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October 2011
Dead Ahead...
November 5: Commodore’s Ball
Lancaster Host Hotel & Resort, Lancaster Pa.
As I write this,
my last Nauti
News Article as
Commodore of
SRYC, I find
m y s e l f
reflecting back
on my years of
service to our
club. It all
started in 2003 helping Bob
Hannabery with some of the web site
work. Little did I know back then that
that work would lead into all that it
has over the past years.
I remember many good times as a
member of the BOG. As one can
expect with any organization, there
were also some challenging times over
the years. However, the good times far
outweighed the challenges and I do
not regret any of my years of service.
As I begin to wind down towards
our Commodore’s Ball in November,
I want to thank all our members who
volunteered their help throughout my
years. I also want to personally thank
our current BOG. Your hard work
and dedication made this year
extremely easy. The pride and
enthusiasm you have for our club
shows in all you have done. Keep up
the excellent work.
All I ask of our club members
going forward is for everyone to get
as involved with the club as you can.
Many of our activities and events
would not be what they are without
the help of our members.
Lastly, I hope our members show
our incoming BOG, as well as future
BOGs, the same support you have
shown Leslie and I.
Thank you. It has been my
pleasure to serve you, our members.
Commodore Craig Solt
Vice Commodore
Yo u r S h i p ' s
Store finished a
great season at
the Crab Feast
this year. The
Store was able
to consolidate
some past years
merchandise as
well as take
some orders for our current year
merchandise. The special order
sales from the 2011 inventory rack
were successful and we were able to
reduce our inventory of current
merchandise as well.
The success of this years Ship's
Store is due to our members being
able and willing to purchase the
merchandise and wear it proudly as
we travel about the Bay and the
surrounding areas. Connie and I
would like to thank the
membership who participated this
year in buying merchandise
patronizing your Ship's Store.
Since this is a service provided to
our membership, it can only be as
successful as those who participate.
On that note, please let either myself
or our incoming V/C, Terry See,
know of any items or ideas that you
may have for the 2012 Ship's Store.
Our club is a member of the
C h e s a p e a k e B a y Ya c h t C l u b
Association which represents member
clubs on issues such as safe boating,
education, as well as various legal
issues regarding the Chesapeake Bay
environment with the local, state and
federal government. I would like to
take this opportunity to thank Barbara
Burlingame for volunteering her time
this year to serve as our Delegate for
the CBYCA. This has been a
challenging year for the CBYCA,
however, Barbara was able to
represent our club with dignity and
respect for the CBYCA, as well as our
membership as a whole. I would also
like to thank her husband Rick
Burlingame for his unending support
of Barbara as she continues to serve
the SRYC.
Connie and I have enjoyed
serving the SRYC in the Ship's Store
and thank all of you for the friends
that we have made and the memories
created. We look forward to seeing
everyone at the Commodore's Ball.
V/C Glenn Davis
Nauti News October 2011
Rear Commodore
What do you
m e a n , “ I t ’s
Where did the
summer go?
It has been quite
a year. Between
the intense heat
in July and the
torrential rains
of August and September, we have
been having a real crap shoot with the
weather. Somehow, the Land Events
were able to sneak in on days where
the weather cooperated with us. The
Crab Feast somehow was held on a
beautiful day that wedged itself in
between the rains. I can’t remember
when we had as comfortable a day for
the Feast as we did this year. I hope
everyone had a good time. We went
through seventeen bushels of crabs
and three ½ kegs of beer on a beautiful
day. Many thanks to all for the help
that we had throughout the entire day!
The invitations have gone out for
the Commodore’s Ball and many of
you have replied back to me already.
For those that I have not heard from,
please RSVP to your invitation as
soon as you can. As a reminder, the
Ball is being held on November 5th at
the Lancaster Host Resort. I’m very
excited about the location this year.
The Host has been a pleasure to work
with to set this up. I hope to see as
many of you as possible at the Ball.
We are going to have the same band
that we have had for the last two
years and a great menu to choose
from. I’m looking forward to a good
time for all those attending.
Please come out and welcome our
new Commodore, Glenn Davis, while
we give our thanks to the outgoing
Commodore Craig Solt. They have
both done a terrific job and we thank
them for their time and devotion.
R/C Terry See
Treasurer’s Report
Hope everyone's boating season
was enjoyable, and hope everyone
has a great winter with our sights
on the spring.
I will be sending out renewal
letters around the first week of
December, so be watching for it.
If you have any questions about
renewals, or know of someone that
would like a new membership
application please do not hesitate to contact me.
Will see you at Commodore's Ball.
