MEDIACRAT is a publishing & advertising agency that produces special interest & custom media content, offers a wide range of creative, BTL and other media services since 2004. PUBLISHING event management BRAND DEVELOPMENT editorial leadership RUBEN VARDANIAN ALEXEI NEMOV ALEXANDER GAFIN •Chairman of the Editorial Board of BRICS Media Initiative •Entrepreneur and philanthropist •Member of the Economic Advisory Board at the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation •Advisor to the President of Sberbank •Member of the Boards of KAMAZ, SIBUR, Rosgosstrakh, UGC •Founder of SKOLKOVO Moscow School of Management •Editor-in-Chief of BOLSHOI Sport •Legendary Russian gymnast •Winner of 4 Olympic gold medals •Guinness Book record holder •The only Russian member of the Laureus World Sports Academy •Head of WATCH Russia •Chairman of the Executive Committee of The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts Board of Trustees •Professional writer and philanthropist •Manager of Russia 2003 in PR Industry category and Media Manager of Russia 2010 •Bearer of the 1st class order “For Merit to the Fatherland” •Member of the Board of Rietumu Banka KEY SERVICES OFFERED BY MEDIACRAT PUBLISHING SERVICES • Publication layout, editorial formula and thematic outline development • Feature production (writing, translation, editing, proofreading) • Layout development, imaging and illustration • Prepress CREATIVE SERVICES • Corporate identity development • Design concept and layout development for corporate, representation and other printed promo brochures and items • Complex object, pack, interior, exterior, reportage, studio fashion and product photo shooting • Complex digital retouch • Development and production of printed and souvenir products • Design concept development for corporate annual reports BTL, IT AND OTHER SERVICES • Press tour program development and organization • Client and corporate event program development and organization • Ad campaign planning and organization • Marketing program development and implementation • Loyalty program development and implementation • Online project concept development, launch, content management and support (websites, etc.) Phone: +7 (495) 2800031; SPECIAL INTEREST MEDIA & EVENTS об арт-шопинге и самой большой роскоши Girard-Perregaux 1966 Tourbillon with Gold Bridge АЛЕН ДЕЛОН о выборе второй родины КРИСТОФЕР ПИССАРИДЕС о зависимости счастья от денег RUSSIAN EDITION The World and BRAZIL · RUSSIA · INDIA · CHINA · SOUTH AFRICA BUSINESS MAGA ZINE decoding ru s s i a № 6(73) откровенно о самом главном 25 ПОБЕД И ПРОВАЛОВ ФУТБОЛЬНОГО СЕЗОНА ПОЧЕМУ РОССИЯ СКОЛЬКО СТОИТ ПОДГОТОВКА ПРОИГРАЛА ЧЕМПИОНАТ МИРА ПО ХОККЕЮ 12-ЛЕТНЕГО ТЕННИСИСТА АХМЕД МУСА О РАСИЗМЕ В РОССИИ СЕРГЕЙ БАЗАРЕВИЧ ОБ ИТОГАХ БАСКЕТБОЛЬНОГО СЕЗОНА WWW.BOLSHOISPORT.RU в новой для себя роли главного редактора По ком звонит колокол Самые изощренные часовые модели с репетиром 18+ magazines websites ПЕТЕР ЦУМТОР о «тщательной архитектуре» BOLSHOI SPORT Alexey Nemov’s magazine. The most popular glossy sports monthly publication for men in Russia events Алексей Немов & Алина Кабаева CREDIT SUISSE о дешевом фунте и непотопляемом евро №7-8(30) 2013 SPEAR’S № 7-8(30) 2013 Cartier Calibre de Cartier Chronograph brics business magazine · #3 · 2013 СИМОН ДЕ ПЮРИ 6 – 73 Онегинский недуг В каких провокационных образах предстают на Западе герои русских классических произведений WATCH Russia About watches. About time. About arts SPEAR’S russia The most trustworthy and influential private banking & wealth management magazine in Russia BRICS International pro-emergingmarkets magazine led by Ruben Vardanian An online gateway to premium watches A web destination for clients and professionals of the private banking & wealth management industry A web destination that brings together political, investment, expertise and cultural communities around the theme of the BRICS An online platform for young promising athletes SPEAR’S Russia Awards DVIN 50 appreciation ceremony ALEXEi NEMOV and friends of bolshoi sport Phone: +7 (495) 2800031; The Macallan and Sir Peter Blake celebrate eight decades CUSTOM publishing & CONTENT PRODUCTION preemium the magazines / newspapers PERNOD PERNOD RICARD RICARD EASTERN EASTERN EUROPE EUROPE CORPORATE CORPORATE MAGAZINE MAGAZINE || ОСЕНЬ ОСЕНЬ 2013 2013 ВОЛГА Volga ALFA-BANK ЖУРНАЛ О КРАСОТЕ И МОДЕ МУЖЧИНА МЕЧТЫ 5 МЕСТ ДЛЯ ВСТРЕЧИ ТРЕНДЫ СЕЗОНА ЛЕОПАРДОВЫЙ ПРИНТ Pernod Ricard mercedes-benz rivoli rive gauche mercedes-benz Fashion Week Russia rostelecom PERNOD RICARD ROSTELECOM N1 ДЕКАБРЬ 2013 СЕКС В БОЛЬШОМ ГОРОДЕ СТАТЬ ОДНОЙ ИЗ НИХ! РОЖДЕСТВО В НЬЮ-ЙОРКЕ ПО СЛЕДАМ КЭРРИ И КОМПАНИИ Звездный номер РАСКРЫВАЕМ СЕКРЕТЫ КРАСОТЫ! 18+ magnit СВЯЗЬ СКВОЗЬ ВЕКА. 125 ЛЕТ ЭЛЕКТРОСВЯЗИ ПОДМОСКОВЬЯ 100 books архитектурных шедевров России kit finance websites promsvyazbank Phone: +7 (495) 2800031; KEY PARTNERS AND CLIENTS OF MEDIACRAT Phone: +7 (495) 2800031; CONTACTS MADINA BESOLOVA GARRY JILAVIAN MARIA FILIPPOVA sales director +7 (916) 487 3337 ad sales director +7 (926) 213 6871 DARIA FIGURKINA Ekaterina Dvorovaya Mikhail Arutyunov client relations director +7 (903) 177 2985 senior ad sales manager +7 (915) 158 5460 sales manager +7 (963) 927 5736 commercial director +7 (916) 729 4445 Natalia Vataman sales сoordinator +7 (968) 894 19 18 Phone: +7 (495) 2800031;
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