km (GRU) 80 150 150 40 Blue Tree Convention Ibirapuera Av. Ibirapuera, 2.927 Tel. (55 11) 2161-2200 www.bluetree.com.br 656 • • • • • • • • 3 km (CGH) 50 km (GRU) 450 750 900 0 Blue Tree Towers Faria Lima Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 3.989 Tel. (55 11) 3896-7544 www.bluetree.com.br 197 • • NP • • • • • 6 km (CGH) 34 km (GRU) 190 350 300 NI Blue Tree Towers Morumbi Convention Center R. Roque Petroni Jr., 1.000 Tel. (55 11) 5187-1200 www.bluetree.com.br 335 • • • • • • • • 3 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) 300 550 600 0 Blue Tree Towers Nações Unidas R. Fernandes Moreira, 1.371 Tel. (55 11) 5189-6555 www.bluetree.com.br 170 • • NP • • • • • 10 km (CGH) 40 km (GRU) 40 180 150 50 Blue Tree Verbo Divino R. Verbo Divino, 1.323 Tel. (55 11) 5683-4600 www.bluetree.com.br 322 NP • • • • • NP • 7 km (CGH) 42 km (GRU) 36 100 100 30 Caesar Business São Paulo Faria Lima R. Olimpíadas, 205 Tel. (55 11) 3049-6622 www.caesarpark.com.br 130 • • • • • NP NP NP 7 km (CGH) 35 (GRU) 400 800 600 120 400 800 600 120 Address Cidade Jardim R. Amauri,513 Tel. (55 11) 3165-4111 www.addressexecutive.com.br SOUTH SIDE Int in R ernet oom s Roo Ser m vice SOUTH SIDE Wi-F i of R Nº. oom s Han d Roo icap ms Smo Roo king ms HOTELS Caesar Park São Paulo Faria Lima R. Olimpíadas, 205 Tel. (55 11) 3049-6622 www.caesarpark.com.br 130 • • • • • NP NP NP 7 km (CGH) 35 (GRU) Clarion Jardim Europa R. Jerônimo da Veiga, 248, Tel. (55 11) 3702-9000 www.atlanticahotels.com.br 61 • • • • • • • • 12 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) 80 140 150 48 Comfort Moema Av. Ibirapuera, 2.144 Tel. (55 11) 2197-7200 www.atlanticahotels.com.br 100 • • • • • • NP • 5 km (CGH) 30 km (GRU) 18 35 35 15 Estanplaza Berrini Av. Luís Carlos Berrini, 853 Tel. (55 11) 5509-8900 www.estanplaza.com.br 100 NP • • • • • • • 5 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) 80 100 120 40 Estanplaza Funchal Faria Lima R. Funchal , 281 Tel. (55 11) 3897-7509 www.estanplaza.com.br 164 NP • • • • • • • 5 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) 50 100 110 39 Estanplaza Ibirapuera Av. Jandira , 501 Tel. (55 11) 5095-2800 www.estanplaza.com.br 154 NP • • • • • • • 2 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) 80 110 110 40 SOUTH W E S 44 NP - Does not have it NI - Not informed • - Has it Estanplaza International R. Fernandes Moreira , 1.293 Tel. (55 11) 5185-4600 www.estanplaza.com.br 140 NP • • • • • • • 5 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) 500 700 1000 150 Estanplaza Nações Unidas R. Guararapes, 1.889 Tel. (55 11) 3055-0000 www.estanplaza.com.br 120 NP • • • • • • • 5 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) 80 120 140 40 George V Alto dos Pinheiros Pça. Roquete Pinto, 09 Tel. (55 11) 3030-0700 www.georgev.com.br/altodepinheiros 79 • • • • • • • • 12 km (CGH) 25 km (GRU) NP NP 50 32 George V Itaim R. Pedroso Alvarenga, 610 Tel. (55 11) 3704-0101 www.etoilehotels.com.br 84 NP • • • • • • • 15 km (CGH) 30 km (GRU) NI 30 NI 22 Gran Estanplaza São Paulo R. Arizona , 1.557 Tel. (55 11) 2162-3500 www.estanplaza.com.br 168 NP • • • • • • • 5 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) 200 300 400 60 Grand Hyatt São Paulo Av. Nações Unidas, 13.301 Tel. (55 11) 6838-1234 www.saopaulo.grand.hyatt.com 456 • 6 km (CGH) 37 km (GRU) 340 • 5 km (CGH) 45 km (GRU) NI • 9 km (CGH) 49 km (GRU) 370 1200 NI 1000 NI NP 100 NP 40 Green Place Flat R. Dr. Diogo de Faria, 1.201 Tel. (55 11) 5081-9150 www.greenplaceflat.com.br 190 Hilton São Paulo Morumbi Av. das Nações Unidas, 12.901 Tel. (55 11) 6845-0000 www.saopaulomorumbi.hilton.com 485 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Hotel Transamérica São Paulo Av. das Nações Unidas, 18.591 Tel. (55 11) 5693-4511 www.Transamérica.com.br 396 • • • • • • • • 12 km (CGH) 55 km (GRU) Ibis Congonhas R. Baronesa de Bela Vista, 801 Tel. (55 11) 5097-3737 www.accorhotels.com.br 391 • • • • NP • • • 0 km (CGH) 40 km (GRU) HOTELS Ma U-Fox. Cap. rma t Fitn ess Cen ter to/f Distan rom ces Airp orts Max Ban . Cap. que t Max . Aud Cap itor . ium Max . Coc Cap. ktai l ol Sau na m in g Po Swi m Wi-F i Int in R ernet oom s Roo m Ser vice SOUTH SIDE Smo Roo king ms of R Nº. oom s Han dica Roo p ms HOTELS SOUTH SIDE 440 420 66 PAULISTA/ JARDINS DOWNTOWN 150 NI 40 NORTH SIDE 600 540 104 WEST SIDE EAST SIDE NORTH WEST DOWNTOWN EAST N SOUTH NP 8 km (CGH) 40 km (GRU) NI NI NI NI NP • 5 km (CGH) 40 km (GRU) 30 80 50 30 NI NI NI 5 km (CGH) 40 km (GRU) 240 460 NI 86 • • • 9 km (CGH) 30 km (GRU) NP 50 80 20 Ibis Interlagos Av. Interlagos, 2.215 Tel. (55 11) 5633-4800 www.ibis.com.br 144 • • • • NP NP NP Intercity Premium Ibirapuera Av. Ibirapuera, 2.577 Tel. (55 11) 5091-1700 www.intercityhoteis.com.br 180 • • NP • • • Travel Inn Live & Lodge – Ibirapuera R. Borges Lagoa, 1.209 Tel. (55 11) 5080-8600 www.travelinn.com.br 131 NI NI NI NI NI Travel Inn Ritz R. Araguari, 711 Tel. (55 11) 5094-9995 www.travelinn.com.br 19 NP • NP NP • NP - Does not have it NI - Not informed • - Has it W E S 45 HOTELS SOUTH SIDE PAULISTA/ JARDINS DOWNTOWN NORTH SIDE WEST SIDE EAST SIDE NORTH WEST DOWNTOWN EAST N SOUTH W E S 46 142 NP • • • • • NP Ma U-Fox. Cap. rma t Fitn ess Cen ter D i s to/f tan rom ces Airp orts Max . Ban Cap. que t Max Aud . Cap itor . ium Max Coc . Cap. ktai l Swi m Sau na m in g Po ol Tryp Itaim R. Manoel Guedes, 320 Tel. (55 11) 3066-2699 www.solmelia.com Int in R ernet oom s Roo Ser m vice SOUTH SIDE Wi-F i of R Nº. oom s Han d Roo icap ms Smo Roo king ms HOTELS • 10 km (CGH) 30 km (GRU) 36 100 60 30 2700 4500 5000 1900 World Trade Center Av. das Nações Unidas, 12.559 Tel. (55 11) 3055-8000 www.wtchotel.com.br 297 • • • • • • • • 6 km (CGH) 36 km (GRU) Marriot Executive Apartments São Paulo R. Prof. Filadelfo Azevedo, 717 Tel. (55 11) 3058-3000 www.marriot.com.br/saoer 114 • • • • • • • • 15 km (CGH) 45 km (GRU) 50 60 70 40 Meliá Jardim Europa R. João Cachoeira, 107 Tel. (55 11) 3702-9600 www.solmelia.com 322 • NI • • • • • • 7 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) 180 260 300 65 40 180 180 38 Mercure Apartments Executive One R. Santa Justina, 202 Tel. (55 11) 3089-6222 www.mercure.com.br 215 • • NP • • • • • 7 km (CGH) 32 km (GRU) Mercure Apartments Nações Unidas R. Prof. Manoelito de Ornellas, 104 Tel. (55 11) 5188-3855 www.mercure.com 143 NP • NP • • • • • 12 km (CGH) 58 km (GRU) NP 70 70 32 Mercure Apartments SP Moema Av. Lavandisca, 365 Tel. (55 11) 5053-2899 www.accorhotels.com.br/mercure 80 NP • • • • • • • 5 km (CGH) 36 km (GRU) NI 80 NI 24 40 120 80 36 Mercure Apartments SP Privilege Av. Macuco, 579 Tel. (55 11) 5054-7800 www.mercure.com.br 154 NP • • • • • • • 3 km (CGH) 20 km (GRU) Mercure Apt São Paulo The Must R. Funchal, 111 Tel. (55 11) 3046-3800 www.mercure.com.br 77 NP • • NI NP • • • 8 km (CGH) 45 km (GRU) NP 40 NP 20 Mercure Apartments São Paulo The Town R. Prof. Carlos de Carvalho, 168 Tel. (55 11) 3704-0800 www.accorhotels.com.br 45 NP • NP • NP • NP • 10 km (CGH) 30 km (GRU) NI 20 NI 10 NP 60 NP 24 Mercure Apartments São Paulo The World R. Gomes de Carvalho,1.005 Tel. (55 11) 3049-6700 www.mercure.com.br 176 NP • • • • • • • 4 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) Mercure Apartments São Paulo Times Square Av. Jamaris, 100 Tel. (55 11) 5053-2564 www.mercure.com.br 202 NP • • • • • • • 5 km (CGH) 37 km (GRU) NI 100 NI 30 Mercure Grand Hotel São Paulo Ibirapuera R. Joinville, 515 Tel. (55 11) 5088-4000 www.mercure.com.br 353 • • • NI • • • • 7 km (CGH) 26 km (GRU) 170 220 250 60 NP - Does not have it NI - Not informed • - Has it • • • • NP • Ma U-Fox. Cap. rma t Fitn ess Cen ter to/f Distan rom ces Airp orts Max Ban . Cap. que t Max . Aud Cap itor . ium Max . Coc Cap. ktai l Sau na Swi m Wi-F i NI • 4 km (CGH) 45 km (GRU) 36 100 60 30 110 260 350 40 Park Suítes ITC R. Fidêncio Ramos, 420 Tel. (55 11) 2197-7650 www.atlanticahotels.com.br 178 NP • • • • • • • 4 km (CGH) 36 km (GRU) Quality Suítes Congonhas R. Henrique Fausto Lancelotti, 6.333 Tel. (55 11) 2137-4000 www.atlanticahotels.com.br 528 • • • • • • • • 1 km (CGH) 21 km (GRU) 120 300 NP 54 Quality Faria Lima R. Diogo Moreira, 247 Tel. (55 11) 2197-7050 www.atlanticahotels.com.br 125 • • • • • • • • 15 km (CGH) 25 km (GRU) NP 120 80 30 • 5 km (CGH) 45 km (GRU) NP 40 NP 20 • 4 km (CGH) 20 km (GRU) 60 • 17 km (CGH) 40 km (GRU) 100 • 3 km (CGH) 25 km (GRU) NI 350 NI 50 45 86 72 32 Quality Suítes Vila Olímpia R. Alvorada, 1.009 Tel. (55 11) 2161-2688 www.atlanticahotels.com.br 113 Quality Moema Av. Rouxinol, 57 Tel. (55 11) 2197-7100 www.atlanticahotels.com.br 160 Radisson Faria Lima Av. Cidade Jardim, 625 Tel. (55 11) 2133-5960 www.atlanticahotels.com.br 199 Sofitel São Paulo R. Sena Madureira, 1.355 Tel. (55 11) 3201-0800 www.sofitel.com.br 219 Sonesta São Paulo Ibirapuera Av. Ibirapuera, 2.534 Tel. (55 11) 2164-6000 www.sonesta.com/saopaulo 220 Staybridge Suítes Intercontinental Hotéis Group R. Bandeira Paulista, 555 Tel.: (55 11) 3706-6606 www.sbsaopaulo.com.br 215 NI NP • • • NI • • NP • • • • • • NP • • • NP • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 km (CGH) 25 km (GRU) SOUTH SIDE PAULISTA/ JARDINS 150 150 30 DOWNTOWN NP 200 NP NORTH SIDE WEST SIDE EAST SIDE NORTH WEST