Margaret Clements
BoatU.S. Membership Discount
Club members can get BoatU.S. membership at
half-price. Our Cooperating Group Number is
GA81008Y; use this number on your BoatU.S.
application or renewal.
Yacht Club Reciprocity
As a card-carrying member of a yacht club, you are
usually entitled to special courtesies from other yacht
clubs around the country as well as on the Chesapeake
Bay. These courtesies may range from simply being
allowed to enter their facilities, to discounts on slip
SRYC Officers have CBYCA roster books which
have information on member yacht clubs in the
Chesapeake Bay area. Contact a SRYC officer for more
October 3,2011
Money Market Account
Checking Account
Pending Check Deposits
Credit Card Billings
Checks Outstanding
Net Financial Position
Respectfully Submitted,
John P. Boyer
2010 Internal Audit Report
To whom it may concern:
Pursuant to my responsibilities as Internal Auditor for
SRYC, I have reviewed the Books and Records for the
year 2010.
I have found the Books and Records to be complete and
in compliance with the Club Bylaws.
Respectfully submitted,
William G. Gross, CLU, ChFC
Nauti News October 2011
Fleet Captain
T h e S RY C
cruise season
has come to a
close. It is now
time to start the
process on
v e s s e l
Undoubtedly, I will hold out in hope
of an Indian summer and a few more
good days on the water. I am sure to
be heard uttering the words “Why
did I wait so long…?” as I pump the
pink stuff through the various
systems on the boat; fingers and toes
begging for warmth. I will have to rely
on the great memories of warm days
and good times spent on the water this
season to get me through the process.
Our Crab Feast cruise to Haven
Harbour had us filling 27 slips at the
marina for the big event of the year.
The forecast was tenuous for the
weekend, but the trip down the bay
saw good weather break into a
glorious day. In fact, the day was
picture perfect as “Sassy” was seen
posing with the crabs! (See photo.)
The trip home had us watching the
radar for holes in the thunder storms
to make a break for the Sassafras.
Our timing worked well and we
made it back to port with little
weather at all.
After Irene had us scrambling to
bunker down in late August; she was
kind in granting us a reprieve from a
direct hit. We unlashed the ropes and
bumpers to make way to Annapolis
for our Labor Day cruise. Seventeen
vessels made the trip. We had a great
afternoon taking in the Navy-Delaware
football game. I am omitting the score
for Blue Hen fans …. The evening
was spent enjoying the town and
marina. Sunday had us watching the
weather as unsettled conditions
remained in the area from Irene. With
small craft warnings posted for
Monday, we made the most of the
day and cut our trip short departing at
1500 hrs., returning to port on Sunday.
flood stage. As we approached our
season end cruise, flooding was at its
peak. The Conowingo dam had to
open 48 of its 53 spill gates to relieve
pressure on the dam from the flooding.
This was catastrophic to the town of
Port Deposit and the Chesapeake
Bay. Due to the water being full
of debris, I canceled the season-end
I want to thank all of our
members for your support this year
as I served as your Fleet Captain.
It was your advice, suggestions,
and council that made this season
successful. I hope all of you have
enjoyed the year as much as I have.
It was truly my honor to serve as the
2011 SRYC Fleet Captain and I
thank you for the opportunity. I hope
to see you all on November 5th as we
celebrate our incoming and outgoing
In closing, I would now like to
take the time to publicly thank my
beautiful bride Helena. Without your
love and support, none of this would
have been possible. I am blessed to
have you as my wife and first mate.
With you by my side, all of life’s
As the wet weather trend waters are navigable!
Fleet Captain Joe Lynch down
continued in September, the bay
tributaries were running well over on 72…….
CBYCA Report
Over this past year, there has
been dissension among the CBYCA
Board of Governors, and a number of
Past Commodores, regarding
CBYCA Commodore Dr. Kay Brawley.
Allegations against her were made
known and Dr. Brawley was recalled
from her position as CBYCA
Commodore at a Special Delegates
Meeting held on April 16, 2011.
The situation is yet to be resolved
with Dr. Brawley maintaining that the
proceedings were not in accordance
with the CBYCA Bylaws. Currently,
there are two dissenting groups of the
CBYCA, both calling themselves, and
claiming to be, the legitimate
CBYCA organization.
It is the unanimous agreement of
the SRYC Board of Governors to
refrain from participating in any
future meetings of the CBYCA until
the turmoil within the CBYCA has
been resolved. This will be a topic of
discussion at the December SRYC
BOG meeting as to whether our Club
will continue participation in the
CBYCA. The deadline for that
decision is February 14, 2012.
