Education and Outreach in Brazil
Education and Outreach in Brazil
The Open Laboratory ForInterac2vity Education and Outreach in Brazil GustavoRojas FederalUniversityofSãoCarlos AboutFederalUniversityofSãoCarlos UFSCarisapublicUniversityinSãoCarlos,240kmNWofSãoPaulo. Itisamongthetop10Federaluniversi2esinthecountry. Itsthreecampuseshouse60coursesand15000students. The Open Laboratory ForInterac2vity • The Open Laboratory for Interac2vity (Labi) was founded in 2007 in Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil. It aims at developing new science educa2on and outreach methodologies, with inputs from different knowledge areas, uni2ngscien2sts,sciencecommunicatorsandar2sts. • Theprojectsdevelopedsofarhavefocusedin4mainareas: • Teachertrainingcourses • Mediaproducts(Radio,TV) • Internetproducts(scienceblog,sciencee-magazine) • InteracFveexhibits Teacher Training at UFSCar Short-termcourses(20h) RegionalAstronomyMeeFngs(EREA) Na2onwideworkshopsforteachers,mainlyin small towns and regions where there are no Universi2es/Observatories/Planetariums. CoordinatedatRiodeJaneiroandSãoCarlos. Since Sep/2009: 24 workshops, 3500 teacherstrainedin9states. Radio: Paideia ! 90 Interactive Exhibits! SCALES(2008-9)LAbI’sfirstexhibit consistedinaseriesofprojec2ons portrayingthedifferentscalesintheuniverse,fromtheverysmalltothe verylarge.Moviescouldbecontrolledbytheinteractorbyusingflashlights. AModernTime(2009-10) T h i s i n s t a l l a 2 o n f o c u s e d o n experiments involving Time and its d i ff e r e n t m e a n i n g s , f r o m chronological and psychological 2me tophysicalspace2me. Interactive Exhibits: Memoirs of a Carbon (2011-12)! Narrative about a carbon atom, from the interior of a massive star to the Earth’s atmosphere.! ! Participants can interact with the narrative using Kinect controls! ! Parallel exhibits: Meteorites and Fossils! Thankyou!– SpecialAcknowledgmentstoLAbITeam Prof.Dr.AdilsonJ.A.deOliveira–Coordinator MSc.MarianaPezzo–Execu2vecoordenator MSc.TarcioMintoFabricio–Journalism Dr.LuizDiniz-Researcher MarioRighee–Producer LeonardoDallaCosta–Electronics @ceudasemana @clickciencia