The Time Othon Flat R. Hans Oersted, 115 Tel. (55 11) 2106-0200 www.othon.com.br 115 The Palace Flat Al. dos Anapurus,1.661 Tel. (55 11) 5095-2199 www.thepalace.com.br 132 Transamérica Flat Congonhas R. Vieira de Morais, 1.960 Tel. (55 11) 5094-3377 www.transamericaflats.com.br 149 NP - Does not have it NP HOTELS 80 m in g Po ol Novotel SP Ibirapuera R. Sena Madureira, 1.355 Tel. (55 11) 5574-9099 www.novotel.com.br Int in R ernet oom s Roo m Ser vice SOUTH SIDE Smo Roo king ms of R Nº. oom s Han dica Roo p ms HOTELS • NP NP NI - Not informed • • • • • • • 15 km (CGH) 45 km (GRU) 110 NI 70 NI 30 EAST N 150 200 45 SOUTH W E S NP • • • • • • 10 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) • • • • • • • NI 100 100 150 34 • • • • NP NP • 1 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) NI 60 70 30 • - Has it DOWNTOWN 47 HOTELS SOUTH SIDE PAULISTA/ JARDINS DOWNTOWN NORTH SIDE WEST SIDE EAST SIDE NORTH WEST DOWNTOWN EAST N SOUTH W E Ma U-Fox. Cap. rma t Sau na Fitn ess Cen ter D i s to/f tan rom ces Airp orts Max . Ban Cap. que t Max Aud . Cap itor . ium Max Coc . Cap. ktai l ol m in g Po Swi m Int in R ernet oom s Roo Ser m vice SOUTH SIDE Wi-F i of R Nº. oom s Han d Roo icap ms Smo Roo king ms HOTELS Transamérica Flat La Residence R. Campos Bicudo, 153 Tel. (55 11) 3167-5133 www.transamericaflats.com.br 47 NP • • • • • • • 7 km (CGH) 34 km (GRU) NP 20 NP 10 Transamérica Flat Faria Lima R. Pedroso Alvarenga, 1.256 Tel. (55 11) 3089-7500 www.transamericaflats.com.br 140 NP • • • • • • • 7 km (CGH) 31 km (GRU) 50 100 80 51 Transamérica Flat Nações Unidas R. Américo Brasiliense, 2.163 Tel. (55 11) 5187-2955 www.transamericaflats.com.br 126 NP • • • • NP • • 8 km (CGH) 45 km (GRU) NP 110 35 33 Transamérica Flat The Special R. Tuim, 18 Tel. (55 11) 5053-5500 www.transamericaflats.com.br 168 NP • • • • • • • 6 km (CGH) 32 km (GRU) NP 30 NP 16 Transamérica Flat Victoria R. Pedroso Alvarenga, 1.088 Tel. (55 11) 3167-2822 www.transamericaflats.com.br 62 NP • NP • • • • • 7 km (CGH) 34 km (GRU) NP 35 NP 25 Tryp Berrini R. Quintana, 934 Tel. (55 11) 5502-3800 www.solmelia.com 200 NP • NP • • NP • • 6 km (CGH) 37 km (GRU) 90 180 200 36 Tryp Iguatemi R. Iguatemi, 150 Tel. (55 11) 3704-5100 www.solmelia.com 210 NP • NP • • • • • 10 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) 70 150 50 60 Tryp Jesuíno Arruda R. Jesuíno Arruda, 806 Tel. (55 11) 3704-4400 www.solmelia.com 151 • • NP • • NP • • 10 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) 30 60 60 22 Tryp Nações Unidas R. Fernandes Moreira, 1.264 Tel. (55 11) 5180-9700 www.solmelia.com 400 • • NP • • • • • 10 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) 200 NP 100 NP Tryp WTC Brooklin R. Heinrich Hertz, 14 Tel. (55 11) 5509-8800 www.solmelia.com 214 NP • NP • • NP NP • 7 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) 35 80 80 30 Unique Av. Brigadeiro Luís Antonio, 4.700 Tel. (55 11) 3055-4700 www.hotelunique.com.br 85 • • • • • • • • 10 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) 900 NI 2000 NI 234 • • NP • • • • • NI 70 130 150 40 60 60 50 23 S PAULISTA AND JARDINS Blue Tree Towers Paulista R. Peixoto Gomide, 707 Tel. (55 11) 3147-7000 www.bluetree.com.br 48 Caesar Business São Paulo Paulista Av. Paulista, 2181 Tel. (55 11) 3066-6666 www.caesarbusiness.com.br NP - Does not have it 382 • NI - Not informed • • - Has it • • • NP • • 8 km (CGH) 25 km (GRU) Comfort Nova Paulista R. Vergueiro, 2.740 Tel. (55 11) 2197-7600 www.atlanticahotels.com.br 170 • • • • • • NP • 9 km (CGH) 25 km (GRU) NI 100 100 32 Comfort Suítes Oscar Freire R. Oscar Freire, 1.948 Tel. (55 11) 2137-4700 www.atlanticahotels.com.br 260 • • • • • • • • NI 30 90 100 40 Crowne Plaza São Paulo R. Frei Caneca, 1.360 Tel. (55 11) 4501-8022 www.saobr.com.br 217 • • • • • • • • 10 km (CGH) 30 km (GRU) 400 NI 700 NI Emiliano R. Oscar Freire, 384 Tel. (55 11) 3068-4399 www.emiliano.com.br 47 • • • • • NP • • NI NI 65 90 30 • 2 km (CGH) 25 km (GRU) 60 100 80 39 NP 9 km (CGH) 17 km (GRU) 200 • 15 km (CGH) 30 km (GRU) NI NI 100 NI 33 80 80 30 Estanplaza Paulista Al. Jaú , 497 Tel. (55 11) 3016-0000 www.estanplaza.com.br 120 EZ Aclimação Hotel Av. Armando Ferentine,668 Tel. (55 11) 3346-7799 www.ezhoteis.com.br 206 Fasano Hotel e Restaurante R. Vittório Fasano, 88 Tel. (55 11) 3896-4000 www.fasano.com.br 50 NP NI • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 200 200 70 DOWNTOWN 35 NI 16 150 NP • • • • • • • Four Plus Trianon Paulista Al. Casabranca, 355 Tel. (55 11) 2117-4450 www.fourplus.com.br 115 • • NP • • • • • 10 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) 50 George V Jardins R. José Maria Lisboa, 1.000 Tel. (55 11) 3088-9822 www.etoilehotels.com.br 51 17 km (CGH) 30 km (GRU) NI NI NI NI NI • • • • • • NORTH NI NI EAST SOUTH W E S 56 NP • • • • • • • Golden Tulip Park Plaza AL. Lorena, 360 Tel. (55 11) 3058-4055 www.parkplaza.com.br 216 NP • • • • • • • 15 km (CGH) 40 km (GRU) 160 200 200 50 Golden Tulip Paulista Plaza Al. Santos, 85 Tel. (55 11) 3177-0400 www.paulistaplaza.com.br 338 NP • • • • • • • 29 km (CGH) 8 km (GRU) 180 280 300 60 • - Has it DOWNTOWN N NI 7,8 km (CGH) 30,4 km (GRU) NI - Not informed EAST SIDE WEST George V Casa Branca Al. Casa Branca, 909 Tel. (55 11) 3067-6000 www.georgev.com.br NP - Does not have it NORTH SIDE WEST SIDE 9 km (CGH) 40 km (GRU) • SOUTH SIDE PAULISTA/ JARDINS Feller Hotelaria Av. Paulista R. São Carlos do Pinhal, 200 Tel. (55 11) 3016-7500 www.fellerhotelaria.com.br NP HOTELS Ma U-Fox. Cap. rma t Fitn ess Cen ter to/f Distan rom ces Airp orts Max Ban . Cap. que t Max . Aud Cap itor . ium Max . Coc Cap. ktai l ol Sau na m in g Po Swi m Wi-F i Smo Roo king ms Int in R ernet oom s Roo m Ser vice PAULISTA AND JARDINS of R Nº. oom s Han dica Roo p ms HOTELS 49 HOTELS SOUTH SIDE PAULISTA/ JARDINS DOWNTOWN WEST SIDE EAST SIDE NORTH DOWNTOWN EAST N SOUTH W E S 50 • • • • • • Ma U-Fox. Cap. rma t Fitn ess Cen ter D i s to/f tan rom ces Airp orts Max . Ban Cap. que t Max Aud . Cap itor . ium Max Coc . Cap. ktai l Sau na Swi m • • 15 km (CGH) 32 km (GRU) 350 600 500 70 120 200 180 40 HB Flat Ninety Al. Lorena, 521 Tel. (55 11) 3055-6800 www.ninety.com.br 246 NP • • • • • • • 10 km (CGH) 25 km (GRU) Hotel Slaviero Al. Campinas, 1435 Tel. (55 11) 3886-8500 www.hotelslaviero.com.br 162 NP • • • • • • • 7 km (CGH) 30 km (GRU) NP 70 NP 30 InterContinental São Paulo Al. Santos, 1.123 Tel. (55 11) 3179-2600 www.intercontinental.com/saopaulo 189 • • • • • • • • 6 km (CGH) 25 km (GRU) 350 500 450 80 NP 110 NP 40 NI 50 NI 25 300 250 300 100 700 1100 1000 NI L´Hotel Al. Campinas, 266 Tel. (55 11) 2183-0500 www.lhotel.com.br 68 • • • • • • • • 12 km (CGH) NI (GRU) London Othon Flat Al. Jaú, 135 Tel. (55 11) 2106-0200 www.othon.com.br 58 NP • NP NP • • • • 8 km (CGH) 4 km (GRU) Lorena Hotel Internacional Av. Rebouças, 955 Tel. (55 11) 3069-0000 www.lorenahotel.com.br NORTH SIDE WEST 230 m in g Po ol Gran Meliá Mofarrej Al. Santos, 1437 Tel. (55 11) 3251-1866 www.solmelia.com Int in R ernet oom s Roo Ser m vice PAULISTA AND JARDINS Wi-F i of R Nº. oom s Han d Roo icap ms Smo Roo king ms HOTELS 338 • • • • • • • • 15 km (CGH) 45 km (GRU) Maksoud Plaza Al. Campinas, 150 Tel. (55 11) 3145-8000 www.maksoud.com.br 416 • • • • • • • • 8 km (CGH) 25 km (GRU) Matsubara Hotel R. Coronel Oscar Porto, 836 Tel. (55 11) 3561-5000 www.matsubarahotel.com.br 149 • • • • • • • • 7 km (CGH) 3 km (GRU) 150 310 NI 58 Mercure Apartments São Paulo Central Towers R. Maestro Cardim, 407 Tel. (55 11) 3457-1000 www.accorhotels.com.br 122 NP • • • • • • • 8 km (CGH) 30 km (GRU) NI 150 NI 28 100 100 150 45 Mercure Apartments S.Paulo Pamplona R. Pamplona,1.315 Tel. (55 11) 6878-5500 www.accorhotels.com.br 64 NP • • • • • • • 10 km (CGH) 45 km (GRU) Mercure Apartments Saint Germain R. Padre João Manuel, 202 Tel. (55 11) 3069-1600 www.accorhotels.com.br 98 NP • NI • • • • • 10 km (CGH) 30 km (GRU) NI 40 NI 20 Mercure Apartments São Paulo Saint Lawrence R. Vergueiro, 1.661 Tel. (55 11) 5081-8400 www.mercure.com.br 91 NP • • • • • • • 7 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) NI 60 70 24 NP - Does not have it NI - Not informed • - Has it NP • • • • • Ma U-Fox. Cap. rma t Fitn ess Cen ter to/f Distan rom ces Airp orts Max Ban . Cap. que t Max . Aud Cap itor . ium Max . Coc Cap. ktai l Sau na Swi m Wi-F i • • 8 km (CGH) 30 km (GRU) NP 50 30 20 65 140 100 30 Mercure Hotel São Paulo Jardins Al. Itú, 1.151 Tel. (55 11) 3089-7555 www.accorhotels.com.br/mercure 126 • • NI • • • • • 12 km (CGH) 38 km (GRU) Mercure Hotel Sp Paulista R. São Carlos Do Pinhal, 87 Tel. (55 11) 3372-6800 www.mercure.com.br 154 • • • • • NP NP • 9 km (CGH) 30 km (GRU) 18 40 40 16 NH Della Volpe R. Frei Caneca, 1.199 Tel. (55 11) 3549-6464 www.nh-Hotéis.com 117 • • • • • • NP • 15 km (CGH) 25 km (GRU) 180 130 200 28 • 6 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) 24 60 24 24 • 8 km (CGH) 25 km (GRU) 70 • 10 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) 100 190 350 300 80 150 NI 54 Othon Le Premier R. Guarará, 511 Tel. (55 11) 2106-0200 www.othon.com.br 51 Paulista Wall Street Suítes R. Itapeva, 636 Tel. (55 11) 3141-3000 www.wallstreet.com.br 203 Pergamon R. Frei Caneca, 80 Tel. (55 11) 3123-2021 www.pergamon.com.br 