Barbara Burlingame
Nauti News October 2011
What would be a sure sign that the
season is coming to an end? How
about 25 diehard boaters
cramming into Triple L for drinks
and dinner because it was too cold
to be outside. Linwood is an
AWESOME bartender! And he has
two ice bins onboard – one for
those of us who ask for a drink
nicely, and one bin that is not so
clean for those who forget to say please ;-) …you know
who you are. Sorry Sassy, didn’t mean to steal your
If I don’t see you at the Ball, enjoy your winter and
think Spring.
Gus Barreiro
SRYC Web Site
The Sassafras River Yacht Club web site address is: It’s a great site with lots of info; check
it out!
For questions about the web site or to submit an
item, email to:
Incoming 2012 SRYC
Board of Governors
Commodore – Glenn Davis
302-378-3775 /
Oversees the Club and presides at all meetings
of the Club and the Board of Governors
Vice Commodore – Terry See
302-659-0884 /
Keeper of the Ship’s Store (SRYC clothing, et; alternate
delegate to the CBYCA
(Chesapeake Bay Yacht Clubs Assn.)
Rear Commodore – Joe Lynch
610-255-0520 /
Schedules all land-based activities for the Club
(e.g., Snowflake Luncheon, Chili Dinner, Opening Day,
Crab Feast, and Commodore's Ball)
Fleet Captain – Barbara Burlingame
302-737-7111 /
Plans trips and leads the Fleet on all organized cruises
Secretary – Margaret Clements
610-719-8696 /
Handles new and renewal membership dues and
correspondence; maintains the Club roster
Treasurer – John Boyer
717-786-8343 /
In charge of Club funds as directed
by the Board of Governors
The Hounds of Hell
Webmaster – Gus Barreiro
620-269-2142 /
Maintains the Club web site information
Editor – Jim Irons
302-376-8688 /
Publishes the Club newsletter & Member Handbooks
Immediate Past Commodore – Craig Solt
302-239-7180 /
Provides previous years’ experience to maintain
consistency in Board of Governors’ policies
Editor’s Notes
In case you noticed, I have now made the
typeface dark grey so it takes even less
ink or toner to print the Nauti News.
SRYC members are welcome to place
ads in the Nauti News for boating related
items. Send your ad to Jim at:
Nauti News October 2011
Sassy Says....
Another successful
Crab Feast has
come and gone.
The following
week we were all
treated to both an
earthquake and a
hurricane. While
preparations were
underway to protect our boats from
harm, I heard an impromptu “In Your
Face, Irene” hurricane party was
underway aboard After Hours. That’s
the spirit Bill. Does Sharon know
about the party? Guess she does now.
Some of us had our boats hauled,
some added extra lines and fenders,
and then there was Boogiyaki
sporting some big orange balls. Great
job Harry (a.k.a. Captain Phil)!
Everyone did a great job preparing
for the storm. Irene knew she was
outgunned and passed us by with
little fuss.
Labor Day weekend found us in
Annapolis, entertaining the locals. On
the trip down the bay, Linwood’s
radio decided to take the weekend off
leaving Triple L speechless. Cell
phones saved the day.
Black Swan has a new high tech
automatic flag staff. Now when Steve
wants to bring in his burgee, he
simply heads the boat into the wind,
reaches over the windshield and
presto, the burgee, staff and all,
jumps right into his hand. We’re all
“Sassy” showed up with a new
sailor hat and our Fleet Captain
bought some hair. Helena probably
doesn’t remember telling me this, but
she said she really likes it and hopes
you will wear it to the Commodores
Ball. Hear that Ernie? You can bring
yours too.
Everyone arrived in style, some
with more style than others. Lassoing
the pilings proved to be a bit of a
challenge for Maura. In Maura’s
defense, if Gus were able to get the
boat a little closer to the pilings, she
would have done it on the first
What do you do in Annapolis
when Navy is playing football at
home? Go to the game! Many of us
did just that, witnessing a 47-10
victory for Navy. Sorry about that
Ralph and Nicki. Meanwhile, Jacqui
and Daryl were seeking out a
television showing the Penn State
game. Although we’re not
completely sure about Jacqui,
everyone is positive that Daryl bleeds
blue and white. On Sunday, Daryl
was seen with a shirt that was a little
hard to make out from a distance, but
one of the words looked a lot like
Carolina. Say it ain’t so, Daryl.
Past Commodore Daryle Smith
cut the Labor Day cruise short by a
day, sending the fleet into state of
panic with a bogus iPhone weather
report. Well, that got everybody
scurrying up the bay. That wasn’t a
real weather report, was it Daryle? I
think you just don’t like to stay in
one place too long.