118 NP NP • NP • • NP NP • • • • • • • • • NI NP • NI 170 180 45 DOWNTOWN 150 120 50 190 • • • • • • • • Quality Jardins Al. Campinas, 540 Tel. (55 11) 2182-0400 www.atlanticahotels.com.br 228 • • • • • • • • 9 km (CGH) 32 km (GRU) 72 Quality Suítes Imperial Hall R. da Consolação, 3.555 Tel. (55 11) 2137-4562 www.atlanticahotels.com.br 190 12 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) 35 NI 448 380 NI • • • • • • NORTH 120 35 EAST SOUTH W E S 445 • • • • • • • • Transamérica Flat International Plaza Al. Santos, 981 Tel. (55 11) 3146-5966 www.transamericaflats.com.br 247 NP • NP • • • • • 9 km (CGH) 31 km (GRU) 120 300 300 60 Transamérica 21st Century Flat Al. Lorena, 473 Tel. (55 11) 3886-8400 www.transamericaflats.com.br 200 NP • NP • • • • • 15 km (CGH) 60 km (GRU) NI NI NI NI • - Has it DOWNTOWN N 150 12 km (CGH) 15 km (GRU) NI - Not informed EAST SIDE WEST Renaissance São Paulo Hotel Al. Santos, 2.233 Tel. (55 11) 3069-2233 www.marriott.com.br/saobr NP - Does not have it NORTH SIDE WEST SIDE 6 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) • SOUTH SIDE PAULISTA/ JARDINS Pestana São Paulo R. Tutóia, 77 Tel. (55 11) 3059-5000 www.pestana.com • HOTELS 91 m in g Po ol Mercure Apartments Stella Vega Rua Salto, 70 Tel. (55 11) 3055-2500 www.accorhotels.com.br Int in R ernet oom s Roo m Ser vice PAULISTA AND JARDINS Smo Roo king ms of R Nº. oom s Han dica Roo p ms HOTELS 51 HOTELS Ma U-Fox. Cap. rma t Sau na Fitn ess Cen ter D i s to/f tan rom ces Airp orts Max . Ban Cap. que t Max Aud . Cap itor . ium Max Coc . Cap. ktai l ol m in g Po Swi m Int in R ernet oom s Roo Ser m vice PAULISTA AND JARDINS Wi-F i of R Nº. oom s Han d Roo icap ms Smo Roo king ms HOTELS Transamérica Flat Paradise Garden R. Sampaio Viana, 425 Tel. (55 11) 3888-8499 www.transamericaflats.com.br 49 NP NP NI NI NI • • • 7 km (CGH) 30 km (GRU) NI NI NI NI Transamérica Flats The Advance R. Bela Cintra, 1.356 Tel. (55 11) 3066-5000 www.transamericaflats.com.br 119 NP • • • • • • • 8 km (CGH) 29 km (GRU) NP 40 NP 30 Transamérica SCP Opera Five Stars Al. Lorena, 1.748 Tel. (55 11) 3062-2666 www.transamericaflats.com.br 58 NP • NP • • • • • 8 km (CGH) 29 km (GRU) NP 45 20 15 Tryp Paulista R. Haddock Lobo, 294 Tel. (55 11) 3123-6200 www.solmelia.com 150 • • NP • • • • • 15 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) 150 250 250 60 Bourbon São Paulo Business Hotel Av. Dr. Vieira de Carvalho, 99 Tel. (55 11) 3337-2000 www.bourbon.com.br 127 NP • • • • NP • • 13 km (CGH) 23 km (GRU) 36 80 NI 35 Ca´d´Oro Grand Hotel R. Augusta, 129 Tel. (55 11) 3236-4300 www.cadoro.com.br 290 • • • • • • • • 10 km (CGH) 40 km (GRU) 0 300 0 NI Comfort Hotel Downtown R. Araújo, 141 Tel. (55 11) 2137-4600 www.atlanticahotels.com.br 260 • • • • • • NP • 12 km (CGH) 28 km (GRU) 105 200 200 100 Luz Plaza R. Prates, 145 Tel. (55 11) 3322-2900 www.luzplaza.com.br 102 • • • • • • • • 14 km (CGH) 25 km (GRU) 90 130 120 40 Mega Pólo R. Barão de Ladário, 670, 3º andar Tel. (55 11) 6886-5000 www.hotelariabrasil.com.br 136 • • • • • NP NP NP 14 km (CGH) 26 km (GRU) 45 200 100 40 Normandie Design Hotel Av. Ipiranga,1.187 Tel. (55 11) 3311-9855 www.normandiedesign.com.br 173 • • NP • NI NP NP NP 8 km (CGH) 25 km (GRU) NI 75 50 30 Novotel Jaraguá São Paulo Conventions R. Martins Fontes, 71 Tel. (55 11) 6802-7000 www.accorhotels.com.br/jaragua 415 • • • • • NP NP • 14 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) NI 280 NI NI San Raphael Hotéis Largo do Arouche, 150 Tel. (55 11) 3334-6000 www.sanraphael.com.br 214 • • NI • NI NP NP NP 15 km (CGH) 35 km (GRU) NI 300 300 50 São Paulo Othon Classic R. Líbero Badaró, 190 Tel. (55 11) 2173-5061 www.othon.com.br 136 NP • • NP • NP NP NP 14 km (CGH) 34 km (GRU) NI 130 100 65 DOWNTOWN SOUTH SIDE PAULISTA/ JARDINS DOWNTOWN NORTH SIDE WEST SIDE EAST SIDE NORTH WEST DOWNTOWN EAST N SOUTH W E S 52 NP - Does not have it NI - Not informed • - Has it Solar do Marquês Higienópolis R. Marquês de Itú, 816 Tel. (55 11) 3333-3058 www.solardomarques.com.br 144 • • • NP • • NP • 10 km (CGH) NI NI 50 200 NI Transamérica Flat Higienópolis R. Alagoas, 974 Tel. (55 11) 3826-0666 www.transamericaflats.com.br 110 NP • NP NI • • • • 13 km (CGH) 21 km (GRU) 60 120 120 30 Tryp Higienópolis R. Maranhão, 371 Tel. (55 11) 3665-8200 www.solmelia.com 202 NP • NP • • • • • 12 km (CGH) 30 km (GRU) 100 160 160 30 104 • • NP • NI • • • 22 km (CGH) 26 km (GRU) NP NP 90 36 500 400 600 200 208 230 300 46 HOTELS Ma U-Fox. Cap. rma t Fitn ess Cen ter to/f Distan rom ces Airp orts Max Ban . Cap. que t Max . Aud Cap itor . ium Max . Coc Cap. ktai l ol Sau na m in g Po Swi m Wi-F i Int in R ernet oom s Roo m Ser vice DOWNTOWN Smo Roo king ms of R Nº. oom s Han dica Roo p ms HOTELS NORTH SIDE Brasília Small Town Dr. Olavo Egídio, 420 Tel. (55 11) 6281-3355 www.brasiliasmalltown.com.br Holiday Inn Parque Anhembi Av. Professor Milton Rodrigues, 100 Tel. (55 11) 2107-8844 www.hipa.com.br 780 • • • • • • • • 20 km (CGH) 25 km (GRU) Mercure Apartments São Paulo Norte l Av. Luiz Dumont Villares, 400 Tel. (55 11) 6972-8111 www.mercure.com.br 315 NP • • • • • • • 18 km (CGH) 13 km (GRU) • 18 km (CGH) 13 km (GRU) SOUTH SIDE DOWNTOWN NORTH SIDE Novotel São Paulo Center Norte Av. Zaki Narchi, 500 Tel. (55 11) 6224-4000 www.novotel.com.br/centernorte 392 • • • • • • • 240 851 850 100 WEST SIDE Ibis São Paulo Expo R. Eduardo Viana, 163 Tel. (55 11) 3393-7300 www.ibis.com.br PAULISTA/ JARDINS WEST SIDE EAST SIDE 286 • • • • NP NP NP NP 16 km (CGH) 26 km (GRU) 60 270 100 NI NORTH Mercure Apartments São Paulo Excellence R. Capote Valente, 500 Tel. (55 11) 3069-4000 www.accorhotels.com.br 208 Transamérica Flat Perdizes R. Monte Alegre, 835 Tel. (55 11) 3866-1250 www.transamericaflats.com.br 102 NP • • • • • • • 12 km (CGH) 21 km (GRU) 30 80 NI 28 Blue Tree Towers Anália Franco R. Eleonora Cintra, 960 Tel. (55 11) 6672-7000 www.bluetree.com.br 118 • • • • • • • • 22 km [CGH] 19 km [GRU] 120 110 160 39 Tryp Tatuapé R. Serra da Juréia, 351 Tel. (55 11) 6942-4900 www.solmelia.com 208 • • NP • • • • • 45 km (CGH) 15 km (GRU) 60 130 130 42 WEST NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI 100 NI DOWNTOWN EAST 30 N SOUTH W E S EAST SIDE NP - Does not have it NI - Not informed • - Has it 53 SURPRISING PLACES ©1 Municipal Theater ©2 MUSEUmS CULTURAL CENTERS ART GALLERIES VENUES IN PARKS THEATERS Ibirapuera Park S UR P R I S I N G P L A C E S SÃO PAULO OFFERS ADMIRABLE VENUES FOR UNFORGETTABLE EVENTS D 54 ifferentiated events deserve surprising places; and São Paulo has got plenty of them. It offers some of Latin America’s foremost museums, cultural centers featuring magnificent architecture, plus lovely galleries and © Photos: 1-andré stéfano 2, 3-MARCOS HIRAKAWA 4-Wanderlei Celestino theaters. A venue that echoes art and culture lends greater value to the product, entity, or organizer of the event. Try out any one of the wide-ranging venues that the city of São Paulo has to offer and hold an unforgettable event! MASP ©4 MUSEUmS The museums of São Paulo are renowned and possess collections of high quality, which can be yet another attraction to bring in new participants. Pág. 56 SURPRISING PLACES ©3 MUSEUmS CULTURAL CENTERS / FOUNDATIONS Located in buildings featuring exquisite architecture, these spaces create an ambience that adds value to any kind of event. Pág. 59 ART GALLERIES CULTURAL CENTERS ART GALLERIES VENUES IN PARKS THEATERS Modern and stylish, the city’s art galleries offer favorable spaces for exhibits and nice opportunities for adding a special touch to cocktail receptions. Pág. 62 VENUES IN PARKS Amidst green spaces and wide open areas, participants can better enjoy a reception or even the launching of a product. Pág. 63 THEATERS Auditorium Ibirapuera Traditional or modern, these spaces dedicated to performances and concerts are differentiated suggestions for events in the auditorium format. Pág. 64 For more information on Surprising Places, consult the CD-ROM. 55 MUSEUmS CULTURAL CENTERS ART GALLERIES VENUES IN PARKS Museum of Modern Art © Photo: Spreading USP MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral, s/n°, portão 3 do parque Ibirapuera (pavilhão Ciccillo Matarazzo), South Side Tel.: +55 (11) 5573-9932 www.mac.usp.br © Photo: Spreading SURPRISING PLACES MUSEUMS Located on the third floor of the former Palácio da Indústria (a building that the Museum divides with the Biennial Foundation), it occupies an area of 5,280 m². The space features 2,720 m² for expositions in two rooms, one measuring 1,780 m² and the other measuring 940 m², in addition to small spaces for eventual exhibits. It is equipped with a 700m² auditorium that receives up to 600 people, coupled with a 112m² art studio area for educational activities. SÃO PAULO MUSEUM OF MODERN ART (MAM) Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral, s/n°, portão 3 do parque Ibirapuera, South Side Tel.: +55 (11) 5085-1323 www.mam.org.br 56 Located within Ibirapuera Park, the largest green area in São Paulo, the Museum of Modern Art offers a sophisticated and well-equipped infrastructure, with exhibits of modern and contemporary art open to guests. Two spaces—the Lina Bo Bardi Auditorium and the MAM Restaurant—are available