Speaking of Past Commodores,
Gary Sorrelle provided a bit of
entertainment loading his dinghy.
Great plan, move the boat into a slip
across the fairway bow first, then
walk back for the dink and load it
onto the swim platform. Several
minutes later, Gary returned but with
a sheepish look but without the dink.
Forget something? Oh, the lanyard.
Not to be outdone, Belinda III
encountered an equipment
malfunction. While retrieving the
lines, the boat pole came apart. New
boat pole, $19.95. The expressions
on everyone’s faces? Priceless.
The “Smart Husband” award, yes
I said smart, goes to Pat Amato for
retrieving the bow lines and
protecting Nancy from a perilous trip
to the bow. How about it guys, did
anyone else think of that? No, didn’t
think so. Reminder to Nancy, Pat
gets a genuine ATTABOY for that
Meanwhile, in Baltimore’s Inner
Harbor, Kentucky Lady makes the news.
A reliable and highly regarded source
has advised me that Bob Clements
and Larry Flint may be in the early
stages of a business deal. On several
occasions during the weekend,
airplanes towing banners promoting
Larry Flint’s Hustler Club flew by.
Apparently, Bob showed more than
just a passing interest. Then, on
Sunday morning, my informant
spotted Bob’s scooter on the dock
behind Kentucky Lady. On the seat,
was Larry Flint’s business card. A
short time later, Bob and the scooter
were gone. Only Bob knows the rest
of the story. Enquiring minds want to
know too.
Upon arriving in his home port,
our Commodore successfully docked
on his second attempt after ignoring
his First Mate’s hand signals during
the first attempt. These were hand
signals clear enough to dock an
aircraft carrier folks. All except the
last one which may have been
interpreted in numerous ways. I
believe it meant “One More Time”,
right? Nevertheless, Craig scored a
solid 5 for technical merit and an 8
for entertainment value.
Well, this is the last time I’ll
get to poke fun at you all as Sassy.
My identity will be revealed at the
Commodore’s Ball. Therefore, I feel
obligated to remind you that firearms
are not permitted at the ball.
Thanks to my contributors for
passing along some of the tidbits
used in this column. There have only
been a few, so please support next
season’s Sassy by sending along
juicy stuff that might embarrass a
few and amuse many.
Nauti News October 2011
Visual Distress Signals
Seminar Report
The Unknown Story of 9/11
This is a final report on the Visual Distress Signal
seminar held as a joint venture with Sassafras River
Yacht Club and Georgetown Yacht Club, and with the
support and cooperation of Sassafras Harbor Marina and
Georgetown Yacht Basin.
We had 37 people signed up to take the Seminar on
Saturday, 27 August. The weather was threatening with
Hurricane Irene coming up the East coast. Even with the
impending bad storm, we still had 29 people participate.
There were 13 from Sassafras River Yacht Club, 6 from
Georgetown Yacht Club, 2 from Sailing Associates marina,
2 from Sassafras Harbor Marina, and 6 guests of yacht
club members.
All participants seemed to have a good time, learned
how to safely use their Visual Distress Signals, and were
most appreciative of the seminar.
A separate thank you note was sent to all the SRYC
and GYC members who promoted this seminar and
worked in various ways to make it a success. We would
also like to thank all who were contacted for approvals
for their cooperation in planning this safety seminar. It
made our job easier and was a rewarding experience.
John and Judy Gill
Much was written and said about September 11, 2001
on the recent occasion of its 10th anniversary. But one
story much less known is the one about the band of boats
that came together to rescue nearly 500,000 New Yorkers
from the World Trade Center site on the day the towers
It was the largest boat lift ever to have happened –
greater than the one at Dunkirk during World War II. Yet
somehow a story of such large scale became lost in all
the rubble. But a new 10-minute documentary called
Boatlift by Eddie Rosenstein captures the boat evacuations
that happened on 9/11. The film is part of four new short
documentaries that were created for the 9/11 Tenth
Anniversary Summit in Washington, D.C. The video and
story is available online at:
“People were actually jumping into the river and
swimming out of Manhattan. Boats were very nearly
running them over,” says NY Waterway Captain Rick
Thornton in the film.
Duffy Grove
Disposal of Out-of-Date Flares
One of the most frequently asked questions regarding
Visual Distress Signals is: “How should we safely dispose
of out-of-date flares?
For hand-held day/night flares and smoke signals,
the procedure is fairly simple:
Take a very sharp knife with a good point and cut
the flare from one end to the other, on two sides,
completely through the waterproof plastic casing and as
deeply into the inner cardboard casing as possible. Then
put the flares in a bucket of water and let them soak for
6 to 8 hours (overnight if possible) until the center
chemicals start to ooze out. If this doesn’t happen, cut
the casing again a little deeper, and re-soak a while
longer. They are then safe to dispose of as normal trash.
For the aerial flares, there is no safe way other than
to fire the flares from your flare gun, aiming down into
the water or, on land, into a bank or ditch.
(Information above obtained from Orion Safety
Products Inc.)
John and Judy Gill
Seasonal Warning
Nauti News October 2011
Proposed Recycling Facility and Rubble Fill in Kent County
The Kent Recycling and Land
Reclamation LLC is proposing a
construction and demolition debris
recycling facility and rubble fill. It is
to be located on the Alexander farm,
approximately 399 acres, in northern
Kent County immediately east of US
Route 301, near the town of Massey.
The site and surrounding properties
are zoned for agricultural use. Access
to the site is proposed to be directly
from US Route 301. The project is
sited at the head of Jacob’s Creek, a
headwaters stream of the Sassafras
A public hearing was held on
August 16th in the Kent County
Commissioners’ Hearing Room,
Chestertown, MD, for the purpose of
discussing the proposed development
Rights and Responsibilities Agreement
(DRRA) for the Kent Recycling and
Land Reclamation, L.L.C. proposal to
the County for a rubble fill project. At
that hearing, the recycling company
presented their proposal to the public.
Those in attendance were encouraged
to present arguments in favor of or in
opposition to the proposal. According
to the County Commissioner meeting
minutes, there were approximately
125 people in attendance with the
majority in opposition, and 29 people
had signed the testimony log to speak.
Everyone who spoke voiced
opposition to the project with
objections pertaining to environment,
aesthetics, and property values. There
were several members of the Sassafras
River Association who presented
compelling environmental arguments
in opposition of the recycling facility
and rubble fill. The county
commissioners extended the deadline
for written comments by the public to
August 26th.
On September 15th, the Kent
County News published the following
article, “There were about 120 people
on hand to greet two of the county
commissioners as they arrived for their
Tuesday evening meeting (September
13, 2011). The picketers were
stationed in the parking lot at 400
High St., and when Commissioner
Alex Rasin arrived they chanted ‘No
dump! No dump!’…The
demonstration was organized by the
Sassafras River Association…The
group quietly filled the chairs in the
hearing room after the meeting started
at 6 p.m. In response to questions
during a pause in the meeting, Fithian
(Ronald Fithian, President of Kent
County Commissioners’) said the
rubble dump agreement was not on the
evening's agenda and that the
comment period for the public hearing
ended Aug. 26. But, he said,
comments have been coming in to the
office and the commissioners read
them all. The DRRA will be back on
the agenda at the end of September or
in early October when the county's
consultants give their analysis of the
KRLR proposal….”
The Kent County Commissioners’
Minutes of September 20, 2011 states:
“A letter was received from Philip W.
Hoon, Hoon & Associates, LLC dated
September 19, 2011. Mr. Hoon has
been retained by residents of northern
Kent County who are concerned about
and potentially affected by the
Development Rights and
Responsibilities Agreement, proposed
by Kent Recycling and Land
Reclamation, LLC.”
As of October 4, 2011, the DRRA
has not been scheduled to be on the
County Commissioners meeting
In the current proposal by Kent
Recycling and Land Reclamation,
approximately 310 acres of the
property would be permitted for
disposal of C & D materials that are
not economically viable to recycle or
reuse. A permit for a rubble fill would
be obtained from the Maryland
Department of the Environment
(MDE), which will require compliance
with siting, design, construction,
operation, and closure standards to
ensure environmental protection.
The project is opposed by the
Sassafras River Association and
according to them, Jacob’s Creek is a
highly sensitive headwaters stream of
the impaired (as listed by EPA 303(d)
list) Sassafras River. This stream is
currently monitored on a regular basis
by the Sassafras River Association and
is already subject to some of the
highest levels of sediment, nitrogen,
and phosphorus in the river. Jacob’s
Creek contains stretches of critical
wetland and riparian habitat that is
essential for effective filtering and
buffering of these pollutants. Even if
trees are planted around the site, they
will take decades to effectively mature
and begin to filter pollutants.
Physically, the site is not suited for an
industrial operation of this nature and
lacks an adequate riparian buffer, and
safe distance from the shallow
groundwater aquifer.
Barbara Burlingame