for lectures, gatherings, dinner parties and cocktail receptions. All proceeds originating from renting of museum spaces are reverted back to the maintenance of the museum. © Photo: Spreading THEATERS OCTAVIO VECCHI FOREST MUSEUM Rua do Horto, 931, Horto Florestal, North Side Tel.: +55 (11) 6231-8555 , ramal 2063 www.iflorestal.com.br © Photo: Spreading MASP, located right on Avenida Paulista, has two auditoriums. One of them has 374 places, handicap access, a grand piano, two collective dressing rooms and three individual dressing rooms. The other has 80 places, with no dressing rooms. The events area measures 156 m², with a capacity for up to 500 people and a support pantry. All of the ambiences are air-conditioned. The museum has no A/V equipment nor food/beverage service. SURPRISING PLACES Av. Paulista, 1.578, Paulista/Jardins Tel.: +55 (11) 3251-5644 www.masp.art.br © Photo: Jefferson Pancieri SÃO PAULO MUSEUM OF ART MUSEUmS CULTURAL CENTERS The Octavio Vecchi Forest Museum, which belongs to Instituto Florestal, features rooms for expositions, events, cocktail receptions and an auditorium. It is located within the Alberto Lofgren State Park in the north side of the city, near Serra da Cantareira. Features a space for exposition of the museum’s collection of wooden objects with area measuring nearly 500m². The overall constructed area is 1,000 m², with open air parking and ample green area. ART GALLERIES VENUES IN PARKS LASAR SEGALL MUSEUM Rua Berta, 111, Vila Mariana, South Side Tel.: +55 (11) 5574-7322 www.museusegall.org.br Created in 1967, the Lasar Segall Museum features a collection of more than 3,000 works by the Lithuanian-born Brazilian artist. There are paintings on canvas and paper, engravings, drawings and sculptures. The institution functions in São Paulo in a house designed by modernist architect Gregori Warchavchik in the 1930s, where Segall lived with his family. The museum also possesses a library specializing in visual arts, an auditorium, and spaces for events. © Photo: Spreading THEATERS 57 MUSEUmS CULTURAL CENTERS ART GALLERIES VENUES IN PARKS © Photo: Spreading Av. Europa, 158, Paulista/Jardins Tel.: +55 (11) 3082-8074 www.mis.sp.gov.br Since its inauguration in 1970, MIS has been dedicated to the research, preservation and stimulus of production by means of diffusing Brazilian cultural expression in the areas of motion pictures, video, photography, graphic arts, music and multimedia, with the aim of being a benchmark and vanguard institution regarding image and sound in Brazil. It has an auditorium for up to 174 people, multimedia room for 70 people, areas for cocktail receptions, including outdoor areas, as well as a restaurant/bar. BRAZILIAN MUSEUM OF SCULPTURE (MUBE) Av. Europa, 218, Paulista/Jardins Tel.: +55 (11) 3081-8611 www.mube.art.br © Photo: Spreading SURPRISING PLACES IMAGE AND SOUND MUSEUM (MIS) The Brazilian Museum of Sculpture features four internal ambiences, that together encompass a total area of 1,400 m²; the main hall (Grande Salão) has 471 m². The maximum capacity of this ambience is 550 people, in a cocktail reception format. The venue also has an auditorium that can hold up to 192 people, in a climate-controlled environment. Use of the outdoor space, where the large-size works of art are located, is not permitted. LATIN AMERICA MEMORIAL Av. Auro Soares de Moura Andrade, 664, Barra Funda , West Side Tel.: +55 (11) 3823-4600 www.memorial.sp.gov.br 58 The Latin America Memorial Foundation has the mission of promoting the integration between the peoples of the continent. The design by legendary architect Oscar Niemeyer guarantees identity and harmony unto the Memorial, an assembly comprised of seven different buildings, distributed across an area of 84,000 m², with no less than 20,000 m² reserved for green space. The museum is located next to the Barra Funda bus terminal, which integrates subway lines, metropolitan train lines and long-distance bus lines. © Photo: Spreading THEATERS SURPRISING PLACES Rua Visconde de Parnaíba, 1.316, Mooca , East Side Tel.: +55 (11) 6692-1866 www.memorialdoimigrante.sp.gov.br © Photo: Spreading IMMIGRANT MEMORIAL Installed in one of São Paulo’s few centennial buildings—built between 1886 and 1888—the Immigrant Memorial occupies part of the former “immigrants guesthouse”, an imposing complex of buildings that received newcomers to the city. Thematic exhibits are presented in 15 different ambiences. The museum is located next to the Bresser subway station and features an old-time steam locomotive that offers visitors 20-minute rides from the station as well as a trolley. CULTURAL CENTERS / FOUNDATIONS MUSEUmS cultural CULTURAL centers CENTERS ART GALLERIES VENUES IN PARKS Center of Jewish Culture THEATERS CASA DA ROSAS Av. Paulista, 37, Paulista/Jardins Tel.: +55 (11) 3285-6986 www.casadasrosas.sp.gov.br The “Casa das Rosas,” with 30 rooms, was created at the beginning of the 20th century by architect Ramos de Azevedo, the same who designed the Municipal Theater. Today it shelters a cultural space for fostering and disseminating poetic and literary activities, in addition to the privileging intellectual memory of poet Haroldo de Campos (1929-2003), whose private library is being absorbed by the house. Casa das Rosas stands out among the high-rise buildings of Avenida Paulista for its preservation of the atmosphere of the early 1900s. © Photo: Spreading © Photo: Spreading 59 MUSEUmS cultural centers ART GALLERIES VENUES IN PARKS © Photo: Spreading Rua Ferreira de Araújo, 741, 3º andar, Pinheiros, West Side Tel.: +55 (11) 3039-0508 www.cbb.org.br Linked to the British Council, the complex features a typical English pub and a restaurant located just a few meters from the Marginal Pinheiros expressway, in the west side of the São Paulo. The English Culture Center has parking facilities and meeting rooms. The special ambiences for events range in size for up to 30, 60 or 90 people. There is also an auditorium with a capacity to accommodate 157 people, plus three art galleries with an area measuring 14.95 m x 6.92 m and a ceiling height of 3.28 m. CENTER OF JEWISH CULTURE Rua Oscar Freire, 2.500, Sumaré, West Side Tel.: +55 (11) 3065-4333 www.culturajudaica.org.br © Photo: Spreading SURPRISING PLACES BRITISH BRAZILIAN CENTER The Center of Jewish Culture has 5,000 m² of constructed area, on a property measuring 2,150 m² located next to the Sumaré subway station, near Avenida Paulista. The venue offers several spaces: an auditorium, meeting rooms, events hall, theater, multimedia room, cafeteria and a gallery that can be arranged in varied formats. The theater holds up to 300 people and the auditorium seats up to 80 people. Also has audiovisual resources. ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE GALLERY Av. Santo Amaro, 3.921, Brooklin, South Side Tel.: +55 (11) 5561-4615 www.aliancafrancesa.com.br 60 Located on one of the main avenues in São Paulo’s south side, the “French Alliance Gallery” has an area of 210 m², which can be arranged in various formats. Besides the gallery, there is a small auditorium for up to 40 people, which can also function as an annex for events held in the adjacent hall. This center of dissemination of French culture is located close to Congonhas International Airport and has parking facilities. © Photo: Spreading THEATERS MARIA LUIZA AND OSCAR AMERICANO FOUNDATION Av. Morumbi, 4.077, Morumbi, South Side Tel.: +55 (11) 3742-0077 www.fundacaooscaramericano.org.br © Photo: Spreading This house / collector’s museum is located right in the heart of Jardim Europa and compiles a vast collection of art, antiques and furniture. The house per se does not offer any specific spaces for events, but provisional structures can be assembled in the large courtyard for cocktail receptions. Even during the events, the house remains open for monitored visits, which must be scheduled ahead of time. SURPRISING PLACES Rua Portugal, 43, Paulista/Jardins Tel.: +55 (11) 3062-5245 www.fcegk.org.br © Photo: Fernanda Ascar EMA GORDON KLABIN CULTURAL FOUNDATION MUSEUmS cultural CULTURAL centers CENTERS The institution possesses a collection of art and historical objects with pieces belonging to the Americano family, divided between “Brazil Empire” and “20th Century Masters”. It has an auditorium and large gardens. Events can also be held in the area of the marquee—with a view of the reflecting pool and garden on one side and of the park on the other side. The area, which has a magnificent mosaic tile floor by Lívio Abramo, may at times receive a raised platform, according to the number of people. ART GALLERIES VENUES IN PARKS JAPANESE PAVILION Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral, s/n°, parque Ibirapuera, South Side Tel.: +55 (11) 3208-1755 www.bunkyo.org.br Built in 1954, the so-called Japanese Pavilion was designed as a modern residence, despite the style and use of materials typical of traditional Japanese architecture. Located in the heart of Ibirapuera Park, it was constructed two meters above the ground and was made in part from materials imported from Japan. It possesses a main Noble Hall, a Tea Room and a pantry for preparing the Tea Ceremony. The veranda opens out to the garden and the serenity of the fish pond. © Photo: Spreading THEATERS 61 MUSEUmS CULTURAL CENTERS ART GALLERIES VENUES IN PARKS Estação São Paulo © Photo: Spreading PAÇO DAS ARTES Av. da Universidade, 1, Cidade Universitária, West Side Tel.: +55 (11) 3814-4832 www.pacodasartes.sp.gov.br © Photo: Spreading SURPRISING PLACES ART GALLERIES Created in 1970, Paço das Artes (Palace of the Arts) is a center for exhibition and reflection geared toward current artistic production. It is located in the University City, where the University of São Paulo is situated as well as broad green areas. Paço das Artes has three floors (basement level, ground floor and top floor), totaling 6,000 m². Estação São Paulo Rua Ferreira de Araújo, 625, Pinheiros, West Side Tel.: +55 (11) 3813-6355 www.estacaosaopaulo.com.br 62 A former beverage warehouse, the space was entirely refurbished and equipped with central air-conditioning and acoustic insulation. Designed to offer versatility in decoration and assembly of events, it features modern, sophisticated, and differentiated installations. Estação São Paulo is prepared to serve a wide range of events, such as parties, fashion shows, weddings, concerts, plays, movies, performances, art exhibits, courses, and workshops. © Photo: Spreading THEATERS OCA SÃO PAULO ZOO FOUNDATION Av. Miguel Stéfano, 4.241, Água Funda , South Side Tel.: +55 (11) 5073-0811, ramal 2006 www.zoologico.sp.gov.br © Photo: Glória Jafet © Photo: Spreading SURPRISING PLACES VENUES IN PARKS MUSEUmS CULTURAL CENTERS Espaço Dom Pedro is located in the São Paulo Zoo Complex, a privileged green area. Comprised of an exhibit hall, soccer field, multi-sport courts, buffet support area, and three verandas, with the entire structure built in the Colonial style and surrounded by Atlantic Forest. The Amphitheater is carpeted, with 250 swiveling seats, automatic curtains, air-conditioning and multimedia equipment. The outdoor area can be used for coffee-breaks. ART GALLERIES VENUES IN PARKS OCA – LUCAS NOGUEIRA GARCEZ PAVILION Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral, s/n°, portão 2, Ibirapuera Park, South Side Tel.: +55 (11) 5084-9914 The Lucas Nogueira Garcez Pavilion, known as “Oca,” was designed in 1951. The building has a circular base measuring 76 meters in diameter and reaches a height of 18 meters. The foundation footings provide the structure for the outer casing in the form of a 54-meter diameter spherical cupola with a layer of reinforced concrete. Ceilings are 4 meters high. Ramps and internal stairways connect the floors. Circulation of people and cargo is done by broad ramps or by elevator. © Photo: Jefferson Pancieri THEATERS 63 © Photo: Spreading Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral, s/n°, portão 2 do parque Ibirapuera, South Side Tel.: +55 (11) 5908-4299 www.auditorioibirapuera.com.br Conceived by architect Oscar Niemeyer in his original design for Ibirapuera Park decades ago, the Ibirapuera Auditorium was only completed in 2005. The auditorium seats 800 people, with a stage 50 meters long by 15 meter deep. It has air conditioning, dressing rooms and handicap access. The auditorium also possesses a Noble Hall featuring a magnificent sculpture by Tomie Ohtake. THEATERs © Photo: Spreading SURPRISING PLACES IBIRAPUERA AUDITORIUM MUSEUmS CULTURAL CENTERS ART GALLERIES VENUES IN PARKS THEATERS ALFA THEATER R. Bento Branco de Andrade Filho, 722, Santo Amaro, South Side Tel.: +55 (11) 5693-4000 www.teatroalfa.com.br 64 Located near the Marginal Pinheiros expressway, this space is geared mainly toward artistic performances, but also accommodates corporate events. It has a capacity for up to 1,100 people and parking facilities for around 1,000 cars. Annexed to the Hotel Transamerica. © Photo: Spreading Fecap Theater CROWNE PLAZA THEATER R. Frei Caneca, 1.360, Paulista/Jardins Tel.: +55 (11) 3289-0985 www.mamberti.com.br © Photo: Spreading This site is located close to Praça da República and the República subway station. It has a seating capacity of 230, with air-conditioning and handicap access. It features a coffee shop and is associated with neighboring parking facilities. In 2003, the theater was entirely renovated. SURPRISING PLACES R. General Jardim, 182, Downtown Tel.: +55 (11) 3017-5699 www.aliancafrancesa.com.br © Photo: Spreading ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE THEATER This theater, inside the hotel of the same name, seats 153 people and has parking facilities for up to 200 vehicles. Located next to Avenida Paulista, it can be easily accessed by the Consolação subway station. Also has a restaurant and bar. FECAP THEATER Av. Liberdade, 532, Liberdade, Downtown Tel.: +55 (11) 3272-2277 www.fecap.br © Photo: Spreading MUSEUmS CULTURAL CENTERS ART GALLERIES VENUES IN PARKS THEATERS FOLHA THEATER Av. Higienópolis, 618, piso 2, Higienópolis, Downtown Tel.:+55(11) 3255-6202, ramal 5 www.teatrofolha.com.br The Folha Theater is situated in one of the most charming and well-located shopping malls in São Paulo. It seats 305 people in a stadium-audience format, with visibility from all seats, a guest reception hall, plus high-tech sound and lighting equipment. © Photo: Spreading The theater is a modern sound stage for recording concerts with stateof-the-art equipment. The 400m² auditorium has a capacity for up to 400 people, and also features a wine bar. Located near the Liberdade subway station in downtown. 65 Located inside the Frei Caneca shopping mall, the theater holds audiences up to 620 people, with two foyers measuring 550 m² and 750 m², 12 dressing rooms with private bathrooms, air-conditioning, and living room. The stage measures of 452 m², with a downstage area 15 meters wide. JARAGUÁ THEATER R. Martins Fontes, 71, Downtown Tel.: +55 (11) 3255-4380 www.teatrojaragua.com.br © Photo: Spreading SURPRISING PLACES R. Frei Caneca, 569, 6º Piso, Downtown Tel.: +55 (11) 3472-2226 www.teatroshoppingfreicaneca.com.br © Photo: Spreading FREI CANECA THEATER With a capacity for 280 people, this theater is located inside the Novotel Jaraguá Hotel in downtown, near the Anhangabaú subway station. The theater offers valet parking plus parking facilities for 200 vehicles. CULTURAL CENTERS RENAISSANCE THEATER ART GALLERIES VENUES IN PARKS Al. Santos, 2.233, Paulista/Jardins Tel.: +55 (11) 3069-2286 www.marriott.com.br/saobr © Photo: Spreading MUSEUmS THEATERS SÉRGIO CARDOSO THEATER R. Rui Barbosa, 153, Downtown Tel.: +55 (11) 3251-5122 www.apaa.org.br 66 Located in the traditional neighborhood of Bela Vista, near downtown and Avenida Paulista, this theater has two performance halls. The larger of the two, Sala Sérgio Cardoso, seats 856 people. The smaller, Sala Paschoal Carlos Magno, accommodates up to 144 spectators. © Photo: Spreading This theater is located in the Hotel Renaissance (of the Marriott chain) and features restaurants and bars. The audience can accommodate up to 445 spectators. Located just one block from Avenida Paulista and near the Consolação subway station. SÃO PEDRO THEATER Rua Barra Funda, 171, Barra Funda, Downtown Tel.: +55 (11) 3667-0499 www.apaacultural.org.br © Photo: Spreading São Paulo’s principal theater, located downtown, possesses three halls for events—the largest of which with a capacity for 500 people and the smallest holds 225. The auditorium seats 1,580 people. Features 150-m² terraces and three bars. SURPRISING PLACES Praça Ramos de Azevedo, s/nº, Downtown Tel.: +55 (11) 3223-3022 www.theatromunicipal.sp.gov.br © Photo: Gal Oppido MUNICIPAL THEATER Inaugurated in 1917, the theater was built in the Neoclassical style, lightly inspired by Art-Noveau. The overall area measures 3,800 m², decorated with imported French stained glass windows and Czech crystal chandeliers. The theater seats 636, divided between the auditorium floor and two balconies. tuca Rua Monte Alegre, 1.024, Perdizes, West Side Tel.: +55 (11) 3670-8460 www.teatrotuca.com.br © Photo: Spreading MUSEUmS CULTURAL CENTERS ART GALLERIES VENUES IN PARKS THEATERS ESPAÇO PROMON Av. Pres. Juscelino Kubitschek, 1.830, South Side Tel.: +55 (11) 5213-4111 http://eventos.promon.com.br/sala The auditorium seats 350 people and has a 90m² stage, in addition to a stage elevator for vertical movement and six dressing rooms with individual suites. The foyer, which measures 300 m², can accommodate events such as exhibits, coffee-breaks and cocktail receptions. © Photo: Spreading The theater of PUC-SP, TUCA, was overthrown as historic heritage. In 2003, was reformed and restored. There are two auditoriums (capacity of 672 and 270 seats), considering the second one round shaped and with halls ideals for coffee-breaks or cocktail receptions. 67 SPECIAL VENUES S P E C I A L V E N U E S EXPERIENCE AND SECURITY IN ORGANIZING EVENTS V enues that are already accustomed to hosting events provide greater security to the organizer. These spaces count on extremely flexible infrastructures and highly trained personnel to offer tailored services. By the same token, this specialization guarantees that the spaces can also accommodate creative suggestions to make the celebration even more special. ©1 ©2 BUFFETS SOCIAL CLUBS PERFORMANCE SPACES SPECIAL TIPS MISCELLANEOUS STADIUMS THEME PARKS 68 Municipal Market ©3 Jockey Club © Photos: 1-jefferson pancieiri 2-spreading tom brasil 3-Fábio prado 4-wanderlei_celestino 5-Ana Maria da Silva Tom Brasil ©4 Interlagos Speedway SPECIAL VENUES ©5 BUFFETS Sala São Paulo BUFFETs PERFORMANCE SPACES Diversified menus, services already included. The buffets in São Paulo won’t let you down when the requirement is quality of service. Pág. 70. With infrastructure appropriate for concerts and elaborate performances, these spaces are ideal when high technology is required. Pág. 70. SOCIAL CLUBS PERFORMANCE SPACES SPECIAL TIPS MISCELLANEOUS STADIUMS SOCIAL CLUBS SPECIAL TIPs Traditional places for events; feature beautiful landscapes and private ample spaces for larger gatherings. Pág. 70. How about holding an event at the Interlagos Speedway, site of Formula 1 Grand Prix races? Or at Municipal Market, or Sala São Paulo, among others? Pág. 70. MISCELLANEOUS STADIUMs These venues have infrastructures appropriate for holding various types of events in differentiated ambiences. Pág. 71. Large open spaces for mega-events, São Paulo stadiums have already served as stages for international concerts and music festivals. Pág. 71. THEME PARKS THEME PARKS The theme parks in São Paulo and surrounding areas can also be a nice option for your event. In addition to ample spaces, these venues assure plenty of good times and amusement for participants of any event. Pág. 71. For more information on Special Venues, consult the CD-ROM. 69 Venue: Description: SPECIAL VENUES BUFFETS Espaço Rosa Rosarum Rua Francisco Leitão, 416, Pinheiros, West Side Tel.: +55 (11) 3897-4900 www.rosarosarum.com.br Has 9,600 m² of constructed area, with two options of halls. Both ambiences feature kitchens, coat checks, restrooms, dressing rooms, VIP room, foyers and independent entrances, which allows two events to be held simultaneously. SÃO PAULO CENTER Av. Lineu de Paula Machado, 1100, Cid. Jardim, South Side Tel.: +55 (11) 3812-3600 www.saopaulocenter.com.br This is a convention center located in front of Jockey Club Cidade Jardim. It offers infrastructure for training courses, meetings, videoconferences, product launches, exhibits, banquets and cocktail receptions. TRAFFÔ Rua São Tomé, 73, Vila Olímpia, South Side Tel.: +55 (11) 3045-4524 www.traffo.com.br The space has an area of 980 m², which can accommodate up to 700 people in a cocktail reception format. It hosts mediumand large-size events such as congresses, weddings, social gatherings, product launches, seminars, etc. VILLA NOAH EMBRATEL- EVENTS VENUE Rua Castro Verde, 266, Chácara Santo Antônio, South Side Tel.: +55 (11) 2179-3400 www.villanoah.com.br With a capacity for hosting events with up to 2,400 people, the space features three halls, on a tree-covered site with natural lighting, plus two support rooms, two foyers, a VIP room, fullyequipped business center, and terrace. PERFORMANCE SPACES BUFFETS SOCIAL CLUBS PERFORMANCE SPACES SPECIAL TIPS MISCELLANEOUS STADIUMS THEME PARKS Bourbon Street Music Club Rua dos Chanés, 127, Moema, South Side Tel.: +55 (11) 5095-6100 www.bourbonstreet.com.br This nightclub inspired by New Orleans offers flexibility of thematic decoration and layouts, sound, lighting, and valet parking. It’s menu features a wide range of drinks and appetizers, and offers artistic consulting services to suggest the best show for your public. tom brasil Rua Bragança Paulista, 1281, Chác. Sto Antônio, South Side Tel.: +55 (11) 2163-2120 www.tombr.com This nightclub has a total area of 6,000 m², accredited valet parking and bar. The events area features a main hall with a clear span of 2,400 m², with no columns in the audience area and 400 m² stage that is 22 meters high and 9 meters wide downstage. tom jazz Av. Angélica, 2331, Higienópolis, Paulista and Jardins Tel.: +55 (11) 3255-0084 www.tomjazz.com.br Specializing in jazz with a Brazilian accent, this nightclub located near Avenida Paulista has an appropriate structure for holding concerts. It also features a buffet that can attend to everything from simple coffee-breaks to the most sophisticated menus. Via funchal Rua Funchal, 65, Vila Olímpia, South Side Tel.: +55 (11) 3044-2727 www.viafunchal.com.br This performing arts venue seats audiences up to 4,000 people, making it the biggest in São Paulo. It has a stage structure and is available for holding corporate events, receptions and graduations. Also has equipment such as sound, lighting and large screens. SOCIAL CLUBS Clube Esperia Av. Santos Dumont, 1313, Santana, North Side Tel.: +55 (11) 6223-3374 www.esperia.com.br This club, located in the North Side of São Paulo, features space for events with up to 2,000 people and covers an area of 2,363 m². It possesses three halls, an auditorium, a restaurant and a nightclub for holding all different kinds of events. CLUBE PAINEIRAS DO MORUMBY Av. Dr. Alberto Penteado, 605, Morumbi, South Side Tel.: +55 (11) 3779-2000 www.clubepaineiras.com.br Located in Morumbi, this traditional club features a Noble Hall for up to 800 people in a cocktail reception format, plus a piano bar that holds up to 122 participants and a nightclub for 200 people. The area available for expositions has an area of 370 m². Club Transatlântico Rua José Guerra, 130, Chácara Santo Antônio, South Side Tel.: +55 (11) 2133-8660 www.clubtransatlantico.com.br The infrastructure is comprised of a 225m² auditorium in amphitheater style with fixed seats, plus a hall that can be integrated with another room, totaling 540 m². There are also six other rooms that range in size from 35 m² to 150 m² as well as a covered terrace. Special Tips 70 INTERLAGOS SPEEDWAY Av. Senador Teotônio Vilela, 261, Interlagos, South Side Tel.: +55 (11) 5666-8822 www.autodromointerlagos.com © Photos: archive sp turis / spreading Site where the Brazilian Grand Prix of Formula 1 is held annually, the speedway also can host other kinds of events. Besides the race track, the complex also has a 645m² press room and a 420m² Noble Hall, in addition to the 3.960m² paddock. The halls located on the first level of grandstands are the noblest area of the club. There are also external areas. Another branch of the Jockey Club, located on Rua Boa Vista in downtown São Paulo, is also a traditional space for events. MUNICIPAL MARKET Rua da Cantareira, 306 - Torre B, Downtown Tel.: +55 (11) 3313-2444 www.mercadomunicipal.com.br The Mercado Gourmet is installed on the mezzanine level of the Municipal Market. It is a large, fully-equipped kitchen where cooking classes are given, social gatherings and food tastings. Occupying an area of 240 m², it can hold up to 50 people. Also has an auction hall. Sala São Paulo Praça Julio Prestes, s/n, Luz, Downtown Tel.: +55 (11) 3367-9500 www.salasaopaulo.art.br The space is considered one of Latin America’s best concert halls, thanks to the acoustic treatment the building received during construction. It also has seven ambiences for cocktail receptions and other gatherings and can accommodate up to 1,300 people. CASA DAS CALDEIRAS Av. Francisco Matarazzo, 2000, Água Branca, West Side Tel.: +55 (11) 3873-6696 www.casadascaldeiras.com.br Casa das Caldeiras—a space recognized as a national historical landmark in 1986, renovated and recycled, has been hosting events since 1999. Featuring three enormous smokestacks, as well as tunnels and remaining boilers [the name is Portuguese for “Boiler House”], it possesses a stark, impressive beauty. SPECIAL VENUES SÃO PAULO JOCKEY CLUB Av. Lineu de Paula Machado, 1263, Jd. Everest, West Side Tel.: +55 (11) 2161-8312 www.jockeysp.com.br Onne Unigolf Rua Orobó, 125, Alto de Pinheiros, West Side Tel.: +55 (11) 3023-5454 www.onne.com.br This venue features exclusive areas for events that offer structure such as video projectors, sound system, large screens, furniture, in addition to necessary support staff. It is comprised of six ambiences for up to 500 people in an overall area of 1,500 m². BUFFETS MISCELLANEOUS STADIUMS SOCIAL CLUBS PAULO MACHADO DE CARVALHO MUN. STÁDIUM (Pacaembu) Praça Charles Miller, SN, Pacaembu, Paulista and Jardins Tel.: +55 (11) 3664-4650 semepacaembu@prefeitura.sp.gov.br The Pacaembu Municipal Stadium is part of a sports complex that includes a club with an Olympic-size swimming pool. The stadium holds up to 37,950 people, the gymnasium has bleachers for 3,500 people, and the Noble Hall can accommodate up to 200 people. Cícero Pompeu de Toledo Stadium (Morumbi) Praça Roberto Gomes Pedrosa, 01, Morumbi, South Side Tel.: +55 (11) 3749-8064 www.saopaulofc.net Cícero Pompeu de Toledo Stadium, located in the south side of São Paulo, is the city’s biggest stadium. In addition to soccer games, concerts and large-scale events are held here, thanks to its capacity to accommodate large crowds.It can hold up to 70,000 people, seated and standing. Theme Parks PERFORMANCE SPACES SPECIAL TIPS MISCELLANEOUS STADIUMS Hopi Hari Rodovia dos Bandeirantes, km 72 Tel.: +55 (19) 3836-9028 www.hopihari.com.br Hopi Hari is the biggest theme park in Latin America, covering a total area of 760,000 m², scattered across which are more than 40 attractions, ranging from the most radical rides to attractions geared toward children and the whole family. Parque da Mônica Av. Rebouças, 3.970, Jardim Paulistano, West Side Tel.: +55 (11) 3093-7766 www.monica.com.br/parque Inside Eldorado Mall is a theme park based on the characters from the Turma da Mônica comics by cartoonist Mauricio de Sousa. The park occupies an area of 10,000 m2, filled with educational and interactive attractions. For children 2 to 10 years. Parque O Mundo da Xuxa (Xuxa World Park) Av. das Nações Unidas, 22.540, Jurubatuba, South Side Tel.: +55 (11) 5541-2530 www.omundodaxuxa.com.br Inaugurated in 2003, this is the Latin America’s largest covered theme park. Located in SP Market Mall in the south side, it covers 12,000 m² and is a homage to the career of entertainer Xuxa and her children’s program “Xuxa in the World of Imagination”. Playcenter R. Inhaúma, 263, Barra Funda, West Side Tel.: +55 (11) 3618-6205 www.playcenter.com.br Installed in an area of 85,000 m², the park receives approximately 1.5 million visitors annually. Playcenter promotes concerts, shows, events and philanthropic/social inclusion activities, as well as “Nights of Terror”. Wet’n’Wild São Paulo Av. Serra Azul, 1.000, Serra Azul Tel.: +55 (11) 4496-8000 www.wetnwild.com.br This is one of Brazil’s biggest water parks, with 12 attractions, and is also an innovative and flexible venue for holding events, offering more than 20 combinations of spaces, prepared to receive events of all kinds. restaurants: Access a list of restaurants that can accommodate wide-ranging types of events in the city of São Paulo. Consult the CD-ROM or visit www.cidadedesaopaulo.com THEME PARKS 71 HOW TO GET THERE TRAVEL GUIDE BY AIRPLANE HOW TO GET THERE CITY TRANSPORTATION TELEPHONES TOURIST INFORMATION SPECIFIC INFORMATION SAFETY SÃO PAULO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT/GUARULHOS GOVERNADOR ANDRÉ FRANCO MONTORO (CUMBICA) Rod. Hélio Smidt, s/nº, Guarulhos (SP) Tel.: (11) 6445-2945 www.infraero.gov.br Connects São Paulo to 23 countries and 75 cities in Brazil and around the world. Located 25 kilometers from the center of São Paulo. Offers common bus service (tel.: 156) and special bus service by EMTU (Airport Service) tel.: (11) 6445-2505 and (11) 6221-0244. CONGONHAS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Av. Washington Luís, s/nº, South Side Tel.: (11) 5090-9000, www.infraero.gov.br This is South America’s busiest airport. Located just eight kilometers from the center of São Paulo and served by the city bus system and special EMTU (Airport Service) bus lines. Tel.: (11) 6445-2505 & (11) 6221-0244. VIRACOPOS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT/ CAMPINAs Rod. Santos Dumont, km 66, Campinas (SP) Tel.: (19) 3725-5000, www.infraero.gov.br Located 14 kilometers from the center of Campinas and 99 kilometers from the city of São Paulo. Accessed by the Santos Dumont, Bandeirantes and Anhangüera highways. There is daily bus service between the Viracopos and Congonhas and Cumbica airports. For further information, call: (19) 3234-1000 and (19) 3234-5505. 72 Campo de Marte Av. Santos Dumont, 1.979, North Side Tel.: (11) 6221-2699, www.infraero.gov.br This airport operates exclusively with executive flights, air taxi, flying schools such as Aeroclube de São Paulo and Aerotactical Service of the Military Police and Civil Police Department. Located in the neighborhood of Santana, north side of São Paulo. BY BUS TIETÊ BUS TERMINAL Av. Cruzeiro do SOUTH, 1.800, North Side Tel.: (11) 3235-0322, From 6:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. www.socicam.com.br Serves the entire country, as well as Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay. Access by the Tietê subway station (Linha Norte) and city bus lines. BARRA FUNDA BUS TERMINAL R. Mario de Andrade, 664, West Side Tel.: (11) 3235-0322, www.socicam.com.br Access by the Barra Funda station (Leste-Oeste subway line), CPTM trains and city buses. Serves only the regions of Sorocabana, Alta Paulista, Noroeste Paulista, Vale do Ribeira, Mato Grosso, Foz do Iguaçu and vicinities thereof. JABAQUARA BUS TERMINAL R. dos Jequitibás, s/nº, South Side Tel.: (11) 3235-0322, From 6:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. www.socicam.com.br Serves the southern shore of the state of São Paulo. Access by the Jabaquara subway station (Linha Norte) and city buses. BY HELICOPTER Helicidade R.Onofrio Milano, 186, West Side Tel.: (11) 3767-3500, www.helicidade.com.br Private heliport, located in the west side of the city. Helipark Rua Fortunato Grilenzone, 417, Carapicuíba (SP) Tel.: (11) 4186-9599, www.helipark.com.br Private heliport, located in the city of Carapicuíba, in Greater São Paulo. CITY TRANSPORTATION bus São Paulo has around 10,000 buses that serve the entire city. Visitors can request a Single Ticket (Bilhete Único) at lottery vendors or at SP Transportes booths. This is a magnetic card that can be loaded with credits. With it, passengers have the right to four rides every two hours for a single fare. Those who don’t have the Single Ticket can pay the fare directly to the bus fare collector. On city buses, passengers enter at the front of the bus and exit at the rear. At the bus corridors, entrance and exit are done through the driver side doors. Information on bus routes: Tel.: 156 (toll-free call) Information on special bus service to Guarulhos Airport: Airport Bus Service, Tel.: (11) 6445-2505 or (11) 6221-0244, and at, www.airportbusservice. com.br SUBWAY (METRÔ) The city currently has four subway lines, that run daily from 4:40 a.m. to midnight. The Lilac Line (Linha Lilás) is the exception, running from Monday to Saturday from 4:40 a.m. to midnight. The Single Ticket (Bilhete Único) also provides integration between the bus lines and subway lines, at an additional cost. Maps and general information are available by calling: (11) 3283-5228, (11) 3286-0111 and at www.metro.sp.gov.br turisMetrô The subway offers a service whereby passengers can visit several attractions near the stations for only the cost of the fare. For further information, call: (11) 3283-5228, (11) 3286-0111 and at www.metro.sp.gov.br Train The São Paulo Metropolitan Trains Company (CPTM) serves both the peripheral regions of the city as well as the Marginal Pinheiros areas. At the Luz terminal, there is gratuitous integration between subway and train lines. The subway and railroad system also are integrated at the Barra Funda, Brás and Santo Amaro stations. Further information on itineraries is available by calling: 0800-055-0121 and at www.cptm.sp.gov.br Taxis It’s easy to find a taxi in São Paulo. The fare to be paid is indicated on the panel in red. There are three categories: common, special, and radio taxi. Coopertaxi Tel.: (11) 6941-2555. Ligue Táxi Tel.: (11) 3866-3030. Especial Rádio-Táxi Tel.: (11) 3146-4000. RENTAL OF HELICOPTERS AND AIRCRAFT Tag Aeronaves Tel.: (11) 6221-3336 www.tagaeronaves.com.br Premier Táxi Aéreo Tel.: (11) 5589-7000 www.premieraereo.com.br Global Táxi Aéreo Tel.: (11) 5070-6000 www.globaltaxiaereo.com.br Helimarte Tel.: (11) 6221 3200 www.helimarte.com.br CAR RENTAL São Paulo is served by he world’s major car rental agencies. Further information is available from the representatives of these agencies in your city. TRAFFIC Use of seat belts is mandatory in the city and on the state’s highways. Drivers are prohibited TELEPHONEs TELEPHONE CALLs Prepaid telephone cards are sold in bars and newsstands. For calls outside São Paulo, it’s necessary to dial 0 + phone company code + city code before dialing the telephone number. For international calls, it’s necessary to dial 00 + phone company code + the country code + city [area] code before dialing the telephone number. The area code [DDD] of the city of São Paulo is 11. To call some other cities in the State that have the city DDD code, it is necessary to dial the phone company code. Further information is available by calling 102. Prepaid telephone cards containing 20, 40, 50 and 75 credits are sold at newsstands. Each credit is equivalent to two minutes of talk time for local calls. USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS POST OFFICE (LOST & FOUND) Tel.: 159 CONSUMER DEFENSE Tel.: 151 TRAFFIC EMERGENCY Tel.: 156 BUS ITINERARIES Tel.: 156 INFORMATION ON INTERNATIONAL CALLING (DDI) Tel.: 0800-777-1515 SUBSCRIBER INFORMATION Tel.: 102 FIRE DEPARTMENT Tel.: 193 CIVIL POLICE DEPARTMENT Tel.: 147 MILITARY POLICE Tel.: 190 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE Tel.: 192 CELL PHONE RENTAL Rental cell phones can be found at newsstands at the Guarulhos International Airport and at major hotels in the city of São Paulo. Fast Cell, Tel.: (11) 37720777; PresCell, Tel.: (11) 3253-0077. BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF EVENTS COMPANIEs www.abeoc.org.br Embratur www.embratur.gov.br CITY HALL OF SÃO PAULo www.prefeitura.sp.gov.br São Paulo Turismo www.spturis.com São Paulo Convention & Visitors Bureau www.visitesaopaulo.com BRAZILIAN UNION OF FAIR PROMOTERs www.ubrafe.com.br TOURIST INFORMATION SPECIFIC INFORMATION TOURIST INFORMATION OFFICES (TIO) ELECTRICITY (VOLTAGE) The city’s electricity system operates on 110 volts and 60 Hz. TIO GUARULHOS AIRPORT Terminals 1 and 2, Arrivals. Open daily from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.. TIO Olido Av. São João, 473, Downtown. Open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. TIO Paulista Av. Paulista, in front of Parque Trianon. Open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. TIO Tietê Tietê Bus Terminal, Arrivals sector. Open Monday to Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and on weekends from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. MOBILE TIOs Installed according to the events held. To find the complete and updated list of TIOs, access: www.cidadedesaopaulo.com RECOMMENDED SITEs SÃO PAULO STATE FEDERATION OF COMMERCE www.fecomercio.com.br BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF HOTEL INDUSTRIES www.abih.com.br ACCESSIBILITY All of the city’s shopping malls, in addition to cinemas, theaters, museums and others public places, have been or are being adapted for use by the physically impaired. The city has a Special Secretariat for People with Physical Impairments and Limited Mobility (“Seped”). The Secretariat provides information for better mobility in São Paulo at the site www2.prefeitura.sp.gov. br/noticias/sec/deficiencia_ mobilidade_reduzida The São Paulo Adapted Guide [Guia São Paulo Adaptada] by publisher O Nome da Rosa has further information. BUSINESS HOURS Normal business hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., or hours approximate thereto. Banks are open from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Malls are open from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Monday to Saturday and from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Sundays. The city’s bars and restaurants have varying operating hours. Some restaurants open only for lunch and others function all day long. There are also those that stay open into the wee hours of the morning, even on weekdays. Please check the operating hours of the respective establishment ahead of time. TIME ZONE São Paulo is located in the Brasilia Time Zone (Greenwich mean time minus three hours). The city observes daylight savings time between October and February, when the clocks are set ahead one hour. TICKETs Bookstores of the Saraiva (Paulista and Pinheiros), Saraiva (Eldorado, Morumbi and Center Norte malls) and Siciliano (Vila Olímpia) chains, in addition to AM-PM stores, sell tickets to concerts, plays, dance performances, among others. Ticketmaster also sells tickets over the Internet www.ticketmaster.com.br or by calling (11) 68466000, in São Paulo, and 0300 789 6846 for calls originating from other states in Brazil. SAFETY ADDRESSES OF POLICE PRECINCTS SPECIALIZING IN ATTENDING TO TOURISTS POLICE DIVISION OF PORTS, AIRPORTS, SERVICE TO TOURISTS AND PROTECTION OF DIGNITARIEs Rua São Bento, 380, 5º andar, Downtown. Tel.: (11) 3107-5642 & 3107-8332. TRAVEL GUIDE from speaking on cellular phones while driving. To combat traffic congestion, the city has a mandatory vehicle rotation system: cars with license plate numbers ending in the following numbers cannot circulate from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on the weekdays indicated: 1 and 2 (Monday), 3 and 4 (Tuesday), 5 and 6 (Wednesday), 7 and 8 (Thursday), and 9 and 0 (Friday). Traffic Information: CET, Tel.: 194 (toll-free call), www.cetsp.com.br Information on State Highways: DER, Tel.: (11) 3311-1400. HOW TO GET THERE CITY TRANSPORTATION TELEPHONES TOURIST INFORMATION SPECIFIC INFORMATION SAFETY 1ª DEATUR/Downtown Av. São Luiz, 91, Downtown. Tel.: (11) 3214-0209 & 3120-3984. 2ª DEATUR/Congonhas Av. Washington Luis, s/nº, South Side. Tel.: (11) 5090-9032, 5090-9043 & 5090 9041. 3ª DEATUR/Guarulhos Rua Dr. João Jamil Zarif, s/nº, Guarulhos (SP) Tel.: (11) 6445-3045. 4ª Deatur/Campinas Tel.: (19) 225-5426. SAFETY TIPS Check out a complete list of safety tips created by Deatur at the site: www.cidadedesaopaulo.com 73 Differentials Resistance FEBRUARY _Carnival _Chinese New Year March _É Tudo Verdade (“It’s All True”)—Documentary Film Festival _Arte da Vila April _Hanamatsuri—Festival of Flowers May _Skol Beats _São Paulo Turf Grand Prix _Casa Cor São Paulo (interior design show) _Virada Cultural (São Paulo 24 Hours of Culture) _Feast of “Divino da Freguesia do Ó” _Vila Pompéia Arts Fair June _GLBT Pride Parade & Gay Week _International Marathon of São Paulo _Feast of the Immigrant _Feast of San Vito July _São Paulo Fashion Week - 2nd edition _Pizza Day (July 10th) _Anima Mundi _Tanabata Matsuri—Festival of Stars _Japan Festival August _Feast of Our Lady of Achiropita _International Book Biennial (even-numbered years) _Vila Madalena Arts Fair september _Civic Parade of Independence _Revealing São Paulo—Feast of Traditional São Paulo Culture _Feast of San Gennaro October _Brazilian Grand Prix of Formula 1 _São Paulo Children’s Books and Comics Fair _Literary Corridor on Avenida Paulista _International Architecture Biennial (odd-numbered years) _International Art Biennial (even-numbered years) _International Movie Festival _Brooklin Fest November _Black Awareness Week December _Christmas Illuminated _São Silvestre International Marathon (Dec. 31st) _New Year’s Eve on Avenida Paulista (Dec. 31st) Further information on these or other events is available at the site: www.cidadedesaopaulo.com main fairs and congresses main cultural and sporting events Hold your event in SP CHARACTERISTICS OF SÃO PAULO JANUARY _Anniversary of the City (Jan. 25th) _São Paulo Fashion Week - 1st Edition JanUARY _Couromoda (footwear, sporting goods and leather goods) _Feninver (apparel and fashion accessories) _CIOSP—São Paulo International Congress of Dentistry FeBRUARY _Fenatec (weaving) _Feimaco (machinery for the apparel industry) _NT&TT Show (international nonwovens and technical textiles) MarCH _Feinco (sheep/goat breeding) _Fiepag (graphic industry) _Feicon Batimat (construction industry) APril _Automec (automotive sector) _Reatech (technologies in rehabilitation and inclusion) _Hair Brasil (beauty, hairstyling and esthetics) _FIEE Elétrica (electrical industry, energy and automation) _Expovinis Brasil (international wine fair) MaY _Brasilplast (plastics industry) _FCE Pharma (pharmaceutical industry) _Feimafe (machine-tools and integrated manufacturing system) _Toys, Parties, & Christmas Fair South America (toys and party goods) JunE _Fispal Tecnologia (industrial processes) _Hospitalar (healthcare sector) _Fenit (textile industry) _Expo Síndico Condomínio (condominium sector) JulY _Bricolage (do-it-yourself industries) _Francal (footwear and fashion accessories) _Vita Derm _Fispal Food Service _ABEOC—National Congress of Events Companies and Professionals AUGUST _Fenavem (furniture sales and exports) _TechMóvel (furniture industry) _SET Broadcast & Cable (television, radio and telecommunications) _Escolar Paper Brasil (products for schools, offices and stationery stores) _SP Meu Destino (workshop on the city of São Paulo) sePTEMBER _Art Mundi (world handicrafts fair) _Equipotel (equipment for hotels, restaurants etc.) _Feindi (outsourcing/subcontracting and business of industry) _Cosmoprof Cosmética (beauty) OCTOBER _Fiaflora Expogarden (landscaping and gardening) _Fenatran (transportation industry) _Fimai (industry and the environment) _International Car Show (even-numbered years) NovembER _Super Feirão Casas Bahia (furniture and electronics) _Feira Secovi Condomínios (products for condominiums) _Equifair (equestrian sports) These events are normally held during the months indicated, however are subject to changes without prior notice. Source: UBRAFE. Further information on the calendar of fairs, congresses and sporting/cultural events in the city of São Paulo is available at: www.cidadedesaopaulo.com , www.ubrafe.com.br and www.visitesaopaulo.com. 74 The establishments cited in this handbook are merely illustrative. The objective of São Paulo Turismo is to promote the city of São Paulo in an independent manner and with no ties to the establishments mentioned herein. All attractions and/or information contained in this book are subject to change without prior notice. To avoid unpleasant surprises, please call ahead before recommending any services or attractions to your client. Print Run: 5,000 copies. Printed in: July 2007. The technical content of this Handbook was obtained through queries of the following databases: São Paulo Turismo, São Paulo Convention & Visitors Bureau, ABRACEFF, as well as research of the publications Veja São Paulo and Guia Josimar Melo (2007 editions). Do you think New York has more events than São Paulo? You are wrong. São Paulo: 1st place among the Americas in number of events. São Paulo has achieved the 1st place in a very important ranking, the ICCA’s ranking – International Congress & Convention Association. São Paulo was the city with the largest number of international events among the Americas. This position is the result of the work of the Convention & Visitors Bureau with the important support from São Paulo Tourism and Embratur. São Paulo has surpassed important cities such as Madrid, Sidney, New York and Vancouver. São Paulo really is all of the best. são paulo 1896_PG01_SPCVB ICCA 21x27.7ing.1 1 5/8/07 2:37:31 PM